The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, June 12, 1861, Image 2

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___ , eariniar t 436.o4slllaii'
ixtve#l:l l 2A, Editor tic rublishor
t, /UM I2tit, 1861
WED : .4,
7 F
RepubOeitn C'eurityl Tkliet.
Peesident Judge.
DANIEL IjiVONEW Borough.. 1
i4MCiate' Atrige•
()Hit ,k„ &IT, Hopewell 4.
GNEW ' , DUFF, New Brittaos,
. 1 A n
: enZW ' d
I vms M_IY, Fathom.
&tried! Attorney.
011:". 1311 YOUNG, Rcclieiter,
. ,
j • i r Treasurer. ..,,,, .
li. C.' BIIIIADSHAW; raiNt'p'n,
. 1 1
I 1 Cmmiseonel,''r
r purtty • Auditor. `, •
Prior. House, Director.
itENBOOEHRING, New Sewiekly.
T4stees of. s Academy. .
BET. D 111- ZiIeLEAN, Beaver.
I JOS-821 • WILSON, Waver,
s e k ..Th„ commnmeation ; from 'view
;Brighton has been unavohlahly crowd
led out tills wee);.
Leoture. 1 _
A free lecture bejdeliv'ered in
- -
.Bridgewater.on Thursda] next, (13th)
Eat 7i o'clOok.;ily Ati‘v. S. R. Griffith,
• _ '
, ,
Sunsthr—The ~outbein Secession
EpidPmq-4lts Cau'ses and- Reaults.
ite,..Tlie Committee of Conference
or. the is€l mbly qiotnination in con
nection with La . ,,j i rencejCounty, will
curiaieL Of John-CaugheyMenj. Wilde,
end MSlv - ezaird Frkqs. sil .
t i '
CorLinitteo of fleet?: •
• i
The Committee ;of Safe - i iy, will meet
i l
at the -Court limise, ml Bea\•er : on
Fridaysi. rie 14t,h1 : 1861, ii. 19 o'clock.
7 1 1 I
1114...r ii 1
e t Fourth i A,rinim: 1-. xiii hi t ion
tof the Florence 3lutuft. i _\ .:,-.icultural
'i . I will bi, li' i . ''l
Ausoeui, IT v .., vt i ore . ate
on Wedn filitlT asl . Fir. r.,i-ty. Sept.
18th at 19th, 1811.1:13-.1 or,Livi- of the
Board. I J. D. CixpitEr.4., Cu:'. Sec.
BEl.The' ea9on purehlaserl for Bea
ver eoulity ; by order of , .he Commit
tee of Safety, arrived on Friday eve
ning.• fis . ey consiet of one .bra=s field
ii pound r, .rei' rnished and
re-mounted, and I five - -a.t-iron six
pounder ,lall mounted.
.pn Saturday
the Roihester Moine Guird came' over
for the 'Purpose jof tak,ino• trio gttn
r .
-which i w;is dentin d for 113d/ester ; over
J• 1 •
to.its ca ion. The gun. Was commit
tid f. 5 I t th it keepi[lcr ;ale • they had to-. T c'
ken the oath to .apport the . Gorern
rdent,-ribieli l wasia.dmin stered by A.
G. 31 1 ;Cr!cm`y, leg. - The company
'made iquire--an unpo,ittu, display as
'they matfehed ou of 'ton with their
1 1
-g k and'
g.ti the see
. e teas`: mte -1-ely.
-t • Ni_ L - 1 1
e.tiortal ArTory.
. ttei l l ohserv e hat t e citizens of
Pittsburg have Taken; steps towards.
t .
proeurin .bat g roint for th e l o c a tion
of the "National -.Artriory. This't. is
highly commendable ipon the enter
prisitig danizensl of the •Smoky City.'
We L- I L 1 -
earn that 1 some twenty-tive o
.y i ears ag . the toint known
Pattt4.stM. just bove , ""ew Bright°
ii .
was *l7 eyed fo that intrpose, and a
leasiltlifo reports -merle Made to th
War ,Departme 1. and . o Congress„u
on the Subject.:
The, water-power t Patterson •
he the .finest -. the State. an
the, ocation - c mbine every facilit -,
that can be had at. ittsburg. 1 e f
hope, that, when the question com s 1
np f ilecision !that th' claims of Pa -1
ter~ may have a fair chance. T 1 e
information contained in the repor s ,
of the enginee ' ouol l t to' be laid b - 1
• (1 I rr 2- ,
fore , the proper and cr i tics. If a y
of olu•older'ei izens have any knot 1. 7
edg4 or'these. eportil we hope th y
they will let it ho kn vri.
- , I
ill o meantime we suggest to tho - e
most i terested, that :; public meeti g
ofthe citizens be called, either al - -t e
Court Honse or at NOW Brighton. a d
that a Committee be a ppointed to lo k
into , t e Matt.
.72 qr3arn'thit e'
would have seared t e Aim:tory twen!
ty+, yea a 9,.h . not, the dill!! ' 1 1 1
ty 4if , . 4 r#spo ation een in thew
. y.
Hotrerer. this ay are been at t. at
•,,ea day, .th Can' does not exist
now. 4
The li -aver and Erie . Ca al,
and :lie 1..,5t w, & C.:R. R.. h
i. . ,
ei With the 0, in River, and C. P.
R. It litre allci; cinectell with' P:, tto n.
Eat our fri de bestir tll emz.,-lve ir
thiit *atter, aftdvie: .111:iy tie(ll.l\-' tie''' .
We hive everythin, to en,.- e uf
, . • _yourl -3.
thefavorable report h i de.,.-':t;' . de
.It - g , Yr -tip
‘the increased, facilit. , _ (,I th;; presel
day, and the 'fact•
trOtion will ✓
not 10
eye upon the inter+
ni ;, all eneOurar
- 6.41. public• tit ,
lei us have tile mat
knows but tint B'
Ben t nie toe p rize?
- chance_ e - coenot
t f • 1
l' .
ey- now are. : 1 ,- i
Mr. Quay having - oined ' th'e corn a- ,
•- •, J p . P
Iforwiarda to Gov . Curtin; his reii.l
• 1 , ~
:iiation of the office of Brothonotary,l
.1' • tilled in
- 'Leh he has filled in the, most ere&
:b i le manner for the iast five years.l
i but paying a just, eoinpliment tot
, e 1
business . qualifications, lof liii4
I ay when we say',lli t iit he hai not left
1 . iiquitl, in this respect -in Beaver
but l ity, perhaps, not i . , 4 th State; eer-,..
'l.lll,y'he hasi
no 11 tipeTitt. .1:14-wIll.b.
..0 4h miatAl by tenth ; . ,3.i i i 1 'efti
•nti. ' His Wasl a patriotism
l of '
' I ' I ,
• . rest and iriostdisinterested, lt.ii kind.--
.1.. _
Alia enjoyment of one. of the most
e - rative situations' in the county, he
fillid it, together with all • the sixzial and
iltical advantages Which it confer'.
1 upon the altar Of- his -cennirri
mid, andnuirched forth 'to the tehted
eld to fight for_-the "ErniOn, the Con` i
tiiitntion and the Enforcement of the
-It is at-once the:pride land . glory lif e
the age that-this is bat lone instance
fi thotisands, and that in every town
' ri d village and hinilet, JuAt .Mich Sie 7 l
ifiCes have been made. The } gloriong
riirit 0f , '76 has again come j over tho
etopie;' , and ,1 a second "hertii., age"'of,
}[ ' 1
e e s r , ic as i h w a e s u il a i t u h a i r upon, : ol
I • , . 1
rT• ,
'We shduldlhe tieing' igtistre to ourl
'Wnfeelingi w er e iiti to 'omit, lii ttis
onnection, oa,filimei, of theiother of.
&Ts . 'connected w ith . 1 the '- Cu rtin
p etil
; fro m .. ,
ts in arms, . _New Br l ghton.
aptain XI R. Adamsj wh se name
I 4 ' '
gag., before been mentione in this
.:1 ' . i. 1 . -
onrnal, in a favorable eonne ton, islt
i i
h•ouna• man of about 2 years of age. .
H l e has had the advanta es of the mill'
'' P 1
itary training at West Point,und lie
will make wmost capital ()Meer. - .Viet
1; 4 . 1 .
company all, look with Pride' upon the
yol .' ,
I ,i t
ung and i gallant coMma der, who
lifts by his perfect drill rend Bred theta
even in the tempirar3lbarraclo
a itoehester. a \veil dis i ciplined coin
pp' ny. 3lr. Cairns, 'thJ, 2iidi Lieuten-1
atit;.'is a son 'of lion: Win.• Cairns. of;
1 -
Industry, and is well kndwn as k 1
b t rav,e man, aTMI Will. no! doubt- .mako a-
a good officer. i 1 - •
; 1 1 The New Brighton: COMpany ! is
I commanded by Jolirl Cu i l tlibert ~ .,n.
Esq.. who is,; however; t•O well knoWn
i throughbut.our county, as a Young and
`kr'apidly rising lawyer, that it is almost
1 4.eless'for tri to speak of hini-further.
Brave, energetic 'and deterinin'ed,th'ere
iis no d o ubt' but that he will, if opper
-1 tualty occur S , distinguish ;himself: on
the'.,field Of-battle: '... !. .
Prof'. D. CiitchloW. -the Ist Lieut:en
.lant,-is a gentlenzi of highly polish
, i rf q. educatien: and=is lan oficer leans
i 'pew, et sciii.l rex6;26.4: Prof. Criteh
11Ow entered the service from motives
. i
of, duty, and he will alway be where
3 ! duty calls. ' i „I. '
t. f 1- With Mr. Price, the 2d Lieutenant,
. 1 1 4° have no personal acquaintance,:but
I, , are assured It - hat he, too. 'will do' his
i ' . ,
I , dutr , i ' ?
it. We have not sptee to inen ion; - all
lithe names of the voluntee r s r who have
tendered, their lives to th4 — country so
I -
i freely. They W
all deserve ell,of their
' l friends Who remain behhid, and they
IWill alwaysi have the.leymPathy of, ev
-1 ery..friend of his cOantry.l " 7
ae_The,ladtes of Roehelter, Bridge
water, Behr& and vicinity, on Thum
i day, Friday and §attirda,yl.,turned out
Pn masse tOisew Or the olunteqs:—
They had, , bY means of, the liberalisub
iSeriptions of ,cit4zensi, been [cm . -
i ! bled to parehase the cloth for their
uniformt, ;and on:the dayti t above am
led, they were made
the .
I.All honor to our 'fair!, ladies.
,:" Mr' The lecture cO3 Thursday: ere=
ning by ter. S. E. Griff 4, of Virgin
promisee to be afsplendid affii,ir.—
!'Sir. S. is a taped andeffectivesivak.
er.• Let there be a: fall hods'irs. The
lecture will bvr Cleli7ered at the Pres-
Ibyterialichurch in ttidgdwater.
a . learn that M.
'=has been appointed
tti place of. X. S. Quay,
b. Voluiiteltiro—J.Esolegudion of
M. S. Quay, Esq. I .
')-hen the first,-prtxtlamationl of the
P sident reached tins ,plac e, Mr.
Q .y imme;iiatelY ' declared himself
: i 3; to go to the defduse:Of WS eoun
.tiatri; and hafore..the kijni of the
I-; , .. Ai , ...
.• of Sumter had penetratea the re.
I f
~. . ter distziets he had coMmeudea the
. 1 ization of, a Aide 6!ti!optuty,
tn ' 'at 48' hours nOtic:e
I , • , ,y .........mturl . 1
a company was immediately .fitva :I
~ 'find notice of.the fiar*lliegrail,
-. on to . thesulluarters; hat such was
eagerneall with -WhiCh Qiinieeh
.re, pressed' upon the Ge-i4sitliiint
.J. till ifs that it. Was not until,
: w•Cetc t i faiit the con:piny . 'received'
• ;
...rehing orders, and. ; Were to report
.expeelves at Camp Wright, Where-
ipahe Star appear(
we learn that at wa
kifte4 all.
Mir Th e next meeting of the Agri-1
lral Society, will be held on Fri.'
June 28th. • Alfull attendince ink
isitefi • I
~ I
, ' ! 1 -- 1
w p 1 - -
, , , 1
Fzixoi? , litis :—I 1 deeip, it due
to yeu, sait,l4 4 # to l e t&' 11
your Atte:lli:to 'lto the
~, ~. , ' =tithe?'
late 11,46. li conve, --im,,l,L.,iihkiiiiiti
_sembleci it Bill, er„ on ,: i he ;Milt:kat.
it, iily.opi icitOlie* were so*ittiro;
Otleties on t1)11 ci i ccas.i* wtlifik it. 'W' 4 `
mitted to ass witbout I notice or re
buke,May e!a precedent in 'the future
for still reit r outrages upon the
rights of t e! oPle, by those. who tip
pear to ha l tei o, proper septic of , the
duties of re iesentativel I Was tt
Andbilittk., tifore..the-, Coustisatiork-for 1
nontiindo Of Canntylreasurer i and
tin thetilre ..itnitjseleeondi -ballots stood
higheat in 41461111 a 'oh i tile : 1 third tat ,
lot, delega el!frotn - iii - o :distinct ~which
had been !It:meted 0:C170r for me,
violated t eir,liiistrimeniosts 1 id voted,
for one of My ecimpetitOritlMs disFe
garcling t e. pripevt€ lifta iheuld"
govern re resetitatliqi 4eleJtettti Vbh
ventions. 1 ;* . 11 - t ,
Gobd ITU, h . 1,61 4 tar ileat ** ,ie q uite
those' who coridmitt to net asl reprosen
tatives Of their :respective t-:ownshiPs,
that they shOukli not abioadOn ifie per
son whoinitliey have beep inStriicted to
'vete for, while 'there is -it reasonable
prospect of ;his !aoirm'neitioni and cer
tainly not When'. he to the ' highest, in
vote- ; ! I- I L • I
A delegate is not itt tibtit l ty tO tea
suit his_u 11,11refdteliceur, grati
fy 'MU 0 ' I•nall ill *lll,. b'tit shonki
faithfully rap', eat thouai who sent
him:; -1,
I Might ti!dt iiiiiv *ddraigiulit t •Were it
t l so
a le's
not for t,h f tlthat it is the.secOnd
time !that ba, e. sufferect, such injus
tice. 1 In 11859,'1' two delegates from
Neivi Brigbtonl violated' their instruc
tions, whe 4,1 was .highest _ ii vote, and
voted forri y
eoMpetitor, Old AO ,i'etn
eral Was't t he ekPression of disapproba
tion I ofthel abt, by my Republican,
friends,sad! s urgent Iwell,e many of
them tha I i s l'ul'l' again lisctbmit my
c l
nume for the same offl4, ithat, I; colt
sented d ilo sb . , nOt. antieipa a ting
worse tr tnient. ' , !
I am ncii col tidal tiioittor, and had
no baigains make o induce I sup
port; nor do jay clai t I ,any rights
not corn oil t 'my fell , w- itizens,but
I trusted tha 'having! lid in , the
i t
County a# b oy: Old mad, slime its
n 1
orinisa io n, laud having," I believe,
endeavor cl, ti faithfully discharge) the
duties o f ao 'amble eitiseti, I had a
right to xpe4ilto be fairlY treated by
my Irene) 1 epublicans..ll With this
hope, I u r itted my' dame in gocp
faith to ert Lion of the; conventiok
and for t e . (fond time
r l have failed
to .reeeiv I :lair , play.", !I I
Wlicr does tbe fault lie—in the Isys-
teiii or i the" delegates Iwho violate I
their instr i lietiems T 1 •
The fly ten'''s probably ns fair, if
lioUistly carried out, es' any than can
be ilevis d for; ;the prtrOAe ; but ii• the
prineipl s -of 'the - representation Isys
tem be
rebuke'' th shairiefully violated 'without
rebuke'' ioto,!!conteinpf.
. ,
Than ng 1 y friends for their gaup
port, I in. v ry respeCtlitilv,
1 .I'.A3l.Es A.LISON
13eate ,'3i y! 30, I.IFAI.r
! !
, .or the Arnte ' 1
:,I e • 1
h 1
ir meeting of Beaveri
3KI. Op.- P., held of
tl June 4:tO, 13111, thefoli 1
ible andiresolutiouskverd
1 , 1 !
, 1 1
t has Oleased Almighty
inserntablq provide' ee td
eath, from l',ottr midst Mrs!.
A.‘iof our c. teemed brother
eiol, we hitinbly hope to :t
Killer sphelre. • i
i 4;
, .Itesol Ae 4 , Ist: . Thttt it
ethers. 4too sincerely' sytit,z•
t thir affittitidbratiitt mid
We tend hhii Our bart
..olite in t r 3-. •er let -
• b• •qt •e• ''o •••••1 a
i 1 i 1 ..,
• ' '
tved d.Thst t t liongli we speak
mi ersclnal acquaintance, we
Ily, o;be / itiforrued that our de
trio di fiti 3 O the varions Offices
wit•great pro i riety and deco
that he was lkind- and affee
wi a; a ed and tender
f., lin nstriou. ;,in domestie cla
nso n instances even ton faul:t,
e :in isposithM, that she, l ekert
ent i uence upon her ottOpring,
ng t i em intoi sweet subMissiOn
t' t e,"effeet,Ve persualion Of
.7 111 a word,in many respecis
s a oriel mother. L I .
1 ,
, • C
3d.; , That while her many
is gr atly augment' the t'iss to
loth the retneurbrance,of them
' fftt 1 ' withwhich
s a c...-so Litton. to
bitter ,
'n t e cup of bereave-
the eve
; Res
Our. b
Re. l
t i on. ,
t Nevv
I -7
' 1
• -
[wed, 4th. 1: That these resoln
ie pnblishe4 l in the Beaver and
Brighton papers, and ,thati a
these resnlntions be presented
much respected and a ffl icted
gewatar, June 4th, 1861.
- ' AL
-Home ;Gnards of Mom
ltrongh their officers ; be
der :their agrateful ackeu
to the Huritiony Society
.ntation of u splendid 'ill
,se of te CO . in. The
'selves the
sha y ll neve y
nor while in their hands;
'. old I themselves in read,
to the support of the; g
if it shal.ll ever beeon
BO to 110. i r
4 I I
(Signed[by the officers,
eYagx l ll -2 41-1
thonvtley in
.whp has
!Hanle Guards. . .
elre i itirrle'etthe Election of B i l ge l 3 Geneal, win be ramie by.the prop=
Illeeri4 of tide Home - Guards,, to! the
tars !Connaittee, on or before Pril
thell4th of .llune, 1861-
I . '
LTOvards of seven hundred slimes
ipUd tram Viginia within:the past
weeka, and 'are now held' by I- the
rninent fa: as contraband of
• Ilralae to their olvlers, seven
dredh theus i and dollars- I •
L' 11
er o
last week
not so inneh
vr •
1 )ritt
• . /3 1
' Or'
d Ig•
1 Li 4 4 4
t4olbneli j ab _ k , ,,_
Lieut.Colotiel,tiaries Boles. ' I ' i
4 Ist liattaiiolnl it Regiment --'4l . ajof,
eorge! 814xlerhe*A; Adjutaiat r z-x.
Bettcr. , il IT
1 2*.Ariaiiir r s; he ; , aviirilte 1 o :l (. iri
H...4 . Bei44Aiiptai*,, B. Chaliri
41'. r,.' it ' 1 r4-1,---:', - -1 ,
II; 4 11. 1 ::?11:71: r ..* 4er.....*1!):.7. E..‘d. 1."i :-.
2n4L Regiao7444:opt Ile ‘ il*e-
Toy; tient. ! 101,...1i0ht,. 'tunes' 0. •. •
liticilatfa '', • OS 4diiiheot . - - .14 - kien:,
Henry , ',. , ;erir', A:dihtant i Jei3ep,ll
~ p,
2tice imtta { oir2lift .7}oidAt- - M'ajor,
It. C. Seott; IlAdjalinift,lAtbitt, hol'ds.
'l,li iL-'—‘ ...,t1 1
frii'itayini l o,6iilonel, 31o:. ilen" i
drieloiont l'4la. COloriblj, Jas. .Steal
I Ist( .Battalion 3d Regintent-titlajer,
Patterson liitA l; .41,intant„ Jaines I .
Conway.'ll .i •- ' 1 • l i ' I
t 7...
I. -- r:'' ii 1 1
1 4th ftintea44,flonel, Danal .tiaw
tiot.; Lieut. : oololT ,1- W. W 0 1,0•
11s! /fattaffoir- tA negimenl--, itiajpl:.,
E. 11. 1 .13arelayi..S '
.:Adjutant, §. B.llBl7tig,it.,
1 2nd ,Battc.fiet ;filth RegiOent-L r .:-: MajolN:
T. F. Grothefild,i ntalll4 DilvidlPu,hlaP•
1 1
1 „ The Pltisb#ig Gazette in speak-;
'the ii
lug ' ,of. Beaver company, i no , w itil
'CriMp Wri hi "MomPlimental it t h u snv
'The BeveroutikY eon Tan in
camp-h—the " Cur ti n Rifles"—,- leo po
secl I entirely of I ynung nien—there is,
hot . a ;man in it I :yer,-30 year i i, 11l iii 6; I
more, If Mt?. wide 25, thicli
•evaral aro -atuaq't 20:. Th y 4ere?
quartered tne t sOnid weeks in the 'car
rtaitcity at Ildeheaterilierore ectnilig id
the. eamp, Old *ere Itheie , .o.retuily
drilled by thOir iltillfdl eaptair ik . They
came; nit d clay evening. 3d) and
12.1141, in an iflniehed barnek IsText
Morning, i
_tlie 'Midst; of a dtt?agreeto.-
1 1 N .. 0i
ble rain, themen erected thew tents,
and are now comfortably - qit i ariered.
The menu fe all 'n good heal,tll,l good
spirits and gond humor, • Abont tyren
-1 . , , ~ . .1 ,
l ithe rest are ettnag, ,bealty,`*.ell built
TOUng men 1 T i litf gbod discipline in
itheienmpany is , equally ditid;thbie to
( their excellent; ,CaptAin and [to their
own feelink. of eieltrespect. 11 1 L '
1 1 711 , i 11,
80- The I .ji:,atiijitore • Anterican, 1 , , of
LTharsdaV r ep orts; the return of anotli-
L '-... -1, .1,!
,er\Qomitte which *as - app toted itO
• 1 ..- , . L L '
svaLupoli he - President.' • .4,,meti
; 1,,,e
i •
, t 1 , ,• ,
can saw • 1 , 1 1 • - 1 ~.., 1 - 1 , , ,
414'Ve I CL- e‘r4l tliti,i a c l o . minitt .
fe cif Pie)- [- ; T hree,Bblivrstc "P e E l 2
1 - 1 " ; ''
chants, shvintild?ral and representa-•
tiVOS of other ditultnitrial ptirsuits of .... .: "IrASILN4II'.SON,. J
altimore l i V. 19" ti cit'ashipgtuit 'rues-2 l' .Seyeral hundred.regtilars a
day, and bacilli, i /nt.e' rview 'With the ,y
H r
withintWett - tt- - fourilionrs, fo _„_t
President *nil e p_leadingi httlinheiFf I, laOuse, They will foe a;1
of the Sabi et. They WilaVi i - most ;iot LLOne of the ;columns Whie
eoitrteousty re, C'eireif,\aud evi,eiy Assn- Ilcrerate against Harpers 'F r
ranee given Of,the. kindly fe l eiling iii i i•( . fol,uirizi of lien. Patterson's I n
the I3overuniontl,'owardllaltiplOre gild is. 'approaching by way' 'of I
Maylatal, ;and ‘ laltitide)i;er ;itt , the',. toWn.:- , airl,a column Cif tidt. ..'.
! fe
loyalty of,the ” at nut . ..4s ot3`ih t e ptin-L: lan's 'a,rtity , is' movi iig ' from `t 1(
pie. lViti, re , ai..,Li to the
,building OfLi !I Help'eannot come to 'Gen: • f
the glinbnati, i he Presideitti,pr 'paise(„l' front I.:itiassas SunetiOn, %nil
'th i at - Baltinior tilioild have ts`\,.litii - , ;',1)owell will ',,ePgage lite ivhde
consideration I 'i hd ditossift,io of .the' thin of the Rebels poAied th .( 1
eontractsinsit! It ff.S• the fhrniultingl,.k • t - a:11 , they b(i ', re-LentOreed 'fr a
supplies mid Clott. , ing/ .
.anvil that ~, , tuond and - 2,;i6 r :f o lk, ra (le .
the Baltitinjw : 'alai ' Ohio! `; iilailro id i'WiL,lt he a dangerous ibe to I L v
Sliclnld soo' ii b i s'cipe:lted • au 1 Lits - ti. Lle I, i.ti'itive,in tlieir rear ; And li'
lie' prote tc4l front fu rth e r •incilesti ,yrt r rt , iii:op :iiniet .t , ,'L 1 ,
; ', L ILL ',I fhL. -, 't I
we press e ie Cammitte Will make, ~ i: itv are : raieti ut6tinfer t ,
} ,
a Idetaile r 4 rt, oil their i ietkiewi l iin the' l'iltatiac to threaten lo
----I !----, • 1 , prieiches et t h e C•lPittl of t. 4
11 I 1 L minior. ,Tli s three ,blowil
.1 struck al;onee, and. the L bneW
1 tered and 'dist tled,r not' II
Nthich Way ti' turn, will fall 1 -i
the 'Plaii,,: - ; which the u nit Nvlio
regal-d contemptuous
.- tali 4 n
.Lteluiriali:'' has foriiii.: l / 4 iti l n
.. .
little', office," ' and 'wlielr,, " ti
rAlible" will execute; '.' 1
,AV have good reason in I - 411
before rristriy hours a coly?.n i
i ii
men d Vill 'march trout this ei y
II ari)er's. Ferry, A IRA) t 2; 01
district volunt.cers. Of the,
(ler. the NO4 llllltlpShira I
and the! Rhode, Island Bat
form ,a,Part. TinfrsVlaile w'L'l
!handed by (ioll Stone ofl
teentli Infantry. The i)ree s
titartitig,l , Livliich hag been p
from ;tithe to tittle, 'is not;) . t
li deternined. ZjThis enl um. i
bably have no mare Serh_nt,
that ,of, interrupting the fag t
, fl'by other coniinandsifi-ol
Ferry:' Other reginients, n
to thO§o'natned,.are mitler ,
orders.: ,L. • L -.? 1 ; 1
j 1
! -Nat
I •
31.alakoff,"frithe Paris correspondent
of the lie* 11,70rk Times,t writes,i , to
chat japer 'tit ii we have incrt. l frie'pds
in L France i , ihanin England. • l Ibm.
ml. Daytori. ur new 11 i aister to 1 )
.. e
Prench :'ourt is reported 4s.agreca , )1,,‘-
disapperi ted lii - the overwhelin lig'
setitt*nt in favor Of our nati nal
unity.- trhe 1 11 Emperor" Napileon,l M.
Thouveiio. l Minister of _roreign Af-,
falrs, and Peike Murat. a nlernher of
the taw' rat' l 1 ilfeardly, have gall e nured
the Atnerica i n I M,inifiter that they
should be deeply pained t a:disrup
tion o the Union. andi 'that; they
should anch with deepest aolicitude
the prO regal f events in this'ebuntry.
Thus, hike 'England ariPettie ttYl l re- ,
joice at he threatened disiiimnberment'
of theline'ilean• Union France le
showin g herielf, , as in the evolution
) . ,
ni friend ofllthe Col:intr.? May 'N a
poleon and' France live a d prosper :
GI i 1; Send. 4 • HS'
'SY - ELLE *--Al friend just from IWash
ington. speakS of General; Scott's la
bors as inimense. . There; re constant
ly ke before his qtn4iters about
twenty herses; 'all A;titittledi and ready
for a start, a ncli _every few; •Mi nII teS
couriers are,' going . and coining with
1 orders and reporti. '.j ,
This filedi also • states that i the
labora f Mr. Weller, the Secretary of
the N 1 yj . !l i re "very severe. , He is in
his office night and day,__ l ttending to
all th 1 details of the A vY affairs,
1 ia .14 .
thus guarding against cor uption and
other abuses,l and ferret}ng . out the
SeCeSS l Ofil akkurattels in that,' branch
of the ,ftderal service. 1, [ re does not
in to; ontrzat a singl • duty to a
sus ted o ffic e k—.7.Veto 1 (teen Palla'-,
dium. •li '
1 . i it
I _ll I .
1.1 1 , 7 ---- EF - - . 1 -
4 , m Cairo, we learn that Gen.
;Prep ' a Sent On Thurs4ny, two tort-.I
ppaniesll Elliors Mills,Ky.; ten miles
from t 'formee place, Where the Reb
els had . Otatilitihed * a I 'nap.. When
the ' ps reached the's bt,i however,
trFr c f
the e ' eery had fled ~ainitial.' Co!.
.Vi'ickfr,4 etai4d on Gen. Prentiss, 'and 1
prate 'ted, en the partf f Keutilekk,
again t the onciipatioa i nf her son' . by
Yede troops.: The Gelrerp.l assured
hint t I) he would maid is whatever ,
direct l 4, eared on whafTerl soil the ,
Government ordered lhi ,to march,'
d'Wjth this liepcy. tri . W ernisort
1 "
was4'w:o4i:to le contoh
. , [ 1 • 1
o, leave
for th
Ilag fo
y pledge
I,•_ suffer
and willl
l iness) to
e nepes
oleoli has lyibn
of the Fre
ri nee Merit
. t
Tbtlili7Lectling Con v ent
!,- ,
,•••1 ‘'. ":---,• 1 dl
, . `:,.1 ~--' Wisiiisorotr, 'Aim
, 1- ,*- '. . 7. •,-
~ ,
We lefrn'from;a if romilifilti.P
cian,7 l 4ol, Ilia jast artived front
ing, *teat ,1 11 ' be the , ,probOlefel
rif the. Convent ion Which meetslo
11th inse , All.the ' leading men
'agreed not to atteMpt to maite". a
State gilt of , Western Virginia;lb
act for 'the 014 Dominion, as 'aim.
setting up..a Previsional GOver
in.plgee.,of that which has, -b
lion, j abdiC
ated 'its powers. The
act mf the Col&ention ' Wilt 14 -t
pOBO.,GOV. Leteher and his, ro be ]
associates. - It will thbV,pppoi4t
arid - tree men in their placed.
Provisional-Governor will,prob4b
.ifen.,. Jaekson 'of Parkeraburgi. •
Convocation will then declare .• i ', 4
l'irginia, in a. ,
state .of insuilre
against the General Go.vernmeut
%atoll' id to Pet. down the rril;
Will 'be , invoked. The Legl'sl
chosen on the ,24a ult., the nri.
of which are,, by it's reqUest, to
With the Convention, c Will be
nounced • the legally elected - Le
ture Of the State, and will bezel
ered to proceed at( once to 'the
aetiOn of business. he Gov '
• Miill.pend iii hit} •'niesaage to, th
Houses, and two Senators, ;of 1
John S. Carlil' will probably -,b
and a leading tcpublican thel '
will be ehbsea.
, r
In this plan 'of 'operation 131
Carlisle Willey Pierpont, and if'
unite '; Oitr informant thinkS;tha
Contention will be one of t lie gra
pop,Ular assemblages
,ever ' caller
gettier,..-TheAeOps ~a re- l y i,+;
hind them aie' the people,
and: united.,' lln th is movemn
the hdie - "and salvat ion of the cli
nion. ' Through Its action, in
erati.)n with. that of the. F.edei
ernment,she will be irtuasforrn d
a wholeSalei, negro-trader - unto la
coinonwealth. 1
I The sentimentOf ,VeSpirti Xi
is rpreaentad toi be, all, one sva 3
30 counties out Of 24,000 freb'
all. but 2,000-were for the triddn
traitors are allowed to "plat 't
now, The. pills are examiried
-every voter for Secession is - 10,
oat violence, with .the ntnOet3t
ritss. to 'the Court llense, whorl
required' to take the 041.110 T
.ance to the United State's.. Tff
wit .f* *• have not I taly
—this titae. ' - I,l—
~, jj, --,--„, . :1
11 : 40,ERSTOWNil Itlll9 11)
giniuns arii escaping in grea4 .
twelVe 'crossed, at Licking'4
inil§s above Dead Spring:. itll,
expected to-night...Etrvi,
Virginia betwecu r the, ages (
00 are required to,enter tliti
or i before Thlirs• tJa3- tict. 1
' A. Virginia, just
,a- rived!
Secessionists claim to havoll
at Ilarper's Ferry,' bult: thieil.
: in 'Virginia say that there ar
than' 9:000. ' i
, 1 ' • - s,•l
Friends' of Gov. ' hick, ,
Goldshorough . andthe, S rotary :'of
yState,l as hero! this in, lining from
Frederick. They have viqted , G4iier-.
id :,Thomas'; brigade, ',and l asked for
'troops for the , protection of Frederick.
Gen. Pattermon will.' irmmid ately i ad
vadce a brigade to that poi t, a d it
is understood that they will marc i id
day. -
Disloyalty :
is,' :very! tron ' at
Frederick among the rtie L lopi b ' ers of the
Legislature:!'l i - ,: 1 I .. '
Them is a report of al .ohtfi
Dam No. 5 on the 1 1 16tOnia . -ori
ting in an attempt 1- awl :'argil
to, complete - t'he de' trizeti • n of
werk. This,lit is said, ti ni ren
this morning, 1 and were-re i.ted,
• klome / Guar,ds of Cl 'ar, S ings
'Williamsport; and',t ~
at, tieep
meat is now rgoilig'pn. i l tslo ,pa
lars, have yet reached hero, boti'
press has been sent and to I lir
Lars. will-probably i ba recei • d'to
-1 as,the distiknoi is oriy. 440 nc a lf
' r , 1 ',
; .- I • ' . 1 ''
Latest eknitheiii previa; . -1. • - ..- - - --- i iii , -
ii . Oe • Bet*teen,
1- ,, • , ..., ..
•L 0 7,1,r iiLE, Fridiy, J. unel7,... i sql -.,.,. CtiTtifi rt i a . .W. W.• Irvi - i n
:. _27 says 4ofttnal.r t hat- a, large. quail. '---,'-'-.... ' - ',;7 - 4 - . 2.1. .E
l. . l, Eo . ii ti;!,i i . i k - it ii;....
ri . ,,, ... 5. '
. .' iii. ' . :ti
arms •..,,,...:, !. ja . ; . - ._...11,4,31 4ER,
tit*. o ,•:. were - secretlit.broukht '. ..
from Piiinefisiee 'in .Kentiieky, on Wed -,‘ *,,' • .
deedaY . ,,iii thelßeeessiOnists . , .. . - . ,I . - Pen a; . ' . ;'‘• l y l itit t - i nf i . : ' : : l2l/ 11. 1 y e it u i t i lli . 4 ` 4fir Y f f e P er iii /4 . .
.. • ..The . 4tr, o i - PiectOn e. of the - 4th stati. Bta : ---ty o .' a l,- iii ti ',i I '. • 1 .' ",
that: the Meitlean . . , schooner' Brillianteta ~ , , ,,,„iii,i- ----„ ,- -1 . -: ‘ ,1 1 . 9. 1 -" % P t; , z , (iq ;4
had been Ordered 'oTr" ~'tlie."Pass' bystliA!' • ''' . -9- ' n ''''' 1"' 9 " 64 ' ; ';f iltiilFE -. •
- 81 , 003 n. :, •.' , ..'' -. ;.. 1.; •
... ;. L•: i i sentatiye ,l rs i :',3lo37. 3, 18ti1 thii.,.,,ii,. 7 . ,,-,
rip,,, t , ;
The' brit* CiVete bad becillseizedan.d ! I I tur y ffimite- 'zi n i i ti ' ' ... •. ' • . ' 1 '
_, .. 0 . .
sent .7.Voith'.. ' • • .• 1 . . ' 1 .• .• .• '.l • 4 - .PR' w '" 2 rease rilve me i.; ••
' ' •' ' 4--,• I I:•• -- • ' . 1 4 delity spelt iiitin. ? • '',)-.-th,.' o tri•
",' Tlol.lrith, : r - reneh, iSpardsh; AO 1 ' fo u r - I} • - ~ . matnei ronaitna g i '
Brelnen , ,Coh7.3;Als" at NeNi.-Otiketis; an • I ?:; 9 ,• '''• '' - '-ii• P2.4. ' t ? nent '• as iti ''P el libelii t.?)
134...Barolfelte, ( the French Agent 'ha r• I • : j. i hn 9- 11 8 • 0 :1 1 P - ,f O l t i ) b( i.'-;i '- 'i l ::: . ' iu . ti °/ 1 . i l i. . :,, •
had 'an 4nte.rvieW. with ~:thel Com man; 1 , '..." :• •
' ..',.,' •
..:- ..- ~1-;, G. CURTI iv, : Gorei ll , •
d bi tte ck l t l io t . h)ii llt'ciOk . lyn. 'reap . ti ii , g ,. . tht . ' IYear:4; : itc,,' .r: -• .1 , -
61)er ;07 . - '.
' " .
'• , A cirevaie had occurred n ilieJ,oulL 1. o .l ' i• - hi . ' Ex if. • ~ ... . •
d is c a e n: l ,7 l ,S!il :
. c .. • . ,...t , if" , • .t_ ~h. e ,
_. .31 , IS „ si . s . ;l:ip
. i ,
,:: .i . itm! } ': l T H, - . ' l l' 1 ) ; . 1 1 .1. ; , : .t . t c . :: ,. .: l l l :l ll s P: i i i;i l ...; , y y :/:Y;(1 ,3 1 ' l li T t i i i i r: 11 :1 1 ,
cf "
•Nnteliez i 2,50 feet ' Wide,' •a d I ' o' feet • ' - •
! Imsc- of 163pregeritittk-e., ~,... • 1 ' •
A Norfolk tp .The .rAtliiiiM.
... dispatch- . ' .
' ' . [ l. 'v .d . 11.* : '. "'". ..."'
Con:feq:erae,.q . says . the . lifeitinnie '.- has:l'l; 'red
r t3 tl °. t. n 3 " l7 . N t " . ll l w4i' L T 11 1 r1 i''' .4:
been ' raised; her'niaehinery l being" tint ,1.,;;,,„d u,- 0. --( :; . j 2,.-. 'i*,- 6° ,'' . - u1 " ., -a4
tnitireti;,and. *ill ,be -catty. for . . 'sea 'o ' - - r -- :' a ' "erl t h e ' Ca " °I. t ' i rr''(:l . 'ii(lit'Ail
t , ridi ,... :
~,,, , -,,,..;
_.. 1 ., , . 1,..
.forJrOO - ps fl•onl Pe,tlil§l,-leg i th -i` n ,#l, '• •
• - si . !Ifo• fti -d4-. l-', !i had b e en : ~ ': • '.......01)c ,
~,..1, . .1 :. • pr 9 0 1. 6 4 , 4, '•
The • -, •Charlesion ' Coirier bf ~ the - ,..4 tb. I i., -. '''•• • • ~.. ~--..,. • .-‘ 1j
40r S V '
(... ! ...ral . ily s , hefori!• .ittv .'iti,l! ; L i-.
says: t he • lilinesseta it the', Ile:ie). ill' ' ,•• '
• •,
that ' or . il .. ~ • „ , ~. 1 . ~.. . , Fill oil; I baje• endemrored . i•O' e . "ii• - • ! •,;
..,. T,.hi l . :: ?.l l lt4pilitviialiej.
are k ii i i l: ni.. -
th t-,, , a ll the bills... for artielek l i e ' l ,-.1 .1 1 );1 ,.",-cj i [ ( f •:' : ;
attention , o4the f f.. igihme'e..l(2inillii'lltteei I - e". . "1. V '.
ni l • this Pla(''''''.l''erf're-'•l'4'4
~ ..,
...., since lily apf i ioin Linen C and th•• •'• ••
P - 3 Ithe .higliri,l . .t.s . - Of Proi-isloits chi arg.,-FI o f
!)y• dealers . i -er a : . •••• . . ..' - 'i .;' scree, A ,
21,: .1 1 1: 1 t -1. ° '.)ll'lrtefir:.;°4llliiili'll,7)-i::l,t,i:ttit,4:.
4..; The ..iii - ONle lte 4 isier .siiy:r bait the i L 7, 4 e n rs 'P o ' nsi. and f .4 .e ,„d tittg .^ t h : of tihre,. i hel. „
Pattie idwgd_tbe. , ..BriiisitlSl WS. L.Perth'r :!• : I„erved,.and.. he names of iieriSnits no - ;.-
1...i1,T .. e . ii, 1 n1;1, ,. .11 . :1:0: c 1i11:,: c, :.1641:ti e i t fi . sea. ,Tun erred,
s a i od tde i t * gi •, 1 1 (2
1 I V' t 31 ° 14 ii 15 . , ,ii Por.t. 's now•INo con . ..
~ i• • • 1 •. • '•• ' 1.• .•
. Clear. :! ,i • •. ~ i--,• Li t - •ill • - .. 11)!q:' fi e
- , 4d yet - been' pAiii
~.,. . :._
v ,,,,„.......,, L ., -', , .• ...[ I to these pe so i', and • the; i - aluil -,)•,'
IP:4 3 bri.auttreiiXl. WtOShington... 1, i t-ilt'if' -, Trvl(7(• has. Pot; yet beerrsi4 ; ll,l,l,
_the - - hill s- audited{ and piiia ' hi.:.„
Asumore*Littne. 10.• t ou,ssm; , throp;h „. the
(00,e 0t . ,.0e
„ A
. . . .
•,• The Rlinde Island. Regiments break
. . leave. , l ' 6 " . Gen e ral ; fal l e°o-e-'3' of . t riter,, '4
UP . their etiMP at midnight' and
per railroad 16. the direct:4On
,ef 'Ralf: I the ''
ar '''' es - f9 ' 76ibe d 'tn ll . • I '4' ' pith
per l Forty early to.utorrOw. Their
; are attached
.to;thiti rep'ort. ',A114•4:1,...
': - •
was to „night,.:bri- night ,ani,i . ,h• i;ricO,:difirged - w kiii,l,:,.•
Marine battery
info tpe . eity, taken to" the fr•ailrotal (id_
. s `itied:••nndthe true -villu(m . oft-'4 , :a'.! : 1 ,:
.pot., . lio s il ib ei . ed . and. loaded eu the. l item only h•t. allo*ed. ' •'• '--: ' ''' '...:
.Tlie.-cairii at'Pittshnro; 'iS now ',ii:f.,
traiu;Aogether.With the". aiitillerY; her ` 1 •
r o t
iti -ati a d t
.. - i t r lte , .. ; 6 ,,, e lo '.b e e k l6 ., n th d i i s n .. g .e ;rt e o n -t i l; ,; e ;
1e t1 i .1 :71 ,u : 1 1 4 ,.. - . 4 ,:::,? i 5 g a e n 7„ j2 ;;1 6 . fi. 1 . .f K e 1'i 1 1 ? . .,;,::
:,. f i fofessi3f, :Allen ~.of - ,llllOde 1 fsliiii4 - , /I ' l l''' . wli ? a '-' a e tink Is•A"i s t4l/t .. 0'1.'.:
tl . -noen-brcrti4ht ',tilt° , the . .•eiti r y ium aild Qua.rte•r 3/ as tar 4" at [tifot
a large b alloon, silliehlhe,intlated from : I' l ' a • re ' • ' Paol " is ''''' . "- 1 -' mul'Pliostarc: - - -.
th 603.,. t ic 4 ,- - , L. t ; t t ~,,. L. - fN e L Ili made tO itir' order and f filar, t "
-t ••..t, s ; - ' 1 1) 4 ,- - a. -1• L -deflect 4) ' " 4 P -1 .
.tablish ed . .Sich . a
t,yr.: H Cetit'•Of aieiitint e ' k : - .
r snehuso tts• Avenue . and Fourth • street
.1,16,..„ . ..,,i t i.j.k!i1ity and .4..beeks.l . i,.i ,to unsure , ii-;,•
Itti . aftei - sra 7tIS loaded - it
,sand bags fur .more. convenient tram-'1 It ' 9 .•" (-1 " 13 ' '• ' '-‘
' - .•
' ' ..
' in,,,; j
Ip . Ortation to the .Rliode Island . Caniii, f.- The'""ll
- 1 .,-, 1 1
, • - ; - , • i
1 about one' ile :north . of tlitt
; C:tnitol;_at 1 4 _, Tt "'l - •', 3 ," )11 , 1
iiiticirpliee astidrd five ,thousand i'et 1 suPervi."'n
long was at ached . to- the Hash et ;• " arta 1" 1 .6°vc ' r "'!'i
an: eictioriinatttal ascension intitib; 11, 0 1 , tion *.ith tit
.tliiii, -, The •Indloom is fOr,lintae-1--- TLS '.
• diatb recontiOiterilig.'Pliipo i se..s; and .lit 1 der th e COE
is :ORlEL:that lie will start on .his , aerial i u t ••
i i .eriif•liale, .1
rtiyae . earl; to -mOrroW Insb(titing.: • ..: •
~. ''• It IS:also !said: that;Ser.etil otherregi-..-I' t ° ref "'''''Y' th
'ziteats' are under orilef:ft.l•l2ii 4ri.*elne.lit'll
ni - ,'diy brea -...... ' • ,''' -1 . • • 1" . - . 1...
'pie Thli ,Fourth and Fifth Bart:rt.
, .
ions of the )i,toet..ofeollinibiA rol n
teers'.are al '0 under: sin - dear ' orders --
They belie ' e they . are to' .So to.;,Fre.dl:,r•-
iek,.."3.titryl. ad: • .."• ..- '..• ' T : ' . • - ' 1
•: • '7 I. ._..,,.. . _...;;... . 7...;.,:i.,...L..''',....,:l -L
119.14;111g .- tit Kenttiok.. iira..ktoks.
",„ .
~ .•••:. ~ ' - ......_. El . .',l t.
r... 1!: :'' ;• ..,..; 1 , - .. 'C'Anio,.lll.', • June - . 7 11:
[,„. Gen. I're liaviii
this 2,- , ilearneir I ail
~ .
,sOmejicentii •k Seee..,sqoiiist,.; hiad:g•s
tablished it-,•mutp at Elliott. 3ii11. , ,1.KLv.1 .
i:c‘ti . riiles. - frOni• this plabe". Sent tivii
eoinyttnit.-t- to -that. raee:l Y
:lien 't tie ) ,
arrived :t It e•eileiny - had ti,4il. ; -• , "k
- 1 '
' o.l ' l Wickliffe. 'who. reiir,':- , •;•nts fi.ol:
tOel: V ' in` a, senii-ofllcial ehivracter, viiii:
tell' 6 ~i.l. Prea . t isl to..ii,t3- i4)l(;,iiir
.i)o , clotlfyivietith , :ie,ll . l.:thre,iileLi 4 L(
of lientoclFlr. 'soil. . -. .1 - ... ' ".• ..-- I .
(l i: lll...relitiss, ,show.e.c.l• sc.. - prat i
2 •, -', ters!frptn the 'Western !part of
kep.pligli ,i State, a-lking , proteetion I it Oill
; I:lliii
Llle'itil" I iSlllilahil declared it ' hi* intention
dt) '.. 4 troop s i n i f • ''..
'4* i •
I ~ 1 .°71 7 54:411t 1 j
Eility 'ibe. l 4poi...such soil as his ' G ; vernineiiii ..
Y. :'''q4t - -de l red •.' ' '' '• ' I ..• '.
1 ' -'
.-- .., , ~.• - • • 1 ... •: I i. i
11 9w10g: (-' 1•-•rael - ; Bl'anehai.t. • anotiier -,ot .1 the:
ctnitti.) i5 e ,.... F .... i i0i- syUpntkiix•'ers, il , ivi hO. ace f 'ar:
. 1
I . ' 1 3 e 1 1,17 1,1)610alo,.1 has; been arie,'ied and • I•
i1....'f941)-7.1.46,...nrin4fie1d... tiir. trial.) •on'.o. - ob.
s l O-ibfl . 4 - i•eai;01). '. •!••:-. --- ,_ . l•:' • - ' 7
S ,;114.461 I ' ........--_.,...,=." - 1
__4 . . . •
I The? Rebels •Adva.noing on : Ca
T : l,-e t mt . ' . .1, CA nto.Pa 10..6';' Ji i nne 7, ls!'
014. )001 - .Fieolit in" :parties .'Ot' , Pilli!ilv'.s - a
,•.. .•
.. • , , .. i" •
to)rAirdti ; iireHreport&t. at .li).' I .141 and. -
10 0•yii)11 1 -q) I"- ini les below - here.. to-datt- - .1• 'Sort
. , .
•FrentaiinltroPPS are coming npotil)Pth Sid
egrmi . - itit•hei•rh-err. iAn attaek : upon ',Cali
ery 01 . 1 ripotnernarily ext,etited We are i.
1, 0 i . .. 011.. . :!,.,' ;:..- ..:-4.- . - L.•-,.....)-;---)....L.:-.4.! . ~ t .
e ''.l sir- T.lik!..Union cautiO' , in .:kentuk3f.
I k on or, :• .1 1 /.. r ilenrn • from . Washington. lint
,sipp td
i 1,,, r iii:iit..•l - . V c riya4t and. Cant V I Ca . -
defila to 'Ertl( e..f th fret re irn'ent.,Kentaeky
willli ro -1's,`4Ow in ; lint•leity,•hav - 0
ask t ittn:! a-i-Cry . situ' >iictorV., interview Avith
Ces'•dt iv-:,See*l.ary •C' *rot' 1 aUd Gen. • Scott's.' 'l74U l '••obje objet of: their•-v.sit •im to ot)tain
addition: anus .for ' the ~..714siittie k..:- 'Brigade,
larch.. • • which- is• eoinprisedWf ill - Ist .catch -2d
'Regiments nutaliciiii, ,20O•nieftI•.•and
-Will be.eoniiniinded . -b \ y :OA 'Giiihrie.
I \
•ThOy •.' were nssured.' lie . r.XGen: tci - itt,,
tha . Geii.-afeClelland . will- bk ininiedi
latelv instructed to supply the,l3rigatle
Ai 4 iii arms
. and . acemitrethentS 4 and
t hat orders were ,is 4, tied to. Col." ouch
.ri.,.l lio re port at Col. Anderson's: liead
iinartirs;.ni Louitiville,lArith . hisieom=
inandfortliwith. • .i: .;• -] - •1-•
~ qa rapt. Cabill-., re a`ar Or* to
14edit B utt -, the jute •I;ieril; • that
... ~., r
;oii rHisou
rcttet thepbt tey - of
,)la , gotlin!slrocldmat on, and. tli
siOrobabilty a
eoll'iiidn'ivould '
at' he outset between I"he.l3rigad
th Secessionists, .at
, _l'e 1.1
eral replied . i."Y "Y o u shall ''be
} 'tamed. sir. Wty 'can send 'i-ou ' 4 0.
I laig.n. in three tlays.'' • 1 -;.._ -' I . •
, . apt. Cahill coot, `s•,thc-stat+ment
made'by.Etnersen E ii . L , ide, that eight
. every ten - in. 1.0 ova' e ' are loyal
there ant ,ti l ttlaYthere p °teas
mg ley al.ty who ..a . i c . treally,. secretly
CanitiVito , with 1116 lie:, els', as in . .I.Balti- -
, .
inre're . .; • Lieut.. CoL .ilylisit. and
;Cahill. will . join theirreginient inimedi...
!}surly, , , ~
. _.• . ' L•I 1 - . : • L... .-1:
w:i.' ~~
!au .
. I
e If4ft,
1 he
are to
ager 4
e l st
linktk n.
en 1 c
att 41-
Buqt r
mg ,
21 fat 6
h)trn.l in
:; •
sAys the
5,1i00 mell
• , •
i , —.---.........e....---..-_
I t i
HOME.—The GoVer tn'enf dispatches
ordering home r t e: Medirteriailea.o
squadron caught a 1 the vessiles 'in'
good time..) The tl. gshii) Iti . el mond,
and the Susquehamial were 'at Naples
and the. Iroquois w s, at Malta. All
are on the way to New York.l This
Will add three.spleldid vessels o the
blockaditig fleet.•
n ex
)s Wokt cfruri.
ctn.:burg: aro 1,1:11 4 uuddr
and control pf the:.
tit,:tlid. hare uti
iv deintrtnacttt.. z -. -
:;tnissary 1/eintrti;: t
s b . cen unavolik t tir
Dtrol of Quarter 7n , jtpri - 31:,y i .
t whose repfirt I heir 1. ,, ,41,),
for d:..tait,. •
W: w.
i. -
..A,lsl'r. 1 1f P CiJ14.14 TS .
rrod zbti W
iltdebEt . ,tl Cztiktqit' ' Stt-
the Iron Guards ).
tivqrd • •
)1.,‘• of the • followitl.2
.tic‘tettQr •to t' , .)l.
.foutAit ,
t t ptn•s, it :tit rivet ~,ar
liens (:of
• .
IW - 11i rot,..
origit~:il c 1
fi<2l(.l. ,
itaoe :•1)
. . P
..11 tv:1N: , ,..1,,, - ::. sda) l l If ~. •
Dr..%.,a stit.:Whel, poi get '.
in prover '‘-.).1.111.i0n at • t..irazto t;:k . e"
the train ~ H ite IliaL I icuu up il,;11%/u,.:-.
lug' rind I: , eizc- lute( earry au - ',v t..;1
arias I%!c'enti \- it iii. 'to thut p J." i "4. "
I'aitte"roil.l the 1..1:5. S'ecretr\ - ,ri: \',': . o,.
and 11-:e them im:iriiiin , - -0-'( '1 li:: 11
ilia) 1.411 y to your tamp. kei. , \ ~ a. L 4 ' ,
Slate airtilS tam) ivi•enlll,- , e 1.441 ..i.7 t.;:, ,,
malcontent ~ at li.iuu ,- ilfd ,i ..1-'
It t' advisable to id, 1,0:r.:1 2 .. ....;
it': coinno.inkatioli L e t •:,, - _ , ,ri \\ ,;„. ..i
.. .1 ;
:aid Wa,lti,igtop. ?•••J that the .11:-.-3:., , -,
tett-:aL_111 fyrid;er rilitee..C.lLlC , t; l. , :::. : : ,
11111 Ilitqlt e with theirallie, lit, ii,. ! 3 . .--i
quarters . t Estal,lisli pert;:("..4es , .;tf!::p
OVO' (IJ(.'l It`ie , rl"o-)il W . :ll'r.:`4, .. , ,zif k j , l
trpilszo - .t . 1 at no chipateh eau 11.1 : , ••• - ..'.kie.
! out
,your',ktiowkdge anti in ,"...<ivl .17 i'
iVir'e it i..;l l se.nt, ." 11 ' -.-
"If troops from Ohio 0:11,1 fq!'!'s.Y l: ''
vapia :Alan lie attonlifild,r ) [if liw•-••: , l i :s
on the railroad, du dui c.,.,;jet r . t , :':!7 i r- k
stract theirfiassaje by .all ~,iettf,.! ~1, y.. ,, r \
ilowey, ecfn (p the.'destnact;un olth , , - ..,:2,:,
and bridges. . 'l' - 1... •
"Having . coufidenee ia. i".o4r s, li - r i `
tion; I am sure you: will uiaus n.: 'Ai:
thiugs wiscd%' and well. ±; .l _
. • "Yglirs, Truly,. .
,1.---.,.. '
-. '• " : JOHN I.,ETCTIER
1 to
l am l
s 4)1
.1 ~.
D, raftor _V •
i)ov (.
pis '•onsiderable: tot a ie . ,
e have no spato to eknaent
ini J ' ,
iw. We subjoin arg4her ot:r.. ,
f Rob . inort ' l ') ' %Tr . t .
ty Cap._
.., $ /. at.
'Pftyterfield .(iu - pitriluistwi, a;
-I.- tostruettons)' to 0,01. \`;,'i '
w horn °Our troops 1 1 0 7 11 Are. 5
at Pltiippi , .' 1. - - u
f f
ter: ..W
on it rip
tett by
the als
- DE , r, (.., °LON El., ; From , inform:
tion juq received it it4essenti'd I', ;b.
' . 4
safety of my, comm and that the brul: ,, ;•
be clesti.o.'yed as far West :ii p'o,siu:e
Yon will please proceed ciut.the 1 1 0 : 1-1 /
train and have it carried dire eff.. , (.14
without delay. • 'l .ft •f.
, -
onrs, Truly-, .„ - &
• ','• Cr. A. PORTERIffEL`Y t
-To Col. WILLEY." l' ''''
The pistol with which the as.casi , .,
ghnifis Shot Col. Kelley i an. old lion 4.
pistol, carrying a very largtihrd l , lln
inflicting a dangetbirs wound. 11
ball entered the lore breast, and ps , '' f i
sing clar tholigh, lodged beneath :6
skin; lust underneath ihel, should'
blade. I It has been extracted, ;toy
ery attention of the highcist medil
and suirgieal skill is lavishaPuPgn, i b l
woundied other.lf hittnan''ski" 1
save him, he Nvill be saved but if.p. ,
i 8 bevOnd the reach ofhinira' n aidl
will 'die, as he said to:dayl-ie.& iiien4
who but, over his Couch, illtariti3!.3
glorious cause. ' - : • -. ir,
"I expect - 1 %h all 1 havn 1.4 .lit : -44 r
Go ,
I -