The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, February 27, 1861, Image 2

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... '• 1
sbx!ODA_ ,
_CiatAnd Se
The naderEped . has made
itoika'of &J. Wt7asd.
i3sAvitit 4sous, and
* /kart i time, at the Argus U
iatitairwill idassoit call wi.
agg T iminta, either ',
r •
! /Siam, Jan. 1860.
ie. I 1
iint bill, from the
the Tidiest -too
D leave tbero, for
ri c e, W• eie those
Vont ,:dtitsy; and•
kby Cork or Due
• i
..,.—„ 77 ---- -- . - --- --t-- -- ''' W ---- H;; -- r --- =_'.77 --- =
I kit; , 000 d in 0 Y
l a
j ' The PiOtlitirt3 b (1 ' 1741 j 6": u a " u°6-
tionits tbat
~'itY his off rd S 1 ,090 for
hil.- purchase . of. the p tiperty known es
Shilth'e Ferry iu Virgi i, , an adds that
Ithia is a il l initti round s pi to_p y for sue!,
;'' ' the F ' .Old Dticitarbo " SepiTh •
prertY Y l l ,
Pry . is in ,r ßeaver eau v,, E, _ nosylvailis" ,
ItStil'inst now is atsAtt as Well *,'known lo
''thecityof make where the
6 0 1 !Y ~!'
_., ' • ' •
4 1
'Eisseite _it lasnA The gaset a must cor
rect, its O r er Araphy. a ver cry is still
ta' the 01311 Keyslotre 1 . 1 1 le,. nfill' we thi94
' l it will"*Sotne, time eiore We !lad °in
tialses aniiesed to V irk!' tke. 13rrecl your•
i L ----7 1 -I Pilitilllll4 - 11 - iL - n a
,'- A tr . . me of the fn political
candor Which animates the , Star,; may be
seen inj 91s , Dumber' Deforel the last, in
Which. hy?rieans of seta! garbled extract's,
;from,members of ill . Rep party
entil soutC;estreme oplutena o others who
hare -441' with the "o.cpu taint) an at
-1 ,
Istopt is [Saab to bol the. whole Republi•
l• 1 1 . ;
ean part y responsible itt i s ente[taitito* g a de"
!sire to see the Uniourssol /3
,:.; i J
1 1 v i • , •
,; Apart from unfai era of 'this mole of
111 1 1
urgumenr„ weshould li. tave supposed, that
, As Starit r inou t iog til i onsonadneil of-ma
, !ay of 4te most chosen leade)s or the De
mocracy in ' the Nor i therc Cates, at well
1 ),
ea the whole • body ,o .4 Their allies in the
South, wptild not have ventured upon such
unhealthy ground... The Sjar is .unfortu.
'pate in i i almost everithiog tt does of late.
ir ,
jt was ,esp,cidlly unfo r tunate in its eitcoun
i ` [,i - s
f I collote , r .. rith 31r. 9 lis still more
. unforlwrtsteln,'attem Cog t is the stigma
il lc i
rordisitiii . ioniim up 4 the Republican
I 1 - •.., ..Pan! . 1
• I ' 1 -7 . - i k 1
I t n till to the
i , ,
I i $ feir facts that hi
i t the lastiliO monthi
T probabl - be able i
, moderwl Democratic]
Star'ii i
ii member, is
I• ._.i . ~..
pni o c ki l lei toe /cep
tempted holionvict, i
, I doer 'wine' of a fee
1 -; • . , ,5,..---.........
1 fectdinAt men of its
.r. t l.
ilur-fitidee 'and direr
I machittiry.
! Astzo'its it wee know ' - that Lincoln
„, ,
was el tied the fol owing ricers were corn.
inittediy Breckenridge Democrats, in full
i 1 1 I .
iconstalftion with the ed its sof the Star:
let l . IlMeacrs. Chstqut nd Htturriond;
_of Snlitti Clai•olina, f ormally announced the
• wittultiltral of their Statefi•om this Union,
and Piclaimed the Governcnent dissolved.
• . 1 21440 m0c
Was follow d by , the stampede •of
the' bolo Dera i s dePeation,fenfdth at
. .:1 . 1
State. l' Theme o are t e • Steriol friend,.
• , 2nii i ii: Me. Toni u, of . Georeia, a prom
- inent l i
,ad ) leading IDem:lcrlat, tin his pip,:e
- in ttleilietiete .of the ' United States, pro.
It - title:id himself i.a ' rebel and I traitor to
' .'the - ticernaileott aid left Georgia with
-- , i I:ri
the a,voweetintenti of pr,cipitaii pig a' dis
si . solutiiii of the iloi u. He! wasrollowedihy
' the DAnocistio 'de egiliocil of Giorgi:L.—
', More friends of th Star.
r _ • Br d i Mc. Jeffers n Davis
' deolared himself a d Stst
all obligation to the Milo
gepted the Provisral P
poofedereted .leeg a of E
Mr. IDavis is a procaine: l l
4th. Mr. Judah P. Beo l jamin, the Linn
.of the rribe, and .11r. ;John Slid ell, the
i f , ..
r Hero ir of I Plaeque mine; as . representing
' r the ietereete ott e Stale orLonisiana,
for w hich th is Go ernmeot - paid $5,000,-
' 000;f . orilt French earefo the Union; and
turniiig•their back upon the Constitution
tbeylhad 'worn to. opport, raised th. Pell
, can ilme, - std proof lined themselves out of
of the Union. Wiwi. Benjamin and Sli
dell are , ire beltev; eon idered burning and
elduteg %bee ie t Deco¢cratic cramp
. sth. The States of Alabama and Mori.
• As . ibith l .good 'eckeoridge Democratic,
flo ' rneigeties, have dissolilied.thejr cooneo.
Ansi !Pith this UWon.F lorida had Ala
I -
i bum politicians are alms s baud ,io glove
1 with tlteinen of th e Star stripe. •
Situ The Tit:slump it s plundered by
iRe it 'Cobb, a prom inent Democrat.
Tth.he ?Tort was tripped of arms
which sr te given -to the Secessilnista by
Mr.' Jo B. Flo d, a prominent Detuo-
Away. , , - I ,
Ilk ompion of fflississippi, Secrete
ry Of th iiitertot - and Sii..Toncy, of 'Con!
- wessii r clai,l have th - be n ernvicted .of
_aiditig and abetti the isneionies and
Ahelfuemer his jo ined themat the South.
:.filiiii, rit.iThouLpson -and roucey are both
rienitioi - Dituneratii, of the Seat water.
l' j tti. ' The seleuil i e , of
-the fortii, tile elem.
psal of the sue ably ttit 'robbery lot the
Citatolzi Ebuse r e
I nd the Minte,•were all
. larpidoted by Drawer:7 r ' ,
Lit the Star ponder ov these facts tie•-
•forti li flab - to flippantly abase the -dila:
moti/so lof stie • • peibliin . party.' Let
oarlailighlxle re Put '
.o on the treasonable
act. lof - these leaders of - it, party. These
men, whom it b followed anti/ it La Row
too enveloped• in the quagmire. of disuriion
thaivitricalion f r it, is almost impossible,
beeirititijigod the - blind hut- willing Letitia
.atiii - party from• belerafßki pwition w,hich
.4 ilLinthineir -inl.TB-19, own to the ipso
-AidaptlinvOink. 6.ncoott holds. They
have demoralised and dilintrirated tbat.
once peeerful aid ' victor nua 1 isofti f 4ld
reduced it 0 a 10113iitiditil Iffl'Y • State
where friedihn Or afro) ipa ibe i
is sui;wea. , l Aiii.ut4layaliglumin placed
bi the ebtiMs" Of 3111 ; fate;' Cesaittitiso,l St
Harriebure..ttiott"...fhi,l3reelkitWriaie p,ltii.
form, the' eflitstre,..4 Am . Stir are redu ced
to the eiredition of utiser.ib'e epologist t;tyr- 1
a system; that has thus ruined their
and tlisp,kiesd thonsetves. l . ' i - ' - ,2.i. 1 p a rt)
Tilib*.ot, these things, 111 sari. E ditors
of the titer; reflect upon th ituationi you
ocouptleousiderltl a monk t, we beg of
you) the positionzyou cow to totem before,
the public, and thetfi say whet her you) live
log in inch a bouie,ot glase, poet tolotwe
mence.ttbrotaing.stea at your neighbors.
Be perattaded - iu time an By 1 irOm the ba
thertaminatioo which the Plegul spot
of S lavery Will inevitably flu upon,. you
Is It Doi enough [ that , the Slave'user
should hive made you its jelly, its ! tool,
only to 'betray yort ? Ii lit trt enough
that y i ptt,should have earned
ti ltbe acorn of
all the upright arid the, horro rs of. ill. th e
cooscieutious t. Is, it not. erioUgh that you
should have
_prostituted till.the utawlier at
du human nature ? Hoy lin wish
to add to dcgrad l ttion the step ibat will
names your imai with in fam 'y ?Do you;
wish! to endorse this
. traitorous poliey that
will 'stink to you' like tbe potsoued tunic
'of Nessui?, ' 1 '.. I I 1 4
1 .' ; . ' I
1136 L
ind of -oar neighbors;
ve tra spired 'titbit,'
and • e shall ihen l
11) . jag: :vriletheV tl4
he Rep
of which ate
deadly to tbe
Tbe. Star at. !
blican by the
, rash
ud ultra Jodi'
airs - of
whet have been
he.wbole party
I p.arty,
t ors of
:, of. Mississippi;
1., a b so and ived has fro e m .,
esideney of the
°inhere States.,"
member of thii
:------, - .4, . --- ...-.:::---V-..---.."
ueuerucittited:l If anythiiig, It is en the
Bushincrease. The- E pidemic .. his extended tii
a' degree that i t has tak n, we believe C I
: I i".
all,the Harms of Beater: The !editor of
the A
, 1:
we are rgus was the last :to give in but he,'
1: : :
compelled to state, has caught the
I• I :
fever.i, A single bottle of oil did A. - Yes;
that was the cause of our mielaoeholy fall's.
We het out stt utly against every induce 4
~ , , o .:, ,
mem. e maintained: t rio utmost sang
iI ; p
froid 'amid the excitement that was raging,
, , 11
around. us.' Companies, were formed, but
we paid no attention to Mein. 'W I elle were
sunk,but we shrugged ! our sh oulders.
Leases were made, but: we smiled incredii...
. : I
lous. i Pumps, barrels, indi btudness !mre
.rounded ua on all sides, but still we m4l l
tinned immovable. The moat exaggerated
yields - 1
Ireports of oil yi failed toproduce t he
elightest effect lupon 114. ;But o n Friday,
February 22.11--we remember the day 'li l a!
, '
:: •
—it was e Anniversary of birth fief
the Father of his Country—the linen wh'n
was first in Peace, first : io[
War, and fist
) •
in the hearts of his Conotryrocip.—Aecl:ee
sionists and disunioolste excepted, Th'e
I, into
glorious day upon 'bleb w s na l erect .
the world !beam, who, as!Artemus Wiirif
• 1 r •, i I
exgaibitely has ir, "never slopped Dray,'
, • . : - , ,
Out, ;!we -iire wanderiog from the ,suljel.
Well, open that particular 'day, as we w/e.
passing from the Argue office to iour_hoiti,'
' . _.:
we were,eposted: by a gentleman' -litho. VW
..; .l 4 ' 4.11
is his baud a' bottle if Veal eirt—pwrovire•
trolentn, Seneca °keel "iiiiiniatike. 'ilk;
That - had - list beei milk, and ail theloo)i
of only 'BO leer. fleader, the leffixt- was
instantance6;[Welelt this fever
oe striki b ngilie
all Over all at once. "] a there . 4sny oaFi
• i ,,,i I
to get nto a compauy, was thei next gals
tion;, and to our eagfringniries "the answ e rc
Ins insde_tbat there was but one spo t o f
• •
taEen, u I ~ p ,- and that Mr. Jacob Noss was
Dow' organicity, a CO r ttiptitiy Ur i pr teed I to
Lore. We hunted for Mi. Neer we fount
Mr.! Noes; we talked: with Mr.' Nosi; and
we learned from .iiiin: that the "Melnicch
Oil Company " was : ma r c.tmplete; th e re
was still room for a few share.. Up on
1 : 1 !;!! hint we wont in along with our frleisd
I A 0. McCreary. rea, 1
we went in; we
. now in the oil ex c ite m ent . Our inter-,
cat can't be had just yet for. less than cep.
Biderable. The Melatosh Oil Co. has i i iiet
yet' struck oil; whin it dose, we .hall
obrOnicle tbe fact. ' Meantime, we most
beg our readers to pardon 'us if we ilOsi
'pane political diseussien for oleaginous in
formation. When atosei gets the oil feVer
he thinks of little elio, talks of little else,
Idioms of Dttle itlsoi 1
We take batik er . 1 1
rythiog bare said
in relatiop to the okezoitement heietoftire.
It in tho a:l6qt upturn( thing in the world.
It in the greatest discovery Yet made, in
stall grist and glorious country. It is the
crowaitig glory of th e nineteenth century,
it is. But we forbear. ;
If our friends wish to home , what the
feelingi of_ a an wbo bras got l ! into thi oil
speenlation let them go into it: Why
forms is nothing to it. A well that yialds
1000 barrels; a day: Will net F 400,04, a
yea. Just to thinlrOf it ! Don't you ' see
;that everybody is going to be "glade, rich.
'and happy and prospereu s , at o nce 1 •
Zore - Oil in t, Beaver. County i •
Mr. Jno. - hl'Ferian has "struck at
Sititit'a Ferry, at the depth feet.--
The indications are tha t a fine suppli,pf
oil :will be furnished. A`cotniany
Milt rue;-shout lire miles frem tbia 'Own,
at':a point . known iss •rottets Saw
hive come
,'upon g:fioi ♦einifof = oil, ,? We
earn lOstr the well aid+ Marne, ustdoi tbo
direction Gf Mr. Sterwan anti tither", has
.iilrOrli t yeii.keill indications oft _
in fact, it now:sfvnte thkuearly
that has been . Ptak in: our eopUly r Co a aunt
ficient depth; giveilgocpsi.indiealknis.
erdixmly, just now, to gelog 'pith a
131 w t h ey will. mime out remains be
seep: '
'O West
mu is
VAN . Butart, Ftib.
confidently,: belie,
fttainat seeeassion:
west, as far as beatit)
84, is foi
bcrder biome Shafts.
lil .
' I V g rtit I t . •-• ~... ,
et It.aceorirtitg ni;
~.. , _
1041 1 10 iftiolild Ik'.
1 / 1 4 ent
arelite*ved , ., 1 - to,l ll 1
ifiSts* d. , 4 i i i ii
Want • est, to -
4o eiglsti
3. 3
-g '
tieltilsr, are
-h '')ovfon f
'J. '
ry, unwo rthy4ea to its* the
nothing bul,inteil . :it
lilt will haLaeen
pieces the ';pa I , 1
kllpt t
forta, and •n don
prionise Ihn,i„tit
thing that gave -
.., , I
tog the laic Call3pl
nielsochoiy l t gedy
of a oposet.
j The ws7 o the tinny'
'the Detnooriey , has
1 . .'
over a devious radii
"ttesertedr4 I;vat. P;xo
i . t t. -
Below:r give tbese
'tins, an tbs . I ip ,
Plitabighj, . ate,h
Ra i l
t... ve,
coons like ki:(
1 pollitio 'l. 'Ti. well
this g 0 a I+ l
,- Th till
itt the tioi ed 8 atm
'tie Berl !ki l l (re l . ;{soi n
rho Orit:te dew lap- t
ant a satiaisetor7 his
of oaf Idiffieultitta.,l Jr.
specified ire 116 i,
cules o 4 l tt °nit I tht
agitation ad i:riven
[ ill I
' -1
_ .
rence. i . 1
31 1' ,' [ . .
R t#4,- Tit t; welwitt,f by i all proper
and I ititrte means .Ipliose, [ disconote.
Ranceand prevent any attempt ;OD the Pin
of the Re )01idatis i power, Ito makelsoy
. 11f/gresaloOs orto[ the &where 1
1 6
,ispocially leo lon I aslewa co 'tray
satin their rights shall items% norsplwi,
ad on the .atstite boo I Of. this .Nortlarro
Mit' in so Ing ai 4 4nat dem* jet
tha S nth shall continuilt be.ns im,
ed 4 . the Rep blies°. • majorities of is.
States Da un Ored kriproper`marin silo ,
*/ a lan iiC4 l / of the Cri fi i11600.j - '- • ,.
Th 1 a Ore ; to two of the 'rook tits
adopter a the iDember4le StatiCO See..
tion'," he 4 'at Harr abOrg,) Penneils Dirt,
Febrility 22d -'=lf wa tnriderstand heir
purpo r, it it i distioct,!,snpbatio dem re:
tit* ttl'it note., the freemen - tit 'the' With
aritlStaite tip tithe Bisekintidge-Critten•
den!il ni, ' I it slivery shall go int all -
1 thi , Ter oriea &sib- !ot- - 4.4 o,!:tha be
maintatu - th era:etnt .i it befb'eanfertiote.
lel and '' f i r/0(44 . gt i•I(1127)in ; 0 P! 1 .1 1 :
all 'th e tat* feraonal.,l Iltbsrfy.-..Laws
i xeml
vanialsri4 obstruct the -nt'itrCoo s
kr Goct,
stitattonal you .ri by the riderer Goo- -
trent I ',tit I put . down . traosen." pkodel
irtnedLrellettiort 4:4 Oat ;'
niops I)
If ih
te.g . are,
ire! !TIN
ty alavi
In yr,
bin u,
el till 1
ai, E!,
tone ge
of Ripri
r Jll I
vtgorous l
who Geri
o Pio
pend'.o seri dle
the l
etude s
i 1
' 1 - d ' fri;t4
Grand 4mtudtes..A twee
Har ishurg iffqe tie soma': reason .111 hope
that the cunningly doviied schemes to obi
the money of I tint ax•paiers for the beds
fit of the Sunbury and Erie sod thty Penn
sibrania Railroad Company_ may receive ,
vim ewbat untzPeated sheik is the Elenatei
God giant ' i may be lad—and yet th
bribes to. localities stein as potent as 6
- 1
individual_"l lima " which in new's° man
iightlatore to prefer their Individual ben .
fit t 6 the Let o eiit of the Rtate-eir of their
cited immediate,
i nstittlenta. .1 We are d .
et ,d l .optnio ibst botivardal .
17 Do Ditillt!.4o/ , sod I trail Sok
tb. w oiniie, in .be ~ Boat ''''
tb acts , elsa4 q esti= may be ' stiol4
our legal tri 19sal . • aleti-ie whom e.had
some Confide le, dieted, as oppasitete
e if
these. imwou , ate deliberate 4 Itens 1
fr:attore to tb 6 w o chose them, spat upon
the; platforms of file : itoovestitiot i. tebirh,
nominated t it diereprcled. the bistree
triOna of thei am titutotta, sod obesed•the
Delimits of the °Scots rof bankrupt rai1,,,,.
roid eixtapatqa4 s'aoki n g the .crumbe 'high
tal frOut tki, giant monopalS'e fabl' Lit
them look t ' inc. parties, and no • lo I
pe4Ple: who 0)4 have 1 r defrauded, for ft
tura' moms tiOn land election. The nil.
s r
do cement O it score of laCked etinteitills
in I the 'tutu ,I. will pot!. iciduee ilbek 00 ,
atitnenta to it the risk of betrayill - bete
ittiir. 1 1 ''' i i ' - ' I ri - L '' •
1 Oar Bees ti ps still eland firm itgetilif 1 el
itobtel j ous "ieeliing leittis,of those int •
es i d to out ilift r i e cto 'isliinj i 60864'141
iio a wiros g libs, 'Bl'are to eubsers . petty
1 1 'hubris*. 1 They hive the tbeeke
1 IL
esti the resititt of our people - there oi. I
I' ll 1 f • •1 1
ii - --:-.---:-.4.64.---___
_ Alal
The . sen4l S , el,
for tbit
avia?y, wit
tbe'lidur of
Ib' t •lltb da
gbip , .eicturt
h i
rlcansaa; it io
goaa largely,
I, and I liorth
ily assn.
0* with]
-- • I
1 r
' f
II t
11 I
4 1111 1b bil l a r l sal4r
lite' morn%
i•l',, f 11)
i l
11:9 I
I.! ~
'0416 it
just,! Otodo n • ill
They re not pa'
o 0411
a iirie . itailros
~ 1 i
..fh paged tbe inilW d
•L I .
at Efarriaburg,:b dem i a
ey were. hoth;
Wilatta s of thia not d
ori4ii for. Lis nhan . 1
.igaatio iniguily,l tha a
to control !ha !fella . 2 1
From the foltowia4
the Pittsburgh Dial
kr endcm, it aPPert
ope that thie-moat etta i
, g 7 yet be defeatO in
'ry 2
IfOr t
1 ,
M 221
n to
't rn.
S ate
[O ,
i dip
wild ISocdetzr.
tioaOf Aims a .
a Countyv 'NO.
Arch! 4 tale 4p3,
ock' . P.7 M., oo 'A
ai5td4:14...1);• 1:
ia l *int:.
1 , HEY :MOOR, 1 4
ii*cf e i• '-1
1 Ones ,i. 1 ., --; -
, , ....
< t
inork,l ir '• ' 'll i adic:ono!' ahlitta,
Wistth 'suet i .1 111 p I Ones in 'l Sc the
_i_ a see if: Inrighbon wit'
1. t o 1 9 1(1 -: 1111. sttr i
be Gift, I. ilomplataly I oil
th ' I:" /Alamo ith:
le , t 1
E . A P i t e t* e i or
ti i .
1 ch arge tnik.
kg ti t I 1
'L. . __. ) d //b .
tuv Airs on tog
I flit; We ' 4l *a/ I ll's°
la ...2 L.
to i mo .. , artaite..r, l a
liter oftai ire vet/
it i t
who_put ' tkey, eau i
ii witheat h troohls. 1 iff
; ; 1 ,0
i• anY Ter, JD" 1 ' 60 "
.1 1 ' 1 - ,
7-- sh° ol obille ' 1 ; siiiio° ll lig , ' l'il,
they e PPaed '44 coercion ° 1 it h e
Statea Shal l have 5 ed, *Ad if the
ible of the SW with it;, lioufbeva 1
brat!) tat who 'hat' , !tit the Utihr, ll will'i
aboold it objeeit k . ..iibiet, 1 t -4 is r
13niv....,sibr_popiii. it!rpikts..a.p*ltr.
?mils' aeffer.,son via, noweill ‘tlebtlt i
' t ib aj li l :s t i l e i°7ll sed l. : lls ei- 7 6:::Z 514 ir j t i i;s l lb's .
r liu tided to ° °P e ° 8•1 the rr‘sl',
rP al P tb . iSt *
. Cit Il l atti ltl i t all i .
if models Ito be foi ley l OLA* •
flikf; 11 "
lobje l'sb ell a tis se, i w so e
m il l -lr o T it s
v on al r 9l ..a ,tte ig
I ' ati' ii f - 11i.;4
as they trf to tali sitaTe.f I.
bad bee* titi solai
if . our A gie O tuvitt
a IW a i 0 t om, _
0,04 Zit*"
. 4q 4 7 iltli
•10 ' iiilaq
Pets* aPPO, O
aiat voile
" 4 'NI
, *KU
. 4100 ti :If'
800 i
1 'Ai
"'tea . ,
. i n .
(Joliet', d, from the
, efr the' falli of 1868,
Al sod • L i• , "
< 1 +pillow out Tres
'Citify. -ii this personilty;„ ! 44
.most of l i ps of: tbi COO* . i"
it. 1"-- - i , 1,. ; x .;- . ,
is bebot....ti:thatl there lvtil bti a
t 1 al.i , • ~ ~
tiro lo ii,:or las inentoersl of the
o the otkOilehtng 4lietirti, sod`
i ii.
4 busi,oe Ast, wbo , krill,illitif t lCe l
, some ' ttireiti j ittetirs' Of Ytheir ;time
ittr iig. the lyeer„ l 'fi, &remitting t# th e b l i s s.,
p, of Cis Efooi ii,.will be eleotird. 11 ,
i i b e neier' ; ' h a ir istrorediulider men;
l' .lulti iin a (years,. iIL blob ,lhavo kiwi
il l
ra pail trate, 11, sot hat the time it ; elo ..
if' 161 t when tile bajitice; ..iii' be t d
to the al eitatekAuti the Rocket, iiilli be .
iblettly t up' I ,i heb 1 groun l ibi- iii fh6.nroqil, 'up ,
U.o‘ed,s ylpoimi No able psi prentitiuus
ti iett to ice' pilot's! f l tr briogitig
'b enu er3133 iiiticles to the tie H
he reprae.meloa • et the fiiiits, I the
it, tt1e, 1 1 . ..... 1 4 sed'fatit imi•lemeata
i, , ,
Nit in y . othi, ilfrogs brought flit° qpitor
)y the Spoieti, give rio I amp, Irerrard I l fcie
h' tinoti, itiebti sod: money, 'which is
. 0 . tared In kee , t,' moving.- Ij •1"
JOHN I YOUNG. Help seo'Y: ..
i t
i ,
i ; 11. ; IS t Session. 1 .
Tyrant,. a nd + ,:pitlaters as on their
x l ,
re under ;the pest of , sileti and with
ti isd doors. ; W i etbarel all had coast* to
rve;the lemmas% it bleb t "elle trait
tr whit , have duped it
d defrauded • ;the
t iff seism State, l LA the oUttr•imit:Of
h i t ti hts, hi,lier Orried on t fit. treseon.
le putpose zif i t r eloesd doors lie steret,
'tta,lsod i: itiql imp:will otof Silia*
4 Vehm.Gettlitch, the leounei i .tf - •
I, - 0,
i(4 .tlt l tir stoent,piturtt spieei-e d i nog
ti ail% agents a ark suddenly I. l > havel L S*
oj i
Bred a gain I earth - ; from which h
It er
set *nod - iith , trttip . s
,oft ecorpioue
surtesisses it '-'etirs to !the /tweed
ifoao . lieu e iioll• .1 of flartburg:-.7-
l irlirt um tly . thisy I 1 t -Stith teloaad eloote,l and up tbrur taw& through Ipersooa, 00-11
I,ll,admtsted by tiekets Portutiatsly the
dil'a3titill of affet ' has passiidi film nth
head*, and we - .rto tbeir •p f e ekes fonly
as Istiglastize theirs is vainstrut les for the
'retention of ablisei"POwer of ;#party liblOb
his foifeited ibit!eoPfidettee' g# Pe#Pl• is
aii. no toolier . o.4ofrOo• Pft# l 4l#7lo-
.; •
C. t
i",iv „ . .
--z , •
i Allilisl •o • • riB & .0.-u "the
,Fa'" I. o Porer I r., ',ibill plot tog, /Ir.
ILaase Of Obi% ed At : pearzoal ath the
hillowiag ages ;that :,Whereas, Its in.
e PediOtit to, p_ . ed witill tie IrasiderPlitioo
SI ,rbolostkesi l iltedj in • the ' ieftdatieee,
Alio o f ciP4l;iiieStiiis COO •
1 r i gnotal tope lgntil all tin ; r.illates have
I:. i° ekte 4 j Op/ proieft l .oll. land, uptii l
a 10 , 41 41 3"0 1 1 / 1 1 7 11 0 01 1411 /rP 4li tit • uad T l". ff ,lli rs• 1.1 ;
- unK4.l l ,tli t o :Lai of April an that
1 : 1 0: Prahliak - ~iba - COVILID lap OM. 1
es i Ted ili ta .d ad i' Tb :aaa -ll :tte a rs lb t eiC o th ° a wte :o l v i fl .'" 011: :'
' lai r :, th rlik e poit i m i t t ': - Poi ' , t- n i tli:g e , ll :he a m gal : a 6 1::
point cotkuai ')iiefisio !his
,Conte co to
meet'at toot ki. . I'l ,
1 1 Thereaolati . 4 . 1 to t ao , ,,ie#
itia t
e i r ;' , *. ' ...' )* g '•
. 1 ,
i ....
1 1
pal tuna
I= I °.
ii ~ . .
1 ,;'„ .441 .
I and
1 .4$
I 1,1
Piste 4
i' Tlit'insca
„ i 4, - .
, Pli
kb nk
the niteit 81+
tbs . tio.M-;,„ 7
t of: O.
sps o l l
ad- ibe holt
. .bantrbeen;lnfn
Mr.t . Liticals
Ju\i ibithi
be, followei lk
'l6, pipers; ant
;I Thttr
94 I ,iar 1.100)
tlS;t.ii streng t h'
k# of life:
admit him took 4.1,0 i
I,el at once did- ...;. 0 Z.i.:';i7;;•:1,- , f; ;e 3 :''-o ,
0 pleb Prestige 'ilid-1b.14 iihnin - attiri ~
While 2ilis. Lincoln was Jet, disroisei
to envie ■ CS er.
■id I -. t .4to OA
grad* :ow
I - . t'' 1 r • r/ 1
. 4, p ro ngs courant too l e sone ..
hipt ; tbai -anorgneibmtf body lof Imel
determined tlist Mr: Liicolu eirfiuld• o
inaugurated, enV that: be. 'honk, -; t
It orb ltintote alive,
plan, bankett IT
!nista ; , Weiv to vs i
py .updefintig:id l'' M ~ r i .
Itartisburg, at l ' 'hi . , e
47:tem:fill 17 1 1. 0i•”d
4poolkle, 1 ~ to . ~ rthioW,
41 at 'some 1 point
i Ciown
: ii-ateel,o eiria,
ii 7i, maintop, ,the'
In ease of, the fail;.l
~ .
_. .ass-projeet t . iir pen: waslao atilt.
retnid the . carri a ge on the way frill l 'el.-.Alaet,
to idepet.'in Baltimore, sod asetuisia to hi m '
wit h
or,,,plittil 'alio:, '
, • 1; 1 ;r
,80 anthentio was :be source fro 'which
the , itifortaaiinn . was obtained ;th t r:
,Lineoln, after amnia:lllllg, his • file da,, as
.4. t0 melee arratigerneuits i . l 'which
would entitle - hini to blibtert the ;plans of
bis rneetnt.s.,. , _ T
C r ,) 'hi the '''a ennyance of th e .. ti r es
iAs who desirrd: to emir oil' It ins fat: , night,
' 'ltee etil iW tr ed spe h g : l l l l n a g t a ei7hr 2''' P roc .. . : -,' 4 fi nal.
1 . .,
' - .[ ti pia,
~,iiii. Liet : ile .aia.eet.watit to ya t .; ~
Ottet Sulu mor I actually tried *wi:,b isiOlg 1
1O 1 bat llrt. Lioeulo, r eeu4ded .114
ro'eindd and- Mr. tieepro's erigintif in;
tirniika k i,insiated uPse i , , ~iii
. I! , t. aloe
- 374tIcteiltNe.'1,4joeololeft on a' apeetel,tlaip
-Riii - elpere:w ecbili plaid cap ' and .I, a , witty,
It r etg A nsilitat7 oldak,isit that lie .Wili ernttro
4y,•i-tttireeegniiibie.'''':Aae ',lnpatileet,'.byfitt
,ripa .
tititehaeit .Lettis 'i - oral 'the frietuti !
til l
statted,`Sthile all' ' , hi- tPWril Ill i i' ! I tfl IPS '
relosicii 31tsLineqfp i ,.P.91- Airin eir,r3li.
1 Od end two r i cp.iitere arlie.w i:i acorn
Itecrosy r aupposed !iitn - tb - hir jay i tp.' ; , .
t.:-Thciitelegrapti, wiree,...oroince pf,tt„.Pe, szti4-_
iiro* - 4 any ' rho might desiras Ira Amu,
IhOtn.; ' 1, '. :.. f . ...- •• , ' '' l ' ' . •
At one o'clock tit r e:Get ,watt Swhil`P'lred•
';lia one to another; "and if,,,, - sa - on; beimitie,
'theme of Moat excited. oonitlmatiftn.-,--
• - 1:..._-_ —....i..Le'41....t....e mw.o
Thee i • xels! . train leaves cretell g-the nii i '-
11 party at nine u'eloek, and sto trust' if
ATili reas:h. liattimorti`in fluftli [ ' • • i
...., , -• • ; .. 4 ,
, ' —T ---....--•.- - -71 1 ,7) . ,:•, ' • . ,
`1;• ;43ALTMilit it, 1 Feb 1 1 23---Tha Nise i.! 'l44 that wail to carry - Mir. L l l'
.?tun , s
• ittswilq."ll.) Oa° stilt t ecl ;it ths - I,appuinted
t itne viilli . the' family 'thud tuttei of thee, . _
President Ace! it/chile reporter;sl of the
press, mtnittis errricils' were .
,reridiere.l, lige.
' ielt, by the sudden - movem ent!"-' A , Itiroe
it Ord 'greeted the arlival of a -„
le', 'iraiti ~
r.nik, Pa,,..ti..ii tuesie. m r•l‘ Wood, I,
•the Pmsident's suite, innotinvi c i from the'
rearplatforni ;dist' 31r, Li i.e..ln I -was Unr
aboard, having gono'ilireet to Washiugta ii;
and; introduced !Mr 1 !Obeli 4 itienli; who
kappoited to ilforiti by himpinucl; la) the lit
ter's istonishinent. ; The train Inr . l'O'red for
ward,; n its . lille,it detenci.m, , n 1 at 11:41)
orolock paii;ed the Maryland liontidary.t
"-The Baltiinnie Committee j dyed the party'
I lat flareishuro. The .fullowing l f • gets leinen
,ceimpost the4;onitnittee : N. G 1 Boucher.'
W. L. 'Ala shill; L Binceabsi, AV . '
Berl, J,. :Bishop, W. d cE. GeisSon, E. M,
i Painter , and or. the part 'Of the Efeotoral .
College, T. 8. Corkman. - VI I lefthi bl
g Y
indignaut at he want; of coufid,i no i ' vi ne :
ed by Mr. L neeln'a'aiouras,
.tough it is"
undenttoed tat he riei, biltivOf overruled
by the per ies whO have . asshmett a coos
trot over bifit moveqieota. I I - '''
• , • I. '
Di'll[lLNl , ' a oold'or a, Blight
sandsi doing so, , "Lave had
pd to another, nhtil the mu
, ine, lining •the atr • passagei,
, cessivelyirritated,j and even
„,,..i ieketied, and leen •ehroaie.
osth l ' w '''” h ' end "
.._ ,s; ?,,„ , 1 . ., : p eutnoula t consump-
Ma ' ''' • y gellop_ along. The beat
'll this is when it begisse.--a
if..t.,;,ipsakl.* 60,- . fortunate l ui I to possess a
vaiorifina . brays' Specify Bomcephitie
Remedire, and if, you do hot, Yon ongnt•''tO
at once takea Cough 'Pill, and thou -two
,Ir three pill : : per day l l with I care as to
renewed ezp are, will ,bring lyon altriglit I
i t,
to %a d,sy . or:iiro. . _ l' .1 . j
,f If your, ctingh has I got further•a!ong,
then more cd t r,e and‘snom patience is -nets.
WC' f l y for' l a mire, though it l dies lo -the
Same direciiies..- Oir advice se; to keep
the feet warm, the bead cool,' -and take
Humphrey:hi Idemoopetic (lough „Pills. ,
Price, 25TCants 'per bet. Biz., , bentl
for $l. , I.
• f 11 1 • • .l ,1
, N. 13.-4. lull set ot linmphreye Hem.
swished° Speei, Ace with Book ofj Directions
and twenty Bamedies,lo,)argeibresi • drachm
vials, and inierrtsceo `case, 40 - ; r dO in plain.
Ciao ) 04 ; vase of fir!Oggl box es toad birlt;
42: 1 ', '' - I '-‘1
I The liamadiUs t ,by i the 'single 'boa or ll easite•saai ' to, tiny address,. by znait
, 9 tORPIPIN4 treil - c't ihariK 06- r • riPiewth'e,
T e m a. flido rom .tj , j.4 _.. .... .
t . DwFll'A - 11131011.11,11TS it'Clo,l''
,• •• - Yof 562 ilkodWaYi Nelf - Vorte• -
i • 'l'
seli.Sold.,!by.4.. )0. Wilson, yen act,
'Dr. B .Sms!ile ' A rd r ' Oratllr ,j '
• 4 '
. - .... e " ' ' ' 't
'T [. r t
uoa. Tharada c y ; it eb. 'l4th - Mts4
74a4' OAR aged .:73i
.70ro; •
ii ta
On giit2 tii, hair, infant - voi l et - idile and `
ftligri-.44,.59 1 4114 e .af litis plan sgollibiut
:sit* yeard ,I•- - - , • - ,' - k .
.• , 1
, Let•Da -
e,ough- T4 O
cold :add
• br
;5 1. i . Meet or pares ?
of land, ;Must* in • the T ----.. 0wa. 1 ;
,ship of Industry. in the'County of Beaver, midi
Isentas,Lite st u teof Penetsylvarda, bounded , tad described'
men, lases' as follows, • to'? wit. ,Beginning at a Walnut,'
Pleat of thence by depreciation land,north tone deeree s .,l
Will belews _wise sixty etarcheitel a beech, thanes by land].
' 00 4 4 IS! of Neal --;Catapbell, north sixty:roar deg,,l
s . ', Test 'fifty-fel:le perches and five tenths to • tI:.
fflefs 1 hickory, thence south forty-three degrees, weal
; one hundred and thirty-seven pet rhea tea; post . ;
_ I-, thence s o uth' nine degrees, ' west one b emi re + 1
,ttil bind fifty - eight perchea to a stone on the - ban 4.
Ingdese r ls. f the Ohio river, 'hence up the ' same, north 1
ground 4 / 1 4- .thirty-eight 'degrees, emit one hundred as -1 ,
- 'l,!.es Pan., ,n• tisirty perches to 'a Post thanes north flap, II
I . ".tnn, ll _ rit fodr degrees, east one hundred and ten pereht4
1- 1, *”. 0 ,.„ 4. le - the plater et beginning. Containing 0 4.
• ot`fer,Wer'-' • hundred and sEeen acrek' more or lees, iit,:4 •
'4' l ° 7 '. __„,:itl ., Vl' one half of which is cleared and ander Mete,
; 4 1nynenanwt, r 1411 of the 1); part (being about one half) ta t
... ,i'fatlitijr. }rig anderbt with coal, one vein :4 . whit, ,i.,
innselskgh . iI I Y. ' d i working order, on which is erect. .•
I *4_4/ 1 _ ile*lt t iLe' a ilt ed late brick. dwelling house two stories higO,
4r ...
.. _ ....., --,__.. With 'cellar tanderneath and kitchen back, ale , ' •
`'"* nee! 64 creme houses, one and a half stories- high,
exelstenOtt, one new store room, ode stable and other out.
asilii -- pr *swirly of Joseph ',Unit' -a t the i l e al t . ' ° ' ' building., also a good orchard of friuit trees
I - liihn-Sterling , ; .' -• , . • ' , - , - and good Water. Seised and taken in cacao
Nn 2 ' t I s ALSO, I •‘. tiun as the prOperty of Cliaritis LL, Shriner It
• 'Ail tint right, title; interest end claim of de- the :snit of James Jackson: I • . -
f or w en t, ;oe I n and l 0 'WI following described - No. 10. • ALSO, , •
parcel of lend, , situate' partly in Wayne and
At i_ tete lame hew and place, all the right, ~.. '
l'erry 'FetinshiPs. Lawrence • county, Penn i ,at title, interest;' and claim of defendant. of in,
end *lli in Freekliti, and North' sitwickly
, , and to thefollowing described lots of , ' ground .
-.Towitatips. Bearer entelnlY. Penn ' s.; "henn a e d situate id the borougb of Bridgewater Beaier
and de twitted Is folloWoz • weliitunlolli at the ; county, po to wit Beginning on the north sde
nneylescda, W esert
inded and d
southeinit corner, theece by land late of
II es followsi
Caekvnair belonging to John H. Wilene, porth af l teapar:
' .
Lane. At Ihe corner or btrill of I it. • .
alosalleH Cniminometistiig Creek,. thence up the gam ' , hill a , hairs, now owned by Sul'}}
tWeititribeite high itaXer-ntarlt to a;point„ en,lth_a van, and.running thenie up
. said Laud north
1401trilittdfelslitsTe e County tio ei ,' ,lne i t te l l ',Y, a sixty/one degrees, test fifteen and ore teilith
xnegi ol / 111 /Weit ' e ra ° n t eeth i ll ' t !*llltu line' perches th a :shun? at cherry alley, thence by ,
,fthe;farns late 4 ,1 lie Nye. new 3, p; John said Alley' north twenty-six degrees, - west thir
attenotience mist by land of A. Basle to the teen en d fi ve tenths perches toil corner,thenee..
Plan Of beginning ;°° utaillitt li attaat ' s4t " ll by land of Joseph Vern, south sixty three lied
scree more or, less:, , dant:prove ° s tole hi e ac- te ttr one fourth -degrees, west fifteen '
and eight •
-sabre brie — ll Of which is in Beaver 03 1curaYial ' id, tenth' pernhes to a corner, thence by bind of - 1
the lijiimice of the &act,
,seveu acresint°e 4 /e William l'billips' • heirs, now owned by Sti th . I
less, titanic in Lawrence county, P , being van, south twenty-nine degrees, east fourtren
_ I
the issue purchased by defendants ler A. It:
. thre e ten,. perches to place of beginuing,
Nye by article of agreemeot, Seised and .ink =co nt ai ni ng !
o one acre and fifty-two perches , , -:-,
en .up eieention
as the Ptl e°, of- William,ing parrot out lot No. 31 in •',the plai n
3111 :tad William lie l laat at tire sait j of /has! of the out lets of the , town of delver.
blestain - - - ' - II Also all that certain lot of gtuund sittaie
No. #, A 2-' . - 1 I in the Berongh of Bridgewater, Beaver cqn •
Ail, the right, 'title,- interest and; claim of ty, Pennsylvania, and numbered 24 on • Ohm _
defendant,'.ef,” Wend to the following lot or of ling laid , ant tly ,Villiam Davidson,nounded
disci', of grand moots in the nOronElt of, and described as follows t Begitinhig. mil the
Freedom, cennty of Beaver. and Btate of Pe., Foitalit. senare at the south side of Elm street,.
timmided and deamibed - int • follows to Wit 2-- '" amid phoning thence by Third street one fine-
Bonhded on the north' by lot; of C. Holland tired• feet to Cherry alley, - theneelay sA ia t ill e y
Atka John Y_oeng. on the enst by. l e t of John •fifty feet, to the corner of. ltn. Nu. 23,. thiance
Hatilltow,isouth by'miter street, sand en the hy :mid let one hundred feet in the pantie
west ty Vicary street,. and sembere
din the senare.ithenee by said square ffty feet to .l .Eins,
pled of lots of the borough n u p t ., a a„, e. (we street tho place of beginnings being p itit{ of ',,
eundred add fourteen, (114) 00, whichds errs - out lut o. 41, in,tlie general plan of the out -
test pre huge bel4ll. rbundq, also, 'one- old lots of he town: of Beaver, on ernichas erected
thine fel:badly building, also one large engine one twb story • frame dwellina hoo,e, with
shop; with , engitie and, other fixtures thereto ,kitchet bask and cellar .unde rneath , dike's
belonging. ~ .' ' • •' ; 'end oil er out huildings and a numbeT otiood
Atte elk those three lots of Vine(' elt-alte fruit trees on-the premises. Seized, and taken
iti Freedoirt, Beaver county; Pa., numbered 79, in execution aq the properiy, or Thos. Russell,
SO and sr, in the plan of lots ol the towteof a nt the quit of L. litatsidi,l - , if ,
I i
Freedom', each lot 60 feet aide, by " 10(1 feet No H, ALS9, ' • •
1 a r d'all 11.?"rieuel°7.2"'w-nithl"ne fruit At the same time and Plane all the, right ti. ,
tree en'the late., .41 lo t •,.0.. I ~there is erre
a . tle;interest lind claim of defendent, of, in e n d
" LOU 1 4 ,r e/ L iug .. house 13 . u .„ e eu t, tl I , h i el . f w st „ e—e- t - to ell that certain three story frame a.Atione
hill.'el v'its. basement . le ' n 'e .. ' '"" 11 j' ''''' ''''''' "' Swelling house or bnildiegmitnate in the; tnwin
I here: t isane frame dwelling hoes , one ant a
ship of_floctiester, Beaver Connt,y, on •S lot o f
tint! , stories high ' mod ode stable. The whole
17 , grave y - atit ground bounded on the nortai-hy It pablie, road ;
bAni boundedair the north-east
. east by ground of Henry. Shenk art , l .tehe
lot; stritti-east briut No 177. wink west, b y
Scholefield, ;Louth by the__VAtsburgh, , roft. V...'" - '
•Vdictie -street, and
.. north-went by Mitior.street.
s i i iii i imetakee in isicottoo,ootheproperty Si Chicago Railroad en d twat hy :i t o r
a 'l_
Youi c ik's heirs, the said :1 welling 1,•;`)1;e me,
or Asic m%
irew Ela at the sett - of ,it. Is. link
- er buil ingt eing three stories high the Ikosnientl
and Jacob Ilea/jai , s frn,K e ,,, t/e • *l. . 'story; being' Beare, nit the other storie-i'fintos •
bl+3 '4 ' • . " ' • AlAiv, '; -.1, . ‘ /and being' in length ; thirty feet leer I ettlth
..„7111 the ..telloWing iota 44 ground ritnite it, twenty-eight , feet, and containing t teelre
• tne, noroegit of ltoi helitOlY Beaver comity, l'a4 roongs. Seised and taken in execution/ as the
i titon i,g e a t o tbe north by Alone reef ,:, on the property of Walter Sokolefield nod s ; Walter
etieeey lot of-Leas„lo P Stedsel. so ah • by John tt, Scholefield.,' Administrators. or the ernte of
.west by , of owned .by hil l Scholefield, deed, aCthe suit or G C..
• ' , „-]
.141"r4itill F er re b ,%o nlii i s n ° g ° ,e ' O nn fe d et front by )21 feet deep, 'Spe erar. •, .$ - t •
Anstalt order keel, on which arederea• e:t three. Noll 2, ALSO, 1
Vaunt 'dwelling honsele the two eta , king 4 1- 1, 'Altahe right, „ale, ifiterest,an 1 clai(n old -
vided into three parte o r au f ee t f ront e a ch Ott rend:int, of, in and to the following ' nesjribed
, !re v.-. ...,„ • s. - , 19; f.. 13 1. d • • - •
fid • 11 . l' 1 .. aaat i 4 - Jitatl‘Jr li in men Tr a ge, ithil Di , -
! isil ene hnl s ries hi i; ti so a well of water t • ; , I 3 eto and
• satillie tnidtlle lot. Alsawie oilier lut of ground l i e n le a Y nd be a 4d bo dl a ' t P l u th il a i t e° c ' er ' i t s e n' P-17 1r7ine l
nithate in Rochestar , , Beaver County, bouuden ~,,,,,m iii , thirty five feet
in ieug , th,
..ii i .ce4
Ta•the aorta by Thos Hays, ea-Arr.lheyt, t by
I',ewPi b
n. wide and nineteen feet in hig,ht w•t
. I engine, i
tiey..south b,y„ rhos Hays, acid
planof sa w ii.far r mill, anti all in running on :eel-es
i a certein lot of graund situ ,to in Ll:nt, e 1 epxt
ibs:cup 1
front by about 15t1deep,,more on less,o Ili - hie:4
Y " ed-cin the o by Mill street. on the l eist by
M erected , one pew frame store Neese 15 b' '-'0 of liewkstewn' Leaver eaunlY' Pa., 9 " ) .9 "" 11-
feet ,ita length awl breWith and
twin st uriti rl d G o i -J ohn Sterl a inig r , tb sontli by the heiys of Nlattheir ,
iiigli. Seised , end taken in execution :Ls the -
chllip stet . zet,
at t , o_etut
of itii. nit, and on the west by Carothers hetri. coo.
.property of r : taaning one hundred and twenty leaf illeife ; 1
son hlcElroy, & Co. ,r, more or lesson which is also erected nnelfrane"
Ni. i o 5, ..j ALSO, -. , . dwelling house, being eighteen feet widi an 4;
All the following described proper y: 'squat, twenty six feet long ,
All that certain lot of g,ruunti situate , in ; the
a ti s lsol
iti ol i i ini large frainen n b d ui t l n dn s g t . n f r a ie r s m i st ' y e: us li c t d
e r null. Seized and taken iisi i ' l ex,4:eq!ion `q
'borough of a reel„ e, Beaver county, l'eiliet:,
titMeet,l 43 1 4,h
being forty four feet id front on illiverj
auilebout forty feet deep, be the•same more or oc e pa e ni' p e r l ° 3 l) .r t li r o ° n t elitob n S•
Little '
. n f t l ie l'iiii
less;.running back to Dutchman's Run, Iboand_ No 4, 13; , ALSO, r, i _ !
ecton the ;north by River street, east by-lot of
-- ['
Widow Abel, south by 1 Dutcliman'o iliti,ll and r 1
tl at the same tl.n and place, all th right,
e, interest and e
claim of :toren 1 itt; o
of, in '
West by an alley; and all under fence", on and to
,the following described lot of laud situ
*liieh is erected one frame dwening honse one. ate " art' in Big Beaver, Derlingtod, Chi rps
steep high, With cellar l-L
andeeath :' ei:t0:1 one
fr wa and South Beaver Townships, bone ied mid,
:itne sleughter-hu ese and stable built tot
• described as follows, on rho r tt PI
or, and other out buildings. Seized snit ta k en
i n ; eieuttnn as the property nrChristiiiii,See, 4l e ,
son; atel•Johuston. west by Johnston by
hlary'Johnston, east by Thomas Nlchaufey iii
,fried at the suit of 1 Somers. I I .
••10.. 6, _ ALSO i Washington ,Johnston, ccntalning iboit -Dee •
I . . 1 1 I' • hundred and thirty-six (136) leres l • Dr
At the same time . an a ll the right . ti - less,
tb ,of which about one ' hundred ( epe e s Or .
tie, interest and claim oF defend Ilt, or, in And
t ree outs arc cleared, up,on whieln,ol,,;ereet- _
to b r at h ee e
r fO tl l t l i o li w p in ie g oe de o sc r i : pa ibe re d e p i r: f p : Il y a
i, n i. t if„ it i l n l e l
Fr steam saw-mill and firtebrie4l4n, one
Big Beaver tp . Beale? county, og onse . and eye log barn. 1, Seizediatil taken
a ;diou dad on in execution as the property ;el Josepa finder - ;.„
the north by John Beatty, on
.t n east by` by Dig sea, at the suit of Withers eon and ill rni - e -'-
Betwer creek, on the south by rederi ItlGh- No, . I 14, . P I l Ai
- .
hani, land on the west , by, Jose h Sail h, Icon- -i-
° Ali t h e right„title, intere st and
et i i,n l
ist . de. i
,tatting about ten ecreiy be the Paine o r e or fondant, of, in and to the following ;d e , ce ieed
leo, end nearly all cleared a d unde reside real estate; to wit . All the ;undivided ;three- ''-:-
and on which is erected one t 0 ate stone fifthe interest of a certain lot of gr.:item) situ- I r - i'
dwelling house ; also ode stable - nd of er. out- ate in the boreugh Of Glasgow, Boasate u o u nty,
buildings, and a ' ; ispride ofgod tea s r,,1 (111 d Pa., being nuadierea in the plan of the lots till
fruit Dees. Also,', all that other lot of ground said town, and bounded on the nortli by a pub.;
situate• in Big Beaver tti , Beaver, coon ; l'ti, tic alley, on the east byXuatora (lease street, r
bounded on the land ef•The, a y e lie- on the south by Water street, and od.the west •
Clare, east by Beaver creek , south by ' urge by .-- st., being one hundred feet atmere.and.
et •
&her, and west by Win Jones - , -- end 1 wader ender tence, on which is erected one taiga two
. fence, containing about thirteen acre_ be t
.he' story brick building, used as a detellsng and k
same more or less, on whi ch a s tore }louse , being eighty feet in ,friTt. and r
.re erect two leg. • • • • 1 , - .
e r rielling houses and one log-stable, wi li;plea.
ty of; water. Seired &ha toke n i n ea than
ne t nirty -six feet deep, with eight rooais oti lower
ahtt Property of Daniel; Airhart, at Ith suit of ,
John' Freed and Frederick Graham. • I under the whole bottler; also 'a goodlstehle anct)'
flaci n and eleven an, second floor, 'awl cellsr:,*
No• 1. ; ALbO, ' 1 other out buildings, and ID good welt ot, wateri
e l i
At, the mime titne apaPlacte. lii the, ight ti a t
. the door,of the dwelling. - fleisecl'wel easel •
in execution as the property of Small Jißlalts-e
el *Wrest and • claim of defendan ' of,. in more at the suit of hl'Farland. Tatffini: & Co.*'
anil tO all that certainifarm or tract all land
Monte in the township of North IS wiokly, l• 0- 15, ALSO, 1 i
-ortuntywf Beaver and State of Penns lei:Lune
' e A t t lin t et e et h reeo e ; - -Auwe o t irnniti e g gn i d - r s at i b e tne au rnib e d ed. P ,l , l pe s f t ee no n p a d ae i rt i ny e t hcl i l t&r , l4 , C, in ilt t. :„:4‘
3 •
bounded' on'the north! by land of J rdsan NI
Nye 'sad Joseph Hazen on the ease hyl lend of
r linty Punees a t
Hasen, on the south by land of B o i . Reno Township ,latcertain.reet,": land '
situate U P I : i r en a 4 i ll ,"
jind"John Wiley, and - Ini the _west by; lau.l of
Faitter and Jenkins, "containing about one hun- bounded _on theriorth by land of WiLlterJoneee
stun, ';north by land of James Johnefoe,and can s_ ,
dred and twentAsereeL more or lull • ebout
ti i eetioeyentys - a g ileation a whwie b b t ear \i ca - e _ reontiedearto ____, oscialat i g i
vi th ui ez i ist ock by e
ti la u n n d dred of Da ati n d ie f l or g t h y ' ui t ue ‘t( r b ero - 5
three ;
218 y ers, cane,
1 ,
fad 14 stable, and - gime fruit trees on the rem:A:vied seventeen perches, about v asty acreep
primes dad good, yew, s e i se d ; and taken of wnteh areelearnd and' under fence, jar:demi
titt 1 14401tiou as the pr t iperty of . John 'Wiley et uhieh'ise erettletl'oue I°g ; direllinibedse ' °ell
the'snit of B 'etteunin eno. ; "-. lag bent and ether out-buildinge. ',i.e./is/elk
[N o 8 m # 3o, • , r ; and taken in e.xectition as the
otPrePeOY or,
. /
; All the right title, illtereet and elaite•eit , coo per - salenl it°
fendamt. of, id • and eel the following dse t t!en', - • ' I
denbah at the snit ISoorph 11.1
property, situate id *cheater Tow
. n , s n _ i , • air Purchasers • will take mtice tlia . 10 Per
1 / 7 ,,Co.nnty , l'enns - Ylvania„ b ou „d ed t e' t '"'c", - I amt. upon the aisionnt of theft bids will, be rel.
lalinallalel ai fellows, to, wit . n e ,„ i n a 1 " "e^ 'quirel in hand. All bids under $5O win barrel.
:Pit on the corner of Centre anal it, at a duired if:1.1:211h at the time of sale, ift l t4se coal -
.etid running taut ice.e a ng : L am , k .
_.,,1` s t l t4 intions ire not oomplied with, the property wilt
sa g ee im..d ane_ectartoth
tdeit.ee_e ' s,
pit :
tw awrtst o
hlla fo i r re ter d . b e e e. go id., JOHN, ROBERTS, Sh'fr. k
Sheriff's Office, Beaver, Feb. 26,11861. I
4 '43 e tra hm irt n e dria 4telta 'au tb d e sis liceh ti ,raleotig r: c4%-t t.s l 4 • l'4 67l' k e w r ae : B l ' • i '••• • - j - 1
p4at e . ,. ap ce t 4tetr e e
ett,lbens e alonicentre
h .... n it a. , t e ' us g re s , weittOout so*
.t ndind fi nd forty-lee feet to the "dorner of
CS'Ottre and Lacook streets fir
nine, b e in g lourzie. , 4l ' ord. Pia."
l i erman plan. The abor in t n'elhs,,,,„,Uutsited, on
;Seised and taken in • exedt;t 3 t o n t- n ----R n t9T e p es "' --1
iiv oi:Ph n ilip Stetzel at the suit 0 o s . c tb .. e s r - p r e i erc ert r 7 :l
-," F 1 ) it. pso, . , 1 - 1
, All the'right, title: Intompot an 6 lelte 'PI' ifo.
1P0 4 1144, 04 inaud to the follow iii,derritted.
, ' •
Is. or.the cool
~s!Mlirlrtsiß sir
fro coufi.loopel
it., to this 4
- JOHN MEYER, 1 1 ;
ON. •
the-Zelieneple road; near ttie Fenian
of Raj.. Linton. Garden, laid; out, dre's4,
ep np. spaded. Ste-. on the sitorted;c,
Jlr., dyer ha ; had great esperienee tela ork
ener,hering been engaged pore than ; lb
in the be - einem. 1, I
•ad $7,P411101311 deeiring, hie eer:itee; vie N.
acienakinntedi.ll‘ 106714 their names of the At
Apr Mee.- • Alet; 'ol'4