Fl N 11 1 AS:IALES. 4 teridit i . , ii,iitooACals: 141t!we tames irelpo,ll.l.lLbe,., t."ff.f. '64 "Wiltri4lititif - i SHERI, . . tviertis gfenns Bit . ourt ! Fatlas: a ed osi ;of be !: Cos Beatei ! Clounty. , ant i.osed,,AirVilbtre Sat Desist, An • : vr L irriday, - ivy . Ai lelecleret in th , FOrtno All he right, ti#e, inter fends t„t, Of to and to . the i farm isi tract of ta si,! situ townie. :Beaver iittBtY,b . by lard o; Robett ) ti nsiin, 1 Beatty end Phillips ' - heirej John i Phillips in JOhn Thud 14 Listen p tabelle! 140 Were' more er leo, abt ed aid nuder fen . on wb lag lon's, and lo stable 4 -fruit Irises Ina the Tnix:tra :well ir &tried - , Re tett and] is the -property p ; Jilin H tlichiftrti : E. Fruit - No.:2's,; _ : ALSO. . . , - - At ;ate lame thrte And plies, all the right tle, isteiest und"eirtlisi of defendant, of. iu -to thi fallowing deseritied l , property 'strain 'pie borough of Beaver.. geastr' county: 1 bei* tot 119. 71. 1 . basindsid on, the north third on tile east bY boundary' eh , bu the'south by Arperatibin ..11 . 5 1 .., on the w )t• IC,, It 0. 7 - .2, no l w , Otti . tisd by !David Esikir, Thb above rot- feetitini 120 feet on third arr. by 300 feet on boundary street! on cabin. :vented ,etlires-Stfry brisk 'building front l i 101 thee oh third trett, by - 38 - feet on boo ;1 I I ry street, with cellno3iidertientla:: large !el t 1 / , i : reci it i ti the building: I . A-100. one frame - st b lith!yotrisire tense allsiel ed. 1 Ice house , o howl and tuber at . buil& tit', ; and a numb of fruit! trere ron -- he ii Atti. - Thi.obove premien i ate sse ! ?l 4 : deft. 3nit n a bliarding !eel of and tleroits.ary. bleited si4l ;taker . in *seen in snilig property tr, i latin A. AlO3Oll. At ill#cut tit. of /imps Batbiabkr,. Ilse ot Trrt;.iiis L'unni l t4g No . -1 . 1 ! J Ne 1 AllO l . _• , _ . . 4 . • lattle:right,_ 11t1t4, itsle'rbbt ahlfl c'aim 0 1 tieresids!rd, of. in Ir. to the !follniriett two ots ? f -curia sittuat in Nets' :Brighton. Den Se countyj Penn'it: ambored 28! and 21, bu . di, td aid 1 described as fsilio v, la ' l int t NO. 28 botiOed on the e st by a alley.lon the, so' 1h by ft-.!'so 24, on , he !west by bridgtsfreet. on 11:1 tbefforils by lot h . 22.! 'No _24 Is bon!! An the'iiorp by lot No. 28, ;the. east by 'OM !al ley,ls-onitlie south Sy But l le street, and -tion'thit woe t3r bridge street,...o which are efetiVed ese.hvb !troy lee* dwelli gldiuite; witkkonAl anderlittob. one frame tits Bing house twoltea ; ri5.4.1411-itlt cell r Uncle; it. clue frame Wire win 21 :d :titer Orli bLii!ditliid Fruit tretcli, -014 vines sbru btu; din', on thel promises!. _„l„ • ' I - ' "". ss! the 'nee : tio , r .__ i on toe •,• , i geiietli l ard tiler in execu'ion as the property of jolqi C. Rainhotir. at i the snit of Leech A p u Oiolou. 1 • ' 1 Nc:i, 4, 411 , F0, 1 ..i the Name ti..e and pteC all the right, ti le, )..tereitt and e aim of efertdent of, in and Ito t 1 4 toD , owing I is of gnod situate in ithiti . borough of Recite tef. V en eer ootrtty, f Faun's; bonded mt the n.rtl by 'Adam street. on the east l by, lot of L.wi P. 8, ettel; and on the sonill b: John at. Jlin 'Thompson, and Weer by let owned hp Fry i being, tIO feet front by l i ts I ftet deep, nd allider fer ee on ertiiedt e-,..Parta lireeted three framer ening !lonises . l i the' "itt&lleti being di add int o three equal p2-1:i each - , fronting on Adamsmet, and running ack:l2s feet, a .41 one ikante' dwelling hinter on 4cli lot of on and otte-,ltalf [ stories hi ; alwqi well of we er ion middle lot. Alro on e it other, lot cf eroun 1 alfnattlia-Kcebester.lieaver esuity.tountle.l o the ietth by Thomas ileyel, vast, Iv , livid Pin ity, south by Thomas Hays, , sejPireet by New York etteet., being numbered in the item of the I. rf •1 ! t,..51,,,be:...,..1„,,t,u lief+ ',front by-oh - wit 1:A 41.‘ Pp .111 , Ole or lean„ enertii is erected oe ue frame .tt tee house .15 Lit . • feet in en th I end " bre l ndth slid two stories high.. • I , All t rig htti-le:tinteret?nria elaim of de fendtln ef, in Ind , to tte following arm-the,' pre!pirty, proltrty, situate in Rochester Township, Bea. ner_lfounty, Peopesivaniii ; bounded and] de. scrihed no foil°s. to * l it • I B l egirming ;it a 1 A' of the corr. of Cei ere .ftud Lecoek ta!„ oncilleunniew the! .e al -1-: toneeeic north forty. teeten one four t t . lt de,„re s, mist:two hundred .., - sai dAk . r ty ,feet the c rner Of Lacoeltnd Canirni streets, tbebee ol g Canton street. eit otieihnitdred am eist, eet toethe corsteirlor vim cull and Cent street , these Mang Centre e were !Muth about two d e roes. west nbotit one ,t. t lain,red and forty-five. k-et to 'the cornei of 1 Centre i and Lacht`k street& or place of be gin: ring,' being lots . - o. 41 niol 42 na marked ;Ma Hermars plan 'he nho q lots unimproved --- Rei4d !nil token in exec tier: as the peer:bre): of Ititiltp Stetzel t the s it .1 G C. Spey are,. l ik also t at the suit if ,Vilso .; 31cEttey & C .! , /. No.O. A 1,8 I ' I I 1; ottt 1 • • 1.1 the earr.estpue And, lave , all the ' ht, 114, irittrest, at id claim f defendant. o in, nc4ltn the folloring de ctibedl property Ito rl ititrtAll that ce am but ding or *torte c liar end ll 'ih appurte aneca. e ect l ed and tonst et ed lir a frame. d eiting Ouse thereon, which 1 Amid ( building or stove s Ilar ia, l thirty-sii. feet rf longla d thirty feet wi e arid ids legit 1 , gh, .....,end',9 situated n are tain-lot of grow din , titif t he ugh of ochester, Denver county be inglrp No. 178 ' Gout 's ,brat subdiviei zi'Of l c lota' In eaid licirotgh, bo ndid on the nor h by leti o N . 125, eat by • hio street, sout Iby tea l hi eta* rifle t, west. y of No 177. stilbe ingitlCO feet in font eat adios back 1.00 i feet ' Sei lei Old take is exe utinn as the prope,rty of4O. Nichols it end 3 ary E. 'Nicholson, his / wile, the, being wner. to reputed owner, at tie amt of Tim llaral 1 1 - No. , AL, , t e same fi *Ana thee ell the Tight: tS, ih rest and Inim of defendant, of, in to he f ollowing lescrih . eti Prot4rty situn DiLe ti ' 1,0 ough of New Ihighton, Denver co e ,re o. lvanin , al th at erttain one -etory fr bin di g situate n the ',Est aide of the I nrf}t Fort Way and' , bicagoi Rail,rood twerp tbe land of Jo es 1 Marq.s!" . n toldtb, land High. and K ott len the north. taiiiing in front 'laid It ilread; about tw re vet feet, and i depth bout twenty-one i Iner i log a steam oiler. ' rem; for the die flog efeeal Oil, rind offs r all out hull etteebed tberet end j lie pet or., plea grr.und and emitilege lipportenent -to lonlsrmg. Seize and tneep jit exientio their property of E. N. korner et the .a i William Barallia & Co. ! j 1 No l 71 , AL, 1 I 11 lip lac all th .At dm saute ti - ne,and the rigl kle.t , I—'' 6 ^.-* of ',fends. ' tie,: ~ i .q.erest an cleinilof defendant, o , in and tolall his un ivided Ope . ----iintirsst i the f fellorrig . real es ate, to', wit i AI errtnin I t.fif 'renal situate i Borot+b-deWnsbip. B ear eo4tite, bounde nn the nottli by alter, on the siiit.t y Ohio tiv r, Ectitti- be Jatiiis ,Wilsam's i ead'isq.st by Tin tic road" biqxig abotit one bun driiii.and fifty f , t longncli sixty Wide, more ! ,cirjlesti, all untie = feitee, , bititlitch are: erected eitt large frame _ dwelli g house and_ frame itat)lel and other out-b ildines; a. l i c ntintr of frifiiti.tyees on the let. 'ii eized end taken in ex utioa as the properti f Madison &imager ailibeisuit al Themes lireereery. ~ N9O - Ihe earne't me salt plaeisal tit'. rich 1 6- " tlit taterest end claim ii!vdefetidant,l of, id end tti, the' following Meier' be 4 :ot of. ground situ ate nlcitili bereisgh ef Rechester, Be co qty. P?nnaylrania, b untiedrt 'a, tke north by r her t . • ,ope r ty of def dant, east by 'Pittsburg oiled Re 7 ',Brighton tied, tii.tb by: lot own ,by ire (anal CoMpany,:an west by the track"of_ Oieinttstiargh Fort Wa tie and Cnicago Rail ) lad, i being twinty feeq - wide on eaid We • burgh Road by bout It' feet deep:, all nder filnel , on vskrieblia erect one two story the . Atoll ngbouse' ii set 2 .hy 2. 1 'feet in .tir th 1 4i.t reedit'. klso all, : that certain ' 1. t• - , of ,ft *enrol situate tithe rough'. et ,Roch ter. 1 1 ,i 11, 0r unmet'', hounds on the north y lot ( a Prid by John tilea. tit t by P l ittibuieb,irt4i, IT 'anti by othe ' rd r 4' t ' 1 prope i 7 t) t• en nu_ 7 . 1 . Sit by tbii het 01l the l'thibtirgh F.r.t -. 1,,i i" *id .' a Ihiiiii beingi cuso . e ; t • sad 160 fret long, 013 ' ; Well hi s it 'ted ' t d . tti a . sew brick "a r,roam 18 riet wide " o'l3_ • 1a ,_`1 . 1 . :21 : ilith eillar; nitienieith, .11111. 771 814 *in t swatt;ikag - rims,' "sure* [ . ifl I • 1. • '..--:-;_ r, ~ . . . .. . • r:, i •i• -; , ~.. ~, . z , , . . . . . . , ~ • , , , . -...l4‘lierittialri* --------. ' ll kr 1 stieifi_l; eiAiii:"ltet, ei caeca - - ' frXmas.. i ler same t ' 13 ' ' iteelso., 1 N.. 9, 1 A LS.4). , ' 'i' 4 ;r _ , 1 At the liknie e lito 'Veer kr derrtgli 'ght. i titre. intere4 ; And Oil& eked •Wrftt 'f, in l and to aleibar eiriAliteraT frekei t 'oflllind I.la:tate in the twee/hip of - North .Bevrickly, I county of Beeler. end 12;t0e 4 Pelfiefirifitia: I bakinded , on the -north ...by lead of-.Jgaan N 1 1 Nye - analotetilt Haien; on the easrbylaad of 11.1:tsen, on the eolith 13). ;laud of 13:.nj 1 1,Reno . and John Will.ff,., and ; en the tweet b,r Mud of Foster and Jenkinsi:•Ccintaining ahout one lon dred and tetentY itareisi more .'orr. temr.lidtiont 1 seven tyjfi v;. tof - *Which *re 'cletired 'tied tinder I fence., and on which arm areeted•one..log tiou-e 1 and log, stable, end: some fruit trees on; the 1 prhmi,ett and innil ;niter. 'Seized and taken iin esecationdis - this•lmciperty ofd2dha Wili , j it the suit; of Benjamin Kell°. . - l i„ [ 1 NO. 10. . . 4‘1.4-0, - . - i... I ;At the same this aid:place; ; all the kight, ' l l title, interest end I elalin of defendaet. lif, in ' , tad to; the following ], described photierty, to I '.'ell t Ail that certain tract Of 2 :lind:iltuete in ' l Ontlington ;township, ; County on Beaver and ; . State of Penturylvaida4lhOututed and. desCribed las follows, to wit - Beginning it the corner of / Behold-house lot, thenCe try len) of Jolmj Reed 'no .11 : 1 de g ree lid minutes east 61 85 100 .1 perthei to a, post, thence by setae. land; north • • • 814 degrees and 85 tai sites ,. west 187 4 10 per lobes t.. st twist thence by lan , l of, David; 'Wal -1 • • 1 4 4 . • 1 , , I !lice eouth . I} degrees, west 5. lt perches I to a pot, thence by Ritilrond south 604:degrees . 1 east 17 6-10 perches. to a Post-ithenre.by land 1 of raid David Wallace I south 88} degral:east ' 11812.100 perehea'to it post; ifiencel.y :te l hool i•boussi lot north" I idc•sentes @Asti pervbee to a ',poet, ilitnie sotith . .hri degree s vest 5 rlttreher, ' to 'place of ihegintiiug, eenteltdtig ; fifty r three 1 ,errs and . otie. itundrei and-Sehente;•n - perches move or, its's.: 1 8eited. and. taken in execittion e r a the property- of. Jolt* Bevan- at the suit of grew • Duff. . - _ I -I ' • - -. -. N., el l';"- ' • - `AT $) . ' . - ; ; ; - - • Atlthe same time, and place. l all tholright, titie, intereat end Maim of defendant of,lin rind ''?to the following described property.., to wit .: 1 All choice thrto lOtiof gramtull 'situnte , ipt the 1 borough cf 'dew . .ttligh on; Beaver County, n umbered I - 20.• 12.4. aid 22„heruided ai n 1 t itiVI:N to ;tit: ;. ON the jt..c. by," - Mat least Iti ; third street. son by T llatherry alley, r i ti on the nett ty - ritiVe'r alley, POI In/dente nee.. Beited end 'ratite 16 Peeentiori I es the property 1 of nioiroa I. itteitt; let : Ilk - a 'mat of J ohn A. 1 Braden:: I • '1- I 1 -'- • - l -1 'Not -12: • •'../sTeSII) i•• - 'l l i • At the saltie tithe itudTete, ell the right, ti•, tle,'lnterest and /11i a clifendtat, of. an (1' tro the followinz dirceribedklronetty• sit ua te in Darlingtein township,Retiree Itounty,! 'Pa ,1 1 boinded es teiltows . l: I.o t }'': ftrelnOrth 1w IV ril . I Anilsrshn, Se-, east hy toad feeding that 'Dar-, 1 Heston' to Galilee: !meth iby %A of finish., Em-. crick Ai, Co llweef ftyjDaelitigniin 'Ci C. It. R. CO. eon tea um twog proN had !Oily rivet kithen,; jon which ate erected t* thereto betildi* mit I ,' for the, nianufactiVeitliel i otTdet. 101 - I,4VrYing 1 - Coal -oil. The abov e .building • catilitlit ' one I 'small ciacillktinr, stew . e igint. two .- iiiiiti iron i n 1611 a :end lined eats -- o e cat, iro n 'agitator, one ir.n-conclerumv:. ikne ty east iron , e,ttorse. and all necessary 'fixtures for manufiseturing mad refning call ciii I t he ab , ive niartiiinery i in good working order. iSeired land taft-ni in lexecutluu tt,s the prOperty of llotailton, ;Ander. ;,sin . Co , at sant, OflOatith. Park k Col, ~ N o . 13,_ '., AL: 4 O. . 1 r- ' I'• - Al the in erne lime end plite...e, all 0.3 right, ti'- 1 tie ititereitland re - Vita-dr defetid - Mkt of.lin and I in the folluWing , deteri ticeptoperty altos te in -13ole,Tiile, 'Beams; County, "Ps, berth:fail on • the north by lots No, 24 attu"7l F' 4Bl.ll .9l l and of 1 'yern .Moore,"moutlithy lend of wm ' Johtislon: !awl west by Brevet river;. Cc:at:glutei tau scree 'lll , •*f. or t e 4 i , a n iel.leli Cr-' 'et;etril ontc,l.ii.•'. i . .cleelring house tw i , tial'es Lig i' with billeinetit and tole. from. dwelli 'g house two stories high! ' Seized rincllteken in,e xecution is the Pioperty lof emirs /late, at il, suit of John' DePisolit. 1 ~ 1' . I . .. jI . • • i I I Oy virtue of sun y writs of Siert ;Facial • Levsri Facies inct Vrtnittietii lExpotin iis,uee : out of dire Court, of I CoMinonlPleas of weever County, and to me.dissetsted. , tetilbtexpkincd to lisale it theiCourt ((Rua* in he.tver, au ;VI: .1 1 ' TUESDAY JUNE' 4th, 18.31. II I 1 , 1 1.• t 1 • I i 1 - .` 1' ,lri 1 o'cloctic. P. 'if,: j 1 ' -1•- ', L E •A it ihe rigiet, tithe,liottrcst end el-jail of 4e- If - end:tat, ut, in and in ail thet..eirtaial piece, tarcel. loti or ntesttuitge•of gr,,und , Midst* , in j the hdrough of New Orightim Beaver , "Priority, .! Pa , described as st, few,a, to wit:. Be&inning r no the tow;ing path i.kj.:iiiiing - .link! of Ilot he longing to h elm of Andrew Graham.ldec'il. rheare up eltedowiag pout tiro bandied! feet to' i.i.i.d, thenee. along 'Said roadl aid lino of lot . , formerly of Siatthew' Rayriolds, toilie Brighton .road, l I.eventy-firo feet to said line 'of Benham's ot, thenceko 1 wn . 113 some to', place of 115 gin i j nine_ 'on wash tied ei-ectiq one tofutto y biick • lio,:se'witti cellar ,anderamith 1 'ani Ott ; Smolt •. t • stable, a nombur of fruit trim .ti on the , pt: and iif welll4 gent ! water at the 4or Suiehd a n d : hexes In erterniimi :is t to 'pr perty of, ,friseplt 1 INlcCliire itird Elisitiketh dool co at the! suit of Virragh &.; &off. I -- .... : 1 1 No 15, • A4-.9, , /! 1 At the same time !mall:o44er all the . right, ti tle; it:tt , tre:t and clabn of ,d'elhailciat, .0.41 in , and I to tine following described , prliperty,•ti,il wit : lAll that.tiitct of lend einette in Da rlingt .)n ,tp , tlleaver county, Pa.l. -bOtrildel as follows : Aleeinningiat A atone, crier lof land of 'ohn ' j'lleed, thenee south . 11; ! ! degrees.- weetll2. - -, 18-• .1:000 teethes to a Stone, !thence east inj the line I'ot .Igliew ' Duff to"a post, thence South fi i deg.l writ 1:11 perches at . , 1%44 t, -thence neth 84 ;degrees, west' 110: '''Al-1 . 00 perishes to e ,n eto...ei I' otner, deuce north b ye httnek of Joha 9arts ' lic;rii 821-10 U of a degree4.4ast)B4 pereha to's hickory- tree, •thence noth ABl degre e s, west 65 . pere,beirSe is a lillell 'h rpot e .thence north 1} •riegrees. east 911 1.13.1t10 perches ti, th ree ~ _eoeke:mind poet, thence south lea 6-10 degrees, tithe plaft - of beginuing 147,00taiting, I 14 acres II ig I 117 percher, about 12:5 acrea,cleared,it' clerics well, timbered. and tie whole !premis e s well 'whirred. *hint ISO acres etnlerlahl with en excel lent vent, of bi . . . , . which . too:mous 'lcon+, is SO , opened-11'nd in 'gond-working order; having - n entry I driven 4, in The distance of &iota. 400 yard,. •sead the itecetemty 'turns and - openings for abOut 25 roonia, , with gm erin.llent rail:irelt for astryiu: the coal to the tisouth4of the pit: .There is. .also a Itadrotti far ear ing Coal to the Pitt,. ' F. WY ' .. k C. Railroad, passinglthrnugh the firrin with a branch countering with the pit afore-• 'said.' with, weigh scales, ais At the coal ;minor aforesaid. arc erected !+i Urge two story franso dwhlling housed. wellfuruish'ed; and. calculated to accommodate conventeatlY 8 fans ' , Hies. with ottiVr necessy out houses.( There l'aTO also erected on it is faith. one Mize two r ,'ll4;iry frame owetliog b use, with 4 I rOoms on 1 ,brat awl 4 roams an croon I atory.mrell 6aistie.l, a two story log hot4e with kitchen ettache 1. a , large two eery frame stable . / • with other out 1 building, fruit trees on ,the premises. The farm is about 40 risds iron, the Pitte, F.IIT. a 'e. ' ;Ititilthed Seised audjteken" in ezeeution . aa the Property of dohnillevan, at the' Vett -- ef 'David Wallace.i I L , No: 716, ' • ' ALSO, I ' 1 - . . i . I ' the! • , At toe same time and plae; all tright, :title.' interest sedlclatta of defendant of, in and io the &Rowing 'described property,. Ito wit'. All that tract 'et laud sittutte in-Dazlingten tp 4 Beaver county; l'a- Tionaded as follows, to wit :',Beginning at a white mik' root. thence by Mad of David Wallace north ,11 , degrees..east 90 18-100 pareittes to tbreelroaisi thence earth 85} disgrepts Most' 74 • 19-10 peaches to its" pu4t, "thanes' by lend .of Amos Stininger st u nt 20 '2.1-:00 perches I. a stone , thenenby seas" land 'ninth 811.degrecia and 22 •mitastes east pi 85 10. , perches to a !Kmiec thence by sa me land swath 'b minotet tweet lit 1154110 perches to a ' 'etotCe. 'thence by land of John", Ifartsborn , emit It 81 1 } degrees, eaet;4s 1-10 perblass'te the' One! of beguining.colitairilag $1 wine aad 45 perch its'stria. Messina:: about :26 acres ' cleared 'lel din c guoilt atilt@ of coltivatiOn, 'beltnce tea: I tiuthered,lon whiah.is erecurt, e.... holed • lot tbouse 14 etories.bi4k.,irittl ti*llia,katqltitn au. 1 tactietl ; well at' Vie' door: vitt fruit irte on the ,iremiiies: edited eite.telf ',of said lot, b e . j i r. F ling 'underlaid "Itith:s'' - nfrit aT hitantinoni a ..al,:ittifi ; l ill•Me - it tit 40 ro ds gate , g. . 4 04 ...-4.,., i• mmzi • A owlclaim of folluiring de. dri •to in Big Iles .nridedlen* the no wzmtm sontii by land tantrion. west I : belt's', contain Int rf'2o acres els, . lab are erected - .a goof! orelia a,' entire f ta4U in-oxecti !at the mil ti arid in Inv nnie F tts- ttie eon my- 1, ilia Ingo Ot t,Of , _..., NOV D r itlA tr,"o . )ti N . 'lliti'o 7 l.l D'Ri o SI T . . 10, hail jusil.caporsedntit in Ft itter . .am rartnerly occupied by R. cCr ry. en ITh l ytt street, three , doors Id/OTO . . 11erelny's store, in 'tat:mire assOrtment of s, Pinnts OW, byest ffs, ,1e , &c. He ,o kt say . .to I rilYli!Clalt S t l' , 1 1. hat ; lf R:titit 1144 b tog , get' I the, ii :Eh tton be l 4nels for iontetime Past, eis enabled, fe,pf fer,tbslmo. t complete nand. arieti 'stick °rime diolnaore rentinns elitr br shi iskto the OW t tyi wl leh h i inill seliltrthe (tweet aliAlis 6a, thitt t esa ' . e14 2 1 ejtioods ' n i tie bough_ of 1 an Pit ibiar Wet ..lsewittero„..lintitMA harper; feet! pu aid frt. - 16,0144E1.d ill Ltielstpt In the ediiiit ii,blii Di. 'By* es ginient /Ili 4 .. l'Art. ' rig bean . young,-10 ires ENettinisi .:10.; ''l ettu eptscap be furilegied. 1 theteiOrtt Pe cies: Th lilt( tlon of !thii ] '' - - , f. , I 1 'i ' ' i { i titill, El ' rat Ile cal led t'' (bi ftrAilittOrtri4ni of 11 ele6,''''' . `r e tici, FN. !fitnn . Bros Arti4 I s ; iii.i.;,., / l ie.- f " 1 1, hi!. i) the I r" Il "' N i'.' 4)4llr . l' Lam'. l' I i.'l., ' ' 4 7 . • i.- Fere is 0 erkif it 011-ai ly Oi P. DyeAtlffo, Lestrlssn' .. .Ls pa, , Pa chres. Atli v0i....ct014..1 C pan, ,/t. le,. Kvi4ithitig .ti :he . ept snit he .well Spil'oktated I)tu i Sto Nowt! us' c(tesplT is ;they.„ ' be. hatl'd Wirstkcti l'etulsylv4til ;': _l= w wsis, BX.IfiIIEP. O „IN A SEA;;EP E' EL I li i r t;4t. , t: n t a , tu , ~, zet e . n o t r nsen:;' and tali iii ° AI Siiiiipal W eaki I ittiptik`ilit.Y,LiNey• u?neita ., ,and inroli i iishmhs, in limn impotency, 1 anil,l ''F.Thital I tatap loity. ' I ' -! i i l' J Y : tit I.V 1;11 W Nl4j., Al1)11, 164 ef the i.*een 11641 r. Sr.o. i e li id4renownerl author: in 'titlta , adinirial,` le l {no aw,fu ) cp_ equences 4flielf., 4, ' lel e A II3 . 14 r um II iC. T VI ll olvlk!, • 4 11 Pel, 1, !-.4 cffettly rein oved without Medi ' . withoui da roue 'stirs oaf 'efefa l i ;:e3, instrtiiiente tingle nr eordirtis; ,1 •ftl a. mode Inf calm at oree eii-tailli. .41; by which creiy toutterisr, do )ivalr l ( aria•tlilionimay he, . may cure him; i. Private/y. mitf radica ll y. -Thisplsoi;; rove a bo or to ' t tousands andllibull' i ider mil td 'any itddriss, l past, Paid, l fiit of torq rwist,ige tititinp6. by &I I I: iir.elL J. CIKLINg, 12T ( 0041 'PtY NIII lbok 4,5118 i ' i nili T ai rdis o l.• ' T . , RD . 4 15.....) i C: /N il , . 4 ejliti.tor t i, 0[4.. _ , 4,4 roe s-Prigfitli - '.- t i iii;alkirer 4it rein( tfidintpt4f, f _the Brilielofsh l i, /skiii 11 D . igirel' (4,1, "t . ,e4 lictlki „Irirli' i / until Eyithpifc D earn.; anti 'e lk ! ): : Ily for M. -64 re of bitty:es Oj: th' l l • xual Oryons..AN 1. , ..• EDIC,AL. ADVICP gi en gratis. by , the i Actin gurgeon,l pi? all whu apply by let , , with dri.oriptionliOf their moo itioh; (age Mir , habits Oflife, Sc.,) ah , in goiter of t me Orrerty, Medicines furnis ed fr e e of e,, II RETORTS on Spe at rrhie 4.LUA I I "' ' ' 4n J' m It hetimniseit of the Beinal brim n 6, 1 Rid on g li CE °V E‘lEDlES(propliqed in the Liopet I sent to the iffiioted in aeoled letter etail •t's, free of charnn. Tiro or three oftuaii i routs will be asineptable i , 1 1 )dreas, Dr. J. SKILLIN IiOUGIFITCIii, Ae, It•rgeloo, Howary,f;Asso l cintion, No. 2 South, h Millet. Phile&lphia,ll"ft. • ,i 13y Order of the. Dirt EO, FAIKCIIILD4See'i•IoII• 1 • E2RA D 11E.ARTWiLL, - I + ‘ i. - . IQuarter p the link ett. It NEW BRIGHTON , nEsolo netts. " i li is. an Rilhs Disconted,{ ems 1 nutlet' rent e p'sn.kes. ,ii Oilltre 'Mid Mies I Fixturi itio'rn ther hanks' test ac cunt ; . ''l , , ii in mthlt, 1 I i 1 ---- ~ +6 and Icbeeks of 'e het Hi I I i , i 1 ,5 I . i, i PIA,b":"4 it pai din, , I is In qirhulatiee, 1 1 . tie po A te ni, !to ottiei Bank% 1 ilernisluapaid.l its cull Oatininge, 1 ' r 1 Stal, I 1 i ; 1 6.awitii • potiwtt, 5ii...141 ' llom, Cashier [Of lb it ty, who being 4tily aft depos/L, that ! A. abo and rue according to i e an belief .gIIIVA It Fit In kind sol i niciibell of 3.1 y, 1661. 1 1 • 1 r' JUIIN GU TI ~ .lu 0 cid e I Clef% mad Mend By , T . Pt PE. a ire'f Seluf 40 Auth 1401' ' ectu th 4, way ana boa t 1 frecti Re nq t rt u. I. re tOg 1 V 0. j lii • 1 .l' 12 ED Cern extr • elinr muff 'hi Gary vie for ling ' Mt' Dun Piet; Cvitil Notel StoC Not Due , Duel Divii Wilk Con!, %IC ' ecti " A l if 7 : . ' . AND -; 1. 1 I i DI LIY Rl' AND DRES 711.IKING . #.'sTAß4 4 s NE-yr, _, • [ ... ,i--1:: 1_ it RS. PfilLl.ll l lb M ~4. eLEr . ta i . le pl sere in °hemming tote ~ bubo, pT ReaFter • diVieinit ,i hitt i i by,' have etiquette titi+olitas ..)11Llilit HI Y and 'bREbS4MARINI4 IiSIABL tiMENt. I I . I I' ' I, •II II • ' ke Bea ' 'lf , fru! tipore -above t i per _014; where th' fern! be b.ppy t -0 7 , 42 ,,h , ,,, mai Wiiii an ping, in AbetWel 't Th l e,,lato6t Spitig style - of Banniie ju tlreeeived. i ' i, liver„l April 171 1 1061. ". I' -I I ..1 1 - I. . 2i. D.) 1 LL p 4 ZIL i r e th iP,,,, at rty[ up ai Varch ne renminin per *Office deafe r a t • ( 1 e l u 0 JuP X 8 '6 , 1 - I - Mfr. , • REFilki)Rtrep IO term 'aver •ether prates im !felt VIM e flank riled . ve watt he best ❑OO beiOnl lIIILTS - , 1,"3 NOTICE. 1 ; F• enusetiv' i r indebted Iteh.l to of ;Merl fierebyregaired ro re tile iirai day of me all notes, 6(4., eft with 'iiiine. pripi 1 will : kali Sties ee avetly sakarl4. K;VjN, i..Adao. i kb, ',1_86, Li -; ""---,-- ' • Y , c A N 1 d',11144.1'0,1 tilone I . inwiag, 1 1 Co o.4'inli! r Co . - 4e4'1 1 411 i sines ;injoi 60 t), after wycb e unpaid.ort 2 ,ll . be tor' eorlection. tbe Sherigi .offi Ortibiikti;Vrii• 11121Ei [NO bXT 1 Ektraw 1.1? DrUg I ..enrol i~Tri.l 2E3 'th!t MA .j• — vitiiill&q Ililit - iriusitsr,l7.ii.., i i . t .i ng b . ~ „ i 1 . 1 1 1 ": I ''' - I 4 ; 1 0 rl /CAI. itplara4 mu EVIDENCE. t , ' A :4 , , Afikaii• - c.. 0.14, UM. • es lc P i sa 0 rl - t , , ,- - •J n i 0 I I 1 -1 - ourif is on. Or all); bid 141,0. ; i 'tut D. anti Ltf.r Om at. st los*. 11. ii. found I ' 1 cams to this austry bit ribl. ; a eild• ' , .. tied. , ' Assam LW- ' 4.4.. :13 , ttinUoltstri ittlilyssul.4l In I•' 01 1 a .... , adyertiamen4 t toOkllippo ,-, ikf u rvir , Ifilffillilestosta is half*. I. i. 71 , hliek . ILA. bat Ibti:l g oi.btivitaffkiivis : , , :;1004,.. , :rrii gift,y# l 7 , pcu;itq Niue daughter ,la a .41 4al tbar ,diaratooted I ' ~, ltubabottaa 4 la Atm 411 ildak. . gtf9 Krita i4 '4" 06 - 1 " °4 2 ,Z r ga 14. .,,1 r I i 6 el J 1t Jae . 1., ao avast beta. .111 4 . 7 . 1 ,f r ~ THOM(' . i. 117-. 1r & tir. 3 : . 1 4i1,4,.. 4% iJ. •-,.. 1 ALPIT TION OP T ili IIKAIIIT. 1,, iii.i.:‘,3 lie 114i•terj lfirm i of 'tie !Cit I iffi.fss. Oh .'ff.4yif z-I-") kate a • rq Barium:4.M+ , d hitt/Brij *Ft t'&0 13 4 1 ° ' lira, ti t i 8 , 1 , 1.1. ;‘ , lt. I y toe tliakot 1 • t ,• it , ev :41 ilmilas ,10.setor of ii. a . di, Ito • sylvaula 4 voimo. it: -.41 tabs plow , •rr iu 1 Itoradlo. TOLL fIANWP finVl.l o o.ldi i :rS' -- /Ha. or iff . ellbue ralrablo sf•dp „ ..i 1. etar ud r , it avaa.lo, ridiesVd al. {., a a , the at..a '4,- A liar I alio. of lb; tool. Sua„t , tira, Vittlet. alio bad aarfar.d Ibr a load tbo• Dotal 1 . A iiit or A • • LIU: ladfirodtm, Ilt•sdartbr alit Otei t veloi,i. , If I' cared by thp rae if Itpfoladtlea of tbk 51 a,a" . 1 ; L. 1. . 11 1 1 ° 41 1 14 16 •PtE0b 14 ` blibit 6 L, f ' • I li i 1 ws,no piLiai. 1 I *ii . lt: it 3 , .1. - 1 tin biffetykt i L du r i nif tiaot . tr:tt.r. 4 :',..Lh.1.1;17,1:,.... gtr, rd.ZiliF l iffzfe: fatkrai'• *fella kit to .t . tflaqta. 1 , , 4 4,11•. - ~- k,.!vptilio,ii&l i ,lii i,,, , ipripriz xi* ..? insAuls. l , , r I mcer ii. Ati,a4.4 a; f..4..iirif Itth, ISt*. , Ifssek4. Lo ul,o k Otsci x oittfiqwery, 4.1a,-; rk t 4.4• 1 •• d)y...d ill dud i 14 kfl•-please stud toe • t,l ...Alb 4r it in • liolia.t Elite..l, I • i , 1ta,... al, 4 lir ry ilia r D ' for tho but , I to a,oty pa ..41f,1i. 't f moral gaud i %bar aqtbl alas., 3f,..t1 to i , 41i Cbatubpl ',' I i E... 1 Al l t l " i l . 1 .1 . ' i rtplatt 10111 1-1 L . . , ' i _. , i t irl is C 1 1.4,..r0w ..N. T urow•ry Td....in.11,,1t6T., 0,-.4... IA ti. b....:14 of a , toodkana with. a Polo taa : shit} v. WM' DI fY. ti Ittl.tiEND,; 1,11 Ir 4 1.4 , 11 I pliscbasat lar. kill. f. I , .. 4 I i I j 1 I *Ai Pt* C.,lfiLblitlT. , I If, 1 11 1 t 1 ,111 E, v litt l 4firt' a ISIFOII.ACri - tr ig i I . 41 SP, 33 P: • t ig r ir ; i'tfolrffi. 4 ;! Arms be W• )1 1 1* Is titkpl ~ afk.. 41t441.iffm toasty _lt ' Milo. italimed tatter , um th.o.or e tit .104 . 01 isichigh:oiev•itl oil 1, n.,41..7., , e tftiser a phy4.oo tint foe kito• ttimN - 4u c *he 'MIS !iris.? . t 6 lady atenislaitall}tube : il! es, Toiloi • I tff: gletlt-L II jr ' 111 .11:4 *Oil '1 4r I 'elle lik-,1,1) Vi-‘4' ;$t t . I 1 h 5 . 4 • ont ti: - sips; 4 I If • R II •• lb ea' c••• 61.11 1 , 0 • 'I . I 11 . .41 1.1,tf0 l L bh. 4.1 C 4 • nr . ii n I , ed MSC IRE 3E9 ilteirs L .: EZEMI t County st, Um. C Bill H , ! 'I I 1 159 62 0 1 6: lit) " ' 14 1 1 -. ,8 1 :9 att , .L 9 -56 9 1 ti ; . '2.486 3U 1 I 1 ,1 . 4 2 , 0228 6 1 397 26 .... ..L . P... 901722 97 46130 Op' 33.fit6 ,0 telit 1 ,62 9 ' Ind sr.) ' 24401 1,4 '........--1.1. 1 f 22 is Ws* PI 7 1 of Illea-v r ioSorQing 'e is cot, MA till mrfi • le e ciposi:l • 'ittAittar . =3 • 1 41,1111 ff • 2 t,„,t •tl4. y xxt lyq* ivrir • • • .. rags . 1 ! greti, a. T gis.„ iberr tot rirti, sitr.tbla I el hieknow. IS,tsisli'r. il3ist 2 , 1 J. 'NI. x P OEII bill a., T spol kcal I ' I L.var. eever ,ip aril 1 ti • WV tasub..3 4 mrt ..L ME • R. 1t2:640ar s•i hit 's ..1101.14111V11 ti,toOr : I,l,..riistwfdiroil 1 3 ' f r-i) 4i IA '.litiet!'s i 44 M. .4 4 - Is;.aisalWto .04.t..-ip 1144Alriet .3 :11 li ;,....ok4 ‘l, 4.. 6:14!4"...re . i 4 .1 iiii4e - gil - 1 .: K146;140'1.1 !lth -:;: a - lmad C,. f i y 10.1. In 4'. Inert For I:tvet. tiritl,! a Nrip ..1...1 rntueni I ,by 1041 Tilmad,a 1004 I.:if t s ,lit.,l‘.l,ol..ringii j I I; . .;sl. rwr.hs liift :. ni; 111.4h1.,1. tiiiii. c a o 9. liior; we 9 .4 rd. .. • l: Ai:. zellui,il 1.. 4,1: ciji,;:tt.ii,t? eLi . • tithi. .1 ~) ew lornitmi bpi jutio • tiMiltll3..! • : 1 • ohellairria,llPir. ' i-J.. • at 17.1- t ifky ttletrukli cord ; .r I. ' • - [pin A6nia.i..1.4 sin . to qf,iner/ , • 4 Orttrt• nt aniald car* him'. . 1411okt slut a 1.4 Isratifiratn: artala, &La i l that 1 pro.r.arei ,Ich attritmiol . 1 . • I [ ~- --T r 7 ~' r- r - li . c:CjUi .ellenl.l,T' II Gan be tirnniell. .06ti.,:ibt.1... • I t'' - ' . 1 • I tier lesttde r oti• hullattlee tir 16.60.'1 • of impu;otioo.... ! 1 eat Ottr Inan i •. .4' el.tri 1 1)0ttli y • / Ltijr. . ~ ~, . .r. • 1 . , i . •,' ! Plitt P l. ct l '- tjA2 4 bbl, 1 H . 1 •ii.: , . ,:... i ii.l l 1, - ntia , li P . P NESg . • ' . it 1 1 II iST i ' .II • I 'I .1 I I . 11 ea talc hi , i i r i i) ., I ._ i r . .:. 1 , )us lipt:? aer . -. 1 , 1 „,. p .i......, I ; f ,--1 i. viriblri ....e if flfellim49, *' ii•ei Itrgrtrlcacq. Iliel ijop,a!pritf 4 ... .vfn f icb ill ,81 . 11.46,11efi +144; 'eneleyeiteart:lriiitikheselitte rem ie tte. pr i el - 5 9{eaule of leek a 1. ,line;re.r t.r4 .604'1 Mr sad . . ; tiltsliatihe.. 4111' 7 ,, iii gl it, p ii4i,, Pi. iii.v / ..., a:::,,, . - r,bskukao *i'. ii.r.;74 . ,tr'0.6:; . :f. sn i ate .,,,,io .. .e.....ienk„ili mast, ii.inancS it. -' 0 1 4 Pvon Polle4 .1 nimirntsiol . r , 1 . 45 . 76e - Remety. 1 * el, leh.rie, as yeinetididnti otte", ndl r ieelondurd , ' ..06! mwelit, .4;4 ki g ldej tient•ti e r n {heir ' r Air, .. e l Illyiee. te , 4 i, 07 Lew:. i * yow l ~ 6. 1 :i . TOirpral of .., r eel), I/Letr di . 4111 WI reedir 'l, . end health. .l. 1 : i/ 1 .1•107 i 6. 1 r Virtr 1. /1e11e166.:, 1 , rS ti 11:..d+ . T a ei. „ .oool'f,nity '., i in 4 Wideer darer r idlinthel 6.. 1 y . -kt4eovi th 3, bet... 4. •Itt Atuill.lo. a ,Itt LL. i I .YIL n C.Irry O' ill, i nmbld .1 lea eDm ei ;1) ,,, k fren, na Liao ? : .., A 1 1 i , j. '• J. J. sAir..Y. r. D.I. j l• I ' I i'; • • ,• 1 rott, ±r t iffinisi Tit, .t.' 12.1351 i : 1 1 e i 3 .4 i n r.i.aik loge...Du J.,b,a• ,:• 0 1,,,,(4 0 a1ta Le . ...:le' tilts 1 - • l • JOIEII .11;:qt1ORILl • • 14.6 - fke t7 p :. irid..3 l ir'• .11*r:4.105 . . j, • 7.1 ,4 1 .I 1 exi..oV, - 114;a' ) it t i , •rW A r 1 4 ' ! 1 I I' ' • •'I f:4-irnri4 C. r.„, i ,.., 0r,•11 11.135 t [ • 1 I ~ esl l eat *wit iire' • i 1 t., .1' I I. I 11.4E 4 1. *01414,4119i.' !Y , , 11'1' . 4 • '. :aid: Or. 101 ISA" 1144 iiVIII iliel i•ii, 4 , i ' , • 1 . ' Id ' t'e.. Termkput i d.n . eri:116.16C6.1 - , • i F tottei endoyenent. tot Ifrhe,,,,Li; er POI w.,1. 7 .1t 41° I"! T r at°li -1 ! i rl I) . , ~ i. r.lw. cr Lo 4. 4.1,1 w . j `l, l llB' . .. 1 ') 11 I IM I ;64•1 1 •124 . i.,. Ilire}.l... 'j i ;,. i =ll 1212=4 II Pad Tar', . t 161,1Lint.m. I iglirmo tim [ ' ' ill Virst.ty.T9ra el Ain Ai Vload., F• i IZE . ' 12'istig i btocAput I t 4.1 I . ( A ' W;;WID ' II to .r Nin 'irdlt ii.ipiti.i Can l • 6 1 , II S 0 1 14 ~ • ~•••• 1;45••!"61 ' • 0 . 11 t . ' MEI '.I• • 11. a. ... - .-.' ._'•'5 , 72.5.:?'”Z ..., ..; _ . . . ,' ~.:, • , : . ~, ~..,..,.. _. irs„. p i . a , ...... .: ..; • , . i --.... r - ~,E , 4 , ...,,,i . „-., , c, I .11 1 I C . ti . iest, lot Ase4•o l 7tata. of ki jel A r kiii 6 0 4 t e ill 4 i i .‘ liseire*Uilii4ll l .i•hiaip ` .• illikettlesmoOmell ber,,,,•Lvssisqy fp Uhille..P l / 1 9142AV1PL111111114 , Ittbecipless..... Plessemles...„llll Wei TheYbip4 ~ 1 / 1 101111 1 1f1f0111404 0401 - , Si ' * " ''. .. ._.-."' • Oialawbol.l4; illb Jae% IVO. .'' •J. 'C. - At* l'Oe. • Osoisas LAMAS—Tvshrtyilsr.se.. • kassebidge- whet sour . liesespatiUil 1* ' dondlor Ind; i. rho ing: jtberitaliet fleretitimn lefsdleii•l'llitan'autrilled ~• ftesitt in ions.. ways 10n7.1436 - 141DaUsaft Ig_ . .• by Ire 1. sost a tJUl.Mrs. ewes. `bsedscnid lutes Csicitie' IS ; Itu Inward- set ilisisimesd. to at tivaillimutdic r Twso i 7• 111 mile it hwalw 4 w l b•plaktafte• am! /mead asY,eraill , and ear. with o...solsoret.Yesa SW sad histb*te 1) hipped isessiplesei-14 =My _laadisl villi !WOW lI V.h. :etilliallenk het! with* web twilit Men I - iii, fal• wwwWwitrim memo -.• A 410404 wiii•re ta aaltd ts thatt l =lPt that 1 0 a hat. Pieilated 'VP A ll thr• ( , ro c I kitinc ft* yintr mute.. lam ;WM stay Oise you midi , rust_ Pads , I Not to . oneittleiientive 14 fied slot tilt Ken* me. lbocdtl D. as you sdslasb In mall doset of.e tampoonfed,4rat ski seoeUr, *du* Us* ales* bottles,. ;few sod Wonky akin qui* . heves 'to 'ban WNW' 'Utsl Mak wbkh Alt a. ifhtl• *Say 5k1a..114 now,alasi,n4 I A new t rj .ii ky . imliade• simAsseeise *awe from ift,flol , 4 •• 7.°1.1: illsn *I. • theta fed mshat I sun esdisig basil eiM.. yee r that, I hold you to r ....,...... , ~..„. and reneilicarer grab& ys. . • emir.. i • -• r . .. 1- .AINUIID * tba.l4. . ' ..• ; . . Se: kss . thiktitellitil*llins we _1 . 4741 . 1•1 - Totter:ls _ Side nellisiinew ilitalell neaW,,, , • Ifthirientlid; lisstst, Zysing' DtOiley.. -....!! • . .. lIr• Web* If.'.l.ns* writes hies lapis, Not; lII'S WV. bite, thet,ho Isoc.cnytd,so _lnv*** ease et Mi,s si bl4 Plioarea , to twfaluale atilly, 10, lb. • . period Wm at our Sarsaparilla. and also a!danderomf bpi. •a ISY lonts . &lea Of tilt *Wm : ilarf benne* thliemillgal AWlWai•ltthr it Iwast/tatly.: i , 'eliliieltetelfivaltri 4 •Wr liwilkiell X•ek. • . , . . • . lob*. SisMn of Ptah* t a lreesub Sawa : 1... Three bob. alwlar jour ISlllawitiOlit eared abOfro 200 V —ll hid-. • Cc* ann ul osi the imek es** Iliad rl bas i over yk*" .. . . •Lerisseicaaerthltieovirtsc et -IteidneUlceration,„lteeala • Dissmesse. P Dr. J. 13- IL Chiiiitilisr; er,Nel• -lAA flty-d.riteeil• "-I Mast Chserlbtlytomplj; with Ui• nsglemt of Alm *Pat la *lie; I heve,,foond ,yoof ziorpiporlln a to .. a:einem altswelisi !la th*. nutten*Sy mate *PI I illbra SomptCy anti' w iseswiv,..l.o es*Kial y In• . •, ot,the IsSifuloas Ma st en l',hsve tummy le • at. rem or lAncolfilmalby Mend so* Wince 11164: plaint to Canowl by ideenstint of the *relb . '; sticidlemilineb deoWilirsd: Itelbiltillltata mykrale ..• .. edesseqtalkitkr thmelleaseltudenteremute...l”. , • 1 )(Award It.Nferrow,ef' ; :tewbury, r Als. writ . , alt dew,: mesa morns, „n Mier asfiessi et the flnisala ht my ailinyi wiskb had' , &fled of • thip remedies We meld inerfe*,Scle ' •Oaastili hertfonsubitity cured' by yscr Ilattect et /an: latattilta. 'noe rhYWltatt thonallt with*: bolt wirrpa , Use 'ad* ignite! mid.' bit'ilo iwo,bed the lad of,foor itersajnrlllis a. lb. 'llk'two* betty ' eettium Cent jI proved iffsettml. After-leddiscyour ramady elighl*Sial eibymptom of the stionsesromsdnr,' L . .',.. , • - < I , . Firritlti kit* dtbawnrila Dleswae. t • 1' ' ' '• • . - keit. figulislib 24tk auttwa. t ilk . is. a . c.',iiimi i 1101 etworfully 00314 Y. With lalf It quest of your ettent. And ;risme', Eto y.te mot Itiii OPINE I I..%. realised with Your, ibusalwrillii. , . • r ..... si r I bows muted with it.! id lily- pisnissontei thisibeei'. • piviiya f..r l whirls It hi 'rseonstwe.lo.!and ha e ill .4• h is e1f r ..44 truly noild.rfoi !Is the euls. oll'r.ner. lan. ; Jitr errlil Pi 114 , 110. NIP . 1,1 toy' uctliote had Syptlllitic IC* *hie thniit, etibdi;•*s emsettneing ;Itie pbbile a . ,... eta top 'or .hiii . mouth.' .Yobs. Wasperitia. sesedily' cured blur In Ore weeks. , „Anotherwas *ocher y met ' andity - . symptoms. In, me to* sad Os si • had . : eaten *ay weotwid•ndJe Inn af 14. 11 0 that 1 51 7 .• disorder would seen *eh hie brait4l„kill h im. i. t . ! ybridsd Celery edmintelsidem -of .larsaterille: tlw , . 81 ° 43 11 ° 4 4 salt hay. ~Well *de. 'Ot ew Ivo w at ; . ea* dialigurellt* 'see:. A weeime cOws- ' bees .' emoted. Scribe. ""diessrdisr • by mo..bory,eles.e3 tram this poison. heti booms ..bey Inso • • . ; eittess to t.he weather diatom a damp bs tleh• s ap , ...snesietten,pelit: la bar joints.* . iS wad • =II *holy. by you tereapatille Is • lot ,w . • ftor Its ibturlS:virbief..your greet On tint . this Preparation :from: your I.Loratorg mum too a *ma • ronny.; Coooonnokr, nook bialy' rosortoibto ' inn . lorlikit kaoyonot. ourpnood cool . , I . -, . i I - - Ytatillift plea , ' l 4 V: ICARINNIk , Tx- I f i i 4 ). ' • ili b isliflulk.4 461 ,1 1 1. ... I . I !PF c . ,•11 4 ha? 1 . loosominoon, iniolooto.;;Ysi., 6ti‘joky, lid. . 1 ' llll44 " Talt-n . as / 1.1101 I• WM: adlit•fest•witis :jails; rrooio . posio= far a lon Woo, wikkti di, 1 . • tot,pb No monk so woo ;121.opiso of.dillhe • .. In* 1 .* 101.1..tustill I tried lent Ono I '• bettle'rured oil In two *eke ael. ' *ay ont tusiti• so on* that 1r am ihr bet than b. ,I.- ens - att.cluslL"tthihkh to emidireet se.' •ti. . Jahr T, l tioiitytit, 4 iil. !Ado; - i . 4 . t tot ' bun Itite al Ur- Vsun ltdeld • wit* an rupee.* . ohs • Lam, *kb '' ' awlalaralltailPwatil• Malden , / th 11. 1 12••17diltatt • : SIMI to mileve Ma: isa I have beer brolts awn son SwF men. *sere from Ms other twee* than .„,...,,,..., 5 titre,. ." iltit*rwrpasteroi/.. kl ; Mn. Espy. Oh NIL .19 try yourbwresperitia. bemuse I. mid b• *we yaw. • ' deny ttaltoilyostasast• was north ' tug. 41 thW blew • itttiA cod' It too condi, me: sad on o op poi ay, bled soldtoolco's now wain of nus. I 11 . 1!..1 loon; maw .; TM. beet Wit WOO mid emt he rylot la4 g eod anowlik a r . Belief ini•li. thiirvisiera, into geownont, p •.. ineeire4l / 3Casrlitsinn4. it.ofol attginedf . the VAT . I — Air.a 4 'l' 1;4 i:::' ''''' 16' '''''bit , tier y o eyes , ws IlloW • ammo! illete formilodo. 1 , 4,.. • 'minors' aim two olio or tbta i liabodilbilt du - ;:b will tiot*dinil . theiii: IS* er theselliferlie kw ear :•I*.efind% ifinitberlfireleeets bbloir. 'Me pleensit ba swes% 644 41 " tb L lir l4l ! ' i l .t.f• 2l. ' . . '•'''' '. ' /I• *vir.AoiaL*olNCiiiii i pti , ; Erigusak . Alan .....idioilcvi.. of 4. ...u., lonii ham model., the.aliteroti.ept.weref this **rat. /014 • la* the vital funetioue into vi Mtl'do ' 'aid cs . *were** itioefniiirolibleb t in*. Im marb. Biel. eVemady it lust Loan ire by pe. dainties oda.. 0.4011. and we are vitt IA Utak will dolor them eti that nsidichn ma do. 1 . 11 . . r - -'' ,' • , I i - - ! - ' I I• . 111 • Ayet 3 ."Cherry . ecticlfai , ar,.4._,46..a.A pis cv -es" 1 !Imo., icc044.1.!..,p54 p01ix....i...4 trump, Bela pttii : liieL _ W for tare , Owasalom a p il tlivo , • • • a droneed •.1 'lot . • • this a refoally so Universally knows.' Ile nrainis as y other far the run: bf throat awl Nog lecnoptiligts. that it (awnless bath to palish tbe evideneri :italvirties. lag nrairella' exceiTehdi Itrr coughs and Crid.troly wonderful,three of lipilinorsory disei liar... luie it • knOwn throughout tha lethal Dillon/ at•ur earib.: l Yew'igr are the nothoistheig. et' even,iilles, iinorth l wh o u re sot Wiese, prreoniill raperMnai at' It. sleets— . some living trophy fit inking of its victory the sabthr clatirri dice-des the th roat' Nal& As ell know:Ore llunlity of ' th ew , tad they know, the, the rthictil thii, ilre;bred not df.111014 than to acorn thonglist It has sow all the irk , toes Nat it did hays when m aking ar cuff* w hale woo ae stnnigly open Ole-curl/am or assublo Prepared by Dr.3.o.Erzasbc/).,itasai ,105,. For' sale by M. ',Mitiis, l t jr., vir; Crtk,Roehn.,.'"er; lirpiggeiner St Lo writ . dotr..:;"Jti Ni o!.; lindep J. sar en , New Johntirigbtan l plank, Darli,ngto ndi by Jealeti eterytillefel I. ti (44T.1ift. urr,ei•vl - , • ee,tifip IrtW . ' Ils- , ;tfy I :7 ..: •',. . - . I C! i• I,! 'll WIN' ER , , ' • [, i : ... j 0' , 0,, D i.. 1. 1• ~ ~, ~.1 .. • _ I . ~ L j. -i ~ t; CIOF L Dtrls'iritinsfilitiotips ki I AR kbple ,Oi jkinlicri. Olites.,{ a thitlets:, flet;ds;Cdtblille ItatA, blienille sdittl'e' Renriet,l l Mmitue vied Ifeliel Ribbons,. Ebbber F illi and Cord. t 1 1 . i 1 !. . 1 i. l ../t•,rEFy §T;i'L 8 OF, , • . H; !fir, coLL4lutNii if: :lit le * l'''. s: : I . ' L , ii N•N 1 .1; • , fiLotlifi, ' 1- ".: .'C [ 'kk 4 SD.l 6 k'S' ,1 1 cASSI N ET.% r ' . It 1:11 1 .1*DS,. 11 'Ff i, , ,r, Ks , i i ,; 01NGH , tilms3,, - tz ~ s ~, , I U DRILL ,Ntiq TIcKIN ;,1 4 4 t , SU.LiNs, .' ' In Li 1:1 I tilig .' ? 3, kc. l BOOT 'Atit.) 54•14.0.31„ 1 • , ALL ,KINDS OF 81100lihS Alwaye kept in eand,i nt Iblr , I prie Mao' t i fresh ii4V9t i acaANT's 1: I 1 11 .1 - • 1 . . i . : ' --' relebra ed ,Gaigllng UL , 11. •, i b r d are, s i eens ware ] , ' h o's , i Capa, ,Itit ianf.iii(4o it t in,ga, .1 ' . Envelops, T ,00rsOai),INote I t, = a nt'' Letter Pfq),el,,i,•-•:- i usT amealy D, AN D :FOR pEt.i Lr AT i 1 - I ' .41tute111.1111.111401'13.: 1 Oetnbr l r 814', 1860,. .11 1 1 1 . 1 ' . - V 1-. NO , -. EIECII I a • , , DR T , I •"DR ' - ' GOD NO 94 11 011 STitEETI ..5,1. ! li •-, irra.-ET i Main b " Li AVl . . , aigain the, pieseureisti an_ e 'LI. tL,etil frivi de; and IlictrAtie that theleitai 11 bi Instil eii. by_ baetant, end. wi 1 be offeret*lt7l . b preyed isertiee,, An , ett'ateitaitiett lei : March L. • 1•• 1- ..r ' • 11-; L ' ALL ~ I It; CO4 I I I •st ' t 'Akt 4.1.11 ht tiuM Auw. • • - , "eat vim- 4) ; I it s ; Pa. eueispA the lOth • slid • I • 2=ll =i 111 • 'Ap t wrv.pia,-.-I,p 3113,01f,1 1 , 4 1 f. fa - Pilom 1 • ~1 .:' t .,::": :,„ 1•44. I , ktiti Ateilitiiiii • . r:Mtith sib* - 1.71 1 0 ' CWIZ . a iie.,404! 'eltif. it... 1 .Pala; t....iiv...7-- 1 Canderouti neollitDisiiises, 1 :" . I Eryarl as, pl es on As_ ince,i ' !la rb,e,,!ii. ril I T, ale s • Rio or , N Aug Uorl . err liy Drlll'ewton .if,the ; Electric ellrge in tiil .i 1 H . • 4 t•-• Lt i einntiti, for at:period of tren I tntlit lootitl.s , dotwitlietonding which. hit 1ip :991 and a pot ion of Aii Wt tlie4'*, were entir ke l o l ien away lf-- . lie had iiveta up '2ll hupe: w I eti I he' heard 'oft' /t the Blood A..archer," odd ci sl;tdiiiieci to try i ti• ; pm: L i bottles cured him: and Slthough rod , ly disfign red, there is-no Auestipn ',hut wilt!! this ineitlu'able medicine sawed hie lir!. 'The .full particOlors !of this LrontaricittPo Ottif Play bell seen in A. lielliEll' • ylsiciti e eon ' , O land Of any' of ; , our Akents.,.. Wn also. refer to the , en.re Int , runty Tileiik viey, nr,lEtdirton..Artn+trong , minty; lja,; CUT- , en of SM , fo , ln after being'nu iii, to get out of li t lied Vir.ttiteol yesqs.. , 111 1 , t 1 To ihti, ea's./ :of , 9. lady- in Ainsimville,-= Clear ' field cOurityl whii was il;o afflict ed . with &ref tilitHio'; ilk w,Orm furl's: To the. case of ileorge me s 1 rc"iding in, i Csrtollton. Ontob,rik-eounty, r , • !rho *RR 001 bn.uyi sifiicte.t with (...nee'r that itinot his entire linen ;Of; Ornl , lhin case was worse if , pantile, tlasn - NleCreorks ' "i - ''•'' 1 - ' 1 1 " • II The vultiWbrit.of thE4t Eti ea-J-reicij oat of witchi "'. l 11 tie 4.44 'or in , IST a was curtc. . , 0 90 Se:actier—rpny also, bi _found: in ar circular, to be had, Of apyoi the A-Aenta.l ; 'l, i - - .1 l• - ' 1 ' ' ' It M. LE tlOl7 - :, rileVrit4Ol.. I.ll6c7itory fur the 'tonutipiCtnee 'sn.fe:ile . ; near till l'S• li. it Depot; llcilli.lo,rshorgh. l'a • 41 1./r Gl.' it KeY,sei, Wholcd rA t ~1 , ,,,t„:1-urg lor suleby IL. .K. fr 6e'. op' • Ft...me nannen,l . R..clieiter; Dune.. ...I', ilirsr & Co. P,Allstod John - 'gorgent: ..!.; e I, qrightur.; Wm l''. Pliiili6.,, Fre.. 4inin• 11. ( u it t, funii. !ten 999: Stephen Smith. 'nritlie uter i ; ,F.i t l 11.1:ry . ' I Industry; Ichn C.l D.ttf, liar ingt i n...;l.Yr.b.. Sic !!" en S qh • Smith :s Ferry ; ..rulti .-her. Foir yiew 2n tl h . i-Lis &ler.' o•rieraily:, :I(A'.."ties Gin. le , -1,.` Al H,ll [ " Prof tit 1 1 .. , 41!).itli - , „,_ , - ,Bb,grit" .11 L'SIC S ft?, i'E, I 1 ' (pprosi!!,4 :ti ! e "TI ME4 'IQFY I C E,") i.l4.Ew Tiaidltroi7. , ARE K g PT CONs rAZIII,LY.4ONjuIAAND cit:oopt Tours c ' , intim riANos, 1 ' '', - • Ay:kr . 11 ' ' 1 ' S'eed - d /Id d i s k ' n - n a4zo . i 'MUSICAL INSTIftS3I(kiNT 1 ,)b . ALL , , _ . 1 1 .. ' 1 DE:neti IN It4NS,, et,_ rooks and' Staion• Newspopei c and Pei ial46a f .illiter jai ct-c. ' ' vs,. , .• . A .,_ : 1 liaBiiust, Received on of I . • iist and' Best 8 let `I , . . STPC:k OF: F A. L "LIVER BitOJGHT INTO .711 it ILI froth the very; finest 11 odIC !put down 'to the "Coprser liiiis, Jleterminek to sell CHEit.EP 'CHEAPEST. , • ,is ' ' Alpo. p..LAiIHE SELECT . ..: Falla_ a aid 111 1s- i , Pillions Wishing to pnrohosCw Ircell l tind examine hit Stec •I) • ileleeteht4e 1 ; , ) 1 . . Writenienther the p,lnce; hir iofi the "BIG HAT.",,eNr I Beaver , litugust.29. .1 :1 tonfectiotaiits Cak, DETER ;thus ni 14. 'that be keeps a goner the -above r articles, at Ilroi 'bridge street, !Bridgewater;; low for cash., lle miss to bi pound Caton' Hutting, 114. i, • 18 aitin pima P 1 ef BIS • kutter, 111;' .• ! Ile,4en's; kutekiag, 2 , oeitti d b%.)14,- ME -1, 2d '6O r e Larg 4 0 DS . . I. . .OUNTT. a nd Sat-. ich he fi AN THE aps o .well to buyirg feet, etitt I 1 es, Bit • d, &e. o l tifie/ th 6 people assortment tie?' .xn - Stand, ba Si yattention to tiyti3f frien4e. !sitar 1 ,, received di'; mor , ! wßich can a' or Perin: itequaiutrace. and ,tt;it Dresier. biefriende end the trail, it ItiW-for ad!n,l!_biqt.etreet, tCI thing...S.oie. he;. t I eittiotie .ft tat: a 1 1 times be et- THE HIGHEST-1, 3 44Clit :.." PAID Irdß R -'=".=` • lin Call and see nl, beta* The above is atm retail prices.; ,4t wholesale.but ctly tor da;iki. .4 • tem.mber the Greif C ? 1 eery Ilenqcs No: 11 N OND 1 Ant let _Yeileral•St., All i eap ; E TuE r ualts ,Sl‘44, l l‘iii ail god& kept atiin'ito ieeest espo.. Ouug PN=E Dmgm=l 1 •• , • >~..,gw _~. . ON fl,lll blisitte)inL -1/110•11,foilli • • u6ilsed . cent* r r• 4 iqt 1 101 1 , **II"; • • -oentd.l Ell . 4N. , . -... e, AA 1 . k 101 spei - - ';' •.1 \ l ' • PP . ( 1 1:1 . : , I r ; ISBUItOII. I ; glitt!TA " t Y, aticbl:, I '4l ins 4 EMI