tr. . red Chia ii;, pi:km )'• S. roe El NI ♦ N D i f ri 'll ' • -- - i 1 p6;,FiEDIt. No 131151 INE N obace, Alsio EM 111 ir. L 0 , 1t AT. Ot , ~ E . t lp ARE WIT: 1 1 •_, 1 Ai • tie Ground -rAinitn,;ls cents a . oats 6 ecnts.l, . 'Bed 'Cords, extra best gad " 25, beat 20, .1:11110 Me l dents higher. • : Batik:* Soda, best kind 9 ilienses 121 cents i Ili6onti, best 28 cents, ..s 4:neallt3s cts. - .) me, next 26 cents, sti Tinges 80 cents. 1 rits'onext 20 cent,,' dl. ilo 25 cents. 1 111:Dora l s, 'small whisp 10 ts, h iKie a tili iii - Of - .'i 16 cents, three beeps i 25 , dcnts., Ilk Brushes, long handle Ehie:, 1.8 ants, sold at riothir ho - hamuses 25 cts. i s • .. , I:s , common shoe, .ro.n 10 to i 2 cents. Iteiiiis l , good article, 8 3!! ' d 4 cents a quart. tokeng Bolivar; ID cents,sams another houses. I D2•qeAt.s.= , • 1 'ltocolate. i .• best French sweet, 18 cents a pack . . Fit Pit fi•OT' are, 16 owad, a - c i . I ra;;;"1;f 'l6 sticks. I findy, white , rock, 20 cents, red rock:2s. Coking Sods, 9 - cents a pound. ehttOn Twine, 22 cents a pound: Coattail Wick, do I do - ' tippers; 5 do' I do Concentrated Lye, 18 cents a hoz. - Carbon Oil, best A No.ll, 70 cents a gallon. (*ladles, best mould, /2 cents a pound. • , 20 11 7 Seed, 9 cents a'pound. . , our, best extra, No. P, by , the 'barrel inspec f ted, er in fifty pound sncks). cheaper than. ! - p market price. •• , , Glne, flpaldlngs with a Brush, 17 . cents each. laseBblbythe;b l 7l.7sClc"asg l t'9b % l° : do 18:r 4 i iilobyl: do 1.87 or 21, d ii9by4_do 2.00 or 4 do do 10 by 14. ' do r do or 4' do ~ ;do 10 by 18, do l' 2.25 or 5 do -., Our Glass is best City 13_ radds, any other size II wanted, will be sold fO'r 20 cents less on' a dol l] lar the city pricacurrents, - =` . P MLA Ct.ffee, always one cent below market. - ',, 1 toffee; Rio, three different kinds, cheaper than i ani store in Pittsburgh, . • Coffee, twisted, always ' osecent below market. Cigars, common, 20 cents a hundred. Cigars, half Spanish; 43 cents a hundred. Cigars. beat extra half Sranish , , 75 cents .a, I hundred. _ ", Citron, Orange and ,Lemon, 8 'cents for a .I;'' peund. , . - • . ~ Chaim ground, 20 cents a pound, or 2 cents ••an ounce. • ,lores, whole, 18 cents a pound.. :candles, Opal. best Cincinnati, 18 cents. same I; as others c barge 22 ' " ,'; I cheese, best Western Reserve, 12 cents. Coffee. Felix's Extract ;4 cents a paper or 4 pa iPers.l4 cents. '. Cinnamon ground, pure, 9 ' cents per i pound. 1 l'.;• 1 1! and - Dry Tobacco; two kinds, 'S and 10,, cents - i , trackers, Water., .best.' kind, 6 centa a pound; 11 :" ' Sugar, " I. " " I t " Butter, '.` it It fid . g o d. . 4 1 -1 - • 8 ad is _ , I IJltaeou ' s Blacking, 4 cents large, 3 colts medi-4, tirn,l cents small. ,1 ' ilMoier l s . Syrup, .64 cents a platen. 1, Matches, best Phittulelpkia, large boxes, 5 for - il 5 cents. .-'• . , . f Matches, best, -} gross, c ontaining I_6o, for 8 eenti. '' . 1 ' Ii Pow red Sugar, best kind, 124 . and li_CCll:3.: t•Pepper, whole. 12 cents a pound. • '1 pitice beet .A No. 1; 54 cents a pound •-=' 11 - Wale - Las, beat box Layers 1S cents a pound. II Stove Blacking. large papers, 4 cents each. II Rah, in small sacks for table use, 8 cents. Salt, white and clean, by the quart, 2 quarts, .'' 4 - cents, ' ' .1 tnuff, black, 25 cents a Tenni. Snuff yellow Scotch), 22 cents a pound. ; . Sugar, of all kinds,lless than any other stare. Soda, washing, two poimds far 9 cents,. 1, Starch, best A. No. I,'b ceuts a pound. ' fif p ,arpla, Silver Glosi, in .papers, 10 .cents a ,pound. - Shoulders, lowest tar Tea Gunpowder 45 1 ` 'Tea-Imperial n , 84 1 1 Teti "Imperial: 45 Tea Young Hypo) , 84 ~ . •dd d: . 65 Li l lack o ' r '- OblOng 40 lid .. St • 65 Tubs, largest . size, t V Tubs, medium, 65; Tubs) small, 5 5. ; Tobocco, Grant's, 3( ' plug. • Tobacco, Baltimore; I Tobacco, best 1) , : it 1 ; pound. . . J ' f obacco, - Bil ti m ere 1 cents a l'clflit , Tacks, carpet( 4t. e) Gngroundplov:ee. i Vaground L'innamot Unground pepper,l Unground •AllspiceJ Vinegar, let Cid) cents a . elation. Wash Swirl's, 20 c . nts., - : 1 Wagon Grosse , 'manufactured by John Wilcox., i, Fraattoet, P..; 22 cents for 8 pound cans, •i or $2.10 a dozeq. - • Gam Camiallor, 5 cents an ounce. ' Stone Wati and Jrige, '9 cents a gallon. 'Saltpetre, . 20 ceati a pound, same as ethers charge 25. •I : .• ' I Epsom &knits 8 cents a pound. • i , Corn Starch, in onnd papers, 11 coati' a • paper - . i • . . - Extract ofiLogwoo , best kind, in 'paper boxes, 1 1 20 cents aponn . ~, Ground Allestard, best English, 9 cents per t• pound or 80 cents per , pound., It/erring, amoked, In s boxes, 5 cents for 12 1 , gen:4k Seed , 9 ceb a pound. • . Stigart'uted brie Beet, Canvassed 18} cents a 1 , pound. ;- I , I • Sugar. Cured Can 1 cents. 4 (Flab, best White, ll (Fish best Extry;li ; cents a; pound. /Fish, best No. 3, , pound.; f Ground Ginger.. l . Extra nice, Whit . 1 poundi' • 1 Good Co ton Bati , eund... , I Cotten Batting, rket price :eis same othez7 elmry -75 ••• Il_ -II .14 reehoois, 85. cents i'peund or 6 cents a Tiist, 28 cents arponnl eg, forimOking, 10 cents s Twist, 4, cents s ping or 88 ..nts a paper. 1, 0 cents a pouid. pi, 86 cents a pound. 112 cents a pound. I 12 eel:ail' pound. 4 . conts a quart or wise Hinge, very uteri 14 • cents a pound. 0. 1 Ilapkeral,iaspecteit, 11 • 'Large Weekend, 7 ends a cents s pound. e Sngar, only 10 cents lag, lio. 2.. en! ), 11 coats a 'o. I, 18 tents a poun4.3 THI HIGH •I ST PIRCE IN CAEN PA: ID FOR RAGS. , Y XERCEIANTB I', 00IIN i!oe ne e , before purchse4g. 7 ; we moll cheoper 031 7 (01` in Call and TliC above is our a s!bolesale bu Sort. 19th, 1., E rE CO- Heists, =I ITTSBURGII, D r. - • . • , To Cub reo'd during the • exclusive.of amount ALLEG'Y, PA . EXPE'NDITVRZS. By samaras issued during the rear on the fol lowin Agricultural Society, pee act of Miserably, Asseisaments-7,-Msesoors pay, , .Atteridinglappeals, • . • I • Returning Milite47 rolls, r Auditor's pay—larriesillorrioors, - „ , E N 1101IS, -3 ANe frars, , %%Rani limiter, •• • . , Richardti Agnew. State Auditor, Bridges—Puilding bridg s, , ;', Repairing dol '‘L. . . : I. Commissioner's pay—Abnerllorton„ {- ' i 1 *William Shrodes, I Samuel Lawrence, - i . ' • , I Jimos` Wilson; Clerk to CoMmissiinerst,—Alfred R Itooi-e, .; , , • i' ' t Ricknrd-LI AOlew,`; I :Counsel to ; do - i)R P Roberts, , : Commonwealth caSes, Tit ; ; i Clerk Quarter Beissiou l s, A 0 McCreary, Constables fees," - 1 . • i >\ District \ District i lttorney's' fees, M ItMelsb, Boarding and washing for prisoners at jail, Jaileis tees, I Physician for jail, Dr 3 Cunningham ,' Prisoner's clothing, - Incidental expenses Of prison, Justices fees, i ' • Sending convicts to Flouseof Refuge, ttmaXbie conveying ;convicts to Bois. Rein, - Witnesses fees,: ! . Coroner's Inquesti : —Corenefs fees, i - . • - -Jurors and witnesses, . . . . Other expenses, Court expenses, *is' ,; 3 Clerk of Quarter Ses inns, General fess. ' Constables attendin g Courts, t, 'do returns Mid mileage, ' . , 1 1 Amount forward, i l 4" I ;:-.; oil =01!• MI UES, AND COM L ER, DOUSES. s..a pound. me as sold at other ality, 0 cents, next Old at other houses 6 cents, said at other me as Sold at ether me as bold at cther tirce as sold at other ...cis, 'nine ste - aol l d at Dr. Januarj 7, 18GL' : ! To Cash, klalance liteusid of Wm. ry , .11ea, late: Ti du Bec'd of Collectors for ye prior to 180, do • do on returns of unseated lands, do - do Tan Pay re before Ist Ang. groan, de >do let Sept. do . . / Balance in Treasurer's hands langsiry 7 186 Table of Taxes• laid in the several To%, ' due by Collectors; togetltr wit payment for le yea' - . .-- -- 7 113eaver bore #0 ,Big Betiver . tp.., i: ißorough ,, tp , Bridgwater born gh.. Brighton tp Chippewa tp......... ..... Darlington borou h - Darlington tp........ • EcOnomy tp4 Fallston borough ` t Frankfort bOrou h. ... i.. Franklin tp'; . • . ; Fzeedom bciroug ........ Georgetownhoz ongh • Glasgow borough. ...... Greene tp.........1 .... ... .. Hanover tp' i..... .. Harmony tit... R.. ...... .. .- dlookst own borg,ugh..... Hopewell tp....4 ...._ ' . Indepeuderte tp ''' ..Industry jr Marion tilllimshili . Moon tp New Brighton' blrougli. ' 'New SewicklY tp...-- , -- North Sewickly!tp.l. l l... Ohio townahip e''' ~ Patterson . 31 cr , t ; biPY•••• Phillipsburgh bOrough. Pulaski tOwnship • Raccoon tt'lNensh:ip • Rochester borough.... Hochester townottip... South Scatel: tp RE .4 LQU 75 . '5O " 50 COLLECTORS. DISTRICT'S. ' ,Year..Ccl. !Tax .1 St. Teri \ COLLE,ItS., DISTRICT6.I 1 'Year. I CO. I Ta St. -Tat, 1 ' • ' .1 1 1 ..,1 , ~ '• f 'll I f p ~, . . Robert Calhciun, ' , Brighton Village, 1 i 10411 '. 1 '76 96 Ara'ts bro't forward , -,, , 1 Il' . 500 8 g9l 88 I • Daniel Sourheek, ' New Brighton bore. ,• I 18 / 46 1 "f I .144 22 ISlarshall Hartshorn; . Darlingto ,'boro. 1 182 2 B4 80 Richard Morlan,.. _;' 1 do I ' ;N4B I . 346 99 fBamisel Ilendrl f ickson; Ecdnomy Itp. '1 I 18591 *57 *lB 65 William TlTpsor, Darlingt'on'tp. . 1 John' ger* , ID, , Rochester; f ;1 1854 12273 I ,14 98 John C.I Well e, Prinklin p 4 ,. 1 ,- U 80;817 •,, 1 f l Sahli Evan Patterson, i 1 - 18561 124 42, I 100 1,9 awes Stoops ~- Freedom to. I' ‘ . : 06 79 1 t Robert Nels n, i PoliSoki. tP. I•',' 'I ' l l‘ . .9 52' it Benoni Dawson, G lasgow bnro.f 'i , 1 61 6 1 • 4,fli , John M. C *ford, Dailington boro. 1 1 1858 1 8 95 ' lII' T. T. MoSibtiin, Hcokstow I bore . " 1 160 99 ..,,'.., •'..-t-., Lewis Sexton; f Frankfort-bero. ll. 12 74 4 1 Samuel inittelte,„ \ • Hopewell 4.1 l' ::"..[. 176 81 ;-p;,•; 2 ,,- 1 ,,4 Hopewell c Baker, 1 Moen tp. 1. 1 : I ' ," .88 78 . 48. 7 4 Gaol ;,.ilt , ~. •, moon ti! .iI ,; 1 , 25& :; i get ; ..• !! John Dillon,. '-: •Big Beaver tp , 1859 118 10 .44 ir Shaw ~....:2-- I' ..z'''''' -: '.. 'Weir B i r PiPii °Pr• 1" 11 661 11 „ ;•...,• ? .'..t . .....f1r Charles Given, ••,...1 Bnghton tp..l • 'I ? 82 48 ~ , If f • ' • ? . ,;'.'.. 1 ,, ";,.. \ROnlie' ter isoip:! " 1, , ; 911 ' ~',1,1415011,11 ! - [ " ' -•••••.,-_ ....4"... i l i: ~,,'.4. 2 , .. `....14 - ~ 1 . .. , j 11 1 .4 !, 1 1' . ,,,......,.... Am - mu , cur io r om i r d, : • , 5 00 Bfi, 792* *Pidirbeifice 7th January , 1. 7 6,. / ;, ~. ,i 0 ., : . 1: , ~. ..............,..„, . ~ DR : 2 1 - -!ri . BEAVER COUNTY STOCK. ..I . l l \ 111 1 •••I I'll' ' I ' I- CR : • • I .. 1 1 1 1 - 1 's 1 1 • 1 i , , ., , , To amount of outstanding warranbs, 1 , f 8810 By balance ila hands of Tremsnenii., i 1 ' 'i 1 ' $1 768 9.4 1 do • •'r do 1 bond, 1,- • 1 i' 2000; " &Mounts ' i cicle by.Collecttors of 1060; f iif .1. ~8419 Or ' fdo Balance, • I . I •" • -•: 1 0.50,0; 8 " I -do .1 do f h / prior rears, -1 1 . 1 . 1060 8 . —4 f . • i , do 1 on uniestisdlondis,l i• 1 f /1. . • 846 6 , I , • 1 ' L I I ' 1 i 12deff4 -,* do 1 6y auo Siatherland, for store. , i • I I'D 0 ,• , •. . f 1.. 4 . AG SV IV Irfrin i late for fines ntid T ine,. filet *412 0 r -• • I • 1 ' • t , • ,• 111 ,• I , :,1 ' 1 • 1 - - 'I• - 1 ,r , iv t, ir t- ' I ,•, • - . 11 4 II II I; \ ' - _,J:I I . I , ' 12626 48 . f 1 1I ' ' I Balance la rotor of Conatt Janttory 7;186.1,1' 10588 861 I - . 1 • 1 1 .1 1.• '' 1 4.1 , , t • 1 M'Nott--ilbe onount'of 8432 81 la the above jaccount, atOdiog aa alatfn against W. 'W.! trap, RN. ? iota Bherpff, ban been , 11 I - Paid off since the 7th of January, and w;as,l in floc paid off before, b y au uoset4l claim ~whmto it bald aga mit -.ha county aa , ; • I 11, Sheriff and . Jailer. '' • 1 ' 1 'i , 11 4 1 L Th.' . 1 . 1 \, F• '. : , - . , 1 i.- . ~ i Given under our hands and seal of f' --------- 0 - it 13 ev e r li t o , . 0 hi:i 31st l dii:of -, Jan;pati: togi t- -36 1 7. - . 1 , t+c ' , 1 . .' i wiLUtAit'stlito tis ,fl 1.. , 1 I j I L r • ~1_ 1, ,__ il , . 1 I • i /,, ,r . ' i -• ; SAM ÜBle iettlVß, ZYCJA --r_ , -- ± [ , rrr . I.l'l I , ' 1 r I. ,YABIEB WILSON . •., 1. 1 nri I AGI'IW C ' . '. ' 1 1 ' I ' ' ••.• .... 1••.,'• Arrmyr,. ';' RI 11AS , , .er C. 1 1 0• • I , leotntiti.uioncri. ..,_ • r i, I l,‘ . '''i I * - I ' l '' ' '' q[l.l ! i .. ~- 1 .4 t WS /40T/CE j'' 1 1 J. s RuTAN 1 - , . 1 , AD.MIN IS RATO ~ ~;' , ., . ~. , ; ;._ ",., virrl . _ _, __ 1 ,„ 1 • . , i, , 1: • ' ' N I E W fl OD D'S '' I TTORNEIf AT JAW DEA ER If A. 'DI vi vy I O 0 i i) I S ! ! ALL 'various knowing themselves .inde t tA 11l to the estate of Sarah Irwin. late of,Meo4 . .- 1 c 1. I t ! , j tp„, Denver Co., (Iced , ore•herebY regrii.74 4 o l, '' , , I - 1 ' I r i : ~.,,, t is bie ' rec4ved itnd il l i pay up all dues ion o r . before the :r e v t .t e cv e. , c im ° B i ßt i - i c 4 , ' tsr, C o l . ll. T 's Te,451., _E -H wreeiii ß iLeipt of net, nidati m pe w l i be r r a E r„, &cc., in to hie biudness 1 i 1 - • zd ''' llfare 3 / 4 next, aft r which time . Il ,i, lie. , 11 RB• RT ON. • 1.. ,• ' • , • Tewainii.g OV II. I ' will 1* left irith r ne P A t ltuineyi and Cimnaellora at ar. , . 01 „ai l /ew 16 - 10 ° Prings 1 . per o ffi cer Ifor eollection. I will '1 In Oteni ,03 r ,,,,A,,,i 8,1 d oor I...b iip m • e i- . ... • '•[ 1 .f 1 4 iiteW,l4 Deialnes Isaoo-st- the Sheriff's offiee, eret/gatur4a3". . ..__4 „_P , , 1 7. ' ' l ' W W IRWIN, Adm'r. T e, ' D "F"'?!' 1 1 r '4l " 1 a',. • ones . ' I " Mir" Cialleih 1 ,__H -- .1 , . ' L • W . A 'ril 181 Illewltit le 6 ghats • fic New, Brigtit b , Feb. 6 6,1861. I 1)1014.. ROGKRS I •mpoun 8y ' •p of . I ' ' I • 'I 1 +: 1- - ! .coo sop LB rais ACß ardel ß -1 91 1 1 . 41:18 c LirS ti;i ffo l - it - 1 1- finl - ph l lll7 - . - a ml lt i . o . g . b b n.i l f iii o T . m rli r . l 4 9 sci n rt s! i I n li rii 'r e a gr a na ng t 2 and . a• h u, a g le e: ... Ci s_ ~° i F e ' s gr, 7 BB't te llu rah g- ,__ ll 7_,_ ' o: 4l thes' ei i i.6 a,.: :' I Be% 1 ' „ at QM at ip aa r. all ' sit% MOH. - , • nom Beard% Bruuwalalo4l gso4 as Real , , il i • . ,, , i l 1 . i . ! . ~ , , ~1 ; , 1,, , . i , , i •.-.. 1 , , 1 • I 1 • • I - . , , 1 , 1 i 1 1 , , ' - , - 1 II , 1 , ! - , 1 - ,;1 1 it ,•, 'L AT. THE THEASUE RECEIPTS 'k • ear, as per Treisimer'e A m late TrelLlßUTer. I John S. Daragh,'N, do COllectors of• 1860, do Janies Darragh former Sheriff: fi tt aad Jury fees, _- I do Costs in. Commtnweeth cases, ; do' CbristAa Wolf, borrowed mole'', ilo Wm'A Lsird, for stove, 1 •• . do Wirt•POrer do • ' ! do Military fund. Commttorionetal an Clerks services, Stc.,l Jo ,:..Jno . Piel-sol, Justices feeS refunded do." J Searight's slim's, Coroners Inq do frimium on Gold, do 'Redemption unseated lands," do Extless of abatement froth State Tre over allowance to Taxi payerit, do do do do do i , I i 1 1 I I 1 , - ' !Levy of Grro ocat,ors atoll Cbitgt:ol DISTII IbTS. 3860: , t)tt Ti.eitalptl-Tien ' to 1(1 • 1 ,tbfAtig 1 bfAlp Ipollee'rs ' .. I • .1 111 I '948 74'777 71 , 4 631 166 - 40 , ..' ' Hoe 12' 714 b6' a 77 392 79 ..... i . 623 Ow 414.03 i 4 9, , 89 179 61 l• '669 OW 807 61 . 3 409 267 p 7 .. 1 1056 19, i 99 06 g 63 284 00, 1 f 891 63 284 03' M 4 ow / 511 72 1220 777 E , oo' 4 85' 130 42 1478 1478 21 b 2 se. 16 IS I 633 ppl 1108 02 5:3 op' ft, 59 . 818 97 ; (933 73 263 56 24'69 • 143. 48 , 1153 21 1135.05 1 18,101 .' !71.19 83 591 01 4.i. 94 165 bB, ' 1.381 - 92 153 54 4 ,57'., 223 83( 1206 82 138 15 I 1 1 68 671 ;83 , 81 . -29 41 f ~1 1 69 ;401 1419 '8 1 ); leip 24 63 56,1 983 'o9' 11874;83' 165 1 5 80, lb 12 20S '9l l -•' • 00 1 0 nil ' ; V.- ... .. ; 1320 ;54; 1320 54' ; 257 59, lop 31: : 1 1270 82 541 11 :1002,81 , 504-GS 604,66 , 825 - 55 '1 880 51: 270 '79, '1,873 58 , ' 357 791 `11651 02, 1 783 42' 111336 23,1 4qB 9(. 1 .t 523 Ps'l soi 79' gE~ 75 19 2 0 I ,: 429 48 , 273 337, 60 237 89, 457 t, 29 151 20, 111020 56 f G36.22' { 9 79w Aim` 85 iota oo 640 85 ' 129126910&' 26: 5 'per t , nt allowecl 1,, era, Tax pa; ; $845 31 , I 1 MI Delinquent C:olleeforsi for year P T S 5i 8 7 1 00 1 00 19 50 B#'6o 588 78 281 34 1102 00 848 00 40) 00 102 00 356 25 93 7. 40,68 91 . 75 101 00 229 65 45 00 1 . i . ~: ~~ 298 77 86-'BO 2 . 4;00 144 93 25 170,62, 75 171 I N'7 '-server, 846 0 1677 1 16,906 2. 1998 6 2,642 4: ,B I I I P I Fa UNTY:FOU ER EE g IA r lc, , x , zr 1 I I mount Dreg fo a . 1 4 p er of Courts . A flint ,71r i pitor of Court ones 2C(1,11r0r1ie,466 844. Isheriii•sammordn JIA Pirottionotary's fee M Cdurt Howie, offices lind )ocliets, duplicatis, e Fuel and lights 0244 incldentfil effPnisfsv Hostage;' $3, 22 . itlePai i E eiltions, General and 8 Sheriffs fee! for a vert lAsefseots aitentli g au Cainstabled lenin no l Election officers'pay, I Esti of lonics, Anil, 1* l'festern l'enn'a flo pita lici:nse of Refuge 1 i JimtiSes fees; swim ng I R certificates of f x Ifoor Ilouse--Sipp rt o ! p r,firectors pai— 8 J MO U 1 ear II i 1 'l4 13:13 pop oco l ''E , 61 . 60 I 0 00 ~' 1111 60 00 60 001 liEl 1000 41 EfE Difference i415•,466 re l iente . , accoun ;:894 January 7, 186 Py Cash Paid on do do Cestifiesi -do ' I do de Redempi i 4 do Abateme t i do Amount do Exhone i 'do Treasarir's - ' ,ed l i ii do Trea?nriee ..vai a/ do Trese C m. do .Balance ,523120 r: 2511'1)5 5001 00 86 1 001 1 115 611 11 8 8., 4100 6il MI ~540 8 ,758 1 4101 ips fc l eree l po: 4 County-pfl t abaternent so, balance B FM r t 118 Paid by, Callao 1 tom - - 23 8 00 7 67 8 52 12 31 4 113 95 168 220 1 5 00 00 41 00 1 1 H 5 20 146 100 23 17 HO 31 65 ?A 1 24 81 127'58' f 2 }&. &"; 34 0,51 2:1 695, 476141; $3 «'/%9i 109172 1 74 92 . 440187; 'l:4 12 8;7345, 108 18 809, 15. 12 61 5591/5 3 , ,E , C, 2 , , „:1 { 11) t l 547 94) /40 ;8 96, ;837, 13 q 92 327'42, 89 114 523 79 13 65 .203 'lB l 2 , PP, 385,1i6 172'27; 2 47 53, 2 46 84' 4 84 001 1800 27 0' g ;11112 60 001 9 376,00'1 6 68 00! 252 551 21 106 00'. 8 65 00 9pB F ci;“12.21 fO7 t • ,2642 40166' • o tO l lB' 66. and balsa es. i! no g rgAlt ,f 1860.7 =I M)/ 11 U4 1 4Ek ; Shields„ - -;:i , John Oibssin, ll, .. Pets t, inrorssl6lls '0 Ts , - d 11 eianY, I I' . sill, vis : : 6tlonery 8to.; ; ji 87, Prindsg $278 suit House altst•ollisisl •'5298,77 'ri enlsl, ris s•j i, !, Bing. . ..' 4;lists or is • , oee Ito, , , 1 • 1 btii• &es ' 4 1 1 :support. ofrnmstes, do , I^ do 1; i ti. olEosri, snd , .issui ( iPi. __ 1 11 ; I l'aupers, , ,; ; Steeling, , ' 1 1 Ifoorhesd,.l ; 1 r '• i °adoring, ) 1 1 H al of $B7Bl T9--ESpi Supreme oneratioi mu; if 1859, led; • I _A taxes ail tarn oti,for old to Ant mohero. to evil , Expo itai • ith Beav • ' 1 ants—:lst QUM*? ' ' 113898 - ' .0 • 2d. Bd, aid ith 'guar. 20,783 23-21,6767 s , es, road and bridtteiviews; . o. 190110 6 x scalps:' I '' ' 1., , 1 ,75 87— 265 87 on,unseated lands,'; Irii. -1 , 1 ' 135 87' is o tax pSyera, i - I 1 . . f ; • 845 81 1 o'd on sate of.straPtorse ' 1 ... 1" l7 86 7'l , lo 3by Commlssiars,l , , 27 00 om. on $28,040 81 Reset's- )er cent, I 1 ! 1 OP Cornm'en on 025 ? -00 70 L i .. i._ II per cent, ' t ' B l2 uz d .on $5OO, reed andpd I Pe! cent ° •aes, and azneunts credited • Tax.rpayeep; for, prOsinpi, e of Statarrar. • I 1, lb Due bk o'd 7'4 Efc Unsea-j C ted , „.11 lands.' o 89 06j 820 79 77 161 85 94 69 51 606 68 109 891 485 80 717 071 114 91 166 88 112.44 * 24 42 221 IEO 69'06 457 93 69 II 86 97 520 40 42.6 401 ' 175 251 74 72 440 24 825 70, 619 451 555 531 119 104 41 al 54 1 154',90' 268 92 249;67 88 88 220 86i Ilin i :MM I I • '92.00 11 '9460 iLL2OBI 22 • 78 1, 140 .000 j 1 182.02 o- say 87 19 4 201 99 1 : 5 • 128 5o 17 4 6 V 2 I 81 20 366 pa 7E4 . a gi II I • 4660 00 25,00 26 po 25'11 3 783 6p, - 6 112.6 66 69 ;616• MI / 1 fan'ti 9 54 1 PPri $20.864 06 7;292 111 113 ; $48,146 24 t - 1 1 i 1 ' .1 I r P°unty.l,l 1 w)1( '4l COIsiECT -1 I • 1 William tionsoin, n John C. Wilson} iyilliam Bascoln; ! ' William Bea4ont, • - , ~kifreil Walton, I, ~ 24111obert Brsdahair ff 68;.rollith T. W.;lll6llte,i ~ o..eJosialt T. 11'..1 31'Cuni, 07'.. 4 8sniiiel lien!drlokson' finfu, P. Colitrt, William 11. ptiler, 6 ohn C. Wellitr, I hrislian Hailer, • it'il l omaalF.'. C*rueagy. EV il '4 a l ai . L. RI, Jaynes NI. lip,l . iftober i t littraha,, ! '; I '; •; 64Thompaan T. 24 eKtlaton, .Ikiseph A: Fleming, ILltivid Alexander, 7, 33 . 455epil Am* on j 3!. Henry lichn4inti I , JfGeorge W. Shp' 0.1 liirani Reed' I Olohn 'Ditto:l,l; 1 194..1ehn itobintronl •i ads, 4 f 1 I eter, L. Any Je.4sei 45 Gilbert Trtitrifil I .l4ugli IHclft!iret, OE Ininel Goipal Ha' e; ,Flergue Foser, 60,111artini3illeapi MEM 62J r • *raid off . 0 7 Jti . ary ue Janua.ry 'T!u, - - • - AcceiTlNT . .0 ALL 31()NIES - sed iivid,Expairded i►y the Dov e ta i l o f t h e li por and Douse =o Employmen t for the C u. Cpf B eaver for l i the .year incrit,9 l4 ' al .„ ? I , • Or. -; 1,1400.1 bolaitoo n; Triatotry u t4 81st, 1859, iqlukt tecitivistl of Co ntioasuty, I • I .j " 1 4 Pro ill Fitrto, her leountiOo "rents '&o' , it it - 1 4 , 7 I I' • ' l• Milano° in , 4 1`ressurer's hipds Deti. 81, 1860, EXPEN.DIT,URES.." Cash paid for merobaldizo 'and groneneol • do '' roPPirt of roan? P°oPoTol do , do ' =out door paupers, do t removing poopoia, - do temparary relief; and- nornincropeto, do • medWal attoodanoe - ont-iioor do do Enteral espouse', • d o ' • Jo do meat and butter, do wheat and • 'do ' coal, do, 'hoes, 1 1 1 do' •., boarding Jolan do , male and femai do' ()sail paid' stew:' ' do Cr rbyt i 1804 94 917 14 MEI 70 . 00 Amount; earried forward, e ye,i!ttio ; undersigned • ' i , t,fi atid Eipeuditur, ci 44;i* •• • es the stand eta EMI , ' • i .t.iV 1. • eceipts and E OffN S.' DARR e j:,``( i' ' ' REiIEIPTS. ' 1 ‘i To amount outstanding for 1 58 and,prior, ! do. "II ! do. , 21 . .0 , ; 'ICI'I •st ffi ' 7 lB - ggrogato o a • ' • •• 01 Cr. •I. , EXPkNOITUItEd I . By amount outstanding for 1858 and pritn do' 'dol ' lB6O, doi dr, collectors 1859, 1 "exhooerstious I . do • do 1 1860 , do j ti I d do cotatili oion 10 , . 4 1 44 cash paid B . B else . do do' do: • 'do O i l Ws, the undersigned Glitn txpendiluies nt the DI ihiat~' Auditdre. 1 612 6 1 ,768 9? :,540 8 Samuel. II ,t, , a = c 1, 1.. ~..,. ~.. 1859, 'Dec. l 1, To Deli Jo- IR,e,g r hail de„fastl sett,:en: ~ :J. 6 1890, 1'0,125, rdo ;Ren'd 'from Joeepe ttilker' l B `estate, 25 , .: 4 ' „ Aiir.! 28 Ido 'Johnift. Shannon'O I- i ' lio 12850 "4 • ,<' i 116,'; , do ' Mail , ' Iceidlongh's ' o- , .7;3 July 5 :do ' John, 'l l loOniaeld'n,l A , . . . .15 . ; l'iv!/2 do Archl I.ll36x!e!uti Jj' do i 197 to an MEM =1 BEXVE SaWool B. To. the Slloon, Esq., Re omolibsioners of = • , . „ •. 'dyed dnriug year. viz = in Treasury, January , 15t, 1830, I *Wend.. r • • I,r d Judgments; 11' Dr: To j cash Balaace Batik Di Bo l nds a, r ., IT•Or VIE PtNANCIiiB OF BEAVER. AOA DE I .IIY, piq AMOUNT DUE ON 13A t ' 4 . BONDS, Juno NIf.INTts,, , JANIARII36I.I _ll Stock Dank of Pittsburgl4loo I 1 -• Bond Money, loaned M. T..) l Konnedy, $499.g , 9 Lye. $33 . 27 Judgments on- Prothimotary's Docket : • I_ Joust/tab 111cEensio, 1852, int.As ~..thitid Eakin, 1854, , 60'00, 4 ., 2346, 11. Sutherland, 'I , ISM, 160:00, * I ditto ' 250;00, lanighliceullougli, blastula 1 Joe. Maier, ' ; i• 1858, ' 2043 , . 4 , ,12.40, • ' • Amount forward, f . ' ' *1- '6.079 171 j . • 13EAYER COUNTY,;ISB; We • the uudorsignfil Auditor:3' Or Deaver !county, de berehy certify (hit iudited the foreigeing i'dcOunta' , of P. L Brim , TreAturiwof II liver Actdeniy, together with the v.ouebers 1 exhibit of the Financite said Atademy, and believe the same Cu, be oTrect as t,ley eland stated.., In •wic. heretMiel set our b.n Is tbie 2tat diy of Jitonary, A. D. IS6L. : 1 o . • `NOTE —We doubt ,the necessity of ptYing the Iteht and Tuition of - Mr. MoCrid'a Female Semihary_i ver 'Academy, 1 , I H E. Botirs, -• - • ' • TINLEY AND' IriEM 1861 1 :4•'‘,_:,....YLVANTA. OENTRAL 'RAIL: , . ; l' , i f, t ~ 1 t . ~ .... t 1..) ..-6,lll,dlitil '4 I IIII.ANGEMENT 4 5 . 1151 4 after , Mondai,?anti 11th, 'ilki ihro litißiTrain leaves .t ePassenger fruition every merging (eleePt Setday) al 2:20 , 1 8 34•1 stopplogl at Greensburg; J t Latrobe, FlorenCe, Johnstotrw, and all regular' stations !between Joboetown and 'lla'rrisburg. making &Over eon-, _Deafina for Baltimore, arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore it 5:00 PALi • : ' . il 4 '' 1 ! I The Through Express rfrititt:.leavesidaily at 1 3:'40 if', XI, stopping only Ip.'piinoipaLstations, making i direct connection at Eitrridbitig for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia •r Baltimore at 5 1 60 A, 11.. 1 t ' i ilk I THE' FAST LINE leirrtri.the 'station Aaily(ex oept! Sunday ) ' at 6,05 p. m,, 'stopping only at Greensheig l ,Latrebe, J'otteetewn, Wilmora,6lali Wain, Altoona, Ito., connecting at Harrisburg with train direct /or Bitltiniore, and, arriving in Philadelphia iitio,ool' l t..i.. I I , The traveling 'public Is ill Sod in greatly to their Interest inOing ilit or West, Jo. , trevel by the [Pennsylvania Rail road, as thq-electlial ,modatiCds now offereddannotln! retrpsailled on any; other route r . The r I S: stogie and fieel from ~; 1 safety speed and eomftt 'or this Road with Clacked 1 Baggage 1 t r iNitm. l Railroad and toy Timis' Ind New York. 1 i Boriiikets; apply toll t At the l's,R. RI Pamela' and AI ant: street. AT To;R, otarice offic e in the , Court • '15'1857. 1, i o Can • I( Cord s WYO. . pied, biro, !d e e 'lmlay, 'do ifers of Beaver en7e4T ), linum) for the Nep fid. Given, under ' r nur I ' pond 'tures ofj th lireasurel of . 175 '6ki , 48 - 54 ~1 tfg> - 100 S?: 1.20? •42 . 4 88 011 . . - 1 '`. 1 ficarcr J - ittrity, ti,) zertirr th it ,tha"ah-ir., is 11 C3rrect. statement of the I.,r ! ity... , a il 'county, for the year °ruling. Deo. 3 lA., 1.363, as exami4e4 . on4 pas4ed - bi :L• 1 ,un , s l )al of office, at Beaver, this 31st 4 iy, of .f inuary, A. ir D. 1861: - ;., . ' .., i , Iv 11;1:13 M 8 1.1 ROA DS, 11 i .S.NIUEL 1 itAWRENCE, ~ ; Gomm ' ~: 1 , ; - 1' .1 ANIF.§,,.WILSON, . , ' • ? ' . T rr r i p R oiT'INTIFI'IT A NCE TAX_ _ • - . '- 4 •'. , ''; 1 -1 .4( 1 _1414 . 4i...1..,/'. _ _ 4 . 4 1 : r l - , ' - , , . i 1 ~ , B. Wilson El l R i ey'ister o f Wills, &c , -- •iii - Be - over'r,unt zciih the Commloditriblrof 1 1 0 , n1 1,.,,,,, , i . . r ardor, o tacit, - do •1.4.4i•i00rs of Fon4 cf sai• hands and i , , 1 , y'nertify the alreo to -be a true,,Staternent of Collateral luberitance,Tax, an 1 816.; Inland for said Coanty, thatis4 the Year ending November 30th', A. D County, Psi. i 1‘ , . . K., BODE.. here ster of ewer' COUNTY: SS • _ _ 13 c 'a A - c Dit e m RECEIPTS AND IEX?ENDITURE DURING THE YEAR 185 OM i. Jad' is ballosteti Fhb' Olt ,We ;ciik IpOmiso l lk• to all Irbil ioir fek! Wrquige.. '', 1. 1 tail Statiotio oi Philstailphils . 4. STE w 4 w r k t 89ktioti; . ari o , r fly J; ... ,; [, , 1 ELSH. „ AT tA 4li" 4 11) ~ F louse,' Two =MEI EOM ; 07'9° 9 '2 47 % 0 363 99 19 XlO 255 68 .285 3 - 45 37 • I'Bl 71 145 50 1 171 50 82 31 ' 18075, L' 21 . 0 15 380 00 100.00 =I I 1 , E I. ' D/ 39 6l 4274 43 1 1 1 do 'certify that we have exarpmed' add auJited the foiegoio.l.exilibi t br th e art nod employment lel the ; Pattpers of a ad,County, awl believ4 tire s3h j .- finds, at Mo ay, the ;17th a'iy of Jantili-y, A. D. 1861. . • N BOOTS, , t FINLEY ANDERSON, i NMI Mary Fund of Beaver.coxinty for the y,ear A • carver C ounty, in .necntott lean the tonntonteea-tn.o i Peansylvainiti 100 00 15 00 1078 50 MI 12U2 50 111 109 00 9 00 6Q 9 50 309 01 40.49 1 50 1 50 7 37 ,' El ME = MI 8409 2- r. I , I= reassirer .ecivatit et; , T i i a is!a pa r• :tyrants itosucti.:furing . yevr, viz ' ‘21.7 . .451 Bi NWreer, rfar, tuition , . "•, • i4r)o 001 Hi[ JEilin A. for tnitiiin and rent Frin'are Sezninar, 1516 7 . 6 8j %ca/emy . ' • • 1.14 ] .., - Aapairbl Itibu'rance, Academy Building 4' 4 Tre•isurrfs • - • -i- BalanOe in Treasury, : t - ilipj L. Ph MN 2.174 11 =II $5.000 00 33:?, 66 :9;1ro I • 75 00. 56.40. 1 Coniectionaries, BreaA, &e, T, L itI,ETER -; JINGEL 411 t; pe pia ' that he keeps genera) assertordt of the above [ arttcles at Brown's '1 Old b!nn.!, Bridge street, Bri dgewater, which be will 8 tt low fot. caslf.; lle.bopea by attention to bitd 7 nets t6.'[tie;[pritronizeti liberally by .bis friends. He also' keeps 4 No. X Oysters„ receised di rectly. by expresefiorit paltimore, which can be laid by, the Can, illiff; Eati,'or . • in amkintake•our acquitintance . and we will giae yon - ba,,Tahia. I Dec. 6:!i). [ [ [ , PETER ANGEL • ' ; ' 11 • , EXECUTOtt ;S -.! - • LETTERS testamentary having been grant ed to the untiersigted , ou the estate of Jtiinee Potter; deo'j.,late.of Indttstry tp.," Bea el'. county, all periotie knowing themselves in. debted to, said estate ; are requested to; make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same -will present them M tie'sub scribers duly)autheittetited for Slktletnent:: .1 ELIZABETH " POTTER, Executrix., 1- InduAry township, ANDREW WATTERSON,JExecutor, • Jan 16. • • Brighten townehid. EX..:CUTORPB .ROTICE.', , lA/BEREAS lettere testamentary on the VT, Eptate of, Elizi}balt Miller, deceased, late of Big Denver, tii„ l Beaver red., Ya.. have Seen'granted to the enbseribihi, residing in the seine township,perso'Ws sindebted to said estate are req nested to make inwit edit' te pay tnent, and those having elaima please ,pre em4 them Properly authenticated for settle ment. W 141.1 I'ATTEKtiON, r. December 5, 1860 Ina A LUSTER'S All HeatingVT toent ' at Dr. Miuie Drug eters. a the Baltii ; Ag't,,; iberty 1 18, '6O W, NO cr: ' , d I , ' ' ' -.- EXtENDITUAES -1 By ,arrioisot i 'Drought foiward, lio ' cash paid Treasurees and commas sabry, 010 . " I do , • .. direetore' l extra aervie.:S, 1, do' ' do- I. Kirkiattiek.ease, , - ' , , do • do . - juitizßeand coostotdes' fees, . do do mason vrork, j _- , do , do l _t pump, spouting and ' t tin ware do ' -',' do iwitsaiice ompropertj, 1 . do , ,do other poor houses,: 1 .. do E a hi e th do '- thr e s hi ng gristßand husks, 2 1 d . 5 do . o , s , oyes and. grates. do i da rent for ;Jumps Harris,' pau per, p 5 , , , • . . do do,' *viler mill, , 1 do f ' l'' do - hhaltstnithing, • do ~.. do . publishing receipts. Ite., , ), do i do g '. , f:rriage laud brid i ge toll, do i ' do . furniture,l' do !, do _ , roofing lions() on Sanders' estate, do:. do ' repairs nnifatio,.:' to ; ' dn• froight nod are on sh i pments, • , 110 ! dO . unveiling e penses,, ; d o do miseell'aineous items. do balailes -in Treasurer's it,Mts f),:c. 31st, .1860; 13y envitiut. brp.tgrit forward, dp.leash 'paid Waver-Argus for advertisiog, • do, John , S. Little', Brigade Inspector, 'do S Dayeriport i as per bill, dodo % V. .3. L-untion, • do do, A..(3. -- i & N. C. Barclay . , do .do Capt. A. H. Calvert, .do tio il,uj. Springer, do ' do' Col Shafer, i • do do Lyi t ch, , • , do • dci' - asiesßors, epiniiiissiopers and clerk, do do t ; Sheffield 131ues, ' • do l;reersburkltilles, do , b " Jig Beaverrlliflest, • do • Ttesburer's oem, onl 724 32 @diper ct do balanbe in hisband, - s °i 29 1860, teb.l.U, BYeastimaid K. 11. Agnew, Awl. 1839 pi 40 ki29 - - - do appralser. Jos Walker's eiti " do State. Tressirer, . ..I%lfir:.' 7 "do . 'do '. Apr.! 1 . 2 do do. IS _ IG App Mary M'Cullougli'a e"tate, 28 cash State Treasurer, July 1•2 Ido . do Sep" " opp Alice AuAeisan'sestate, Nov. " do Areldba.4l Stewair's ..‘ • do -Jbbn K. Shannon's do '! " ' s:eptien,Stone • ; do •• ,15 do State Treasurer, Corntnission 0n , 53.4115 99 /i s.per Cet By nce hin Ilegister'sliands, IMII - , A cnool'it' br i Ought fvr4cnrd,l, • 1;150.00 interest $2.3, 14 on ,J u Ddcket -Everett.,l'42, 1 13, 97 , _ _ . . . Peter shumaker s lBl4, 8.00 do 8.11 John White, ' .18J9f, 16.00 do 1 - 0 .21 Note' for Tuition , Wm, Porter, 1852. 76 98 interest Real' Eatefe, new it cndemy property ; with improvements, . "'O! oula uce iti Trea.,ury, Jan'y JB6l, • 4 4 ME El MI I 5 65 'll).ii f • w\ iriP l , 3ll r the_ same,' atill t ies wLercor, ® .1 .. ~1 /off Itinds ¥ § 11 Audit . .i! or. R SO. ;I . • y „ ie.'. •M. *: PiTtS: r 4 l l l lit/rl".--401N4 EAEZ. day, 'IIVO 11, ,2 6 ; 1• aver erl S tii a b t ' i g .4.11 97 5 I 14:0 0 0 ..1 WasT.l at Iteguir, 6:4 0 61 3 Clevaland; 7;701. 3 *ellAville, 6:0 0 IcCULLOUPIL Pro' eu'l. Ag.t. CLEVE. & ISBAVER •STA' Comm en &ng, Trains, leave Bel 8:29 A. M. Ariii;l 2:42 P. " Gait. 8:05 A. M. 'Airive . I 46 I 4:50 P. Ni J. N. • F. 'll. MY•ERS • 0 PITTS. F • 1 • R..' 1 ROcIiEsTER sTATIoNp-ToiG LcaTeitocileit,r.: -Aro It. Expr,eiss, . 1.2.42 A. , A. Accomodation' " • 12.29 r. .2 1 r. Mail, 2.06 &I. Fast Line, 734 "' 6'4 Leaye Pitts'g. JAI?. at &We Fast Line, • 1.00 A. f 4 2ir:l dltil,- 6,15 ,4 jj 2 . 943 g•SS " Accomvo , Express, Accommod'et n, A 2.45 p, mil it.6o Ell, TEED; .1101 BIJCSAY tVA7, A -,, g i tARVXr , • r`O' HI id g e r. • For !ale by Nov. 21 — HALT'S Balito for ite - 1 ,1 •••-• for the cure'. of Esetoptiont ehitiry,sep6ms i &o. : st• or, 11/41iulb% II p N El , 42,74 4 3 , 5 raj II 70 95 75 7 ' l I 75 5 f'os \• ,(/{/ 3 (i 35 24 74 %6 82 14 43 40 00 '42 32i .(.2 2 4 72 \'/ 0 r kr' 17 sfi F. , .25 s 3 4Sq 05 `11..25 154-5,j. 3001 • 13 00 8 =O9 3 00 7 ( 1 0 7 1 . 0 3'50. 115 , 51 18‘1 MERE reT,r;; .615 k, S; tfa 3 94 1 9 .t 1 174 T , 171 •9 di‘textle9l 7 - V+ Alatrl. , MI TOC i - t _4 ! 'll6l ,6P