The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, May 29, 1861, Image 1

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yoi.thi litxiu--NO 22:
!toilet e Court
rr nE following appraisements 'under the 4 Act
1 of Aiseenbly of I4th April, 1881, of prop
irty allowed to be retained by the widow or
ehildriti of s decedent,' to the value-of COG,
tE2 been Mid in the °Mee, or the Clerk, of the
phun's Court of Beever i county_and eppro
yed nisi: .
1 To wit : The appreisement of personal Opp ? ,
my to amoent of *SOO, elected to be retained
by the widow of 'Alexander Gibb, lets•of
.- o vor township, aec'd, Givid'Anderson adzi'r of
oil dec'd. r
•Thr• Ithliroisement of p sOnal piopertf to
a mount of Val 44,, elected, to. be:retabled by
go widow or Andrew ()set; late of the Bor
ough of Phillipsbnrgh. deed. John Eidetnil
ler adm rof waid dec'd. j , •
The appralsement of personal property eleo
;od to be retained by the widow of 8..' W. Mc
-'bee, late of the Borough of Bridgewater, deer
Mary R.,McEce adm'r of said deceased.
The appraisement of personal • property' to
arazunt of $19:5 -ted to be retained by
id‘low. Of Joseph Moorhead,. late of. ' the
-torough -of Bridge vigor, deed, - Wm. - II un
torsdner. _ •
Notice is hereby given tetttcreditora.lieirs,
legatees. dis, irbutees, and allethers interested,
to appear &tithe June Tenn text of said toart
sod not„ later than Wedneaday the third day
thereof, to idiots cause, 'if any , they hive,
,net: the
• itial confirmation of the same.
a ,
S '6l. ' A. G. McCREART, Crh,
y Tirtui cif an order,offthe Orehaa'a C?),at
1) of the eoutoty of Haler, will be end
to Bale by iiublie Tondos or out-cry, ett the
precui,es..m. I D • •
SAlial AT JUNE lit, 1861 ,
• !al o'cloekrY. I M., the following real itstate
fat& of the borough. of
Freedom. !aid cmuniy, deted,. aittiate in Bed
13.1roegh, in that certain lot of ground being
let No 1,0 in the general plan of , lots in said
bemugh, and houndad and deseeilbed as:fot
C u :: 11, inning at tSe corner cf Maio_
And LtLert ,- H: -eta and run-eine thence by
Lit ertl 1
1 feet to corner of lot . No 57,
ihp cr,' - 60 feet to corner, of lot
. I y same 100 feet to. Main at,
11,er { - 60 feet to I iberty street, thet
„,. cm which is eretted a good
.),, -.- bonier . thirty
..fining nitre rooms, - with cellar, -
- „•!-1 good repair. There iialso
. t shop, 16 by 28-feet, on the
. ,
JEW: -thinl of tits arebase aonej
to he ittie . Toufirmatioa of
14 he sale by the
ourt, ?cti -baltencie in ci f . equal asinual
I Lentlmputei frem that date, with there
to :tam the earns time. Fo r f u rther infirma
, Zn enquire 4( Dr. T. E. Robieeou aud Hiram
deeuters,'. Freed o m, Pa.
By the Court. -
Betrer. i teriyB;6l.. 'A. O. ICCREART,
THE f Blo wing named persons have filed
I their pesitlbos in the Offiee of the Cterk
Sf the Court ~of Quarter Sessions of the Peace
of fearer county, for liens* at Juno . sessions,'
1Sf!: =
. ASNS OR 'TA•vbatN.S.,'
Henry Briber, Phillipsburgli,, ,
Adam Johnstob,, , Boobester borough,
!Khasi Camp. Sr-. do, - "do
Ji ea Edgar. Nealkßri , •hton. •
Weitzell, New Brightois: - •
• Gee. W, do'
Johart3.Nfflsepler. Rs Nester' borough,
George o\Barnes, 'do do
It. L Economy linage.
John cramp, Dothester &rough,
• Junies Leslie. New Brighton.'
:Andrew 3. - Cook Darlington .Doro.
Ts sell Liplors sin boantities not leas than
'sus qurc, conneatio with goods, wares
c..FrltrehancP . le.
Ft!inatiel raker, Economy \ tp., - t
tit. trge Speyecer. Rochester bore
• 9,t,rge ilsuscher, New Sei \ tekty tp
• Bu Breitenstein. l Econoiny. To: \ •
A. G. kI...GREARY,\
- •
- — s ?
iiE.t VElt • COU N x , Ss :
;.THE Commonwealth of Penn\y l
L. Elizabeth Baldwin, Greet
whefeas,llarcus Baldwin did 1
the 12th - ap of September A. D. 1860,
trefrr his petition to' our Judges if the Conti!
,f C6111t11043 Ple - as of the county tor-Beasett at a ,
Cart held at Beaver in and for said; county,
plying. that for the causes thereiri- - ;oet -forth ,
:t night be divorced from the bond alt atatri- . :
. . 3 ent tied into with you, the said Elizabeth.
W I do, therefore, as before. command you the
kid Elizabeh, that setting aside all ether
cosines' an dexcnses whatsoever, you be and
isptsr in your proper person before our J'udg
cs at a Court of Common Pleas; there to be
teal the said county, the fleet 31onda r y of
.J.,ze uric , to answer the - petition or libel of
said 'MarCus Baldwin, and to! show cause, I
If. 111 3 , you have, why the Bald. M arena, your
it!,l aud, shobld not be divorced from the bond ,
xatrimoni:Jigreeably to the Act of, -intern- 1
:n such cue made and provided ; and here
tail not. $1 itneas the Hon. Deniel Agnew,
Pretident °flour said Court it Beaver, Decem7
znyO '6l II I President Judge.
ia.the 01 1 4, „
il the OrAan's Court in and for; the
C . - 41 461 y. V Bearer, 16e . fire the Bon.
Jud:jes 1 3(144 ' Court.
the matter of the ace - r - of David-it.
In, A ,ll 4iist.ra , tor. .o esuiti of t 4shn
f -- 1
1. Jodon, 'Om now.. to wit :
,L 1. Malt - 10th , 186 s j
-the:Court appoint
..4it t
- ;- -- i J.B: ftutan, Ehq.; an Auditor to
t an:..the assets in the bands of the Aclm'r,
szomu the e l itors of the estate,: --, .
.Froni the Record- •
'teSt, AL G. /4cCREARY, ;l' ri
r.forlce. The Auditor above named will
interested for the purpose of
appiunikeut, at tha Clerk's Off:ca. in
Lvirer, Fiiday, May stsi 't'l o'cloek
Siar ll ' •1, J. S. RIITAN,• Audithr.
• fa 1
4(I7VA court in and /ht. the
, 1 IBeaper, 11.efori I the 11911
it -. id: Court. I ' ,'
Si • l I f' .
li- lA' the account of ; ! roe ,
r u g estate of Phil 9. [Truce, late:of
}, es - ell fp ,in laitt.Couoty, deed,
dow,. to wit, May ;10th. 1•845 F:
~ :C44nuortnottpipthoiOiteJred.-13j.toatwo:
um / P 5 : 3 • - •
I ' '_l a F re ;o il in a l l t eh hs e ill as eC e o ts rd. i6 , thllsil l
agd • -11
tteilt, A. O. IieCREA / RY, crk. -
-.1 ,--,. 1
tr,72SICE. Tile Auditor above lastoedwill •
t h!:: 141 1 4 lei interested, for the porpoise of
~, 4PP° 4 I eetott the Cfork's Ortee,to Savor
,R74,"411,.Mey 30th, it
,1 0-eo6k P. M.
--.2• 1 5,' 1., I , Ji O. itUrAYI,, Auditor.
FEED i :,• KE D; j .... • I I
sno s,
For' .1 itcpiaEteri rt'
bile b - IBuc • . i
.. .
°Y•` ~,I • 1 1,1: IlAn t irEY
j . 1: ... Blidgewatir.
.'.,1 . • i 1
.. :I 1
InEuisrEtits OTIC .1
LL persons interested in ,
the-following Ad
ministration and Guardian aocoutna,which
I hit e been.wasted sad filed lithe Begieter'sof
111 of Baaver,County, Pa.,. will take bailee .
tba the same will be presented to the irphan'e I
J ,' 1,61; for copfirmatibd and! altonance:- 1
C t
o ° r any
o r 4 t fit
;i f' il)41- B earer .la-I
estate e.°°l Il
t : t : °4t J :l o rß e l i I 1 Johne
; ; "d Hogs , clClisaYln
I 1
J l l e. , fo rE6i
deed. ethecn°-f 11
.The final account of Benjamin aid &neat
R. Dawson, I Admjajstrators•of the estate of,„
Alcoa Diorama, tleteit. - I i, 1 -
Ile - partial account et lames D. remind!,
Adminiattatars of the estate of Loden Foie
bell. dec'd: - ' 1
be partial -tomptuat of Jo/mph Hyde and N.
W . Hazen, Executors of thi, estate of Samuel
en, decd. ' 1 • - '
i final accaut of B =ward Hoops. Execu
tor of the estate of Sanioel Tait, deed,
he final eitiount of Jobe ,Wilion, Jr.. sur.•
living Administrator of the estate 6flJohn S.
WI on, deceoued, A: B. 6100 E,
lay 1;4,1861. ' 1 ' (Re gister. •
COr Court
Ivirtue of an eider of the Orphan's
li of Beaver County, will baexposed_toenie
by nblie Vendee er eut-cry , on the p remises
en !SEAMY. May 28 tk. -1861, at lle'cloek,
P• :i Pia tr °l 9 l M. lakrib" ProPett.r , he
oleter t isA be i rou it t g it h e o s t la z te ridg e
evate4 oeetoh
hi Mitee ssid itati ,cetul , late
dee d. l , to wit 1 ' ' 1
11 4he undivided one-kali of that certain
let f ground @Beata in the borough") 1 Beaver ,
in s County aforesaid, numbered 104 in the
p of said borough. b?undid *with by . Third
west by Branch Bank alle3 , north •b) ,
Verspilre alley, sad east by' lot do. 405, all
ene mod, on which are tweeted Intelge dos-111
frame house, two stories high,with kitchen'
a ,
baik, on. shop, *e.', some fruit trees on the
let i convenient to wait, &e. : ''•
Also, all that Berta' ; •ttotie and lot, innate
is be borough . of Bri tweeter, County afore
sal , numbered 8 In Harrison /Wendel:theirs
-14 cif said borongh,l boueded berth by lot No.
4, set by Wat r street, south by —Halley ,
an west by 1 ta/ alley, ;a/1 enclosed, os
which is erected good' two stet'''. brick
% lola
des ] ling house, Sic all in good order.
'i Mt ti 5 One third of the purchase money
on tai,it'rootion of ado • by tke Gourt, balance
in tw o equal annual paymenu with interest
fro confirmation.. By the Court, ,
April 24th, '6l. A. G. SIeiCREARYI Clk.
--'-- ---
b:tate Rad Coaa:y Ta x.
ri HE County Treasurer. will attend; in the
.1- several Tow-Uhips and BoronghW, for the
ba.po'se of receiving , the county and State
, Ts. ea for 11361. at the time& and, places lesig
net .11belOw, viz:
Brighton ip May 18, D. Morgans,
Pa vs**. " 20, Zoo. Reynolds.
Ne*trickly. " '2l, Geo, kauseber's,
'Ma es, I I •
,•22, Geo. Hartzell's, .
i r nklin. ." 28. W, A C Phillis' •
No th;Seistokly, •• 24. - N Hazen's,' -
Fel sum bore', " 28, 81 Edgar;l
NBrill:ten, " _29, Jis Edgar.l /
Ids .. 20. 1 de '
PhiffiEnburgn, • 4 81, llRimbei ,
Freedom, June 10, B,Fundeele,
Rubies'? trir. 4 * 11, W D Johisteal
4 0 tll- 40 1
/ 1 10VA.* ~...I.ohota..loo4kilea,l,_ ...,
Pu alai, 11 ‘ Willacte,s,
Glasgow CO iNtr"'" 17, Smith ' s Hotel
Georgetown, ..• -18, Hotel,
Harmeny. " 19, Hine.
lOhlo,l " 20, NI Deriag r's J
Ohio &S. B , " 21, Mrs. Reyl's
Butthl licaver,_ " • 24, Jos Lawretice's
Hinton. " 25, AJ. Cook's
id d o :: :::l,iu t p p ieli,
j i ti. l26, J P Dilwoeth's,
Chi pews, ' " 27. Mirs. Cumliagham's.
D• 1
Bi Beaver, " 6. Mrs. Miller's, --..•
Rs cam, - " 8, Ii Swine*,
In pendence, " 9, .1 , llohnesl
° It
" 10 1121, . : !.lll D, Wl'lrs A ßEl i r c iltienorY a t li :lju s eE t i'll e ili'll- s : .
Ilo,ewell. " 11, 1 P Alckenzie's,
Ilo•kitawn. " • 16. TT NlcKibben'll,
•of St Greene, " 16, do
Ha over & 4o " 17, G Miller's;
Fr nkfort. • .• 18, Fl IlicCutciteon's,
Ha oVer Village, "
" 10, Store, 1
t • I g -cuter, 23, H Ankeny's.
Payment may be made in adjoining
•Di triers. ' ' JOHN S. DARRAGH,
pril -
10th, '6l. Treasurer.
, , . i i.
II - 1111 subscriber *Were en. Si).,. it
farm in
LaWience Conztty,'l.4.. adjoining lands
of M. Davidson. abd P:11i.: Frie n d k Co., 1
(1Y Mpain Furnace;) situatettAits from;
Be.ver Creek, j mile from aGrist Mill, i mile
fru.. ehree Sow. mills, 8 miles from New le, l
ton aining 153 aired, aboui 70 of ehicher ,
cle• red and 'uncleytenee, And on iltioh is a I
co Cot-table frame house, 16 by 25 feet , one
ii i
story high , awl also fifty bearing
. .11110 trees, 1
;an twenty4each trees, all of the beat quality. •
Sal Irsim 'boa ',about thirty-five acres of a I
three Iret cosi - vein, and also a five land a six '
fee vein. Abundance of liinestone, add timber,
an is well watered with good Spmngs, loud
ale good , external oil indications, and is shut
ted within 11 miles of an Oil well. LI 1
1110"Pcrsotia wishiag to, purchase will de
well to; all and examine for themse ves. Per i
reference call on Wm. Kennedy,New Brighton,
or he sribscriber in Chippewa Tp Title war
rented. \ . • JOSEPH BRITTAIN.
'_ Jan'y 23d.\"111.—E8m.
T the Farmers i or Bearer Add
• Lairreare Ciaati , S. 1 -
THETundersigned being till-only
i uthorized
agent for the sale of the "Buckeyeßeap
and .Mowing' Machines" int Buyer and
Lawrence counties, takes Pleasure ;zi mom
mending this machine to the notice t he for
mar. 'The unparalleiled success wich' has at
tended the sale of this machine sinc e its intro
diantion is alone sruSeient to recommend it to
,th f armer . Enquire of your frieind ti lvrho have
• purchased
froin and' a ni w o b th at er th o e3r rso ba n iv in na he y a a bo bo v u e t•
I It - I will be it the Court Houselie Beaver d'-
ri g the June t er m with our machine; he \ th t
1 p. •sone wishing to purchase can see for them
,se vets ; also in New Castle darin g tai interm if,
' C art. I would also caution farm TS, not Coi
territory",' who ',tiny tepresent t emaelves as
agents its no other has the right t4 e sell: I
th o tt es a to tt os en o. tio o n t e d f olori ci
lo k r ee o housekeepers 1
a tS° Ism , o v u r e
e* d-COI:
articlesiK any r
can, : which aal
ad b r IrP
seen rAitrt.i4. I i at aPll y i I Samples t:v
Pa e .'•
a l c !I
i 11
a d e l :I
raeeas the
id _ce nesiDarlington. All teazel.' • icatiou
by na il promptly noted. ' I 1
1 , R. G. COCK. gest, '
A. COLE , itadstast. i' Darlin •a, Pk
May 8 1841. , - ,
Lawrence Journal copy 2- months cad stud
bi to this office. ' , I I
Ii 1 Cora, - Tattoos , Sage, Buis,. e 4;
_t Dt.
N is' thug Start. . 1 !' T '
~ , ----
. HEAVER - A t -
flt & -
EL. tavenport, r - ~ b• ...- r.
1 .: TERMS—Owe Th#,Latt. and liSlt l irre l illtgis
I ) per Anna's, in ao...**nom nth J !! O4 Two
LABS will be °barged. 'firt4s y • 4 'tinned,
1 until 41t irrearagen are as • *pt at the
option of the Editor.) , : J-1 : C • • ;
, Advertikements iniertellat a rate Cr 60
eta. per square; et *Keen ti . . ' for one inser
tioa—each subseqnent insertio 25 tents: , A
liberal discount made to yesily la i dverthiest,
•sh i srh ! ta e tte p rs romg an a d citemnitlito:ni ion s , b77al.
,‘ - 1 ,, D 1 1 , i
s , r m•
Beside the midnight tapir Ito I ;
the hiary
statesman sat,.l ' J • 1 j
i Revolving in his trOu bled min his country's
I; , pending fate; 1 1- ;-1 1 11
lie tit .. tight act onj the honored( sad, wh0,11,01
her fair reoptrai . , A 1 1 , t
f He what'', not of tie lemma bitthat dylkl
j - old Banker's (Mown., ' ; 1 j 1
Ile heeded not the Isturdy ben that fell by
;, . 1
. /Moultrie •• ale'' j , ij : , I
Pro: d hearts that dared a ty . 0 might:and
Elorisd as they died; jJJ , ' ; I
Be. thought not, of the' mothers e made elm
j. • - Inge of their sons , :• 1. r ;
To free the soil, whittle graissyjj" now neind.
abr.* their boner A 1 • I
Brim his patriotic Sr.ltad ionise i)tar died,
And 1 . new he'd fain conceive a tplaa the Utmost
1 todistde, ,1 1 . , ' '., I , • 1
fa memory. Dew •-: I dols ages. his 'Wont
i 1 feelings stirs, • ' I • ; 'l r
He seised [his pen wri.e a-wo would ilhakr
, , down Is/trots' tears,, !I i j• 1
Elul/ after line acrobit',Jrthe a the heasthl
words were penned, •
• . :
Till tb_re,! embodied in hia * be saW, dm
-1 onion ] stand. • J !1. - ' — , •1.
It only' needed noir ihis name to end the Mid
. night i ditild. :. • , 'l' • j , j j
And stranj, the ma upon hiarti• *Olt chows
a traitor's met. . ' • .••• • • 1 '
But le: hilt door** lopti ',,'' ' '.l ; and Oils la
muffle,' guise, f . ;...I,lr, ! ,
Walk. d boldly , in and took sad before the
stateaumu's eyes • •i il I j - 1 ! •
And 'front his bosom came a.voios reprea j ohfail.
1 ly but sweet. -4 •!--,.! t, i t
, 1 j
!Tort man of South Jearolinti:ll t 11, what write,
you on that sheet!" =J . 1- ' ;•I "
"I write " exclaimep the fi*e , as the Milt
; Iled form he eyed, •:„ . 1 ; 1
•Whtit my mind has just iVed, a plan
1, • the triton to divide." j i J . j. J,T !
can you do the traitor id !" it asked •
I ; it mournful t0ne,..1 , 11• / 1 , J j
' And iiroppt d the 'Mantle froths its brow,hereal- I
1 in, WASHINOTO ' III.' i I I '
"Yes," gild: the - writer, still aim
ea, 7 420
I ,
1 work Mist j bear my immo, , 1
My countrymen. are driven to mit this deed J
of shame; • j . r i j
If my rights are Tot respected my country
J and her law ,1 1 1
I'll tsar the horde that bind / - : wide, !thew
battle fur my cause." 1/ j •!.
*a ememilter,"
• grOdtifill'Orkr - Wlie bled' '- . - I
Their blood which stalped grins ontive soil the
bonds havivririted.— : 1 1 - 1
Remember Jasper, Martyred Ilayre, and. Ma
rion, Southern Chief,
Who waded through a reii of gore ; your free
dom to - achieve. I 1 , lc
j I j ''•
i•Wiliyou now loomthe,triplec ainlthat Welds .
your land iti On"? " • i 1 1.
, •Yes," -said theo/wri ter, ttilli umimed, "the
deed must still lie done P,' . ~
"Then turn your hand," the hamton 'said;
i !
"and see the traitor's blot 1.1.
Ile turnel;and lo : upon its lb.iek beheld an 1
, inky spot . . J'.
:.'What. 1 1
:.'What means this spot upon my hand ?" ex-
1 elaitned the stricken mani 1 ' 1
"By that Me traitor Arnold's knison within thel
I , epirat land. 1 , 11 4 . I
Write now your name upon tha t sheet which 1
IJ' now your writing is, 11 1, ' 1
But know, proud Man, your traitor mark shall :
I be as black as is: " q• • ; '
; . I 1 j i
tliimeited, still be seized his pen his purpose 1
to decide.. "1 I i I • I
When, from his 'cloak, the Iphataton threw ; a
1 bundle by ilikiiide .': 1
"Write, if you win!! " with hollow voice .it'
mournful •said again. 1 1 1, 1
1 441 tat first Vies. there bef ore your eyes the I
' . bones of Colonel Boyne! 1
t il 1 1
'Re 'twits the Britt+ bloodl.hon as hung for
battling for his i right : ; I n, j l , • ~ j 1
Among your -countrf's bona stars none
1 sheds a purer lig it : 1. !j 1
eve him beside you hen you rite the word
at J , rends the 4h 'n, J 1 .
But know - the life he spent for y. u.wal sacri
ficed in vain - . - l-t! ,
' I ,
- - -- -4 : 1
----- ----___
' Thus sail the spirit said, and 1--1
t l urned ant[le ' j
i I him in the night ; j • j 'l . : . • 1
I His hand chanted titched. a 1 chilly bone, be
1 , back recoiled iti fright i 1 I • 1 I
I •And springing upright , trout his seat , awake e the
!L' steteetonat etoo , ;.. 1 . • :- .
1 Rejoicing chit; his ands Were n t -yet bathed
j j • in sacred tile I , 1, I
1 The risam has beei but a dria Me writing
Ihad been real: t' -- - 1 ;
Re tore,the minted sheet id.stripee,and prayed
j. , his country's toil.* f, J. 11 : 1
• And falling on his, 12144, the vowed with heart
and soul, •1 1 t I • l
One ion 'of South ICarelinsi ne'er, should aid
• his conntrys Alf I+ 1
The t of .11eceseion.
, ' . • , -'r•--- , ':
1 This is a secret g ring to t is secession
Movement in till t Son t ber Stater, !that
i `have
/. • ,
the people have n ficonettiere _ or thou;t
about. Merchant ,i railroadel and others
largely indebted to that North : ), are waist
Clamorous for i Beeession i l , Th litotes, 'bit
Ersfirst,went.ont of he Union, bad in %icer s
the riddiog teui r .;
hreljes of their debt,,
i \ • I 1 •
and \ to -consomme e the •'!illailly p
, itiheyl tit
the old Mississiipi iteptidiattisi at, the heid
of the ir cgitiVernment. 4 , 1 j ,: 1 , J
\ 1 ;
Whenever a merchant • hi ound largely
indebted to the Noitb, find Iwherevei tile .
1 1, 1
- Sous of bankrisp al t* , _ . ; found, 1 they ere
throwing up theivhsts for, ,Oeff. Drvis.. l —
men of a very\different icharseter s i re
miiiy; tehti ihert vrealth and
,ti 1 1
capital; but look : out !he . : beoktupti a 1
h e
men indebtedite thesettt :. beyond
their obillty to pay; at they, are all for
'plaint of the iiiiies.liatr*tie Whig.
I- ." I . • 'LI: • •I: 1. -z-r.k . •';i•• •.' •'" •;;
:••••••'•• •
--.•;;;; i ; . • • ;.-.-;;;, ;- 1;.; ; • ' .• : r
AVER PA' i.lrelpNfis Ay, MAY 2V-18pi
7- • , • -.. .1
itgOill°4l,l' C ' ' ll ' '''', l , l2
•1 RITEIII4IIOIIII2 . ~) 1 1
11 1 - 1 - 1.•,-,w,t;i',f-
_II 1 1
Io the Home of liortl ea tesiffillb of
Aril, thaEatl of Maltvositary;l4 l ,fiitio, i
_I tha state of affeisa l ie her* aisid-1, 1
1 1 • , •• • 4 • t , ,„
I beg leaver to iput to elt, , ,Siottlelfrienti,
the lUloder:ffeetettiti for liaireira rattle:ire/
aktie/tioolof Wbiab I baiealhrati,.oltolpfi''
vita Doi l ia referees* teistisbjeistswhich
d im itcP l 4 ijut mei! th ' ',econegti sod,'l may
y, Ihe !thole 'of zerogpil , Almost all
yitur . lordships have, ttw";ffitreedi the
atertrt,ita Viet' ai rit ! i d . I bLit- ' - t il ir r '''"
A l m l jilleat bore hells with pain,
as we I *ono istoaithoteki. that a 'civil
, i • 1 • ,- -,T••• / , 1,,
war bed b hen o u t , betweicthe ellersalce.
Isis in that country and tit./ , er States of
tie fitilott. INnortifregy, •to lb. date !
il t
of thOsit • imoOtiote; Sitity, ' blood had
hies the.l,l sod too ‘ l selt ': • Mistont, I
dist i l be ileatiomid ; ' samdSolfr of
4it tse
-1 1 E i rso .., 1 ~.,
the hest, l e , . ., arc" to
• t a
wiiiati .I • rOfer toe; . r ir , mi:4' ' wing
o a wee 0111 0011' 1716r,tpap?a 0,
, a lesmoth '
se isi r thee which
onset new sat t- - .L - ..i h .4i.
a j
girt .. tmealtlial s t lied- ' ,li • Laity
• ••, , I i
adds to Mitt - 11 ° 1 # .1 . ellnra cod..
cifiswiiiif -d, bet poet ime ai reeer.l
thirstier's tlik‘ngrMie:lbe tot theworld.
• Y I
I, may flat er eitierte •the reunify, op
1 m i , ,
thus yi'de ,Iff i thit Atlsotiolkjltethalter MeFl
likely to titre front:the I war Which
L l 1 , ~.t i ~ .1. , 4 our i• J
forest or re anti
~, tots
~o ott O,ZI ,
for, stooge her apart from • fil l ing. of
t e m
:' . 1
1 -.,,, 1 , ''.,,,,,, .
regret with !slush we allF wit , pas:the
L ]
bisaki g Wet Id etri ti beimigli.parMns be
loilgieig to the( saha OlI •
mell our/elves,
and kindred to 130 Tists; as well is
hal bloit, our .4311,t - 1 1 l *a AnTeri I inter
eit y are deeply involled,io4kra
i hOppy
ye lent,. That bein so p Iliallinet but be
! I
' tier ; Mi r.' ' Miles ''f' 4 - '
ily, the ! a
~, era,, eyag
upon bit question wrth, elt.liir Majo:lty' s
yii i hjee s, have sires y domkttieirl,ntitoet
bY offteimit means t *fog t yme 1 ar
seithat of which' 1,, eut i k on s may be
Ai 1 1 1 :_ L ,..,....A., t i
alerted I t ere": istlanuma k ea my Dottie
fr - Ood what tsp. !!• g.4obvp hare
I, li
taken it that ohr ;,, t,i
~ ,thiryi 1111,
mad. any att e mpt i I '' •• ,7 , JF 44 . l ±k z ,,i
bi,weeo t e d iffer o, Z4.,-: l_,. I .4 1 1. POP.'
can ti t i ciolfc , ~,,' '',"' :._' sl ll °.°H
what' hope ' 7 ebr ilidf. a t .r"... - ,,..V0
iii ;,
vs ht bl se, -y, 'l7 ~• lel" I
o,oity ;
11 , i
• rtkA4 . 4 •:*7• - , l''' • ee wit ,
any other uri,potto ovoroment. With; the
viewof o tainineth it *mittens* is seek.'
ioi to pu i step at the 'outiet to' a civil
1 E
war, o which! if l on e c ommenced, it,[ will
ei al
be', im 'fo see l I,lm , end. I [ii: a ar,
1 i i 1,,
hear.] I i • ,
ILlr %Voile onse. I need scarcely ,-
sure ny noble frier 1 thal !he gove r nm e nt,
1 infernalmon with Win, aocIJI feel couident
every one of l,e, ?ill
ajetty'e subject's; ;hare
1 111 ~,'
learned wi i th-toe deepest regret tie total=
QeueEi of !the' ditsensiOos which h a taken
, , 1 . i United •
I place in t i e S t l i ctea, We hate also
1 i 1,
1 receivad it II the at eat 'concern 1 thnie.
I. I I i '
1 , °shots] to wh i ch my noble friend h l anti.
1 dell, u4ormihg Os that itiegti dis4eusioitsl
1 , help hrought, this country to the iitioir of t
l a eivnl w ar , if, indeed, eitil••war ttlej not
I I said ' I. . .l .
I be, to bate already broetta out •wribtr,
1 , bee territoriee ; and in sonnet to the q• t e !l ...
dim,ta ea, by 1 . , 1i , what steps have! been er
, Mitjesfr's M i
inisters to averit is great!, ca.
1 , I , tiui:y t —for a lgteatr 41,14 it untionbi
-1 toly must preys t o
be got Only i td 1 the
Ameri d caue themselve s , • but to i i Euglautif,
which is so 'closely connected OL thep
by the lies of klude,l-1, have 1,0 State
1 tht alter the twit m ature 'alibi:ere tion the
. vet toeFAcmter i _ t i op---tbr cosi - toil= !bet
it] was not desire IS thati this hmuntry
should intrude he advics'or j counsel on
i. 1 • i
the government of the United States .--
1 i , 1 ii ••J
CI-lear, i , hearJ
.- , •,. 1 1
m Ln y o f w ee e i v i e n r
g il 3le ree ,t t eli th: te in: f e
7. 1 : p e w o li Pl e e h , 1 , a ;d e
'bitterer aoeieus we ri ,[ might, be td ' reioitse
Ithem from the misf ortune which ',,,
toi l be impeudih r g ov er their heads," Iwo yet
thought that a grea ad itidepeodgut ob.
.1 Ii 1 i'
u might not wel co me adticegirco with
j o
'relpe j te l t, to her internal affaiik if thht !oil
,'Were proffered il libout being s'oicited l •
The testrustishe, eh' r i elore, given Its Lord
fil l ode! were, that ' he etioulf on every g l t•
• I - i II „. ~e i t 4
ti 4 g OCCRBIOO e xpress, the gamest a, re e1a., 1
1 1 ,
tertained by 1 her • ajesty's government
that j the diff r ce wh ic h prevail ;letween
i 1
the ortbern no , hero States o `Ame r'r
; . 1
'ici shOuld be a rrang ed . Me has 00 , 1 1?0w.
ester,) pee n i n st ructed to give , either "oin.l
~ .. ll advise'
ciouelju or officialy, ny counsel or
1 .
to the American • gotiernmint, unliri inob
cciensol",or advice i sllould be aiititi for by
ti's ,Mnteodit I parties themselves. • Thit
isithe l i atiewPir; l hit i to give to the quel
don Pt my noble fri "(1,. "It 1 naturally , felr
lors' that her Males. l's usiihiters have not
boon, i 6 comm .' Waits t eM with i leny ], oiker l i for i b
MO goyeromet as any steps ing la'
klo Of the nature o ore to .which : he has
alluded. [Eittiar, b V.] 1 I 1,.
I I . , l l , 1 •
' 1111r i Moving for a sew trial i coertifig s
sitsoad wife, I ' I I ,
zoirr,(- .t. WALlitkle bir THE , AR.
l'lne 'gentleman dwelt named, W q ice.
merlyrepreeente4tte Iltele` of ili Issippi
in the U. S. Senate, was a tneutheriof the
• ' ' -
Cabinet of J ames !K. Polk with ' Janis
~. .
- Buchanan, and has filled othei pr moot
... . , ~, • . 1 , ... . 4 ,
peartione in the G overnment , recent' macre
a. speech nt a Union meeting, i New 1
York, itt "whieh be "deals some brume
against tha traitors-nod their aid m sad
abetters, which will interest the ader.
We lt ave room for the clotting psi.'graph
()air l , '
- ' 11 ;
"In all the, .' thee co-called seced e States
c t
'time / are thou/tends still devoted' to the
Union who look tre. us ;for succor, a who,
.; . -
with rcjoicing lhaiiktulness,' will stg in be.
n 1
Amer unfalded item' them the Alio( the
I, . . 4 -
tican Union :t These loyal aft ps wit
cannot, must not p ldtire. not 'band° And
the ea k iles who Olive been,driven .fro th their
:i i
tiontre because they feved . the iliriett,*nist I
be res'ored and Awarded by the piorctittg
powet T of this igreat Government. [Settees]
sion if revolutinn; it is relielli 'pr; it is War;
it is feetwo, and it must be suporeeseti, or
soknoiledge that we, hive no Government,
and 14 or , ,an have one: peacnahie r . secen ,
idea 11 Why the very seceders inns laugh
, i „. ; • ; 1
1 ,
at thejprer.stOrotra folly. i Peaceable, io
deed 1.,, Why; f or months yeetiolg the,
II ~ 1 .. . ,
final development, • they were ati ' rant%
and Prcpariog for war, seizibg t i ni F ' fort., ,
our minte; our, atspials, our vessels, our.
treasure, fi ring ripen unarmed ritealiii!rs of i:
i 1 • ; 1
schooners,land finally opening thei / r hitter.
les on' one of our fk;rts'occapied only by a
banditti, .of starring eoldiere. Peaceable,
indeed ! Why, did' they not 141V0 liiiinr9
in the- Cabinet,
,plotting the overthrowof I
the Governoiettl of which they iwerei t mew
ben, atid'do he not all 'kris; theq but fed
the sudden and majestic ,urising id the
; ; [
American people, they we Id Dor i be II : 1
force of, armit in possession of the papitol
[`of the (Joie° r For, weeks and
theA ' r'war Gor roment forbore !' with an
todulgence unexampled in the' history of
the tsroid. We allied too longi We i
shoo id have iitinfcirced all the Southern i
forts, .s urged upon the President' by the,'
Multiunit Scott, in 1 0clober . imisi. We, l
` - 'X I - • I ' i
*Una ban, 'frevig*i 4;4 Irektorefid:
e h
tiri f ;.• **i!batlg,ol.4!"l aeas o 4 o ea9OW
... '. 14 Itive l perinittkd ihat,fitcti
........ x - ; -''
and of , hostile' battirlee, with which; it wea'
surrounded, : while patriots at boor ;looked
on with grief arid eobr i ole, and. l4l Fourcin
astonished ' a, our i imbecility, e xclaime.l
that we; bad no Guverhat i ent, andp repared
i I
soon to ,acknowledge find -Of the poofeder.
are §tates. But .tbe Presilent iriti3 per- "!
itted these"thiogs Lis retired in disgrace
nod infamy. ~ T he past la gone; his irrevo- •
prhle, even by Almighty.-powetii, but the
eae" aunt tha'-futil?e-, are ours, and . in I the
e glory that now:Ansi/upon its, we
coming nsust ~ extinguish ; .the ime mot y oft our tin
initiation dud ,reproach. These dnigineeful
scenes must never 'be re-enacted. i .
etibtEn bit a risen upoolanntber act of the
greardrauta. This Irebellion wall ibii; alp.
imeasid ai pan by !Ele" airong arm 'of the
GoVernixiMit and the. people. 1 Theist can
io ;
ifti more hesitation, no more truce, with
.ruled rebellion.
,The' Confeder i ate 'Slates
have,made ;
e war upho UN and we must all
rally' ; 1 I '
ally as ens man, with overwhelming force
around the flag of our country, aod i unfold
it where it waved a few months mitten, from
!hit Penebscot to the Rio Grande, over ev
ery fort and State of the American Uttion,
eat Sumter is now hisiorio, dad that flag
, 1 1' ! 1 1
ust floa t again over its wallm It was our
,I i 1
ort— T ecclusively:ours—by law , b y emir,
and the Othiltitutioo. ; 1 1 '
, ;
The right of property was ours, end so
[ 1
1 ,
was the "exclusive 1 jurisdiction," and the
1 noble sop of Kentucky, accompanied by all
his brain officer' ands
. men, and sustained
by the mighty potter of this Govoirnment,
nanst,i actin replace pia flag over O walls
of Sumter , ' never to be surrendere duntil
time 'hall be oo more And DOW;,ireilOW
cit . zens each day , each hour i is; _making Making
c l od , as' I unrollit the scroll
i inif tds of
1 iog events, we read the c l os in g
this year: Rebellion crushed J-the Govern.
men Union I t, maintained—the tuated i
—un i rlivided wed undivisible ft rests ow!
I the n '
and forever on the eternal baits L.,
o,f al
fectiitns of a free and miglay teOp,ie.
i s PtaAYUAa
Buct,sa."—Somelldea._ ofl
the.atiaff published in the Rebel I:iewspa
panic atid-.palosed upon their ignorant read
, 1 I
ere its genuine, may be had, by the follow.
tug, , i clipped from one of the moat . noted
peperi ia the BoutU 4 --the New ' Orleans
' 4 ‘,All • the New England irtioisti t ' l now in
Washiogton city are % negro. ex c ep t ing
three four drit i ntne boys. Generil i B. F.
Linder; wSo cotattiendi them, is i ,a native
of Liberia: Our elderly leaders I must re
collect "Old , Ben,7 the barber, '
his *top Yoc so .years in ',padres
itraeyand thin emigrated,to Africa, with
`a small competency. ~ This Olo:'Lloitler, of
Lowell' to his Solt." , ,;)
, it
The *mite, of, Should
' ' j •
' I tbei,"GLOntoun ! FottaTW' should be
Celebrated , with much inane than the' usual
eclat this y ear. • The. a owing ro an
if 0 t rAi •
~,,11 ,
'exchange comes in Play; nad u ire I aiil our
readers to held . its. recomnieodations: 1
1 "South Carolina, rrhTti rale entarnii i for.
Melly ':O6 ler 1 Presetd eared' °f 1 ,0 . 14°.Y ,
trailed, Al l y Leg'slativesoti this Fo urth of
July from herhat of holidays. Elbe! was
1 , ., ,
etrociagsly, consistent io thisi for having
reeolred•to , de troy the glorious .work of
Rerolti iouary. 'res. she ought no longer to
affec" - I which'
ta reyoreace for choir memori s'
she! bad ceased to feel:, ' • !:
The rl eightY-fifthioniverSary.of he, birth
of th
eA I merican Re p ublic is tb bel
togn .1 I
sed:hy l ,the assaMbling Jill:, a new Congress
at Wash:ngton—(yes, at WashinWashington,. Ar•
Jar. Davis Ido you hear ?).' bi. iiie
consequent ioauguratiou. doubtless of 'mon
vigorous and, @ideasalio effort. t " - disarm
and: out the T reason ;which aims at
' the' National life.. ttindepeaden el l 'tray .
has for a' life Aime been our great , Oa ion..
al festival; but ibis year it will' have a sol
. • . w ill be ,
enmity, of emphasis, and will be celebrated,
'with a renter jof pall:104c .enthusialinu Snai l
as has serer yet been known.'
We i syggest that, in every city and eouu.
ty.where Treason does n ot forbid and forci. ,
Fly prevent it, whether! in the-Nbrtia or
,l the'Sziniti, the East Or the \Vest, Ithel, en . ]
j ii l re,:prpl i llion,who are ierAved •tci, stand
'''hy the Unioti' and live andunde r
did r the'
1 t : Stripes, shall ibe ethered
' Siete 'and . for
Boob a celebiatiun as our fathers loved; god
that, in addition :o the :usual exercises,
•„; , 1
, this old Flag gladl be raised with 'all the;
I . boubrii, a portptio contributtoollakqu UP
I•- I i 1
for the; bene fi t of our citizen soldiery; and
tbeir• needy- families—tbe PeoPle March.
• tug Iby I the collectors. ib promsaion, and ar•
ery;bsild wte car give no more, throwing
i 1 • .1 -
in e half dime—and that we then gather
artniud the :Flag and have the oath Of fide! -
, 1.,-
ity te•theConstitutlon aui Tinian; solemn..
ly administered ,and- re verently, taken by
the w!. • I
bole congregation. .l •
If 'there bit , other observeoces better cal.
enlateit to itoPrese on the general blind the ,
greatness of the peril which Dew hinge
over he crioury, and the meinitude of
theea:44mM rquired to meet sod °V i vienne
ffilif *;arit, tet;these bis addid,or submit*.
fitlitelit 'ffiVilifie it set '*t *27
.Pear..ettattim. bei,
44 f. forty Years and may ilia; a `tl Vie.
Let; the preparations he fi tly cud S' na.•
blyiwiacle, aud the Fourth' of Jrily; :61;
1 ~„ ii i e I, i , • „ A• • Ise •
win 1 retnemetyle witn, patriotic au boo
' and ride for the next half eenfiul • i• 1 .•
1 ' 1;°I Vifffillili•
The true plan for the "(Tien. men of
I, . . . . '
'i Western Virginia I ts, IS on Jjudgement,
filet briefly' ' set forth ia one Waslaiiii on' 1
dispatch this merniog. It is rio t to at..
tempcto divide tho,State, ba to treat the
setion'4of Ito I Riehmond Conentiori and of
• Goy., Letcher and his Dubin& ate 4... equiv.
I 1 1 i
ral l'
alerts to 'a seditious ibdica t tio on the i part
of ihe i Slate authorities, and ther+pon - to
r orgriie a Provisional Goye lament. which ,
shill proceed o per f o r m its : d uties us, the
1 1
ioatue of thelCommonwcalth of 6 . Viirginia.
Thie'sopeare fo us a more judicionit'scheroe
II: . i $ 1 , L I
,toanotbat.of a sepsrationlof he State, not .
• , I 1
, only because it "seems likely to command
~ 1 i
~ 1 ,
II morie, general cooperation among the pbc.
ple west • of the Alountaide, iind lel eerfaix
'to be sUppcirted 'by the entire power of tfie
'Federal Government, which • snaot; to well
be enlisted in behalf of the. foimatioo of al,
new 'Slate, but also,becanse i contemplates
1 , . , , I " .
the c protection and , sucaur i !Le,' Clown
inenlot the eastern by those .i . the Western
eieetibui We trust that, if possilile, this
proje'ci will be tinahltnonsly and eothuei-,
asticely adepteaf by the Con mined which
meets et Wheeling on Tinfoil Of week
after ne l t. " - 1 •
•• , i i
i _ 1
ws.A. seb?lar, a bald man and! a bar.
her, , traveling• togethei, " agree ••each to'
'militia fUur ictiirs at' nitht. in 2--., ,-- -i--
sake of• security. , The , barl,r'la lot came
first, who shaved the 'thole a bead when
asleep; then! waked him w.en h s turn
came iTtie echoliti; ictatetii .g bi bead,
, • ‘
and . feeli ng ` it heti yon bit ewa ed
': eve! hued: 'You
wriliAll !
ifif ai barber, 'the
ball mad lostead of me'!" i :
a ir
nrs-A lusty young fellow in a tatter
elf 'gar tt,l sod , }st long be erd it that bespoke
theteitreine of distress, solidi ed a elderly
gviitledihri for alma, in a pi eiiits one of •
vaieel; 1 the gentleman gate bini a obit.
jug. I I
'lf tide relief," said the blgar bad not
eimill 1 l o 'opportia.ely, I shout ,have
b4en driven to do what lus r beibtend.
• 1 I -
i 'Whitt pat that,l?' saidt .e ,
go Haman.
1 g'rct si'ork,',said the impose .'
1 ,
'The'l ills Wt ri of Tentless , a er, pat.
i sikan L ordineee of secession wit . out tbe
, g
eluidoW f titliCrity owtbe 7;b i st , ap.
, '
i d ve diillioos l of • oilers ‘for the
defence ,an areuriment of . he , tale. —
Where i s the mosey to come from ? The
Weil .oddslare only worth 4 mit on the
dollar lOW. ~
~, .!.., 1i i
iilluying the Aitional -1 ,
A. - gcntlemaia who has jolt wads
cape from bleinible, Tenuemee, lift 'nt
us tbe,followiug account , l of • solemilser,
simony Iwbicb took place , in that city a itiay
or, two before be quilted' it. :17a says that'
be was so eye wittiest to chi *bole thp.
proCeedinge, and se be is a matt of eat
greatest respectability bia stateteeit !SOY
he refilled iin ;
,Is the solitary L iptilitik
whi3h • Memphis polsessap;oilsetil 4404
of Andrew Jackson. • 3y the aids if dtir
statue a large pit was dug, and oa the day
ioquestion pa r inf o trosut, who was ste t;
ing' near tbe place, s tir a body of , .
five hundred men; slowly ~approaehlog
beaded by a band if .mnsio• perfinotinif
“the dead Luttrell." .
. After the baud came eight,mela besting
the dead bodY* which was to be isoisiguell
to the pit ; this corpse was no mere IRO
less than a :arge standard of the star s
Stripes, which was solemnly lowered
! tali
t o te` final resting plods, the ebmpaity
fisting iu respectful silence. The
was- Ivor' thrown upon it—"ashes lostibes,
and duet to duet"--and the - I,pit vie' filled
iiii. The epectatori then diepereed*qtaistly
apparently:: thoroughly vsati#d •al liawing
paid the last respects to an ?id': firnotrel,
remains. The' tombstone has not yet liege
up, nor •lista Are beard what sod=-of ea
epitaph is to
.be. inscribed on it ; * l n: . -
doubt if will do credit to Teasel's'. I
~ -
*Our informant adds that doting the 'es?.
Ding of the day on which our nation sll r flag
was thus solemnly interred, there arsine and
of tie most violent gales' of wind aver
wiatesnd in Dle:i phis, and -eve r y! al*:
yid') login the city was blowo down.l-.
Singulai to relate, a yory-large flag which;
wan sus euded'; near • the grayer if ait h aitd -
away 'from the staff and carried* - . ' *a the
wind ta x he newly tilled UP filt;‘jiL, iiit
wit' dePovited and left to soak in tlie flick
l ani r tmuu , a n appropriate holocaust 10, 'tie'
1 departed great :: - The auger of heaven] was
thus unequivocally expressed at .thi.inft;
mous y desecration of our, honored banner.. -
What is the next form in which southern
insanity will display itselfl- 7 PhiT,' ,Port 4.
American. i
IDeseriltion of the Wiiiss Stettin Onst•
1 The steam gap • coptutict atßlicoteii
Mills; on its way to Harper ' s Ferry, i x
one of the !Una of the I'daisichusetto cam it.
'-It-is an odd-looking concern, beartirti t 14 ;
a single indidsion to the unpracticed Cie •
of its 'mu :derma purpoie. :Through - 4i,
, intelligent aid of Captain Pickim!**o
rice= to knOw n *, hat's -*hatl),llk*O l it
aorta of machinery, , we obtain istialqicielv
of - a . 106011 bOW ' aka , -thing I was irgitsof,-cti
Thmithole concern, wbieb viatilbe t•tiOup
live wea k is =activist! iiiietle:l.l444o
Calk it his tki, apPe*itioit of a: slot ~
,6 1 : 01 • 1 4, 110, 1. 7 . Vim -8A sibs mat 04E .
ohm ratitidNolt 4.111"e5, 'P
au, end of dui •Wiliims , elipiis.„ , ' • ' ,'.
, . ,
This 'nose, however,' which
,is inettly l die
sheath -to-proted the MaCilicie Stl4 liiiiC .
eratives is constructed of 11-" lecher Ott, l W'
Ithe expectation of the investor was
paisaily; that balls-tidied at it Isnia'
• glioce off harmiessly. In the opioion of
those conversant with such matters, isiftlitpc'
• ie ball would
,penetrate this sheath ) ; idili
a 6 . pound ball would: of • 'costes knock
I the whole thing iutoPa cocked hit: i This
I pointed sheath or :towering 's divided
ly its whole lehgth by a slit 'three isehis
in width,l affoiding an Ofiedittn, for the
discharges of the gnu.... With_tbis . Mouth.
like slit dividing the 'oiheatti l Into ;Pboditt . ,
ous . jaw., ond stretching from ear 'to - ear,.
Abe affair has the look of some davelisio
,sbark-iisd se* Monster.:Peering In at
this opening not much is to „be tilieitlbisi
yond a few cogiwbeels and a bit of mild. . .
lookiog cylinder, 'which, however, Oho ~
mouthpiece .of the centrifugal Time', - triiiiett
revolving at , the tremendous tat" Of '4,150,
nmes,lper minute, thugs out a- threpleisee
ball at each retiolutilo. "I- -1
Tali Massau'Jlusetts 7 falka think thO ca,..
Clio,. does Outt"imount to much, ite ? stis ,
Wieldinese being a fatal otijeeties: I It;._
Owed'', to"command a , Barrow passers; it
tflightil i bowever, do gOod service. Captaiti
Pickering' says they will give if, a trutl - 40;
day, anyhow, to, test its merits meritil.—
Washington Star. • -' - , *IL
~ .
10 idy HElHT. t 'l—Such was the:Dade l'x. 7.
,pression of Make Anderson, to a cousitttce
of reception that waited on him divine' hib
recent visit • tcr Philadelphia.' The *I ,
timint is worthy of an American sehlicr
soda 1.31/oatist headsman. 'lf he mean t
what he then said, them datahtiot
his patriotism, :because the man stitti
4 _
God imbues his. heart. will never belutt
ty of wroug. and can Lover li4 either to tLa
serii ce' of his country of his; prod; If all
men would follow such thoughts, 1 ; 11u:-
would loselts horror, because there would
be, uo conflict save a tioble t j eutulatiowl'astd
wanly struggle to do good. • t•
- 10„,We are happy tp gide That johst A:
Washington, who shaved our patriotic la
dies so abominably iu the sale of the bUnos
of. the 'Washington, is', an uf*prir,
the traitors' army. If they, I , eyer ealfFh a
Man in, the patriot army stealing thelre,.
el of, the wounded, or picking ;twit off
the desid he will match JohnliA.
too.- Tribune:, r ,
The l'reisitlent takes the •deepest' in.
tires: in the desperate struggle nowtrittp,
nine Tenneeice between the Stoeisulasu
And Union men. - Measures' are in Nstitamn
platioo .fur the; siipport of the gallant-14,n , -
sire* lo'nepn.and his devoted• friend it
their 'heroic efforts for the ;Join .
' ' -
writ. Yankee has -invented a new and
nheap plaultor boarding. Otte of bis
dere. mesmerizes tho rest sod then
bsarty . meal ? the lissmerisep beiociatlith
id from sympathy. . ' ,