r= S. DI Persts dir, ci , , • I , Who'` e and D or n Fiat i 1 G ROCE RII IBS, LIQUOR: 9 - i .TOBACCOI 413EfiAlt8, f 1 I Carb n 011 Also, , 4P rir ito. 11 E. , DIAMOND, PI BKIRGI V _ p.• • D No 166,PlZDERA ST.). ii l 1 , - Loot at bur Jalopies 0 dud • purl 4 ido l fourtb p nd. Altus, 6 coats a pont , - std Cords, 'extra quality 20 oldies. I _ Baking Soil , best ki ell 9 conl house,' 1 I eras I if, 1 Brooms oho per than be 'ben • Butter ;I w have m de ovrt some 0f. , 1s best bter mak 4 try , and ill consta n tly hovel ankle offprint aull. Buckets; b two hoop s. l6 ce 20 ce nts: Brushes ! vo, oboes and 0cr4.3 , all prices. 4 Beans, icleA and 4 Gents a quart. Cooking Roiseuc 10 cents,soinie as other bon, 12 cents. r I Chocolat*, 25 (mints, British Lister, 4 cents Pound , 1 \ 4 Coady. lebl4l reek r eget; Took 2 1 Cooking-ST, 9 cents pcnuidi . 1 Cotton Twi e, 22 cent. a paned.' Cotton Wle , do do i• Coppersit, :do _ - do Concentrat Lyo, 16 cents a box. Carbon Oil, best A No. 1, 60 cents a vill, 'or 15 cents .a pound. j Ctuddes„ best mould,l2 cents i pound. Canarylßeed, 9 cents a pou .lfloar, best Pittsburgh . City Mil ls M inspected. Spaldicss l oo ,' genuine ariiclp,l7 cents a tle. with Brush. j 1 Glass Bby 0, by the x $1.75,0r 2 cts ali do 9by 0, do 1:8 7 or .3 do' 1 de 10 by 2, do d or 2i do do 9 by, 4, do 20 or 4 do de 10 by 14, do do or 4 do do 10 by 16, do 2,25 or 6 do Our Glees is best City Bea, any other at wanted wird be sold [for 20 g uts let. on adi lar thin the city price cum ts. 1 Brown Coll ffee burnt to do t !and 'ways burn the be t and sell for i ! e ; we bee& our 0 (I, —cent* a eund I Cigars, common, 20-eents a hndred. Cigars, bal ai Spash; 45 cen tsa hundred. Cigars.ibee extra halfl Ssa.:sh, 75 Gent hundred. I = • Citron, brargs and Lemon, cents for pound. 1 Cloves,lgropnd, 20 cents a por an otince. s 1 , Cloves,athele, 16 cents a pout Candles, 0 al. best Cincinnati' -atithers charge 22 1 ' Cbees. ) L i.., . be tiv esternißeserve Coffee . b `',l Extract,4 cents I pets 34 en.- I cinnamon, igrouno , o urs, ,• cc Oa and Dry Tobacco, 10 o eo Crackerh, Water, best kind, 44 Sugar, 1" " 1 Butter,, == u • Bodo._ , 1 = 1 1 1 .Ifasoa'sßlacking, 2• cents a be dozen; 1 1 Mason's Blacking, 'ergo size, 44 Cents a dozen. i ' •Moler't Syrup, 54 cent a gall: Slatehee, best' Philadelphia, Is 6 cents. 1 elMatches ! b aL ,i f gro s cone's] testa 1 1 Pow anger, best kind, 12i Pepper,wbale, 12 cents a pout Bice, &licen ts largepaners, 0 Salt., in loin It sacks for table u Salt, white and clean' by the ' 4 cents ; 1 1 1 Snuff; bloc , 25 cent o a poun Snuff yelle Scotch, 22 centill Sugar, Of all kinds, leas thani Soda, washing, two puncle for Starch, be st A. No. 1, 8 cents Starch, 'l3 ter Gloss in psi poin i 1 I el l Shoulders, lowest market pia Fifty cent Tea! 481 cents& pOllO Seventy eintTes;64 cents , Tubs, largest size , two hoop, '$ t Tubs, bin size, theca hoops Tuba, medium, 65. Tubs, =all, $5. , I I I Tsboceo, Gratioo3o cents a 1 plug- NaturallLeaf Tabacec , 40 cent Baltimore Spun Roll,a new awe ice, 9.5 cents a pound, 6 cei ( a plug l a j I Tobacco, B al timore Twist, 29 A Tobacco, b est 'Deg Leg, for EIM4 I Pound- Tobacco, Baltimore Twist, 4 cents a plug or 1 cents l a p0u6.1. , I . Tooke, carpet,l4 cents a paper. UngrOund Cloves, 16Icents a pound. tloground Cinnamon,iss cents a pound. Enground Pepper, 12 cents at pound. Ungrouud Allspice, 1 1 2 cents a pound. !, Vinegar, 10 cents a ,gallon, !bst 14 cent gallon. i . WashillOards,42o cents. Wagon Greases, manufactured;by John Wile( 'Frankfort, Pa., 22, cents for 8 pound oil I er $2,115 a dozen. 1 i Gum_ Camphor ? S cents an ounce. Steno Wars and Jugt4 9 cents a gallon. Saltpotri, 20 Cat ents pound, same as °ad I charge 25. i Epsom flaults, 8 cents a pound. Corn I Starch, in pound papers, 11 cent' [paper! i Extract of Logi 20 cents a pt Groand hlustar plitud or Stt Berrilig; smoke hemp c ied, 9 ; , Fuger, data Ili d i Faun , Brgsr Cured Canvass Hams, very nice cents 1 g ett, ,be at' '.l ~ , 5 cents a pound. Fist. btl ' = r . NO INlackerni, inspected,l ice4s .II i i 1 Fish teil ‘o Larfe Mackeral, 7 cent( Ipoand 1 Ground Ginger 12 c ntaa4sound. Extra! nice, RI- e Sugar, only 10 cent 'p oun d,' i I J 4. Good 'Cotton Batting,lNo. 2, only' 11 coal Pou l rid_ I / • Cotton Batting, No. . 18 seats a pound. I 1 T nood, best kind, in paperbor itiuncL I rd, best English, 9 cents pe cents per pound. oil, in b - ixes, 5 cents for 12 'cents ni pound. hied B et, esnysised ceni 1 HE silOtt Ann PRICZ i 4 CA ',PAID FOR 174 G.. OrICTRY )1E RC FI A NTS, , • 1. tall see Us, before Turehasing *is our retail prices; we *ell ehea tat. Daly for cash. - 1 berg the Great _Cheap Gr I• • • i eery Illeases, , DIAMOND, PITTSBURG : MS 1 ' • abo' irliel- ne 1 1 .0.111 d 1. 1 Federal St., Allegheny Ci ABOVE TEE MARKET ROUSE ieaotiritduney received at Par kept at them eatealiehmouta. 111t4. I z I good 1410 Ili SIIALIi. i• 0. • L..- LIM FOR DYSPEPSI A :TRY - Share.: Excel:kw Seam PORI, MORNING SICKNESS !TILT 13_:x:1 I 't Shalk's Excelsior Stoma' Nati*. 1 1101111 W ANT OF APPETITE I RY Shalk's Exceisirrr Siowdelt Bitter* FORrOIDDINESS AND SICK READ 'ACHE TRY` 1 LEGT, PI Price paper of o 25 cents, n Shalk's Exa•lsior Stomach Bitters. FORILIVER CO3IPLAINT 11111 Y I Sholk's Excelsior Stomach Bitters FORTEVER AND:AGVE TRY Shalk's Excelsior StomaCh Bitters. FOIt I CHRONIC'AffECTIONS TRY I Slaglk'S Excelsior Stornd4 Bitters. Fur SALE by DR. MINIS, Brayer, and Dritggists Getter:trip f SMITH 4: !TRIMBLE Iliglesele Agent, No. 8 Sitsilithcl , Si. Pills. October 2.lth. 1860, 121/1111: t agements w ens in the eon' oa haad a pri = i; . N . • 1:1 1 utchist Rece ived toneet the Larg est and Beet .Selecte STOCK OF ! FALL GOODS vyER BROUGHT 'INTO: THIS FM/NTT. LLlifrom the eery finept Broad cloths end Sat ine ddwn to the coarser qualities, which he is 1041'1:lined to 'sell CHEAPEP ' THAN THE CHEAPEST. Also, a LARGE: SELECTION! of Itatsaild•lVaps ,1 *sons wishing to pilichase Wili•do well 'to call land examine his Stack. . before .baying elsewhere I Reinember.the place, Third m "BIG 11AT."49, 4,ver,-Atignst.29, .1860 tl B B FOLLOWING ENDORSE r ' LDIXV I S (mum _ CONVINCE ALL 11110 817 F LMBI!lt 1$ cents. SPEEDY IND SURE 12 cents. a paper or 4 WITHIN THEIR r.r 1 pen is a , pound . cents slo ese 71 -•-• 4 4.oniars were au r- SPALD/NG , 110- .7 -'fiord tionabie proof of the. r_accr, • this truly sitaitiffe disco • ;, or 22 cen tcents • bo , irom r therfofki Celphaliu Pills accomplish the o tbdv were made, Til ; Cure aft lev' its fcirs. m - I • • - rgs boxes, 6 'fling 1260, to and lI cen a. - 'From . the, Commertial Cin • ffering humanity cm now be rein ' - ,-; nts a pound cents es‘h. e t 8 cents min, 2 qu. 'LETI.SOAPS • IN GII,I 4 :AT QUAN , • TITY,'al.Dr, Drug Store.. ; Castile Soap, old Palm Soap, Harrison' a 'oinond Castile. Ladies' Soap. Wishing ti - •tnn Soap. Transparint Balli and it.irs, I I Olicerine . Soap, Floating Lily, • ; Soap. Erosive, Soap, 2Shay.l, ing Soap,Derital Soap-for I I cleaning the teeth, • ; 1&c Lc &a; INE ASSORTAIENT OF,PERFUM ; • EEO ; at Dr. Thole' Drug Store. • ' ce -'Extracts for the •Ilandkercht ef. Oders Id . cOloines, new Extracts. Stole' Kiss, finpeytonon,Kiss,fle Quick and nine tn_iap Shindard Extract; 31tudt,...Patchottly.Rose,Jock-i 'ey Club. lieianium, e RAil'e•llair-th I. Bear'. Oil, Pomades.- &c.,' &c. I " is poised. ' (any other sta 9 cents; pound. ere, 19 een Pure DiF I gents .85. o;t \ ail or 5 eon ' \ Choi SW a pound. id. in' ibis m • , i nto a plug.; teats a poun. oking, 10 cen 1 TO CONTRA', TORS' FOR SUPPLTS:, • .! 1 WE hereby ; give notice to rill those who may be contracting to furnivb supplies to'the State, under the recent tippr i t . tprintion of three millions, that, 4 having received the power under that , Act 41:appointing inspectors= of ail supplies, an] other power also in ref ii-- inceo the settlement of claims, w ieh Ivo, notsdelegated to us under the previous Act of April? 12th. we shall bold every contractor to the most rigid ammintabili'y in the settlement .rf. his claims, and the inspection of his sup plieS must be of that •character which shall prevent any imposition' upon the "State, and proteint the volunteers who have so nobly res pohded—to its *all; and do supplies will be paid' ,for until they have, been inspected by. officers' who shall have been duly t i ripoititeil foe that purpose. - DENNY D. MOORE, State Treasurer. ros.-E COCHRAN, Auditor General. toe tith, 'Sq. I .1 , r accidents will hapien, even In well regu -1 1 families, it is 'very desirible to htive iicheap nod convenient way for repairing inure, Toys; Crockery, &c. I SPALDING'S •FREI'ARED GLUE lam som- Fter. hall Each _emergeneies, and no tionsehold i4Tord t3bOritliont it. It is always ready, lip to thoaticking point. "USEFUL INEVESY HOUSE." iI3.—A Bntah accompanies eacit bottle.— Address, limy C. Spalding, 'No. 48 Cedar Street, in N. Y. meet can and ECM As Certain unprincipled personesrejattempt ing palm- off on the unsuspecting ,public, imitations of mi PREPARED GE1:13; I wcold caution all persons to examine beOre purchas ing. anti Ilea that the full nanie, I , gerSPALDLICO'S PREPARED OM:M.-lift is on the , outside wrapper; all others are swind iog crunterfeirs: 'inar6,'6l. , ICE 1 ' DBLIVERED DAILY.' r. B"ID,JIV F i YQUR ORD RS. LA I A. 8. HARI EY, - .nt) 12, '6O. . Brid ewat6r.. • - raper Hanging' rvi..NE. in the:most Unproved etyle, by CIIAttLEA 90IIVRY. Apply at the Bookstore in Bridgewater. April 10th, WI. ll S TARD , Nutacegs — lntinusee, 4 'Drug Stu, • I E t' 4 lIM IXOSLEITOR ' _ ..1 S HE ADAC H THAT -A ME C A lITIO.N. •.1..11 - 1, . ,AlyArk•s CATHARTIC . I P I LLS. 1" . A " I ;Are youont of t ins , order ^With so* system de ..! tawskiand eardbolimp no sioadoilleblat ; :These eymeo MMus one the prelude to I sects* 1;11i balm 16 t of statue", M epic you. !Idol aboaldeareeted L .by a thusly was tif tberight re- - etlyil; Talt• Arch Pilli, aad 410enso mst Mso dhorderid ha .siorattpurily 'Um blood, and let the dinhis mots , on; pooh dimity! In health . agaln uThey mishits the functions of the body Mto irigertau ac *thy. parity Om sienna from. the oteitrecolma which Make Ad. samewhang In the body, and , oh asnsl liancrinns. F I These, et set relieved, _ e steeming* sad the bi n dsiorroutt4oan; pro ritting 111*eini 4:ll*Aialikhl , 1 ri l kiln i. 44". .* I,lsilit le a t i t eoldiSlon. oppressed It! the derangement., take Ayer" Pith.. .tad am how . dlrectly,they restore We nathral . of the velem, and will. it 1 4* htrYaltt feethig of bleats 4Lsia. illat Is tr i ne and so apparent la tbiti trtviall.coistasou comptalatilsalio true in many M . the dee p im etsi. dangeroas dietemPeral Thomism pargatire • et them. oansed byLeiguilar °Wirer. tions and tie atom of the natural funcdous of the body, they are 'y, aa4 many lif them merely, enrol 'by lite sainslin - rlione who keg th virtues of thew. Pill.. ohs utiedeet ' employ Weft , sniferiog Ifrooa the Alsorden they Are. . H IL L , 'el L o f &Memento from Minas phy a some of the principal nth"; ear foam other,:wslill kasivtaipeblie par ,iull s° 7 ll t I 1 • t I 1• • I 1 .1. Alma a Ferwarate . Aferidienst ey ri t u 4o., /fSb. 41,1135411., DR. Arai : Youll Pills are tie of ; all that Is great In irklisi. Th ey hairs cord s ; little daughter of ultimate Some Mon in. Mutat and fief that bad -proved incurablell; para. liar nother n lime bon long &der- - Gusty afflict erith ,thitchee and' i plain her skin and is her' heir. Alter our child was j • rim alsod tried your Pills, Mad the !here canal her: Ai t raseilli. Pixie e. , I'. • '..- * ' Ana Dr. re f. isria . Oka* 1 I• t .-I , • r of 1. Your Pill. are we prisms purism. Their isicalliont qvuditim amass. atill.extbartie wet poem) They are. mild. hot very *KUM end affectial laankle ea the bowels, whit* makes Itheria Invalua ata theble l daily' treatmenttreateat o r di....i. i 1 ' 1 1 . 1 , 1 ,1 . ttilir i , Itendembeillekhleadaelee,l'lent Itiensaell. •i I • ' haat Di'. Ardour , lididf.Atthrr!.. 1' Dina Deal ATM: Jaime:6 alseenlielow IMlngt stimAlidate I lines cnrsi with ypar 11116 better t au io MY oil izt ses ..ree t tre.al with a purrdiee mesfieine. I plan great Open -.lsum, on an elfeetsull .rathartle In my daily contest, with diseitse, and "levitig no I in that pin , Pills afford ma the best we , nr:, .bf loses value theuidlighly. ; . i I.'• • I • , Prrems4 Pe i , lifajl,llll . . lri..T.C.. um Iri: I here beeiti, repeetedly cured:et Mn Wand iirdoche ta - 1.14y eau hire by a does or twat If inur . IV es'. It he ir, to WA* holm • .f O 4l Illoillitilkic which, they . hawse at, n ee . , F. 11 I !I L L I I Yocum with great irespott, 1' ID. W. PRETILIR; ' r . ' - " 1 1 1 . Clerk of &tamer Clark& • i ' 1 . 1 • LFI Ittlione Ihtsairders —Liver Complaints. . ' ' I 2 , ,.111 Dr, Tifore Dig, etirtec Fork Gly. : 1 ,:C!.t anly,ent :it'll PIN oh:nimbly O F 4epted . tio their per pose as an aperteitt.,bot I find their beneficial effects mos the I.4irer very marked iniloid.! l They have In my prac tksj prorsd 1 boy* tAleCtuall for the cured of /idios icem ploints than any on+ retmely I isini mentioni 'I sincerely . rejoice that yre have 14 length a purgatiii bride!' is' woo. tlei itlad C.4104i00C• ofthe pehiss oiou .Ad the mid.. 1 I .! I. - i IL . - • I I • ' D iIITSLINT ,07 TIM NTIIIIOII, }, •I 1 . Min itichis, D.' C., lilt 141).;1866. 3 313 ii i i. nit Iha need Yo Pills In • mygiuiral and boipl piectici eve mines yo made them, andeatiusit hedtamte say they. ii.i the best cathartic we peiploy. , Their meg- ' ietieg act' . on Maniac, is quickr Aikido', mete gamily they-are a& es minable rem e fn. deraugmheitts of Mist oroo. Inched, I hovel seldom' Mudd a case of ' 6,iiias dieweceo plenitude that it dist not readily yieldlte tli - eus. • biennia lours, ALONffit/ DMA., 51.111., ifi l sican . ! ef Os Await* = , , I I , it . Dr"liatitrY• l rharn, Relax, We . . . . • , , Mi.. Pr . 4 if.' G. Goan, cif clomp% .1! I Tour Pills liars ha n long Irbil Intim practice, st . n4 I. bold Mimi in esteem as one of the blit aperient@ I lb ever, Their.found.., 4tatire affect upoi U., firer es them an szeelleut remedy, when given In small thee. or biteint dysentery 'and diet-rhea. Their ear pat' ig mikes them ' , 1117 acceptable and itunxealeet fur the • of reit and children. 'l I . 11 • 1 rcil•Poi!", , IJlSOlttvlity' et the Blood. • Noes her. J. r. Aft , Airier V....idiku i . Cilurch, I pit. Area: I have used your rills frit h satraordna n ears In my family a et smolt: those I tun called t o Yi it in. distresa. i 10 !eau ate the organs of digestion isi td portly the blood, tl ey are the very be a t remedy llt • """ 4 know& and I out Confidently recommend th nt to ..,,,ti 1 ,........f i . Yuiari, i J. Y. Mild ! ' Co.. ..i NrAISLW.Ati °coin!! o N. :Y., .. 0et.24.1666 • Data Ilmi lam Milt your Cathartic Pills la my e- tioclaret find them in excellent poriathe to cleanse the einem sad roily lv fortnights if Vhe Wood. Jung G. MEACLIAIt, hf.: D. - - . 1 I 11 ~ Cekisettpattlom,iCemittvenese t llatppreeston, Rhe attriti, l Gout, liettiralght, Div Cl, Pa . 41yele;/Flts, etc. - J r; .1 . . 1 lemma Dr. J. P. 'neigh m, NOntradi, Cunado . Tee mu cannoVi said of your #lll, for the care f enttnewstr. Italie f our fraternity heti tmlid them as •lllmerei as Elia. they sliniild join Me. In proclal r lug it for tte benefit 1 the multitudes who suffer L 4 ftOta ' that eempl ni, whsch although bad enough lit itselc is the ,prlnteuilor of nth n tLet are writ& I believe at,. 111 Minium to originate lin the Hier, but y9ur Tills affect tliat orgau and crretlie itlann.l ". I ' .F 14 9. Xrg E. Sti l a4 Phyricisnt 11711 Mt i • I'. i find on Or two)sr i ps doses of your Pate, hilten at I • ' pruner time aro excellent pr•mintivestif the manna/ Hew ;when holly di partially aupprened, and also very .11E4/ . 4 A M:eI effetitual to fraPiS i d . l34 shren&A mid rend tomes. They 1 are io meek the t physic we,hays that I nnottunetid no other to ymiti;nts. i , ,9 I • i Trade Mo d /?.. Dr. &Mires er Me Jiserd(st Anti. * i 1 ; ' - Pvt-asti Illfccvs. havanntd., cm,. Jan. 6, 1866 • Inairesso Mix : I Ichnuld I be ungratefti for the Tel 4. your skill hen b-iputli me if I did not report my ease to yin. 'A cull lwalel id inyilluillinnil -brought ou etraa alating tlflitttigic 'if . of, which and , 4 in chronic rdi - time.. Notwithstanding I lima the Ink of physiciani, tI. dime* grew worse Sad worse. until by the savlceofroim excellent scent in MaltimoVe, Dr . llacitenaly, I tried yelue Pills. Tbeit.effeCtiwere slaw; but sore. It; persevering L the nos of theM. lam new eutirelpwall.. . 1 I 1 I ~ ettlAtt ONANIXI4 Eaton Rettge, ' ldi... I n 14.16564 Dv. Arm: I have peen entirely cured,.liy your Pills,Of /Tletnnotie and —apainfill disome tbst ba.l atnkted die for Y„ears•i ' I TINCNNT 2141DELLL , . , stir /deet Icf the Pills In -market Icontain Mercury, which, altheugh a yilualde remedy in skilful herds. is dotterel:o th a pnbile pill, from* the . .h.yidful ,ci•tiso queneee that frequely follow helm-do:ions use.* 7iti..•.,s sustain no Croatain ao Mercury mineral suleser'co elm'crer 1 .. Price, 2. ciente per Box, 'or E.,,..130xes foisl. Prepared 1 li l y Dr. J. C. AXE di i do , Lowell, Mn... E ME MEI A Bute ! m=u NTS OF 1 PILLS, ER FROM En DB ACII 'l'reted by nqueir. -NJ" i Viz. ~ject far 'eadache =2l Cm. For sale by D. Thula. jr.. Ltouvia.:l,B Ceps& Roclieweri Wargoner St. 'Lowry, •Free.. do ..; J. Naols, Balm J. Sargent, Nil, Brighton, John Bluth, Darlington, and- I rby Jeatera ev rywb tre. 1 E • 0ct31,60 r - --- - . 1.-- .. I I A NHOOD ! L (lOW LOST,. HOW RESTORO a JUST P BLISIIIED,IIN A SEALED ENVEL-1 OPE,n the nature, treatinent. am! raii-. 1 cal cure I, Sperlmatorrheee. or Seminal Week..., near,.t Sex al Debility,l Nervoneness and inVol t untery ennissio a, inducing impotency, and Nentof anil Pity ical Incapacity, - By TROBT. J CIAVERIVELI4, Al 'D 1 'Author of the "Green Book," &o. 1. .The world-re owned author;' in tilts a4mira ble Lean.. clehrly {doves Iron, his own expe rience tha the 1 awful com'equences of 'Self nbuee tra be effectunNy removed without med ic;ne and without dangeroulistrgicul opept -11 e tions, bou les, instruments rings or cordials, printing p t a Diode r of cure int once certain , and effect al, by which every sufferer, no,mat- ter what . bis c,anditien may be. may cure ;him- seit cheaply. I). irately and radically. This leo- 1 ture• will prove a boor to thuneands nod then- I 1 saLds, I ' I ' l ' 1 1 - ' 1 / Sent under seal to Italy nddrees, post pai d, '' , on the receipt of two poamgel, etatups, by MI-I dressing Dr. CHI, J. U KLINE,i 127 Bowery N.: Y. P.O. .ox 4 1 68 G. i irurti • '6l ' r CHAMBERLIN & Attcraeis and Counsellors at Law.. Office on Broadway, 3d door below;neriick Boni.* New Briitlitott. 4119 / L 7 snuff LADIE4" G. BOOT., No. 4. ~.'tewcz ATI O R' (Di the 1857 J Office in July 15 ,CHI AA scii MIR medersie Office. LA RSHIP itaittp the wi co t o g le o ffere d 4 I • lEuquire a' 00111 % 'Re . to Dr. G E trim AM R'NE ,'" t,acturer $ t Leaf i er in p7rs & GBILDRIN%S ' i S aL . SHOES,‘ res Row, Bidge: Sire, et, cldgeivater Pit. I WELSH, NEY AI,Le syi strict ,Atturney) bout House; Beavei, J I SA WI I CITT MT Sale 1 4 'afely 14 It, I 7 X RA dr,Ty, Ak et. CTS, RhsPberr7 • ra •n, Van Oran t: No. For Collo, Cling, Teething, and Wo efuln of Mouth , I . . ; I 1 ' No. 4.—Tor Diarrhea; Vholers !Edenton; a4l Complaints. f ; I 1 .' 1 ; l No. s.—For Cone, Griping; Doemtery, Or Bloody,lbtx. No, &—For Cholera, Cholera Mortnia, Vomiting. 1 4 No. T.—For Coughs. Colds, innuenso, and tone Throat. No. B.—For Toothache,•!retie, and eur;glo. No. F.—For Nearlaehe, Ve go,..lleat. and Yu; Pi of the; ; I Ri g!' le.--Drimi4 Plus--Ter Weak and al ed tionuteh, Con utipation, Intl Liver Contplold. ,-% ' 4 l ' I 4 No. 11 .—Po* Flouts linutonLoarruce, Scanty; Polon or Pef o doppreoteri (WO. 1 , . No. 19.—F0 Leueorrheo, Profuse Menotti, it d ;leaving DoWn of Fein es. , • I _ 4 .r IF No. lIL—Fo Cr p,'lTotrin Cough, Mod Mee:Liking. 11 No. 14.-81 T eon Ptu.s—For . trysipelu,' Eruptiettg,_ Pimples on lh F 1, I 1 d I I 11 ; 14 No. 15. - -Aseettevin 141411 .—For Pain, Ilflilinl ls , o r no' media Ike Car, Bock, Loins. or Llndm. . 4 1 , A...— . Tor Pella met Apse, Chlii Yam. ffistmk Agee, 1111stositaced 4goeo. I • i , 1 A ll ~1 1 , p.—For P2l 0;1111O4 or'llierging, Internal or Isiertali. a....p0r gore; Wink: or ladamedi Ayes an d Eisilda; OS •gm Weak. o• lurreLXlo2. I 1 ' "L. ; ' .1 i • . I. I: , ' •.' : - e ,1 - • ..,,.,' C.--ear Cat rrlh'ofjilootr.statooling or reestod, ei ther wi th` . istatructio• or ortoluse discharge. :, , j jlj• I I i W. C;=—For Yo - hoopitog' eough, abating Its ovielence and: • shoirtenias ity Alourre. I''•,l '' ' •i- ' . 'or I I o.' 'A lit all acute, diseases. sac!.' - as' reeers,llMlnnunallotis, Diarrhea, Dysintery, Irooli, Alecumatisom,poof eu .chj erup tive diseases ad dlocarlet I ret'er,j)lensles, nod Erysthelas, - the advantage of; tiring th e proper remedies Fdoromptlyj Utile vlous, and bt a i such envoi tile. specifics act like a charm. The entire distr.. it is often arrested at noce,utliot alt outs she, violence 'of the "attack is moderated, the tthseaseslodrp ! cued, and rend red less darl i gerolts. I 1. , 111 I Coughs ant 'hills; sjidelt sword such frequent cocemortottie, and la Weil MO • often, Inv the Inumfasion osiiliseasod :Im'a, bronchitis soul cornoldio . ption, limy all be at once cereal by A Ir' a: Fereranoi outdo pills. o 1 • . 1 •• ' ' 1 ' 1 lu nll citron; disc:lSt:l, 3u/teas Dympersia,o Weal. Mime', Cdristiostion, 1 Ver ComplalutS, !'alas, Female Ifebllif:v, and', irregularities, 1.1 !headaches, Sore or Weal; Eye*, Catar , Salt Itheunh a *ee l old tenplinus,Doe•cdse MO 2 11;ti ef i l whiise - proper application 1111 ulionl a thare,inahoustlevery • .Initonce. Ofte't the vore of a tingle chronle diniaulty, nich as' Dyspe!sin, Piles Cataryb,!lleadacke or Pernale Weak: seal, Las more than piltfor UN ellii.tea tltues'ffe4:' f Case of 20 viale cwamlcle, In tworoccw, and"glokk...., . 125 Cam: of 20 viafe. awl Book, 0u1u... i tl, ' ' 4 Co.. Of 13 numbered b.'u,, and R00k..... ...... ,I ' ' 2 Cioe of 6b. 4 ,x : numbered, and,,Book. .....1. ,- • I ' .I- 3inKle nowhere/I boies, atilt ilMetions...s. .It .. :. !Seems. , giOgle lettered boxes, whit d direction . . . ...,..‘ ....lAA „cents. Large case of .2 as. via* for plantar, and pkysiclana:.:sie i; , ALSO apiancs. • I, !, , r TON AMIN.' oa Prranoc.=-Oppressed, DifgeolS, Labored Breathing., atteieled ;with Cough sad Expectioration. Prieei - 150 cents per bopf,,, 1I:" ,1 I --. 1 I • 'ln a Ean DisdteLeneeintn DmAintr3v.-61schurgeio from the For; the resold of Besirlet kecerf Measles . , 'or Mercurio's:: Fo'rNol2..lllll te Ilead, finnthess of hear se,, ant Itingl4 - in Ithe Ears, mil Ear-ache. Price; Le cents per bat. 1. • 1 • pon.senorrl.Ktotarg,e•odDlanols,• Enlarged. nd indurat eiligonsllx; Soti lii . .S. and ' ol4 Ulcers, Scrofulims Cachexy of: Children. Pride, nn,eeots per box. , I '1 ' I . ".reut Gievvit LI Itkollivv.-I!hyvical or. Nervous Weakneea., Either the result of Bi, katisoi ExcemsiveNleoleatiajtd, or Ex boosting Diselood.rees. l iPriee,.so cents per box.' ~, . ~ r• , : Fos Daorsr.--Cluld Accumulations, TumidiSvrelllngs, wit& gointy Secret:Ono., Price, rot) (*etas per box. I : i . PR 24, ."....- I ....v.sr=t) mad, Sickness,. Vertigo; Nattosta,. %tiling. Sieknese , Out flop; ut oervoo.- 1v..--.7 ..ante ... pe I:km. '. 1 . • - - f I , rqn llttlltt KY Disraess —per Gravel, Ttemill Caton - /1) , El. '. cult ; Painful Uritiatiou, Diseases of , thelgiclioleys. , 11 ,. ..„ im. celits per box.'" •J I:. ; ' I. FOR Svarssty Estrasonts..-:,..lnvoluntary Oulcbir„.es and •Conseournr. Prelate:M..ls and Debility, Dad *mutts of. Bill Ifehlte, The tilos: suOcessful and efficient remedy, knewu, ane te...re led, usiOn is:a cute, Price,nrith full d sum. d:not .. gi ye, hest. ,LI . ' ' - ' . 11. li ir : Persons oho 'wig, to ' place .' themselves smder the; Ywof sional•care, or Ito seel a.lirjoe of Prof. lirsttnaxis,l can do .. so, at •his onlcef.so2 Broadway, dilly from 5A..11.: to B,P 2L' - °vb , letter. I ,I ~ j . , . OCR ItE.11121)IES BY 21A1Li. Leek over the Ilse; make,"nr: a case or boat I kltid you: chaise. lover the amoint In a current pate or lumps by, mail' I.o , foutfiaddiess, at No.! 2C2 Broadway, New.yOris, " asol'the'ruedicine will be duly returned by mall or expreas,' free:of el.arce.l-, _ 1 , : '', 1 i, . 11 ! I' AG F I STS, W.INITD.—WS desire an active; efficient Agent for the onlelnf our Itentedted In every town for cOmmulilty . La the L:nited States.. . , Address Dr. P. 11C3IplIRES2 & Co. i . . ' 1, , . Na t.. 62 Boost:o47AS. Nitw-Moat. . TftE' U*4 VIO IV ,SA ;, . , T rr T `,... -11 1 I . ' ' RAV - 6.1 0 - 11. _Ed - ISI __ 1 - , • ii ',.. . •11 i - 7 - rrillE und e rsig n ed would respecti fully l info I,;' his friend.; and former patrons that lte,lar. JIIFST 04 1 ENl!NG.1 I in • the Room foimerly, occupied by Wil t on•l ••• Baden, Thir l d 'street, Beaver, an extensive we eortment of f and l desirable goods; swan : which will he fotind' r'l ; . ' l 11 ' DR k GOO S' l' 1 r- ,1 1 •• 1 , . il:'thiscri lion , 1 • 1 e very P SUITA BT.; ;FOR I THE.' EASONS . HART ARE' , GROG . RlEs -1,. / . 1 :, ES' OIS & ! 4 t-'hOes • 1. Q U 11.*: 1414 %V A RE, &oI,,& e. I 1 and in' fact ievery t hing usually kept in a first. class villagel store.: ; 1 ' 1 1 kir Call and examine Goods ana l pricee. " 1 I IIIGGII' a. 3. A N DERSON .Ii I i Beaver, June 18, 1860. • ' : :, 1 ', •' '' onfectionariPi Cik * • I , I 3EII , ER ANGht• rhns notifies :the. peitple' t that he keePS a general astiorttue It of ; the`: nbove artielei, at licowp's Old Stand, Isridge street, Bridgewater, which; he Will a II low ! Cr cash. Ile hopes' by attention to busi nese to be pettlunised friends. Ile also keeps' A Nb: lOyottre; received rectly by expreei front' Baltimore!, Which can be had by the Can Half Can l or; Dosed. ' oar : Call in and tnalib;lr aequalittaUce, we will,give you bargain 1 ;.i Dec. b '6O. ' / i PETERrANGEL. t I i 1 - • 1 AT.` ' i ! I l'as6f iltud/ . ..lieonhit's' BOOK 41. iTSIC - STORE:', , j .. (Opposite the/' "TIMES OFFICE," NEVi TifiiGEiTON., II ARE KIM' (;(IkSTANTLY QIN, iIAN GEORGEVOGT'A Su rEnunt riccos, - L ALq ) , - I ~ I Second -Mold Piiinos. I: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! OF ALL DESCIqPTIONS, t . - 1 I L "Pooks'. and; Staioney,. I Newspapers and liriodicats. 1 Dratang Material, ske. I - (NV 2d,'60. Are you trouble, with Rate? Are you troubled ititb , Rete Are you.trbled viithilate ? .Are you tr oubled with'llite Are you troubled withlAts ? Are you troubleA.itith 'Rats? with Rats"? " I I of Ften3ing's Rat . Paste, of Fleming's Rht Paste, of Fibruinifor Rat,Paste, of Flemings Hist Pasts, of Fleniartg's Rat Mots, 1 of Fleming's !tit ' iPaste , of FlStniag'4 °Paste, t At Dr. Minis' Drug Store. At Dr. Minis' Drug Stpri, At Dr. Minis' Drug Stori At' Di. Minis, Drug Slim!: . At. Dr- Minis' Drag Store. A t.Dr. Minis' Drug BtOrri. i ; At,' Di. Minis' Drug Star i i. 4 ire you troubled Get a' Doi Get ajßei et Box Get a Box Get i Boi qat to Box , .z *OA i fo Vy Aft l' 1 DID sore at. Dr. •' , MX3II C 4.1 1 1 ' I 'I El . ;No. 18, liStreet, 'WEglee to t el public I nflaming Mnchinee $ wias Increased confidence:l best and most reliable . Sew 1 , I ars simple in constructio movement and 'more dunk disarrangement thanaey c give fall instroctiene, te e to BO ordinary . isearrit,'Ve quilt and embroider,i all on! and warrant them fer three Cirttilars containing 'teat{ of tha highest standingi En priced. pontaining directiej nishei gratis, on applicat i litter, . i , I C - - . ..;11ATONEY & lOt 8., Sewing Moablop. eaye ois band I° t-An active lobai Agei tl2 1860: - N. ton al Pam! , ism Pr . l I Itr •1 ; ; OZ . . 17 A Of; t 4 !at► • 1/41, E lil El PE$ 21 1 1 ,Irgr •4j Ea IFORT. MINTER . lIE 4 IIFORCED iq 1) -1: ..:1 'I 11 II f. subscriber. ,respectfully informs iJr.', citizens of Heifer and ficillity.t at he I , st received the Spntica,il Sunnuey Fashi , .. Ifotr 18131, and is now, ready to do 1u Wfir ithe Latest Fashionable style,nrid avra. b. ~11 a. .....4. t... anrpartVany otherl w 6 k in 11 county. ; : Thoee entrusting their, w rt* it tr i him Way depend ' on baring it . done , w en pr re )01. INo Paine will be 'fared to i re .' ' ' till facto to those who clay call on hi fr , 'W I y - Conntry produce will be take 'in ei changforiwork, ' • JNO 'L.. HALL.' l'i . d Beaver mar2o ' ' Fashionable Tallo' 1, li l l, E. B. (:latiiiiies 'or , Patent- Washing , , k Machine , I 1i • .. MANUFACTURED BY - . . 1 ! THOM'S 4.{ INT : - • ~;. .• 1 Falstoi , Pevolai 11 ( I.F.E 111a0 1 - 2 • I ' 6. ". i - • *. . T, • . THISE Machines for speed, cum." 1 1 ;1 • "Crater and Cletbes'; end can washi ig; , A lr - '• priall piece of• Clothin g. are cot my Washing Machine briar in nee:: i i ------- -- H --- --- - 7 l W - G o pirts , ! , i. hi , . ....„1, G OOD S IN E IV , - - ~,, - ptilLIP REES bee received and. wilt be iw P' 1 ' ' Weekly receipt of new irtieles pertaiiii ig tollAs business:' NtOr Nit\ I I NCW, 1 lApi Style Prints, . . New', style,Delaln Style Chal ril 113.] New Sty! Gingham% IteittreiFitOtel, •3" I , 51 JO 'll A L !ProF! a e t.d •Benve, „ I s A ITVING. thoroughly fitted up the estsblis' 1.1 ment foriperly known as the "(loam lintlsit;" is, prepared 'to, Factointiodate• rnends, and the public generally. most satisfmotory manner' Apr. 11 '6O . 1‘ AILS, N 'Alt% ;N 1024 F, }it • Ile. 117 , 1 1 f .,'Isalf, and Ita j f g Cheaper than the, Cheapest," • , 1 • by A. ,f 4 lIAKVEY, , =l . Bridgewater.. OIL! OIL . ,?1,0117111 77- 7 ;Steam :1‘; , „1 oes Fir - Sale ~, 41 , 4 persons engaged in, the oil business*, V requksteA to call l extunine the. ne . SteSinh.ngines —tuaniiinetui+l bp rf 1 [ ' , • . if 1 01 Dr TIIORXI'LEY; • 1 • .•4FALLSTOS, PA. ' ! These Engines are got up on7;;emord'imil prcivedatyle for goring and Pumping and oth Ipurposes—tbe Patterns :being made 'tade the direction of one of the best niechaniee i Wt astern reatut,ylTatim—.. i ficols for,Uoring Mad On pielsbortesi notice; 410 all; kinds of iqadte lags 111 'de and fitted up. marl2oi , i t; . I'9 T.l C 1; . ~. , ALL petson knowing themselves indebtell to the . subscriber as we I I n's tirAe . having , claims against him will 01 ase call - at his Store. opposite Porter's tin dhlo, for - a .rpetileineet. immediately. ad,he Is , ii7 c l3 ions l ot Chongigg his bueineds. , The (*florin ..Will'h, carried: on, by Joseph! Braun, at the old Staid, he being Rif pointed agent to sell. pu n t the stock, cheap , ror caski Call dool if you want to secure the best bargaln 1 L , 1 " ii . Feb 20, ' 6l . I ,L. F. SCHAFF ITNION'_ .fIoTEL I I 1 ~ - . • , . ' itt, ft (Formerly ll I rly onse 1 ,- I. . , .-, 1 • ' ' TIMWD , EMREET'BEAVER . PA ALEX. _CLA RIC Pro'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S - , dCiTICE. • LETTERS 'testamenta ion the estate of Margaret J. Scully, 'I 'le of line Brighton, Bnaver co., dee'tt, haring Senn granted. to. the undenligned, all persons indeined to said estate are requested to make,imMediate piyment,'And. dais haviog ,claims aga' net said. estate are present). them to the sub 'be properly an thentited for' settletden .• ' .1" , , c' 1 . GEO. J. Tl 12, MIL iyikissND. Adner _!. ~- lus7 .- I'-:• Pittiimisjii-- I. 1 ' I , Ill . ' 'H-• ',l F= ketry ' Ect‘v]alil S, er's eel+, s the 1 hey rittsburg4, : ' 11 1 • , 1 0rover & &al nt redneed . pr In' theirmisrite it cigilaeliiii..s: 1 ktil more speed lle and leas lii !flee machine. ^ tle the • Pure !rn' felt. lick. got! l'the same mac . years •. Imnisits from 1 • i t o and Wert, 'all toa,, &e:,;„ will be, n in person o y in. •'te to We .leer tlier, in p, .ies titig fur r by rEit,' Sole Ag, Needles, Silk,' • I i c ntl. •Eit wantedt, , 1 , 1 MEW rat, w,i 1 013 trwra ! imdi till, • .:?... MI et 1 1 rs I 0' 0•-- ..• ; --11 0 ;OVI - L ido . .1 t (/ ''=o ~..• 1 i 1 Shaost. 1 n.tantly t'tqi.- VA , •,..,!Ir, ,nt ...,1.,4 from'acidity ! -- )t the,-..t0:nn...1. or .itt 1.0.,- tion. A hierman 11h 4 ... itilotin‘i •, I kit e..lxtrt o -• bottle ..N. , -.-1..n...- • bl:.: .'.t .!..,1461133111 r, Cozikplulnit, wter lii-' I ;pkyeiciii bad viinlyl tt ;ed . to che...: to: i disease. Ai well Appwri e",t i'V P ..1 ' 3 4, . r tliid by te r use. he 1 ..... c.,.1 .0: :a O• • YrAliiiactfial d i sease ..' I l' • ' I , m Ch oniv , Diarr cea. :,• , ' , , • -, - , ~- Eutry y brings us further esil'.-/ • ;.* ~`i of its e ffi cacy in ibis class or ournpfu.,. 4 1 ..., lt not oniy ehectis the dii•es...o, 1.. 4 . ' ; t. ) ,t.. 1, tonic prtiperties. gem - Jun . oy tr....-o - 1... 0 04 11system to strength and psi tett N,.;,4 4 To the I ' - ; • ' I ~.1,/ •, . ,• ' J . ' I ... If If , !. NURSING . .MOTHER,I . i'i. it , will. g ie-- 'AI, il tio,rek, =1 oerha 1111 Holland . - Bi.tl , :b - , , i'r'_s:.. racrAnito FROM TISI; • 4. • . 1. CZOICESI' ADD mon paanigi, TONICS AND. . CARMIIATIVES the Vezetable • 'this /it not a new and untried rem:wetly: but one known fOr years past. 'And used in the• families of thousands of mtr. aens - throughout the North, South, Last and West, far • ' 1 1:0 1 / 7 PE:PS.IA J. ' 11t ALL ITS rionyta. Cleigymett. Alembirs of Coogresq, Jildges. of the Supreme Court, indeed Persons' in every , stalion of .I:fe, hav4 cheerfully given us i the W right , of . their le simony , private and pjklielled, in its favor. ",M any th , /ugh ioPatent: , 1I e generally, have repeatedly pro scribed 1:11:1,3 a: v" liot.t.aso I. 41e.ogued for giving Strength to the 'Weak Power to Digestive l Orrats, 'Health to Oars Dyspertic, 1[ y Calming' Nerious irritatum., It will g o fur toward 1,-to.. :VW • einstitutewl brol rli Ithoi , fl by it 111.11.1 40 , sety, by intemr.ernher; in en:iv,: tr ing. or diiaill•tiod * to unkversolly approved in • - rrne.l,* for In.d'gestiold. si•ora)ich. Colic, 11- , artbir-rn, - and all DygOopti4 -/° A stivele dole generally re • lieve. pain, nuasse r. or anY waensineses after ',ailing. •, A. a C, .valuat.to rent:. inn 'all auxin bad.ofi .131"3110atkiVe. it ,i+ 11 •:• 1 .; ...:r.y ililo ptimpt•t -, In t : par:y •: •4.. i : 4-. iri 1i I :i•••=1; 1n I ; :;1 t:,. is nigh:,'._ ? :14e :-:-T.hi j- ...,, , !Ifr g' 'l.l A. . i .. t- ' '. ...er (••.: • . • "'iv .1, ~,, %VV.!, n•' will. giVe strength, an.. t,‘ , no , t. l'Arnent to her cht.l. -Are you natioettted., in early tr.1,14 , 1kr, iridintr; to rise? 1 1 .1 4: eat tto -4'4 ir luert yot lo try the liailf of ft tedvi.lcoti(til It ortirel will toot harm. V et. we j: :::t,- ' tivi.lyranter.' new lc:seeps et' ettetTy. acid aeh r'ful • hopefUl lookin,c hJ 'Wlittl lc:the d iej of theolty.; 1 '' 15,,,, Are Y . u subjeci7toi neueett before er after eating? ,Tl 7 the; sr.rhe quenttly ' before each me i As we said bolt:ire, in • will not harm; ypt we enure you of relief 'from .that distressing Justiling i ... 't h e thought of fcdtl, anti ahto trails 1.1.141 ... disposition to vomit after partaking.-- We :promise perfeCt digeM.ron of whv.t. ht. ' b.ea eaten. !i l' 1 '.As • a ionic; nething .could be 1 alorr tritefUl to the ristcln ciebilitnnitt 1-; Fever': Upon ihe t affections iitcutec.t to old Age it ! acts ,almost Magically, ' bracing the nervons . sj-stem, mcc,el-ni: i ..y ~ and perronnent'y Oxkiting the "rtlirg. , i of 'all parte of ' the' 'frame. protltic-.F„., necessarily a . healthy . in. rase .1f ihe . - action of the various orgeng. In fart it will prtrie useful whercvcr. end, Jilt n t- ever a tonic or.eartnin'atite is intlit:ta:«4l. 1 . .BEWARE OF IMPOSITION! ;---"` . t - ' Date...lw of the gesOinN l Mc( Ow • 'gee that oar maw la as the ,labc.l of *very 7 011 buY.' I 'r, 1 , J :j ~ I •%. . BENJAMIWP/5 GE JR.' & ? SOLE 101ILNITFACZOREES. I . rPlT'l'Snunan. PA.' , ; ~• r .. - trice $l.OO pa Bottle; . et Six Do fir $l.OO. , l• i • • 1 • ••-, ,-- • l am b• hawartml by Etym." to most pCraft. Mlll PAW , • ,• sE LLERr i 1' 1 .,. ..., t ~. v i .; . i.,. _ • . i I fl.. . f,;-, ~ .-f:- i, . I ' 1 i , , •!i -- A 1 • Enry . Te... Thoutaildstof Ctililn.m: din, 0e 6 t - if SY• . '. from tiLisli 9 c:.'blikeiFil.. Tlii, l aLriniti• ; lin y r. I * i i tality leodly ~ le frr i !newer& u• A telif uli wo• alidr.for 9rialcr r. r.,y., 1 11.4e triegsit% sr.o.• ,-tei, di.. The eweephit, rriweitl.in of teary physi l f lar , a I F ., advertliad Alorni A t inei li cin.s 154 In • nieu;ure. jn• 14 ed by the l inlorinne qualitl... of I sotoo n r , the ItrlttuEll,^llll, and tho,taxitilreciii i r filchlnry of.nioat. I l OC the eiscalied " Worm , Conf.dhoti." I. I icrou r eindict:l.. It onn Teas?' iftc ErWs i r S 111 1 .1( t the! I f I :ater art 'raj h (*Arai: " MI OWE or e inr.reiro l f, Tor 1 1 ritttir triitiilld.i Cfslll.l J r•.: - '.!‘;4 ttiou.oltrul,ison , 1 41htnincillIcr, will Hill irifte with the lifo of Itc 1 ; , ; I. • . V .. 4 Ai ' p L ET PH SICIANS SPE C: , . Li 1 . SELLWYE:IIIICdE-TIE BEST IS • G'SE! - ' - ilii ' - - I - • I 31-Luitz ; It; : iii: T.Ttoop., • , ~ /ie.' ting Vaition, Km:4lm, IT, 1 , 4: , •t No.. it. E. 81.e.i. I. , :—V, 1 1 1- Verlci.:we.l.944,se.' Morelli - 41e Olen any I evtr tai4. . I sill .tote ii ' flu. • here I iare-one vial. Ify iirolLi•ria ‘liiiihum., m o sey rind 'scatti..p to a r o e. • skiletorf. IL .di honor aliar. I l ireee_the Teri:ll:UP*. the tuna-4[ T ,, , quantity Of *Termini ql its hu4r,/ ova aisi r 1., • poised The Child, that 11.10 rie‘m np for 11,.ii no ea well ea =yin the tiehtlibiirliniod. , , ... . 4 AllatiOSll l ARNIE:IT, M. . r , . • - .. .CaMporfa; (Min; April 1.1 , 45. , ...Ali that la rifiniind to 'ilia It reputation ialany family, La a aur trial. . • L I IL IL WIL S ON, 34D. I • , .1 ',• Pnilat FTog, • - u.t.. 4. • VER ff 9 ra. Oct. : I(. 11. £...Osizaz-: l —Flitring heed It in nip Tan& the for theOlast fuiiir or live years; I think de e/4+llrib, Lest peeperallati of tits lin+ I have lwretorione na.d the preparation of the eevinia ethile amanitacturvii. Ion" respectfully,. 1 s . D. COUCII, snarnsrato hundreshl Ti . tothei.eskes. . a-, , rr It usomant7. but Sellers Vetrnffugetuisetood the 6enrchingiest of the medical ferulty and pnte tie fir more (km a quarter of a Tenth r itself, is eonelrudro of tientirs 'safety, ‘ teelliu hlch. of Ihe ,errlaitity of its effixt. J ...A 1' Irct.—iparaortiinaTy liidaosmenta aro] tckdoateint tO.recommead to t sillotbor Toi tt nntirincrplo . at tako l o ff of th ese on you. The' b e s t at any price , to erefkai ask for zge ofkm . any flee. and Price .1..'. I ts penta rilnict. Airs /OLD IT sELLERszcco. 0 ~. I: -. :. .' .i: ._ .- ' TOR.' l' ! 111'tF.II ifIllIT „ Ziar ; rl l profrofis 10 iirei'S ein t l • 1 EXPEL TitE, DOEBTS. OP 1 • 1 -. Par Statesmen , Judges 7 riiiti r pi Of the, eicleet • sehOole .t Tell es' tie d their etetittellifietl iebetion,- atilt , e , l tbi ell cesoe .17 eeruptions,..(ir i ,„ti tenitt, tint' bruin: t,Okeit.who t,e,y4.iital i it teetlteinst that ii tri7' rr.st.rvertlre, itiri n i g . gtrlyoull from fal!ing.te,ney i •ftg se„t ere .. .• Rent' .t);e f s '. l ufwill -4, '1 1.,• • 1 , . • fhtklirtieil r • .. f",. June tt+tiCt.,!iser i . .p iel i. , (y . J. i%4,to)::LtPlirliii:--yo.-14, • - '.. ." l'. yi' • ( ,brit{ ; etckati ..e.-... 1 . .1..1 , g. It.ing Pop !colitieletiiif.,l•lnii - i•e• ha.! occosi r to•:J lijipti r a' e oti.ir, :on