The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, April 03, 1861, Image 3

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- - -i
4 -
BEAVER . OVATION —Gores 1445?
Wommencing :Venda.* Wog , . 26, MOO.
• • 7'rains leave Beftivr Siat ion as follOthv
A M. AiTiTee. at Pilsleg 4 / 4 6 A.
I! 2:32 P. - M. - •", 4:00 P. Si:
Gm 9. WRST.
Aniveit Belinir, 6:40 A M
-.# • i. Cleveland, 7:40 A. M
b 4:50 P. M 44 .welleville, 6:01)‘P.-
.1". IL Itlll9l§, Gen'l. Tielcut
i •
2.05 A.:11
PITI FT . 11W ;. ,I, It
C-ItOellitSTElt §TAT.I6N.GeiNn FAIT
Leave.ltoulbeeter. Arr. fit Pitts
ti Firms Es. - 1 42 H. m. 2.00 A: *.
Accoiandtttion 7.15 ". ti 35 ''''
1, • " 12 29 r. N. 216 r. 34.
Mail, 2.05. " 8.15 ...
t Fist Line s : 734- •'
! it ts'g., .17. at Raglienier.
Fast Line, - 1.00 .11: 211 A. it.
' 8.15
ACcorrinvo,l'n, 35 . 6 '
Express. p. til
Xceonimo.,i'n 3 Zit) -;
t i iES'NSYLVANI".‘ 1.4 RAIL
ON- and after Monday, June Ith,. the thio,
Mail . Train leaves the Passenger Station
, every morning (except Sunday) at 2:80 . N,,
i l :hopping ' at 3i,.of.hrtrg, Latrobe, Florence,
i•;„, and nil regular Frationa between I
iJohnstown and Pnrrisburg. making Fret con-
c.."7 . Joection for Taltinvire. arriving in Philadelphia
orßaltimore at :3:00 P M.
The Through Expres's.Train leaves daily s it
r.:40 mopping eply at principal stations,
',Making direct connection n t Ilarri,burg for
Baltim , -re, and mrriving in PhiladelpHil
Baltimore at 5:30 A.
ThE FAST LINE leavv. the Station dnily'(ex-
Cept Sunday) at 6,05- p. in. , stopping pity at
fi:reensburg, Litt robe,:"Joit t 0 wn, WilmOre.Oal
litzao, Altoona, &c., connecting at I,ltirri.sbuig
:rain direct for ilaltitnorei ap'd arriving.
in 'Philadelphia at 10,00 m. /` -
The traveling public will finti/in greatly to
icurv,..t in going Last orAreat, to tr: , el
the,l'enasylvonia Rail:tog/J. as the accent
• /
Tho.iatnars now °tiered canntt be sitipasfied on
. tany other route.. 'The 11 ad is ballasted ivitls
and tree from. (inst. .IFe can promise
=.,fet... "Teed and comprt to alt who may' fa
vu this 1:0:01 withtheir patronage.
tagr.age I:'.ecke;i l to all Stations on the
Mt to , Philadelphia, Balti
- ;m: t•• I'ACW ark.
F r ^,• - , 4,1 5 , to STE WA 'IT,
t' e • t. Passenger Station, on Liberty
, .
i (4:mi / street. ,
Soothing Syrup,
,N_••••.A9ir..,lr•sv•s• Swishing Syrup,
Mr,/ Ssoirisin g Syrup,
So Bing Syrup,
c•s, Scothing Syrup,
Wiiss - .l••cy's , S , n•thing Syrup, _
llr 31'ifloy's Suothin2 Syrur:
Ilit,4•,si•st S , inihiag Si nip,
„ .
For Children Teething;
For Clsi'dren Teething,
Vor Children Teething,
- Chilamn Teething,
Children Teeth - nig;
For Children Teething,
Childrson Teething,
1•••• r Children Teething,
11i1;i:••• Drug morn.
Ih. tilts. drug store..
.‘l'l Ding Stole.
iDr lirris .I)tlig store.
A!1 D. ut! st•sre. •
vi i• ' Drug
Ai Di. )linis' s•tnre. • ,
kit 'Dr- Drsr l i . • .
~` i
ii ~" j
-AL Br-nrlent lastitution
nieriet. for /14 Relief of the
. .
rk • I . )2Yri es,ea ."171. .rl with iris,
lent trii,l Epid,:mic bilowsv. - A,— and spe,
for. the -Cure Dixras , . , z of do'
Or f rt?,..,
Ni t:11191. ADVICE giveni gratis. by :the
Acting Surgeon, to nil whip npply by let
nith description of their condition, (age'
Alinrtttion habit', of lifo, and in cnnen of•
pnvrrty, Xledicines furnildted free of
3'.11, 1.7.11;LE it ETOLTS Qn . c 'perntatorrhcea,
•.' (,het DiFeageß of t' Sr miiprgnns, and on '
.1It• NEW PEMEDI ES - ...1i'• s. - Ni in the bispen4
,I. Y, gent Ito the cf",:.-• ,, .! ;!: villed letter en.l
, t-i.pes. free of ehorz. , - : 7 - -n or three stamped;
tc - Lrestoge will },E :le - t•p!1 , :1e . ..
':Address,, Dr... 1 .'•KI I. LI ,y JI , ;I:GIITON. Ac-;
l', rik Serge)n,. 11: ....,* !. 1 , z. - .oi-. tion, : , ,:o. 2 SOutir
4 - itleet, 1'1.'2.:.;,•!;,..i .. 1'... - •
r F Allti'll . ll.o, .-", r- , :‘rv. •
• . L.
_ _
EZ,RA D. It LAE T :' ,. 1i.1.L. PreFiden
v~JtNISTI;.AI . OiCS SO ric}:
.- - - - - -
:era of Administration nn the estateof
roEprih,)%loorhead, late of Bridgewatei
it . leaver county, dec'd.;•having been ditly,
,•rvted to; the subscriber residing in Brigh., tp , all persons indebted to said estate )
otititf to make . immediate payment, and
ti,e hav ~ a
r.:•• them ing claim., the same will , pre- 1
properly. authenticated-for cettlement
*it , ant del r ay• • .' - -- -
- Mar. 6:4 - 4.... wig. C. ii L:NTER, A ilm'r. '
ALL persnns`kn ()Wing
,theniselves indebted
ts , lhe sikhseriber as well =i ts th-se • having
ifilimcagoittst him; will please call-at his Stare,
aprp , ite Porter's in shop, for a settlement
irnqu.diateli% as ittj, is desirans of changing his
• I "±ebs. The tailoring will be carried on by
Jniph Brian. at the-old Stara, he being ap . -
I.filpted ngent to sill nut the stock; cheap frit,
` , ;'..qi. Call'soon it you 'Want to secure: the!
iii.:` Klrgain. I , . 1
fr•b; 26 -, (A
--ii.-_____ •
piarber ad
j4§ ; B . IIVIN wo
1-1 ti
1!-. LltEittet,s, at t.l
1111 .1ror. Hair Dr;
linve now on 111
( led by any ncl
I l, l,l"nilitig from t
irnatural nolo
ng greY, Sze.
, I : 411 D
aneons - air
t or Eel Ha r
11 1: or Brown.. TI
d Hair
inform friendi and the.
that - he is still nt his for-i
e old stand on Third street,,
Iv tinting the attentions of e!
war can at all times be at-
. a Hain._ Restorative un-!
.w in 4e, It prevents tbe.
e besil, it restores the Hair
it prevents the Hair from
have also on hand an In
e, wairanted to , barn Grey
to it— beautiful Auburn;.
e abrive:itre both warrant.
on. . tnar.20,'6.1. '1
11,E OR RENT. ' 1
,:p. ! FOR S 4
r I '11.1i: premise ® '
~- llF. , eminary..corit
I , l , e _ l t'll,l.:rs", 's ppbl
. r l er.m4 ap t ly tol I.
~, .r
i; rmly. iii..ll,oJ
aimsk: t'
S ° ''
0 .r,t) PPOPOI
-I,;:xt. fur- I,l.l.ilding
r: , &ler 1 Tl7nship.
.C i fi , stions nr t . 114
, 4 1k : :ley person . is i. , .
6 ...1 ° ' iltae.- By: o i,
6.•61. © • I . ' '
k\ ' - ---____.
, , IBERLI \:
. - '
ind COqi
o , ll r4Jruivr- r 3,j ,f
# i ir B ? i g i t , '
il l - 9-
sk -
pining the Beaver Femaleesle
4ning the house in \ whieh
shed'. is' for axle or rent.
avid Eakin , lndustry, or
U 1 CONTRACT° as. .
'., LS
till • thi
I .
Ali 11
840 .6
9.43 •' ; .
2.05 r. ;st,
r Direetnrs
all kinds of lioisery. Gloves , . Gauntlets,
lihta, Chenille Scarfejlonnet,
Mantua and Velvetlßibbons,'llubber Frills and
Cord. I i • - '
- . •
- P F " L.ANNtLS! ,
GH A ;I•,S, E(1 ,
t • • • 1
Always kept nn nand, it- low prices:, also a
fre.46 lot of MERCHANT'S_
reletrate4 Gaiglincr OIL
Hardware, Queensware , .lota,
Caps,,,ltllian Violin
° Envelopes! Foolscap, Note
and Letter Paper,
"1_ James , Allison's
Octotier ' 3ldt, 1800. I
- - -
alas Just Ileceifed one .
- est and. Best Selected
fronrtle very net Broad cloths and Sat
'i n down to the coarser qualities,. which he Is
'‘lrterniined to sell CHEAPEP . THAN THE
CUE:WEST, - I 's
' -
- • •
flats nitd
' Persons wishing to purchase will do!
iCall and .esanaine bia Steckl before
f Re etn ber the place, Third' Stt
r of the ulna HAT."_ ' 1
NO: Beaver August I ,
will be received by
a let day of April
pd House in South
I.3eation. plans and
ng will be shown by
o contract for buHd
. the fiord.
tEN. WATT Sec.
in at. Law. Office
ow-Merrick Home.
sprig. I
I : -
. t
IlAll sizes. for roler.lllholesole sod
' "theopei • third the Cheapest;'
• '
by. A. 8 ITABVET
• Bridgoiral
I'fl E`
91'`14 Yi PR EP 1111 0. '
:,. , PREP: tl_ _....;A
ilad;n9 , pi±oofsiv) Biro y ' 1a1t.,41 ii?:r.o3/
• •
70, statecavt., Judges;J E.iitora, Physicin or
e.r the iildest schools me - ii ! iell ittOietv. ''itiie , "l'
tlieir unquallified 'sanction, / and: riconuilintil it,
for all eases A, eruption,, and diseases of the
scalp Jimd brbl3; but all' wlioltave. need it,tinite
it testifiying thrit , willipreerve the hair from
/,,_beimg gray, an from falling toany age! as Well
lis restore. Read the following:— I ,.; ;
• i Grove, S., C. June 24th, 14,15.'"
pßoe: 0. J. Woon; Deem Sir.—Year Hair-re.
' 'dl gaining p pul - 'lf i lib'
atnrative Is rap, y
._ 0 *PI . 111 i s
I commueity. Ithavelind occasion to lay ';pre
judice Aside, gild give
! your Malt Restorative&
t test --. , .. i _ i i • , i
During the year 1314. I was so' linfortenante
Re to he thrown from my sulky against i rock
nesr the roadsidc, from which my bead receiv
ed a most terrible blow; causing a grea, t deal of
lirritation, "which _ communicated .to - ! the;tirain
and external stirfice ef the head,. fom the of-
I fecta of which my 'hair .was finally destroyed
over the entire indite') of the head. , From the
time I !first discovered' its dripping, however;-
up to the time of its total disappenrince, r.em
ployed ' everytiling I could thing of, .beibg a
professional manoinyself, and, as I 4,llotighi,un r
i derstanding the Miture, of the disense, , bue was
finally defeated in . every prescription advhne
i ed. 1 • !
i These and no other 'circumstances indficed
me , to resort to your worthy. Hair Reatarntive,
winehtl have eiere, reason to helievei . produced
A very'happy reiniili-.two months after the 'first.
application. I Lind as beautiful a head. of young
hair BS i ever Caw, for, which, I ceetainly, , owe
you my n!,st Sincere - thanke. Rest serried,
dear sir,). siloDrecommend your TA-reedy to all
inquirvii: moreover, r shall use my, influence,
whicli,4- flatter mpoif to any, ifiti.nota little.
Yian can publish this if yoo think' proper.
/ ! , ',, Yours. , very respectfully,'
/ A t J. WRIGHT, M. D. • !
Office; of thn Jellersbnian„Phillippi, Va..
i Dec..kftb, 113.7n4 ' - !
~,' Dear !Kir—l feel it my duty as well as Imy
dpleisore, to state to 'MU the following circum,
, stnnces,' which you can use as you think pro.:
I per. .1. gentletuae of 'this place, (a lawyer.).
has been bald ever since his youth; so much so
that he Fig compelled to wear a wig, He Was
j itluced!to use a, bottle of your "Hair Restera- I
tive," Which he liked very much,; and after
using c'hne two Or 'three bottles his hair grew
ont,quite luxurilintly, and he now half a h:ind.
r souls head of hair. The gentlemnn*s lame is '
Bradford. and as he is. very well known in our'
! adjeihing counties, ma.ny persons can testify
to the troth of this stitethent; !give it to you at'
I the reqiiest of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a!
! grebt dent Of your Heir Restorative in this; find
the a, joining counties if your have the proper
: nee ,
- '
agents. joining !
n Sours,! urs, ko.,- - - , i
, ,
De Wonn: Dtkr Sir,
„Permit me-to,express
the obligations nm under for the entire res
toration' ofniy lkir to its original c•.!or, about
the timei of my arrival in the United Status 't
vas np idl y becoming gray, bat npcia the aP
plie.ition of yourl"Hnir Itestorative7 ; it goon re
covered its original hne.• f consider :Your
IteStorative as a very wonderful inrentionmuite
cfbeacious as well as agreeable.
The Ite.torntiv'e is put Up in bottles of three
!dreg: large. medium, and small; the !small a,mnd reta i ls ifor one dollar per' bottlei'the
tordiunultoltla at lenst twenty per,d,ent more
in proportion than the small, retails for' two
dolliirs Orr bottle; the large holds niquart. '4O
per cent. more in proportion, and retails for
. $3.
0 NVOOD S. Co.. Propriet.ers. 444 Bro;u1-
imy, .Isl. l l-., and 114 Market Bt. St. Louis, Mo.
'And sold by all Druggists and Fancy goOds
Dealers.! . June 6. MO.
T E ,'(, - ;11.N . 0 S A F E :
N E S I'o4l E!!
• -- f
riHE undersigned would reepectifully inNAn
his friends and f6rmer patrons tkat Le iL.
, .
in the Roam formerly ocenpie4 qy :Wilson!l&
Roden ; Third street, Ren%er, en extenßive ne
,orernent of new and deirable - good'; among
which will he
of eyery description
1/.1 I/ D I if E, G R G El? 1
Boots & shoes -
(2 U N S;W Aft iSz • • c
end iu fuel everything usually kept in n first
einss vilinge sture'.,
stet'nliand e:Opline Goods and prices.
•' • '
Beaver, June 13 1860.
Every pesckips 04.
0 0 S
ALL 'KINDS OF 61100FaiIiia'S
.4iiiiiiti... prial-ci
... .4-r . ,
B TlT'e°r" order
o . t, tt county ille, BI
I 0 Ett . lai by! public *froth
j r ' em l e ii i ilß ll Bl/Ari IP 1L425. t i lt, lt
t i , tu l
r it li t i or ni, ingwe t.. tti , ,
i t
4 to n pe 4s w o e . ll T ',
;: t . i m ow ,} l 3 ::::pen .y„
B , o s o n th isiti ;
1, ... 2 4; nde : 2 41
2.1 .beginning ! it lt,', white _oak, et
pi r. to post near white ~ k, I thence .7
hor'th, 7 deg. 5 init4 east 58'4-1;0 p ~! to
oak, N 4hence south B,9!,deg eas+l,l6 &111
to poit.,.thence 77
„deg: 5 snip.
.east ,
I Per.'teh post, thenceinorth la deg. wel t 4
j per tO!pest, north 7,04eg. 50 win, et e A., i
to S. st; l nuile.,' north l'ill deg.l weft 1 6
per to mit n line of!Is dof ) , VICS: .1 tE I
I thence ronth 7 deg. 4 in..west 152
. 1. i
,to hebrating, \Conteitil g 9 0 .acres, iitt
!itbout .10 4 acrea elearefi, der fence. an'
,igond state of colfeation on .which loge •
I a large ; sirs Frame 'nil I house, Ile
I high, large Log barn r dorehardou le
nod 44,43 premises Intl \ tered...l
;I No -2. begiunink itt.i post noir whits
t \ii ^
I n
1 thence hy,land of 'l'. Ai' litany's; 121 (leg
her to.ltaccoon Creeit ll ,.. Once north 1!?,2
est 32 1 3.10 per air said Creek 11 th
kence. y' ; 8,04' Credo ortli 'Bll east I 8
p i er. to uno le, northll,74 deg. bast 43.8,
I to'hydattiore roof, north .7431. east 10 '.),
Ito rould one of the Ow'.rs, .of 11`i't 4, t
1 . by t urport, No. 3, nett 28} deg. wost 9
Per to post. 'being Otte f the cornet* of
, parts No : 11 Alld . 2. then at by NO. I'a
i „
deg. it nun. east 55.05- 00 panto pot,
89 deg.' we5t . 16 4 65-100 er Id' blank otik.
77 deg. 15 min. west 53 -10 per, to b4gi
; --coutiliiiing 82 acre's', I per.,
, ab0ut... , ,50
cleare4! and in a ged . state of culti
balance well timbere l .4 4a Whicit.are fre
.44:1(.81 Log Dweilitsg 116 u ,Ilisruj &c., iz.
• well w.. creel , and frliit, ens on the sane
No. 2, beEiurtiug ;it post :near
Creek; being one of . the corners; betty en
1 2 and , si, tiesice nort4 7.1: east '4O per t
; in snit creek, uortlio3s '' 60 7-lio
post in creek, them:telt° th 131 'rot 12
per to pest, along 4tt s of Wns. :1•11'F.
north 7 deg. '2oltnithl, e si 31 per - -tollit
, - hickor , north la deg 2 inin West 9?
1 7
.stone, 4 76 deg 50, m n past 901 peels
south 13 east 4211-16,p :to Post, betqg
c ,, rners; oflNo. 1 attsll, hence by theft/1
line of .ptorpstet No, 21e ttit 28} eastl;ll
per totieginuip4-,contat inig 81 stores 47
titut 50 ticres of which are cleared Out
goodi, state of initirtitt at ; the balaiic4
timbered. . Tito above`p etuises'are cohiti
1 i
to eal,hlother, and_ con,re . tie it t . School* ,
T lie 4 bove. (lest' ibed .roperty .is /iv ,
Raccoon creek, beioglb undei by sail
fur 3:4i11e. of n roue, and
hie lue4tiOns for ,Oil ►i'e
the lauds iu the ueighb
le-used t l ur Cott purpuee.
to be p!sitt on conftriu4ti
Court, taut, the: baitinge
itistalin6ts from that: , ll.l3
III) lrtllll the titn '
lion enquire - of John.l: 4 l
Corueliu.:Stutue ; Servie
. ..I
Bencer,mar27,'6l. 3A
1 . 11111DGEW ill
I - 111 IP 0
rnES H I i
.4 ; 1 . .
Sprit, it a it(
FIN+ . V;A
, WM.
It. p A Tkr:l
on ban
Piece G
pltu ru
F . ,
I . cit
14 1861
th l e I.nt:
tofit nn
co inty.
' Netion t
f,(1" 1
I ' Pence
• /I-atl••
r nEp ,
p * n '
Mil ft far
• G 9li
• , •
t o
, , T .
DIIIILF !REES .haa re eircd ani
I. Weekl i rreceipi of ii i article
to lis lints . ---- ' '' 1
i t
1 - 7 r - '7 ;
1 17 T . ' 1
'. D, ;x 6 ;
, , . ,
NO. 941:W00D SIRE;
14'. ' • : ,
, o , ,ii
AV Fi tignin the lei,l
. the r ifriendi. itn . 4
4 thei r PiOC:i will
ct, nd will -
ed p rqefi.
1 relv t l'r
In 2
tie their
April tie:
unpaid tri
•latt 16.1
the aliov
ISOd3e et
low •*:)1 ce
nitilt, , o be
II also
reetl by
be; by
Oa I
a PS
'well to
j et, sign
• to
Tl 5
iiee, ¶lll b
e; oeont-kr
hence atis.7.laa
ge. pjr i ti
, rhoucl betnglr
'the imarchlse, m
R of, the.salt t.)4
in. 0, , q ;equal) d
e, withlatereitit
For further info
tn...lttritlge witte
P. 0 , Beerllico
the Court, 1
.0. WORE.% ly
I.•_. gl
''S FOR l'4 l Ar , I
1 IiNGS, I,:e ~ Si c ,
' r
I 01+,
1 .1
low. riugeW.l
Rencly-Ifsde yol
1 11.1041, ..: keiit e 4 11141
iIV toketeri tro
t'orks. All Ifi l oi
eatest, end m 0...
~;r finteeil to I
—_ _
• • 1
ROE supply 4
itAble -tor tlaiOsei
,i 1: oleo. a enrefi
,di+, for Cli•tim
8 niade in the n
Ink:lnner, owl g
f...CH A ROES : M
-Ik, •
,P.ohseriber rem
1 •
tens of Ilea , e} a
ive. the SpnnF .
and is now re
st I Foshionalde
~ . 1
d ; to surpass iqt
Those entrust
depend on laWvi
pains will be
) tliose who.tWO
utitry -produ4
r. niar2o 1
ectfully inforimt
d vicinity thatAl
nd Summer Fith
l.dy tO,dti up itor
style, and waMit
y other *orkiln
W01 : 1C
ig it 4done" whey t
spneed 'to give
I call on him, i
ill he taken id
sin est vpoi
)11E6 D-Y "I
6i. ~ C
1/% l 'C I:FAO' I
Ai 31
;ilaelrines t)..)'
r and ( lotlje
1 .
r c ,•lnnl . pie . e
any Wasbio_
, and cle
of clothi
Co, I
If: AL E I]
)0D S,
17'811171R G,
re of onnonndirig
the tra g e generit
lrlolll.9,llita .-
ccodnts on lorf b
. All hook !lid
IEI4 left ,
#ilhont resA ,
I k
eltate or I
a, or !olio;
.are req isted to
E fore the! first its)
omits notes
Ye proper offiedrs fi
it to portions.
r MARQ11:1113,
Ariel CA
(OEI,I bpi
)f e P 9 I 0, 1
:He hepia
rooked lib ,
pe Ho:
-,eis (reek u,
Fan, II elf 0
r ud
in bir~alo
i OS. Bread, i at v,
notifies the fleo
v eral ainwrtin i ta
d i
trown's pld tan
i, whlehl he Will.,
, l y , Attention to bus
rally. by his hien '
'oysters, - , teceieed d
itirnorc;l which on
1 In or Dozen.
~ r acquaintance. an
I I r
I In
io It'N E Nrii;
11837. I:
Ht. T
rig, Briny P
. omed
ti, the
iiite of
iy .in
r Co
, Fe be
t 100 .
. 0 2,
I, per.
/ 4-10
9 r.
•. pea
I 8 10
0 per.
11 Per..
ton es
rma ilk get. Levi
r l,/, l'itertoc v.
Of , /Mihail+ .a.urch. (Iniitcit ii:Owt', CYltunbla C...
I Weir Ynik 1
11 .' ell I _ Ci.i.vrci,et. At ciraber i4m, vied...
11 /her, f Ire t--lf you tienec..l.'ll'i. nee ;due dozen . 11
:De.l,atoni, Ihellantillltlers... l kineni that. it mist" I
. A bema kit to many of my. i.e.:il . illy . ei.itu',. •
IMt.s; W; &-heiii of 'lLiallumr/ile, 8.!• Y. hie .romivtat„ 1,
1 kreli lioni•Li I , ' : ~. .. ; - ' 1
I 1 ~ 2 4 r1 ' - '', - 1. • .
_. ~. !,
• i -- p ,t HE OUS , DE 4ITY.,
. , 1
....fier [ .t,le* Cc vrl, ilait:olot. 1.10. cbti'vtii . 'l,
i , .., - ., :-----i 1.4. L.., gt mil tenitqlievl by the use'ot -.
,-t.l.o.!lilietVWS 110/.LAND' amputs , Or grgiotai ,1
ICs crv.nns Vebility." , ~' ':, .1:: ' • . , l'
; 4c ail{ 'NIA ' E E, CP: -- "• 1
4 ,
1. : ,:- JAie en,- ; mdthir a t . ow vd..14 - lEin.
l' i ir• ; I L } 1, 4°' 41 . , .-:. llilni In ' one trifle Beet ..pittii- .1
~ , lino.. forilly.4*Mla tint! I..lins . Crean . leant. at. lemon /
Ni.. 0.2. r U .4 it t 0... I came In Ilitts..countrt In 114.1.
Vlitit.c.l 1 Dystrpe4 tad ' ' Liner Kmaen, Ik.
I}..rtle.l to,, th.? • .t.laiatieSOntes"ttt .t 1867, nettled in
- [ (en4,4; - :,,t,ftaw the eigirmtlmplpyrkieend sent micieUtpn.
... •
1.. i..,,t.,10 LoTki.., s, - Wela rceiured ma to health./ :
• t l n.O. 4 .l,neik ler, ill ili‘g: trailcidt to bilrOta•muPPl 1
4. itt.'uoo4 .l have en'nducl ft Teri, much ; my. lit,tin ,l:' ,• 1
1 iiar.f itonti ttfliimetl , ;with ttie.inine dhow, moil ~ .
• , ••••,o,•01.:1-,•i,,,,K. of tile !titian. .Inckoical, sue • w 111 . ,
rik ~,,•
h prth\m•iitAmiil , l4*•Aii kiteialiocus. air ;pout- ,: ' 1
t.t,.. ;It y. m h:t , Ar
~ 1 Lta irurilrd 'the ,
In , ^ , nl fir 'A •n ply , - :'/ , ....CTU0X1V 1 N,1,' -..1 . I
I. sr to
13.1 u
per ~
in a
2,•••NI . Judge flue'Oar, Mayor of the , Ci ty
1, c.o.', Th.u. ~ v ,:-. . , , ,ti Mire iseil Ekerbarel Hal. .
3n ,l• 11).1 . ..i, .• ./4- 'Palpitation of. the ileum; it, W!
t'5....11., tit ' s iet.l4ll* tbla\dfroatiw.” . .. • , , ,• : .
Tri ,- iostiati, Coat. eta, Headache.;
11 ri:er. Jovr2e. EtelvA,Vui retiv..Pastor: or .51. E.
rlioncli. IreiTne3 Iraula Atieib,, , ,*v a ::-.- 't take pima.
ili.• in it ..i...ii,eudiris : :htliatti..Thi'S 7.I4LLAND , .
liirfriliA' ea . one of tile road ialtshiile turclicities I
b't“.r eveli weil: ~ I t epootily rollevoLiuellititear.o ,'•
.L the 11,,Uactl• A mil:4Na." m Y' 4 PeP timi• • 1 '
I. Lit io.T. oh. Cr e alert time from • .
ti eitt',A , ,s,.,,,Aite. I nellgettlun, Ilvailacbaind Coe. I ;
ii,u'es. WitA Loll byl the arm of two laittrea of the . I
le,itterii." I 1.1 J'iTtaiimmile 21, 1 4 9nb0r GIN A 4 . 1..
1 ,. • , : 1 1. .., 'i i
II . INi W A R,D;, , P I I 1. e.l.': " \ '•
II .E.l ~.n eitta;:-t wai .. , rdly attliliett fat ehlrolt ftro
r, s7a'iri , .: l ,th . 'Drx.orPbo midi billiard Pars-'-tirox,
; i' i i" : ""' '" k
ri" . ;!' i n ' tl Yl c."bralodrikerbarel lid.
teuil llitt re,' re-;'•irial Ins to iiirf i ct health!, . \
i i I
ii . 1 ,
,1.... x. ..,.. 1 ,, .),Il l : , i , t l o , '.k; I.0 . !Ill.
i e root! J.:Feb.IIIBGO. ' •
I 0 I ,i. 1". 1 _,.. ',.l_ ..,••.. ' •
ll' kla7.roPEP..lllAoFatt, .11 ''..tFJln'.•
, j , l [ . I'. - • - I 1 -, - ,i.,,..,
, , '. +••7•11• IN: Al. b-rniir giro-. . 1 1prii IVA . , ~•••••• '
I I):se,i.l 11.f1.41.1ND Ail .I*Ts. Ifo itgoineiy,.Ala.-ir
14 riii .4;4-.0 Dill fiod; On. d.illius--please mead 'me . •''
• tltt-...% r,it .f'l4t in Ike:hovel, illollitud Illttere.! l'
. 1i,.i., trill evrrY 'tibia Cu ti,)epepsia. for, the LTA
ti , :iatiy,y4o.i...•re title dotro me miTre god •
tii;oi 3:•i,Thiii . 1 tee, TT.I
' tz , to the fore.ofhliff '
e!Ko..„ 1 ..
. 1 1 , L......- --
J. I
IL Ac •i. •
. 0 • I'' 1' 1
1 . ''•
I 1 . , ; ,1;
-05'x. ; 11 mitizotnery,Op:Abl.Jaa.131,,llfi7.
• felt;theta-wait of any Mixtioine 110 much
bi• li Lilo :of ; IIIEfIIIAVICA '/1..1 LAIRD.
I libithasal 'i
;kat fall. • ' 4
. .
•• .
•I ' ' ; 11 , C, DE ~
t:ir . .rs cisTuu T fiTolkiktit
r CAD eNteatinel ON: 1. - 1
If. of , lhrrite De`lrsitir., lirlrost In Holland
~b.,you ...linty, Wiseounib, ituffereiliMuch •
hr..S of (b.. Stoneach'ant e : r, fadite.,o,nr!.! She; ' a rillyrichn's tic wooer ilaie,i ,
ii:l l
iee fuatllmesroo bli akin, I Eta.
I ...toil, IItiI.I.AND 11EIT Eliti, at'Our,otHeAl
. I rirlo v. :3•• G. her*unmade: her laapetlta,
;vb .ire,'rernruirg, Nod ,a ,. entity better., .
t i. , aitother great. cure oeted by• your
'I I -
J. 111,47',0,a,- 0 -, 1 •!..!yrett 217ettineofttit, Sivibey94,ll l o7l. e 2
1 .. ' ' - I ' I I,' ' •
.! l'e:e. N. c'.f;4;:r..trsori,no77. -..
• - • , i.n. , T1. in. ri•Jiiu, rt. brt.'
L i., t ;.- 1...:0•-,A iif p.ror IX 1.71,ari, Ha- •
114-n , • f" , inol. it very usefithlumare '
ii iii,.l 11.16bielt.."' : i
,o04;I ~
•by 111#.11,01y.ini I. ll a 4 .
1 I , ....- , 1•1 ,, ,- , ; ,
~,...,,,... ~ ~,..1 .r.'l 'it'll,' n! , 1114 . 1 .
: • 1 !. ti In in 11••• • , , erTI P. 01.414 111, ,Orrairl
: I 111r.t : With •//1 Cal4l.r ti A eel I , sig.
• 7 r,,,.,:e",1.. bY ffralviejaia le.& mere
1 , , r ., 1:.1 TT him to, bull ~ brittle ;if ihror.
rid I litiora helieritialit would vitro him,-
' 0 1'.'.1114 'al T. korliat Out my
e n iilt .' fi t i . plit.;;hii • ,al'e; burly Ilialk:
•I ~, 'p, , ,,,i , n••••i/T. ,, i 20 I p4,ifnlfs, and that i
~Tl / 2 - 1 9 '.hatr24•llot. ; t 'ell prodticed fir
Olottimi I:itterii, Misr kb he attrlhnte4
° ' 1 1 4 ' 1 " 1 ' - ' i rI. • I .
1 I I - I•• be ' l . ' • •
10.1if ., "•p•rically. It Olin forwardeii
I to peitite. „.1 . . i
.r 4 1 1• 1,1 4 , t - 'rr ain bo that.for &5.00.
''i I 'if liiitr,rilleti. ' .4,- that' our tam.;
b. l l of iarry,bottlequa buy.' . •
PAGE. 411.. & fC O.
i• '
• •
~ I • .1 • '
' .
'OUR lir., .A. j - •,•
- -.4 1 0 ; i.
; 0 .. . I ' ,
t ,! c ....,..
.J - 11 , 0 add ho,: -.. '
iovs D .
ok , d 1
e ; r, :; s
,ti , ,1 -
tropr,r ~:..r. of StMrrvi ,
~Liier 1
II 1,4.641 aro t 'lilt elaimltietty of ''
lli tro , ritib ta ate , ..oluitoly mromemoe
1 ePtiollllrlivt i' - gliod h ! illut.
ire. ;. TIT-preenciug Cartier of! quiet 'of
Illate•its of I f.--sei:iepiiiicki, mud ~
told achri. 0 siO-ito Veriel!h, .
15afn,, Pimptir lEntcoe,..Ae.., in ,
" : 413. 4 1,, , , : h t t y i.)... 0 u 0 tru d u: 40
4,... C ii :j ra ...:n ei 1 ,i ' .117 ... ".., :.
e it: ort tt , r:; . !
an t ogy; -upl I I !! v!fp;rl4,iiM Innet
0114;1,1mA etal• ItheLlrer.iellers'
r1i,,,.....ati0n Mil ti , ,Tif Ilia 11rweits
ai - Pable bromfatala t i li i iir . ,itar,'; "fa,.
, 1 1
ulMitypectaisa ri , r or Le* .
Fjesteriis, i ! ,l 0, , e , rem . oial of
•.,1 41• . ;!icir .. fii-C.l.i.liT beir.tiorP.l •
.lid li , ,ltli. . ; , -11 . ..
f. - 1 •',' r a.• -1 ' • ' , i
t•Tit3l•7• Illt•VT. in Ifireli ft; iftSo.
Anti-11l1,1.1•1 r•Ti 4 : couunon fimity
i 415.1,1 pri•for ina.....k.a all Others.
Monate the biro t:1, bill anirout a
1 the 111,-r. e.irr ri J l the Tiptirbid
ire tho eyetiaa frao'friitit at ultimo
1 ..: 1 .: .
94x4E1-, m..p. !
Ti: . 31 i ty la, 1.8.5 g.
tiiili of iinitntry,thare
~11 'Os tillb; 1,
...iiflll itSi*eftLE.
Ir. ittlr:nl Fr.o3neeph 0 i:Witli.f ;
1 i , roit
eiiT.4. 'Ai / 540 0
If,aitl'remaly .iu idl toaiplaii to Of .
I; ', I .I I 1., •
I ' & 7'. CFIOATE,III r, D.
1 r ' ' i ll ..• ‘ ll i
1i1i.1.W.1011. carrar:i . ".,,011,),.:
i , • • lA4reh,l 4 p . ! B ' 3, ' :' ' '..
lii ore the brat amtf mod' 91 , 0. 4" .0
. 11.1.11A,5. .1" Pud . i‘sioi•.t
~.... i , . I,F l'i.,.
It t iro. Eike Cri.'ol4: ,0rt..g9.115511.,
;' a. m_dkiroe 711. i OM , 'kith Aliol
. . , , I ' ...
• r T.l BARg 8,
Bervirot.: A•illmon,o3o Term o ..n 1 I
~, .1 1. Velinutriflllsff T .: i I
le .in Ille yovout: Of alaal
t abe bra Soilfrie ‘ - erl!fllat *filch
aro the moos of irattoriroat 4 bito - to
, ! I I ,71 W. I'AYLOE
~- : 0 t ad ' '
A:UrDiti.• niiCa• OS ,
. ;1 '1.1854
1,11 ri' laver.i'' .1 wirielf *NI
*in averdrivir nd Imairem ',l
t: . • .„., PA
1 .-' - - r ---.-1 , -'. 1
m#4. 2.1. ~.
. C ont..
t h
i. ii
t 9 on
I, n yr
. or,
1 1 Lich
1 1 1 " :
Bill ILI:
I ,
.. 4 111
I lit? 11.4 tig
'A d
I k' of
flt Pd H
R 3 I
..7,. . •
.11,1‘ 11,4
'i ,, k,ll!i•••r 11
i•ii'lii. i . i.iii•
11;•-1 ' , Oil.' z.l ,
. 1 ., 11 .. .. T ,C,2 , 1 . 4
' • ',.?.' LM
! Si..l I h 7 .-
I.Si.‘l 4 r , '
td... ... I.
: 1 j, ... :.i . ••.' A
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• Pei)
. 4 3n
F i e
in g . r:
I 1 17 - 1 •
1 -LPI
1 1 1
rue: hot,
imp" to
d will. I.
:" , i
:. Codiii...
theliirTi,4 ,
ilreTremf lit
, 1,„
2.,:,Atrin,.,... t , l! i t
-i06:1t; 1i,..y ! t1
i !ilrerciatly i ,
i ! I , ,,trrr 011
i .. ' 1 riiii ! ..!'
~ 1 1 ..
' . . , ,F.7,,,!, fr
r i ul
tl f ; 4 . i,ll r.
' 0 clikaa I
q' .
IA II a L,
1311:1 Kip
ifllo?,' it. .
•at . tlay arn
Efrerj;t 1./1114, 411
!natter. ' I 1
W to
lin a
Iran i U.
• ee ever 14
,11 II .1 k td
1 VI
tr i 3 o l
I. broth,
?EL I 0
Nit sue,'
ye itetv ,
. d` 1
' i ~,
, 1
" 1
. 1
1'14 , 44 .
J. J.
termii, .
R.l itt thia se
,• 1.3.
-, ~; x';,
E „ 1,)113 A Kl'i a 4 -Id, tilrite Y'gb -
,(04 It .0 1 ‘)D s Erin ri et it'...r.i
, ..
t Artiti - t4)- - Aknii , ttri ,
]Forth, . *l.7,ralliciabrtid o .4 ctual M inket
f9l 4 , 1 )1../ i... , }4 3 Parity
This !Lit ltine La. trrimight t,
t: moot nurse.
I alone curie in desPerste eloesitof
I Bente!". I Caneerowa-formatioat
1 .3uta/seetti Diseases, ErYoili, 6l2l .Bollz." ' -
'implye on the &be, Soiree/es,
1 1 .10,14tublmrn Ulcer!, Sealti lead. - I? Totter affections, ilhountatie diaotderso
Toyepepsia, 1 Cestiveneett, . 1
Jaundice. ; 11l S'ltt i t llcum ,
Mercortal i pisea se l 121,en ell!! Debility, 1 '
Lin e r; Complaint, : Loos u Appetit*, [
Lbw Spirits ? 1 Foul Beamerh, 1
'Female pomplainte, and nil biomes itairon;
their or* "N in al! impure elate of fist! Slim&
of N.
Aug _ _ TTim ... marine Jits,tisi
OoritY•that he wee trented•fur. theicure j -o( C i ao
cur by , three physicians Of Beilfoid Spunti, ant
by Br Newton of the Efectric College la •Giii.
sinrintf E for'n Period of . nearly, eight meatus,
a owl tissitividing - which; hi i lip, f i Ode.' and it Poi ,
lion :,.r his lei Ace* lie riiiirely ',ilia . an - ,' _
He'had gitten UPI all hOpe,jwheu he heard. of
the “Blood,Searalier,'" i ttitil Was induced to , try
it. :Fear battluslcured hint,fand althOugli tads
ly disfignred, there is no - itdestion hut whet this
invaluable Jmediditie saved his I life. • The 'full
.particularsiof this re i tanrkable ;cita l e inny, i lj ut
I seen in -a cirstilnit, whtibjean he j hnil of any of
our Agents; : I • j 1 j :1 " ; •,.
We Mao refer tothej Case of .Nancy Iffeali
; 'ley,' of
; Ettlerton, Armatrang j eminty,. Pail cur
ed Iof. : Bert fitto efter.being unable to gef out of
bed for three. yeari._ ' 1 1 : 1 • • ~.., . ,
'• To the case of a 'l ady In Ansonville, Illenr:
field c,otinti, who Rat tist l )'nfilictpi with:Scrof
eta 'in its oust form._ I 1 1 , ' b 1 1
'fu the , ease. of demi& wild,' rssiditig l in
cart olito n C ambria county, Pat . who woe so
• badly afflicted with Umber that it 11t4.t14 entire
[nose off, I and his case Was,, it• p,:•esib e,
limn, McCreary& , j , J••j ,1
j• Xfhe p'artibuiors of these enses.L-every everyone of
1 w 1,....b Was 1 1 cured by
. the use' :of; the 1.11 od
Sen4e --limy also he .aillid la a,dirctifar , to
be boiaTf any of the Agents. '' .1 I.
I; - • 'k. 1 ft M. if.11:10N, Pr brietorr
j , ' Ldl.,,f•rill•ory for the ; innottfacturo col sole ;
1,,, Ars ue -Ta. it , K. Dejult4 Bollidnysburgli, r .k.
1 1 Br' a . ii .,,,,—, , wh,,,i5a1e . A. g t. pi t t b•itt-g
. Beijor 5ti10\14 1 .. , . E. Balser tend
,Sanol t e
Bennett, tiehe ker; i'lffn_e:f•f.: l 'Ellgar S: _ r
.FitilPton. John. Sargent ! AO!' Briglitont j Wy,
P. I Phillipt, l - FreediStri: O. Gunnfoglinm, I pea
resat Stephen Binitisidgewatert F. -9 , 1A 1 :i7
industry f li l ihn (1•,. -Du , Barlinitokti•Johti tie
Farren et Co.. Smith's terry: John A ocC,jFair,
,iew,. R nndl4 Deniers gentilly. Ottrie64i t lrm
'F A RM FO It\:iAlp r.
, ,
!rum subsCriber offers . fur Siits, a fortn in
Iftwrence Couniy. 'Pal, .a4j..ining laude
1 of Wm. Davidson. :and P. ill, 'Fritt.d & Co..
(Wampum Turnace;) ; situated i MIN froM•
Beaver Creek, i Mite front, a Grist' mill ; -4 mile
from three Bow Mille, 8 miles from New enstle;
. 130.upi0i34, -1;52...acr05, ittaln't :.71.t. of. ~ , abigh)•are
cleared a odl.junderl fensa land ou which is \tt
comfortable 'lfratui. house. I lii bji 2 fi feet.onA,
story high, pd alio fifty hearin •apple tiers,
and:twenty peachf trees, afl ofihr :hest qiialitY
• B.tid; Farm Ihnti itbout ibiry l fit'e acres of In
three feet coal vein. itlnd•jaiso a 'five ; and nsix
feet.rein. Abundance of limestone and !I:10st..
amid is well wintered 'with I good. Springs. wad
I also good exte rnal nil itudeatioir.e, and is Situ
ted withimll a miles tif an Oil well. . I
Air Persona wishing to j. part:thus°
well to call ond exainine fini themselves. :For
reference:4ll.on Wm. liennenly,New'Brigettoa,
or the aUltiiajtier in Chippewa Th.' , Title war
reked. •. N. -,. • J9SEPIT BItITTAIN. j
Jan'y 0.34 1161.—{3n1.1 I -I " 1 '-,_
['rotl ' -', -
Of 1
1111 d -1.4 . 6 1 i ilt 'A'S
BOOK & usic, sT6R.g.. i 1
(Opposite ,the - !tfl'lM.l3B OFFItt '') 1
• ' - ,0 , I
•• 1 . ALSO, il , 1.1
1 i,, •, Second- an ands
d['Pt. , 1 .
. 1 - 1 • ,1 I
music Al. hysT,EU3I t ENTs 01.1! ALL
' ', ' coifs ri
and Staioerx, •
I Na.oo . pic, 4 ';' a nd ' '
1_ Per iipd i ccits; 'Dra lc:v.
ilitifer t 'st4 ttic. I I 1 II . ("Ifity 2d, '6O.
I r , -1 l , '
, I __[
atvipir 11 - 10;v1;
'JO sEr ti HALL, j,trOP ietar.
1 •• V ' ' •.- -I i - ,
~ • • •• , 1 Beaver' Tenn' s.`
, +.
,I ! ".. l . 1-i i' ': 1'
ET AUX() thoroughly titl e nit the eatatilieh.:
11, meat formerly knownn Ina the "Goistir
J Honsit,"; is I I Prepared toj flecom,Entsdate his
I friends, and the public generally; in the most;
aatisfactOrY Menne - 17.f rj I: Apt. 11, '60,. -;
r - --- - i 11 7 - ./.... ..._!_.1... ..._ ___,, j.
j 1 , ' 011;11 O t t ! . OIL!! ! '••
OTICE it berebY gir I l i that pealed prfoPii-:
0 Salt. Will be resell. c d •Lylthe ',undersigned
to the 244: of 31areb, 186I,Ipir- the purpose or
drillingllwci Oil Wella,• to the
n feith 'of 300 ift.l
if nesessary.l.j One on the far of James Brat ,
den, on Raccoon Creek , one-h alf mile from the
j Beaver and Frankfort roadt •and one on Abel
Joseph Rambo, o•. orl i t l ieatt the . mouth
of Guilea l liatt 'The above entailed plaCesl
are! well , situated, and , not imors thau frOmJ
three to 1 64,0ett0 the rock. I ',; ‘. 1
I 1 Address sßelit. Haisha, Barelnivilfe,Beaier,,
cotinty,. 1 . 11.1 I. I . d• A. Ohm, .1k -, '
I I'• [ ' r • IROBT.FIABSII4I, •• 1
•-• 1 1 ( '• lABGH.'d 'RALSTON, ;
• , Mir, 6,'81 .11 • JAMES] BA RSIIA.t .• ; I
• --- - .- • = I.: -_- ----,•-• •—t-- - .. • ti: l -•-• '
1 r
i 1.1. perisoms'indebted to o - the estate of t Johni
/1. Nitta, ate et Brighton townehip4.Bea- 1
rer - so, defeiLltre requested to:mak; immedi
ate payment,f and these having claims against'
raid oidata will ple d sh,present thesis to , the
subscriber • property - sinthentleated for aettie
meet, .. , ,F. 0. WILSON, 440 de kettle nOll.,
,hforch Bth,rlB6l. j _i i ' 11. •
I bTRAY I COW. I • '`
(lAMB ;to the promisee-of the- subscriber, in
.tp. on the .20th' of Zannary,.! a
white c ow, wiCh ;eci ears, ationt 6•or ,7 years
large ayd rat.
"In., ItgqEßs; comieda syr,up of
••--, Lieeiiinvi ‘'04 , 1 Tar, and` Citooltale
gni for , dieeentit. , of she t,hretet sod Lunge,
lir. ,l Stiti(e' Ding stclire. , I j -. l' - - I
D &, cII A LL, s:Date In i•for the. Lungs for thit'ecire of''! onetimptioti, itireki •
bitty iiiitut4 dam., 'lli l r. ' paini . fti. ; 'I- 'il
IDO iott , irsilt • • pibstEt•iptp.
, ,star.rminielkisratamq-I.t.
1 111
11 I ' , '. .• _ . 1-. •• 1
-- 4 .----- ~ - , ~,, .. .. • • -...-., , ~,,,,. •
. I f,,, , .t.., , ,,i,. - _ - I', I 4.. ...i,...6141,•: - i , • 1 ' .q I 'I ! . •
. . _.s a p Trikr :, a ~.
.. , ill
C . . .
~ ~ ...r - .. • • a •
.pair 17tp
de ' - • te 1""•
o f f.ihkil tinictq Healey
Tow rimuTillG T A :• , -
~- , ---•- ----,. - •InII P 1 \ I'OND TirkrBbU GB
Atld fri - thil'alaway litho oft t I if •:- .*"":.jj i'' A • , .... 4. , 4 ,
SadEoltedaliaiffileielfial is lie '. illkiegtosi a ;,,,T,,, h b - . ~
ta:litaatitOAS_i'liteliwils. afeigth : Eightptlnias, 1 ' ,
i Allnirl4. salliagolitsviAlAtehL l / 4 "th)ilat f. - ' • ;-- ' A N !/` ' -. ji
/Heinle and *ll - Skin ,Ikuttastrais - - .. • ". t -
~ • • "1:-... •
1••7.,',' i
Galt"" i hi'''4 4 Wwal Is "' 'N9i Oa FFI3F r r t I St AaLf PG' . r 4
.1,-It'..A . rht qd: Gents I - 1 fve , , ..ditty to ail: .. ' 1 . . '''. ' . , ,• .. ( - •
knowlelge what
. yottr. fersapstrillit-hor o dp eng f e e ms. •
~ • . -;. ~..,-1.-. ,
Davin: inherited I n Scroiltleasinfectionii'DlMw= ' ;xi itiglio g' It t sail - n A rase - "'ll,' • '
nom It to various warrior eras. I &attain's" ir' ' • ' kk al 1 1 /.3, ' isliklll UP1.71 '
out in Mears' on tux diands Whdarnas; sometimes it - , „. ~, ..„ . , .. 4 11 ,
turned inward and dlstressed;rne jhe stomach. Tae ' • ' ..." -„-} " , 4 ,:.
..; fi.'_ . ...
years nett broke wit on my Wad . covered toy scan 7 ' b 4- y'
.... whir one were. which *Ps Fend ketikenne Al d ry 'a i m 11 i ,rs ex• i t0,.........
If- as p - 41f
beyond description:l 1 lewd my nal and sevend 1 - ...5. , ..- ,
ph slants, belt without much rillvt 'from arry daf t iiiiiii 1 - I' .- -j --...,'
het, theAlowder grew worse. ' Jithligth.l wog • . .
to read is the', tiospd Messenger thdt you had. . t 1', L ,,,, V,. so p., „„t 0 1. i r k ti
ig an"alterahve(SainsPernll ) , for I hikew &callow' inritle '• ' w rya' , w•-• 41 4, 11 WM 1 1, II!:
lion thatimy thing you men' must be good. I sent to - ,
..,_ _ l I 4 1
• ' Chicinnatfamt got it, anil inea lt,tillilt tared ma. I took •- , 7"""" i _ 3,1 i • '.
ft, as 3rou advise, in noon doseit'of a. tesiapoonful over a I.OOK. Al _ 1., it. , if I ci , , ,,, ,i ,
, A . o i l
'b . ' ''' •'• ' NO l'''
it:tooth, and used almost three-liake- INew and healthy
skin 'soon began to-form nodal thi wadi, which after a
whik fell oft if, skin is new Wiwi' , and I know by my l' 1
. I,' All}, II I II 6TIII.Rt !lOUs. S.
%slings that the disease has gond ham my syneni. You
can Well believe that t feel whet Sun owyleg when I toll lAI hap- ice G.-round pure .1 0 Its. itorin,ool
you, that I bold you to be one at thirispedles of soh I •• - •
I yours. , alum, ,. 5 e, , rite n pound, 34 „ 11110 fetid A ether
i.• awl rennin ever !gratefully.
ALSItIirD D . TALI,SY. .i•nllteS oof nig; . • 4 -i' ,_ il:
St. Avithonyii Flats Reirsor Erysipelas, .r..c.1 Carole, extra hest ritinlityi . ;la oriiiii tinge'
• 'Teller weld • Salt 4/hewn, Scald Head, • 25, next 20, - 'Lime am s. ,1d at otlier-Ousillit 6
Itingvrorna, Sore Equi v Drutplity. , I . • , ,1 '
i vente sue tier. ..0
' Dr. itithert.lil. Prattle writes, from' Salem*, N. Y. 12th ii , k .- • -sf,,iii best kind g -, be nir ! , , gad fili. ether
Sept ,p 115• J. that, be has cured' wink Inveterate case df ' a IPS
' Dropsy, which threatened to ten:dint° latallj, by tine 'looses ;12i cents 1 - lli
parillaMradabo a thingeroui • urr,hms best .2epents es lite' as, gel 4i -utility,.
ValipZe r n i l g Ergri,fors r by large closet of the same ; . - , e ;.
_, ' 1 -. ' a I • ' l , t i ~ , ---
~ he cures the eCIMI,IIOI3 Eruptions f?y - l o t ir constantly. '
' . Bronchocele ' Goitre or welled Itlessito Prnoms, next 2o cents, same e soli] tit other
i , 4 -. , - - o 1 A.• s.;, ..
Zeindon Skein of Prospect, Ter" rites : , rnree hot. houSes• on- reit ti • • 4f t ..
ties of your Sareaparjlla erred tu i, f r o m s i. Oben -f- . s lifill- liroeins, next 20 cents,. slime a sold tit. other
ions 'melting on the neck„ whllisl I had sugned item ho - usea 25 ceme , 1 . , i I
over two years." . . • •
i I
Ilro,rina, eiriallt. whiap 10 ce l nts, Isom. s o ldsisp a t
I Lent escheats. or White'. Owerisift Ill'aintors
- Uterine Ulceration, PesSsle Digest/eat oilier !muses 12 centsit I v•
a 1
, • , v
' - Dr. J. S. Charming, of New iTrlplity. write .; (totter Prints. ' •
- i nuet cheerfully coniply with the r,egue,t of your agent in 13.,e1,,,,5, he al ; ;eh. h oops l cra t.•,,,thr ei oh oo .,. , .
sorlex I have found your fro,r.aparilli a meat excellent' , r ,, - „ r
alterative in the tilimerons eninpMints f o r whirl, we ,Z..) cents. , I . . 4 . ? ,
4 . employ such a remedy, b u t especifdly i m jt.,sate nisAues IlrlisbeN lqhg ltnnale shoes, Ifl cents, /16id-itt
if of tke Scroll:dews diathesis. I hase enTed ninny iltveter- otter liouses'23 CAS.• 1 1' . 1.11 ...
e . ate maw of Leitcorrhma by it, and Same where the emn., Fry eliee, common shoe, fro'in 10 14 il l aitii. .
l a'at h : 1 .rai r """d 12 " sk" d at'e e b+ue nT The k ulmr l: fl dt' 1 3 d'4' ta, i t I fit
9 l'eel "a" "°')" e.'" • `c ot it% w t 1, 1 mY wow eons, goo nr te e. nu ce , • A a , it 4 .
il .eirioDuill It 6 T 4l ""*.reuude d'ilibretraebt° 2. ' Conl4ino iraixens-10 centssatlia Ur estittirlitnignit
, ~ ward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala. writes, “ A den , - ...: e , L.
' moue oeuritinltinme on one alibi) feimalcs in my family, I=l Ceittg.
I, ' which bad defied all the' retneditis We conld employ, has Chocolate, best Fretiolt steep*, IA dettEd,elitiolt
... at length been completely cured 3 , , fear tractor*.Ex -
ii...e/of 15 sticks. I , g . i,-4 - 1
'Verifies" 011 . 1. phyticidu ebony t , Itstbitia hat-salietwe ~. $ '9,' 1, • i '' • ' l ssi. ,-I
then Could afford relief: kat Me e s e vhsat the trial of your k andt, ivi.ite -reek, i Fen 4, rtes rt .. ,,AE,..,u.
if tlerimparillti aa the last revert cutting. and it 0-, o l. ; l ti fe soda, 9 cents a pound. - -'1 •
preAred effeettutl. After taktrigrat: tnedy• eight weeks t 0,,,,,„ n i rn . ine 24 ce . nts 3 , -' i ' t
so symptem of,the disease remain's:, , 1 1,,, , s p , 1111 1 ,
cotton Wick, 60' ' (id i I
. Syphilis and Illerenrkal ,Dtmeaute. • ,
~,, , .
(--, NEW Otu.r.Ms,lttit Anenst;losll. 0 1PP - eras, 5 4 O, u!, 4. 1 ' , 3 ,
• • De: J. C. Ar i as : -£llr, I cheerfully; niply with the re- ,Coneentrrited Lye,' 15 cents. ' o pot: I , ' l l
Carbon Oil, best A - N0..1; 7 ; cents', llt.tollod:
'0 swan °flour agent. and report, to yen outpour the *Sects
. cent, Toon ..11,
~ /hare realized with your Sarapairilfa. , . . e 11 1' t 18 , 1 191 - 4 s '
'I have enretllwith it, in my practifie, Most of the fee} A tif ee, I ves ran ,
plaints, for which it is recommended; and have Lund its 'Con/Ir.). Seed, 9 celltB 11 pOtiniti ; 'III
effectktruly wonderful In the curio bf -I %fterecd and Al` ' Flour , best extra, No 1, by this barrel Yui%
essefa4 121hiet tn.. r flue of my patients', bad Syphflltle ulcers - ~' • . ~r '' , „I'
lb his ihrodt, idlitch were •eaniruznink his panne snd.the' . ' le". ~r in fifty pout , . aal. , cbps ph r wan
top of his month. Your Sareatiedilte, Steadily taken, , market prico. l• • , .1. • ' il 3
cured him in Are weeks. Soother Nu attacked bikiec- Glue , Sprildlngd ,vilth ft •ktili-li: 17 • dent*. .ruc he
ondary Symptcime to his nee*, andttne nicerathin had r „ '8 , , by 4 , , „,, 2 •• „., i .. ,
eaten sway a considerable, port of1t; to that I helievelho '.'l a lls by l 0 ,- the obllil.79:er tc, 4 3t knight
disorder would won reach his bra!it and kill him. but it do ¶4 liy 10, do 1.87 er 3 ~,ttlit •
do , d 4 -Or :4 i!VOI
yielded to myadmtnistretke: of 3•iiur lianamirillal the , dr ., 11).. , ; ,,, 12, ..
ulcers healed, and lie is well again i odt of course ivithout ' , A n • ~ ,
. 3 , k. ' • I
sconst dhdiguntdou to Ids face.. it t wootaccwho bad been 'VOL '-', by I'l .0 , ' 2 pp. or 4 l t 010
treated_for the. tame diaorder by
_ni.eicury s i tu , ',uttering 1 tin 11 . 1 by 11, do 1 dot Ol e 4 •1i 46
' from this poison In tier Cane*. Tbeylbea become so sae .; d ,, 10 1,, I g , d o - • n „ i t•
„,„:. .••1,.,,, .
site to the weiwher,that on a dadap day she suffered ex- '..„_, .” '' / . . - - sir •
emending palci' In her joints and Wows. She, to e , n ag ; yur Glrise to best City Reltdd tiny tatter size
aired entirety by your danuquiriSsi l in stew weeks. I , Rantoul will he ettld for 20 dente less* a dol.
11111 'w Ercw its fariaah" ankh yo l ige ut g a " m e' ibat ' I far than ftreoito-price cart: s. ;I '•
this Prepantion from yourlste tory mint be a great , •- i • 1 - , -
relliedy: reenalillentli,'disee tsu y' rsmarkabie results , Burnt Coffee, always ono ce lacier rnittitek
1 ,
With It. have nilleurprised Mei I I t Geff,eP, Rio, three ditlereut kin a, lbegiOr tint's/ ,
linden:ally yours, G. r., ORI3IER; N . D. ' ' itliy it ore in Pittsburgh, ;. - '4
• 1..
Ithettmattatia, Gil:mei - Liter Complaint . 1 offee, ronsicti, alsanye ego cent,Delow imarket:
1 bizottni4ea, Preston C...i.'4. Yd., lab July, Isaa. I t'lg,:iri, COlfint op, 20 cents ti .tvulitired.
~ . ,I;,1
. ,Da. J. C. Ardtt"iiir;l bave Weil of listed with a Pala" ' ('' - 1 1 If 8 tisb; 45 cent I a It' Jtaill. '
Sol chronic Rheum - elan for allong time, which battled the ‘i l il'l re. 'a Pa' ~ 53 un
n -i:.
WU of physicians, and stuck to use despite of all the 1 Cigars. . best-ezrra . built 'l3;aptithi . eta s
reatiedies i mild ankuntilltried yoor-Sanaparilla. Ono i h un d r id, - ' i •:, 11 •- --
bottle eared mti in two seen, and restored log genera : ci ) r en . o ra ' n gt t. and Leaton, Ili Biala t era 4 /
health so much that I am far betterl than beforel ass
attacked. I think It. wonderful medicine.: J. YRNAkleo-1 -" pnund. I . ..,
iltilos'Ar. Getei;ll, of St. hulls, writes: " I have been : C loves, ground, 20 cents a pound , or /111' emits
afflicted for years with art.a/fecticin:ce the 'Liter, which 1. '
an ounce. 1 •' - ~• ' :p i, • il .
destroyed my health. Itried ovary thing, and every thing i I ' • ' , ~ .1 ,
failed to relieve me; and I-hate been 4 broken•down man- i Cloves, whole, -16 cents a pon ., ,d. 3
for some years from tic otheicause than deran g ement of- i Candles, ()pal, best' Cineinttatil•lll toetitiV• lama
. !the liter, sly beloved pastor, the Rini, Mr. Espy, advised. ee ethers charge 22 • ~ , - , •• .4, •
I me to try' your Sarsaparilla, Lemuel hili Saki he knew you, _ bt IV it ll2 10
ein d n a y thing you made WAS worth trYlog. By the hien. t . treese, es estern esercei% emit 1
fog oilliod it ball ruled ale, and hill au urn Follifusi lug blood toffee Felix's E.xtract,4 cepts - .1 paper of 444.-
ay to make it new man of tee. IkW young agate The
beat that can be raid of you tee dell eno u gh " torn 14 cents. ; . ' fi t l l,
,• Cinnamon, ground pas 9 cetits per ilpoubd. ' 1
Schlirrre,Cnneer ,I•nnalor 1 4 Yr.nlargentents t.;11: rind Dry Yobnceo . , l ire° ilOds, S pd DI,
Illecration,.Carlea and liCxfOliwilun or . . . .[ i 1 e l
the Honed. . -l i f I ~" • eentE . I,t ,
Crackers %tier bestkind ' cents IS dint
A great Twist; ef awes bevebeen reportad to us where •• • • j 4 Pa
cures of these. formidable complaint/Phase resulted. from. I • Sugar, .. -0
:•• , i lli
the use :tibia remedy, but (Mr spaps hem will oat admit . .t Luc ter, •', 1, ''' l• 1 3 .ia
them. Some of them may he' found in caw Amerhen , . ~ , ... ,;, •
~. i i ' . ~.
- aimatiae, which' tbe agents below 'nettled are pleased to ,' “ •S•lnit• • 'W • i . •
fait:hal grads to'all Who mot ree.them2 . • - :''.lfason'e,Blacking , , 4 'crept-hare , ll'oetiti tateli-
Dyspepsia. Heart Olsenat, Fits, EPlicn•• 11 - , urn. 2 cents small. 1 '' I •
ley, Melancholy,' Nertralgtis .
in itially rematkiible awes of tinsel affections buff , beew 1 1 , N . Lolei: e s s .Syrup, rki cents a gal . 1,, 1
1 beet Philadelphia, 1 ego boxell 6 for
tide by the alter.° power of thifi within.). It'atimn- If ... , c . _ ,
~. , •
la the the vital fit Mons into, vigonnsie action, met thus I f 5 cents.,
ore rouses disorders a hich would be s u pposed la-yond its ' Matches, best, i gross,. coettaii ti 126 , for 5
react \Stich a remedy bas lobg been required by the Ile. i. • ,_. - - • li,, y,
eessiti of the people, and wears ceatident that this will I cents "- ••- .
,II ,
,„. z
do fur t m all tl , ertt inedine ten d.. 1
all_ .
Pow4red Sugar , best kind. 124 and It rte..
Cherry 'l • " whole , l') D CI
-i t p ~ cents a ou . , •
Aye sH or
6 1 , , , ~ 'lice; best A No' 1; 51 cents ov cowl i i ,.
~, ' ! Raisins, best box Layers NI petite a pek i ithd._
~ , F ft TUE ItAriu (MIIO OF
, I ••••, v It•lnek'
in , -, large' pacers, [cents a ' ''h. ' ."'"
' 1 ' °e
' ' ` '' 8 til ..
Canglino• entfi., infii!onnoL n nftrinne'" , ' ball , - ' I toll' sacks fur table us e r .on
Ciro:lp, Bronchitis, 'nett:lent Con- in I .' ' ,' I f
• sun/Ptfon), arid Tor the Belief i Salt,' white and clean, by th e d art i,l2l4inarta i
.or Consompttre Patients .1 A cents. -r .1 l e l
In advanced - Stages
' of t w o pLitocie, ,. '•- 1 , Snuff, block, 25 cents a pound./ • 10.
- This Is* remedy so unh'iisidly letuol it to 61211)11118 SIDI [Snuff yellow Scotch. 22 cent. , g • • Pound- i •
other foithe cure of throat aw'd lulls. Oodiplaihts. that t 1 Sugar, of all'ltinds,' leas than 'any otlieietore.
la 'we i r" her ''''''P abl h h th e ' vide a" i'r its VI I ni " . 115 I t.god:i. ustshing two ponnds for 'tl cents. g. -
unrivalled excellence for conghls slid colds, and its truly i , '.. . , i • 1 .
wonderful cures' of pulmonary "dis tte. have made it f‘tareli; best A. :No 1, S
~ cents 41,pouud.hic
known throughout the civilized nations of the Garth- ii•tarch, Silver Gloss, in . paper', 10 tecnts_ a
p e tr a re the communities, or even mutes , among lin'in
who have not scone personal lexperinca of its effects = P atinfi '`
= f I ' l 1 , ,
some living llwilillY fn divir Idst of it victory over the , Shoulders. lowest market preetill ' ~,,.",-..."; ,...'
aubtle and dangerous diaordrr •of thed t and lungs. f Tea "thlutiowder o 45_cts mane lailers Cillitwat 75
As oil know the drendirl fatality or th,....-111, , ,,de., and
l Tea Imperial • 84 •• 1 1_ 1 ' • '! 1.00
as they know, toe, the effeila of thisireniaiAt e need not'
'T ' Imperial 45 r , I -..' fI 44 40 7O
do more,than to assure them' that it his no .all the vir. i eal
~ ~, , •
toes that It did baremben Inaba"; theeareo WiZh hare ' Tea toting Ilyson 84 " ' -.• " f 1.011
won se strongly upon the contidenel o f !
L mankin
", •• - .65 " ,' •- I 11 e `75
Prey- 'by Dr..T. C. /NKR & Low",
Jpared .4.. & Co.; lowan. •
1 ' . t 1 j ,
% 7.
i ;S.. For Bale 1y 'D. Minis, Jr., - geave S
Cross. Roche,ler, IVagganer &- „ i l,o a ry i , free
dew; 4, NitdAds, . flaclett: .11- Sargent, -I,ie . r> ,
Iliightan,! Jolin Black, I Darn ington, and' by
'6alerei ereryiellere. ,• I I. • i 0c131,00. '
1,1-URL ...
lie "HOUSE
---il I 1 • 11 " •
1 Mg utiderifigned takes this
imethol of infcirtl, ing the public
Igenerally,titlit . le has leased
land ' thorongl4 ' , renovated the
LI 103ItlY '601151:
situated en Third street, Baay cr, ti-
The I
houtfe is eligibly • situntee„ . Torl"pUhlc 'conveni- ,
ince, Ilialable 1101 alWays be furnished with
the choicest viands the marketleai afford: The i,
house being large and vr.ell furnished, comfort
able. beds Mtn always be livid . ,i , - \ - i
Ili , : Stable:s Being, the hlrgetit lin the dotinty, 1 1
dry nod well ientilated, with /the assistance of
an inttentive and •obliging fickler, that noble
animal, the horse. will be } well carbd for, In
a word, it is dur determtnation to make the .
Liberty. Ifousela plaze sitier‘, ihe public- can
obtain every thing that 10 , 111 add to...their cots; co,
fort ,and conwenience. 1:, i Ala CLARK,
Mar.- 6, 1E4,1..1 [• -: f
• .1 -, ------------
•• • '
1 H E following property. ' belonging to the
I estate of Pr. Q. cupoiligniun, tb
wit; , Lots Na. 30. 67 "and 69; - inthe borough of
eaier, and part of out fist ..ailjoining the'sfa
lot be offered at pNivpt Salo until the
of. April next'. if !notidniposeil of will
be faS,ient, The dots in Borongh are
beautiful he sitUated,for Ovate rOsidencss, and
tinder, a floe state of .cultivation. Fin' terms
_appiy to
mar. 6, '6l. I D. f ."" rt!..
9 .-
711 E ,b'epartirkota . the6:li inver
-• Academy wiMbi for ion( fro the inn - pose
of keepinga Boarding H.:lase 'for Studentr.ond
Tenehere. froninhd'nfter the Ist. tl April next.
Wiitten applidation l s' will-I be ireoeived by the
tindeinigned Comniiitee. ,the.. enifin, unlit
Merob 15th. 1861
~f f desired; iiiitnediate ppe
sitainion cord be ici en of the Vitilding.' .
• ' By order i)f-
tnar6.lll.. .1NO.'B: YOU G. Benner.
I I DIESOIATTIOpi._7I, 7- 77 - -.
r I %HE Partnership heretofore &Slating under
the fine !of Woewarnir 'ilt - 11.1cQuitzsa: is
thierfday,dise cared bye ifintilaVeonsen t; all debts
tf tae firm mill he settled. by Asyte Woueaurr.
'oho will eentlibue the buisneeent old_ stand
and all elltinis w i lbe paid bfblow:: .
Bridgimatet, Oet.-24 ; 11901 X
Call 4.C.
, . . " .. 4s. .. , . I t , • .kl fin.
1 .
Block-or °hiring 40 ~ . .i
:,, i' 4l bp
1 •II . fr 165 •4 : ! 110 ;. .......7F„
Tubs, largest Size - , three hoops ,' 85. -I; -.
Tabs, - medium, 65., . t , Il i ,
Tabl, small, 55. I . ~ t..• . ' Ct . !
-Tobocco, Granrs,.3o cetts ff pourid or Foments d
~,,. . •. . il- . ii i
Tobacco, Baltimore Twist , CcintS a pcliOod.
Tobacco, bcit Dog , Leg, for satioking; 114etits- a . '
Floyd.. •- - lb ,
Tobacco, 'Baltimore .Twist, 4 ceots a plitgOr ,
cents a pouni. .
.'' I I i
i- . 8 .1
Tacks, carpet., 4 cents a paper. "-' . , ' ••: •
Unground Cloires,. 16 cents a poUnd. • 11_ • .
Uogreund Cinnamon,3s cents:al-pound; i• • - ' .
Unground Pepper, 12 cents it:.Tiound• I' l • 1, -
ngrourni•Alispice, 12 cents a 'peund t' t l -
Vinegar, best Cider, 4 . cents ti: ... .oaart - ar 14'
Vi 1.• :
cents a ga ll on., 4
‘• " I - • -. i
ash D.,iar.l 3, 20 .1 r
W coil ts. •
,_ i 1*
apiti' Grease, manufeetnted:* John Wheal; L--.
Frankkort, Pa., 22 cents for'.- pcninii cane,
or *2.15 a dozen.: ' 'ti• ' •
Gum Canipbor, 5 cents an onnse :4'
Stone Ware and ;ugs, 9 cents rti . kallon4 • '
Saltpetre, • 20 cents a ponnd,-. eame '.ot• llbera
charge 25. 1... I •''
Epsom Saults , 8 cents a pound - '- - H • •
Corti starch; in pound paper, 11 Milts li
1 li x • I#'
paper. " ' ' •-' ,
Extract of Log:wood; best kind, t . eiliapetlioxes;, ,
"20 cents'a pound.- ''• ~ .•• ' 'U . ":
Grouhd-Mnst . ardi best English, 9 cenislpe's 1.,
pound or 30 Cents
potind. • ,•?
Herring, smoked, in boxes, )5 ce for 14 . -;• i . -
Hemp seed, 9' eAtiti a poured: i -,.'„ ' -
Sugar Cured Dried Beet, earwax 11 tfi ~rfits a
11 1
i pound.
,11 ll .
a uger • Cared Cantat.W l Hai m,very utile 14 ,
c ents. 'l, i'•
F sh, best White , 5 cents'n poun d. - i q •
l'isli beat Extrr, No. 1 llackeralirinsproted, li
cents a pound. • .- ! q , : .t •
Fish, best No. 8, Large •Ilnekeial, 7 cents a• • .
pound. - ' • ‘• • i'l • A
tirOutid Ginger, 12 centelt poanor. l l..
Extta nice. White Segar f ' .n 1 li!V eitto
pound: _, . •• ! ‘ , l - :', - , r., -
Good Cotton Itatfirit, No. 2. ottlY 4.1 - oidaiti a
• `pOnitl. 1 - :
Option Batting No 1, 111 cents . a poun d 3
" •-• -.L.:,--. 1 , C ii .
P I 0 . 14 '
T ILE , HIGH EST RlC q 1 E ',N .. ~ A S
' • ' * -.. I 1 il . :
. - ' - PAID - ioa : R4ioi. - 41-
't; •
' - 11
Call and e# toefor., purobasiae-- t
-The above is our retai! prices 1,w1 1 • 1 1.01011rit
at ivfoltsabe t but oally for eati4. l '
Sept. 3/9tisr -
.1: • -
cotNnit - \ ktßp