:.,,.~ . i _ t. I ' , ..:'- • I , - i I I ! Colossi Irilrworth lesselikiiiteo,:,. 7 f . i r . 1 „1-1 1 WAllithiaTON CITY, Maktels - V361. :., • The flaw.iitigth, Ttrelvt.'3. aml lkitirteitifh Regiments ief New .Y.irlt, ihr'ibiew- York, Fire Zonaies, I ' and the Mtobigatz .. .(rotiiiii i , occupied the Itown of Adezindriii, Ibis autuing et ..sourise. ' : r I -&-tifop'ref-fitrip - zianrsti - was las:plural •:::-: 1, ' CO; sltswerth t of the New York Fire IZ:hi:IPA -iititts-iiiiet through the bea'et, by' . ' I soma pinion .. concealed to a licniefi. L have biga-icr,, ether living killed in taking , 1 the towlirj - •1 , . -=.i . Not ,a gun was fired, the T lowa, f brink iiiiiiiitotolt santtounded ' hy , llheitroops. il3iiihabtehitodlai yeti with the 31iebigau '.-- !• • i I • .1 1 • ,r ll 7 , !. ' I i . , .ilrAtittlitotbit, May itrj i -11 A i 11. ,ths fpci ktelt \Cd. Ellswiirth I his psi li' fkfeltat the . liairr Taid. H3l was 'stint 'in kiwi of she blarehall ifoose; I tiy die prod Piiktoh.Jafittion. Col.Ellswetth• had km tritesi ; 4141n_ ii, iirccsalini flag limn the Li Mare . *WI onel*, "than he was shod Jackson, ;vhq was tioited ittatantltatid' killed you the eta: .Ai --: - --••-. 1 :.' 1 i , the ;isnitemont I pterallii beta The !r!iie _sn't.toliing throughout: ibe city. ' iliq' ~ 2 5.—Ontini to Igo . i fal l in ease . - ~- , , ,_. _ ,_, , totting of itizians gazers at ii.e remains of C.f. Filleineth, ,the funeral" eCirtege 'was iilelityed iyom moving from th e ditecwive Mlroietri till-oE4ff one o'rlock't ,i is 8(4( eon*. MI along the :Bus :of , Pents•a'y I vanie Aire .bus, Ilislag4 "tie 'clisplayoll at h a lt Inset acid drard in m-nroing. Beery a , iailable prito, i ncluding tbs. • winlii4 s, t i k-((i.i... f I atilt - hoOttops wait thronged wit h • rirrow • iv, ,givtire-I The venous ltidtmoeisla of lespre.t were paid to ,' the remstos.l Belle . were tolll4, i'Ld the heads o( i the companies tif-fhe iiiy Military, followed by the New Petiiisly.flliffot hpgimfnt, Ai cortipsil of ma. rice's and- cavalry eatlp., Cored the mili tary etc'ert.; With ",arms re urged and cut crs shi4Odrd, succeeding the hearse M b:bled a', detachruebt of -Zeinives, one' of . whom, (Brownell, 'Abe avenger of Col. ,1 ElheirOith, , carried the ideutical pea( 'shin ant tot ei - thiwn by [the : dilerasedi". 1 ties futloweif f ,!the Presidrot, a eimpsoied by tocretsetes l 'Srward and Smith. '''' I. 11AT T '261 7 -The steamer litiokse orris -ad bete Lio-day from Fortress l Monroe bringing' .ihe .folloWing ittprirtant in'elli irnee:--''Gen }Stair!. yesterday [capture( Se irell'e hoist withla love 084 k i lled an found(4): 1, The enemy !Olt between 30 aud ' , fop killed and wound V. Many prig users, were taken, ~ u mberi g nearly 60i On - .ThUraday .eveniog the! ttPmy re picket. niar.-thn tort were surpr ised rod Om( titinttred - ptisoniirs brought' to the tort. The Yirir Bepartaird his iu (inflation to th- Lillie fff' • . ' it i et Treason, n il-1 w . 11 t.l . ASEILI!.G i TON, . - Tbei'l itetended I.i!,but se) • - , , liesere,. s.not to be:tr i nsteril went has 'iofortn;iion of .1i aiel p iii es . ellara. r •ter, wh Unites'St i iiteii. tro ops al•roi in antes:, i The Adininis.rii itself ilisk thete has esi4 against' the,l'Yeder j al stubs man., I.isstling 2 iiiies,s erg rig - blip:6B'of 'hese couspil and !bey will: be dealt sirve6.4 1 f Thiro h cr• drobs that a srme•menr it - lirde settle, will Ibe Ina o hi, M ;rllat *teitiCaili eta, iiinulr aui. usly !.. wir b. ti e , •Tztiii r c t og of the N tripe' -forces, Age 'Pettis . - cir pronsiottnee;just frotnlßaltirno p - Melt 'it " ky 'ti - ; .say..oe ; it , i 1 iere on awa i t se pc, . tinn of IGeintal I s Leo. A tnne l ment )! Liin foulard Aleztniiria,.otterup t t stn rota • Arligtott Illgbte, or fl reliese'llmrpe '1 Ferry, will boa signal fo . r a glneral opt ,!• lag of ill: Cho ecesoiontets io. the St. t ., .4 , fi o ,l.h ol t e been laPsureii by the South rii tienfecierary that irp tiriiinst eneries Phial , los eiereti on their behalf. 31y intitrm al - s/solzep be heliertt r theigreattir pclt lion DI Jibe eitizeus oi l l' l Billitnore will aid t ii il • 1 1 rnevilcoent, although rrofessing to Fop r the i s : Government. He soya there Sr. . .largo l i o.olitipt lof . armii bid aoloy in t o '.lityi r ithich , the Hovey:lntel:if has not ii ..otoTtlred, Imlay of which are being.oecr ti coney i tod from the citi, and disisib re''. zbroiigh the interior )9 Sl a t e, the whet. 1I 'ever mihst aeOlicli. 1 • . . *dale° says iinformation from tr l p.S. in To/r by citizens of Prince ; 9 ? orgo'd oo4n .Zyi: A other patio IA 'the interior, i to 141 5 11 1 0 3 oeffect. • AI agree that uoil. en , deneo is to be placed on thel pretended o alt of ollar3loatl, since a strung disu i,. par,/ still claim' iheie,lshiclU the pies tt of Federal troop, ainanrreetrsiio.- -r,-,—,--..,..,L, Western -------,„ ---.. W Virginia Election. liiitTTA, i‘lay. 26—We have thej t. 'loving election ;returns : )Veatern Viigii in:*Union majorities Berkeley co tit! . 70, ;', liarrisen, 1,000 ; • Wood, 1,606 .4 mm, • 400; -Ritchie, 878; Lot 11 7 F 1, , -: Jackson, 400.; Witt. 300,; 1 lee -an s,, 158; Doddridge, ' 550; Ito too S ii Taylor, 700 ; Nlavtoe, 450 ;IV :Si 1 •j ;-- file,me, 1,700_ i aa1.b . ,41, .50 ;:. Rinawbs, 1,200 ; iVeyne, 800 ; Pr . tow 10010,,. 1 . i lilatatmosis, ?flay , 25 .-Joba Met irOll a ferry Wealthy an4.bighly respertabla ci irin of Baltimore , county, and Presidut:i tbli Maryland Agriculturai society wi arrested last night at his resi l lence, by Cliilrernment • t•ffner,liod bro ught in l e eiiy ibis morning, and taken- to rill M kept,. Ile is cbirged with burbly, Irlekes on tbe Northern leeotral Rai r4el- It is -underetcod •he I seirt be set ' lii the snibmily of tbe Mayor and . 1. orl'oßee Comrobssimiera. '.LratrTiviLts May 25.--Ne4rlyllll _ Asp here , and et J~ffer'aooviJle, ftyitigat hatfamart la,coiolequeoce at eitiatis of Col:. kllswoith. • Birder Stsie Gonvaiitioa motto risultfort on Mouelly. ' I ii, i ,--16 t - f --- - ---- 1 Ifrnatatrant ldoyaoir., May 25 —5 l e i ( p. i . i). _Chi. parya's-Zausgea arriv e di' t ais . meting by t.l a - 4e steeaer-Alebama i at d hi eidemped Un side of ~I tiampuick ; r id i math the Vermont and Troy Irolli4ll Dip 2:11j Itetalr . P021116k 0 0 had aio tjtil 4ftii two coinimuits issehuset sr° ithereisre on* win 4 31a ) aiz thou.. l t. I -iiitiis , lind , inbiler •• wadi" a t 'i oc . trip. i - . I_ la • I i - . L. , i ••__ .. - . ' 111 13EAVF,If . KU-d ' arm . 'eyn3 .Esifourefiat • ,'"" .4 tounty , . -L - Presiikut -,..l,udge. I AN , LEL AGNESV 13o f reogb. _Assoc:lite Judge. OHN' SCI3TT,. flapeWell fp. GNEW :DUFF, New Bright , • • • Aien:Big. M. HE N RY,!FuIIer - en. l ' t', District Attorne 0 I`,! - B. YOU NP, Reetieete Treasurer. ~sur , . •., er. .f a IIIIADSIIABV, Fallsto. 1 f', .00111722infOrier // D NIHL B.> suoyr,-, mom, -.Auditor.- ► 1(:). FrkeWART, MOOll. POOr 110 . 11:Ce ; Dire , i NI:iY GoEilnil.444, New' Trustees (V Acad . 'ir. D H ItieLHAN, Bees • 0614.11'H IL. IVI . L3ON, Wtav SCNeit week'is Court wee ear sobseiibers coming • - ucttatir the printe r . vri ore tnone - y. We n.xt wet k in new "rspe. Fa Mc, Beeb , l u i Brighton, is cow engaged in,evt eirmeus of this place itud visit Ty superior utiCle of fresh Lake Trout, and other kiwis Ile "w-11 visit our eitisots ou S r bi i any ellesp.and wholesome :luxury , , plied.! Give h int a Mai. stiOite Dltlitary Connnievl eft. a new carop, visited Bed urretbg, and tospeet (fo4o‘lB with a view to the Beaver as. a •,point for a can I not learn what the npinitnis iierned !as to :relation to it. , that • the aovantages' and din eacb' proposed'., lo3aliiy will qd . bp,competeet judgev, go dl ited where they decide it to able: 'altimore Dan Rice'sAreat 54 .1 1 The illimitable DAU Mee r , I•; . , 1 clieater on - NS edoesday, Mn • , I fe potalioo as a getter up'of 4 Irell- known through wt fife 1 H s I ill, at:loot:nee unusual art igtti. se iig, . D ki; 123; •Ibc r the poutb, l which place! ha ' 1;)1, for f;TEII a Shoa:sail of ati4 lio oar COUA:I3 up 1)11 piny bus,Lxibttions of t•loll isu-liGlisrl,*Eliult Ate: Of co il will go ta i. ace its if it is I bOw ba w as :treamil daain ! : .1.) — ? o" - is :-.1 eaici to be ag i no' and will uo &mid: deli 'tr ' the "greal queition "-Nfe : ,—,--. - ;tate it May 24, '6l. • r qitictirof of Bal , The Gtlvern i itt;e Most direc filch- tba i e. leis§ the " i iietit bus sati4i:" t•ti ti eotiPpirar'i wigle.st.and th itiVOlTed atrii are know jib of they'd • The Star and,thetor The Star', n Teas hoen tinii`e' ' iinforiunatl A had the „ .... I had the tetuertty to fly I I ju.f public. seutirnent II t . 1 smile' time; but about 4 1 CcUmtniited the pest bl i's' Oe Con.i,ihee of iSJfet ~ 'i hadot• rt t.enten w toin l 3. re iumesledi the paper orL its • ,i , I . 1 , publtshe a false statemel 14.• . • 1 t ' aeltons in the case of tbe 1 ly ! 3 cioghttni, lam, qarnthi,ttee t- I - • i lame, ared publi cly drat to itaii a deo:til I• .? doing what any fair.tu l tod [jiturtuil Would hare gldly 1.- i lished ' a leinplet c ref r et i . l- fly, it'a., editors 'pub!'l he '" ;of the eoromittee, adcimpli L ' . 1 itotial ernocteot, in which I thetr sceouat 4 4rartl el tbt !Thus a dding to the lief Ou l : . 1 - 1 `offense. : - "" This ;extraordinary sod !' j lois 'cobras on the part of v ; the adoPtittn,of ibe.av i rerel I of resolutions of tondeiina ... tu 3 r. ed in tbe;Argn* and , 'rot 11 ., The' editors of the S:ar it I 'l ti, ording' of the Coininitt _ I resolutions, last week, 8 . fermi to them „as ‘Jitng tt an them nrsome . itembers i it. We 'Must cotitess that 1 athe course of our .cotem s • , I L a` ditors of 'that, sheet 9 t'ha lost,; not only, their le i l Ic• 1 their sensei Y . :Do: they 1 the Cooitnittee.of :98ty are! j i ce ;.ibeii. own-pinceediage . 7 i r d itors may, like their 'if! , i I ' I • Day-Buok stu!lthe X. ! eity, be!,coartitig a 1 lit' the opinion'a sake.; If so, r'' it ere they are aware t tug The iefereneet wiiiel at two geitlenten on th, no:oh mutempt. We : personalities, ,esti st eel tI. noriee 'them. At 1 bi 4 ' calling 'us the 0111 1 6 l e e uri g h4oe u a little art ge, ls.. 'l) ,, ti't publist —; ktiow it •to.be true. efl 1 21. When jou a pa; f .laity of ear putiln ra it, in the tars of eel 1 . .84., DotetAttsg• 1 D4y-Booko . : ME ram NKIIII !selection 'Of i . . WO - . did .those - Cm ! We- stippnse • imivanyages, 4 :fairly teat 6eciwpto most suit Tucw. ot thr / 1: vieeki ago it ..of attacking .body- of gen . way l ivatati or .Having tbe z resOintione itiect43, ;in edi bey claitne'd thsi • 1 li main correct l' !, i I ! - ness of t h e first 'post. lorrups the Starlied to . I but' well- l ikerited 11 I oft vroleep pea r 1' f't 11 " r wed I 0 ast,,, ibliahe& the pr 4. I te, the Id eneeriOgfy lumped up l eweinat the Cott!!uittee. We are. aroused;at '. torbry. Are the jetty. Ha7re they f^fesPeci.)lbni an I - not know, that the perfectly aware of Perhepiiitheledi • triode leaders; the 4 or - Nd,ii. York e martyrtluot for tile) reeeive it: 1 'the Star !idakee to oustnitt{s is be. avoided uefer cribdrozend e Sio! pieirsivto iu Ilet, de } give our idvioe: yiSiog uiileve you 4 ; , ,eouvineecl' ;of' the , 0 ott, dun% Toniies iu , l Uotifistatiute., tiny worelliaut.the El =I II Msentatio j- I 1 ;p Friday ezeni eion sell:ad; i attester, ttk t. Curtin*Rdlip i wb puny', into aiiiltp. ' , Tbe affaitazas 1 i reflecte great cred 1 cheater. an ABri4g l [ pices the Procoed Posters had beet i tor., i ,llpppoocipg tsclis eenttW take- 0 ' Factory on Pride, wei . were ou - .baull Witness tbe oereto Cite Factory we main entrance,' i l 4,9Q° perilous, n thelcitizens *boll thel bout. I S. _ ~bloher• 'ckct 'A , t the far end of it the halj late pt .1 i , ~ 1 ..! . form 'was' ettetedi l ateen!e with et iean flgge; and ditieotiy atioo 4 the center 1 ' • , • .1 .t. • of the largest one,, a iiiost ' plendid spell : , , 1, 1 • 1 men of the National tMoting, was a pr land 'of IrrelTiOliTl; tts:iettlii7l'lll , ol , eo into the , letters Utttori. At the ; (r oot of the stage, three betikitiful latops,roire red, l on'A *bite and one bine, east 'their rays beet upon the—entnl e of t, our National glory. is The' whole len g t h i of theli tnedoe hill t ris i ° • I 4' • -lighted by ' Jou . eaerab i le Ilan:pi - hung tit theroof, *ad i 4- lifinfinatiiii - .ff.ti . . , 1 so great as IQ t• ,trd, siniple opportunity In ' • nt la . ' l a dies't di e• the brtiliant :thrting ai r n tio• littley their, different :ifylei of teouty , , - as they smilingly aPpriticil !4.111111 proceed i ngs: Directly iii front: of the stage; the mem bet,f. of 'the Cotnitany' wire dMwo up-i-th'e minty forms and'::statelyll4aring or officers land men contrasting tinelY, r with the hub'''. on either Adel while direst!) , Ishind the Curtin:Rifles, ;be Rociiictitet Horn's Gn i srdei ui artd with tntilikets s and iiiYoneta, ,Iwere I ,tatt . ooed t o ttld re 'l r Ev ery oast t . le ;;pace not l oectend by the holies as ir aid „ diers, wee tak e n d ap bY apeCtators, carte, .6[l 1 i , .1 . led with tinthnolirm, gAied with a , Ml' S 4 iik • i 1,, , ,} long I, ‘,.. t • upon a scene' worm° 1 , slit f m .80 ratuem• , hired in our co unty . iI I i d i i I - , / , I, I .. 1 Upon the platfvtni we not i ced It. P. kat.ette, - iE.q ,1 and C . 't M. Wityaud,l whnt had ',con cho n' to matte the presenali4 n.l .'eel) a'cri t a i reply. : Tn i 'ere' was Music l i neon the pian , and Outdo of .the drum and; 1 ,,e 6e. •Ater . e Me chile . Nr. Roberts l arosci and in a i neat sOeSch rlij i es'ente i e. to ! Captaiel Adams, on be *lf of the f i lidies of iocheal ter • ind Rrid elwardr; ..te nd.oine Sword 1 [ l and una s sumin g 1 1 ' ! Capt. A.; in a modest and una s sumin g man, 1 I. ; r , i ' 1 • i nor, teemed he present,, promising never to dieheuor it ; Then pal. Vireyand i reptil id, and 'at the`potteitteloti,'„i, his ; adtifelis l , Ins Red; IV Lie' 41 , f 1 .Bitie.Was' sun''' h' . ae .1. '{ ' • 1.. ceimploikiti b itistrotooniil music. lIVI,C Ain leetieftrei had did stink,. loud Call ~ feY . Otil: L t liesBbri 'ei,` ,l lale Ortiii. 4)unt ,l _ !newel - tha .igeni m.trt,'-oati.' wh C in p :bor . :it:el iittriro el „itidests..,, raised the pritt "watblisisetteto ire M0;41 tertaion 1 ' f 1 I. t ll .' 11 Ir. !‘ 1 wieldy., We tiope , Rill; rgl ail sppiti: c', of NeT plying the Liiy, with # ke Sb 44, i freak' fi.b. Lifliays and s r l in; this ti I , r . be sup- I • 1 iders 1- ' Niers, to I, I). a l ai! op Sat. Fair 111 be it 17.0 I 29tb. Rio ustment' • ired Sta‘es. I=ll tiaVesl4,4l:l become 'too r" lerq i th ,~ isiorth,to iA - • f . l IrilquesiKAn• re every, 1)9 5 1 .. 7 l , Ply to ar, it "Di:l..; Mat.° alao. tpeeth up"n tee of Safety. well know t has late. it =has e fate 9f ibe he county; for pods and of the -trans.; .v. D. Ait.)un.q denounced the' ed the editore Eli i z 1 4 . er,tbei Beaver Argus i i .' • :, . : Ii l i I, May_l i, Rio Tort; IoWNSUIP, l9l . • Wheren 'in the All•trise Preti•ienc of 1 .3 1 1 i • God, bus likenl . m fro •en r salmi& a 1 ,. dearly ' beloved iteter, scholar and hieed,l Miu.Almira ilaicli l y; bertfore, , . I • i r illisolve i Thai we, at; a Sabbitth Scheel,' deeilly s,) :iatblie wit the bereaved fain. Hy Ia I etr, aStictioto . We lope I our 12,1 1 friend has gone , to" that. better land,- w h ere i 1 4 ne v ert' 'i 'h serriw and rill L en er, an ,w i ere sir: ill'elill be advancing in Divine bliowl edgetiud I light. i - AM ugh we can never ir woe her again in the ,l apacity of a .echea l ar of ehise-issate let we will- cherish the food! hope t that ;when the tie that blot us l i . J , i 1 • to ; ills ton.statted i orld shall have b e en . "e7led; I* will eel' together in ihose Il i Mi tut-rea Las sibe the spirit. of (tie int.', mortal IN IL ITF • : i 1 1 j i Resolved, li+t, • eppy of the same ba' to he bereav d 'famill ' and if lb, • • ty pri l ,ers. - •• I Cu T catottou, o: . ! out the . tarry 111 a . ' 1 I SA , I o * --- B -- d Sur6' r t, O nes. 'There! ipno. probability that t e ensilmiroi will : dt from fie rperi Felt ry until al movement terward t a wile 1 . Che t Govarpoest. The litirgiateas great 3 nil desire t Pretend to asinine the defattiive, If this be true, their will, •waie a .goon While. r have'', it, man' the v'cry• 1 a ighTif stoirce t it theiconetimien arrived at l by ill railing lenthrtieei it, that no decided. . advance moveMe4 ;by ( laud LahoWld !IR Hauls .7 Hauls 1 r tweelOc perhaps • mot t cotiae t 'T he iro aisttze of the. eaustry Irani, be re: . al 'of 1 the iro 'r 1 str a ined Until ihe arrival dip time for thee 44tti ' ' ee'iovelit bperiti s. isken Al a tilkifliPilick •toferOay, General' Sc !I la of, when hal begin.; ,to :maks * ii. sevp. end. rat:t i e• I sin step/. 111 ) I Mils 104 ew irt be wheat..maiebin SO r f Oa while &Atli will Itii*.s4 fee l ir. -1 1 II 1 i • , . ° ~„ .--,!- - , • 1 , lostelid • o 1 ani hon orable done, viz: pu of ibe COU IF F I ~~ alr .l they. EP= -...outudy. / it upon n the i i • 1 hugenodes."lleac at a_ ',fetal conducted.— i 1 , 441 1 , Up ii tia l y Cettin pi; i' 4l .lt, j...5*4, t 4 L • P 1 %11 11 4:1. tpelteatr r, 11 ° . 1 sI T; 1 ! ° ' 1 • ( s 3/! 1 1 i•veltig. 1 Accordingly ILl t t i t tint appoi nted hour to ~1 ' • 1 y.' Ow .o uting at lie 1 i nytt tbf 'large ball on the titchJ'is eapable'stit liolding 1 •• ratty ifillel alreadyi wch l ad anionibbid lootitertite + 1 :i- ' I 1 -- •• ,-.7 . :. , 1 '''' 1 I , 130 - wesl Ler trill actoWb :es tti;, uhaloii- et ,r allies will b. ' coothl lor ibi • tintty,l • WS itlue4 .14i .- iiiih. tired ..r i d iabattitsat Lot' ilte,-eiti, mix -r t h or aittici 'item Ortable l 114) 414 , it thejlilt ra n louse, in Niles ' be vil lage itee f to, ana of the ~ 1 . .v. 1 .. 1 pessinuest 1 in IT erstern •retr. j ~ 1 'iistiel quio,l l Y sway I °Ps ' be - Jamie retill. every L.An e i ' 1 1. , ravel ,•- wititt ',error fur (WA i g, for it ' Oetittgi, and • a fi l let class 1 lobli P ing la Mani • For ree l t. j I.; h 1 ' J 9of t e tiestialido spate on b e 1 1 aptiosut at ti l ith parliculat juke, of v , keJ mee t l tha 11:13 t eam f ti • outer: was appiiintoi! I : uti o G IBSON, Supt. IS 91111 1 I Thip rallßf i To! ,Ape......rled. the l - ' f?pouring Del! _r- • '4 i 7 1 4 4 144 4k90 1 '4. '1 M Pt, Sii, 1 4{If'-1 4 a• kr diesry. ii. 4iiitt:. i3r,iirimoot: - L 1 „1 . --' lifirnt4i . - 1 -..'' ' T hl-9 3 ". :irrmiiiiiii. --(Big -....- ta,.rre,,,, , , 1 ,-, J 1 .... la gialpigiO F e,. A - 1 . i / /ft 1 pri l gh son ... ; 4t o i t. 1 L e k, 0 , it ecl i , r 7, a r, 1 ,..g431,!.. ' - 1 ~- 1 1 * .'ir ; .16il,w 00. 311 '. 4411 I 1 .. 1 3 , ' . 1„., T.4‘ Xoc rikni,J: 1% A el, i# kate 7 J 1 1- •••104 tn? ,0. : 1.1 ,. ' 1 d'efori With, ron '1 irr ....S Yi liNt'M4 N T el ,501i,13 0.-fs4l a. "..,, w - : 1 . t ' t -' , - •-' ins 1 .i4l'bnicli'- .1- 17? k 0147.,... _ Idilll4l Wit} 1 . . rioich Sew - it 113 1 11. P. Wiliam i (jk k 0.....Vy 10144,404 M. 1 Efotterioni 1 Phil Lipobu . "Trocopottr. ki P i ot .0k1—... ~ ,tfoolbsetisr. lig'iwktno.- s : 1 114Mhoster 4 .-. :44ilicout)-4 Kerr and jj 4) alit Lel "Josolih,More t . u. nut* Dr D'Mint , J. ani so'd'i to - icin rc..ei o {bid Cool 441 , uusii a' , sLi boto ?4+ P st , • lit • br. r.►C Autil ion . if • is, 4s mut6 • Pt? 0 4 54 .1! ' pt} mutt ! sti6rdoon: -. I, , 1 se ' kC, Ibitq - at the 'Low . ou'tiiothin to fowl); . • •, , two ITtie' I il ; .• , JWltilei4,'io Ili .est like tb Til whoa our !i ' dies : 4 3a b is i ,i4 e4 l „ ,iivacticlor p i 4'. (6'lo P i. Ls eine iu?,periled, it kt!uouses 'rite; tiUll uil fe .1 • 11 , -. 1 • ' every go ui cittsvo ti.t ie y qo ti upeaui 0 'cailty; allim4s se ever y ' i e, tiu behalf et , truth iodllbia!'i ,6' ox'l. - eltitio. !•1 1 - -IT 1 I,`l'buttstirat t sb b "140011Tdi b Itbe repro. ,1,,v e utativee prib ..oqip.iwi , .. a f t , ur,Lic i p • v r cotint,y, At 1, iriitioi. rue Lit:. I tiart-ti Flads . i.lotir . ,l, veil our re. i t ate, se iwilc 4t. iti , hltiutierte' I, ophold,log• f 40} I.li tilt- liOr 11 iiilll"Syllibu till our,titt. il, , . [ tit •• 1 ... li ~ • uoiti- potee," tagiu•itito g tolitotlusie_ 1 3!l2eill'li!lictsr. ` 4 , , Nr,,,1 lit t4 h i t j e Nil ' alirl'aifi 1 Vlilf, ;- lil : CiteT6 AO *Pr; . and 4114 5.1 itlit:' 'iihi isitrritleit Or lsri #tili . ', l Suts t*liieii — tfu 4 l ()Limit., n et roor l oi et jblii se !Air tbe yet, . . it , 1 COUlltilla9s4!4o l ; 1 AItOVOI L IIII ug i tyjstruggl44 LS ugly: Istuyltill 111u're . uvul 'AIIA , the e st-esti duffle al l inti;l;airibecia paired 4! , ? , e ui t i t iee . lietweio P ruitt ~ Ilitoil errt3r, tr, !loin Rod 4,1 Pit e;i on, r.ii /1 a t.it uuar l l enyi, it Il l iurv r t iyhl t the naur ofti l l 4 1 /int' buinartif• It'la always ' ultimate itlguii , 4;d j-i i i pd. 1 estif4 ~ l',hat 1 whi w e i hi i are t ill. i .t iug on , i I ordtibr i Y otteesioue'ffo accord to oadi will i i pe t te 4 el freedoto of. Word atiti ao• laci, ) )e ;'oviievi,..is we do, tp.l io.eir ticitqllike it!?i[e., utie lin if•ir usoti l l titralify is infieiiiou Of - Obit ithy i riiitote,l,treljkoti' it ?c," tothlrito y • of true patriot .to occupy 1 high !mid •de igrotititl 10. render Plfr.Delttl "aid totu'uTl i . Ot 10uf1.,..t0, the .stioual rrumeui} but t.l o tl its', expoll.ot lied utive, t, :e biaoetutiCAdtuittiesir,ar i iofi. 1 4% ti.:ll' ReimilW,i7bilf w 4 t r ri•joiee It;a , k the green ;wise itti, thri betnocriklie i '''atty througbbut the Ditaittesu.St4livai, hue p ably pie iivuLia l ltir liluttse, of' !Lei Itneu:tei44lag aid ouirtgedil is, aiid ullh.lult usa g t e and tik couvetiee ''a girt ..fti iriiiiir ''.l `e'irilaule , niece-Of iept S W Polii a oeguat • t• Onl aid altonigt itay l iifeirot issuorsuk s e /d• ii it', Pt!li_ erl.ll o4l S.lr 4ft trilli'it '•,pbeur's La itot . he pti , pij',s.f,i,•.:ll6l, l l e alewity,,tliat ignoring all ptity aisii.cii: '4 i,,,..1• ibroi. tug w i de sit pithiest i'repttity, vie erlu bill eactretber a prettier/ivied , trietals ? iian f lei to iiboulder to rib : Midst UR puity.4o.l , l.oT; .1 0/, thi vas offl' 4 11 ! 1 !ci'l ,/ '" Th e F li9l '' ilia Ciostit I i stud viii iircirceturot ;of .14 . 1.. we 1., 1-.:1 •n. • • ...• 4 . the 1... we ' . - s+.;i: Re o u Thht we cannot with hohl;4ur ud rerun of,f , s 4 our * grit&ii:,.. 1 , Whitt, the' tofu pufaued by .ur .I)l‘ifi. e. it #stintUi asititi— wt id ..Utul foib..arii - - Ug so lops al ',ups Will i iposntLey: pro tw tupi o uiergokuo' tit* 'itailbecit+ty' itoi%P.ailite: uud , i l hat: c tbpifil:tuf j-.; fps in • "believ i u Ins that i s , iiivi •.i. su Will be all . that: i-.l.ifidutif i - ruiiigh , wfle is cow; plaint, bold th 'e l ;16htioti, and liriuiopulaut ;to issue (lib. ;R ilia, 'pisc, , ii W- L act prFlfd this ai l ',f bol l ' g Juttivrtoxii - Oilizetia, fruit Iwo' berg bud u tlpptalMOfly Ur , dimuperistlug to thu tiiiii * utlifus i t ourthi thiii welpure, . goverutueu i ,)'tbit we" hiii !Jet t/ • ytt:tieti co &ittpleiti; 14prId 'pi: - at 'righi is over l'uaw , ii(owiiiodu -au i bourrisreds! of f:DOI/A iudi ! , flittisinwAulau indus.ituus tiai it pie, riuslifu l .tio *howl fur ; "defeucp. of ;the. GuYeruoup ill . 1 bibrio pihett•tt:ti li)y 4 :tbe Wood ut, 'o l ri, lutbrol, eief4 wbeu aft tiipd ky the tilt' i/itehe hiudi 41 -itoie • ife h'll e 1 totiefi l tielus i 44llo-ci, to' love and rtard. u lweltiteu.s' 4 ,kplidtei. , 1.1, ?. ... I , 7th. i • #i(4(e ,l, 1 ,,,1#ft 'T I are •sie3ialll. :uwilusuisiuu, •tbat our tesiiikilUtiltl kisi iiirra i yiid iiiitiat ',treusou and • 'veit cwii' foe lid W 4s b eard !. - 114 14' 411 e! m e i q ' f 5 1 ° :at up ' z anus toibry Tikiill -0 ittiW, triad 0 1 ,‘ 'titive bunsll &A 1 • ro i poiii4e4: 4, '.of, , - F,;,;biorion 441 e •AttO ',l 4411 1 i . 4 414 0 ...10 1 !) d pr. ifAa ;it oirc i iiiits—rtiat gild a iiitiai.l o l - 10014,' lad isti iiii,ll :iiffOrigi ,I 1 1 - , ° 13131 tik L Xit*Lie, l *ligh wsl Siete and N. .141_1 ... "fl• " 16 1 1 .zt; : - 1 '"'' 3 II" P t ii.flit; , " . .. . , t , .44: 1 . 511 44) N. oW: 1 1 Isar; W. MI Aftd: i .k . ittaxie! '',' l i t T: illtikle,'l 4amit i p i.i k•-•:, di Illd' , '.. 1 tiAltriii•-.id • ' Wall it, 40.1Warnualk j. , Bait 1 , E LL y r , -him viii i obit 4 - lt .i i ttf ad Ors. .1 Shrtwiii ' frolibir! .1 rh, , i 1 1,. , said Timis...fp •gt2,spzi.' ' 4 -flu e ! c - tbarc . . i.eaal . ilk' .4 . C. etrkiii4J.-,g. 4aroler- ~ as Faster,lt. F. Mal ida. I sir;'r. Jobzi '0 biota,- .k.; 4 , . l. . L w i ! , '. toot r,' 0 ', Y. Pants , ‘i It toil )4 . . 1 v . ' uutier, ie, traiittlitc r f II 1/ StstiL a. .14 a ;ileac!, ~uortattlir. lippoisial gaerifst ; 0 Li a scull" iyr f.' Pi " 1 . l' , - • • : tV.• 1 , veir, tacd • 104 { k , souroi sbe t Ita to ILsiotta on* ere 1010,1/11 f ' yk t Ali It'_, t • 'circler by iber kilo rep lit{ qt t t esti, Fl ,adopted, LoT. , and r •veryl • awl Zeo Oov, =1 NE tra4.401,7 partiott,_ of as state ;ibis; esuseless and iaboly exinapii , ' • , - , ~.... Id .:i ' . . ' a , , f on, t' - sot ''' lv id 49 ' i ' -- -446,z4•9 a ,zu -1- - f'S • l'' y,ls is',. , ' iso „.., i 6: t - ' l , qtr we... 41, no stay oar hoods or seri fort 4, while ttio'tnisd 'of s single •litkels.--eur- r .solit-ii=sissclity. threetetts lbs stability of ou Ift lit 4 iki ~,1 .1, Cosh' solved,' That as , we consider Iroi*orsey--",endsl2gered'irruellY itfiulltar to tbollS4rdssi 1114 ail iiVeAdiftlf 14 ipro.; vidid rut - iiisif , , cotitisigeoby s ,,e, most kleerPOCßPtaca% of 1/!41 , 094:W.1 . ,h0 - a 0 to p oT 'oVr - coutity:Voinoneillitieto4 - RI ' B Pl o ci : pristing, money is s'Epl sad silly tlxoisso- lAS; t for ?ell - dtAticiP '"''''t ' , ,If t , :. 1 1 ,e,t , z: , . ti a l3 -. 4 -."tiaiizotipu, • CIS. eatioa . r erpoe to t c h scailiiitlee ofk- -1 1'''1 - __' ' '..'' , :-.5 f r ::i :Al3lloolbre.HlD(lt - - I 'rho niqato of JlOnjainin l'addland Job* tin. b r i, Tett" *4 idraw!'froilLabi•Coikyonlion. • - Jlohu.'Beoct,; );.1,; . , „ i 70 •votoil. IWilliigis,: i t'ortor. t I, ' . . 1 , 1 9 ,!i I ,' Wlll6O Bhrotl7,st • 12i '!' - : 4481i1w Nat -j, '' . N 30$ . .t't - Thomas G Sorr,7 ' 1 !. 'I , ' 22: r • ` i t. :I' . ---i-- John iiiro4 /iaro, .ag' majority, of . votes w a s de c laredcr :01,04d: " - ii ' ' 'i i - til: - 13(1.1 46. fok. ,11 . Wm: Torter;,. ,15 I. '8 . irithdrawO. Win Bhro4ep, , 11. It '9 'l9* 9 1 Agneir Daft HI 29 8111 41 43 ,50 Thomas G. Kerr; . 16 1 'l9 28 19 ' !W `'Cairns t, ' '22 "1 " 113'1 '1 15 Tbs. Cbtiventiot lii -- , o motion, Ptilie edlo ballot for ~ .., , ... , . .. h t B6 MBLI. iI f lf istcis Darrss7,l3, " • -rl6 j. rotes; Williaai' IliarAl.'„' '. . 1 , ', 57 I: fis I Ti: Coareotiori tbiti pre' dell , totballot 5 ' t, " ' - `bfgv?in 4 itiiET. 1 f ;Loh 2d '',...-,;: James B. Rubio. , . i 86. , 88 8 1 John.B. ir!imisg. , • ' 46 4 4 1 64 IVII-A• lid ria 6 ll _,, - ll, , • 1!I ' "' Thy cnpveotios then prooreilpl, to nonlias a [candidate for i 1 linoieltsob, , (3,eorie C. IlradahaW, M. T. !Crime ty. 3:::11t. Li; Pirubers; Thiecolufoition lb. ••'' COSIMI Andrew ft: j , . Janne Smith r • 4 H. it. Short 4- • Arthur "Shiel4s,' 3obtrit...•Littel:; I 'Tbe Contention thei j 1 • Jobs Stewart! Janie. XI - Swing, r• Henry Onehring, w poor House Direct° Same tit John;lf Pott The,ballie,reitilted THU'ITSti jobs Sargent. , Andrew Stewart Joseph 11. Wilson ' I likloorhead . . ; 'Hey. 11. SlOLein, • . -0 11 - ' 1 $1 0 110 11 .'1!.riat, appointed it !beet from the otker • angst District, to nominate 'with (bower u 3.6 1 41. is Coattail:se, •Lirfl): Stuntmi. ,Oitl prittee was iippitiatital tra. , (Committee,,Se l On motion, the.Pr l appoint • C On motion, adjour .., itioo, . , ~ it . of ihriiii was died ith q similar i Pimniiitee,l emotapoSitigitlin Juilicioil a President I Judge, Mud! 1 saqies-iu its own :{wily.!;;• ons, di m. e l I leery 104 iroliterion.. a Similar .CoulL, I as sti f egiabi,tive ponimi,' itfiesek.). , 1- . %:?. 'esidegli itimi .siosiructed to otattietted. i ' 1 no Niue (1104. , D. 1.. lIIBRIE, Prelet. , See I 's ' ' , D. tlabsr icy,' J. • t, Econimyltp• • 1;.A.1 a, meeting p dependen't übip Beater .crow Me and itesolneioi A-. Static, were,uo Whereas Tbe ' bitrater. of tbe • e{ - Mettin: he - ntetribsca ofthii In: iard, of E turmz t wn- 1 th,the follo6ittir:Pietim le,, on - Lamb - yr - Cif !Ng 1 . 1. , • . —1 , neireotanly I f cipPled', 4, ' , 1 kll,,Aeike Dimes* r,iivid gAr-• I dire ; of mon itbrkni i ili Cite I y of flii pruvid millet, hes 1 kdst onr fel;ow tit inMir. L bluigreee, re the • bijou), i , , I I l th ; that , bile we, bow i to! such drspeurratiiiM, Iwe i (egret, that ' ''the urriel i of , •I 1 - , , soon, , arid el •apeedly„: 9giiirer our iniStit Cent i rem! among. us, one Ato lo ad ; lensing, h a pia, !Jib 125 'as ;wi ib Ms!! Ve. I in l fultuily. I Therefiits: I t. in the • , dec e ase ,i' . "the , , is ; a I.)st l a•hrothee,, Om-, o r country a true, rod re and fesr l ieSs d eader; 1 4 ~. aftretioria ! to n 'and ' -i • .! 11 . 'r ' ~, t we render, to Ilia fa rir i ly,. r id &knee and syroilatby;i! A we atten t d hie ' ' funeral r.onsign Mot ,to hirl 'nether i t7he tt of respect„, permit.. HI 'II j . ,t we will weir tnel! Mina] i• -, , I' --i 1 • lag, oh parade fr tnirty ':. ' ' • '! i l ' at weepy a t these Itettolu. ' , Ms' -family, Is i nd he pnbitsh er Arg 1 us. ' • ," ' ~- !' ~ I ' ioseituabie tnisfe . called (rota nue Corporal Josiah of , youth au _h e with suhuaissiou CalltlOr but feel Death should Es .upread bis dread ploy, and , /nate reopected and atifiiitd; a% arelli reavad aod atr;e, 11'0,aolved, T. "ilotne Guard"' rade and soldieti, koyal itpart, a b' and faiudy, brothel. Rein!veil, Th. GUr' heart felt C. Role irt $ body,aadl alirt with ewer' te4 b'is fa di Rthlolaed .1 of 160131 d4ys. Repolvil, done be rent Ito ei ie the'Bee. [The 11•110ffin Week'ti wi. received toolais for lost . - y. I ,LCABD. , I- i( hfr To mg, my oppnnet4-for y, he. leen eirettlatiut lampoon lof I desire to eoyrec thrpash your paper! Beatated , Pab. ruabfp thet I waa s card.play cue, a Iwbisityy drinker., Now, statecraft. sa fal lin every ' - as he mi4s' ilter c harge opesly r•the i mpress pompon at injor lit twill undoubtedly' d0i,,1 de retraetion- .r proof of die fel ' i l, , 'Onto Ti. 1 litay . llB. IS6t, Jai B Toms sated to , otheie in Imy prey--i apps, That hi ;It ould Ilse the tisialhatiou in Borou6h towos tp . for District. :-,ht . 3 ey,iand one Aim lac • !.ingttedl• ihfr it tea mule he A 4140 igo,t; ixhi' Cllll4l. ma drink it e l " •- I tbew ackvd bit" if notoutkid., Ile PliSil;thaV be plip'A Mirdd ' ' 'l' . 1' Jott filmes: titans Stssitipi the abater - 114 Das *sae other ,fahm ond fr tuolaciotaa statpiztepto.,fok- istitlakrr Witklatf nptio ItlaCtita pita in do 'tile ._ • ,' --- • 'J, : B. 'llol'All,' Mr m Anteat,Me wb tbs. columns at licly' inton! or, aides infer" / 111 .7 particular; and sad publicly fa ing me, 'sad as maid, a 14141111; i ' ~ ;vim opp pint nt - 0 - tic meetlng of b e 4 l' . . adjacent- To kr tw, on Battu' 5 , Celled to ord r.by l'be —., Juries CUD iogbato, I ..siiiriititOT,...thO sal Mi. i .. _ l e, Ritebilt - Eakid s aioliar 'l,,,Otott, 1 deptens 8. P :.,l Cutorningt., Reber Giluter, , 1( .. " 1 , 9,i1 1 6 4 i ana, q l l: l / 4 040, DAwli itin.".;ltt , erected }hit's TtlesideWt, Il'ani. 'Jobt4. l .laatz 1, 1 . gtid it'. 4 0 .. 1 : 411161 r; 1 8 fe'3 4 . ' • r .,, ~ . : t ' tf:t4,:l " Tin,liEi;Ative l a. 1 1 1; Jfib4tnnet 4.ttiliteili aod-aprirontiate . piayar: 1 ' .14Ti i 1 'l' 1 4 i l r °0• E V4 i 9fu'. n ' gbat 2, , - ", 98 i ota rodreetlii ti , eneertainel I. the , stidipoco for earr t yllwo'bhultt, in,bli t well known! shill ;tlenbitted ineotter,showivg io hit •rutleolors 'llet4reai'iycliellion - ve' :ire noa. l ablled DpOD . i tto Chu*: He, proved to the witiefactioo ,1 .-if 'il,f 'freletot ' the fact that theta titotbles il are sot, thabasty ,effspring of tho li s iur, but' bt:rti:seei:designed and providt4 for by 49" . I "' leaderS lei many years. • Il i a was I - latent! to with roarkeitittetitico through ." 4 t, H. . . l' l , ,, ;. ; ill. p.iltoberltr,- E:q.,.. b;ine then I lA, .. . . ,I. ''' 1. 1 opo?,,?titvered a spirit stirrtog i speee hot f l ing his a udienea to vEgiloo ea, find i t sty, [and 'support of the govrninent ' ',„. ,fle".racconmended abto,tlisi till a of - beittiWg arm- be organised inia d• Guar a" I 1 I i• I ' : • "' -' 011 *. inOti011; itl wag reaolvad , thetql eceilifigs or this meeting be poittlish tbeinearsa Of the County. 1 , h.top them wifte *ben giicti hr Me.. ll' ii f hbt for M It l b I t d ~.13D1 trig tam„ t ea v. ... e t l e, si p I I, ii.,,,, t h e 11 -''' tbsce !footing. esitecre for., n U ton, when the'lil'eetiDg adtmiPmd• II he ladies' of fbe vicinity eituced flair r pr, ri fi .ic feeliog by WWI; pies" t in lail e PuFh • , : ; J , — .3 . 1n fi'' i . cld ti t 1 I td a in treat war a e e. privet. - I. i 1 • 1 ‘ tfir ,of !bill day, by ibis , pt mei oil severs , iimpaujes of Holiic Giluds• 1 Two eatrulapri from Brightoti lownehip, one froth , tiLliistry, awl that b.ilouging to - Obin tfiwastlips, were preeent, under corn mood of their reapeetive Captain,. 'JAB. CUNNINGIIA)I, Prres. : .Tons. Bi.iiwrz. - . i J ,lt fl ,DAwAini. J , , I I-.•-; 1 1 1 1 P ,11116.001. .E.laworth -age wa bi1).24. I LI. -. i He sr „ l th e only u s ing s ou ..f hie I parects eithislost . atcoher talented son a out, a yotr so. ' He wa d a pollee of Ailla.lSrmf )pa county, New ,York. The tato who, kil.edil la i ito, (Jieksotr;) it is , believed did" tint fire" I.' , 1 raft colsrly at Col .E. -14y-traa a d si erado ~ bat. ii attpears, Wad stlao",sorna goo 1 qua ii- 1 ti. ~, .• .•i ~ sh a t . , ~;,1 ts cr ide as, , rare iii t p. g ion, ~ an•, i 2'4 l i/4/i/o's Washipgton corresp rketit . .r ) ;_: l i "Jackson, tatt shot Col ./47.'. 1 :i l forth; L. I the:ssuteman',w d o headed at t i rig who ; i l. ar k • c f, the 'll,:putirtote lit.rty polo at 1 °Cosy' In, Fairfax county .,. De ore" the 1 1 Proideutisl e..intet. lie oat d lilt Om 1 pore with ' hie own bawl. Thr .1 3a l'ci i= z-ie regarl 901. Eil•wortli's tw i t, as, mut. del, and thug Signified ,het ..iul'ati -- 1 JU e ksan Was beglged", 14sil nigii ti) nike_tto I I , reiititatice;ulit swore he. win it itir it) da ' floes otitis ilig. lie glib to very: inipol • sitto rtiao. [ I* is koorrir tha t a ftter wecke' 1 ago lie protected Union 'men get tit a Se. ci;satoit ritS , , swirl, Ithe saw *I oble-lAr -reled guu with wheth lie• sh a ,11. Ells -I.Orth, swearing , that the , Ere dont ,of speech M asi be iaaititaitiel •" El body is in ! lit + i'eoffd *toll(' of the 1 tel; irt a cif fin wi;aritte the Seeesaion biforre, with the etitit buttons ornautintled etit,i Ithu - Vir giuii, entit.of-arm. ME 84;`4i 1 - 33 sa , •at ,82 ' .84 as 66, ': so 5 with 15 ..111 11 i 1. 41 -8 "I +coadell 4ballot' 44ER. - ;riot • 24, t 34, it Ii; 101 19 n 4 I 82 36 46 47t I2i 9/ 4 , 7 RI I , • 1 24 - 29' 82 34 , ballotted or - AUDITOR,. 1.3 'cilia, ,40 ti thou nolinated tor by; ,scclttpation-the r. being aiitbilrows. a F aca.t•gstY, J23 rote : • • -1." /. 17. ''L; 84 "I 11 prni sto, 1211! litstfite. .... t Dl El) --()n"the•-ittb ~f 1 I , ' • . slttnptiett,,at ii bis resi,ience, n ley, ,liliewnst. Souota, age, 1 'Death , .has ag:tin Poterett -, taken t iWaY:one 'Who by Iris : 1 • i '.l "w ' able disposition wins; esteem , kuelf Alm - ;lie -has left a friends and acqusintsrees, t lints, „yell not et 4 ;tht,ete w4O . 'lnv' ittey t ihin i re .every - reason Dili,• ..,_ , 1 est par), vials an d COO in health, and the evidence his sickneis ' that their. loss 1 : • ' - 1.• 1-( gun. ~ . •. . it On the - mottling o f fhis •... , • . 'anable to speak, let with countannene".vbich vented well," he 1 gently. Jell aslec more, until t h 8 resurrection 1 • • "Thou aidat, pass, from I . lln I,t4a hournt life's fr 'T ' 'then, ihy pitliwey, w l 'a L Wit opeebitli,int ' I .. Life's oilier is en,' And its ties are all <, L. 1.4 1 We wilt nteet thee no .Till-'. we. meet the in' SW ME 'Chlttle lltli ist, lo iii rev couttq,lAtutitA,' , deli 'and, Eiirti butt .: iti•relay, r ,'s 'mouths arid 8 days. l iAlie has gone in the spring.' Bre her's betl'been diei 'bile her rfei#lrlie raid '.. And the h pes ot her pa , 1 - 13y faiiii i dlise 'aria i , viseis Volition*. , ef life es. } II `seltrdsti s o dlftleiti, 'she - It' l l fig .tivbo iites, riho iot less. • Ciro re - in4tor-Ajsi iher 1464100 She was lii )bibitiai 4 sollttolti - of 'She t;• 1, --• )4 - .= = li abort butt= , severe sielluet I. ; hole iri Lady, i , • -; i llsit - Wri hnsilovin from f , I To ' Hearin' and Ange le' I• •Antl, has ftire,t,utA eeny. , t,:, am t White' ' AWsisaits 'I - = • - str tb - -fT,-' 64 . •tir - .,, -, gr ...1 1 ?` Attila tisiiiii:, a: ra i7,l2rii 1. - ' lii rmaity ifiCentztoky.; ,Lget i e , Lab) a city, who !m g othilly ' ,u - etii, MI a vieti to ic e ,;„i ( , wSre °beim s :v go sequitiotettet;'i o r o uc lilia eI , 'ty of that tit,l, l 'i„ t qiteetioolblo. c!,.e great majority:,( Ag o a 6, an cfrOoleti to' the Umo ti ~ clitzeuiiil - Peutt;ilritiia t and. they 'ite terinined hos only to. resit t 6 to k o f,' bona of the Seeetreießiatalolbe hit,tee. but perfetty eilliog - that we plena ul Cot armies mei fiersoil, if such ...07 to ' tuitticia itetetteary • for the trititspit of * - :.flotirt Guards, ,of .Warrett county, tuareh'ed our: °Sett yesterday, - . o* - their. warlo „Wilktus.: ,. They were in blue ftigue'. find fitle 4 lookjog body o f moo I ‘. ever law , together, No Wonder outl'wrote to G.iv. Ii 0; "Sen(l : ti couipapies from!) the Wild gat Thiel - jet Laoid-belp the bunt pole etti'vUlty 'of e i , kundow *twit it fills itttfi : itie Lugof hardy reit'un,go'S`ptxtaijr. offer- i1ie.06446 ftr'm the ti is saNlytislijiigi,. „I'4fei'2gos'ertinseUtlh a ready 1 reeeived, pihiferi kof service two hundred aiittfiky Aoimatict 'rn• west of ' Atlegheuiee. This i - ari ululate& iiready 'for iostaar,too soiirice; and each regiment is - wade, hardy troop?, called Et• ?li , - . Pleatte announee my name a, Canakdsts fur T,roasurarof Beaver' COuniy.• . • • . .1.641 . 7 . 31 . C 1 V191E11, Totiej ORKAT - 140 IN. at Dr, Minis', Drug -91,ir Pure Castile aoap,old'Palm ri"virrin's Diamond Castile Ladies' Soap,. IV L'ol earl Snap; TranaPutent Balls'au/rlßtira. • cllyeerine - Soap, , Floating= 1411:_r • '60110.' Eraiive Soap; 't3htir ing Aosp, Dental Soap' for • IC _cleaning -tile teeth,' 'r - &c., &c., &c, _E.. , A VINE ASSOHT3Igsr OF P EI x,:11. - • EU, at Di. )liuis' Drug Sur . Choice' Extraito for the Handkerchief'. iOdis , and Cologne's, new. Extracts. Stolen Kit.2l„ ifoieymooo ; Kies,lle Quick,Atid SoMe - thine . New, Standard. Extraccis;' Musk, Patebo'idy,ltose,JOekl ey Club. derininm,,to,,_; , Roee Hair Oil,Bearts' • Oili Pomades. &U., &a., &o. Min $.414e Home P l** ; ed T I- . 11 • : 21k --“. -142 • 'l. f ' 4.44. 44k-a44ifihj R NM BRAVER BTATION.—GotNG ,Ene Commenc;ny,' - `3lwithly, . Apr. 15. Trains_ leave 8eat...7- Station as 1 '7.4 0 ) 241.• Arriircat pittsb - g 9'.of) " 3:40 EklllGl WIC '7:58 A. Sll ArtiveliitTellair,: . . 5 01 5,25 P 1i ". 8,1!!! ' - 3. N McCULLOUGILE r 'd F, _MYERS, tiel3l. Tjij Ag'C I FT. Sy 4 11 . 1,":11ESTER. STATIO. :7 —Goug4 Ig.ocheister. At • , Ace°'iodation 7.15 " • ' - •• • 12.29 n. u. Mail, " 2.05 • Fast Line,. 7.31: " _ 1t3,01N0 WEST._ ° Lease fitts'g.. Arr. sal 1.: -1 lAn Fast A..'W. ..2. Mai" 8.15. "-• • '9 l Accomnied'u, 9.15% " Express,- '12.45 en decommod'n' Bbo " PEN.NsyLvANtA otsTRA! Tyr. ER A RBA ON and, after 3loaday, blue ill Mail Train' leaves the Passeu every morning (nxzept S.unday) at 'topping , . Griensburg. Latrobe, Johnstowar tend all regular static). Jobn i etown and, linrrisbarg. making oection for Bal timore', art vi in.' or Baltimore at S:QO r. lit The Thiongh Express Train lea FPS ,lail! tl, 8:40 I'. m.,,stopping only at principal stattpc-,:, making direct connection Aat Ilarriodairg ft,: Baltimore, and • arriving in Phil:iMelt:lda 4:1 Baltimore at 5:30 A. at. ThE FAST LLNE"feaves .0 e Stamm: daily(ol.4 cept, Sunday).at 6,06 p. m.; stopping onkt !111, Oreenebnig,Latebbe, Johnstown, ililmaiv.Gt , il litsen t - Ahoona„ &c.; co:Meeting it liierithq With train direct-for . Baltimore, and art MN . in - Philadelphia at 10,00 A. M. .' The traveling public •wit-I,snd in greatly :ar their interest in going East or %Veit, to" tr,p‘l . by the Pennsylvania •Rail road, ai the accost *iodations - n o w offered'Cannot I le tun::101.41 any other route. ' , -The goad it' beilloated JO tlf ...teye - -and free from dust.., We - t ldlsn l'r"! l i . 8: fe4 speed and comfort to. all rbe ma"! ill Tor - this Rood with theii patronage.. . ;1 Baggage Checked -to all Stet oils.: on , tle, Penna. Rail:. WI,(1 and to' , Philadel his, Bete more and. ICt 1 - York.:' . .. 1 _ , It . For tickets,..apply to, J. STE Atli'. 45 At the PI It. it: Passenger StOtio„ on tibitti and G rant' street.. ' 1 (ly J A 18, it , C 4 . . 1 . ~ 10 Al cbillists, .1 ' CEVERAL hundred lbs of Old Typo ran .. , 6.7 had at this office; if ordered inward:awl : Tertus-124 cts: per lh. Cant:. If not ci.t:..., for within a•short time, the lot w i lll be shititl' , to a foundry. - - ' •_ . _.-.4..' * ' Volunteer&d. Wante ' A , 1: i RIFLE, COMPA'4I Y is . now, bein i X "'' ll /11! .1u Beaver bv the undersigned, to, tat - to posed Of good marksmen, 'at leasis feet )f i a t -, ' es l in . height,. Who an willing:to ..lift I three or during the War. it l' ''" 4s. tained with Certainty that if atter a c tqpn: be funned, properly - drilled and equiked. i Will at once' be received into' service, nrvi il , Money expended for equipment freforfici 1 :l the Government. Those desiro s• ,Orio i l. such a dompaniland h - aving' he 'reflutFr, qualifications, will call on the toiderairtT' without_delay. " E. M. 1E1100: of aion Yal= Pt Furl 2' EISE b od and 11 . 5 alt . who wit:lp "circle rof ritiour,, their no. hope, ioie froth MC ioo ,white during is infinite den app, le . do. hie ri awdke no ~mor Zia icg, Yglit 11 iiilig. 1 1 s hril a dor l f r Ore eat• mem , map., ilm• hire Ueorge, ed 11 .7e,iirs, 5 tire..-. a cloud: eve was Ti re tp - Iree: unbowed.. kr her ea • 'rug trei Bank Div id e nd . • 1 - 1 ; _ •i , . •, . Bass or SsAvett [ Coutivv i , . . Nev'Brightoii, May 7th, ISB -4 .. flifiE Board 4 Directors of t is Rack' 0 7: • - this day declared a dividend of FousrE. o Imer:iod the Capital - Stock. outipf the 14 4 ,r the lasi sin months,, ayable tOSi4kliiiiT , or.thelr legit representetives,.oA ;PM a 34: ' i !Sy Order of the Board of Oirectors. • Mai 15, 'tit. , EDWARD 110 Op : 111sh't ter, sister, tly - lrodet.r• mourn ber arie l Bilteere ID 'by all; 'es ' • !tirla "'Lace, TRIAL LIST F9R,J UNE Bug Nisrloball - -,TIN . John 14 . 111 4iiin) -: TV Joyepi, Ttrpor ott wart, 1 ve. • Ales. 'lll.ll kg lliekttiip, !ill , Jim, illia tit 41,)9111,:p1im.,:ir11. ti • M Ma, 15; -1 8I ' ,M •5- Qt 'Oaring ba r tertainiug a OE th )01 pl 6; hat alael I L._ I b .. "-R, Of or: at Ifs erten of lif t . s of 1.1, . - J. il• H. /44twaiiIP: Yu A Out HIPk' the I LA ?mew, CaUdiat i* uffe in • in. tliroi .ißeesdtiy: EMBER Pitt ' l , (10 IC, Ek. 11 P., FOT. .11( k ci • Rueit4 .ter 11 A. 43 .15 " • ros r p. . El f ; It SO: NT bet we? 0 1 :101 7 • ' ' • now,- epha.k;t ,As,, e q . , 1 4 01 , 11 thrl•v o , l f o ,isite It: ! sai.,*4l" I fl 2 0 II Ft. 1 0n ... ipast amp .Irees :II nvi 4live p ei Unio n A It . I , Jr' Y. tell