II yit - 111 1 - 01.7 f lt . lima --4--- 7 -----_, ICOrvewFt l 1 i Edit : T33wL rufhi ' einnote x - T ye_ I P ?est ' -p i eTti D t N ISI. AON-raw S. gl 1 --! 1 I Associate ' e. 4 r ,iSCOTT, . JclllN Rope 1! iv ANEW DUE*, New right° L i f Assemb ~ 4.M- HENIII 7I Fatlttud. 1.,.. .1. - '1 i utstrtct A t t orney. AMIN B. 17,0UNG, lidebester, I Treasure . e i I G. 0. GRADBHAw, F,ttistoo, ' 1 'Coknmiisi6er• . I.ANIEr4 B. ;SHORT, 1 31non,' • • Cou nty ' 4NO:STE*4EIT, Noct i o. House- 'Director: - IIENRY GyELIRING, NewStwieltly. rusees o, 1E t Academy tq' D 3ietsEilielßeaTPl. ' 4'051 7 ,1214 R IFILSON,. Beaver, • t Elf .1 te-The`i of sene• i f t of the editor will I ved t,li account 'for I the ac of e. itorial hi this week's i4sue. I , . , r)Ve 1 cel l- 1 , 1 ite; hav H e ree August INo. of kithiir!,s Ho e- llfy)azine. It !is prifit.ed in, Phitadqlphialby T. S. Arthui-& _Co. at the very, low price -of $2..09 re r. [ ' , Ri.. 1 1 annunt. iatierscin -• lamed. . . - T h e Balt i more very generally attributet he cleat of the Union ftirees to the inactivity of Gen. • ratterson,who, is itisaidovas a dozen times officially tele4raphee. to engage den. Johnston at any odds on Stinday. . 7 tary Para . e. 1 . On &lin ay the-Otizenlsoldierjr of Beaver and vicinity; had a;etteral pa rade in 't.lii place.; The , aekintosh Artillery M I WaynGuards,7ho hail) received their grts,l madeja very fine j , display. naptain Speyere 's company of'llome . Guards, the_Jac -son Greys and the yAlsworth cageta from Bridge w - ater and - Rochestr'also participated in the : parade. The procerdings were conducted with the pro greatest harmony and the -soldiers -evinced eat fi - Clepey in their drill and eVolutions.. ow the Seceseio*ste Lie. .i 11 w systematically and shamefully! ) 1 1 , .1 the: eessionists 11e,As , shown - V theitl suet` i Xi e ssiVe reports of the battle ißull's Run } 'l On the evening of the battle). , Flesh when they felt that; they had bar& 1 ".The Liie of the . r 'le:s.h is 71 the Blood, ' lye caned defeat, and *ere unaware` . was said by inspiration longl before 1 0 0 e panic and fright of a, large port Harvey'siscover.4 of itl circulation , tion ; of the "Union - Army, they' tele- . t ' ; had tiring t to light its;purpOSes and I gra het to Richmond, • The losses o 1 I ° 1 - 1 r "KA sides are friglitfn ." Next da -"ii . " we know not onl - that , 1 - , uses ' , c''. t r t i they, reported by teleg ph to Mem "lifeqs'in the blood," hn 'that diseaselphi4 4their - own loss was 3,000.` They inhabits it also. Many :'of the disor- I.nnxt reduced! it to 2,000. . Their last . ders that Pervade ( ' the human frame, lii-1411 has reached its reducxkit again hate -thei h ome r hlin' 1 ,it I thrive and 1 t 0,250 killed and 1,000 wounded, and " V grow in i. The I,(.,..clei_vrtted Dr. j..c.'l" nol they telegraph -that, "the loss of the Federal forcea is 15,000 killed,l Ay er ,:pfl_;, o weii r , a s - had regard 'to ~i.-0 that :the number of thewounded . thisleaportant fast in ru l aking a Rein' , arid prisoners tak.en. is . unknown."-L i 1 •;edv'tcl - cu,4-e these I r disorders. His EX- NOW there were less than 4,00 of the Federal forces killed and _ivqunrded to tract of f:iarsaparilla purges out the . 1 f tad (*ether, according to the / he - St accounts s impurities of the blobd a induces• a i that can be proc b Laval—the 116sses 6f `' healthy action in it thlt expels dis- 111,116. v if not most of the regiments he . eithe. , l' This looks reasonable,., and it i iiig:a"ecurately known ; and they prOh ii trii, for we know by four own .. ex- .ablynever said, 15;000 of our ,men := • 1 1 erience.l Seldom.as we take any tr%ed-1:riotl more than 25,01)0 being ~v er engn ed. with them. of: tvhom more than nine,: we have nevertheless several 1' LOOO ' of theuillavte returned to Watih; time Sheen under obligations to the . ', B ' 1 . A iv 11 ' ' ' ington. tart tey o e to make no skill ofDr. Ayer i i his remiilies ne II when are'obl to thi.m--[Cath, rieuliural iroti. 1- Ag ce: • 1r I T o e Board of Manag-ers of the -- 1 --- Beauer County Agricultural Society-, are hereby iegti?,sted to 'meet .at the Sheriff's office,on Monday. the 12th of August nex. 4 at l 2 o'clock, P. M. It is r 1 .. • yerYi desiraLle fiat there should be a i ii 1 1 full 'Board present at this meeting, as the .Managers .will then e filially deter -min Whether to, hold la Fair 'this-fall - 0 • or not. 1 The 31anagers are requested to ebinmuii c4tc freely] with the peo ple of the corny upon thhi,subject to the lend that t e best I interest of the Society 'in prom 'cited. ' ‘ 1 - I _.. .G. 31.'Ci4kay, Cor. Sec. I(Stai nd imesslease copy.) a l . -.lm. he people of Georgia were re-': quired to vote r im thel2d inst, on the . ratifie tion of the Clonfederate Con stifuti n, and the result shows a cold iodine ence ti;:o - that_ form of C t overn went that Ithey "" are said to be entliusii• astica y supporting that we were t ere i p epaTed ,it -, o see s The Savannah Senti el sa l ys! , , .-. -Th returns of tie election of the ...d in relation to4he ratification of the new -ontitmioU, show a very meagr vote, and' tha; the pedple cared almoit. nothing aboui, the matter.: ' , ' In ±BaMbrilgeno (election was held . . .`and the tunt,er Rerinbliean and Cart -Ville Express' makes ' no mention of any: election in Sumter and Cass eotipti4,' So far as heird from . the rote stanfla fOr ratification 1654; against 9t#—nia' ff jority 7-11). 1 . ' l In some entire; counties, not ipo not e s we're-.cast. I •f 1 f 4. t ' I • ,_„_ n w• p , h as not eve los—HurY 'shot- as i s geuer zy suppo sed. NV r e Ot could not be !..rue- Re 00 4, tlutig hawser hlna" _ 1,1 in to be ; r Letter: from Wadiffigton.l - I ' -, r -We e,' beewhilidedi by &friend, f , i a private , letter from one.. of , the "Cur , tin MI 'of Coll N.Tedincnit's 'Oth ,Pennsy nia lilegirrient„ij doted the 4 25th .7 then in' Withington ity. , r They oral in fine health good elpir , its, and are eager to take a trip out in to the c o untry in . :the direction of Ma r 1, , . nassas unction., ? W e are compelled, 'for want : of room,to publish' but a . ',short-extract . - ,- After deecribing 4 : , the , trip to l•altimnre,' anti •itheii infirch through -r he streets of that eity, with loaded gips and bayonets fixed,eir ' journey l ito the Capitol, i and ,the e ig hts in and ' and the city,: it says: ) We a to-day (Thursday) eneaniped in ;Cape I Square, in front of the Cap itol bu ing, which is full, of shade trees. e may remain here for some time y'et--:I know not how .long. Piree iy• across the stree t from us, in:the of Capitol building, i hre about ie ninety 1 cession prisoners,' captured at the,! te battle.' It istvery difficult to: keep the Fire Zouave from attack in r thy t. l. ' ' • ; tt 11 .Almo 't every hdur we'hear of a new lot of'! risoners arriving. What will be done with them I cannot say. i IThej Fire Zouaves are ponstantly 1 1 coming in with , horseS Whiphlthey captur at 'lionesses, mostly belong ing to t e Black Horse Cavalry, which youdoubtless hive heard "so much aboitt,l as Gov.-lises !me , and - the pride'and flower , f the- s nth. llt is i said flint when our men wer e'retreating the B ack Horse CaValri; numbering 500 7 e Orged-ou them, :when tbe Fire, i Zona l eowheeled and cut them to pie ces, 1 Ying only six out of Idle number. This as the coinpOny:'which Was go ing td ieket their horses in the yard at the resident's house., It isle i 1 . d that at every Ch ge the Zeit aveB ide, they would cr eAtß,emeni her El worth.' ' t• :', , I 1 ,, ' The loss df the Federal ,tßttopS is not so heavy as first reported; as they are ' still O riving. The battle was clearly . : our l - un til a wagon 'connected with .1 iiiii Sher n's Battery started to the rear, fors munition- 7 41)er having run out —and driving ,at a rapid ra e, • our men , tpok for a retreat, and allstarted after it. I The news _here waslnot near so . bad as we heard before leaving ' orris-4 burg. , The Zouaves and others with whom I have beentalking to-day, are all an x ious to 'fight amain, dTlaring they vill - give no quarters t e next time. I think the nest battle; will'be: altogether different—victOry !will be ours-Las it is so considered her e at the' e. , preselut time. : I A. t i , mi . . i :v..t._ ~ Pti usher NE23I 18411, = ~ ~ _ ~..f:: for the relief which Icr fail to afford us icred tol 'have recouse ~ S. . MI 1 - ----- estimate of our *minded. Part ,of i4themthey killed on. the, , spot, while twist of the residite were brought' a way by our, nien. : 1 , i How GENER.A,L SCOTT RECEIVED THE No_ ,Ewg.—!‘This is no defeat = no.defeat. Vlio odds are against;us. temporarily, 1 Ithi-ough inaccuracy tof details ; but iNatitissas, and' Virginia, and the tin nare ours." Such is said to be tho uage of the veteran soldier, - after 'gathering all particulars.. Such, too, is 'the language of . every officer, *Sol rdier, and citizen in the cailiital. Gen. Scott is closeted with the the officers oihis army, and orclqrs aro expected !tkk, be issued, and are'hoitrly looked `--for by our citizens ho are ready to ii i take their ,places in e rinks of the N i nny, and, move on with t. II Rebel Atrocities. The report thalthejebels shelled and burned Sudley ChurCh, wtich v 6.4 us ed as a hospital by our Itroops, and l - f.novi , to be used, iu confilned.' One of the ollieeers in command of the Rebels that came up the road on Which of the weaned lay , -for whom t`tiere Ivan., no room in the hospital, IWas heard to say, "Bayeniet every son pf a-----that wears a red shirt."- 1, This inhuman order. watt obeyed, al ,hougini many ai s poor fellow, 'summon !ing all ; his strength, begged for life. , ' Gen.. Fremont at-St. Louis,' etchi 1 .- • • I Sr. Leirts,.lnly 25 1861-lfaj?r-Gen. I Treiriont arrived here this morning and ! took up hie quarters at the residence Of the late Col.? Brant. . r t,- AccenntS'frOrn Keokuk , 'TOWS, say that several hundts Se6essionbits had ' taken pOssessinn of Mernphis, 86:idiad ',county, Mo., en Saturday last,' and , were intrenehlog , them Selves, on 24.• i prehension ~of an attack from,' abont 1,000 ITuien men,, encamped near by.l ,;, • One thousand Stand! of arms have been distribated along the - Southern border of i loWa by Gen: Rirkriood:•4- t Much, excitement eaisted on the bor der of k both Stiste€4 ;'' ' ; - •r- r 1 :•The Beamioniata . ara disarming 'We Union inert iiiNprtivealitslidiasonriif .1 - , , : • . ~ .. 1 • ;' ;.. Lefter fro vcin 7./ WisontaTor, Co ,11 ty iteg;' . l P. V. I , i :=, only /5itk.1861- EDITOR 411 , 037 . ' , 4 ,.. ;.' LI! Being so d e iihtfally 1 situated this morning! in he Paik !iiimthig -the Capitol, benc tit' i l i tte — a - doling, bale" trees, brings eto think !of daya gone byL r Being . t ' us Situated I will at. tempt tol gi 'you; it brief sketch 'bfi our traviasi co wn,eftPatopYirright. About, an 41 hour [afteii ,- oretere were i i given to .le' camp,. all, were ill adi- i ness id*ove, bat'were detained some- ' some time ,on no nnt4 tit having ' .a to convey us to Pittehprg.: i , , Bat. nwe were .seated i the 4ars of Ithe , Rentea. 3:, Cen t ral . :on o r way i to; climb rland, Md. The soineishat; hungry! et` on! neconnt 1 of fatignel we. wereseated I comfortably ketotcnt . one minds n thel [ scenery, by the . v - 0,. ; we did in t stop until vr, e name - el Lf.oakportl, where! some refrethatecii Are bad. 1 timing on we : topped a , the Village f 80-, lond, Where we wait) treated ewise,; we ke'p't -the Centtal road- . 0 wo l , came to Hitgtingdon, Where liv ' tooW, .. the Billed op . "Beid. I Even inutive, net knOwn4 , one cionldl,bavet to 4 that'i 1 we were ou different road ort account . ' of its ' rough ess; ft was a o an; gerous iiassi g over the extend d terni portal; brid es. IPassing from hill to / another, ot *alleys, I,' we I reached . ItopeWell, , fordteili.,about.7:lo'clock. ' itt - the iirtornng Where we were detain«, r"ill ) evientnff wheni we ' were orf: dared march e ve 'tides south-mut we eneam t, Wherel ed for; the; night on ',l 1 - the farm of a. .f.Hart,at the foot of r, some mountains, ' where; the deer an -C wild-eat dwelt in safeti.l In thmorn- -'' 3 ing our former ordersr Were, nnter mended to eavel 4 for Washin ton, D. ti C. In a short time stakes were, draw B all we reacty to take' it, e bac r in track; co coming !down! Muddy creek p litgainlwe me tio Hopleivell; i and 'we i 'Boo on th road. IPashing along the i le 'll Jo iata. land Blue mountains, ; be a fait' r their, evenness, was plet i f t. l :in ' the ye, and - all we dreaded w 3 i1i0..4e brid es. iNfeeling of u'easin , i `came over us as, We looked beeath t 'thefrailmaterial and structure, it b hey s L s tre . tpd e Ltt e ne s tith n 2t t heir heavy a ' Hnnting= don' whe the tOod,pe6ple l had peo visions in abun dance prepar ed ; all Ift there mu refreshed; and with a high opinion o the People - c Of Huntingdon, Mayi,all such people Prosper under the banner ol freedom; andthe genial o heaven ,T ' est upon their heads. , e 11, . 1 wa , and 1; Again ,, Were on' the ere 1 long arrived at Harrisburg, where We were ordered to ,Camp. Curtin, where we remained l inntiO next I evening.-- There w i f) al great deal of confusion l o in Harris urg_On Sabbath; ven ini on atoe i nnt o returning , soldiers under the three me Ws requisition. At bearing the favorable news in the night, all the bells in t e city commenced their flng- . ing, l whi h scented O little 'doleful on r ; awaken' gfroya sleep, bui- fi wherri . the cause w ascertained, adi crept eel ingl pe aded.l i But in the mort ing whenth news came of the ,Unionists -t and losS,loountenatices - Were ret r eat Chan ,_,,,} 1 , r , g . _. pi , i 1 . i Toting the; cars -on the nt Northern, Ceral ad,' reached Baltimore onl Tuesdny morning, i where we encamp= ed lin amp; Wolf (where there,' are Oita twelve thousand others) one day aw nix t. - ( -,, '' I ' I Balti (ore is', in , reona let cot t I f . , p tro o the U ionists. The Ain;rican flag waves itredoininant throughout; - the city, and can be ;seen _front thel top of Wa, hington inonumen .. Leaving Beltim re, we reached ,t is city on y, Tfinrsd morning, I wher we have been a 'siting orders sinee, f Ourcompany (Darlingidic and ;New Galilee are all well, and Ido not ltnoW of i onerick tintit .in our Regiment; all are in_ ood . Spirits. IWe, expect to o frbm h re in la short time to Arling ton II ghtsl `No correct news can be gather - 41 &dui the affair at Manassas Juneti n, even by those who !have been 't ere. I have' spoken to several in reg a rd to it, and ' all i have different stories. ..,, II I . The are confined here now as poris oners, ear One hundred rebels. It, is snppo d taut therej , are now in and aroun Washington, six y -thdusand sOldie s, 'an I 'are lartiving, l'h ere iiintin nally. .i I j 1 . i ~' Fro present-1 appearances hero I l i e think, ere leng, there will be a Severe eonfli t at or, near Manassas JunctiOn, whit is 1 about twenty-five If miles diets t. , 1 , ,I - 1 , As the Itoment is being called to gethe , I will have to stop abruptly. ..s'ieu ehaste. 1 T. H. II 1 1 . 1 ,', , -• l' ' 1 Be it mink July 97 ~ , ren Dix ad dress d the *Otters Of the Xational Guar this morning; appealing `I to' them for the ske of their country's. interest, thich deinands every. saert.. 1 fice at thi dm ,to remain a few days )longer atl theft-eamp, until ,;his , Jar; i ,rang mentsl bad been perfected. any, of the menhad urgent businesa, or 'domestic balls which I Would requir balls. their inainediat personal attention, h would freely rant them- passes ,t Philadelphia, but he would request th regiluentr remain until Wednesday: next, Bch it! they 'certainly would allowed t 1 return hOule: After the' General had closed hitt appeal, l' Lyle put4the question—those in Co i th stfirmatit:l to present arms and thos in the `negative toorder arms.l Bier arm..,Wa; preseeted' and at, the i :. stance o 'the General three! rousing l cheers ee given for he Guards. I {or e ! 1 ' 6- I ,r, ~,,, . A : : oNimig.D ot, THERNpI.--7.11:10 , Northampton (Mass) Courier says I that a gtileman arrived in that tomtit i last Wee f rom Columbus City, (Miss) Wi.io beVe, ecli until Ibe reached tbe loyal Stites that Con tress was in, ees sio at i hicago: Th belief that it is 'doing! sines there; and ill* all the ardnv , 4: the Governtnent'EarelieJa remove Ithe i re,', is -universal at the South.:lie i vas greatly astonished to letii t rft at lonkress was quietly in - 'on Little 61d - stand" inlraiihink,'- ar ~J L toi c ; 7 !ENE =MS i43ii • •Ii 0 tiio:Bliiiieat 2 I ; . ~., . 4 , .. t icli t:I Era.mritues : / to 1 1 1 1 , iwAsiiiiercl''''.l,o 27, 'it . l il I l'. • . 14 , :. . , .. i II 1 Vlo . no do . . i , t i , t , t l le ,ficar otie it' ' ii.of-Bett i er etp. fool deeply h i itillia e ,at, th defeat I 'elf our bra t .4 . ' i I. I . .. ' ' a ', i ' itrut n Sun Aut. iiieing an cafe ,to the ght, i I I i ft : hought,l . feiv 1 . , . t. - filef! 0 1 71314 tiiiisi eirizapi ,ig4t, je be O me - int st - toypjur rpt44r,ii 4 4 Si4ki4 to iive you 'IL CO C n ed ' .. i . i , ,brit outline "the: battle. - I i , 2dll •ed -°' lti, i. ' AAt , 7 V Olp , 11, ay eyeru , g en eevillet a ',eras)). willizge i ait,Uat d _ , ler 1 f dt3r. • • . . , ~ 2 91 .;Ti s from` iifif gtoti 4 s inii ~, la Jn ) au 8 'from iinll's,ru , and found our army i' • C 11 1 en • m e withm Is ;radius of 2 •,:nales , of t a village, Our array, Milder the command of Sri. ,It'Doviell, 'eon'anste i 8 of ut sixty' reggae:His; but ip, fact , 1 onumb ring 4ti ;45,,000 men. i . I. i,ilict, ;: l o'clo: ' Sunday morning the arin • even ova.:; The leftibeii g iegan : 1' . v i m , 4 : ... co sed of eighteen or en y re f.l ' , gi en s, moved do, nI a. road 5 miles to the left nt -fi e ; , Manassas I road;' 1 wli Leib() center co ma Marched down inl 1 IdirectiOn of; enassaSlAtnefion, tow i the point where -the bale wp f 'ught'on the;Thursday befo, .4---; Th !gilt belugj : nderi,the command I T Eds of ' n. M'Dowell,' Inskete the 'right,' 1 I, 3ontroville an crossed Bull's run l , i es, :to the if htotthe 34.0 nassas ~, The reser , el, I Wes I .plaied , at ill l e ',43 , , ville under corninand, of Col; ii 'of the Iregular array.i 1 I , II u'l's run l's•• a mall' stream, aut hsize of Brad 's ruin , but Saving if,' e ,banks.ll . Th center or 3 / a pses re dlleads down, e I elevated vii ge of gr und, overgrow with a lov4, ' thick gr t a h, of chap ret, rns is a r sh . tthe gro d beyond 11's ran betwee the; i .31:an road a di' where th' • fright. lki crossed the un, fa diuta , of 4 i ll, mil , and where the main ba tle;was Epia t. , ii,l I, - .I.;. thent's batter,'" icipined the fire in 'entre line about 7 o'clock A. 31., nut L he enemy did not return thelfire.: 1 t eight elelocli the action waS 1 C01131 , -, enced one the:rightr wing by I.ter,- an's battery, blit the two armies did, n t Come into close quarters ,. : till near ..,.) ten O'clock,! whet tbelfiriniof musket re,,, eho , 1; 1 cyer roar t e aahr n ne , ed fi fightl I , n he e d e ti, 6a ,B,ti the . fi t I, ittear fierce of; the it i ai m beney e d i e t e i o i f mt . 4e; contest- terrible. ..- 'a ts were inces 't; and deafning.j , I , I I T'herebels ha ‘'dug rifle, pits, from over four to, five feet i ;; : all the hat; file ;ground, and b Aitken the.earth 'away, so, that ile ' ! "was no evidences Of their wherea its;' and r in leach pit t io they ,had ;plat 4 0 two 1)4 131140tPr8, and ' - 'on 'as skirmishers went forward It' 4 4 ore the field the Sharp al:looters, i t ip&l , UP/ and Picked I i 'ear to o; ,' ~, .• :s •., Felled! to n 0 refitiii 0. 0 (*limn, upen their : e l m ~ s ke: batte t r i :.,., lv , ithout i i‘ lial l e:Wiii l , ', their whereat): , 1 4ill the )r ' dlKiridl fi Trees W,e felled ever where 1;44,1 bli es, the bett to 'conceal Jtheir c , at.-11 t ies. 1 ; I •;,,;-' • ' I :l i; he rebels entrenched behind hreast;' ; w rks and bitieries fought with I „ilei ci ed advantar O , er our rave 401 di rtii who forfought without; any pro-I teetion. ; ; , :, ° ; ;• 11 • ! T - 'or seven liOuri our men; stood be-1 ni fo .; c a continuous blaze of artillery, and' displayed: a lieroiiiii, not surpassed i 1 , the recc.rds ofihikory. ,1 ; I I I :I They rushed uppii the batteries, and; dsledged the enemy, and drove him, for a mile walla half, wheni;it ~strongl, r`k`iinthrecinetitl; Witti` sent' ward y the rebel's, at ' 'the game tire.a large, b i b o d n Y g ° o f u I . : a lvi n l e i 17 : O tntk l#. 'd e e ih f a g u r sl t i !6 :;d 8 e t,i h .O 4 o j i S r: ' , i being unable ;to tO resist the ,force E of .e3h fortes, fell back. gerg Miles, Who had commihrilof the reserve force never came forwaid to render any its-, sistance,t and r,epoKsayshe was drunk.' gThe sOldierii geiCrally r;thine'd lib ood order.; The teamstor Whorl' had• driven too near 'tls : ;lbattleeldibeeanto alarmed., and beg , to whip and clr?vel, /1 furiously ;and oon _.; commenced of out; p visions; mniiiti4Us f war, 4c. Whiel added to the panic, , but there *ii4 at to time any the ' among the soldiers. . ; ll'1 I' I I 1 , The loss on ' o side is not- , near so 1 . great as rep ited,9three hundred 4c, H ied and eigh hundred, 'WOuncled and 1 ; •- ; ~, probably t* or time huh red pnson if ers will coy toil loss o men. '' . e lost oesidee welpieces'of artill ry, :twenty five 'w s----on ',, thou i lid' 'small arms, 'nil tl4 munitions of war, and '..provisi ris : tlirown out, by I;the , teamsters: i , l l . ' , , '.. - .11 -• I Tll9 ;mois t dreg of o it defeat. is r . bad. • The nteiii Was, ans:' 4 important, i co I one, and, ha it been lost: to the l'eli els, would h Ve ruined their 'cans .. ' These ' en, :and,;: presseswhich 'raised 'pi; cilisb clamor I, abbut elay and inactiN i 'ty . - 1 6 f the,: adinistration, have agreat sin• to answer 'kir. ' am flay Of tbe opinion if Gen. Scott had l w l l been left to 'take', "-hie own time end way there imbl, have I been', 'n ' 44. treat cif our. army thousandso 'val uable lives end ~z4illions4 'PI of treasury would haVelbeeil 'fiavedjto 1 6 un' try. ;..; ; ' ;7, Vows Truth-, 1 ' , .7einn - W:ITAX.Lio* ; I •-; ; • - reimsr Atoll's= - . tr ataeri- lirCienan. ' 1 11 1 1 . Peit.,An • nu; July , • I,B6l.—Gen IVelellan arrived here a,t 12} l o'cloo this a ft ernoon." lisi w ' escorted thrde the eireete is `lk baron el drawn by gray 1 hor s es !rile . 1 regiments ' paraded 1 0, an Roars noOthiin hie hon or The carriage in lillith ho o rode was! loaded doitn with ma led. 4eutipietel, . Tlit ,eitt,',entl , i hni.ialiin. Pri , II gni• From 10itein e‘ ClucistrAno on:[ en_erac Co occuioied Charleston ., the , Kanawha ,TestAtirdit„y,lharebels rotreatipg, burn. mghe bridges., 4;retial 'pai l eemerlyas abandontid and burnt,l It is supposvd that the, I rebehi will tie... Met l by , Awe!. crane' cOlumn; sent ou* some d:Ily! , ago to tritree.yot their reiritt...l , ' • I 'I _ • ' I '~:t~✓:z = W4. I I I 2LNEWIL ,1 • • • ! • • .1• - ••• P - . 1 , -• .... , ethe 'Tit it s ' th is nitora ttig g4ilakila 14 ftigmentutY' *eat Tigorlinlith '. the Department itt.Wifili nagtkpl, ithd the new regiments which nieliyit.h. t he Offeriugl' their' iiert4- Ce,4 to th• oyernineiit are rapidly ac eetiteld'.4 • - '1 firm • determination . ..is : i. shown e, - _ .dithe • - army•of*ompi.: - ,tent ColOn: .; • and an . X.xamtng Beard, iti•,•t&ln i quf Onto the, qualifications of isificiers. 1 1 ,, i Pail who ~, are: onfid Want i. ng*ill - he , •• slaccdhy better nieri..4-• 1 1 The'strit. • era•froinsthe • L v - a;ions 'rep mental eie coming bac k 1 a n d e ffor t s JiA r- xiiillprt , to learni with, l itectiracy w o are' I kiled,! ! wounded 'or missing. l , 1§ ,ph 114 is , -•- we have been j able ' to I compilel , f oin i . the most trostwOrthi morning ' s'; entirces" a , r . .,liven , I.n this Morning IP.Ver•• '• • 1 -- • •: :I . • II ,' ' • ! 'l • i- • : • . I "A The en - ii y'rs :pickets lure, inpposd j 1-tO be' wi f iin! four ''l'miles 'Pf.F4irfikk . Court notoe..lThe rumor that:the I. Rebels wee retiring • itripe*rs' to have 1 • • heen,pnt f Ali without:AdeOnto , &aril datidn. 1 1!. • • • • .••. .•!! -: I .• I . I.r ", ••i'` . • 7 1 1 , 1 ~ I • Eaoll` II W I dispatch, from the seatof 1 wir brings intelligence of atrocities committed, by thej rebels , :; :a t rocitie s' •• which would shame an, army of; Ova . b uilding,; . Thy ' shelled, and ••? burned, ,a ' building / iseti •us a. hospital for our 1 • troops ; • they , murdered the wounded 1 by the ' owisideii „ theT.•s)anghtered ' the prise di they ay no i ersth e y ad taps gard tn(a; flag of trice; in ' I 'lie, the e is' no aCt"Of meatiness ;and rtieltY which theYf donot seem to take , H e w lig .w h ol i g it i Co e m m m e i n tti f n r i o 1.,. . n.- ^go n• i. ! v. ho went , in . search , cf•the••• body of • I ' ,• . 1 4l 1 ' Wash .1 Col. Cornered', of the l'Othl l Regiment ) and• Who , Were expectek to return• beenit onl Tuesday nig ht, haVe mot heurd from, and . it, s,feared, that ithey were !captured: ' ' 'l. ;•- ;-• •• ;•. ' . ' • 1 •••• 1 •• ~ I ' . 1: , • .. % From !the! Western 'Artily we i learn that Cols Siegel and. Soldrifen•ii f o re prganizi g. tn their. Iregiment4 for, three, , i beares rt3ce, their entiro•forpoinu-, erias•overlB',ooo men f 1 Pen .•31.ceni... Idth 'll3 13' Hi' at . C u t u p W4ker,',Arkan sas, wit 6900 Well-armed tr oo ps. Gorr la kf3on • islnear . there With,•lo,- 009 poo r ly armed and imperfectly dis-, 1 eiplined men: .l' '• L. I; ''. i I . .. ~ . I , 1.. .-. I . .- 1 i , .. ~.;.. 1 Dolotb lds!s, the! Ifathirdl of' peaureJ 1 iiirditci advance on the road to *asti: ingina fter his• scouts had ' ascertain ; _, ed tbat onr arms had retreated, feat: ing the road atiewiti with articles of which he is ingreat want, is connect , .' .ed with spine'blOw ' - .li•teditatocl.,at. our •, forces in i s ome quarton.-4-•perhips to , , `ward Harper ' s Ferry more Probably( in Western. Virginia ' It is . probable 'that this is the cause of the movement !of !baggage-Wagons to • !ifanit!sa!,l I whiCh , Was: reported by ucimtsjas indr.l 'eating • islprobable evacuation .of tha lotion. , old. We - trust i l ho is notinn , ,watc• el'• ••• 1. • •"• •I • hd. •• •.., • , • • I 1,, , •• . •• ~, • t i . ,• ...I i :, • . • • •. .! • ~ . , ... •• • , I:Alfrafrilveir Ujnioro cheerful•aispee to-day . 1- / yresh,troops,ae Continuall:sl, arriviuth.and'appear. to be of.: the del sirat.3lo4•lchara9ter. Baggage! ' , wagon s 1 and'ecim . nissa,fwt sapplies seem to bci. I as plentiful ;.a iheretoftre,- . 'ilnd, altOt. gethell there is a gathe ring itP of ' the 44 .„- •3 , - , •,,, ann . ,- fragment i s , ,ll ' ',l •.!• • • • ' An. order - has I been 1 issued 1 by' Oen:, • , ' • ' ' •' order-has .dated t ' - Mansfield,;date • noon 1 o-dfiy as fol.. • , •• • •..'1• , ' ' lows:, •,- • ' 1 ' • i, • •• • : i , ,Alf 'straggling ZOldiers •• willjoin their l'respected I•:reginiental , witho u t delay1" 1 : 1 - !, •1 . •-•• 1 1 ' •• •I •,„ • , . 41 - 71.71 - efet,;:followa. the , designations'f rendezvous' for '2Q of the regi'ments'..bY lunn el , • SoidierS • attached to .regi men :8 in camp, or quartered On the Virgins side•and net cridiraced" in • the 'forego ing list, will ••rendeztons at ..Tackspii Square, opposite the President'sHM.4 All stragglers found'iii,the'Streets s x hours after the'ronolgatiOn • of tl is order will . be 'deemed - .guilty of di-o bedience of orders, and will be tak , n care•OC: 'The Wisdpin id this' order, is universally conifn,elidSd- 1 - '' •• 1 1 ' •• • j l• - ••• • ! c I ' •!i •••- ' • • •.1 Senator' Lat h am, iiy - earnest sdliCi tation;lhiis obtained' to-day j an: order ffrontie' ar e a f nt. tO. raise' a Ifull re g iment of infantry and 500 Cat , lalry. t , rep-years itolunfeers,. inv. Cali: fOrnifi,:tO protect the I,9verhind • Mail, !treasure, and emigragen from ,Caron' Valley,to Fort.liearln . i.' l , • 1•••••• - • 1 EarlY this: morning, .the: pip, et Cliard.lof the New-Yjork 24th, at F al ls hurch, 22 in ' number, With a P": taro, Werelatineked by abont4Q.,Se es -1 Ocixi cavalry, land driv en !in.: .'IIE4 a dozen Shots were exchanged. . jig . °one . r4vasLinjured on our •aide. e 1 '... ili4i• Secession pickets are !.w it in • te.thilea. of is• on the • Cola ' bilk rixiid. - ! ! .', • I IT Cqt.' Corenran; is a prisencr at • an , . rlgsasiSunetion, slightly Wanndod. Information reaelied . Washin4ton ti.iia'radial* . that 'the • ( I .lonfederate pickets exte nd -ta u where Tyler .1for•-•• ittei•lY - . encabried—lin . the neighhor hOod of Falltli Chitral. : 1- •• • _;•.:I ', . .r...linni P serious lapPrehengiona •is still' felt: r r the, lion • Alfred '' ' Ely w.o,,went the scene. of war a spctator, ,13. d. to 'IVO of jus e to the --•• ' Ir ( 4 y - 1:-.- .. . 1 micided i the regiment of his New.', irk) Qp giessionA District. e is' iiiiosed to be either killed or - taken r.soner. , i . The N Ircille now .. do at' re is, detenti een N' bailie al Mx. 'Moses H. G , a 3e. , Cameron gr i i plaeesupen him r fusing regiments ,e, bate iprett7' k owing,lhat Set. a teepted regitneu flared by 'Gen. Sc J , 'pillar iteratmpl " ~don't want' 'a. lon't ;want any I plan of amipaign , liilry, Sir." - ' . ..-It - V fresident ando r ' yshould know , tb , a It .... fell control' of all the war . and also organiied `the:: ; cob:mins, ap pointed the officers, and selected the ~.1 ime, and poiots:lloV,littack: 4,131211's xin:—Tri4mrie, 2 c itii.• ' .. I. - - ..1 vol 84 pr 0 I L ;._ 12222651 iiiii ,:i.:p•=:•i3ivuthern.Br,tatility , • 1 , 1 We. have hasitated te publish,litys t .._ . . lii.,OittSturit- 14sPa't.ch l becar,se -Wsis• ould.ne bring ,ourselves toTh i l redif, the .rt .._*eports. Af . the ;brutality. :ofthe I t ebetilt 'Bnlrelliiin, tesitirds.pri:sOi: rs and wounded ' men of 'our • \TINS. r 1 . • i * • i • ..,- `hist••all-Oareorrespondent*froni - a4ll Ingten concur e in, statementsof such atrocities as only harbarona brutal 41fv.1!ge.3. puld seem. -,to i .be capable of. We, refer .to the two .following- ei 7 Itra' ets: .1 •.. : !•:- •••-• 1.. • ..° ~ - . '• • , [, . "Their treatmen tiffrour • wounded 1 ri . ' F t, ' . 3 - tilud plisoneri, :Stamps :them as' desti-' tate tit all.the :attributes :of humanity=. Ilt: r a e r il e teldthat during the fight ; they' - , . . , e i AmeriCan flags to deceive Mar Men, and •whea small'sqliads that had get Separated from their regiments up=:' p °ached these flags, .they werefired. - xi n and slaughtered. 1.:: ; .. • 1 The'•febels also fired *Pen the wound ., standing them up for.targets, _and . 1 .:firingen at them. ' 9no of 'the C0n.,„11 neetieutmen law this ,'done. 'A initn;l, bet of the •SecondNeW York SaM, dial' #ebel;4" SharP-shoOterti fire upon and )•, two Vivandieres Who J . vrere giving ' •Wine and :water to the wounded.-•' They also shot .at `ambulances bring, [, ' 1 lei off the wounded attat•-k ed flags Of truce sent out to succor . .he suffering; -••••40— --- ......L. . ' fired pOint blank at the buildings used - ' :'' ' •- -•• t. • es hospitals, and it. IS Sant , by. some, •'• •.• -•-• - ; • ' , •' • lhat,they ' fired the buildings. 'Cap ; ',..-. ; 'Si. I.oi:is.. July 9 3, 1841. , thin. ll.ageity3 of• the Si•ity-Nriiith.Re::l' cinr•ii 7field • ( 1 1 . v Corr; 4 . 1) r ' ''' 1 . ' a4l - I,it' i lt;its - kilked in acthai•ge.- . Wlien-j'4% ' :c' 11 l o l ifoir • ot,;;n o cie j riliite . of t i l d li e . l !"vi ( hl 1 iShody was found, ;his. throqt- ices 'f W . ' • '• • ''' , rats ; ;wr :At; 0 OIVE4 I Ent -Treat ear ioloar and'. his .ears. Lan e. - eels. Rigel and. : Selonten . : • arl: k• . '' l ..,_, s , t l .. • - • • :.-, . rse•Were - cut off. •.: -; .• 1 ~ .. - . • .. .1 :cm ..., 1 ,, • 4 any of 1 Je ..wouno 0 were found.; Tears ,service; reeeiving many reeiltit s l f litladishgur d.. . The[ faCesOf our dead , Troia this 'vicinity; The ~,,;f:;,t., limes n the ' skir ish on:Tlitirsilay, Were ' now here is.over k.0%)4, nettrly• all ,11 . , ono ;11'rrib y mauled With :the - . butt whoM Will re-enlist l'e,ititrecyearl, -, ; nds,of iniisl.ets,And,l - their"-bodisx.fill- ~. (3,cti, 'Ssyeeney. With aforcel if 1,200 - ~ djwith ItroundS; oVidently , . inflicted • al. I men. "StartS .to-da• - ! •• air F , Jrsytlij:' toll • ,erithey'llittll Adieu' on 'the field....- -Peer the .Whitelliver in Taney Co untv.r •Ti era, threw ' down hiS . 41 . 1m ; 5. and sur:I'AverrAh:coti:likei::::::o.d()a::".":;11.el::::1;171s-4::!:.:--1:. aptain Dot net', Oribe,••Fire ZouaVes, n Sunday b ing'oreitioWered by unlit- t nnind 101 t ( *anlp Sili,% - il 1, :utiles - in'atli- , i• 'indereo". •.'f'We tahe.lllo''prisoneis-1 Can't) Little York, 1t mill•s.out (Hi thu, !,___.-n: ye.' \Vas the reply, alidlte was !.31t.- yerlloll road. ' -.. !- . .s a t i ' r t k e e t ra . e u e l- l iyi n e h b x a i r l ° lit ti e ll e ii i t t i o e c r e e s P d i i • 4 , f e . ii: e i 6 :: t b n . 67 h il l i y i e l i .: e Such t , h so li l. : 1 . 1 . nia ( B d ) e i p h : ) ,l 6 /e: rs x t f e offensive c w- u e i e to k ij 0 1 : I : c e s l n t : i n t i-s a t .. ‘ , ..: 1. . 1 4 [ 1tii i :: . dierS atlthe Viands of wet-se than sate- 1 Walker Ark.: with -15,011,1 . We11-ari . :ol . ages. 'lt is yrrible tO•Conteinplate the'. trobp,s.,, Gov. Jackson is .. , 611 . 10 1)+: 1 sLi• terrible retrthatiOn Which. Will ,eventu_lls mileli this Side, with l?•9 9, l l ,3it'plrf s .• ally be*lnietedout by our troops'to th e l - nritedhind undisciplined limn: i. I fee; Ihitt, if they prOVnke. it. by 'such. • kort ' , -ivine;inen front, .thirrolf..ln.i acts of 'they • cannot .justly 31aCon, Countie•=' Arl.. ail•iv,.,i'l fk• Complain...l I' l .'" . -- . . - • ..' • . .oli TlitisdAy last. anti enlisti-If);.:1,t; - i.._ . A correspondent of the Ness' ,Yol 4 i YV .:1 "" ''' , -- i Tfit: ll. , mie 41111.41 s 11 , -,.... lisfo rt ilera/d; Says :... - .. i . l • :, -:- . - i • 1 .. • J - I relieved,from •iciiv ,, ii , 11-•• r- .1.-; . 11 1 l' -••• c barbarities I practiced. by the .1.. r••- . i earvesting uleirrerops. , T,. iii the battle of ißull's Ittta - tire..l . m ae i, 1 : - • r 1:C, t ' 1 • 10 , . 1 ' t 9 .11 1) . 11 . L . , .11,0 .., at st se 1 Unparatelled. ' Anlnstanets is 'related 'd• i ‘ •‘` • s with•l tili7 I I ICti :::.::, trt •,q,s ; s k i rt,. l *here a private of the .FirSt Conn `.ti ; ~ b r ie c S cut it,eir,i.riaent found a ' wounded rib- I-;-•.1„:.i, 4. _. , . e.2 •'''''' : • '• tl Y''''' ,'''' 1). el lying in 'Sun,. and :lifted ';hint s uplan -- d!' • . -- . .. ---------.......--._ 1 - carried him to alLSliticle, . - -here i iie L . '• L - - ••• . 3 gentlylaid 'jam • and • - ge ve 11 i nil i t i ; M . eetans of , L - tf.l Mipsouri. - „ • drink froni his catifeJn. ReVived :bO ,• ' : . . t con7 - ..entiqn. - - the drink ; ihe ingiiite drev/ibis .1 . 6t.0fj .:t \• ' , , ' '.‘ land shot his 'benefactor thi6ngli . the"{ If • }- . F "" s° " • ( l_was Cal.h. ? , - 1 I TY . , '"''''. heart. - •Another . instance is' related I Sta`e Cetweittio• oft troop of rebel CaValry 'deliberate- . '- nt elvenl'H'eloil' this .plOl.l I ly.firing Upon .a, nUmber i•sf woandeil' thc '' - 'l ll- ' 6ll gl ( ' 3l..led • i''''-');;V -men,'Whe •pl had been 'aced together in ' hers only - atisweicd to tidier the shadt4iy their'.cenirades. and la _ .. I.,'itty liping reqe,r;cl 'to r,i: i n o ng wh k,, 11 .„..,,,, t i ~,, , be t 0i . 1 i c ,; . ( •, r, - Avtio ruin; the hody-uajoarned 'vs,. had receiVed the- Sadie kind:attention • : tive , ocloclk., • On , re-assembli' It is said kif.Virgininsisiwho haVe come i)" .members..answurcli on from the ibattla fielifthat these fiends :,t'itil• Gen- W. iis° ll lit - :•'''idi"g• • linhtimanishape have taken the . havo- ' 4r. lireekini idge g.ive in I - nets:and knives of, - °Or 'Wounded !rind '. he WOUI;I 'lll(rt'i!..t.) ally_`lll t . lli dying. soldiers 'and -flirust then . 1 j i lt') that,the Members sit , Ml(l Ili ,their hearts' and.le' t. them 'stickino• - • (;,ii, to 51'`.: 11 ( ... "el* thillY t} tl L " .• , • Atie .C.Onvention adjourne , l 1 1 there;. and that soM ofthe (1111S11111 . 11 t . . n ~ . L . ..• .. • . • ZoutivieS•have severed the Itead of our "t..os t0c.1 . , to mot 1o •A 11101 Img dead from their . 11sodie; and ;amused 3 - i themselves by •kieking them - about as' 'lncl i: n ion feel i»g hue i ` .Clll ii*i , Iritie. and )1 . 0/"IV . helmqvg. . . footballs.l 'Such IharbaritieS are worth . V'ef a Christian : Asia. They are I a . a ..1 • All•the trtiops except II t! , ,V•,,:•,:1(1 , lidsq are withdriiwit frlini the • coltital: !a. sample lot. the-'beasted -ellivah•Y; of i (Jo! .. 11(er"'leill's- r . eginle lll T . ..r i t . • 1 0' 1 : 3 ' '; these.w.oi•swthan fiend.- -' .. • for St. Louis this istornin. , hy • iati -1 ,' ."A•Zoiitive who was taken prisoner;: r"',; (1 ,- -; - l ien ••. with -Six. Others, iirid who Subsequently - ~..f ue• roues. el' al - "P• 11 •'- ' ; , ' /II .11.--- effected an L . escape,) arrived .here- to- 'I; 111 ,i. "liet wilh'-'"t :i . ''Y l ' i- "' r ": :-'l' .:1- . .: .., • night with a . broken. handcuff on hot 1 tat.,... 1 c.., .. • , . 1 :'' ••, , 'l' - 1 . wrist. Ile reports that' the. 7 1. , sa ja ve . 4 . l i , .t- nor to the eveisio• •ses , son ."I t ;L. • i were treated with'lndianbarbarity bY• Convention. a magnititint •' - r-nt , .Ltitg.. I - the rebela,..many. being pinioned to Ivtt'' Presented ' b ' , ‘''; tk .-- - -d i ti ' 4 l''" ):l trees. and :tormented .! witli; ba3-Onets home guards to the State conveistiost thrust at them. ': • i .• • __l i,nd it now - lotus over tilt capi 01.- - . f‘etiptaini Downey of the Zointves, Thorn 3 • , 't• tin - General :1, I rice. of J. : oil 1 1... iiresentation • speech., itin . q . - 1 " .1 5e was ..woanded on the. field; and his the hotly,afterWarda , Was found'-literally ;Breckenridge, of St. toitisfyr ,1 ,,, r , ii .ent tei piece's. It .vas, cut .into . -fimir i Both- addre;:ses were thriiliiigir. , i jl°- . quarters:" .;I', 1 - • - . •• Icinentiand were' loudly. eh , e'rek bv tits . • .. • . . vast crowd present: 1. I r ' 1 W ASHINGTON, T . ) ,: y ~x: U i nj : ' Bid - 1 ' ,' I ' weltactinn•-bemrnander of the Alichi c, ganTirst,•in anofficial report-of the . . engagement, on Sunday; says the loss was, heavy, oedurrtld inostly in' fron. of the. enemy's batteries. ;. T.holo.sa of cif;. ficers'was large ,propOrtinnallytO the Men: - . 1%70 troopS could have maintain ed their formation any lengilt.of.Aline Under such le time. They were hurri-.. ed into action after it march of ttivelve ,miles over att•exteedinh;ly dusty road. , and no time for'- and refreshments; . but the - fatigued _ri.en,' evinced a corm-- -age, coolness - and 'endurance that en ti tled t4m to the highest praise., , \,. C . 01. Richardapiits, report' gives great credit to the Michigan Ist and 2d for' covering the retreat.. - ; . .• ' "•.' 1." • The Michigan list Went into thefield with Una 25 , officers;and lose 9 Of ficers . and ;•.I.9Bl.rrien, , besides a great' number missing. 1, ',: ~ - '•:- - ' : _.,•• FORTRESS Kr -- ans July 25. Lieut. , CrosbY,yester ay, took charge of an expedition `to Back river, consisting of throe hundred' men and seven pic ces, upon the propellor Fanny and six launches belonging to ships of war in tho'harbor and to the Naval brigade. Back river is Properly an arm 'ot: the sea, a6out mid'way-betwoon Old Point and York river. The expedition was entirely snecessful. Limit: Crosby burnea'nine stoOps and schooners be lenging to the 'rebels, and brought away :ope valtablo prize; schooner la den with bacOni corn and furniture, the loin articles . , belonging to parties aboutito take refuge up the liappaban nock river. bPrOf. La llountaine - will, this eve jug Make ariascent -from Hampton to Kinnoitre the positions of the rebels. :he I 1 • Wi:el2. !e. Jeifilf Davites . ..,Aoconnt , of the -_?Bettie . at Manassas. MANASSiS Iristnox, Sunday ,bi g 4 t , s; , -.Tbiirnight . hits closed upon a hard fought . Our forces were vict6i.i. • ous. The cileiny was routcd, and fl' af protipitately, abandoning ft mount-lof ammunition, sacksand haggage. The ground wra strewn qr miles with those killed. ap4' ihe 'farm houses and grounds aroutpt tilled with the , wounded......Tbe pursiiit was continued along goveraf routest Q l wards Leesburg and =Centerville until: darkness covered the fligitiveS. t. ,NVe have - captured several field bite:: teries, armll tind one tufted Stteli flitg. Many pyisoners takeU. Too high praDie csnul t be beSt4ol, whether for the skill f the prineh ail officers or, for the, giTilla ry sof troops. The bat tle was inainly fvugh l :C . on our left. Our force was 15.100 ; that of the enemy is estimated at t;5.0U0.- JEFF. Another aeeount that the !ei - - tire'Coneederatel force was aboin. 440 1 1000, and the entire form' of the r. " near 8,000. T.J. M. Brusli has heivrarreted Manassas asil Rpy, Wit 11 Ve.etail pa; . 1 on his b4d v. I. Affairs Louis Loutsvit.a.E, Jaly • Tompkins. fOrmerly a. cleri.i tio Board of aildermen, a vig l i ilant secess ionist and a recruiting oificorl far. Southern Confederifcs, was 't.nt. this afternoon by henry tt;recii, a rity watchman. 1' Tompkins was hallcqna tor yr!' .',Davis, and was requestecll t de.sist by Greeki,When ho drew a kniir 1 4 green but was.retreatink when Gr i en got The. Coroner's yerdietonst ren Tioi dered, says that Green Isliot thout sufficient eausel I TAnpkins was endemOrin!' chntraband_articles sonthwat, touisville and li h illej rat I Iln?, the past Week; and (main cause of the, recent turhances at, the depot' pi Cnitsiders, who were not the Coroner, saYe ed a 'pistol at Green ter shot hi m. Reported Battle' at BALTIMORE; Jill): 23 baring beeorn,e,eurren ogeurrednt Harper 's' was sent to the. Xgen ted Press there,' maki, the Matter. , The following was saver, wer, but contained r is, therefore not entir 'iYps, we hav : e liad but wo sneeessfullv routed the rebelsT We have bedu us la Ding: more . tibo.nt 'the it, wa‘z. a. 72-(lrry MEM •ot I ER3 I Ili': zitrnr %IA Il.h• n• 11 I, it MIMI l t , (1110- •t, It ME t'i 1'441 BM ME lie ill% t4 : . .t;ce'e6; , il ; , l - • t bv. the Orort - ii e e tw e G\/ 41 itroad ,— I ttlihnnets' itt.• Illi d i l tit ens I ot9 'tote CIE ZEM , s. 1 3 ', h ht b.3u ;rll,3'ittirif:l.bu'd:krlyssPso.ll:enti:3:" • - >.lln• , 017 liAit. .3.J F ^l 4tf~ Ea. It is th°'t MUNI ;• 1