II II • r In Il : iTrom VlTfiinia..4 .- „. i 41:0, 111, Jnly.2o.—Traine corn.: LoursVir.r.E, July [2 . 5, - 18'61.=-Iti . ell-- ling. ti, .'ith o,ri the MObile; .and Ohio d d ,, tis r_ are - r j r l- iye d ~,;it , ii , 29d 11111111 .* d were stoppecton the 28d, by mon - , - I lord& i ere ' c r .11 E. 1 1 1 ' . r n. o - , 1 - 4 , an&Nashiville-oft lel24th. I Thelorm- _ Th . i. e b e l e are ga tl i ering , id l lar g e 7 L ' ki) particulars, of the battle of ,nu is; in - Southern 'fifisiotiri.-- - - er gave the 2rsti and - the latter otty meager Their Camp at point : Pleasant! is re -to be about- 200) strong,. Re -k - I Most °fib ich has been tel P° dispate e# , I i . ... ~ i • frifolic mantel are daily arriving.' Giln. e ra, pliedi t 1 • I , '.l Watlitus," he rebel chief of Cape Gir or ,the - retreat of •the Confederate ardf4.f.county,:is at Vest Pia rte And •1_ 1 1 - f or ces from Fairfax Court douse and at SN% amp road with an agregate ceufreville to Bullfs _Run, and tbe - fiffi,lt force of 5000. '- , , i i. of the the lath. , The., icichvioill Enquirer . Old - Abe Hunter, anotlier btg gun ofc:aturti3- says f _,_. l' •1 of sOuth • .11ssouri, with ,nbont 1500 - . fi t , retreut. ti orn l these, places were ,Miss:ouri •and Kansas , . rebels, wits' en ii; Ltteurdsuce•lv,th order&, Bull R'un camped• . on tile' - lauk of the river, ueiug el'ected_as t!.4 l .:.hattle . ground.-- oppelt e lslancl. No. B'. Kitchell Wat uur trcoi,c,; atter firing several hilrid- lzins', Idjtitant, is l Wititin a- few miles - r ed r ouni,ts.!v. [ lthdrelw;iu order, before of Bloomfield, on Caster Run, in corn „,lvancilig - oii the foe,:and, tell - back en mond of sone 300,0 troo % h hull Ituil.. plefe Tetiring•cl, the - forces In ' te.Union earn - ) at'ambarg un-1 is err inei„ hy 'thc 11th .17,t-h. and 14t1 der It e :command of 31 for Abbey,!. 1 irginia7 ii;egiments and ; waited, ex - abi4 600 loyal MissOurians, are mus , -beating fo ligu atl daybreak. At 41;1, tern into service. t • I c ti j Or. in the atteruciou the main bcxl 7 i _ _ ' liwithinhalf ni:tht; tee a dva nc ed i to - mile' of Bull liiin,tind inside several fl--i Irliipts ti, advance, acit time being re .vtased with a great slaughter. ld -The i-etireat had every. appearance o fstgnai rut, they leaving tneir aid - i'i ouudea eh nid ,-; and losing. §ix pieqes , i t artilirs .l . The % irginca regunents i :ii•bued", ',yule 4ist;anee fiaptuling -. • 1, '‘.l::n.L.,er kXl.,ritsulor.i.. .1 • • 4 11 • The One epi2„- in tlitlrir bereralailvance.4, • I.,,llavecittaprst with g reacsifiri.t.quick , - 1 1 .. r.1. 1 ....i , 4r and (.1..- Ilg ni) . ,ltheir.n----1 1 1 ~ it,iLni Uhl. iii:ail •50ir01.4., and way, az 1,..i t h k.inurticikthe execlution of our • iii::- k. , t 113 al I; t art i ll ery , J . , r .4), 11 etmesan , ,* alit,' n, , - , c.- Nit 1 o . ;,:nt • to (...ei... vi., , 1. „•,,. „ iij, : 1 F rirtionl a lib' I Y-cLt;ni. -- ,l i :vivuni:ed. oisl L vzindaiilm`- byl %Ilia g.ls. 1.. a, 11,..autt•NNiu, and ! :1 to a;1 =ME at.tor i n,e v; ere ti le , . . nil N di I'f '..(•lldta 1 e of MEE ki •ii fk •lil 1 t t EWE iiere lus.; lEEE q~,... Un ;11,41 (-dui. PEE 1 4 I 'IIICI !•:11;4* : t,t ~,o• r•ti: :_( elieni:,l at bi qtr i•i.ii V: fl u;l .111 ' 1 tr BMW p - fir ,t hif nit , ' pi Ila\l ,Nl - 1 - 1: r ME r it.i. -I MEE MEM =BM WI Z , ... ' t•! )1 wted ;flicers killtidi tit.: 1 If tt riii , on, Kirliy, :1-o' , l t 01. .1 olkistito,n -:• • ; . • : I • = 1.t." lII' MET Cie,)! • Al:tjor 1:k1 •14, ,!N':i,.: ~~ ' feutucli -,.t..r.. Jr. ,It i artial -a i vs that I e.,:q:ed fro a Pe '.,t-1,-. Wile: - 4- , av (7.1.p0 tropft-derate ens aill,l that the -atott- eiOtlipl, and 1 , lineella•eli. I.r. •,;(-, tin ._ . I . l f typhoid feyei , Tl.l- i i. ' inany ile,erter..-. :nd aiu farce ifrerilisgust7,(l. and, . Lome if ttev eot d . get Away. 1 Tl-. 1 , :llil - p (-f the B(ate Gitard lat Nr,l , lrol , 4,li's liill ‘ , ..as ahandoned yest ll.ri'rvi- afid tile c las, returned to this! 1 ,- ' '•fl ,-- eamp L ot the'Stafe Guard at ' • I \:-alai: nts also [been aoandoiled. I- ". .:Y.lll.lridiana IL'iiinent at Now I • 11 •l i.- nett full. and au otheer has divert to. mattister them into serv s 1 ::..vl..i.ick-on , f Alisslottri is at Men 11 ,, wale 1 speePh there saying 1 i. ~;‘.(.14.',.. tyi(j t r ,,.. p s eaultl be readily 1 . i - .1 , - , ... I" do IbitWe fo the S outh f I•:,ev 'eoqld get, a pins. ,_lle had left 25,- T . ] I , ' , CtO :l ',1.119 men und4r Ben MeC'td- i it ;.',....-,11,ai d Gen. Price TI J - cllarmed, who i ' • c•re to march ou Springfield on the 1 ii,iv , clrhis (Jackson's) departure, with 1 , . I uel, 1 --, of att4king Sigel s forces.— i li'v , this inn- thelattackl had 'doubtless ! 3 ( cll tn a llc.. The GoYernor was quite i r i- a 1 1:q nine of red4eming the State from 1 . , iLin'eelnis i despotism, but he desired' the IL' o-op - cration of Tenneissce and other., ° • !:-.:-.in her_ii Stati -, s; 1 , , - they NN-ay of expedia- I I ti , ../ i .itbe_platt , -r. I 1 - 1 -i , glit. icky d sertera- from. Camp 1 • IBeol,e. IJI lennersee saly they were re- . ; r , •i ttirel„tl t i o take •ap oath" . to support the I e (:Soniitlition oflie- Sonthetlu, Co fed- ,f, era( - ::;; a. serve,for three years, and 1 ;d ~ini zale, Kentucky any - iitile any time ''he presiding should see proper. - I IA large Goveinment building with tae :air Yard inelosuye, at• Memphis, 1 .11.- I:.teti burnec . I , ( ~'''' - - -- • --- 4 ---- • 1 1 1 1 1 ; f LEVrGTOY, July 28.—A prival e 1 d ‘-'snllell via Baltimoreisays careful ex i ami ation leads to toe belief that only i _ ..,' 40 are - , 1 ai-c..tt -.,0 killed. 1 , • inc Connecticut regiments, hereto-' cut Up have nearly .0.1 . re- 1 j• _turned The first reports of delima- t ling tl e. 71st'' re ira-entl of N. Y i r and II - t; (Fire &mar s, is nntrue. • [ t; It .:_: estitria ed. that only - 22,000 t i. 70 9 . p t, kvas engliged in battle, a . .aa not more titan 15,utob at any time. , i The ,wholebattle Occurred within t i 3 .-' radius of a rile. It is! now ..t ought the enzum left some of their,, tterie, for the purpose! f•d decoying ou troolls in. 1 . ; ler' i n - ran 5 atterY's has retarnedti to Vshingtoh. The reason of the'l rari., - ur of the other batteuies Wits, thell ho"ricsi ' , I . -- -I il F'"-- ' ' , ; ,1.. e atn.dr of thenemy's cavalryi nu ~ .e [been se n sine . yesterday ath ~ 3 :11.1's ,Run bri iTe.' . -, Gen...ll'Clellan hak been sanarno ~ 1 i D:ri;tll Government,from Western t rep G air to Tashington to. take corn "-4,:k.V., of the Potomac. en. :Rosen-2, tFansitakes hi place in command. of , ttk ai my in estern VA - '`.l ,-.,. • [ i : • 4.D.P. Corps 'Armie at Washinfott ' " It fotnstan instantly 4e-erganized and r ' 1 6 _4 5 , ' . Thi3se orders have al 4 rea c i, I!olen . 1 given. !Offers otregimenta .;.' _ .F.ei/d7 raised are a L ex ;Vg made ooristabtr: 'A 'and will be ''tekl with such rat -Pslty, as to elsure :hat this 4.111 10 a_er;onapli s v, i .d . ~ ' i • 1 1 Froni • Y and 2.:) tc Kei cola - ,t acre a l are MEM ME : • I • - ..*l4 . lll4,M,ll3lo. r . ffirigr& ' t • " ' From Kentucky. : ' TII3VILLE, July 21.---Gov Magotfin PpOinted a mesientier tol receive tate ; Arms recent?' talen from leld by thelientne y and "Teui } , - '' secessionists.. - - ' , New Albany,' ( nd.,); Ledger, hat a gentleman,fr m Southern ocyl reporta min() afloat in sel a, n circles that the Se et sion troops pont to move tow rds 'C: iro ii.; nu. to land in 3lissonri ':land.. at (~airo . --roni the rear. 1 Lo has: the S nesse l say 4, tilt cessi ME ten* tttel From ! - • , - . - 1 ' Missouri. [ , • , . 1 , .. in, .110. July i 27.-, [ -A fight oe d day before yesterday at Lane'S e, about' tifteeti miles frora r here t? , 01 a party of. silly-five_rebefs 1 fteen Home Gnards from , Rolla. guards : were suilronnded, ' but Made a determined, stand, a d of volleys, dipersedtbe rebel:4, g l their first lieutenant and mor loulin 4. three i otl ler •--one 1 , ;,.„- 1 b •n ut obis two' privat s. Two tea -on our i side were severely 1 (l d. ./ . ;' :. ,- dispatch , ton to re- I i:olumand to cur Pr• bet and The The euir layed their uurning and .!rfax Lourt Centrc-v.likv (!n and tier kill?! Hem • prIN W uU along Dil i ! a mite, anl '4l 986 clea4 , ir ein 137 1 in r 111(f, the Rua- i i..s'this to 911 I engaged itiveen 5,000 ice littleex;-1, tli au toiintiConirentiot --, Rep'. 1 , 1 , 1 1 ,• , 1 • I :_ti,,n meeting of -the Republican C'f4trul Committee, held at,the Court 1 - 49,u 4. 6. in Beaver: on the 2Sth of. Tune 1 ult.:, tile matter of the resignation oil' ..M.iS.lQuay, as Prothonotary', having b iicii i.. brought beforb the . Committee, I the tillowing call Was' ordered to he, issn 4 F The Republican'Voters of i i Bea Tr County, arereiiiicstell to. meet 1 :et !1. 1 4.-i'r several puce - of lioldin ,, eleb ' 3 ' l, - tion., 'n S - Xtri un.t.i-, the 17th clay i.ifl ..keigust. (,in the township meetings, at I M.. and 'closing' , 4 I': g' the polls at 7 P. „$. r ,,, in the - boroughs between j 7 iol ll O'elock P. 31'.;) and choose dole: 1 2:at ti to a County :Conventiion, ,to be 1 '.at !tell - the C:H ourt ouse, in Beav e r, j j.,,n, _tuso..tv. ~.lug,ust 19th, at II o'clock , -11 3f.. for tlie purpose of noMinating a 1 , • i Candidate for Prothonotary. The . to and borOughs will be chil -1 tlO to the Haile , number of I delegates j thicy:i.jeverall3 - had 1 in the May Ccin- 1 j vcintiun, as follows,: I 1 1 iii,4.44gli 1 '4 Industry 3 1 , BrO. 1 - gewoter 2 Independence f 2 l' liim Beaver 4 Marion' . 2 I 1 Briglit:m ' 8 Moon 3 ! ; diipPewa 3 New Brighton 14 i .'llitlingto 4 New Sewickly ;4 1 ilEt: nomy. 4 North Sewickli 3l' Fillhi:on , ; 3 Ohio • .-- 41 ycteuilit , . 2 Patterson 2 Yri:ecloni boro 2 Phillitisburgh ”! 21 (Fr+cdoin chat ' 2 ; 'Pal NI6 21 \ 43 1 Grbene . 4 Roc ester borol 4' jFr iiocfort ; 4 .Roth ster tp ;'2 l i MC qiitirO 3 Rae •on - 4 Ili ppwc l ll 4 Sduth eaver '' 4 . , .. ~ . . , The fcrlloning resolution was passed iiU l an imen sly : ' '.. ... ',ilm esolved; That e recommend that li'r .Primary-Elecitious be conducted 'n all the boroughs and districts; by allot. By order ; ' 1 -- •• 1 , ,;D. MINIS, Jr., 1 Chairman ofl. pep.; Central Corn. ' . 1b131941 . 011 1 3.7 -- [ -NI : rsh l ri it the ellculy. l imet charge i A. -Tennes.se. Tlte t hare arrivbd re tt!ll about at Fort. de:erabl: - .. fed ccieed no . hed lrers hav,e beep 1!: us t the c , titire , would return EtFrrott— Pleiltis announce the name of 1 aIALL t! . ( 1 13e/41 1 17. candhlats o l'io!honoiaTy, !subject Is the deedsila of Cottuty Convention, - to be held in the 19th • August, and oblige = I I - M AN' VOTERS. • , I -- • IV " CrtIC,Ow ,An plection •for Siren Directors of the Da.r. izigton Cannel Coal % It. Co. will beheld.sit hrir office in ILiriliigton. on Thursday ' 'day of I..pielober; 1861. By order. Jitly - Ll. M. lIARTStIODS Pm. gP-W-MEM.hla CLEVE. k:PITTS. R,,R. PEAVI:R , STATION. —eouvo EAIT. June : Gurninenc , vg, Afooday, • une 10' 14161. '('rains 14avo B!.ircer Station as follows: 8.4)5 3Lj Arrives at PittsWg 9.35 A. 31/ , I P.ll. " "i 8:40 P.M: Gesso Wost. I I 7:30 A. M A. rrivi st Bellsir,!" 1,0 40 AM. - 5,25 P ;, .4 9. 9 4'1 1, M.' 11 J. R. MeCULLOVOH, / / Freer.. F. 8.. MYEB.S, Geol. Tiekcit Aet. r. PITTS FT;. W. &AI. R. R. .ROCIIESTER-STATIO--Golaa Ease ' 1 : Leave Roehesier. Arr. ae,rittas Express, 1'2.42 A./x.• 1 2.00 A: Y. Aeeoiacdatioa ,7.1 . 5 /" " 3 .. 8.35 " .1 *. , 12.20 1 r: xi. ' I • 2 16 p..st i Ma', 'to “ i '. t.is :.. 7 Feat Line, '7;84 :, , " i-8 48 1 ... I' - GOING WES . ' i . .! i ' r Leave' Pitta l l. ‘A .at Rich ester. Fast Line. ,' 1.00 a. .x. 2.11 A. x. • Mait,, , ' 8.16 4 , ' 9.48 1 , -ACcocoraod'n, 9.85, , 4 . . , u..15' ..1 '. Expiesi.. 1.2.45. p. 03, 1 _ 2.05 lk. x. : - •`•",ceoirissiod'a. 8.60 ~. ' t + 6.60 . 1.. t Qr. • , mr= 'trams C• E to the premisesOf the subscriber. onl the 19th or Niue, to arth Sewictir ~:stray horse ' about - 15 yi:s",;4l4/. blind In one, eye, et dart brown color, and ti white stripe, dpwn the'face. The owner lis requeited to. come an/ prove property, psylcharges and tut; it away- 1i1'2,19:,•J N U}.: F ; T i Ba U hOli '1 sir. Eorroo— ; Plesao.soqounoo tie • "mum- of itoinffirr P. 'Esc f. of ilocbester,i as, s Rociublicid Unioo .Indepesterat caudidoti tbo offoos of liothonotiry. at the Ocsobir election -aoic, SlAtit ' il_ , . . • 4.,•- IP ,02111 ti r - licirelk4sd ' iPreviCre, pain and 4. tnensthess Breathing, Pain in the right houldei; nimene when u pon. the left aide, increased of the Liver, Bilor and Dr y Car disordered lioh, Niue , iltoitoirish Tinge' 1, the aria and ;skin, deadaihe 17 1 . 6 , ~ i ' lowish fur n the t rigne. Sitie . 1 i ish taste the , month, lie& dall sensation in the Brain ' Pregskill er Spirits, amountin almostrtni Insanity,, ought Fer toward evening, Lois of Akietit , . t , ; Melina Iv \- +% a.„1ni,.....m morosenes s Hypochondria,• le is 'd -, ness, age 1 I feeling of I:lliCat r nes% La nguor; drawsinesi, thli patient conscious of somethin , wrongin hitaself, g td • no ,-; I ' ' ri t in- tin` 13 abOut yet wholly unab 4 Ito explain 63 ~ mitilie of his, wen. satio thniany ;others easii, f detect resemblances I ! Le l I . I r l o , r other 0 the abov . he iverl Pill • will alMost cer manly err : the disease if.taktin cf m npon S a , a pp earance of the above isymp whiCh if allowed to !take i co se, boo mesi &Tonto lin its nature and ,almost . incri.. r,Sblo, pro ducing groat and con. atently , _ • ' Aging aufforlfiag. ... •• in4re tis. ' ail medicine win ,The , • neither o: cute • Fici ' dir.olme. 'nor isora:glosto en eilatag on 4 tut. in Most casks,` w preps- • thimlysiamt for this more wit i roro r•nsediris of tkus ohysioitin. abould - it 1 nocesses t ry to can inhis y id& 1 I i s" A NAFIIIIIC ini I IEDICEIIII ,CELLES,' LIVER 'PILLS 1 • A un usrvAtarlani.s. i k1P11.43e!,:.R15 Gents.i 4* A B 1 EP. . 1 i T ';•1 r'' II UM L p a t. i . 1.-: i i• . -- 1 1 , ji.zo r j ,-. 1 , . i. VW i I mactri , , II 1 4144:NFU FR , 114 ii4D aaj . 2$ 7---- , , I 4.-Lt EIR S' . • • ~,.: q,, . ' '1 • . .. , I J Er g ETP. i I —÷-1----' ' t ..... ' . From A. Cuts Ins. Drantst, 8. Bead, IRA. D. L fnitatt:, - .—li:er Bir=-In iiply to . join' - Omar of pm I Wean; I wouLl may that the isle of Beller? lletainee has far a:beaded ay expecte. Len.; ski In o ease have they filed to pn.elace ; the deified i The Chu* apt* is a cure fee, Mtithe. Cede. A and the chewed". of W. nr itete ..! VaCIIII 4 ttlair. OS re,e ; hof etLettikih toptbto :( 1 With If. - - - - ... 1% ii , firiven,4 'ft i t r f ebilden. wboTwel been ill tuetrwrerel weeks The ablest arts Wren yawn old, the next bar, and the ki youngest eighteen The fret pawed Arty- 1 sit weneonWn; t e intitioitivets, ant the ibini • tierabl number, not distinctly recullecttd. MOOS then bay* been &Ina veil. arid nee new In good heel . jS. WAKE VIZIAD Co. 2S, Cents: • EPAUED AND SOLD air E. t.L EI LERs&oci.A. PI SVEIGH, PA. /', I• I / H R 4Vz , s ,. A / 1 l a. - ! ...? li I 'i r ll fi tters I i 7011 ; , ' ,- TiSrF I 'EF'SIA., Liver CoUl t leint; fever and Ague, &o: , .. 1 "OUJI. 1 .l ' TIEB ell introdu / ettret=l n . e of this eel.- 1 butted , Ma been the a for, a literal flood 1 1 ci. come ____l cabal "Bitten," offered ire N;ekio.ps 1 I ',rum, from . ft*lat with, to il avegralow: keg. until I • (hie wept - perdu'', is l lont hwAher mane tot ...7 , grig.," 1. ! or..onia drat lhat the reality '' libi r.at!Vief derived ' ' l frvit,Perneins:' i ii°l%tt "i: fill ' :cl ( " It t edichn '_ • __J ' • 1 . : r_nw.wirs - iroiLarin 'mama; • . 1 i and :14e rail. 4brfice cf lift* prestration. law fedi- i bliallA for it mutation which the host of Whither, ! Bret eil x t i rl ei et i e L V thave laledtiZ,unw= iu It la posi i: ware " o r; piXr l orlZI A . 1 ,j 1 - 'Il an t ' • o f the replete,' (1411-Pint bottle,,) I, ' • en D° of lettpieit4 aim; !or. JP;iiihfirg, 1 1 4 194 aad " 4- c t utial fur dl 6 4dua rm lo lire gele= • an tror e linPe l arees'irrle ei l ibere the Meted of le -eahrtitry effeets.t Thu ettu c t4 will see i m i lliey r ends i ts stren4t . a heathy action-of the lives, bowels and: kidneys will jeer.* take plaei t aiii renewed healtlibe tbs 'rack rei.alt. ,,. L 1 i i . .. , !or tarScirdaatoxr.i i rry. •i: E ! , 1 .Beerbare'sih)llaill Bitters.' EtitirOmunia, -, r*-, • 1 '. ', ,nge i bate's H ? olland: Bitters. : . • • .: . . ACIDITY; TO' c-1 : . --: . • • 'l , - Bierhareliell;id Bitters. o w.e.jrlcitßit..o Try ..:: !i?. ;' tterlikiei 011 aid Bitters. ' r ' file' ACH.E. - T6r ' ! ,- I i ' . bar!i l l o llaildkli g e r. T *)4s - pi :A.1 5 P4. TITS, Try- --. ,-- •t • hare's Holland Uteri. COErrp7E.I.TESS; 7217 . : Bterhave l s Hollandillttera. . % . - ?Am PILES . TTy ii_l • Bair - n' Tor irniives Bonk ..giei, . 4 1 , g 1 • • 1 : . all r M ens, istime ik. sad Neta4rk Attic , Vol, it In nitmercrusi lustiness proved highly ?sialtikelal, lad in others , erred ri deckled curs. I _._ ti ' s o,_ _i_ m oo 'eftillirl ' L..._ ' 1. !ermine, high ted BasztaN.. 1T, , ,,,- Rtveise,is put up is lualttpint bottles 'ouly, and to MOM, Dollar peir„lioilii&! The fic4 demand ,tor is truly Ass Dollar has ndlud trail dons. l which the imliclic should guard Est • .. ziii, .i. sfisvositios I^, • that •:.4. iiinsi is en Ms . qr ae Pi tie' 7 i Ym b" f' •' ' ' 1 ' -• j - 1 rage ...Tr 46C0 . a•‘ L , „ f • _ • Sp iI MANUFACTURERS; 1 ~ -5 .. 01. :: p . TT5,3:7,L,07fr..:..11 •. 2 F.l . • •• • I • -. ' • ;.- I.'. IM BI RE .----- irt'l - . ~.. 1 : , it,„ , '. l A, , ii9,0111 1 4k,4#11. --i-ncolik-Puikg** -4 llaliftrneil l, c 40.1 inclikft;iidiksivisuif,P*lbbro 1 pair Teti : lattorra I,llli*Pdhrnir, 5 „ion ' Pt, 1 4r.nintO(riPt4" 6 4,._ Aitt 2 o . `4 -41, 1 ., . *t rut !iv: ;wan bay'uriarilir. 7 ern, - -#ll.regalitr ..shitiona ; llama* Johnstown.antit.litirrieburi: tnALP*itrto - can nlrcoitifor.PaMmoii, ttnritig.itt Phlikielphia or Baltimore 114 5:001*. 11i :.: ,• ~ ", -.' . 11 ; j, • I T)te Thraugh, Uprose Train leavvordifty ;I l i B:4S Iv w.. -stdppinglonir it pritiolPal stations. ma Di diFe4T syninetilipic 11.11tanssitarg for i t Hal imare, and arriving !i2 wywielikiii 1 4,11: Baltimore at 6180 S.:r 11. •i' * ' ':. 1. - I L I' -'1 - 1 - ,','lttt FAST-ONE reavelithiltittiiwt ded "'Oz.' . cep 13tindayjat - S. • p.*l.; itoppingL ~ly at_ are a ibnrg. Latritbe i itdiniitoWn; Willsors.a# lit n; Altoon. ite.. loonoactingst•ltarrisburg, Wit 'train . dirwitt ro Blatilliorek4 l :Ff. i'liPli 1 i in hiladdithis. at 1 ,00 .i.IL ' :A. 11 Tpoil travelin g pu b, itt wilt Ind ht gretctlyi:fts the r, interest i n gob* Snit or West, to ' tr . :•fait by ha i'enas Ivanik itoklooid:' as itte lea*. too , Lions now offe red osanot be I aurpstiSed ;on a . other routa.t; The &pact js tallisted with So e and •• free ;Vol* debt. ' Vs can . pianilist apf tr speed and p mtort`,lisesli ,Wth'itulty 'fa... i vo this Road with . their Patronage.' ! . t , ! .ligiage Cieoi' Ito till BLitions -on the re Da. - Railroad lei'd :to Thihkdolib)o, 143.!ti , nine' and New Tork., 'i t i• . y. 1 1 1 , ~ - or tickets; appll to ! ;J_,.f/STEW#ST, Aire, tit the V R. B. Passenger Station. .cfn 'Liberty i t 1 11. ti .. , t i. j .1 8 , , an. Grant at et., . . , . ,y al 1 6 0: 9.131',/3r statement the Bask 9f 6illltYl NEW BRKITON, MAY istABBl j _ iililn ' - ' l ' 1 a 0 1 / 19 *,, t 11 ' io p t44 and 11111; Dhsoinstded, native, - 1168i621.8 8 , Same • - •1 , 'l' tt0def1 1 7 4 , 4 4 1 ~:10 5 00 Current expenses, l ,- '- '1 --.'.... • 'l, ' 1879 6'2 Furoituro and.Offisel•Fisßare, ' 'l . 11.958.95 :, Et e front oilier Banks, d' . . j:1. , 21.48 - 5 86 1' test acconnt,' 1_• , : ' .. ,•1 ~ i 1 141 Con in rsult, L 1 i 1 .: 1 1:1_ 24 1 ,228 59 'N tes and nVecket of other Banks, : 11897.26 ,', . 1 :: i - 1 , .. • 1 -1 4—, . 1 ; 1 . . .1 96:722197 'i , 1' Luattititsts. r it . S ock veld in, ! 1 ' - . i 6.85 0 ,00 , 1 • . + Btes in Christian, '. , • . ; . 111814100 Due Depositars,l, ~ -- . 1 24.7711 77 I.to to other' Banks,l •i ~ . .' .1 , .629 07 lyidends unpaid, 1' ; •• • •. 1 ; 256 99 P •1 ,ir ofits and Earnisgs, 1 ' ' f 2,901 14 I , otal, . l'' ,I, :1 1 90.722 97 , , He t tirea fouirrr, ,- rss.Before n# alue Ed w. td Hoops, Cashier of the • Banir off , Bearer C unty, whO being duly ' l strtrnted 'according :tik ''sti t deposett., that, the .abore statement is; eor-1 e ti ,• 'et and true according' to the best of hitt know ge and belief, IibIVARD HOOPS, da - sler. Alsr med andliu‘cribecr Before tne,l tb is 2.1 ty et' Map: 1861. •', 1 : i 1' [ ‘ , 1 - .101151 C - 13,TIIVEBT801;1.1N. P. ,_ z. AUDITOR'S NOT ICE. • I , 1, tit l,[ - Ir.the 01714a)es lectirt ' and for ihe' . County of Bf l aiir,beioret this "Ilori.! • judges cif said ;Court.' • d i r I •1 i J I l l ' ' ! 111 4 , i the matter ,of 1 4e - 1 account (partial • no - 1 - IL ' 3l) unt) Cr Jelin Tborniley and,lfts. bunestn. Adoers of the , estate . of :Thos. ThoiisileT; lao'd, Iblarch 13, 1861. 1 ' . The. account , pr esented ' forr' confirmation , mild day., exception ; to said i ae,clonot filed. .. 1 1 1 ' .' . i - 1 , ,l I ' ,-A—. And now, 'to i wit, Jana) , 26th, 1861 ' ; 1 --, L. ii. on motion of D. B;Cisan berlin. esq I ---..., nttornii for )he Aclqj zii•-•••••• - th , 4 „,,,..,_..i i "ft.6 ..vmq :a . mreflan, rtuf an Au- , d for to merstiallhe hansuee of.aceOunti amongst 1 e creditors, an d make repoit. 1 ; 1 From the Record. 1.. . • . Attest, A 'G.' SIFCREAIit• Crk. 1 ; 1' ' ~ I ---- '1;• ; 7 , i 1 I.w ili att k g ot ; t i 4 1.. - - bt.ib t i l iii : t ar , p o i n nient in the oboe ' - a ll.lthon eriin; in t he b rough Of New Brighton, ;on Batuiday, 4tiglist 241 b: j B till r at 2 o'clock.' p: in., whea and where! all persons, int - nested! vgai attend 1,31 0 24 1 ~IYM S. 1110111.01.'1Andi tor. 1 ' 1 1"-.1.-. 1- 1 ' - , °FARMER'S TAKEVO . . , . . . JAMES 1- STEW Pin 1 . , ►.. 1 NATellerville, IC"., • ' 1 .1/ i 1 1 p.t g ent- for the sali.of all the ,bnpl; etwents .of llakbanlry; lll tat4le 4rt-th a ~,- d 4--__ : I ; t , .11 AGRICULTURAL - W OR K , , , Cleveland, ' Ohio, ; i 1 ! L Amongst, which, are Weed's Imptored,Mower.' MSubbarda Ligbt . Mower, ,HO bayre - Standard ower.'` Ilebbard'siftenpinw'Attaihment, Bald,. win,!,DeWitt A. Co's f3tar Grain Brill; with or without Grass Seed Sorer.- 1 1 2/11 ells-411d; June 10th; 1861. 1- '. l ' ll EXECIJI ; QR'S, NoT l rcp. -i r , L ETTER3 test a me n tary' havin b e en e grant ed telhe undersigned op i tlie I *State of John. Duff. Sr., deeeased. let of.Chippewn tp.„ Bearer co, allpersons indknowi ng ihrmselv indebted to . said estate are re qu ested to male payriienf imm,etr aeii•;, at:4th° having claims against the - sarte • Will present tbent;fn the Sub scribers duly !autbeutteated for settletncnt. I ' IW.II. DUFF, E x ecutor. July 17th, 1861.1 ! 1 1 - 1 . ' ' ' 1 , . AD IIN';IS BATOR'S r [OE. , • . rinds per.ions indebted to the Sta te lof C AL la Warren; lite of So j Itesiee tn. iii Beaver co.. dec'd.; tiie regneatid to make i . mediate ipayneat. and those baying .claima a gainst ' ,l id estate. wilt please prom:it ;them to the enbs.riber propdriy authenticated 'fat sat tleineht t 44,19 •' , NIL ELDER, Adnek:l • " ST , 1.1.:IT - DRUG ' ST0.111: -IN dREAVJO ... 11 , , DitiliNis,",ns inst opened tint ih tits sto .. room fortnerlyiteinpied ,hy 't.l'telcCrecry," on ?bird street,: three deors'abeva Darelay's 'store, an ,exteniive sissortinenttifDrUgr..i, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, its ft& ' 7 Fiw would 100 1. 6 1 r ..1 I, P fiAleliNS r\ 1 ...., j hat having bmiii ingitgeCin the PreseriPtion busineini For sent e inie. Tait; , b eis lettabied i t o l eof : fer the most eemPlitti" and varicd stock o r ~ dieinal 'preperatieltii ever 'weight into the CO1ITI• ty, which be willrsell at the 19weis cash prices,. that tbe,,lscrnie class of, g aol,: cari , ' ta bought, or i n Pittsburgh oi• els ewhere : Noibing hut per , , feetly pnre and fret& Drugs wiD licificept, in the establishment. i ,Dy 4 at arrangement wit b ,i.,urt- Iw-ight, and To6g. anyl desires fiirgim.il..ln strummits can be faris'shed it theirowa prices. 1 The ittegyii4-4::11:•_, I 1 1 1 ' , I 1 ,'' • 1 1 -i 1 I . LADIFN 1 - • ,1 _I ,' I , ' is eallel , to; tiitslice 'assortment of t raney ar ti.. cies. PerfenSery; Fie Soaps . , Ilitriishes, , lroile i j ,firtielei &c., I tic. ' IT bile . to - the 11 ,- ' , ~• c 1 11 IGI 7 ,NP 4 IIII,I'IBLIC here iiioffered ' a good variety Pa,, hiss .011 e Dyestuffs, Carliun Oil Lamps, PrittinC Modi tines, C icic l e Tebsbcl) and Cigars, &c., &i „ . 11M.I - very tiiirg Will be kept , , usually , fonn. in iscill i nprointed Ding Storesiand; will he eel, as cheaply as thiyl can be bad inywk ere i , irestere reeekyli(aeit. 1 ( NePt- 1 9, ' 6l ___ IMI - pert - lee.:l . . AVIN dispos t ell 'of toy Lenti . ri ,St ic . • , - uncle's to my *User, and bst sue° of elostog all acioeuts, those kno wingl the' selves4viebted,willlplisse tuid i l t ruike ii media "seit'em •• I P . Beaver, July 0; : 18,81. e s dopi.) SCHOLARSHIP FORS SALL". . A SCHOLARSHIP in e the lit,* ! I FITY.CODt-r staaem.i.Cat.r.zos is offeredlffir stile upon moderate term}.. EnqUire itumed:itelY this i • I ' • • • II ; I • - I 1 •• • 1 I . ind l Blitti Nis ; ,ntiounee . my aittna a a Vitioa eaudiasteArri'ralaurar at' *aver County. II • r JOHN M' ARTEIL ;: • • „I:. I. 1 I I BAYS. 1 IMPROVID. "8 - E A ft 3TANDAIW I .3ISI)I(jME t ekestesil airs oi 03*B, Per ti 1 • ' t i - vvi , -----7- 1 11 2 1 4 ; 01 4 ftfiii IniPplitY l'r''' , l of ttt• B3tosd. F i *4 r. # Tb ls : Ottani: ai,wroffitattlikel 11110 t mils ( utous b in, deorrittt tt, l *. L etl f___ r- - 'ilffrof ' . --- f esubeross RulootWel i'. f+tti so Diaeases, — 10111)016i Boil% Llitei)tee cin i the roue, 'donte 1 ' ' I 4 . Ad, stubborn Ulcers, Seold4oad, 1 , • 7.tie t ifection% ~1 964( tie ins‘rdoii% DY s iwiPfal,/ I CalliVittiliiii i Juttionionj i f ; -Silt Jo l *!liff liorcrilitslits ', OentraiDoWity, Livor, iripfaiiit-, Loos of fdPittit,- Low pirtto, 1 , 1 Font Bnunane. r ,111.1136/COUlplidDli, and', MI ' plead.. 'Until I.ir 'rigl u IP' - 'lf ash Mood. of ~ Aug ,Il ht._ ,_ -- ---- . Gorky that - lie was, treated fur', the cure orea l l r , ier by three physicians of Beidford Bounty, and by Dr ; Newton alba Electric College in. Chi: einneti for a period or tzuly "eight menthe, a otwitfistantling which; his lip, note,? and a por tion pf his WI *ek'fiterf antic4lY eaten away , +- 11e . bitti given up allhohe,•when he beard 'elf the t•Blood Beercher," end was induced to try .;t. •' ;FOB? batiee cured idmriand although saf e ly Atakora!, there is question bet what invaluable medicin e eared litho ;life. pi, fell particulars of this rertiarkable r enseinay be seen in [II circular, which'eanibo bad arAny•of ourjAgents: - • 11 ' I ;-: •, ' We also 'refer to the case , 'of Nancy Bleak- neyi of Eldertom Armstrong county; Pa.; cur cd of crefula - After being unable to get,' out of ' bedifo three years: '" „! . . • To the case of a lady in *Boonville, Clear i held oohnty, Who waaalao Abated with S ere - 1, Ma in ;its worst form: '4_, . 1i ~ ~ . 'To the. cas e of Georg e atisel, residing in ~ 'Carrollton. Cambria eoaaty;i Oa, who was !? badly afflicted with Cancer that 'tent his enti et nosh Or, wolf , hie case was'lworso n fr pn i s ita ' j than 14 teretirys, r i • 11'; 1 • The Silica:lra of these eases — every Dore. f. w4ich was cured y drainse of the WO A Reirch r—miy also 'be found; in a, errata. o; be bad of any of the Agent's'. ' - 'I ' ' • • R M. LEMON Proprietor. •LabCratery for the . marfaCturew.and gale -1:1 near t e Pa. 11, K. Delia, I bllpayaburgh, P i p' Dr: ..11.1Keyser,IWItaliaie ;Agt, illttebti g . 1 ; 111a.„For sae by , L. E. Ifaller and Sail e ' Finonen,' 11.,chester; Dnial:4 Edgar & C . Fellatio; John Sargeat.i New ;Brighton; Win P. Pliiiiipoie - FrSedow' O. iCunninglinm, Be ''cc; tephen Smith. BridgenatiriV. G .Itattlll Industry; !Oho C. Duff, Derlingilia; John sic , 1 Farce & C 3 , Smith's Ferry; John Aber, Fair., view, and 03 , Dealirs genera lly . anne6-- 6 ta. I F 4 RM FOIL , ' . ,: .1 r 1 lil r. arbaerThif Oren tit. OW . * Ares_ n 1. Lawrence County, IPa. l , • adjoining Jan s pf ; WM:Davidson. and dP. R. .Friend & C .. (Wta atum iFurnace,;) oltuitted 4 mile. I fro Beare Creek, f mile from a Gristlmill, i; mi , el F from three'r.aw 'Milli, S Miles froMNew (lead , containing' 163' acres, :theist 70 of : which a 6 cleared ,and under fates, , and ' on; which le g comfortable frame bou,e, 6 by 115. feet.;.one story high, and also fifty b ear ing ; apple trees, and twenty peach trees, O i ler the beat q u a lity. Said ',''Farm has about 0411.1,y-five acres lolls three feet coal r vein, and abfo . e, five . and la six feet- in. 'Abundauce of listone and timber,. ands Well, watered with good Springs; cud 'also good external oil indications, land is' site ted within 14 miles of an Gil well. ' i ilparPersous ; wishing to purchase will dci well to,all'anti °zombie for themselves FOr reference , l eall! on Wra. Kenyiedy,NOV Brigbion or l i th subseriber id Chippewa Tp Title war: reate . ! { = 1 ,. ' ..I,OIFPH DRITTAIN. 'Ja , 'y'23d. !61.—Uius. ii : I .' '' .' • icy. li I WILSON; ,CAIR 8/,' Co, iv t 110 9 A .1, E r PiPi AIAEIi S L DRY GOO DS, ' ,r. , r WOOD ,r, NO 19-1, STREET, i. - .. . - fI7IFSB /TR ci . ,: P it AVE 1 ' 1 ' 1. LI again the pielunire of announcing t, Xi , their friends , arid lhe trade general y , that ttiei ' stock will be male up by the 1 tl instant, ,and' will ;be ciirot.e.d very low; to pl, &eyed pertiee. ,Otit, examination is , solioitori., March 5, 1861' , i t, i 'il . i , i _ I if _ 1 ~ - , ' , ,1 , . ' ,I . ' : DISpOIiUTION. 0 ri IHE Petlincraliip bereMfore elisting nn • er. 11. the ' firm of iir.oonitvo k I . 4ICQUITAENJ iiii this any' dies Olved by mu t ual consent, Ali deble 4 t e fiim will he iettled•hy 'DAVID W0(1001,17; cha will continue the balancer at the old rand um,i' 1 cltum'' ' s wia be paid by bine. , , I '', • 1 , 1 ' . ' DAVID WOODIUIFF , 1 ; • •• .- GARRET MIIPILLEN,. 'idgewater, Oct. i_ 24, 1050. -.- . ' 1 , =1 i ; BRIDGEWATER' CLUTHAI 131-1 3 Ul, .1' 1 U Mi. FREStf• ARM ring avid 'Summer 60_ 1 1) s CA YERES FOR _ •LOTH'Si f .COATS, VESTING, .TRIMMINGS; Ate, ! L. '-WM RIOH I ~, , MiERCHAN'I I T AILOR : No. 2. SteivarCs Sow Bridgewateil • ' I LARUE supply of Fiteadylalief Clothing I suitable for the season, beyf cOttsttily on band ;, also, la carefully : selected sten of Pi ca Owls, for Custom Winks.. All f inds' of the ga meats made , lin neatest, and zoolitisob st• ntial•reannei, and •gaamnteed (att. .[ - 410.:,CliAItGES MODERATE.IIar ar 20, ,18f4.1 iI f ' W 14214911,1 I -• 1 EXECUTORS I N9TICE., 7 , I : ETTERS tostanientniy. on \ lheesta o I 'of I John Leeper, latti lot I.llinoverlowniqdp , I .iicer co., decd., havlng been duly, grinted iO he Suiocriber all Ipertsons indebted to said cs ateare notified to, make, inunediiteipayptint, a. d those having clairni t b y•airtst the amp will Titestiot then) properly auth enticated. for 4ettle mnt without delay 11 , . ' ' . I A . i July 10. : . A.!'R. MILLER, E 'r. I. - . . I . ,jADMINISTRATOR'S; N0T1C.1.1 , ., . 1 , IILEREAS letters' testamentary on! the I Estate of WK. lAleintidel. deed' i late nag o Rochester boro, hearer county, .}.'n.l t i ,*1.1 . 8 '') en granted to the : r ettheloribir, residing :in the same. borongn,l all ' persona indebted.: to s i i lFstate are requente ito Make immediate pay cet anl thbsehaainttlaims l :l"plenla' P l 7 lititheliroeriylbnti6t t dfo7gttt7nt . ,4ARyiA i ixaNDEa. ; ix Jul* 10th, LULL !! 1 . 1' • ' i'. ' . ' I: : ' • ' ME ME MI El _ . .)1't•:-- _ 1 --- --' :;-;-:'---•'- •-- -. ~ • ..,..,,fl"., .Ip . i i -- . -- : 2,-- .: -- •, -- :: , •t, „. - .,4., -: W" - - . i 11 :1 . 4.-% :: '-. :, 'el ':: • ... 7..,% -t , ' , -k •-:.!-,` ' , ISMICII REM Enti ~ . ..,.., ;. • • „. '. 7 - 77 -- :Tr Y-.k..alß'S. - :',. - 1 .., • S 4r.. alvarl 3 , & i ,• ._...4` . 'FOR iingimit , n.... - ... 6 , t, i..*i.....„. a,......,, pi Serefrila tu te e Merilewas,euela as Tesseier _, Incurs, Alie_ree, ysviapal o we, Pimple*, Paattalee,l Slotelliaa, I Shills, Shaisaar oull *lf - 11littnADIlineuffets. , -.. . • '' Oittariialied., eh wltliat, latil. -- . J. C. Ito k . Cli."0041:- -- X lid It *7 flit* to auk. kuotrielpe What; - your Sampuilla Las deer, kw are. Ihning thilefeeM a SerelidleueiabetkM I be" suffered !hem It is urine =East*. liamethois Is tom* sat la,litrers oh -es • ',;_soid -arias; atiewslineitit , turned inward' d • nes at the skoneelt.. - VW. - " Years so It knit out cai my tread and entered my scalp led with o ems; which_ Ma painful andleathromi zei • Imosed .-- Itrisd MOAT sieditheer and sevand - PhYdelerol. but without =oh relief frost any thh3. In haat the disorder pow worm i -At Isegtlvl was ; tyala l- . i 1 to read la the thentklhossniter that you had prepared ao aliamthe Illansperille), to I.lthew feretyou• repute. 'tioit that any thing yoteintthe men be soot- . I seat to Clutianatt andgot it, andwieed,“ till it fund me: I Milt ik at you advise, in small doses 01 a tesarpooshd ever la mouth, end" itswit almost ,inns bottles. New and healthy - akin aeon egin , ha farm under the Ortia•wideb after a .4/Wale)! et.hly skin bisulfate., and i know ivy nip ': feelings that thelissese has pose from irpthmai Too pre weilleliere Out I feel what rent wing when 114 yolk thed I bold Ima In bean of ilia mottle* of age, and remain Mee gratelltilt.' ,'' ,Twars. .• - ~- , • I. 1 - :1 Aux= ii. TALLEY: - at. A sitkonyii.lrime_ l _llose of lexpeliehass.. 'Dotter and Dalt Itkiain, Scald II mid, -- ..,, aliaglearair, Bore Epiete Dropsy. I . ... . Dr. Rawl :If, P . w..Awle mites . howl Salsa, le. Y.,l2th bpi, 1999 , that OW has cured'; an Ineeterate. Mae - tif - Drgag, width itherMlZ k a; i i . i tthelnate 'fatally,. by the ,parseeedha, g mur e ed o fa:awl also • dangerous isigh i geeed jOyegodoi,by lane dam of the rims: Mrs . ;he eine them:mon Breptieu by it omniuttly.. - , ,: . di Illefaimill•silitt ' elt.re ear 'Smelled -Seethe Zeholon Sloan of prospect, Texas, 'writes : "Three hot, Yes of your Sarsaparilla cured to from I Goitrii.-a- W enn swelling on the •nedt, which. I had sifferedlrem . ever two year's." . ' , . . , LelarrinfaShier Milli saite a, Overbill' P ritinere UhalrhateillAlst o, lirmanito.litiaemato • Dilki•lici oeWing. of York aty, writes ; SI imon chierflally amply with the Mineei,oeyour Agent lo swine have. found. your, ferunparilisi amoid. excellent alterative hitt w ‘weioneta toinplalate for which.** m employ elt i , hot especially Itillmeds Diseases wit the Scrondous diatheim. Ithate - cured many terream. rte saint of hericotrbass by lt, and Moe where • the coo` phdat.,..was einied by eferratioind OW *nisi, The nlmw . Mem Itself was axe cured. 'Nothing within myiluicorl.. edgefeettalit it icr these female derangements." - . . I : • -Edward L Marrow, of heathery, Ala., writes,SA den - porous ista hewer on ooeettbe females la rny tinily. *bleb had ~deliod et lb. 'Media we could employ, bas. at length' hien Completely cored by your Detract of Sao, J saperilla.• Our physician thought nothinebut Ultima- . lion could of i t dre lief, but be adwited th e 'did et lone ' humparills ' ttie last =Ott -before caning; and it paved effeetual. ;After tat:lngmar elated, sigbd weeks so syniptoni of i tbil tlimasli 1 ? 1 _ , f 11 4 1 &`,• - - _,' °l I . Ilyplialllit dad Merioarlial Placauliew j . I New Oakum kith Augrud, Milt Ds. A. C. Am: Sir, I einerlialky comply with the rie Sind of Yourairatd. turd &meet to you some of the Mena • I have !realised with your thimparllla.. . . ;,- I I lore cured with It, In My praetim-mostrof.lbe tom ;Sahib; fur wb ell It Is ncommended, and bare LIM, its effect* truly wonderful In the - ence of Faunal aiel Ma , ~ ' awed Destare. Oise of my patients bad Syphilitic Om. In his throat, le i it were consuming hiti palate' and the up of. kis .ra di. Your. Samipsrilbs,, , atindll *thee, throat, oared him in weeks. loather me UM* by se*. ender, iytop In his noes, and the ulceration bad "eaten away a naiderablatert of it, so that I bilistethe hamlet mod so on reach his halo and kill him. But It yielded to administration of your Sarsaparilla: the ukenthealed,tuni be la well Apia, not of eournitrithout !'some disfiguradoirto his taco . ./tamtnem who bad' been immied for lin we disorder .14 mercury I=4ml:brim 'from this whin in her boniw. i Th ey bed become lo ear 'Wriest° the her that Os a damp day she infrared es. at:el .- ating 'ln ber joints and bones. She, too, wail eaft red anUrel by-your Sarsaparilla In a few weeks. I know from i formula, which youragent mee me, - that this PreparatAn from your laboratory must be a great .remedy; con wetly, these truly remarkable reedits -with it have no t stmaised $ll. - . ' ' 1 • i . 1 ~1 ic: .7 7cmip, , H 0 : Y. LARI34IIOI:D. Ithenmat sa y , Gout, Liver Complaint. II- 1 Imit ana, Pneton Co., Vs., tith - Jtily, Mi. ' Da.] J. C. A =fair, I have been afflicted with tuel - • I : iii chronic euthation, for a lung time, whil e . eau tb • - • * 4 4111 of PhYsi oti and 1t?,,% re Sans At On .... mi me remedies d tined, l a i tgeks, anstored my general ,„ ,bealtbc. s hat am ;fir , better than before.] was 1 em...e. I d\ nk Its' wonderful medicine. .1., ilt*AN. , eit , titi .1 John Y. ddle% of flt.'lmede, writes: "I. have.hown.. : aMkted for Years with &al affection of the iterr,,which • I annoyed my i l b tealth. I tried•Terfiliil4 and stery. thing felled to relie met and I hare been 'e I;rolcen-ttown man for Mum years from eo otbrecametban derangement of the Liar. My beloved pastor, the EST. Mr. Copy, withal I win to tryyour Sereeparithq because be'nthille knew you, and any thine you made was worth tryldg.. By the laser 1 Ink of Sod it Lien:red inej audios as purified my blood • , into make Omar man of ma-' I feel young moan; TM. best that eat be. Addlitysel is not balflood *Rough: ' . . . ... -- 1 delsirirno,Cathieer Tuniera, llinlargiiment; Vieeration, Cartel lend lliefolliati of .., the Aftwitithe ;.. .1 • .. , _ - great trattety of eases Daps be e n »parted - to a shen , , enit of than formidable omplahits twee resulted from t th 11" of dal remedy. bet our space here will notadoilt tai m.; .Some of them inay, he found in our Mneriena Al ae, which th e agents below named' are pleand -tee. - f hth grath to all who call for Maul. I •-- imp 1 • • apersia, Haire Disease , Pits, regilitipo, , 1 any a r Y an ' or l la a h lia le ak en e r ik etw a o l lthers ' N 7a u ffecti rali one ghl it . a• been li Mole by the 'iterative power of this isediditek It n. Wee , the vital functions intolvigorous action, and thus overcame. Omelets which would be supposed beydud ha r4rh. Such a remedy bas hag bees: required by the no realities of the people, and'we ars Onftdent that this will dd'eof them di that Midiqgle can liC4. , • • :' • - 4 yer's Cherry rectoral f , , , ~ i i. , ~ Yon Twlt Ili Pp) rt.Trok or . , - C o ughs , IColds, Inlinenze, Ilostraeness, II Croup, Bronchitis, -Incipient Can- ' ' - asimptien, and fer the Relief of Ciins nniptive Patients . 1! ~ In 'advanced Stages • 11 ' '.. ' •' of the Disease: , , •").:-Thh Is a remedy, mo .universally known to surpass - env , , other for 01114 cure of throat and lung complaints, that It : ls uncles ben to pbblish the oTtiol2oll of its virtues. Its .', rthrhelled excellence for troughs aid colds,wad Ito truly wenderenl -lure,- of pulmonary disease, bate made it 1 k flown' throughout the citilleed nations of the earth. Yr are the' communities; OT*Tell failliles, among them. 1 w o hate not 'some pereonalAexperlence of Its effects— '' soma living atrophy in their midst of its victory over tbs . ?' ~ subtle and dangerous di:Orders of the throat and , lungs. • As ell know' the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and ' I se they knees, to*. the .118th. of thla remedy, we need not x ! th. more thin to Minn them thatit has.now all the vie. . ~1 ' tea - that It did have when makin ' the min which hats ' , von s o-str on gly upon thecordide ce of mankind:;- - - • , hipared ' bp i Dr. J. C. ALTER CO., Lowellillass. 1 i , ° 1 . i .' ‘• j . 'II.IA.For Sale by' p. 113 h 3, jr., .Beurer; S Cross.Rocher a er; ,WaggOne & jLo wry, • I Free'. , din - n; 'J. jiiiihols,l Baden; , 1 J. • ew Sargent }. * Brighton,l John 'Mak, Darlington and' Fry I. 1 , r, . dealers everywhere. - 1 • 1 det3l 60. . i BEAVER COUNTY, - 88; ' • /a.i the l OrPhan'ir -cmgri -in ' and for the Count, of . Brover, ,before the Eon. Judges of said,. Court: — ,IN the i matter of the. petition nf-Pl. P. Hatt ford et,al, for citation to Sanil Young. Extien. tor , of• deceased, to settle [iliac: count. j ' .... 16,Jan,,citationissued. 1861, and sense of same accepted by the Attorney -for the Ex're. Itlarchl 11, 1881.'i r lAnswer of Executor'filed April 20, 1861, Replication by- Attorney far Petitioners. - 1 .' . , •' , And now to wit, June 6, 1861. um' t.. a. ; Court refer the case to B. B. Chant ;(:-..-, 'i.berlin, Esq., as en Auditor to take testimony and •report the facts, together with Litt opinion upon the same... .- • . Froni the Record. r , I Attest, A. Q. ,31cCREARY,.:Ork. NOTICE. . The tnidersigned Auditor will attend to the matter of the above appoint ment, at l , I office,cd*A.G..llTreary,:Clit. 0: C, in Beaver, Fridti*, i:Ang. 22d, 1861, at . 10 o'Cliek,..a. l x., at which time parties interested I will he beard. iB. 111: CHAMBERLIN, . _.. 11July-24th, 1861. • M A A NHOOD nOW, LOST,!.. ROW REST ORED. TUST PUBLISFID, IN A SEALED ENNTL e, OPE. , on tie nattire,,ilreatment, and radr cal cure of Spermatorrbase; or Seminal •Wealt= ness, Sexual Debility; , Nervousness and Invol untary emissions; inducing impotenCy, and Mentol and PysiCal Incapacity, - By ROBT. J.,;PiThiIERWELL, • -Author of the "Green Book," The world-renowned author; in this admira hle Lecture. Clearly proves from Ms own expe2l rience that the a w ful consequences' •of,Self 7 abuse may be . effe retuoved without vied... l tnine and without .dangeOns. surgical opera ions, bougies, instruments rings or cordials, peinting out a diode of cure at once certain , and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure bins. Self ohooPly, p74aiefi 'and r a dically. This lec ture will provelt' boon to thounaadk and thon. sands • •c? Sent under seal to any address, post ittid, 'nu trio receipt of two postage stamps, by ed 'dressing. Dr. CH. J. C KLINE, 127 Bowery N. P.O. box 4,586. ' irnr6,'6l. ffEMM ' ~1 • . . ~, ...- y ... 4 i,, ,, . , optk fliit NerVouslita.dadie.. i ~... • -e aiirkcil, - :-- .• " .„ , irt :....,... IL- ...,..... Hi - - By the - use of these Pills, the peri l ie attfrekw of Nervous or Sick -Headache may Omit.; ed;..ind it taken at , the coutirremeAsicntitf sn attack immediate relief from will he ol)tained. r .They seldom, fail, is removing, theAtittutra and Headache to which females are some fleet. T hey. eat goullr Uponhowels,treuto vi • '.- COstiveness. - ' - - Foe Literary ' llen; Students . eticate • re tnalea,;'Vod ail persons. of , sem:diary . *Mho, they are Talnable as • Laxative, :cif:roving the I - appetite, giving,tone. and vigor to the digestive ~ - ,orgens. n attd restoring- the ustarai eleatioityart.l r strength of the whole systein. The •C EP II A We, egla am:. the - .remade . Rie long investigation sod cariftdly cdidUchtt,l' et. . 1 perimitits: having been' is us. teeny yOrt..i during which time they hive. premotettromJ ' relieved a vast amount of rain end suffering from Headache. whether originatihg. lu,:the I , nmrizes syitem =front a detain* tsteiorthd l t stomach. , - ; i • - They are'estitaly.segitableiretheit atueto,e4 Ilion, and roam be taken at all tinier willr fect safety without making say chili* of d'itt, • ,1 .`• and the absence of any disagreeable; tastr na dere it easy to administer them felehildrin. • ; Beware of Counterfeits . - The gentile. hive Ere signatures of lien 1 C. Spalding on each Box. , ". 1 1 I ' • Sold by Druggists and all ether Dei Ms' ih - Medicines. ,• , . --. '- A Box will be sent by malt • prepaid en re. otipt of the • 4 I - • PRICE 25 CENTS 1. .1 1 All order. should be addesseit to lIIENItY C. PAILDIN • ,48 tEDAIt STREET. NEW 'VIAL 7 • _. I .*H ..1 11 , • . • . a p _ .1 'THEY GO RIGHT TO THE SOT; INSTANT T i RELIEF! • , . ' STOP YOUR COUGH! , PURIFY Y9lllt BREAT -,!' STRENGTITEI4 YOURVC4er 1 . 1 , 1 SP AL DI .I‘ l 7, - 1" SI l'' -' I._ : Timaa - r CON 2 rECTIOPT l' -- ' --ARE— s i I GOOD FOR CLERGY3I.E . , 1 - _7( GOOD FOR LEciruli:!;Ris',l . (..;60D FOR PUBIaciSI * A 7S EPS i GOOD FOR siiviEßs, I j! GcoD FOR CON SUMPTIyES t I -,- ' GENTLEMEN Ci I ERY I SPALDING'S THROAT -C ONFECTIONS Ladies are delighted wit) . l SPALDIN43'I I 3TFIECOAT Cr.rECl7Olll3. qhildren cry for . _ __ ISPALDINOT THROAT. CONIEOTIONII, - 4- - I r • They relteye a Cough tnitaatly., - They clear the Throat. 1 - 4 They give 'strength and 'velnme. tol'thC They impart a delicious - aroma te - . the lireistki. They aro delightful to the Anita. They are madci of. simplh • harm nay ono. . T - ' • I advise every one who hits aseiglto • ki 'Yoko or a gad Breath, Or any t -of* Throat, to get a - Package of ail' ;ciiefectiondi they will relieve *ocifTp• !and you will agree with - me that rth, right to the•apot." You will , find ,them useful and pleasant while ttayeling or-att 1 erg public meetings for stillingl' r ear , aor .ttllayiug your thirst. If you try oue age lam safe in saying that yen wilt, . . elf r afterwards consider them indispensahle. , , YO will find them at'the Druggist and Dealers n Medicines' [ ',./fasonsille, cons.. Tob.-1 - Mr. Spalding, • 1- - Sir: 1r I have tria your dephari,Pills, "end I like them so 'well that I want Yen to ; ; shad toe two dollars worth more. I Part of these are, for the wsighbore,to whotr I gave a fiw out of the first box I got, fron.. I • . I you:: - v• , Send the Pills my.mail, and Oblige, • , Your obedient Servanti,l . , James gennoy. • - , . . Bail/on:1, Pa , 'et Mr. _ , • • • Sir: I wish you to setutme onoluoto bpz of . ysui *- Ceplielic Pills,' . I hare, receivedA r viat benefit froin theta. L •••• ' Tours, respectfully. 1, • • • Miry An StoPehonee.- :„ 1- 1 1 '- -.i • Spruce 'C'reck, Huniington I Co ,Pcs. January 18 a, 1861. C.,Spalding, - Sir You will please send me twe • boles of yOi Cephalic Pills. Send them immediately. .Respectfnlly yOula, .• Jobis 114 Simons. P. E.—l hare need r oue Boi , of youri and find them excellent. 1 . ' .` Vernon,Belle Ohio, hie. 15 , 'l5l. C.:EPALDING, Esq. Please find Inclosed twentyAr4 sent*,Tv- Thichgl me anotheibei of :loot Pill.. hey are truly the 1 , hist 'Pills t!e hl ever tried: . Direct! 1 1 A. Stover,l • belle Ternoir„iltyendot Co., fiED.,A single bottle of 'EP G STRr PARED GLUE will ears ten co annually. 1. • ; - . auditor SPA LIYING'S PREPARE 1 , SPA.LDING'S. PRE PA SPALI&G'S PREPARE SAVE TUB-zrzeze.: , I-I);SPATCI; ~..,_ .., NITA Stich in 11u AS4iec Nine.iptie - . • ; PRICE TWENTY...POE c 11111,; . , 7 My eignatute Is on. each' liiLcize - ...il etti re are ceunterfeited, ' - - 1 - ' l ' ' • A Paokage rill be eent by :nail roceipt of Ttairty cents. • Addremil . -. Fl. C. SPALJ , . :g o. 48 Cidar-.Siieet, ECONOMY - II =I [PIM ME El2l ffi;ecrlty GLUE G,LUE LTI . rzzi I . o . ll' reit; = ME