The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, April 17, 1861, Image 2

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    I t
tl9l4 - *:1104.11 INLIIOI74TED.
'OO)IBLIPMENT cm PORT 19711P14111.
. , 1
- I Charbedees, A . l2.—Fiest Dispatch.
— , lTbe Best ibis ce mented .:` This ie all I
, emits, at sent. ' ' - 1 ,
difeco id Hiliateh:—T be ball has been
opened at ; and war is inaugurated
Tbe batteries on Sullivan'. lidand, Morris
Wind, an 4 tattier - poirde,l opened' on Vert
Stnuter • Chili morning. Fort ItSumter re.
timed :lel s re, int a hitialtleatinnoniding
leis been ; eptiap. No information has
4en - recei v ed from the seaward yet. Tbe - I
cailitlivern nailer ern*, and 'the whole. of ,
'one peptdattion are on the streets. Every
airailable sines facing the harbor is filled
, with itiziooll epeetators,
• I
• Cliseveradenes Preceding Hostilities.
The follUWing is the telegraphic cartes
nimince l'ltibieb took place between the
ar Department and Gen Beauregard,
itinediatell preceding the commencement
of the 10f:lilies. The correspondence
w , out lied
,a formal notification of the
gailed I -Stites Govetoment,' disclosed in,
eo, Reaniegard'e fi rst dispatch :.e
No.l Charkston, April B.—To Ilin
L. P. Wilke:, Secretary of War: An
-authorised! i messenger -from Lincoln has
just • iefoidied Gov. Pickens and myself
that proviniona *ill be sent kFort Sumter,
paciaablyo if possible—otheniuse!hy force.
1 1 lli G. T. BEArtiOtgARD
No. 2 • 1--Nontgontery, April 10.—To
Geo. Beenregard. Charlepton ; ' If yon . ,,
h 1 - ;,
hash no; dpebt of the authorised eberacter
of 'the agent wbo somMunicated to you the
intention hf ;the Wenbington Government
tit supply Iletirt Sum ter by force, you irill
at oseedilreand its evacuation, and if this
is refused', ptoctedl'in - sueb manner as , you,
may determine, to - reduce it. Answer.` .
tI IL.`P. WALKER, Sec of War.
1 L
1 No. '3. Charleston, April 10.—To L.
P. woith.,•seontar, of War : The de
mand iriti be made tn-morrow at 11 o'clock.
I • ';-• I G. T. BEAUREGARD.
.%' , ' No. 4,---Aontgomery, April 10.—Gen.
Ileauregeid,' Charleston : Unless there are
Cepe 6il
, retie one connected With , your own
-couditioni_ k i , is considered proper that you
Should m' 'A the de I nd at an earlier hour.
, .1
, ' -, • L. P. -WALKER.
! I -
No. 5, . Chariest Ai 10.— I To L
P. Weikel'', i Secretary of W ar: The- retie
.'lops are special fee tvelve °Flock. •
I ! I
No. 6 _Li- Chartesioni. Apr t 1 11.—To -L.
P. waN4,lSecretary Of War : • ;The de:
',maul witi sent atlwo del k. Allow ed
! till six, in ariawer. . T.-B UREGARD.
I - NO. F:- -, - Monty° y,A pril 11.—To
Gen. He l unregard, Cliarlesto : Telegraph
the reply pf•Anderebo.' L. . - WALKER:
i No. 31-07u:iqestok Apr 1 111 b.—To I
IL. P. Walker, Secretary of Par : Major
l a
Anderson r e
plies as follows I I have the
Ilicinor t ac knowledgetoe .r eeipt of. your
communication demanding ': he evacuation
3f this pet,land to aay , in reply thereto,
(that it tat a k demand with ich I regret
(that my store of honor and f my oblige,
lien toy ;government pr eat my com
pliance., lie adds idrbally : I willftwait
this , Ewell shot, and if you do not batter UR
101 pieces, we will be eta ved out in a
fon . days. Answer.• •
' Il 1 t}. T. 13 lIREGART).
~,., I 1
110,..._9 ~ - .121f0,.., ~,,,, • _.. .
, •,•• *1 47 ,..., 7 - . ... e 'l5 wt sae , e
time r=, -- as indicated him , he will
mantime ae , ,;a d agree that in' the meantime
be will ' 1
t use his guns ag lost usl!nlese
' bur/ 11 . Il be used
Sumter, you
or' are anil: ed thus avoid he effusion of
blood. 'lf hie, or its equivalmt, be re.
fused, reduce the Rust, as ' your julgteent
decides to ; be moat practice tile. ,
t - . • L. 'P t . WALKtit
.'- No. 10:= Charlest o n, April' 12.—T0 L
P. Watkeri Secretary of I'Y 'r : He would
',not eannent.- I . writ to-dal. - ' . '
t"1 , T. B AIIReGiItD,
, 1 - I t_ . [
. ThirdtDiepateli. Recies d in Philadel
phia at 9:3 0
, p ll .Ein. Tbe7firing has con.
tinned all day with tit inte(mifsion Two
of Fort lumpter's g ns have been silenced.
It is reported that breiiii l l:has been made
in thel r eonl:_heast wall of .ort Sumter.—
The ansti made -by Maj Anderson to
Gen. 13, pa regard's' deman dt was that be
would I, sUrrender wen bit l i, : supplies were
ethauitted.l, Not acasualty has as yet hap
il to our mea, the Carolieians. Of
the nineteen batteries- in position only
seven bevel openedien 'Fort! Sumter. The
remairider are held in reit ve for tbsex
peetedliflee . Two thousa d men reads
the cite . this morning, On embarked ff.
M0n1,71 land'arld o her poi
i ts in the Leigh
hortiosfd i % 'k .h I
Fourth 'spaeb. T ßecei ed at Philadel
_phis Si ! tqa p. i
m. 1 The b ombardment a
Fort Sutter ll stint :tooth) es. ' Th - C"flokt
iug _batter andftepben's battery are open
sting "Ii fee ly. Fart: Surrittir continues t
roturul i rtbe fire. Iti is rephrted that thr
war v essel are outside the•har. •
_Fifi l i• ispaeb.— r The firing has cease
for the iti ht, to be renew ed , at daylight
'in thereon leg, unless an ittempt be mad ,
1 'in tltte l ime utime toireinf,ore Fort S nutter
to repel, bleb *triple artleegemeuts bay
' beet' tires e. The secede s heed -wotke
their gnu admirab l y Weill Only two were
wounded during the day; The Pawnee
Harriet r 1 '' - steamer aI I
repotted- off
, e
13 1, t1
I --The dee
tr2h+ 5.... city has , been di
, , i
p i layed.-n :mistakably Itince Friday. Me
with lrides andite t r..saiop emblems - has
been 'chased 03r 4crowde,l and obliged t
Seek the prolectin of he . police. T.
r .
bark Fa oy - Tens haw hot red a - secessio,
flag to.d , but a !crowd compelled ab.
offthe J sad to take it down.. The es.
tain ifte wards rehoisted it, awl required
tletteelim, .i. of
.thirty_ pohce "to protect
r lionallthel - peOple. ' The iddigustion of t
people is inienserr Ail ithe other tease
lib `p o rt , hats hoisted tLe -I.lnericau flag.
The Captai n of the-baik is a 1:oion ma
1 bat hoisted Ihe .flsg uuder insti tic:ions. tro
rths owners; 1
I , I • I -
14yrtatotwi7k011, 15.= The
Union fee
'tn this city irt stroug tiiis-uorn g.
,[Minute ftlen,i an org nizatioo. of 2,
, g' rhieb har.rbeen drilling ever lain
Presidential etsetios, /bra , / out tun_ts
,ripe, this morning, from their hen
rerq' i with Itienautto # l "The Delos
CUs' ' Citation. 1 1
for ARderiss'" the-, OsOut .1( General
Beiiiregaivirfis Zest FS-lawn at.
lewd, ;
- 1 - • 1 ‘; .
FORT riCitENB.lo,lliPtilitED !
- - .
e Provident aitnoune6 he will Retake
Oltaiieston, April 18.1—Fort Sumter has
conditionally surrendered. 'The Dews
just beeu received in s reliable abaps.-
-Seaver etteStnut, }{z-Ctor. Illaiinhng
,d W.' Posehei'' Milt:Oars Aitt landed
• marched to the aoreruor's house, fol. by a dente crow -of people, who
u are e wild with joy. -They bring tha partio-
It wee reported that ten, of the
g rrison at Fort Sumter bad been hilted,
b t your reporter has loot had an inter-
r ew with W. P. Miles ' who has m
tirned from a visit to Fort Sumter, and is
a riled lby Mal that no otter' was killed.—
e Federal II ag was shed away by the
!meth) guards at Morris Islaml. In e ll
. _ w
. .
t o thousand shots wen ed.
.No .Sout h _
MMus were' burs. k Maj. Anderson's
nien underignard were : conveyed by boats
t Morris Island. The news is reliable,
a d puts Ito rest all my previous reports
rtut Fort Sumter. Maj. Anderson has
ached the eity, and is the gnat et Gen.
i Seauregard. The belle are ringing out a
Merry !peal, and our people are engaging in
e ery demonstration of jny.
Our people generally sympathise with
d ai. Anderson, but eiprese abhorrence for
t .ose ,who were in the steamers off our ;
ar and in sightrj..of us, and did not - at.
i mptti reinforce him., Jtiiige' M'Gratb,
r h p ° ot ports t h. a a
i j i h j ust
e re
w t %o
d c w a:
o f t r k o FortM k
ofth e for t
t e officers' quarters was allburnt cwt.--;
tile fort, wilt ha taken polsessibo of to•
tight ' by• the Confederate troops.' 'Geo.
canregird r itith two 1 aidi t has, left for
nmter. Tbree,„fire coinpautos are nnw on
heir way to &mkr to . quell the fire boffin
t reaches the magazine. 1 . • ,
Uteligeston, April 13.-A boat from one
f the:war vessels on be outside has com
nonniCtred, with' Gen. Simone, in eommaod
of the firces on Morris; Islihd, and wide a
equest thit one of the steemerai be - allow.
d to enter] the 'poll for the purpose of tal6-
ng away Anderson and his Commend. Au
1 rrangetrient has been
,agreai npin by thi
parties to stay further .procierdings until 9
.o'olnelt toimorrow. ' c l__ m
1 1
*t --
'harleston, April 13. A letter 'fro
Moultrie, dated• p o'cleek Fifurday Morn' :
Lug sip: "Not'i man. kilted -or wounded
during yesterday's engogetrient.j OnlY the
eon battery has been Oam' ged. I The l i ri
led cannon of the batteryid groat execui ,
ion OU Sumter: They we e all limed jilt'?
port boles Three of ,Su i zoter's barbetre
guOs Were distils:motif', and the corner of
tort Sumter opposite Moultrie sta kaock=,
d ,awsy." .1 r•
Chi/1./salon, April 14; . 9 o'clock, a m€
The negotiations 'were compl e ted last
ig;hq and, *jot. Anderson with his com
iii/l,`will l evacoate Fort Sumter t kis mo i rnt
tig.. It is supposed that Ihe will embark
n ;'board one of the war' vessels • off our
, . When Sumpter-was in flaniea Majoi
A-nderson could ouly fire his gutis . at long
intervula. • The men at the , liatteqea cheeri
ed at 'edery fire, which the gallant Major
made ;',ln his lam struggler, but lo4keirdpk4
sing tatters from Fo'xt Sumter.
'ken o'clock, m.—+ThO steamer 'lsabel
is ,now steaming up:andi will t ake •Gen;
BeptKegard to Fort Snmterc whieit 41111 be
tnrued o,er by Dlaj6i Anderalito Itbe
Coiafederate Slates. It 'is now reported
that Ltlltijor Anderson. end his icommand
Will proceed to ; New Terki the strataei
habo - . • I 1'
Efforts .
are sill maitinil to concentrate
formidable military 'foteci in and around
Washington, to be, prepaTed for all emeir:
gencies, Information continues to be re.
ceived from ptivate sources of ent plots
in various localities Maryla ndand
hsiviag in eteirthe seizure of Ittie
pubiio property; and 'ever the persons of
the h ighest . o ffi cers .of the GoTeromeni.-+
Though these accourits are not . geneitilly
'credited, they j appear to' be ;believed in
kofficitil winter's, an4euce thel PrecaMioo,
ary Movements, Al: all :events they are,
coosidereikoecessary, 'no one ka+viog !bit
turn affairs may, take;duri g the prevailing
Witmeat. ff I
it:ash/von' • 'Aped, 13.-In l . Mr. VD
coin's reply to, the Virginia Comihissioders,
alto', expressing his regret iha6he ptibltc
mind is still uncertain .as to his curse, and
reaffirming the policy:marked out i
• n his in
augural address; he says: ' 1 j s
! 9Sut if (as now appears to be true) io
the pursuit of a purpose Ito drive the lU4i..
ted States authority from these places, an
unprovoked assault bas ibeei ' made bp: n
Fort Sumter ,, ' shall hold "told 111 tell at lib-
erty to repossess,. if I can, 'lke, forts•whicb
have been _Seized beforel the overn i ment
`was :!devirolvcd upon me; ,and, in any event,
I, shall; to the best' ot my nbility, repel
force by force. r. - ;
"_ln . case it prives_trun that Bumtei hal
been assaulted, as is iciierted, I shall 'per
haps cause the U. B. mails to be vitbdrawn
fro all the States which claim to 'himi
seceded, believing that the coMmencemSot
of actual war against the U.IS. Goverti=
merit justifies and possibly demands ie.
Whitever else I may do for the porpoise,
I shall not attempt' to rcollect the duties by
any, armed invasion of any Part of the
corautry--riot wranina -by this, however,
that I may not land' a foice, if 'frieeaterl
ceseary, to relieve i• fart upon; the herder
Of the country." ! 1•' • •
[The' following' report comes to the
prole, dated: - , ' ! j
1 .Montyomeiy, April B..—lt'hrt Pickens
wee ten:lto/cod last: ni to. it ia under.
stood that Charlesien i • to be blockaded.
Lieut. - Warden, 44 Ithe U.' :s. Navy,l has
been taken'priacmei!, and the diepatolicea
Erotic Stemmer to the of at Waal.
inittal obtained. ' 1 ' • . 1
Richmond, VG, April 1,8,-4 pras
open!, stated in dithate I in the; Convent fan,
tg.24y,,that.after the vialory at .Cbarlerton
ilia Southern army would go over Virginia
to the North, and thousands, would join
them..' hundred guns were pred,aridlthe
etwfadetaiel flag I l ia tgaplajcii at many,
points., The Guslatrobr waa serenided
tiih avening. made a non-emaimutel
. 71.
•, .
I I I!.
la . dui iloy#nor.
PsmiiciyLvAssiA KUCVTW thifitillar, 1 .
. i 1141114061Api - TV; lOU ;ti n t
1 , To: 1 T l iti*. I and tiptim el,' i ,
acotattpar se the Comic* l': a/tA r#
sSivar%i, 6l : i'''' I . i:' -1. c .:. -i!
- .4.1 _ i .I , _
Gturs fattest; : .
~ 1 '. ! , ..1-: -.yl 4...,
. Ae l i the perio . ll ihted...foti , thigittliMirttl.•
,ment of rbellegtsl twit is rapidly approach: I
.iog, II foal Coostratited br a sew orAluty . 1
tot:41 1 18:w sites:lie ta thli!'„ coocitimi 01 Pr
the military' orgampatime of, the Stet,. I . 11;
It is; scsoely 1 oceeassr* to ..‘ asp) More' j
;than tiott th loilltia systeti, efithe .Btata
tfuriitg a oog pseiiid distrifiiiiitiett l yltii
pursuit/ o' 4 pea ceful , industryitscleisielely,
has bec ome) wholly loefficitaat, sad' tirei be., .11
tarts:a ;
~w n
I.egialattta ; is oinked I
- rend,
Is d
pfigits, 'Rd to render lit
liblo to 6. publio eel%
to remove
useful' and
Mabyoti our ioluntier; 'companies eta ki.
not possess , the' number of men required' 7
by our 'milttis 1 w,, and steps should , be 1
fortberith taken supply, these deficien.- A
cies. -I There, are nUmprone, companies , too" %;
that are win= the neendatiy• arms ; and IT
of the aims' that Zia distributed, but few hi
are proVided .witldle mo're modern ep.: e
pliancee to rends them serviceable., a)
I regommend,liereforei that:the, tag.
islateire make im mediate ptoviaion for the • i
removal of 'Wesel (pipits! defects ; that; arms I
be procurean distributed to.these of 11
our citizen;
who may (mkt into. the milk i
hey - service of the State 3 and that_ steps i
be taken to change the gns - Alread . die- i
tributed, by the ladoption: .lif such well
known and tried:improve:pinta as will reu.
der Itheen effecttvi in the event or ' their
employment iu actual smiles. - I
In; thin' co rnin
connection I receoend the
establishment ofal. Militia i Biiicau ','at the
capital"; oe Ibiti the Milieitilaws'ef, the
Common so modified' and amend-
L ei as to impart! 'the militaty , ergeniza
don of She, St te, the vitality end' . crier
gy essential:to its; pra ctica l value and u4r.
I fulness. - , I ' 1 r , ~ -„1,,
Precautions, ,*(ali as 1 heir ' 'suggested,
are end 'proper et all times, in a' ,
Government like ours ; but special and I,
momOtirous considerations, l arise . from r
the condition of public affair -outside of 1
the licrliTi, iv Of! incalculable o tuseqtence 11
to the peetilei and demanding Abe graves* I s
attention .bf-tb Legislatitiv or-Pennsylva
nia, invest the s bjeet to which., yourae
tion lis i Tiled by . this communication,
ortthi extraordinary interelt 'and impatience
We caunot'be i sensible to- the fact, that
serious jellonss eta and division distract
the publivnin ,sand that, ip portiohe of
this Uoioo, the :peace of the country,' if not
the safetY, of he Goverbitienv itself; is
't l
endangered. k jittery oigae.iiitions of a ,
fonnidat,l charaiter, and which seem not
to be;demtided Ilitaoy-eitistitig public; ex.
igeney, h tie I.Keti, formed: in ;tiaraof the
,T o wha tever prete x ts these sex- I)
iraoidina i to Jittery- preperations may l i
have i been', m da, no piarOse , that ay -,,i
c nteinplile re v staticel 4 the enferc ent r
ofthe law s, w Illmeet sympathy or en. 1
1 .
c uragement fr rd, the people of this Com• 1
monwcaltb.. P npsylvania - yields toL'no e
State iaher reslect for, and .her Willing
ness to p utect, by all tied fat guarantees
the eorieti l tUtionaliights ? and, constitutional
independence, co . her sister States, nor in - . ,i
fidelity tr.o, that '
constitutional Union whose 1
unexampled ben fi's base been showered .1
.iskiipt i mp i ,_
, , in,
p .a.. 1
-otable RAW le'ogerous crisis ,of stairs,
that l
pur inilit ai system should receive i
a e n h ei e t s , )r i
r i
,l i t i i t
i P e
r t o i I f il u t
L .
fr tiL m w t h b i e ch Li pgu i b s i n c t; ,:z re ig
Stale or ;the N skim, May linear to de. 1-
mend and whi may seen ~} in yew wis- I
dam, best adapt to preeervo and seaure i i
to the pak)ple o It'ennsylyala and the Un
I t
ion the bleasio a pease . 'an the integrity 1 1.
and stribtlity e our untie ill constitution- 1
al goverument. - t i 1 1
' The gclvein e t of ;ibis great State, was
. 1 . , . '
established by Ira ibnetrio . founder; "in ,
deeds oil u pea ;1' our •pee to have been I
trained a d die iPlieed inib •e • arts Which 1
lead to . the pro etion et .1 their own nieral 1
,eVeleiptnent and progress,
and with the li emit regar for th e rights
of others; b'ave alwaYs'o4l , l ated •fraternal 1
relitionsl with lib poi:4)10,o ell the States
devoted to , the pesititurion nd the Unian, l i
ii i
and alweys , reehgoizing th spirit of
e cori.i
cession and compromise sht 1113 le ribs. the'
foundation of he govereme t,, Penn'a of.
fers no coanse , end tikes D { action in the
natare'o a ensce ; her desire is for
peace, and he r object the presereatiOn of
the perms'Rod political right.; .ofjciti.
iene, of the tr u e , severeignt oe States' ? And
the supr i cusacY'4 law and, rder. l '
Aniured b 1 these "marmots; and in
dulgiog an earniat hope ; of the speedy re..
toratioa' i of th harmonious and friendly,
relationd betw en the Various member, ' of',
tbia Ccifede cY whiob halve brought-oily?
t e
beloved coitnt yko a Condition of unequal.'
led power and 'prosperity, I I oommit Ole::
grave subject Of, ibis; comtnunicati l on. to;
I your delibers , ltM. A. G CIURTI?I. ' I
75.000; VOL
Meeting of
§p i cial
WcrOtingtost cog, April
idrnt will to.ibortow iseuel
I ,
calling ! forth _ militia militia ta
75,000 men servicei 'ags
States, and io cause the I
en f r s
eiecated. T c';first eIeTTI
be 1.3 reposses the forts, pl'i
ty which hav been seiSoli.
ben also eon enesa akeial
grass on tits .4th of- Jeff.
The iWar "einirtnint is
the preparation:3f the;det
tannic•lted to the State rut
4 1)
Atli addit ional
i ntim.
troops arriv e to day
i bY a 1
The [guard at the puttli
largelyfincreased last nigh t
and avenues
i entlingljtitor
closed,l wate ed, -and i art .
nude tR concentrats4,le t a i
any given p oint; Th6ril
anxiety everywhere td heat
and groups re . disonalini
and its furth rte.ffeetean tl
formation- tr m what lis
sources ived Nutt
feet ti le; ,seeessinnit
its, wet
u Fort
og It
tack oU
IMO t+
Itlarierl 1
bi the
. 2
_• Kidd
•iieton4k..64 l l
e appip,lfd
4 N:r:-74
se* ' ' ,Ai
Ite legs
e b 1
3rfulta 4,4
] , i i .. f .17,....
. Til. At
' in ri 'i
.0 0 y p
' _
.illtsif 1 [.. t i.
pq; Int 1 8
. • t , 1
8 f uudety, to E
rue 80 . iioliiiiiy
1 1
ied vf brelinjuresi
1 1 1 .1 1,
eAV Creittl.-H, XfT.
d 1 8. K.
t therahe;6o:4l.liaa
'I mottfl, Ooogiegatkat i fal Chute,
I Ka n°4'
uiroi,t, a t
or ith ~
at "Pitts- ,
II '
!r.t. Pitassz!o * - 7 .-Ths:ilosse of ftepri
iv tativp. his issrefl la , hill" •itteirpof s itu
..11 if Baia see CitiTaid_iNstvjgatin,. tlrn4pa
" Theild *ign iii , the.ii th/
4.y i . , , est 1 -comps y is_ -
ni ing 4,11 ship 6 or coal along th
siker, !}1 , 1 11 : i
1 ~r
•,1: , il
:Istrimg -g e r
ion c:•the ' Pg i
, i • ..
a e, the Illowlag
. i . i• • ,' 4
I oninuti me t 0 lui
i • ,--
h Condit* of It
• r i . A. .MA
• P. Dutcher,
- 111.
, 1
he message ./
.0(1;11 i;mnre l f .th
e eation 1 of ihe l l
.1 ie. end urging'
1 -
ay,,to. eppropria
i. , ii
sae' of enouitioni
I 11. o ur I ,
1 ewherel .in r
1 i ' I[
eis . 't 14,v!
di tt!ci,!trairo., •t I
, ted ont.i: for in
t Inei • lag i I
e l
etzt na 1
, en satfteteitt j
e itv l Curtin has: 1
1 .
gulneat, `need '
. . c u t , ! ii i 3: a 74, , , , ,: i d ? ,,i,
.41onse ..,. to civ i
i on In t . 1' ..,.
licie,to.nee t•
I_Gtiv. Curtin, rem°
itCugh ailli , rifteient or
military ~t or es of 'th
1 1 . _ • • ' I , -.•
Ih'e ,Legialature, withou t
1 , , 1 ....1, i
.8 , b09,600 for the po
it !,,!) Werikill Ile i fours
I l i
holdrons ',Flo day'' The
bear llorbingi overhea ,
t-bas ' been plotting 813
I I' ' and. Bich h
fibs past, wwl s
111! 4e' itikutiOO, is more
6143;416n few libel:course
d6t to instil out. The
,I , hlini are in4onti , v-rc,s
j 1,- I' , 1
ess tberaselvee, to the fee
, ' ' l' l ' S' ready; '
and.i Curtin,
y honest and ip
;glib And
. 4tgiiflatn
e il
i o lliall4!‘'. ti thif
1 - --fentrizir
r tollinYr -p
smelt a tfillii .. •, ,
k?. give . 'praat
, e to ' tbe it
~ie- ' , aootaiiiel
, • . I'
tessagelbov , ..cied to. • ,1 1
fr !. , _ ,
e l , , ,
.„; is,no over, t be regretted that ~
" ' I 'et 't- ' 't A
i r
rTery . suite ..
II 1 !to Instil ute_
Jollier y, T e injuncliOti-1-“in, I tioie
11 I 1 t j
~ ,
f pciicarl'tPpate, forlwar," is on eminent%
iii ;
• , 11,, ,1 • • months,
y'larise ots.! 'Pi' [opt action, three
g n , Witt. , itn ao i Money at ha n d, fOr any
/,. ' 1
r , i
oft 'evPr i 'l erne r el, wetild,, we I firmly`)
lieve, bee pr
l eta "d r the , public) peace,
tiO • ios , irrd the e ii iten's;;ssfety, i Had
1 ' I I 1
sooryl atii th 1 i en..init upon a war I
otiting f ioliwed e ie, nd : doubt wouth‘l
a4e • been,4 or,' free Stall 1 the laws
1 il ‘ 11 1 . •
9111 d her imai ned„i nviolat e, the 9 °yen ~ j
rot proi•ert wo' I,,cE•rfot have beeti stolen,
alielliorri l ' itcid h sel 6ie n. nil eskeci almost
es t, the country' not no
• ' i ,•' , - 1 - -- ...: .
f•ninti in th id .f,' an Mieslinelstrite:
A!linowl dgef , the ',Nilo, fact { !hat the
it i
free Stat esl blot ib m t. diSpoSal: nod 'i ready
IQ . 11. . .-:'.- • ' I -
fat immediortse, i of tie sure, and
1., t , .
Irons 1. 1
an ultlia tedrl!),t 9firclouteere,. Would
have inct
l eed it
I s eilets, ro i hetritett long
before r ebii i
l 't ~ I .eoritilet.'*ith the 1
fie . 'nersl; I G
,i i'l, - 80, tegarding
with cone h Pscifict 'Peritirdeote that
1 oh , I l I
i t
wore acc o sted
11 0! of the No hero Le.
gi l slatureiti ao ' 441Preginta , liar:dice,
the aver ' 'bind of ;env eien that
.1 ' i n •. .1 : . •
had eve n - tb areof a wirlike
ci t
movement, ll' .' L . ,
tb c 1 in the ' Gulf State s
11, 4' • 1. I,
h ove i go •1, on, .Ireri, , and seized Ind'
''' Ule 1 f o rte , till( *6 •
invelded ot ol ereC orti •i
1, , - jj, ~, _ 1, p repared i
i iii
„ 2 , loo .,. i ptante 0. .rtes, i atoll i
t' a 11 .1 ... .1 ~ _
hemselves CO . •my with , 4.0.-=
l' , 6' they 1
, l i , 1 .1
meets o It, et ; al now in
el cowl. ion .to . 1 e i In, and maintairl;
1 •!. ' 1, 1 k j 4 I
Ithentselves in widablei strugg , "1
I t
Government i , ratively, , noarmed, !
enilidep;rndent,l I 'vrebolly, upon e 'few I
a t
, ,
e , ..• 3,1
thlnsond' sniffle I'l regtitar lerstee.—,
It eeedi thereio l iiprise `no ode,' if,l in,
i- 1 II Iv fl'h id
the oat t, the cf rement prees s on
meetJ ,-' ,4 lit wo u ld,in
with sect aes. -
'deed be ama . I . l otild event (demon-. 1 i' .i. .1 I . , 1
strata it to b• , we. N o t;.a i long.
time, bdwever, i allowed to elapse,.
before.'bemoan , • ".• .thoirsami l a of
o . d, true
' - .
and loy 'I men II i o n the ma r c h) t,
• 1111 2.- ' '
14 —The l Pres
s protlattnoionl
IN aggregate of
loot the;e4i4teded
'we to 6-follyt
.o will prObably
races tuicl Properi
'The proelanisi
stallion oil:log.4
busy to -day
site to be eous:
~fir of Federal
Ispenial train. I
All ;be roadi
Washingtom ari
rengements are
'Pilate", force at
,is tLe greatel
from the South
the war news
be country. In.
deemed reliable
sight to ,tbe e•
ots of Deriere,
reportedp t be iv
aka a iuddeu of
which tbeiy wr
immediate, awl
tary of V ar
of this pt.
or die •.ii
.i And
eomierrii i
1 1
true-6 ' e
)4 ! ;but:
, ~
resly iii
1 71
ibe; !awl
M i
qur, fat
I Govern
l afio
1 11'
,i 7. 11..0,L
32; '
, AY ?
l ei tile
twiset,l et Al litany
- G eo
It , otig
f, ,
Itythis lihlsforosed
testd the i Gleu.
wheel of
Itiiat he
ark: 6uety;
, ,
AD lull, ea%
11 4 11 1
y , afferw i
orrsit,-4t the 03oni
rrg M:, E. Ounfer c i
' p4soiks wero ja . )E;oiote
i i t;sisaloake repori 88.
4r , yem ile - ifeitipary i t
liscßel B. 0
.', Sis 7 bilk,
iil.. D:, and 6 Aletiapidi
I; •_ I - , bl ; , . .
'1221 STAL.
"r* ,
their country;
eca State has
, Pmpailiti" s /
I tejoide that
the lei
4 ,
I `. oug1•13 b
i l t tardy
tied eiii
, esti! sbe is
#Ol ipTession :
Mit minpi
e .cciost4ti
a list
Lai! withal
11, 110441
nt:lA i atuisi
•kr l 7 101
ars lue
opts i
ent:' •
A STltlple cONTRAer9 •
Thit Vsal;tveersOuibadgx , iti *gad
net# b•, 10:40__%
the 4isibiettatieeialoowil tte . .3edoit. ':,xet I
motOts pat, lt lim.i.-beeti lettonee pe the
Wertiltlieins tee it termed a
tOrreiVe' P6:14.
n •i e rben ',bee it'w;a rusuir•
ed that Fort be pier was to he'evaciated,
it tientink the Seiiiietit each
1 1,,
, I
down," awd,Ostavieg And when sup.
ip ; , •
plies'wits' Out off IfrO Major Ander son,!
"aid the 1'1494:4 for the itittine:
tide of • himself end his doweled men, and
.the P resident simply proposed to send'
ridooa,ln ID wilirme4 'ostle!, to s,,famisti- ,
ing• garrison, it goes lide into hysteria, and
labibes 'and shiverS, , . and• moans,
and liege piteously that this Wet of humani•
I'l4ll be withheld end the GOvernmenf
[Stay baud, and , give the Irelels a "little
mare to , date their 6ri r antes,"—and
it ought to have added:-.-10:re time to cow.
their arrangemenis for - ea 1 . log • out
jdeath sud slaughter f AMerlOan citizens
Whet would the Star have
the Presi-fpnt
do ? When tt is supposed that the forts
ere to he. reinforced,' bogs piteottelytO
- -
mate no war upon its rebel friends.i ,When
1111; thOught that'. Alta' President, for the
sake • . tif peacit e ' was dispored to withdraw
the •soldiers from Fot Suintor,; It' bed the
' jbbirtnate to tans him, wsth_•rowantre I
Hu party ' ma l ignity ht-come , so tierply
abated with the 'editors, that the, *.esiient
inlet lbe denounced just as. freely' when he
doeicif.gA i t, as when holdoesteiong i• Have
they become deeply tinctured
finntbein ftelittgE thit :they muds be eon
tint:tally , their anathatints at the
Goiernment, 4attd treating the thefts arid
outrages Of the Gulf States with Hie almost
tenderness ? (Whilst letting fiy volley after
volleysgaiust the party now in primer, eau
they not find even e'iolitary'wo,rd, of gnuy
dentoatioa for itte runny rebellious acts
committed by''l the sbeedersl • Hive the
leditois taken' leave of ,their, geese, t Or
!have they become inieriMble`to all sense of
• •- [.
shae,—of propriety -. - , o
prietyr of , decency 7 -
Are they , foolish enough to believe that
their Smartt:/11'ml utteranecs will be'ebnlors.
. by their readers ? IWe tell them that
the mass of their party 'Mendel are, loyal
Ile the Goverotheut which 'protects : them
And'that 014 abhor the'lies picable course:
~which thby haVe' been pursuing asl they
will shortly , find out to their/L:08 1 ;i
I b"
What a its'lC6 g ; conl rest is o serve
u e,til
the aiding) oceepied by the
ea with . that 4'sumed,
,by its' Donoeistic
:oferarf, Pitts burgh PoSt Mask
the lanuake of [the latter : ' •
..,guage . •
"Tbe South Itras' . duteranineirnlot to lilt
for the adjuitnt!int if 'the di ffi pulty ol
ly and Conetitutionally,- but have decided
d 6 South has li.rnulc evolution ainst the Gov
erotueut The -
upon au " me r' 'th fir t
. ,
blow; a succesldull bleci; but one wh i c h
will unit. tika4 ' Nortir_ one mm fir ,the
Unioo. The ibtbority*
—oath are. now a pat
ter of inine(conrideration. The integrity
of the dovr,rninettt and 'the minority of
'those who hold' its; power' ti now' ;hp great
object cf nationalleonai4eratiop. ' I *
"The Afneiteun
.flag of our
Union—and the; bbnored bannerl4 it'gov--
ernieilip which-is bound to th e
Wrests of thetwilule conlitry, the North as
well as the South—haa beeuifirecibiAm er .
jean eitiz,•ns, dialoyal to: the gnverbnient
of the country. We have apprepiatrd
their- lirongs—Alle bevel advoeated the .re.
storatiun thi•i rightstwe have
redl their enealtes 1 But nom, the)! have
fired upon the Hag of their couner , y, i trid of
'nitre ; , No Arnturicao a true] heart land
' brat, soul will *tend-ibis. No I lierziertio lin
ough! to standiL" ' , .1
, • I'l ' :I •I;
There is nothing of toadyiem or treason
in those seatithents. Theyi are, ihe rout
11 ' , r
•gushings of a ' true and . patriotic' heart—
;ll •
and' lwe know l that; they re,eitve an ea
), I I
tbusiastic'respacoe;frein every lover of ; his
co ontiy----'3e he, Democrat or RePublipan,
How' the cheeks of; the editors of the star
phould fluky anal tboir'ears ;tingle l as t heir
ti t .
eyes gla ce
ce over ' the foregoing 'l4lligai l fot
and inanlji,
sentences 'and entr,ptfie them
be . - I 1 -
1,4 t mown n rrow, era .-rna 'plant
• lll
oiatinion aeurimeota. : [!.
I 1 '
we ' re.
in the
1 [ 1
At 110
4, ASS 3/EIST/1-I'llo citizen of Pars.'
biwitbout, d t iitioction of parly i
. heldj
an !itutneose'tqating on 'Monday ereDingi
. , J ~•;,1 ; [
the ~.. ~ , .
1, order ' to tenaer l to uovernmeut al l
ete!anpport-. l to `their povrer, in carrying'
On the war
,lust inaugurated by the south.
vo; rod.: The call, was •signed by N.
P. gettprmae, P. Ld. Shannon,.! G. Til
,' ; 1 ;I ;!... ' o* . li i t ,-11'.7 . - - 1 1 1 T1 14r .. 1:1! • '--"7 , - -- ZI ;:- .. ''' i
inanY; hther l .feOpg men ;I in the Detoo-1
cratic rank.. 110r: 1 1141y does thi. action!
contrast witliiihO (Tory policy poraued byl .
the editors of the Stai r and th‘ ,iew kin
, , , t ! 'l, - en '
tired spirits th at eontrol thcie-rooeencts.
11 I •
made tbe followiag appointments fit West
Noti--; it 1 8;1 pie;.; AttorneY, I R. 13
Caroaliam , Surveyor of 'the - Pori Of Pitts
burl, Capt. C. W. Bate telor ; 4800, A
Maranon, of Witabioatou Co.! The las
i •
domed is said to • !Al i
an excellent m a n ; bu
we regret ixaeedingly. Ina: our jeilovr .cit l .
ion, '4:Sheriff • Ir4in—ttian wbom amore , • i ~
whole boated: man does Dot w ag
net ii.rtunote . enough !ocarry the prize
„k! . II ,-,
ll' :-APPoirmr.,D.4--51r. J. A., Yeri ha
beet)re-appointed Collector of Tolls on th e
Beaver 'Exten4o9ot tke' Erie Canal, ii
lig On •
Neto3 ht • P
,i •
/ I PI•
ug t'
f th
direct the attehtion of oar hid''' .
to, the. ilidrortiseinent: hauled "file*
Runiami sirs - tan* Binds pi. itath
-1 -', an icitia:. '-., if
.... i .
~, • ..,..ty. -,
..: Tbere ana4s,t warrant for 1 . 1, 1 b1 15 .
lid finis there eitetiin some of' thellarger_
eke, — rtiWatattir to Nearlrork and rill._
r i ' .WUmliersi of med, l awde#,
Ij l
taike*"l - se ' ii l4 .l i r - "! 1 " ""u utda Orr) 4u
eonspire.ler the. over thrlw ' of the Govern.
I • - I ' I I
meat, arid extend all the sid iwtbairi power
tire *leathern in If 'Web or
• '.'
which there_
gantaattens really ; exist, and of
limits te be little dimbt, the - lower, branch
r thel e g islaturei. ld-' b. =• . 1 .
a • a on uot. asttate mo
' . b l thebill„ 1
meat as to t °Teaser' of lt rea d y
tbrixigh the Senate, providieg for Me
prompt auppreartots of such societie, and
meting out a swift Wart sure rewerd i . 44,thosp
who. may *Alias traltofrongly'engaged. -
And,. for the benefit oo I per
." •. . 1 . •L. - :- ! 4.
goof' outside the oilier' ' Who are loun
mouthed in their ayairethies -for 'the,reticle,
and arrayed .in opposition' to the Onvarig.
Ment ntiticr. which they live, and lb which
l b
they; oWe•allegiancir, it Pethapa mi . t not
I;o;amise to direct' allteatiait to ti 4 dt.fini•
Oen : of!: Treason, tit ree•ntly - enunciated by
Judge Smalley, of New York ; 1
The !awl of Tresisoti is far mere com
prehensive than la _ generally generally ritipliclried.—
They are not lalone. 'I itArrotra
,who are in
'armed rebellion rig -Jinn dl? GOVO' . rpment;
tiel,there_ pleb who, give them "aid, and
l'eotufar4 ” . ribetifer,hy. counsel, tirefor•ma•
I den, money or armi; •or pr who arO i cognia
zatit' of , troy thus in tiymperhy.or in.Oorres
windentre with • them; and keep batik such
knowlidge from the - 'constituted let:Libor.
toes:",. ' '' ; - ' I 4 '
.Free speech is one of the beeeticfprivr
leges of our Goveruteent. ,Ir ehouhl nev
ei',ltuffer abridgmpt; except tioder eatraor..
diktat . ): eircumpanatenetra, and irk' a limo of
Ham' nervy like 'the. 'present . rrlien he •ve
ry,•exi lfence of the ,Ilepublic .01111 tweed..
When; however, it is made 'untidiest every
day:t , hata‘
..Nortkrin man
_non not Pxpreas
lio'fioriest cot:1000er in i the Iseee‘led States,
-Witivitit subjecting bins elf to the rose of
Ife ,01 limb, and , hat even'. his presence'
will uot be telereleilonelers fmrtid with a
Irdtdesnake flag .in : WA , hand, - it; would
Ide l ebilere he .a little rt l ying to peer human
I Culture to stand fools by; end see and
`boat, men in 'Narttb-raie onimbotti it, with
trAitevona hopes nodl p. n., - assail pug the
1 -Goverrlinent: Which pr.-abets thon, !winking
jai the violation of lews; :countenancing
the firing ' upon libel-me l d .ver.els, the seia._
nte : ot, United States p (Terry, eprilaudiug
tbe in.ulte offered our ft ig, end damoutte ,
I II •
d villifyiog there who ire t1:1' El -
teati '
hooor i ed fl- ' icr i
aud berg. th -
er the abo - ik of '
ioe no'
sums II
If, ell
iliere arein
to tbii catcgory,
ecies accorditiviy,
• - i.
GREAT liiow.=~''puMicao
I p .
ti r ie r A s y
call . the prut6pt e+ wu which th;
•-c r tming atre'r.
I. 1, 0---getariwH, tu:Dions out ;,01 the, eight
1 baye p l eeti,takon„ and 31r: I.tta , t• non pro- 4 1
poses lissuinglrtasuryrnorps
'lieans used to ea !,!governnieht whit, ,ilstera)
for • Ole theri thiliitiiis,':reasl,itig tin!!
Treu,ury in about the ,sine e6nditioit oil
9 . 011110 of the ;itip,tided hat , l4--:Lee dol . I
lari in sircie five I t But we.i
deu't auy;that is mdtorn . 4-Oat/lie:ln goy !
etniiient *Beare?' lur i!
, i
The 'editoi in 'feinting l!the aboie no doubt
went upon the'snppositiOn that Jfisl-readers
were too poor, to rend Ody papOr•hut . the . Stap .
—and .. that therefore ; the truth . could be sup
pressed with perfefft eafety... NFt`'ri it: would not
hay.e.shite‘l his .. pui•pose to say, . that ulthotigh.
him iliree'millio4s . of the. loan ‘ire•taken-:-:itore.
ti& inlay/ lti.Liciss were' , uttered, .. , Neither
r i:10 it suit him 'to,sLy . that Secretary Chose re
' fused all bids beloa 94 Per cent... Neither did
it suit' him to bay that I ti"ndei the Buchanan i
Administration; the , Goveitunent 'loaf! was i bid
lis low as 36' per cent. discount. ' , Neither did ,
it. suit bint tto • say; that. the Troasur . y - Notes
ahece ailuded to, havc gole:Teadily . at frem
luir to a preinto!!!--41r; Chase :thus effecting a
clpar 'saving to thel(iO%;erainent fully Throe
flitpdreii and Fijiy! Thous;7rd , !'Dfltars; But
supposing to Ile 'true, what theiStar, falsely as
seits, that Mi..Chafie.haci_beet i uriable to pro
. , .ll .
cure • the l loan, who , wo uld hare been justly
reapOnfiible for swOhla state of affairs T . • What i
Achniniat ation bar! . te en' ..ins runientul in bring-
fug, the pi
untry -to the verge f.ban
icrup ,-;"
1 )
What .idthinistration squan erect the Twenty
Millioue!ellrplu! 'in the,TreagitiTrani tlio. 4th 'of
caldiclN i 8 58,?i Whitt Ad:hill tratiiia increased
fink N i ationaliDabt,, qixty Alit iona, in the short
space ai: four 'years `.! Wi l tsF It the Buchn !an
+ ii • • •
Adutinietrotion ? Or . bas it been , Mr:Linc 10, .
who hae r odupied biaeeat butabeutiortsy days ?
,itibes i corne you,i to Jeer ont- Oovetaw 4
'in itiiihaicial diff . ,4l"t f vsfrvt> --tlaw..-
- tb ers -4- it .l -!lpertritue gotr:J,ll' tilori or
nruent opzi., when it io but a short
Iyou coutrfbitted yo ur r •pari n i help-
de the U. 8.1 Tasitryl? woes lei
for you to eliovrrrkft,o2Wrqty to you r ;
I nt,' now, when but i n little while ago,'l
ding at the public o-ihourn was Zoyal
I go ne - and sinew.? 1 1 11 '.
' • ,
seem mee tin you o ,: wink at Ali vi-;
f la* on 1 the pnr_ ' of iouri., rhbel
,ben you' ivere the lardent friend of
i ,
few mhnths igo paCticulitrli the
int the enuinerati n: of inhabitant's
yearsßut, ! lgoe 1 iiitnbors, if it
' in your tnaturs to'sOeil: a/fair or
thful word! for th4Cluvirninent under
I live, why, in- illaven's name, do
lecle, and at once atiiii' - ydur.-:tilans"
1 . 1. v , 1 -• •1•
uthern Confoderacy, ?-,' your
lipid doubtless applaud' your trerisou,,
they might I tiesiiini the r irciitors t'
our Govei
jug'. !to' de'
seem meet
'wbilet t'im
in tivery b
• 7 . I I
Does it
lan: but
one, requi
every to
is .liot ,
even a I tr
. which
you no ta
to !the f 3
friendi iw
h i e
I 1
, A T , '
1 0
,(Dutrzet . .Aticuniey,) l
the CouTt House, I.Bpa-to
1857. 1
Office I.
Italy 1
D° .
. i
want Hair ,Oils.or
I r..Minis' Drag fita '
. , • Ais Ad to ?reason.
... ,
The g j Oijiwriggim4rtaa. hill Passe,ttli ie •
peosiiv i olb Ss t' nonvotovaty no r it' R .
ailtitt - ar4in/oS14: end -will DO doubrli - ,
a 'ia nsitiedi 1 .
_etejt a w,l ste_y • . . _ 1 ,
Atf:Aor eupptementety to se Act to brisk
ieolidstlf, _retakes: wad antestl the pe tit
laws of thie l,
[ ' , the whirl = first 'Jai - -of 'M ac h, l on a -
-'..._ omini, one thouesod eight kindred sod! ,
..' izlY i r il e !tit - enact 'by the Sionsla l
se:: sod
%yrs: of Reprowntaftwes of tbo Com o ";
wealth of Penneylitariiir, in Owneral AsSeas, ,
sly met, and it; 'hereby `enacted bj . th s
authority ilf the lIIIMP, That if any person .
or pereotia beloogiug to or rettidiug !ill). -
in this State and under the protectie 'f
.its laws shall Ilke a couttnitition..lo ol4
any Iverson, State or Steles, - or ottiei edit.
noire of thji Siale or ot the Uultedltitati s
v f America, or who shall levy war 4'1116
this Stater or flovermurent thereof, oriticui:,
ingly and willingly shall aid or awns sent
suprnies in Awn war against this Slate of
the United States, by kaving theft t4mieiv
or - by ettaatiug or proeuring or pereu4iiii
others• t I enlist fur that purpose he iy.
furnishing such eneice with aline oi , a ni.
munition, or tiny o f er articles for I.thivie
aid and comfort, o by earryiug ;on li
traitorous correspondence with then' si•
shall form or he in any wise coneerqii in
frit:ll4)g any conthivatiou or conspirs e i
for bet ra3 ing thi a State or the United
. swe ll of America in o the hands cit tsur6it--
of any foreign ene.oy any foreign euiti
my or any organized or pretended ° g•ive r h:
meta engaged in reSi Ling the laws Jr ti le
United sump, Or' se II sivo or ."34:..
' "";',
intelligence to the enemies of thisiState
Or of the United States of America rot
'that purpose, ent ry person so offelvdirvi
and being legs,ily . convicted - till:poi,' 0411
Ibe guilty of a high nvi-d , in •auor, aul 8414
tii sent6med to
„undergo an , imps anrilil
It,r a term pot •exceeding itrei year}, and
) be Ailed iu a rum not exceeding five f h 1.:
aud &Altus or both, at the disevetion ief'-•
the Court. Provided, that thi34 act:shall
not prohibit aoy.eit z•vn from• tatting ;or
recriting civil cote A-lions for t h e ac;
knowlt dgmeot of deeds and othcr ibstr
.nowt /gt 7
tin of writing. • 1 ,
See. 2. That if ay_ person or 'Oritops
within n:
!hie. Cannf tqgt . salth shall paii4l
cousiruct, altnr or t out,v, or shattl , !!tid Or,;
assist in building, c nstrueting, alt.mng 14.
fitting out any vesse or veroele f talkie pai,
lose of making ts l ar .nr- privatei•rtiiii, io7-,
other .porpose, to be, used iu the s
any rrsoc or tyirries whatsoever t4.ln,p ;
.war on the United States of Atrt•ilie.a,.`4
1 '
to resist., by,foroe the executive of tae a Ars
of" tbe United State such p•ltsone !or:par r '
1 1 sons shall go guilty of a triisdetneln ; '.r, a(iti
'.on conviction thereof ehat.l be l'tent , •rield tti •
uttargn 1111 itaptisouineut ,at 1, b tr; ifitl
•-xceeding teu yeys, and be Led in!a l atiu4:
not exceeding 1 fitie:titoulsand - 3,0 t , TS; ot
bulb, at the discretion' of ',the e.a t a
I — •
• march
jrFo be,.
fl ,- ;.if: . ” 1 , 1'i1.: '
I . ;i: x ,A .631.14: B
file ., :
Bearer: ,00ti
till 41
finitio6.: an
ty ,who
• - i.- - - + --- 1' - low
:I•6_t--.-i 1,
------ 115111 a i
AV E. A VITtB. R. Id
- '
._ 1— [' i -I-,
. . BRAVER STATION —GetNii Rim • A Ff;
Conznieue;ng, *ntiqy, ,A*ls' .189,1„
Trains leave .B?:,,Statypi eafoilog #4!
well to
- Leave Pitts'g. Arr. sill ; cliesivr;
Fast Lint, ' 1.00 A. N.. - ' ill' A'..s. ,
'Mail, ' 8.15 " ' ' 8.48
Aceomni‘fro, . 9.85 "1, - ' 11:16 - " , ...
Express, 12,45' p f i en: ' 2.05 a,. A.
• Accommod'n: 860. 4. ' ' . 11.5el
. ,
OF:and lifter.lllonday, June llth, he dire
;Mail Train leaves the pisseng,4.station
every . morning (except Sunday) atl2-30 '.. N.,
stopping at Greensburg. Latrobe. .F4.rexic,,
Johnstown, and all regular stations ~t.weet.
Johnstown and ilarrisburg. making direct eon
nection for Baltimore, arriving in Philll3elphla
or thiltimore at 5;00 r. st. . 1 .. ' i,l
The Through xpress Train =leaves daily I,s,
&40 r. x., stopping only at principal statioas,l
making di ect connection at Harrisburg
. tor•
Baltimere, and arriving in Philadelphia nv
Baltimore at 6:30 A. N
I .
TBE FAST LINE Naves the Eitittio,a dnily(e.ii
cept Sunday) at 6,05 p. nt.,'' stopping ',only IA
Greensburg, Latrobe, Jobnotcrwn, Wilinore'.Onli
lit . zsn, - -A1t001in,..2.c.;, connecting at flarksburg
wifh - ‘train , direct for Baltimoo,.-rind aiviving
in. Philadelphia, at 10,00", A. M. .. i ; i
The - traveling public will find, in greitly to
their. interest in going East or West, tol travel , -
bY the Pennsylvania Railroad, a. the MCom
roodatious- now- offered cannot he surpassed allt
any other roitte. The Road is ballast4d
.and, tree from dust,' o
We can prm's*
unfety . speud and comfort t ramiifii:.,
ill and New
. Yorkd . A ,
A t • .t.
' * Ely JOS le
and Grant street. ~ , , , .
llP P P L Y se t n i ger 4 3l " ta S ti n on ff , A on aT li s ibe g rC; ,
u tFo h r e t i i , ok it e till,
he, Star. to
Ai RS. P81L!..13 do MRS. CLANEYV take
.1,11 pleasure in announcing to the 14dies qf
Beaver and vicinity, that they have opbned
first-class MILLINERY and DRESS-.MAKIN!./
A few doori above the Beaver ITotel, •
Where they
_will be happy to .see nll , who may
wish anything in . that,,line. gifir 7 belilt es
Spring, style of Bbnnets jtAit received. 1:
Heaver, April," 17, 1861. '" " 2
Direitors of Borough Township BchooV.•
District desire to etnploy four eonlpetOW
Tenchers---three males nod one female—to tali - ,
Charge of the Schools Uf snid District . BChoolit •
to open on the first Monday of. May neat,
Continue six 'Unonthi, Applioationtr shgol4 1
?made-personall;; or in writing to miny . Member of•
the Board, on •or before the .17th Init. j!
I 'Bearer, April 86, 1861.• - Rec. Bog/ill.
•it . 81-IIOLARSHII'-in the Inns Cur! Cot- tr
g.r. l ici.,,,;(spLlto. is effered l toriale up& t
moderate tarns. - Enquire , immOittilil
clam • • . • , .
• I . I. LAI
er, l Pa:
2) Call
toT.yritA iLT•
7:58 A. M • .AntrAjl%tkaa4 l l: 1 4 - 3 ' AM.
2:15p. M. 8:0:y mr l- 1
N. Freolif.
.IFERS, (4: 4 0'1. Mokst
P[ 'l' TB..P T W . 1 41 F, A.'
Leavdßocbestei! ArrAtt Pl9s
1 - xpress, • 11'. 42 A. M. 2.09' lA. X.,
Aecoatuslatios 7.16 " 8 . 3 . "
" 12.29 r • 2 - 16 'P. 3 . 1,1:
Mail, 1 2.05 "
Fist Lisie; 7:34 •• ' 44, •
NEW • '
- ,