BEI cutu 70 :00 T ON,Atea(INT er- - ed . ,‘ CURE u t• e sileadache rvo CURE kisas' r,lieadaette. h I 1 1 c 1: ' By - the!use e . 'f these Pills the periodic attacks o f Nenvohs or Sick Headache %ay be prevent ed ;1 and if taken_ at the commencement of an s ttacklinitnediale relief from pain and sickness Fill tt9 obtained. - ' T et- leldom fail in removing the Nausea on - Headache to whiCh females are so subject. , ' ll 4- em t gently uji l. b u Hie bowels,—removing or Literary Men, Students, -Delicate Fe inci'es4 and all persOns of aenedtary habits, 60 are lvalnable sett Laxative. Improving the appe4e, , giving tone and vigor to the digestive . o mani, find restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole System.. Thtl CEPHALIC PILLS! are the result . of 'oak iuvestigation and carefully conducted ek periuents. having been in use many-yaars, during which time they have prevented_ and relievjedl A cast Arra:int of pain and sufreiing froln filleathiche. whether originating in the Derv, onsisystem or from a deranged state of the stotnahlt i .' ' i'h r y are entirely vegetable in their comps tin,rd may be taken at all times with per 't safely without making any-change of diet ioitite hsenee of any disagreeable tests ren fill ett,y to admibister thtuffo children. t 1 it!ware of Counterfeits! • g'' ' attitte have five signatures of Henry C al,fing on each Box .)19 q Druggists and all other Dealers in Iditlnes. - • A B. :1 will be sent by mail prepaid on ire r,t.l of I tl,e . - ill , fee Ein ;lei • 1. PRICE 25 CENTS. A' 4-4.irr! 9h di Ir - Rthiesped to 10ENitr . C. NiPA I ! aS MIAR STREET, NEW YORK. i ~ -- TruE FOLLOItING ENDuRSENIENTB OF PILD/iG I S (T.THILIC PILLS, - COM - INC - I: • .LL WHO SUFI , ER FROM .1. 4•-• ,t. : 0.1 t. ri %.4 n p AP , 1 .1 SERE CI: , V T Iti III. EIR RE AC 1, Ttsts'attticrls. ieere taatoreiteil by SDAI DINO. they afford VI 91S A. • •' OUP pro , l of the ejlietr4 of truly zcirtit,fictliscove4. 14," ..tfogon rub-, Con., - .Fcb 5, '6l Ell tried yourCephali6 Pills-, and well that I wnnt iroti to !end IMP two arlitaure. : - •• 111 .1 these sr« for the neighbors,to wbom - few out of . the ,'first box I got grow 1 'he'Pills my miiil:and oblige • [ Y0u.1.-61.edient fervant, , q,..61 pald:ui, ,, , . : tzir`. . hi t ; von to s'en,d me Oue more box of your lie Pills, L. hare received a great deal of I from them. . , , Yours, respectfully, • 'Mery Aun Stoikhoure. Crefk r lltrittingtw, Po Pa.. 1 1 - J I anuary 18th, 1261. 1. Stuld,ng. , 1 Sir : 1/.761111N:1e sen 4 me two boxes of your Send them . immediately. I Be:Tactfully pure, Jobn B. Simons. P.I-1 have uFed one Box of your d them excellent. B l clle reTlit 011ie; Jun. 15, '64. :APALDING, Esq. nsie End inclosed twenty-five cents, for gelid rne another box of your Cephalic 'ley are truly the best Fills I have Direct A.. Stover, P. M. Belle Vernon, Wyaudot Co., 0. `4l:Vc I" ',tall 4 rer '7li the Examiner, Noi/uO.. Va. ,lic• l'ille accomplish ' the object for i l er were made, viz ; Cure .or beaded e : forme. (.7n the r.677linercial, Chi , 0 L - t og hatniuity_ can now be relievid, 4:•• A oinks bctttle of ~ IWU GLUE w 11 111•11 ! I - qAp)iNo'l - am! ME I - stAILDING% SAN E kk ON:031Y 1 .• &kit aieidents le fp mulles, qe cleap and tve, Tnys; 'PALDINP MU TIIE 2', 'n Tim II bapp - t is cc ooveui Gruc' S Pl 3 IMM ks All. such e °Gird be RTgPrze• .11hVit to tho lit ;ME EKE 'USEFL .-A Btu II II acco 25 cents, Ad fri He .• 48Ce : 1 1ittn 1.1. • . I than unprOnipl rani off.' the ons of in i Pit EP att persceis to ex d see tha the fall .-PALIAN ' • PR at , uteid -I .lrisp otinterieita: I kt Iltri * ing Pr. , Philip Tc - eikah received ddriug year. Tin : • . Defaces in Treasury, Jannari i lni, 1860, Itcnk Dividend,' ' ' • .Bonds and Judgment 4 r a . ' . OF THEIFINANOILS'OF BEA I • ZONDS, ' ' • ' Stock in,Bank of Pittsburgh. 100 shares, Bond money; loaned M. T. KennedY, 1;29939, i n t Judgments on ProthenOtary'eMocket: - Jonathan MCKentie, 1882;55415, David Eakin, 1853, SO 00,1 1 ., 28.00, 11,. Sutherland, ' 1856, 150.00, ditto 1' I50:00, " 04.78, flugh McCullonzh balance Jos. Miller, Amount forward, P.I.IAVER, COUNTY, 98.—We the uncierst audited tho . foregning, accounts ' of P. .L Grito, ; exhibit of the Fininces of said. Aisidehiy; and ,14 hereasto set our h-4ils this 2lst day of January i'v'NOTE diiubt the necessity efplitigl al Blavlr Academ. ' ••• ' ' I y' ' • I ,~ i . MANHOOD ' 110 W LOST i HOW •RESTORED. 'LUST PUBLISHED; IN A SEALED ENVEL cr t OPE, au' the nattare, treatment, and radi cal cure of Spermatorrhme, or Seminal liVeak!' nese, Sexual Debility, Neivonsness and invol untary -emissions, inducing • impotency; and' Afentol and Physical Incapacity, • *BIRORT. J. CULVERWELL, M D. Author of the 4, onieu Think," itte.' • - The world-renowned author; in this admits Me Lecture, clearly proves from Ms own;expe rience that the awful consequences of Self abuse may be effectuaily removed withent med icine and without lingerous eurgical Opera -dons; boogies, instruments rings or cordials, peinting out a mode:of cure at once certain and elf- ctual, by which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition may be. may cure him ; selfeheapty, privately andradically. Thi s lec ture will prove a bona to thouiands and thou-, enbils ••' • `Sent under seal id sty address, post paid, on .the receipt of tiro postage stamps ; by ath: dreising_Dr; Cll. J. C KLINE,I 27 Bowery N.' Y.: PO. ; box 1,586.' : I ' marl3:6l. F r YAi a Fill • ; ; lc 1.4 C ir t P T • R • BEAVER STATION —fiPlllo EAST. Conztneitc . iv,. -.11471(14 Nov 26, 1880. ?rare Bean.T Station as Allows: 8:29 A M. Arriice tit Fittstrg 9.46 Al M. 2.42 P. M: " " COO P r M. 43(tIxto Weer. ! , SAS A. M. Arrive'at Belleir, 6.40 AM. '440 . Welleville, 6:00 P. M. J. NI, IiIcCbLLOUGH, Prca f ,t. F. NITERS, Octal Ticket Ag't. - 1 1 4:50 P. lt PIT T.B. FtiW . A e•• i R.I R .. , .1 4 FA 1- ROCHES ER STATI;ON.—Gats,4 Fats? ' • ' Leave Rochester . A, rTT. 24 Pitts Express, 12'42 A. X. 2.00 A. x t Aceornifilition 7.15 " ' 235 t " , • " 12:29 P. M. 2 15 it. m • Mail, . = 2.05 1"*.15 I 1" 4ast. Line, ' 724 :- it -S4O 1 -... GOI I IG , N,VES'I, 2 . - . Leikve , Pitbeg. ..3 1 : Fatit Line, 1.00 a. iN. ' ' [ Nittil, 8.15 1. . t Aceammod'n, 9.25 I" 1 Express, • 12.45 p.l in A evmumwrit.. 350 t. -James Ktnnetly. PENNSY.LVANIA pIs•NTRA.I4 RAIL I e.I ROAD ,— SUM —SUIETtI ARRANGMENT. • ' I ON and after Nldidar, 'June 1 theo thr : Mail Train leaves the Passenger Station every morning-(except Supda4) at 12:30 . { I stopping at Grveni,burg, -. L;trobeJ Fl i orence, I Johnstown, and all regular stations between! i•Xohnstown and immisburg. making direct non -1 nection for Baltimore. arriving is Philadelphial Cor Baltimore ,at 5:00 r I The Throtigh Exprema Train leaves daily at • 3:40 P. 34., stopping only at principal stations, tanking direct connection at Ilarriebarg for Baltimore, 'and arriving in Philadelphia ir Baltimore at 5:30 A. 34 THE FAST LlNRJeaves the Station ditily(el ,cept , Sunday) at-6,05,p_ m., stopping , i only at I rdreensburg, Latrobe, iohnaiorirn, Wilmore.Gal I iitzan, Altoona, &c.; connecting at !Harrisburg with train direct_.for Baltimore, and arriving! iu Philadelphia at 10.00 A. M. 1 - The traveling Fluidic will find in greatly te • their interest in going East orl West; to I trrvell by the Pennsylvania Rail road. as the I:ccom mcrlations now offered Cannot be itirps ed on! any .other route. The Road is ballasted with atone and free fripn Aust. ,We can promise kinfety epeed and cimfoit to all who may fa ; vor this Rod with' their patrOnagei _Baggage Checked tol all Statiotts on the Penna. Railroad :and to •Philidelphia, l l Balti more and New York. ' For tickets, apply to J. STEWART, Ag't. At the P R. R. Passenger Station; lon Liberty and Grant street. i Cl* JulS , N 39 tonfcctionariei, Cakeg,-Bread Ike • « !, • "DETER ANGEL thus notifies the people L thathe keeps ' ; a general assortmentt of the above articles at Brown's Old ;Stand, bridge street, Bridgewater, Which be will s.ll low for cash. He 'hopes by attention Co bud• tiess to be patroniied liberally by his friends, Ile also keeps A No. 1. Oymins, received di rectly by express from Baltimore,,which can tie had by the Can; Half Can lor Dazen: 'f i e Call in.and make our acquaintance, and we will give you bargains. I Dec. 5 '6O. PETER ANGEL.. • PILDING'S PRE ten times its' cost ,RED GLUE ARED GLUE. AHED GLUE )1 IN ISTR ATOR'§ NOTICE. A LL pcispns kUowing theinselree indebted to the estate of Sarah. Irtrin. late Meon tp., Deaver Co., deo'd, are b reby required to 'parup all , dues en or beforet the first day of March next, afterwhieh tim all notes, 50., remaining unpiiid, will be left witli some pro per'4scer for , eollection: •" I willwbe In atten deuce at the Sheriff's 'Offire, every rsiturday. • • W. YIN, Adler. New Brighton, Feb. 6; , ATC II : rzm =I to have way for repairing GLUE o and no honsehold t_ 1t i, always_ ready, W, GOODS ! NEW 01 1 0 DS ! (PHILIP REES bsis received and will bejto JL Weekly'receipt of new article; pert&ining io bis business. New Stile Prints, I 1 New Style DeJ New Style Chilies. April 18.] New Styli Ginghl :itY HOUSE." 11 , Tnes eanii Bottle. reed • 1 - TY C 2 \ Spalding, r Bimin i in N. Y. lila. ROGERS' !Compouud i Syrup of. JR-.• Liverwort, and . Tar, aud Casellala. gas, for diaearea of tbe throat sod Luogs, ai Dr. Mini,' Diug store. tIOFFEE, Sugars, Teas, Spieea, , , Soap. Otis. dies, Starch, Clotbes Pins, ilied Corde u ji wad i Boards, Brooms, eta , etc ., -11 , earfo. 1 person, are attempt altempectiug public. RED UWE, I wculd mu* before purchae name, PARED GLOS.liii • all "than irtawlnd istard.'6l. Min • ma e ; RECtIPTS AND EXP . ME MI ~. •~ '~ MI r. at Rochester 2111 A. lc 9.;131 .. 11.151 . ; " BM :174 21 .1* = II (jADlit• i'4l'B ' E 5.000 00 18326 l 99 79 76 00 394.79 66.40 22 63 El 2.40, ! 9711( 11 I iilito4'of l !"rlof Ilnave .B:same in t ' 86L t and Tui , 1. IrE •lieu I I I .I I r i H , '-- 1 - I •1 1 . II INS 1-1 i• i • ' 41 lles Jost one lßeeelveal of the Lag 1 I , , 1 ..est and Bes , , Seleeted I STOCK 10Fi , A LL GOODE! , . lt EVER BROUGHT PTO TO THIS , I COUNITY. fOin tist ) ,..‘e7 finflt Brood clo th s and fisc ins do*to to the essrserfq Sittiea, which be is determinedto sell Cikli PEP :'T AN TILE CIIBAPES. 1 i•lft i . Alito I* LABOR, ! on. CT 10 of 1 , ' 0 nig I, fi 1 d Caps tons Wiehing to l ii . irrelisite will Ito well to Ind i eainine his, r)iitcfc bet* buOrg ter° - BEI IPet calf al eleeiwh'i [I 11 N, E InibeOtiners' beg leave to ilfomni the 1 pnbliolthat they ' ve opened aiNew Pye ing:a scouring Bitllishasent in New Brigh ton. , All lcinds of G 'Os. I l either of Cotton, Bilicl o Woal,Csoeb as I/midi, Mantlos, Cloeks, Dress 8, Tritorattgs said willineryl goods, Be., &y id and !re4linshedi lin' the bes 6 manger. Gentl men's ; slot ring dyidand•se.oared tql as to too sim i coh eqpnl . 'tisnrilorl. They will !also Dye and re-'fin,isd pteati gOcids for N erchaints, • which mayr, have faded or be of tindesirtible colors. Al' Woric promptly done no d l warran ted. if thee for r eceiving) goods; roadifty.l opposite th6,Presbytenan i Ctiurch.: 1 ,I ' I 1 1•I 1 iSIEBIII3 Sr. GREIB. I'. 8.z 7 -C.Siebie desires to add that hel has been,lfor'ttie/lastl 14 lienSs,lDyer for ifsrs. , 18. tol i W. I Wilde, 81ri , w1 wanufneturersi to, l ehotn he hiispenitiarr . T to refer. may 23 '6O: '•----± -- - -L -- - 1 - --- , 1 = - if 0 T', / ,C, IVOTICE, i4 . b beret 1 1, 1 1 ' 0"I i ri l 1 IN l'Alefail,lof the boroug h 16th dny Of Novembers ; A. voluntary,' lowtsigiimetit . .' 1 t all his goods and chatiels,lla [Or the bettel4 of his credi t knowing themselves 'to he iehn lA. hiklill, kre: here, ' m I 1 iinedinte payment to'. t i e `t!logei liorrititietnitnt tigtiest topresent tilers properly an tiernnt: ... 1 ' 1 IN ' 1 Bearer, an. 4tb, .6,6, ill NIT DBtO, 1 grofilllN B t [ 1 .1 _lf : MI tillcB, has jus , opet ed ont t room!, for m erly (‘eeupiied by It, en Third street, i three cbJors above store an e x tensive ainiorttnebt of Drs OiLlso DYestutrs, srd , itb., I. lie wui i I . PHYSIC IANS hot heels been . `' ti in the pi '. business, , : ."F"P. i for acmetime past, heie eni fer tlie mosecomptete and varied et clictuil prePerations evir brughtlnl ty, blob lie *ill 'sell at the lowest c thnt he sa i nt: class .Of g i rofleicati 'he in Pittsburgh or elsewlrre. Nothin feel pure and fresh Drugs will be' / estntilishmen4.• By an fa raementl Wright and !Young, ayl d esi res, Si strun?ients can befurn: lii at theirs • • The at ration of •th 1 ' = •Li I,t tt i ;I I 1 is ca ll ed t the fice as mit:lent 0/. cles, [Perfeinery; 1 Fine Snaps, Brusl Articles, &C 4, &c. • W ite to the , i 4 ' 1 1 il l GENERA .IPUBLIC 1 • . I there, is o rid a good ninety of. Pa Dyeatufri, ,Oarbdn Oil amps, Pa sines 1 choieelTobsecoa dCgars, St se,„Everithing will4mi _ kept ,nai l, in .well appointe d DruOtores,and 1 as cheaply 48 . they outline had an Western PcnbSylratiii.l 1 1 [Sep •• 1 •• . 1,,,. • into, 10i1@;. tent Medi a L., &c ily found 'rill be sold ywhe-e in !pt. 10, 'GO: .1 r 1 .i 1 1 , t 0- rover' & a I Sewing a-l i ' 11 B aker I; I ] ~ 00 1 l i No 18, A Oh 43 rt.ef,.lPittsbu h,- ad. ii; E offee to the ablio4 Grover & er'o I' v &Wing Mach ti',.e at redu ed pficei. wish i :h in c re a sed confidence in theirmerits ie the best and most reliable Bering Maines.' i The are, aimphd in constiticrgon, mor e 'speedy in. move sent cud More durable slid last lid le to disarrangement than any other maChine. We give ;tub irsfructiutis. l 6 eclat le the' pure .tseil to eels ordinary seams; em felt. tick , gather, tpilltl i and etabrmder, ill On the same hind, and warrsat'ibem fori F tbeee years. 1 . it i Circulars iontainin ',testinonialelfrom ladies of the high est standing Eitst and W i est, 'tinting I price's, co ntaining di ' tone, &c., ;sill be fur-'1 h ni ed gratis , on op licatin in person or by l e Fl t er .. 11. !i! , ,I 1 ee 1 CHA#INEY & * L ER, Sole Arebts. t •lIN.I B. Sewing Ma hines,l Needled'', Silk Cot. ton always on hand. !,,, .1 1 H t 1, Au active loc PAgent !wanted. , • , ' Sept.. 12 1860. - ' 1 4 1 I EXECUT 1 tli'S' NOTICE. r ETTERL3 testae' anti I havinglbeen . tit -14 ed to the nadereigned 011 the estate of Jams Potter, dec'd ., late of Industry tp.l Bea ver.Ootinty, all Tiers° se knowing themselVes in.:, debted too said estate are Irequested to-Innate payment indmediateliy, and those having Clainte against the same will present them to Ilse sub: scribers duly sit thsn't3nOted for settlement. , • 1 EI ABETIf BUTTER, !Exeintrit. L I i . . i. I 'lndustry township, ' AND REW WAT,TERSON, Etecator, JanllL 1 , ' l' 1 1 .•1 Brighton ;t,ownehld. , ~ , 11 I 1 i i . 1 , . X 'CUTOit'S NOTICE. .\i • . 1,1 1 I ' • WII REAS letters ,teatamen sty . a tii . ViT Esta te oflniabeth Mill r, d • •eased • 1 late of Big Beavepi, (Bearer od., Pa. list Niiti granted to tail eub a criber, residing in the' j same township, jr, all persons indebted to iudoeatatii are reques ted to mate immediate pa . 1 inept, and those hiring] claims, *ill pleaie p ~. sent thew'', properly iiinthentieiied for! settl I meet. I I WAt4PdrrEltSON, fl i t': • DBOOIIIbOT 6 ' Imo It• i', I , • 1 ... =I 1 • ins, ice _ _ 41 :- r !-: .. ~ 1 i tINO , . I r t I,IL. a DU 're t accra n t. a Warrants r, forl"raitio .McGill, fat on' 4padat near, on thlarj, t, _ I r paid . -)1 11 *2 . 47 4 6 460 00 ;.16 76 Jtieir. John 3d Poynter' Iteiotits, I. 2)resouror) Balallos in ,14 1, t 1 1 1 1 1 ' SHOWIIIG T Z 'AI ,•, 1 1 1 • ~ jaNtllllo 1, 1361. , , 1- 1 i -t, monist brOni Wighre Cal wilentiotij 1 Wilford Eye itie er Stinul 1 / I, i olm White{ No for Tnitii Re f atale, 1 gate ein T 4 i -, Oa toltward,. irni, 869,:. i Jug!! on 1/ 1 rett, 42; dThker - ,1844,1 4, 11849 no. vtin- P iew Aiadem le&surf, Jai' i # 1 reofy,i do b itogether' tlulr stak i 4 1 MC il l ' s i I ' , 11 MO Tat c. sdemy reef f Mr. I • I ' ' E:. l hat Re . Jolin . A , I. of Ilea s fer, on the D. , 186 • •made, a .e nndersign4l sr de and itenet4e i nti ors. All pe ons' . indebttd to isnid request d to make si c undersi: ed, land' hien, rvque!ste heniida ed for sets 1.,. A: 111.14 1 ... Assignre. I . the g ore l McCTeefy, , • Barclay'. ugh, P into uld , tO rreocription hbledot r jock o the oun= nab p :ceg; . !J bought far g but I per= the with fart. Inioa In.. own kices.. ancy I tirti7 eB, oil et AWN N is.: ,‘ Bort elm a n . a • 1 y Jl' 1 I it ~~ • li tioq aid 4414, my pa cle,4 I= I= ME NTI) 1 I - 1. I , in * -1 15- 4` } 1 a.ii• I v- i 10 2L .- . t A 98 iatere4,46 4 li. Il 1 iniplrovementi,, l. , ' 1 ,,.. 36 r 2.1 1 .,t_i.0. .; ..1. tint are have:,, ,eitta liars far the jet ' , a nd g-tail Dere wile 'we A try..l: i acts. of the, fi limile i ol ...1 'llitlitlil N tr 4 OEItSO4 . ' , , l} 0 I . I I intiai 7 doi l e 0° IQ doll 1;1862 78 , erty wii 861, aertsf c reh ith the[ vow' 14.4 . I ' If i i r o:mi N. iio, L LItY oziwAiiii I ASSOPFATIpN It eilinr. 4 4nEir.rait ~ - Benevolent, I ...,- . A sho tr 4. i institution , a by s i pacia/ En i koacWastsf,,fin• ' 1 ' • istatfac Sick and bistrlssed,a , -' ~,Itaith:Vitsk ni and Epidemic. 1 '''',..assolltare,, daily lor fEO Intre Of 1 i *rsetof the tam/ vat& 1.,1 ' 1 ' i 1 DICAL ADVICE a wes tails. by Hie Aiding igeon. he /41 torlifiply by let : r. With a description of ,thit* ditaft,, fop um:llia:lion. habitalof life, , ite.l,) din caseated' extreme poverty, Alediolnes Iftinilidsed free of baril l e , [ I ,_ 1 , 1 L , : VALUABLE ftEPORTS on Opernistorilicea, nd othet Diseases of theSexnaltlitgans, and on ,cAti the NEW 11LIdED1F.f3 euiploYealltal the Diipenz alary,isent to the afflicted irtlsaaled ikttr en -elopieb, free of t hree charge. Twaliarth Inpa 4 for pietage will ,beleocepta bla,-1 ; 1 , Address, Dir. J. SEILLIN HOEGHTOI ? log dergeon, 'toward AssocindubjNo. 2 Ninth otreet, Philadelphia, Pa.! i I 1 I ' IBy order of thia Directon / GEO. FAIRCHII.U. Becretary.') , I i EZRA 1 I). HEARD 11 1 SLa. Mrelii T ---- 1 i NO'fICE • i , , II 18 hereby von that the fallOWing X ions for C artery of Ineorpoltvi tl Lia made to the Court if Cowman? ale e of , outity, and t at the same willil;ie gran 11. Court at i A next Nrin. 4 intnenN ondiiy ef, etch ' next, wil l ranee t howu to the olatrary: Anl pplic (infer a Chartir for a Chi L I ca l ei Moat re's tttfm%)/a tb r ist •sl C 'larch of Beater Count r Au g pplicati n for / a Charter fur 1a Cb i clled Storer Cliapel Methiclist EP 'Lurch of Balen 1 1 1 1 Pub ighed by orderiraltr. Jan 18. ' H OIAT'W. Et. , 11AT. I, l' or iile () 1, a 'lte I'HE prop rty lat the continence I Beaver ridlOhio ravetttJ * tort 1I kn +STONE'S roIN 4." ,is 'ot i ld for a ent. in The iisproveenta 1 not-of rwo Story Brick Dwelling Hots e, with torslKitchen, all the necessasair out • bui large Framelflaind on Orelpird cen 180 well gritted frjiit trees ? tillj bearing Also, I fret! :Tenant Houses a tars Howe. mist atipaue24:olcmisilillr al el iandleuliable fiir , Gordeni si% a priperty is a 1311t1 25 miles fret* liitishu adjoining ;a dePot on the C.Bll PI Rai 'I Ina House has "been 4 of late aecupie mauler losiitling House, for which it AlooloE4l, l l)(lrtgibktuatte 1 ita Oil mids 9 :NI teenery, and in an excliCiiiigi I beam Fol fert‘ier partietil re up 1 1 1 1 1 ' . STO:i 1 Jab 2, 61. i a tho pre 111 i i 1 i ATr i / 1,1 I. I 1 Prof iiii d, 1.1 , 1 liba 1 1 i BOOK)* NUS? 187014 (Opposite Ithill i l 10 113IES I'OPFIL 11 Nr, .BRIGHTON. I E. Klll 3 CONStANIII,Y ON I r , uG ! F. irokr's scP64II,R PI I ALSO, ' 1 I 1 Pianos. Sec h)l-Han d iL 4 . lICAL ' 1 IN STIIUM 4g1 . 8 01 + li§C HI PTIO til; titrid Stal very. 'aiui I Periodi alit, L" 1 1 1 1 1 1• ir c., I I`, kalay E PR , Poo, npcla riul , Ne Mai BRAVER OUNTY 8 ' A." 1 II 11, 1 . 1 . . , 1 I N 'the Orp taro Court io acid far the Fount,. 'I , olißea've beton the clop Jadgeat of said °°ut' ' -'i II 1 -1 '•I I l i i 'l. i• -- In !the it:otter! f 'the necoont Of, William it. Boderi, , truaias, I l a ppointedl by the Orphatilel Court to make sale of the ; Teat !eetatc of pi. p,, .ress'' Goiiiircbtidee'd, and, liktbetiftottitment of a A edit rliq distill:ran tba balsboe due said estate,4tnibe hands of loitid ! trustee. t Nw, to it, I Janiary. Id, IBGI, tbb . Cou rt in t the•'pr Y i erof, the petitinizati,Dinr&in Ilin sell, for the opPoiinment ofl btil t ikutir, and "P !°tl rl l n u'Ol?4114*11. k... - dnAudi tor to mak distribution of the Voiotia, in 'heads of the turd ,laMotig U 1 6 .114,41 and niche re-N portd thereof to the CoOrt • (Iriretn the lieenni.) Attest :I I 1 Ala. DI ItEiltßY,l en. 1.1 :, 11 1 , 1 , L____ I 1 1 . 1 , i NO TICE —The Auditor a will Meat thf I, •; , ,partna interested, f or the phimilie cf Ibis' ap pointment, at 'the olfiee of ltha 1 CIO* ',of the Orphan's Coqrt In Besier , "N4turdity, ,McirCh' 9.11 W; it I jo'clook,l Feb:l34 1.461,::i 1 1 S. M/ iceue " r E Itistned T!ifheir iletitip,ne in the of the Coon ; cif.' ; Quarter Be om C!". for license at Mardi ..111 11 1 464; or 7ater j William lotication. Roche ] Hens Aiikenj, BriagiuMl George Pionylleni I Martell Gail*, Freedom! Alex/miler Clark; Beaver SOopeou Kerr, ' _do tooid Raintlion; Cagisgew ,i ,I , ltiorj Bettiettglo._ ibißg, New GO cis: t , , iii - € 2 4iaa#7 l / 4 1- aia t ' rf , :if" ',...nlec !,,.; with E g it ! Aleirchandlsf , . 1 il ? tri, Freedom tpigo b.l I, Bridgewateli h o niiikey 1 I do f I ii 1;4 Potnboll, Big Beim tp.; I Bciudiff4r, PhilliPotrorgh, .11 A. G. )IoVILEABT, Pt'b'Y 20, 1861 - 1 I . ': ' , FE: - -' rael 11 1 John Gl'S+ ' 0 /d, Liq I I , Tf C qual I # 7 urcis .Ikahn Rno ' Peter An' , J4in 8.11 JimesD.: Limrenem 14?1,yeri; VEEP/ I _ I Fe L ;ED; 1 •? , I I BUCKWIIt &T S : 1 1 1 , '' • _ i i 1 ;- 1 A#. Si V: yi I , ! Ti 'S I #sidv t e l l li 'lll4 Atilt' i re SiOe'rtiaill 221 ego fa sr' 1 11 , • Li'''. , 1 4 1. # .1960 %1 - BM 1 i ~ • te ms . I ,4t L • " 11, *; 151 " ripsitlegvasnoi l l°3-1 I ri' y Qa is - 0 ,8 2 8 2 1 I 1 '. 21,114 - I Mil i' t 0 1 11 BA: I 1 1 1 + =I st'.')L 7 9- 1 4 a] 62 . 5'21 7 42 1 8i 28 rm sod Late Ab 'Sduth • ; i e heed P en, l ver i ndiby ,;g 2nd en, bp roh to' pieco- rcb to opal f tbe wn ae le or bilge n. two dings, %Wog Wire .44 ' luabl o e g, and I . an n a well bean tealcby EN Ilt'sl EMI i l .AND 10106, ALL aicrig ( . 1i '6O, • ' P, (4 V, An $~ be:. 1 e; Sled Clerk fileajr !ES Fe of 143, 1 014 0 I TOO, ; ; et • d , d i • d I t L n - d d o t d NM SE • 'akin Goods, • i p Clerlcil • 1 , j Oiat re. . , • ..._,.........:-..,.2 . .... :i ...- ; ,,,,,,, i',7, jet: e isi , ! . NOW* , the -USIFISS rt.' •.`... ; .TJ-' r' -• ' ' qun -toittnoor iPprithietiieritit, • • niddi the Ait of',ASserobly of the 14 tit April,. 1851, of property illowed 'to be retained 1}1; a w idow thildren.Of:s deeedent. to, the gigluu or '3OO, have been Med in the case df thii . Clerk;Of. tit" Ori,b:ns's Coitit - of Beaver eonnty to Wit: The " spprilserneßt 'Of petibnat, prope:rty,td, Antonia . pf $2/44 751' 'ilecte‘ to be rctaines) by( the Chit.; Oren of JeIS4W ileFodeti litid of the ßitrough of Beaver. AltetisseC ~W illiatn, Ball- add Semi— tiellS.' AteEhUy; idministintorg. The sitpinisentetit •of personi property ,to iini i ohnt of ltittt sq. elected; tb x e retaided by _4is Mary Ai Ore, -widow of Alegander Moore, lists of •IncluStty.t i rrnship, deciased, 4ohn, Monts, Brig.', Bieentor cf said die'peased..f ;. "The ;apPralloistieist of personsl,properey to 'meant of 40000; .elected to be retained b' Maria A. W: Bikiii, widow of W ilium, Dada, lite. of flit Miniver 'township, dieeaged.- • Nd than Eakin Sind widow ofdecesSed, eiecutori.- '•::' The appiniSesdent of i "vorgonal' property. to eanOtutt of ill , W, elected to( be by l lo-,,' gins Miller,4WoW of John 511110 r, Into of the. : borough of tlridgewat er e deceased ; widow di deceased Adinioistratrix. 1 .!. , .. :The apricoigeinent . of parson 1 Property to 'mount of *SI6I 62, elected to bit, retained by .11annab Jane llyntill, widow lif Hamnel 11: Ry pull, late oilletweer i tegruship, d4c a , eased., lien-, call Jane Riniall,tiridow,-Adminittratrix. , , m' !The apprsiseng nt !of Pentonalroperty to a ount of ss.t•o. "tot apart to the idow•of lion. Joni] Carothers. dec'd 4 lessee Carothers arid ilido* of deo'd, sdtnipistrators. . • ItOticels hereby gifen to all credit:kg, heirs, 'legatees, ilistributees aud'ell othrs Interested. to ippear at the ;March Term ( 'est) of sill I court, -end not laterthan the third dayfi(lyed iliesday) titeedf to'.sbow caustet- if. any they Bove, againgti ibd final Confirinatiou sdf .the 1 above opprefs white. ' a l Feb.lB 18 . 8 E . it I lA. G. 'SIcCR.I .. . . . , ' -•:' ' •... SEUISTEIV 8, .J:&k:13401 - h 4 .'' •t ' • ..! ' • '.i.' 1' ' ' - 'il .. •• i - ' 1 : • '-.. '. 14. - petiiiMll.inteihnieit',lMpiefoilawiog &O.': mialitratiota l - and ,- Guardian - acoOnate: to Which hetei,,tieett.titillsed iiad.'fileck iWitio' Rees -. :,tet's office of lititireii canify, !Pti will Mite. notice that; the tlitill 'will•bo- : presenitd: to. the ViOlillit'S•CititPL 4. be • held at bearer, in and for ill ,- goii:o:T of D'etrier.'On W.E'SN.ESDAY. the. .18th daj : of Itirelil, l 801;:for cOifitirtatiliti and - allowanee::). - - ''' : i - - • i • ' 1 1 ' ''.- - . •• 11 , The fintiliaeotin 'of Tlititimil iffitat - idish;Rx-,:i ecutor :of the estat e of Peter Shieldi; , deea.: . , Thit:neenimp ,:of timid Patten,l4thilutAtratoi of the eaikte:Of..iolin Jlorilan..:•decicl. I; . *. The account of • Robert liee9,l Administrator: - of' the - eitatii. Of. Samuel 'Stutobe,'sori:',;(lee4l', - , -:'... 1 1 • The portiniiiieccunta ( Real , iiiiii - Persoiml)::,..of JohnTliotiley awl' Jamrit linti64lt.'•:Admini. , .-1 1 : trat!" , rs of tim'estate of Thos, Tiii riiiiu;•:(W , l.! • ' The accOittit"Of lograhatif liol4t, Ail:Mai:atta r ' tor 'Of • the estate of Mary' MO6iilloil'4l, iloc. 4 ci., .. . The account of :Wm. A. :Potter. 5.., Ailtn!r. "'of the estate•Of Wm, A. :Pottee.l'.lr. - .l . )teo'd. i' ! -. ' • - The ticeatiita Meal - atid_Pere iiislof Hugh S. Arrfers4o:;• - Alitainiat6tor '.o the i estate of . 41inrgsret Anderson, . - lec'il.• ;: } ,. 1;-,• : •': The quitixliao iteeonnt: of Ale'. tiiiki ratter, .cob, Guat - flian ‘of, glary Janolvi6roir7 . toltior liaitghtei•of liobett hiertier.. 'decd, 1. ••:..-- '' '. '• .: The neco'viit of EL Cueriingha, ,i one of the Eiecutuis of Oliii.O.Conainsclita ' ileo',),'•. - wha • •-' a Griardiiiti.of .I.odiss B clatial. :thittor ,ciaigh ter of Sanibel flies. deeti.: ~ I .., - 1 - ' : ,• , ,•,..,... • .:The nceonne . 'of 'Wolter :Patiel ; A 'doilnisttf.' 1 tot off . thes:estato. of Jameti Pennell, decicl, • : Tlie•finara're't Of Jno B,' Ilerbri i :l-"stirri•ritik - -;S'arentor . 4 tile estate of Jno S Vitehell,:ileo-1 'i:• : The 'aceoptit of A ewi Doicl, [ - Ailmilit.Otstor of the aitate - ;of - llntriet -Sri:earth iteei;aSed: • : ! .; The 5 , 14 account 1 - '6f Itotieit, aMiliatnes".l l .; 'Diletarth - eaemittire • of the 'estate - 4.1 J iostiUlt; Newell, 4eO'di • . .! . '''- • •• i t, • 1 ; ' ~- .' .. ... The.fiont; ace not (personal)' - , f .1. - :.(i IVirileim; I..,Adiri'r. of 01 estate of Sehistlim•Snt iill,'clre'd: ''' • 17- '' ' l ', A It •IMOORlt....ltilibter., ,- -.- • ~ , ' ,-.- ,• 1 . 1 • Ilea Ter. i' t.IIF u, 1861. • -, 4 . : r , • • p .; • 7 14, • \-:. impuna N:tonrt. , N:ift., .1 ‘ _ I f . - • ; BY virttr If an order of the Otphnn's Court of Il'eavar, County, ~will be ~ e xposed; to attle'by public vendee or out-er ', on the print; item, on S. aiittany. the 2nd ,illl . of i March,', A'. D 1861, rt 2. r ' deck P. M.,.tli ° folio -king teal etnate lof ,Christupher C. 'Wolott,l deceased, rituatai• lidos -and .Iwing iu like iborough. of Fnliston. Beaverc'antipty,•Peon'n, iii wit: fist il, peice Or t parieliof ground Onendn i d norrit ii.:, 4 M. Gillelarid'inlley and laud Of 'WM Coon. n, (runding'tO tl of tle hill; ) ea4hy Main street.; .south thy, J. e . W. Thorbil l ey, l and Wm. 4/.eaf.'.(rimniug .toto tell of bill.) West by land ofm Jaes Doncati. f3rmerly I.leolainitt JaMeS: CC/At:111611g ---2-rncres, Inoveo lee=; 011 Whiell are erected oueltwo . bt4i4 fr ame,:dwell. inc hooso,lene two story frnmOttinp, , (former ly a Fiore.) one large Ibriclibeilding used tor A Foundry and other buildings. ' l2 id. Also that wnterilOt situate 'on the 'lleaver..Fulls lra. , ter Con Pnbxes Race, bounded On, the north by - Saw Mill lot;•on he east by. thO Beaver river, on the south by lot of Childs,illetlanelPs'Und Darrngles,i and West by Mail Virei4,being.lo3 feet in length, mire or less. and on which is erected one large Frame bnyiling, .formerly used ns aVottpn Factory: (subjectu to a rer vation for loth! WateirompauMn hire a slui ce gnte .throligh said let 4) together With ; ten Shares of tie Water power oftaid C-oinpiny,. being the:,;me-tenth of lbV.: r power (Atha Beaver, i i Beaver, on the west side at ~`t e lower Falls theriof. Alio, the right to .t ke ,out coal on . Brady!if hi 11. land now_Oined by antes i ll Dunetto, t i eing the snipe sold to hits by Benj.. ~Inmes.lboitntled on the north behind late 'Mc- Elroy i i 11E4,41, (now James i Donal - in.) east by land of C. C. Wolcott. beinglb li e premises first, above desc ribed .' on the south y Benj. TOwu seod, and 'un the west by old rued containing more . bein g i nores, or less, the same .;coal right reserved by Evan . Jelin Pugh, in their conveyttnee,th said Benj ' Jtime . 1 1 , - Tastes.7.-‘ One third'of' the ' purchase money to be paid onconfirmation of the Sale bi the 'totirt, the balance in two equal annual instal ments (ruin that date, withiaterSst. thereon from the same time. ' 11 1 I '',, ' - For turthe.r information inqufre of Joseph R. Martin, Reg , ;Admittistrator, NL Brighton, Beaver Co., ! Pa. .lly Order of-Couil. I . 'Feb.. 6th; c Ol. •-, A. G, . eC REA a T,ICP,k. BEAVEN,:COUNTY, -88:- I IN the Prplistres,Coutt in And for the county of Beiriei before the /lon. Itidg€4l there:of. • Ihi the matter of the eiceptiOne Itliiii to the ; l opntirttigiion of the partition Will i•itittisttiiiii of the :sal ciliate cifliteiben lieridriekion, litte 'of the town s h i p of Boonozny, esi • eonnty. deed., NoW, to Wit, .I,WmUnry 16, 1861 , on motion the , Co / Jirt appoint 31Wttliew B. :4ti y, Esq. ani An ditor, to ,take aid ;testimony !and Ireport ,the gm' fants upon eiCepti•ons.l (F;reiw the ,Riteord. Attest: . lA. O. :VIEARY, Ci'k. , Noticel is hereby giten that, i' . l will discharge the ditties of. the above appointment, nt the' 1 office of,the l Prothonotarjr. i (the borotigh of Beaver, on Anturdny Nlatch 2. 1861, between' the hours of 9 A. M ;and 6 P, M., when and where, liartiesinteectited May. at j pindLif they rink Pr 6 Pee - • IM. 3: QBAY, Auditor. Feb 111,1861. f • •il L BBIDCFWVIOI CIOIII.NG EM .P 0 ItT m FRESH 1 1 Fatll Stock ~ n f Goads" FIN.R Gd Stiff ERE'S FOR PANTS, VESTI TRIMMINGS. lam J.''W M. FOCH . * M Me - T No. 2. ROW. *le LiROl3. suPply of Ready 4 S suitable for the season, • • on: bend; also.- a Carefully ie Piece Geode. for. Custom Work garments made in ttie neatest stantial!Manner. end Ktuissaf I_Vll4tit6EB'looDY April itfk, lS O. . I ME Fr r I ed out Be iver posed. Beaver. 4 , le MI defend bed pr. site in ty, .1 'Main e by hot ly belol feet in' feet b erects one • fronie 414.1111 rig ll eights rt'feet. with eellOr undi of goo' water At' the l'iclocir.-ti outhu Wings on the prenii•tos,l Of frui frees:- . Seiaorand tal tis Abe roperty of Joseph Mal John Herling: . • '. l l - No. 2 • ALSO, : ( 1 .. All he title ;rigbt ;Itiferest iind olairrt of du felidoti , of in and id' , the billowing described .parcel' of laud,. situa l te: tl,nyne and Ferry ciwnsliipm,•Ln iehee'county. Penn`a., and partly in Franklin and North ,Sewickly Townsiiips. Beaver,county,•Penti r o.; bounded and described ea follos: B'egitining r.t the southeJsi corner, thence by band late of 11. . . look, lIOw belolleing. to Jelin 4 . (bison, north ncross Cotioquonessing- Creek, thence up the creek above-high water mark to a point on the Beayer i and Lawrence Canitty , line; thenee by a fence southwest' to the north.' and south line .of the fftiMlute of A. It. Nye, now J. C. tion,:thence east by land of A.; Hazen to the place r f beginning ; Conteittiok abouthsixiien acres - ore or 143 SR, - unimproved, nine 'acres more less' of Which is ill:Betiver fletinty.and the . b once of. the-tiact e seven acres more or less, sit uate in lawrence!contitY,,P, being the sa e purelntsel .by defendants of A. K. . Nye b article of agr eement.' I Seized and take 1 lin in execution as - the property' of. Villliam Gill nut WWain , Mellon, at the suit Of Thos. 1 ; , filellon. ; N. 3r , , Ano,.. .: • . : • All f s ti, right, title,' interest and claim of defendant, of, iu andlo the foliewing lot or piece of; ground -situate ; in the' borough of Fiectiont, county of ReaYer. e!niS,tate of Pa, boundedand described a 4 follows, ;to wit t:=— Bound 4.1 pft the nerth by lot, of C. Holland and J hu Yoehg. 011 h, the, lot of John Camil oh, ,eouth lby water: street, and on,t he west t -Viwiry s treet,; and - nuniberel in the plan; u Idis of the borough of - ,,Freetlorn, one. htindr d and foutioen, (114) on Which is erec ted on Ilarge Meek foundry, - Ills°, one "old (rime foundry bitibling, also one , large engine shop, pith' engine and o the r[ fixtures thereto beton .. 11 .-,.! ' ; 1 ; i 1 : .. . !Ali. , ftll th'use th ree dote of [ grOutel situate-' in Fre dom, Beaver cnunty..Pa..numbered 7P, 80 nn SI, in the plan; of lots otili t etearn of Fi-eed tit,'each let till' feet wide by 19 feet i . long, : oil all,in nue. enclteureiwith ! stave fruit trees 4 the lot 4 Ou lot So. lil t there is erec ted one dwelling house:one 4tlti It half stories high, with basement . , story. i On lot No. 81 t here is! one franc dwelling'onse,. - dmittni a -1141 r Stogies high, cud -pne el hle. The whule i l beitig hounded an tbeisorth-e st!bY 'grave...yard bit,. swith-eftst by lot No'; 177, south west by, Vrtue Street. and north-westiby; Minor street , I Seized and taken in eXeciitio,k as the property of Andrew Equal, at, the Suitt [of It L. Baker and Jacbb llentici; Trneteee, ; ~ Ni 3 ' 1, . d ALSO, ,i . '.' . I .• All .4tlie folloWing !lots' of ground situate in 'the tough op No, hester, Beaver county, Pa., bi.rtioled on..the Adams ! street ; on the enst 14,Y lot of Lewis P Stetzel, sdutb . by John & Julia IThompson, and ;west by lot owned by --. Fry, being 801 - Cet front by!4 24 feet deep, and all under ft:bee, fin which. are erec , e - d, three fratne s dwellint ; houges; the tivo' lute being ,Ill villeil linto.tbrce ports of 2C'feet front endu on AdunStreet and rtinuing, ,back 1'23 teCt, and sine f rame dwelling , lii.use on! each lot 1 511,0ne ILIA one ball stories ; bight-also a well .prwate'i -nti the middle lot. Aku onTothfr lot of ground situate in Roche:jeer , Heaved county, linunded on the , north be Thus Hays. east by Ocid,.l'tn ney, south by l'leps li:lys. Stlll west o, x New liorlc Street, being nninbered in the plan of the lots of said' town, beitte;:vhout 7.5 feet, front by about 101 l deep, more or letts,o.t Which is erect .1 one new frank store liclus'e I.i by 30 feet in length mid j bieandi stud two j stories high. `e , zed nod I:igen tu I execution, as the propeety, of l'hijip litet!!.el, ut te stkit 'of "Wil son, 1.31 , :1r0y 0:Co., 11, - I - ' Ifo. 5 .',, l ' - ,AVSO, " ; ti l; I ; I ~. ~ All tile folleiiinz describel ! propeity.l to wit, 11l thtut; eortaidlut of ; ground eituatel in. the ;oroug,it of 1 reeduM,'Leaver ceuuty, ]'olio t.„ - einglfUrty four—feet in front on River street: - id about forty feet deep, be the some more or ts, running back to liutchrnan's ltunbuuml on the - northlby River' street, east hy lot of low ;Abel, south ,by ;;Ditehmait's rnu, and t ! by au alley und all .uinlei fence, o n , '.:111 is erected one (ramie dwelling house one 7 ugh, with cellar! underuenth ; - also 'one e slaughter-lirease and etable . bnilt !tn,tr.eth ndl other okbitildings. Seized _and taken ecvlioti'l.; the property of Chri 4 itian Bee -tt the suit' of Peter Somers.. -7-! , _ ..1.40A • • I L Q•lt. sewater . lade Clothing IE pt. oonetntstly bind stock of Ail kinds of nd mosi sub= ;to tit. E. • SiIERIIVS SALES: One qf sundiy welts oflPierf I ri Facing, and ' of flitom4mon pl ea i County, rd to iv ) ;., ,lireoted; he vit. o yoblitt 1;n1e; Sherilri On ' • ;I I . ; • ridiiy, Mho Btli, '8a1..; I 'ciocli in the.l'ol4l'3°3n. hg ii ht , title,littertet and claim of nt,Of, in 0n.11t0014 folltirlog deisCii rroirty. to Wit, Qnelot of irOuticUoitu he borough of Yreeaott pea'ren coon , ntiylvania': bounded ott .:the 'South by- , net, es et by tiviepentirtiOn streetivre-t f Daniel Grolnini,•riofth ;14 lot for, ncr-, Igiug to John • raid lot is .siity front on itlaiOtreet; by One hundred' t 14 on Inttr'peroleioce etrs , et. l on,uhiith is ,). t, , . •' • ALSO fl` 1 •, 1 • . •At he saine . ttrae and plael„ all the righ., ti tle, iutere 071 gt and 11T1 of defendant{ of; to and tot VII followiiig, desCribed property' to ,wit, all that 7 . rtain piece or'plreel i f land bitlllite in Big It a!Ter tp •. Ileavercounty,d'o....,6Ounded on the north by Join neti.tty, on Inc east by - ,Bi'g• lleaver.creck, , on the south by , fredefick Gra ham, a'nd. on the et4st by Joi.:eidt Smith,.scon 'Mining 'about ten neir; he thesAne more or ldss, Ind pearly all I cleared mfd nuclei- fence, and oWhich is erected one/J . 7lr Story .stone l i 'dwell mg boner; also one stable pod other out. builatugS, mid! a sprinc/of I go'fid I water; and fruit flees. Also, ,altttfat n her lit of ground situa e 'in Big Beaver tp., Be yer county, Pa., bounded on the nortW . ;by lam of Thomas Jl,c -pure east by Beaver creek, south l by bnorge. i, ' ;Ilaker,.ind west /6y Wm Jonfs, ,and ; all under i fence, containjgabOt thirteen- apies, be the 'same 'inure or lesa, on which ore erected two log e welling. honsse and-one log stabli; With -pleb ,j ty of I.Water. , Seised and taken in 'exeCutioil a ns theproperty of Daniel Airhart, iat the suit, of Jottn!Freed audiFrederick Gialikan .i , _ t)' 71 -. • ALSOc I ! ' . --' • .'l, At the same!ime and place. all the right, ti tle, imierest,'end emu' orldefendAnt, Of, in :and ;WI all that certo,itt firm i orkraet, of land iitu alt ' in' the township of Niktt Sewiekly, cottolyj of Beaver, and ,SsAte oil Peons) tenpin; w bol ! d on the porch by ,alO of Jordan M Nye and Joseph llozen, ott the; east by land of Hazen' on the south by tail& lof 11'...mj !Reilo and .joini, Wiley, !Mid on' the j West' by linod of Fostcriend Jenkins, containing- about one hun dred' ttud twentypefes, nfore i'er lees. about seventy-five •of , which are Ole:lied and under fene,•nnd on which are eteeteil' one log house and log • stable,• and sofnefirult trees on • the 'lees and good water. ne , t An ti ~t a ken xecution as.tho property ,of, John SS n. 4 at iuit of . Settlintin Reno, 1 18 • 1 ALSO; • ' ' 1 the right title, interest avid 'claw of de oat of, •in and to the follctwing described Icily, situate in Rochester ';'ovinaltiN Bea- County, Penusylrania, boundedl and de ed as fullimm. tci wit . De'gittaingl , at a on the corner of Centro .iihd &if:ureic' sts., running thence shag Ladock.thWth forty- . 401 one fourth clebrties,l exit two ; Immired fbirty fet to the ourger•!of Lticoek and in streeti, tbenelalongeiwiteki street west 1 0 itinudred an eit'y feet Cr the dorner of lon and Centre i treets,thetiedalang Centre :rtleouth about two! degrees,;vvest abiiiit due iiiitLii anti ; fortytive .feet to' ,the 00: r of Ike . anti bicock `streets or . pi,tice et- toigiti , being lots - No . ' 41 mitt 42. -nn markt& on n!l . .s phut . The above iota unimprO4itt.t,— edliad taken in execution as the property lidip Stetzel at the suit of 0: C. Speyerer, 9, 1 - ALSO, '• : • igithe right. titl? inters dalit, of, in, andlto the I I ! , , trou'l or parcel of land; sittiate in t he & ...„, ship of Industry, In the County',of-Deeret r aid Atilt! of l'eum-ylvania, bounded dlittadoitfibillk--; as &lit . tee, "to wit. Beginning at iii , ithihnit; theti,e /: \ let:mediation land,no:tili fon la ' welt sixty' 1 I.;' , !IIPS to a beech, trientlei by . of N•3/11 -=- 17•Intpbell, norlE..iiiittylfoarAstet"'` best ti ''y-flur perilies and five tel 114 10..-11 • - . d hit-ker, .• t hear .1 e- , tth forty-111-ea • , ' wait 4 out; huudred and thirty-sesnri giblie to* thence south nine degrees,' Weir eke, bun -•. . and fifty-eight pctixtha to a ;log Off the bsw il Of the phi., river, lienee' hp - the, same,- iiii ' ---- 111;rty-eiglit degrees. met dn& litiiitired a thirty perches t i a' past thence D ' briti fifty= futir degrees, east one hundred and ten pirethet - to the place of lid...ginning. Cobtaitting .ingji . hundred and, seven nere4 more di I.4is, aboulf. one half of which is cleared and' tridas - till ef the•bill pa l rt (being about ddiiirelf)"ldd:. trig underlaid with coil, one via .ff"rhinit42 - (T bti en ain corking order, on wlidtf is a ' • el or e, brielt. dieellin'' , .. house two sttrilei hi e with cellar undeirneath and kitchen - 64, two fromr hous, one and a. halfft idles higii, 4 e onocw store roots, one stable and other ou builditigt, also ,gotel orchard of it *Ode anti, good water.- Seized and 'taken in eiltrii . ..l . ti. Oen ...the property of -Cirtries H. brtnier_ilf." the t,it of James Jaikson.• • "J ) Th. 'I N•. - LSO. A - <.'l, otter, thirty_hy vaeath. a‘ well table end ether alio a number en in' executien • at the 'suit of -; '• Al'"hr same' "ime au I place, s alt he rib title, Interest, ancl.elairri of defends, t, .of-i i i s'nd to the followng describe(' lotaAef•-grou ituate in the borough of Itritigesrato, Bitirrifi potinty, Pettusylvanle. 'minded Andt4escribeic e fits follow to Sic. • Beginning on the*prth s*• lif Loottnrd Last_,E. at the corner of Isod of tritc• mn Phlllptir helts,, ttiir_okned tiy4;-- Sat: .an, dad " funning thence up said ' l aud •stivrt's 1 - ; '' sixty:onkiligretes,• east fifteed 'Awl one tea : I-% perches to',u stum p at cherry .sileY,,ltiieutte- •• said alley tiortti- north degrees; west rld titeen and Sire tentlii perches to it•dbrplery '` by land of 4Oseiplt Vera. south eilktylshree 1110 trrie fourth, degrees, wgat fifteen:o4 eight twits 'perches to s vorney;( thencejt. laud iiil e -Wiflinin Phillips' heirs, • 'now , own ,:y.pallt• Tali, south twent,t•diine degrees. staetTourterif . nod ihteilantb_peralics• to, place( of beifuniga); eontabilitie,cinti Erie vietd ilfty.tvio perches, - 1)10..0 ing psi', 01 edit lei No. Ellin - the general plirt • of the oat lea of the town of Beistcr4 • • l't Also all thdt Certain lot or gebtiiiii - eittu4 in the Borongli of Bridgewater, . ' Be‘vpr (wait: . ty,- Pennajleanirt,• end nitintieied 2410 ts 'a ptift of lots laid out by Wittiest Dividion,hottildett • and desezibed as follows: lleginnilon,H4 . public square at the senth Ride of ' alma; 1 and runuing(thence by Third stree :, one litut:' fired feet to Cherry •alley'..theure li'' ' ;ad :114; ' fifty feet to the -corner iif Jot No.; 3', theinlti • sated .lot one hundred feet to the pub* squire. thence by said square•f IV get to Mk . . street the place of beginning; t'. ifg part if ' ' .out lot No: 4,1, in the geuertil plan' . . 1 the el! - lute of the tomit of Btuiver, on whiab,ts erectds" . . one two story frame' dwelling 11(?use,:, will' kitchen bask_ acrd cellar underneath, stab ti- and other oet,buildingS•and a nunibet of 100 fruit trees 'on ' the preuiises.• Seized s4ud+tfikciot in execution settle property of Thda.:B, 1:10* at the suit of L. Whitsell. • • i' , :••• --- , No' "il; ,-. ALSO, -4 ,' - ',. At the same time and place n 1141144 right A.,. tic, interest and claim - of 'defended"; df, in std to all that certain three , ctory , flartie Ind stone _ dwellino.,house. er building,sittkte in the towp 0, ship of Itrichester , ,-lteaver C'onSty, o&,- - a - : ground hennaed on•the north by a p4oliarvald .' east by ground of Henry Shenk - at:id • Jolitti - dcludefiehl, south by the rittsburgh,'i fort' W. • & _Chicago • Railroad en." • west , by .p. - lot h 0,.. lourig's. heirs, the said d welling !toils. ; - „ L ior building bsiug three stories high,the liesetatltt ' . story. being store, and the other seorifratga and being •• in . length thirty feetLiSd width 4 . twenty-eight feet, and . • contain ing: .twelve i rooms. Seized and taken in erect:Kidd as "rt preperty of Walter Scliolefteld cud ;'Walter.. •Scl(Olefteld,- Administrators di ttie estata;:of Nlare Scholefreld, dec'd , t at the i'iti" . ..of G: ;C. ' Spey sear . . ' • ' i' ... SA:I2 • `• ALSO • All the right, ,it.e intere4t lin 1 iclatin tnidantnf, in and t" the following zlieecritied property, 'to wit, the machinery 111 nhers, *linder—pitronu carrinqe, heat dad i i w dks, n.nley heads, - .str4p t ad. 4 cog - wheeie, in mid that e l prtiin frOnci EAW feel in length,isi*teeti feet wide and nineteen fad ~Ikightt h t'th— C 4gie Loiter and ot i•er Tfecfysi•tryi foi• can-mill, and all, in ranping irQer a aertaiti lot tffgroußd .3ituateln of llooL:itown,'llealteicOunty, Pa. ed on the aorta I.i,y Nlill street. otil John Sterling, south by the heirs] Gloms, and On the• west by Carothet twining one hundied and.twenty, 1 more or less,on also ereet dwelling house, being eighteen fl twenty six feet lung, and two stem. also one Jarge'frame building, fe 'as a. fulling mill. Seitsd'anii bi ' lltetil as :the iloperty Lt John 6. 1 / ittle, of.Dsniel - 31: Doilehoo. ',.. No. i 3, - -.-. • • ALSO, • . . . t•C t the 'Arne tliie and. place, all the riglit, title, interest. ant/ claim,. of defend:int of,i, in and to the foIIQWIII7 deserihe , l lot or )and Itu ate partly-in Bi g - Beaver, Darling:tout Chipe lea anti-South Beaver Townstiitia,botinded _act described: as_followsi, on the Oarth t, 4, Pattt.r.: son and Johnston; nest by Jtihnsiou,,lpouthliy . Mary Johnston, east by Thomas MalClntey, , nd Washington Johnston, centainin about ue - hundred null thirty sit' (136) acree,l 4 Dior* or I lea., of which at) out cite 'hu+nt i.edt_a t eze 'o r thereabouts are cleared: Upon Nr.hch are er ot ed one steam maw-mill awl fire hrtetticiln, nit log hoUso nnd one log barn., Seized and tl— eti in eiecution as the .property of Jiisei4:: An sr.' sen, at she Slit. of Witherspoon and .Haraili. - _- • N. 14, ; ALSO, • '. .i . ' 't . :111 the right,. title; interest an claim ofide- t f endant, of, in and to the followikig Fleitoribed n isei real estate., to wit.: All the rimi . " - vidhil th •-• fifths interest of a certainlot ,ofigroond , to. ate in the borough of •Cllasgew, Btavekee ty, Pa., being nuiriberea in the Thin of - Melt* Of said town, and bounded on thei turth'lfy . aiAtbsT lic alley; on the east by Custom' D'otott . stfiet . .7 on the south 14' tater street, dog otOilket: *est • by - BC, being one bundred.fet squ are d.- under (mice; on which is erected one +written story brick, building, Used. as. a,dwelling *of • store, hous e; being eighty feet . 1n fronei 46 . 11 e tarty.-sit feet deep', with.. eight room on WOO' floor, and 'elefeir .no 'fermi:id door; tad. etar under t h e whole bongo; alsoa eitibitntable- lid other out buildings; and- a gotid WM