The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, June 05, 1861, Image 2

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33(30A1:r0w :41..rgrusa.
S. Dimon:port, Editor & PittliAhor'
B' -.,
71 ,- v ':.b.,L-i-.'-i7i-4,...i.
• Republican County Ticket
IPresident, .//i4e. -...- .
DANIEL;AGNEW.BorougIi• ' -,
' ll t .sloiiari - Ji'thrbi.- - .
.1'0142.7 SC TT'vrii lip,— ---- '
AG NE W 2 MIFF,. N-61. Brief 011,
•' . ,f, i I Assemblyy 1 I
W - 31. 4ii.Nßy, Faliston. '• 1
7 .- - fPiiirict Aitorley.
•JOUN 137. OUNG,i Rocheiter,
' • .i E ! Treaurer.l
G, C. B 1 ABSRAiI, Folloo,
, • •
. DANIE f B. SHORT, 31 1 0 ,
1 PCountyAndzior.
JNO. St iVART, !Goo. r
p, 4 , s Hoet, Director
Ni )
EIIRING,-Neiv Sewickly.
TVliSiees of,Xcademy.
RBA% 4.:R. 31e.LEAN, Be:aver. _
• JOSEiluq• .WIL§ON, Braver,
gis4laci Rev. J 1.4. TEakin will de
liver ' -. .serrnon' in"ethe Presbyterian
Chuml .! Beaver, 411 Sunday !morning
9th his, : 'at the usual hour. - All are
invited {ol attend. I - _
Is. 1;
direct especial attention to
the..ela : i•ato and :ably written, chaiye
of Ju d ge' lAgne*, on the' la' of .trea
son, whith will be found on onr firsi
pitge til:4l l ny.-
i . f
I . ! . . I •
' l .
r ia i st week we omitted td riotic.
,fe Bridgewater ilome . Guards
torter, were present at thepre
ion of the sword to Capti
i). •
Capt. Porter'.;', company is
ne looking one, and reflec
Credit upon its offi.ders. •
N tl
view ,as - ournal 4.1 o;
itht seFin the . action of the R
pubticia'ns'of this. CoUnty. -. What li.
our n i Cighbor to say.lo the Denioci
ey of reene ? ' -
DitowNED.--,.t.eitm from ti •
-neighorhood _of Brnph Creek, 'gi
fright'ened ul hacked-off - the fens
bout Rochester one'_ day last wee
andbne horse and part of the wal,,
Were Yost.
Departure of the 'Curtin' Rifles.
Thk Curtin Riflk. 'ender the c 4-
rnam%of Citpt. M. 1? , 'Adams,' haring
iit - -
receive d .marehing Orders, left on last
Monday for CampWiikins.'
. I
. rr
-ri i le companV vas . • escorted to tlt
cars by-the Rochester 11.6re - b - Itar s
. A 4itary -4 -SaJute waS,fired by tit
Ho* , Guards. there ' were sere a
• .
:! F 5.
thpusand spectators assembled to \ ii
- • ii .
floss fthe 'deg . :vim-6 of our: young .o 1
di!er4. -- 4 t. r
'Wi"e shall give 'the 'Toll' of the C m
panv next week in full.
1-- - _«:
10* -By reference to our ftelegrai hi
reptrts, it will Ale seen ,thaf alto he
batide'llas taken place between our iof
ces Lid the rebel „at Acquitt creel .-
. ''Thl,Slare..s are iii great n in
her. at Fortress Monrot:‘, and a ge iel
:- al.ii *ising of the 4itre,s is- eXpee et'
Clot :Butler turns tint ttlbe the gi cal
est racticalt Aboliti?iiPt the 'con ti•
has and lie is already' consider. bl,
1 . .
emio 4 rrased With ani ore -supply.
i l r
1, 1 , ._______. i '_. I.' .'•
he Ccincert at ROcheite
t. . - - - i •
he concert which wtr
as ottet 'ti
. .
1.) . h'!:1 ladies Of- thisiricinity and gi'
cif lit the' liocluisti•ri 'Car; Flew). -. e
Thursday ironing last. for the he lei
of ill'e Curtin' Tlifles,,prior to thei • de
palture for Camp 'ycilkins, was a eci
del 'sueeess. i There; was quite a mi. ,
creep !in the :; ,prizieipal room ' o t/
building, • 7'lo:enti..ll.ainment .co , Si!
0 , 10 . '3:0(.111'4nd iiitttruM-eittal ti usi
Tlie ' ‘1 musio - ---- furnish ,- ''
ite Vaud tonsic was, „ .eil IV
Selket :choir:, of-- exiiilent voices. T 1
irqtt‘nntetitaltirtisielwris" by theNi'"
.1 1
'Beighton String 1: nil,. of .whicl! tl
elt!:ir - .lf . the, Tiiiio• is• a meinf!er ' .4
41,,k.niodeaty of M.r. ! •Lenion- Nril : n
. altoi• hinl.tol speak! of !their: per'bri
aiice, we . tvill. say that it Ivas Vi•
ti • 1 • !, • .
cOditahl'e . iniletl, anti that the 116!
li. , I
,b 414. , of the I.4xild are first-rate pe f 0 1 ..:
etTs. 1 ,thie of! the .piece-; .' theme eni
"Ilvinb.."' :3t.un. , by the ehoir,;appt ars .
oite paper. ttiay., ,
V ; ) l if e initt wit,. hoWeret, omit to
~..• • '
f i W e i .t...
tiee the sinolinu. of-Ithe popular piece e Whereas, it has pi
.. .i.-- ~
4 i'AN'ill - Vi , .2-,h• for 'he Lama," 1 - the nighty. our Heavenly
(l, . _, , , Iry
wife .
ntim Rites. •:, This. 'sOnEr s was sung 41.143 Te the of our
..-71 1 (th a hearty' good will. that s ►lowed Be,iisel,fr°Lutik scene'
t e l voluntebrs lvez t irt earnest; : nd we scncn° and traMitery lil
iii-e no' 6tibt- that, \Nvhen thc
. _„ - time where , the wicked ce
_ . 1
j 'oll:les - tor 4ern to put it in :practice'', lines and the: weary i
_ - ft ei 7t 11 ,. lbe fap,nd ready to' acquit rest, where a Fatherly
4iluirusetvesti - ith honor upon \ the field, tears_ from our.eyes; 7 1
in'Aefenee f the; Union.- ‘‘,.. •. ' Resolved,' That Fe
I I • The- ' . nee 'qf Lieut tri Chlow ers: of the lOrder, ni!
g .1 14 - - ~ -7 , ,
;. fite . E . , B r i g hto h _ Rifles, .-. w h o i e Lodge, ...\0..40,1.. O.
Rio- duly 12•% . 'and sineorOy Symp
*erts. Lit he' singing line-
, ce Ik _ i o, and his. ftiznily in , th
app elate faro ed the audie
several ch l iec Pa riotie sonns •whi •
1V re9e bd i) ' thedi b 'with
' ' . 1
t• ' •
, ,
.! au en o
tu_kborprded , ppiause which , ttie 717Ina '' e - 11t 5 1' ‘ i . ' F 'sy' 2 l::: : :
lormikupes - o that dietib!outiii•
It i
ug*r-iqpr F ari ob aims. -- - -,
- 1 . i •I ' • - 'I z ,
c Virginia Election.
, I.:illsglnirelaftiert efhibits the ffirs hiconiipsAilbilikr . of trip Eastern
4 westeill iihditos or the State
ill eh r ( s - / 4 : l ' e 2"ns from
latCelectiorvp4 ! , thst i ratification
"f` the ? Ortnance -- or '7&eelsinri show
almost kunanimons vote in the West,
ern part of ihe State against secession, ,
-whila-thEr-Eastern- -, o6antiweiiiii r
-hose" below the Blite Ridge, show
• qualiy as unanimous' a vote in favo
Theipresence.-of .the artried troop
om l i the seceded Stafps May, to a co •`„
-iderable'eitent. haveinfluenced the
otes, in s Eastern r • Vigimti; - but, not
vithStanding--that, there is undoubtedl
y strcing'feeling that
.art 1 , of 'the Old Dominion. , But the
ullylexpressed sentiments of Western
iirgmia,show, that thopeople!mea,n tq
ling, to the Stars anti Stripes. In this
,nrpose, they will be upheld by the
power - of the beneral 6avernment.
- the Most probable.event, now liket
ly to,' haipen in this State, is the or
gamiation of a Provisional Govern.i ,
ment . the :loyal citizens, the denO
si iod of Letcher-e'present G
nor, t. who is a rank secessionist, .autt
the 'installation new order: cif
thingS of<the Old establishment
. . .
We may ilook to 'see the' institution of
Siavie' r?'-: speedily abolished byi the forCe
of eif9iinstanees in Virginia. AC
cording to the ruling' of Gen. Butler,
of liassachusetta, slaves- belonging to
rebels are Contraband! of- War, and
will:not be given up. I 'T
-his; _decision,
at a single blow, libera es more than
half of the' slaves ' y in the iCommon
wealth; for the slate-holsters :in this
t ~
State are principallySe essionists 7 and
at the present time lin open rebelliOn
affainst,the United Mat's. • ' . i •
Another troubles me question nor'
i .
arises for the,deersitp 1)1, the Gove,illi
mentys,,tiz: What Illsll : be cinni) with`
these 't i'agitiVe - contraband'. artielo ?:
An', emigration to' Hifi seems a the
~ ,
present, hud the mi:lst ., 'easible .projet
fbr.the dispeSition of the vexed sub
subject: But, do l ibtless; in their Ni - iri-,
'loin, the -Cabinet :Oil devise some me
thod of haPpilysdlS )odicg of them 7 7 -.
Let us put faith in ; he Administration
and - wait - _a little longer
, Outrage on Viet,a - riOfti.oe.
On Thursday- nighi,Alie offie •of I
the Western Stary,,publi4red at this
_... ,
place, was ;entered by 'seine persons,
I '
fand the press . taken' , aptirt, and the
- . I
Hans carried•oft, With several cases of
type. The total nmount •of dainhge,
which the proprietorslhave suffered,is
not near so great ' - tu it might liftve
e l
. been._ They have recov i ered nea d ,rly
3: . .
',all the type,.and the partlef the Press
, • . •
1 1'7 ' ;
e ‘ 1 Which wasstolen. . ;
ill 'This • itet: merits: ' and, I shoulil iee l eive
• . • ' 1
-1 the severest eotidemnatiOn. It is only
, • • • ' i .
i. -carrying out the principles •svhicli. we
hive always Se much !deprecated
. i the Southern 'States. rlt ii no Avo;• to
I- , •
i Cure ati_opptinent of his errors to del
I Stroy his 'property. M we hUve a
1 ' , , . 1
ie .! government hasi•d Upon la«= and or-
I der, lit uS strive to inaintain order in
r i
I • upon
1 oar initlsf, This ;Wanton iat taek
, • _ . ;
lour cetemportir:y is not to be pidlinted
--- I '•
I). _' 1•? y iii} - excuse that may be.ofter'ed.--
, 1 ,..11t is aiwziys Nyroll4;to - ile:ltroy fli pro:
i i. l . Perty of 'unotlier;- and no amonfit of
• "
t , Xt ,e ran . ever m. I ht otlleiu ist
than an Outrage:l ! •1 2\ •
list of i!oinlianiis of
, we, omitted the Organ=
tnmpany ii lii; 13;e:wet:
ite »umbet 4 of .meli en.;
organization . 60.1 The
lebriniapy iS the. -#orne
fi,luitrclF.l." 1
lii ou
Iloro .Guard
izatiou .of
1 ' olle~l
in the
thaine of Ithe
t-wood Home.
it 1,
Ist Lientena
re Ensign. San'
1 geant. W. II
t-;I J
The Comp
'stain; "4. Titllace
r ut, Jos, * Shannon, 24 do:,
%;yj do,, Geo. Bake r, riel Blair; Orderli ser-
Fost el'. •
my. hal
*ll 7 l
I re Onvil
a t
1() S..e l ees:sion irVipi
he 1,. .14* -With. t
at Fairfax, 1 liere are I.o ' oo ne
4., v4...r0ep, who a l , loyc . servants.,
As IA gteat , scarcity' ._ prolrisions _exists,
lot and !the slayes iar :first who ate
compelled - to go 'ha gry It is proba
m ,
;win 7 ' ,
Me that they before lona. add
;ry -. 1 • . -
. 1 thtrnselyes to the rapidly increasing
, stock of contraband- goOds nolN 4 , in the
1 I 1 t 1
eeptng of the Federal' troops. , .• r ,
ty-, i
ir , •
in , c 44
' ' ' 1 • F the Beaver Argus.
' I .• -
1.1 , ;
~., I. O. of 0. F. '
:.New 'Brit,,,hton.
.. • -
ilto - Dottglan Dead: 1 , 1
..... , • 1 ,
.pon. ; ~. , ' Thinrffl... . -.. ...,
~ , 1 „. i .-4 - ,
Monday fli I sg, atElthe ~ 1, on
House in 'll, ; T , go, of,Wphoi , /' - -pr,
after a short `.t ai4l. Hine*. :,„, 3 t
death.,)eave;i.': va n in Alie It ' l a,
Senate; which o fdredl33-ilifx7Wit
merit of (ov. Yates) , ...• ;
, 11 •
i 1
__,imit'lli ,
,n.pliz,34lii/IrY Department
of Kentnetiy, under - the eounnand of',
Col.! , Robert 11.44triti*, illtbil*l'l4l
much of. the State is . lies wjthin qua,
171naiie cirtV:Qbi - O . ' - 'livei.--''
'titicapininlan - ht sail' bring . iiildei::it
~ 4 , • , .... 4 , • • I '
viglantlyeAtiei moatbs ofitiCe -Ftlln
holland ' nct Tennesscie Rivers;' into
which Si>o.lo i_Tor 3 the. Rebels have
been sten li+tflOwiiik for A long I tiine:
711 -i 1
ing -the
'Prentice on, MISEIQUIL
- There re's
ni : rae .persons in 311ss uri
who thin k that 'As', State will st, cede
from the trni U. .Sh e I wilt : pot do thi.s
unless A r;ye plc tzre getaally,denje tied.
She is b tter ')nutlition,to;st...ede
than liefitucl yi,' is; titid neither ofj the
two Could.sec de withOfit being inVolv
ed in hopel4 mini -,i• . I 1 1 _
Theret tau 1M 'on donbtlu any ra
tional nnnd, hat, icitli the Oceiston
itissour4 a co 14iet ioiadv alinende {pith
inEiter own bo f qns to Osult„Jin less than
two yeaq, in t 1 c enure ext,eraition of.
Slavery, ront I ter soil. .'iWith Illinois tin'
one border, oiva On another; and Min—
stis on aoth r, all „ , three of. •thcm free-,
Sta ea, a
soiland with l a powerful free-1
i i
soil par y,w thiii.lier .own; Elias she:
would, n t e utter ; absent:4 of any-!
thing li 0 a ugitiVeiaw'and thepres4
mice of all, that reckless disregard of
legal and, so gal obligations
olution nee fails': to inangurate, be
come absolute a fre Siate,,alozost ha l
inediatilv. S he would beeome alFree
State suouct 'tlian•t)ven the most flume
ietil of lier kbolit;onlsts have ever dal,
red hitherto to anticipate. 1
The ' 3 ecessionisis ,JII Missouri and
the See ssionSts in Kentucky, iiO inatf r
ter Ivlit t na lie they may call them by,
are Al liti insts .They are worse
Aboliti nitit Ilby Tut', than Giddings'..)
Beech(' ant freely:; They are 4trug
°ling o. a cbmpliA for their oWn ,
States; within aii feiv brief montll,
what e - en the fiereeet of their ''....Tortli
iiii,olT n' 1 -
ern alli.s in , jo ism 'al e expect
ed to be the work of' years.l
I i
Our Portion in Virginia. i _
Nothing tean be more coMpleteTthan
the disposition and lestablishment df
one utiJrok l en lin e of occupation along
the riv 4r, reaching ten miles iulen.rtli
, , 1:) , )
held by eleven thousand sohlittr4, eni
brae' n 4; nine! 1 eaiiip4 and three, grand
iiitreiirlimitts, g larded by pickets at
furlong, and pushing out its
scouts, bot4ilion ; c ktut tbot, to , points
of the
Dowe .
Slie v is
it wit. at t
:Ct fr(
more neei
.111 •01111
Tau, w'
• t
zit h ,
tho ,11
hurg soAll
her (I' WI
. 7 .1
trop to co
Ifiy 2
only 1.6 g,ttns
eased the .Al
- to ie
brothei., H. B.
of this trouble
fe. to the realms
!Itse front trout,-
!are fora ever. at
9 hand , ii i ripes' all
fh ereforp,
and the Broth
& of RObert.son
ftf O. 1".;do deep
athize with him
Heir present be-,
:ited,) ;
tuNS, ri.' G.,
: 'ANS V. G.,
I VILLis,.P. G.,
r•3otb. '6l. -4
lei's! Lady's 13oolr, Arthuys'
t land 'Peterson's Ladies'
stOllouriq4, notwithglind
,ai 11
.• _Joni, , ,. wave. thewave.e.
---H--••,-- -
»Ales of I tho 'enCniVli Out
; I 1 • , ' ' ;
tecl Eitatbs cavalry,' scon'ts
of s
'come `u . sight of ths rehel
and , _the eknet coh(litiOtt
.., I p'y's 4 fortes t i r .t
Genetal 31e-
i'll._battery. lias left; t
of tli' Long .13ridge.
Ist sthtioned.. ,It ili
a nt of 'ih r lines, wt ,
10. • i
:vitionjwi , ll some itiii
r 3 1 S?ok 0 1)e madel
11 ptlite•the Dillowin'
ply lict,foo our trarlt of the,
the, ,:.tat - ,e of i s irg nit p(1- 1
ld eivingli to pay thedutijs
i i (;.,iarrilriti I Custom.
L, neunt"Of iron . ? lbr, rails Ifni'
fished roadie t r ini front StrasL,
Ail Tturiultiv ni , rht a iiiiin.L.
rers; *ere hnsy rea . toving
1 . .
ir4 rit l niting gown the Alex
-1,11 .
fi ci i r i a s i ) ) l.l ,: t e l i i .; l a i ( e l l , l , i. ,, , i n i
e d 4 1 i , , ,, , i 1
t, t (),,i‘d,ithei r operrit ioni , .---
'tot talreni off is sufficient to
:les of; traCk - . [1 . i I
diets inieUled tri rc4e it onitlie - :
tulles ot• Turn pike' iii.rd frdin
. 1 r . ' . • .
.g 1,0 1% Inches et . They gran
ei easily to relieve ilarp,er's.
1 .
to evacuate. J . ' ' i 4.1
'^ frneaStireB X ill be titketi to
:this on our S ide.;LYou riChd
trpris d ;to hear Of the seiinre
.point, of .t he 3fanaras liiii,ll
Ntfeen)the Gap' and S!rashure,l
Federal van, within a 1 few',
1 i '
ri' p ri I
reek ~,. ' ore, erliap les.q, of
‘. ostbpatloiti of!lfirpeil'e Ferry.,
by fitiovelnehts V om. 'the' N6rtli-
I; Wist and otith, teiitlionSpod
6 1s Neill be,lemiglit, like li fittioes i in
Inds nipond.q : ' ",' , ...i '''
e;naTkable 1 Statement. 1
• d this 1 1 4roarkable' riragrapli
ditor4il leoluinnii o the Rol
trnioti, adlleniocraticpaifer : 1
eaiind long standing; eon
. r
. Was well known lin its: oirtL.
1 30. Buchanan bin self. Tir
o - ni his own lips, 'previons 1 tp
ring l i'mpOn the duties of the
nky, that he fifth been rol'aVy
(r. (we think he said byl.God.
that the officers of the arniy'ari'l
1. d•olled' on the guestiO 1 .
ri hi f•asl'oralrapture between
:sections of the Urtion., : !, tlieSs
speetively go with the nirth
h.; arid that nearlYevery onth
,n: ansWer,ed lie would adheie
sectie',a Which gay e I him ibirth.'
".e have,l„propf no( only that
riSpiracY s had smutted it pros--
ermiriute; shape fivel yea - 0 ago'
Ily. waited for' oppertunity; but,
r. Buchanan
.vas . Perfeetly well!
I of tfi'e fact
~ at the 1 Vert tithe' :
Ike too 4 ;Some Of.the leaders tn-,
%Cribinet; -and When he ,was
eIY aiding Cobb. ~,ri,,,h,,,...
nit Iccareey, in the r 'pl:in Ito
el : the 1-iFederul Government"'
seurel! the success of the rebel.
i I
[ I I 1:
2% ea
e fi
, be•
' toes knachtin t• : '
. j 1 ti
. . ~, , . ~• '-' ivetninent li
,• ;at en at , ; bell States
I, L ; the' ,
~ ili ~. . '. stepped.-1„
i''' - i i' . ,sb clk ,f, • v - ferce we
. o a. t ,',. la
~!, ~ ' se -i ct !h are 1
, t co e• , beyend ,th 4
.' a Ile road byla fr 4hist or
0 1 1
a snow-storm,when the intern ttfon or
even a fe*days occasioned i ;most
vexatious Lembarrissments. Bit - to.
the `ol2th itaireosequeneee *tit Ve - _or
thee m at e siirjettei rebrrilet* Ail MO
liondeneevith,-thel ',- iioirth tilikl.
V:ti-1ugut5.10441 , 64.-iit.
!with those' .NO iiiused- tilt it in. 4,
ThiiiiiesEt then ' Istiffer'nven oie,,tplitl
1 4
Mercantile' c ir cl e " 'at' th 4 :No thf mu`
experienee Cidtaie to 18 I co bye!:
enee. ' Th - ti'allain tost,e Toepbr
meat an do 141 e tO"sup .i. ly he r re,' .
jar` Snails I thup' Suddenly sopted: ri
They maYbd, - etirried on th . t.tililrottil
routes, but the interior towns wil 0 0 4. 1
Itinutiilet.i l itui el this pcital hloeliade
'until the Cob eat reCstahlishes its
aittliotity..; 'l' 4 ll4'lziterdiet is cepink
and ?shin ari...., he Sonthe jieoplei,
do not-cortififit 4 ieadirtg. , oturnun
ty,' nor a letter, ittldg'4ant. f th,e G - 0 -
eminent has..'Alirdys p4tred 1 the r
(nails at al litti,s,,trid hen ' thy eannet
rittilltrain-':Cie milli,' semi b thenlselves
even at deubl i e,posti*e. ;;-'l.a' t Year, it
lesti the • followbag! oni 1' ) 'twelie
5 - taes
Texsia, 578,1108 N.' aroli a, 121, 1 49
loulainna. 857,3 9 , Ciirolina, :149,660
;Arkansas, 289 50 8 Georgia, I I 165.Tif
[Alabama,— 11
2.82, 1 ,35 t Florida, lll 1167,2i18
Viinia, 280;334. Kentucky,, f'.1196;02
Alia rg ftast.ppl, f 231,90 i Tenneasee 4 - : 611,2 1 %6 .
.'1 ere iii 8,424,885 saved '44 once,
exe ‘pt the'fraction•neecied t lenutintte,
the serViee in 4.entnek3i an I ,Western
Viiginia. 1 I}Te)tt to.rebllio ' 'the idea
of the South - bet/1g :ILIA ,to ,eairy! its'
owli mailsto 4V4317,014 `f; ado l ^ l 9 6 0
i si
greAtest t)4rikbtit , a the day. I , But, on
the; other, hand we at Nort 3'. Will no
lon'ffee Alia hOr raving, ir.w4papiers
aiuptig 'oar pile a daily ex .hanges. r --
Qu. own'.l pea'tiferiousl sh fts, thatript trea , ,ort for Southern- 1 trenlati?rt
witl •no l igerilgo Out with lying rep
resentati its 'Of ' Northern fads and
teeiings. INo imam I.,ters t., , ,1in do
, . • • , t 1 i -
ine)stio tr itors; eau be sentaway. 7 —
The circa of our reli i ons and
litCrary p ipers %rill be seri usly cur
tailed. BO N 93 tsre It L foi l the' war,,l
and can Seandlthis,nemi shoe - infinite- I
iy ibetteri than: the iebels, I he Igreatl
IWs is with th4nn—thel who y' gait{ is
wiih us.- 1 3'. 1 3' Tribulie . 1 - ' '
iJ--------.„ ..--L----„ , ,I
113.411Peelaiiii Institution Again.'
1., 11 Il , ,I 1. ! i
ate (..binet had a nieetinn• 'to-day
[ ,Il ,li, .7 l7' 1 ..
as was talpposectoor the purpose i' of
de j erininAng, liwhat should l to done
with tilt "inevitable c ella, t 41. "/ Oar
1 ‘
oilteers it Ige,ttin, in re co anteerti of''
thlat kind than are *anted: in, 61(4 '
-, th.e negro, bakbecinie a kind ',of •'Val..
tar, that !the yovernment Slnl ueil!ker
lir Id nor let go. The c'abinet a n
ed witho t disposing Of•Sainbb---not a
I! g 0. 1 !
fuO t t, considering that Sam
bq ita;; bebn on hand so lor l Ig; ! i
But ineauthne, the lanlount of their
1 delibernitOus has been einl)odi l edin ;the
1 followinii letter 'from thei, i War De
' partment . inli reply to ac, LI IButler's'
I letter acliiing,forinstnictid &in regard
I td. the4../ipolition•Of the n•gross hat
afe4:onst*q• docking itaf Dirt Mon
r^o.: :',7l'r ..1 1 '', , 1' 1 r I
WAR r?oPARTAIR:i'r,WAsii , NTON, . •
1 II alfay JO. I,PI 1 )
PAR :,,Yottr , tlietibii lit, ri 4, 'pect to i the
Tir °Toe, Wil 0 eorue withm! your lines:"
hunt l4" ' I ' 4df tl' i 1 ' I
the serviet. le re. )e , is ap
liroved.ll, The department, is sensible
of the en llar l reSlll6th Scliiplt,ipli , zt I ,sur. 4
round dflictei 4 s` conducting !inilitarY op
cration4 Lin lii State !by 14 lath of;
wit jet sliifery is san4tione . The O.OV
erninent ‘ eatinot 1 ecognm the 1 )te
f on rit i erly ,Otate of its fe era' ob)iga-,
I, imns, nOr ctin it refuse ' to : peril:trill
Inc.(' °lithe federal obliga inn re)lting
tpu,n it elf I! Aniong tho se felderal ob
igatiol4,s,however, no on ti in be inore
rupor9,,nt titan that of suppreisin;o
tiut..dsper4ing, arnica ()Inhalation;
oiniedltpr the purpo.•!e o oterthrqiy-'
l g itu4 'wholle eonstitntioi il autl4llv.i
,While iliereorO, you wi ,Ttet.ini i i rite
1. ' i 11
iirterfeNenco by; the p , ) •:ions tindery
yons co man(' 'with the relations of'
,llpersOnS l l Yl ,ttel to ' service u
,d`prtile, l ittist,,i
of anylstat i . you will; in ' t.he, c)ther
1 .,
hand , sti;lon ras any. Stat i with nit
inititati• op/rations; are ton(lktfd is 1
under the c4.ntrol cifsupli arxreil ?mail- I
izatiqui;frelrain from sa l vulleripg to
all ege & rii N 4tseTs any pe proi who may
comp 4'l i in your lines. IYeat will on
ploy seh -persons in . th' srviees to
f w hich r il :lu
they be est 1 adapted,
1 .,
keepingran,' account of 114 litili,or 1;,)-
them iierfe'rmed, of the slue of it, and' ,
of thelexposeti of their, rnainteanee.
The litestion of their 'll' al disp
!Fillreserved for future Idetermialw.
tion! .0 1 1'. I , i .
o' ( I ,Cmsticar. Seeivtary t
of e ar'. :
T 0 ' 34£a 'ox vonarat Butler! 1 1. '
' 4• -• 1 1 ,:-----...
e Irjr
S gone
re it la
by . (ni
Ebel 1
i . 1
A 1
ilila L r e;4fleinan I-es/clink lalf way
betii-eii,." - ROnptort and YorktOwb came
into i e'ritikirt 'News at i idnjalit ' 3 f - or
prottt tion, leaving I helii iil 830,000
wort of p perty I Jaa y familieshave ed,. Pruelly. . ahiin onink the
slave;sitinofo labor. Tt o h indred
free' l ekitoes have been i Breed acro ss Ja4in ' vier, to work on the r bet en 7
trenehinent,3: A pro ninent Union
man told me to-day il 4t, not I. en Men
1 '', I
in Elizabeth City or co I
nn , - ' tiro f ldnOw
Ivote l forl,seiyespion4 and lit still inched
seee+hirst has ecinfess6l hat.' is far
tY' )Ir,,:ie' ail '5 daliidtdl a d i at flip Union ition are r
ribt.'' 1 .:
istpi;.q.e i p. libuston is! felt, himself miflove4,:,to deplare liti elf a lebel.--
His 'OOOl ill' pdblialad l'i the N'e, Nv
York papers. ",.The allaritneo4
,of , ltls
Tepeatpclithr4ca at hit/ Political
rotes iti;lTexiis *itch lessen s i rhe'.Bio-1
leno OT,lll4.oigineist nitti 'or 'the 'A&
riiinitia'ti i ou`: Ire vd / iditrtirin.6 . l•in
the,lSquth!ttiiit — they - h vel_br9lgliekhis
trouble”uric* thrl s, putt t Pftbut
n\-:they are' i „; the mut, eaitkaror
to 7.111. • iris (toe eatri tio'tiatgt(hie
of *ictov nsuiany:b ; hi bititlikreyi in
treason;t,lll2.4o i
dit Is as,
0 , 00 , ,, detect
Itioatittil totie ofoneo;ththlr4} he'is
u more 40 1 / I to dif , th lim IC coPPOr: ''
l c ' , —"? • l' ' i •' ;
iII 1 1: I : , •I • 1 I , '•-'l.
irsio,i':e , '-11.130L .-rie c3t , '.
. •
' l ' Ili. 1 . 6 '3l
• 1 ,. TON ,
The , a ,:. eT fy
.:, ine,S e ri
to ni l . i .. ~ c tkr Cree ad,
'back- “ iv -likmis , * Nn Y - -
giment Shelreports that , a attael
:W i th Made; Oni-Fnday, on the re el bat
teries a t Acqyila creek, by the edera
,Srie:SBelB; - - Txriteof - 1- her:batteri vtrerg
silmVed, andi,the 'steamer.A acoSt,
.414 06)194!•fiit Injured by shot.
- 'One thonsa* rebel' troops
'port6ttrifii !Wig tirriiillik - teCt
A fight• is expeetediimmtedit
Acquia. Creek," I guels exeiteim
vsiils in CQilliiiittelice i of the anti
Mimic.. S . . S'':' ' r,
ProaTations of the cove - .. er
rrepurations' are --evidentlypuking
fof a forward movement of the, gov
eintherit troops. W i agons , and ainbh
lancits are in dernimd, and the [prig() ,4
dilillery . horses basiadVancedjuntill l it
is impossible toprocure .thein !for less
thilA l / 4 one hundrodl and Seventy-fire
dollars caeh. ' ' I, ' 'lf
„ ~ r! , ..
. 1 1
?lecitrdolis ,now';, stationed in t. , e
• . `Ctipittil, are Ail' under order•s;i toady o,
inar9,h at dinoment's figitiCe. l ,lThe b
jeCt'Oif these prepai•utions` is probably
a sudden concentric movement up n i
the rebel forces in, Virg,inia' ; 1 ' 1
' 'IA party kil fifty rebels idiielied, 13,
tunore fronaUrper's Ferry,y4stoidt
'XlieY' are 411 Baltimoreans. . Si'enY'Cii
NV .. ander is' "car wiitellifii :thi
nic!vements,_ 1 ' 4.
The Garibaldi Guard of New York ,
are orderecktO cross to the -- Virginia'
Ode of the Yetainae - at three o'clOck
this. afternoon/. ; ' -:, ,3. " ' 1
The'troOPs; at the. It4layWonse are
censtantly, proyided with three days' 1
rations,and are otherwise in condition
for an Immediate - March.,
habje destination is Harper 's Fei.,ry.
The ;nen are so ardent' for battle that
I,he officers find the' greatest (Effie Its
ii )
in. restraining Mem.
''• The Ninth Minim .1 Cot A - , w'Y k
4 • t.• i . c 3 r
is'juet leaving its temporory quer ers
to oct4py; the Lite camping grOtill of
'the Seventh. The Secretary of War
has purchased the 'lcanip equipag of
'the Seventh,and it Vcill-he used,bythe
Ninth. t
• — . l ! 1 --, ~' - 1 ,
A ; small' contest over la burning
house 'tocik place i to, day.; it hoix,se . op
posite the Cit3' Hall took .tiie this
morning, and the! men of the New
klYork Ninth offered their;pervic is to
i t
itiligusliell if.. The , fireinair of the
District, however,: . Ohjected ;to !lir in
terference,,,,and while they wrangled,
the house burned down. i '. ." 1
is - .M
. r. Herrn:inn ; bearer of dispatches
fi t Loin Major General Butler, has just
a "rived at the Witrl:-Depakinent. , ..
All was,- Fortress ..Mo i,roe
aid in the neighbor • Wiwi he
left. I ;; I ,
General Butler has. no less thin
contraband negrees in rlini. eusi
and the number seems i• likely :t(
ereaSo i rapidly. ! ( , , ... I .
, Mali PCAtZOliice baos,and Pouches
kiised in th . gl Southern service, - have
,Ineri stcden.l Their keys unlock Norili,
erii bags; Wute the ladvertiseinentfor
a new lock. - , ' 1 . ,I L i , 1,, !•'
I' - - 7 --,•••••--,--- , 4 ,
,WAsnisorolv.,! Tune 1.- 7 The ittieh
mond papers Of ThurAdaygivel the
details ,of Xeff.l Davis',r journejti frortt
.Montgomery , lto ,Tlic4tinond: -i i.Teltf.
Davis, itecomp tnied im his aid,,i C'ol.
Wigfall ' and lady ; atm Itobt.ToOnibi of ,
Georri a, left. %..o it t•roiner . V. by, i hel ears '
on Sunday evening lust. i They' Made
no s'peeial,stoppage on theivay.nd
(ming to a p4vitniS 'see mill:drei I,:aposi
tion of Jeff. /Davis, if, ivas destrabe,'
triat his :trip to Richmond :Itotticl, !.)0 RS
private as practicable. ', VI ' 1
; • The; 'f'resident
r and suit' 'WC ref•wel
corned to yirginia by :t eputati l ,nt of
'the Governor of the state and .11.ayor
of Ilieluntntdi. Th ese gen tletatt i vett ell
ed• at Petcrslinrg'a ni 1 a coilt
partied them" toßieltinoMllarr,iviitg, on
Wednesday. ' - . -:-: .
ti i ' 1 *
President Davis and lid -
. .
'residen(Davis and Into cokeg . e. on
1 lc' ) f 1 ' 1 ' ' 1
horse me. ~ et, ns , nu t rtem at tie
:popiWoOd ~,11:this and' I pr0e41,11 . 4) t
'the - new . _fair ground. ii - On:leaving
the saddle,the P Tsiiient 'its sayrannd
ad . 1 - - an ita , rer erowd of soldir's and
•a•l'' , . I •
tivibans,,whoin he inditt4ed fo r a; hand
baking ' , . perfo,rnuinee until •titielpres
114ure be - ome so-great that i he \‘'its' cont
pelted , to'retire t.o the balcony .f the 1
F4kecutik-e delm4.tment, tvherc.'. in res- i
konse to the: deinand s;he assent- 1
age; he delitered a brief apd , per,ti- 1
litent speeeli.,- I Ex-Senator Wi , rfall,
1 ' 4 • 4 ,I • -1 .. I „ r , . i
Gov, Leteher and iiinra .navo fol.]
lowed Withibri f c c i'n;; - respoiise '
Ito the call Of t e crowd. The preSi-,
rdent and suite proceeded to the:o.oin-
ing parade ' , ground, wWre a re . xiexv 'of
the troops took place. ' • 1.. i' '1 I
1 llAtuusacau June 1. r
The annenneeinent of , the; appoint
ment of H0n......W
.m. ' M.I Met Edith liS
Attorney- General of the j, §fitt - , vie,e,
Mr. ' Purvian cc, who' hasrre's it.,rued, -arid
the acceptance of the ignitehas; giv en
great satisfaction to men of all chisScs:
t,- TUto regiments , niOved tonisrd ,
Chambersburg from Litneaster to-day.
Ten regiments are 'already there and
these added to five bui4lrec, , cavalry;'
make the force; 10,0,001 in I.,.und num
bers at that, point. I I! ,
A scout that left . It i .rper!is Fer ry,'
after a stay of two dayq, .rdporis that]
the , average desertions-perthe surrounding •were
25. The character of the sarroanding
country, affords peculia facilities for,
desertion.''l • 1 1 - , ,-. I
The clothing of thel irginia l troop
are giving out. Eigh yof 'them are
obliged to• wear their blankets.during
the heat i ot the day to Conceal the de
ficiencies. ''' • , '': it .', f I, 1
Tie Kentucky Troops and regulara
Of the ...Rebel. Army :are.. well, elint.-4
Th 4 rebels - tit - teak . de;vondinglyl of the
state of affairs, bttt, , deolaio
ill ;
ard:, i,41 i i
N l ooots have monied South
quimlberabiug. . 1 i
eurnionz JinTe — td —The onfed
• , •
erates 'seized:. the' 'Western mail at
ltarpe?s ,} , ery, this , I,moinin, ; cep.
ing.. They emptied e
• ' I
..b, it . .
Prom j
l A l r, itshiligton.Y. ! .
1 , e
a' : i I "'
-II ,:'. t,, er direct ! t h is - morn:.
.:::;, ';' ' o l ; S fl i : T .41 ,14 :1 . 7 1 i: r -l e . e jt. '" -
bHO6 " .' or 40acoOta,lthe foirosti
~,,,t4 ac olrnyed i,rel . , tire ,I
Icon : --- yeater7lay-at '4.etp4 Creek::
t i
1 ...,T • e engagement eonimeneed 'on
I Frid l lo,, as heretofore stated, and: last-"I
f.edlitivo _hears, ....Yeater.dui l . it .was .re=:
f iietiid - ,' 'land ' - controlled 1• it Wieei -: that
i Idileik of , 'Me. -The leiver.or'breach l
_.- I battery, whic h had been tio essentially
rare 1" i i a l '' iikir i l s th e ,
lit : 711411i(1 . ,
Kb,' riti l7 44 lB444 :+b e illknOn
fP;'lr• a fedelfileV n:Tdi'ee Wi.s; iffip6sed about'
"It In l'iviol thousand strong., 17 Pie - Fr(Mborri;
P :it€ ll . a n ' t! A '.
' . --' " h' '', 1- '
, yes et ay. ft ppro,Aq_ inA,,to t abouttwo
1,1-rnil+4 f rom the shore; 'learly 'tithe af•
'•te'ineon fired•four.or Ave fillets; when
the liaWnee - 'entered intotlid. cOnfliet4,
taking a. poSition near tojthe land+,
714"(L , r the first etre, hoUrs:'llctire.frinn
" •
, shore batteries Was' I Very ;briSk
, ~
.._.l _ -,_•,.„
11111.; was Tenn-lieu with .more • eXpedi
iionby the 'Pateinee: 1 'During the •en
gag metitt she fired '169 Shells; 'one of,
di . wa,4 . seen ; to. explode mitnedii,'
late! - over the, heals lif'..oo QottfedeV
rates who-lAVere: Workini I the . batterY.
I The r 'observer through tlle telescope
I sawist naMher Ori- boilleS of. theta car
i 1.14 •aw ay in ' Wagon's. !paring that
t,itne the 1 shore .. inoyenieins Wbre - ems;
!Ceetlingly brisk. . The Fiftieborn. 10dg , ,,
}ed three, ishellS, in 'succession in the
! breackhattery, pereePtiblYdarnaging
the works., w h WI-4w- - t.e .effect , ;Of
1 gra fly' diminishing- the A r e. •.: '.. • .
~ s The • Frdeborn
,Teceived two shotty,
oneof ,which passed throngh the cabind
ilanlak , inl,,soine, (....r o oso)i,, i but not .the
Vi.selexkep i t Making 4 pa4age throligh
the( biilw44s, of slight . consequence.
The, Pnynce..receiVed , Cglit or nine.
shoes,, 4:all too high : ln indict' much i
,damage one struck Mid Junin topsail
,ar' ; .iv-riich WaSl thereby Unsiug:
1 An therl,grazed the mizen mast head.
oii . , passed: through j 0e , hammock.
i netting. A It -is' the opinion. Of ; the offi,y-
I cere On hoardthat had the Colifedera 7
to ;been] provided with geod gunners,
the . ..vessOs might. .probahly ,haYelpoen
surd. tieine Confederate shots: passed.
.over tbe...magthead. to ;the 'Maryland
shore. , The •AnaeoSta .i-t!turtied here
this Mo . 6thig. the VaWnee 'and Free
born haldieg 'Mr beYondi the range of
the enentY's fire. - I.
.' The Yankee, which went down on
t Friday 'with dispatche, tired . a few
shtitS only; not -being prepared,tOr 11 . .1
long contest.. • ' '
. iThe • !railroad l 'depot, and tittildings
on shor; at Ac-tioitt o.e •k.lare ;destroy
ed.. Tho dainage to theibeach battery
is-not l eonsidere.d lien unient, as .the
Cenfederates Van soon l.epair it: It is
site to s' a thlt at 1 , -144 'teiok.' twelve .,
men Were- I killed on phe.pot of the
~ . ,
Confederates:: .It h - :ni4 known how
;natty Were tivoiind4 I All , the pnieqs
i , PgagO . n>, ,l the fi Icon tight! lecer in the.
Opinion, that the (Onifderates hovel
Ailed extObrin.ln:rhOpsisieveral, an'd in
all, it * supposed,e"igt
' „ • '.
„. .
•l' •.' 1 - ----'.- - --.0- . .. 6, •• l'"-,- - ''' ' •• ' 7-- i
,1 ; - r : - -• 1 • • - • •
ti fiat;ll k' 1 t
11.tnittStw...o, ,_ ,-----.-_ priv:tie _e _-
ter received' here tdayl frtim Martin
bpig, Va.,- dated2F3th iinst.. states tine
One coinpany of inthntry i.• - ;tati t oneO
1 thi.r6 VA :brother' . ofi loos Let cheri'•
Wm the letter desiTil 'd as having a l
lieadak red as a beet; id flannel - Shirt
ihreadi,,are, paritajcPlilr I)oot...VlVilltt 211 g
icel-taps and - coat 1 't,661 small. •:- A ';e,,'
'' ' ,flaw . - '.- 1 ' . this - ( .1
, essiott is WAVIn,, r e i 1 .. . our,
,llmise .TheUnion'njTn , ttre L lzirg•el y
in the mitijor4. an 4 tire flak-R.)oly dei.. ,
,_ l ,. , - , ,
toroiN I of' proe'orin4 , i•i - fis t , i' defemti
themselves. • The. ?rebel soldiers , c I
, , ! , they
pie li. • i 2 * r'
i ' lriit: when . tre; ano are YerX,l
ciiiqn;derly . a7l4. lack d;teiplirie. • : .. ,
) .''l'le small pox it.(raAing violetitlyiat i
,OarPer's Ferry. ' and r t nany . inenikrs'l t
(~:f the two • secessionS•otoptitties 4 {hat
~,went tO that•place; . Cr( hi, MaTtins_lhirg
have keen brought, )1( ) ipi? to be buried 1
rlie (114'71n - ea is alsqyevident. ' The 1
lierklY County• Vann* numbering ''.-j-5.
men and the SVisei.:Artillery -z4 Men, I
wheiii-theV left , MOr ~, tiO4bor Six wt;eks
.1 ago
• i - - , , .1; r ,
. .; The fitrmeri now numbers only
24 men Ond,.thelOtti4 - 20, the loses
ibeitw :ot.eiistorted (, by I desertiOns and
; flat e. . The. Jinni: Cr - -04mpany. ,of
1 131tekiiiham conntvi 1 ' Mid
t r, l -rn , ~. 17 1 liIVO 1)1
. • . .
AltriVii their arms andideparted. dip;giis
jed. l'Ahnost -allj . tit a. latter voted.
against ' the see r ess; ono.
. .
. ,
lIT.ku..AW --Tlitt
s. Mo., 1 . (n
-umen from Pe
• , • 1 • 1 ,
Init rv, ' len ton
, and Mor ,,, tn eolith )erin , r. 700
- 1 , , re , ` i z•>. ,
were, or ,, anied In. , 3 , . i,ompanies
lin this county on TM,sday last; - and
threaten -death to e.,ser?- het esionis
lin the Osage Valleyl I They have Sent 1
+ an &LQent to Gen.illarney for - arms.—
Igreat excitement Olevails here, and
had it not been for t i l.e pen arranse- ,
ment between Gets', li anteflual Price.
Ihe Imilitary coingpies here would
lave driten these,men from this county
at Atbatever cost. 1 i . i
pir,k gentleman - }i-bolcft Yorktown
at fOur o'clock P r mlr says 'there were
bopt 4,000 secessio i n troops arisembled
there,,but thatNono are to be seen
twolen.;thathat point, and Fortress' Monroe,
a dtstance of tAvinty-set'eti miles, A
sta4d,is evidently iopo madnitt -- York;
towii, Whittler the slaye: owners in
Warwick, :York. acrid, Elizabeth city
coO,),ties, have been obliged to send
half their tiegriies, 'With three days'
prONlsions, to N‘ork on ,the entrench
ments.l .1". B. Me ruder is in Corn-'
mand. 1 , I
wkLiVe are happy to announce that!
Mr Cisco, Assistant, Treasurer` of the
',United i States, has iwithdrawn,. Mr.
LineOfr,t'S'.request, the, resignation . he
teedereil the Pie§i4ent on' March 4.-4
Mr Cisco is efficient and viilit=
able public offidor, anti. Aril!. be of, in. ;
fit4to use to the government during
the present NVar...Tet„si York Herald.
''the Sequatc co Tenn.) _genii,
u.sit'knoWs Ant :"the policy of
the Federal Pircraknent; is war and
aulistwation." That mak he fill they
know about itklaWn in Squatcheo.—
But who made the' war and - who tried
to;raullingate the nation toi consent to
it owndeatrnetim'? ='
- .., Illiirettai e APPreisel,2,/en.
:: 'l6in '' .11 L , sOOD ly .k i
-LI and 8 A D Ein the Count)
Blittver, th Isar Ali. - ‘ , -D. ;11861 : , '
* - I
1 4 1- BO ough r.oienship ,
,sy. ---
Wk... ... -.- i
, t L ° g s n*
b, Anderson . ‘""';';'.
1 :
, i iVm Warrioki , -
1 , James ,Allisop',
'IN Atkins 1 '
..... Benjamin,i,dains
Hugh - Anderion :,
ib.;.TiSiltikitital,jY:‘, 7 -,
If &'8• Fil.T.itrugh' - - , ~
Wiliam-;/a IP- '-- ' .
- , - h q - Ifelitym- . I , • ...
' ' -- 4 . eiiAfit 6
...4-, - ;.4.a cr orrntgh.
Plitl!p it?es .l „ 1
i T ty
Ttio# - Afiteliqi: !' -1
• A§ fiaryy
. 38"Riinger ;.- :." . ! • ,
5. r* c., rinvat - '.. - • - . .
john 8•• Di'Asy , (with lignor,( '
Be et= Tutctoiltip.'
11.7017?i.i. , t0ic k. ;co,'.
Pohn Crlderfil ' ,
orter & Acheson '... '
41 L'Ftinkho i nser•,,,„ , 4-,„
I ' -: Dgrilii:qtoit To:161811;p
A Al Macklin • ' -
i \ Davis & 31 - arks ,
1 M iliirtslioril „
' ' , aloha White
Buts,. Moil
4. Pt 8 Imbrie
i - --L
1 & Co.
. . Egonomy Tokwship.• 1
John Niclols
iirm it Fungi. ' ....
I .; Win & J Br l ieitenstein; (-kith liquors '
Daniel Doker, ~ • •
Dunean ,t 1 Edgar
I - .
JY.Conhon I
l Henry 'Johnston
J '9odira
/ .
. 1 Preedent Boi-wvh,
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8 Ponsinger,
Kennedy &Turk,
Reeves & Co., ,
J.,13 Anderson, -
11;rom Reed,
I‘lll,on A
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owling ; .. • . :".
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Borough Toinsli
'S Smi
Jo lid Sargent
Primus 11.c0.q) .;
ALi Oil a ,
R)-he.c.fer Boromy
Louisa E- Kniser
H ilarrain • • •
i Distilleries.
• ezarintino. oans / 1
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IR L Bake! . . , . • .
, J itdepeieletipe "kdep
Frederick Beck
Ohio Townsbl , f
A nderson It Ildick• I!
fir Those in the 10th cinsi
to inake annual sales of from
000; I2th Class from $lO,OOO to
Class, from $5,000 to $10;000:11
than $ 5 ,000. ' ;, ~
Tire appeal will .beheld at tl
er's Clem% in. Beaver, on To
27th day of JUNE, from 10 o';:0
2 o'clock r. st L,..1011.1iti
[ Appraiser's! Maxi
~,Beaver, June sth„ 1861 -''
To Machining
IQBV4RAi hundred , 1-e 4' of fold Typ?
at this offick-if oWeeed - iremecti: i
[ Terme-12i ow. per lb. U not i
for yei(hitfoa, Wort:time, the lotLeji 1 be a''
'to a fatiridey. F
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Mit f Erntait:--
glense entrant.. my nt e nte
' Crindiditte tui Treasurer of Bever Conto.
r ' - 301,1,VI:CItgf.
I:11 ft
1 1 1
~~ <.
, A ii,
n ee esti.
OA° to
14th CI3
j o . ;k: 10 : D c •