The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, July 24, 1861, Image 2

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Ivs • y
s. Aliter Paiilisher
B • •
WEDNESDAY, •Tird 188 L
, I
President Ju g
Asspcgati JL
JOHN SCOTT, flopew
lIENIO,I Fansion ,
Ditind, , Atte
JOut . YOUNG, Roobeste4
O. !RAtISHAW, Filbtoo
' Oommissioner.
DANIEL 1 SifORT, oos,
- r
f Cpunty A itor.l
Por H o •
use" Direct or. i
#racßy New Sewiokly,
I Tr4stees op Acaderly.
Itsv. D H I .IkIeLF,A.N, Beavert,
JO3E;':l ii syILSON Beaver,
The Grand., • , i• veznitrii.
On Tue s da yaftern nof week
Mast ;
the Grandllovemenqof Gel . laDow
ell's command commenced at 3 o'clock,
1 .
t. st. Tkere are fiftl- 1 full ' regiments
under hitiz orders, aid thelarmy will
consist lob five divi ions .. This im
mense fore°, consist g of 5
loft Arlington Heigh s and-4
under thelcoininatid f Gen.
as Chief sind Brigad er Gen
- Col. David Hunter, 01. S.
leman, trigadier nerall
RtinyonAtid Col. A. S. .1
mandinethe division..
, ..7. ..,,
Theael[five grana divie
twelve , liiigade, comprising
regiments, 'each brigade a
by - cayeli-y and - artillery.
. , t
This iis • by_far the mt powerful
thee•n, ,
st army lever o rgan i zed in
the United States .r The movements
• [• o
of thiS magnificent " Co p s D Armee )
, 1..
- ought ' crush ;all be ore it. On
, .
Tuesda- . a ft etnoo the 1 army com
menced'the, greatforwardmovement;
TuesdaY night, Gen. 'Ty er's column
, ,
bivouacked At a d aro nd Vienna, ,
which is 41 miles rom airfax Court
House‘And is me orable as being the
scene .0 Gen. Sc nk's disastrous ma
nceuver. Col. If 'ntzlethan rested at
. ...__. - __lr.. _ . ••• • ALL-4. ..... _...---1 t,
the )eA of the ce iter to within five
• 1
miles o f the same place. Wednesday
mornin the arm took up the line Of
mareh`and-the a vanebl Ards reach
- • 1 •
,ed Fairfax Court °use t.-111 o'clock,
h I R
A. al.'', They en te red he, village — at
noon 4 Trees d beim , cut down
icroaS the road at various - points, a n d,
other; obstructions placed' in the road
to hinder the march of our troops..'--
But there were j ono m a sked batieriee
bet Ween this point . and Fairfax: At
ii , , 1
Fairfax - 1 it was supp4ed - the - rebels
would make A stand, lint they did not.
The 4 7 bllowing, which le clip from the
correspondence )f the N. Y. Tribune,
t has what an eye witness has tesay
.7 . of . L ., 7., L .
upon the capturi .t. alma: '
The, - 1
column went round through a
''meadow up a steeplill a mile further,
and, the approach was' cautiously made;
as it e
was the' highest ground on the
road, and if anywhere, it was
thought resistance wonld be made.
Fir a moment there were signs of
fonaingin line but the, usual absence
-of rebels became soon! apparent. The
alarm was caused by ‘ the driving in of
a rebel foree of two..or.three hundred
men by our skirmishers. .._. •
1 . At 9 or 10 o ' clock they went off in
suck a L li urry -as to leave their
rom. boric',
bags. s w ich our men fed,their.
t t
- horse-! avail co n. [ i -half mile from the Court,
11C1::“', on 1.1) - 4 top of the first hill, an
c•44.7lent pc,,itlon was a lino of fresh
earthworks extending on both sides of
the road for, perhaps, half a mile be
tween the woods. The hitherto slope
of the hill was cleared of trees and'
Piaci, as if to-allow; range to the at.-
- finery; but. there were no guns, and;
notraces of guns, unless wheel tracks
near . one of the fourlembrasures he so
interpret-Id. -
j i
T Presently i e troops were moving a 1
-steep and na ow street , between bro
/ken down lirV irginia hoises. It was
;for officers to believe that
this was Fairfax Conrt House
ail` it proved. 1 It wascaptured about,
ill o'clock by three iiientwo Rhode'
Sand skirmishers and a volunteer
it. -
i . .-- loiwalked the whole length of th'b
11643E4 alone, ; owint to the few we-,
nietifwhe were in sight, ,and greeted'
with 0/1111Sty thenegroes. At noon
the [head. o the marched np
the street,cheering and singing, or
With bandsplaying Star Spangled
2 , Itatiner.. i [
4 Tim secession flag on the Court
Haase was awn hauled down, and set
'Arai, smaller 'ones i taken. The first
man to hoet - the Stars and Stripes was
Sergeant John Mie, of Cianpany!c,
,2 r 41 RhOde Island Regiment, who wa
ved it fron) l the 'top of a barn. The[
i if il ourt House was soon crowned With;
e National flag. i
... 11 Before the eecond .4
Brigade 'begati: to
Ile uithe itet'the Cavalry were OE
lored to the front 4 and gaßwad at the
p fibr thei* speed, carlinwi ; ill intik,
forward, They Pursued the , rebel,
Orres ' miles on the Centreville•road r
1,1 I 1
; ' 1
- II
atvilthenifilive up *Lebo., immanuf
there were !an sip", of the foe, and
their hersei were watirie&
:It was; 'i,iaicsrttiined that the "rehab
had left Wibout 9 ereleek ih the mora
l* that they were under the
mand of . Bonham, bite member
of Co; from South pirolina, and
were a.. . i 6,000 strong ionsisting of
Soluth Ca ?ling Alabama. and Georg!a
regunen4-. , They had occupied six
tamps n•at the town, some tit tents,
others belbastily constructed shanties.
fouThe fbei persons who were to be.
nd in town said that they had ex
peeted theist to make a stand, having
alwaysiniaitrted ,thist there Would be a
battle, and,all who wished safety- had.
better 1i -eve. But they fermed on the
hill behiridAhe to wn only-to turn tail
the insta4pur co lumns came in sight,
those, efl General Tyler and Colonel
IfeintzelMan flanking them as the een
aFFehed: '
In the camps, as - in' their head-quar
ters in tOWn, were. fresh. evidence- of
hasty' 'departure. In one were five
quarters of fresh beef, eleven'muskets;
in, all Were spades, shovels, cami-ket
tlea, knapsacks, and
_pistols in abun
dance..! A , number of tents were left
entire,'nd the ropes + which held- ad
been cu without pu ll ing up the stakes.
a l ,
In one as + a titbit set for Min Officers'
breake k -
...., . ‘," i .
1 Sick soldiers ,were left' in the hospi
, 4,1 wih nething to eat; in the Quar
termaster's rooms a medicine' chest,
the gattermaster's mess chest, and
plenty of exCellent whisky were left;
the latter was a most striking proof
of a rajpid 'flight. In the knapsacks
werevery precious things, such as a
letter' fQM a wife to a husband inclos
ing a I it of hair front a sister to a
brothe ,'asking him to , o‘kill a Yankee
i f
for me. ''. ' There were also maps of vit
11$0a#,i) is Of Virginia, - In some were
lilettititeven enclosing Money.
' ' l ' 'carefu lly
e' 'understand that a
;drawn topographical 'map : prepared
by alc ark now . employed in the War
Depar went, was founif,in one of the
buildings. Among thticivilians who
' entered Fairfax with the army was-a
daughter of Thnrlow Weed, who bore
away a, secession flag, and other tro
phies. ; Among the members of Con
:.,, 'ho were there - 'siere , • Senator
Lane f l Indiana, and Colfax, Verret,
Nixerq Frank,Plirter an Washburn,
of th House.: Ml.--Xerree bil t eught
homean ' empty sand bag, With the
Word "The " Confederate States" print
ed Upon' it, which he presented to,Gen.
Mansfield, to be given, by him', to Gen
Scott as one of +the many trphies of
thitit c l l 'cssdless victory. • 1
. ~ •; L
Th i greater • part of the army rest
ed-O ,Wednesday night •at Fairfax.—
A po i i. tion of the center, and of Gen.
Tyle 'sOommand, howeVer, pushed on
towards Centreville, and encamped for
'the night a few miles' east of that
place,l • 1" ' •
• 1 i . ~
On Thursday morning Gen. Tyler's
diviion proceeded ,towards Centre- 1
tit 4:.. 1 .1.4.1..-;,.1..f. ‘.4..........u.a in safe
ty and the troops turned in to the
, ..
Manassas road. On the road informa
' ,
tio l n was received that a masked bat
ter;, i 4. was on the left. Col. Kelsey
wit ht three companies passed forward
te l 'econneritre. •. As they passed an
open. ravine and entered the road,
which was surrounded by dense woods,
they werareceived by it fire from thet
left ; killing a number of the advance!,
They then retreated, covered with a
brass ;cannon of Sherrnan's 134tteTyr—
t q4r forces then took a position on the
topof a hill where they planted' two
1. +
rtiled guns, supported by Capt. Brack
ets ccompany 8,. and cavalry with
several companies of the New tork
12th and Michi 2d
gan .
The robels had two batteries of eight
peees in a position commanding , the
road. They . used their guns well,, ex
cel 1
t ' they fired sometimes too high,
I I iby'
, hut were gal antly faced our troops.
''They did not, reply to our regular fire
~fer half an hour, 'during which time
IHntstbev were receiving large reinforce
' '
, ie.
In the meantime, Richardson's brig
e reconnoitered the woods. While
i de
, e were again thus advancing; we
re met by4l raking fire. Our guns
were agaii put in position, and pour
ed - grape and eannister among 'the en
enlY until t h e supply was exhausted.
Ahese guns Were commanded by Capt.
yers. / Glen. Tyler commanded in
person an acted gallantly. Capt.
Ayers, of the. artillery, lost one man
lolled, three wounded, and several of
his pieces disabled. ' The 'New 'York,
12th suffered next to the Massac hu- 1
setts Ist. ;
it. 64 Gen. Tyler ordered, the treopii i i i
to retire. The total loss in the engagel
dent on our side is estimated at thirty
kilted and fortY weunded. Only 1000
ofour tro o ps were engaged with this
b a ttery.
tory. The rebel force is estimated
at 4000. i - 1
f On ThursdaY,the village of Centre
vilie was occupied. Gen. Tyler's col
umn passed tr through Cenevi ll e with
outo firing a gun. A reconnoitering
!party consisting of Capt. Alexander,
two companies of cavalry, and por
l' .
of 'a battery , took- up a position
on a hill on.ll4ll's run, :two mires fr om o ,
Cutre 4 7ille. At : this point a aanguiti
engllgem,Fit took place, of which
we' give the particulars in another col;
t ,
"- i
It will be seen , that the enemy has
been driven from all his batteries and
irtrimchmentie:before - Minassne, 7tuic
ton, 'and-that :our troops were at the
latest' ladvioeili shellingthe 111% ' t'ren ch
1 / f
mental: themeelves,
i ti g e.
!ll tp.
,1300 - men,
ral Tyler,
P. Heintz-
flee, corn-
ions include
. .fortyLeighi,
-.. -_:-.---
siiitio l f. - Jr'. -.. •-:''--.''Aiiit..,---,-
A).maB 0• 1 An do - .r .11.. B. 0 -...•
of this Platie;; , • -Omi - 40 - parsi .
came to hia.- ., th -,ori .Thuraila3llava.
rang last; in afinnst ,ttigtfnl Manner.
The evening ; , ieit tr n on the LC. - fr.
P. R. lt.'h
...- . . ran • thO )4otak
a i opped
jest beisniVlt6 itatt4, iii4titioiliftiii.
, i ,r ,
fellow had-clambered upon one; the
o . •
care ride up to ,4 station . lai , . L osing
hi*halance in Some. manner:
. 1 i fell
down under the t4iiin just . as +..wsimii.
fairly in:MOtion. .4fter tieing dragged
for several TO tile*.heellektught him
and cOnii)letel + i ered -*rinn hie body
the right:l4 #t.tip . iji l i.,l He vas" otti,;
arnrise • :Norbly":i iti4nglE4 ' l. t3heir .
1 1,
Roberts: bein on 6.batoc?ltt ' time,
near the tra ce,- ; heinng• some one en
claim that a bili;liaa killed,' rare down
the bank. - .Coroti Reed reached the,
I . suffers t •- 1 • • 1. ' • --:
when his . '1404 -body;;, rtis-lifted
from the . •k " and • laidlOn, the graini
Istotviithatan "ng I :he . via* horriblY
• 1 . - - vi as '
mingled, he c ontinued to breathe for
fifteen Minn s,-Sqlnn le4h ended hie
.sOlaringe.• hafiitir has nansed. a
, T
deep gloom vor ntir community, and
*general sympathy is felt for l the 0
dieted pareats aisOltmilYi. of the child.
It is 4iie to the 4OductOif-of the train
to nay that 'hey *are 1 )44 in any way
. 4).hlaine IS thief sad ac cident.
7, ----
___.: ,
iv 1
-iciltirly retinested by. 3f...
anti at - Beaver Station, tto
bat ono boy s nnacaompant
I • i
parents, otiolder I
o. allnwed at or lucidr the
' rents' and 3others. having
boys; are partietdarly n
ae e.c,6iit whateve ‘ !tr,o all ir l
lit the station or the groan Si
an Y boys hereaftir should
t: 1
• ayisghor otherwise l
or grounds at and , arourd y .
opal, they will be dealt with
i t 1 ,
ry manner; - 1 , I
print io-daY, another letter
i h 4
John '?' lit'Carter, ;i hich) is
, ~ 1
eeted ;againat thei Argas.-r
personal•l '
-43 no r ert rove l y
3teCarter. lie has cites , -
independent c candidate,
erfe .trightl,so tolio.
t .
'side•,.. ourselves, as wel
•, .ourselves,
w ,
hz -
We are par
Johnston, s
give notice
by, their
ions,, -Till I
station. Pi
custody of
sired on no
thetno bii
near it ,
be fonnd
the etatiod
the R. R .
in tt' sum.
from Mr.
Wt desi
wit Mr.
to ie an
he aas a
Pe co,
alliothei participated ha the
conventi n, .4 be honorably bounc
the aetio of tii#t eonventid
. n, and e
support he gentlemen so toinick
Upon'n othe - r . plau of uetion c
party bilreldOdgether. lye pres,
that th o
DomoeraeY will 110111i:I
their 1
. i
lir A .. .:
andidatss - Hull
'''`'"a• I: - 7 . : - 2 I I
' iftii ---- T
e : en! Regiment, Col.
t t
Calmon l left, Camp Frig t on (ft
iiii . eveliiiiil l or the seat o wa,. ,
boys were in the finest ihealthi in(
spirits. The
nas (
.4untingbini;l'and from thebee to 4op
well, where 'they wifl'reeelive thei,fir 1
ihstallMent !of' their pay 11 . The id it
mate destination . of the regiment .l is
not ye knowO:hut they are for t e
presen ordered,to ttmberland. l l , 1 ,
—Si pe the above was in type y l ce
learn treat the regiment is . in liarrp
borg, enroute for Tragerlitown, 31d.
-7----. 1 ---
- . hi d
pßebelC, ng l 11.3 S
rTs CITI a 1
id on Saturday... , Jeff Davis` i' t
(.i i a message to that body, i t
IMraetetized'lby the t
osoal ii
imisrepresentatiobs. We, i i
this `wilt be . - the last rnes-i !
eir. wiil :everiend fortb. 7 —,
oval now hive a g6od opi:
to bag the Whole- Posse—i
1 .9
v and • ones.
, d
Lk, it brtilnl. d' l6 ,
zar l .
iu Rie
has deliver
which is
amount c
think that
Our sOldiel
port tnity
*Y . hey
lave reeiived odefs.Lal
ana Peterson's Ladle's' 3.fa&-j
August;/ whieh, in 6pitp
till continue to be to tlo,
andard. i I it
*w e
dy's Book,
agile, for
, the
sl i a
ar, 0
inn r at, 1
The Erie ; regiment ,pasSed l lth,
place on Saturday'l morning, on their
i '
Way home, t l where, it is said, theylwil
re-enlist for the ,War. ' ° I
J 1
l• 1 ' For del Arai. 1
- A a .meeting of "Wayne Guards,
Infantry I and Artillery . CompanY, 0;1
Beayer, the folloWing resolutions . ver
unammoesly adopted - - I
4es° ed, That the sincere at
grateftil thanks if the Company, t
tailor?, rinblielyjin tbe county new ,
papers, to ithe donors of ,our beaatif
Flak . , fo_ their patriotip liberality";at
particularly to the young ladies' thrk,
wh e energy and personal exertion,
the meatus were collected land the II ' ,
pu based. ,i'l 1 ' I
esolircid, That through the! ea e
m ium, we return to the Rev. r.
31 ain, with
.'assurances or respect,
our warmest thanks, forthe' neat, ttp r
pro . pria ii,', and lelogOnt = terms, Ili
which eecinveyo to :us the precio,int
gitt ;wit h One ;confident holier , thil
the pa iosism of subh Rentimeetsle'l
thbse tiered by ilia on the melts*,
w i .
alWayshave irinflutince for good, (tie
w beli eve hid Will have with ini,)!ett
f tivel and abiding n ' the ' hearts,' of
their recipients.l - ' , , 1 i
By Order' lef th Comp_any.' ; !,,,
~; •1, I 1.11
. ,
giv.. 1...0f, the in . Jeket. A olv k . . 0
you flcuowl i tt in 'certain plates the
poll wereftelesed 'at f!, o'elock; ''‘vlieti
the 'priete4 'Meketa were '. ahest and
at tiern i a r
' lac osi lota opt ' fit 7
o'cl 010,1 'hen tree ; written iticketa
I we int vante, tally, ;being kept in
in y • pla l i ! . by the dilferenew of ,the
tic ets.; You ilifer to "the approval
of he C Oit,tl Committee by t,he peii
pl i the at Jithey were, got , out was
by l lhavin arsemeal buggies and Wa=
goris em yeti to haul; people k Ito the
lls,mi, 1 and by *pie ,iu the bor.
oh. ; 4 , t l_, ', I jr .
ow, hen' the,Preasadent .1*
1 11 't Call jwan it ibr 75,000 ii(
iss.Zie 'Postal
,S stem ofrthe eoi t .. 1 vied fo liiin 1 1 -,, , ' •; I;
' --- kr 1
nide does ;not ork *ell Ti n i e ' k lio; it . was Foy that m any iii
Cillarleistpa -/Ilteury emplanes that would ; k their live s ,f r the
en `o ',the great :lute to RiaAnien 4 ; ' the
. 1 06 f9ice,_ me,,,,nt,„,,,,1 of lth. e 1 1
; V OnanCea Ani l tWeAA> one that 06 W ' Aria pall for- 2ntr i Nputri and; ,
Al b 44 )t ol3 aehuutit t one or iaore .. b : a11'4 1 486 1119 * "1
' l'l - ' 1
flneoc44 l :lltik le l ! - , r , ' Now Sir. yo' 'tr ay ' it is rig bi
I 0 - 1 1 r• . I '' F
~4 ~ -
- er' i . - 1-1 k
I . ,
11 , ,9lu Alttly ; 20 !
[ voiilicio[;ifo ' ismitiinroT ' I 117441
sk !Yon ? ! again to l. a [lis this. ['in s .
l*cielr eaPernf told %;• 4 . ' your reply;
tor",;itir,,,tattilt ub1411.. ' in the
,; same,rl
I•l*leVid . ii[fer you; the nigatif the'
RePOliera party, brek ':
44 *H II 4 of
3rourousyipgs•s,n • daes. Now[. sir, in
mini` ink te general aspect of[tHe
case,i yo ou y say tbe.iCtrinty Conimitoel
badimadeither ealli sOmetime. b' fore
the assatilt oh Fortgenitor., The Call
lWasl'hiade on ithelfitili of April, , and
'tbe assaul t on the -itth of the same
Imonth, 4 that, eiqUai it:oi very Short
one,i only two days in length. ' Thu
Sneak abOut the courie and temper, of
S r tar' f , not being [lii- i lluirmony l*ith'
!youts ; well it's DO render. •7.*.T0W1 air,
[ for [ 'Some of your [4:•Wi. writing, April
!•• • [ !
22d; . 1 ! 1 [ ',/ [
I' "As we write Our o wn is in' a cone
ti ,
•Of eat commotion ) apple : are pen.-
ing.7,ln from all.- dir e r lona, with )lags
[flying, drums beittii*, and all etitht--
sinsin. ! . Party feelin, and .party linpa
are;raindly becoming obliterated
[ our County. A[ • pi•oposition, is: nor
-made bj[? many oro4q - eq,iiens, to, have
[ but! on party .andil bat the patty [of
our COnntry. Thek+ la - now no dil l s-is
sion ih the North, arty lineal have
been obliterated . and now to-day fhb
loyal States preseP ' ;the g ra fy i [ h I
spectaqie, of a who! people a r ous ed,
indignant at the [ l .e use of insolent 1
traitors; like a band of- brothere 'jninil
ed" marching tar* rd I to the! over- 1
thio*l'of the tyrs o n , ' l.,t ; al'Oligarcy', ;that',
his so long I ruled t i , destines L ior the •
. 11
fairostlGovernthe e,World has over
beheld.' I' , ' ; ,l, , 1 ,
aY'lsth, you Say :; ' I ,
,!fi 1
}lel Northern Democracy, ctstontid
1 Mit de of the Spithern rebels, t i ,are
e n r d ' to ag b h !l Is a t v a e t n l g h ed b a lls p e o n n m t ' hO a n n e l illiny
w, GS tr:t e cheitl they have .bees; so
cruelly d ived, 4is everywhere' a
Subject of
h signiticant' remark' [kat
those [who ave heretofore done Most.
ain i tijbave worked hardest for I 'the.
SO h; [ are now iiii3t and foremostiin
arming forthe fight. Sovknnl regi-
Me is' [composed! wholly of I:ireekin
rld e l l DeMocratii,
,I have been.) formed
in t 'e f iNorth, iAllithemost prominent
lenders ofi that *arty in the loyal
"Sta e`S!, hail) declared , themselves for!
Elio V . , Mini, and ~bire eontributedtheir j
th. e toward 's *caning the Govern l
. ,
1 e v si-, this, i$ your, own Savtng;
,: i.
1 1 0 ' be an .
n 3- f nr own ,onht to [ honest
II e and, not taken from the Star or
?i i;lmg. Post. lA4 .
.you have intro'-•
tu i il th P o s t, give what it f .says,
•, , .
,ited from yoUrlown papr.v, . I.
'flic South has determined not to
Q iti for .he adjn. tnient of the diffieui-[
y I Ip[s-flly- and constitationallk, but
•v ' de r de cided tipini'an , aimed A.Cvoln- 1
i {, a inst Abe Governiiient.[' The'
lii t st;rnk.ti the first blo4, but
e , Id h will ittinte the North blow ;
4 " for he taten. • The authority of
e ov .rtan,entig our country must
1 -i ' ..t. A i n a 1 i....4....... r .„,.......1 1,,........,. 3 1,
ry 1 A crican i - ;citizen. The wrongs
e' he uthl are! now a matter of mi
goa9 •oti deion, the integrity of the
: , rn enan d • the authority 'of
the e, w- e hol d- its power, is now, this"
04€ 1 t object t iff' • nationa l ' 'cottlidera-
Viiirt - 1 H 1
The A
merican flag, the flag 0f..._ our
anion, nd I the honored bawler , ' of. I p,
04% ernment, wjtielt is bound to'prO-,
i 4
teci th intern 3 - of. the Whole; coitii-,
try th North as well 'aslthe 13o#h,
ha twain fired on by' Americin ti
ie-i di . loyal to the Goverthent Of t he;'
co t retry. •We (awe appreCiated d i vine ; W, ngS, we liaire:' advocatbd jibe res-
{ to • tion of J teir right, we ha v e not'
1., ,
ip.aredtheii- e nemies. But now they
lithe fircdf upon'! 'theflag i of , their 1
cotintri 4 and, ours ;no AmuricaA 'of
te lit+art 'unlit:bravo soul will, stand ,
a d no American , ought !to stand !
ti i
it' I I • I
lio*, (iii ;1 Editor, you ' are very ,
1 1$
e inngeable, [or otherwise under !,the
uence of the Court House party;
y u was all right, hp till the Week
b fore thq Conrention. 'NOW What
1 's any NO ilicin citizen/ done since
'!yu wrotelt 'el above, that Yen 1 uld
it unite will them 'in politics,as Well
, the fi ght. ! . ! '
.; - ! '-+
1 'When I Captains Cuthbertson and
Miller, and Licht. Quay,' was•ra sing
their !,ComP files to go to fight ; hen'
a man wottl come up to join eit her.of
the compare es,, they were not , rejected ,
.1 .) b e i c ii l l i but je u lh u a n d ite n a ot as vOte a d
b fo a r n I : 4i o n i :
7 ~ather., i t g o: forth and batt e for
•r heir count 3+. „ . 1 , , .:
Al Net 50,13 r.' Editor, atlthe Primary
I! oeting, hld oh the-25th of MaHlthe
? ll was , in du
,between,! the boura of
• - and 5! "cleek, P. M. `‘lThe'llrord
me out from the Borough to de the
nominating ;b3f.allot, and With lit 'the'[
r e, !favorites of Beaver had loti of.priated , l
r !tickets, and intin to hand them round,:
1 4- ,[they were ended to-`:some that) had •
1,1, 3 ,v0ted for Stephen. A. Ddyglas, and
1 ,..• told! 't w f h f Union meeting; and that!
ii, thet wet- bat one party in; the NOrth;,
1 ali,
1 4 the ! anl t it. one of the tiek.ets; aftel
;1 'A i iii le ti went [ to vete,' but had a
written ti ket; [and offered it' at the !
' win ow!, hut, it was rejeeted•by the
---- " ke, * ' - lted ticket. ' Now sir:
- 7 1
" 1 ' 01
4 1-1,
Gr i t l't,
4. 1 0 i s
,I I -'1 , I i ~
two vireos, wen sir, Yott knevi.the l • -
Ityl s pne ;In ttke. South. I have said
mite !the flt lawsuit' that more th e
one parti, h re' iii - the North isinseleise. •
Their - . great . abuse hid times past,iii beat
p!rttes given rby. l oo-edttori in. to
Noith, bAs.enemutd, in part those
Sere fiends in'the tith to ,Tehel at
thin ;time ' 1 , i;- - ,: ! - ....ti l',
New, you in eloidng ryour'pi, ece,ire
for our ; friends tO the resolution of
the Chi4go and Itesiver gonirunti ns,
and eoristder the spiiit, that 412i111 Od
miry. Itertblitati id the land a nd see
if hetteri material 61tin be fon nd ?;to
fotm a I hetter, rniun l Orgimiss fort
than tho RSlMblican ;party, I I aid ,
a4;if all the good: men in the Artily'
is i llepnblienns, an how yoli 'get, Itlits
!artysierfeet r 1 If yon don, Roam,.
'do. i I Some six,
..years nijo: of ithe i
Villtigs h and;, American !parties, when.'
thrrs nameli hit!' 'tin d 6 to tl3l l le "
thmi 500 ,in this eottnty, 'they / look. iirt 1
ti e !Americans as the worst `peop le t oil
with, quo year hefore the T.7nion,l l , -
f4row [sir, if that', small party is so
pfirifying, yrhidid;ltbey nofunits the
whole country's' force,- and linrge I it, of
allthe . lviees ,in time past,i and 16avci
bh un , parti and that the party of
out-, co i aryl ,I ', .1 I I:
t , , JOTIN lifeCAß'rF#ll,
, o , d a...!•gpiiot. t,AMOng , this Ilkeey
g.. things that are. being publish ,
now-ajdays i l we think. : the following I ,
good to, be.l 9 si • : I.
4 lit ; Oek iC'.plaeo ~in L our
~ own ihnie,t
town land is known to , us :all. I:. The
. 1 • ha • I I • •
•:1 1
morning ,that the - first, requisition_ f,
the President ,was'. p ublished in the
Oity . papers, the Rev. Tibblek of
this piace,•ivOlitthe shoe shop of mi.,
50144,, and - liiiiiii,:tiiere, sridlte . 44 , AO'
f-einisitiet4:,. when I.4lhert I•Artid,;lti,
'jour; stopped;his hamnit. ! andtt . , 4
and the following:tOok place: :, 44' •': .i
'I "Wass is, dais Xi. Tibblel?" I!
1 - 1 lieV4 T'., stated the : requisition; • .
Sauk,'Arndi "Mi..' 'Stiead 1.414615:4#
• • /II ;'.. i ~
.1 : ili . I,•Hh . ,! I
"What 'for r saki Snead; I •It
• I '"1 7 3,71 votes for LincOltWand by T t- f
I fights for'LincolM ' 1 1 : .•r .. 1., ,, ..':
"I.,lguess,' ,adid . snead,l_"yott; i,do, i
mean ,What - yOa 84.7,
.1 ''l'.. .i! .. i , '
I ,
LI " iaiii Igo: in to morr ow ." • . l. ,
1 :., • , promised i make IL I, ' 1 , •
I • j ilt 3.. ] to ,' a t , l ady
pair'ofshOesct,O-morroli; and expected
you•to , l3.* - e.:olii
e.l„ ••;:: •. ~.ii ~.:i
l i !:Aveu i4,3iiyon b, miss; dtrialliintilte
em.iiiit , ihiss is all, iieuTgaid.r!!:, - ,
1 1 .. , ~, : •, much ..,. t i
Tho. ',Jour, i :' was , so; - exerted .•
that' he would 4rd his tools and, taye,
'the broom",' : .niarehl,-and eOMltet4indroli'
'thrnugh the Shofiltho entire after noon.
.ile•. , :ati at the Station't . he mowi ng: he
left i l at fi . ik!clizickiltit h e . said he .iyantedi
to, o, r e in time' 9 lie trent lie Pittsburgi4
iik 4,4 e I ' morning,- inft I:ivit4 .. the qicyt,
Guards the' same evening for parritl i
bung, Wrote . from , liarriabu t rg. , next ]
day, left I same evening Or :th4 1 .4ipita4
(Via Baltiniore,) witai .i in the '" i ' r •9c. : :.tilioi
shot 403IL'revolver twentj7- fi Vo •I•inie,k
Wrote from the 'Capitol inl ;,hFee:des-si
and wiis l lin'the:Orew,i that, toole Alea
!indria; Wrote 'frOin 'there iio'4 , ikt. : .
piecelef,eil' cloth ; . ii*thet,•tax;!,-laine
; ted Celli' ;EllsWor li tfe(l; sinee whic h';
.4., r , . ; ,,r1 i.i.,0 i.A.,* 4., F 44.. 1 10 .. J1.1,....:_:,..
Hue 7as .7 years in the army i . lh;:tier
'Many. ‘' •• t ...1. 1 . .:*FilitePO#•' , "- 1
c 1' ! • ; ).i .•'• •',', • 1
1 .1 . , 1" -- "7 - 7 , 1•11, 1 .'•;,. ,
.` iteirThe folio which 'we • find it I
) . • /i,': i•• ...;
the Pittsburgh 1, is soloxtroni, -,
137 . ,appropok i tl. , .':i.ti ~
insert;( A, f o r
benefio. of , any . J,ur 'i4ublietlii
'i 'l •1-, •
fr ends - who ?If • • Ii - '.•
in any jdon.! , of
such la mov en u r ;County ~• , 1 .,,
1•-• It
.1.13ii.i.:.di, i'PoLiTic4.-11e
"Union •party" rupv6iiioit 10.. t t ii);ii
garateti.llM Butler donnty s , ems:. o be
Working . badly. 1 Thel'instl iiinbe - rf
the Aniiirican nnoiaiii.4lthe .cards - of no
lto'than fohr. geoleMen, :roportell:rui
delegates to the . eonventioni who i]Ov,
r i pudinte,s all'' '.,tiy connection ' th: 'it, fat a'
p, vor: the. ditstinetivelprVl : org#lli4-A',
,tione. :' ~ : rt. ,• it .i.[ :1 . 1 . :,• • 1,- : .
i I . The' ticket it nomina t i o n 'k.
!the . , so-called !;ti,nfpni Convention • ::- r
'4 , 4l.orun l itt 9 e,.:oll.l* . jtki. inat:,Lls co' 1.
posed iad LfoljOws". .- 't — . 9 l'''' .- -; " --- ,l'i , ''''..-'
. ..Tti4ge4Win. -di—an-10' 11,
of Butler,' a n d DaVidi , I:l7 s halt; ,- 'pf
PrOsPeeti;',AasolnkV , ,i+Dr. 3, ,s.S.:lnnik;.
Of 1 - ItirniOnY,, and ..Tokilh,' - nuOitt,,' of
'Penn;; 1 ' • Trelts.urer-iCOI. I 41eXthider'
'Lowry,' - :of - 'Butler; l'-Co ' 'sainner--`-
tkobert , Dunn, "of :Choi:l37 FlAndito
f3dves. ,'Glenn; •'Of.lWalongtesr;lToB:-
!teei=4.lsr IV. -Cil;ontnyin and,.1.10,7:' P.
It; lititelienion - .4 - •
•,, '• , / 1 - •' ' '•/ • 1 - 1/'I•• •i• - ' ,••
Reason' :' :• • ' . W h y ,1. -, l' /1••1••1 : i'
They ..Aseessine •
The Augusta (Gra.iy'iCori.ititn4ona ist
Of the:ithlinstant,. has the ' followin g
charming explanation -of ,the lire o r'
fence, of the SOntheinirs ifb i r gue' lla
Warfare. very 11 one must con e de'
Ithatiit : iii.lentirelY satisfactory id
I the j. intelligent men ofjl''' the , Niairth ,
reall3r ! ''eapect =, l' that '',,,,thiil ., .Seutti'iern:
.gentlenen,.r who: cOrdpose;:lso I`atgi3 :e;
part . , of, the Sou thern arm es
~ t would
be such Soft-h miedlylot`spordt a to
sink the ecinCtio im4as: of; the t • • dif:
and . the "
hireling .': raga uffind and f .vai,, Inti
and escaped - jai I)irdkill i at form . 'll
staple i..of th e inv't:lingll l !heata . -4- . b
they were *MI
.)8. : 'i.eog,iiiO'''t e ,
vagabonds ' with: knightly 'team] , VS,
and invite them to • tiltaltnTi, to rti
nalikents .? . Do - '0.4 con* li ...rthe . li.
true spirit of knight; erianek to ti
their p . oWerawthlSO4Oete.,'.eld
. 41
With „•rneitSured *6*U:lk:l - and' :i .. ( ',
Open arona,:ina tO:Matql,and es 43
eye Y) .( • --' I'i' , : . I ' , i, - ,!..
~ : '..;„...1..j-
. It.
fe. ~
The. Arty till•Pastied. '•,' ; 1
- • , i • j: fl,
• Li ' -.• 111
: •
The j A r my . ill litts'iri*Beit; both
„ , .
hii,kit3 : o6. - The*ilite p assed it a er a
long disous,aiOMoni • an amen t-
feted' by, 31i, pcoTim i :ot . :flier! 'Ai,
that, fhe/Arntylwasinetjteiii;rits d feh
the snhju ntioa. of States,!nh. reducing
theta to. roiihOei; ',oh,,forlo* tibik ,
tiori.of s very.: ( 14j/ long haute! g .4 4
bite 'followediNitil l Wylie - 1;10 , Messrs: i P .
ell .Poinerny, : lJane,!Callile,,'l;lho n
and Vessetideh.p . ool4.:- , 'lt,. iii - ''.7: ii,
atived,) . ' with la t ti. amendment 0,..
blll4ing..thel . . 'etiler tha : ,
list, and tiravidi iihitiOcinigre Sal
r ti.i
redneethe:'4oo, -4 .**lt on .] 'y
iftei;the clesi i o t he *in: E.. •.. '''
•i l i F • 'i 1i • L'. .
• that
• n nhai
Way fiCk
o ba
I.' ,
H e a
iaattle at 13u1la
r qENT*I.II:IaE, ',July 'P. -=-A t halt,
Past twn o'Clock':.this• morning , the/ vii
rio regiments/a:lout Centerville weks i i
fo ' edlor march' ;at tlWee o i cto4k ,a I
' iOnTivai usadd in the , l i direction 'of,
•pif sl
,Alle, leaVreThg •Bull'a'' Run to tlte :.,
e '; at six o'clock the 'first gun wea l )
td hy ;thirty-pound:. fled , canons, 11
lie calletid - to batter th masked, bat-
'tefies that migh t been mintered on
i th 7 road. • There wasp tip reply from i
thp spielny, and the . , adVance moved , '
O'4, to: Gen. McDowelleadquarters,
three! miles beyond Centerville.. The .
g*eater part ;of thearmyi inoved.. to.
theilglitto avoid a bridge 'mime diet ,
tante beyond, said itohave been under-i
Misted. They *ill - pais ;over upon
pOntootts; prepared by IcaPt. Ali:imp-1
diii, of the etigineet ceips,• who ini
Speeted. ?, the coantiy npinntelY on ' a
ptevious I reconnoissance, and, -tO
• whom,,in a great meas e, the plan of
the campaign is duel. - i '• I
.1 The Sixty-Ninth N o - York INVII as
lug, nett, the post of honot in the ad' ante
YrEii) Members of this igiment have
agreed' unanimously to] tiCI7IS, L all ;
;though , their tinie , is n ow, out ,All
tlie New, York regime is will follow
I ihe example., i For h , hours one
Steady column of trai l s passed= thro'
Centerville. Th ,Me le of. the 'sok
'tilers is;'exceildnt All ire anxious for
at ',battle, and `.w en - i 'formed of the i
pOrpose to adv nee lie enthusiasm i
ivas beyond , all deaeri don. It'is-Sup.'
taiosed ' that • Beaurega is i forces are
rger 4 .than ours. • A battle is imini-'
MIL :It may ;not tae place till to-
Morrow night., Tele raphic wires are
rapidly. followina,the army,: and offi = ,
ces were open'this n orning at Fair= i
fax Court House, wit 'Buell and 13en
ton as army 'operat rs. The orderi
1 1 to , move ;yesterday evening at six
O'clock were counter ended till 'early ,
1 this merning. Onr t ceps lir e in the ,
mean time Cutting ` road. 'Oro' the 1
woods, in order y. ank the enemy's 1
batteries. - , 'i{ '
L h as
~... 1
1 ! The Secretary Of ) sir h received
it dispatch that: fighting was ,renewed
at Bull Run thiS inoriing. Our'troops •
'engaged the enemy i vith a large. force
silenced' their batteries and; drove the.
s Bceassiol'ilsts to` theunction. The Ci- , 1
ty is Wild "withily.
Fir was he ar in this city to
da ino. y
from the diree 1'
ion- of Bull Run
from eleVen till about- Once o'clock ;-
their AS'S a ccssatin till nearly fi ve
an at seven this c ening, 'ther rever- 1
be,rations 'of carino I was,, still acid- 1
tble: - - - 11 ,
, i
A.gentleman wh arrived t o n'ght
,says that three o'eltick this after ocin
the Second and Third Jersey gi;
qtnents were ordere to march. fornard
from.yienna, first ending back their.
baggage to' -Cttml Trenton. Other
troops were hurry ng forward to the
scene of hostiliti ' l c and.. there,was
much Military exc Cement and • ustle
in the direction of ;MAIM troops. 1,
• :-.1 - 0. 31.---44-en..... DeWell . has order
cd the reserves n w , here' , under ;Col
`Hiles to advance ci the hridge: over,
niiii-iluu, vii LI. , Wurruntew-ii wc,:tld
having 'driven th enorey before him. 1
Col Milles its now about three or ;four';
miles from, here, irecting oficrations
near Blackburn's Fords : f , ' •
J......- - , ,
Hors; July2l.--
Courier has n t. m
inister Barton X the.
regiment ha just
hat officers, nit and
iv?,ill-th'; say; itat' ' gent.
{ Ofr,*he Whofd ° line
ihre:6,and a half miles
asses,' and 1 that -our
n and _forced the ' Se
-leeel. to Manasses.---
vier now every. um
' , 1
WO of our- . couriers
Gut were- unable to
person` i •
i ; Nvi 'th Oen
of the couriers was
rattle: Be says our
n three mask d bat
d the, rebels to fall
,Ile says the battle
Bull Run, . soi e' dis
' the' batteries taken
field, the oth r some
it,, and the ;third still
mother diSpatch says
we won the day. ' The
of is heavy, but 'the
I Is - iscomplete. The
li's Run - are Sileneedr
e others taken.) ' ' '
, ing has ceased. We
, siii`courier there in a
The Colonel went at
will be back' soon. '
•A report, not official,
parently reliable source I
un under Mentzleinan 1
to reb e ls - 6 M.anassas
as opened tire on their
hp, and: lima then slier
le cannonading can oe
hi!lrd in Washington'
dwn Heightsi. .1- - - -
turned. Qflarter
econd. Miehigat
,passed i and says
eilizens' aG Cente
eVal enga'getnen
has taken place'
.t 1
this side of
"troops had drive!
CessiOnifits lines
.N,Ve expect a Col
..r. at. ='
lave returned,
communicate it
McDOWell. lOni
',on the field of
troops have tak(
iterries, aiid fert
back and retire.
was genet Cu
twice. 0 - te ;of
I was in a'wheat
distance from i
thrther on.
5:20 r. u:,—A
the rederals hal
loss orb . both 0
rout of
,the rnbi
batterielf at B,
and two or th
5:40 r:
shall send anot
few minutes.
4 0'6(0E; and y
I &ill Latert-=.
bat from an app
says the whin
has follaiFeti
Junction and
entienehed Can
them.:Hag ; T.
easionally_ ibe
from Georgetc
lie Confbdera Pirates Captures.
at, NE* YORK, July W.—Captain Peel,
ab i
of the brig C sta>fliuti, from A"spin
;S''il wall, report 4, that- shespolie, on , the
ia+ Bth inst.,,off" ape Ailtemo, the brig i
hO Cuba x -Captai Stout,' from Trinidad
s , ti for,London, ho reported that he had
ry succeeded in 't
istering tho piratical
an . prize crew p' i on boarddlis vessel by
'to the steamer Sumter, . and had put
the; ' -nil to bringtheiri
iw-, B.
r 1 g ay II
egi all
lie I the .
-I sten:) ,
, ed
ißepulse of Op Fedeial Troops
13.1 C,
1 .- I
I(Federal Los Eatinifited Between 2 1 '4
and 3,000 . • • '
I • 1
Shermsuit - arlisle and West
Point Batteries Taken.
0 ,
ke 1 _ .42
IL' -.• ''' -, .., ', te ---
t ,
WASIIINGTONIJiIIit 22.—Our troop
; after taking,three batteries, and gain
N. • - ' -1 . . -
inn. a great victory were eventnall ,
, 1
repulsed, And commenced a retreat o
Wiishingten. The retreat is in go Ol
ii order, With the rear well covered .by
I good 'column. Our loss is from 2,50
Ito .3,060. , The fortificatioris arouni
j,' Washington are strongly re - infor m'
414 fresh troops. ,-----.... .-
i_ After the latest information WAS
ceiced-from Centreville, at half.pai
Iseven last night, a series of events top
place in the intensest deg,Teedisastroii
i The carnage has been trernendoui
heavy onHboth sides, and on our it
Ireresented as frightful.
'V e- were -advancing aiTa taking ti
masked batteries `gradually but sur
ly, and by driving the enemy towaii ,
Manassas Junetion, when the even
seemed to be reinforced by Gen.. , Teli
stun, and - immediately,' born:nem!,
driving us back when a pause time ,
our troops suddenly occurred. and
regular stampede took 'place.
It is' thought; that. Gen. .MeDot4
undertook toI make a stand at or abi,
Centreville,- nt the panic was so le
Ifni that the whole army be mel
•nioralized,'-and it was imposziiblel
I cheek- them: either at Cen treiillet
' Fairfax "urt-llouse.. Giinerai .)
, sentied -
to la
Dowell nt make, end
stand at '4trfax Court-Rease,b l ut
force.s b l ink, in .full retreat, he
not acconplish the object. i .
. .- Beyond Fairfax.ll
'Court eusi
retreat Was keep „up until Ow
reached their regular encampmelii
Portion of whom returned to,thelq
a still large portion comingnt,o
the line of entrenchments.
A large • number of •tiie trout;'
silicir retreat fell int -Ihe n''i-%,1
from. exhaustion.` 'anti -cancroid :11
the, entire route ;all the way from I
taxi Court House. • ' I ,
The;, road from Bull's Illul iix al.
of the pirate 4 were.
Costa. Rica, -and
.The ,Costa Rica
Ateriks hy- the 'gun
cruise in•search
boapl which: all
Igi*enU enlist=
the War.
20,—The - :Penn
inßattitnoVe have
Ert' the expense of
off by the Goner-
E. are! also re-enlist;
the War . d!mail.-
irg ,or.:(ltujitg
Strewed , with • knapsacks,: arms!. •et:4:::.,"•.•':
. _ .
Seine of the troops ,dcliborately; l'i*tre,.w . •
'away,their., , truns
41 . c . better tOfacilitate their, srti iatl
Geri. McDowell ..NvitS:in the: - at;
the . retreat; : . exerting
his men ; but with only
The latter part ,of.tho awny,
inane their retreat in good
slept but little for three,
orders on the 'field,. - did,uot, t
reach those .whom they 4ereiti.. 4 ::
. , •
~. • •
.supposc..l,l, that the
wr;ainst our , troops cooisitited,
ing to a•prisetier's *tat omen t,-4#l,oiti.,:t.
• $(1.,000 Men, larre , •
or cavalry. • - • • ,•*;
•lie further SayS • that owing ;ILO,'th 'j r
• • •
reinforeetnents) . from
Stranshurg and other points, the
TinY's• - etleetive force; Was 90' 4 0...4 .
According to. the Stat'yinentl i f. oi:.tget:• -
••Fironaves,**the...ave On .
6)9e. ,Z
men .left &O y. M the ••shin .ly
glitet.: : ti:
the 69th- Now . York,' et
1 -ments• suffered. frightfully;
•• d d • '-
andAvoun e -
. and ',tho. •
Point trattertesovere.
- eneand eight seige•• 32. 7 pour‘d
Cannon-r—the latter - being
• • brous reinOve,"
iniles. the other .- side of C . *:atC:: , .;,'
*- :.•!1 • : j:.•
Snell of the..--WOUnded • '.44
•. • •4•
•brotight to the' . Center:Ville •If.o4ritti, ,.,
were left there, 'titter haviii! tla! , 11 .
wemida . .properly dressed,.
geon*in attendance . there
W.llanilton.... • ••
• The panic . was so greaV that the • acri
tempt to. rally .them to a; slat f l.atCc
terrific) was entirely..
firra..-Stand had been-made - there '
troops,--could.have been reinfare,':2:.l , ao ,
Mach'diSaster prevented.. ‘:•!i 1-.• •
I 4 - I
Ho* • the Sliniter•
-- 7 % -
. /3140kalle, • i -'-- ;A
A letter from on jioard flip Unitga
Stafes sloop-cifWar Brooklkui., deild'
Jane 29th, gives the fellowiag adebir
Ofiho way Sumter gotroq * o '
Orleans—tarly this Inoriii 44, a
kark was seen i tbe offing ; u i s • t.,ht
-was' a rather suspicious.looking) E'r, I I
we ran out to,-.' whieh
we did. - She preied to be . n}1414
;bark, of Sunderland, from: till's PO
I Spain,
New Orleans, ini. balli ,, tl --
She was warnilid of the blockade- ,r'
were taken quite out to seni in ill IP
suit of the ibark ; after - botirding V:
-we steamed in for the land: ~.01i.i''
way the men were mustered aroP -
the capstan,. and we all took-the e
of alegiunee to that country
fiug l so proudly waves over oar' h e r
About 11 A. m. a war steamer' was s(..e'
coming' from 011 t of the i' .. ` a ss '
P 4
immediatelycommenced 101 e itag
crowding all lbe steam an I saill lo-
was-possible ; the steamer, which : '.
probably the Sumter,_
_did lie s4ffir ,
as the dense volummi of t la' :4 0 k, e
,emanating ' from her mokelP f r
would . well testify. lirb
. gajn e ;,.
very slightly. (our eugines- e l
in a very bad state of repiii.) bt . t. Y ; et
were so close that we. could iiisttiltr...
see • with a glass the Se essionVk
flying . at her gaff. At half past ifth:`7.
• o'clock, allittle water got lilt° tfik C Y
inder, and the engin& tore 's ' l "'''
down. not stopped, for ab Ut fiNl3 ow
utes, at theend of which itone 9010'1
t i g again aS fiiiit rig eteer,-.19, et OP bind
a contrary direction: -1
Xll ,
Or •
'q •
, t$ ,
1 1,_
si~l — r
011 z t