NMI lathe - Orpliaaa :Court , • ,- • • 1 County or Beaver. • ."N the matter - of the partion of - t v lr ßed real es ,uate of Jitha R. Shaun° . deceit : T. 'all Ilns heirilaild legal rept*Mtati aof said deceased. .I. ll i • I • ; I e i, , ,lit. The.e dreu and lineal repro , bailee" of Jane Allison , (formerly Jane Shaenoal siaJ, IterOf staid Intiiatite, who dild prior Ito hie de= peatie, viz : Same's!, James,Meaty riT., John; 'Thomas, Mafgaret, Borah Intermarried' with !Job!' 8. Dickey; Mary intermarried With Thos -Tliornility4 whO died before the death of lutes._ hate, but leaving issue one daughter; Jane A. Thornily, ,a. - r Minor over the age of 'fourteen ears,, whose " i guardian is Thomai Allisonl J ane intermanied with Dr. Robert Cunning , haus, who wail also deceased before [ the death of Intastate; hint leaving. issue sill children, iirniusik_ interniarried 'with gdwardlvidte. Ad tßson,_Abelard V ". Dowses, [Cecilia and Jane, tha last three mentioned being minors, *hose guardian is" and .-,4=-land Juliet inter married with 11.ittheie- Gilleland, wbo was also deceased at-the diat,Virof idteautte,lbut leaving l ime three children, lane Margaret and. Wil? liam, - all of where are minors. All the afore said mentioned persons and heirs residing in Beaver Count, ' , PA., - . - l 1 , 2nd. The -nbildren of William ,Shannon; brether of intestath, and who died prior to his .1 , demis% viz :11 Elisabeth one of } , or petition i . ere, intermarried:with John Bare' j. B. D. Shannon, who died before,ttestate, but leav ing tiro sons, [Joke W. Sha 13011 an Henry C. Shannon, ' both of Erie, Penn's drd.' The 'children and lie& rep sentatim of Martha Dunlap, (formerly Martha Shannon) Sister of intestate, and who died before his deeth; viz : - Geo.-W. Dunlap, C - Iffiest Litter -0';•• Muscatine' Ciitity, lit Andrew 3 ,-of Mariner County; !Hinds: b ,_ garet; intermar. Tied *ith M. R Puff, of Leesburgb Highland County, Ohio', Nancy intermarried with Anzio' Briggs. who died before intestate, bat left Issue -- i twp children,Mindre, names not 'twin, resid lag in the town of JacksonlCo.. lowa- Medal' intermarried with' James Motte, now deseasell, line; leaving' issue i siz children,' Mar the intermarried with Williamson, of Marietta, Washington County, Ohio- Henry of Cam itliti4v,Surinio County Ohittublery intermarried with Putt., and Sarah Margaret intermarried witliDolarhidet, - both of Centrelield. Highland Cirthoy,Obiir. , William andr.loba of Cambridge; ' Gurnee,. CountypiOido, e last three being • Minors. - I - ', I , ith. Elizabeth'Workisan (formerly Elisabeth Shannon) sister of in e, residing l in the ': borough of *Beavfr. i 1 -• 6th. Sarah Warifiltow, (formerly Sarah Shan non) Biller of in+tate, residing init.he borough ,of Ilelihr. • t * I 1 • , . ' TA . ER NOTICE, I' ' • • . . . ' That an Inquisition on the real estate of said John R. Shannon, lute of Bearer (;aunty._ de• sensed, will {he held' on the premises, in Laid ColiToy.. an:l Doro Ugh Towship, and Borough' of •Seaver: on the 19th da ff y of Ocitober/next. p • I oominencing; at 9,: o'clivtli A: M;1 when and where you may isittend if you thin* proper'. rr ' ' r i't 1 1' ' i " ---nr W. - W. IRWIN/Sheriff. ; Sheriff i Office, Deaver' Sept.''9' 'RO ili 6 1 ,47: - - Gto ' til d s -- . 1 ".E I itirifed and Opened s 1 i R THIS DAY, t A FRE S H I R 11,0,, 11k'',.. , " 1 1 NEV: GO e Ds9, 11 / 1 k AND- i ' , 111 1 i • - ' ' 1 ''Cli le ICE' I UGARS, ht . -;'', .. ; . sl 1 ,, 411 of .-711 . 1011 1 1 ~ ~ lwe'i,i)ropo e t.) sell - - : 104 for C Sll - or - .COUNTRY- P RODUCE, 11'88 can[be bpuuht`in the County. ~ , n_ 1 , _ - 1 11 1 ' ' - I 't S. 13. RAISGLR, • I Bridgewater „Sept. 21 ! i _ 'AT 15 Intid tte 4 II I eouhit's , pi & 4fusic • s TORE, itig "TIIES OrlileEi") i.IEW BR GHTi)N, - IP'iCONSTANTLIt ON HAND 'T'S lIPERIORPLINOS, AL 0, -Ha d Pianos. -,4 - "STRUMENTS OF ALL ;CRIFTIONS, and Otaicinery, ler: and Periodircill. Dretvivg • H, t..ifay 2d, '69- . . Prof BO 17 1 .k!E Kli . .i . F.E 111 MU Netcaptiiil Nater4/4 i." G li , ll - GOODS!) - N 11. i .. WI • :0 -0 1 D 1 N F T / , S! ! 1. I. 1 10 ERIE, ': B EES hes received; and will- be . in .L IV lyi receipt of. new articles pertaining to big .l ? nem. New St hi Irtitts, , -.' F i T . New Stile Delaincs, 1 Noir Style latalleti, 1 - - '.. ApillilB.] New Style inglialos, &c. '....t..1 B. - W illianis ili i Bair ressing, Shampooing. &t. - i Bridgewaleyr, 1 . (Oppon - J, B. iSmith'e /get, - Grocery,) "Li AS fittecynp a. 814 in the ibove „LA I wile!, he will always be happy to Waif ct h > l friends:4nd the Public()emir elly ' 1 r 1 (Nifty 2nd, 'ilk ..• , . • B. WELSH, AT (MIN , Y AT LAW, 1 k 1 • Putrid .Aftrnmey,) I Offiow in tlist r , .Court House f Beaver ! Pa. July i 11357. ly . - • . 1 , 1 , i ArtfdlNl STEATOR , S NOTICE . i NV E li ItHAS letters testamentary on the . - Estate of George McKean, deceased, late of Darlington' tp„ Bealr!1" CO., l's., :hare 'wen grahtedlto the subscriber, residing in Lit tle Dearer tp. Law! Co., all persons indebted to , _ aiiclestl , te ale requested to make immecliate pay - ,Ment,.a d *oae hating claims will please pre sent them . properly authenticated for settle ment.. j • ; ' ! WM. PORTER, EVi. October lird, 1860 ' - • , 4MSTIJI4 BRE11,!11,.- - WATC . II-MAKER J EIVELER . [Ne t Dior to Dr. Smith's Drug Store,] -El A , I MO PESNIANENTLY LO‘IATED IN • i Bridgewater, is prepared --to do all work in .hhiline in the most substOtial manner. He ihnpen. that his strict attention and faith - ful performasia of sari will'itivare him n oon tinnanc of eustoin. • . • proinptly nttended to, and warranted. (mar2l) tov'erltta • • Cavertetti 11! m #OIIN KS' CARPET STORE, .1 i Bradge4it, Bridge - water, Pa. i %., , A ROB and well selected Stock of the s i ./11. ye Carer eta on. hand. and, fort Sale for • ' ' Wool Woolen Yarn. _ De, Plikl* is invited to. examine my -' • ' ta* ••,• , , elsewhere. 1 t -JoHN .BARE, A I EN. -.. I Carp* Worm. ' • ! • . k . _ , hr. the I , - ......, '.....7. 1 OTHER :. r _ _ ! . Thousand gatedaily speaking in the praise of 'D R. EATON'S . . dinsfainitile ;VOrdiall, ~ . ~. and why? because it it Renee fails to afford in stantaneous relief when' gien in time.' i It acts as if by magic, 'and ons.frial alone will cntreince you that whit we say Is true.: It cont a ins_ ‘ .11 7 0 PAREGORIC OR OP./4 2' , of any kindJand tberefore relieves by rem kw the . suferingslof your child; instead of by - enings its sensibilities. , For this . mean it am meade itself as the only reNaki preparatio now known forl t lrLDltilt Tknitanto, Duittanotta. DTIeSTART, RlPtia II THI Bouts, ACIDITY 1 OF TEM STOMACH. WIND, COLD II MI lIRAIi,IIIO4I I 017 P, also,for softening the gums, reitieiT in i ation. - reulating the Bo:trelt, and relievin pain it as no egnal- 7 being an awl ipannodieiti l ased with talfailing mimeos . In ill cases of Coiivth." ston •oworuna FITS ' As. you value' tie li.li and heilth of yew children, ad-wish to save I them from !host sad and bbyhtetiy tionswitunder which are ' certain teS'svindt from the use .of narcotics of which all other:remedies for Ingantile Complaints are composed take noes but Dn. Baron's Innen rton CotinAr., this -you Can rely upon. 1 It is perfectly harmless, and cannot Injure thelmost delicate infant.' Price, 25 emits. ' Full/diree dons accompany each bottle. PrePared i only by. 1 - CIIIIIIIIIICU & DUPONT, I_, '''- N o. Broadway, Nei York; R3LOOD FOOD ifeekley bnutantiooci ripen being . ai d gVALYZED always presents us with the Pane mmential ele merits, and gives of course the TRURSTAiDAILD Analyse the Blood of a perum sufferin g from Consumption, Liver Complaint, jyt epsia, Scrofula. &a; and we find it every instance certain defieleneles in the red globules of Blood Supply 'theist deficlincies, tad you art made well. The" Butoo• Foot, is'fonnded nptin this Theory=hetite its 'astonishing 'notes's. There I i-v e Prpparaitious adapted - to'the deficiencies of the Blood, in dif ferent disease. For. Curium, Cor,,Ds' ? Bioxcar vs, or any affection whatever of the THIWAI or ,Lraosindpcing Copattarnot, ;use,/ No. 1 , which is also the Ne for DUl:gavot or fiettrra, les or e s for 'tall CHRONIC M COPLAIN prising from Qtrsa-rse, GENERAL Dsetwrr, and NiRVOII9 PROSTRATION. I No. 2, for Lyrae rottpLatirs, N. 8, fori DTSPIRPSIA. Being already prepared for .olito7ition . I it TAK -or Daort and oarried imteedi#tely in E; to the circulation, so that what you gaiti yod retain. ' The No -1, is for ; FIMALB lattit'out.+Rirtas, GFATERIA',WILAKNESIV, .104 See specill direc tions for this. For SALT RHEUM. ;ER;PTIONS, 'SCROFULOUS, KIDNA.T,AOII TJ GLAPRILCO PLAINTS take No. .In all cues the direetion F imrst be _ strictly followed. , ' ' • . For full directions , see circulars. rice I $1 per bottle. 1 . Sold by (MUCH St DUPONT, Druggist, 1 Ne. 86 Maiden Lane, N. T. and by all 'resilecttal V Druggiets; thr3ughout the country.; For tittle by hr.' 0. CUNNINGHAM, Beaver May, 2, 'CO. 0 F 4• suin GOODS!' JAMES ALL ISCSN Li AS received and is now opetthig bin Spring 1,1 and , Snmmer Go! de, , which fol. CIIF4NESS, ; 6IALITY, 4iND: STYLE, are trnatapaised - in ih4 nei g hbor Aria. the , LADIES' DEPARTMENT may be found I I:RIhT ANTS, 13ON'isTEr._ BALZA:RINE, RIBI3QNS: LAW.N.B,4)IIINTS, IiLACK & F l t ?Krt. DE LAINES, I _ KID GILOVES, HPOIIEDSKIRTS ViALID7I.ETS. Boots and Sttoes, and other articlesltoo I nnmerone - to deta 11. We a - tehappy to inform the ' 1 I I '- • GENTLIIEN t that we an urnieiti them with' CLOTHS, ' 9 MAItBEfh4B 4 LiNEfi CASSINIERES, SHIRT FROTS, SATIN !'OTHER COLLARS, TEES, VESTpIGS. AND djtAVAITS.I I of the moot f!tohiotiohle. Myles. 'Also, 1 eineeninix‘ irei and ./71ilware, of the Lea quality; Who'', Cape, ishiilg Lines, )laoks, IT talus Stringi,cL^C. larTbankful foic past Patrotut;e, 4e most re; speetfully solicits.continuance of the same. Sesser, May 2,'601 JAS. A L LIMO • • MAR RIAGE . 3 qEING a private instructor for Ter•L'' married persons, or- those, those :shout to be Married both male and female; inl'everything .oneerning the physiology and relations:of our sexual s'ystere, and the production or preventation of offspring, including all the new discoverien never before given in the English:langnuge, by IVY. Torso, X. D. i ThlB is really a valuable and interesting wirk. ' It is written; in plain language for the general reader,' and is illustrated , with numer ous Engravingi,, All Young married people, ur those contemplating Marriage, and having the least iropediment to married life, 'should read this book.' lt discloses secretalthat every one shonli ,be acquainted with; still ht is a book thai must tie linked up, and not lie aixiit the'house, It *HUN) sent to any one on the receiptoffwenty-6ie.cebts, receipt of fwenty-fiie:cerits, in specie or post age stamps. Address Di. Wx. Yotrius, No. 416 Sprucestreet, 'above Philadelphia.. 1 ' I I . 1tg1.,. AFFIAIDTED AND ill FOR TUNATE -••No nutter 1 what • -be poi's. disesse,'befOro yetti plaCa yoUrse7 „aide: the. care of any - one of the notorious sOlesii. tire or foreigul r whb adteitisel in this or 114 other paper, , gets copy oi l either of Dr. Young's Book!, and read it. carefully. It itill be' the meet's of laying you many a dollar, yoar health, and pOssibly your life: • Dr. , Yowl° can . be consulted on any of '' le. •I+ti .. desdribed th his publications, at ;'is Otftie, Ko, 416 Sprithe street, above 4th. tmy9. DYEING ABD S I CODRING ESTA IMENT. NEW. BRIGHTON . . I IHE subscribers beg leave to I inform the' I that they have opened a New Dye ing and Scouring Estrblishment inNeti Brigh ton. , All kinds of Goode, eithet, of !Cotton, Silk or Wool,•eruchlas Showle,!Mantles, ! Cloaks, lirettses, Trimmtngs and Millinery ! goads, &0., dyed and re-anisbed:in the beat manner. Gentiemen'sl ,clothing 4 'dyed and scoured so as tp look almo st eqtial to new.l They will also Dye and 1 , re-finish; piece goods for, hierchants, which may :hive faded or be of !undesirable colors. All work Tromptly Idone end warran ted. 1 Cffice for -receiving ghods,i Broadwiy, opposite the Presbytano Church.l I SISSIES & GREIB. Siebke desires to add that he hall been, for the last .14 piers, 'Dyer for lifeasis. B. & W. Shiwl 111anufncture'rs; Ito whom he has permission to infer.] ]may 2/3 160 Toreatiet valiety . Children's Shoe Is 1. to' be found at Nioholson'-ar Elt, you eau buy them front twenty nests to onollar, G till- L1)1116 001108, &tap, at Hoerr& , II BRIDGMT !E M P Ell j , FRESH. ' TLIVIAL. Fall, itimk -S e ,fi Goods FINE GAIS7TIE 1 1 6,1? PANTS, 1 1 1 CLOTHS. F '1 , ICOATS, ' 1 VESTLN9B. TR,1 . , 11N01, &c , 5 E 0 .1 1 WM. RICH, . ---! _ . ER CHANTif , TAILOR'BI 1 No: . 2. Stewart' PW. BOdgewater• ig! LARGE', supply o !Rndy-Made Clothing tl, suitable for the n, kept constantly en' !hand; •afro., a ear ally selected stook of Piece Goods,,l fcirlCust : Works. All kinds otl, garments mule in theiteatest land most sub-, It, stantial mazinee.land itrauteed to et. 1 A i Iea.CHAROEB plIODERATE:1111 ' t 4PTII 25, 1860. II !, 1 wat. RICH. C. ;YEAGER. 1 G i 1, •• W. WII.Lt.' ' ' 6. YEA lgllt at CO. 1 1 1 , 1 " '`A , 110 Market'. , Pittspurgh, Pa. 1 1 111111PORTEUS '0 IFAMOIL" GOO , 1 DRY GFOODS T RIMMIN G S, SI MOO D $ r 1 Toys and . lie fins generally , wr- - 1 • offer - ' 1 . are now,prepa to to Merchants 0, , the most c ompl ete assortment of goals , in our line in the city', Which - e will dispose of on the moist favorableiterms.A call Is res Sept. pectfully solicited. 11 1, e 12 ,' lB6O. ' t ADMINISTRATOR'S t OTICII 1( L 1 1 ottes of Administration o the estate of Dr. R. Custeingheni;late of North BewioklY Tiii, Beaver County,: deed., having been duly granted to they subscriber reeidiriw in said terabit', all pereonti Indebted to said estate are nothied to make Immediate payment. and theee hiving claims e lust the same will pre. sent them properly eitthinticatedl for settlement without delay., , I ... 1 11110 I , BENNATT. Adm'r. A ISept r North Senickly, ee '26 1860. I `i 111EIV. DRUB' $ XI 11110124 bitsi insuilforlwierly on Third' street,. th slere,att e x tensive Oink Dyeatuffs; [:[ [ I ! PUY that hiring been tinsineis for sometim [ fer the moat com plo [ • [ [ dicing! preperitions which he will f eel tlint the . i4me . ,io•Pttsburgh or 4iv .1 fectly pure and free [ I establishment. • y irngbt and Y o u ag, Strtime.ote.ca.t be fe The stetntion !of. 's called to the i ficel Perfemeiy; Fi lArticlas, ac. I ‘. GENE there is offtreil a g. Dyestuffs; Darhon eines, choice Tobac. l am_ Eiter;yibingl in well appoioteti as cheaply ill? the; ‘Vesterst Penns lva -- r - - i Grover Sr,l : - r's Sowing Ma. I i olarkes. .. .1 i No. 18 , Fi ilh iktre l el I4:t antry..i Pa.; o 2 XTE offerl i to the] public; Grover k Baker's V V Sjwing Maehines atreduced prim 4, wish Inpreased ooldence in t heir merits as the bert and Most reli c le, Sewing Machines. They are simple in i construction, more speedy In movement unit more durable and less liable Ito dmorranßeme'nt thou f.ny other machine. We give full instructions, to enatle,the purchaser to sew ordinary seams, hemlfett, tick, gather, quilt and emlsrouler, all on Ithe same machine; and warrant them cot; three pears. . .. 1 Circuliii "-",, testdonio -- of the higl pr'cis, cm ' niebed gra letter. CII N.' B. . I ton alit ty pt 'A. i Sept. I. --- i iiir Its 1 LA DIES' 6' • ii BOOT No. 4 Stewart' Roto r Briii,L4water . , 1, NH 0 D I 1, t', D . Ll,_ (lOW I f r OSTi, ;( HO W RESTORED. L „ , 1 . , _, J UST tinniianefi,i in a /pIALZID EAVILLOPE, on the{ Nature ; Treatment, and Radical Cure of S i ERMATORRHCEA, or Seminal Weakness, I Stylish!: Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions, 'I i 'clueing- Impotent] and Mena nd bYsical 11 capacity. i i - lir ROB. J. ITLVE WELL, M. D., I II Author of re "Gree Book„" (kc• i IF , l ii [ • The importan _ fact that the awful cootie quenceti of "elf-shims ,may be effectually I re moved without internal medicines or the dan gerous ,aniticationi of caustics, instritmente, medicated bougiea; and 'other empiricalldevi see, is here clearly demonsicrated, and thN en tirely new land highly succedeful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated aqthor fully e p x o ta t !li ed, by mean s, of which every one is ena6 e(1 to curls" hiMeelf perfectly. ind ist the least 'hie vest, thereby avoiding all the advertised nog trums'of the day. This Lecture will prose a boon to thousands and thousands, 1 T Sent under seal to any ad seas, post paid on the receipt". of tWolpastage tamps, by 'When ;Writs. .3 Cu. J. (I'. gyms, IW. D.. '4BO I First I , Avenue, New Yo lc Post Box 4686- py 4 , A CARD TOI YOUNG LADIES , AND k . I 1 - GENTLEMEN THE enbicri will seed (free bare bis r, ' of 1 - ig ) to, all who' desire it.. the fteceipe and kiirev lions !for wais A simple' VEGITABLi pALIII, that silt] in from two to light days, remore Pimp 8,, Bloteleaf., Tin, Freckles, Sallowness, and I impurities and roughness of the Skin. leaving the tramk, as Nature intended it be—soft,lielear,l sOloothatid beautiful. I IThose desiring the Receipe, with full instructionS, di. motions, and advice,, will please call on of se dress (with return postage.) ' I I 'JAS. T. mARBIIAI L. i - 7 1 V3I7OAL'CIIiiILPT, Ne idings, N. Tot* , I 't -- 7 -,- ---,- J... 71)." WILISP' 10Y, - MO am IM WILSON r ARE NOW PR: P. Obi • ' THE. OF I f ' DRY-1 Gfo O i AT' A BLIGHT ADVA4 CE ON NO. i I 4SV)i)D "KO . ] ! CLOTHING U 1 r ORE IN BEIVER.I ORE [ i I at; opened put la the store; /; ' -opted by B . IttaCreery doors above Barclay's; ' ' rtment of Drop, ;Pain* &i. Ile would say to ' I It. :ICIA3S . ll' 1 .1 gagad in the prescription Past, Elie enabled to of t eland varied @lock of mai ever brought into the cowl. t ;‘, • at the lo est cas h price 1 goods can be bought for ; w sere. iu r °thing but per Drugs 1 ill be kept in th e lan arrangement with Cart-: any, disires Surgical in'- ''shed at - their own prioea t .l the 1 ; I 1! ADIEs 1, qi assortment of fancy aril . Boaps;,' Brushes, Toilet bile tta the I 1; 1 L PUBLIC L , . 1 od voriet l y.of Paints, Wee 1 011 2 Lamps, Patetit Medi ocd Cigars, &G., &c. 1 I i I be kept usually found 1 • atores,iiinfl will be 2014 1 an be had anywhere I. talc [Sept. 19, '69. HOES, ,1 I Bridge Strei r t, Pa. !11 B. X IL $2 Citi Bpi i 1 .No. , iIIeELIOT & ;Co, FARED TO OFFER TOI CA. 1 . BAORT 1 ME BUYER , 1 z , I I 'l 'FAL STOCK rgb, M R } , WHIT Irlip - I I VI) Mt itl ti h i ' .11 ' 1 FE 9 : VE i near!n, ' Ceapl 41 D I lent of ir m 1 , _ . LED E.l l ll AL I i I, II P L I I P 1P- I . '''• -- 1. -. -p l es! r IN AB' '; 17 - 7 II LOOK A mp 1 er Flo , r, treat Ea ' a worn inept ate foCsacir 1 o • es, good an u. ,nice bro Rio sues 62 eeni BeiCorde, beei ber bowleg En er Crocke g arge W. 1 li Benne, good , arn linfnt Coffee, el{ Coffee, Rio. 'tirri Any store in Coffee, roaeted,l i ti. Ci ars, common, Ci e, butt qa Ci are. best nil hundrid. ; ' Citron,Alrang pourid.. , 1 Clovte l , ground .An ounce. C, eelute 'al 8 pile, 3 e, aye ox! di leghea slwe t ril elt Ltie~h: 4h tfa LI I and 'lO - es; whole, 16 ce ,:andles, Opal. ilea. s others chirge 2 C eese, best esterit Cutlee Felix'. 'Axtreisi li t ere, 14 'tem ei riaToon, grog c -.. and Dry tent's Cr` Air. , ad, oba !Las, eggs niit4 .!. 80d1 on's Black] Into, 2 cents Milassts, best 51 lee's Syrtip, hi Wises, best cents. Nltches, best, cents. E ,4. mall ) ew I 1154 ado' Philp w erlesw•; em Orleans .w erect Sugn • pp!lr s whole olieee , !nail 12 eto 1 large cks'f 'd clot ladies luting fur- Rice, best A Thtisinet, beet 81 , ove lilackin, ist. 4 lt,in'emall Snit, white I I 4 °tuts, Snuff, blink, Snuff yellow t; °gar; of all Soda, waabin tllantorch, 4 coshalt, alt, bait irip the ellen torch, Billie pound: • I boulders, 14 ticks, beat', vi, est. ' Tea l Gunpo er 45 Tea Imperil' 84 , Tea Impeiia ' 45 'II 'ses )(Mu* H sou 84 I, ed.:s, Lit. 5 cent !:cot0; kin "' two p l c ctegll r Ptlst' I r Glo , II II [ west .ounlr j! ..„ i , 40 ICc ha or Ob 'ubs, bars 'obi, tnedi 'ubs, small 'ob'ticc• • 0 plug. !obeys°, ne !alnico°, be . pYind.' robscoo, Bali!moire cents a pound. Toots, car p+. 4 ca Ungronnd loves, Uoground ihnatno Ungronnd PP4' , Unground llspice Vinegar, . 't Cid cents s lion. I Wash 22 c s, Wagon .G In Frankfort. Pal,. 'or $2.16 dose . IHum Comp r,.s Btorre W 14 'Saltpetre, sett , charge 2 • 1 Epaam San B'o , Large size hi Corn Sta ,in paper. • Feathers, est , Extract of grreof 16 cents polind Ortoind 61 &lard, rric. pound. o' jao tee ,_ Herring, oked, ils Honey, in ec0.66, Hemp 9 cents Sugar C Dried' 1 pound. I 1 Sugar CuCAS' , . 11 Cent3.' i Fish, • best hitii. Fish beet Bitro t ~ cents a pima . I ri fili pt . ti bee nd. t il r °. 1 1' '' Ground Gin r.ll Extra n. Whi • poand. 1 1 Gocid Cot on B it i ' 'pound. I ' i Cotton Batting, o i " I 1 batr 7' FOR Pt t i n T ~ A' i ewas a ii ,/7 ol i i itor, di : 1 • , 1 , , 0 if p la - C ITY . 111 JAILII . IIL/12 if CO 0 • 1 I 7. ~.. , -: t .:, 0, I! . ! i 1 1 I I , I , t r II; a f' MI ER 17, H 1 1 11 ( 9 te Ith, fU l k lEIMI OU:: I gr bl is I s ' r f l CLA I S I ' rat IIE:'.! R.§ I 1: m ~p, 91, , 1 , 1 , RICE 1 .1 1 ' iii ,i 111 i i:- i r; AND - oth- RIM usel ' it 6 per bbl its wi th sa ;•te. te t taint , P. beal b y 1 85 t oe! • . 111 / 141:1 ,t iikepected by or $1.60 • 1 - ice 9I Gen ind tolr,cettie. Its, u !others F. , l etor, 1 4f 4 1 is .1: 9 Iq U 1 , , 1:111-4 eff4 ke centbe) t kbidf, •v 11' , n-c ent b it litindit cients s.b 8 1", .1i ! ;eon; ! 'cm ; . " i pciitnd I [ I , a Rudirt. Fhtuttitketl• eape,r lhau telowlEpariteL 'ed I :iH undrecl.'; ! 731 euts : a ' I • . ! i tits ; or n ,I . 1 'I 'or -il Cents , 1.1 i. • cents, inme l• 1 .c ' 1 cent ; spell dr .4 pa tier 1 Tonnd . . i s, S •,n4 10 22 cro' I pound 1 serve, cents S. 1, I , F , • 9 eit , wo , kia( I :}, Lod, 1 ',6 E, ;8 I 18 c tai l llirit*, i sr I Its; 52 seats s a 1 gailoni 1 0 I hie, l ! rift bqse 1 I I' l i contai ¶g 126 , 1 : Le aril le 9 Oen 62 cg t,i a it'll i. it 12 c tab. l i a P2a d'_,_ i .eni.e ' petted. tits II: isod. i 1 F , p Dere, tentale .r tfibl se, Bce I i the quart, 2 I 1 {I t I 1 El • r ante 11:, - .. 8 een gallon. i s for I I, fors 0.1 , n. • 1:31Z/ 'ch. tel quarts, { Trap . mit 1,0141 q pound. ', .' ny 0t147 etore.i oenti. $1.07) elienpr , ! . re, 101 !cite ' il 1, ' • 1 ' 1 than the heap 1 ' - ! • • I I .there charge 7 Loo , ~ I SI 70 , 44 11 1.00 41 4 76 ' " ' .. 60 [LIIII ,1 1 p he an „B. 00 s . 06 61k1 I t'°l and o 5 oento a 0 hotel Ig or 88 ~28, ~ fo t qii i al Dog so po .king; 2TM • be II poi dea oial • l a l oand I 8 . 6 " a a P °11 " son pound. cea pound, 8 o a visti: or 10 I . • I F , 'dig by Jo n Wiloos t , for 8. Pound Pins. , -made.. j 'l Mi an 9 oe, a villon i same so others 1 l' Rd ;180 ftnie. • , ;ors, dent! . in -'-+r bO7 s'a po , i Babe quad p 1 • rki,et beitikink piper beset ri .l . per o nd, En I r ish, '9 ; cents pee 1 1 .1 seal s cents or 12. 1 1 1 1 7 c'el It pound. I, II e. •PO4 , t,' eursissed 181etents 11 .' ~., ,„,y.niee 1 4 -ound l . l j. ,r eats I M •keral, '• • 64:Ural, pound. I 1 0 cents No l' s,;}: 110 cents . only outs $ -- - i -4 TBE P . 4; I ;ET H yr ns ,opPo it we: somi 1.. . T'Et E , I '- 1 0 NI 1.. ' P;IPARA1101, having prcefit to sins g urid , dlr.ett , -, , i ( 1. EXPEL TUE DOCETS.OVALLI , For Statesmen, Judges, Renoir, 'Ph,ysiciaue If; the oldest schools as.well as limit, Ili*. ii he r unquallifled sanctiOn, and ,intouttiacmilit Or an eases of ereptfine. and,disessee °YIN* kelp and bruin; but all who have' need it.nitite, At testifiying.that it willpreserve, the hair from' bellig gray, and , from falling teeny sge,las wall aa restore. Read the follewing:+— ' 1 4 Oak4rove, S.C. June 24th,111359 1 , ; pito,. 0. J. Wove; I/ear filtv--Your Hair te etotally, is:tepidly gaining poPuliritY'!ii. We community. 1 have las 4 occasion to. lay ire-- Judie* aside, and give your Raitßesttirativa a paifilet test .= . ' I I ,I . ! 3 111 During the year 184..1 was so tniferttuiiite as to thrown be fronti mx sulky against a rack near the ;roadside, from which my head Moine e4 a most tetvible bloar; causing* great deal,of irritation, which eommunietated to , the Milo and interns' surface of the head, froththe, of. lota ` of which my hale was ficudli 'destroyed ever the entire,surthee of the head.] Fromitke DOM I. first (Una:mend its dripplag, hOieeer, Up{ to the this* of its total disappearance, I ern ployed everything 11' clould thing Of, Amirig a prang:dose Men myself, and; as L tbotight;cm dersoutding the nature of the diseeine, bat Was finally defeated in every prescription adviito el: , 1 ,• I i ' li ' These and to other tarsumstanees indneed ~, . , ni to rettort..to Yourjworthy Pair Ilestaradve; w ieh I hate *Very :risen to believe, prodeieed al ery happy result, two months. a ft er the first ap lication.'lMad as beautiful a head of young t beir,as I ever. saw, for whialtl certalt4re yen my most slime thanks : ; Rest ' ' . dear sir, I shall recommend your nmeily to all in}tuiivre: moreover, I ishitli.use coy influent% Which .I flatter mystlfto say,. is not alittlet YOu eta publish this if i l you think Prop . • Town. v ry respectfully ,:• - I' illf.. J. WRIGHT, M. D. 011ee of the Jeflersodian, Phillipp i, Y 0... Dec., I2th," 1868. Irl i , H ;Dear tiir--Lfeel it my .duty rte well "an ,71 j satire, to Mantle you the following cirettin.. anoes, which you can use •as yogi thinkl.pro , ' l per. A gentleman of this. place, (alawyer,) his been bald ever since Ma-youth; so sinchl so, that he was compelled ta i wear a wig.-- fin was induced to use 'a bottle of your “Hitir Res tire," 'which he liked very mufti'. and . after asiog come tyro or three smUles hit hair grew out qu luxuriantly ; ite luxuantly', and be now hints hind some head of hair. ~ The gentlemsin's 'natio Bradford, and as he'll' very well known lit lo adjoining counties, Many persona can taatif to the truth of thisatptement; I give it toyea ai I the' reqitest of Mr. Bradford.- YOu can fell s *reistsilesinfjoiar Heir Reitorative in chili and the adjoining ,courities' if your have the prope *genie. !, Youn4' &e. I.' ~ . i-- 1., . I 1 . THOMPfIi)N 131111.0RNOI". 1 c lia, Woon: Deal. Sir, Permit ,me to,etpre the 'obligations lam under for ttie entinOvn torstion ofutj hair' to its original I cotonMbout the time of my arrival in the United Staten ''t. was rapidly becoMing gray; but Upon th e air 1 , t plioation of your "flair itastorative" it seem re, Covered its original heti. ' I eansideti your, restorative aim very wonderful ineention,quite efficieimis as well, en agreeable. I ~1 , I R 1 •I S. TRALIIR el.i ~ • r, The Restorative Is put Op in bdtttne or Hi . sires: large. medium, arid small; the !smell I tt. pini, and' rets.ls ter otli aonnz per; bottle; the medium holds at least!. twenty percent mile in proportion thew the small, retails for tiro dollen!. per bottl`s;fl the large holds' a quart, do Ipnr cerit .more in Proportion. end retails for 's6. Lweo ;. WOOD & Co., Proprietor!, , i 144 :13ro'el ay, N. Y.; and 114 Market St.. St. tbxds, Mk And sold by all Druggists and I Fancy Goods tilers. i ' . June . 6. j860.1' • 1 OF I'iII'ORTAAT TO FE11111,11:-. —FI , • .• 1111, tHE SEIJA'SPILL, _.,.' PREPARED BY CORNEL WB 1,..1 C Em,E I , i ,m e N, m.!). ___, ! c , •! ii medi- NEW 314)14K THE combinations lc( ingredients l in these' ,'1 - i Pills are the result. 0 1 a long and e tentrie -I • , . practice. They are mild in Weir o eration,l and certain in correctirg all lin-cg la i riti!'s I ' Pal ful Menetnations,'; removing all bstrito-: tionwhether from , cold or otherwi , be achl , pain in the ,side( palpitation of tai bears; disturbed sleep, which arises from interrup tion of nattire. 1 , ' .*, • miTo Married I.adie . Dr. Cheeleman's Filial tire ' Invaluable, las ,they will bring on th. monthly period with regular , ivy) ! Ladies who have, been . disappointed' in be use of J other Pills;, can pltice the utmost confidence in "Dr. CheeeeMan'a Pills tioineall that they,represent i to dm - r i I._ , • : .mike..ll.7lll.' l ' ll i=l *Ea • '" 'r f Warranted purely vegetable; and (reel from, injuries to life or health.. Etplicit directiOns, which should be rem', accompany each bOi..-- - Pricesl. Sent by ,mail on ;enclosing 11,U, the general agent. 'B.gd . by one Dinggiatiti every town hi the Unitodltates.• i ,f •,. • IL Ii HUTCHISGS, v f, General'Agent for the United State , 186 Chambers St ' N . i T , ' To whom all Wholesale orders shwaldbe id ;dressed. , For sale bY Dip 11, Smith , qrldge, a er, ra. 1 1 )1 ' •--' Norf. las 1859' i 1 • , < vANDEmARK , s • IMPROVED 'PORTABLE Flk.&D FEIVIVEI. ri IHE subscriber baring purchased ithe ty right of !the above -armed, valeable neioe, is Prepared to sell Farm, TownshiS or De trict rights, at prices ta Suit alligoodfar mers. The adrantages of 'this 1411011 over.all other kinds are; let, No posts are required, It can be moved at a comparatively small cost, and without being taken down. 8N It lel the strongest and cheapest renew leatant. 1 1 , For par ticulars enquire of, .' > JOHNII v 4VAREit. ge..Refer,to B.'C . Clow.; W W. Irwi n, Esq., Adam, Btsabiugh, , Dr. 11'. , Lalrrenee, R Moore. Win ,Sibrodes. :[ une it r: DR-Y' 'GOODS.' 1, 4 F;4 AT II - .. We ' & HUGV. IV?!.r 102 Market, - 1 a Street, ,Pittsburg, 1 0fEN.E.6! gPENED! AIN D FOR s LIP E THE LARGEST AND MOST COML move' extensive e 64 &aide:lily the abeip stook of '• I ' - -SPRING & SDINPd6R, GOOD'S Ever Offered to the Public; ennsistinig of ail - the Novelties of latest Importations; vii— t, f• r• , _ i • I H, RICH SILKS,' ' 1 I 11 'BEIIBOD BODES. ° .. F I , 1 I i • PAULARD SILKS, ; 1 l .. [Of every variety. '1 LACE M kNTILLAS. • ,‘, • ;, 1 , SHAWLS &.'llll3 ERB Of 'the newest styles and designs.l.,, 1 We ask eIPSCRAL ATTSIITION Ito , 0111 r Ma otht stockof ,' ' 1 h i 114 - . : .1, o s , At Er. S ; r ,i,, qs' which,; in regard to quality and prices, e not be onrpassed elsewhere. I • i ; Mar , 28.-610 abisi ; W. it D. HUD P Giallb i)lW .°------- L. "Ova* amd *Sir IF =l3 71 cents H Eal . IN D.B BLO4 1 AST • or . the opred of AIL, Di. i , .:'Tbityn‘silicr one cute' in 1 i ~. .lutikneopit Di., '' ..'l,triptes i tini 1 th : :Aid.- Ettublwirn - o ester afreitio yopepsiit y 1, aunciice.l 1 , err rise, Din iveri, Cotailini w itpiciis, : tn : :Feale,,Co . 1 lisir engin in of N Angus Cor by three thyßielans of ilei iford county ,, and by; Dr Newt° of the..Eleotrip College in=cin- 1 , tinned, for'ajperloill - of nearly 1 -eight Mouthy,' notwithstanding which, his lip, nose, and a por tion of hiilier cheek were entirely'eaten envoy !-- ile had given up 1 alt, hope , when be heard 4 the "Bleodtinarafer," and was induced to try. it. Four bores cured l him: and although sad lidisfigared, there is no quesinin but what this invaluable .medicine saved hie lite,.sThe full ! particulars :of this remarkehle ease'may be [ seen in a circular, which eau ] be had of i any of our Agents.. 1 , ,i • We also refer to the case ofl Nancy Blesik fey, of 'Eldeeton, Armstrong,county, Pa.; cur ed of fle4ffila After being unable to get out of bed for l ,three''jyents.• ' , 1 To the Ostia of n laxly in. Aisonville, - Clear- - i.[ [ t field eounty.l who was also afflicted with Scrof 'nla lin its worst. form. I 1 1 .. .- To the • vise of deorge Meisel, residing in [Carrollton,Cambria county.,l Pa , who waif so • [ 'badly afflicted with Cancer that' it eat his entire 1 nose offotand him owlet was worse, if possible, then MediciarYs. 1 TheTerticulare of these , enses—everylone of • wlich was cured by the-API& of the I Blood SearchAr;---may alsdi''be found In a cirnular to be had of Any of the Agenta. i - 1 , , •.- . RM. LEMON, MN - Teeter. LabOrnfory r.for . . lite, tinanliibicture and sale ns'Ar .tbe, l Pa - It It Depot, ibilblaysborgh; Pa: lir 0: 11. •Kej , eer. ,Wholnale I ,:igt...,Pittuburg . Ifek;,For inilej by L. E. Kailier and l Samuel Iln aneif, -,R.,chlester.Don4l., .Edgar & Co. e a li s tp u , join, Sarg ent..eNsw ' Brighton; Win . P. Phillips, trek-4..411. - I c/. run ningh lim, Bea: yea:. Seephen Smith, - BridOwiter; F. (11- Riley . IndustiY; lohn (,`-Uftiff;lliarlibgten; John Mc. Farren & CO", Smith's Ferry; ellti AbdriFair- - view,:alid by . Datlers generrilli." -tjimetl-L; Cni.j G 1t(. 3: E M , I A 1 1 r •NyAIIII I .1 ~ 4•-•'.4't* ii 1 i . I' . • A'l , .' -litx, 41vq, , --1.7" L s'i ‘'A:\ll,3ll>'t. ''t::•'- lir!t4- i ‘-' ' , "try. "I, 4-•,54/0zr.z.,.. .. [,` * - .- gh.--• 4 . , • ,X";•; '-- 1,t.:. , . 1- ;.z.- - ' 51-„,_• -'4-- ......•,-11- ---*" I - I MILY BE-W I R 4 'IIfACHIi • ). • . _ T• Pit 9 IHE undersigned, reeidelifs titturgh I and tricinity, - baverrufehneed 'and used in our f 'imams; •?rover kakr,'.ts Cleleb'rated Noiseless F;mily 'Sewing Mricline,"lttike ple n a t iee in recommending it as an iststrnment combining the essentials of a ,good ma chine.',l beautifui simplicity; eatie l of • maw-, e ages agent. !and the strength ttnd elasticity of its Stitch,' 64ite to rendei it machine msautpas sed by any in the (market, amf 'ths oae which we fell cOnfitlent will satisfaction to alt I who 'tiliny . putchase anduse •-. Mrs. lAllen Kramer, Mr Wm . N. -Jones, • • Mrs':James P. Baer, Air Chas. hi'ltnigh )Irs. Jesuit', King,. • Messrs. Herbst A B Mrs: J. W. Parr, .Rohttink. I .1 Mrs., Wm: Coleman, Mtl.4. D . M'COrd Mrs: A. W. Hardy, - I.'B. Leech, Mrs.; G. E. Brans, Mrs! E. S. Barnes, Dlrs:l3l. W: Jacobus., Mrs! Anna Siokm I Messrs. Fwvogle & ' Giltner • . Office of Exhibition and Sale.' N0. [ ;17 FIFTH STREET. ;PITTSBURGH PA N. 1 11..—JAn Agent wanted immediately. sell" Send fora Circulai. I Apr. 1. _ " sore! I EZ3 C'leap. Good s-1 AT IRIS NEW STORE ROOM, ‘ ILV ROCHESTER PA. 1 Where he is now openingl I A Splendidj Assort meat or j 1 Dry Goods, 1 , 1 1-- - Flue Shoes, Bats. and Caps, ' I L ' ' IVOTIQL. & TRIIIIIIIINV Fine Talk Cvtle4, tEr.,l4-c.,. , • f No old Blosty,Rosty,Moth Sates Goods 'hee.., Inducements to Co t t Buyers. " Ilia-all anii satisfy Yol'or' yes T• M . , TAYLOR,, Sept. M 1859. Rinshesier, on the Hill. SU , d Fifth a. • I OPENED I i , 3 AI, 11 0 CM OIL CLOTH FOR AripiDovir I Cloth fOr IhSaiirs. CIL' CLOTII !leOß' FLOORS, C; r p f o f loors CARPETS _ § •FOR:STAIRS, TOTAL PAPER & BORDFRS, PAPER BLINDS'FOR WINDOWS, Cale be =1 ion TAT MEE .•'4E' . 8 7 t3l . o,:tt 07-17/.iis‘.7: E O l e 51148 PARD I .11iDICINE ; . , radical. iusd effectual 'curl of 1104 arising from Impurity , • , • • e haa wrought the most espentte cases i 3 Or ~. Cancerous toral. l eases, Brysi 'poles,' Buil : fade, Sore eyes. . - Ulcers, I Scald Bad, i is, . Rheumatic discs Osativeness, • I. Salt Rheum, I Genes alDebili ; Loss 'of . I .4ppe,ti f . I Font Statuach, (plaints, end all. Diaeave lan impure state of the 4911 .g, i I , 1 M ME iiOISELE33 In the Geld *nee LOOK OUT FOR pipet A. " irp lire i, •.. mi l 1 OMSTIB 17 AI IL A SIZ' . , 1 : _ 1 '' 1 ' ie rs Ix Inz sasiiiry's ar i nc,:,. 11 • - Bea v er, Pa. our*, front . 9 ir'eloe,t 2. A.A 1,1 - ,, f l o 5 P. Mr- Oos HEIR obNined very of.tt PHILIP BRIO 1021111 ffNi I f ! 'atiosts' Is, , Phi andelliened . hiring used Prefessmi lIIIMPHItgthi IMPICMCI lIONCISOPATHIO RISSIDIffit :in our. ,fartdd l e -.. '' silk the' meet satisfactory results, and haring:full prig. dance In'their genuineness, parity, and efficacy, eb eer f,,l, recommend then toi VI persons who wish th have tare, tee: . -. lab*, so d eggeme ea remedies at, hand for pirate er do. • • The Rev. Wni, tattier, ildltor of "The Northern toile.. pendent," Aubstrui N. T.; the Rev. R. If. Cresseg & D.o , • fteam. ofNt. Peter's Church, ',Ailburn, hen, Chaplain of Lthe Auburn State Presoni . tti e ti t, .. Spencer Ill.111ce; *rector,. New• Bedford, Rasa t the Ref ••,, . Alba Steele, Ner•Tork Conference; the Ben,. guol ie j Nkhott c r e rnmee. Conference, N. Y. ; ,the! Wei. pte. Pratt, Ve.;' the REV. John Z. Roble, Buffalo; A.-0, , ,• . Hart, liss.; tics, ,N,.. T. • the . lion. Neal- Don, .P.orthha' d NM; the Non. Ilchriyier &fax, South-Bend, Ind.; the Ifi,e . George •Rumphreys, ; Hew O. 'Cook; Esti., Edirq dt, The .011ko Skala Journal, Colsobei, Ohlo ; Owl! n. a:it.' - Graham, Moline, MI.; the Non . Thomas ".I.,,Clutii:' win: so% gia„; the Wu. Jos76..ltsguslia, Utica, N. i. -' Ar m; - arisksterg i Iftl W. 7 _L.Ponds,Yel., Cu N a - Ismer di; •,. Nalnvillit Term . ' • :. ••• C' • , 4off mono SIENI DILS, ....., pr o . 1..y0r , Congestien, and Inflammation: No. 11.-Por Woriu Fever, Worm dolls, Wettlr tha itodi No. S.--Ihn i tftllrying, Teething, and Vtrupp i iiiiw e Ne. 4-For 44, Cholera Infaninny jig ga* i t • . Do.'ls.—Past Coll ' Chipinp, Dysentery, or Slciody Del ... NO. lk—ler Quo era, Cholera limbos, Vomiting. 1 . I No. 7.-Pot Coughs, Colds, itlenen* and Sore Throat. • . • N No. o. 710.....thrmemi lPoi Toolh-acti pruji,_ e• Pue.seha rr . lir im at N . ail e ll :ol, Dervi - i tit ' ' . I. No; I,—Par , asedsche, Vertigo, Rest and Fullness of los Stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint: ~ i .- r_ , No. 11.—Ihut Ifintunlaasestaarros, Scant y, Palall, Cr •,,... c l irr li -Inr Lecteerrhea, Profuse 'denies, and haasiot .• Dove of /maks. - No. 12.—Ibr Croup, HoarseCou6, Bad Breath*. .. r NO. 14.—eatt Insole Plttor ltrylepelas, Rraptlins, Plamiall on the hes. - • ' z-• I : 1... N0..15.-41naustarto Pnis..--lor Pain, Lameness, or Now main the cbeet. !wk. Lotomfor MOIL L - ' - L—For Wisner and Agoe,4lbill lever, D u m b des, ON • l=iar Piles, Rand er Bleeding, Internal or External. • 0„,-Ifor Sore, Weak, of Indented Ryes and Itylidt ; Fab , gOlgeNesk, or Blurred . Sight ~ • -:. • C..--:Vor Catarrh id lot.; finding or motif, either , 'itit - - obstruction or! PruLua" dlich"rc• - ',, , :. I ' - W. C.-. For llLlio..•ping, Cough, abating . tts iiotenet laud shortening its course. • In all acute . oistaaes,' such as Fevers, InesnituntL i tis„.' Diarrhea; Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and slit Le . live diaemel aiL Sarlet Fe ver, 3leaslee, alld. E.171 , 11.c1aii . , the ativantitge of?iitis the proper remedies promptly it oh, Visa,, end in 11 inch rases the speeities act- like a &brim The entire . disease is often arrested at once, and In all asset. • .the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease Awl:- - co ed, and rendered l dangerous. ' ; • I - ! f . • Coughs and,r less dangerous.. ' whidi are of such frequent occurrence, and which ao;r ulten •lay, U.S foundation et. diseased blot!. bronchitis and consumption, may all be 'aVonce cured by the Ferri . and• Cough Pills. ' ' - -' • , In all chivinierdiseasesonsch aS DyspePtla, Weakfitomacb; ' Constipation, tiver.Complainta,l'ilm Fi n ale Debility, ant( ' Irregularities„ old iteadaches,.Sure or Weak' F.Yes; Catarrh, Salt Rhetutt;arol other sus ellaptiol.E„pir ; cake 1:33 ilfieS, .. whop: proper application alit afford a: cure ill alnemt every, Itmtilice. ,Often the cure.of a single eitionie difficulty, such as Dystie - pain; Piles or Catarrh, ilegfiache - iir'Semate Weak. 3ess,,tum more than Paid for the 'cue tea nines' arm. [. . . , Choi of 20 vlals•complete; in morocco, - and Simli,. - .. . Case of 20 Vali, 'and Book. plain • ' ' 4 Case of 15,notnbortil boxee, and Cook.. - _ . =3 Y. te, 1 having lood. Case of 6 boxes', nanibered: and .Bnek • 1 . 21Ingle numbered boxes, with Alres.:tions:. :.......25 r ent& Sirfsle lettered - boxeS with directions..-. : . ..... ,-.M. nos. Large can of 2.0'.. trials, iitr4suders and phi 'taus {l5 1. • ,- - AI.() . SPICCIFICS. . red - l Fon ASTOR Ok,'PFT:TRINC.—Oppre4SO,, Ditnek t, in,orea l • Breathing, attended with Cough and Exi l eetorati4.• Tr:es,SO ceota Pei Ails _ -AM KA k DIVICIARGICI AND I ilt rns. l .l)isch arc r , - fro tin - • • Par, the result "of Scarlet Fever, ' Me:ties, or MerCl.ris:s. . . - -For'Nohno in the ilead, Hardness of Hearing, aild Retiing I In the Ears, and Barnette...Price, LOecnia psrfox. • 'lna Scaortu.s l .- , ;-.Eniarged Thumb., Ettlarcpl anti ir.tizrat- -ed TonsiLs; Screllings and Ohl Flee ... rcfuloui, {;acLeil. u t.. ; Children. ',Price, 50 culla per b. . i • • ;., "I.'• . • • Fort GENTILACDeIIILIrt,.. -, r_ Ajoil or Nerrous'WetiX,Tes. ' • Either the result . of Sickness , gxcessice Medication, be Es , blasting Discharges. ,i l'ilee, 50 cents:per boo. t - .1.- • Foe lixork4.--,FluidtAccumulsticins, Tumid STellirTs;alll4 • T Scanty reEony. „,Priee, no cents per b 05.,.., • 1.. I ' FOR S s-Stcarnuist-7-Ifenthly -Sicknees,,Vertico, N,truielf, Erindtfti .Sickness frOm riding ur motion' Priet, 501 cents ' p • er Ir} 1 1 ,i , rot L , ATTART DlSFAkrak —For ~. ra_ e , „ .ena , c l, e 1,., i. . cult, Pslnfill Urination, 'Oise:ma of the ifildnes • Pte, i 0 Cents per box. I . .' ~• - .... R S FOR ' SKyfll.tl EiL4lON6—Atirniuntarg Ths;4la . riA 1.r4 Consequent Prostration and Debility.; fled Itestc.fs of Evil ; Habit& The most,successful and efficient 2 reMedy Chown, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with luildirec- • . Ilona, $1 per bor.: > ' .Persons who wish to place themselves under ,the OrKet• glottal cire, or, to seek advice orPror 11.11311.1111M,.fArl do eo; st his office 562: BroadiraVdally, from 8 *.M. to fiP.ll. or by litter. • . - - OUR -ItIZIYEDIES BY. 2.ISYL,d t• • Look over the list; make up a r case of stmt. kind yen choose, and inclose the amount tri.a current Teat or 'stamps by mail to our address, at b10..582 tioadwas, Nel-Tork, • and the medicine will be duly returned by Mellor e r tpresa, AGE , ITB WA NED. —Wediiire an amiee;efEcient Agent for tbessale oflintr Remedies In every'town or community 'Lithe United qtlites. Address Dr. P. lIMIPHREYB * Co. - . 41 • No. 362 BaoanwAs Nal..Yoat: HOWARD ~ ASSOCIATION ..- ~ -,, . - PUAL 4DELPIIIIIA, - 1 . . . A B'enevolent Institution; • eaablish,ifl 14y 4 - eeial Endowinent, for - the ilieli ef of Mei . .., sg . Yek an".d Distressed,offlicted with'rjru- • . ! lent and Epideinic.Discages, ant rapt- ctally far the:Cure of Diseascl t the Sexual Organs. . - ,- PLIEDIC4L ADVICE given; gratis. 1 , :,,y ' the - -0.1 Acting Surgeon, to all who apply ,-,,, let ter, with a descriplion of their conditi p. (a2e occupation: habits of life, &C.;) : main 1.-1,-,•3 of eitreme poierty, 'Medicines fuibitiC , lle of, _ , s _ 'charge. , ' } ,'__.- -, . . \ VALUABLE REPORTS 'on Sperrinavlisi.a.-1; -.. and othet Diseases of the Sexual Organ 5.,1P . 0 •'ll 1 the NEW.4.I EMEDIES enaphyod in the ;:x-rr.•• •• eery,' vent to the aicted in sealed (Etier ea- : velopef. free of charge. ' Two ~.or three' t amps - • - for l pcstaget will beoceptable ; -•. . i . Address,. Dr J. •SKILLIN lIOURHPV, Ac - . Ling Surgeon, Howard Asiociation; No. "South' , Ninth-street, Philadelphia, Pa. r- , illy order of thyllirectors. ~- GE0„1-FAIRCHILLD, Secretari.l —. i ERA D. HEART trELL Piesl 1 nit • El 3 G ' OGPS - TIM. - TAYLOR, OF ROCHES ; :f P. IS 'NOW .OPED3INiri Ills F irst r Stock of Spri ng Gobds, To'irhicl4 he invitee th.e-, at4elition of Cash' 13uyers. - April ,1,90-h. , . EX,ECU'rOIVS NOTICE. . ET"ltSste tarnentary on ,'th'e •of . Bernard Anderson - , • late of 8. Bekoter Bea ver 'deo d., having beep graute r d tc the ettbeeriberit, all ppraone intlebtid tp ea rl estate sro-requesied to mare inirnediate44ment, and thole haying claimsagainst _emit(' ,eatitto • will present them to the subscri b ers pioperly au thenticated for' settlement:. • • --• JO,III,I.„ISLY4kiTZ, i Sept. 26., NOTICE .1 -, IBh!lihrjr - 'given to the StAkholderS of the Pbillipeburgh & Rochester Steam FeliY Company, that there will be held a !Meeting on the•firet Monde, of September. I Pe at Citlonk P. M. in the hOnde of Georg rFrirkl.; itithe borough of Phillipsburgh for 1...e:Me0.i Lion of a Petsident'and' a Board . of Dti.ectors. IV Order of ,the President- . i I Aug , 2 0 d '11360,_ C. RAF.I.Z, ..., ADMINISTRAIOR'S No Flog. _ , ' i LL persons Indebted. to the r estate of 'John, 1:11," 1 McPbersou, late of ,ReotiotPy tp,, Bea ver Co., dee'd.• are requested to make-Immedi ate' Periwig, slid those , having °claimstigainst said 'elate will plense present them. to: the subscriber Properly, nuthentuatted for settle ment. ~ [ootB ] ,71 JAS. IRONS, Adm'r. JANSOL:HALLAb MARKLE, ,IMPORTERS AND,f.DEALERS - Drisgsi Chemica ls, Pp St if fs, etc, de j • No. 42 M a ideil l kan,le, NEW YOURS. 1.1 3SE biren received at PHILIP R LA 'Oll b. oeld•Tbsaper. Ihas,sv BES'. U II ..se:srL ANDEttsoxi, - sExecutors. Ea=