The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, June 26, 1861, Image 1

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- r
esilreor aeLriirtigl6
.. ..
DaTenPart, Edithr 4 "
IEfiELANIECER,,jI 2 ..&.
iEßaii-611 Dol.L*bald urn-(7 •
er annte, ix stossiso44 othorwiss, lbw
t.lO No pupi l s diaeestin
'Mtn asrrearivies settled.' except at the
I•; t •
irptiost • .
ildrietionts tiussfed at i the prate of •
Lt!. per !tq unr, Ltnns fttr i one
sOsetreenti,-Innertinn Sdlennts. A
aberai d*xinut tilde to inir4 - ari,users.
Iktieir and eninninniceftloni, by mall,
, g,sh
promptattention.. _ -
ill •, ..iouß FLAG. '
" .-:-
.. ;,
.1 ~• ...
• Siti .
;e his it oto '7 tt!: , 7
i. ezi n • gto n ,
•- Where ; fell-thetitbloodlof .-.-.
the free,
iliiile, ..frotn_esch le d dropispilt - , was won
• '
it ;charm thtt:rye ua .tiitory;
. 1 I it.tVated next ea. punksr•lill, . --- ,
1 1
• here sires the: . liriton sect,. •
I.lll l ret, eteeme was the bullet shrill,
- 1 ".. kid in hls heart', tbs. biYonet. •
-' 1 -1 ;, '• I -- 1 ••• 'H 1 1
~., .
• Itif.tolils• were clogged with' ros-nrid snow,
' - ~, 1 l
- , f:" on the frozen I.Delawaxe, . . ,
.• • - •zP. 1 • 1.
' foitilrentoit's rieterpthedlo,glew
' plat limo 0,4 t4en.
Id , stripes glittered inn the sun, .
. • long ,
Co tiraisge,s tented P l 4lt : • - _
it4r.a - tiii.hattilie of Burgoyne .
• . • ... 1 4. 1 4 1 , lipland s•glory • palO and wane - .
• Tr
Rll : - - - •
-• . otil'alO' Alto's bloody plain • 1 .
• - Ladner
wail thus;,
Pi r n riarled it f rom spotiot.etain
_ Aid hOre
it blast i ng thrOngh the air- •
' - •Thidgli 'pierced by bills and euriod - by ties
it l i etreinned on above the! fray, ;• •'
1 ,
- tad yessed - theilying ens !of those • • •
tfito , fenght and ifell. at - onterey. -
111-.11. . - 1 - -
Cloilluird our flag, and Itexpeoch Star,
- riish s t ripe as bright as now-Chet Wave.
- Still thaYirtaisdotir l rani:id In war, 1 •
i- ' •
• -
_. E'4.lloat above each pstriot'S grave.
, 1414 to the traitor' . t'..' sr,oulddare .
, ipl 4 ltra I it tile Quit. !.1 , ..: dart of theta,.
- ' All NoinJet hears i.•''.••: gill share, •
. - - AO - - ri;no-se it t. 3.. , ,,...;.>.•,!iir Fan..e.
ti.--L---- , --<,....- 1 :-- - -11-:- .- ---2. • • •
• • • :1 1 ,
• '..
The :'ETtcl."-r I tlit , War. ' •
. - 3.] • • ,
• - T•ilori • tiestion . i soth (times asked, I
Jim "!ill this war end ?. et.en while all 1
•tk j fe ready to . acknowled g e the oter-
41ining preponderance of the Nord} 1
hi Inen money,.. md' eve ry appliance '!
1 , ..- L ‘..-
itceeas , • ry' +to . establish - -great
; . periortk 'titer our airtagoeists. •We
eve tf.,'`.;_ , istrengt h :. to .' practically en
1 .
ce ilit," l r authority over all our doniin
jons, and no one Who sees 'the 'patriOt-
J6in and determination of our people
• ciin doitpti:.their- disposition., to crush
:out tlitson thruttghouti the whole
'land. - Feu un til “Ameican isoldicrs can
trend iti, safety every . . foot of Ameri-
can stil . -1 and our national banner
17:WC'S i r 1 triump , the - whole
uhaiitil•l l • 1 - 1 '• '
111.-• . .
-,.. 1 1 1 , 1114, _of cotirse. be!. iinpossible 1
t'' ";:cliliy! ever y isoh.t.4. district, end
13:# - - conillaVe no (it position to attempt 1
sll(th -- ali.,.ullffeCCSSi try 11 liti.e li ak . i n .. g , ..
.'' Bin stW,dsing, tlu r presliure cuemieS
t o
be ahirriated•by the. 'Motives which
• - ordinaidy l influence nianind; the pres-
Fil r.i • ot:, 1 "a well-sustained I . bloekade,• by
tothllolldeictroyi ng their .Co unnerve,
depriving them or _Many articles
of food apiarel, and household conVe
'...nieneistto whi ch they hate - long been
A, - t t ••..
'itte.citst.onied,- v iii go far .to induce them
- our terms---whieli are uei
-•-. ther 114i'sh nor ertiell- For we
,onhn ask
them, t'ii. behitve -1 ike .senSi hle sind 'loyal
'.: -., itizen...q and to •he• - niitidt* of their ob
-ligatielo to their conntrii and it glori
.: ous Colistittition. , 1 • .71
1- . 1• , • -
- But,!4ven if the IblockaLle should fail
-1. -
to exelitse a decided" -,infiuence, - it is
eri4etifilthat thelidistrict I 'if' country in
• which 411 e infittenee or{ the t - ,. - 'aitors
• • pi : edohates must be rapidly dimin
. :shed b-
.the advance of otir , inAnens_er
• army:. e,AX the matter-nOw
three ot-the fifteen slave States—lid,
nware:Naryland, Land ~IF.euttick3- , - DO
decidedemonstratiOns• of hOstility ti)
the Fe cral . flovern men t are. openly
~. tia .. 11 • : 1
,-• Yirgnia, is • the - battle; ground ; and
she i; 41 eloSely beleaguered that her
'I • bistinfinistS may I well Irel:),Pard with
-- . horn)rt-the 'inevitable defeat • which
:. .
awaits-their; i Already al considerable
sectien!of the State • has openly pro 7
claimed! it's loyalty,•-•andj as . our mss
trine 4nriitit v close . aroited. '_Manassas dap .Timetion, the., approaches 4.0 Not
„folk, 'atd even Riciimoad ' itself, the
untesti t .howeVer-1 sanguinary it may
' be, tau . ; I. ooner•or. later result in thei
- triunipli. •-” If, on the stitil of'' Virginia
we Yantluish the chosen ehanipions an.'
ill tb4vitilable. forces of the traitors
lhe . batkbone of 'the i rebellion. will b=
erekeil. and any ; ; other 7 . achievement.
1` 1 ..i.-l_.9*comparatively easy. 1 .
li itut Tennessee • - hi . Wester
Tir a ,4 t h e • • are ''' almost .•
gl . people : titian'
' ' 4 ., 011 sltin favor - 16f the Union. ' an.
i .`',. 1 .t3 . till need 'but . ..little assititane;•
q °Ttii•l..';, redeem the State. - If .th
, v A ... u. 9 tgion is ' throWn - lipon its ow ...
- '''', it cannot laniinaintain a.
nt,b n „, a - ..
i h - l it r et... tites.. tagiaingt n'..' . 1 ,
.. ',
ts- V - ' 0
„-:. nlation does not exclef..:ci t i a .
3 101 7 2 0 Et of. the dingle States
--- ta .7 witb Its mitetial .41.reiest •
. • zi.toiT33 terribly crippled- 13. - 1(1.: lid!
~ p o i lit ft w • •4 oll . ( l l4 ... ,.‘ 11_ 4 3. n i.... redi,
~ t-- 1 - ,_. , al!, i t . 4 ---..-; till
7 - Carnbiri o 1 : - .? , ---42...—u coLypr.2.4iC` is ... tie
• iti i4 . ,i.7taki V,otri•on leet :.nil .4r
Tr p re .,.. - • . : •
~ • . .
.. 0 , .
I - - z --
. i -
l • ''' .-",, • . :c -Ll,-.4'...: s
. . ,
_-; . .. ~ ~, - _!••-.. t. 1., I :„. :.
-•;-• -. : - .` t.l'.. !"r•
. - '-- -' •;4 : ~ -
. • -, i
5.. f
-. ...; , z • i
• - . - ...
:"! fi~'rY
I t.
. t
The Peath of Count Cavour and
t• Its Consequences to "Italy.___
- Th el ---, I
death lof the guiding states.
man "isf Italy at the present tune is an
event of immense' importance' to the
new monarchy. - - '.He had constituted
himself * power in
_the' State second
(only tto th e King ' himself„ and' the
prestige of his name imparted to
I everything he- said 'or did a moral',
fere* and influence - possessed by no
I other-Italian statesman. The unifies
! citiot of Italy was the grand objetst
of his 1 career, and he constituted its
mostillowerfal and prudent advocate.
There was:nothing factional distin
' gulshing his, political ' conduct; hp
never lent himself, to; party trickery,
but was * whole' funded and earnest
patribt in. the widest Sense of the
Word. It would he'diffieult, indeed to
find 'anything •in Ibis entire political 1
history open to serious" objection or '
that did not tend towards the welfare
of his country. , 1
,in ,Peidmont his
Sympathies were , not ;narrowed- to
that section- only, ; but extended over
the whole of Italy, . and_ to him more
than any other man the subjects 41
VictOr hnumnel are indebted for that.:
parlinmentary govrnnient, civil and
religions liberty , free press which,
wi t
instituted in Sardin they , now'enjoY,..
In loeing,him Italian unity has suffer
ed a heavy blow, the cons tqnences of
which are quite uncertain. It iili well
known that the Emperor Napoleon
desires to restore the _oldempire, with
his ' Ben as King 'of Romp, and this
would . involve the ; division of ItalYr
into three parts 7 namely, Piedmont,'
Naples and 'Rome.. • While • Cavour
lived any such division would have '
been 'prevented.' But who now can
say how soouthe Napoleonic idea may I
be, realized ? • , , ,
Wei always knew t that Louis INapo-;
leon - was opposed I to a l united'ltoy, •
for the reason that,,with. Rome as its
capital, it would beeotne a greater
Power in Europe (than Austria, or 1
Spain, and as such too great a great a
counterpoise to the power of •Franee. , l
No olonder 'therefore that the French 1
Emperor acted so dubiously at Gaeta I
1 while, the Neapolitan King was stilll
/in possession of a ,stronohold within
I his on dominions. Virtually France
land Austria 'agree on one point—tlie
I important one that it lis unsatfe to
I have talf Italy under one sceptre. -We
havollittle, doubt that Napoleon will'
avail himself of the opportunity pre* :
ented by the ; death of Cavonr to in
directly attempt the division pf Italy
liceording to hisfixed idea; and as the )
1 wearer naturally beeonTothe prey ofj
thel onger; it is j not }together be-1
yonci the bounds) of.p isbability that i
he may succeed. ' IVe are far front
• desir ing such a ,
result„ Jut we cannot I
Ishut lour eyes to possibilities. The I
refnqval of this one man froth the
l sta•of has so a lter e d thetas •t, of hid- i
, b I I P" I
inn affairs that it is'extr;mely hazard- 1
- 4:)us to say what may or ay not, oceiir
i in the present condition of the kingdom '
1 I
of. V (.‘ tor Ernanuel.
Ninon, the first. symptoms of;
change that We ;hull be called upon to
notice Will probably be the revival in I
full vigor of_tho .Maizini faction, sup-,
i ported by 'Garibaldi and his partisans.; 1
and what may cone of their efforts 1
'and •combinations I it' is impossible to
; but 'without debt the effect will
be bad. Tire tendency; of-their acts
I will be to disiorgaMze and revolution-1
' ize all that is nowt approaching to a
stat s e•of order._ and at the same time w
to preeipitate ar and invite ruin.= ,
!An attack upon Venetia-will,' in all'
' likelihood, be one of the favorite
nurselings of their' policy, and there
'is nothing that . they could do more
!certain to be prolific of.disastrous
consequences to the new kingdom.—H
IWith 'Cavour in his grave, Austria
would fight with a fair and determin'
i ed frinu, land the confident knowledge
..that it only reqnired the -defeat of I
Italian arms in j order to follow up the 1
, victory by-an entire _demolition of the
"„gove;_inment of Victor Emanuel. It
I therefore becotneS' the King and his
ministers -to watch • carefully every
tranition - from-the regular order oft
things. and- to - preVent as much as pos.. 1
siblelihetional inferference in the poll
;cy or. the adminiStration. This will
1 he a Iwork.requiring the utmost ener
gy, discrimination: and firmness on
the part of the government, but it is
lone tif so much moment that no means 1
of one
forcing it ought to be neglected.
Not w ithstanding every caution and
end f avor, 'however; it may so happen
tha Vietor Emanuel will neither be
able to defy the machinations of Mitz
zini nor avoid the wiles and snares of
Na , lean. - ' ' r 1 s
-olio - .trth that, alike
Nke can only say-further. _net, ali..
wit all other lovers of Italian liberty
and Unity, w e deplore
death, in
the'rime of; his life and the heyday
of his career as a statesman, the gift
edl. arour, and that for the . sake of
his euntry we trust his good . works
willilonr , survive him,not only in the
I a" , in, the
memory of all Italians,: but in the na
tional !greatness andlnstitutions which
he labored so afiaidllOttSly to establish.
----.Y. Y. Trib. 1
1 t must be a l pleasant thing to
orrwer of Money at New Or
*ust now. The..ff ew Orleana
t' of.lnne Ist says.:.'l
.ece is attainable;
1. at high rata Ofinterest.' The
, e of out-door rata on first-class
1 ". -is:3 V cent._ per month for
. six months rloaUs. Tbe ton
gentleM en do.not exact any high-
th. ig
avela !
thrti i c,
. 1
_th r's
d ' -1 1 tries ,or the
va, l l - *traiir.
(Irma 14the voestia eervio.,l
,1 , ,
It, be - home in l
mind that those
who . e o a t 1 lettepi ,of iii,tilr • 4 9 . ,
notlo t ihonor*bis ' soldiers sr
eailbre,meaning to fight w ith the [
tilertroops - 'nd shipa of the - nation
againstho lthey are cenimiesioned:,
Possibly if th y cannon eiicapkt 'ni&
er, they y fight: Milk to get aWay,
but's° lo g 'they)am they will avoid
armed v I.' I Theyji are eneiake{ - and
cowards by - ' lassie* sal well eelieb.l
bers. luitthey %rollout for is, oPen
ly and avow ly, to prey the weak,
to plunder u armed. Merchant veseels,
giVing al livid I ;berth 1.,t0 ;those whom
they cannot eat 4' disadvantege.
't is bad-eno All that T any nation of
Pr --'
A So
ower, Iretending to be civilized,
should encourage its !Own citizens to
engage in prilvateering: - But te-enlist
foreigners, citizens of,lilkentral States
to: go aboutcommissioning the scum
ofsconndrel;m of the , world, l land,
hounding the l ou a,gainst men of their
own blooda d tongue—this is an atro
city Whichl `,been reserved for 'gave'
States to irate. '1 1 • li
A.,Power—n lion we will not call them,
—which founds itself expresslY on sla
very, and inanOratealits birth' V I the
attempt Itorev ive the \eustorn of issu
ing letters r inarqini" to foreigners,
what part in the world's hititory: are
we to Ipok fo from takeh a . pOwe, as
this? ' 1 ?, , 'l'
As to thos Englishmen, if anyiinch
should be fond; (Wkich we will' not
readily belieVe) who may accept Com
missions of is kind, ill we can snyof'
them is ; that
mistaken •th ,
that the 80011'
bettef: We
one of them
have sO wholly
it work, in this world,
jr:, it is 'rid' of t e the
m ;
'iost 'heal tilf wishey e ry
;short iihrlft, al strong
cord, and ajnmp from the yard-arm
of' the neark man of war: r‘
We could spoken
!that our olinov
ernment had more strongly on
this point; neyertheless, it teellittre,
that this attempt Will;Wholl fail. 'The :
public feeling lof Europe is against,
privateering; land "thelprincipal„,Euro-i
peen States haVe agreed, as betWeeai
themselves,l:ik!, abolish it. To that
greement .ta e United States, wpuld`
not be , ix partY; but this is no I time •
for heaping coals of" fire on their!
heads., ',et tie.; see what they have de -I
served at onlbands. ! - I. li
" The treat y 1 of 17K bween Eng-1
land and the;United Sta s, lirovided:-,
z i .
tfint, if anycitizen or 'fiubjectof either,'
country took a` comir4sion of lettlnk,
sif mains ,:prwatenrubg aglntrse the.
other, from fir power, with whom the .
other W*B at liver, I,l'pho i tild be treat
ed as al pir te. l Uhluek f ily,! this was
1 011 C of e 1 {.4siisions' that
b t-naty:i
I which! e -pi dlafter ielie vears,!and"
' has nev r be a reneWed.L Al ere ore. ,
ias Mr. Wil ten haS l . laid it,! dt t rn I -
I !I: !! •,
I "any pr bibi lion on tins subjeet w iieb
may - e*i t, eyelid the Obligation of!
:neuthili y required bit the law of nai
tions, m st depend o I the eternal ; lawi
of the r speeti l ve Stat ~ S.", This beinz ,
the laiv.lthe act rem, i n, I that the 1..*:
I Statesi . f4ted l i nt no p water amiirist:,
j ii.
lus du trig ou , ;wars I all! the french: l
I Repu I l an !Empire unti l At e were at
I war A it them also: 1 - ,
i. • .
I Again,!during! the tate Rusnan war e
jin anliv rto dispatch of Mr. er r ampi
ton o nt is s u bject. of .April 21, 1854;
Mr. Ras ell replied thiitiprivatie!rinc;
under ll ssiabicolorsould 'not beat
lowed) bi- thel ;United States, and our
shippi?ig w; wholly, :unmolested by
Ameajar.-ns d ring the illusstan wi4r.
We, thetfore [eipe it, toithe F riitiq States
1 to put loken' I its.
•i a hig lhard any privai
Leeringagain. th em.- 1 • ' ,
outliern: Navy. I '
. , 1 ! 1 '
l,!In his letter to the Lon
;from Sasjannah, Ga., al4
h 1 strange infateatiori
i Corn. I:
Al Co. !Tlntnall to (than=
bl I posit! on ' 'thelt'St
.a e post on in ! i . .
! 1 ~
assuciate himself with ! the
:tors, says: ! '
i i
' f II li* 4
as a ; ortunli whatever;, 1
lsist lof taco; small river or,
;.ste niers, witihout gunl, and
i d, • 't i alking!ider the teouri .
the cluth, ...Kt; bones will bcl
m my a lon lone; ye i ar. heforf thq
ate tates , can %opo to have a
I , -7.
1 II I
Ve ere! a candid Itnd perfectlyt
con eSsien of the weikneSs of
stfull! section . *ltch has I'een
ughlte delude/ itself with the
at it, was the wealthiesi and
verf i nl pOrtionlof nuriconntryi
destftute of mechanical I skill;
essedlpfi lighted financial re.
,its.cNef i dep l pdenen for iisnpt
Iv - , rrials of .. -'" 1-r.'
hel l
.11 t.
don "Ti
R Bich i
due i
ono 1
d to
tr :,
don an
navy, flti
fleet co
as he sa
ces. of
We h.
the boa
silly oil
belief tl
most po
and pi)
ply of 1
or 'lan
steal 77 1
visions, 1
other p
in its el 1
to roan '
,a3 l ,Tht
his ,greatl:
of the del
The *Edo
fourteeti .
one dbllf i ars. il
fled, •erhich r.ny Of 01' 17
would n effeci, are s
tal, the nflelitrifle, weir
- Nte sho ul d pi.)i, sich'ini
abroa4 oz arms which
ly Stipp led sitibome. 1 1
1 ii 1 1
. -
, •
machine i b e e shops o4uai
jdol not Befi'mrh3i,
ienorrribuitric4 - 4 ,
I cia l n-be 130 1 1Niei
I I 1
•De 7 2.*
I •
4 ' 1 I
• .
# 1 I 1
litiw. W'
i m o c ": 77 ::',. on
1 rejoic,
of war?"
is n; war ''',
War flre,-
the Lord 0.
you' , .shnuh
blood:, Yoi
-baPtismana L I .-.._
up to the'\altai: j Tit
way be throngh tire;
of! blood; turn! not i
hasie—no hurry . and
Collect 'yourselves: /Diu
selV es, elevate 11 your high ,
and sacred duty o The
man who dareS to who
dares to wait until..
putliuto his heed , ,th,
'not go unless he h . a . ve ;or .:ln pe lti r ile - 1
1 eitssion musket, who be con
tent WithiflintLande - `even a
gun without a , lock, ,
.t4an a
coWard—he isln;reney., 4 . he 'ean
do no better, go; to a bla' imitb, take
a gun alofig as a sitinple * 'I get hiin.
to rnake you ,one like it. •Iteet la eyeif,
—6lance.l Taking: lii-ili. , i tnn'iJOht!
Brown. . illanufacturefkgi ]blades:
freia old iron ,
ljeven , tholOit.'.,:be the'
tires of your, 'etni:Wh Get. - ii 61t,
or - carruw sPri9g, .. a PIO and
burnish it in the' shape Y a Bowie
knife, and putt to any stEt otiiirhan
die,'so that it ,a strotigil,hE ol 7,
! I
oak. !litt‘ if possible],_ t a double.
barreled gun nd a do; - reunds of
buckshOt,and go Upon battle field
with these. If the *, ' I's' gnus
reach further thin, yt.'" induce the.
distance.; meet them foo la foot, eye
to 'eye, bodY to ;body, a *hen you
a blow strike . otnocAt e
blooded Yankee;will le*. - .rid. .
in' the presence ] of
Your ' aim, theref
close quarters,l a;
dell, vigorous
. pushing forward_,
for i t,th e ' soil of IV,
ofl the VanatilS w'
its, atmosphere. !
The band' then
of his
Dixie. which , aii
May be Hap
Mrs. Davis, t W ,
appeared at dna"
company with j,
was recCicc4l vitt.
Tb ; Pial
- The followin Is lap
tw.een Gen. Se teand Hon.' Sc
Oitfax .._ ....- 1
'",. , I
7 1 i
. th refore te t te, the plans of the
vetiiran Getter IScott, and the period
within which.
.e expects to kin sh the
canipaigti agai sethereb,els, the Huffs
lo Express de litres that it has: Posi
tiVe knowle4,'• of on interview be-
II Scl
tweet) OD. • e 1 , 13 er Colfax rind Gen.
Sctt, 'sought -- ;the formerto the.
, :4 . le r
purpose Of ur , ing, as the unanimous
desire of thoOrthwest, a more rig
°roils prosecuti m pf , the war measures,
with , overwhel 'jug
,forces; to ,render
the !decision of the contest qui Iv and
3. 1 J ' I
To assure r. Colfax, and enable
, , too pact
him from pers nal knowledge to pact
fyland centent 'the' eager and imps:.
tient Peeple whoe feelings helvrea-
euted, Gen. S Ott laid•before h m and
i t
fully explains 1 the'-plans w ich he
had matured .. or- the cainpaign. Idri
Colfax was astonished with thelnevit i l
able certainty of the resalts.lw,hich
th l eivi3telian campaigner demoniktrated
before him ; eonfessed 'with II revCrl
1•i.,, . . . ,
ence- his' conviction that the cause of
' 11
'the, Union wa;safe, beyond pek ,
. dven- 1
tare of 'Possi ility in the barlds of
Geri . Scott, ail when froin M I S pres
ence assured arat the people have 011-
lylto wait wit patience for the? inevi
table triumph ver treason' andrebel
1 )
liOn whi4the * are so eager to 'eon
sulrriinate,t 1 .1 ,I
IRAVACIES or run ARMY Woum } .L—We
have alrC i udy - noticed that the army
1 • I ' i 1
worm was co mittin'a its ravages in
1 1 0 ,
various portiii s ofl the Miami '(Ohio)
valley. We take the following from
thiS' Daytbn E 'pire of the 7th instant:
, •
'The "army wOrm" is makin sad
havoc_with ass and grain a few
miles west of t is city. A gentleman
who was in th ' neighborhood Of Hig
gins'Station L esterday; states that in
with some places be ground for rod 4 is
covered with them. They destroy t ing in their way, turn
ing neither to he right or left for any
impediment,,, 1
jOur inforinal .
t ' says When, they en
ter a, field- they commence on the
• [ 1 I
grass and we sin the fence corners,
stripping the of any v6stigei)f leavbs
and ' blades; heY then attack the
grain, stripp* gt- the stalks', of the
blades,and cut oft the heads.,' Ile saw
a field of - barly-where they had cut
off the heads for rods around ijust as
smooth and as uniformly &although it
had been done with a uiachine.—
These worms Seem to go in Hroies,"
keepnearly a' straight co'fiale, and
cOntinne 'their 'depredations until theY
c i
change into a ; specious of aniOthr or.
," miller.", , .Thy are, smaller: than' the
pOmmonlcate Mar, are - of a dark
color, and. ae covered over with j a
ehort; thin. h le. ,• It is 7 11 that
their ravages a re net , general;hetes,
heal.", tr ' '1 1 '
days, l he_ i ,gavii - to tbe
i t
Ulm tar
t his wants, the ino 1
inuusitees . et. the 1 dep '
iess of the
i i'vely' love f
fl filled lie: eart., In h s
ii, as 'well as thoiel, :11l
4ithe violence of 1 iiii.'di -
d 'his great intellect; e
rith "natio n al
,events, E: an
that is now upd'o t Us. t
lit thit the work Whi h
I rti ff . hi
Wil ..regene te the country , hile re
cuing it from its enemies, should 0'
rapidly ion: ; i l i a one in it Wiindering
moment, he 'd; "I idittion you at .t e
Relay House Move'l l onl!" d:Of anot
er itsked, "w y do we stand still ? L t
Us press on ! .Bet . us -to Alexandr a
It 1
quick r i T still another he. " . 13ai ,
"Tlegraph to the President .1 pt tit 1 t;
thO - Column Move': i on !" Ana. ' ,
ithronghoni the :iprogroes . of
. the:. dip . ,
base, which struck him downHhe 'he ws.
thinking of his country' and the pe 1: 6 ;
1 .,
AtWashington, in his imaginal ii,,
andin;the cdminand nature lisd fit di
lank for, and which' would haVe .be n
bestowed' had he liyed,' he seem d
td direct events and 'dictate victory . .
`And when the hicid intervals is e ,?
h , was, if not so emphatic , not 'I es'
si cikrc. The salvation of tie Repiih--
li ;- was his thoughts,: by ;
d y and night.. His own ,ionditio
_ , the i iiiininei . tt peril of death,lhis Co
I n
plicapiid aturs.gave him - no
were Alinosc his eoherent words;
ardent wish for thO honor and 41
piarity of the Re public, by the„deft
c l
and d i opera n 1 of her .en emies.
II ,
'w it
ail busy lw
thei conflict , I
tae hie last.
1 __ l \ : ~..,. i
titbit rig..Arf utteetitro ,it.
'oii.,L- ' gecessioix liwi
- • • ' 1 L. ,
ilk, , itiresident
34 4
Va. and who inia'w
!,[l.- -- I '
ii. - ..iwhstri
nil fro°
ckfrom the!
as`any .
qie 'sble,
;j th ;
. 'llO- h is;!,
to • *
41's bale;
.e , soldiers'
kin heard':
, fid.w9,.. A'
tti o
#is, en lire ,
pieti '
.4 not ihaving,
obs - eiVed anyone leave the stable had
a strong suspicion, that thera
-.) , as
somebody about. In order • sat sty
themselves on this'-,point., , a they 141
about ,thruSting 'and jabbing t eir I
sharp hayonets. in the lhaY.- B n'S'
fCeling6 at this juncture , may , be'l iaL"
lgined. Some of the soldkrs Wre i
"full of strange oaths," and contin u ed.
If° stick their bayonets' into they ay
1 with an unnecessary [ yii , or. Bon W 8,8;
I tolerably sure he Woide be slauglater-;
ed if hp , ,earne out; nud knew he wou ld
be ,killed it' he didn't. - MO,reraitiled
in this delight ull State of "
mind: for,
sumo time, and at last raised strai,At'l
I up, with .about, a !ton of Inky on his
back, and asked fOr quarter. ! 14 told,
the boysithat he ;had been think ui
very seriously about 'this secessioru-:
siness--within the last twenty- ve
mements- 1 ,-Atid he had Concluded t lat.
it wouldieti i pay. - lie consented, to
take the oath of allegiance, l and lu on
doing. so, vfOs released. It is' said tha
B en afterwards went bac k to P. linty;
town,, ,and was heard to I ramork,
the presence of' a Prominent Secessi n. ,
ist, that the thing 'was - played out,' tie
`might to be stopped. .Hel was o
1 erced," . • ' .
1 -
Tiii\ s - , , 11e1t.00N li' WARFAUX.—,OI
La Mountain, the icronaut has WO
'his services to the general governing
in the capacity of a scout. ! He 'pi
poses to inflate\hi:s balloon„ and I
eciMpanied by an \engincer; - to aseef.
to any desirable; \elevation; 1 1 takin g
notes of the country, the Situation :la d
strength of the enemy, "&e. This idea
hCby no , means novel.' It 'occurred to
'the first Napoleori, when the ort , lof
ballooning was but little untlerstO d.
During the Crimear war, lie all ies
frequently made' use of i thocie instini 7 ,
mentalities. to ascertain'a-:
the prepait t,
y l r
tion ,making of the enem . Bal
was in the great :plain of orthe 9,
Itali, in tho campaign ,of 1159, tha t
their utility became most apparenl—
Before the battles, of Magenta 'A r
Solferitio, LOUiB Napoleon bad e
ployecl aeronauts to survey thegrouni
and Whileithe AuStrians I were in
[Enna; L4t . '
s%s. Smie
' I
named Bon
w be
nyle r
treat, every motion
,made by them -cc
noticed by' these genii of the upper
mosphere and reported to th4..vieto
ons ,
C'ommo to tatiaSsatl4ate ar=
rivals bring theinumkSant intelligence
that the British Govlrnmentihave de-;
, .
tided not to allow'the entry of prlv: l
teen into : their
.ports. ~. This news . s.
interesting to ns; and a • good de I
more -'so .toy. the lor ds of the Cotton
realm. If it ,be ', it knocks a Very
largestone from t l e underpinning of
the e ifiee.Of secs ion Monarchy. :.
--L.._1.----- 1. s I .1`
l itEa,A nuLn's reutation> Often
Ie: dp on the pl ace wherer hO fa
asleep. If in a drinking saloon; ho
thought ja - ,drunkfird; if in a dim
he ' isiregarded as a model of iisiy.
. ,
'.A.I 4 . ,
- I;
-- r i
Th. 1.1
- :
I r~~ ~ i :i~
1 . -
t • ,
"bt fr
( at,u,ilt4ole upon the den
40". ChidigoTrail
I ' •• . • I
..,.. _,
~ ,r
,',.' . i r . 1. ' • 4 ' - ' i ' ..
... , ._
ther'Al nip ming. : 1. -
It i7s said that great efforts J 1
ere bto T ,
ing put forth in the 1 way of getting ,
up aplark of pacification t,O be subtnit
ted to Congress !at the apprdiehing
extra session. It is even asserted that
a nikoeinent. is on foot in New rork t
to get up memorials in favor of , coz4-
droinise on the , basis, of the Critten ;
,or Border , §tate . resolutions, re
jected ati, thelast! session: r 1
The men of :the North who . have
:been ruined - by 'Elonthern bankruptcy
and 'rascality, and the laborer who to
now stinted for want , of employment,
can,,cirefully balance in their minds'
hot'fir they will submit to any alle
viation of our , present difficulties
whiCh will leave/the Eoriginal !disease
, '.to:break out with renewed virulence.
Let any snit every pro Position of , this
Heharacter be met with an indignant
remonstrance and refusal. FOr 'our
part, we think that no terms, nO! condi
%ions, , short of 1. absolide . submission,
should be entertained as a 'basis of 'set
tlement. ' d 1 I ,
'We cannot but regard any one who
talks of compromise or of peace at '
i F
this i hour, save upon I the condition
precedent of the fullest - recognition of
the poWer Of the Federal Government,
:and the most d' tint {repudiation of
the whole [theory' of! h
re Fiecessisoi, as a
traitor at heart. T min Ibe no
middle e)ursel. , - . 1
.. 1
Any adjustment -leaving these two
principles - undecided` vein only be a
temporary I. truce—a file postpone
ment of the dread hou rof settlement,
and proba bly. the beginning
of a se
ries' of ins rreetions such asthe ciVili
;o-world as never seen: . Otui motto
is,now, no t- has been: since the nom
meneement "4VO ' : C'dmpromiii - with
Trafters.!"- 1 7 - ,fairttaaterl Union.."''
' , 1 1 - ii , .__,_ ~ - -_-_ i:
I-: i- . '', 4",•' : ;
° W ashi ngton OT 1
,r The e espondent of
---- 11
the ißostmi Journal writes :„ ' "Presi
dent tineoln has this; week r ' ken a'
ptw in'tho New York; Avenue' reaby
terhin-Chnreh.- Rev. iD.r., Gu rl ey is
the Pastor, and is of the Old;gehool
denomination. ....Mr. Lincoln as %at
tended va.rione.ehurehes in th, • eiry,
;and' his at length settled here.—
. 11Stisi is new, and elepint. It;
was-the , Church l'of Mr) Buchft4n, and 1
the , pew now, taken its ; the ons_oceit-;
Pied - , by Gen. Cass.:The etiwch - ,ic
quite a distinguished one.' Secretary
Catneren, !Attorney ;General' Bates;
~_l * 'E'l l, iy, Geri. -Man!field,, Maier
. 3 1. 11 grlideland cliciit of the prominent
'*ext of th 'GO riament'' have IsittinO
!j.*._,,_„.,,Th lOt. on 4hich - the r t..„.
~...e.„4„.....„11etyryi,r: held
the Old Bc:fide,' Pi.oihMial' 5 " icreli:
'1 'lt was Geu. Jackson's old ;Church
and one he ,shook to; pieces ahiwst on
account of the Mrs. 'Eaton • seandaltj
.11on...johaQuindy Adams AW 0 rt3b ippOd,
and held a' pew at the time . of his.
death. ~11 maintained} a \sickly exis
tence for some years, when tke F street
chuch Sold their house;_ to Williard as
a betel. and united With the Second
church, and on the.lotf:,now statids one
of the most elegant houses of worship
itObe Capital: i ' ; ' s
t . .
• 7
-the folloWing i•eciipitulationiaffords
'usecul inforniatien to , volunteerd, and
thel]r families:.
After being intistered let° the
seriice of the. 'United States, volun
teeris are entitled to pay, the' same ae
yegnlar troops. , •
2d. if disabled by wounds received
. •
in service, or disease contracted in
serVice, they are entitled to antinvalid
pensiOn during life, or aro lon ,as the
disability continues.
30. If any are - killed or . die fn the
service of the United.lStates, caving
a widow, she . , entitled to what Pay
was duo her husband; and a Pension.
If there is no widow, the child 'or chit
, ,
rdren of such volunteer is entitled to
thelay•and a pensibn i until they are
sixteen Vears . of ago 1, j
4th. If there is no Widow 01
Under sixtedi.years of age, thl
heirs of decedent are. entit ec
pay due the volunteerl at the
his 'death.
BAD CniittAcrin.---The importl
preserving a g . ood reputation fo
and ; honesty is quitel striking
forth, in the folloWing • A me;
ver prevailed on hoard a ship .
-and'a negro man was 'appoin
throw the bodies ''Of, those whi
from tidie s to. time,' overboard.,
day the `caPtairi! Wa l e -on', de(
saw the 'l3,tre+ dragging out,
foreoastle a sick i\ nian, I, who' 1%1
lently struggling l t\ to j extricat,
self from the negrolgrasp,
mOni3trating very bitterly agail
cruelty of being - buricd
"What are you; going to di
thatman . , you black rascal r
captain. '
'Goin' to'throw tim cove)
• assa, cause hers: deaa. I I.
.I.‘Dead, you Iscoundrel," ear
Captain; 'don ' t you see he rnOV ,
speaks ? il
ICes, massa, I knoW he says
.dead ;I but he alwayflie
ever knew when to beve hin
I• • I
___ I I I
- -
• •
ctiishruispd l as a cattle
drover, has ton t-in IWashitgton; at
least , such is the report. he had
disguised himself aa it gentleman,
he might beve l. passed ` unchallenged
anyivhere. I t
- --- -- 31
Osmond Scott' . ' ~-
.' 1 4
In a lectui6; delivered ii piano i
a centuryl• ! er410 , 1 ...
ago by 1116.148 Dr
.. .
'king, occurs the folio ' g 7,4,
regard. to General Scott : ' .. •" ' 4
"To thilduitingrushed numbelong*
the rare Winos oinnit,ing, with, Milit4' -
energy and daring , :Mei fipirlt dt
i. -- %
philanthiopist. ' His exiilbits l in itlik
field, which pliCed him in the front
rank of our soldiers, luti* b4n obi
soured by the purer and ,More. lastli
glory of a paciticatoryand of a 'file '
of mankind. In the, whole interim:ll644 s
of civilized, with barbarohs Mi. lii,lo
civilized communities, we doubt wbetli__l•
er a'brithter page can be'fonii :thus '
that which tecords his agency li
ri - . Yei"
moving the. Cherokees!' As Mi t a* the
wrongs done to this race can be ikon;
ed," General Scott hal Made :the'.. e
patiati&i. In his recent mission tilr •
the disturbed borders of our ,countif,
he; 'has suceseded, not• so much by.
policy as by :the notleriesi and , igeny
erosity, of his character, ,!by moral in;
fluences, by the earnest conviction =
with which he has enfoiced ziti ill
with whom he had to do, - the bhlizai,
, , I
tions of patriotism, justice, •hukniinity •
and religion. It would not be daSy, td
find among us a'man who has' kven a
purer fame ; and I am happy '4,•o ff e-ff
this tribute, lif,icause.l would ' some=
little, to hi
thing, no matter how -- steii
the time when the spirit of C riStaily
humanity shall be acoounted an *len t =
tial attribute-and the brightest ornN• I
anent in ii-pu lc man, c.
-4axe, , a high • authority, 14 such -
things, was in the 'habit of sayinft •
that to kill a man in battle, the! man ll
weight in lead must be ;expe nded.-i•
A. French Medical and . Sure! Gap
Eette, published at : Lyons says thisfail
was verified at Solfermo, leveling th'
recent great, improveMent in firearniet
The-Austrians tired 8,400,000;rounds': :
The • lots of the French and Italhinti
was 2000- killed 10,000 `,wonticred.-4,
Each man hit, cost 700 rounds, and.
everyman killed cost 4,200 • onboes.-4
The mean weight of a • ball is '. onit
onnee, thns we find that it reirfrel
on an-eierage, 272 pounds of, lead tg,‘ --
kill a man. If . ally of ;!; our triende
sg9,tild get into a military fight they
shoUld feel great comfort in the filet, _
that :os) shot may be fired at the
befire - they are hitwind 4200 1 , 11.104
: - .
t er"shullle of.the mortal etril:9 - ` • ,
... - [,,
Iva- Par son ErliwriloW, eigtor of
noxville. Whig, is !adingetio2 -7 '
aniracy to setae him, ese4i
#elsog, mtynard.(rtutt ifitiii_‘
! men of Tenneisee, and cirri-, einilir-:
ikons to Montgomery, there4either--ii '-
bepuuished for treason ;a,gaitist tli -
Southern Confederacy or kept las lids?
taga. His imprecations s,uptin ' thei
Plotters are by no means eipressed iti
mincing tones. He saylr: "Let' tht , t
r ilroad ,u which Union men Of East
, enucssee are conveyed to Montgo
e -, be eternally, awl hopelesSly de•:;,
s roved ! 'Let the property, lot' that`
i i 3
'' , 6-4 concerned be commuted, and le;
their lives pay the forfeit, and th ` '
names will be : given ! L'et the fire
of patriotic vengeance be' nilt ion the
whole land, and letthem go out s whero
these conspirators live, like the ` firetil
from the Lord that Condliniedo i. NOati
and Abihu, the two sons of Aaron fort
presumption less sacrilegious ' w
..1:. If
ae incarcerated at Montgointyvyr oil
, e xecuted there or elsewhbrt!, all tliu,
consolation we went it to, know- thati•
our partisan , friends have visited upotq
our persecutors, certain Seeession lead-t
ere a most horrible 'vengeance. 'Le4Ol.
fit ' •
be done, Eaet Tennessee ! thot:glt the: ~
gates of hell be forced and ' the hearen.4
made to fall." - • • -- , 4_,
. t,.• ,
..General Beatiregard =Lae issuei ,
a characteristic . proclaniation to - their
people of Manassas. Liken!' thcre,ba
crew, his strong• point , is".
lies about tile national troops, ;MI
about their action's, lies abOut theiOnei
tires, and crowns the wholAyi Aare
ing the monstrous-falseliood that theni
war-Cry is ~"beauty and booty. 7
fact is, Davii and Beauregard are l;
frightened i 'and this style Of. raving b*,,
indulged in to conceal from the 4 dupelf.
their own despair.
to the
time of
I T truth
lv set
'real fe
at scit
'ted to
o dted
ek, he
lof the
os Tie
n .
nd re
' st tho
o with
aid the
i I
id the
'es and
he no
1 obody
1 yi
4 .:--'
Se—Business is said 'to be absOlntely i :
clead lit Richmond. The slav'es are
as the masters say, , eating their ow ti.
heads off. The reign"of terror Ift
Complete. 'Union men ate flying al
speedily as posiible in.order to avoict
imprisonment as hostages for the ;Wit
return of Rebels eaptured , by
eminent. Altogether, the .rosi.-color
ed-visions of the Secessioaists hnve f i r 4.
ded into a.ditimal bro*n, 'not to sayt
awful blue.
DarThe,English hankers are i alarm/
ed at the large indebtedfiese of **nil
country to- the 'United:States'.
amovnt of specie' remitted uk`i sine
the 28th of November last has ~reach
ed the enormous sum of INVenty-nind
millions of dollars. ,The New's',
admito that America ' D ail}
th 4
strings of the specie mov ements in it.
hands." ' • ' ' •
ifirMrs. Beaurekard, wife th
traitor Geneeral, is in New YOldc - Teity .
and on Friday night attended Henry
Ward;Beeeher's"ehurch: ,‘. I
• - •
sg,Arkansas hag been `formally aeg
mitt:od by Rebel" Corsgr* sik
Confederate. - • 1p '
. • ,
:t B 4'
. '