The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, March 13, 1861, Image 2

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Dai i inPorts EditUr &• Publisher
. .
I 'Call and Settle.
The andermgned has made out bills from the
books of- M. dt J. Weyand, in the publication
of the Ets,atraa Asoirs, and will leave them, for
abort t 4 ' .; at the Argus O ffi ce, _Where those
indebt, Hain please - call without delay, and
settle eir accounts, either by Cash or Due
Bill. li' , M. WZTANP.
Bearer, 3an. let, 1860. -
11176 m i
Comity Committee %ill meet
at the Court Holm, in Benyrr, on War
daj thel6Th ibst. By ortier. .
- 10 , 1A 7 M'Calliater:of the Ftember
13benii)g0,, will piease accept .our thanks
'for lily facers.
ypyOnr Representative, Gen. Wilson,
paid fits totistituenis a flying visit, return
yesterday. The Gel:lent looks very
well, tab twithstandiag his qlose attention to
Wein ax. Beaver county has'alaithful rep
moan site in Geo. Wilson: : -
, ,
I 1.. ..-Tbe Windlick Oil• Company have
just e c ompleted their arrangements for prose
eVin ithe work:of- boring near Vanport, 'rah
grsa t ac
energy- . They bare procured the neces
sary 1 hinery for boring fiy water power,aad
if th is: any oil in that locality ?se shall soon
Dan! iOdenee of the fact.
l'Ortitn.— r -The Rev. Dr. ScLaren, of this
plae 1 4111 - delicer a lecture in the Methodist
It.Clrch, Beave r. on Ftilti, 15th lust, at
7 0'010ck,...p. e. Subject The Weakness and
Strength of the.Coattryi
yori. N. Atkins bas just received a
apletidid assortment ,tf 'Spring Clothing
which our friends woul4 do well to call
stud 'tt examine. fie bas also received,
diriei from Philadelphia, his Spring style
of Hato and• Caps, all Fixes and shapes, -aq
whico;be will sell at a very lo i w figure, for
efts' his stock at Gentlemen's Furnish
ing ~.(iloOds is cepplcte. Gall and see
ind get , a bargain.:
Well ; :be long agony it, over at last, and
Linauin is safely ivatalled .in White
Boa(9s. • lie bee eel - stied for big eon fiden.
6%1 a: - dvisers, lien of Abe - first standing in
the cation. for - sfi!eFmenship, for integrity,
so - d).., : usioess qualifications. Of the distin
guished On
statesman who has ace9p(e3
\ 8
't \ , eafetarystap of State, it is oeviless'io
D'epartment, ~ p rier to
Franklin. Pierce. The
P. Chase; of Ohio, as
.rsury, recalls to mind
tin 7-7 rY days when Alezaocier Hamilton' held
.. ..._.
Wan election of&D. Cam eron - for ,the
War - Departmeot—af this • articular june. -
lue of affairs, perhaps, Ati most critics
potation -wader the Admioistra ion. The ',
Witliknown abilities of Gen. Cam on, and
his ;devotion to the intermits of his e titry,
1 i,
render this selection peculiarly satisfatkury
Imitlie country. HOD; Caleb B.
Smitb,Xf , iactians, who has , been appointed Seeretad
rrof'the Inferior, is -one of the brightest: l
cliellects of the West; and a more deserv,
ii4; , jtatcsman is not to hi found anywhere.)
4bPostmastey Geoeral, non. Itlontgont , ..
er;:y Blair, of Mt.ryitiod, is quite a young
, Indap, but has already gli7eo evidence of de
IC* ah'ility. Of the Secretary of the
"ivy, Hon. Gidemi' Welles, of Cowneetb.,
mat,7 inow but little; but what we have
sle'ri, in the reports ft.( m 'his own section-,
speak of-jaim in the i most favorable _light
!Tile' appointMent ot 13 udgo Bales, of Mis
s ; , art to the' eituation of Attorney Getter'.
il ? l bee been i fi tly. spoken of 'before,
ias it was determined upon some time agr;.
1 1
1 iiitilgt Bitter; it is tFell known, is. one of
tire' best lawyers in the United States, and
t is appointment her, we believe, been re:
ii .
arded, oniveritally by both friend and !;
foe, as one eminently fit to be made:
, Sack is the Cabinet which Mr. Lincoln
has drawn around 6ins-4 Cabinet that' for
.11 _
tategrity, antesmenspip, sortry, an d - pra
dence, could not be ' l roelled by any selec.
bon of names io the Union. Of 'suet a
Cabinet, and such a . leader, the country
Clay well feel proud. If w il l rely upon
J., 1_
Os energy of; an 'Administration, which
thus attracsa to iiselli, the beat talent of tag
c .
I:aintry t with implicit con fi dence. , we
reel now that we
li avii at last a Govern
eat anti a MKS" - the bead of it, sar
4Ouncled by "Constitutional advisers, who
ittow their duty, and knowing dare main.
aittzik When - we contrast this Cabinet
Itirith ikon
,by. whom Mr. Buchanan was
inrrounae at the
„beginning of the tret. d,
'a les with w , act' we l arc at this time afiliet.
F a
,1,1 , , -
lastn '3 t` n . r h o i e l , pi t feeling
thi direction
f men this
A' whom we can paint - with pride. Then
is yet a glorious Miura before Our coup
- l i i rl. The coninelel of brve amid patriotic,
men an needed in i thii hour of peril; ; and
.iglo, glad are we tci have them. '
' 1
1:•t000Tt llousi.—lt will be meo'by
edvertisoiusot 'in Our 'paper, that this
ttiove House his been fitted up by the pro..
jprielor; Mr. Alrx.;]Clarlr, arid that Fria
itsow reedy to sce3Modate his etunomers io
the •Liet possible imenner. Give him a
serSis '7ll.3vir
fOlmos" .goof
ifienjustiee to D. L. Imbris, Req. !
Senile froM this diattiot, who voted for
\ Oil tnntiagi - Tax and Erie and Sunbury
BI .4i it ill bat fair to iatate, that the jet
ests 'Of 'Butler simply are dhietly noneerar
ed in th tnee i sMres, ;,and tbit the feeling
there ',wae strongly in favor As it was
heie in oPposition to those bills. thain this
subjeet the New Brighton Times, whose
editor, Mr. Lemne, is intimately acquaint
ed with the seotimente -of Busier county
.i. • ' I
' I.
Tan . 1'07 , 114A431; Tax Bu.r..—The two
great' measures sures of thel l ireseat mission of 1
the }Legislature-;-the repeal of the Top-I
nage Tax, and the bill, the better to se•
mire the State's 'interest in the Suabory
Railiosd have both passed that body and
been' signed by the Governor. ' 1 1
The former of these bills met' with con
sider'able oppOsition, , inasmuch as it wilt I
diminish the State r eve n ue.. Its friends , 1
h owever, n contend that the Railroad ()Ma•
pany made good to themselves this tax by
charging it to, local shippers, and , thus
takiog from the' poCkets of our akin's',
who use the road whit they paid to the
State.. By the'bill juit passed' the toad is
bound to entry ;freight at the same pro•
portionata priCes` for ou r own citizens,' as
they ' for Othets,"atid to give the tai} i al•
ready, secured to seders! roads thatinre 'un.
I finiahlsj; and ; feriguisbieg, which will great..
1 ly'develop theAetnurces or the State. 1
We ebse.rye that two of the Senators
and ona of -the - members from Allegheny
Co., voted ak.iins t if, and the other four
members for sit. The members from Bite
ler,were,its warm friende e , while our Sena
tor and member divided. 1 j
Wa will not inquire iuto the motives
that influenced theft votes ; both, we think
voted:with their conviction' of right and
duty. Many, we know, think Mr. Imbtiy
was governed by eniropt motives in giving
his 'sanction to a bill which must' masa.
rily take trout the Treasury a Dice item ;
but so he is lthe servant of finder, as well:
as' of Beaver Co , ipso supposing the ac t
to be favoring the great Railroad CoMpany
(and .which' . is &hied by its friends) he
voted, nn 'doubt,' believiog that while he
was doing no injury to the people of this
countyi he was greatly
. benefiEteg !Ruder
county, • - r „ , •
. .
~ - 1 , _
is coexteosiVo with-
Ile will bring to the
ability as bat not been
Ivertimont since the day
r laid down 'tbe_port.
er rolunvz,
of steamer
The Bight Mien far the Sight Plaoe.
The friends of W. ;,W..i irwiii, 'Esq.,
are making: strenuous - efforts to eecnre for
biro the appoint lent of 4arshal of the
Western District of .Penusylvinis:.l Mr.
Irwin has. just serVed three years as ISber
iir of Beaver county, • and I has: discharged
the duties OI that:office in the mos), l creiii- , '
, able'roannei. If merit be the standard by
which the new Administration ierto be
guided in the selection
T r i
i :
of its appontees,:
there - will be little doubt of his selection,
Sheriff Iritio poSsesses the three qiialities •
of hnneaty, ca city , tad devaticri GI 1.i..
.rsuuttiry. 4. - nere is, fu fact, no man whose
,zelection Would confer more holier :upon
I the Administration, or give greater satisl
f faction . to the people - of Western Penosyli I
trnia. We trust, for the sake of.,ihe is 1
wrests cif the citizens, that' he ntsylbe sue
cessful. . •- - i '\ '
\ ,
: acirtve beg leave to call. the attention "of i
tour readers to the exceedingly clear s tatement 1
of the Cuunty Railroad Bonds, by Wm: Henry !
I•Eat., in our paper to-day, It will be' e s een 1:4
a retre i neeto the letter !of Mr. IL, ;that bY
his; effOrti", the bonds which have alreadi been
bought / . up have effected a saving to the cons:
ty of 26, , 0; arid that the whole ainrunt rifl
our debt, ift closing the matter, Can be If- I
_quidated in twelve y ! ears Without rikving any
additional tax upon the county. 1 ' •
This state of affai \
rf ‘ i is most gratifying, and
.we are rejoiced to 'tat\ that Beaver county is
in ' such , a prosperous condition lie think
there is not another count in Weitetti PenW
sylvania, that in:this respeet , can h
coMpare fa
vorably wit old Beaver. 1 1
This exhibit iti made in view, o die intend
ed "applicatio n of the Comtnissioneri\t
gialature for . .authority to - borrow
which will be ftirther i needed t 9. taki
outstanding bonds, which amount' to'
with the'hiteresi aftrifed thereon,
I • • -- '
ALmosr • :Coutsrow.'—Po Tuesday al
ternoon the sth inst., !bet mail train on the
Cleveland & Pittsburg jR. R. being de
tained by one of the trucks of the tender
getting off the track eomo miles below
this -place, was almost run into by the ex
psass going west, at a point oppoirits Ben
ver . Nothing but sI , presentitneot 'of
danger on' thepart of Mr T. M. :Tolinson,
the 'gni at Beaver Station,preventedi a
most dreadful' catastrophe. The emus
was tipproachisg the station,, running at
the este of our forty miles an bear, when .
Mr. 3., altiongh not knowing of aey..
thing.enithe track, 'seen:led to I hive e pre
sicatient that there was danger sherd, and
was irresistibly insPelled to flag the train,
whiah he' had barely time to do. The en
gineer noticing: Mr. 4ohnston'e excited
manner, immediately reversed q,is engine
and checked the strain, when it was disco,•
ered that tbe.mail ' train . was ipProaclung,
at a slow pane, not a hundred yards 'dis.
bloat In BIATIIII vouttn.---Otfr
enterprising friend, Joe. Cr. Wihmo, F.sq,
hits stTtteh oil as ,hits wall sit the month of
Brush Creek; OA ibe Ooni_oqueitessiog at
a depth Of . 68 feat. Wilscin best:shim
good fortune with 'meekness; and as if For
tune alwiyi showers* iter (*Torsi when, / she
stogies out mortals for them, 'he watt on
?donday-last elected President of the Bea.
for Conitty ; AgriCultiral Society. Look
tut fur 'preinhisti nixie oil aI the n*st
nue listicrus-4Whit. is fliansitt if ft.
,Ir s 1 ' 1
_ Ws gave last week this ;an: ously Jook
• J. 1 , • , ,: t _ • 1 - ,
ed• for dcientottiti and 'lyre, nit anomie the
opinions of ry bonea
I.t man undipatriof,
1 1 ,
When we "ay i is l ibe l wbrdit fidy ip4en
of ii just, hori4t siuctereand igtt man,
rj t Lincoln;
has a
more ,
than rea isea the 1 mattes and expeo
fttions,of -his most ' arden t [Fri ode; and 't
11 1 [
iv no more than • the truth to i say tit 't to
~,;• 1 - 1 I
day be d num rs„ by thotissot% more;
1 . , 4 ,
friends - than e ; did ou the sixth of No:1
. 1 r , f 1 71
veiriber. We, endorse rite:wholelistugu-1
rei t ' every wor ;land would not add to it ori
take from it a single sentence: liettiw wei
give some estits 'from various leaillog ps.l
pets throngho t ;the c9tiorry, abovriu boar
iris received in=different tonalities:
r„„b r , . r ,
TUB Ire atraAL.--The i res i de bag 1
so;clearl7 deft ed . his position; That hel has I
reduced the q Nino° of baton or diesinioo
to i the quad ofapproval or .disaproWel ofi
the poliey , set forth in hie , i ugural a&
drosr Ba ad go identified 1 laurel, witq
iii r
the ljnion a it is, that thou Itholare to,
faior el th tynion 'cant do no othe.rulisii
thaw sustain tm in his itfeol ad pttrfol't
Id - preserve it 1 We do inia.l are how the .
ctiolcilresolva and declare lee than 4 11 4 1
resolved ind deolared, consist il ly with ; MS 1
snort', Obligation to gipretierve - pro r teTt, sl,l
defenel tbe t r ;iovirnment fro
. destroc.
Pr esidrt Jacii p ion declared, t' re l siiiii,
iii PliolltAir ; i sod PiesiOent -Liniolia
r -bes poles' no itither- than thi s— lf, laird,
Di basigens al, far—in declining tit ,•be
Lwiltiseente its Itirs,- mini , bts rig I
mutan', the American pe: npl , shell wit .
hold the , alai* maul,* in some of.
thOTilaillre sa ner . direct fate contrary,'
, We lhave r.ttad in Puhlio journals' *evils
-al denunciations of the inaugural, iu whieb
`it is declared !that it! fcbr,eathee the spirit
Of mis'obiaf •'''' that it 'les/Imes despotto
. . r 1 1 1 )
authority ;' that it "meson war ;It th .t it
?'enancistes I ,•tonr with I she mifulerfile
6"tate of nrrica ;" and,,strsogest of a:1
thatit, is sricterized !:i'y gidisunionisni."
But are . wo Id like to sot some atiggestion
by those siol, thus deoUree it; as to what
position, i t err opinion; th eUn President, ; of
the ited/
St'st - -'tld drily tett,
.ao ~ttitt. . (States e 74,1 possibly in.
Other 'than Oat taken 40 resident bine
'coin, Without' a 'pelpablti,lop n vialatioulof
I 'his in l auguiu t ' oath, anti
land abdica tion lot' all t he rowers of govt
be : shall he The simple lee lion seemi to
' Government id, the United
States re gin a Government or notfil—
Shallj it be merely a partnership of States
or count' s; or individual', Iselin bily
during,co venience or pleasure, or slial it.
be really union, possessed actually ;lithe{
power—ealtential to Itheiver existeocee a
nation—of protecting itirel against etenr..l
tegratiOn and ruin ? ,1' i s I
It jtslll4 Office of tbelpl ere to nob eiy
the form and aulistancliJof the tunes ; land
we sin dal' au apt Md
eia ion oi the e'ffeci,
of the pri e!ple of bee t les d disunion land
unliMited subritissiou by Atte Government
.I from! Hac ett's favoritn ciomedy of 'lThe
Militia:Ttaining:" Hatef ul Wilkins trim,'
king; a st lt, pri4ate in a 011ie cop l ll . l +,lr ,
; 1
refuses toobey the order of his caßtem to
.The t'menaced:him
shoulder ems e coto
with his taw!) sword ; hot still dm ra"
doublet)! Parkkus, in lilt eaeroi* of h .
ci d
• assumed right I to disci y obnotiono 6 yi-,.(4 7 . 4 •.‘- - - ' MW -
youinese , • said the avail); au • -
didn't ! *e believe the eaiutiatiy - hid 14
disband.. And so alma r - great Unioh
melt into ihin air, leaving honied it! the l
1 ruined b pre of mourningwillow, if its
1 head 4ha I not, be willingnd able, mildly,
wisely,',tidy, but mos tfirmely to - ..
-t:ll4i its l ws.— Wash:lop» (city Globe.
1 1 . i I 1 - 1 - 1
Admirablel as the ---
I in all' its parrs—time
j concise and pithy in
in Style 7 -the 'generous
I is the moat ad/11414 , k
r . 1c) a h' 41 coop cat led
l'patriot,`he has defin
large his position,/ wit
the various, personal l
wh eh hive hien tiro 1
hi blin e' hia•Donr ,, imel)
[NI Y; Elventog Posit
j .' i s - 7 - '
Thelnaugural the,
ce'p's a 1 O pen and blind
to whoa he con fi ded its t
ingfro its irpeniog, 7 adt
n i
and tou ching words oit
didi j
me whO feels Nis ritt
as whir 'has the m rii
them HAM I s
eay as tie
Cooper Institute, I 1 I
"Lett is have MO '
might, and in that *rip.
dare teillii) our dui'', ittj 1
N. Y. bout. Advertisr
I t 1 ....1.. j, ••
; 1 1 i •
rr,a word, the inau g ural ia not a crtn
pe form:wee—it Ample) in traits of c
an. etibing,l 11 beam Marks Of indicted' i
't lof strop co mon roc i i
an. 1 ,1 . I\ , strong , I v Ivii,,
with se taus doubtsl' whether the Gtiv
meat b4 l l f 1
, illable A l p gratify them.' It
jcl ey intended to , admit of a dotble,l r
ev r o soy possittle iiJterpretatioti, f at
many itt content, rher4elves withl wail' TOr `time progress: of ivists, in thoi m''
while, seeking in itifor i no meaning at , I I :
i It! is ocither,candid nor etatesinatilike; or
Idles it pnasess any jessehtial`4 dig i t:lll; j of
I patriotism.'
~I Ij , I l' 1 1 1
•I It ould have caused a Was "itigton ti
`'mourn and would ;IJiaveliespired 01110 . 13,
I \h4
.nor !Tadao° with-cons i :no.; tb
re' and the ultimate Object of Nr. r
etifa, the public is no ;Meer t tau , before.
I( is sincerely to trusted tiat he : e
ignorant, 6f- them laitUttelf.—{New Y 1
Herald. • I I' l
' • '
' remarksf
in his o re 1---""""''
erne to ) , ii e oh r
actor f bur l inatitntiens end the impossibil.
ity of legal secession,without theleonsenl
of all be States,
.beil only reitrated in flirt
efble z,
t fps; the Tip!. which aye been re
paatedlj, expressed by all the, great ste w
men ef,our count4.—Vbe Pbilidoip ii
Press. • i
' 1 i • 1
I 1 1
, '--- 1 1 1
Lie Ibis speecihos; it is 'a poor, we k
trash;affair, a lotinding disgrace I to ' h
•1 • ,
.. '
eons t ,an aAt emumepteryj on the fa 't ,
.and I uoreationahleness 1 which ni di
j r,
him Prigairnt•--FBanger Union. ' "
1 • 1
_', 1•=--. I ' j I
It breathes the irua spirit of R i'7
merles.. llt vindicatat thelprinehges fo
ibioh l oar Whirs ?fought and bled. I
'Alms the doeritres et the framers of tin
1 , 11 1 -1 I I I'
Fi ,ii 1 I I • 1 !
;tit'. - 's-
W'' tihigt i o., of
-- , ninilliV4
i :i.
•• b . ong 'ilt '
aqiiarPly tL, I a
.1, its itsin ei,ni;
preetotion rsenliin
84 i,tni i iir;tl
no46ing t j hal
[8 0660 C riSi:
1 i 1! 1.,..j
-__ 1 t i la _le i se, gm!
iti e; M4 l OOlll ai
14; in 11L,m4-1
witid: atimul•itlit
ve mimeo . MIA
.. ,
fi g
re )4 , at
• „ }
ad . id lieader
.maly i tritoka,
i revident
be ar.uOiry.
terprettog tb•
at they.ato a ti
tended, to Oat
of to elude tbol
ealty c
o the
the 'lin
~ . ilk clunisey 'am_ r ....sward cop ,
letrnetiir of sentiones and Wiwi of literary
graOe, hat iti, is a Ilaboreti t #--
Tap general ebarseter of 4e.Mecsage is not
eonceiwed in
f a Happy I spirit; i neither is it
appropriate or 1 jtislicious. 1.. :I ! 1
1 11 ;... _ : ,.
The Lomiville j Journal isi3{a:l If not
everyt nog we could desire, s r e, o w n lit is
not; it is at; (awl I ltnuch morel and much
better than Ivre ,were ; tempted' to fear.=
And anal ,we ibialcmust be the judgment
of imp! -reff: ! eiing latidqlandili I.)ctrioi.
Important , Merl*, from Fort Sumter
1 1 11' • '
'lute ligence has Oast been reeeiTe4.that tbe
idnain,letrition ii about to withlfrair the troops
from foal , finalist : l The reneout given . for
t f
this step are) !tint' dangers incllebt , to lan a
ttettipt-i t reinfe *at, and t einipinenrdan-,
ger of itae, trotipS rom ' want 'f !provieions. r -
We eh 'll Wei i j
4rther °enure2 tioti of. the re
port tiefor . e iviiiiiiuil are deuSe to it; as there
. _ . lott i n ... 2tt , wi in i iiiesitvl6loo4,
' :M.,_ —, ,. .1-- 1 .• . , :.
iootng in 1 argutnent
m noes; and 'strap!
a d inatiiliary too
eta amen sod ones
ed to the oat on A
Ito t ouceilallnd rig t
n party influent
gh to bar eittinit
1, • l
tin and motto() - {
I ,
I -
work of 31411
ntialttred tty-ati
solvents, and bea l I
dress to the tend r
tp vlese;the i4pre
t're responsibjlitt I .
I.courage tct met
id last spring in
that right intakes
i let us, to tile end
vs understand it r
. - 1 1 1,1
mei , -karma! are
de'afiruie - 1 food and, elotbi7 i 4 g, except; ail
I tte
Pro 4 dud b . rs'ape in theLdi mut States;
dud latter as, We are atistous to a ff ord an
oppo tuott for l tins cortatituCity to aid in
supplying heir' wants. l'herefore,
l' Resolve d That Hugh BeuoetFbe a Coat
, ,
mitt eof otreepoudence:l ; 5 .
. ‘ 1
,R acire , That John Hyde, ;no. Thom:
Lisle dJ. flatten be appointed a Coin
titittra of caption and Diatiibutt'on.
' -eolve ,1 Thu :this coostntuti4l' be re
,ll 1 ~. .. . f _ .1 i ji I , -
,ep equity tie:
_cu. to ea r on one or this
'' C Matitte a ecion ea con potent., and leave
ir till them' 'Donation in "Moridy,lPrdera op
et rcic, etc. 1 j l il 1.
.1 1 ' 1
1: - ititaolveil; 'rbia-tbis Coothinttee be re=
'ti ' i ' " ' II July '/ - ' 'lg6l
el es ed, to aet,uot ; pth,, .
.. ,
iil Itsrileati; T h at thci Vornatiltoa make a
Ott ton (beirlaOtion *pacifying the ain't
etved and iAidy that ; 11teport be j made
thiogli dui County papera;l that Itbe,,firat:
Sleportlbelm i atiti - :,the 'lothjof A p ril, . end'
tile second Heitttipn the 20 th of :July'
gesolv e ci, T at these . ; puoredinga .be
I 'dia l ed ' ; by Ltitel'Obiirtna; itnd , Se.cretarY,
iil Publi hed'tp ttie. , .Coluty. FaPers. -
j I ‘1 -LAt t Git
. KIRK, Ch'„,'
-- 1 , -1---- -
H. 819
i tr e Scott
achery :, of . lirigadier General
m IDaild..E. 'l"trigge,'auci: bil l airreodei of the
hiio'pr Perty in:Texas, l into the; baud, of
, the Settee ioni-t&', remind' uc a g ain of the'
1- of the de 14 fi se 'b ri l l :Ohs coun try inies to the
royalty It niorso: iSeolt. , Gen.
wigs, (ter , outt, sod Web), is the bigh
k €t Offtc/r in the Anierisian lArtny , . ~Alu t a
.f4Aettre hie tifet6ingtspared,would have.•
elapsed . before, b 4 law.
the obseiation_lof
fli. of ieoioqiY, ha would have stepped, into
I- the l Lieuesnant.l Geo4ral'n pliee. Time be,
If gin Ltit 'pfess 1 heavpy. Upon Gen. ~ B eott's
N, bea d, an dla 'the:natural! course ' of; events
e- 1 hardly a tieadtiesugo,'by l ; before he will
hi takt;', his place in history is one of the ben:
is!, efidtors of! his l ysee. i 1 1 l •
I. ' 0113. Ilui is oncisidlsbly the , senior of'i
i Toi 4,a nd in ail Probshil . ity would hair
iti 1.
t," Ant e Ira ,I , by 'death, fur l i filh prortiotioD.—
i Bti !two' ilres, ' anal thee° of \ feeble '. tenure,
Fs .heiwein he traitor 'itd, the''`entottaind hi
le coitte ; I , ' ' 11
\ 'k ''
1 I i is f utuoato thst .he showeerlis true
I eoliirs cud ituaiohecil off before he ,f,i'ad'the
Wpower to l debau ch the srutY .under liti \ sr.,
w de r . It ( le doubly 'fostu t iatti that he was
re nal
t this tiini in the pliceef,ltite old Re:\
W iti fhb //A/emitted-lbw Repalrlie. ' '
; .1. '
tde the
I, aid os
di llot,tneet l i f
1 aily and
Inpontation al bs isf pen.
1----- a nd
of reasoning aud.ex-
Oat in reward ll in Sine/440n
Wily 4 Me Union, leave
Wired on - thoec polate.T—
-: I
iitight . torward:niauly, pos
lebut two classes ',who den
O f ilt.
-1 , 1
atcell/plaint ;the
it , the l Noirlif and' the
a tentirely front a di&
the South.-144111 Cinr.
'4a l i lige it I,s3ol),trect
rOttnisa of puOose
sage, that littlelcomaset
understanding of , its 4
.., i
, 1 i
i i
Po.) Milian , p l t, the
le l address is , I t the 11
espre l ssionir• ar e terse
if-WI light, -;Midi l the di
able forks latgc.invPr i l
sl i ttergaon oti, : cc too i
.finin am; wo rds
hy- - inhich thelg4lish.'
li pies sesu enlarged
l l H i l
j Il il
, rsi r siouil i think
eel ttie: forgo "o
ettarinter, o
of his lutingur,
great editor:lr
:.. Plxi,s • It l is 1 emit
i i
iiielto;theuttermost,)i • , I .
r expreaston to ;ideas;
rwsPonsibility l efl bud:
; litch I di'
intrattl of ling
cd-te's cle;01
s r atj
4tileti, The
ditce I (a .t
its Fret...demi
_ detiretion
age tt i titt
,iii (
r — ' Il
4oOtreSl Transcript
I, it. offs stye
cap : •I We
dot eise ao S isi , ehol i .ding States. Hie ft Wkly
Lis' poryose of abiding ! bi theleoti
li ami,isopitiislly sdetiiiStaitig it;
iore. eau the Seeeedi 118taie de-
I . 4---d ' 11 . •
iiotnes bdidi j !lip , 'to l
thich is threatenin glto dkilever
nor); awl dislposes of ii' l litit boldly.
I r j---
pinein,natis Fmquirer is j 1
inclined :tit
vire it,scluo.-- - 'enallrltsrani p-'
I i
lu will Dia ,be - t
Oro q ht Fedeiii
siiitliop is said!
few sppoiutui
Inci i
Inc W:
es yet
tdis • ICsumiiii
in 1;1:l:kip, BO
i for thel
)onimiiteel ot r
od Dnribution,
ring in Kansas
on, the Rey: A
• bairman, and:
fbe I following
Wore t adopteck,
I Citise
rd fo 4
c 1 No,
0 1 YI '
,ou a
l a au&
i l at il°l
e l d l,
1 i
~t iepa
4 3;0' 3 TL
, {
*BAUR 08314 11.111 OAD
f f 1 , l 3°Spa•l • ‘ I
'fir' di Editor °fete Amn ia -' i . 1
1 . ; , ...
Itlis uaddrotood; doubtless, byttis' snags
of your 'eiders, that the t Ciountyiptrintnite.,
simian have basin 'Making compro (see and
tleittlemente with the holders of b e Bituds
issued bY.,the ceunly of
,Beau to the
Cleveland, and 'Pittsburgh Bail midi Com%
party; and many May have expo ed an ex
hibit on this tMportant busintiss in con.
neotion with the annual financial statement,
&strained by the Andtiors; but as some
items of magnitride were thenl Ist Jan.)
petading and tit/sallied; it was theiostru'e . ..
lion of the. Bona to pass the Matter ,esel
fo r `two or three urontbs. By their - diMe.
Lion, I beg feave to slate theleberal fatits,,
for public information, which! doubtless
will interesting, if not eathifactori, to
all !be citizens cif tlre cbunty. .
After the legal test of Nati itpof , the
tounty, in the Circuit Courtl df the Uni,
tad States,wherein judgment' as obtained
by Lieut.WoodiMil sod ofbiys, and like
decisinos in sev l eral Courts, against all
counties or • corporations tbat bakisstrd
bonds to Reilroad'Campanula (judgments
affirmed m several' cases by i o Supreme
i Court,) the Coubtb Cornmiss;ohorkeonelu
ded to offer terms of settlement to „the
,boodholdere, without further litiation;..aild
witiltbis view, petit ioned, the mate Legis
lature, a;year aga, to grant abqui authori
ty to borrow l'lft,ooo, - ; - oO the faith and
otodii of the Peuoty t . The !law poostd,,
reeking the ana9nnt 1150,000. I.' , • •
• It having ; boo sttggrsted t+' the Board
that 11001 D pcIIOD having no official relatioh
fo the County' could best' proach the
bondholders,ascertain their vie s and urge i
~ ' . 1
such considerations as *out foduce an
• ,
equitable leettl4ment, they, in April last,
asked me, to itticlattake this business, 14-
eluding the raising, all besessary funds; in ,
which I have labored to tlia beat of My
ability, acting always under erneurreot di- . ' I
section..., To rimmed understandingly, I
live,st.Cleyeland.and elsewhe',ie, iii per.on
rind by correspondence, endeuitore'd to nit
tarn all' p ossible information is to the die-
Pcisitioti of the bonds by Ihe , Ratiroad C o r t i,
pany, for what price sold, where held,
ankauot of ;interest.,`dUe and . unpaid, the
value of the at t ack,' future prtisprcts of the
compniry,,tte., i
law ; n which I was .
I moderately, sueSessful where Most was ex.
I peeted. Vie,ding some 0( Mil hoodholda's
willing to male concessiohs, fie mirk com
menced; and as b•rtidi 'mini-severally tit.g, , t- 1
tiated,Mubis lo meet each , ease w-re pr”-
cured, -mo.tly n loan, fr om .our own •d i f 1:
zees exclueive, y, satin , rri
ari3 of tlitm the
heaviesi tuz-payert, looked titeided
favor -upon the proceedinm.; The rcoiult
may he stated ; rhos; ! 3 'l
I 1 ,
i • , , ,"
To'oash borrowed , from 26 manna, :1319,943 15
.• sale of Railroad atocit,l 10,760 00
" - frotn County ,Treasury; 4,231 79
•• Railroad Co., dif. ponpins - • 1 2 76
",. advancril by agent, I , 1.778 89
, 1 ) $66,700 58
l il • •
) •:' i 1 e‘t" , 1 ~' !
Ry: 76 Rhode delivered miiirti, $7611 1 10 00
620 past due coupons. $3O Ich, '15,000 00
Woodhull jut i l't k. inest, , as ivied, 1,631 79
lat •of
l ft is
e ID
The Jifferenee iu aggrakates
the gain to the.; I C"oruity, amiu
45-100 per cent,
• r ' Caleb - ered.ti irould. be,
r - 1111"NdlitTliirett ecruponii
Woodhull jiidgment, dieeo
tl loaa for
offh i esi - . i Tee
I 4i. tie tremen•
tins havq . been
1 i • , '11;66,706 M I
• • r I ' '• '
A 'More pe'rfizelir account with prop: , i ,
'vouchers, ;will soon be submitted to the
County Andliors; ; '; .1.1
On ' several occationS I ware been cora l
peilecl temporarily to use pay perieepal eied ;;
it to real* (Undo io•seasn'n; sad )the ad.
Vance - bete set forth rematos Pimpiy fro-x
f!its 'fact that alte limit Of f tbe Lia,! for; bur'.;
;rowilig has been,fibout reached; as money
1 1 ,
can 'ho.bed in thirty . daysrto Ink , - np the
outitauding ii ands 1 if tin hohNts, , are.
ready. ~ 'l • ; ` ' ' '
Of, the 5 0 0 coupons, 170, for which the:
county I was 41liable, were , cancelled,' aid
banded, to, the 'awn t, of 'the - Receiver of tile
RailrioailieinuPany, in;thd arrabgentent• fOr
taking bp hlpoteecated bonds. ;
~ ;1
- Thus may be a. difference of oPinion
relative to the sale of the Stock' 'of tt4
Couoty io the Railroaa Conapany,' for
. $ll,l l
000, less thi cost of New ! York brokerage,
It once iold,l think, as, loi as.three dol.'.
Lars in the bundred,; and 'pariee well in.
formedlave to me a diaconragtoi view oil
the prospects of the corporation. It. ts acl
mined :to,bel living at the morel of the
mortgage bondholders, whilst, - . the road, ie
and has ,f,)eeti in a elate of, requestratiori t
for 'the: benefit of one,' creditor, to ha fol T
loWe4 -'probably by, others in Itirn. The i
Stock has ;for years been reated as a Agri;
audio the
,Stock speeulations of last'', 84 , 7
.tember, the', Las tossed l it up to 10,.,11.1,
12,- 1 -restiniat jhe medium figure Wheel
the Board agreed ;to seli' Subsequentli
sales were rePorted et j 13; il4 and 15,, but
'whether real 41s questionable. Some of the ;
quotations were adliitted to. be poticioto. 1
,were'redeutly j made it' 81; ; and -1110;1
County - can buy , back at that plena or less;,
'atter. having the nee for six Enottlas ir,littout
interest, -of, a 'larger own by: two': tbdussod
i dollare:An should hope •that'it :has at
legit this'aineunt of intrinsic value ;; for in
that case, ind in that case alone,the-Couo
ty may hope to realise 'eutnethitig of What
is justly doe from the , Railroad CoMpany.,
To; secure' ; 'the County , subscrip tion, i i tbe
Company , bound thenasolves to 'pay 'the
semi annual interest on' the ' , muds:issued
hy the'. Conaty, until ' the perto.l of their
maturity, ( 1888 ,) ttrbi9fl they have ' failed'
'to do for foikrand a half leafs Past.: They
owe pul viz':' I • ; ''; . II
-;;teist )r.. . , _
I Sufferer s.
t, the il l ptigt
•a er county, on
rpose ot'ap
ri the !ienefti
G. Kirk liras
Hugh teniiett
itreaintile arid
of Ki
I, , -
intor,rpt rud* " Pbr , foregoing, 10020 DO
COUtIOIIIII duo since pirehooe, 4; 880.00,
Paid Woodhull judgment; 1,43179
• ; *14,181 79
, • „
They are also bound to pay us somi-an.
anal tattiest on the $:76,000' of bonds pair.
oilseed ; end these with, the $15;000 of
bonds: brought the proceeds of ;saleof
Stoeltj niskes a handsOuse offset, May well
be tittughti to all the; salue theta is likely
to be tnthat ,kiod of property.
Ofitht; 24 outetanding bonds, Ware
held fir "e,wit'persons in !Connecticut; 5 by
it citizen of Alleghinj County-; in col
umbium !County, Ohio; 8 in his iostrty.
Teo were e!xehanged i by ilte . ,Railr'oaii
patty, for !real - estafe in Itochester and M,so:
ebelkter l . All mf iikely ,to drag for a time;
A1)11'044'164 under the deoleritioni
a deefidon, of theSopron:Li Cloud Of
, ' '
• i
Chi l i titar,a,i in JeuticrY iast,to, the effect • The Worst Traaaol• I i
thai l l the Coital l y Would Ir liable only for Let DO moo bite a j'tt of his %digesti ve '
the, lettraut realized .1 01 ' liie " 111 ,.!'Y fhe at the foul treason of tieneral T 1y i e0.....
R a ilroad Convany, wi r `-:"-t was ni our iTbere is no possible exeusts or irisili at i' oe l
esse!7s cent's in the dellqr,_ the retuainiDg ' for it fie hes deliberately platink f o r l', l .
,bondholders I may be 141 to choose lib ei r I monthsto place our - whole ar Myj in !Ter, .. ''.'
own: lime for settlement , 1 ' ,
_,.,. ' near 8000 men, in the pow e r o f a ) , s 1,
If these{ 24 botids were nought i i ii vii ,.'',';',.„ ' ' I OessiOnists, with all the GovernM.oti p r ;,,„- ',
they would colt Wi th ' Interest I !Wait 4c-vi er r .) , and ntores,'sm• nwrib k , t o ,-,,k ,h ifi twl
millions of dollars. It is some. reli e f 10 ,I
000. Tbis added to liabilities above
stated, 051 1 ,722 04,) would !nuke 00 ' 114 " t hear that malty o f the officers ' an d men ,?
tire Ilailroad debt, 871 722 04,- , ine_lud-, , 41 :1 te r mit , ~,„ fo ii„ w him,
an d.,. tsat h
0 000 This ' • • - • • -- i 4 A'
; log least of:sett letnej t say $7.1, , name Trill be ignianimoualy attick t io
L et 1:9 eflphistr l yhe to lerated io n t h• 01
F. . in I ,
in no small sum ; Yet contrasted with the. ' the army roll. r i fro 1 , l
c ondition of any one If. the (Our *di iiningi
0 0,1:Ri des, Ithree of them yet without a . po i nt. 1.4 ii t th s i n - e of hnpland
0 14 1 -..11 {1
treachery sire clearly marked in sac • a c".e1 , 7 1'
tutsta our railroad ,)may we lot well poem%
selves it is
l eo *or te_ IA fter aptilYing °T l , (f genera! Twiggs chose to leave 'th e sees
deducling i ontstr6ding tolxes'due the t ins :°T
_ i eiceofithe United S'ates; it was
i , p , :n 10 !1 !
ty,;by setting apart for the ptirpose:aerim.i him at .„ t , ;hue firmoribly tchefign ldit: l ii
all from the• Treasury of the 'present rate ,
nninm a,, s i,, s If he e1m.... !heti MO .11 1 the i l
of les, semen iliousandi duarpf.i (which a f , onibe4li I Confederacy - , be ivottld haretli
careful and econ
s mica( adiniuntipition , nt ', stood n f ,,,, it,. fool in 7, of any;' private
our County finatmel'i Ina'' , well seifrel,nti the)
in t,/
`z an, 'steel (
nay. Rut
have tatieri ; art vice i 11
ii . the • Pailio d liability .1 . .
average ' ) '
entire 4 ° . ' their , nay. . tho is eosir,,i , 1 ,1i t ..,1 , 1
principal and interest, can . Le' tiquidatid,,
J,fere thing fiom tampering with the offi t .i r i, t
in Ltweive #ears,--paying . the tact gale in i a
army, ,
pole lo nimil
187a,—two yehrs before the Original • over th.,, r el y men entrusted fn a i l; cel l
hoods would have matured 3 1 13 gm" b P, • inatid to a Creign power,' and a t • i
i mina d i..
ii 1,.,,i without 2 . i - term/led taxation, , ,-- , , -I, 11
lICCJIDI , 8.... ••-• - ~ '. , f act, einal ng tile property 'of 'he ' u„i,ri
without reference to the widening by cif , states.. . s . no , ,
es, - duo ii
, 1
s .
,11 ,
it •. • precisely that iv,
a l by improvement 'and weatly , . , ,
tesstnent, . ./ . •[ a Deneuttkarttoto. The ca.esj ;nil s'ricitp i t
progresi ; nor yet to what is :any will biL s
parall:d We trust that
_the lehrinent
duo from' the • Railroad ConOtty. 1 l
''''' idignation of every lion,est man' wilt potsui
will be
!hibtly over 'one nv s l a half mills A
lobe traitor, and that his tiaimi s siill gfl,
ofi the seven, on our pr • esent va,luation ; !down iiritb execration no thrl iptie f,f 1,i, ' , ,
IFtligh dOlibilesBl . ftnanT Olll4 `prefer to pay, tory.
w w 7
A man of honor is such in all eitiPi'
FM' twelve yeari,. 1 9 beari-ibe endless i annets s ee s . What evert be fiA ii •14.1 1
stain and _twelve .
of )•ePutilati°P, if . that itnty," , '•lo Jo, be always. does , it ittin ben4
veers, left, As it is ifot,,to their deoit'inu• i iigle way ''') be wholetworld doitirieni;ilh
Wll 1 111fISIIV ' -* - .- i 'i
, I _ , between an 'inviolable war and foul treat Y,,,,
I-I I . i '''' 'I fV And ire must say thai Ili l at t ''l
'll Port Sumter to he Eveottuted. 1 1` -- . . • . 1 • ( ."cl,
i , . of this secession is rapidly lowering Soulliii
I 1 WnipitirfroN., Mar
_ll.-4The corres•l' ern character in' the eyes of' th eiiihres4l
[ pendent nt the N• w York Times saps the ' en:Oct.—Phi/a., Biartin. ' I. . ill
i cl im b /lila of reinforcing Fort I Sumter hit • ___ _ - ---..4.____-- _ i r • ,`i'
been under consideratitm ' in !the Cabinet', itax.Cougits and Golds are' gra , , 5 4 di,i! !
and it is understrtod that the .. que!tien, greea44le, tiftYli Idang , reue—A f r w n-i•pei s y
desir• tail tr. aith• 'ions , bit tel ilia un 1 t
Whether or no; it Is not a ~ ,an , I it 1 or cons 1 p itlyim
draw MI the troops, excemi s wo or three " I b e the result. But you may . ,I4• li nre arthl
kien, ~ n ether than incur tire bloodshed pleasantly, promtly and perm i 'lently
which wi ll probably occur the fore ti nor, l l sumphrey H
s' omeophstic Oiugh, ,i-i l i
j and supplies are p'it into it, lis now to b..: Cough and Reer Pills, ala at., do tliif '
decided. The immediate necessity of set- •cork. You need only take , s iq plesslt
tling this questanfi grows
out la th...
a fact i agar pills, and your cough
,is gow g',4
that there is :nn .y a limited supply of Vold cured, as by en h s njitien f t Sin 4t
bread it! Fort E..umter, bet ilerify. of Salt ; boxes with direction., 25 ceitis isix b , ;,4: 1 ,
iMeat, and that it mutt either he supple Or es V. ; ig.
abandoned very goon.
t 1 The question has been tinder , ophatie''Specitii.i wv,h Ponds titi Drr, etiyg i
lin high military oireles for several nly..- 7 -- int! r).t
twenty Remediee, in laellree •ltaelA
Gen. Scott ads ices that reinforeetnenie ,tiels, and morroven (-ace, $5; Jo ii C hill i
I cannot now be pi# in - without ,au enrir- 4.-18, 84, , Cade a fifteen boxesl end b, l l,p s
I mons -sacrifice or tire, of iourse his V 2. ' . 1 . ro.;1
: 9 , 11
views on the su i s p-ot cannot be .f fi e ally , Fee Remeditli, by the Atty'e 1 1 - 3,7
known to the politic, but he is uniirrstnori ' , full ease, at nt to any utliir4., ll, \ 1 4 .
Ito lay .tail we , have ueithe:r Militaiy or via 'or express, free of thaw, on rticeir , in ' i t,i,:e
,val force et bend euff-ie9t ' l lO ail 1l3" the ' price. Arldre.g • _ • • f ;
turf a gai he t the ; threatrud • iopp.i.,iti , ol. `Da. FTM MPH HEY`' , lst , l'. l ii whir iih if wuu'd ri'quire twenty 6(.11%41)1 i ' No. '502 Itrodw iy, \"s li' 1)0 1 '
Amen to neerennift Beaidris, it it shottA ins '
,sitA,,.Sold by J. C. Wilson, 13: , ,a t,
1, sop',
t itiale civil war in addition lo uniting the S. Smith, 'Bridgewater I- 7;1
[ South and overwhelming tile,'. Union sett -...--- - ' i l
C t i r p er it, it w o uld require hr.', lined t ed and : " Tug 13RMSEI MIN ft4it:Et.—ri . N ft.
fifty thow , and govetutneni ,tamps to eqrry Tiercrid lia a a disrqich fr t o , it, 1 ,,. u . k t .h.'
on the strUggle; and a hundred mitli.ins of -,,ition editor at Waiihiegton) ,hit yo
dolLirs,to hi-g in with. 2(11 In jBl an etent, lgons has given • titEitil untico dill. iht
twenty, thous - tind men wonliitbe no`.'. dell tr. : Etritiph W. vernmprit will rot ', gi p; 1 40
n' ‘‘" I 'taid 'b 0-- , ri ei t bloittrade it the Soutikrii poll , : t,t it b ps
r ry:wrr l ' ' ob 111% t,iu . e g . , Mt_ ) _!
..._ .„ _
archer; g •'•. • ' . nfor6id by the:actual preNt '
Ilt.. 01 11 , elli i•
$26,525 21;
ting. :to 28', nod
war r o i e the h
p1:1+24, ,
FoItT KEitiNiY, March o—Th e .P,toy 'Fitts is fulse -It wed tp••• moo
'Ex profs prisseti at. 6:30, bringing tho to!, I.)t t.u:11! notice
losing sualuatiry of brats (tw o Pacific whoa scepi toward in, At - a bI4 'elck
eemet. ' • ' ; .eo by !the Fetit.l •Uov.rt tutlt.
cited, 1,431. 79
San Franc[xco, Feb. 23:-7--Ttlerl 15 hut... I. ----- ---- " = " ----- 11 ,
'little gen'eral . hews The' (lerro.onies ar • 'TitiEvEs —There is qr. 'ejr l .-rpM
he Uttio eel,- bratioh, yi-sq4.lay,`ab=nr . •.)ed' •pri•ty i l u the Chariest - 1n Mercf,rbl
all the attention. The tii'y' e.c unacti- , forward' to , defend ex-S, (4etie l y, - 4
mously observed as the. F.-tatft OC.-Ju'y.—, .ler . eury was the 'gad if. t le9
Resnluth;ns were unanimoe t ly ..arlgwel de, heathen', Arstem of In) t holog ~iiLe,
daring the uttalt,rxhie atta6lauent- of Gilt- ' 4cilf aittlelbiog, iu 'a nave . it, i
forma- to the Union. It is" nee rally con- '. '' ' , -...«.------ - - I ,' l —
that thiA itn 4,-5 - to to li 'nu i . on; A RR] FD G ' the 4 7'1' 124
p J.. I • M , / il e-. 11 , .
:ft:l6llu tsar : ilia liirge:4 to meeting-pi& Urightol i n, by It, a;H. G. (7ritel
['held in San Franci.loti, while the ortanr• • ! osEPtilTflomPsorly.
i-),litt ~''.",J
moue and euttiit.ife.enddruetnettis of *ll-4 bath of 'Fallstoo, Bealf . t-i'couioy,
1 resi - kfutioos'eurpriFed their fliends - ', -- I ----,---------...-------, ---f' - -
,J ll .(LieS A, 1 4 . 1 t4 ) ..bg1i, wit' , ortmionted n . DIED—Ou the 2fith ult . ; RVa.
•,I 1 i
cairgate for Ltuit.l i_iiates ' Sonator .bi a 400 of Houry-Veon, of Ditiragtr7
eauelia compost d of t Weot,:.ei g ht D ui ii t ;The Bfb year of his age: ti •
Deolocrats; on the erentog.of the 21)th.--- i - 1 - '
T4is is . Una less than • a !criajotity of the ,
Douglae . party iitlthe Legi4fotiurc. ' The re. , .
~ , ,
u " .ini t t g P n v''''" n y.'""' havePiitY• en a l' L ' et ' d - 11, 1 E...1V-11l A 4 ADV,KRTIS ;DI;
• with the Br..cketi, Tiger,., rind the pro. pent : .r 1 - I. 1.,' ! if 1 -
ie faiorah!e to' Iha Incr'xibaihtt t,t lleusei — The: ' • I 11, e quit
----'-------••- - --1---- -• •( - Passdpg er - 1 Sr "
, 1 nor
. • 1 I .1 j 1
..„? iVASHINGrtiN . Mara; q.—The .uh . j.ct ! ' ' ' ' • • - ',?
•of the revenue and reinforce ; , .
• 11 " ,EIV! M A %
1 n
i l l e . ~:l
m : 1
erit of tim
Port Spterarl not yet engaged ,
the attention of the (i'abiort, Grrat ef. Ova': p :
. 1
c - c ,q o . :
x t IiARATT.4,I 4
KILL,.: -
I H Din: „.7r _,,ti.-„,,,
- -lo
forte aro ,being
_untie to . tiffeet a peaceful i WILL depart from Pittsura, ~
soltiti oll :of the ff ne4t i t in ' °l' . torts-ind true-.; aaw . K4; D k u t i llc llZle l l i al n l, ib pa' ill 'ais24 l T .'
1 Ili .. . ,
nue. . ' Li - *. - ' : 1 1.Mbuque, La Cross and Si Pa "I ; j
A tnyiseng er bee arrived . wiih 68170;101es
from Major. Andarslci,rwho report 4 the -, 1 - .
Passengers and Shippers (infide l
gartieon all well, but I lhaviug previsions Emma leaving as advertised above.
only for - two weeks more. f , • - sins are, fninished in the best style,
The other important ra t riot of the dieratn.hirior seciiinimadationsfor passenkers
ere, of necessil,,not communicated to the and eemtnedieus guArds ter Stack
Frees i
. ,
i 1 Marchl3th, 1861.
. ' - 1 . i ,
____ . , 1 9 ,
~ i E. :B. Cleniiiki
rAYErrimmts, Ant i March -On I '' '
the reeeption 'of .Presiden 1 Lincoin's bin- I 1 Patent Wash ing Mac]
grind, the.eteceasioniste iti consequence of -1 1 r
. 10 their 2-raoll„ called ai '' , GRIN ; ', FANIOII,
' I
,I, of the citizens corthe County, ie. i - --
tfay,io 1110,09 delegates to the Convention. I rr operster and Clothea, and ateHESE 'Machines for'speid,' i
It proved, however,. that the. T.Johin ienti. L
inept irecailed 'and the meeting ,adjourued , on a large or small piece of Ciothi
Wittbat action, amid much enthusiasm for ;"aalled by any Washing - Machine.
the Sass
andLsiripes. '-,_ t, ; i'i.IITGAIt CURED HAMS at 1
~ • ---- , -.-L..---- ' - .' IkJ I ' - •:' '
11:1 6 •WAsOINCTON • CITY, March ' 9.--Th ITVIED FEACITES,at . .
.C,Eiarlestint "Courie , lef Tbutatlay • says , Ilia `L ' •` ' ,
.1 .
*arks -irs the hartor have inade, ? RACKER.S O a t .
ble progress' within the last ten day.., undet•
tire direction of Geo. •Beanregard, in athns4' 1- N.CIIAIItS; iiisluprz
charge the attack'on Tort Sumter had.tren
m. 1
Eda . , , . _ • • ; CASTILE; t anitee7, Altuo4d, I
Three soldier, ethos; terms Of enlistl. ' mac and Rosen B';AIP' At
went bad expired, l eft! Fort Sunnier pit I Iit — ARBI43, it.
Wednesday. ; '1 - , - . ' 1 J-v-I,L
i 1 ENIONS. Ratema, ate
• ' •
Pti4lol4.—We aticlertarol thlt One of
our ire° houses has been notified by Dal
New Orleans correspOndimt that a duty of
twenty...four per, cent will hereafter bi! col.;
looted on Tennessee iron in tbat city. It i
is a wonder tie gallant city id
a tat of tweutpfour per cent no Tt&knesl I
see troiskets in 1845,1RNashvilte (Team)!
Patriot '' • I
tttcTA Gieat aealr.h4s been mild a bont
the resignations of sotqli , ern, men, yet t0.,4
dayijit,ere are in the departments office,
hohli•ro from alier:yprete l luded receded Stu's.
sot eetotplitte Booth Oirolioa, and includ
ing ib the oustabtr brothirs of the receded
FOR ST PA t:77.41
D°' you want Carbon .oil 1: trop
- Dr. Mini.4' Dr 4 Store:i
-_ L.
Arida. Call 'at Dr Minis'
° you want,Painte, Or,
Call at Dr. :Minis' Drug'tor
110 you • want `Dye 7 .S.tuffit?, z
11 Minis'. Drug Store. .'
DO you want any kind o(Br
•at Annie' Drug Store',
D 0 you want. Tobacco or Soiga
D r. Minis' Drug Store. - ti
D 0 you want efioiee PerfOrue
:Lir. Minis' Drug .Store"
DO you 'want fine 'Toilet 13oa
at Dr. Minis' Drug &ski;
I~IU oa waat n i*bts . P i arat
-. Call nt Jr, b 1 ul' Drug 4to
h'r at, ;31,
r, i3l tbe
20 p 34'i
§n Vie
wito,! . .uve
mti w
IS •
---rt -
age the
.4 , ,b142g,
4 ,- 1 , rot
I •
br I
Ef el j tly's•
I Mary
one!, (Icr
:~"t _~
* . Lail 'al
iri t'
liitliet. br
Ilruire 4
rnislies !
• -
- it
rill it
Y •
I ir •