The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, April 03, 1861, Image 2

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    .6' ~'
6 "
sw Totl'llsrott 31.
The Cunard 1 etearnahiit MAUI artived.i.
this luoiaing, with.Liserpool*PC-'rarAtßat-.
_ urdsy, [the 16 inst.', snt-taTegraptedl ad
vices cisi(loceastown
-I'be Steamer Sazoois arrived out on tha
.17th idle.
Greif! srihria --The-Du4letikof Kent
.r.emothetlef _queer' Yieturia, died _oil Beha
r day, the ISthinst.;after r .-- a serious. i'l
- •
nose.. •
' The 'arliameote tots have not
beiii4titisrriant. '
TbaiLoodoe Tirritsism the Con.
letivratad Stites are 'iwtiiiiitntiit e t h e - pro.'
posedifloan, see ing that ontr'4lftkof - their
poprdspon is pledged to repadiittan. The
Ifittiettasys that President , ' Davis ii the man
'who laughed at the dupes iir the
it„ details of the stirrender of
the 0 - tidat of 'Messina shows t at it was nn.
17 - .
Aft four days fir ingover five thousand
'Men SW three hundred cannon were SOT.
readt4ed. -
patella Del Foote would not be
• able z to resist much lottgrV:
• Th 4 Italian Chamber of -Deputies had
nnaolisously approved of the - assumption of
; : - tbe title of Kingdom of Italy.
DTs YORK; Harsh 80 —The 'steamship
. .thraiiiliWebster which arrived here this
aftertionn from Brazos, reports that she
landeti!st Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, comps.
:deal.. and M. of the first artillery, anti at
'Fort,-Key West, companies 1 apa
the nine regimeot.
The, Indians were Coinchitting great
among the people of 'tease, killing
many and ruining off with their clock_-
`Maple Sibley Intl chastised some' of the
Claintaa, the 111eziean outlaw, whose
movements lately gave so much alarm' to
thepeople of lirownsville, was understood
to bti pe awaiting the departure of the United ,
Staffs troops, to recommence operations on
a larger `scale than heretofore
- ,
ClEgoioo, •Al arch 30.—The banks of
t his [city on Winday . will _ &brow out the
'nottis,of th e following thirty-two Illinois
binka - •
Benton, Carmi, Chester, Feder.
al, Frijol), Quincy,. Republic, Belvidere,
Canal, Citizen'zi ' - Commercial of New Ha.,
yew, ,Coniinental, Cortiplanter's ygmer's.
and; Trader's, Fdrmer's Bank •of Illinois,'
Fiiiimer's Bank of Clanton, Frontier, Grand
Prairie, Illinois, State, - Lancaster, !der
ellaflt's and Drover's, Mississirbpi River,
New 41arkot, Pima Prairie State, Rail.,
.road; '
Sbawanees Pike County, Mdgar
County, Morgan County
,and Southern 11 ,
Theis batiks have eirentated $35,000,.
000,ibmed npnn Mitieuri, - Tennessee and
A•t: .present 'market
rate.nrsecurities,. the'notes are ,worth 851
@Onen the ;111,r.
.• (1.
. H
RICHMOND, VA , March 30 =ln the
Coinattop, to day, Mr. Flourney,uiade
-speech in "favor (d
, preeenting , the uftimatuna
ofYirginia sod opposed fo Border" State
s,r, fames, of Baibour, made a Ppeeeb
in [favor of seeePsioo.
Goggin urvl the plan of withdraw
al [and reeonstruction'set fourth in his re.
p°7 l
the Convention,' by a vote of 64 against
88,' adopted a resolutio l n to terminate the
debate in Committee of. the Whole an
Thursday next, when the, Convention will
proceed to vote on the propositit f n of - the
Federal Committee, and giving a brief
time for explanations and amendments,
aid no member shall F peak in •Committee
there than once on the same proposition.—:-
Adjourned. - •
Dstrua, March 3th—Tte daily yield
of gold in the mines , is: very . rapidly, in.
creasing. The mils are nearly all getting
tojwork, many of them with the new gold
saving .process. The population on Blu e_
Over p:epe has doubled in the last month.
That distance will be a great theatre of
gulch mining operations the year ,round.—
The snowy range ,between the South and
Middle forks, is open for pack animals, but
iot for wagons. - Emigiauts from the States
ire - beginning to arrive. The weather' is
V'ery fiue.•
ILIEW IT.CANIS, March 311—The 'Gant- ,1
er Coatzacoaliaa arrived off Matagorda Bay'l
4,12 the 25th inet , to !oh:, away the Federal!)
tioopa. It it reliably, rtatPor that the trooptk
Willi* 'aided at New Ye'.
c.,, Eight hunched :troops are awaitiog
jriketporta lion atlodinoola.
1 Beverel companies were expreted frme,
lab Antonia.
At•A, April I-- Active
;efforts are being made fo cotitil-te the gap
iti the railway, betteri to Pensacola in order
L ie facilitate : the- transportation of troops tr ,
r the Gulf, and it s will be cemplelei within
is few days;
. I No advice, of importance have beet re=
•iceited frotri! Peon ota. It . was believed
ttha the sup ly . of p ovieieus et Fort Pick.
Sean was se rce. - he confederate troops
iwiih provisions an ammunition are flow
' rag into theiconfederate army in numbers.
Two . thousand ' tibope are expected at
LiOntgomeri duria4 this week. /: • ;
- i • •
, .•
8.4.2•1 FRANCISCO, blareb 21.—Jas. A.
eDottgal waa.dectsred elected to be Uni
t Stat S's .sahate i by the legislature ;in
int convention leak evening, receiving. 56
Ltiof /II !votes- IRe was awirded a
fieate of election by the Govozoor,' and
equilitly the dleritza affidavit of 113
being cast, so l leaving Man:gal :One
to abort. I An investigation is pfansed
it joint otionmittee. •
Rearm, 46 211:2 1 1 1: The ar.oialstate
election s ; took pla to 4y.' The Republic
can etandithite foriG vernor was W. A
Biteltiogbam, and Li - competitor, Jamas.
pi Goomis,inpon
,who the whole ofrlbn
',clip:whim were nit d. The 'reautt, is • iti
Republicaolvictoryln New London ; Oa
~yt'apublicanis 'brte a majority of 137, •
gain over listyearta me: 1 :
1" (
t te.
13 0
r V 0
r b
(Cisairxi►it, A
! 146 pasndiufflai
Domocrapor ticket
SD° ilbs:rriejr;
S. DaVenport i Editor t Publisiier
3,' :
4 11
fronalential - Wiliton name
toe,. late .for insertion Ibis week. It 11011
appeili in line-next
TREitvurtmett-Sitiv.s.÷- The Treasurer's
Stlre ere adjourned itill /Saturday, the 6th
li4 April , F - ; I
Mar 30,'6,1.' B. -*WAAGE', Treas.
Finsr or Moni3aY wee
' 71"hoie of our sub
sarroere having chstiged their Wades of res.
ideoce notify us of the kers
'-•. , 7 „
brie Jest week (relied up Ile act frequmog
the Ceveletd sod Pittsburgh . -Railroad
Company, to fence alai' , track in, Beaver
county. It wee, h4wever, defected—yens
12,,,nays , 13, A Motion , to reconsider lima
=Lie, and is now !-pending, so; the& one
L , -
chance remains yet.,
t • r
illtwitirratiAL CUANUE —Me ~ T. , Da.
vidsOn, who has bard' charge of ihe,ideever
M Church during the peettypikT;leives
tbietreek to enter: upOil hie aew field of
labor, at Cambtidgej Ohio. Mr D. leaves
with the sincere regrets of many ;'who
have beibme strongly attached to him . durs
his .utiFtisteriSl labcits iu rthis Om-
Muttity. .; • . i
Nem Postmairtutt.- - -We are -grettfied
fp :Wan that W. Kerr, Egq., basbeen
appointed Postmaster t 4 -Prerdom, - lien
ISII. John flr,abana, who bas been in the ;
occupancy of the office for 1001 e years' r past
Mr: Ken is a meth worthy, competent and
deserving wiser; and we feel confident in
predicting: that "quota' Sam' will 1 noi base
4 4
in ilia service a m o re faithful and obliging
officer than be will prove himself, to be.
.:BSTTETI. THAN PIL.-4-11 is rep' ited that
a illr. George -Seance., of kliten Yalley;,
l 'wbilet boring for Oil, I!‘et, week i wit a;depth
l of 'about 1,80 feet ) came LOUp vein of
Coal over fourteen feet iu thickness. ll'ett
we to bis shoes, fancy we should eschew
"oil aliening" for the time being, and
tutu our altention to mining.
; ,
Dififil.'he Senate of
_the trailed §tates, i
which l iar ' been holding Executive ses.ions I
since the 4th of gaich, wbouroed sine die.(
oh Wednesday Nit: Some ..fiiii. hundred )
appoinfineuts by Ithe 'President ' . wer e
r con.:
firmed previous td, adjournment .: Tile ini• , -; ,
prat:dot' seems to:Prevail that no extra seed
lion of Congresa3 will be diiemed necei- I- II
easy..' I
ni M
I__ . 4 . 1 1
ADJOURNENT.—Tbe Honse bag passed
a resolution fixing upon the 18th instant as
the. petfad for die final adidurometstr of the
! I
two branches or the Legislature.' The
, . .
Senate bas not concurred in- the time, tug
i.i it likely tharit Will. The ApprOpriaL
tion Apportioumeny and Bank Bills , tir*
still pending, and until ice ' are d ispose dO
Of no specific day eau be agreed upon. `
bbould there he Mated:ill disagreements
' between, the two Houses, in refLrenle 'to
'xliese measures, as there undoubtedly will
be, the probability' is that n i p* adjournment
will take place until some' time ; in the
: --- , •
Month of May. . . . ;
IN VpIAND(7—The demand for - dwelling
bouses, in Ibis place, this sewn, bee per
:haps been,gresicr than ever befere known ;
fact, many Persons have been 'compelled
to go away il L iiappoiated..l,: Whether this
da*and bar bnen created 1, by the Ednetr.
tional facilities' we enjoy, - or by the oil 'ex
citement prevalent ,in this region, we'llirt
not altogether 'able to determine But, lei
the.cansit of the demand be, what it may,
we reword lite ,fact as an encouraging one,
and trust that owners of real estate will take
the hint, sad ., by the erection of suitabl e
dwellings, during the Der year, awe that
the supply . is fully 'op to the demand.
, HOME TamaAim—This community
. appears just nhw to be infested with' horse
ibiseee. ,- Wei chronicled, list week, Bre
stealing or s horn sod 'buggy from •Mr.
Thus. Stoke 4 of Brightoo township. 'A
few nights ago, an attempt •,wits mode to
veal s:hoite 4 oelonelog to Mr. Barndollar i
a near neighbhr of Mr. Stokes. The
mal hid been! harnessed, and taken oat of
the stahle;„lo, by some means broke away
from those :hiving it in charge, ati, k in
rushing by the 'muse, araltenefl ; Mr.
who, upetii' going otit, 'disocriereo several
'scamps Making rapid progress through hits
Those dealing it horse oai would
do:wellaQ keep a sharp bolt out; sod Moak
olasely * s t tioVeroents;;of suspicious Per.
sons zrowliog through the DeigliborhOod.
,ImilirThe .oeriner shd Gerduer'!l.and
"Nmericao Bee Journal" for April, have
been. Vet:elver!. 4veFy page of these hand.
some i monthlies -is filled with {matter of
deep impliiwsece to the men who cultivate
. .
the 'soil; or who are engaged io the inte rest.
log mid priftiableperopatioo of Bee Culture,
The publishers, desire s of having them
thoroughly itittoduced,
`rill Send specimen
coPiesfof either or both, ; without e)iarie,- to
ell wtio iottyldisire it:iThe,price per. , year,
I juntas ls' ' 1 ' 04 - 1 /ion o s j '.
, r 1 , 111
: each: —...
Wheit bath are ordetedriat,tke 140111 !igne,
they ire furnished itt.,.51:69,-with a bend.
some hooli . si a i'reviii4in; , •,.
Address 4. '!fit fipitoiler,d, Co 1 , 25 North
4 3zOorsorkl'hiro.! I ,_ : 'l'
L--t Tue city cite
.ekcted. by.:-:Aitwui
:$: vipt, pA , ,, 4
Far Eftsii jast three or four me
sertsatiobtapig-_have t ad *tat,
called ai - 4 . 1 7' 1 1 . g e ' i lly .% V
fle!" 11 ,f° cl . fi app , mobl l
sil t at the fr h, aid alit p ad ;Mt
• ! .. d ' r - 4.-' s; _,,
oft toe ,seetesiontem toit,.. ct,,, I
Steles, therigroinagti.kAtlierkir 1
constant fettling of soxietY,in the
-mitt& But Otis-bing..hai gat 'at'
~bei•a perfect niiisaoce, II! ,
i posit
eidnrable. 'llre lre Ott, g lire
ff . 1
esoitem ! kil, , The Nem/Y*4r— pap
, .
firer, Pot; content !rob ;ilk, . form
in' ibis behalf, stik.cony ' s. the
inc array of "Ilost. I .,
1-Latesti Intelligence," :i i . g &Ming
mente,” etc. r 'displayed large
the head, of the..*ns,ltilthOug
nothing import:lad or startling.
The itipppantmeute made by i6 i
istratio, the movementtl'of a el'
r net mittieter, *lie- molt ',rifling
take place are heralded feith with
. ! . •
;may. of phrase eapitals, _llona
lrer, end arranged tiodtir.the . ss
typed ' 10 tart lin& DelteloOteists,"
q_is sometimes quite attiring t
ftltn inetiona cit. the l
i ' , i. Jupi
_bf - importartl *tell
!bleb the fall Of , an 'Empire, a
of a Church steeple Would hi
with the sa me degree of lemphat
i 1 1 -
removal of a tilr*" "from one' of,
I ,senesli. midilq astounding 1 a
Tel of a 'eabinel'officter. i Thin i
This is whit -'ethitsi ;rands
enrisatiow prase a nuisaWee. ./3
..r i i
AM au the Same strain, everyth
dorful, everything important.
!that the public ire beginning t
, .. ~,, ''
!too much, of - this good tillag e
Muck pudding, and top ;little: hi
The; 'State of the ' C.un •
, po sing 1 - . The ebuov
is now through
was itb
lot time tryijig scenes,Whioh. fill .
• , • ,.. ir •
true friends of the uovernme. t wit h eon
siderable appiebension.llThe .el Admin
_Upon coming into power, lba
been /otopeliod to discjparge 'eerily all tit •
Federal office-holdere, and sup ily,tbeir pla
oes with D i e w ! appointmputs f .mrits Pw.
tanks. ; This duty is always n itleritely
haiiirclonelone as.therelire i. every party
•- r' lil I.
.1 great sirany• - unworthy applioults far , the
situatioca :cf I lionor aiod pro ; t. z l The ad.
ministration' of Gen, T yior as,nearly rip
li e d by,' the tippointm ntlot ' Ull'enibei o
1 f I
the Cal:dit l tit, from -Georgie; th.elefalca lam
of several o ! - ilurrin 'lran 13.reOs o ca.
broko bina. down far ever; w : e ibe term
conduct or Cobb,'Flop* and . I hompsoit sr
•• r ',
familiarto all. I 1 -
It will be more 4 thtin we an ,justly
' . I • 111 . • 1..--
peat, - last, amid the rust m illllide ul
. • . • • fr.
pointraents which wil lbe no de,,hat
shotild' 4 not he very Jinfort . nate not
Already we B l ear of,attese m whose el
tionitc! high - I? asitionsilUnde tbti.' new
luitati i m - . lis oerta(hly n due to
meritill therneelves i
l' The oawle of
, r 1 ,
lies in the feet that the offices _ ill the
ertmtent have camel o he! Paicelot
anaona ' it the victorhius party,' as so
'I• t '
prize!, to reward the ; members raj thy.
forte; and in this viewof the case( it is tar
that the the I ri'n'se i t 4 the ePP licani hi
' I • li' r I
much ' to do, with bus appointment. ! TI
evil will
• •opt be r
emedied WI other quail
cations ail
cations taan or e patly a'rsin'e ire rcqui
,it the' applicants;
for t Ito - Feder ;11
'ronage. . • • t
, •
DicaP Wau.'—yfe - I
Chronicle, that' 11. A.
have stru:k ti fin, vein of
5111 fest, affrr this w
deithof 649,feet, thi
craasing steadily. eir
Steam` Saw mill in 'South
ChrOpiole says
• This allow, that there i
!igro,. and all-. that
down to a sufficient depth
this in mind ' fri'ml4: ''•
INnuarrt. —Coroner Re.
quilt on Saturday,! Marcl
body of an . noknov i rt ma
drowned below !cherry
bail on a red clotb
pintr, loos; coat no;
feat 6 inches, nothing ,it
on, hue person nor arty tra
whereabcintP. Verdiot l io
die abOvi facts.i i 1
I i,,
Inealrhe Coal COY pb
elder/ (lan( noproecn, a
us beading the name of
Citrntrrol. ou
dentinceess, but wait
r _ fr
bow i tour papers can
tt e .
II • 00U -
e' e I
Wag aowa tire in Beav i
•' I
11014,We l learn l ast '
! I
of New aatle, bas i .rece
oontiniittonin : the trait
The Ile Coatle,hrora ,
;iiputi l tri the rightltntit
iVie arnl'appy tolitnow
'ren,;lnti i at last pe i r orm
Chronicle will oond icenl
lone . °- . ~ I', , 1
• Wirwm.D Be 1 bk
• •
ed Postmaster at
it !IR 'ed . ! of
Erie.' l H
mr... be n
116141410 11 Vra
r r
- - ' 7 77 " 7 '''''—'.."- -- F '
*..s . 11-f ! t ' a l ;" If il iPe r il ,
A :_ip i p.,„, , .! 1.1 There ii
0 '.' • '' -1 1" - ' of :60- Par'
4 ,- „„.... ~ cent, 1
4..,... .:: ell, Career, pais
I. _i t
i ..''', .. rf . ', t .bTing !tick 1
4 „,.
b t
- o
-, per cptil, ,
. 1
..„.., _ _ ....,: , t
:ell indeed- ,
~. „
to Te!atiqtaye received
.1. , aid' to Cleo. llottoton
elinet fiii*.fietsihil,f if 'asfiel - 4finti.: The
filature thedale , ko. - - 41 1)p!ovod .1 , 1 1e
,' tzoffit'eip 4 o ' ll, !tilt) '' , liPotc.iiiT !roil!'
'- „ r ' etnative office'. i .
t ittiieilbit
~1 .
.*!i•',41 ,1 . YR. k rptcv , hint De*Preoool
- - cS bld Ir '
" 4,9 41- *Pt:l l4 t 4 . 44 :Vlalkoe , by
I ,li kkittly ichdtAollittitgatnery. ftlponAhe
~ ,ef ibirtrii.a to engraved -I- o'reaconi of
, , ' 1 ,t 1 .! I 1 1,.: , , 2,,,. ' i t ,
0111 4 , Oal. is unmoor corrpepoooing et a
1 ' '1 - .1 i .
1 t
he clttnititiotita $t tea Awl r in !be .. .center
, j u i er ibed t0u,i,,, 0 I. iti lo t ~,Yoacey,-7 f rom
Ihe mottiet.i elni . 4,.ugbt" of :gentee.,
, 1 • . , , 1 1 I s . , 1.,
... t .„..... 0 ...
ry, 1, Mel" ; 1 I r , .; 11 , 1 i' -,
The oil 40118 1 1 1 ' l'elons,tlsra lama Ohio
1 urnieheti ores 4, cio, herroht of oil tli the
i i
otntn . eitivef-c, _ kill li i nd ill Ja i Tii!iyllll
reeeipta were E.,f6,5 tuns, 4 ( '', ', ,
Private Bit:ottani from, New Mexico rep.
'slent that ilt4 7 1 'Oxia Special Criniasion.
or bai met wttlt, ba i t little, i ,airy, success
in hi'sieeseint •li i or i la in that Torritoiy. •
at Spiiteli;vpiper, l ' noticing ; the e death 'of
11 , 61; 31' ''' ''.reitrailte: "Sit i was isnot!
i , i
care i- of . ;aria' the tel. days. of her life .bys
3iii. Iln'obenin Wil l a of th IPreei int or
thO E uitt44464,1 - whe b known..• bet
teinterlyl, and t'ooic.`Pity - upon % t iter abindin.
.. .; . . , .., .1 0
- - lot 'wilt l ', I
[.v!ly tit .., ir
„0 -I e 1
r• effartaF
sittoun4. I
1, ),
Neil ‘ l'''
Aevelo -:
etterN : lit,
glo exiq•
aOti t qat
the sat , e
illf b4d
ne stet tr.
eta ~e e.
read th se
1 • !
bditbe f 1 1
la berrl ed
is, , and lbe
the depart%
t the Tilsit°.
, .
t gos. ~ 1
the wh i rls
, erytbia is
'ing is trim.
r ___ _ .
ed resoditioti." , .- liV-i
j .
eiy j to':l6itt ?I i I
L I , ol
-- Preeid,itiy Ina li
AT. I :I Latie, '(oi' l # ah - .
Judge of tbe liottil.
. ~ 1 -i I , 1 ,
triet ofitlit tate.
, I- ' l, I ii : i
fitrati the rat 'or teal
ceded states; ir'il
; 1...: , . ~,
.uppottatoettte 1 !om .. 1 i
:.tioo: Rut bet
becita say to- 1 1p! t
-1! 1
1 A. 4atihg attiiioEl
;Eiehatig,e B i t& iva
, , 1-- .-.. ,i , I, li
The blirgier 1 bed o
'kuii to ibe'be [ oi 1 10 1
D i . L .l ii I - ( i
sY iPt. •EnOTtt ,
(Tel:m(1'11m sit
----- , ii-- ; a
thousad Ao:1 ro o
od MII 0nf0,..„.1 The
_l(3 , uki
tanig 1 ,
,las slip°
to;o ‘hfien a
' n
bliclnio egei
Io toiwer io a
• „ • .
Pfeeid, nt, deClio(
' ' -i la%
We thick
. 01 a lOtle
hall 616,
dispatibeit of Illiail‘Robert kiclerson to .
i , , 1
IVar ItePartssent during' the, time , he bits
been tea o l oirimand at Fort Sumter,r baring
"come to the, conclusion that, at the pres- , .
ant 111, 0 (0Stil I t.the publication of th em would
J°d' t ' ' • ' 1 .'
ha in
,xpe en . f ! 1 ,
Hob, M. Palmer 'has' recei v ed
R i f
the 4priia i teictiti l , i of Nitnite Resident at
the 4rgsti ne i confederatio , instead of
the same position at Ecuador as trevious%
ly annoulicled. the poet be will fill is the
most limp tant . of the ' two,' owing to the
large It raAe eilAting between the p..Sie,
and the ,A getitino Republic I -,• i
the A
.1, '
The see eiontets or icen lucky have had
1 1
a Metal.; yeeti l i on at Frankfort. It won
do—Cent ckY is too fi rm f ar her loyalty fit
the 1./ninninitunctred by an :'appeal from
an uo,Auth iced body
. of dui:patented p,oli z
i i ir
lician l ettn
il fanner' cs. ~ J , c l 4, , .
Intelligence: bas been re eieed by the
Postmaster 'General ' that itie ,new until
agents experience trouble in [Virginia. The
people illo g - Ike !owe •threaten tar and
feathers to 6e-hillocky ageits if they at,
~1 , •
tempt to o, their duty, endine has already
resigned,.arid the other is. expected fii
I . throW
s up lilt ethineiesion., 1 . 1- I )
The N' W Yoikeri," who • preverbial
for rtbeir reli l Ab, of all into ,
lentos{ 'limne
" I -- -h i th eirtaste h . I''
meet t
Tuesday vet[ by whir ring ati inter..l
ar nt
, :national" dog fig t, 8250 al, side; betwaeu•
1 le 1
Rneie, of Rrneklyo, and ' ea of Liver
pool, go lankbothrfarnous fighlerit. , The
. contest] w
as ell Maintained' _ for .twenty
1 ' iniruteii, wbed " the 'English di' was del
, , . . 1 . . • , ,
elated el tar, l eaving he r adeprsaryinearly
ni • - 1 i• - 1
d. , 9
fib 14 1 , . , 'tj '
5 In a r ise t rial at Kenton i Itentucky, Ear'
od passing a Co 4 444riejt- 40(4. ontbe State
airßa9k of ilmtilAbute,, the counsel.: of _the
ith Pilre& plead to the SeriedieliP"e .of ;the
ekouPt on I,lle, ground 1112 . 1 ; 41601 e bed
sea'ided. I.tudill Moore overruled the plea,
et , in s '
time lasinaittnit. ill. President,.n9r. the
to c o e of tbi U. States I had- yecognised
i . .
d e SeCeSSIOb 1 and the prisoner was, tried sun
1 I : , ,
M.' conTicte ' i - 1 • .
nk. • The. , tiginia_ : glide. Bents last week '
, ; \
in . - ied.• bill treosferrini(thi 'James River
,be iai. al to din' Wench company . In: c oo l i e .,
• • quen " of rum ors of illiel transfer of the
, ,
, pas from the sreeiti, near Rittli.,
7-, mend, to Fortress Konroa,lll resplatiouvas ,
't'" offered i n he g 011 ie PrOteSting haltillt the
otiflerms or the isMrease 4f. firma._
his moots; b y rtfie.9oetirtiMeot - within the lNa y ;
el, ate of Aire Stank Bnbetittfeil ware offered /
. 3 ' Add ilng I de bat e ensuetl; hut ito Instinct
t h e , j -..--,,., ' I
i t)
. , I TV' le en.., • 1 -i ,
1 . 1 .. , ~ -t.:. ,- , :
`, DKr elutes have ocettel,:kiilfeeen Sir 11. , "
Bulwer end tbemerioan ',wield! at Coi r
of alantinople;' S ir U.. litilier ~ declined to
,' j* th e " 0 .
lc ,ateta I h i e l reeeptinn 0
, ttlensati mi t ,.. ,
~:t toter on Tish,i . tagton'a3iftliday-
At , lion44rt e late conflict between a
4 "r e°6kl
i I i nept -
=find' e °e
' ttri F hundred
lab rep a i a
buses,: French 40Idper Ad '4B
Piiiat iiined,zl l 7 , l. t '
i th
• 46
a Ito t
`of oil
it, It
tot do
• New
lova 1
.tte Mi
oil I.
o figail
all t i
lel to _ , g ,
if , :•ea
upon ti
Ironic) t
hitt t . n
as h i & I nt
an e i
I •
d the
e of b
I l r • ', I
`d no
i ;ha:
.des{ :Is
. no
. --
tghborc r buy
a y ; ibi t . eWo
!1.).P supported
Op% iteifttfo it
1. , 1 1
S: gr34l, i
red a ielte nal
3 Stair I . T;'•
thiob b t, ti
inthe fig 1 /al
bat G i enl. 7air
I one se.tdt it i
to visig i I nxi
I 1
been beer
per, and
'~~p ° "
'Mit 1
the oiGe
I -el
)111- Bock"
- , ,J 1 , t , .. , d
mint s ', we, presume,) tie.
fr! end tnlitbeiti 'lli , .
This : Demi e li cit) coil ! .
t'Unien we in 'the ee.
Wilting t
titre; edictal
i 1 , ,
the 'preftet, l earnt °tetra.
ill the sece/ere bf Ala.
has nom
1 t to .rob the 1 Nei c ir ork
as diacove l red• lea s t email:
made an excavation lead.
1 a,depth of fieventy.feet..
l ition. b4pPdakl2ey . b
4f--tl;ey a i liiiined only 1 ,lin .. ,
orhieb were.' a tin box
I 1 I
daring f g lle's anceeed.:
/ escar', althou g h a man.
1 i,. .
rested oft au.picion of
,etl in thetroiheiy." '.
`cell 4 thS
' . enate, be
to r'
to iootouroc
tinate h e
1 l i , t
~ t. Audi --du
z , -,..;
0 ;7
r -,eptoci rit Tit FOR 1881 - 42- •
' r 1 ~..-1 . . - . .„I
-Wil' ",. '' ' i s'llifii 'rit , re
Ciiiier. '' _Of the .ElSr h, l it
Mo I Till. .1 . tacos a de*
in ' '.. i , c .,- * 0, 11$ 1., 1 a tit qui!,
...-.. ,,,,. . ... t .... 4
'" , L. iimm_,,... , Dia P-a relletl
lee- AWe p:bililli , tfit; lisepoiofinents foil
k Pittsburgh an d hl Al' gbc l o7 MI
It oat 1
--, :' .11 • I I": - s ,' P - Fl , ' -.-
trusts : • ,1 1 i 1
Pftemtruttri I) yiliterr TfPos. 'Cox, Prese.
1 - -. , E ld e r 1 4
.. I . 1 i n - 1 9 i ' I , f
1 Stlittbaili iii etli7 11114 . 1.14 ken ' n 1
't Liberty ,tree -4, inastey. - I . - I
p i ,
I,,Gbrise,,iartrre -0. . allures,. J. 0,.
Stufeel4.s 't
- t.:l i 1.- ' f - i
. lifeetey chapel S. E sabeiwc
Peatisylveuiat Avetrutt 7 - A; G. Walittmi.
Ttieity-J. M. Con;' = =- -f
4, Roes etreet sad Biatiley'sibipel-.4. A
`Lurrman. t • 1 ' I ,! :I - 'I
i f illrialetrhent-L-L, R. Sesecuu, ~ ~ I
lEtuatb PittiWrgh-.%! 11, Locke. .. ~.
; Eist Llbertit-D Al, MeCreatly... , .'.
ro" , 'L;iteroitaville-W're. fri Ceepe . E.
shartattergh I turd' Duquesee- 4 0 b n a
blogsw. . I . , i +1 '
Pitii Creek mid LEvergrera-101.- L.
Weekly, 1 .- i s. • ,
Breadoelt'eble#4J. ftl. n oma i,.. , i
bielCeesperti-Jitbo ICA.
I tt treleville-4..1,1 Heys
,sientipu..-.leeepb Monter
Freeport-A.H. Thorns& 4
'- 1 Wortbiogtori-P ith odes. 1 .
1 . Squirtit niti- 7 yr.. P. lifackhurn 1 ,
1- .- Aisidrerlitimalo College- 7 1: C. Perri'•
ieg,..Paiderif p t member of Christ etairCh
Quarterly Ciaierenee.l ,' I i ,
. Pittsburgh iat'llel-f-1,.. ;Why, mustier
of Liberty . eltruet Quarterly ponfereuee.
AllegbeejiCUllege.=-George Lootiiie,l'res-
Herd, member] of Christ eburebQuirterlY
Conference:', If i '1 1
f-I • ,
ALUG,R I 4 4 / PialtU
i iPresidini
~ liegbeuy-t Biavel
Mali , .
i bfabellesieri...-IY. 'll
itileghepy ,
New Brigtitori—tt,
Beater-4.k M. N
: .Lugo - Ya 1144.4.1
,F . i
uveipi l o.4.3l,:w
~. ITom , ,::, . . ,
eale: T bi.4p-,J, Alecioi,,n s: Ken.
. i .Ii I' •• i, ' - - ,
New iffisti4o4-4. S. Bracken -' • ' ,
Sslent.- CI. ST. aCellion 1
Alliance-i .". lil Orrou'; A! 'E. ;Want •
Ilarliftwoug --.o,„,ll.l:Gamphell, E. B
narkor l " -, • 3 . 1 ,f •
, l I 1
DaM a fie ofil e 4 -E. Willims:
: Elkt o n-O L llir.lempage.- '
'' - Idomit'Utlion .. - idollega.4o, - N. Karts.
hitt), .Preeitie,t; nod. . Lo.jul', ; Agent, and,
member of,. s
warty Alliance 9 -Confer.
ellict• i I ./1
•-• ,• , , . • , -' •
1 1 'Beaver Vet:nate Seminar -4.,T. Taylor,'
President ; .meruher of 'Beaver' Quartetly
Goitteiinot.l :• . . ' r
i! AL H. • Nis sbit, ' eilitork of /,'/Wfurgh
CArie!ion ,4tlnucate ,member Of Beaver
StifteuQuarierly l Confere4e. '. ' i
Yot'4g Itleit'c Bible'S,x.ty of Pitt•htit'h
-J. K. 'Miller, Agent ;11 e tcher :of Beaver.'
Quarterly Gcoferenco,
Seamen's Friend Soe i ety; st Gallery,
South Amerca:4-J. A2S stiejc;Chnpleit.
I" Jaines M. ThoCurn,• 'iseionery• to Irt
dia.' • ! • -.' . , ',. • 1
~. Albert Long, 'Mienique to Bulgaria.
;, -- '',-- - - - --- - --...-- 1 ----- 4 ---4 • , . .
--The Board ofi Managers of the Beaver i t.
'Count y'Agriculfurol Semity,,elvel, niot. at
itthe Court' '.' no' Friday;
March .29i (louse
e t Be ier, lf,lllS6l.' President. J. C.', Will'
son in-iho Chair : •f ' I . ; 1 ?,
! :Itll)lberl9 4 l . , . present,: • , prittiin, Sontts,'
Ilrigg__,..lteeqi Lacoeir ? Curiiingliam..fohn..
soh, 'lLizsti,! Wilson,gookih,' Bodoni, 'Mei
Creary indißurini `lif ' . 1 ,? ~-
1 On' motion if ;A.''P.• li/tcoalt, arommik•
tee consisting of,J C. Wilson, ii. bunningl
• haul nod ..W.m.„.K. ;Bud+ was •apprutfted
to reviatrtitlt ,preminte.lier sod by.lass of,
.f bli society.l s to report at he next meetingl'
, 1. meeting.'
1 - On wotiqu ,if ; Spencer Briggs , .; the time
of liatdingibe Anoint], air was 'zed for
iithe JAW,. 10 th:. and 20t -d:aya of Septepl
beri VAIL' n 4; the ~ Cor;:iretary : was int
arructed-vo, iirk notice ia rdingly to Beet ;
' sties in adj oiningiounti , . • - l i 1
1 • ' The Fait!, pound tires 'warded :ti, Dr. S.
Onottitighain-- for: the ensuing year et - f2O
- tette, twith I 'the necessary' ,i,epairi.
; ,1
•.Ou motitin, adjourned to meet 'at b the
Court }lonia in Besier, Onlite last Friday
of Apiil. '''' ' "I ', . ' . - 1 , -
- - )' I i J. C. , WILSON, : Pres t.'
- i
J. BL, IlltlTAri, See's. 1 . , . .
' • cJr. _. .
Awsiiiiitul Affsizi front rs • French Stortd
'• ' • '.- 'l' ' 1 . ..; Pointr ..
'lts tbe I Cbsoiber , of Deride', ,iti the
~ I
dish - animal - on` the Addre .
ffc. to the chrona,
I X ascii rater, al lea tog•orsfor 'of t e l
Itoporialr rfonado , the following. zalfa-T
411 0 1 ' 'I r ; alifitlirl ,in -thus : liolinv‘ 1 1":
_ •• :91101 [United Stetils; a formidable
crisis Si Owing, two parties .
in opposition .; ,
it is dittouli, to foresee ,t,tie issue , but ire
ay,-,frine theipreseris moment , blame the
wattt, of 4 atiergylof the, permuting
of • the,
Ameitirtlfo(on, -- ii priiiiiititig l'he evil!:
in gain`•gfaluill 'Sakai , ' And SovPreige
l ir hOlaii- i u , Alkger,!doty Ire ;ono .day.itievt-
Ltablypao shed. Whilst Anteaiati is,,gatb.
Illing . tbi.i,ilie fruits of eliieiyi,'we see
attairtiaratiolovereign ~ on " the' - p oint 'lot
givi4•4oonetitritien ' : to -• hie people, and
sbn,Eanr*Or*Bnisinirrparing i,or, the
aOuc!PAIOR:A the greater part,_ ;of: ; hit'
iti6jec:;B4' l „:' t , .--.' ^.4-..
fi t t
tpn $. . ' Anis/4k,
pateheili icth the SIM
bet - 31)1316 &UM of - i
'irtitii . r t l'E' - • —.-.
'fit ihi;seht that - lit le
ik•OClPlgi s kiS•i t Y o l (4ll
bur. iu*ed.fie i ttel -,,pri
iobioiiuMiiiti Wet Sews
heti 9¥ 3k Unien
Wigfeil Virail r ff
thet thej4o4 ps
*Wei ; -;1141114 ith 1
.1 ii 1 ` ,l ,-. ,- ,,,,
, f' •: , •• , .•••••0
;1' • '
1 .I I . 1
.. ,
" tailliillV' V' -- --• - '-i4 - • 1 --' -----
' • ' ' f Alleting.-c au d i i t
The 11 7 :: F. ,(Trilitad b 4.1. 1 1 11 . followin • ....A I know bow unideistut • 4
1 ~ , - _ - I . ~,,_ t•-- 1 , . k _ ~_ i . ''''' !nese;se.
jtt creli, ~„ aPP,'nnt'n° l l:. •.,,.--'='' -- -;,,,'1°_,T,Rn 1 1t i f. 10 74 . . ' 4 3'. Y" t e l, ' "d .n'''ar io
i 1: "'o . ••' 7. f Wiseonein, - wn- riot ' -1-5641tergur , 0 1 ,4, ale ~ the i ,,,, 11;ni .
jot'' ;i4,:5, , ,-a-v'isii,,j,, ,t o to ,s f ,,,i n, oiii • awn . , .)o! a i l Ib ; anti often lu F. fr om .
flt ' . 1. . 4 Jorlj 'Via& deelluett-.the Efitat4 I fh!inileAf I °Q 4 • ': i`;edi . als,' 30, .i„ii tir
i '4'l ' cottreCiisat to Ittoksia.:4 i ° L. ,ITY .4 P.t1,1 1
.„- 10 qui , t them tun,,.
If - t. ner abrftingmentotionnf the ititiL,i Ps l -7. 14 :5t l'i":' ilbollottlillir 0 , „..,
4- 0.1 ., t: ,, , , , ,, ; - y ee e i a ili l i a i rl ev es o ni fb i ' s p eo al ai l h t e i r tir . i p a :r k :o ' 6 ll l:ift : i i Pi gmia :,F• yd l rp n op - u P:::: le -ea rt,4yQ ltr' tv ; ii ro,teiss,iii,op,niii,111 6 .) ..n d r: i ii i d ` y i , i l i i m ) : 1 : :: ,. -
eal it ? t,u4-414;rattic Or a 1/.1,1!"z power ill {-1 ~ , - •.. , - • *Dm
fluirnii,e;''iind''Na l ioleon s iroposition fri,r of'd!rine . 1 . 6 1 C a IW :exciton*
, i dia „ ,
pr boi
4 i: f
th o:
e ml ip l
lot to C l o m g i ;
i lti: :7 ;
,G oi
wir o o n in e:
i_ lo : of k up o , 9
w r e b t: 1
i i
.1 1 h u e,: s s . : 4 ;::n i: ' , o l.ll l !) S 4 e t ePoll t k i ll ie g, di r:l d ie v y: l e: g i l t i 1.110 7 4 r ,::
Towers was only defeated, byihe cialousfyit'Vlr•e . inl' i tn, and Inouurr tin oral eat'
, diesd4ilie etimiCafon intO tlittlr councils a , e°ed n' ln !ll'• °P igtel '' The y I 's . " 'clelose t i
lannitfer.gathelle anti . /-I;ti'titi intion. Ta r e' •fl'e - ftlkeiii.• 111 0 approved by all !rho 'n's
• million. t i ;'l3pela r iti .ber - pre'sent positio ahem or I abhor dosing- l i e,
among i •nations, inTiit , mint of boncir v i: : PriCe,,ls cents per box, with dire4ti onk I
, England a` II l'S'z b"!.*"`t $ l- • ' ' j -
llyeitotil mad Je t. : - , jilli tili t i r i ; no :44 , l l l , ip t hi s cou . ! N. IL 21'; full
„st•l of Iluiuphtdi,' f 1,,, ,. 1;'"
tribil:i4areely'in etintli 4/ .
;. i , 1 • ,
, 4 „ .: _
.. • ' i ... , , i'indilirrtil trnenies, tn large thr e fa ie h m ' . l
An Oil Well lespedilag the Sabbath. i
a! ala; sail inerroeco tau, 85_; d o i.,1 ! GI. t
• . ease i 1.4- case of fifteen boxes, 1 ,14 ri -7
trim Tituaville Gazette; girth,. the folk) . ' ' , s . • ehook i •
of ,,
~, 42. I i . ' I sl'!
ing 11090t1t,lt liill',,oil w ell , at) . llouyeviih. ! I The 01130141 i by the biaire -11 i' l i
which actually refueoa to IWori 'On' ti d Nil eatn• , vent .0 'an 'acit,l) .o:i ' GI e 'l
a t. ay ~.• - t(belongs , - to ~Oftle .... ,or elves , -rec. ofcharge, on recTipt'eti:thil
8 iiba ft d ' •1 ("" ' At' f l
- flicliek. I ""This well ii 102' 1 reet deep ,! price.. - !Address ,
Its lirkist oil teiti,"tias opined ) / on Frid ay,l '.. DitH FI,HUM PH It XYS. dr,
January 111 h, ;et nine i o'cicek, 3.. in;1•:,
.. i NO; 562 Ilrndl: ro y, N,
' Previous 'to -.ha etriking of that 'vela,. 01 .10-Sold Wel- G. Wilwitil B
1 ta l !rele of oil had been ,dippedi, off. At i l e 1_ S. Sohtlf, l 'ltridgeiretsr •
opening of the Vein the i well, ,eordruenc.4.l, ---- ''''''''' . •••••-, .
of - ..-Dll4:l3l—Mareh •,89th, I_ lB6l
flo, : iingi• 1 1 ,ince"w * ,bieti tine 1,230 barrels
oil have been • saved, and at sr.'. low estiin4e, l d s ugh t ernf PainPs°l! and Na,lig,4
50 'barrels have been' 101 l on the grpun d,_._i' 3 years ; F ind' 2 months. ,I ,
lUitiil recently this wollthas t owed . at re g,.. - ,, i (Liner next week.) 1 ,
al l ay intervals, four times a day, Sued ais ''''"""s"-- 1
• ,--..„_-_...#1,
'excepted We whet : we tue l , t - 11 aputhlY Statem e nt 4 . 1, 1
that the well flowed once lir every ' ''''+ Of - tlie;;llank(if Beaveri:ft 'I)
di y. of the week , but On the iSabboth i
_hie i 1 • • ' , i • OlinlYiL
first day of the iweek, it di d not fiow!.-.. ! 1 NEW B4IGHTON, :: Alti 0 1861. 4
. e i " Notes_atid BUN Discount: i d, nctire, s,r9 I,; il i i• l L
Onrreiders may account ,for cheaa o t 1 .l . ' ' agsounogli ' 1 - ' 4'
ell discharges by, soy law of na t ur e whielt - ...1 s
:• . i ,
10 II Malt! • their own mtotts.. W e tut»; Furniture and °tee Fixturea, t ' 1.,6., , 4 1
the teits.'' ~ ' ' - 1 14
Due front other Banks, r 1.86`) 4
Notes bad checks of other Bahki, i 3.779 4;
Protenccouut, I . . 7 01';'
Coio in ITltUft, - I 1 20.0 , 22te'
' • 1 87.12,1; il
- ,r
h "id a till ,
St ret-7-
, I
033101000--J. Wil.
ass: • •
1 . 1; H. 1 134fili, • -
I ..W..Baket:"
.{ 4 1414V4--PLAV. 'ray.
F. aUck.
f [D.• Kinoe'ar A. 'Da—
Dallas,. D. 'Ste.'
to: .--rTf„te, Weisi!ro.F
!itp weririke, die.
lop inenit)itt bite
indicig Soul ;
,' - Ibis
as.exattzog debit°
a godprs i oetii to
,ate . 1. 7,, for. r.,obew,` of
7,. replied' Mit :''' be
Ilea t; tvltereirPou
iiio tier; etibi Re
...... -., -, t ' -.....,, , ,,t' ,;
`- - ..1 tr.;.;',
... ,-----...- 7 .r.,—...
1 SEX , The A/exantlrial Va ,' Gazette gires
an " account-pf a •!conceraion'. - ,wbtelt
though :not remarkable, is tiiceedingli'ra-
Anna]. ;; I A 'gentlemito I- frOM Pattsylvaninl 1 „
' - i V ai' i •t • F e b. -
cnun.y„ a., a strong . ..ecess ants , in
, ,i,
riary last, being diesatisfied with • the ;;Fteck poid4n, --
.bl:10(1 at;
coarse ,things were taking; in Virginia; ; , tNotes in Circulation, - . . 16.545
'ent :n DrssisSppl for 'fife purposef buy
0 -si . ~,. ,
, Ifividends unpaid, e d ' .31)7 , ez.
Due veposuors ' -. e0:11, I
mg land, and to . remove his neoroes to t. , . • . - - • • .t'
-• • . • profits 1 and i Earnings. ~ , i ' , fn.], 0,
that.- Mite, ' lie has just Tetnroed, an d i Due tolother Banks - ; .- Agi 6:',!
called on the' delegate from . - his : coon- ; 1 ' '
.1- , .-.' - .......- — *V' ,
ty,kisay, tbat.ihnugb 'be tlinught Virgin ' Totat, _r. --- . ' . • . t.rf:P4r 4 4
ti was slow,he hopes ;"sbeinill v 'Je slow,er ; ; 1381”."Idetr.PfTY,18---nefor O re tame 01.
skill vr. t hi r h e l ,„ 94 ,„ bay feir o f the sob , ward Beeps , Cashier of the Bank of . Bei+ -
es. I', _ i 12' .'. . , Il , . . ~ . County, wile being duly affirniedi acenrlincli •
sential we° lll /3'. Pri)PrAa't 3 Te , In 0 / 15911 firl ' law'', detk . 6tr., that the above tittiferneatb c , 4
who Awe .00t distal itted wit . the coursq l , cif 1 rect an* true_accoriling to t blest of limo ~ .
' - . is ' ' ' r i .
events :8°404 and the prospect '
of heavy f ledge /and beiteLEDWARD I-10 I'S, Cistir.,,,
- fixatiOn s i alirr-,of no'henefic nodiir the il l eui 1 Aldrinnil l and inthscribed befel4ltae; thi 614
order of things '
that lthe id t ',' d al' °f, Ma .1 861 -' -- i L : 0
y VII n u t I. ;
pea under the iiid - iinion ,; and tnltl I il i a 1_ —1 ",
,tbat ;if Virginia anti the, linrder slaws I l-----
SC LARSHiP roil" SA LE '':'
~ ..4 4'
sot Such guarantors as ' w9Uld be eatisfii..l 4 * - il iLikFtSIIII" in the I's4"Ci y l' .
T Of t
tort' to . diem, he had.
' no Jonbtlhat alts
-i -. ; ....1 !MEOW. COLLEGE is OfiVrefi l rnr fi I t. y
ippi end the ' Gulf states vrpuhi re trn.t-- . ! moderate ,ierms. Entuire innueliaety at tilt_;
Balboa eoneludid to remain in VirgiuW. !°ffiee-' . • ' . 1
. '
igr !Az ;ON OIL, • , ', - :11
‘--- 1 1- 65 CENTS, 4. ,G .11.1tV,- .
at-He nry 's. 1 ,3:
_ 1, • _ 1. „,,_
eher'sEximinitiojii: ;0
1 . ~
PUBLIC Examiyations for Teitchers while
held as. ftill , iws: - 9.
In ' ( South Beaver township, att..schoot ho l t !
near Ytayrs Croes Loads, on Mtialiy April .0;
nt 2 o'Clogk r. m. - ' ;. 1 ,„.
Ju t Darlington to*nship, at DJ ithitt's - 4Troll
house, on rowel:ly April I rith, t..'4 n, n. I,lii
In Big Denver tcfnship, at lonlh'Ar
New Galilee, April 16, at 2 o'oh l ek,,.P v. ,:'
In Beaver : ou WedrirsdnY Apri i 1 11, lt ,ivr
schoot, h ouse , at I o'clock, r.'41..1 • ' t ''l'.
In rtr:glitoultownsliip, at Iloore's' 4,
h utts, - on yieddesdny April 13, 1 fit .9 „i:r.1 , 1 `
T. C: CAROTH KB. , Cu _ Sa,l'9, -
(Star please cisifr.} ;. f
' ---- ---„------
virtue of 4 writ of L eitiri,. Foci I. If l tri
ut of the Court of CouttrienlPleai of sic ter
y, and to ine -lirecto.l, will be expki y
Sale', at the Sheriff”; 1 0Ifice, iii Ilf.i :r,
- • • -" • ' • I• ' I
I -
Friday, April 19f4i .1861, 1 , , •
. , e - • - it t II
'clock in the - afternoon, 1 - . i
the following tlescrilxiil r; 'ter nd N ilal •
lbton, County of lleavei, fl i. D.l l St. W.( ?' i .
led southtby water lot No. i tl. helliil;
tin Pugh, on the west by Pit'ilic
. vrd Ant.
4, on the' north by, part it'' siloi , l,iti 0:
•by Beaver Creek fifty feet. b"-it K.1:11r .
out of-water lot - , tifo.l.l. A'''-'l,‘•''
',water, each share ego 4.t.):tsiAo:t.,
siert of allthe water Lbehing,tne ityh . e
'llOlB Water COLDinny4 OD Sari ,
a frame woolen factory...l Sei..eitsuil
nieentioirasthe property of JO, , 1 .
William``; Gil!, trrs, • tii,, IT 1, 1 1 "
'flobt Tovinsend. t .1 I iti
31.1. + JOHN IVOIATS,.)fii-f. '
'About two years ago ; Wise, of'
in 4, who is now 'lrking all in; his p
destroy this, Union, uttered the fohl. w
log it a Speech in the city 'id New York
1 •
' "Look to the formationof 'the (ions i , u•
pan after the armies of, Fedfratton had',
teen eigned, liVitenfyonvifethes atte
l ed to form thie Union th 4 did i oot(esieu
tate what sort of a Union' it was
,They agreed, urn i•Uoiln for a_limoti'e!
jealte, end, ly all the flods I too.go fr r she
Union for the Union's sake ! grein'etnions
taw They w e nt to wink (of the
1 'PP '
hest Union they could toolte, and th'ey, did
giVe ns'the hest , Uninti 4 , 1 the
eronaelit tbe world- l evet., jsaw. , [ itetiew,.(l,
aiplause.] fltit -,lefferson! not mike it.
no did Itledison,i nor his 63 laborers wake
t. God Aftrtighty•maiee et •It was the
walk of iorloratioth! I nelieve , that, as
believe in the Bible 4", • '
Federal' military and naval
garrieou at..ithe New I((irk ;iation hay;.,
•gnietly, tor en,pnt en a !Far fooiing 'and ;hr
trnops atalinned in tyetu r are roljeot n. the
reFnlaliens, while orr , cluty,'eastotratiry .in
carnpaign. 'The eftelivti ordnance of •91e-;
110oklye navy:yar& hasAbeen di,tributea,
as!baire the! other re'eauso defense, in tlie
pinpei places.. Geverntee Island, F.:- r
11kmiltou, .13edloe's - and, nfl,e r
places, trtive berm made sjmilarly seaure.—
On three cCetisione—twide' at
,the navy yard
and"once once.: Fort Columbus, loll the avail
able . forces have bee Icip,tl under' arm,
all night.- Recruitingfor'lhe army goes en
rapidly. a
'Mr' The ' Charleston .. - blercuryr has a
troll trouble. , ft laments that the Coo•
atitniicn of tb Confederate' Strilei does
not absolutely 'rohihit ; the ***SIM of
Free iitatei into tbet intireating concern --
States inir!be admitted by a vote of tw.,-
thirds% of the Sietes- alr4loy in ; ao that
New York,l Ohip, - sod , 11 the rear, may
soon tceme! sweeping in s ( end/111e ' &torr
ent priochile. of Goverunient by Majori.
ties be again earbliahe& }W
,e 'differ with .
The Mercury: ', Any. State that, shall • even
wiab to. enter gat ' Confederacy will be a
Alave State to all Intent* : end purposes.—
-.,:1 ~ , •1 ,
.. „.
er 4neni, bad better. Veep
!lingten,lfor Beere . tery Sew
Ir, and gi ft s! every one of
Da witbin,:bie reach - .
_Tit* .
ea . iven by be board to
• les.NeVrepsi
"*ay .from; Was,
and seems to ut
then who harp
more tinfor:,tuna t
J. S. Pikel
}tinge; aid Ja
view of these
fortii,a am dau
ty,.whateier elf
Pf cotirea;theref
to charge their
of ,the ;Tiittnne, who was
confiroid,','3linistar to the
Flee E. O'orvef, dill - E. same
Minister to Portugal. In
vointmen* nobody hence.
t, Mr. Sriward's u)sgaanimi
t i
i' e . !key ;nay Say of him
[ aretho# pinatured enough
2eeeea lto 1 a desirek of the
Irto get rid of them
*a...There 'is no prq6bility that , the .
Coarnihrtioneri 1 of Jeff, Davis ' td Europe
. - ~ , i > . tlt -.
/nit - aneneePin getting 1 the i r boguiz Our - 1
obt,ntheot raeogitized by; , irrky of 'the great ' ! --.
N°7/1 0 . '
Porreia,-noleia l ell - the-foiirosentations here •._ . , i nn , a _a ni3 , pi s ,:i , g e l e* ra nl ;
are nnfOnnlitect Thervii - iia Karol a ' .. divie,.i Jr_AEYEtot`tficle-Sninatt; r : sor. ,
ea i c ; li the 4,tat . e, .°'
ion' of opinion lin ;dipteinatiO - eirolem tie to :,tiftitutol Itcrilesisa; deci4t, late of,Naw§lwi e ! c t i e J_
the polio'', of dqolieinein'y fermi, With the tp.; Beaver co, all persons lamming
e T t r . s , : sk :
seceding filtatQ,i, until •their ' independ epee indebted to gala istictql tie
ft)iment imilethatelyi' Apt g one tinil„ b .
% entill°//9*4dP by ; 1 0' 441 that event P atin t ilia' enoto wilifiresithem ttwie .3-
will, pot;...lott ai.. , fowl, . f Messrs. Yanc o .l: i n iri4e s re 4121:y-wiitiaiittis4v4l Tor sett
IfOsi, iiikOlairk,:britt ibe apt to stand out , ir ' ' EDWIN nEEDER,)B I
in - i4iiiin : imply b anded , , owi.ilw, `bouGI,X-5.
I ,!7fribike.4l:ll 1 ~..,...,-;..;-._- ... . 1:- . 'MU , I • -- t . 5 -.1 .
1 )Y I
pubic ,
nt 1
in Ft
to. Jo,
qRDINANiiisI. ' 4
* , ,i,. 1 . - ii
enacted by the T?lrn Counella4 or
aigh of llookstowiat - and if is fliretl
0 , itke.anthority or the some t*sti
person or persons trying-or lit ing 04,11 . i1.
or jack to a mate within Abe [Co porat4ls . .: l ,
of said borough after the,l'Oth ay °air' ,
1861 shalt forfeit apd pat foi, e cb rin3 very
such offense the sum of Pitel Dellar4,liirle ,
. L
former lows conflicting 'n1010)11 \ act nikihere
by repealed,, Approved Matvii `21,1d, tat.
JON'S Snliil.:ll',;Burgess'
Attesi: Sll LAWRENdt. Cl:k 1- ' 1
• . Y
•AprS,'6l : I .
IV ILEREAS letters ~ testamentary , n dt
IP Y Estate sof Jacob Londis. deoessta Ito
of Moon township, Beaker county, 142,1 1111
Seen 'granted to the enbscriber rpshlo6 ill
the same township , ' all arson , inii4(ed t'
81'14%06%0 ms tequested ternalce i medli, Ir PA!
ment, and those having chums' will pleipl Ps'
stilt thiw-properl'y aWthenticated fofttet
ment. . 4 ; CATHARIISIiIIt,ONbIS, fil I.
April ild,-- 1861____ t 1 1 h
,_-- - -4 1
01141 SOIL!! 6IL !! '• li
, - • ,„s
A LL persons - engaged in the oil bus! - it
-E- ‘• Ireillfeeted to 'cull and Csnmine' t , e s ,
Steen Engines manufeCturer b.f 3, . •
• 40114 T TIIORAII , ii.
. • PAi
Fl,l. rozr,
p ; These o ; l,,
dm E y ;D e g;
o n
r ef ts..
ori are n g d ot up:
la pir. o ., ,
~..n r
i l
n h :Il i
i s t u i dt t ,
er purposes-4he .pattenm truit it'• I • I
the direction of 'one of, ills est rnec.i, ' ado
Western Pennsylvants., l ,Tool for. 11(11 71 1 tn ,
on the shortest noticet.ftso All Imola o, A.
inge made and fitted up.r,l I • , 1 u1P5•44.1„,._.,_'61 '
1 ,' , ) ,
Tniz rt
(I ,lr, Ifi