The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, February 27, 1861, Image 3

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    [,--- 11 k, 1 F ; . 1 - - --------r-:- --
11,,1 0 Y vir,2l3, ofl, a writ off Fieri Feeise, Lever!
Fame,- -end Vend;tioni ExionaP4, leaned
ot of the' Conk of Conuriou Ple4ts• of Denver
c4un - ty. tt4 to koo directed, Rill be -exposed, to
rabies Sale at the Sheriire - °thee, in Denver,
Frida.V, .March lath, 1861, - '-i7 .
e t 1 iMolii : in the : afternoon, I
'Au t he ft?ilp wing . ] ots of ground
Rochester, situate in- the
Ochester, Beayer Iconnty,, , Pa.,
ba l edel ott tie north by !dot:is etreet..on the
rot ,hy lcrti;Of Lewis P.B etzel, south by Jehn.
g i l l Julia Thompson, and , eet by lot owned by
. I f r y; being SO feet frLint by 44 feet deep
underiiii-all, fence,on which are erected three
!rime dwelling !louses ; the two lots ,being dl
tided intol three parts of 20 feet- fcint each on
' Alderns street rind running back 1 2'5 feet and
t se none 'dwelling bout* on eac h r lot of , one
ittl one b d itif st,'..ries high ;- also a ed of water,
g j i,
0 the nif kill hit. . ,
.1 - 1
,Lio one other lot of ound si t uate - in Ito
eiloter,l lt,eaverleoutity-:- - b enf*d on the north
ti 11 ,0 & fiIY,E, vitt by (.1..1 Pinle c y; south by
1 b O , Ilnys : And/west by N ew Yor street, be.
.i i kounth i le i ed in' the pla nof the ; lottrof said
. 1 1; 0 , hei g shunt 75 feet front by about 160
e . l t ep. thirier. them, on ihich isl erected one
l ie frun.e store houle 30 0 - ieet in length
itetur ea, high. } Seised and - 1
as the- property of Philip ,
If George G Rpeyerer.
1 011 N ROBERTS, Bb'ff•
1 1 ,
~,,..,,,. mil ? oft, . ob.
• A Y .1g R' S , :,
~.0 „ A ., ,,T .
i ll is. T .d .10 ,
e .you et feeble, sad
- cot:aria:mine Are yes out of,
order, with y r system de
ranged. sod yOur kellngran
comfortable t I 71.• opine
. tests err stn ' the prelacti4o
serious Illin* Some St at
sickness iwereeplng upon you,
Mel ehould be averted by a
tireeli We of the right rum
edy. , Tale Ayer's l'ills,laid
clean,/ out the disordered hi-
Mors— purify [the blind, and
let the dulda more on unott,
stnacted In health again.
! They ethrothari the functions
' of the hotly into rigorous se
, wiry, purify tbet system ham
1,- , „,_ th e obstructsena which make
lis ..,,,,,7 f..f.1 -, ione. These,. not relieved,
. u pt1.;,...:‘ -, ,od . the surrenhditli; orgami, pro.
nin , 0 n , i.,1 . ~,,, ~oteith enttering,l and disease.
Stole la thi.',.. , `on ,n,Oppmesed by the derangements,
' la Alerls till, ,;ri see how likeetir they restore the
iatetrel akltien I/ t'le.eeet4n. and trith It - Um buoyant
&eh.; of ti.enh spin. What Is true and So apparent la
i h i„ tr ,,i,,t nil i:outunu eon:rash:lL Is aloe title 14 many
id the e1e.4,-Sated entt dangerous distampira. Th e wee
i i , , Atise duct expel. them.. Canted by simile/ . obstruc
tns anti dirang,nrott of the natural funotione of tho
rbdv_. they ere rapidly, and many of Th em surely, rural
fry t h e pente:rn.a. :N,,ne who know the eirtne, of these
WI, aiii nerloot to employ them when lulled* from
the dienderi ther'curr. 1
tAstemieri foin leading phydehms in some of. the
p r in,•ipoi p;4O, Nei from other - well knoWn pablie per.
:. 1 I• ~ i t , • ,
PLrieogiost „Ifv -ehcrat rd . 's. Lends, AA. 4, IBM
1_ .
ns:, - Tour Pills ere ths paragon) of all that' 1.
'ediFine. They have cared my Blabs daughter
' sew spin,he; hands and feet that had proved
r . .yesrs. Hey mother has bean long grist
arvih lo - ,tclo.o . ood,ydniplea oio her akin and
r. SAtte.r nor "ch i ld wen cnred,!she also triad
land they hare cured her. I.
-:. • I : ASA 3101TORIDorl.
As a Faintly Pliyalii. - -
._._ . . .
I 11°. Ar
pr at ta
o. .144
. .04.4
Prim F- (4(.1w-right, ter Orieari .
ITncr. POI areibs print., of - purges. Their eavenent
.onrfro slirpon nut' ettt Indic no parent • They aro
r.a rrry.,,./tolo nod eft:rural in- their netted - on the
1,. wF.I, li rott,t them iaraluable to as In the dolly
tuoro)Of •
1 1 till. Dr. d apt, fitrafsrors.
Dun IIaCiZ.A rat: I cannot answer yeaf mkat eOmplainte
! bee astwll with your NMI hotter Milt* 'Ryan that
a"- Mth'ei purgative medicine. tdpisee great dryer
to", on AO effeCt nrl cathartic in my . day ersttesS•witi.
.orsti.t belittling as I do that your Pilltafford
h4ie, I of course Tales arch Mealy.
I - Prrasarnos, lia
J.C.IATra. Sir: T bae! been y eland at
,rst .ynuiti-,lide any body eau have by a deer or tea
1.. z, Ii 1.. it seems to arise trim a Lot team*
stitttheyiclosose at onee.
'Gra with great ram. 311111. W. PAKEILL
- • 'Cie?* of Steamer Clarion.
Dti °idlers -- ComaplaintA.
1. 7 De.llcodore /114, of Nos'Yni* aty.
I' 'Cim'rAre your rills adrntrably adapted to tbetr-pent
P. ... 1 1Pcrtent. lilt I find their benelacial efreets upon
ellef Low rery marked indeed. They haveln my prse-
Fdri, more. ejlectnal fur 'the core of it - lima ans
anyone remedy I can mention.-I tincerely
o, l' est hare et. lenoh purgative w hich is war
al m< "el:Womb Of the profeasiou and time people.
Pr:FAT:TM= or tea INTZIIIOI,} ,
... ashilionti, WC., ith Feb., 1858.
ire need your rine in,my general and hoiyital
ir studs )0n wadi. them, and - cannot hesitate to
tt.• F. F the tiesr rntliaiticiwe employ. Their noire- .
n , •11 the liter it Nitirk and decided, coupe.
•i.- are no achissinible remedy ler derangements
in- Ira , ..d. l hate seldom found acme of
: ,n il,,tinanr - that. it did not readily yield to
r.t,•ri..llly sours; ALONZO 8ALL,•31..D.',
, - .1% picion Vat Jkirnes .16fonmML.
trry. l . Dtarrhcea, Relezi Worms..
~,, ,. /, r _./. t.. Green, of CkiecOo.
..,...1 1 ....;f!AL•1 a I.4tg trial In my_ practice, and I. •
... - 1 .11i. 1 ..... in, oriu of the best aperients I bite
.. :I:...4l: s lq;r ci atice elle'ct upon the liver makes
:••••:, , l-nt rein y. when given in small'doses for
... I n.- awl de,rrhcsa. Their sneer-coating
•-•' .1 • tii d convenient Sro the use
.th.... 4.: i rili, '. • ' - -
Df'.PoP•tiy Impurity ofthe Blood.
H''' L'Ti . 4 , l. noses, /4stor of Advent Church, riostors. -
I '.. 4 rii, I hire niii4l sour Pills with extraordinary
s•ii* , --saiku v i fanisly - ;usd among. those 1 am called to visit
~: a.:-i. "'Tot regulate - the. amens of digestion and
Iw-i... tikl Lli:nil.libey are the very beef remedy I have
..„: ',..,,•
ny to,nd n, ii
ndri eau confidently recomm
i/ end them. to
t I . S.
, rivviiff, tryondng Co:, N. 4. , I. ocl. 24, 1655:
i'.o'. Ste. :1 am Uri ng your Cathartic Pills in my peso
: .''' u..! fit.d 'them au escciletit purgative to cleanse the
, :-:r..., sad pair the fikontairos of as Used. • :' .
i I .' ' •
fensttpatio „Cos j el ° w ll eb .S: m G es . : B Ein ' 7p A.M rs:s 3") allesza . ~
1 1
Rheniniatt lir, tiosaf, Nentandligia,,Dneop
sy, Paralynle t Fits,l etc.., I i ' •
„,,,,L i.e. , J. P. laugh*,Mont n;nl,:iPintactis. -
T.., nitilli caning he mid of your Pills Lr the =Wei
Tr. 4 nrinsrl If otheri nir our 11-sternal Lave turd , them
. •tEra-i In. .., Films!, the.* should joint ms in proclaim
•: is r i_thd t . r.,!nent . ...f the ritultitudesiwho suffer that
i ":u ifiiinptait:t, tiiiirh, althanoh bad enbugh in itself, Is
0 . Pi - orrniti.r 0f other, this. are worse.. I lbelleve am
h,,,,, nrriFi nit, in the lirtir,huf your Pills affect that
1 iquid. cure t e iliissime.•; , i • ...- _
• -1 ; I .
Friagi kr.t.l E. t•rrt, Phyiiiian and tififinfe, /kilos:
1 i
I -find lin ri 1 , i lance do.etrof your Rills, taken at the
-I.r tune, ire .i*.•ll.•iii prnMortres of the illotturat sears
• :,... shrti • win , Ili nr ;partially Suppremeid, and also very
tiktew t o c r e.o.}.c the stomach' and expel werses. They
oy to milk.), the ;lest phyriC we have Via: I recommend
t; other . 1 niy patient', : 1
• - Mat fli t Des, Dr. t 1.4.6.i 3 0 th e ikehatia Amis. Cklark• . -
. . l'th.t,rl II . . r. Favannab4 ,0 Jan. 6,1656..
'll...totre etar, I .h , -rid le ungrateful for the relief
I , ic skill be. br.nyi.t 1,...3 if I did not report my miss to
'Fe A Col.' Gehl. - .1 in I:•. UMW soul brought ca =car
- .. 1,3 t o l no - O' ) ,•,..,, r bi•• 11 ended 'lel chronic rheum&
1 -4. Ni_itultllM-3:/.!i.- 4 1 li.d the best of phyddaset, the
- Skits grew ......a:/ aerie, until by th e MTh* of your.,
ouellen scent in h.:1:1:,,r... - Dr.3ladtettide, I hied your
!' 41 .., laser vtlirtii sr.-xi...v.:4AT. bat west By peransdng
• iii :S e ills or ti e^..„l um now entirely all. ' '
. I '' . •
rrf *irk ril knrar, Bri.t•L'is Rouge, La.; 5 Dec. 11155. .
. ln_ m I' !.:. ):ere tnyn entirely cured, by your PM; °I
E hrooJtc G• - ••.:!.;-si painful disease that - had afflicted me
4 roil. .1 t VINCENT SLIDELL.
..,,,,O'll'l'll of the PIM iii; sairket &data Mercury.
~..'"!`'.4 141. a nth a valuable monedy in ddlfal.lmads, is
7„,..0* of a publle pll4 from the dreidral cons*.
,'`"„._ lila frequently follow its tuestakas me. Thais
r t; ” t i ° Mrirri Cr mineral sabstase• whatever: -
1 15 ' 11i * . Bi in golf s s.ioxes fax Si.
. , e to.oer
.: Niva byta. 7.C. AYER is, CO4 Lowell, Xast
sale .
or 14 D. Minis , j r., Beaver; 8
~,. .Kbeher : waggoner & .ILo wry, Free-.
-0 ':: ` J. N - 4. els; Baden; .r. 'Berge*, t. New
Eriebto l n, 1 . John Stack, Darling t on,, and bg
d t'leril r. verywhere ' foelBl.'6o.
~~ :,,.
• •
N 0 - T I .E.l
5 -
-AL peri'ons knowing themsseles indebted
to the itubscrihei as well sus those having
Mutne kiinitt him will please calLatbia Store,
,)ppomte l'oter'o tin shop, for a settlement
im mediately, iss he Is desirous of changing his
", 11 'nefa• ~ The tailoring will be cairied on by
'' s ePhl2.2;ann. at the old Stand, he being *P
P°ltiteti agent to son out the stock, cheap for
` l4ll - Cilr soon •f
-want to • secure the
4 ""ariMiii l . - , 3;c4
k l iersiotijodebtad to the estate. of Dr
tl •L'unnin ham deed; or- to the late fain
'C g ' lilanested bisec
t'. th • • t unto° ire req uested
A„.„ el !trepunts on or before thefirst Any or
All look accounts or notes then
.4,1_141h1 leti frith the proper officers for
-"stoma 'without respect to 'persons.
- - - D. 8. ILARQM.
Jaz 14. Fueoutorsw
following valuable reel agates js!, ate in the borough at' 11
ranna3lsttnia, bounded on th e Nib by Third street, E
ley, and West by Idt of Darla Elkin. on which is merit t
tau, 1 1 feet in length, bylBB feet in depth, with
The above is known is the I
. . I
. • •
inspect, wall adapted; fur l a large Female Set
eeitatian roonri.ll Rooms for boarding iMpils;
ie. Stable, Carriage Boum', .ka., attached to thi
lon the groondiO i j -
Nlly located , in tine !neighboehnod.i.easy of
ations and st4rentages (if a -14st.ohisaysmale i
.DAY; OF fiALE. • For furtimr.particulars it
'unty, !I's (Feb: 20, '61.) WK. A. LA.
;- 11; 141.
Haring 'been built far, audn'til
ing a large
_Hell. eemmodlene
I's. also o gond Cintirti. lee.:}fou
a large Timber of Fruit Tr: era
The o , ore troperty
sesltee oaths rrlniiite oweribl, oda
dersignq, nt Braver, B !Co
. . .
- "In .
Act relovire id i Tr . ealourer's s a l es
in - the County qf Bracer.:
Be it enacted by' the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Cominenweelth of Penn
sylvania., in Genend AsseMbly met„ and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the . same.
That the: irettruner of the Connty of Beaver
Mint be, and he is hereby authorizodlend di
rected to commence on the setortd Monday in ,
March in the year one thousasdi eight hundred
and sixty-one, end 'aljnurn from day to day if
it shall be found necessary so' to do.i and make
public sale with_the effect, and in the manner
provided for by law of all Isnds ; Seated or un
seatal in the said _county, Which the said
Treasurer might lawfully bevel sold for non
payment. of taxes on the ,secohd Monday of
Juue in the year one thousand eight hundred
and . sixty, end the said sate shall be good and
anti& and , tte deeds executed by-, and the sur
plus bonds delivered to the ear Treasurer fn
pursuance thereof effectual, as t ough l the sale
had beent.made on the second il nday ,of June
in the year '
one thounan4 eight. hundred and i
sixty after the notice required by t he la*.
Provided, that notice of said sale shall ;be given, 1
bypublicarion in ona - weenly newapairer of the Ti
conury of Beaver during four weeks preceding 1
the .winiu in the forum now requiied bylaw, and [' i l le l i i !!‘ ; ',
provided : also, that this act shall not be con- i 'l el :
strued to authorize the sale of soy lands olgtn ; '- 31 , 0k r' ,
which the taxes fur which the seine were liable t ' 1
to sale on the second Monday in Julie in the 1,,,._ :1
year one thorium' eight hunired and . sixty, jaur 1
Lava been paid since t h at day.
iN . *elite Tll;os.l47Ca I . 1 - ,ii,..1if t y . ..110
kOA , II i r hr
Speaker of the House of Rvpresentatives. ? t 1 t'r l awn!, p,
ROBERT; LI. PALMER . , ' Logan Ito ert, heirs of Linton; 1
. Speaker of the Senate. 1 ' laud. ..1 I j 111,
Apprilve.l the 28th day. of 'January Anna / Reno Josiah,'. bo n ed, and let, i
.one thousand eighi hundred and i Ilanaouls plat 1
I - ' I i Pochesi er boron la
trixly-oue - A. G. CURTIN.
- ---; 1 i I .11_ 1 1 r i
Honti . j: Thos r, lot Moore s
~ p 1 .,,
Office of the Secretsrief the CoOtonwealth, 1 / Ch**4.llZ II lot, 0u1d',..0 1 58
r... SANDISIIVZO, San 29 ,'. A. D 1861.
upotuttoht, i tot luny spl 411
PENNSYLVANIA, SS: . / Jackson:Wittl - 1 - tut 1 - du
' l l 6:d id s Q uf Wasson lid est. -5;
:-.--,---. , Ido hereby oe rtify that the fare- ,!
' g oingand annexed is a full, true' Irwin H . !.. fS. t . . 1 i lientlenhtill H. 9 lots . partOr 1
4 - ' and correct copy of the origina Act ,
tin{ let, .1 1 i 1 76
i e e s n itit iti t ed he " co A u N ntr Act er il Nossi co i J I ibt, ill ney's pl. 832'
of the general. Assembly,
rebtthe to Treasurer's
1 I 1 487,
do d o
ReaTer.P Approved January 28, A. D. , 1861,1 1 1
Pulliver t i chael, 9 l o t
as the setae remains on 616 in thi2 o ffi ce.
' Sibert. I ' Gould i plate, j 42
Is VFSTINIONT Wucasor, I *have hereunto,
Sec; } I tbdenian 9.1 lot bailey's pt 70
set my band, and caused the se o
rotary's Office to be affixed. th e -Seel
end yea r „ Fla s Y rt i s t g ra 4l R I D do_ 0 i
7 2
tihotre written, SAMUEL. R. THOMAS, 1 " 1 tll I I
Deputy Secretary of the tottithoureptltb. l l McG ri c " wa uti t y • , ll l pia 7,e i 101 71
) „ . ,
Feb 1 13 1861. , . I ' ' 'i Nt - ddel 3 i. / / (11 , " IU .Pi' 1 68
- , I Wiper A Brow II tot 111 '
:. II ' • '
i Gonld'sidan, ,- 206
1 B"brig
•ilen ilt W
de nha m i e
s plair4n.ll lot
Elk Frederiek 11. Piying)°, pl 21 , !i
Erie Canal C o. 1 lot. 1 f
Findley Nancy do Reno's pl 26
Ilotips9u J. 1 lotGOuld", p 1 I 6'
1f..-ills,Geo. •do 1' do 208
Stiles 1 Samuitl, 1 lot, l 1 ,
Kahler Etlw,cl tk Gould's pl 72
ISlnlvantioct /Patriltle. 11 lot, i
Stewart!, plan i , 1 1 ,
; Stanfield:Nancy Isiod l Orasson
'Ropier Simians,f. GOuldpl 91
i c ,
Ater or Roe Alex 1 lot and t
shoe! elsolop, f i 1
*Cartienter Wet. I et. & 'shop.
*lteueher H. , hoe ind I lead l
*II untsr I Etioch h use itt9 lot
_ FOII .THE TiXES OFllFlost 4WD 1 . 868 ,1
:D 7 ; • ! '
' . *• urable tuiciuni))..
.2111 Acres
Davis Rev. John, northWett
• pnrt in-lot, • 40
tilltdr4l'..heirs, Sharon part ' •
out-lot, , 66
Pinnekovld 1 lot,
Pl* o .* 38
*" i !" - • 4 1 or 42
Wigle 'Jacob 1 10 11 . Noss' plan,
*Mitchell Hngh !house & lot 21 !
Struthers Jane, part out-let, 16
Bannon *Jeremiah', heirs' 1 i
lot,Theron, ; . !
M'Elroy George, part lot : •' • !3 66
*Bncbanan Maria, 1 in lot, . 68 I 100
Allison Jim—heits,"! 4 in-lat 28 Si
*Miller Robert , house and, . :
.Iteiver, • 2 10
*ltodeilbaugh * Chnrles, bonne -
nod lot, Hamilton's.plais, 14 2
*Witherow Wm, ..* 1 , 10 60
*M'Clelland. John house ; - 1
lot, 9. & C. : • 3 8 1 28
Brighton township.
• . ,
*Jackson Jno adj ICabler .
Chippewa Idunsitip.
Newbold . 1 % Vandenberg, hind, 82
Darlinyton townls ip
Rothe! Jacob, land, h 60
Economy ic4ons4l:p.
Allan Arthur. land adj Porter,; ,'
Jonei Mordecai) lot BO* 25
Pala John • " " 15
Sutler G o eorge. ' "
Swazi ] John, " 67
Ralston bOrouos.
lleanor-airs:llgt,l2 ,
Wbiunore Jarvis, house
Freedom 64rOtnjit„
McKee & Co., half lot And '!
hone's, foundrj and shop,
Greene to;asigifp.
I Rani* David, land, 8
Hatsiltos Thoi. hairs, ; I
• : mfosma &samisiik•
Wright flaisb A. 8 liota. • II
GrimWs John, Fem., bud Md i l
Hiller„- 18,
Industry akuouisip. •
"Ankles John, adj Caw s,
laid, 1 acts BO perches,
NCI!, Setoick/y totbaship.
; I
_Evans Jicob, coal land, i •
Krotik, Pinney & Co, laad - 1
Pilmoy Carld . " ;I. 4 .
- • .*
Prealag 1 / 4 i
Tour NessoM ; . ' .1
, " 2
NSW Arigia+l 4r 08 9 4 .
slampais 811110 6 . 15 : MItel!• 11
pine, ' 1 ;I 1
Talbot Wm. 2 lots 887
• - do I.lot 879
,•do, - 2 Ista, botwo:sa 'I •
Rats sad Boat. ; i -
F 1.;111 A sEM
14e, toci or Dow
dary stree'
lerge t i t rsretts sroi
eo Odle*, kite
I 1:
iOwnor, unto rllll,
I do
Hoynciod Elias. 14
ins to Mister,
, Penner Dr. land; r 1
Estep 141147 Part. f
Footerl Wm. I o
Iless - inmes J£ -on
McGolfanlJames. 1
*Dundass !Jai L &
*MeLonglrlioi K. lc
'Morgnn Jai r lsnd
*JlcClfan Jno Re
* do
* ao
* • •ito
* Whitzitors A
Wa lac'. Wm
lot. 46,.
lot 820
ad! belong',
tote 124,412 t,
1 468
lOt, 84'
1 and boo
!ilt l ha oea '
1 Nil 55,
do 656
d; I 668 ; ,
m,113 a lot 88 1
r'67 129a180., 1
o It•POitship.,ll l
I' • I
lot, I
oho. , 1 „
251, 1
I ; 1,,
bri touniship.l!
fond, ,6411 I
!do' , 10.' i.
ido 1 4
. 1
op tr.tonshiji.i
Wa11,7!•.1 61
we to,
1 hi
and .1
Scott. Jane
Wherri Sa
Roweeil LS
Bat nit, Eli
ht., heirs
laud r
Tux' t
4 20
i*WassOo John do ' do
:ilea%le iyillinut d,o : do,
[wßerlilie sari. GeO ' . house ' I . ' •
and ot.l cram I 1 I t
*Jiatobe Jelin 1 ot* Hous e! : ,
*Stiles gain!' O do '.:.: ,
°llo.dann David, one Ist ltd 1
nieslplia i I `',
*Cliv,eland is Ptt R .11 Co: ,
• bons'end lot, I__l 1 ;. '
i f
mer-P tdoos dThrons of IPayitig the
due upo any lot or tract in the i above list,
notified o do so before : day !of , isle ; sai
property will 63withheld trout ,bale • on a 1
miss `of paYment. 1 1 1 1- ,
Nots.--All property marked 'with a
is returned under 41st section of is
29th Ap7 i 1844. - I ' Jsro l .lB. inA i l li al
• Feb. I . •• Treasurer Of
Ikarch _Tenni ,cum one
,doy of I,4l(rcei. -`
. 1 ~ ,
rivs Ediral4Kqesner e
- 1 vs Jno INTeter McCann
1 Ta N P 1 Lib
iTs' I", UTlurs , ,
, vs, Thee ‘ill'Coy/ ,
t vs' Jnol,li 'itLialar • I
- vik Stewart %' Kennedy a
3 1 .1 A Duff I
i vs W Johnston 1
Ts 8 INL
Wither eP°°,
1 I
,to Jos IDenren
1/I I -
konk it;efk• • 4
i veil Alexi INiukkian .4
Tv' Jan idoKee!s Adnkr
Te l Cbanißl linrst, i
' Henry Snapper iptia
1 vs " IS 4i , 1911Nilde I
I ' II
_Jujim i t , ,
visi StPfik . Ilk , I
Nhallfat Arlo
4TA t 1 er 61 4
vs win lade
To hoop* Hokips
vs. Amain . Meilduir ;
..;.Jabs I BlikluVii Adorn
' ' • ti '
N I ' QUAY; tr,
A Br
_i_ _ 1
Tyr Aria for
41 II
Mea k s ays
John Pa ! lyi
nee Hy •
David' I sans
'rJoitia H lila
Hukk it&
filatte Elder
~1 . . 1
&Uzi st s
Wm&wag e
! Caleb, COr & 0 ,
1 ' l l
I 3
TAO i awart
Oka, Sail&
George Ha
I John, Hull
.khan n:c
, 9 . . rims
i Henry °Aim el
1 i no, :Al gel i
; JiAPO:,W
ma el 7 l '
' Jaab i 1 Xods
60 E ... . . 1 .•
las LI 1
199 l i v l i lt' . CILI -it i 1.13 6 ,
ea- ,
'1 23 ' l , 'slimiulak lc & , t4iiiiii hi' , i .
22 LAD E S ' '
42 . . ES' GAWPS' &
st i
I. I ' .BO N OTS. Si.. 140EZ ,
No. 4 i )(toss, Bturge•reit, I
_II i'l- 1 ' tirjr& ni, Oa; '
6o It o .. ._
42 - sa roT 117 lo a — erp
1 , ee' ,to irk* , mPlioat Br
60- Id& Isithamal • al pi: giro., 0
1 , 1 P
1 g
1 76
p r
...traus mor.
The lievr.
! , 11
ll 'afkriases
Pran„ • ; tir
mai% • • • r
Me.; OW'
. ,
- -••••-
1 ° " -- iii - 1:li - e - r oicromia -1
Se r na
r — 1, 4 rimli. Dotili T.
S a id kaiiiseileit, wirier llies, =2, s ,
Sett Rh 'said what' eidlereosieem sees has
ahem cwilr espllesil i m a Ll sleet a la almost sos
4 1 ‘''' °riot the can +a Anilk`e diillealty r saci
.us ikr ' Plc.. Pi= s, Roma ii recasts I Weak
sem seerethaa pald bog , the car No taws Os= 1
1 1 I 1 !TM' , 1,-! 1 1 r i
1 1
Camel to Ado emOrhgto,,hri mereo«, tot 1.4. 1 .. 1 . 4i
Osea of PI Thin. And I • o 4iitlikLl. .—+•• - .4.-- ... ••1• •
••• 4
Corot LI attatheral heals; mid asaa...; .. i .... II
ithigis et Chasm rombered, Sued saik. .......,.q....... I
- dyed loam web alrocliktem ........ ~/S MOIL
8 . 1100 / 0 1 1 6 vithl4treetiass...... 4.. . ... I.i• amts.
aet 1 se, vials. planters stal rhooletsaa...lllll '
, I Ma d l I 1 1 , .11
l i i l bo
i l 51 ar. 1 46. 011 RTICIVICIL ' I •
limit OIL -.44ptimisakPillinalt, rot
tg. =aid= slit kiill 7rett•Tailook t. , l"ft•••
mmi par D tL ion H ai l l
rtim, . I hllm. Cs
Sir, tusk et Rase= Alvar,lll4 S r eraulals.
tor II la Um Mad, Ilantams at V told Nadas
.. . t .
. the aad Rarmehal PO**, mil _
Tog -Ttalarged MWs, =S I I I
call To Studds. sad Old Vleara o _ *I
children. Tries. 60 toots Por 1 004 ' 1 .
I Toe Osswist. Ihasuti.-Thystml et ant !saw&
Illtior reset of Meknes; licooolirs or Its
Discharges. [rice, no saats I- , •1 ~
1 Poo n„ -Fluid nemnoisstionii, iiirmoi, "Of
linanty nll. Pricit.ll4 tents pH+ I , _ I ,
I Pea sit•lbotssis.-Doetidy Verdi% Nampa
Makes. tease sidlait se !rpm IS *said,
ho 1 1 •1I.• lf, ' 1 ' •',
Ll= tigars'et Disamem -Per OHM& allialik DI&
i t
h, r Urinstlea, Diseases it lie
~ . I 2il 1,111 •
anis bon. 1 1 1 1 ' -_I _ , - ,
lon nom. ihnionnts.-Tit DWIROgro ail
Cent7t Preanitleat lad . asosisa ROL
if &bins. { Tn. *oak onoossiool o n tionwo.
lad la •rologirsOw Os koplOl 'Prirro._ ,___
f in...... .r ' , PI- . • I. '• ''‘ -
sis - wlto wish is Oa= Lagting • 404 - !Or •
so, at is e ee be illoadwsy.didlti trawl A.lll. la SPAT.
Or b 7 • 1 1 1 1 1
1 , 0= aseeeuer IT ma., 1' • .
Leverts list t. wake up ti =iv stsiat dad yea
sal "'ia.i4 cmi rnmik the advire azrit iat io Pmf. 's =mho: mar s" 41 : 1
.--- is our address, No. / 5 0 1 .21 436 d1z , 1 11 1 1,4 0 11 1.
=Maio will he d y retlinsal Ity . Sr ocproo,l
, ir . 11,-. • . I ~1
VTI WANTIM.- destine go wlll,oolll4droi Roma
Mb et our Romedles in every Inalli or emainswillirl ~ ,
Oohed States. I Address Dr. F. DVITTDDELS . tOat
1 [ '• • 'l IN.. 8,2 ll rt inrAT ' N T ot L i
i ,r - — ' ---- r -- : ,
'-B CE i lt a Akirga! B l' '
1 . 1 ii 1
LLA , ,
Nil i
1 so. I.' - , ,
I I 11 I
, 331rtiOP I MPSX.A., L . 1 -
, I II 1 1 i 1
r Cornphilid . Fever end Ague, ii.o.ii
The latrallweatail wah, use et this eelsbadu d
llama had been tbs Oval Tor a llbstallsoit of
allesll DOW stbirsd •1 la various Omit a quail
i civiosoo
'hot, tie a ATV =lke kw! iititU this wont "Is inst.
swell*. taw Tot "grog. Or woo IlDilliciur ailsc
=re. I' I 1 1 1, 1 •• i 1
4 , Rat me maity l grest relief &arid Russ the situate doss;
asio lesepooafal, auto aiediabis. 1 1 ' '
I lii 1 [ 1
r... ... , „ , of 41. in' f irairo, rani istibusbei
is t rvitation villa' Ow boat of lroltstia= sad
have halal to =Serial= I It ti peidtirtily a V
bible tiparalhai. with binly saliiilet Pal spirits
SRII 11 • I,' , , • 1 _ ._H
I ault . imp Asa, th i s pods% (Mat thet:Saithillt.)
541. DaUir ' 1 -I:•1 ' 1 , I ,
It' a nisi° •of Inn, tried' 11014 fOerlit,riir (
; la]
'ti. 11 so ,issontliAl 1 for 61' hoodation of,
aal Eenetla s 1 , ' 1 1
, , , , , , , ,
f a
'or th does; ,011 1 coaoistes th? 4
dies. ' 1
ThoStomitokirill $ re
I MS sth, 1 hoolttlY:setio l ilAr UM U ibot
_I 1 i ' 1 1 4 ; now l
', Asa yii 6rilli molt tskr plan
RD ,
lir cw,
ilsisl ii• the I quick shalt 1 1'• 1 ' j
1F4); In ' on. :iil l it I
I 1 Iliekluni t illelloul litters.
* iti
. 1r 1 1 1 1
R.s. r tburn., ,
- I Try giritive's blind Bittsit
4 I Try ikerittic , s lillieil litter
• eterbruiat, 1 ; I I t _.,,1 I
I - •• Try 114rbaye's Miat Bahl%
.fib..,'l i i i '1 - 1 I
Try Ruirhares ire litteni
L.... ,
or A , i pp i el i i, 1 1
I 1 Try Berhare's Hell - Bitten.
tiostivent i ps, l 1 - 1 ' 1
Try Pi.hiLifeit - '4llttitil
1 0, 1
G •
1 94
,?'7: 4 .;,,
:-+ p i
`'~ N
F ' ,,
1 1
Bb :
I L . f or, Auk
1 1 . 1
Am, i 1 1 ,
r Try rkarOt bllsii lilts '
i., 1 I ~ ~ ._,--:_,_
mremucl name 'ana 411 W 4
P iku in n"ons. iiketinnon Pm";
oinl* and is 'othis oebba mi.
mow. wow looombotoo sorhooni '
' , Lima op in Wa
ottie r t : %lOW Ce
pMt'du Ternalied it,
IMPeßkille_ "kg Wald • lwo 'lOlll .-
416 ' gairdiellOrifthgalait dik il - s,. I,
MT/11 141 W ' O N * , 1 1 1 " 1 " .111 ? It . alle
?"' • • , J ,
th reasit,
lENAMN 0 . co. 1,
‘ 1 i , i
. , Num
_________ ~ • .
' , • •• itrirli. PA
cirm-LSolin Elirseitti_ . N a ir II labia. Mor- 1
k. likmi i l T lF:soltfcirk , 11. a I. ? Pune!,
j a,
oi: II sn a Sim. Hooketor ; win. No-
Lilienthal v Tarim fi tip • PMNAIIs•
,liieektiM, barliegten;; juri jr,R.A., -
raoadr. 8 hfidoadogiii. , , Fs_ " II Nichol
& Bigger. &Mies form Chew Cabman
[Wows: hi T ' Oriotler, ShlpPingiocrei` F.
'Oka': Ilidullt 1 7:-, - 1 I 9
o NitlllA T ,
Crildriet 4tbraelts?
die 6/lvi .11011., --
1 16 111 Si! IT '
!' '
7- 7.... :4' - - 1----Z -71177-. ' 7l-r
---=-4L:. -!-,
cidlS - O,ELIANZ:OIw.j,
q ua Jec4aarattoiroel Alibiratme .71'lletv
gni hit tied. ooy la:ltlii. ime AOpproptP,
t h e * Hot eii , "asks words of otliei buirmir,
sae atop, so I: ile to Neon orate I eat into
I !•*to; 'hit the wo4 C l eNimile; wb iO-frdis.
liireek' aired)yiugt,ler tbiilmod'i iieeeming
,i , ,:arizt.lio ell'oneekeik ' wit ' Mr. Riddlegto
' liesdarloi remedy,but l it witi so* bi wad
more veer's! way. and . the lord Ceilualio
tilectotni ( at ' i onamoo _1111"; Elect* pe sail
7 lotbere these dies ihotioa as tore) 'word,
s i n
3 bissik.woni , ,awity by ceminon' ' go until
"eon 'rate s owl to the mailer bara.'
1 1 , - 7 i' , ' , _
Realised- h - i i
'eadacbe thitrbeflernion.
1 lim hapotbecaries band
"Can you bease Me of an
it Imam lird,” apie le.--
ye hi. hand upon that ie
Pill, hand 'pool me 'e m ir it
'oat I 'ardly realised . ' ad'
---- 7 ---41------ — 7 4 'l • i 1 , 1 :
the favorite flirt brishich
any deviation :whatever
, e of the brain,. and Mew -
krbeiooked - od is a sole
lye notice of diseitse. which
‘pe attention', till too Into.
id I its indicatieast should,
Headaches may be class.
st, six - Symptomatic and
lOW tic Headache is iieeed
i the percursor of e , great
tong which are 40Pplexy,
al air felitite disses.—
aii i is. cie symnathatlicati f r et '
toting biiiosia heCt aeiss: of
tad other dlitordyti of the
al and taterine , affeetions
are very frequimil, y ' at
,es: Aniniala'amt plethora
which frequentbloptasion
headache. Idiot:46a Headache is! labte very
(towhee,: being •eimally distinguished Iby the
name of stetwAte' AMC:ache, nonlethal' coming
in suddenly , in a state of -apparen sound
health sad prostrating at once the me tal and
physical! vnergiesl And in ether in4tericea it
coms on slowly, ' hpralded by , depre s sion of
spirits or acerbity of ,temper.- In moht;instan
dea the pain is in the
,front of 'the ilietill, over
one er both eyes,: and sometimes, provoking 1
,vomiting ; under!tbie class may also be ushitd
Neuralgia.. ' t i I. • '
, . ;. i• ,
~ For the treatment of either chose .ilead
achthe Cepholid ills have been fm tun
re r ud h hh
and safe remedy ," relieving the Most smite
pain in a few miin es,and by its 'Wig psw
er efadicatinf the 'di eases of which Headache
is the unerring itile .' • !' 1
-f •
1 ' •_:.--; -I- ' . r '
1 - T ---.4 " . -' f • ' .
hWAIT —rikifiiieeelwants yin to I F l e l jd her a
ol i F ;tf. CePhali‘, a bottle' et Prepay;
e 4 ill,.—btit rm thinking that's ne t • just it
°sillier - but Perb ape 'ye'll, be afthel hnowing
„wha It ie.' Ye see she's nighfdead Arid gone
1 , wit, the Sick i il l eadache, 'and w ilia some
Imo'of the same Ws relieved her be ore. '
flOwssist.--Vin I must mean, •Spal Ili
phallic Pint./ :; !' ' : fj 1
' Bridget.—Ooh I sure now and you l se
here s the quartile: and fie me the Pi
dont he all day about it either,
.. z ,-- ........... :.-• 11
1 ' Constipation er.Costivenesl •
J -
. one of tlie,t'many illd flesh- is betr pr: is
se r4erelent, ea little understood, an4o So much
neglected as Costiveness. 1,, Often ,or iginating n
to carelessness, 'es sedentary habits r. it is re
folded as a elightliikorder,of toe little canoe
queues, to state anxiety, while in reality it is
the Permreeriand companion ! I,of inM4_ortbe
moot fatal and dangerous diseases, • Mid unless
early eradicated It *ill ,bring !the sufferer - ta an
untimely grave. imong the lignterj 'sill! of
whiiireostiiinais s . tbe usual- attendant ,are
lleiadacltli I Collehentnatiscn. ,-_ fent:l:treat*.
Piles aid etkeire-64 like natmiti= ertilll'a lent
trail 0 frightful diseateif suck an Malignant
Fevirs, 4bcesice, senttry, DiartfiTa, Dy e L
Op ia. gpowlexy, Epilepi,lParalyais ! Ifyste
ria, lin oehrondri ill, Melndchey and Insani-.
ty, nit indicate't • rresence in `the alitetii
i . t is alarming :sympton.. • Not nit tequently
the 1 bestirs named driginote in ' Co stipation.
but take on an inuependent eXimen Wouilees
tbe .tie is eradi cated in an early fitage.-,
tro all these eh 'Mentions it folleWs that -
the tiorder 'shoal receive immediate attention
whe ever it occur and no pereon sliMild nei
lect to get a ' box at,CePbalic Inns all the.first
appearance of the' il c i dmplaipt, its their : tiniely
use Will expel the Mdduans approaches of di
sease and destroy t is dangerous feed Lumen
life. ' • I 1 • !
I . i • 1
Gatas DiScoymri;—.4mong the m t impor
tant- of all ;the
. ;great medical discrteriee of
this age may be considered the system of vac
einption for protection from Small IpOx, , ithe
Cephalic Pill forlief "et Hen!lachei,/ and the
sueof Quinine fo the prevention of Fevers,'
either of which, is sure specific, whose ben-
e lite will be experienced by sufferingliumanity
lob after their. i discoverers are forgotten.
l _.
i , • ' I ':
_'' , b. '
F ,c--• 1 . 0. ~. . 1 ';',l
.• .
1 coußr 1
1 .1.
40 , C URE
ei_ouiHegda - e
„psilN”, ..._ air. tret,... ,-_ 110'. ....,
ibey are valuable an a,Lazatiee, in.provinglhe
appetite, giving tone ;and Vigor to the digestive,'end restoring the natural elasticity and
,ateengtlrof _the Vrhola System. - 1. 1
The CEPHALICPILLS are the!' result of
;ling Investigation d severally conducted en
pertments. having been is use - tunny years,
i s
d iriileh ti m e they hare minuted. and
st. ~ vmst amount of pain; and suffering
indantiv. - V4heitiur edginating in the
,syste tn or from ilderinged Mate of the;
, : " • ' ' .
, I . ey a s
re entire] vegetable in their
tic an d ' ma; be ken at all tim e with per
fen safety -
1 I
trithont makinr ag e , :1 1 :17gi of diet
1 1
d i g it easy 'el
ill? 4S r e ll a tem In o Id
_,. .
Beware f Coaster(' I
The genuhte have 'eh' sigliatiren" 11/ai l , o w;
Spaling by
usch-z. , • o ther • • .•. 1
Std by Dru g gi stsand. all tDealarn Is I .
1,1( ohm* . 1 ..! ;i nt 'l , i ; -
,r, r ,
1 0
~ 1 Bos milli* by mid prephil en roll
Old tOf thqk -I . 1 [ , r - 1i
i ' - t Pßttalt 25 CENTS. I i
• - All arum ahabe addeseed MIL
linitit ' C. igrAtiOllNG, -I
-, -- IS' .11 irtilk" Nl*, 7011114.1 ,
- Altiv. - Mb, . . •,•_ • • , _ ;
--7- hli — '• 1 W i . 7.,t , 7T
;1.1 • -1,
0$ li , - P, R 1 P, A R T:',l 0N 1.
44ehey IN/4i:to:Jr. f /
,ts:ao, '
' ' ' '... ' ...
' t , lEXPEi. TuE 'PO I NTS - )IISALL
Per Rhtte,,mmt, Jit,igeti, f:dit ' I ., fl.,..ielen
41,4ba:oldeett.'„,sehoola as well ite ite#.l.giVe l'
thehr junquallified sav '
etion and recommend it
fee WI cases of eruptioae. and diseases ef Abe
eoltlP l and _bruin; brit ell Who have usittilt,entte
- ittestifying that it , will preserve the heir from
-'''beintitirrey, and from falling teeny age, as well
aCros ore: Read the following;-- ''• 1 '
'''' II Oak Grove, B. l l d June 24th; 110...
• ' :Peet , . 0. J. Wool); Dear Sirt--Yone Hair te
etni.itiVe is !tepidly. gaiiittg popularity ; in! this
oonttnitnity. I. have had: emission to ley Ipre-'
juilietr aside, and gire your Hair Reiterative:a
perfect teat --- •
•..- • I 1 . •
Diringthe yearin4.l l was so urifoiltinate
mante (*van from my.sulky against :a rock •
neat t i roadside. from *Mob my head t•ee e i e .
edla, niost, terrible bloir; causing agnate deal of
irritation, whicb communicated to the brain
indeilierwal surface' of the head, from'tbe el.'
fetia cif Widish my heir wat finally deleireyed
overt .satire surface of the - head ' 'From'. the
time I fi rst discovered its drippieg,Thiiwever,
1/ 3
op to i a time of its total disappearance; I env*
"toyed] everything , I ccl.ttl thing of, being it
professional man- myselfts rid, as 1 thought, tin.;
derstending the nature ofthe disease, but ' was
k. .
fintillY defeateq in everxprescriptinti advent,'
ed.'. , 1 1,
Three and no other pironmetancer induced
mole resort , to your worthy ilairßestorative, _
which 1 bare every reason to believe,,prodoced
a Tit* happy result, two months after the first:
apPlicittion. Lead•as beautiful A Weadef young'
flair as I'ever saw for which I certainly owe' SOA;iinfe/Plol4...4oAge.44•Al.i.iimA.Eirdr.ny,-- su --.4
Itiqnitle moreover, I :shall use toy infinence,l
whieb ' fLotterf 'nye. if to- say, Ia note little.
Yoe can publieh this if yoto•thinlOproper.
-•1 Id Yours, very' respectfully, I
-1 I t• 21. .1. WRIGHT, 311 D.
office, of the Jefiersonian, Phillippi; VII.
Dee., 12th, 1858 1 1 .
- Deorlslir-4 - feel'it my duty as well .as my
Pleasure,-to state to iou tba following circum.
'glances,: which You can use •as you thir( pro
per, A gentleman of this'place, (a lalyer,)
has-,,,b,ein bald ever since hip youth; so much so,
that he 'liras compelled to wear a wig. .11e was
liducied to use's bottle of your 4. Hair'Restera- .
ilve, l which .iii liked very much , and after
using eonie two or' three liottles his hair grew
out 110 a luxuriantly, and he now has a hand
frontal head of bait's! The gentleinan's_ name is .
Bradford, and as h'e Is very well .kiiewn in ;our
adjoining couni:ies; I niany periwig ;coil testify
to the truth of, his statement; I give it tolou at
ther request ofMr. Dradfbrd. Yon can sell" a
great deal of your Hair Restorative In this and
Alio -adjoining counties if your hare theproper
sgente.] ' Tours, &0., ], •
„ 1 I 1 'THOMPSON SifRi3HNCiP.
f Dn. Wool): DparBir, Permit me to,expremi
'the obligatiOns I am under for the entire res
tor,ition ofmyjhair to its Original color, about
the time of Ir 4
W b il arrival; in the United States
brae raPidly coining grey, but upon VI art'.
plinaticin .of yo r "Hair Resterati re" irsoon re-,
Hcovre, d its ' .Origittal • 'bee. I Consider . your
'Re'shiretive as [a very wonderful invention,quite
, ,
effiencious as . Tell as Agreeable.. ' • 1 ~.
1 , • 1 ' ' HALRG.
8. TBE - ,
. ,
ll'he Restorative is put up in bottles of three
aiiesi , large. Medium, and small;
,fike !small f a
04, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the '
medium bolds at, least "twenty, per Cent--mere ,
in pritiortion han
the large holds' a kinart, 4c)
per cent. more in proportioo, and retails Tor $B . ,
0 7.. WOOD A Co., Proprietere, 444 ißroad=
way, N. T.. and 114 >larkei Bt., St. Louis, Me.
And bold brall Druggists - and Fancy Clood •
D e l i k4 e l, 1 • • - ' ! t, June 11. 1860:
1 J.-- 1 ' 1
-- 1 : • I `7 7 ' ' I ' - . 1 1,
. '---- ---7 • e•r-' I i we .7.: ---- ---- - i I
red it,
1 . • ' •
Thessied tte dell speaiing hi the praise et
" it,
1 Imi fa'si ti•l il - Go rd lit I, 1
and vs, hp. because it it never jails to afford in
l' stantineons rf/isf when giyen in time. • It mote
as if hi magic, and end trial eloni will convince
you tht whet we say is true It contains'
il .
of any Itino, ands therefore relievei by resigning
thejeafferings of your-child,' instead of by dead.
nungs its sensibilities. For this reason, it cam
mends itself as the only reliable preparatioUilow
known 'for Cntstiass -.TSPIIIING, DIARREIC4CA,
DlrptillTAßT, glItilPiNGI 1 4 11 yps I BOWELS,ACIDITY
4T,IIIII . I3TOMAcH, WIXD, COLD ' 115 TILE Hiram,and
Clint+, also, for softening 4egumi,i reducing , in
ftansation,, regulating hie Boteelejbarelievingpain
it haeito'equal—belng an anti ipasinodie it is used
•with Infailing !access in all eases, of; Cm:rut.-
mix ipt ovum Fi*s - As you value the life , and ,
swills! o f yotir t ehildri,'awit :wish to Ravel' them,
front those tad and bkoktini eiinsiguencei which
ori certain to result from th'i we .of nareotiee of
takiehali other remedial for thiganti7e'Crsplaints
are composed take none but - Da L Favott's;lnrsi
vis,..posnsas, this you an rely' upon'. It is
perfeetlY harmless, and cannot in.tre the most
delicetel infant. ..Price,l2s cente.i• Full dine=
lions accompany each in,ttle.. Prepared only
No. 409 Broady N-nr Tork:
• Healthy human Blood upon. being
always presently us with the same' essential ele
menta, and gives of ecinree - the Tatra STAN - Juan
Analyse the Blood of a person suffering from
ConeumptiOn,, Liver Complaint, Piyapepsia,
Scroftda, dm., and we find it every instance
certain'the red globules of Blood
gipply these deficieticieep and yont-tere made
well. The Blimp
, Foon le founded npop this
Theory 7 -.heneteits astonishing 'Ocean. There
Five Pr.ep s r alonesi
aditp i /ed to the deficiencies of the Blood in dif='
ferent'disesse. For COUGHS', POLDII, 'lluoacnr-
Tie, or, sibreffeetialy whatever 'of the Faso/Li
or' - Luaus inducting CONIIIIMPI'IaIt. nue. No. I,
which Ile also the No. for , Dareseimou OF
artairly, Loss or arryrirre. arid for ilt Cnsouln
:CouiLayariy arising from Oirsa..Use, 431M 1 11101AL
DNB 1.1 1 1'4, and Nsayous PamirsAriel/4.; No. 2 ,
foe lairita COXPLAiATI '
, No. 8, fIi i r,DYISPEPISti:
Being already prepared for obeerption it 14 Taxes
sir. Diore, and osrried immediately into the
eiretilatiot. 90 that what yon gain ; you retain.
The INO -1 4, is.'for, Pumas IluiOur.myrryss,
Biaraar . 4, Waiiitasse, ko. Be. sPeetialAireo.
tilin4. tOr this. ' For BALT Rnsuari Eauremse,
Baaorin.ous, Kintiar i end IBLADDYS COINIPLAINTS
take) No. 5. In‘iyll l enses the .direction meet be
strietlY',folloreiL 1 ~1 t` - , , • -
Far Ifni' directions; see circular, Price 1 81
per bottle. ' •
Bold by CHIICH & DllPON'4 l Driggist, Se.
86 Maiden Lane, N. T., and by 4,4espertable.
Drugglete throughout the cdunt4 r ,
Forlialiby Dr: 0. CIINNINGIII**6 Deaver
HAT ! 2,1'60.
1 Beaver note! , . 1
.4 0 1 1 Pl 3 11 Al.'. , .Pr optri fa t4r
. 1 ,! .'• . i• 1 ,•' I- ! •
", I . 1 1 ileuier, Pfuses. -
1 • ,
Liri r al 0 thoroughly Ilited up thsestabllUb.
AA meat formerly knows as the - .9oalts:
'Efoinis," Pi - i PrePend 'to aceoatisiirok4*il
kieudx, and the pahlia genarally.f ip the' at
44tistiatoI7 meant . I . Apr. 11,'60; "
;11.J 1 I ail
R: is A T
D 11 1 8
4so apoise4 at Rom'
- _
T - 1 .. M:.•":A . - - C,
Dysn'titta TRY s i t
Stalk's &ethic), Oomach ' '
t •
Shetlk's Ersehiosi &cynaisch - BisierTs;
Ezedsim; &mach Ili*"
HEIR! • ,
Shalk's Excelsior Stomach f lit rt4,
Skalk's Exceliior - Stomach .84tert
• ' Shalk's Exrdit'as Stomach iNttfrs.
1.8/ma's Excelsioi , Staisacklit*"
For ti4LE by DR. MINIS,
- Ir - and Drtiggists Generally 4
liboltiale igeot, Ns- 8 Suithfieli
F Vie ir* - goescrir
. 4
o t) i) s !
C ° :IPIULI‘r (lroiLsiat,DirioDTL'telli=l:ll l
lloods,Cothilde flats, Chenille Searfs,Tionnet,
Mantua and Velvet Rib ns, Rubber Ifril.liand
61111111 r CO AIM it ClitAillrArr.
Always kept an band. at low prices; slim a
fresh lot of lISRCHANT'S
l'ele.brated gargling Vii•
'Hard ware, Queensware, J hots,
Caps, Violin String ,
Envelopes Foolscip,'Nota .
and Letter Paper,
Oeitiber Blit, 1860.1 I
t (5
• .
F A F 0 At 6" A.
riIHE subscriber offers for Side. a arse itt
LaWeence County, Pa.; adjoinini lands
of Davidson. and P. R. Friend & CO ? *
(Wampumj Furnace;) situated 17'mile *OM
Beaver Creek, 4 mile from a Orbit mile
from thre Saw mills, 8 miles from NevOCitstle,
containing 163 acres, abotit 70 of which are
cleared and under fence, and whiqh is ' a .
comfortable frame -house., [lB k by 25 r feet. One
story high, and also fifty bearing tippleC•treesi
and twenty peach trees, all of the hest quality.
Said Farm. has about thirty - five acres or a
three feet eoal vein, and also a five and a six
feet vein. Abundance' of limestone'and Sinther ,
and is Well. watered with' , good B Fritir and
also good'exterbal inaicatioes, and is
tett within I} miles of an 'Oil
eily7Persons wishing (0' pnrch,s• 11411. do
well to call and examine for themselvee. per
reference call on Win. Kennedy,New Brighten,
or the Sithscriber in Chippewa ":Tp"
rented:, - • <• JOSEPH DRPITAIN:
Jan'y 21d,
Ist 1_; S T 0 it El'
. ------- -
1111 t undersigned Would - regfuctitblij infoia
1 . hie friends and fonnerTpatrons thet.4lll
, ! .11171511'` OPEI*ING
w H
_in the Room formerly occupied by ,itscra .
_Bodo), Third street,- Beaver, en sign
.Itortnient /of new and' desirable good. *long
which /will be found '- ' • 1. '
' DRY . G 01)
. . ,
• ef i iTer7 destriiii"
nootsSnots -
?- QUEENSWAE,As. , ,I4v, s
aid in• feet everything usually kept ni a Int
elsat; village store. _
sir El l and oxalates Isidor Cad prises.
I • 11111761111 H.. 411 4 11)Eitige* •
iteivei.. June 18, isso. I _
. - .
r lIIIE Partaersbip bereb . ..lors azistiag order
the Ann of -Wean:ors & NeQutista. - Ir
this daY dissolved by mataareossent, all dibta
•it Qs fins gm he aptelidly Diotok W4iooApsv.
olso will eoniittite the batsman at 'es old staiWt
sod atl elaimswiil be paid by blm. r •
I. ' . P.044473/41131,.
dgewattni Oat. 24,
1 I
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