The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, June 26, 1861, Image 2

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4 1 )A=uc,-
The 'Wheeling ,00mirtru t ........
rintisrMii Va., Thursday Tu n e 20.
The inoinin,g session w copied
e Thursda y
. mgninx the declarsti ." It was
an iMpresSive scene. i i- The roll ' suss. ,
Called, by Counties and- member,'
came forward to tilielpecre 'a desk:
and signed thii - parchtnent: .:
„pi:ln the ',a ft ernoon,' ,K. pi er .
pont of 'Allirion 'Minty ...sits :tumid
' i
moll ly eleeted Gverno36.; I Daniel
Paisley °Mason contY leritenant:
:Governor 'and Mess rs . La , Paxhaw
Gen. Winkle, Harrison,,, an Laser to
form the-? Goiernorts Co ncil. " The
election ot in Attorney neral was
. postionea till. Saturday-
The Governor wili fo y . Wang
urated tlol atternsxm, taking in midi
tion )to. thil_'usual , oath, on or stain-
gcntl opiOsition .to t the -us . • - .. at,
I_l . ichmond. :He then delis , - - . an ad- i
fire: to th e; members of t. e Conven
tion,l unto /0 ' i a vigorims p . - • cation'of
the wor ' f redeeming the State from
*eland of the' . Rebels. "
14"IP .frGilcGl3 \
favoring *strong m ilit ia of
is e.ipectidli a day 5.i.• two. ,
Ilimught !the city is in a blaze ofl
excitement. .The bells are ringin j g; . ;
canon ElSirig, and reworks being dis-I
playEd r . n :Ei - eryliod is rejOicing.
T ere iire no ' ble de 'll as yet,
con itig i the •g of the bridge.,
nearPiaui. ont. I is n t thought]
here tut - the Rebel
c li have gathered in
any. numbers. ,
- MajOrOen. Mc lellan, to-day ma
mmies command in Person f the West
ernl Virginia foreee. He expects to
have 15 000 men itiihe ficlitbefore Sat
anis.), night: . 1.-,
hs4 issued
, Jun
a !
the people of
he pledges hi,
TElittiOn of may 2
ear*ied put. lit
"To tOr great
enetnieil of, the I
to earrt oil a- ,
prohibi(ed by tl
belliger3st nath
inclre ville)ed a
directed against
edj in tide defetus
ernmenL o f
, a ll in
dir t * . paiti t es . 01.0
fare, prig upon
Isl,,iiiing bridges,
e'en killing eitii
mink)! ndrc 4 a(
Ift+i) l ,, stake a pic
all pertioes that
esgagqd j ire this
f ell,
irregnl is every
taken P it, thus
Picket sr , other
pab i lic riprivate
tipg i unes agah
itants use of
menta r conduct
in thei persons a
ing to the severe;
, saw. Allperson i l
or aid ko the pub
arrestid and' ke
,101 al persons 1
Sitleitstof known
tLestediand held
•I „.
.. [
Sr. Lours, June 23.- T The steamer I
C:Sivatt arrived
,from Booneville a
t s.
• 'two t. An., -bringing • ( hree hundre
,'troops from Jefferson) City and th
WounOed from Boone ille- r -nine 1,
initin4r. One died o on the wa
• downf Col. Blair arri d•on the Swo
and. Will proceed to , W
ashington t -
morrow, 4
, via C'neinnati. He states
the 'limber of Sta te troops killed t
I Boonvifte at n Jess , , than forty arr
things much re. t
bl on
...t lst five ionsand U. S. tmo s
are cent,rated .at ',Booneville, - es -
brae' i the Lows ta.p, s under C 1.
Bate :the lianaas fo rt es under • C
Spenre, and Gen. Lyon's command fl
rni4,l Stattes rbgu/414, and Missouri
i .
volmlteers fixun ibe Snuthvrest.
We learn th t Colt Siegel's regi
was with n thr days :march
fronq Springfiel Co . 'Solomon `one
Nu i
~.13ehind. I. Browns regime t
• left Rolla this ornin -for the c
dest: ation, a d C oiler 11'Ne' 's
regi eat left ere t is morning or
Roll .
T e latest(l : 1 • -
- ti...h and fro Gov. Jack n
• is thatihe wasj oined I at' Warsaw y
the ate troo psand 'Oat he attac ed
Cape Cook's co mmand at Cole Ca p
and !pushed ra pi dly on southward.
„Wetter to t e DI ocrat from he.
: sou/cast of 31. ssoun says that G n. l
%liana is org nizin troops in n to- 1
.ly all the coun ti es in that portion of,
he State to e pera e With the . r
kanLial forcees now t Pocahonta .-
- Ark,' where ala rge umber of Se es
sionista from Musson have tilre dy
1 .
eon. mated. Arms e i fk ive been to en
up ;. lute rive to itti .
1 ' • - c 1 - , d
„ 4 ,
r,.-1 Adve.n aof e Rebels.
1 s,. •li . ii . .
~: FonTlu Dl3 aa.OR E J une 20,
.t ; 1 1
t -, Via BALToax, June 21. •
• -The Union pickets of the out ...t
-:- at' ttr a ton l ” and s ut—miles .1
i.ttkikp . , were driven into camp is
t,11:1- - a superior ;of Bebe a.-
li , been asoe- rtained -that , the la
ter velieertf - e i atentiing their v'irl
toward this pbint -w th therntmos a
_ twit i . 1
*rebel bat eu, minting five ! .. , r
h:li been entjy‘lbrown Alp ft..'
lbir ji nn
'lee Hataptort,-on a .1
zniin ing poi do- nd is su ..
by a strong '-
of e , y
- ...
y croes the Jam Riv e r
above - warp() News. s e
ws„ s
-. ; .?/.1: ( h:4 1 1,7, Gilii. Butter 'sent forw
- .4 ,a,,,,4 '4etOhnlefi -eftsisting
aept, ion 'af t.,....*p_pi of artillery, is I
_ yike‘4 Zonartts the' New-York V
- - - ttaters, q'ol.l+ownaand, and'the
. - bett.y.9lnnteers, the.whole ' wide , i
• .1"!-* . eeum'ofbiipt im : mithofthe-t ,i'
. .:Sts Topirsphl al Enfineers
.tlfezinenee_pf yig a fame°.
*.ekbos,of *thel'enein 's , pbLtion. 7
4 sreorpetoolo ia ii paovieiorsi *f
4. sharp
diem:skirmish with t
iiv is antic ratfia, .
i'. ' , L . ' .
es 4
:, I,—Pe t u 1 3I
iansa ion
rrti Virginia that!
Itself tbati his. prods.,
'Atli will lioe faithfullY
e concludes : 1,
, regret, / Fuld: that the:
i l
Un'ted Statesicentiaue
sy tern of hostilities
be ws•oSwar among
o , and e , coarse far
iudi intolirable when
`,1741 et ns engag
le f theco mmon gov
n ividual ,' and mann
pursuin ' g uerilla War
' sentin and pickets
4irisiiltii ,injuring.and
izens be use of their
ntp; an committing
ctit. I d noW, there
,plams,ti: n -and warn
udivid ' or parties
apeci of warfare,
I view i, - Which can be
attacking sentries,
" fi
, destroying
property of commit
ist AD of the inhab
tttieir Union senti
wilt be dealt With
nd preperty accord.
43t. rul s• of mil'
igiving informatio
is exicmies will
in Ohne eirstody
lround 'bearing arms
oyalty, , will be ar
rr examination."
New from the Sinai.
_ 11
, 1 14 11 alivillaA-KY., Jim 1 ,
- i i*rimelef. tlsa 116* init. says
t. • there arlo pirrtiai nowinNew-Or.
1- ' . iiho will undar4ke sihe capture
• 41 " It-iltetnl l4 , -- BNIArlYii foro oo , -
•i• I. ' - I - !. - •
i .e. Thin ifobffe Advertiser or th 16th
i •
v t. saye ffia th im at n i u hr•ee ttalr pla th ns at i c lr w v m e been
. , mSted to the Council Defense
• sink or driver off the Niagara-from
Mobile :Point.- ,It adds : "'The Niag
* ibe obliged to get oat of the
her." : . 1
HarrisGovi of Tennessee, in a mes
' recommends thelossage ois law
ill i
airing payment to be made of ail
nui vj d o u nin efro om m t theo terns
o to f alLpeseepereons,
of such a ppoliey toward the nit
' ns fthe billigerent States as the
es of war Vatify, and reccommemds
a issue of Treasury Noies pa pay
t e expenses of the Provisional Gov
ent, to be receivable; as carrell
'j; . I
• 1 ,
01 1
retreat Excitement3Ul!. Wallace's had been cut 'off. [ I -,
Two, regiments of the volunteer " re-,I
e corps---Col. Biddle's Rifles and
01. Simmon'a Infanlry—were imme
terlately armed; equipped, and furnish- 1
with four days . ' rations! They
ve here to-night; by way of Hope
illitnd Bedford. -, i • ,
Intelligence has alio been received
e that the workmen engaged in
paring the ground for the new
I = cl
pnear the Maryland line, at New l ,
inn, York County, were fired on
by a body of , Maryland' Rebels, and
two severely wounckd. I 1
1 , . ~,
iidvan.oe of Both Armies, acti:
, askalgton Star tap that Gem
Macotvell hakadvanced his lines four
miles; toward Tairfax.
it leen
T 143 Conk ieratc .flag;' can be Eh,—
two miles bum the Chunp. Both - par
'ties liave advanced, but, there have
been !no indications of an attack. -,
Marshal Bonnifimt is summoning
witnesses from Baltimore County to
apflear before the 'United States Grand
Tull-ton Monday, in the case of John
Me*nutn, both as to. burning tbe
bridges and tots against Union men
in the vicinity. The Grand Jury are
alllubconditional Union Men. •
Lata War Nom
The war news this morning is mace
ni of rumors, rather than facts. In
andi abogt 'Washington there was
mricli excitement yetiterday,and-flyAg .
TePorts. of engageinents in Virguna
werS circulating. i There appears to
have been slight fOuridation for them,
alt r hbu4h the_ advance of outposts on
both sides, and the activity of the
.Nittonal troops shod that 4stirring
events may !soon be expected-I
The rebels, as we learn froth Wash
in-gten reoccupied Vienna and Fair
falCOurs;llouse, when they- found
that the National troops did not take
theM, and are now intrenching thin'.
illv,es near the latter place. The
pickets of the Ohio men- and of the!
Rebels are ivithin,sight of-each other,'
and our guards are liable to be attae.k
-e4 [at any! moment by single scouts,
pil*her fire upon - them iron concealed '
ints. ; - . -1 1
13eauregard is said to be creeping
o [toward Alexandria, lying in wait
Ifer; an oppcirtunity of attacking some
body of our troops . unagiares. Near
, tile China. Bridge are 6,000 of the
1.,. ational forces, and the 14th New
(irk Volunteers were, to go thither
1 t night.
On Tuesday the rebel, troops ire
tuned to the'bank of the Potomac,
opposite Williamsport, Aid., and their
Ititclrets fired across the river upon
l,r _men. ) It is thought that Itlie
goosing of the Potomac by the IN a
tiOnal troops, and their suhsequent re-
Call, was intended as a feint toclis
tract the attention o the enem y from
I', f . l L.
real moven - lents in another quarter.
I I,The Mount Vernon, which on Wed
nesday went on an exploring, expidi-
E.,410n to Acquia Creek, returned yester-
Nay, not having succeeded in tindiug
Ihe batteries of the rebels. [
I'3inch excitement was caused in
this city yesterday by a report that
4,0 Maryland men held a bridge in
Pidniorit, Virginia, against 4,0U0 or
'6,000 Rebels, till the former were cut
laieces,,only one or two escifting.—
'A later dispatch pronounces the titory
icintrue, and states, that the Rebels die
occupy -Peidmont. It is not eel'
;thin which report gives the truth. /
1 General McClellan and his /
, have left Cincinnati to take com'
.1 ,Of the army in the Western r-
' In the Lakirmish at Itidepe
- Missouri, on the I.3th, Capt. H
and five other officers were
their own men; while attem
8 y 'Prevent a flank movement oil
tiorutl, troops. •
Anattaek is eap ectcd at Cal
- Gen..Pillow, who is adraneinl
t . head of an army estimated. v
at from 1.0,000' to 30,000 men.
u, thing is prepared for his warm
Lion, and his coming vhll be wale
I With enthasiasm by old'
Anmnra' or Nzetiots.—A bod.K,of
...J, fifteen brandied free .e negroes in 21 !Nvi
)1.1, Orleans bave been armed and drilled
ni- daily. The non-oommissioned ofileere
foith were selected from_the negroes thein
trelves, but they are eommaeded by
the whites. The whole body bad ea- .
' m it'li l l t id , f9r en (l Ser*l andi were
'se "subjettto !le o rderedelt any WWI at
i 1 pt
optilia of tlie aritharitiee., Mayes,
kl , i too, were being armed itinifinY CAM*
I—N. y Berea.' , - 1' - 1
__ l e \ .. of ,
TT, I. ilope l well. 9.
IF , • New ERrlgys
.1 6 , 11 - 11 y. \..
MI. ! BEN ir, . t itltitim ~ C. •-
Dsirtriai . a tforrey
'JOIIt B. I . ol:riik #Rob t iteiif
' - 1 Tieilnlie r .1 - t'
G. 0. Bit A8t417, 441 '
_ , I
MissfOner r
i ottito . 4 .
otot "
,INO. STE 'A T, 'AL.+O.: I I. -',
• I P' . ffotse' : Psi
HENRYz 4pEfiliNo .1
i '1,;4 , .
Trti t sfeeqf A
Bev. I 1 ! II AN, D! Dea l
JOSEPH Ff. orit 3ON!, Ite!tv
Next w
this offi.e.
dolma. bintirilCCiiitue
-1 --- 1
A meeing f the Rep u bl i can ; Cen
tral Co i l" itte , will; be held ;at the
Sheriff' '4(lfil ion Friday !the 28th
inst., at 2 ioclo It, P.M., As important
business will belbefole the Committee
a full attendence is reqUested: l The
following gentlemen constitute the
ComMittee : i 1 . 1 1 , 1 j ` .
Dr.' W. Bi o H:lip,R.lP. ,Roberts, ~. 1
John Alli n,
C 1 Wm. M. Reed, 'I
Geo.: - W. Sg . n tip, S. f Dmitnp9o,'
Dr. l D. Stantri, S. iß..Briggs,
A: C Illtvkins,l 8.. R. Bradf ord,
DaVid Johnston,A. Rohertson,
Dr. M. li Wrencs, John Slants,
David D nlap, 1 Al R. .Moore
Richey akin, i Jahn Wilson, '.
D. H. Harve y ; i Di. A.lj T. Shall(
i I I. l i.
1 , ,L • 1 ~,e ger.
- 1 L DOLISIS; Jr.,i l ,
Ch'n lic4tiblicart COtitral Con
• i ' 1 • I
111 1-Arth isi Rome ' l4 fagay.iile
JulY, is i on our table: octal, f
with good things. The onto M
sine is o e of the beet monthlies
( i i -,
lished. he price puts it ithb
rear of everyone. i `)
i l '
BTU • Hosts.' , -4) s tr ••
XLIP ref e llow-c a ts- ,
ten E. 1 . Henry, rf41.,-..who . .with his ;
family, has been tr7elhng in turope:
dar l ing the two past 1 y4rs, returned
home weeicisafe,ratid resumed 1;*
resider, l in New livightOn. 1 Mr. Hen, ;
rY repr esents The i lei,i Americans
nineh disheartened in runsei
fluent* if the distrti , eted state
of the l i .otintry. ; 4
4 . 1 . 1 1
.•, ; ,e tifl ikri
1 0 Oeik,
The ew ' volume l of; this iraluable
publics ion Will commence next week.
liVery gineer or inventor and every.
mechanic shoild take' this Work. It: .
~, 1 r
gives the latest inventions, !improve r
m eta, etc., in the various depa z etffienta
-1 1 , II L
o the Patent Offlee, l and ; is, altegethei )
t e most valuable 'riper of the kind
published in ' this country, Address
Munn 1 Co., Now Tork.
IPrie, e2,oo per annum.
More Soldiers
f romi Beaver Co.
The " ,,
1 IWil l ion Rifles,'!, Capt. Miller,
of Darlington, having enlisted for
three years, hare been accepted, and _
on" Thu rsday left for Camp i Wilkie's,
lihere they; arrived on_theevening of
the me 'day.
_This n company has
been orgenized forseveral Weeks, and I
. I
Was a mongst the first to tender! its
1 service s to, i the t4vCrnmerit. They'
haveow been accepted and will I. a
. I t . I I . .i I_ ,
! eredit 1.) e ceession to the !Yelins. Ira
ilia to ees Broady ill the field.
t 1
' I Bearer ` 'linty ow four Comila
-11. .1
rues' ir ca mp, and can send as many
f needed. We shall p ub l ish the
comp„lt , i
ete Tister rolls:of the different
withnil as r soon as ;we are furnished
with .opi sl Will'i the different tap
ins lsee to i this, and direct that the
last rolls ..b ~' ;forwarded to the
,fir r , 1 ”-
1 i •
- - 'Ainry A*pointrnents. ;
It . Ch lea Diekey, l of Sharon,' a
i C ' lid& l ' .
!men:L.or 1 . apt:, ma I .,eornpany,
has . • eived, the appointnialii, of 2nd
I. - I
Lien enantrin their 1 S.Army ,and is
1 1, -.
ordered to freport hitneelf at St. Donis. I
Charley will no 14416 nudrel# good
Lieut. Critchlow, of 'Capt.-:Culbert,
emir ciitripliny, now in COMIii, Wright;
has, We ?nitcierstandi received a ()Oral
, , 1
.p i r o fm n : fr: ,: m ;p., c c ;l r .,J 4,, .,.7 ,, ,. , 7 *ia,.,pwwao , , m e : ryto p..,
1., . 7f r ollt ~. !. ..encel, r 6;
iintoedial. r' : 1
.i t chio
•J.-i . ' 4ll oor ...........;.... -
' ,l AGASta. *filial.
led by
tang . >A
tie din-
o from,
at the
Lie ,
-77 ir — nrr7
the I rl Yebilrfry, and
maoe hit escape; on the 24th of ..ifnrch
returned ion Sunday night': and,' was
recommitted bye Sher } Itoherts. It
assns fOund hotter'. so.
ockwociiom m, thin iont,i and
I .
r twinin g p co bac k .
. pherifr
however consentid to ,
Ate forth. , rOniaindor of hie
l i
wick iy
ng the Fo
will be
th qf July
ued from
• .k be
no& Anewi . I ?lmikm, of Te#,.
This 1 to 9 ; l 9.,—senimaP4 42o l
. _ , _ ,
pews ithro ouiitoffrn On l'hurtilay 1a1t ...
uga r
' mina enrou `; . 4327luftpit;Fin City ) ; to tae
)+ty his . ,Ple ol ce' !t -PC 1 Se nate: , ' f lena.
;p o liti.: Jonnsfoa isiimit or the few pistriot,
'I the Tennessee-Whoi.havii•Amen anahled,
'Car- come out through the fires of pa rse= r'
mum- cation, Which: - surrounded. * #l l
1k no scathed . rHOW noble is his &flatlet
trw3l lame w hen iii ,. rityaisted . with
Jr J , oliri
fiont,thkgo, fialilicanL wan*, an, de7.. -1 D. i .V!1.,..,,- 1 •h,? The. , of I ceee_e Iter4
dined to nswild,pit& in the Re bli. man Will be preserved by His , t.y,,--.;
' 'u - ‘.l--44..nt1.;:. ' of hisdiet'let That of fein. Bell Will be rem :
.' ed -
can primary m... ff , ,r 2 name - , •
die loihd, h irti n k .l i n i§hOo s es to, traiel the of one who forgot his do
s y
Was Nisi le hin and: ne:one, has a to ha eoitutry in the hour of i a p#P,
right, cw., 414•1 tar 'i l iwe iMniv, a dio ns t... and who closed a-long life of litienl
tion to compile i 1. , pow e r l ) the t , basest, stlTenl to ',I
Had; icipatedlia the Reptibli- trai to rous; ollgaretw which ;he ha ( PO7.
can•nemina imin; i 'whether.a.catadidate ways OPPosed• In his ; late 8 eel! in_
oh iiimily a voter -Whether successful Knexville he declared himaelf . ,, 0 , . rebel
ok.‘Qtkerprisla ii i c4or and good faith Let him P*. 'lt wel. lid he . el l2for 1
i na id j...h a y .O ' revi ii e d,api tt i olgxtane i n. this,man . -. if future gen 'l4o;ns'
the insiatit of" -tlie vitas ) 'unless it had cenfd:fe!g4 that he ever exiS d; but
been cerit7.lled b gross and palpable his TerY Prominence will serve fe make
Mat - resign : only the blacker. tOn the
fraud; Ito be; proven i hY ' unquestioned
ti,cost i ni b ioty.
1 i \ 14. 4. on i, ph us 111e g,,,. 8 . i other hand, ' th 4 noble stand taken -and
-Would l be ro 'A' a t i n d n ot h etrni on , ll maintained h,?, Johnston , despite. the
•1 .1 P , P e IT Yi • - • ..•
man 'm k t $ Secessio n ist, a n d thi s f us i ng threats and 'persecutions of the milita
ry power of, the traitors' IV4O have -
With former oPponents would forma
eoWedsuch men as Bell, will ford4er
fight the fashion
. I. : ff e . fed i.i. e a nst vii3 eintrt l
o z , aft, who r \fi th g e h
keep his memory green , in th hearts
f 1,3 count&med. ,
ernment only latter ey ,fiul to! con- 1
trot i.r. .1 H ;
,\ Mr.
_,Johnston, on his Jar ival; in
1 Welrshaillbrietly re er tolhe'sorteral
i i
ittziburg,..lvas recognustdlhy some of
, s p ec i l , B , o f - ij i - 0 1, l e i lie i ; , ' the ' citizens, and a considerab crewd i
1 . 1. The call I ror'the Republican County sbon gattered around him. ' kie Only'
ConventisOn Nom issued some time b e '''l)°ll4' a few words ,to his fe l ow pail
fore' the assault, on , Pert Sumter L-the rens, as the train for liarrishurg *a's'
.1 I I li ;,.., , I
• , i , .1 ,
- frowning apt of ibouthern aggression po starting. •
.; , 1
1 ! 1 \
_--..-010-..-- 7 /
NWhich reused I the ' energies 'of the '' ' - \ An , mr9urg4on. l , 1 1 i
orth in a ,41;gree that excites the ! W e learn that ihe Germiin. Horne
Wontkir andidatiretiron of t h e,World: '' ' 11 l' ' '
_,____l 0 , , ... • , 1 ,, i Gikartlai of
. Itoehoster, , , • had l a ve
line ant 7, fli .11114r10111eflfle W as th nn t he pleasant •to,EnO y `o
, 1 . f 7 ,_ excursion ce m.l „
subject of eontedsretion. t lt WAS not Weduesosy laSt.„ The Company ,Is , .
'only held to fie the duty of alleitizene under the e n nim a n d o f cape, G orge
sustain i l itill' Government , l bu t i fu rdi iri 'l who has
to , - . f Speyerer, , gent eman
;then, that teriblidisii. l hal, resting, up- dieti, nguished himself by hie efforts,
them the obligation, a 'subordinate in 'raising money to eqtkip Our volnn
L one it is
Irue)t 8 t stain the'Adminis- w
'tntion of its ohoio,lwhoie
measures in ',behalf of , the defences of 43 Couo' ll
! a nd pelieY hare only been so far dc- ty, , has merited the eppro ation- 4f;
vele:Ted i'
the deterraination to pr, ,, L. the citizens.
! serve the 1 n . ion intact; Mind maintain They left Rochester', l on the steamer
the consti uttoi aid: they laws. They Dolphin, Capt I Gordon, n of Recliister,','
expected emocratic members of Con - arrived at' EcOnOMY, where ' a ft er] a
grass, and 'the Legislature/ of the cordial receptien, tiey . partook -of] al,
loyal ?dates to put down' rebellion,and splendid dinner, furnished 1 byl • tile'
they e ..eted Democratic citizens to hospitable citixem l' of 1 the Ecoporn
00-o Per.a. • • `'them in i thir patciotic Seeiety -1
.- . ) , ,'
PurPoses " ~..• did not •=l:loect them The "Guards" took , with theurtheir
to give lap' - Pltelr; ingiOlzillion,l nor Cannon, and fired a salute inilibnoriofi
Yteld. htl.. 4 4.*:their,,Pae.ti.,i'lrdicY , if theh. entertainers. After tho parade,
they bed ....741?!t . 1 2 :kbe : 2 igtrt* More - they retorned on tee steamer to: Ro-,
over, 61 4 1 ` ',.. ~
~- . *d. . . •temier of the cheater, Well pleased With' their viSitl,
Star '' ', ..;:.'t I *''''!ra d e - !' he Wssibili•• and • in I, goed ... itpirits, We , should men
ty of one , ' .. ~ .nkos party; 810 a tion that the I[olle atia/Ifl Cfr *6
union !Oft ;oi - Odi!eing `strength i hut' eyfster, are well
, arnied,nwingto the
weakness. i ltuhiaiew theßu•*e exo
.r i44 7 'lSpayerer, N
bean t" . _,.. t.'isithdraWn by the who Obtained .31uakets - ozi his own Ire :
County cOulpittt ' and that this isp b nE abili ty . 1
p e r wee has been
nadanr7eeNd'idbotetehienPeth°-e ,
,'Cant. Bo 'e v er, is the right ser of
a ,inan,., anci deserves the gratitadO of
fact., that; 1.1.-...,. • /teritlican ,primary all the citizens of the, Coonty, 'Toil his
meetings were never p 43 fully attended energy:activity and devotion to o our
as on the 14 occasion; the presenee common country, , in its hour f of
of everynut being a direet endorse - peril. •• I' . -
meat of the urge poreuedi ' 1
Butler ix:inky has nominated a Re
publican' ticket; •Mercer, Crawford;
Erie., Itc., will do likewise. The Pitts
burg Gazette suggested a tiniolut a
leading and influential, nemocre erg
ed in that paper 'that 'each'party - will
best subsisree the public interests by I
maintaining 10. organization, and if,
tricksteraor men of .easy virtue turn.
tip on either, let them" be marked at
the polls: ' I
Ip ag Z .
On the other hand, a full Democrat
is ticket; with Col. Hopkinsin the kali
for .Assembly, his been nominated in
Washington • county. Greene ...'and
WestmerekMd , have taken the smile
Course. and' in the latter county • lion.
,_ , ' I
H. D. Foster figures as the Chairman
of the Democratic , County ponimittee.
So will it , be in every coUnty 1 in the
Commonwalth where thelDeMocraey
has a change of, success. 1
The last Star - copies a leader, from
the Democrati`elorgan 'at HarrisiMrg,
the Patrio! and Union, which after
stating the general aspects of polities
'very unfairly, distinctly and cmphati- 1
cally urges Democrats to stand by
tbeir party principles and their party',
' ' • ' ' ' t Democratic'
orfaruzations,_ i tha the ;
party has 'Ai great worlf to perforMln
'hes g
, tlin
the feriouti wounds, which a
i few onof •Republican domination
hai- feted aeon the constitution and
the nritry ir ;lind 'this toO in the face
oft t 4
self-etrifient 4ct that every net
andn Tremont of. the,l:tepublicanAd
mi • tration hie been adopted ; for the
1M ose alOtteiof uphOldmg the Union
an the dovernment,; and- the punish
m t of the traitors who IstiOk their
o I hroW. • . .; , ,
Let; Gni frieitii look stthe.deolara
tion of iirineipies enunciated at Chiea
-10, fifthe rasolutiOris of our late CO-,
qouveiti+ l4 , at the nett and_ conduct of
gm President. Of their (elioiee. Let
'them consider f the spirit which, ani
mates - every jtepithlidan throughout
the Istut altif.determ*.-lit mAteri a l
can be foundfound .te. form ,
a , • *Ater tr,iiii,,
organi,sstiont.herk • the, Repubflean
Part Y- :'' '-- ''
- ‘ --4 - ' ' ,
211ripieive lon
171271/161°*14daY tka7arLrßooPeihesettr."
`.l ' •
lion l
Butler Ceunty Nothination
.The Republicans of our noighboi
county of Butler have put the fol
ing excellent ticket in noininst
President Judge, lion. D. Agnewi
's . ociates, James Ilktitchell ) James
Assem " Assembly', *. i Grant, H.'
bly;, ft
KattheW Greer; T,
Commissioner, Matthew •
urer, G. Reed; Audi l tor,lAlex.l
yianee: The convention was
'large. The vote polled was nol
than 2400,' of which Judge Agne
ceived 2270. The "American"
. affords ample proof that 071
ganiXation is in as perfect and - he
con4ition as it ever was, and thy
political friends think that Rei
can to is pot incompatible witl
riotism." I Butler county is all
We learn that it is the int(
ii •
of the 'yepublicans of Philtidelpl
notninate Morton , Mr. Michael,
editor of the North American, fo l
gress, hi place' of E. Joy Morrisi
hits aceeptedithe Mission to T
ThiS'we regard' as a rlnost_capi
I i i
leetion. Mr. MiMiehsel is one
befit pen in our ranks - f a ready
er 6, powerful 4bater.l perfeetl,
ablei on all the great' issues of!'t
extensively known, l throngh th
urn of his valuable jourriall , He
take. the front rank ITI. the . .II
.n,putting such men as this in
:as the Republican party w i ll
strengthen itself; and the A.
tration in , this hour of peril`-
needse the vigor of such kite'' ,
the floor of the 'Reuse.
tasibeenlnnder- I
desiref isev
comp nies of
\ver on t, e eoni-
Id an invitation
I. As mein
ipanin,sof thii
for it.t,nndper
cootponies) by
.that :T _ expense ! Of uni
_ , -4: , &c., just ineurrOd; w do not.
. '
our power- ado- I.4elligr
eisd -••'''• : r ifler inyitakippk. a n ca r ry'
.It.nntan . e.. wipe; yemoull . slesire:
Yet, stiocld,,gny ; pr, an the companies
of the coputy soli 'proper to 11:04cor ink
by joisin:iinlk PwAdOati-theicink4tY
sett on . • . • k 4 l e o aiiurpl ;they
*ill • be 0 6 . :1, 1 mi.eloQte*, l , 4 - lull qourtie,
onely reeelied .y: or ' wiiTiet
1 - - Ng the 'Awe ' Nue', GAZUME, Jung ^ '
I. ' .111X 0 PliVA, TP. I June 15; 186 . T o. d iw. th e gflit= . -,, - 1
, cr
i; Mr: Mnnxpf: fn withdrawin. ~ 'C_ FP.' 7 13 ft _ hE of yer inr
a my l
name aseandidaS`forCoanty "- . o „„gri •
..' ' _ •timr_,, , ig heaver ,i,. - a
or wh i ch Ldhli : :' ,e , week before , t he 4,/ 11111 :
, T , , )1113al 1 11141 are pro u d i . of
Ooiv,elition, : I ptomised to give- iny their a ~t , 4 de, mid expect Ad hi ir
Valoon 'Apr `lio dieing. Now; Mr: Edi. ,a Stnxl - porkof thotin wherever tLio
101; gait' fkiloer.citizens, I ' thought the, go. let; gh‘You a Sh 6 rt PZ
time had come that all part y Is rife otription of what wet done eery
Would-he laid aside, and forgotten bat' toroa,Y• ',- = _
*l5 dirtied ; itifiliill - anite' - on'the ' Tat- 'The ladiee • — hadvrirp od i g ni e ct11 .: 4
, .
form ,of "the Union, theiConsiti' . tiOn 0 0 h, in ffar„ Whaoh's Grove, one, of the
and the Ignfbrvdment •of the, BY pleasiititalii*tif in this county, and
Sir, *bat gave tiee-40. theme .the la thither -AgelFo .th9/good ei tizen S' of
were. the union and harmony the. ex. tnir vicinity with . their wives rind
igteif on ' he 22d of April' at the 1 arti daughters, turning out en ' t rea ss i l te
11easai,and the course that was # ' u- Spend ' a day with those who W e re
ed by said Meeting in seleetinil Ro. .omatto!leivi
theiiiileiidtra n d • i
pubbeisinii, Democrats and Aitken . ris homeerfor_Campilfe ; --and4 - •e s sooe ~k ,
as offieeis, speakers and Commlttiteof required.Morfi activeifpa,,Wheruiver
Safety for - the connty:•••iit all 'appear: our:gm-ornate& may cell - thew. [Ey_
4 4 1 8 one united Northern party-that erl `th ing-seemed prepitiousHhichti. '
Sprung' upl in a few dayi to put down wsiti - fairi - the Grove-044 the coraPatly .
f'fonthernrebelsaild traitors.}Thenhiea -large, and every passed of quietli t but i
I that' existed thera'should have caused; very
,Pleasintiy and: i sitisfacto7 t o
bfurCounty Committee to have one all. '- -`, - L: 1 , ' .
i pis our neighboring , county - ba ,by The exercises nowecenmenced with ,
w n ithdraWing the call that was:, *de, prayer , and sifiging.tbe 100th pshh c , ,
' d 'linking a Union call and in vi ting thew a 1 short speech .. by the Re v ,
all legal voters to join in Selectin our ' Baker, of the Methodist Church, Dar,'
county tieket. IA Week pasited,p tno lington,-a ft er • Whiaireapt. Miller lead
'Change in Political-plans' , On the 29th hie•meni to their drat.. tiuirgo. I !wed
,Of April, through the Argus . I made not tell you that if they act as euelly,
I .a, request of the County (iiimii 'to and efficiently, before' a loaded Thai-
I postpone or :make-a UlllOll leaW The tory, as they did befbre a loaded table,
lemnmitteel , passed it by. ',(The next .they willdo their country . good per
weelc., the citizens of Raccioon town. viee. l l The first tablelvacoecupied be
'Sbip, through the shme I paper,l asked; the VolFhteers, their wives and aWeek
why Inpt unite in the formation of a [hearts, after thfit all the others'"Alid
county ticket, and let the best mOn be' eat and; were' fil:ed," and then repairk
Fall'nominated by the people ; exclusive ofi to the s tand, to witness the mo.,Lit,
electioneering schemes 'i of design.; teresting part . - ,r the , 'exerelie. I . .
ling men. This,also got 'no attention.). 1• it the presentation •of A bAiiti. ,
," then got theliaper that had the list !fill silk Flag, :from the Ladies.. 'illt.-,.
of:the Cotnmittee in, and by coitipar-IPattei - su3n spread the Staraand Strip,,
ing the candidates for nomination. and; to the hreze, and' presented it: to flit: , '
;Committee, we, find elk or the candi-' Company, withi very appropriate . re--
Aides; were aeting , under 'their own
. marks. . ~. , - ,;,: ,;,:
( call. i This if carefully read, w II ex- Rev. Johnsen responded' in behest i ;- - •
,pi e i n it s of. ..... , . • • . of the Company.. -
! No* these asking being all rehicted; The ' Rev. Stott, then preseut...i i
i ..,
,'and feeling that at times like.these we Capt. Miller With a. splendid Itivorl_4
;needed but .one party bore i hit the i and sash: : I ,wish you could hiive ,
;North. In Union there is strength.— heard his remarks. .Bel ,w d
.Below ace uir
Iliese* are my reasons for ; wit. draw. part of hie sp e ech i . ''
, ing my. . name. , . ,I [,, 'Cap t ..-Miller. In behalf of some of ;
Fellow Citizene,i let us IQok r t f yon your friends, I present your with' this i.
please some. years, and, see b w the sword,—this drawn , sword, bidding
voice of the people is got inflict. Con- you in God's name, never to . slisaiL '
volutions. 'Our present plan , all ws 93 it until that flag, whiebbsa ever* boon
delegates; we have lasi a candidate the idol and shield of , our cifixtdi i
'come in'No. 6, and having bat 6or 110 everywhere, shall wave ' . unnielest,..l
votes on the Ist ballot. i Thel rice over our_ whole country." ' - '
here begins hy buying- Ind!
Trading being the , order of the meet
ing; they go on till' they reach thel
19th ballot, when in Comes Ne.l(6, first
;best. If this ja the voice ofitlie,peo
plelit is a strange Way-pf getting it.
This tnay be seen =at every o)ltven
tioti held- for years back. We now
will look at the, list-one past 4 J_lPlease
notice theJcive in resolution 4t
'I Resolved, That , we rejoice tl
greut mass of 'the .Demecratic
throughout the Noithertt Stat
nobly uprisen in defence of out.
ed flag and outraged:, land; (s
though usage seems to. refit&
maintainance of seperatei politi
ganization,) and although W .,
,differ on miner subject of
.ejecta ~ p
- policy, yet that it cheers our !Marti .
In this the hour of National ea amity,
that: Ignoring all ,party [ dia! i i i retions
an throwing aside all politic .asper-,
ity, We can,, hail each other b other l Sl
and friends, stiinding Jahoul er to
shoulder, in tinity and love,' oil the
proud platfo rm of the Union, t e Con
stitution, and the enforcemen of the
laws. i , ' , ; ,
;FellowvOters. this ' is what ' e asked
some week's ago of the County Coot
mittea; but it was ,not grante .- This
I claim is t keeling that sly? ld now
l i
exist in eve r -; mates k
bea, ex c ept one 1
clause which is, " and altlron. li.usage
and convenience seems to re 4 tire the 1
inaintonanCe Of separatC 1 poli tical or
ganization.. Now friends,yo ' can see . 1
a;part of this usage, set fort k in gr:l
•Allison's,,card, of last weskt and :as
the usage we haye all heard oa party known as the Cohrt Hous e lique, it
has been their usage for yea to reign]
I and rule in olitical affairs,m id as; lv'
matter of convenience it did not.sait,
1 . I
to have a 'Union pall .Made,
deprive them of what they
been use&-- to. Some. i of t
above 'named when asked.
Unien, answered': we've got,
needs, watching, Well keep t
year, then it l; will be, time et
unite,if they behave thetnselv
,resolation would admit the,
in to
it lvas not for the usage and.
efface it affords thil l citizensl
ough and adjoining
We eountly candidates would-feel
it' very convenient,: and think the
usage equalized!, if the offices of prOfit
were not 'held' iii :' - tbe boroughs. I
hope the dayy, may speedily come Al ien
we- may all hail' one party,
103 y.
• I se
, 1 um„ We have been "shown a docu
ment,signed;by the Mayors, in office of
the cities i of. the United States and
'Canada, ccrti6itig to the superior ex
cellence of Dr.' Ayer's Compound'Ex
tract of Sarsaparilla, andi to the value
of all his remedies as articles of great
, Pubtit utility. Such evidence from
lisuch high' eurees bears us out triam•
;phantly in the pbsitionl
7 e have long
Maintained witli.regard to Dr. Ayer's
preParatioM3, J or more particularly bur
I ,
advertisements of them. ,1 No publish
ers need boimore opposed than we are
to the promulgation of quackery. in
any shape, but, we knew When we be
gan, that his remedies were above sus-
picion of deceptioti=—that they, were
about the best it is, possible to produce
for- the cure of Idiimase; irk' that they ,
have the confidence of all fcbmintriitied
where` they(-are, :Iknovini ltot - alorie
because the MitYors of the'whole mull
try believe thew-Artie - fel- to theirlieo ,
pie; but beettuser,W. laii*.fnont expe
oleacelhat 'they iga so to ouivr, - do we.
Venire we area rendering a substan
.,tiU leThltlitio I:ifir - rimidera in Making
their virtues knoiin- to t,iient.-4Cou
rier,-Princetin4-Hy. -- ! - -
k reli
'o day
o Con,
cts on
Capt. - attempted to repFy-, : ,
but to use the cipressional ode 'Ol
ladies, "his heart came up in liis,&ruat
and choked him," and Rerf.-Batrr I%)
plied for hint. - •
The Connaittee for--supplyingl ,uni
forms then called tOr further s•Ontri,
bution, to completely aniterta . . - tfl.,
Company, - and to furnish all of,tta-ia
with flannel shirt's. socks, Le.
Revd of 11 La:
some half:a dozen were present, %ec
the exataple to their congieu.ation,C
hy subscribing tun dollars ea c 'eb:
course here we always follow - the ex
ainple of our 4piritnar adV6Ol ; 6, au4
about three hundred dollars waitrahied
on the spot.. - - !?,
The "star Spangled' -H'llfanner,'-'
at the
, party
-a, has
nd al
e the
eal on
Q. May
then sung and the assetahlY bioke up .
every one expressing their :grAtilic'er
Lion at the 'good orderind good;Vect•
iug which pervaded through 1.1 1 6 N
day. • `r •
So much. for- yesterday., „To -day,
John Douthitt: gave the vifilaiateers 1;1
dinner, at•the "Graehing andki
the whole community asseinhled 1,04
bid them "God *laced." `.After: diancrl
the, time was mostly 'occUpied leace4 ,
taking and receiving the good wishesl
of their triench.. ,- We kuve them ilafely
in the cars, accompanied" by ninny uiq
our eitizons, who will see, tleiu into
;Camp. = •
We are prend to say tbat!thty go . )
for three'. cram, and aro fully
forined, and plenty of utder,clothiag....;
blankets; and two day ratioph, sat*
it:called to go into_ actual ,seolce.)Nd
I expect a good report from, them.
BIG 13E.1Y ');
• • 4 i ,
Itir-Tlie Maryland Legislature t)
evidently a nest of the Yilestltraitors
as will be seen iby the following "amt . .
nesty act," as it is Sailed, offereq bis'
a Mr: Scott, and whieh• pulsed, to 0.1
Second reading] on Tue.sdav iune I ith
15, • i • '.l, q..
and was laid oyer•for!final s,etl•o 0
Thursday I: I.' . i 1 1
Whereas onlhe 19th of
Itumber of ,iy . lys' and Other petlll'
got up an :lift-iv. with 'some 80161
passing . clir , - .1....2i•-. 1311tirnore, -itud!the.i.
soldiers 111-: - -.1 i:lt ~,, tile erowil of pet
son's why -. ...(i),:ned • to be - &Sseitll)l4
in, the s. • . 's , I.diing 'somel innueeq
and unot ..
',-. In°, people, Nylich So 'et ,
asperated ! - ?ersots 1 preient Ito 6
lead to a c _-.- .:et between the troeif
and theq - - ple. . i
And wf..i,yzas none of the; purposp
of public justice would be attained P)
the prosecution of any one . lconeernid
in Said disturbance, but on theCOnt6 .
ry their prosocutioh woidd -Subj ,e, ll
the City and. County, .of' aialtimqe,
to great and 11111/OCCejililaryi e,mptaslt.,;
therefore—, , ' • •- . ~,, -, 11 ,
it'CTloly I. Belt,ersactectity the a .
eral Assernblfl of ..Itarylauzi; That
the courts, public:llflicers land g
jury are hereby. forbkhlen. tb`preseeq
or punish gray', person coneeined in tio
aforesaidaffray with the ,siilididrotl l/
the city of 'filaliimere on ibel,l9t6Pf
April last, or: for any, offeini«A arisib„g
i k.
fromor, growing . out of sti a iir ..i •
Or n . any way - connected perals" 4 i
Szertori 2. =And be,ftfarti 4 r- ena '
Thatall laws of this State whetaer
, - t I • 1
statute law lit common lawoylucp 0
'ill • b -t f BY ° V t ha
, tiOr 0 pnnis men or a -, 1,.,,,,
h offdrises mentioned in thel . ..precgaTt
seetleizi be and the stone are h tu
zepfa!Zii,&76.- ~ I : ~.e
. 1
iti would'
ad lot*
e "party
about - a
'ten that
em out'
(nigh tO ,
•s. 'This
I , now, if
the ix)r-
MARRIBD—Qn the 1
tho3?er. D. A. qunoingbazia;
B. FAtionfr to Miss lima IM. flstr -
all of 'Biikigarater...,:. ,
Ori this'A,tll
Mr. J 140: 8_ q*Ajor ► t," of ( twine Yt:
Beaver` county, to Mies
• t
q i