1 - I I 1 , :I , , • • .•;441' ..1" •:.!•'-...„ , ~..,... ...„1_,..: T :. ,:,..............15.7...; _. , _ . . •, ~.... ~...,. ,I M , ~ , i MEd MIL IXXX Vii-iRo• 4 LE BE ATE it COUNTY,' ni: . 4 . Ls the Orphqs Curt to a id for the noway 1 } ~,,..,...y, of : itztver, i before Ithe Ron. Daniel I. i i; . ,?tg - de . Si Pt!eaident, and John Scott' ..-- - I .i . • ; 11- 9 4 wo - gdru!_ , Esti ti ; ,: AisoPiatee, p lplge t a j .. oficsaid ?Co urt. In tte•mectler of the parlit on of the ecral f eitate of japes, M'Kee, late o f Hcii4welti tp,ll.leaver honnty, deed. ( 1 Th rommor.catealtb 'of Pennsylvania, to Kan e'y iti Reel, (wid4v!..) Hiram Mhkee, Mary Elis abeth I,;tfelie.e.•*olact guardian is Charles R :13arre of-Neir Rewickly. tp., Alexander McKee, residi g in . ' Fretidom, Bearerico. George Mc- Nee, iresidlng iti Kentucity,l an d children.of t ~ A !Aril* McKee q. deceased i eon) 'ail follows; ! 'George, suitiioseit tp be in California; 'Andrew •jaciteS,l'Mnry 'Elisabeth spd !Aimee Jane, krt.! Ree, ell nicinors;4bn reside With their motiter,.! Nanc,`"it'Llci`ie,iji Waaisbinguin co;. Ps , Mary, ! intermarried Wigi Robert . Fulton, in Itiiitern ' ..Yirginia; ithe Cclurt appoint:h. 0.. iticCitiao I . Guadicnnied 'item, for all the minors ileitis); 'no gn,irsdihu; at@ nil others interested, Greet- i lug; ThrLand fella of you are, hereby cited to ' be nnill appear afore the Itonrable Judges o p anij t•bitrtj nt I)enier, in and for-..said county, nt an . Oiptlim's C.oni-t; to be held.on the aecoed tti c iii I L, - , cifiNisirch next, to acc refuse j c i . rcul t. tAte pf.!,:atid . James McKee, decd , situ- tu- i ate n t lioplmteilrip, Denver 5i,, Pii, at tLe,lap-, • ed.iiiiue mit upon irby,au Inquest duly Cle(1 bi sni4 Court, and ;returned •to No- Itettn, 1840, and fotiMl to :contain all -, 1 pin/ aw war tp.• f o it, N 1 , 5; , ..---, , . . 1 • 1 c9titainit , o44 acres 118'per Stu [sr ac.l-4:. .1 4.11 t pie ilig'6`.) acrvslls per, tit) re aerie -• . •.r 6.96 Ea • 1 - ' -, .. - .. • -- ~$1,143 GI 1. ; ; ,liu ti,P v.:cot of nort-noteptrtnie ti) she% can _ K 1: the ~nme should not he said, ' ‘yaetti.ti.e Don. Daniel :Agnew, Preside) t -(,1 „' ; r t..,...101c.nit, at-Rester, this 28th'd14 if. ti.,crT.h.f: 1i,60. •1 ' I Jawinri 2;1•. , 1. A. G. MoCREARY, Cl'k ; , ....__L-4-4-- -- . 1 • !`‘) ? I''.'lAYS COU itT SA /4 itl4 - r) y :rii ue cf. nu order of the Orollau'i ('rut f Tivl.rer county, dill be expose 1 , to t 7; .outcry, 'op the I!:•;Pe. ,, lia, • February • - ll the font.wini real estate of pee, ~ 1 11,9",t1'r%rroll. situate in ave . :ere I. enmity: bounded and describ . f.i 114 10 lt, , ginning at' a post/or birk - , , rr. thence by lan.ls ferwilee n north 76 deg. wegt SS' smut, i,orth 6:5 Jrg. west-66 per to a r ,, rth , S 8 deg west 11 per. to post. 'Liz d of t 4 omuel - Miller...sJuth 77 deg' • ot.e-41f to post,- erst Mteonk. 'smith! 34 deg. cart 98 I , r o'nettnut.- thmae ! - .27 ; liana oi William 211,3 I.vid :Nichol, north 17 deg.-4mst beginning; containing 122 Acres ' ,strict meattre, !about 80 Ac i res in a state of cult I'va,iarl, on _*biol, • +rr Food new frameldwelling boti'ae, rhP.I +ir , tible leg barn, the premises Well • t.Ys—One-tbi t d of the pUrchas• money an , confirmation of the Sale by the ; balance in two - eipial: annul instal , fil i om that date, . with finterest thereon 'tune time., .'For further information in of . Dr.. John lcCarroll; - . Frankfort l'ir.hgs;, Deaver .co - „' B . • oiler of Court."' q. y 60.: A. Cr: 111'CIF.EAltli, err!. • LEAVER CO:I3 — NTY, I TN the'. matter of the partititt of the real 1 estate of - Moses . b Rambo. deed., in ther tourt of said comity. To GeergellV. Lrodesr,,. and Jane his- Wife, formerli MargOret Rambo,.:widow—Marion pin- •' glrt•'.n‘..iid.liannah his erife,•formerlY Hannah I:na ho, IGen,o3o,.James Wallace and Mary • U I) , .s.rife, formerly Mary I. Rambo, Gao IV tr'rey Ind *Margaret his. wife, formerly' Mar- It' f tid.c,, Elizabeth Rambo, a mititir,wh i ose tiviihaa is John - Gormly.: and all others in- j it7.-tr.4Take notice that by clrtue of a writ t ealusitim-, issued out of the and to toe directed, An incfnisl . real estate, aforesaid, will, he held . , • . • . . si.z.l premises, s i tua t e •in Moon town e 299th day of, January A. U IE6I, sr IA i,' l r;bek AAI INT • hen and where you may "'I ;It-L.,1 it ; you see prayer. • I I •-• JOHN ROBERTS, Sh'ff. Denver, ,Iph 9,1861.-3 t, T' • Or' - Sale 'or 'Rent. • pHE I property at the, confluence of the I Beaver and Ohio rivers, well known!. as : - TONE'S pois is offered: for,.sale 'rent 'lf he ' improvements consist Of a large Tau Story Prick Dwelling House, - with a t wo i ECitcl*n, a ll the.nicessary . our-buildings, Isi.me Frame Balm, an Orchard containing le4welligritfted!fruit trees, all bearieg. t Also. Three Tenant Houses, '1 large Ware House, and abotit 420 acres of rich river bOttiOttl / 1 0 suitable for Gardening, This valuable Ir.lpertyi is about 25 miles from Pittsburg, and - - adjnaing a,depot on the C. & P. Itailroaie.- 1111 Ho'neel ban E been or late acchpied as a Sammeet,Sciarding House, for which it is well chiculateeing, situated in the midst of besu titul and in an exceedingly h ealthy For farther particulars apply to • C. STONE, on tho premises _ , TROGEABiIdi OF THE TAME. . , South Carolioa and Jame. Buchanan I agt;itiat Major Anderson Enid G. tiers' Scott. South Carrillo!,dello and t 'Vol up ten , , i, i Of 'spades (nigger's), General peon past,et; Jstues ltnehatian, baring heat pwer,isttiate South Carolina. They play, ni the old General, having a Band bind, raws James Buchanan's best oerer, and t king three trlekit he euehre's them. . ' . l i 1 : " '• NOTICE . I Ilinjoi Anderson now deal and turns 1 -, - - 'up hearts; James Buchanan , a rtissees; Gen- I" 4 ,r y given that the following. applt , , ,„. „ , , .. , „ 1 s eal nem; says 06 cannot seat t trio _major lobs. fur Charters of Incorporation Lave been 1 I P t' a.le SO tile; COW ; lof Common Pleas of hea ver 1 .nouib - Carolina 'psi* . ikbliOr 'Anderson r art t.", , Titt that the same will be grante3 by tarot down hearts reluctantly; lames Hu tt,. Ginrit At ita'next Term. edunuenzing 2nd I cbanan pastel again; 'General Scott passes ',,,nl:H et mafth next, unless cause theni be I „i i i. 1 i s„ , South Carolina proaeo f Mail* An - 0, Tatso toj the cootrar - Y makes clubctrump, .and says he An aPplietttioit tut a Charter ter a Church to t ders , No to r.aiel 'acquire's Chapel, Methodist Epieco- plays ' it.alone , The hand i played, .the .psi oliureli of 'fearer County. - h- ' 51sjgr Makes a march, and S outh Carolina ...I ArAppicatied for a Charter for a Church to and 'James Buchanan 4111,skunied —Bas t,. c:;,h161 Storer Chapel Methodist Episcopal k m Church lot ilindeit ' ' Adas and Bee.- ' - 1 ; 1 .• - 1 Published by order of Court. li, ' kr iiou Caws Icihoson 10 .11- 03 1. • MATWW.• S. QUAIL% Pro. • ' ' h I ' ' I ' has written a very strong lett ing in the moot emphatic ter , rac'er•sioo tr.ovemoot, declariag log but rebellion and imolai ty of the Federal Ektoutire tile ' Capture - or: any !full :ot Slates to '-retake them witho the blood .w.rxeatiure that Ma ed."l Ile enjoihit upon t 6 neeste , that - wait safety lies in the Union, and in Peeking, d , ivetuineut, the redress of al ItaVd arise& under it -He po' tength the ditaste',rs that met j o union, especially, in the:! t very atm% and pattintic let ta • Lli N•OT iL - IC , .rs :,,, • ,I; i • . Nro,Tirl is hereby ci'ven that Rev. John A. 4 -N . Alaiill, of the borough of Ilearer, onithe 13th slai - Ot November. A. D. 1860. made it - Talurqtaty i assignment to the undersigned of i s li Vil OA, s anitchattelSjanda and tenements ''''' 'bp behefit ,hf *his creditors. All. pttiottll ,in‘. l nit ittemgelvets to bey indebted to. paid I j'Al4tA il !ieG'rlii, are hereby requested to al .I.. ini rn 'iiate i.ashieat to the undersigned, land t 1..., l'ivilig c' mime against him are requested •'l' ,titl l , st, there properly authenticated foriset- Jilme . ; • : . WAS LLAIRD - r ,.1 t . ... %. • . , '4V er s A art. ; ;4ol, '6O. • Assignee. • •, . . L i 'D - - . • ", E ILL PROPOSALS 11,14, t- , . . • • 1 46 e riceived by the andersigned toities,*for building's Bri;ak aud , F r b 1 . 1 ? 11 1 ' in: Bsilington. Besy'er co, Pa, Alb 1 4t, till tl.e Ist of Febnniry next. t r'tti tiotts iefeo totOmitiee c ' , 1 4 v. 2 Rw, r t, :W M. BARY t ~ G. W. CLAY, at 2, ; . Ni, ROSS. .ib , 1 fi ' 6 C -1 , 1V11641.1 , FLOUR, 'in 25 poundal! - 1 i . 1 - " 1 I •,e,.••• I. -•t* .......... • Lti• •••..4 rip 4' • • I _ El ESE 1' • 11 11714,AA El - _ z EMI S' DaVenport, Editor,k TERMS—Onn,' DoLikal per - annum, ADVANiCR; - LABN pill he chili:intl. 1 1 .10 .- pispe until all arrenirtges ate 6ettled, IptiOn kiln Advertisements insetted it eta. per square,"of thirteen, lin -- T• tiouescli subsequent insert's! liberstliseuunt modeto yenrliy g Letters; and . cenksunnica, aball b'sre profirpt attlen:errin• VOice:or Mel tat Y OLIVER li6NDitlll1 1 L. , . I We gips "Otir Country's" , With actidened voloe,tnel ey htthner drfrops ip cloilded tetiettth the wintry ekir• Well pledge her once 1n , g 01 ,4 Before her stare have set Tticruph dim pne reddening or We hive _a.Couutry get. :1! MEI • t, 'Tsl.ert. vain lo si..b - o'er erra • The fault 'lf eite or sons , i etir s•Adler herd th'ethrestetis -And. Spiked his uieless gun l i He saw thd star-wruathed.enS !nia4 invaders torn.; 'HU t'imsr it from the Ibatitionest Tbiiy laughed their rime tul • • • , Wiiht tlic.tegh their eugTj er,y Acroa the howlink They balite the air with; . 'q'he gathering storm "abri) • Fnaugh at aPeech •. the trump ', I God Delp teem it -44 teragestl The pipe egaiust the fl ail I; • - Ottr toilsome.yeati hive made Our strength fine slept ;urtfe The furtiftee fireis siowl. 90, ' Vint -bids uttr plowsh4res itt • 'Tis hurt! to,lowe tbi:breitil the l In trite of Noturboi rritritti Toldrop the iron tiireivie we • Thail weave our web or, tow To see the'rustling tiithities II iletore the emp. led To:f ill° arms that 9041 th ith rivers froiu theirlocni i But harder4,till for those who The truth forgot se long When 'Mice their slumbering !. Toe peaeetul are the strong The Lord have mete And euiin 'their frenzied mice our brothers ere the "lqiilaied with Northern Mc angle hold his iactuntain The tiger-pace hi derit!. Gi;e all the conOtry;ench:bis , OoJ _kelp . 'us all! Amen ! Fa'zt, Jan. 4, .'6l. • r ., ~ .: ; ..r.trctiftE— AN E XCITI NG i' LARGEST STAKES Epit t PIA THE /Woau) -rilarewith i*,l at Eitchie, which tiros recent uarties of very high 'l4taqicig the stakee which . were played uiegititudo corresponding' wit ted position of the parties 'I 1 trgeia ..stakel ever : plaYed, itivetitiou ottim game, and th hag got wind! if the eoites bring ex. Off oee,dingly populer . i State--it cane ih the pr hirgeit eoncoUrse of: tatepige/ ever , assembled on the lice to witness such sport.; Thit.bet high.on both aides; but towel of the_gedie, the odd* *ete t (icor of the winnerg, , om me rom 'For .The ticksburg Whig, • ays of the progoted 'odor of the Comte. lion io that State, 'which is cotopoaed it4sort wholly. of Secesaioo deleg' tee :, ; f . 1 If tire Coure Opp Paine lap ordioattee i of Secesaiou by Mississippi ithout sibs witting it to the people, there 01 be civ i/ roar, to Ins dim Bit =idle." •,' i 1 • , r.: : , • 3' F 1 ...*, _,, ~, , i F 1 "i' T' . i . . t` ' . . j V: -' I ' i7..' _A:I k - - ,;. 1, r .F 111 ' S.l Publish;3k. HIM se Two pou discontinowt, d:cpt• at :the tie rate of 50 • for one inaer- I , ias cents. i A advertisers. bus, by mail I North- t o-ni g ht- l i ght ' I Mme auk, sititiek imst,' i gig bl•tat .1 in toll ME =3 i dung 1 i 4" ve : slogs.; swings I U 'um , ; .r it. MI ad I I land i .esiii i lassions bnrn, MMIN on the I shrfsk 1 1.4 1" eight— H ;gilt ! AME-THE FED FOR IN progracßme v playedllly io life„ snd ur were of a the ele►a hsy were the or since the public bay —this game the Uuited seine of i)is I spectators .f the Earth log ran very ds th• dose leidedly I in Tonuess7e, decontm s the wbble tto be uoih log. th• du in cue lof tbs • Unitv4 regard to be expoOd• 6ple of Ten cliogioli to brough ¶bs ,evils whieb ats out Isat 1 fillow dis ijb. It is El :- ',li • 1 1-I 1 I I [i r ~ IN's' triiiiglirilaii 4 DEESSi '. I' • 1 ' ,; on I T a u lu esd guir s; l i tica t he 1 11 1 11 .i P o i s . tr: 1 1 ' -4 Vita . last Saarblage.) . Tbe , lein, Int ,W.Wi I written doe. . tin tho — Odic, which ; is lo tiringve - big term , is noreaer - After general prefatory rti ote3rnor wamly advocates th , I. amen rithoots, declaiva for y or admitastnitioa, and say Oition tErincritass thi r fina • of the State; to husbaild h eyihipe bee interests and d ; 1:1 hies, ,The I pardoning Ipowe Ihi to be exercised With' greiA het where applied, due Futon, be giVen. The Goveroor'fa. , 4 abet assneiations, and the geuere,.. and liberal lairs for , 1 qsirong man u facturing sail prises . 1 The veto power he I t th greet caution .. The di • IU-cif currency andl ex ban e! ito , political itroubles, rah II Jading to proiperity . Ibirt I 1 • t Ifi 4 e elte., Should this be ion beNieil ' the Legialaturw will l settles of the crisis in a ge - I &die spit it ., .% ~ I co me Mgt' then proceeds to pita r 1 Onndition lof public itffuir , it Irte election of Litictilli t boa be pret l ezr , fil disunion: Ile ere is nothing Whatever lila the 1 ::, 0! Mr! Litichlu to ju•tify any i 9ary titerupts, and that the I triaki , ty which elsetid bin, Jest and most ccincilistowsen: rd' the South.' The - Oci,verner 16 -6 repot tile r rema , k f ado th ne I., iled••lpliia,lillit if thi , re lie nr etetooli which emir • ! • V Of the fedeiel governnenl, or pie, its freni operation; they it4 e be repealed fie Nee! I Ivira that Pennsy l van ia has l , , I to the Constilution that 71 t. , , i , 1 prntrotte , fraierrittyl andtpeace, t l i conaiti between the States cittHstiooti which h ow sgitaie Ina State ,tissl a thorn prtif , ud i d o 1 Penusylvinia. Oedopyidg to positioh bet Ween thejNort ii s i . With the great avenues f ide passing through her bo - - !the productions of ' b r soi , lanuficturing industry Ito he 11 tote 1 . , I I : Gus" Curt I L id Harriabur in protience' ; ; !message ts a lurnent,lin all lipiteilslbitn d iItY diselosed.• ;marts, the t 1 h oYstrtu of ou i* strict keno lit will be hla 'pia! resources Boatmen to ; . I. ;famish i , her t l i lie thiu!ts, 014 icaution, and iotice rib ould I i i iTrots ca pi ta l s e or nacttueot of i t • • pnia • tiona ,c I Wining eote 1 gill iexergi4a turned amid; t it attribute { itrltiug is , return of eou'i I i delayed, he I Meet the uuc irroue atA pa . ! ; The Geyer the alarming • isserting tbs he, o wade th I svtrs that the i life or reeorl 1 1 I 'Jell reroluti ctrustitutintiai ihive th ; ,!kirid }linen's:tow:l • luli•es, occasio I by him in II any lasis in It , i ti . r i es tee mils ! "'which ob.tru iSti•mhi ;at, VI truthfully a; i Fier been lo' i ,• nlio will ever t 4d l a libenl . : In the grave ' ; • 'e !tl 1 c•mutry, rb•Maerti tha 1 au in teruredi I and the-Sirut; I• r!rsvel add ir ters ' a 4 i tiriin , • ; i ruities and i --- 7 -- ; -- t --- . r .., r t Southern LI • iobare,_citte ri bound' te the by ties krf kibilred and *octal inter4soors and the! verien of distuimi involves m meotoui colluences to h er ; people.,, The_ idve,nor theA arlAucti for a ;lucid • qtely tprritebtivii terift isys it Ain* ;One I titelikottituett issues of th e l e late canzur s ig , ;„ • , „,.- Ati_tiref„b davit *,lt-aii,oat of 4W ' nal principl Ai of l'enu4lvatiiii iri,litic. I ei acodnoty._ &declares ilibt - iLileyoUr p to acre ; th demanding justice Or ;the ..; qelvee in dr recent election; they bad a desires, ti in i nterfere with I or+ abridg e t o rights -o ti. PeDple o giber tar to i the present 4happy condition of our cond. fy, it . will - belpie duty lof 'PeonsYlvitzla t' m i re —wqlv- the prople ;Of the States which retnailayal to tbe'Lluion in no! ' 1 1 1, j' L ust and ho norable ` measures of copcili - Imo and fraterrial kindoesa. ;Paansy!van a can never a&plicarre in the right of an, s tate; to!eeoedel; aut.} in the duty of eta ~. ipg die progress of anarchy ' l aud enforcing the laws, Penniryivania; with' a milted peo4 r il e , -wilt give the national authorities au Nonni, faith ift; land active support.; Th e integrity of the Natienal; Union must is'. Preserved at very _hazard! The Govern r their corWudesiby referring, in very appr Oita langttsge, to the ;trying' ticaea t which be•asaurnes tbo duties of his hig i Office i. r'efers with great .'modesty to hi - self, and his ': conscientious .mn.tivei., and then invokes the aisistanol of God , for him self and the blessing of God on the Staff) end' 'Ns t inn . ; • ;; 1 i The first message of the GovertOr ca ' f a il ' 'f giving f ' scarce . , setts motion to the ran& people i of the State, irrespenive of Party. It i d '.6rm, yet moderate in Ito tone, dignifi ;and unambitious in '14,09 , . just, Set; conlialory in teroper, i and iimir! ably suited for!fhe peculiar time at 'which i( was delivered, and for ;the publicity Soirth — w - bich Ittie ;Gabarnatoiial mestge of a great bo der State like 'Pe onsylvania is mire to_cbtaid. l l It is free' fr i oco all bluster abd,braVado, and abounds with kindnera abdmodesty. i I 1 1 - • ! We think old Pennsylvania has 'reason to be .Iproud of "Old , Andy."—LPitts. 1 eh ron. . 1, •Szoassron Soiiiitratt.'—the tefiigrap. ralates.that the bust ofi John C. Calhoc ~ which has beertlilseed at tha l yight hind of the Prei;iden ea ichair in the South 6Colinla SecOssica . Ce sentiou, tieirs the toli i onin i 1 .1 1 1 perversion of Scripture: 1 1 1. 1 1 - l. A "That which is written', execute quick:. 1! ly; the day la tat sPenti Ike bight is it Nand." i ' i s• 1 .1 . • ,[ .1 . 1 This reading the Bible b ackwards is qu it e tit charapter foe, those who; are taking a long step towards 'bre dark ago.. South !Cern lina piety has seceded . from the established pladttig,i which is: "The isfett is tar' spent, i if'. day,l2 at hand." , 1 1, . .1 1 , 1 I 14 . 0 w 'def. I The., ire i ruining Isnot* et Scripture, irhioh says: "lire lord dark hers !.,rather than light, becriuseli yot deeds are 'coal , And riiilel we are , nixie tie Boritoturel, Ijiis as well Tnbeerite that the fi rst nut of e - aboie m otto, io, "That which is written execute luio IY," is the ieciiiisionista! glo ss of (the _ words A Jesus to dodge Iscariot, on the night h betrayed itiru--"Ttit tho 4 1 0*, .do qui 0.Y." • '-' 1. - 1 ' I i And, tis if t 4 eonipleta the parallel, th Scripturir-g I on: "Judas , tbee, filavin rtmeivedltbe op', nierti, finntediately : out . : and it was' of lit." I ' 1 IriWhen, trai quote , Seriptures, how . °hely it is t hat they provideatiallistu • le on Judas illieatiot...Urs. nine. 1 I 1 1 I =ll Eli NM EMI BM mt 4 . t AI . ..M.ll. i =I A , Au bid, gtlft imblished . 6,0111 04t• Leuleiatill lb: Wee tole°. ',,'ili i nts the effeo kki ettiard 1 feetfron fiat iJ France would her fornier England lire !,‘ foreign noun!? and an}:ewen perspecttee sr. marker i 644 their att utind 'Mho: iiii4i iil l ooe C i j anti. re•opene h , the'desitits'ofl e hrn - Eurnfe. !! i after the ni•ili 'I; ports from di I York—brut eiJ et., Gulf Portre-j , ill frigates of rin ready to neisiii i l l, nil , iggra tidt,!ei power that lean frier:di) and , ioii helping ,tisi ? I I hare seciedel Irr thO 1 power that the Union in Ili late beep brip6i that'll wli feaeb. great Re briblifii aa'Well a 'thdie ii was; a r for l Fe to lose I.theii prt i tut the tra try u fert vett tre. pieces tie not the 00;t5 h kg : of ibe- 1112 the 11 lie', tile:, fibril 41 ' 61 0 .1 vault( Duct in mt. ee ti etOleirs, ing . Aug ties toisitis, ea4l e Rill :kE pt the' it tie Dom/ sr desires rt.' To self U4ti tngtou A! sod Un'iOth, to bii!Te Eur4pes sacrilegt this '- Union Bur Ope _and Awl eolntlo; land '' of ti • 'it iii•in .. the peol tow of ik day . in pit to vote in case es vf tional treist to the coAtnni et:Tilly Could! freellabnr has seven sod 'r voters iult he firmiklive. T 1 1 tborHigh t) in their c me sage; and 'n atropg gr u agaitist al great and , pnbiic is 1 yond thei admit thel but not du even Rasi derstood A 1 ,stiOnid pre tiagettef: Nartin V i l At' lit city; At a Iv City; :e:-P, t hi Ittf, Wel Lincoln, II; ' Chi. II 1 I MEE d I' \ lid "U he I ' bIN oftl bi i thr itti I stink aids. a i; iulio " --I pole' rf , ..ntie • lu utlie ,i(fli DL for: ithi•Netitt 1 I I lbu! II f Neese ally , h lithinets beiio mtiti' tri pato tie! , ft ! eesi#l.fe int; a where ,iii Mist thein.L.. ji Gil eighb4r i t When obe ~4 ! 'oil 1 t he Coefedet surf on led !and i i e . e l ea f 611.0 1, , and d tree 1 ed be e d,i lot bo ' nify ll the t _. l upon' a the !source; f lmi 114114'0f ,pirell . lite ist the af i eeltok , lodged deep 1 and, übAtit. • All the joutnals o ! oni c ih President's lkles•j 1 disunien momment, take of li ' b ot .a g ar et, smelter°, n Forilth it,' el Ter to the, d eblig tea American re, monetrosity ts It, be be ofd;,,aprehetipialnl They ! , wr i i e c.- ' , u!ionil, riht, , , lity.l' W hen lif il rot tin.l i ictiel r epublic I I I nob a coo , I vet t free il '4l Troops in 1 I r t Rearm. . ;1, • --1— l i g . lately published, saga OicePittebitrgh felt; the iudigntt reply, of a eou. tam common sol dier to the allegation Gov'. ,Pickeris, of S outh`' Carolina, 1 the troops of Pet and New bad shown cowirdiee at Cherubuseo. :Philadelphia Frets has iti article, on l • game subject, showing ibutl the i Penn. a IVanisas were miles l away on the day of-i ) that battle. The art ele eitual des as 101- iir lo s : 1 4 13 at the Executiye of South. Cuclins, in the remark* 'altivii quoted,r while-itu paling want of comer to the - Penusylva: Jana, has tittppreemi tte ri,b - that they 1 f a iled to abate isrlite itamediat gloriee of the Otruggle it Cheruhuseco. sot y, towboat) they were -forbidden to flog ho y. Abe ex piate-icon:mend of Gen. Scii ~ On ilia wonting • 'of the 101' :of lAuust, ' 1847 ' they' were adtancedt b twee h Sat Augustine anti Cmitreias, so that white this it eolitinu., el to cover the park d train, ( they might serve as a-support to the attack ing column. Wile° the;iiedrp 'worel carried iiliey jotoed ardently inifire - puixpft, but i t tv'fiw recalled hi' positive Ordere."l This etteumatance alone prevented thein from taking aw ac '‘e Put id the engagement irrOtalt follow , , 1 1overnar. Pickens; while s 1 peaking l so respectfully of the l Penasylv i unians and Yorkers, failed . to inform his audience that 'mane battle of Cherub)iseta would have proved so sanguinarydor been so ly contested, hid, it not beim rot some .lar eooduet of the PalmOto volun aat Contreras ir expectation of the of the Mexicans hese chivalrous sons . South Carolina w . re stationed purpose to intercept the tight and . compel - the render' of the escaping foo r But, to autprise of e'VerYbOdy kit lbemselves, allowed ottOrly the entire •retreating, of the enemylto oweepipast them little or no 'molestation. They, w !come relafOreements to the gar at 'the ehureb t andi dridgethead'; apd resistance sided Wiaterially;io prolong sad.rentleriog doubtful the] conflict of da I, - `Th.Te I , t ext time or— Picki us un de r. l 1 to speak .of the i relative ,cOuragit aft volunteers of, this State-ad iof iouthl line; "he should tell'his it feta' how, I 4 fearful struggl 4 at Chapnltepee, the ITHDIEIDS - buatattied for a long, time te fire of, the'lltlexicinv While the toes were forming in time ehehered of Tacubaya - I w; I' .., should feet - mut .o them.th lo evb the two regiment, teaffeted ' l W,that ea- einent. ' Ile should inform tbem [bat,' i old batallion•flagl of Colu m bia county i lle.first to wave from the ramparts of castle ; fltiatiog tere it, t h e' morning whiletthe chivalry wore let i t elamberiseg / the Precipice. 1 l' ' Add he should • let them; know that it AS the moo: of the 041 Re atone- who irld the batteries t at aftern 4n, on the du csuqeWay, land ! held lb tt gate un;• t k li!ghto agXivat ill force twenty times tarldrni ~,tube. r . It 4s'eltoge i ther likly ' theleonstituents of Governer Pickens hkre more tespect for Ptiorpylvitia age, it they - were apprized of a few' of facts " • I ' iseing • Amok = ituPpor politisst rot *Os rerhaps, ley ovir are and eat "on al 1 ) cotton, t , lq in tii.e ill am- !D de- f a ,:Dun au : ,o h t' 1 and: g e ll e e iir il tr i u r i :te w : til l ' l iid oe:7 6 : : : here ASe o lei! 'it to ',ll till aey, 'A lotectutti ri, ill) tliditi Foresiglo.: • '• 1 n a latter dated Nay.i 1' • I. late bad a . labo ions ;, task lere, shut *vatiob ia dead and its ' actors and I ,I . as will.onlY be remembered by , the 1 to be eise`ra' c ied ' for tit. wicked 1 • JO , to seer . nd eetroy.th only good in i . • /eminent on, the 00)1, and. ti that pros ;eliriti and hap piness we enjoy . ?yet every oiei. porti.in of the World. illAnatev gal- lo s ought, lip be 'the fate of!allsuch atuld tiius men, - who would involve ',heir coup- try lit, oivllwae, and all the . evila in its train,' that t hey might reign 'abff ride on it whirlwinds and direct the storm. ' The. Fr e e people of'. limos United States have , emketi, and coneigned . these wicked dema gdguea to ;.their `proper .doom. ITake dare ofl your nullifiera; . you have thpm among jelii , lei, Omni. meet with thel indignant fr4wnek of every man who l loteel hie noon- try.. The tariff, it is ',linol f known, wasi a mare ',-pretext. i *' , , *I . ITharefors, tint tarif f was only ale pretext,) and dim,. oit,n and a Southern Uonfederady. the real object'. The next pretext' will be the Nagro or SlaverY queittion. I "ANDREW( J/ItKEION." • I Clibinit of South - Parol ' ll' • . ••••• ' I 1(lov. Pickens has divided toe dertlei,ot •tha ezeentieiadministration; of .§out't Care or* among his, He 'appoints. I Hon. A. G. . McGra , th; Secretary of fitati; irlosa duties• wil,ba to regulate' the intercourse With ether States, and foreign Pitwers, to maie treaties, regnlaili the onto. I m t iree and appoint conaule., , • Et D. F. Jamison, Sepretary of War, charge of ill the military operations met and.defeod the Siata.l 1. Memflinger, Seeretity of 'lb* ry, to manage the finances of the 1. H. 4fetlett, Postmastorl F Goners' - to , r - the' postal departnieht .- and kale. , . r Garli sgton, geitetary . of the whose duties will be to attend to iatterdi including thit militia and :I cola•. w ted .that ; tit, 01345 ,repute, .mittee:l iocral ptioS Cal y I :~. ~ i '1 ..,,,,•,; • -,t,' .:,-..:: • : . ..77 - . , . , ~.:,,,..•,,, .. •:',••-,•-?:. •,. ~, •.•:-..• :•,.,.'.• ~,, -•: ..., •, , 1: ;....- 7,- , . ...,.!....!; ,••,:..;,•, #~, {: j : ,~ ,E,__ 1861 . the Battles of Jackion's 4 a: Jacknoa said I , A .farmer I made° his tlast will! and mt io wordi few bistsiguiticaut:,"l Jibing, 1 owe nothing, anti I gire,the tbe poor r bs vs iblietved , ogi no. tastier That mg t. is 'opt to g e Itbat a, . ot 1 th . , • r 1111 using ' •-- • entry] c hange. - = t e9hiniges - . position to al Soogs, , a t tsin, .public and Georgl for t the .1:11:a i fathers foni 1 1 da •', 7's -11 'i 1 1 aince r s t gai entirely eyelids the listening to ,tth Star Sl , iroin 11 adz]) broad gle) r gentle ea 4 ,i far-or thitiirr cot sing of the hstive ten( fstfa , lly qu ring 'note" Ward like,a break' olio Of the fuel ed - on a t ri ii6ated tipn tons raffi antee to ue t• nese a ny enti,eareci fr brajeely•filli i tOrtee. I I-1 • H. w the -e e Cheated. - 1- ' - 1 I 1 i Private l advices . from South Carolina gat that,..t.e people were enured 'the Se, ceaeiou naniement would' be conducted Without any disarrangement of . .hriaineas,. and to e peacetul- conclusion in their own way Re , t 'id l at' ooB have, however, changed thee t e optitioria, and they -. are now beginning iireaiize"the' - eeaseqtignce'ol tbie rash fapertme at. ' . ,:. 1 ; I Cliarleqi i tn, now' ab t1e.,,,..h.e5t setton of the year to_her- trade ? -isr' aluroit deserted, acid comme rce is seeking 'another_ and safe r channel,, i'so one ..w r eek her receipts of cotton hael - fallen Off eleven thou ll sa d ,bale. —,-ireaa 1! ,p OO, tO - 5;000. 1 i i is neiw'belitived.!that lilesars. ' vottii and , Fle'ycl played'' into the headsof the Fb-cessiouisis Ihroughoui, •,shapitigi- 'hair policy by..i chi) developmeute of "Jtthe T Presi dent and the rest of tb l e'CirbineGind'i c givine the l conspirittore all the heuefiqidflail their inforniations ae to the y probatile course of the 'Administration. (There le no 'l dozi4l slr Floyd gave assurances to the South Carolina delegates that the statui ivraufd ft, it not be changed at Ch rlestpo, but rba acted upon Os bin anthori y; and presumed up... cM!his Priti r- td iSof ,o 1 the tlej?ieei ;tin a. question a ~c ling'hii own depariMent. 1 The Charleston ' people 'Will leard, when it- re too !ttle, how cruelly they`hav e o been 'deceived, 4t6d !what ti fatal mistake .they . have made 1 J3t1.9 ; K. ' --. 11 • - Ke The .1,43'1 ielpo, ttef ri: I nar otucky', 0 lt 1 Ida lette ,:' •1 , ---- — r 7 - 7 . - 7 - - , 'You ae.c the co-operatiou of c . theSouth em Suites, in order to redrtss our wrongs Soldo Weill .Yau have no bops of 'a iedresi i l o'lhe Uoi'pol. „We yet, 'leek hopefull y ,to assuranci a that a powerful reaction 14 going tibial the i lcr.,th. - IYe , seek it remedy irk: secession 'on the Union. We . wish th e • • , ~ United action of the Slave • . States; "asscruw , tiled in CA;ventiori within the ', Ution-- , You would act - seParately ,: we unitedly.— If Alabania and other Slate ;States.... ___ Would meet' us in Conventioo, asyri at Nash,,,,. It -Roger Sherman - was a meinaber of villa, or elsewhere, l se early as the firth day egg front Connecticut. e Was son Cougr • f `lie t , of . 11?ehrua t ry, I do not , doubt : but we there from. th e shoelnaker's bench John would egree.in forty-eight hours lapel' such 1 hp e l c lph, who bad Indian boiid in hit m reasonshbglguaraees, 'by T way ef Smend...l veins,- .once rose, 'and with hi • sqqr.aking merits to the Constitution of she United i voice said, "I should like, t know what. States, as wouldl command at leasttlie•ad- the: the ° oi gentlemen trout ,Connecticuit, befnre.hu probation of our rintr(grouss friendeln the,..camb here, did with hip leather: sp i re', ?" Free States, and by giving themil time to i l'ilr. Sherman; mi m i c i n g the same 'squeak- Make the :question wi th the people] there,' lug sound , replied , tet, cut it uprtu,Make • • • , i,/ . i , such reaction ' in public opinion might take r moccasins for the ;descendants Of Pooa plaee ie te l socure. nor rights and ,EIEVB the h,,, D ip e f"- , ' , Government ". ri - __ . • , ••""------ wm.On a wet, miserable, foggy . r,lon on - 1 The - Prompt Clerk.; - I day, Charles Ltmb was socoeted..uy, a beg ', I ogee knew,'a young man, said ' an ern. gar gar wornau, with,. . • . 1 • ,• ~, inent ; p preacher, wlts i - is commeucing life 'Pray, sir, bestow a little ebsrity upon 'a as la clerk. '1 One day Mso sehlo is pet - ti e i i ii n .f ,lI ; 1 . L . ,' ishing - for leek of food. Beliere me, sir, emPloYer said poor -destitute, widow wows , , _ • • ' I "Now, Ai-morrow—that - cargo of eaten . 1 have seen haitav -- ilaYa•' I I Moat' be int 'out and Weighed,. add we must 1 LiSo hate I,' said Imiab; \ ban, ing .thei bate a regular account of it," ; . pOdr - creature a . shilling ; 'eo haral: it s ,g 1 , H 1 He was a young min : of e ne tty.. This miserable &ay r Good bye.' ~ , • was the Sriit time lie'Lad beenieritropted to , .• , ' . - '•••••• ---- 7 - 7,ietit-iti 15 ` - , 1 -- il 'theexecution of this • k bee rp- '' exited gre•Ntlr: Sniffking _ hem D superinten work . — 1, Ilamscle [bis errs) ist. av o frOers An a congregailogis will 13 entl e i tze . Li,,,,a. ~,, Lue mewls° , Larson r 'the effect•of, the best discourse- first -ever ace, and Instructed all the laborers to be Were 'at IA 'past 4o'clock: 5,9 Alley s it, . was .., • -.- , , _ to work , and- lie, thing Was dOnef, and about - 'preached. , ten" or eleten o'clock lin tile day big ern ploYer cants in, and seeing him seated in t3(11 counting, lionise, looked - very black ? ouPpcmingl l Jiis comMands bad not hese ex,: 1 1 eented. ': I 1 .1— 1 "I tbOuglat,g said ' ' he, "yu' were re quested, • to,get out that cargo of cotton this morning r,' - . 1 . 1 1 ' ,'lt ie all done;' replied the clerk, "and' here is the'account of it " ~ • He neieritioked behind' biro :from ihst moment—never 1 . liii'obaractOrlwas fized,... noufidercawas'etitablished. ..• 11. rwas 'found 6 be the.min to 6 , 14, ibint viith..proiapt-, uses:' Be, very actin ; came to be the one that coul nut be spaied--be wog as Imes: , sal , to th e firm as one', a the!pariners:; 7 — lie was 'a' religions man,, and went thro' a life of d great benevolence, 'and tit - his death was able to leave his children an, SlM ple f ortun e . i . 1 1- • • • I i - 'tarn, is said,; that the editor of the ChiteleitOO Ale rcur:y, , who its fierce • diennion articles, is one Gerdoni a !leave 1 of Slavattihneetts, who . ' has ben in_ the South but two or threeleate.. . ' wan bitten a animal ia himself. Iffni = 4 14" , , I Ell C ~ p.' == NA r t I o, Abandon the Nationalilongs. 11 podia of one of our ISeti ii thern openness hie determined op thelalizinJonnient of the 'Nation- I .1 ' ' • ' .r indicated in the action of-cer. 1 githeringel in- 2outii i Clarnlina itt,todureesiza to a peculiar love 4e old' &trellis under !thrill our ght and I won; The !cher, naive . • , '1 : , ' t j ' 1 ' ' i lly beliee I clever could learn to over tt.' certain tooistui•ell, of the always comes * to, me when the sweet end slately Melody of .angled'natiner, Whether liyauing ; soy - o f mimic soldiert. , ro the ' 5 . .t,day l , or whether at njihtfill, over moonlit weeti front ioe•of.bsttle-sltirt, Nerd do I If caeily conquer a eerreirt Hog finger-ends, sod a peculi r ttr corn [army which'ill . creep peer my 4;t. nature, when the "sod! .fitir 7 , Of Pair Cplitutbia, ruarellog !M. I army to As hold; , suddenly , s my ear ' Much less, iu.'ciew ;had &reit Yan'see DoOdliollity, ' 4iring r fiddle by A : 13 4 re boy, "a, in` ,bile, will ernes emu'. lie, n ch aracter, would; II guar rya my 'heart to • utter ;forgetful other of our national mei'odies, rie by So many recolfectio4 of ghs fields and hard-earled sic- ntucks and Alabantai j. lisville i papers duLliebl i the cor ) betwiiro G'ov. Itlagofilu,' of the,Goiernor iettiar.)4 =ME RE ==IZZICI ES TA. i3LISIi 1.8.18 1 , ( The nit Vittpry• . ;-- . - 1 ‘ -;-,. •-7... - ; • .--4 .)..-1 i South Carolina bea•-* Just olai . to the-flt boast- of the brat, victory. The o United States harp,. proved the weakerlpparty la r . the'tirst conflict, and hare gone tchthe we - 10 p in.if;•.‘. i2rogramme 'of upeicettbie"'s Sates- 13m13; 1 111 e great features appeat.- - "fohe• (bet.' i arming of the State, threwing tipliiiiiteties . - 1 seizing forts and firing upiid the United States ilig.•. The last outrage 2eucculded.„ 1 ' defeating au , oider of the President, itd I t ha! - ',troops wera hi-Ought backi:,..to,;;Now :. '., tork and landed tlitte. . Whert2,weit. Mai .l. jar ,k nderion's thunder T ... . The right thing .: woulJ '1), ye been .-', to open fire t ou. Fog '' •i 11t null tie or any other spet'whieh liuti mak e sl, ing hostile demonstrations again st theflag . of our Union. The indignities ito wide!' the -American flag and its is proteatoi4r_ 7 . 4 aiming this nest of pestilent:rptitoitt'are., : ‘, ' i • subjected, are enough to stir a fever in the the blood of age. - Letter writers tit'Cbatliii;:' , ton 't.ay: that - email' Steamers - and other • craft fn'queotly , approXch Fort Sinister - int , .t, the 'most taunting and tiggtavating,marineri:z - 1 knowing that Anderson'si .inattue ions for A bid him to regard insuliing demo iitia!iiiva, p ay which" only exhibit a - mean ti,. - orayeti., 1 spirit. Even. a;wesieuger from Jlditjnr:Ati, i derson4to . pincnie mail:matter ca not laud i 5664 tU that Citi of otitleitit., i, ~_;Pint* is'. also encoura g ed - by titijt Cattro- r., I line, which is Coercing thel.Toited - Bats t.' ,t A - 1 tn ittle steamer ,: -- ditiitatche by the :‘ , 01. , i• i lanrPickens; --- S - nticed the ,stpatiship,blatt. I, 11pp-11990 - the breakers it the month of :; Charleston harbor, •beesise she getibits - itif the-outiageous etistowl of •saiiing sindettir.' •. -' United - States flag: All buoysy lights stud' / channel' marks - - - - ha ve ; been remove t , -:4 A correttendent - at .ass mote W taper , declares that,Soutit CarOlina -IterMf is its- tonistiad that the Federal -GovernMeut de;• ‘,.- •lays defending itself against, snch grosiii , ,l pci a outtageoui insults, ' they are only in-;.t 1 vitatione to further attiolts...l - flat-a - 'olelvii -. and decided policy been pursued two months ago, -- tt.inga would never have come to this '; present pass.--Pitfo. Jour. , , • ' - A 11E44 L Ward. the well kotitvc ."eteanaboat, map,' or Detroit,? Nays, in a letter Ao tti4"„ - "I have now on band , a sufficient quan tity, of iron to make seders huodrisd Itesty_ cannon and twenty thousand stand of rifles. will sell• the Whole of. it to the State of, Michigas'or thenited___&tates, twelity ' yeah , ' time, I . Ilj f thej , will nialt — in pbedienclr to the prescint I ponstitiition and; thri'liwo 3f this country, sad retb6r thanllieve the -Constitution altel'•ed to faior Oil rery_aud corruption, -I wauld - make it en ut candi t tipyial contribution to the . .cause` of ftett% dom." r•• : • . , ler ..The Washington tion , has, the following motto on its' title (pager , ' 4. T1/0 Constitution 'and the Uttionlthe ric h . eat : blessing whieb ha* ' L ever stewed in-any Tbe coilsz;(001,:" is,just new' doing ita very—Little 'Jo tramvg ple down the one•and destroy - thelokh_ttr.— - In view of ibis fact, 'Would . it neClbe moriC 'nensietent to so change the - wonlis of the . motto as to accord with ita endeavors. , • var. Mr. Sen%ard!e 'speech, _de p:te the articles lo the Constitution', ,bieb_ de- DPiinces it ie nitmeattured phrase; has bud; a decidedly soothing effect food'tie doing much good. Mr. Crittenden patriotic that it is in the right direction, patriotic: Aug statestrninlike. , The heat effect of the speech is 'to' allay irritation and enable all parties t i e- fleet on a 'future eattise., , • Kirlt in rig disgrace not to De table to do. everytbiug; but to uuderiiike,'.or pieterul . do, wbst you are pot dirio for, is p Rog abamet*, - but extremely' trouble.riSo ace veritieus. , _ • ma k ,Some author tette , us shit said fit. fan she tongue." True, if ery bodle.innuth. Ipe,..Every.fnol knows bow ofte KO. been a rogue ; but every " vogue r know bow often be , bas been a a [ ul s , r I 86rWhy ire fizeii,etare like • riiekexiii Because-kthby (1.14114 J - t.' lerAini to be id all 11,ioge aticeptable to crud, au4l you trouble youreelf;but-i,lit tle abaut the opioionalof man. octe , like • shaded be vidwed in all bituations, or its colOrsHoill o deoeive yen. • I • • He :Oho know tor anmilter. • • . , , I iiiilME ,1 ....... , ..... ~,...fr74 , 1' t }._ . " ' ' •.* . EOM I' 1. SEE all4l it 1,3,ev . bitneelf Itaikoccioiuo ME