EINEM ROE ME li!IMMNII !ME .•• • I PUBLIC 11 1 I.E OF --- TABLE , RE AD. ES i . . . BY virtue of an order o i t i the Orph ,* Com . Of Beaver - county ,.in ' rtition o the'Eel Estate of Junes ..licEee, '}'ate of Ho ewell si Beaver'Uonrity. dee'd,;'.l will sell by public Yet dna or Out r ery on the itirpthises, on I . . ' " - ...'-iJSOlurday Aby 25th' 1 18611 1.' Li . "g the fo?Pwiug described Heal. Rstata • late ~ I .4 -1 estate .. .Of said deo'd, to wit: a certa i n - piece, parcel bf Ilsnd,situate in lilopeweli itp, Ben , ' county; Pa bolanded i t anddescribed i iii ' s folio' to wit: b le eginning at p eat thence by - a I sere. Pot; lore the pro Pertof said idec'el. 'no. 823 degrees east 142 - 4 S per - to a Past,. theU by land of 'Jacob. Esher, 'oath 2 dog. west per to a poet. thence by -and or %Yin Men/ i . sld.!aohth 84 1-4 deg . w at. 69 pelf to a. ' thence north 64 3 4 deg west 20 7 per t beach. thence north p 5 d gre 6 *Tit' 29 7 to a birch, thence north p i - 40 - 14 deg. west 6 ,per tale. white shill:int, hones north 63 60 Min tea 14661, 16' er to a post; thel `north 2 deg welt, 41-7 Per to the M ace of . girinia7,,i containing': 69 acres and 95 pere strict-measure , about i[teen acres cleared tinder.,fence: The hind is welkwattied, ba on , it several good sprino. , Taixa—Cie third of thepnreha/A mono .be paid !iti band upOn thO confirmation of sale by- the Court, dud 'the remainder in eqiial. ',nail inst,lmel ts, with'iPtereat fj said cirofirination, .'. to b secured Wbondi ToOrtgoget AL.a. AIcKEE, Acker of the 'Ostia of Jae All'Kee, d, Ay.r.,24, 1881 7, --I ' . . - _ - 11.1Y1 DRTIG STORE IN pEiv, haijust lrened ont; in tbe fit rilem formerly. , occ upied by R. AieCrt -on Tliird street, Vireeddoors nboye itarcl stare; an . catenaiveFassottinent Of Drugs, Pi liyeatnffs, &c. • - ritiswi - ANs• )1* ,booing beeri ngsk_--‘I , IM the preserii btigneas for semetline Itv is enabled far the. most complete wlrieti stock oi diciont prepdrations ,—.1.r1,4-c,nghtlintotbei .tyothleh he will a the luwet anal) p thataytinik Cie chi1?"1.71. - .1.-4.: can' b oug i in-pittlsi3nrgh or.e N9thing buti fea(ly 'pare and fresu Li r:v,e Fit} be kept establishment. - aiiongerant with. vs-ight and. Toying sny Surgiet atrimiits can iierlurn:iilved at their owe I att.ention. of '1.12 . f, c.LI . is - Olect 'a the ca aSsortment ad' farm, clep; perfyiaery,lFine Soaps, Elrnshea, - - Articles; is:,, -While to thi• GENERit PUBLIC • - • • 4 , hare Js offered a good variety of Puint Dyq naffs, 61r14,11 till Lamps,' Patent i Medi cine. Choice Tobaceolond Cigars; &c., &.c. "j g;.Everytliag wit , ll be• kept ) ustially, --1 found ii well appointell I.)rdg.Stores,tin`d IA be sold se' cheaply is titpy ;can' be had itriyirliiere in Plastery' Peansy.tvanl [Sept. 119, '6O • 111A.NI-1001) 4 . I 40W LOST, HOW IcESTORIII). 1. TThsr-PUIEI.IOEiN A SE'ALED EL ENV 1.- onthe na ture, 'treatment, ;and rndi ealirure r.f Sf eimatirrbuee, Cr Seminal Weak nesN Sexual Debilit3r, Ntirvousness and int:pi nt:lt:ley iimisaioesi inducing itopatiney, and Rental and Phyaiesf Incapsco, - liy !BORT. I L CULVEIViV.ELL, ,M D • • lathe"; if th' "'Green t00k,",:31.c. Vie wOrld-rennwneer author r in this admire= . hie Lecture, clearly proves Iron h i s own expo rienee that - the awful consetiutenees" lot Self- 2 abupe may be egtactitely remayej, without med icine and without ',dangerous surgical' opera tion', benfiex, instruments rings or - -cordiale, • Writing out a r i ,mode of cure at once certain stud! effectual, by which every auffere4 no Mit t-cc what his condition may be. may , cure him- sylfleheapty, pritaisly_ city( radically. This leo ture will prove a boor to thousands end thou sent underisesl to any address, post paid, • 11 on itie receipt of twit postage stamps, by ad ' dressiag D. CH. J. Roirery , P.O. Doi 4,586; taarr,,'6l. eh "• ' • HiOWARD i .ASSOCIATION tit • Pint IDELPHI•I I I - • • A Benetio/ebt institution. established Iby 5° E' pedal .Enidotemevt, for the Rdiel of the :5 I laSick and , DivresseV;ajlicral .4414 Tr'ru 11ent and 41Flemie Diseases , !aril Pepe- . . , e 1 ially for the Cure otf-IDatiapeir of the ;Sexual Oigfins. . • • ft IEItICAD ADVICE given gratis. by' the 1-1-I:Acling Surgeon, to all who app ly by let - ter, with a deveriluion of their co ndition, face CI aeseupation, baba, of life, .t.e.,) end in eases of be eitreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of diy! , . ; 1: .!VALUABLE UABLE REPORTS 1 , on- Spermalorrhces, aadothet Diseases of the Sexual Orians, and on • NEW REMEDIES employed in 'the Dispen. • ry. sent t• th.e afflicted is sealed 'Eller eu lopes, free of charge. . Two or tiree stamps r postage will be acceptable I Address, Dr. .I.SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ac arSotgeoa, Howard AssOciation,lNo. 2 South `-• lath atteef, Philn`delpl4, Pa. j • I- By order of the-Directers. STA FAIRCHILD, Sthetary. EZRA D.- HEA.RTIVELL', ,- -, - - - 1 1 t LiiST NoTicE.l . ~ I Ilk . -LL Tersonsindebt2d to the eltate of Dr. 0. Cunningham, dec'd, Or to ;the late firm r a (:).,&..s.: Cunningham. are requested tceet- ' t i e their accounts on or before thi first day of '', .:pril nest.( All book accounts or notes then I .nnpaid ,wil.lflie left with the i.ror4r officers for II ollection, without ret.peet tit persons. i • i f . , S. 'CUNNINGHAM, D. :8 MARQUIS, ;Fxecutois. • NEI Jan 15. . Dis. sQ uEr E rros.' r_ 1 I IRE Fai:tnersbip heretotoia eilsting - 1 ! the firm of Wbonalirr icQott.i.e.rt. is this day di l ssolved :.Intrial consent, all debts bf ifie firm will be er , t t'e I by DAVID WOODRUFF, Who will continue the tuisrieps at ithe old stand and all claitrilt 71:1 by; bim.l • • - WOODRUFF ' • GARRET II'QUILLEN. Bridgewater; o,•t. 24. 11450. CIATII,II El It U 11. spring and Summer ,GOODS,: FUN CASINERES FOR PA.A - rs OLOTHS rOl VES7INGS, TRIMMINGS, &e, &e. WM - RIOH • .1 M P.R:CHAN7 TAlLotit, No .2.i Stewart's Row,. Bridgewater... AA LARGE supply of Iteady:Nlado Clothing-1 , snitable for the season, kept:constantly.; en hand;.: alio, a easefully selected stock of Piece GoOds,:for Cambia Works. All kinds W garmentS made in the neatest land most sub atantlsl manner, and guaranteed to fit. Wt.:CHARGES MODERATE.— Mar .2(4,1861: . WM. K ICH. ' I itDM.INIsTRAToit'S — NOTICE. ETTERS testanscnytry baring been grant-' -LA ectto the undersigned ou the estate of 'Michael DouglaQs,dec'd , late °Mew Sewickly tp., Beaver co, sal persons knowing themieltes indebted to said estate- I are requested' to make paynienticanted'ately, and those having Claims against the sane will present them to the aut.- scribers duly.vulr annealed for. settlement. ,mar. tt, AttorneyB and . Cotuvielion at Law. Office on ItOadaray. 3.1 tloo'r belay Merrick Hone Sew Etrigiataa. •prl9. ATE ~~~ • r .- . 6 s' d, Ole or sr Ira; if By th n. e' of these Pills tb Perimiiit attacks I, \ of Nervous or Sick Headache ay be •preient ed ; and if ken it the ccimme centcnt of an attack horn diate relief from pain and sicknesi will he obt fined.` . , They sel.Om • fail in. removing the Nausea find liendoche to which females are:so subject. `- Thcy actlgently upon the bowels,4—tetrioving Cestivenessi. "Iden.' ithe W 9 OM and For Litebary Men, - Stndente, Delibato males, an all all psrsons of senedtnry habits, , hey are vi lnable ;as a laxative, improving the ”etite, gyriog tons and rigor to the digestive i, \n9, an restoring thenattlral plasticity and 'gib o Ilia whole system; , -c '.! is CE HALIC PILLS Are the retailt nf lures' igation nod carefully conducted ei aents baying been in, use Many 4aara, ng wit tin Aims they have prerenttd and red vast Juniata of pain. and suffering Hen ache,'Fabetber originating in the cue a stem or from a deranged state 6f the Jach. :j - r.. ; : ! i -, 'hr MN • men t. Th t ore long lery. Per! n i l , dun stints relie sago ptien T lto of- ition me fact onn- and ices, deri t for - 'n the- The ,Gan- iipsl 1 In-, S rices. Viet E3EI Presid:. Evt y ls• IL REEDE /NO. W. DOUGLASS. :Administrator* . - .. i-. 1 CURE'i' ' ' ios i - i Ao r j a • ,1 1 . ;.1 . • •:.--; ;- „ ire I . 1 : CURL ' - usileadachw Aco.— --.. kiiii..c.;',-: ..., _ ... , _. ~.... ... , A:_.t 4--•- , 4 e , . .._._ ... , . ME atom Ley a 4 entirelyy - vegetable in tbeit compos ;, and may be taken at 'all tunes with, per blast I without making any vhange l of diet the al selice , ;of - say di.iagreeL4e - taste ren t it ea y to administer tbeifeeltildten.; 3 B ari of Ciiiterrtftsl ' ii w • 1 l • : • - I Henry ene bayeeo signatures of Henry 'C !ding a each' Box ' ' : -• I I I ald (D ruggists ind-all ethor Dealers . in dielne . ; I ; 1 1 Ipo will ie sent by mail' prepaid ea rer lit! of thr II Iftrell 25 CENTS. 111 . . r . s h oul d be addessed I. E 7N11{1" C. PALOI*G; ' 4$ C.E.D.11, STREET,' . I .!!ityl , YORK. I I I i -: ' • - • I ',. . I- I , ' OLLOWING ENDORSEMENT, 1-Iti4'B-(EFiftLie ,• •• •, ••• I. - 3.. 1 ONVINCE.I.EI WHO littirk El ' • 1 . • • • E ADA O E 'THAT A 'L IfE6V - .4‘1) St'i' Ri iCi; L .. 6 07 p.;1 . ..r . 1---y 1, i ...E i fit•Rirl . th e reetimotticee l were _trnapti .]tr. SPA.I.IiIN 0,6 thl:3l it,ft,rd 4y, t *nubile proof of,the efficaC:y l thisrtruly scieritifie discover r . .4111;ason, lite, C'unit.,`*eb r. :Poldin . g: ---.--: ' ' II - tilt: '• . ' 1 b• re tried four Cephalic ?Ills, em o well tbat .. l went youlte ore• illn i wei.th more. : , ' " ' Po t of ihese are for the ne . iglmber gar elew out of the tref box l ‘u. i ' 1 the Palls nay mail , and oblig . 6 your obedient Beirut% Jizies r. lip ald li ing lit , artibra; Pd' i l Yell. . I Sir: 7 ; i l' I .ish you to send toe ono:more box of your ~ ..p alio Pills, I halo received a graiti drat of , it fit from them . . : I 1 1 .1 Your* respectfully. i li i Mary. Ann Stolid:a se. I Pa* t 1 -. J IL ME Pruco'" Crick, Huntington C. .January 18th,1861. r „I . Spalding, • - •.". 1. Sir : 1 . ' j .r • oh. will please send me two bo hallo (Pills. Send them 'tamed r Respectfully yours, ..4 - . .. :John :. -T C'= . -T lave used one Box of . • •fincr, them excellent. _ . ,Belle Vetnoil, Ohi o, Jas. Q.;STALDING, Esq. lense find inclosed t.wenty-five Cents, for ji ch send ms another box ofycii i 3r:Cephai,ic 'i is. 'bey are truly the' beat illal 1 h ave iv r; tried. -' Direct 1 A:.Stotrei, P. M. I . • hello Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. . i From the ..kreintiner; Norfolk- - ;Va. '•?.• ' ' 1 ephilie Pills seeoteptish the l. ottlect `for si ieh.the. 'were made, vii'i:Xurel of headache 'a all its fortis. • . • • , • I• u_..... ~ • .., 1 F l rom the' Cammerrict, Gin , tiffe l ing huminity can Dow be relieved , • I single bottle of SPALDING S PPM RED :GLUE will este {ten times its sout h ni,215% 1 SP4IDING'B PRIf kRED SPA LDING'S PREE'AItI.:D GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE • --1 SATE THE PIECES!: • •..• : _ i CON - 031Y DISPATCIII Stich in time; pie Nine.iter, • As accidents will bappen,\vv.en in Well regu- i ted -Ls' very desirabl e to kayo me clieop and convenient way for; repairing urnifore, Toy 5,, - Crockery . ko. • 1 1- . SPAI.DIG'S PREARED- BLUE pets.sll such- emergenriti; and no boniehold au affusd 0 be without it. Lt.it aiitays ready, nd din sticiting point. I . , "USEFUL IN EVERY R USE." " N.1.1.—A Brush ateinipanies . - rice 25 cents, Address, Hebry..C. N...:4$ Cedar Sir' CAUTIQN I , i As certain unprincipled persei sag t?l,ralm it on the , unsure imitations of my' PR EPARED ti caution all persons to examine 'to lag. and see that the full. nurse, I gerSPALDLNG'S PREPARED ! GLUE: 1 is on tLe outside wrapper; all - si hen are 'wind: tag Coduterfaila. , : !inare'6l. • ,l_i . 1 • i, • . 1 '. , IN A. BR'S AT. , RIIO , , .. , P LTA ./_ , , i A. .. i. ..14 4 MIS Trivie t ore mg et tvinwl *ear a a your in "inWarishiet. .yo u , Imre Oar ' she i,Loiros ft ' At ef • i. Win - a• -• a - 1 arkeplati Vox TxXo. and th ou be alsilid b 7 X timely if the ri 3 Ot row eafty. Taos Ayern ite, and done* the afieerdowed be., Itlolll. the aaX tel the Molotov* assele• the *mind is( hotalth MO& 'Piz , au» 'he Il etill ' ll ot hopirigto to ' : deity, purifb the rye Orem Um stersaime• milk* Wake .IslSeWin.re /nib bag mid eh atructe Ste Wilarall functional. The If ros , 7 •Ito"4 ,reset open theasseltes sad the enrreeedinn ormaname. liming general a,Waralleva, =Fiala& *eel I dispera 'While la till* condition. oPPrio" .l 'l ib. da r= t; !hake Ayer's Pills. and me hall directly they , the natural action of the system, and with it the , heavyset reeling of Width again. What Is true and eo apparent in this trotsl and common complaint. Is also tram In Many. of the deepolated and dampens. distempers. 1 Tina wane 'purgative egret ezpels them. Canoed by shad* obetrula. tions and derangements of the eaters] fonethraam ef the badl. they are rapidly, and ma. y, Of theta sunny, evarek by dm/arse means. New wholtuall dm virtues of thee. Pill.. wilt ',soma to employ them hen When Iran the dhorden they Muer I I I i Statements f ro m leading ph In Mae a the principal cities, anal tram odour • taint' lidalle pot. eons. i- , i r • ' t 1 t . rim a SionearAll ifersbont 4 . Lat in, II). d ; 1166 Da. Arian: Your Pills are the i ist flat le great in utodltimbi They ham an my Ildbaidaughtor of a Tatra*, Wet linen her hands feet that had boruledl havurvide En. year& Her mother been hang grief oudy mended with blotches and , pi *son her Mita and, is her hair. , Attar our child was aired, ale. [ atm tried , . your Pills, tied they have cared 44 wORCNIXDOII. , I - lAs aFatally %Yale. 1 I liVosiDr. l lf. W. otrittrigl ken Otiose& 1 i Ch Hai , _ Your Tale are the ! mince of pumas. Their empaitsst Unithtlee surmise any satbartli - ere noesem. 1 ?boy ate mild. but very attain and 'lts their action Oa the bowels, which make them lava/ to Ls lit the dolly wwwineut•of dines& I *dreamt / ? ,t I • lisaistelle,Rietialeadaell ,11Pmid Illiamiratsk. ! Prom ;Dr. 1it.:04 Imo, ikatisgwi. I _ Ditallide. ATltli: 1 cannot:answer you udord i til t have otter witboyhar . PUla better than to say all ro r...- trod Mirk Otannestnte medicine. II place &pen. ...te• on fa effectual eathertio In my daily canted with Lwow), and h-liming as I do that your Pills sifle the el tait. am her % 1 et coarse taloa thine:highly. ,f, 1 , _ ...?Irmo* Pa., il l I,l • VA 1 V& J. u.,llena. Sir: I have w repeatedly anted if the worsC headache inyl bodies have by a or qo of your eau It HOBO to Qom a ii• a t which they cleanse at ones. , 1 °°B l 'tonna with great tamed" liTo. W.l ILEBLI!,1 i rk I • eatro flarogo• itlllovito Eolo4ortlers —ILI 41. Conipltalatilo Prom D 4. Ylieedvare DA Ipts York 1 414 1 • it l• 11, f Not out' , are your Pills admire Iy adapted to their patr , pOe• AS an aperient, lett I And their benefit.* atom upon the Liver vary i marked Indeed. 1 They hart l In my prey doe proved more effectual lbar the cure of i biliMs cast. p:irs!‘tathan. any one remedy I a n Meat/m.l I sincerely reloua that we have at ilenuth,e' purgative which le war. thy the'oenaideaes of the prof:aeon and the peop}e. ' -- - , 1 , I 1,; , I DMPAITXLII? or rya Lamm, .1 1 1 Washington, D G . 7tb reby /1656. I" Sin : I hare mod your rifts ill my geostatsetmpttor practice ever since you made th ;and cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic e.entploy.ll Their reit*" lating action on the liver is gat* and &AM* cons'. iluentlf they are pm admirable rarity for donate/ewts ' if that orgy,/ IN4ed, I hare seldom found a ems of, it bLUOUS *SALK btr obethMte thot It did not nati4 yield is i them i Arab:really yam, ALONZO dt AL D. I • /14mci a ra bilks Marine ] ; I _,' 1 1 aaVilat• Waymeastemy, Diarrhoe , Fug/up, Wormy. - 1 "Pin Dr. J. Ci. Orsest,rof Chincmt proc 4 :„. , ' . Year hits havaluoi a ioug I rid In my sad I hold them ha esteem au one of the best apowiente I hare ea ~r !mind., . ''heir alterative erreCt.npon the lllTSTlllikat , than an excellent remedy, whim even to teat]' dims for 14.....4 Zigsenkri and diorr/wir, Theirr ragartosding mat.ci them eery acceptable iMdeeneenhat Or due am of - wo 4 nain and chi rites. - ,• 1 t f I I t I 1 Dyspepsia, Isa ' parlay of tile Bluth ' _r ' 1 te Fe- Dpla 3 OF ME II = A I C I _ , )scoei./wg. J: r. iriws, radar "rm.'s' mirth, Bodes: De: Arts: :I have used your Pith with egolordletary alma la my tangly sod among Unmet am called to Irlgil la Ceara& ilo regulate the orgasm of Atiegloi mid parifY this blood, they are lie very best rentaily I jham , et..4,koovro, lama I can eoaildently noronuneull than to ay Meade. 1 ! ' [fours, .11 , :l.,ZIlleit. / we sr i - .. '• .. AllUlr, .. yestalit vomr.x., Oct.. v. I W. Data ilia 4em using yorniCat clic Pills to my gra*. i Y... ail Bud hour an excellent florally* to liaise ti• said plain, Na jbilli4ll.4l et Abe& 1 ...i 1 : 1 - JOIN le. USW:lnd al. 11. i i i t I I I niassaglgoadlos,comtliromaage nogiligagglon, Ilittoettuat tout, Goat, lignwraliglt, Drop. sr, Patrol, s ts, fits, glee IPi colt*. J. It raug4, liott fr ait, I ,ottnala. • Tee much canoed to said pf [your Nadir ills core of 1 acethowas. llf i•thers of our fraternity hive lhao4 therm as oillsaehine as I Wive, theyiahOuld jolt one fn proclaim. los rit for the Inaelit et tha midiltudee who Outer frogs Ott!complaint, whieli, although bed 'nogg*, In ItielL Is procetdisr of others that are worse: I 'believe oet. arenas to originate In tle liver, hot youering anent that ' err awl cure the discos*. 1 1 I - , 1 i I /Vow Mr}. I. Minot Mynas* end listalu . Ifind on nr two large d4iett of yonr Pills, eu at the priper time, are,excellent promotion of thew/urea taw* time whets wholly or portiallyisnivresead, 111111.1 also very itgettnal to &most the WorA and rape lelfrlg44 Tiny \ a i t: . so ti., ote u elt u t y lin pim itat a l m ph,l, l e t‘r , o kora that li i rseostat end I , /kola the ten. Dr. Efstatig o olget /Waite' 1 bit. Mini& i ' Titian Moose. Sayarinalli, Cal, Jsjo. 6 ISA. Taus so that I should bi.ungratitul tot the retail yiterbrought skill boa s I o f I did sot mart My **Pato yea. A. coil settled - lam 411:beand *aught am azern. yis pa stating nruroint, paints. 14 waded la i entwine enema asst. NotwP rdr hstaudi I the beet of pnyelelans, the Corso pew worse and w' until by the advise of year eieellent agent In &dam Dr. Markendet I hied your Pins. 'their /Pets were s yr, bat ours:. RI IIMPITIIehI e*s, La the o n th ot ose, low now est/rely well't , ilskirs CILlInNlt, Eatoti Rouge, Li., li Dec 1.1145. ~ I Ds. Os: I lams bees +ntlmly cured, by yowl. Pi11..-of Roan amic Oferes painted &Waal that hod afflicted roe 1 far Yam .I t 'VINCENT SLIDELL. • i t I ' ._ Mr Mos* d tho Pfllo la market sashes Mercury. . which, although a volualile I r ernedy la skilful i haronots dongoroto in a public pill, from lb* drosdful rossO.' • oneness that frennently falllm Its Incantkori tow Ti.... *outsell., nein:terror, or adrenal =lntone* whatever. :2rioes, 15, cents per Mix, or 5 Safes for Si. Prepared by Dr. Z. C. Ailrßß & CO., La - well, Max I , Tip .For sale by D. Minis. jr.l, Beaver; 8 C'ross,flocher,er; Wiiggoner /4,, Lncry, Free i• deor.; J. N litho's, Baden; J. Sargent, New ,iirighton, John BiaCk, Darlington, and 14 ;ienlers everywhere 1 I I 0c131,60. I 1 state Rut ,Counly Tax. . 1 , . 1 1 7 --- C`- J f [IIIE County Trissurer will•;aGead in tit( 1- several Towns 60 anti Bormahs, for lii purpose of receiving; the COUntl p v. and Stitt Taxes for 1881. at this times had ;Att l ee, Jesi, noted below'', Iris; 1 ; • I -• i righton tp Patterson, ;New Sewickly„ IMarion, ;'Franklin, Itiortli Bewickly, rFilllsiton-borci', New Brighton, 1; clo 1 Phillipsburgh, Freedom, .1 ROCheiter bor. ' do tp. Industry, • Pulakl, Glasgow :& Ohio, Georgetown, Harmony, Obic• Beaver, tibia & P . Suu(h Beaver, ,• I thirliogton, ' do, 1 tp. j ' Chiipewn, • , Economy; . ' do 1 Nloon , 1 • Big Bearer, • ' Raccoon, Indepenilence, • du Sic. Hopewell , 1 Ilopewell, 1 ilookstown, do • & Greeno I ;Too rver & do Frankfort, 1 Hanover Village, Bridgewater, ster - Payment [Districts. April 10th. 'GI h q . •W I .1... L I Critql 11 . I I , , qulrs. of , ''6 1 nd l' like d me two wbom got frout. L enilejiy a ' '6l es [ of your Simons.. • pint Pik J I f 1,61. Oil en!) Bottle.-+ Spriteling, et, in . N. T I I ,r LADIES' G BOOT .IYo.. 4 Stew , 1 , 1 i I r are attempt , ming pabl ie, L'U3, I wculd =Mali C fi RQ.t 1911 E 111 , i, t 1 ' . 1. 4 ~~ 18, D.' Morgans, . 20, 3eo. Reynods; 21, Geo. Itanscher's, 22, Geo. Hartzell's, • 28, W 'Si C Minns'. `24, 1.1 flaxen's,. .- 28, S . Edgar, 29, JaS Edgar, . • 80, ,do Si, II 'Biniber, i 10, 8 Furnfeep • li, Wj U Jo hnston'. ' • 12, ; 111E10 1 13, D I:akiti's 14, R Weil!gibe's. , 1 17, Enilth'slnotel • 18, Haotel,i '' It), Ilotel,i : , I 20, M Dermger's 21, Mn.. Itnyl'a 1 24, tilitl lairreoct's 25, Xi: t;',Ook's 26; J. P Dilarorth'e,l :a. Mrs . cunuingliani's, lily 1, W BrAtiont.in l a,l 2, airs. laryan's,, "8, W Wh Esq., • • ,en, . I . . 1 ' S. Mts. Ixtinevi,; i' B,' 11,Eiting's, 1 .I • 9; J llolntim' , ' 10,'D ,NleCalt later's, • [. 11, .1 !P ',McKenzie's, .16.• T I' Itloliibbea'ai, ,I, 16,.' • do i.l ' 17. •6' , ; • Mihler'a, 18 11.1%leCuteheon', 1" 19, iffore rtk , 1 . 1" 23, H Aenra : may be Made fin adjoining ;,JOHN 8. VAitRAI3II,I 1_ , , 1 Treaaurer. aelnrer Pullee 'r'!' ,vr,s , CIM T ILDREN S Si &. < SHOE% ,ref . ! Row,' Bridge Sired, ulice w 1!4. , • C*NTII A. GALLON, I ' EXII ink Ohaidatti e • ____-_.main _--.1. rt - - - - T s ' Bel_ 1 11. ISM, Reeler, heir -INdient ma; me,. ill = "e itoste, 0 •Yertz Conference i • a Ur., flednnal - ,- ; Clenfertmoe, N.[ . • thit is V. F. 14 Pratt "11 , ilonee, I o,..Xer. Joam•lL 'Do iA. Mart, BA., 1:1 - IL 'l'. • obi. Ho% x blit,, , , . ushiso.; the liomi • • ler COW, Bo Ft led. t. If George limn • • ' N. Y. Igenry la Cook; gm.. llor i tr . iiii, Pao. alto ISta• ' carnal, ell, o i l the tiel m lL Gotham, Moan lii.; the Han. Thal J. Ch , _Me . ea* mllo, Pls.; I,M Hon. illemedlca, Calm, N.- ~. Woi : Bristol., geq., t en, N. Y; ; A. a Fond, Goi.',..Utle • • N. T. , ;sane Plante, lim4 Nashtritle, Ten ; I [ •• I • I I. -OF inottivio salsa ' • I • • 8e.1.-For , ,!Oongestion, atnitattunatioa. • . Go. 0.-rorl • Oro Fever, Wean rd. I V---- ... °F P"' ' De& NO.*- 1 -For . . Crying , Teething, Wakefuteem et. t ri 4 d I. . Urania. itie l ,- I . Ii [ .._.,• l o __ • N0."4.;-- • • - Cholera 1 , T.. [...del+ Cloitphtinta. .1„ [ I. • ;II I • I i 1 heat-o! . 'lie, Gripingth Ditst, ir Bloody Fittti • 'Hai 6.-F . ol Cholera, Cholera bilartpui, Focaltlnti 1... 1 1 N0.11.-FOg Ponglis, Cob* Indomiss and adtre Throat. .. ,N0.111.-Fol yaotbatehit, loftee.achi a lind Netteiiiiht• ' [ ['-I ! , N0.1111.-For eaditehe, 'Vertigo, H and Falba.* of the I Il es & H. .. 1, i' t'. 1 1 - 1 1 I 1 tte:, 10. ; Pttaii-Palal IF and Deranged [ o.4mni ft • loraseb, CoMdifratlon, and Over Clot Wet. . ' Pain No NM 11.1-70 a 1 , glut Lusa *rutty, 1 ft lo : r .l, i ffer IppiOßSed rewinds: • [ . - ' • I' ~ I 4 No.-12.-7 Leueorrham.„llProfmie Mimi, and g Down of F lea. 1; . 1 Neal& Crolift, Hoarse Cough L lad Breathing. 4 so. 14L * Baum flus- Yo i Neystpelsa, Brupti Mantles on Face. 1 1 i r i NO. la am lotti-Poi jAitootosit, or sou In the' est, Back, loins, or 11 : 1 ' Ad--Tor r and Igns, MIN , Dumb Aga., 1 Wawa Wed Wm , . 1 • ' . . ,' , I.! 1.1--For P 0 "B lind or Mauling, or ralternaki . I ' 0.,-Vor lio Wish, or Inflamed Eyes and IllyeBds; lag. Weak. • Blurred Sed. ' ' I ' I fa, I C.- -roe O. areh„of lode 1 rlandin or raitat, eliber ' 1 eltemuction • • 'Proffl- , e discharge. 1 ' 1 ' • it , C.--Fe ..Nlosplog Cough, ins Its , Fisheries • d tu7 „..,....,„ *ewer. , ,- • . . . 1 i 1 Al! *en of diabase*, .each :so v re, lollanotas ne, 1 Mares, o,..leci.td.r. Croup, Rh adi In, aud furl% crap. live tlittes, pal licartat Felt Me lefe,and Erydpeitts,lthe 1 advantage of giving the,* per r ' Bea promptly (slob. , viotts, and lb all such cans e es act Ulm a a/tria. Tiodontlre dbeise is often arrested at alter, and• In all masts 1 . the iviolonseisfigbe attack' a Mod ra , the disease storo 1 toed, and rblidered lessdaugerous. 1 i g . ... , 1•, 1, CLughs au Colds, whlch[ftre of ila frequent oceuarabee mut width kitten' lop the found lon of diseased Inne . n. broachitia p dabsuroptlen, may -il be atone/ cured by ; 1 ' thelrerar u, d ough Pit ~1 1 ' ' '• j • I all eh ' nit Macau, .' el, &aro sprlmin, Weak Ftoomea , CO atipatld , 1 1 Aver Complaints,lPi ea, Female Debllity,lat. 1 if ii Ire gularitf , Ohl Headaches, Sore u • chit; Es, ea,' Catarrh, 'I Ball Rhein ' and other fddi oruptioni t he rate hal speeiScsi whime prop r izplicalloia viii allot fl a Icure, in almost every.' [ lint:ince. ft ' t the COR iirn si d de ciirould difficulty, iucti. I us Dy cusps) , pp.. or Catarrh, iltf ache or Female Neate r; I sere, has an re Mau paid fur tl.e. , lets italics over. i 1; ' ! rates. • ' • 1 1 ' • 11, ' Poor of ?a rut so corniorte4 in mar c ,i sod Book ',BS , , Casa or Y. , ylal h a, trod fnmt:, plain. i . .1. .. .: .., ... .......,.." i ' Cl l so to' /: nu In•red b l oycf.s, and 1)14 . ' , Cof6bx ~ oututd...re‘l, sod ll.-n ' . ..'.,. 1 pi.:i. too urn w. boxcar, with Intl sal 1 ' 25 can Bindst lefty e. hoary. e ith.direrti a : 4 ... ~. —.DO *enta i l • Igo CRS of 2 or- vials, for pot kit jandphysietons2A.2i ; 1 •' ' Al[oo .SPEC cic , 1 ,,, 3 1 „ 1.,, 'Fes Amens Sc Formals . -ClPpr , Irlieult, ',altered Breathing) an espied *half push sad Faspectoration. Frice, l l • SO cents herhot.; -.' ,; • I- I I P 1 . .., 1 1 Yea Y. DO , CORRRAS A t. rat rpros.:-, blveharges frill Oa , Ear, ttie . pudit .of 4.. a riot Fon.; %Wish* or blerwair,talsl 9 . For Nolo. Jolt/ eini,..T., 11l .aoil • f dlearing, stool Blogibg . in the Earl , and IF-I,sehe. PI I, , CAI eentit per Mex. r 1 ;1 . 1 Fos Ftlionitt .--Ennirge 3 411tott!‘„ Wnia•Led and 'navy tl: ed Tonsil*, BO ellltwe andi tir 11.;t. 1 e: „bcrofulutir Cacit Pilaf i t Llbildren.f P l rice, NI arr. is .ter loix i .' . ' . ,' 1..1 Ina GRRKISI. harceen .idc )4. :.-fe - :Terrent Wes hear ( 'Cher thte result eft 1ii,:i.H..... tl,‘ ee ,a;•,e iordt z sdoo, o r FA lianiniregibioChnigon. 1';,,e.. hit Ce ti ser i.0i.1, .: 1I; t ieFos Diemd - .-ruid ari , .o , -, , tatt .1 Tdre:d ilielllugii:Witih salty Fitandems. t 11.,4e... re teals pre In . 111 1 ree.tt':4-eireeeft , , -fericeei, Ph reefoq ~ erthro, Nafelles ifsatitin . inekttoc "ame riding br therlitp. ?rice, 10 . 4 cdntai t F boa I 11. 1 ? i 1 1 . 1 1 1 _ l ," tear mut! . ins • 'ltolla -Tar Ora el; Renal Calm" tal--' ;alt, Palatial Urinatioti, oisentlen f, pdaidoeyo P t ",, IA ;eats per 'boa; , .1 1 .. .1 1 i 1 ..,.' 1 . 1 1 .,.'. FOR FOMIS/11,; FAOSIO•115.--Wf • Ratlity inRCARTRI 111. R“ Consertdent IPrettranna genii Ve • Itty, Bad. Itesulta f Boil 21abita. 4 'TIM rairst successful ' ti tilScient remetly,lfnetra, land mai. be d relied take as it cu ei Price,' will fall dtrec.. (;Bona. SI Pef' be '• 1 . . 1 ,L %al . I , j 1. • I rs ki Paers who eish to place th ai [under -lb! robs. sionid ~ .tre,or to seek radeVe el Sot t:.tirtifigts,' roe do e.. ac a ..12ce 512 .11rOullway,ti II ly,fram A. 41. LOS P.M. A OF by: ili teri . . ; 1 I' , i. 1 , 1 , 1. 1. 1 I I OCR, • fittlirDlitS BY ; HAIL.' [,-, 'Leek' over Ms Vet; tusks up skasa' of What 4/Pidiyou elmotee, t innd melee. the' ameung I a enermat nate at Stamps by mail to our address, at Ye} ... Broadway,.NfriAlort, and the medicine xillsbe duly r rued iby mail or-esFreas, free u 0 thaane: • - I II ' i r I, [ l• I . AG IciTIIVANTRD.-IVealeal e a act/M,Ml3clent, P for thejaula of our ReMedies; t ery;tddro_or salami la the Übit I states ' Address ' 11.4 F. HUVIPIIRETOG ] 11 .., I N0.1.4d0 Bananarar, 1.404 , ..-- [ ,- , 1.-1•., [ , ... 1 . 1 ; • • ?'HE H N 10SAFE ! i ~ II T t ; ' I'l r I I,' ;' : •, ' .. t 1 T ; S . .li, t 14 : 1" 114411 1 I '' 1 I ( ; • j I / . ', ''l ' - .1, r ti#E tidersigtiod iro d rie l pectifitit y l l , , , , z 1 ibis friendennd fit r patrons tbaitti i . JUST 0 .ENINa..I I i in the . Room formerly copied by * I t Bred n, third etieet„ . B . e r oirer. on 'este') i• sort en* of new nu(' deslrable gbodsti i which miii be found : ' f 1 _ 1 J ' IT 'R 'Jr I.G. CY 0 - D . S 1 of e;veriill SUIT BLE I FOR. I,Lfri , RD /I diRE, QUF4- Holl'l ENI and; iii fact eyerythtngl ODIN stuf,e. ' Cafl and iii ger - i MEM r.xcslr.Stott 'I • I, 1 I •i BI 'll` 1 ' J di - '1 • I 1 -', i • • 1 FOR DITSPE T P*l TRY' - I aS7uriftls Excelsior Stomach . 1 . 0. - I l'._' 1 1 I ...1 .. i . Mg . titORNING . SICK NE SS TKII . 1 li 1 I 11) 1 i I ' Shcilk's EZ:ce ,tior &am . ot4o Bruer:. 1 r -I. 1 .. ( T H FORT WANT-OF PETITE RT. ci m • I &ea& 's Exiie sior St 912 Welters FOR GIDDINESS AND SICK HEAD } ACHE lityi 1! 1 1 1 ShOlk:s Exce ls ior.Stomirch'Bfliers. F OR LIVEIt CON i I.P.I.rAINT TRY r li , • Shalle's Exeditior Stomach [titlark FEVER AND AGUE TREY 1, ,\I I Filiales Exitefsior Stomach Bitters. CHRONIC AFFECTIONS , Tfty , Shalk's Excelsior Stomach, Bide is, SALE by DIL pIINIS, I Beaver,i laud Druggists Geiteipally.' SALTTH j TRIMBiag, t 11 "lesille "Agent 80. 8 Smithfield; Stt Pitts. 1 ~ icrober 2.1 J reGg.r FO 0 For V. ik •ono D Ibortorigh colleted t, or jack t 0,4 or aid beirtio: - 1861; shop I'd such offense,' tanner limo by repealed, 4 11 ; " I' 1 i I gPriPt* - 1 - I 1 THE SEASONS +R°CE r -gl'Sf',' 4!t:hi3es i r RE 4c . , ..e irismay kept i 4 •i.i 4 , i J• i floods said' prip' Ai* OERf.. xarrun Gil i r, -- 1 P _ I MI Ai' 1321 tOitrillNA NUE. - 1 1 4Kl' byi ibe Towp ColPoili of the of illoplarsoin. sit l iis ,hereby stithoiit# of tite es *- tbat any sin !-- e authority - ....a t.....__ 4 6 Bois !trying or letlins a Stallion ~ ' are within the , ento to limit& gh {slier its. 10th day.: ofi April, .rfeit and paj for eaotilapd every Ichq,atcm ,of five •DollSri, and all Adietiitis with this act are here- Cipio l ved ligroh 28410841. , JOHN, SMILEY, , I Bain's, hltpriusi,'Cllc . 1 ' • - 1- I , ,1r • • ~ ?! • 1: 1 • El El {No...t 1 i 18, Fifth; Sired, •Pifisburg7l; Pa. Wg offer to the 'publio r '' eirotrer & Baiter s, *wing 'Machines at reduced I prices, ni.& increased confidence in th i V i r merits 63 the tientm ik l id most.reliable Sewing chlineo. They, are simple in ' construction) ; Orel speedy in) movement and mo r e a d less liable to! disarrangement than any other insachine. 1 W. ire fOll instructions, to 'ensile, this purchaser to seal ordinary seams; hem feA, ticle. gather) iluilt nrut ernliroideriall on, thislianiut maChine) and w rent them for three yenta . 1.1 i ,_ ; ti p - Cir cu lars containing testimonials from ladisii I f the highest isinnilliig, Dist and 'est, stating 1r prices • containing directions; &C., will . be furi• niche . gatiii,lon application in • person or by letter llATriliEl" & WrIJER, Sole Agents. . N. 10.1 Seirii3g Machines, Neeilles, Silk, Cot ; ten.,taways on band ' ~, 1 , 1 1 gizel—An active local Agent wanted , Sdilt. 12 1860, ' , I • 1.1 , 1 ; + , ' 1 .; • I • . :: It! .=,. ..._.. ~ 0. m kz . .--. , ti ~.: , ~..., , ~ * ." 11 .4. ~ ~. 0 . m g PE Inimi NO 414 Z . " 4 W WI t. 1111" ' VC i , la 1! P'..41 % Z el fil. _ 1 - zi I go 4 1 ;11 Pig . • 1 ' 1 ' iQ I ~ 1.4 1111 k 1 4 1 0 i =.l ts* 11 n i 2 o 1 • " fl fORTAUITER itEIN r ell 'pwbspriher respectfrilly Informs the 1: citizens of Beirir awd 'vicinity that los has' I p just received the Bpringand, #umnsor:F I fir 18(}I, and . is now .roadyl to do up ,Worklin the Latent Fashionable style, and ,wirrnalad Ile It itud to'surpaeis.nny ;other' well/ in thin county. Therse entrusting their wo rk .bier may tlepiind on having it done when prcira isvdl,,. No,pakas will be , spared tatv4ivo 113 till• Citation tor,,tkokci who may enll onf him. • !'Country produce will be 'takes ' change fur work, ' JNO L. RALL.i ii ' Begyirr' vviar2.o Frish iunahl e Ta ilor. - B. iemenvs Patent.AN.raihing ]!tachinei, •I• . • MANUFACTURED BY THOMAS 4iRLDIT i< • I . 1, Pert'sv r Maeliines for afield, ease on the I: ',poster and Clotho*, n' and clea waSbink, On a large or small'piece of 'Clothing ovOost vitt alleif by, ani War,bitiOtaaliine to itt , pee. 1° 24 Co. oily , 0/11IL. Foie , Stile 0 - 1° 11Ctli. , -F • For. . • :• 1 • , 1I . 4HB' J pr.operty at the confluence of ' toe I & Bekiecr mat Obis rivers, we nil know nas - , 'STONE'S. POLK l." is .. eflerea. for rsalel of tent : The improveinents consiet Of Ia letge Iwo"' StOri Brick Dwelling House, With . e two tors, Kitchen, all Ithe neceisary on t-bbijdin, ga,, a large .ptrime „ I, Dorn, an prcbafd contaiding r i o,,well grafted fruit trees, all bearing. i Also,`Threi r —Tenant Rouses, n largo Mare jouse, Ond ab - at 20 acres of riot' riser bottom iland imitable for Gardening, :• This valuable nropertYlis abmit`2s miles from Pittsburg, and adjoining a depot on ,the' SI. & P. iKailrfaa. l -- This House has been - ofjate accupied a af o l'aunimer "oxtail:lg House, ', for which it is, well , ; I calculated ' being situated in the Midstlotl beau- • • ! Will scenery, • and in , on exceedingly Healthy ifocationf For farlther part lonian apply' to 1 i 1 ,c.l STUNK 1 tJItII 2. 6I• .I. , ea tho premise . , . B , . i ..- 1 ' .. • eavel note ; , ' ~ i . • ~' I 1 - 1 , J 0 Si.} II" HALL, Prop r ils ea r L. I • '' ', ' . ' Beaver.' Penn'at., MEI I on :& Hag lacing Mil >e.l ON. • - r r • • ' ' 1; • _ '• ATINO thoroughly fi tted the etablish-• al ment formerly kuoirn as the 1.430164 LT. Houes,7 ris preFareil nciomrabdate his friends', 'and the publielgenerrally, di the wait ontisfnottis7 makanki.l • -80.11 1 , '6O. ; r- .•• FOR SALE. I "'— 9111E.followrng proper !belonging. to ,the J- estate of Dr. O. Cunningham, 'de wit; Lots No: g SO, 67 - and 60, the boiough of lleaver„ and part of out-lot 'adjoining thelwn 'ter lot r will be offered et I rprivata OaJe until; the oniddl'n.of Airil.rer. It not 'fliiposed, w ill, be forsrent. The lois in, the llotongh are beautifully situated for plicate rosidenceo,.iind under a fine onto of cultlYvion. i For; teinio .applylto 8; CUSYING4I.474; I) nor. 6,'61; ' D. 8. STAIt4UIB ! II n triers - . • ighT LIELS,'I , '1 : I 1 1 11 , 1 ; ' 41A ILS; ~ i , ii t, , t , N. c itll slise i (er sale, Why' mill an - Rata 't ig Cheaper !than ilset'heFsprai." ... • , , 1 ' ! by' A. 8 11MtVEt, . ; • 1 t Er:dgew 4 ter, - ADM IN IST f li ATOWS il 0T1.C.6:7 7 tATHEREAB letters I testamentary en di I' V i s Estata of Jacob, Landis. deCeased, Jat 6 of Moon townshiP, 'Bearer.; county, Ila., W a ys ')een giwnted to itlie. autiabriber,l re4idistg in the same township, all persons indebted to aside:state are requested to make immedi ate pay went, and those,hoving elitlnss will pl eve pre i r sent ;:thero properly :inthenticated or settle. meat : ~, CATHARINE& ONIilB EV z. April 80, 1861. I , I _. .. ~1 6 : , • OIL !`;'O IL!!' OW !!! Stens ..1 , nes For _ (' ' • A 4 persons engaged in the al btomes') are requested to and examine the new Steam Engines i .smuulictured by, . , JOHN THORMLEY, 1 I These Engines an got up on dui most un proved style for 119 ring and Pnmping and tioth - .. r purposes—the patterns 'beirig made untie; the direction of one of the best niechsoics i !Weseern Pennsylustus.'l Tools tor Boring made : oa t.be shoitest nettles; also. all 'kinds' of Csett 14161116de and fitted up. •• I • • INNI 1 =ME ' .114EILIA ...,4 , I II S 9. ' 1 G{; ~ , ._1 'ty H 1 , 1-.1 ;I 1 , I t , .. ',' 0 • .'' . • / Elifitat Usher - ,.*lan . , , 1 111 t Twent7-4*, Yorks Ufro. Idr. B. E. fief- 1 I lens cotauseaced to i'.:aiiituffieture ttds, 1 f Telnalitiblei Jeyrup for home demand.' 1 ' little dr exiting it WAr destined to form I 1 holm's:lila:it! a branch of his drug bust- ,Deis. ant One yeaT to rear the know- 1 - I Is4.llge of II ;Value , spread from family 1 A o .tiOl fay , unty to county—State to I, , Biati— fillorew it may , be fountllllnenzli ,erect: toW l n in, the Wi.stern country. aid all conehlftred indispensable in thou. sands of r iu•B. 1 [ The fo ida did not d7me to, hies in;, 1144 ilia' ' ' . t ona l way; neither Tutiitalted n in "Indian Iwiowittol." nor , accidentally discovered. I lin wanderings over the ":desort Wilderness*" hilt `is the reUult • of snarly yerfra expericnbe and obidnniz lion id i thei practice of rneeieine. earl.. iainthig 110 1 infiamrr.atois , Or spiritubqs ingredients I whatever, ,it 'is not, only • applicable to , the vast nicjOritT of Put ' motility end, Itronctaiall e affeE•ion*, but lit peehibuir), aluable io • Mid rail, afford big giest relief in Whoduidg Cough and - . 'kindred diseases. Pro ' fl a 'Urge namber Of certificates • receive trom yaar to year. 'we p A rTacnt thll fotoi : nig ' 1 i i'rantt Oro rec. T. G. Lc h , Pr err r al" fhe ,Baptist Chart ts, Ale'anrtn, Chi.). I . Aisx,s•cc. :,. k 1, 4 " • . _ .., 4 .urn I, 1' 6. )1 . 4 1,, Jtmatr`. ilg' 4 1 h•sli a Y •Yrr. • .0,12 7 i iri eftd front a Vad odd a thet $ at ehod si..,ll,nat santly: fq two day. no f a IMO t . ft• lai } ildnY mornh,g natal gatord 1 ol r ld 1 t..,. A, •-‘, $, e in the , arierifer, the preaerti•ed d we. aid re:ttrt 4 ril t slept all Fiiii,ht without . si singic 'a ~ .r> ujot.wn f ,-. on rpoghtng. ' k l t t a c rtm k L d b argOVid 'i ay n w h att l' ary Ur a a n t. j e l a r y: : c i t e: • Pince that tints I have mu. it' freo , t tat; to my I chll lren. and believe that It 4 always emu attally ' arlievad them r 1 TottM, trtaY. T 0 I i AMI. i I Ilecintatrifiee plarfleo ply to f fererrnen. , Lawyers =ld other 151 ale Fpnal els. ' Pn.deator Part , r ha.„ with Los 4.. koan. 11. Shen (a on - Ukase ti Illtr c,t, warm* lot •OAP 1 ,, ;Mill' C. ph i Medicine. It! gill :1, lidettlytka lato a who a loOlicU'd with covati +ri Mira's* .rmiri I out. 1, Nev. rd • l ar A‘ ,. . m l l , l l..rit'e rt l .! *rub" I ; .‘ ifit' l". t tell' ..u2b aglicted ..II” a P.P.W... t TO ir c, B l% Imo al pe a t etmatant , ooneh mat haviog fled yeromy r,•medtes. I 72741'.. / . ` ;t:l n r,t.l W.";=,, L 7.1:1,...,Z 1 -, b ,'::: nmka atrial f ILE t.erilent Coot t h . yrn:, I did I, so, and to mylgrrat etirprt.e • k tyt• • 'red .I'race - t i t:A. i mediate relief. It was v. Ith 'the" gi ea I eat di/Titnlty that I lectured before my tespett•te 1:1S ii , but on taking a apoorul ot the B)rup.fu-t term: cot, ling 113 Y lltotora r at, 1 coil • r-d,f u:th t eract ow* doting the e eriti•e• m I ahi i•otti• nl.r y r , inn! mend it to web taw fnO end other pahhe ilfellkers• JA 3 ih 11. PoßXbtt. . I ; , c fr , Price 25 Cents e ~' , 1 Usk- 1 s ME I I 1 A• 1 J z . _ . 414 c ~ 1 t. l ii ,-- 10 i 3 !1 i ~. .. ;1 ' mil •i 4, 1 i o ) 2 I L-44 4 6 0 I OP' WA ‘ 54 F I ~ ~.. li , ~. Ilip :1 1 i 1' . t 11 , t . 1, • " --.1 li' 't , , ivi 7 . 70 1 1 - 1 . i•- . : 4 't • 1 I i 1 n ~., 7 ., , , Cid ! ;1 ' . 5 , , 6, , a I z 1 , I 1 1 Mi - _ I= ~. i 1 1 ,I" , FEU 7 own to yo:enrtlrhe r'' I Ihireihoeit offl ^t. , l Inn; time. and e", tl hrtilte. rtrhteh left me in . bead nt rrunt celebreto.l F... bharp. Weet mitt+, thy .phy Dr. Eire them 4 lair. irk!. Ti *MO their' just .n ihe,l beet Lirerllll.. °rel. -we I Anil the ,lise%ee" ant now nftfictly t ,ResFkgrllly yours, ~.i=9 . 17.11000 's3l -• 711 E. 'RUTH • SIE.L I VERDI , • • . IFt fiatrtnttx. •'• It. E. SILLTR9 brim crtgiTt.4l ft, fiV• la' Ate] mrolime rtmtirnt , .. riatl 3 . 01 ttf tho prii cip.l .D'eG•re this pal lir. '•Snine Ilvet frets a T SOP' iff 13tnnifit.,te, stAncl i ttpon it!! , 0 n ri RhortlYtafter rerrirto 1 artnat citjirtts. Mr:ll,lr reparti4 140 keora A blylt.,' ettrte. that !Iwo4 bi.l , CNC,' 0,-rito it.fn my onll, f•MiIY• wkiEn'4'rc, Pr n ti e si -x m miw il ow ° l7in r ; r n e ot r l i t! ' f r e i 3 2 :; ti n . nee ‘ ,4 aft a ' ' t 114. 1 11 ifn my etare,,•Mong which eire*Tabneetock e, I'l.aine's .. •nel.Seraine's. il l ' .- , . I ennalder It • teife, rampt. and tenet V tint- ' Inv, •nd,ll far the beet of any altbiableb Lam I seqn 4 rAt. l .. ' i - I _l'4 - - ','.c ° l;`, r l ß 4 ',.l.",: rt ,T 4I ne e , O.`phro . ..a!r - 'a'ftteitent. : ‘ .. . Res r ectintly font, . A. ' 1". I' ell,A11U: 1: . 1 . .• 1 -Frite.2 l lCents e •.1 , • i y, .• , / PREPARED f AND SOLD BY • ' .•1 ..• ,• . ' !'i • R. E,SELL et C0., - . . ~-. 7 ! i , -!! PITTSEC i I IMELIG 1E1; PA. 171 ( Ir-'lol,o4aVe'tti I ~r; - - P., • rr. • • lid - ie r . ' 4k. :I , el ‘.. ir - • ' 01141101!,(1)t Pitttrs iti§n, , ,- ' Jitereitkrailft(teit, tefierftrankfjeit, ac4roac. c ir g clitt titter art, StClite6 tint ,f)ii;igco aicet nab tic utrf,btet entre Untittittrit;n, - I 1 • -.I Magen unt eebet ' I 1 attfirbent, 1/: . 11 in not Itnrcriant.A!..t. t.- -- ,urt int najta Relit, f,,nlb taunt Itrrctitlrtiatett.'9ttacrl3cittf 4 l3nPal ,,,, !r.", I fict tuna ittatt ant blintar -f"acrerrtic.ttrt. • , , I 4lc4crft a ebitbatzg gen trlt bat el Fri icht :hint (pant + ~ , _ tiertit , fer, ritcumatif4l,cr, itzfrrifdler 1 , 1 11 gr.anlbeiteti, Fri antrmt bat cq tint trr.tautt : lt f;clung Ft. • irtett, ' 1 , tc ,Irtet t tit nut al:a "4,:n0. urt In flecua triaini.taft• 0 lidqr Vrife ;al, C:tlIt! I 34 , to tler , Ltetil Let brr-beriot brf• tanttfitcn refefrre 2 , ,:rtart. ~3tr .Our in bre' truistb ntrantatte ;bre ti:utt.tr. ra In ttcttn. Vaitte: tic na.6 Cant. rila ttnatrolntaku V..rt.1e..1:r tc: 4rr fin Tiroicrf.,rtu tcntn tick tic Irat.ttru t,e'co t , rr'rcOlicillt fate is mittradttn ant thr,n ,tatern it crl.cf,:tot tz^^:en utebt cbitc' tili , Cibt ... 103. 4.1 7rt ; rt r,-.1 atterrit.tifcirtt 'CI/Nat/at anarbrtrn in teb Itcbc teugat.c t, E fin* trtrt,s4l.unterbartnittatraftt linertennu abutru inlmu,. J , , , . Itt,Wittitta nett baurttchfili.f 141etcn Ttrfrnrn anr,ctlen., bcrtn Orfattchrtt turn t-n ar.bsitrutcn ei,,brat.6 :len R3rfert Wrtranter; kter turd• ancerc 'acme it , n bluatcbtrcitua settitts 643. I I I 4,t33:tiribnlicti fo g lricb trirfelti, , 1 fittst tat,l'Etittcre to /tex t 2 7 2cq turf; nact ben C..tne bet I . ef . intn. feta dart (torten', tun aletrruftbloarnin CSOft brben: cab arrbaupt ncuto t cttst strb Cdcfulittelt in tall eVlott trill. i sPb• ij litocr birft Inctitin fur etre grulahnitd•ta atifitntf Gittran! bait wirrlfit f.br artauf,tt fitter; fur ter araatteu, ti a e*Tractnt Uttb peillig'Zfrterattrurlten 'tier tolet Ica tbrer cf.- Ittifftfinlfterf etee:ufd'ettcit tatbcr till SOCltommratt aroma. titter Stu:mutant 'tin. , , t ifef ' :la u r in et t f a m!--Taa aitte, troftige eerttrxY .e• c.C3ntifd, Ctlert ift nur.ftt s;.•altrint.laifficu iiaufgemoillt cat teirto fat ttictcqk la efrtetn Tenor bit iilufdie ersbrott. Beal et :till fur lEnf /effort. fir qrrf t ' , Z,letfrage nab, ttefsert nett IRccbt tg,i,bmtat ttlittcl bit time 'il:a4abinunitcst z. Ottrergerufro, c.Lrorn tas Tutlaum artrartst trb. , l'lßctn,bitc lit ter Ortrzo '.. Sett tomtit, COI ger !fault gni tem,Uroftblage ter Ilat,te ift. I .- et roftfl ittatgrot,lizerou Burt erztef überfali • 9111tinige isclit“tutti,' SElenicttnin image, Zr is! eo • • 4., , i- , 1 ii 11 maltufactittabr- i ' . I, libetntactatillen 0. El)tunker f N isSittob it ra, 13a. Nil =ll I • 1 I ERS' SE L L I 1, 1 .th. ' • S • • ~ for Youiself. .1., ' . 1. , nfr,, r m . Ye, ci,,1.1. j.l i . abaft, ...'n, 1..49. . • I Q;=-rtlit.l:k It n, ,•ti4..- . • n vi• ...1 , 0,1*. to •tptt;..:hlt. ' ' 1,.'.•r Compin it?, f.or.li . t Atli„o I,scr* , Itt,r•nt&l Attid , 41 V.4 . ..' 1..r4 •tNtr: 11.3,•1nzi- ' AA vet. • 141)8 N.tnr. for lob” , . • 4tyjnn.l intronitnntti.l , ..kte • F. 'finiltll,ll.tilatclu•led*i ri pittehttg ct .1 - mt. bak:stiicl l• ar,...' v•I t.iltitl.rimitd-_-t"tie. , .:-nntl afi , :r taLing • for i!,...rieitlir,•)).' loft ult., .44 . , ' d P. . . TI. COLD 11.t:4 . .. ' C . ' Ste'? end isea : t Stt.viv. Cu. 1 1— '7l ''''" ------- ci ~- ',G• --- H-- ON , RNVA2i. i : 1. : -•-. 1! i_ . Flut , :g. I 1:. - 1 —.., ' . ,1 1 - iirking eonntY, ()filo, rtviry 21. i!5 , 11 I 1 , • Cji — 2 Ikei S. rs4i ti Vl . O thl:rty y^rtra . ift ?lie .1 mg tiring whi. 1, tJniet -I hairs, rnllitugc3 Alm( lia*e be‘n • . -`, 1.. !. )1 irrtif7 , -.1 it wrlpply ilf M X. . Itltir t be. bittuce, 11411,1 Q , ,I 'I i. it.:t opTll. - a tv;ttlei in zone W..lct tt. awl f1 t.1t1.41 :{rho _ MOO . . ~. . ANL T. -1 1 11 , 11 k 111.1.04 , . , . . ,. . . . 1 avins proofs so lbw,. an ditraw. 1 'EXPEL TVE , HOIIIITS OF ALL..., , fa 1 o r' Staiesmell,l) Judges; itore, Physician!' ) .• sfithe 'oldest' Ukelele u well Rs new, -giis lt.. tk it unquallified[sanctiiM; and recommend it ' e • for all cases of eruptions end diseues•ortko ' , icklp and bruin; but all who haws used it,uSitti tit testiliiying that it wilt preserve the bi(ir from .. liei img gray, and from falling twiny age; as : well tit restore. Read tta following;—, ' '-- „ • . -1 , Oak Grove, a C...lune 24th, 'lll6i, l'atilr,'o:',J. %Toon; Dear Sir;---Your - flair re:, *tangles is rapidly gaining popularity in this . rsinunity. I hois bad *cession to lay p re _ ,e Indies st)lde, and give your Hair, Restorative perfect tet4 = - „ , 1 'During the ye r t 354 1 wass so unfortunate ) a , ) a to be thrown rem, my sulky agakser.a rock ).' :ne`ar thevondsid ~ from.ikhiciimy head recelt... led a moat terrible WOW; e.aitsing a great deal of. -1 1 ifritatiori,- whick ddmmuniontell to the brain' , .), laud-eiternal surfnei,of ths hen , from the et. Ifeets of Which; my hOir era's Manny. .destroyed • 1-ntver the entire Murface of the head Finis thO Mime I first disdorcred its drippic.g;kowever, ) -. I 'Up toAlie timelits total, disa,ppearance, I em!. • plciyed eierytteig 1 could thing of, being, 1 terlifest.ional . ma a-mysel f,:and, III!! I thought,un ,- derstandiht, the natulT of the Idisease, l but was'' i finally defeeied in eiery pre,eeriptica ) nava/mi. • ed• ': - ' i i' I .. : 'di These end no ot ier r-mrnstrincc e included: -ine to resort tol for worth} (lair Resrointivie;) ' Which 1 huve every ,reaion to belief - re', P i rodltced ! 'a , ,veri happy result, two months; lifter the firs! I I :application. 1 hud tiffs beautiful ahead Of,young;; '. Omit . as' I ever' saw, for Thich.l.certainly own ...) 'I you MY most sincere Ahtenks. Rest apsured, - • dear, sir, I shallbeepmmend your' r, medy to all t inquirers: more o ver„ I' shall , use my influences . I which I 'flattery elf to soy, is not a little. I i • ruu can pub lilt ihis if *yoll, think proper. I .. t tri 1 Yes, re, very respectfully, . : 1 ' ' I) X- J. WRIGHT .M. D.' -1 Office of thee Jetlersoniaa, l'hilli'ppi,„ • T. 0,; . Dec., I2til„,' 18;i8 _ >e'.. ,ii , - Dear strr-lifeel it my duty as 'well' as my pleasureeito 'state to rou the following'clicentz: stances, which ynn can use fas you think pre: per A.-gentlernan - of this place, (a lawyerp has been bald ever tince hie youth; so)much-er,- - that he was coMpelied to wear a wig: lie. Wes . • - . „ iildt,:eed to uses bottle of your “Hair Restore'vrhich he liked- very muoh:4na after uting cotue two or th es , yottles his hair. grew 'out quite luzariantl , and he now ties a Iliad •ome• head of hair. e .geutlemtml4_ name i s - • Bradford, and as he s very well ItoOWn iti our I - adjoining Gotta ties, ant persons cd,a •testify, ito the truth, at this 8 tept ent.;;Tgi vs it to you at the; rt quest of. Mr. .f.railfort. You can sell a. great deal or your . Hair liesturative in this pad the adjoining' edunties if your have the'preisr ogeet s. Tours - • fic•i • . 1- • • I THOMPSON- SURGIINOL • Dear Sir, Permit me to,e.Oress 11 " 0-04-1 g 6 lions Tam mg!ler for the ontirelres , toration °flay heir to its original c•,lor, about the time of v arrival in the United States it IN will rapidly beceri)ing 'gray, but upon thst Spur "Hair ae 3 torative" it . c,ola euveretl ha orig,lnal hue. I e3nsider 'lour Recturative . as a very wauderful.incention iuie• - ellearious as well al agreeqble. r i . The Ilestorativc 5s put-up in bettle4 of diree l size's:, large, trieditun, and small.; the sinlilV pkite,:aticrreta.l fur o'n• dollar per bottle; tie' modiuut holds .:it least twenty per cent acrd proportion 'then th j e small, : retails for tere, diellers per bait's; 'the. large holds a gliati per cent: aotie.!u proportion, anqretails 0 .;. woop . ,SE Co.. Proprietrts, 4 . 44 rfroui, way,' N. T-„," ari'd .1.14 .Market St., St. Louil, Me! And ieli iy all Druggists anti Funel Yoe -4eaters.- • June 6, I$ll6lA • . ___ --- t ; ;; ;, :rT , Tf - -'i - d - r- -- . • --- • ,- ; - 1.-y. tli fiv Pr. 7- 71 1. a if t. /,.-: . 1 l'iiikit g in 6 a r a g rr _Thousand ale 11" 3' ° 1 __, _ ,- • . ' D It. It ATr ori i , :Info(milile‘cordfai, an& why? beentise it it never fails a sfsird aid:Vaneons 'relief _yell au given in time as if tr . y , tnagic, apd..one trial alone will ertivini you tfiat abat we "sic is true.-" It contain! * SO P AREGOI?IC OR .OPIATIf at any kind, and tberee re relieves by rernoris I .- .1 the ..tiering! of yotr instead• of by de ar wings its sensibilities, For this reason, Nt - coa metitll4 it Self giffthe onlyreliabilpre:ParatiiiiF" known for o .entmibr.N. TES:TILING, .D 1.9111404, DYFIF:NTAR:I, 9iupJ 30 t 3 TOR: - #f Uti 4)F TIIR GOLD.IN THC Cnotre, also, fox zoftening the - gunas,. reclqing ji 17am ation . , - reyulating the.llowels, and relieving ph h(c . t . h'egpal—being an 4011 spamodisi ' t is (144 with 114671/i/1.0, snceets in all cases ,Of 81031 on OTHER! FETA • As you value the lkle, of health.' of your children, and wish' to soy. the fray!' those sod Intl btightuto , coneetrieurrq are certain to resale from the us, .qf 'norivtics which all other remedies for Inyantile 09E14+ nre composed Cake no;ie but ' 1)a. rtos CORDIAL, this !you can rely, ,uport. It perfectly harmles - s, cannot • injure t4e rllt delicate v infant.- Price, 45 cents. FOIL (hi. , I Clods accompany each hsttle.' . Prepaild rby. 5t.' , D11.71741iT I tie: 409 Broaoviy, New ;Tor! . VO • 0. . .llealtAy hdrean,Bload tfpoti toeini 1 IVA LYzeD always presents MS with the same easeatia eta- tnents, and gives of 'course the Tanatirtansas Analyze thel3lond or, 'a poison surdorerina Consumption; Liver Complaint, dyspepsia, Scrofula,: and, we find it.everpinstanse certain'aficiencies in the red,globnled Toed Supply thede deficiencies, a n d you: are midi well. Tbe }4OOD Poop is founded i!‘pirtf thii TheOry—hence it.. astonishing success. There Five - re.paratievil. adapted to the deficicneies of the Blood ferent disease. For Conaw4, COLDS, Dat,;;Toiri TIS: or any affection whatever of 90 TRI,DAS or'Luxds inducing. CONSUMPTION, MieNo. r• which. is also the No• for ThisOlSlistcis or SPIRITS, DOSIOP APPETITE, anti for all Cuitersle * 4 CONpLAINTg DriSlng from Orsa-nsS4*CisScait , DERILITY,,abiI ; NERVOUS PROSTRATIDS: / 4 ,;(!,. 2. for- ,LIVER CORPLAINTS, NO. '3, for ii ; Tsrcrsts...,. already prcyaredifor.aboorplion is thtors and oarried immediately into the' circulation, so that what you gain iyiou fermis: The No 4, is for- Fsmst.r. lartsMilAntriss: HTI,TERJA, WEAK:SERB, Eric. Seto SpOi%l. dire*: tions for this." For SALT- KIIFY,II,,' 1:;6 7 " 1 ":" 4 . SCROFULOUS, KIDSLY,RtIcI BLADDER CeSIPIJAISTS , Dike No. ' i,. In all cases ths_direction utt.:st strictly _followed. ' For, full directions; sea, circulars'. Price $ per bottle. • 1 ' - - . Sold by CHUCII 6c DD,PON'k,•Draggiat, 36 'Maiden, Lane, N. Y. And by tlftr l aspe'ruit‘W Druggirta thraughoui the COuntry, ji For tale by Dr. 0: .CI.J.NNINGIVAM, Learnt` -• , May, 2, 'tsp. .1.2 0 0'.1e., A .W R . * OIL CLOTH FOR WINDOWS Oily tjotti, for CIL CLOTH FUR FLOORS, Carpels for FlO.Ofro. FOk STAIItS; k WALL tAtER & Boppils, ,„ PAPER BLINDS FOR. IT.I4VD OI " can 1. obtaiiifte-very oe . PHILIP BRlDOlkWiclikg. 1 1 !SEN MI LIM S. TRALBERS 7 7' es 1 a El 1 A it iost t ee . • •. 11. • BEI