U MI , ito" -tri ..,lantit isirmsi , ; 1.. -1. 1 - ' LtiVIS:n.I.Ln,!,B7.„ July 17. ;1• , • .l ~ 1 bet e ws a. threatening_ : nist e ur..• ce s t, 04 FAuisville - and Nashville [road DfiOft, last night, , inlconse nee' of a secession !trunk filled h Ilard4o3 Tactics . ) The distnr et. Was pielled by tbe presence of led raent.*ho volunteered to assist, , ingtout the, ordersiof Surrevor I ;aril , 1 .., :tom i 1 ' :apt. • rtnbur shoT. Capt..' C. 1,. 1 onipson!af. Camp . Joseph Holt,. on Indianaliside er . lhe Ohio river, 9 a fi er 4Gqll. TEL: 1 wound was ; t i t. t heT' were, eaCh, Captains•of anies Resseim's Kentuck 2P 'di d'ffi r from! isde, at the ieu ty arose ' rsie :of r Frabur's 'Men going to icalpsodellcompany.l •Frabur was i Tes ted and taken to / the; Indiana taitentiary at Jeffersonville: The Tort6nouth, 'Va., corre4on o,ce of- the Richraond Examiner g yi the first rifled cannon was turned r r at the :Cry-Yard .yesterday; and , a few. days they will tte able to' sup iv long range cannon to the Southern. ' o nfeclerattait,fast as wanted. Ji. The GalveSton Civilian say* that the • l oc kade tfl , that pori was, rendered o mplete th . 2d of July by the arrival r• the United States' steamer South : a rolina Captain Alden. She had r aptured t . liS sloops Dart, Shark, Fal -02. and tNO others...: • Ex.Coniressman Jewitt di i ed at :Ethel issille on t i ke 14th. 1 • _ ...k b peei4 i lldispatch to the N. q. Pie a qu aes fri, i Yairfax,i Says that by m i,take. t'lie Fourth of;July, the ontli"Cailtilina and Virginia sletaeh meats had a reneonter,killing two and wountlinc! , one ..‘ irginian... - 1 1 she .:itiOsta (4:q Constitutional :A of thepth, noticing the visit from x.liovertier 31kwehead, slays .:Mr. Youreheitl states that an overwhelm .ug majoil ar ty off.the 'people of Ken tucky are / at het in favor of uniting their defttny with the .Copfederate States, iteit that local influence, liielded ltd the enemy, and a deficien ' ei. of arfis place Ker,theky under 'ten.- l oraty 4:,traint: 1 • . The lionk•dibe • volunteers . for the Confrderite neriiv - •• Who had left, for Camp Bone, net r' the northern Ike .:1 Teanc:.4ee. ate returning daily in w asideral.ile numbers, disupgointed with tildorl:' its3i '.,riled • them, and ~. disgumed im itS - their tare, ! ‘ ,l larg4 -portion 'of them sub- tley don't wain to hear anything 'mole :bout Jetf. .Davis trid the Southern Confedenity. and Rich IYroun.9 ' ; tain: • . , • . '.--- • i- -- 1 J We 11:4; before us a letter says the Wiwi:tin4/rite/lige:leer, frutu one of a 1 usine,s_i t rin in rltiS city, written at . Bercrly on tt e 16th. .The I writer has . hvenfoll.iwing the troops.' 2tud men- i `lions sev.iral items O,fplirti?ular inter.i eit in this . l6eality: • Ile was -aft Rich !, Mountairi after the -battlti, and saw - i 'he Wounde:d and !suffering soldiers 'left thtitel by the re.bels. - :d lie says:— 'lt was sickeningi?ight :ito see - the turgeensi 'ainputattrrg the limbs off •he watinded. The. N- took , off 'the legs of i.44.-O soldiersiwhite;il was there. ' , niC'wo-e shotin-the legs, some in :he thigb,i in the. back, and 'some aril's NFere broken and shattered by grape hot. Orie l ',man, wllo hitld ju-t bad. I ..is'righti arm: cut e l ff- r eai .: the shout ,,ivr. seemed to he in - )3.... , 4reatesi, ago ;.r. I sate , the pri'r-• , : _ . r.-i. at ileyerly iteg'raffS 1 men.'; r;_•• . ^;' , .' ses; : en. bun .dtett iii - f i npuhe.r. l' •.•- i.)..), , t .cit' them were 8»e looking, .4 :._ ~:Ii- Col. Beat- IT took i iitli 11 d'etati:;:w.:lii. - ants arrest ledlxl:s.- Men lust Light.: Among the 1 - A111111s: pturei.l l'foln:. Le rebelS ii the mini nF 6,17.,001) in thone:.. One vrtilleriiiiiin had !Se:yen iilrots ,in him 1. .114),re liei left his inn I e . finally 10 riot' n , rolled towards' a stable, and . tever g6t , lip agait . A ' ong the piis rners iAl ii a company of $ nth Branch Bitterne. .l•roin. Ha f rdy c. nty, __ HEAVES, 6WCSTT, 148: In 'the •I{OrpAan's' h 4 urt Count, of- Bearr, be juclqo' of said • 'out?. ; IN !hematter of the petitio f(rd et el, for citation, to Sam *tr of Calsin„ deceased k , eunt.4- hit. 18, 1861; eltaion nice 24epted by tbelAttorne 31arcbl 11;1861 /natter April 29, 1861, Replication! o I etition re.) • - I ~....._, And now to wit, J 1.: s. Abort referthe ens . ,-.-, ' Berlin, Esqi; as an r lestiratirstid report the fit kil spi t ion upon the name. .1 ' I From the Sow; 4 Attest, A. G. McC NOTCE '=- ,The Atidersigne attendltto fthe matted of the meat at thS office of A. G. Moi in Beeper, Friday - ,T . Ang. ' 0 . 0004 A. I X., Sit. X blela'tirois I'll hOeird. B. B. CT _ ii Jtilys246 l . 1861.- I r . • r • - IA s - irrOVS • 'TICE. i L tt. ' ' ' ... 'Orphan's. nun . an for the ' in a . Coirit ' f l if of 13ea‘er. • Ofoie the lint. %la 2 4 of and Court.] -.. I li ithe thatter. , g the account. (partiii- -to cop t)-of Johc. horniley and is!. Dnn,e n, Adm'ks of the estat e of Thai. Thormley, de cd, Id atth IS, 1861 j The 'account p resented . for confirmation,, said daY.lexceptiono to said acciunt filed. 1 I 'i 'I _ u •-.-4 4 l'A.nldrE7tro.il of th B. wit Jane: c .T a ttLe rt r ri tl e fi sq 6l .: ._ ,'•-.4' i attorney: far the; Administrators, the 1 I Purge point Wes. 18. Bo y lan; Esq.. an Au dito r Ito I the balance of account amongst thecreditors and Make wort. ' , From the ':Record. -1 1 - Attest, A. G. No 010.3111", cyk. Bill 1 ---, - ; . 4 I ill attend to the duties of the above ap.; fltett at the office of, 11. B. Chamberlin, t 9.e bkrorgh o f i , l ea Ihightino,. on Satutday,,, Viot 241 h. 1561. at 2 :O'clock, p. m., when idi all portions Inte,Fitted may . attend} ' I Pay 4. Wk. P . - MpRLAN, Auditor. .; —ll—„_ , • . - _ .1. - gilraar 11acainse-0. , • AlikE ts dm ptionisee it( the subscriher. on, the 19th of Jane, in . orth fieltiy tp,l (I ra 11 „ Y horse, abet 15 yes; fold; Kin in ono!' ' 1 ; 7 e IZ ;dark brown solar, arid a white! stripe' '. . ' l , . ,ha • The •• olrnet. is -requested 16 1 ' ' 4 1t " F". iOlcerte, islalasrgaitaid tahai . Y. 571 1 41') • NO. nimnsorr. -*I 1.. , Rep *ll :County—Cau, niii l *4411054 "I 1 -, 1 . i At .. -- e . viteeti l it o f li no r ' • 1 Centiel ,Ctlaittne;litldiik-thie;. rith _- House an ver, - ort:pie • : 2Bih- -- V ult.; the einqter 4 the - -Ssigititigu,l o M. S. conate,,L.ne ProtilenOtni l 7.7 - hiving been bri•u $ bit. • Sefgri; t \ be, ,Ouilltiativel the fatuivmg..OUL-#4O _Ol l ered tolbb issued: , 1 4he Aepiibllcati Voters i of - Beaver Cnuirty; San reipeisted folnieet at their stiverai if 1 mpel o44diith• elec tions, on ,#t tliell.7th la.irof August,. On[tbe,fownshipi meetings, at 4 Pi M., ti4.l' 4 clising the ,polls at 7 P. M.; and -in I,tbe boroughs between 7 "ti nd 9 o'elbel P. IL,) and choose dole gates' County s l e • to a Cony ntion, to be i held at tile Conte Houk', in "leaver, 1 on MoNn+i, August 19th, at 11 - o'clock lA. 3L. for - ibepurpose of nomitiatinfi, a 1 Candida ; for Prot • honotary. • The_ I townehi and boroughs will be etiti tled tot ',etsame number of delegates they severidlyted 'in the May Con , • vention, as follows : l 1 - . 4 Industry , 3 Boroughs 2 d d Bridgewater I n ppen ence 2 i Big. lieaver 4 Marion 2 • Brightari r _ S .Moon - 3 I ChippoWni 3 Neiv Brig t hton 4 Darlington. # New Sewickly, 4 EconomY I. 4. Noith Sewiekly S ' Fallstc•ni 3 . Ohio '' 4 Franklin ; 2Patterson • 2 Freedonl bore 2, Phillipsburgh 2 _FreedoM diet . 2 Pulaski , 2 Greene!. '1 4 llocliester boro 4 Fraukfo , , 4, Roehestcr tp 2 .geGrui• i . 3 Fia'ccoon; , 4 Itopelk.' 11 1 1 4 South Beaver . 4 , the f' liou•lbg resolution was p assed unani6lusly : , . 1 . _ Resolved, ...hut we recommend that Ithe Primary lillt , etions be, conducted 1 in all die- bni'iii i ,t4lis and ditstriets by I ballot. • : By 'order. 1 ` ''.., D. 3IINIS„ m Jr., ! CLi iii inc.n of Itep. -(.:entral 1 60. , Mr. 41)tios—Pleue an:marine tint riltn* of . 4r • 4.41C1TA 4 4 ISSAY i ,O 4 of Denver, AS. II candidate for. Prothonotary; subject Ast the dectsioli - bt the Counfr,Courintion, to,be held en 4.9 19th Of Jogai& and oblige . Y , . .DIANT VOIERS. f N'cvtiee. f d a osed or my euttrentir e oo! Of I .qt+ils to my' other,: and being desirous of closing all amounts, those knowing then selves ioelited please' call'and Inane im mediate. itett'em-lut. 161. S. 11AltC,L (Stir copy.) I A E . , CI;RAT El & PITTB, R. R. 1 I ! , ....__,,-. • .. 1 . 13R1AVER ISTATION.—Oomo EAsT. ' Colori:!enervig I ifon f day: . Jane Ig, 11E61. 9 i '7% il his leaor.heti yet- St talon asp follows: ~ 8.n5 A. M.. .Atrives at FittO:ig 9,35 A. M. '.22 P.ll. 1 " . ; •• 3:401'. M. .` . k Go,nsa.XxsEr. ;7:'30 A. 'M Alrrive 51 Itelliiir. 10.10 AM. 5,26 Pill ' ..:,, WellsrilloN 6.25 PM. '-' I : 'JJ N. MetULLOUGIIO6Preet. F. ;R. ,MIEL b. ; Lien I.• Ticket At 'f. • 1 PI TVS. F I.' . W. it 0 . it . R t ...., .c et-- . 1 : - . • ' - ripc II STATIOIII.--Goncci Ear , 1: I Leave Ro c hester . Arr. at Pitts . , , Exiiress, 1`.1..42 e. sc. 2 .00 A. M. Accoiew.lutton 7.15 i 1 12.20 r.' as. j 215 P. )4 . flail,;.' , ! . 2.05 :•• - ) ilill- .. riot - Line, i 734 - 8 1 t 40 . " I. 1! GOING WEST. 1 i I". I.ctive l'itte'g. Arr at Itethester. FaytLLine, 1.00 it. ix. 2.11 1. X. Mail,; 1 8.15 l , 9 ; 43 " .` - Accemmod'n, 9.35 '' • 1/.15 44 Express, , 12.45 pi to. , :1.05 r. it. Areenimod'ci, 350 " 6,0 .. — 4 • NEAT , DR . ••_,•••, U G STO. RE I , N REAIER. TA IL, : MINIS, has just:opened out i the store-' IJ'' roam formerly oceupied by R. l'lcCreery; on Thild street;_ threeldoors ahoy Barclays steep, rl'lnt . extensive assortment of Drugs, Paints oil4l, ,TDestuCs ' Il &o . &e. e w Ald say . to 1 PHYSICICCIS ' , • ' hat: having lance - 4* ugaged in' theprescription businiis for stmetittle past, bele enabled to th i e most 'complete. and , varied Stock of me dininal preperstions evir brought into the cone-. ty-.111- blob he will sell at the lowest Cash prices,. thiit the same * elan of goods can i be'honght for inTittsburgh or elsewhere. Notbihg but per feitly ;pure and fresh Driigic will. be kept iri the estatilisbmelt. ; By anArrangement wit h•Cart w,:ight and Toting. any desires Stirgltal ln- I an-meats can be farraletied at then; own lilines. I Tie' atts.n i t tiou of She _• 1 ' ; ' LAME% . I is' call ed ts; i the fme assortment of fancy esti eles,iPerfemery, - Pine: Soaps, Br , sites, Toilet Artieles, Lc., /sc. While to the , - .f - 1 ' "-• 11 GENERAL . PUBLI C ere le offered i good varity e ofj'aints; Oils, 4ttilfs, Carhon Oil 'Lamps, • Patent Medi .cines.: choice Tobacco and Cigars, lAcc, &c, Sei..Ererything will be kept usually found in *ell appointed Drug Stores,and will be sold ail Cheaply' as they can be bad anywhere: in 1 Western Ptinnsylvatti I. . - 19.,'60• [Sept._ , andAr the ,ore the Ron. or D. tong. &en t6 settle hie n ed and sense. of for the. Eters. f Executoefiled by Attorney for .ne 6, 1861. the • to B. B."Chitio- Auditor to stake le, together with 'DEN GOODS 9 NO.OI WOOD•STREET, - I , ••1 , _ , ,: i i • • , eiTTS'iItIRG, PA. HAVE. again the plchesilte of announcing to their friends. And the trade generally, that their-stock will be modetip by the 10th instant, and Will be offered vet 7 lo* te ap proved pseties. An ::examination is solicited, .':, March . 6, 1861. ' ' - 1 ' HE DISSOLLITION. , /pia Partnership heretofore existing tinder .A the firm of Woonsurr h. 51oQuitteri. is this 'day dissolved bY mutual coneent, all debts If l i t)* firm will be settled by DAVID WOODRUFF.. r : g he' will intritinue the bniences at! the old 'stand' Ind all didn't' will be paid by him.. . I . DAVID VIOODRUFP ' • :GARRET 11:QUILLEN. , , IM F R Bridgeirater, Oct 24, 6 _ao. 1 ' F. - A. ' Ft SALE. , i ... • '-, ,',----, 1 . Yl - 111E suhairiber offers far Sale, a farm in A,' Li rence County, Pa,. adjoining ^lints 4 . 4 Wm. avidson. and P: It. . Friend ik Co.. 1 .(v5 4 1.1 4 Furnace ;) situated '` / mile 'from , ,eaver Creek, I mile Troni a Grist mill, iniile 'font three Saw mills, Smiles from Flew Castle,l sontaining 158 acres, about' 70 of which are eleared and under fence,. and ;on which is ai; , - aomfortable i.frame house; 16 by 25 feet..onel story high, and alio fifty bearing apple trees.' end twenty peach trees, all of the best quality. Said. Farm ; has about thiry.ilve acres: of a three feet coal vein: and also al five and a six feet vein. Abundance of limestone anti timber. I and is well ,watered with good Springs, midi, also good external Oil inaieatirins, and is situ-! .tad within It milei of as Oil well. . , ,i, :iperPersone witching to pottbuse will do" well to cell and eitataine for themselves. For! reference call On Vila. Kei3nedi t tlew Drighton, or the subscriber in Chippewa Tp Title was-',.. issted. ' - -' - /013EVI lISITTALIC , IRY, Auditor will t s above appoint.. ' reary, CIL 0. C. lid,' 1861, at - 7 - 1!T arties iaterente4-1 1 11111111ILIN,,: 1 inditor. ! i WttisoN cum a co, OLISALE DEALERS iN • l ' -Sigial[ii - LEH :. V Ql,, 4 4. ... ;1 • 0 , - • ' . 1 Irmiablished 1 .:-. ' 1 1 , Twenty-five years sr. Kr. 32. a fifl• lam wicominnied td zosainfurtists remarkable Sirup. Air horns d. :little dreaming it irk destined to f m iso impoitant_ & bi,oh of his drug bait Lase. Bat &eta 7W to year the knoilr ledge of its *us *slid from firoby to family—oodutytot ockunty—findo4to • illate-Aillioli. it maxim found nine ly , . every i towna a thi Westeril country. and ii =nal indiebensable in thou. 'sande edam:flies. 1 1 1 1 1 ' The 'finings did net toms tolblin in any laugrolcull i . ._,itinsWilYr fafllishild i n .. .. Ind i a , I. nos weitliintiny'' disoorersil ='iln Is over . "desert wilderness. butthe ral t of mac* y and obeerreF. tine in the lodides. Chu. taming lie or esiritteitto hsgredtend hoe*. ft Is' not efOr applicable to the Test maforitricif poi. Intonary atta Broi4ial allections. but i is peouliarli Value* to eftildeni.efferd. Ibis Irma fly/ 1 0bl . ' PictOongh and re r n kindred dingoes. a large tunber of °artificial! irs from to year. we prsaeh& folltrwing I„ 1.1 I t Treat 4 the We . i f oie .4.ab. Pastor he d 10014 Baptist alssastrie. Okao At. 12•111.1114. Litiuhig bad flt, I Is Amman. IP& I bad a severe *clash, invent. lag Lull a bad Seld so that I method 'Smoot I ' -. -e wally. Ix, twct day. Sod a night; from rxiday morning tiatf pr itiLt tdobt.' I tnot twice. Iti tbe evening, the bed and retarod cild el4pt all t ook Stht Cthant &amok atorrn24sl , fnaw cclaikiltD. 1 took the inspire lb the morialret.azd Peach ad twice darlac the daZ Most ray I oftereehuro. Mace that tittle Iba ;me jot freq6rstly in my &nom and %Woe it kis al*sys csiestilagy lelleced thiso. 1 I i , 4 • Tam, `l., , i T. 0 : Ulm , iria ;'! wa ist s;. .J.. , lim its I erir te h i__ :re o erainc ftpeak . t. , r Peon, letdown e‘tlicitati. Pecs to aim et !Cannot ILL, poitular b It ,rlll t, iblettedaS In an :to an th cesgba-L-Patbergh Deal 1 , 1 El.satse. non*, Itscembef 19, i f i r. I ‘... SOM. BrilOnt--Ilerisis bean for some ti e part i . very much &Meted with a severe toldelllttd mute' 4 : Colima toast. and hat jag tried various orsiodies, ll7nltx tic.. aid all to bo effect. I was.ledired by my estenned Need .W. W. Wallace, of City, to make a trial of n. it Mors' GAO Prof.. li I did' . Fond to my peat siirprae, I received; almost fro. t te ~Il.f Ilt WM with the creates* &to*: at I lect4:rfons sly respective -creleetsr lone ha taking a lid cf Aklllyrup. just Ulm , lettering my lecture I 1.1 speak With lit Ism d.riug tha impalas% Il wohld partiesterly • um mead It to dkaMit ,IX•YetW Lod 4ttur PIACI Vtoklow. ' AXVI H. PORTZ:R. -,, 1 Frejus* 4 Illatkrasnow . t P toe 25 Conti. i .-1 ,i,,i Eiresisett Lawyer • c.rtificat Midicins. • . • S - ' • . . E.- lit E 14 , 1 t.. : . 11 __ • ! , . r ALIA, - -AA_ 1 ' . ---'.. - - . ills ''' ' : I . II . - t ------ ,. , r , Mad sad State nit rea riii ' . , 1 . 1•' . •- : I lime 6mM. Ohio 0 ,- ..l:lrfrEll%) Mor i I. A.'11..15 4D, . itr. it.l.ollstlast--# PICT . aft -.1: OSA it a sty • . I' /we to y... 5 sod 04 ipublie geueriQ. to.ete,LietAa4 I lAA's. bee* alllketoelt with urn- oyp i piii D t I.r lopir tom sbd lid *ay tliAt so 'bacon foi-mr ap . Woks, wilt+ 1.1% ; .t0el In 8. very 1... Rate midi baud of Soar eel, itto4 I.lrer 14111(betqg for sale by A. R.. Iris. 'f.firony, end niromtenderttei rt., 'se by my byt . lei n.:Dr. b'.Smith. t. einieluded to rln !beet. fspr ri-.1. I purrhs44 owe box sod f.utsd tbzeii just bsit they ire ree.ipmdnd—thip bell. Liver jib eSr aro ; sod slur t .ing toot Ws" I tstd tbs :totes* hads•sttrely Lat. ma, sad i Mil ! b-I =4ll . yitus; 15 ' . li. l ,Coi i iinLlN. . . . ,• - • ; 1 1 , - , , 115112. elk N m ilL43 :. ! sass c:: irc e rsi L .' .. 'O3 .CONPE . 1 1 1 ..GF 1 L E RA trii 6 , e ___,,, uck.c.,,,,,,,,,...), I t , ./Imosey 31.1 r I mum 4 Go — , Thotor ,01.-1 bars tIM last thhtt.ytoro l In tbo drig' during "'Web 4 00 i hO• skettml Tomatoisit Om bsto bon 1 , r 4 Jim. T rmot‘stl ti y clf S.l l imblat, with tha brume, Wills o'motito., ' :I' I 1?1,3‘ it. 'I pot! Wt e to o t os r; Homo, Wulf:W.omA *bon. turbo .. j ot Ito otAmtt, that I Wok to.' my own boaly.*thm motes SUm „Laz mom maim& I I I ,---' _ us of It gm to oat of a/Z otboio M ,whttlt my l'itlmoitmrs, 11 es g sod rellablo Wyptil. Um atVotty?trith mblelt 1 hill ' to as lbo . ' ' ' ettiMuMet% tr 4 11' you on proem 1 2_ vt i . S : Iv yours, A. I'. r cm • ite, 53 Celli - MED AND 100 X. BY r , t - I] • EILLERB ic, .C/ r - i Irstranile, ii. • • li TNII 11 OE. 133 IS2 EE the pa i • Won th ! Sota• a isnwe Irtvrni ':..itaaill • I ts alter !eiourel im, =3 . It 1 vi • .•,• • • am et .tats. and Evridne's. consider It ; lam and by acquainted. TO4I an at miewit Mil pimp R., E. z =I tioptpOzzv l iltiere l nir nioeit, tein4rait • ,.. , - . 1 , ed,ro . die' irgenb ones' Urt, . a Se - a 1t e • 'OI I , tiigil l ac ,sie ~ • , al bit " Welts Ustifilarteltes,f , , . , , WI nieea nub t efe s atlitelasit COI ant. Uneritanildillit,ll3irpee . t,, 'Zeal. nue .lirtailtetattittlictailetartasen, beau. tisk 2 , Maio taterreetelerer. I. sat sett it% smut tat HUI far tidal tat. inersa rej sbesauttifdees, gretttiftlan ' 1 /Haan bei taw tale dna istatintlie e/ , It 4 salt. i i ; f Ja. iit Tie II dIR erase Tamen ant is,tterna eri teatifee haler, le labia 'tat nad:, ter treettbelik t l44 terettatatie l l. Usti( t ore re eloatere. l Ste • fis tit tri ail interia tint *stile:amp in titan: fa te; tie lilt VI cr lila :este tetra f ant Orate tee Osten; MI itatees, tests stilt He fatal A Oriefet tretaftains I auto itinadit;• sat 21: Abet . atertiefaten. brutal 'KW rt e latel Ms. stet enerd antcretaniFttat bliterm aselirs, le ilea 11 mesa na, tat Rine treetifet a tatares 4 , eil i: Iterates fa en, mitts. I! , Ii • 1 • 1 1 zit I tat tantrfatttit celttesS i ettates Irtl a y i i tta Isar * usbtel taut to anbalerstra eras* 10 , 11 a Ca e ctr h datut* amen gran man It ireltalsettlegli ad eV.i 1 ttet 0) 21 14 ifl3lliati l iirtin i b htet la etf feints Ves tirefrOade fan elp i rat ~ feta aartati, tea nittrrgtfdgept*l Ckili dot, au Oak t nod ftta at etfantltti tabs* e son 'apt 1 - .• !. -. fitoti.ll l , _l . l i _IM Ira !Rallis NV eis aaritstied . ON eatable lat. gat tam saanate 1 hems t per tie &tanten, t e Eels* ust ,itittia Sietergetriatatl i ptlT Ittrb IR t a tft ti. icattriern *fainfttaftat tatter tin Otttnannzt. erns. Wilk', thenslant fen. , I . 1;1 . .i 1 etla et fa eelfa en !—Tail tea l Traftige ratirel teats! RI ete it tam in' taltrinnlaidren laufanitallg I I sat re Int daft in tint= Tenni tit litat e utfititt. etoentide - :fist Tenant. i l l Vt. ate Fla (raged i' 4 blefent it Matt tee - Hulas Vital to title Nattattmnua .ecilllirrfts. err: terra tall Tut titrin remit ritet. 1 I. Vasltire t!. see Varna! Ede t eat tetra Ita ail tent tlinfttOgt ter ntattbe 01.1 I / 4 ,I I • •e• lain firertant itaaa tali* Atli #etrfe kt VW •• 1111,cinige diwen Oime , 6. ~ illestjamin ,10,60, 1 r, is. Go , . • ! . i . 6 11 .1. - [ .. . • I Vottaufactirevibe . 1 i . oun '. tigta ` tee. 0 ts 1 i 1 . ' .111001. - 1 ti - .. • , 1 . . ,• i'DiliSi c iii r AN A 'CENTRAL , RAIL 1 l' , I 1 LI itiyA :44:u A834,813 188 T: ' 4 i ~, chit , ~, —,....,-:--,_..1. rnti a n sfterll Inlay, Jane II tbadfirei , , Mos Train le • '4,1 ibe; Pe - 4 Buitiox i every rkto 'l i ng (ez-, . 13n,day) a,t '2lO . I U.,' Stopping b,' Ore bo: Lerrobet , :.PlorSeee,e .., Johnston i end : a I regular elatiolle billreeX joboato , and 'II 'stinrir*kking (Erect east' arctic.. f i Olathe 're. errA,l4, ll l94 lB 4eiVue or Bel o n at 5: 1: ri at: 1 • ~ ,,,,t -- ~, , t I ' The' Tbrongb , rear Train , teilPia, dolly . s. 8:40 o'. sr.cel'oppl ~g only ai prino4eintntletai r ,making Idlreet couneltloni at .14irrisberctor gols ir. oaltintorai land' arriving I la, •rbilatlel -le Beldam +ll 6:804. x. H : ' i Tilt. 5 T LIN lathe, the, 048 0e 5 dal IS= ept 0 'YI at "11 1 -10-i' storl'ini I/ et, 1 teenat 'Lair , 4oh,nstown, teldmorS.93a 1 titian; I Da, . connecting st.garrbiburg *lib ,t lidireet Nrlßesltinore", and artirlag. ti In Ph d:pbla it 10.001 A. M. ••- , ~ [ s i ' The re4lng :SW!! will falls great i to, their', OW In Oing,Efiet or West , to cell by tbel ennsylvitilia IRO rood. asllte ' edirb.! reed tie'now °aired osonot be 11111Plikid r b i b any er 'route: . The goad is balbistedkri b,.. stone del free ,cm dolt:'' We "can render' safety 1 • ,ecebtort to an who Ina: fa. Tor this ;Goad a their patronage:_ - LI ' Blggage C id Ito all , Smiles* o the Penna. Itiltrosd and to ` Philadelphia, ti. nrclre ' and I Now torn., I I 1 I For inkru4 apply ( to I J. BTEWAtiT.Idet. it dial It. IL rassenger Statism, on laborty 1 end G t street.] [, ll . ~ 1. 1 3' Jii4Bl',o i" -4 i - Sta t e m e nt - - • , uart r y i I. . . ... 1 , 1 .. . • 1 4 • . Of the 11 Ban Ail I.llaver County, i 1 }Mir I tibia ilk tiAT let, 1 1. I I • luso . "g 41- . , I I l ' t ' ' !hies and Dills keno ted;aetl* $5ll 2108 if lt) ' Same 1 '1. , - ; ., it der protdt, 1 lig oo Current,expentur. '. • I . I B T9 b 2 i Furniture and Orice iture!, : Loii o Due from ' other Banks, I 1 , ',' 2.486 80 Proteat accouttt; I I 1 . e . ! 141 If Coin 1 • , lult.: li , I •• r 24.228 69 Notes an .cisecki of of er 13a-his,, - 1.891 26 1 i • 1 . '. ' ii 137 . 1 1 '• . g 0,7 92 r .'• , ( i ' , - , • 1'; : 1 mut Tuts. •- ;i' , I 46 4 860 00' "toe itS d in,, 1 . 1 Note tu'lCinsulatiou, . ' , 16.816 00 • Due l r epositotad ' ; . '26:770 TT Due to!bihbr aftltir, , ~ • , 629 07 dei l dilla4l4, • ' 256 99 Proftii aud itaritiagß, ' :• • 2,90 1 14 , . at, I - L To ~ • 'f, - ' .22 t Dar,kiaa te r ditorr, a .--bitore the came; Ed tient Iloope, Cashier l ot' the 131lik Of, Dearer CuuitY, Wi4O'bding duly affiruied 46COrtli g• to ' art, de li r a pooett;;`r l that the alree.etatedlent 1 coy cct and t"rueiaotocilihk,•ld the boated hil now:. dg4 l aud btliief : 1:1)`1V A 111) 13001'8, Cab . r. , I ' • Alp r i rtned,' tii!4' autc4lri bed before me,' tb 141 . y •1'11.7', 'l. :1: I.t . - ~I •• ~ 1. 1 . J I iIN CUTS liElef SON; Nj 1'• • . . I , &I'16'§!1) & t 'A' , . 1 1 7. , .,7 ..- . L .1 t- 1 . ,1,, A .. Su use is ut viand let every family pro. CA cure al b,ttle of. tltie iratuablel Stedicine fort .e cute of , brie d istre &dog tonlittlitle Which, are o pre dent dutg-the bummerlaelaon r • •I t .I M i PO WER & CO'S i I) 'k it l it; 0 1 1 13 A , ,a,Da Cil 1. Ult A ei : , ; 1 .. I • , I 1 IT OW TE I , ~air .1 1. ' 1 1 fle , hriicni exper imented en sleikek l B s 4, 4tl 14 ere yj Ris nncs proved ,ti atteceto, and i , 2,1t0wl , hei i if u iota the arktit. Tryik Ithd c:coiti I -yin •e - i f it!-god(' oaDtica. i tor toile ly 1 11 i 1 S'n lli el' I tirtifTn, , .+ l 'irt,thlti,este :I .; Sit I.llisisalittt. r I . Bridgcatater„l It.t -id Niiitte.f r, , 1 • Doerr, J i .I°l4 eutgent I ' 116* 'Driglrtonk DutiOnn k lid,eaF, . 1 1 II •,}111eloa,I.:- , t A. C. Hawkins, I ': I . • Rotheate i r; II I and ,by, 01; the ptiiilp4l;Dedggiits throughout the,CountrY. i ;. t I , .. tii1dy22,61.: 111 i •,...._•, Tr i i r , the , FikliutrAtil-Btitek awl t i `1 r - -- . g- , -- f-- i • i 1 . • I, ifFeer4l," Conntics.: r f ' . f Ilit a- 1 d being h only 11tit i i i ___ , u rstgne to X or sel and I" t the( laic of' the 4 .l4iCkeye Rea l ; 1 g and kin lug - Alnohirtes n ': ID Deitepr 'i ' w3;eeiel i e etlee, Wits' pleasiro, in 'i•ece , / 2. 1 1 : 1(1 i : ilg rii machine to the notice of he is , inert f d'ill epera,leiled' success whisib i has a.l tilide tb al e ;of his tuachine 'since its intro ' d etion' i i iii one snlßeieni to''recoriimend it t o the,latatee. ,1 Enquire of your friends Who have' plirehtuical ctod ece what they'llitire ;to lily aboih'. iri.ll! I 'bs st the Court. Ilonse in Beaver do • tig!tliwiuu' tertn with our nischine,''se thh pl i ersoni Wis B ing tel purchase t3ll'see for them seliescin s halNeir Castleduring their term, of ,;4,t; i, - i ould Isle° ; Caution fanner* not t of purchase fr el Sayther person in the aboe . territory, who !mai vipreseat themselves': ac i 'gents ;As o ;other lilts the right,to sell. !:I, wiliticl also all; the attention of housekeepers ,te inir C 3 B. i nn}l POLOR stores, ivande ISt Illi4' Oh O, ;which far inperior eseellen4ti: It, apneas lid neatness of dbeign, are tio, . clutilled in _ : any Itnarket. Ethoplob of a 1 the shovel ., ar tes ton he seat:Cat my Bather's re 4 idence A aVlDtiilingicita. All totilthusitationa 14 ilail rotoptlY noted: 1. , , I 1 ) I 1... K , • , '_. • . ' i f I It. Iv. uvu • Allem.- • • A. CO t! iteeletan4 ' parlingten. Vs t 6 1, . glnyl3 11. !! '" i 1 ' 1 wre e Journal co py 2 months sod see, 4;4iti this 1 : 1 i 4 j l l HT' i 1 H' I f iiitt PAO iortiE i , 1, . .. 1 . E" STEWAqI . 3..; :•_ .. _ I ' iT1.11.0 'C" , 9 i ..7 b.,;., , , , ealit' or all :qui', Inipleta etia 111, made at the .il I I, , 'l, ,Il 1 1 1 T UR A LiVic 011-11:8,, i reland, o i o, ] 1 • Ili_ ,_ __ 1 ere ,Wooci's Improred4llorer, .1 Moner, fiat bard'siDtandf4l I ird'a Reaping Attathmat,.llMd- Co's Star Grain Drill, with orl feed Sower. Tine 1002, 1861. 'UTOR'S I;kotl9E. ' tc tanientary having been grant ,landeisigr.ed on tbel estatel of ..j deceased-, lite of Chippewa -. T . _ oil perions knotting th emseires, indebted tp saidl estate. are retreeted td mike particle umned'ately, and, those tiaying titutus, aiipting,tt.le se* gill prises t them Ito the inb., neribire nly, al/Unattested toreetOement. I ! I 1 .i' 4 . .W 74. DUFF, Executlie. 'fl 1 ;liily 'I ~L, il 1.: '.' •1 ' . I i L ~ il. I ;[ 1 i . ' I , i , , ; L 1 1.11 1 ( 7 7 1 - Agent or , 1 tlip I. l lof 'Has anlrS A.ll t 1, TI ' ',;l f, ,• i L 1 ' 110101 1, 1 1; 1 Amppgst; IliCh' 19,64 r: ittihio 'wer. 11 Dei t tKi i 1 li, ME 121 Mai! cit. eml AD3 INI Ta ' TOR'S Nor 1 A /40.1Pf;reermi i ndebted to the eatae of Chi r iou w. a, late el floio bearer 10. 1 i Dielfor IL, 'ire retina:la di ti eta:lse.: I lmediate payment, and tboar - havini ehticie!si kilns' 'veld Wile will please , Present them to the subscriber I properly authenticated for Set tlement 1 . .juUltt Wx..LatElt, 1 'Barber]and; if 'D s 4" 1 .. ' II , r 0 I H,. . , tAK BRUIN would inform hie frienils.and[tho 1 ! public geti4tell; that he li stiliratihle Yorl• met. built - ilk) it the old staelkoh Third Street; one .boor east of 1 Atkins': Clothini 13.10, ra, where! g xttlet . Ors erstuing the attentions of a Barber Or Hour Dream? can at itil His pd at. 4nded 6. i'l., 1, t • .: il' Q - 1.1 I h av e nnyk en hand a flair Iltestotatir un: . ~ . ..Aunlen.lll;sny • n ir fit ale' •ilt•preiin,to thr it hir 7 fniiing from i o'hOsif; itrestOres the Hair, to its l natural bolo r'..if phial ' the Hale from, turningrigni,f., &S;,l 1 Lave a on f i luattfien.lnil niaL 4, itaatitueous li ir P,te, Stamm ed to turn fine. , Light di " Hsk 'to a beautiful Aebera. Black - " •Dvis;l4,n.''X'be above are *lb' -vr• l 'vatt. A i 1 l ell I ' I Iry 4era. ti;i1"010:00: 4 T*RAVel` 1 , t [ j` l LI LII*I YS; j 3) YHIOV ED.' '. it, B-100 P 8 E 440 Ily. It -x4 . , •-+'ltio#Lpirgi.. -„1 ,,, , c al .)r ''.,the speed i indinel - 4dritillbi 44 0 ._ Of lot AlLDisessen, .arisinttroall*Ptilli '' LI or*" Biond.l_, 1 .. ',, „l i lt io'inedicifti - iiis wrimgliti Obi 1at7. 1, igillo , ' , PPS wirer in !ditaireita saves oft , , I , 1 Sernfuln,l d' 1d i l I,:Coninerotinionostieve, 116310 ala t iasessek j '; /b 7 3 0 1 414 Sil e all"{ ' ample. o , t it rue, sorieim r . ,', , - ')/ 1 1,1 Stub . Ul4enn, &ad ' Mid. .! ' ' ".1 Teer olliciiii4s, , litinao.o o,4 l*, Dy#irts,t, I , •, - Coat Tennis, jt• 1 t fan (l e,' . 1 , , Sat ,Itintiow , t , 11 nrislibisissi . Oteralßebilliy, ¶1 ,etr cdwipi4int, et 41106* , 0111 f Stplii l t ,s 1 t I I ' on BUMIII4O I / 4 1 _ t lintall re(lii/Pillilitl, 111311 Li VI)11 1 ? .. ' '' ' .., r•-k sr . *or innOtij feria period': Of nearly, eight ritouthi/4 ietwitltst tug which, hi; I lipi . nose , and a pot'. lion of f,h' 8 check tool guile*. eciten airily:. lie had g venlup all hope, when be heard ' I t e "Il & 0 j, hl Searcher," arid was induced to it Fan Lot lea Cured hilh: Ishii although ,ly 44 - Oki there iis no qiiestleu, but What th a lin , reltiablel, medicine • eared : his life. - . l'he fu i particulars;; of, this .remarkable ciii4dl; to ay• - a Been in a circular , which can be had or any 1 Our Agetite. -. ,i. l ' "We alio [refer to the clue' Cr Nan63l l'ile - 1 hey, ;of El4eiton,lArmetrong county, Pa.; eli ed of pereFala after being unable to ge,t,out: I bed for three yeari., ,'' 1, I, TO the case of a lady' in Ansonvillei• Cleo tield!eoiliitk, who WSW also afflicted wlth'SefOr• Olt Ali .iti worst form. I • ', 1•5 the cue ; of George weisel; res iding, in tartolllok, Cainbria,county;-.Pitr; whowhp was se badly alliciedHwith Cancer that it eat bie entire Cole off, sad , his Case was itokae; if Poisib „ 1 than Itlecirrys: ': : , .f .., 1 I 1 The rstificulers of tbeit itiie-e4it'y one of w4iCli . via cured by the; tile oft et!. B 1 d I ' Searcher , may also be found in a 6L Sulu; tc be had oriany, of the Agents; ". ' [ . II ..., * RN. LENOX, Prop-ietor. H Litbera ory for , in the abillacture rid sa e rneai the , a. R.,. h. DePoi, lllo ll ithiTsb rib. ' l l l ra 1 , 1 . 1.41:6., 1: Keyser ' lYhoisale Agt.. ,ittob Es ' l ltakajr Idle by L. 'E. ' Kaiser an 'Satan Hatnien' o 'i,Rochestbr; Duncat., Edge:, & co Fitilliton.rJoho Sargent . 'New Brighton; P. ;Phillips, Freedom—O. Cunningt, am, Be 'see::lBtephen Smith, liridgeirater; F. G Rile' Indu t etry; John C. DUff; I.l4lingion;4ohn IN Fiiiritt &leo ;Smith's . Feity; JEhis ter, Fei I'vievr and by Dealers generhily. , (ja oi6-6 11 1 .1' State 11 and ..Couitipl:T i ; ' • iri', - ~ _.....!i• l , rruz County ,Treasurer Liwill.eitledlin th , se v eral Tewnships and, Borougtis, for,li IPerpole ;;of receiving the 'County nd 8i t 'Fails for-1861,1 at' the timei aud pl aces .iehig niltbd beloii, { . vii: „: . , if I. IF,ileedoe4 , - June ,, 16,.8 Fut lllo 4 l * ' Rhiheiter illf: 64' 4 IV 2 D Jeliestoe's • I de 1 tir .1 1 2 , ~ ' s aci L redueirY, '‘l [i3; 1) Eakiit'* l Priliislti,4, . , " ‘ , 14, R Wallace',, .:. ' • `iGinsgow&Ohio; " IT,' Bmith'n, Hotel' 'OeorgetOwn, ', 18; Hotel; '' I L • Hirntotty; ~ ii , 'l6; 11dtAl:'' '- 1 . 1 I I" Ohio; I i t . ' 4, -1.0, N Deiii.ger'i Wilt) &S. Sesier, " 21', 111111. ;idyl's I • 844th Ite.itei, ~ " 24, Jos , Laweinc,6l' Darlington,: ' .. 26, 'A J. :Coo s . 11.. ddl; ", tp. f , ' 26,1 J P Dilwilirth'si Chippewa, ,i, •• 44 I 2T, 1516. CunOhigham` , Economy; ' [ ' Ji4y 1* WlRtitenetsiti'd, do I, 1 . .. ~...t 42, i iii..z4 ,1 4 , 04 .: i , cm:l4l J : i. 1 .. t. 8,,W Elliiitt,lflect:, • Big hearer ,',! i a. Jure.; miner* Ra . ,, coo9# - , i . ~; " 11, ii vowed, ,-. .PgePe!?dence.• , •' " ,9, I'llblmat' do itillotiottEili " 10, El MCCaliistei?e. ', llopewell, ; t " 11, ~/1 1' Dlckentleli, .11cokstown, ' u} , 16. .T tbielteben'S, , .1, do 11 1 Et Greene, 16,1 l'Fl , oil , Hanover .IF do '• ' IL 0 Miller:ii; 1 : Feanktert,. i I ~, 18,41 McCuicheent ~ lianovi, i Village, 4 10, Illttwe, --, i , - Ettidstivntl : . " 2801 Ankeny e. ,forkny ant may beimtide "id 'adjo nisi piiitticiti.: ,1, • JOHN 8. DARRAGH; April 10th, 'di. i .1 Teettaitier. 1 - , , i• ; 1 1 . ~lii,- , - ----1--- ---v , . `1,,, ;111DOEly:ITEM etOTIIS E- Kt P .07111,1 TI 141. "FILE fi Spiiini and, 'stun 1., , . - it 1-1.4 0 0 DS'i , FINSASINERESPOR PANTS, oLFTHS FOR C i OAIIT, v =ids Tnimsilllos ?ft ic i i ' , WM .FtlOgl. , I ' ' ' ' , 1, liil' zit Cu 4iN li: T Alt DO R ' No 2 Stewart'i lYsw.Brid2Pw_ater4 I A i A..4opw. ,supplylot . !lendpeade . • clatbitt,. CS autte i ble for the season, p t ! constan on kand; ,also, a caretillty i selet4d stock- 0 Eecit'Ooods, for Cnitom'NorksJ .All kinde o garments made, in the neatest and moil s . *tent al manner, and inaranteed ,to fit 4 [,49L.CtIARGEI3 ;SIODEUTE.'IOII il nts 20, 1861. I.' IW2d. lUCH. EXECUTOR '$ ' PKYIIIO.II . , I 4 ~' _,. 1 j 1 1 1 i .-1 i i ei.t. / &RS testamentary on lee etilate 'of :iati John Lee*, tat:clot itisiktrier township Beaver c 0. ,, deed., -14silult: been 4ply ..p .en et tiitb ' outoseriber air person, iodebvtd Lto 'id eats eare l itotitied to I inekittionediet4Plf7meltik Andthose hating elating; isignioet Shit:lupe lent prevent them properly adtheatieated foe settle; filet without delay; 1 J 1,10: ' L A. R. lIILLEIC ' 10)1/NISTIeLt;OR'8 Sarlbt4 WIIEREAS . letters testamentary ten the vv Estate of Wrc. Alexander. deed., late 6[6.04404er borolutg; %aver calmly, Va., likes lieel • granted to the luheeriber.- reeddinesp 'the ,Ilante ??Pt.Vaign: , all Persons ituiebtedi to sal, !e the regdestedio make immediate ee pay meet, and thole laving; &ibis will pIT pre- M:fai l l them . properly anthetilleated f i settle met. 1 , ,- MARY ALEXANpER ; Ex'r - r ",' 'July '10d4.1881. .f' .1 . .l [ II IEI , !SLIVERED DAILT. SE D 7 1:1R,01tI A )y.S. , '6o.'''un 12 , Bridge4ate iMP ': 1 7 4 "' l , _.: l , iirii -an dines im7 DIL• 111 . Aidloto, for T to! of Beater 1;4 , 1 i i I ..i , tries i• •i f . - ..'.., .1 • , - ' I .61 • , I 1; ' ' • -r-c : e. ' - r, • • • ' i ii, ' 1:, J ! - • ,1 -! ' 'rl, ' • I 1 :, 4 i if,- li , , 1 - I • 1 ir ••a‘ ~ui „, 6 11 , 01, hintii ,,P1111211110.,c. „..i. . rum 4 111:11 .„, zn ,litol4 l,,..gem for tiii. We Of tlialdbleift4.: ""'! let I A 4ViTtaitalifti SoeveTSlMllalitToo:ll4a . O e p sn ' t, .ms Iria ore. Uletotiii X OO. 0' lloollaolfalloolla f twe' ,- Iftliiftis, . . ell Nam e? . s ~ -.. Staitawil4 111Coak AO* 1 /liLi.:: CV Atatoollll. gauss kart : it any alai tio.ds !maw lowbott=.Year OfteliperMa ilele doss *Os* knashielel SAWN', I bard edged ft in miens wigs , /koiefteassl i -ilk Mira es dint AM; d', lig toward Ind' fellOtero tOilfmtd. ego ft tankowt , set sty , emend sty molt - sere with ow. sem, whisk wen fel and ~ • disil"... blill willoloO l td4 loWelo rOgo bill oW and lidi - IN /ty [ l4 ~I bis say thing Me alede'lltlest be good.. Sint Si ea 7 you ld7 ad endi vleo, ll % lFelfik' oeml 6l4 7 -..d ik.... eli i:11 7 111' ; 111 7 1 v i ra 'll re” la itati lbL" Ll7lftee bon: illtfria:44 asit lemillgr l7 . l Teses m: .a lte7 m a y lo wein 'itmet io usder sow lir ; soillk i : llll :W kww kidi nPP illtee hr : ~ that the dims' boo goo" my eyste* low won believe that I fed what 1 aglog Whoa I tee Sow. dist I bad toe mimesis of the speathe edliollollik ' Old teasel* Mr gftdefidly. Tours. J , 1 • • ALIIIIIID IL TALLTY. ' ,iii. A•iiissigs ipir. i fiten: inritrystkilij 1 tre stir. wadi sit litlistftemai_ Weald sauna lowly /lore 'ryes's Praiser. i , It. *ebb Writes him Belem N. T ' I.l*-;' )141; ISO, that lee cared so inveterate "cr ow y spy, irbkb nod to terishote faterly.- by the olf ere dim danoparinklnd also a musprom ' .10741 1 thili„ by large dries ot the sanstr,loslo I ' cures thetenneon 'Lu/Wits. by It conetantly i l , 1 , aramehemeadti; deltre or Swelled deka 1 ' Idol= Shea of Pivoted, Tozia , writes.: "TOO' bole ci your fanaporilla cured me Oros lit Gldlni,.. - , a hid ' loroTiolt oo tie auk. utikit 'I lad —"—A 1 dam 1 *""", fif two yea's° , ! i .. , Tante ogrbeedo or Whitest. t i t Simi Twunkiiiii Iltoaliat. Vloaratlom,, Pa Itto .80solloolle' L Dr. J. IL S. Manning. of New; Toth Ogre/IWO r. "I cheerfully comely with ftto recniedof you neat Is! Iglu; I have limed , Iles moat exceftent alterative •in the 4"zt u dainis for shith wei emplety such a remedy, y In'llseale Dlseilii „u rgent of the ncroftikus died( have coed manydnvettft-1 eta ewes of Lenconlama by ft. and roses wham tb• cow Naha nuiesesedity,alandiee of the Mena. The ukso.l Mice Itself au mini Aired. Nothing within my kaao., Amigo equals It fio these [male dorangementso v. • ' licdward E.; Marrow, of Itintimsy, Ala.. mites, ‘ , .11 dui. prone 4moriasi ono* on one of Use armour in my nultiff. wbkh bed &died all Obe remedies we could employ, hau l at length boon emporia/ay cured by your It:tract of Pair.. sseatilla. Our phyekiim thought Nothing-bat Wig*, ' ' tion could stool relief. bits he advised the trill of row nesimpuilla as the last Imo, rt beams cuttimr, sod it -proved .?outside' Alter tal= iiw rinir remedy OW molts no symptom of the discus, y • . , • 1 • t' , . IllygikUps sad Xerintetall Dtaesseh. , I - 1 . New Osiuss,\Lb deatiet, /11. DIL J. C.,tlfissa t Fir, - I - theorftlily , ply with the . quell of your agent, and report to you it7e of the I bare rallied with your Bereopidlin., I ..,, - ! I , / hoc, OM with It, In my proeftes. god of the ono. , planets for Which ft is recommended. and have Land ltd Woos truly wondernil in Um ems of reservalcsiai NO : ' whit Disease. Cap clay patients hod AfTbni No .'lli r la ki, throat, which win t odadushig his pilots d too top of b l i mouth. 'Tour ilanpepartila, steadily . Lt t, mind Mullis fire week*. Apother was attacked. by ' radar, opripts; w m in his pool, and the ukaration hod • eaten away a &noble fort'of It, Ito that I believe thi s dleordsr windell aoota,resel his brain and kill him. Dot It , yielded to my adatinkiteldion of your narmparifts: the li whose heeled, end beds well;, not of course wither% X some disfiguration to his facworui° old laid Wit (rioted kt. the same disorder ry 'sorcery was auffering from this Pokes in herbotiss. They had Wean* so err ' • • tia:c i i i gi• weather' that ow a ,danip day she sufkred la- . pain hi inu joie,* sod bocci.. She. towns r • amid entirely by your eareariftilia In stew 'reek& II . knew ham he formula, 'Ohl lour anent lire tr 1 0,..2 1 i• Uds Pnwitation Igoe year laboratory tenet be agr , 1 coraing; tossequently, theeelfttily °mutable ! with It have sot surprised me: , . 1 andernally.yotuo, 1 0. V. LANNI", SI. p. 1 ith. 71 , etumastlessa, dont, Liver Ceinaplallsite Initeromeacr, Preston Co., Va.. nth July, 1462.1 1 rif. J4C. Am: Oar, I hare Iftert eillicted with a paiti.! till throttle Jihonealimi fora long lime, which Ladled the skill of physkiens, and stuckj to UM in spite of all Lim remedies; could , lindoftilil I kid your liansparilla. One 1 bottle cured me In 'two weeks, sod restored ,my graeral • ' 114s i ttk e t much that I inn far better than before I war I think ft a wondifful allaCtEk. qt. Irittual. . i " Jules !T. Clekbell, of St. Lais, iriltio: o I lieve bill'il . 'tinkled for years with an affection qf Mc 'form ,which' dratroyed my Math: I Wei every thing, and veep tiring Idled to Mitre rue; and I barely.° a broken:down mar for mantel yam fret:lino other came than drrangesserat of' . tie Lime, ins belayed peetor, the Bev. tit. Egg, idyl* toe to try your naresparillic, bicaiise be said he knew IS, end em i r yon aisle was worth tryiog. ley the b ! tag of It has eared me, sod has is purified my hi ee to ! A d now man of may I feel loting spin. Ths. Met that eakt idi kid alms le not half good enough." 'I ! Vbsegatioxii Carlini amid Exfollatioaa tf 1 . the itottesi : . hi, . t 1. agAls ?Aria,. si :mos bar. Ewaainorted tole wiiiis . ,"" tittos,. of _tgesetittoldable cottaplatuts ha one itedsfrom i um me er this remedy, bet our smuts b; . • will ' not admit them. nesse or thieve may be found it. oar Amnion • Almanac, which the agents below named at. plumed to broke gratis di 411,140 OM tar then. • ' '. • Tby•spopolas; Stemma Dilevaso, wits, Ifpflop. . Bey, Noloacholy, Neuralgia.' `j 1 a. Natty rernarkabitecures of them affections have beet, • wide by the alundire power of this medicine. .4 sioch hates tha vital functions into vigorous action; and ,thus overcomes dleordere which would be supposed beyond, its r .... ar . b .; ii Such a reniedrhas tong been reqnired by the Me of thd people, and we confidant trat tide OW •do f or 3 'anion that medicine an ifts 1 ~ • ' at.yir's - Cheiri 1 r Pectoral, POD Till ;ATM Illti ti; • Caught., Coble, iiillieten Hoarseness, sa Hoarseness, , 'Crania, Breackft a,_ laciplent Con- 1 • esuaption. and Teri the Mallet , i or Comanaspalre Patieurti , I I ha advassteed illitiages ' 1 . of the l f Disease. Ails is a tamed; so ,uolverseily known In surpass an ether for the cure of throitilhd lung is ,compleinta, that it I,' huhu bus to publish tbeevidence o{, Its virtues, Its siorividled eseellence for 'Ought' Mid colds, and its wily i WoOderlhi,cates of pulmdtirgy djil bare made ft MO * * throilatotit li. , aliuse4 tratior t of the earth. 1 Few are the commonitkii, Or owed' &MI ! - among them , whet bare not same portsel experience c 1 its inlets •-. some living trophy fa Jieir midst of its victory over the riddle and dang.romi disasters Of the threaten', hips il l trill know the dreadful fatality of lbws &cordon and ihey,komr, too, the effettsof this reuiedy, we need not Mora AIM tower* than, tleit it has now all the efts Um that I it did haeo.it ligil p lite cuniewhich lave t woo so dram!, ppm tit• co tat . of mankind. )PTATiITS hi I/I%J. t i # Gel', ratrfell; Kidd. Nilt.,For sale by .D., itiniS. it. Beaver; 8 Roeberer: Waggoner & Lowry, Free; : I,J. Nit:hole, Bailin; J. Sargent, .New iton, John Brtick, -Darlington, snot by 1 43 everywhere. .ii , ' 00131,60 al - . '. • r Cros do ; Brigb ;hale IFIAL I • tidELSIOR a ' 1 0, M. I ra 0 FOR DYSPEOIA TRY , I N. I, Sholk'# Exteliiitr Stomach bitteri: I' . . . 'FOR MORNING .SICKNESS TRY • SP ..airsl'xcdsto' r Stom a ' B4(ers• - FOR WANT OF, APPETITE; RY,' Maik's Excelsior Stows A Bitters: FOR GIDDINESS AND SIO14• HEAD ' ACHEI TRY I• • EXzelsior FtontO e 4 . Bitters. FOR , LIVER COMPLAIN T !TRY , Excelsior AtOmti:rh Bitters FOR FEVER AATD.AGUE.TRY Excelsior Stom;74ls Rater?. FOR CD itorric APFI4IIIOI4S TRY . B.olk's Excelsior StuntaCh For 84LE by DR.I MINIS; Braver.. andipruggists Gi'uerally. S ITH,4; iWinksig Agent; No. Imitittidd ,St: Pin PctOe IEM Neil- &1111011 ivA tW;i nig ..0 Union -lnitpenae Pintinnt , 21, 'at atal obi* rape ti the 7 Appi; the I • April 19th, 1116 a tatty LOB iiad •Ca C': 'Stara. • . _ 9fil '• M inn) lit;l' .1 co tug mime of units? P. Rochester, u is Republican t.eandidate far, be office of the October eltiction - next, ..SIANY C =ENS. r • roan in oof improved Si CilittLESl • oreilk-LI •,• ie. by 011 V RI,. waif!: gE Inkkat Dr; ' • ' • EMI .. . . . _ •. , . . ,•.:,.. Zil • .--: ,-' RE r• ' - *-.. 4 . . „.: . . . . a . . .. , Nervikusiieltdad ':-- ... . .. . - .... .. - . ,-. , ... . . .... 4' „ A % ..„,,,,, ~,•;,',I. ~ •- -, •,,. .- . _ 4 , By the use of these Pills the periodic akticim „. of l't,lervcasel2l- : Siek Belaulie rag he - Orn catit' , 4. ed ; an 4 if taken it the cotomencenicn(of - Ati ; ? attach itimediate relief freni Piiiiiiid hielliiird *ill be obtained - . ~ ~ i . ~ lbey seldom fail isi ttnatioving the !fans c, -,. aid'lleadaebe toovikieti females are so subjetiti '- , They tot kit* upon die bogela,—.rerpoviiig_Y. Coittreneas. . • ~ -, . Fel Literary Men; .Students. LI/alkali Fe: mares, ..alid . all persona of, sepedtaryhaliiM ,•-• ibeY are valdible is a Laxative, nnproling : thirl appetite, giving and isrd'vl/or to the'd ;testive organi. and restoriag , thi , tilliniill Weil . ffituni strength-of the whole system. * -. I ,' .„. The CEPIIALIC PILLS are the result *el long investigation and carefully conducted ,z pebitiints l having beers- in use. many yalirk 4 durihg which time they have prevented fit" i l relieved a vast hillo l lot of pain' and sutfe ng front Headache, whether, iiilgihallat, in 1 he nerions system or (roma !tett:ilia ...iLt.h ir lII '. Ito/nail'. _ • , J, , . :' ." ''. •', - They are entirely vegetable !albeit corn Mon, and . May be taken at 'all dines itith feet safety without making any Change of d and the abisence or any dltagreeable toile derail easy to:administerpiehi to hbildredi l "Il tkiltre - ef Ctitibterfeitsi 11 The ',unlit', have doe ,tagnaturea of lienrj Spahlusg mi each Box.. t. Sold by Druggists and all Other, Niter Medicines. A .Box will be sint by mail prepaid: en ceipt: of the .. I . • 1. PRICE 25 CENT b: • I . All orders stiOhld p t i add,....;04. to` • • IlEAlltr C. PAILDINO, . .. •-48 CEDAR STBEET, NEW YO 4 EYGO RIGHT TO THE SPf INSTANT RELIES STOP YOUR COUGH frtflait YOUR BREATH, STRENGTHEN. YOUR YOIC SPALD • ING' S -" THROAT CONFECTION GOOD FO'R CLERGY*N, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC GOOD FOR SES l "Gits ‘ , GOOD FOR CONSthiPTIVES, i3ENTLESIEN _MARRY I 9PALDINGTI THROAT CONFROTIGNR; ...ridies are delighted. ibith SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Children cry for BPAL 13 THROAT CON FEOTI NS; They relieve a Cough. instaitiy. TheY clear , the Tbroet. TheY give strength , and volume to the They intnart a delicious aroma. to the Tliay are delightful to the taste. They ice made simplh herbs Sad • harm any one. I advise every one - who has "cough e ky Vole° or Sall hietathi or "any . dF i fficulti n , of Throat, sip get package of my I..Thiget contentious :"they will relieve ,yed rgatap j;` and you will agree with me shat , "they :go right to tt.e spot.s! You will find thou! sera useful and pleasant whilo ttaveliag, attend ! •ing public meetings Ur stilling yours . Cough it or allaying jour tbirit. if you try one pick age: Brun safe in saying that you6Will ever afterwards tiLholider them indispsusable: Poi lind theta at the "L:iniggist and- Dealers': to I Medicines: • • • itasonii//tiecritn.i :Feb. 5 Mr. Spalding., • Sir i I hays tried your coplialio Pins; aid I like l theme° well that I want yon to send me tiv‘i , dollars Worth more I - Part of three are felt ihS neiglshOtii;to7khout:, I gars slew out`Of ,tho first box I kot.from -Send the Pills my. mail, and oblige L. Your obeiltent Servant, . ' • James"*.Kelneds: /turf/Bret kisb . 61. Mr. Spalding; ' • • I wish yoi to send me . - one mere bpi Ceidialto Pint,' irl hive re c eived a great benefit i from bth. - ' Yours,' respeotfulli, Mary Ann Stoll •S'pruce Hutatington Co Janna 7 181b4.1861. II d. • Bis i4ll *ill please amnia me, two boxes of your Cephalic Bend them immediately; • . I . Respectfully. youre, , . • , - Jolm 13 Simons.' I base axed oaf Bei of youf;Pilli, Md them e.seelleat. . • - Ea Pil Belle 'Vernon, .oAio, Jan; lb; '0!. . A : C.VPALD*O. Esq. 1 • , • 1 „ .-. '-t - Plesle find inclosed ,twiiitiiies etnits,• 'co; leilichfiend'roi stother•box of your; Cephalic Pills; .They' are truly the. : beat , ypis' ihketi eve , tried - Direct " • -;-.-- ; .•.1, J. A. fitnYer - 4 1 : -- $1:• , • Dells Vernon ? iyyandot Co.. Cl.l • ao.A. epee bottle Of,I3"PALDTaGra VW; PAltafX GLUS will sire ten • awl its' r)! annually. - . ' •, • I . V • • . • ..—.1.:-I '.l . 1 • it';.,l SPA LDINGOTPREFkitED ,GLIJR SPALDINGT PRLTASED GLUT 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED G L UEu.- ! I i.' . , 1 .4....... -- . ,- •1 • ' ttAl'a Tag PIECES:' ' '- , L , _ .4 ). ECONOMY : • -,, Df.SPATu r , 11611bA &KA in Time Savor lthne.."` .. . . PRICK - TWgaT Y.lltE C EN TS. ' ••' I ' ". . i s • - hpac kage. AU ale My signature en /114 , - era are • cedirtetle tC4I.. , ; 1. . i • -. :. . A Paokage Nils ll ~. e sent by Fail; 'preialsii eV receipt of Thirty rents. ' Address. - H. /1. O. SPALidire, i . '.!fe.' 48 cedaiStrieet r ioif Bonir - r • r i I 1 I ME ,iet cm S NEI 1.-- ----, i ohm- -, breath. P 1 z. ifl 1 EMBI UM MEM • 4 .t of yonf t deal et 4ou:i: a. x I si