The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, June 19, 1861, Image 2

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I re4Oigi e i
. ,
DeatrtititionLof theiGovident
' ', ' r s
Property I t - Harper's
Ic e:A.y.
- i •: 11 1 - —1 .:, , 1, ,
. f ril!RDEßlditilJune I§th,,' 1 I.'=--The
special agent bf the Asso,nia dl,Press
has' just returned from • . arvland
Heights, overlooking Harpe 's j Ferry
whichpoli.he le ft sifter / . in. last '
evening. be Confederate, ' y has
mainly leftlthe town, and - o lyittbout
000 - are - re ining. The' vela& of
the main bpd was the turn 'lce „Lead
'ir. ii,
in,towarp,... hirleitown: toldl;Eitep
perditowtq but their !precis -*destinst
,tien was not knowd, as th ey . were
' loitin the'lliitance, and 'no! nein the
vicinity was sufficiently ! in i nfo rmed to
be relied ripon. A or exists on
i boo sides of the rive that, they had
m gone towar4 Ninth er,. hile oth- ,
1 erl sources! suspected- they . ere going ]
W. - Martins:burg to m ke ast ndln that (
1- vi6iiiikt - . 11 ,1 I . i 1 i . c
lAt fi ve fa'cllock this mo ning .the
great brit*, of the! Balt; nore and t
Ohio Railroad, whisk cross Si:;:- the. 'Po- f 1
'tomac, NV,43 pred, and w.). a after a p
end report w i ns he 11, I caused 8
: 11 110 e xplosion of a mine, which bad t 1
been placed under i e cent .e Span.— (
In one hour the en •.° sti store was . 0
l iiviniiith. 0 .. t1-• fell i, to th water.— a
--Vhis bridg ' was 4 irble l w 1 rkl of 1000 t
gihr• feet in len • , huiltiby En 'neer La- t
troheionly. ten yearn ago, t o 'a most
I ' Oitritifie l lmwee T.t shad six spans, It
I.' - '•''liich cot *very
e 4 *of mon. 1
li l it 11
-The damae to .. ', ropeit y as not
• nded -here; as the ailrelad Company ~.
and Uni t ed States bate suffered furth- •
Lerl.lotaititi :in valdable,rrks. The
[body of:tresseling .on whi h the road
Mis, supp orted from the bridge:to the
lend of I.e Gicivl rninent i property,
' about htafra mile i xtet t '
'is nearly k
' all destro' fed, ' as i , vell a the upper
bridge, Ono hundred and w, nty feet
long, oire*'llie'GitVernak ' nal.—
The telegraph statiohl)ing ant;
other railroad worksWere:Aso demol
ished. The long tange ef tfilbetantial:
bnildingti, formerly oce pie+
,as the.
Government ArmOry,l a e burned to
the 07- and, with thes ex eptiou of two
° ' Eastend, '
. 1 houses!al!the ear the She
-1 nando hvriver. These. ill' probably
i l
yet be burned. I ! .
'The fire has been rating all day,
and ' hen the reporte, left it was
agaie I
breaking nut in or near the
• quarters.l The Rifle it orks on the
Shenandoah werd
_fired .in the after
noels, ',and now - nemo of the Nationa
property re maind r excelithe dwelling:
for oftteers on th o hill it, kof the to •
• and tirelout cif twenty_ rmory build
ings. ! The arsenals wertiburnt in April
1 by the government, wli rtLient. Jone
' abaruiloi ed the 'lace. !Theless to th '
government must be in buildings a
from ,t.-I 0,000 to( $501::;400, while'-th
Baltiindre and Ohio. R4ilroad Comf . ,
ny have suffered scarcely less,'as it i
belieVed that soine of; is equipmen
havA!he amboklie d i this wholesa le
ruin.! It is firmly gi , j, a out :by. t 0
peoßle 'se the ntighberhood that t e
Railroad Company hits incurred t e
' serious : 'hostility of the Confedera e
-troops by supposed want of conce t,
as_has been shdwn with them, and .
the marked loyalty of its employe s
towards the, Govermilent. -
At Martin. b rg Polite of the ext n.
Sive workshop and engine build', at
of the Baltimore and! Ohio Railroad
' . arel'loCatedoad there , as' well as' al
othOr places in the S t ate of Virginia
• . the; railroad men, by:active - Union sen
timents, are said to have been prett'
instrumental in fostering the spirit o
loyalty along the line of the road, an ,
tbe,men there number some four ur
drkl. It is aso stated that there ar
,th ,
' onie line n ''Virginia about u
thousand me in the company's n
alfrinent by he action. of the S ai
nd the Wee of-theNwar.
Xhe turnpike bridge`'at the moat
of the Shenandoah ',river
. is-,alsei t 1
bnrned according ito repiaA: E et
night some further destruction's gl
be done, as there are no United S at
troops in sight or 'reported as 1'
near to prevent it , '
r i POINT OF ROCKS, None 15.—Tb
struction on' the Baltimore and I
Railroad at• ,his pOint has been r.;
04, and::the road *as opened to •
lttgr'S Ferry - his rnornino..
An immeilAp!boulder, wei • hing:' The Virginia Convention ' and
about one linndred , tons, thrown from John p. Underwood.l .
Point of.ROck.4*.fm the road b the! The Convention now in sess,,ion ih
Contederate4„. was removed last ight Wheeling will develop the wonderftil
by blasting, and the track now pass.
Union resources of Western•Virg,inia.
Cs Over its crushed fragments An The pep le 4 that section'are rad
-Immense nits of r i ock projects in= to tinily seovering that the Federal
thecanal, leaving ouffiTlentspac. Itow ,
troops are friends and protect Ors, not
ever, for th pasaage of boats. ThO enemies or bandits. Generil MeClel
i•batruction can be{ easily rem° •d by land's late ;proclamation, coinciding
hlai4ng. he ' culture, atte npted, with thati,of General Butler, is authen
. o-have L bee bloiiii :pp, are no •• fully tic evidence fifthis. Among the proM
.epairedri , '' ' -.- i inent Members of that Convention' is
; The picket rd of Cavah M
sta- r. John C..Underwood,of Culpepper
1 .
c• l' i tioned on the \ir ia side, are with- lie is a Northern man; by birth, but
; :in - Sifht of this - int. They a but long a• resident of Virginia...where he
lew in numhers--not more the liix it married a lady of talent, who ha 'been
;iv. said. .14 rI \ , notedly instrumentaf to her has anti's
I success. Ho is a lawyer by profession,
on, and a man of accomplished education.
era unlike Many politicians, ho is modest
on- and • unassuming -confident, 'but ',not
obtrusive. i Hei was,a delegate to the
ver Republican; Convention that inoMina
a)N) tied Colonel Tremont, in 1856, ' and
:.ip- lso a delegate to the ,ChicagO Conven-
P - tin which 'nominated our present Ex=
ices ecutive. -lie was first rendered : ob
the, no.otts,to the old fogy residents of
the his adepted•State ; by in effort to Colo
ny. nize al portion of the State! With free
r of Euron ernigranti - . '
he He was •driven mit of the country
pis- durin , * the, election if 1856, !and was
the notrmitted to i II after : Mr.
iesn Bucanon's, electk ring - his; ab
tien Bence; hil l lixtle sor a; Fremont
flag on his farm. I" the Politi
cally oppOsing nelghbors.`threatened
ne's to tear it down. Mrs. U. assembled
rays her friend's, and'thelflak was inftered
cky to remaim i Since the late 1 Pres'iden:'-•
4 tial 'conteit, he has been an I exiled pa
triot; till recently... ,Now he is spoken,
of as the most available and"'w4Ttly;
candidate for the.!place of United
Senator, vice Mason, the politically do!
fanct incumbent. -I
Loves ,:June 16. ' - B. rott,
new surveyor of this eat
'Ott the dis Charge of his-dutiesb• 31,
2 `.l:he Postman t r here will
letters from thep
South, - on t te
meat of Federal postnge by th: rec
jellte• { •
A gentleman at Thipkinsvill-,wri
to Journal that the office of
Teunaseei_ rebels stationed n- ar
State line, ifformed him th t G
Dingoffm,lnt answer to an in
officeri what part of Kent cky
should occupy With his troop., ad
j• ed him to keep his position • ear
State.line to hod himself in • adii
to give assistance to Kentne
needed. •
Cal I -
CA 0, J;nne 5.---T re 'hu
Cairo co espcnident of the 4th
0 ‘that Ge „ Buckner, the : entu
li - , tommiam ner; was here t. ' ay,
! i.,
I) says tb‘ State, of Kentuck • it' ' .
1 'establishing 4 grand encam me
,II the State tronps at Colnm ins. ,
it says that the e bit.
ii i 312ainesal to 'rp'ase a swoon .ii ,
I • I , J
~ i ,
Ile as
- rcquested, thern not to do so
' [ • . ~ ,
ag , s , 1 .
'.' T iei Memphis 'Appeal. of the
sa : there-it a warrant? out forte sir
ref" 0 Andrew Jolmaton, ;for treason
to IreTles*. .'thttraaday. was kept as
a fist day throughout Tettnes.sel.—
All basiness Was anspe.nded.hy-thelZe
Ce io'nists. ; ~ . ~ •
, , L.._. I
i Tli Louis, June ; 17: As pat, of
Coo . iiallman's *.gnacta of I...serve
co &were rcturnin , i- from the North
Mi - , !krirailroad; this,inor ing,.when'
op irate ~the. Reeorderla ;C urt Itamm,
'a c napany near thef'ear,of he column
'sti denly. wheeled . .nd `fir d, killing
i,. . ,
riding in i g o tiro
fo r o c h i e t e it re e e n o s,
an slightly . injtaring one, •
sitand ; died in 'ten iniamter. Deputy
M. ' hall , Friniti,Waa mortally liound
ad ' ' . lThit cause of the; !:firing ar very
yonfucting. !'
. Later.;---It is iMpossibie to arrive at
the truth relatiVe tal_;iffia cause iof the
iring arm the citizen say thai
by the
Puirciailitt 3,4; sw(is
tr . ps. Eye witnelaseta say thai 'patol
a ots were fired froM,:the wintws.of
t, e . house adjoining ; the i l i Bee rderta
Curt liPom,and 'a nuinbe tasset, that
a pistols were fired," a d that' the
oily shoat before,:the One al firO, was,
a .
t e accidental -dislharcre f a Irate in;
theranks. ; '; '
Capt.: -11eische and"' t\
embers of the 'toms
minded.' r ' ' I
The following are , itddi
f ithoie killed';' Stibelz TJ
"ta • - Cella. ' ' aaT
ey,, Inca an
rns,' of Chicago •1:
0 .--- , • -., 1, • I I . I
. Et.i . 1.3-Aatolgil7utie J,l7:Heoranhaiark
Olorilkiis "Wet ' arrived froth Newport
I Filv3i.,:and reportali a sisirmish there
lis morning Three co' panies were
.•. .; • ,
= , Nit of by ColOneli „Phelps toi i
n some cattle belonging tethei rebels'.
The& fired o*rby ,company of d
liattlierae and - three en wounded. i
_ ,
The rebelsa Y being •-rdouuted_ j escaPsid--r• •
The ditichmeat, ithwever .L .#acceeded
in: its purpose. The rebeisl.are - • 014-
tlk. landings large, body of troops.-
iirii : point' seven miles; above IN etvport
.lrewtS onthe *tine- 124,14 - . .0f the river,
and the rebel 'ateartters ' . ma,klcwn the
river daily. An fats -pc
... tiorpi that
quarter. is anticipated:4 4 lkisre re . adi;
ink them at :-..4 - Srewport'.i.:Newiii 'and the
. - • • - ; ,
, strong battery erected' there by..the
lamented Lientenant "treble, will cer
avenge the' '.Great Bethel disas
ter if An attack • is'•tuade
, • ;• , , ; : • . ' • . • , .
GaarroN, 'Va., June
. 17.--A report
readied Cumberland yesterday that
the rebels forces were marching from
Romney to attack, the. Federal troops
and burn the city; causing intense ex
citement. They have not made their
appearance up to, this time: A •letter
received &Om Cunaberland states that
the! telegraph wires and rails on the
Baltimore and Ohio road, from 'Mar
tinabitrg to Harper's Ferry, have been
carried - away by the rebels. It also
states that the delegates from Berkley
and leffersoricOrintteS to the Whee -
ing Convention,i.have been imprisoned
I at ,Charlestown.l ' It is,not yet knOwn
what , movement is content lated from
this w point. ; Recruitt from ,the sur
c rohading counties are largely` on the
increase. • I
• A
', 13 I LOUISVILLE, June la 1861. pe
1 The Southern papers t
advise the, r
it Mers to save everything in , the s
it of fodder ? wheat, rye, oats and s aw.
1- They are very much in want of alt,
y 'Witting paper, lead and leatherr
of_ . f James Stephens of this city is ialt
id mv arrangements to build gun-boats
n- fbr.the Government. ' 1
re 1 The Naihrilk, Patriot states that a
it party party with the, boat Red Revenger, on
a- the Cumberland River had appliedl for,
to letters of marque. -
The Custom-liouse-at Atlanta!! Ga.,,
th has'- been: abolished. One is establish -1
be &.Iboundary
near the northern of 1 16nn ,
1 , , 1 ,
ry pewee. , , i , !
ht 1 The Nemphts Avalanche of the 10th)
es t adviset- i the free negroes to go to World
rig l ' on :.the Antienchments at Randolph ; ;and says they:will be forced if they
'don't volunteer. It adds, those who
>b• Volunteer will be discharged as i soon
lio as the fOrtificatiodte are finished,' but
) y - those whO arc forced to enter the ser=
tr- vice will be detained during the [war-
• ndf
t or
• no
7 . , , ... .• , :
`++`'' cc all ORO 4 9 9 47 1 1 ,W. , -
crib; n :oniii7 :iiiiiit
l' . , 1 . !
i ' 1 i r ai d F -Jud e.: - 0 ,..i, ,
;ANIEL iii NE ;Boron . - 1 ) 1. 1 1
' il 4S OCi t' 'Ad i' ';':'
• 1;
.OHN 1 4CO T, ' pweil l (O.: I i, ' ,
.: ONE . I )IZIFF, blew Prighto", I. , 1
i f
' : I 448
. 14 ' . 1
M- (HE form :1 '
, - i tri tAttot,lo ; l r .
01IN'D. 1 0 , Roobester„,l ; - ~
;' Tr surer 9,
, i " . i•
e. O. D.R4 gil W, - F.ll to:, I ;
' . r '.'con l issioi4r• ll' , 1,
„- , , [ -i;
1 ANIEk . tilipftT, Ml* i 1 - i t
I ounN Ati 'tor. , t
NO. STE Anti Mom : y i I tt i t
~ P - House biredpir. •
:ENRY !O EiIiONG,I.I4 Fitiicitly. 4'
T 'gee 7f.,tlaidein, r ,l .4
V. D 11l Me EANDelive# 1 I !
oiEpa ~ ti' L. a'a'rzt , i 1
o or 'three'
any; were
ional -name4
ris, I.curran
man named,
appear ne
. ' Rub il t,. s ,g iee ^l I
t tillip
A Pub ',C 31.• • ing /of ,the - 1114sPlasicif
Bettier -count , , favorable' 4 1 the I , 11-
tion ofai ation 1 Armory. in,,qie co n
ty, ;will! 1 ) held t the Courlillious ,in
Beaver L on Tu ay, June :!2511, at 1, 2,
o'clock Pi M. Let,there ; b ii a fultint
tendati ei It i is: an; important matter.
1 , ) 4 , ,
_ . IC.= 9 .( 4 13 4nitt1 31 ;* :' '
04 I) . M.tnis, nR. P. Rol?!
~, , )
t. l l
Jiihn Allison, ;Wm. M. IR •-• , ;lt
Gee:TW. Phiod, 8, S. Dave#P 6 . i ~ °
Dc;, D. ptanten, iS."B. BOggifir 1
A. C. Hibilci st, 18. B. Bradford, •
David; Johns on, I A. Robertson
.. .D
r'3l'. Lawr itce; John Slentz,, :,,
, Dayid Dania ,i ' ' A. R. 4H,iere,_
Riehey 'Eliki ,i ; John :Wilson;
.D. 1.1. Harve ',T
W. 11. • ' Dr. A.. T. Sho
. izi
Dr. 'B. eii, berger.
•-- 1 -......... . ,
GrODEY'S LDYrS BOOK FOR $1.00.--,)
To meet t e} times, thell sixty-lird 3 ,
i o.
volume, of Godey will be ;sent to sub-!
seriberii for Oiie Dollar. This volumd
coinpriseS tLeisix best nuribers of the
i I ~, contain ,
year, and w ik Wen steel en
gravings, si of the large doubie exi.
.I ' ,
tension fas o n -plates, hand , all the
H -1 u 3
winter )COS pa erns.. 4 . )
I i I L. A. GODEY, )
l t u
• ~
1 ; • 28 Chestnut St., Phil'a ;I
) JP; ,
~ 1 1
litts-On S. turday the stearriboatmen
of this, vie nity received telegraphic
dispatches t',O report themselves in
Pittebargh tamediately. We learn
that a fleet o boats was'dispateheil 'on
Sunday for' Cincinnati . 'Pao seryi-
Os of nearl t y'all the 'Captains and Pilots
of. Beaver r idvicinity *ere put into
iate r
I. medhquisition. f '
, 1 § i i , •
• •
OPE 111031. 13EAVXR COlll4l-
Y FOR' TUB VAR.-We learn that Cap
tain i. S I , )Littelll, of Green tp.,hits
gone to Camp Dennison, 0., with a,
eortipany fr m IlookstoWn an
L d George
tow (.' CU t. Litt ell jOined him
with an 9hio conipany ,at LiverOol,
under the command of Rev,3l I ,IV, 1
Dallas, a minister of the 3.L E. Church
~, , 1 .
of Liverpool; and , the , . .two companies
-thus!, (
consolidated leftl on Fridaymo
, ermisen. 1 rn
' ing for Camp D
1 !....„,_• ______ , I I
Mgr The 11cai'er Seminary an .H In.!,
) stitute Examination commences Tries=
i day! of next week., yirednesdaY, ex'.
aminationicoutinued;:crening, address
befre the i Sigonrney Literary S•kie
ty. Th rday 'morning, examination;
afterno6 , meeting of the Trustees and
friends .of the , Institution, evening,
cloing, xereisee. ' ' ~
• The 1 patrons ;and! public geneiiitY
are eatestlyiluvitecl i to attend the_ex
aminations and exeiaes generally. *
leftor of Mr
t w•ek I
•NI al ' " 'h ' C
' mi., • i er memliers of t, e ' urtin
Rifies,',' now Statione:tat Camp Wright,
came;d r awn I Satu4y evening to see
ft; rti
their Odd, and remained over t
ath. ( ' e boys ' are much pletwed
with t heir qUarteren in CamP Wright.
f i
They", h •Ce plenty to eat; and conifort.:
able .
, ICii ridaY the citizens of our!,villa:
gee; w e d aroused by the , report that
the ilies7 and the N 7 Brigh ton
comps hid been", ordered to Chain
., I
bersita, and a number jof ci tizens
i 7 ,.
Wentp toiCamp Wright to bid diem
, 1 1 1 1 ,
good- , ye. , The orders ! were howe i ver
court :rmandeel, and the conipaniei re
f- I
maine , in
,camp.a ,'I 1 1
1 , ~ , 1 • .
, , , ; ; I.
,';.. TA6 canned for , Industry was
escorted to its place: of destination on
Sat Ho rns _, . •1 ,
urday by the quardf3. I , We
are sorry to leara that- al portion of
Lhe eq uipment oi l tbe gun } was want
g. The:Military : :connaitteci should
io4k CP) the matter. : 4 : 1
Th far Georgetown 616P
ipel i that place i by , steamer. The
New lirighton-gnn has heen taken to
its d Ablation. Thin all : the
hivliesn statineed at :tht points des
ina eil l billill nth uut l ie (
':T Svant of '4all arms is
- i now
• felt
ver much. OnTriday last, a special
com . ttee was,
„appointed . w ,in '
from ihe Governor the, 1000Istand of
ar,;provided by act o
f f Leiia l ature,
: for ?las countY• II I
I '
: -f \ I i , I f
t- ' • ' • ; . i 1; 1 ;._ ...
ITll i rtr.ti'd ,• . , -.. •,; 711ASI.Emem•
.. ' cip , ..ll - 1,- 611 ; ; 1.: fir sirmil,
mm,„, Colon: at,. tmell, pass
-1• Ai 'i . .. i 4 . 0 1
,edstlirk. I.i.'Xlcich t .- ,'-',. Friday eve••,
;- i - ‘• , t• - ° , - h • 14 1 1 ,
flingat ,$O. k'-1 ' a vni g• f il l ,
given limit* 'ol l l , rsi)+l had oth-: ! .
frig/ to !eat' - s - lner? . 1 orriii2g, the I 'ko6d L
people 'cif Boa l i tleste` ~11,idgewater and
Viciititi% - got-toget :r Prior to the° rri4l
;v aif of, the; ,:wi , a full sup y 4 of
every kind' of iti , .10, rued w.t.' the I
train artivod etlii:.doiot, .distr ,uted i
(amongst..iheflun . 1- le 4 such 4uisn
tit...l - of eakesi' Pi -- h*m, cbfrecli etc- ,
that the , soldiers. li .4, 6 4eft Aha . they
would be 141.10 d-; 't , li 'kind's i nor
did It Stop barer, a .i. fialisting
. Im;ost
toisurfeit at + - , stir, the `train hur
ried on!th Pi ' it , . : -,4l:iera, under the.
i i Savage,h
auspices of r. ,6 , n
de t pot; a freelsup , :
.frA;, the entire r& . . •
gitnent Waal). •• - ' l , , 4 towhi4l L they .
wore compelled• , to arstfiteple'justito as
tile state of 'the; ease would ailer. I At'
it P., lif.,
,they '; left, fer.Waslirngton:
City direct;filledl l witis gratitude !and
stuffed withthegeod.tiunge o f. ' life.
Sheet* to to Tbilititichigan liegi.,
inent.;They .tre a! brave
. an hardy;
Set of srieri.F_ •1' 1 ' • I i 1
! --- II , ' •
t Prrxitsor's - ••••Mlta i siinz.—The ; July
; • • • 1 .; '
,/„.... f . ~
rihmber'-eflth'es;, ..pular MonthlY 'ls
rilreedY . 4*.ur 4 .le. ! In addftin to;
its usual 4inurti. , • Of - Stories; Poptry,f
itonacha* : • :'' ,tl3,oteel Etigrnvxngs,l
Plifo l 2. el.t. -- Etr. :,' ,: ' for ; the Work. ,1
1a1 ;1 44y,-it; ..ntai , . 4 1T,W6 -Spendid Cot-
or, , : 'tits rei4teee, Lot whioi:iS s '',,
ps, :-all ''Strip s" • Bed-,Quiltl t ;Each
:jodyjough :lie9.ti4ve a number, ! en as to
1 wort ' one 64004uPti• A. new
p S t
Ivolitili;v - itutit - witil l July, .ilit is' a
igofloktp . - rtuniy I tor , subscribe.: ,Tbit
4403 of l o toriso o 1 is Only I two dot-
caret a year, or' i lecillar lesa!then Mag.
nzine.sof t.s e : ' ' It is just Ithci. one,
' i ' ! Fe, for lithe ! times. ~ I -clubs,
the terms are cheaper stilt, 'viz; three .
r • for fi 'l l d 1 •' 1.
copies vc ii 4) ars, or eight:eopies,
for ,ten dollars i t with. a ..fiixpda; Priri.i:
unto", the person , getting up getting C i lub.
Address Charles l , J. Peterson; 80d;
Chestnut St, IPii t iEn• 1 , '
: Specimens i 5. p ....? .t% gratis to . Persona ,.
desirous Icif getting up elube. -I • •
• i „ .. , , . , ,
Air IV 10 have reeetved a edpy of the
Constitution lof-`the' Cincinnati Aid
AssoOition— . O.nripany which the ex
igenciesicif the .resent state of affairs
has called i.. . T., istence. One of the
chief ohjc ' : - ( r. the Assoeietion is
"the., proeurin • of employment, .for
, •
those in .th
coii ir .* who_ are ileeking
Work and v4h - ozie the presure or
the times is;•prr.reltkia rly sei ." To
this; en& theiation has `organized
a well regulated and reliable . systeM
of intelligened as between those want
ing hands, %shether in town. or enun- .
try, and thOstit, desiring emPloyment,
either in ri l ‘ricultural, mechanical or
,domestic purhuita. ; ..
I I .-. Judge Ll i ritt is President 'of; the
;Society, Geo se i lieck, Esq . ~ Vice Wes
-Went, I. J. Allen See'y, and J.'! W.
Sibhy TreatUrei. . '- f.
Persons; desiring !further • intermit
tion can address the Association at
corner ofipluni and Fourth streets,
(.;ieineati,' 0., where 'inform a tion will
e ll
freely it pirmiptlyik , iin. i . i
---- ,.., - ,j --- ;1
—We lear . with pleasure that; Col: M.
M. Weyan,,for a number Of, years-the
able 'of the Beaver I,A.rgits, has
received the appointment of Prothon
otary .of Beaver connty, ;vice M. S.
Quay, whOI resigned' thoOffiee to enterr,
the armY.fPiits,.e."-az. ,
We cordiallY.enderiej Ibat. the Ga..
zette says Jar, our predecessor. Col.
Weyand has been ; serving the party
for about' 20 years, in this) County;
a n d has never been a candidate for
any County 4ffiec• during that time:
But editors - are a proverbially Incidest.
. .cif ns's, f•andColl M. is by: no
Means an exception. ,Wei suppose be*
will be a! i l andidate this 'i 4 ol, arid then
he can have an opportunity of testing
the; appreciation in whill his ierdeps
are! ireld,l • ' 11 j -I - ''.
)1119..Ti l l** 11 cntly
~ Tow nship
l :lioMe
Guards, 1 044: T. A Shinn,idra'pleini
an excursion ; on `Saturd ay telconh-
nix and; back.. Capt. Shinn`, 'has, by
his unr emitting exer ions, Made quite
a fine c jenny oat of hiS men-. They
ar went uniformed and equipped, and
La h denmi; a 4
Prrs,entj an
r ppe Jitnee.r-
They came down las week and took
.up theii3 cannon whioh was [destined,
fo the'' place. : I I ,
am_ e were absel from i homel l on
t ; __.......... • f
.: ursil y sight, and isequently i id
n t hear ,the leeture of Rev. IS.,'lt.
Griffith, i on the; Soft ' ern': liebellion;
but weam'assured,b those who were
presentthat it was an exceedingly .
i r
able production, and t• it gave en
tire satisraption to the large audienee
who were so- fortuna,te as fo.,be carat=
t i endance. ) ' 1:-1 I ' 1 •
11 1
i ' lerThe uni f orm r, of ,t e Curtin n
icifle.s l ,l wai:produreidit4i th em , by pri
•Ute I soboOriptiOns UP , the •lOitizims of
hovti rt,ottou u g oinitY, and tbct ,procoods'of the-
cinC, iby ! t he ladies of
heighboring es, rvhich was ,
beld ut Roebester. I be clo t hes
en Audi br i thel ' ibems-ovo.
1 I Ptibllttatdo .of News ti. .
ffelearlik-tilthe_Govermnent, fig
it s aelf Verinmeh : egibarrass4 by the
Pliblication oe int/I/hided
F.. '
b therfreir, Ironki-papera. llt isitoa4'
fe t d that,. severial 4+,4(10 kpixur *iii
been changed - In -emblem-I:kite° of4his
Vreinature publication. The 4 ans,iety .
of the people to hear.the lateat 'news,
Lul the av i dity with whiei every item
14iineeeieii 'with
the forward Move , -
; Monts of our troops„is sought . forhy
all classes,l no j, doubt 'has, in a . great
measure; contributed to ,: thou _ publics
taen of unwarrantedstatements The
effect.of this Will very likely be the
ilotai exclusion of reporters tie& the
amps.; t In war it becimelk notary
hat very many , things,be kept ret,
.9.en. Scott and the President Wive so
~far succeeded in keeping their (plane
secret, but the' coninuinderis ,of 'mink
1;f th 1 " ts have . not he" ''
' e regunen en . 1 ,0 sue
icessful. The attack upon Bethel is
i , ,•., , • ,•
said to have been known to the ebels;
rand therOs no doubt, that,. the etacu
datien of Earper's Ferry was in con:
,sequence o like infortnation received
-at Ri ch mond.
• ' '
Thipatlence. , .
'There are 4, g reat 'Many 'persons
who are constitutionat i faultAnders.—
They are not satisfied with the eon
dna of the war. , The Administration
does not move ''fast enough; the rebels
are :treated with, too much lenieneY;,
every thing could 14 se . 'mueli t better„,
managed if they oul ' had control; tht.,
officers appointed h the war.idepart,
Mont tire not just the thing they should.
be and a hundred other similar dim;
plaints are heard from day to day by'
men 'wholnow just, about as rfunell'of
Military affairs, and the cond ucti ng 'tif - '
a campaign as a cow does of Latin, or
a hog of the rules of. Greek Pr i elsody. , 1
1 Such Persons, and.suchjoutnals,olA
ly render tl;emselves ridiculous by , this,
querulowiness, and the sooner they, 1
,-, i •
use, the emphatic, though ancle,
language of the b'hoys, "dri up
this topic the b tter. We. ti ink
Lincoln, Scott in pameron, will
out all right,'yet. ,
' Dr. I , l A.yer's ,-'Medic • ea.
The reputation Which thekrieclicin(
of Dr IJI. C. Ayer, of Lovell, Ma.%
haVe'acquired' is an ;evidence of ' tYS
things first the • ut i l ity of , an exte:
sine ran g© ' of lAdvert l isements" wow..
1 - L
13 , 11 the beneficial Character - orthi
meitteines themselves. Were they nbi
really kood "rteles.lthey l Would to ii
aln i co hard 124 n *liedarded. There arc
two rnalima to be alWays kept"inrni
by, thoSe who ; have any thingto (lisp( s ,
Of.. 'One hi i thewell satisfied that h ,
article is such as'you represent iti in
the other is, that special attention s * be
eallo to the fact. i These ,conititVite
the great principles of advtrtisint; and
just' here Dr.4yer ' ha 4, done the.kght
thing. He got up, and patentedl, a
arientific rented ,und then-called ptiblic
attention to it. , The conseauende, iS
that hitil name is'a sufficient guarOdy
for any medicine lie has to dispd4e Of.•
iNgt. In the I'll heeling fi n fivention
on Fr ‘ iday, Mr. Carlife, frOin'the .ittsi
aces' comMittee,, r i eported ay ordi :trice
vacating the at? of all State o eers
who. are , now in ; rebellien agdia t the
llnitect States, previdinifor a P •ovis
'lona! Government, and for the el etion
of officers. This Milinanee:Nias made
tile special.' °Merl. for' Wednesda . A
debate took place on the policy of di
viding the State,/ ag4inst.. whic 31r.
Carlile.took strong groand, ° '
Intellig,enee from linuisvil e,-Ay,
statee - Ahat the effect of she b 1 kade
has been , tie severe thati. all • ade is
dead. ,A citizen' of Looisvtilo' had
been :hanged by . -the rebels between;.
.MenP bl*kand that
city his , cr ime be
ing loy!Ity to ,they Inion, Iy, - the
side .if the road between 'thelyaees i
named, ,:a No t itherii man b yWas'Seen
tratelers in a dying condition,; with
his head Shaved, and his ears i a nd nose ; '
eat off. -,1 , , I . 1 '
isrA„Capt. Ball and his SeeeS:inneav
airy, captured at lAleJiandrii, three
weekkago,, were fOr 4ome2t l i e,conf
ned I .at the Waslaingion *Na. , Y-YardF
and 1 thenreleased on their taking the
oath of allegiance. iknen
turned to' Virginia they we at one
ordered to leave the Statl,
JUDGE Docorata' ,Strccsi
, .
Yates, of Illinois, t has app
11. Browning, of thatStatcy '
Hon. Stephen A. ) I r bougla
United States Senatei ) The
notice of Mr. 8., w4:Pc lip frc
change : I ' 1 .1 •:
, : i
t Orville H. Biownin*; the
ted States Senator I tor 'I:
long stood at the head or,
that State, and was Ono ot)
nent whigs under the : oh
He was ,repeatedly ' 4 a! iwhi
for Congress, but. always'b,
A. ': Richardson or,
the' distriet being decided
tic': yet )Mr. BroWning'a
alWays the full strength d
Be' resides . at Quincy, ~,
l e
fully sixty years -; ld.
appointment could have
satisfactory: to the pdbl
ndbi. 1 • . ' I
1 - '41,4' , Prefientation. . !
Wha.ladies ..of Ohio: township p a ir
potig'f,p present a flag to Capt. Daii
W,',olit,cOmpany, the "Summit Indelipn
de t!BltieS,"' held l a: meeting at Fair
vi ,',Ol S*urday, June( lath, 1861,.
w '
i i
ell .%was; organized by calling Mitts.l
Mistia:J.Alearn(- taking the_ Chair, andl
tappointMent lof ,Miss Mary A.
Cunningham',u See'y.' . 1
at was TesolV.ed,,* the time selected
felt thp presentationlto prePare a free
dinner for the company, and to make
necessaxy,ittrangments therefor, 'coin
idittees were appointe(l. the day se
leeted:for the presehtation,'Wtia rune
20th, Citizens of neighboAnc , ' town
:sills are) inv,ited to be present on that
dry, When it is 'expected ,that 11. P.
Roberts, l and , - Win: B. 'Clarke,- lisqs.,
and Hon.-Thos. Cunningham, of 'Bea
Tier, will be present `to addresa the ,
meeting. , . , .
All ladies Who have subsCribcd i men- 1
, eY for the purdhase of material fir She
flag, are reqUested to meet at (Pair:
Nr i Aiiwr avio o'clock,* m., on the E 29th,
to p, to the grounds. 1
1 , ,
1 On InOtiOre t it.Virafi resolved that the'
proceedings of the meeting be iabl.
lished'in the county paperi.. - (
' I MARIA ALCORN Pres't. -
A. CVlllNneettAm, ,See'y r
I . II
31.Ait •
Mar Frm the following to the, as,
lideiate press, it will be seen thitt th 4
i i nventiOn and manufacture of a r.em
and, terrible 0 implement of wad, i is - ret•
• _I
eetving la great impetuS at ; the present
hne. IFroia the destruetire':nature
iSf the iengies of death now us- d, we
ay expec t that the first pitch d bai
le fought, will t be one of - the! mo I
, ,
'loodyJ on record. 1 ,
~ „ A TERET,I3LE WEAPON OF kir...trn.---,
At the Navy,. Yard -this , afternocfn
tomniandant -Dahlg„ren,practised Willa
it , new rifleir,-,-eannon of ti ineh botle,
with. a half charge' of poWde4riz i 4
pound. , Tl‘e.guri threw, a 'solid slmt
very pear two arid a half-miles, A le
'ball si r iki»g the V:irg;nia shore. i
1 ' The' last experiment;:,was with ;a
shell, which was throwitia 'distance ofi
'four miles,• .' ." , , i
The, cannon is an invention of qa t.
DillATeit. and bail just been fini:3ll 4 7
and the experiments, were highly " at
isfactOry in" all re poets.:, . i
Union Vote in Tennes,
I , , ,see
, IkNaolyine , papers: contiue ; t ert
tal l ish disconnected., imperfect. ind
Obvteusly- garbled reports of the llatd
,votel.on secession:in Tennessee ; lint it i
is ol vitals, even from - these, that rven
in the Central and Some of.the \Test- i
- erni . counties, a large minority ;voted,
lagainst secession, Nvh4 'the ,smalness !
of-the vote shows ; that . ' many. cept
- , :iNvity' from the, Polls . through i the
threats of ecession violence I .in
t , Ealt Tennessee everyt lim,
-w appe• rs to
I have gone one ay. .E'ulilie!,,. , ini neat
there is unmistakatdy Union Greene
c (Senator JOhnsoh's county) gave il,f) , io
d2mW Union majority ; Hamilto - 1
n. !Votes
` . 1 t s q..•i r tY.; 854 iif.-• I f 't
e ..,muns L L.. t., o - 1 .LIQI , J 3 •
e llPiidley 1,382 alit Ise cession- tt11( 1 1 ayV
A i secession v n m
otes.,/ - he i Unioa on t}'
,inParter cotufty is 1,15;) ; in Wasliing
, ton 1180. ifi aivioll' i tioulity . tliti vote
isto l od, for secessio i n,i4-33.;agailtist it.
600. 'Wayne andt, Hardin coiMities
each gave about . soo Miti,-st‘lei..ssiinilllft
joriiy:i I)ecatur 2110 ;Knox 425,1 Mu
reOn county, in Middlejlcniessiie, also
I gave 225 * Union niftjortty. :Tlitr'A
o ma-
Uorities Arouid , ,havki heen muck lamer
1111411 . 6113:eases, had not SeCOS:iio •
f • t ,; J
ments been stationediwithin th
tiers, every - man of ;ivhich I'L,
djsunion ticket. ..1 II
1 ,
Mr. 13 alias fOrithe Uni•
~. , .
Geore M. Dallai:-.' lath, iAI etican
~. • • 1 ~
Minister !. in England, reect ed his
friends inPhilattelpliia onyrid y, and
made a UTlioll,.s i e 4:1 condo• ~- 1••
. p t... ),,, mi., ,s.
follows : "Let us then be tirn ly link
nd-as nband , of brothers .I:trim idthiS•
Unchanged standard: Fdr t . n..', .. hinn
ble•self, born beneath it,! hav iiii! im-
Iffied from a Venerated 'father 8 I nen 172
cations a l. devoted lattachmet t. to: its
lecnnprehensive imporf; havin . "' dearly
lloved;to the last ; a fbrotlier. iflio gal
ilantly, gaVe his life to
i l
iiin. in a distait field of t t y.found
.lis , n Mo a t •
my I . ife•nOntentediundhaPPy, though.
i)oer and inglerioni;'under it. • protee-,
Itionhavino• been lionorbd fair beyond
I it by fellow, ' • i '
,iny dese; s my citizens, and
,especially by i thOSe: to snstail .those
f equalityj andrighia I shrank ,front no
personal sacritice;l cbmo hack to yott
gentlennin, fdle4.' it iS.true, 'with grief
at the national calatimitY, butitinalter
'ed in mYtleteriiiination to-stand, come
weal, oil woe; 'powerless, I .Confesq, , but
unalterably by, the flagiof the Aikieri-
eint .litti w
en, the boto L'ilioil and' the
trnitm 'forever' I ~ • • - I,'
I • - 1 _ i'' . '
i I
Lord Lyons and S -ward,
. ,
!. It , currently .repOrted, that Mrl
:Bayard : , .has -hinted . very irlainly to
Lord Lyons that whatever.iiew the
English ciovermOnt may take of 'our
Home .tronbles,. MiniStk,r,.iind repre
seMatives in this Country . +IL not be
permitted 'to giva further Aid to the
rebels. ,!.:lle _Nays "farthef aid i " be
it is well . lftiown that a • certain
re.. termerly, a , newstiaper
correSpondeut . , i has passed back ;nod
fortii • betweenthis
;protected ay. .bearei• 'OEI - dispatches
frOM -Lord 'LyOnS and :Banco, the Brit,
ish Cogulltt . ir. Seward
was not :disposed to take !notice of it
at :OA, but the jiirsictice has become
. almost continual, and it is high time
it was stopped.—= Wash.
Isinted 0.
io Succeed
11l all C.L.C-
,new Uhl
linoia, has
the bar of
her prOtni
aten by W.
N. Morris,
y derne4ra
lyote, I''.was
hie'' party.
nd n§i be
.robaldyi no
icaluilof 1111-
' The. Defeat of Winte . Davis.
The, election of lcnry tt May. over
Winter Davis is not regarded at Wash
ingion as at' Disunion ; vi .tory. The
President was satisfied, n - s Ike had
all confidence in Mr:,May : The feel
ing against Mr.'Davi4 on! the: part of
the Baltimore 4epubficanti,' with .wlwui
he would, have; no part
,lor lot, was
strong, and' it; 'nay be that their votes
defeated hint.. iltr. CalVett. is- e'er:tea
by probably.soo rnaiqrity'...
•i ' - - - iii iiiit ‘ 1 1
t.appeara--, a.. ler's .Ferry h a
really been , evaOttedl. by the Reb e l s
early on;Friday [morning the bridoe T
• -, • ~ ~,,,T
, ross: the sPotorna at that point illiEJ
_ iiiiVll Itt) and buirned. '. The. troopi,
. 1 ithdretvliorn, the.-Alaryland Iliglital
nd the Ferry, leaving at the latter!
'lace, only-,a small, rrear-giaard. 'all"
these, it was.tbotight4 would leave h j
midnighi• of Friday." . The licheis, ii;
rs:tuiderstood, iiiiV•ii gone toward 1 1 adi
asSaS -3,tinction,,thoug,bsueli-ivas theil.
eeadition - of mind land .bedy.that iii •
Was probable many, of, them 'wear
disperse on the . inarelt,. - er, at leas ;
reach • their• deittination in a wide s
state... The. bridge at'Sh r eppardsto 'n
u r
and several car-loadS, of provisions
1 Were'also destroyed: ;All the brid6
olt' the A lexandria, - Lottdon;and Ranh,shire Railroad, 'between Leesburg aid
Broad Run,
.a stream between taut'"
place and •A Alexandria, have leal burned: - .: ' ' ':.,, . . 7
~t 1 - [ •
- 4 .. )n Thtifsda m
y evening Messen ger iiliot haste -liiiPeared at the Ra w l
pest apposite Williamsport, and jai*: .
diately the pi` . -ets Were called in. and
an the trod . rapidly fled. '.Prikat
Washington se - learn that there wag - .
last night. even some doubt of the
truth of the reported `.eN-aeutitiett . of
.Harper's Fer was there thotight
that, w 1
hile-a argel part of
. the .R 4
troops had retwed,ii wasiderableferee
remained. ; 1 r• •,, 1 . .
, -
• A dispatch from Baltiniore.confirmi
the report of the •evaeuntion of Rai ,
• pei s 3.,Fery, Itating that Genf SsiNis:
toiil.'S troops were retreating in t i liie
.- directions,. and that the Natiottal
' ^and
after them.' ['l" '
troops were close t ,
• • 'There Are v l ariouo opinions as to the
infenticins:=Of the rebel :Coultas cief,,
Weaaregard;' most , incline to ,th ih,...
.j lie li f n ' i l et th i a cit t, t he s 'Nlll . he .
R fo t r ii e n e .o d rs t7 p 7 e a vi le il s ei n i.,
advance.or 4 • r etretiti from Man'aj , saii .
yesterday inj_Washingtou - to the effect '
'that he was'actually in Off the ,
Capital, and IffMr - regiments - were or.
vdered over the riven' . - . '•
The OoVernmeat . buildings ati . illtti:
per's Ferry vas set on tire,yekteitday,
and ii:is • pupposed . that they (were
quite destreyed.,
, ... f '
.Froin -Fortrelonroe we leArn
that though thWinain body Ul" Rebel
t roops 'have. retired from Great . ethel
,the place Was 4till held by Well. fuel
could be oCeUpied . byl a large ferceie
a. short time, A partY from our camp; •
with a flag, of truce, visited!. ethel
land .vent , to within' . halra
..; iile of
YerhtoWn. - They , saw .a tbri liable
jbatt;ry at, the tot iner plat.t, ilutcOal
not Nati-nine it. . At VOtltown.,'"there
;.was ,ft 'large 'encampment' of Cavalry .
1 and ti.e - pl4ce was being strongly for
ti tied. .. iliefween I3etha andNorktow.n
there are also batteries:
1 Detiiiite: information -coneert ing fits
death' t-f' • IV' f ' ' i --- 1 h.. , '
, o: '.) c ajor .: int u.op A !"7 1. 0 , .11.1-
ed... Ile WI. mortally wounded,.while
„e , allantly ..i le r adinit a charge iip to the
b •* - 46-'O4 - 1.44.1-
battery'. •„ ! ..t.e was. nth
j even from whoin his bray.ery i.ef.4ved
; a tribute - Of' adMiration. Tive of the
'ZotiareS ; 41, had 'died prisMitn in the
j Ilcbel caMP. ' The enemy r#pert onl
', I r.-114ed-: and five wounded iii thicen
g•agemen ~ . .. , : , I, L
)FromMissouri - we haveithm3rtaht .
new ~ 5 . On Thursday. Go4.l'.lackhon
.andjall the State officers Irft t letter ti,
City 'l'4 'Arrow Rock.; 'Ott' Fr . i,11 . , - .!
the. lasi Of . the., Secession soldiers tui.,-
loWed, , take,tl canno - :c, slore's tinciii),-
ttiot - i-vi.,s: and burning bral,l4s' I,, 'IPP;
them. .- it is: Supposk . that that t,.
aure to be Celle witratell at 113., mt•liit !
or at Arrow • Rock,. - by.Ordr ofJiT -
6teksfm. ~ .. . .
Oen. L voir;.With fOtt:,.st e:,llhltie 2.11.1 i
a: lar , 'r n e force -a Natio irii tr,-, 11 k, !: , ri
, -
st arted.. , tip the .Misiiouri • River i-Of 1”,
jefferson City: and it ' li , q t..appo-el( .
that, he is- after Governor .b.0."..!t , ,
behind' 'whom the.. Will tr(irt 1 ! ,.t .. , re
ntt; •
thawenty-fonr hoists. - ,\lore tr 0 1 ,5
(had lyeen sent to!‘guard - ',llic l'aeitil
Railroad.-Trib.. 15,- . 'l__l . • ---
• —' . ___ ... :
. . .
• Is Gon ts 'citrit,TauSr.— 'lre 10c, , . 1 ';
in one of the District Free Schools N:
,Rincinnati, nuinbering t o e thatc:tu ,, i
rehildren called upon
I A ljd Arvmi
sth Mao entered
re 11 , 110 1 : 6
room the, whole force I,s' ttittek ar k
stae Spangled Beerier. '3l: l .i"l' 74 C,
derson in response' to esth g -aid% W
‘`.l call Your attention, lehildieill
one expression in the 'sot* you'hal
juit sung- T -"In God 0. Oef itoo." I
be successful in life,we.jnyll4t llnt
I trust in God.- If' you Iwill obeY t i ''
command s; you will ,belgobtfma. an
good citizens, and good s'oldiers. ,
Fort Sumter, I placed my tnot t.
God, my children, und thun'h him I$-
t '
ained safe cleliveran e. I'm.
God. children, Ivltile Otti itsti;
The School 'was Ampbe . ilig_
missed . when Colonel Anderson i
mated y e to shake hands NN
all tltc.) children. lle' th'en took
position at the north doot t of the e ,
Ell Chamber and shook 4 nds yitl
.IS they paee'ed out. 4 ,4::" t
. 0 it
tier john B. Eloydr •Who
Brigadier General, .coa , "'e ,
army,' issues a pro :laniatioil es l
upon- the people •of ire nia to . 51
his troops with arins.-IfiloSti
little too Stuart for. his i',own
when. he stole that hundred • tho'
stand of •Atirmti ifrom the GO
!neut. seal tliein a little to
South.' •
.. • .1
Nor Th e Twentieth _llegimen t
mtin 'Rifles, Col:
i.„riment. &notes. OA
York; embarked - en T 1
the former. for. Forire4 _Mont(
hitter it is s - upposea fo?..Fort
• 11 . •
ata•TheThird 03girnent of
gan Volunteers,. passed emit
place, on Friday.oening Inst.
were armed and'jp'quipted,
no doubt be a. great iserrice
ruo jilar. ney A lr s o ti tu nir :fa:s'4"7-7jaareiblinsselltutsa;a; 01(i
.reached Wheeling on I
the arms are ,to ho Alitributed
Rome. Guards in ihat,hild it/ c
jug cOuntiea r and i - nup t arE