The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, July 17, 1861, Image 2

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    .11id- ea - vex .
'Dircrenpik Ed_ Itx
Republic:o2 - Qin
4 . ' ' -------
J ge: '
D i 4
EL A G Boro gb.
- r -- A.T..'ldciate JAidge.
JOHN ' SCtr.„ 1 ".0, Florlew i ill tp,, ;
A t NEW DcitFF, New Ifrightoi,
. i ,-SS-en 6 . 1 . Yr, ,- [
M. iIEN4 i Falistooß 1 t
_ . 1 , ,
v :i
4 n
14. B .
Z 4
p r u t,C , 4
s t
G :R t t n
o r as e f y r:
§t,, ,' Tieasure -. :
OP, C. BRAtoSIE!AW, F !Igloo,:
i ' - ,t, < bon2ntissidper.
--- Di , i,
Cf3linty Auditor,
JNO. STENOIiT, .Mo n .
s i s Pike HOuseD irect
Trustees of Aadenzi
wv. 11. MAHAN, ih.aver
Report of the 'Secretary ,
1 ' . 4.reas '
urll .
• 1 k t '
This document-next in
toi the message of the 1
84stains theyreputatio t
Chase had Tr i eviously
• !Seamier. Viewed as az
itrote upon the finances of the govern
' re l ent it bearl a close esemblance in
vigorous ,retrarch and exbainttive an
aiyais to those celbrssu rt i d i State papers
which i ssu ed from 1 ' 1:0 ',en of 'the firs(
erctary o f the ,Tre , urv. In many
- r e spects, * the . db . & kids t/he 1
.:__:. ' .
countered were -the s: • e in'yith ca
lies.l -
Ordinary mind
_ ` would have
-shrunk froMUhe task I .hieh Hamilton
i - rich '
• undertook„and that Wour second
k r
,Tlamilton liiia entered pon, May well
40stenish tli&comnion i tellectS of the
disY. - 0 '
To raise konr Hun red M i llions of
- Dollars, and. carry (A L le ordinary bn-
siness of: the Government, is a
---- '
whichhas p resented insuperable difft-'
atilties to mans- patriot U i c mind. They
/ reflect that theiast Ad ..inistr . tion; in
/ Oime of prof(Mnd pe i ce, wa6 unable
to meet the ;necessary xpendttires of
the 'Gpverninent; and bat at; the end
of 31i. Buchaean's to , the. Uni t ed
States was heavily in lebt,- And Con
-1 i t
gress was.iiiiked for a large lo,lin o en
able the Il4tninistratito eet cur
_t rent expt,r4s. But G v. Ch, se takes
hOld of the natter in a Man er that
shows at once his enti re confil
' hts plans tar raising the at
revenue. 'rile t ot al amount 1
. i i
- the fiscal g.ear i is $318,b79,58.1
t e
thmanner of raising this
i' hisrep ! t.: • . •
I -
The detiCiencv of r
from ithports othc
rieeesqarilAbe supplied
"the pri3blM.,•tb be sol)L
Oopotionihg the form
sod so, afijitstiog the
that t;ie ttlhole'anymit
. ,
ee l ono l mv, With . l e.
convenieuee. and «-'J
possible be
hy.-ta.xatioa and z-." 2.-19,
This ,So.:oiilt.l.of);_i will
n i arr pendit tires. fot
tercei)res' be' paid 'opo ,
t to
incurred during the i.
vision of $.i).0c1),000
It -
and, final extinguish lint of filea public
ii:ebi., " The Secretary rec.-on-upends on
i.i' such Inediiication. of thti tariff's
.6.'11 ' th • • 1 part :of
:I produce C pri 'pa p . .0 the
neeaed re enlu
e lii Tiropolses a tax
14'i , t .
-ents:por poll on brown sugar
1 ' . '
and other sugars in 1 oporti n, and a
I , 1
ditty of 5 : cents, per Ipound ion coffee,
and 15 cents upon
on green tea. he to 'lack ttia, and 20
etints' 1 revenue
from inipotits during eyer is esti
inated at (F.5,000,0t0 w y,
ich ma
o f :
1:06 added t3,000.00D nom 1 e sale of
ablie lands, Titer will- then re
htivin, to make - up the 8 0,000.000
820.000,000 to be rail d by t nation.
The SCTretary su gests that the
property of those •en raged in insur
iert ion, or in , giving aid an comfort
, - t
to•insurzeiite, may r,operly be made
to contribitte t 6 the e - fipendit res made
in cessarybY these irurgen s.
he Seeretary Subitits eo Congress
thp expediency 'of opening subscript
Itions for f-a , national' loin' f not less
than , 8100;000;000, tt'o be is ea in the
• I
shape of Treasury notes or xehequer
bills,'bearing a year! 'li te tof 7.3-10
• -
per centrum, tto be paid h if yearly,
and redeemable at th l e pleaS re ,of the
United Sthtes after three Years date.
Th'e sum qf_iloo,ooooo ia'named as
, •
the amount for which jt . n w seems
expedient itt 'subs ription. of
fhi4 kindi inter ed to re
o,i/et loans to sty precise
lim t short re sum which
ma be rim%
iditioini to the
realiii3d from other.eources for
all he x pitipo l ses of t e yea*.
It is propoied to • 1 eth
` l es of t hig tip:in in nnis O
_ , -
No ',
, 7
$OO, sl4too and $5 000 with eam 't
I I "th th
~, , I
I: t 1
interest`of_ for _specified periods ,oagra
•yed on te' f , back
• of each note. The;
facility thus secured Aothia kolder, of
determining the exact atrifmnt of the
note iind teriist 4ithoti&iinyl trouble
-4 'i .-;;; , : 1- .r
of com tiltion;
. W 1111; materially en--
bailee i Viduci7for allptfriß:ses of in
vestment..aid paynient. riTh443ecreta
. 1 , ;
ry adds: I I ; , • .
1 - - -;-- ;
- To secure the widest possihle circle
of, contri,bution - to the '; inducements
just mentiOned, that the; bOoks be
opened the offiet: of the Treasurer
of the linited States_in!Washington,
at the offices of the Assistant' Treasu
rers and depositories of public moneys,
at the offices of .such poettaasters and
other selected persons in such cities
and town the ;Union, as' May be
designat d;i l. ..and subscriptions be re
ceived lo Soo, or ;any sum. b'eing the
multiple 0f . 1.50; that the sums sub
scribed b paid in cash, or,
,if 'the sub
ser:ber Prefer, -in installment of one
tenth aolhe time of suliScription, ,and
one tenti on the Lit and 15th! days 'of
each month thereafter:' The first, in
stallineni to be forfeited in case of
non-payment of subsequent install
ments.' that interest accrue an - be - paid
as it, becOmes due !on al rui n paidin
from the day of paynient,! d that
Treasury notes be issued if I•equired
; ,
for all pazments except the ;first in
stallments' and fop these, on fi nal set
tlement. If .
'We ha &no doubt bu
tit: t that the va
rious estionsin tliis'admii;able re
port will Fe met in the ,proper spirit
by cong ess, and that. each 'of the re-
commen i ations will speedily be passed
and bee( me laws.. •
of the
it, fully
eh Gov.
ed as a
to trea-
enjo y ' !
The cOnfidence of thetmoneyed por
tion of e l onimunit)i . in the ability and
judgmeni. of Gov. 'phase ; has ..heen con
stantly the increase, :and" a perusal
Of this report cannot fail to arenith.
en It.
Anoth ['signify...ant fact is that not
a single in finenti L aljournal in the north,
.1. ,
however • muth ufsposition so to
do, may,es:ist, has ventured to 4 say
—thF - I ' -tth< featly.- 4'
any toinT dgains. main fetures
the,reporq and even the N. N.Y. Tiib
une; whieh!of late, has taken to grum
-I;lin- and ~Lult-finding vith eery act,
has but ; a single, objection; and that a
tritling - io l ne, merely something to keep;
the 'hand lin.".as it were. r •
• I I
Tha New Virginia Senators.
- On Saturday-, Ms. Johnson. of Tenn,
presenthd ithi. credentials of WI. T
• 1.
Willey :'and John S. Car'tish3; t l i he Sena
tors elect t from Tiirginia;.rth9 f+ ter
having 1.4. - 4 n eleet4d in piace.;Of Mason,
and the li+er in- plaee linriter. Af
ter consnlerable'diseiision 31essrs.
ilohnson,lsaulsbury,BaYityd, T'on Eyck,
Powell,:Vitham. Colianier and Doolit
tle. 3.1 - r„ , ll3ayard r
'moved to,
i efe.rl the
eredentiala i of the 'new Senators to.the
Cormnitte on • Jadieiary. 'This , was
lost, and Messrs. ; C rlisl¢ and Willey
Were tlaeri •s' worn' in. :„Thus I are ; :two
traitors disposed lof. Ve hope that
'they maY ;now be! eaptitred and 'lmii
ishesl for! their treason.!. • '
enee in
l lount of
•Led for
86. As
he, says
um 2, whether
sour es, must
hfrom I ans, and
d ie ti at of -so
er to - 41e hitter,
of both,
I needefl - may be
t y , 'with die
st poisible in
h the greatest
nefit to the peo-
. ,
1 Messrs
ern Star ii r
last nun
1 dictum',l
We w
new VOC
.sses the opinion
be IprOvided
00.000 by loans:.
cover: the ordi
the y4r, the in
-1 the debt , to be
I ;I I
ar a P-
Cauctio . n
expermn t
from th:
ehair: 1,
sire to d
to surm
rEL; e observe that; a select 1 Com
inittee h sheen appointed in the House
of Repr sentatives.. - -to: repcizi l t• on the
location of 'a National Armoryl and
that Di.': Wallace, burreprOentittive,
is: a - me nber of the COminitteei We
trust that our friends will ;lopSe no
time in lacing before l - the Committee
the adv t antages .of Brighton on 'the
falls of' the RCaver, in thisicoutity.—
The ci+ns of. Pittsburg are moving
in thisrtter.. Let our citizens ;not
be behind them .: • ; - ' • -
, 1 , ,
Acer.irEn.—*e learn that the jt;
companies from this eounty, • now in
Camp lyright, have- been.aecei+d in
the service of' the Unitod'tates i and
are bus 4 engaged in/,filliag. up their
companies to the' complement ? ,101
men. Tire hopkynny ofour young men,
who inly irtend inlisting, 'will go in
these l eoh)panies 'in preference t•: join
ing other companie.s 'There are plea-,
ty op' rails to fill all tfi . e comiranielf .
fromßaver, and they should go dt
once toCampWright,'where theyll
I , W 0
be received. ' - ' .
Tat rew righton„.V.iftes are rapid
ly fdlingup to; the number required in
the new regulat ion .
t Some 15 or, more
Mondaywent up on nday and •1"0 or 15 on
Taesday.- We trust ail our local Com
panies will fillop with. men from our
own county. 'tgererallivorm i 'ts started
yesterda y fol- Camp Wright to ;fill up
the rank s of-the'' Carlin Rifles"lto the
full co mplement, 101 Men. , The com
pam'esreceived theit guns on Monday,
and 6ere is now a prospedt of their
going.mto actives servicersoon.
. I
1 T'
$.50, 8100,/
Ch l ingeEi,
C;Barclay have
dl their interest in the *est-
*t this pitiCe;,.,antl in their
lfer anit'panc6; iri :t
that Ur. O.Ln , .
b 1 hito
Diu i•
the - Jj.eavei, eniinatry And
pi this place,
the, editdriA OciliOnns.l
shM a.
r.. Lon , stieeeiSs in his
tiOn. and can assure himfrom
tee that it is ;'quite different
t; in ,which he has lately, been
Ite will find: creed - Ulan -4-
I .
S surrounding the! editorial
it none 'which' au earne'st de
'hi.3 best will: not enable him
- The lie' Ding of the rmi t l
_therwitrut tiow4 et-i t te!eirisiti.- - -The
movements', o the Grand A r my, , which
luting b 7 ., goitwietk-feriesitr
thine, shaiw i t
} 1 g
this *atitio'rebelliop
will soon be,Ornshed : 'tiso gotraplete
ly that ifirealen will n; 1
agai4 L . ,3tiliketO
lift its head *thia4heis)Huit‘d Stiktels.
We Ora ondrhaditltrieteirpeil:
feet atuil 'ent • e cOnfadonalo in Generil
Scott;The Id Hero, es e Sits calm
ly' In Lis offic at -Washie ion, dirct.-
4 .
ing the 1 mov metdS of Ithe most .1*)-
mentolul l campaign _that': this , country .
Jlft 12 , ..,0r Iwitnissed i „ impresies lie more
and more 'wit ._w
the grandettr.of that
military I geniis Illah i waS ,displao(l
in the Conquest . or Mexice": The be
' ' f the; iid • ''' 'clearly
ginning io - e e is n ow
The combined Movement of Gen's.
, _ 1 , i
M'Olellan aii d Paittersen,l: from the
North aa'?al I Wiest,
,1 tegetheri , with the
advance Of Gi l m. MlDowelli from the
North-East, will tn. surround the
f/ 1 . H 1
rebels at! Manassa unction, while a
Al ' It attac k f ti h' /*to
samu aneousi rom l as in,, , n
and -Fortress Monroe,, will compl et e
' ' r rthro ' f the' a
the utte ove 1 w, o :gran re
bellion iri ViO,irda. I Once crushed, as
they donbtlesi will be, the ;end of the
War will !kit! be itir distaiat, and We
may Scree exect of see tlie Stars_aind
Stripes floating 6o'm the' Capitol at
,1 . ,
Riehmond, t to be follpweu by a speedy
, 1
recognition o t the ' Federal authority
in all the seceded. States. I 1
I 1
rs of i the Confederate
xperieyeed great aston
, e cOurage dbplayed bS
,s whim thOY have en-
I I "
''The oldie
Ai l iny have
ishment I at t
the loyal.
- They have - een abdustonled so long
te'regard the i citizens of the North-as
their inferio, andithey have so .
plicitly believed i the lying , assertions
Of , their 1 traitbro4 leaders, that they
theught7the'ankces, as they, are Icon
temptuously termed, - would run at
the first encount'eti With .the noble
chivalry of: the South. !'.They are
perfectly aste ndedint finding t4t,in
stead orfaci g a miscellaneous herd
of vulgar an ignorant coWards,. Who
would fly at tie approach ef the high
bdrn Souther i chivalr y ,v that they are
ii 1 , i
confronted b aI st ofr mon, whose
coUrame and intrepidity is far superior
to their own. I .
The effect of this. i disagreeable 1 s i ' •,.
prise Juts" been 'mot unplasant lor
the seldiers of the rebi'd army. -
Ai every encounter theylhave been
routed, arid they have sbelvii so little
of ::that courrige and ehivaiiry of whiOli
they 'boasted, thin. are', be
coming contemptfbie. 'Kiley diNplay
great ability in retreatik liewevcr.
--- -
141 I i .
stein l
Armnry, ;
I ' ' -. I ; ' .
ince ;appointed on Fii- j
"Was . liington i corresPou-'
•- , i
ribunn. by .the Speaker.
I to th l J.epe.i.icoey of. em-
I. r 1 • -
Western Amory, w ilt
ort favorably to the_ pro
days, and re.tqinntend the
by the SeerOary Of War
ion .tol iocat l e a site. In
'. ' • ; .•. •
'', a ,
c6ininiss l ion• was ap
• 1 - • : -
its purpose c and'•a report
blo to Beaver Falls,' at
I !,• -
nn, on account of . its un
i • •, 1
r ,p, [
1,.• er andl Otlier great )
atag-ei3, but ltor 'political
propiiiation:Wfas made for
• . al , the . buildings. "In
conunisSion was, longappOint
n report made in tayor
-named site. ;
•: - . 1 ~
i .1
A •
- : W 1:
, }_. . •
The: pout
I day,. sa - ts th 4.
I ct l 1 .?1 11'
Pn e
ItO examine i
!probably rel .
!Jett in ofV
i appointment
]o a coMmis
' I 18`)..i
I :
poutted: for t
ina'de. favor.
liriffhton P
'rivaled Acute
natural- adv.
reasons no a
the erection
1841 atiothet
and a sec
of the i►boti•
• .
•, Camp ' Wright. -.. , -
i i __.- • , 1 '
1 The ;.Naw Brig h ton Colapany. coat
atande4 by Capt. ;John titithbertson, coat-.;
has la i ep as f igitel I himor i ttble pi saion
in the kh R l eginti9t,l am bi t. Co!. C. F.
Jacksbn—the sth; company hocing .
custo4 s of the
,colOnl, and the ad post
of honer. Car& 'Cuthbertsoni by elec.
,•- I -
lion, was , tendered, [promotion as I.lla ,
jor in nnotherlßegim i ent,'ivhich_he de
- 1 J [.
,clined,preferrinb, to s tan ds by h i s o% n
Ithel.'officers land
eoldieri of the C l ump;' Capt. Cuthbert
son.,. asl welll Capi. imiffilal of the Cur
tin Rifles, stand is iMgh, estimation.
2nd Lieut. John price isl. promoted as
Ist.Lithitenant in Place of'. D.
CritchloW,nd' Charles R. ChaMber
linn of; Ne wßri g hton , 1 !‘ i 4 clvanefid as
1' '
,ld Lieutenant,. I iCql.t Jackson '`and
Aleut-Col .ri deri.on, of the Regiment,
have•betli c -perlenec and reputation,
.having see service in lihe lleican
I 11
War.i l , , - i l 1
formeli r ly of
been arres
son, at Mar'
furthnt, th:
madl p
the easter:
bas bean
willl.owevi l
days. I
I /
L.—Samuel 7. A Rea,
thietplace, hieb , we seel by
in the N'evir . Yor k Tribuife,
d order of iien] : Patter
insbarg. • 1 The 4
paper states
tth arrest tzs probably
vent eommu cation w ith
press access' him
flied: IWe preptime that he
-r, be'idiseharied in 'a:feiv
i .1 i 4 ' .
enanlC 'ttendef
son of
1 Ciiitindeac !
.o,:nles, in a
, • ,
ed in , the LOniiville Dern
he joined the confed-
Hon.l John
Card üblis
oorat, that
- 1 I tit
1 4) -- r
li ; 1
'7__Plollo4/fiNtteftn*r eleariand
eoftneeted i repeit .41 the &publican,
.Iflliotik r i e -follO ' , gk. showing the
'c ,e Bonin - -
skil lr h IWhich Col.
StegefnitinseaVer 44 made up for
1 1 1 : 4 3
tetteffeleary in *um re and.eaval
'At-this juncture abent fifteen hun-I
died of the enemy's , cavalry started
bae,l4.*ith the intention' -of entting . off
Seigel's ` transportation irain, seeing
hreh movement a retreat was order
-e ,and Jiword ' sent 'ithmediately for
wagons to"adVance as, rapidly aspos
sible. By keeping bpi the ,fire with
t' o infuntryand bringing the artillery
irange - whenever niaeticable, Col.
S igel managed to retard the progress
ot:Jaekeon's cavalry; I -and eventually
to fall back.almost nnobitructed to , the
baggage, train, whiCh jwas some three
and 'A half miles frOtit the scene of the
first engagement. 1• •
IBy a skillful, move g e nt e Wagons
were placed in the centre of the col
timn in such a manner that there were
artillery and infantry iforees both in
front and rear. - rtieksons troVps then
retreated and entleavor j ed to•surround ,
tie entire column byt aking a position
upon some bigh.,Mu s j
or hills over.-
looking'a creek. Th re was lint olio!
road' leading across this stream, . and r
to progress at all wit hout- further rie
ti-eatino• in the'direetieti of:Carthage
, e. I. i
it was necessary to cross the..eh3va 7 .
ponJWhere the jeavalry were mainly
posted. j - - - - II J , • ,
Major Backed` Ordered tiro of the
artillery pieces in front to oblique to
the left and two to the right,
ent and at,
the same l time a, similar movem
. .
Was! made front.Coal. , l, )egel 13. battal
ions; This was,a man 'nver toinduee
Jackson's men to believe that Seigel
Was,' seeking to passe Lout on the ex l
-t'rernes of
,their lines, Vi a nd to out-flank
the ' cavalry. It waS followed by a
closing tip' to the righ t and to the left
by the forces on-the bluffs, when; on
reaching a point three hundred and
fifty yards from the cavalry, !the four
pieces-were ordered Ito a tranpe..rse
oblique, and immediately a Leavy
cross-fire w oned .j with eannister.
At the same time t e ;infantry charg. ,
ed at double quick, andiin ten minutes
the I State troops were scattered in
every direction. Ten j rounds Of can
nister were fired froMjciaeh of the Can
non, together - with several round 4 by'
the infantry. ,'-
, 1 1 j I
This was at, about,
the 'eveningc and thl
with, theliiamenvering;
the neighborhood of
Jackson's cavalry wer
ed, being armed chi t'
guns and commn o rit
[ 11 , 3 cannon on the ble
,1 , ,
li ,. yere consequently at?
1 or no resistance to the
I duel 'Siegel. Forty.
t eighty horses were- t:
I to jack,.:Jon's troops,
i also! capture d sixty
hot guns tilt-' Bonn_
!ti(y.,!at -- tr kniv ' ,
Our i intiwitunit states that one of the
prisoners, on • being asked bow many
had been killed on his' 'side ' estimated
'the logs .at from two bliindred and:fifty
1 '
•to three hundred. IL - • '
1• I
I I Notwithstanding, their , loskis,. the
, State troops still held their position so.
1 fhr as to cut off Fleigi:'s ftclvaliciii3Ovel
! the creek, and that ,Oilicer wasreom
j pelted to order a retreat; iii the three
) tion of C art h a ge, JabltSon's' men foi
, 1. 1
, lowinw and .arrounditvr the column
ion !three sides% Doting the retreat,
firing- by the infantry was kept up,
and in this way the 4valry- was kept
at some distance. ',Siegel's comniand
got back to Carthag l .dat, half-past 'six
o'clock, mid at once undertook to en
ter'the Woods about, a mile distant,,-
This movement was strongly- auddes-
1 perately resisted. J r aFiksbn s men feel-
Ong' that once in the timber they could
tie nothing r .heing Mil hdrseback.' An
effort to rally the elvtillry to a eliiirge
rail made, which Ini(tight the . Whole
1 of the infantry int() action..
Afteii some hard, tiiilithig, Ca sil
gel! got his men into, the woods, nd
so covered his retreatias to force isle
§t.ute troppa to relim l nisi) the further
prosecution of the fight for thenight.
i pie latter, returned o Carthage ivit l i
1 the evident pal-po i se of renewing the
1 battle in ,the morning, ' 1
11 1 Lieutentiat Tosk, Ivithout any posi:
itivit_infori ation on the subject, thinks
that itttliis last en*eiment near,Car
thagek 'Jackson's men . must hare- ptl 4 .t l
fermi a loss of not ICss than twolittn,
'tired kill' d. He says that during the
( whole da l l7 the loss' on t he fe J•al •
de side
I .
was - bat 1
eight kill i ed and forty-five
'wounded though I 'm; Understand that!
i the dispatchea of General Siegel . to
! Col. 'larding, at! the Arsenal, place
the number of killed at twenty-fonr.
the report that LienC Col. Wolff i was
Hied is errcineons,l the only officer
ven wounded being Capt. Stoudman i
of: :Siegel's regiment. ;-
Colomil Seiel, notwithstanding the
great fatigue r ef the day—his men be-
Mg iii action nearly twelve boars, and
Offering, severely from the heat and,
rem lack of water--ordered his men;
to press on inlretreat ;from Cart:llB4.3.i,
A forced marsh Was!made toSareoxie,
in the'southeast corner of Jasper
county, (Carthag• l z) being the county .
seat,) a distance of tW_elva or fourteen
m4es. 'The theywant into camp at
three o'clock - n Sa turday 'morning
In the aftern on of tlie next' day ; the
reirent was c ntinued- to Mount V op.,
non, in Lawr ace. county,' sixteen or
eighteen. mil .east I of . Sareoiie,
where Siegel lialstand, and wbere
1 hiS headquar ors! wcre located When
Lieutenant oak I ft; which was at .
Ict oti , j
o'clock oft ' the ; , evening of 'the
' ' Lientenan Teak.. ``met General
Sweeney wi h big &tee, five runlet
from Mount Vernori,t and Coktfnel
Brown sixtee railew from there; so
that the arm ' under Col. . Siegel ''has
been largely ugniented, and wmay
soon hear more ;exciting netts from
tit l e Southwest: 111 I ', :
t 1
Battle lit Bich 1 input:data, Va.
19,,90015E13 - 417T TO PLIGIIT i !
. it
•1 ___,..._ w i _ • ...,:
Onwardrch ,'.of' :Omens? llfc Olellai;
1 , r ; .,' ,li. --4, - -. i . 1 , 5 r .
Below , ibto . ttie -offiefal acediint- ,
aeeount Orthei-kidgems of lienerellie 7 4
Clellan„ - iv, hiehmgiVes the full partien- '
tars of the brilliant afflir at, Rich '
Mountain. Western Virgin tono • ' - i
cleared (if rebels: _ ' ~',
IV.AstrisrroN ,'CiTY, Jul
_y- , - - 4.3,_.-- i rlia
-, , ---.-- t ,„ , --..,,,...._ _.:-..
follo3Ving Tapa#ll frau _i_...G" - 'i - ,1
lan "was re eived - Itilday„„itt---the - ttrin
headquarters : A . - ..). --..-• ,I. ' I
Beverly, julYl l 2, 1861.-4-Col. 8., , 1D.
Townsend i i The success df to dayi is
all that I . could 'desire. We capt,ured
six brasS Cannciti4 w
of hich W e captured
all the enemy's '
,camp ' etptlpage 4nd4l
transportation,.even to his cups. 'I The
number or ten will probably re4eh l
two hundred, a id - morel' , than. sixtYl
wagons. ' 'Tlieli;ltilled and wounded
wilt amount to fwill?one hundred 4inf i
fifit.,y, with ono, huntlred i iirisoners 4ml!
more coming in Constantly. I know 1
already' r of teaofli kilpers ecl and riiis-1
oilers'. =Their rout is complete. Illac-1
Icupied 13e4erly by a rapid inarelil---•,1
Grarnett, abandoned his„Cinip early i in.
t ,
the' rnernin. ,leaving ' of „ills
equipage. lie carne " NVl i ithin a - 4 , ,,y v , i
miles -of Beve.rlyj, bait our riipid...',
march turned hint back; end he is tiliel
retreating on the'reall to St. Geoff e, 1
*I have' ordered, General ltorei4 tof6l-1
Ilow him iip,closely. I linve telegraph- 1
1 ed for the two Pennsylvania reginieutsi
jat Cninberland to join General 11111 fit I
Rowlesbarg, andiwill tali off Garnett's ,
retreat near West UnloO, or if,! 1)0'144- ,
ble,'sd ;3t. Qetir&r,e: I Miy say that
11 hare' driven out son*lo,ooo troops
at nngly entrenched, with the loss'' of
eleven' killed and thirty!-five Wouinted.
' h e; PrisonerS' returned hero stitte
( rnett'SlOrce to live been ten tiniiiii- l
I n
I '
.d• Men.'
~,They W i ertil EasternViir 7 I
glidans,/ Tennesseans, Georgians ari l 1.,
think CUrolininns. i To-morrow I 44.0 - 1
'"iFo - full pri souerscaz-
I trust that! Pen. / Cc& h i asl4.--this tliiiie
driven Wise out of the ktifaiwha *hi- .
le'v. In 1,110 e#:s6 I. 'Oral haveacciiplL
pl)shed'th&object,of lilierathigAresti
, ern Virgiiiiii: „-rhope the the GCS ' er- I
,i i i Chief n_ 1 ;111 -- approve [of my o 'FT..
tions. ' ! , 1
-1 Z,'.. .' G. BL I M';
. , 11
Miijer General Cornmailding Dep't.lof
'Ohio. 1 1 1• I ' , ,'
I' 4 I
II ' J . . I • ~- 'A tab ten
Propotted4SUrrende t.t.en tat
. 1 '.
1 'M'Clelltim.i 1
WASHINOTOX July l The fol airy-
.ingl was' received Ju ly 13th, ;Om
BeN erly, Vlrginia : .Bekurt of CP/lei/al
..ife.Clellan ib Lieutenant General' ..`?'wilt.
I I , " .- I -
i I liiive received trom regrain pr j opo r
' sition'for surrender, iilth. his.oil{cprA
and remnant of his comnuintl, say l 'six
4d nice: hundt ; They lire ,sairl .to' be
lextrein , ely penitent; ri ar la nd ~ tleiernuipd
1 n nee, iig - ain tO take against; the
' (4-enOill klovernment. I ;shall likee
iicarly'lnline hundred i or a .thousand
prisoners to t l tike care, oi when; 'Pc
' gram flOtiliS iii: The lateSt accounts
Intake the loss of the 1 1 ,elyels in killed
I some One hundred anil , fiftv. ; ,
five o'clock in
e. 'engagement ;
;Ind occuined in
two hours. 4
il.'poorlv mount
tl With shot,
They had
ror Ebills;:and
to . make Ili tlq
nttacks of ei,l4
; live Men 'and
4 4 tkon belonniiv ,
4nd there were
Rebels' Routea. !
• • ~..„..; ' 1 ~ h-.
ur..cdNs•A.Ti. :11113.- 15.—A t4aia-,,ar- ,
,” • , • 1. • a ,
riv,ed at Grafton at ten o'el4k I qiisl
morning., bringing the:1110(1y o Giiiier
al Garnett,. late ,edmmarideri•oll the
rebel . .t.tiAli-el .llilk l•who,lN:Nlas.
killed :NA-hile ,attemptiag torall . .A .. ilii4
retreaiting forces lat 1 garriek's Ford;
near St.! George: . I ', -• I 1 4 • . 'l
i• '.'
, Tlid•rebels were conipletelyl routed
by Ge'n 3l.Orris' eolnnui, alul all, kiwi'.
i .
. - , , 5 •
canip'e in 'page eaptured,a, with itilAny"
prisoMirs I and ,I,ll . ty' kilted. Thc4, loss
on our; iside---l'oitir of .thephio: FOur•
te e ntlt 'killed,: aild a.te, , Av !Avonaided. 7 .-z
The re. el: l s l seatte i red ;iii eivery '(l4.e.e
-tidu. I ' 1 1! . -I — . - ; ; ! ; '
.I I 1 '
I ' T ---T-- r7 ----- t
Curio' lairentions ofthe tneiny
, - iil34 1‘,.1, 1831.
I 1 . ! , • ... Ne v
A gentleman,' jut frbm' 'lvlOr
deans, • reportsi \ that thei
( 1 rebels9iad,'
taken ' a powerful . ,tug-li at, corer , • . , :arc pat
. railrbad - iron,. :put pat licar,
macbineryi below - the . ly'ate'r l_liiti;9:—;
The . V, had also 'built it neboat I goni- . :
pletelV of I•iron,..tery 'ship, wiiih• a
sharp point lieloAli; the water tine,land .
inteilcleld to rundown .Uhited t'ittte's
vessels. She was' to lie I;emkniqu•ded
by eapt. Seward ',Porter, 1 . 41-rae . r4. - 44:0f
POrtland,Slaine. , • '- - --- ~:---72f l c , '
ri Ads in Kentucky : 11 ,
licruis - vn,i f t, July 13.—The 41001
has it letter saying that' the traitis on
the Nashville - Railroad -having I. emi
busy in transporting 'soldiers4. rorn
Camp Cheatlnun to' East 12enness e.—,
It is Ithought that ',.a sudden irruption
of plc;:soldiers, will find'Last ,Telitnes
sop , unprepared. The: 4 fozirnat .i also
says that reeruttin for =e Southern,
Confederacy is go ng on in all: the.
counties;immedta ecy Surrounilhig
Frankfort! The s me . . papct has a;
letter saying that tains land wagons
heavily I loaded' ;with ~ p rovisions ipass.
Bowling Oreen daily; conning : all the
way from, )Louisvillo.
~ - ' 1
: The Surveyor of the port at ist ew.
Albany,lsays ,that • the . blockadel has
not been raised' thet.' The restrie r ,
thin On flour and g rain in part 130
lvearemoved., 1 1 -
. BAIA OP HORSES IN .15AVER.-1- m .l. ne
sale of horses for the Aritiy, on Satur
day:last, drew a large crowd to our
town, and Show, of tine horee4 was
suite creditable. We i learn that Oaar
purchased ationti, kfty
horses, and frie Or sit ntrites, ‘;')' thO
kind specified The agent will be
here.again on ,the 27th of July.
_ .
fel young lady namediArkomintai
hemenia Smith Cwas rowel the
camp of the Indian#egiment tit
Indianapolis ion Friday, in' nniforin
ready to march to Virginia.' was
discharged. I•
• I
Beaysr. Female Ile
luparayanco of in 1 ruct ons, the
eiommittettappointed b theittsbarg
; conference suhrit th , folltiving,'• re- -
lior .t - : . - ', - 1
I afrord&ns pleasuro Ito' sac - that all
1 .
•Nv 4 itrtne_ssodtupt vi
us t to, his histi-'
tution, it, iti late! Con" = 'cement, okij
dencealt high degree oT-'''FCellencei in
"allitaNiopartmtrits. 1110tit11 1 it wag
1 ,
Mk ,9111r , pnViiAge/t0
.. .f 4 , restmt at , it:
Oliimmatio - if of'-all 4 ,=. = i sse4, yet frow.
• t --: •,.4tswv I.ll&.tet- I isi - Q ihave 4e no,
... „,
p 'in sitytti!! l :l ,at 1.144, ' 'lna-,
io, I 8 4 - 7 ,- - , -I;,,, y an.' to liti)itr el'at:
a& or e mate for i _ y ; i.... , ramous
• -el mated; d . t. i)'"I 4, filyni
.. = . A aßcl„ .. patroni:- i f, - 1, ,
:. 1 1 241 orampiations br64 Won thO24th
ci el ostcl on the 2/ tit Of June, and
a t.' ii tedflu t il'izi ' ' I
Iv eon' ue kith a " 'cog iness
al d candor peculiar to it first claws lit -1 .
ei r iry inStitutioni Ai4lig• the many'
other fact'''. made patentßo the commit- .
,t4e during, our visit. ,!`i,9 thid :, that
Whil l e i the pupils in tie niOre advanced
lel sees were pioperlY attended to, ten
i 1 'tat care had bec l'lgil.r . cti'to those in
t e.Primary and 1 reparlitory depart
n eats. Indeed, the I.e i kitations in all
the departments gave gpOd proof that
a l l the parts •of a complete gi - stern of
et 'nation are fully atterulecrto -
The 'Musical depai n dtn lent, aei the
i 'mediate suptiria tend ' iiise,tif the ae
etmplislikl .wife of tilt, I!llesitient is
o ib that Inlay. well cliallentre compari
son.; Mrs. -Taylor evil, "11.75 1
the elements of a 'most si ceessful teach
' r •1" - st '- 1 . • -I. • 1 -
or 0 niu : ,lo. .101 110 011 ~ 101:, tk,,,
Of tilt; b'elielleC,•l/lit lias it )C inoFtl happy
facility- of anfultlltig it.; prit'"ciples to
others, ,Etr ~11,is all I io
,listened to
the well c.xecuted vocal nd instrtmien
tal pieces on the night of the exiiihi
tibii can't:heed - ally cert
,fy. , I
• ' ''' - ------ '' ' '-eW' .
The closing -- . ,i3...0t ciso:
1 1
and were eminel
, gratify, to appsc anc
he'.,subjects of thevi -- arl
c lloquies Avers-14ppi1
piteees Avem" it I
rigorous;itind pleasing
6 1
t etrifil been read LIS W
Titten,would have gi
1 etion. ' I
. .i l lie
two ladies, Miss
ntl :MissAinantla Crow
t ie graduating class, tu
Ives wel,l. . Tbe fOrtn;
y possessing t-ery geli
1 1..
nd I se latter. read tI,
.ft liieli, for rare qualitio;
I trength, nelfloin %w ii
1 . 1 enutrks of President "I
, .
erring the-diplomas,' -n
-be4 we ,ever listened ti.
..n eonelndin , this ih
0 ,
mbst elirnestly and ecirl.
t ? lif4,institution to pare
'l ,
inns ' 4 - eryw here. , Qt
-d ent ' -ayloi-, its pot
troald 'speak, as- e:
i lout Our Cntmi ,
titieate.ii, , s. I Pktizeni, 1
licir eioldi•ea 0 his ea
• ris•exooient Nvi1 . ",.. - : li,ac,
• Sallee 94at WI th,i:ir int,
iitysicily . 'and-iiitelleO
ro - i ierti - tsip:eil Yor. \I
. • , ..A.I.T. I..;,\•Pst,rx, v A'
I . 11..1 V. 5 . .1, \i4.
• q74/ . 1i3 'lBOl .
Medical SO
1 f t ., --,,
The Vpaver et , uniy
met ait."'-the Beaver
— w D r il.ILL. Marqi
heelmi&. 31en - 11)(-1..4
)Vinans l ll). 1.. 3larqui
I):.hider,•l.). 13- Vont'.
S. .
.'tantoni and CAW it
.Ipgtitt: and A. P.
. dthit.ted as embers.
i atiuly i..lected anent:
inr.-..:11.1imm1, .reori
ipitatio)i during -..v
N ith a:view of eattin
iqtion Of this diseai-,e ;
I!,,,vi..rable, -
.13r. 11'i - flans, a .ett..3
thelliitiliev.- , I
lli-. Sl' Conninghtini
ileum-HO:xi successio
1,... Stooton, :to hit
i ost IL - 10qm extuOim
iris of Trot.. tore\ (f' il
1 - i
treuted . this iva
' 1
1)1 . ..1. Staoton rbt.i,ng
A cry :dile
,pipoi. 4/i
IWO. (J.l..ti.eioitho4.l
1)1.. 11t-i.on 'Si antc;
• >-a cor'Fc:punditiglin,
The Society adill
t leillu i,n.
roji lipuse,
dp the §econcl Thur •,
• .1 . I l'
(--; l\r ; 1 TI lf - '
_ ARIIIALDI._. OT .'. I 'INCL.— _3O _ l
nicipOity.of tenoa,ti,e_aying thtit. -Gar
ihaldi' was
,ill, lately dispatehed at,
tle 'city' s expeuse, a
to `the
. to
caprera to enquirer tor the truth of
the rumor. . The c ; irimittee report,
the red Shirt, hero if excellent. health, ;
timl : state thAt; jin art ver.ii? -the il!les
tpon Whether. he wi • really; -as.-had•
been asserted. about' to otter',his Si3l*-
*QS. to . the ,t Mied States,.he repiled
''that, he would neve'. risk his lire , , in
foreioll Struggles so•long I as. his own
; 1 •,,,
eouutry has ,the right jand, the „oces.,
lion to claitn t it For her:Serviee:"
•: ,'- •
-`i EX -SPEA K Er. - slat°Rie •.r.-•-. 1 41i6' firs t t
rder issuedby Speaker I Grow, .upon-
Aliking possei.sion .of the splendid room
assigned to him was, that the d00r . ..,
- keeper should .removeillii bust •of the
traitor,. ex-SpeakerlOrr, • from' ! the
bracket 'where it was !' „con-
sentiof . olT; and that, thel''.fine 'marble
Si 'of John •Quineey,!.lAdains, that
rruerlyocenpie,a a plehe in the old
ePresentative's Hall, be SubstitUted:
was he order executed.
gs_ e,pa s sedon nits,
doy byktlie llouse,appropriates s7.6l\j,
000 7 0.U0. For tikeipay.of, troops , $6O l
opo i ooo i. for subaye.tePee, $25,4/00,0001;
for supplies of the quartermaster:a
4epartment, 614,0oo,000l; for-the
chase of 84,0001 horses, i. 430,50 07 UOO •
fibr..the trantiporttiOn of, the, at•mv,
S 6, 0 000,000'; for„lufibOuts time
esterti riyers7:81,000,000;/The Nu
• .• Bill appropriates :.'0..000,000, I.
c , . . j County Conventio n !
*At "meeting of the RepitblicA4
Centrlll,?, Committee,-held at the Court;
Ilowle,"-in Betivaron the - 28th ofJe l l
ult. 414 :matter of the resigiiation 0
IL '. Quay,: as Prothonotary, ha v i nz
b 11 brought before the Comtnitteiii,
tie followini; call was ordered t0.1, L ;
,4ssued: 'Plc Republiean Voters of
rßeaver Cott - AY, are-requesteil to meet
at their several places of holdiug sled
I tiOnS On SATTIRDAY, the 17th day 6"
'August, kin jibe township meetings, e
I - 4 P. 31,'
,und elo'sing the polls itt, 7 P.
M. and in the boroughs between T
and Ci e'cloc i P. 31.,) and 'cheese deleL
gates fo a minty Convention, to be
held at 'the Court House, in - Beaver!,
on :11oNnAv. AugustlOt 1, at 11.° clock
l A. 3/ ... , f or t,• 10 purpoge of aominuting
':Candidate for Pro , :honotary. Thcg
townships, and bgl ouLglas. will be ow l :
tied to the slarne number of delegatep
they severally had in the May cod: .
I t
ventioii as l'ollows : - ,
Borough y [ ,
4 I Industry. . • 1..'
Bridgewater •2 i - Independence -
Big Beaver I ', 4 t Marion
13rightpn3' 1 Moon •
Chippexya I 3 1 New Brighton
arlington ' ' 4 ! 2\ - Q I v•Sewiekly 4 1
Economy . 4 i North Sewiellly-11, '
Free( Icnu ho
Freedom 'di
Vra-nkfort Loche.ster tp • 1 4
Sotith Beavix 1 4
The followinr , re.solution was palmed
tinanimously :- •
4esolved i W recommend that
the Primary ] Elections Ihe bondu'etei,t
in all the boroughs and' districts by.
ballot. 1 I Ey; order!
D?MINIS,Jr ..I •
of Rep. Central Conk 11
;(!re l v it large
!tly calculated
to ihtiact.-7-
ermays and
lioen,and the
eu,crallyy! iti
tyle; uud,had
11 as they *_e're
en great satts-
Chprri . 3
Mr.- k;nitcoli.
MicnAsL WEI;
Lye rot uoto CR
theCounti Co
of Wastivt; and
Liz.zio t'olton
I r,er.:eompoSin g
'quitted. , th
•i- read an es
eral merit, and. -
is valedictory, I
\cbeautr , and
I s. egna I. The 1,
';ii:lor, in eon- 1
i l
-ere among thel
pia report, , xs l e .)
ill ally, continent'
tits andl guar,
\b Vead, Pres-
n ece Asa ry ,w e
iS-1 recogtlizeit
t 'Ude l as *a« ?r
in introluoiii 4
d L'hat. or
i ehe s
a 4u
i oak
k an vl e
I£ 'l. ..
P. flit - relit:a,
r...::.x.,IVELLs, .
, 'Col)inattee.
I 1: I) '
I 1, ,I I_ .
1 :Sl e-Air.ial :---ocie
iriqteil. mil'ea
rs. Pt+iidutit ill
I )i r ' , 2Sat, lirA. I.
.., ,
„H, Cii 1 ,;
Aineng' the speCial delights Which
have o rich y repahloarvlsit to Ne#l._,,
England - «a .- the inspection, it was
oar privilege to make' of. r. - ,T.,C,A§-
er6. CO .'s .p,abomitOry, at Lowell,+l
Althongh Wa.k new by - here-say, -thtit I.
it wits largel.'yet 'we ere . sarpriol 1 ,
When we came into • \vile- of. its -rail 1
Inag n i tnti c ; la nd. tills more_: by tli e, ' - .(, 1 *. - ._
tent athd complication of its truly :11:4-.
mense litif 7 inesS. The s.yikole . , ma6si,:vri
soactuiteis in - fact one vast cheinieffirls
laboratoty, lin which' the - iirocei,ses6,f .•
this ivontietiful_art are Coreitantly i. ,: i12 , :.'
ing on. 31Oico-chernical science . h:1:5
feal - Oita .1 - lelcurative.propc:rtiQ•s LC '
any spbstanee I 4. , .x - 1! , .,t. iii s , Anel one
. or ,
more Of itsi - edmi.wient partA. 'i'l.irA. l, '
1.1 4 e ~rqn.{eci i;,l i...:n-,: t of c a t . tit are , 'tlik,
s - 014 , 1y ii,--th., morp:, H. i -,. e.-Witai,is i . l " ; ? 1,- ' i
11E-11 thti, is lilt ~oneseightte4hi
part (It its vei L ;h... ,-. tl. t.: -othe t levilil-1
re t:•:.1 part.s are gum, extractive ,;end i
In e rt; or 011 - insive . 'natter. '.. Dr: Ayct'::3: .
.....y,,t OM ' , -;,i..o.irai.e -ti,e i/wW- , ...11 Iwop4r#:
iii.:'- a . l Eire . :. lei+Lit.: •..i:. - tr.,,:',.:”. CLrlpli
, y , ..,.il ( ,di
R are esn th po os -;
ree4. ?y,..--
v. - hicli the 's vie tue:l of each . reined.ti!,l
mi 4 'i.:lt, Are chased throti“ tree l4T": a' 4. . ri-'•
hic:i .antil they 'cum - crow. K0.0 , ..,1et,`1‘' ,
T: _'se i,one en triki-isil. 1. 1 14-!
:11, ' p;k:p;..rt i c'..;. 'or ; . or,tuts, :
:mlibined.jtmczlHy i tuii pp.:-,
Liedit.!: : : iviiitlt have-tiaalt:
a rei.i;:ta ion ' for ta .1.v1:-,
ee. ail over' the 'iv o Id..i----1,
does . the . Doctor di.4larfaL
in-.his art. and exfilain , •.- 1,
t ' l. :mil every - partieular, - --b,Lt : : l
int:. that this il-s the craw.:
which •tli...lpeople c:nt t,c.'
th th.e.l.EE4t pJssii.,le,. - re:nii:.-
le . ti..4..!attnunt 017 .i.liSee , ol — ' - ,
"la .by N.v . 4ich his .r,..me1e . 4 1-
•e - publishcd in the . ratli-
IS and Itlive tieen Fes.t..lo
girt of the medical ,l.:!clu- - V .
' fated States, and-are 0'11. ,, -
;t by mail to, such pa . y,i-,
iipply for then.-.--- L Oally
san• Fr`ancisc6;--
puct4, :It
(.13:3 tip; rel
•, (;. W. Aili,on
I! S. I.i.Lxr,
Dl'.3 .
13,L1 teller, to be
who . were un9.11-
IS is of
ypping j riiu;,.h
r4ie r . A - 1)01104 ,un7i
Z.:11)14 i
made, at
cal ; lournal
to a large
ty th . C .
:ttatly 1-;eiv
a- oi
case of 1)3-s
'esti easo.of a
ion ; alai aloo a
a i vory severe
c0"e1;;., Cln
I:6n, it
cylinder 'fill
ss,ayist, read 'a
•tietare.4, of ,the
tii•aa admitted
trn bi;r.
tMd to meet at .
New Brighton,
day et' • October
the United
for valnahl i
, rovernmen r
gan and
took - pnt l i es,
who cantle
A owing - in
the ,Ilionse
infilq and
deftinse {of
ser.llOn.! P. P. Stanton ; who has,
heeit appointed by the Goverpor[l l of
Jiankas, to till the Taeaney occasioPed,
by the aC,eqptaned of the post, of 131i,g7.
adiei , Grobe . at In the regular serl;teel
by Senator l i Lane, was in irrat)
on Wednesday on his way_ to
ington. ' 0
Set Parson.. Brownlow'a paper
been designated by the Stato.TO
Idea to publish the iaws of
to liassed i at the present _session:
12M. 0
pension 'ofl
The cost,o
tio9 exeee
I ...,"
Tcoelieste'r bpro.-4
Please announce the name
so, of Beaver, ns a: candid'
S, subject , lc the decision • be held t ; n the
iiil'ernal machines werc.rn
mind floating in the Po ~ y.
Bela` cruising about Acquia.
l ii
i s of them went down' of its
it; lithe' i other .nri'sot in- t lo %
)tit ;.out its fuSe. Beng a-
Ls found to,contain-a-lalgo
red 'with viz . -liens (.1 .-t ielvu
_ were CS 1 t I.
hose things Wien ed
!the Potomac Squadron.
'3 - M. - I..f,eilthan has been,
o a first lieri l tenantey I' in
States army, 'as Iv_ reward
erviees rendered, , to the.
It. 'Furnisho with an [or
'monkey, -he .Visited the
- points of V i i i yginki ' -And
, whieli he reported j to the
rtnient.- - J,'
ter be easyur4ess ho 'some way hts traitorous
on. Priday introduCed into:
of Representatives a pre
resolution tending Itolde
in members of their Aeitts
ly hold coMinissioils in i thi3
heir country. Remo
v . tabled the resolve.
Post-Office._ Department
'whom° gain by the fins
hails to the Rebel Sates.
i;transportation in.that Nee
the income by more
Ipss .