=MI El 1 Eli R --- I,lrirtil ..:S IC ALS. I Irina if sundry tirsite of 4icei Teades,Lo. ki" ?aides andVentrstield i t Esiettne, igen- I tit Ole Corset I of Catena= Pleas of County; and lase dir Wad i Ida be ex- Public Sale, u 7 ta tica Ofieeire Ontes in -en 1, ' I • .. FLtIDAY. 3 14, 1 1840. • i I -.. A l IO ec oat, in the Perinea& i . All th e °Hewing desciribed real.estate, to wit: itn the right, title, fahltrellt and claim of de len4i 4, pf. t.'. and to the following described nines et t rr el '6l' land, situate In Big Bearer to . risill, 13...-aver ccuaty, pa. 4 bounded en the rsrtt. by: 1 ,11111 Clark, on the east by Louie nod .0,,0,t..• -. ionise, !loath by Ladies Whom, and west by fßautuel Bernie, co'ntaining Fifty-Two 1 A-res, Mere' or leis,'nearly ill cleared and an. per ;snip,9n wl.lch 're erected one log dwell 'l;4 heuie,.9ue log:barn, and Indite out.build isgs; theiv is, also an Orchard Of fruit trees.on the •,reMisea, and good water. Seized and ta ten . in execution es the prOperty of 8. E. 11.1.rnea t the snit of J ohn CoChran. N 0 r 'l I* I ALSO, * I , 'A I. :II .1. l ot of -groUnd . eiltuate in tu—a!boro• r t, Phillipshnigb. If ter tionntj,' Pa.,-,beiag 1 - 0 - • ruinheripl five iu id borciegh, and part of -,lot numbered six, bonded and deseriheil as . follow's, i toiwit:l - By a lot efrind of Raman Gatin,l on the east by I . Ohio it et, on the south I by part of lot uumbe els, un f the west and by • the OHO River fon the nort . and all under tense,! on which is ••• , -fttad one' large frame bedding, formerly, used as ahiewery, now used 1. I Ss -- a dizellinit, 'With!, about !teen or sixteen ' f4,,,,us In it , and all *ell tinis el 1; and a porch . on eachlisid, of the !tonne, s l id a good lizeler t he ,whole hence , together with other ont buildings Seized and. t4en in• execution ha the property of Constantine Sobiess at the snit ot ihne Shhas, guard ian of, Rebecca Shims, a Minor child of Cha P. Shires, deed. No 3, , ' . [ALSO rii ' All t h at certain p i ec e or pr mite, lYing and bein gin the ehesterr Bevet county, Pa., .L, scribed , nalfollows: IlSgi . nnin 11. nee of 'Ver strest'ene ap . olorth sit deg. east one hole ''.- fve to Gould street, ; thence a . I r north ilirty-se.ven deg. wes I ', filty-si feet to lot Ko 8, th . I south gixtS',leg. weal:one he I •• ty-fonfegi t o said peer an the sa m e ,- one hundred an f. d place F . beginning. I . Also, sl piece I' eround beginning ti • - corner lof said street and I thence 'north sixtydegrees - --- and fi e s feet to Bri g rin ten st thirty degrees west e hula _feet to , ' lot No. 6, thence b Isixty agrees , west Lee hula to said Gerald stree thence i . : huv.ir Tara fifty-si feet to gianin; he whol of. the n 1 , ' , ens acre ore , ll or ! s, and I on the{ firi t describ d 'Part is 1 . stool , lfraide dwelling house, ticatb4; 'sited and taken in' A .., propedty of L ereyost th'e' e r- NO. i ,--- A L 50 , 21 . - At the same timel and PI the. noteretst and claim of It I to thelfollowleg a cribed p ei t ' certaii,lnt of gron d situate New liri hton. „Be Ter c l au it herecil three hundred an ; bound ed pn the nortli byllot 'deed and fifty feet.: the e 42 feel, On the so u k 4 Will • dyed ind!'fifty feet, and Te . 42 f t, and all nch-s d , fruit lodes and ahrubbery et is erects one e - crania dwellit front 1 d fOrty-eigbt feel house.' ter:oratories in Neigh .ones ry .• high w th chile; one f Me stable lad othi Seize l and taken i i exec i nt of liatouol Shook, it the an No. Et: . ALSO At e same tie an place,all the right, n 1 titie..,intereat and anion or dfendant, of, in and the. follow: g dein:Obeli harm' or tract of 1d situite in Bright:7 i township, Beaver ocounly;,bounded en•the n ob by land of Henry Nesel o on the east y laiiii f George Elli3tt, on the nib by the Ohio riv r, and en the west, = be haul of Jamee otter, ' outaining about tele hunted and twee y e;xiagres lof land, be the same m ore or lel , nboat { eighty acres gloated and under fence, nd o pt{{which is erected one. tutu .I l istery frame dwelling. I honse nearly new, and hne._friniti a ble; these is also ‘...priiog of goo4lirttfer on the predisea. ;Seized and taken tl In eleeetion as t ,e prope r ty of Thome! Res sell,lat the snit of Bcker,lteed, also at the suit of Thoinas licOosery i l i i . .i..- No.l - 6,; - I . A d ' '. ..i. t 1 1 - 1 ', ' ' tei ri- S II B r vd T 4 oul ßeaver +Deed t 13eaver. - . 4 the same tittle and lace, all the right, .. tie, i nterest and iilaim , f efendaat, of, it, and toe i Ai those certan buildings hereinafter deseri• I li-- b'ed; situate on a certain lot or piece of ground :-- is the 'borough ' f FrCed to, in the county of Beter, end boutided as f lloWs, to wit, Begin t ' nin gat a post oline c‘ lot of Thos Sloan, thencelsonth 441 dag. west 1 8 7 feet to the bank l it of lie!flhio rive s , - thence . own said river north .• 8$ ' eg. west 119ifeet to a stake, thence north 54 deg east' 1 7 feet eo a sugar tree, thence eowth 8$ deg. east 119 feet to the place of be &thing, the wt4ile lyingibetween the track of 'tiS i iPittaburg, FP. Wayntisned Chicago IL- B. and the, Ohio As r.. the above mentioned build ! in i tbeing tlstly a bhil in; partly brick and ; Y wood. containing sixteen brick retorts, iri,c:ait iron doors hn door frames, grate bate,, etc.. in furnaces; llting in length 91 feet, - _•.-Inwhit% 9 feet d 7 inches , and in height 71 feet, icontatn' 4n rkeinatitl the sin pip", said portion being ib' ut! 93 feet i , length, diameter_ inside 16 fl es,, design to Conduct the oil from the te rts aforeesb . with Which it- is connected by ii teen $ incim looked pipes to the took eor f to ervoir, raidtorts; p pee, etc • being cover- Odland enclosed by 'a :.wxmded building or. shed l a 101 felt in len and .2 7 feet in width; the atOtesaid retorts. pipes, etc., sand the wooden structure, et,mrising One' entire building or establishment, rected for and need in the man ' ufactere of co 'oil. 1 20, Another brick-build ,,, . itengt0 . 1114...... .... ..-...4..., 7 _himl, 21 feet in seal otl,- and co tiiningEtwo iron stills connect= ed with which, r the furnaces beloiighig there-', :t4'aracertaitt etal d re, door-frames, grate 4 ' Ibirsj dampers.,eto. '3di Also, one other build. If ling denomihated a tank house; 141 feet in. ', Ilehgth, 18 feet,, in. width, and 5 feet in height, , ' above grnur.d, eonttuni? a tank or reservoir, 1: '4'dt:tie ground, leven f t in diameter, and six feet in devil. togethe with metal condenser, . 00.4 etc., co eetedtint. _tLe retorts in the buildingi described ab vel as No. 11 by the Main pipe, said main pipe being ot metal, one : hinadred and fifty-nine: ll feet and4ive inches in • length, and its l inside istneterl 5 inches; the I Ilove describe _ builds pi: beinrdesigned and ,31 I erected ! bra used I ti the manufacture of 8611411. Selz and t en ini.execntion as the pioperty of. T. .1: limiter, d: Co., and 31arga-1: ret S. Hunter, wife of. -, laid T J. Hunter, own ers er reputed owners ;. at the suit of -/ki'Cot, g il tied it Harrah .. I j . 14 , 0;7, ALSO, 1 At time min time 'ant e place, _all the right ti-. • tle, 'interest aid claim , defendant, of in, and to e following described Property: To wit; all j the .certaln or ß tract of land situate in laborer to ship, , Ter, County Pk, and b°if 2 de d Dill • north B,penes and Bibb, on rite, east by Henry I sles„ on the *oath by. Jacob Keiffer and on! the wrist by Henry and , facet! Katie , contng about one hundred ""and / ninety-fiv acres 4 landabout ens blilDdred . lin'', itkirtY Or, arty of which is cleared and un.'. } Ileiltence. o which is erected one log house; weather-boartied, alto kitchen attached; eine ins! Large triune barn with stone basentent,wag en house and other out buildings, and an orr Shard of trait re s,' &tied water on the premi4 ii ..,, ... Fes: Seised d taken It execution as the pro:,- Petty of Sim el Gibb,lat the snit of Charles A. tor , inir,ror et 8. TA. '' • .' I Ne LB. ALSO, • . ' At the um time and all'thi following dewititad fern( or certain that of land. situate iJit, New Bwictil.7 To ship, Beaver Co ,'. Pa:, boanded en the 'north. by Henry itumban i gb, .1 'fl - . . I • . El I ' - ~ 'j east by the , knits edllianted IkiS tad tillardt Jacobs, on timinouth Jobs PieraeLead limas* Banta, std west by I Maul Grim i Cabers I b g . heirk,contalningioneltheshwd acres sr lesi, i abouC ilk , scree cleared and mad ' fines, en I which is erected mme log dwelling 1 ,10 41 4 bare and otherl , outl buildintlin iti sees. trees na the **tabula good spriageei ~, 13etsed sad taller In l execution as tbaproperJ ty of (hoer, Garninte and/10mm Sett errnatt, ac the suit' f , Donner Shiner executer , of the Rotate 'of 41)&vid i Shaner, deceased. 1 . 1 No.;i 9, ALSO, ', I] 1 I All,tbe following described pro lyr To wi a certain lot .ofjgroind situate i in 0 borough of Burlington. bounded on the Noitthlin . an al ley, on the east by' en alley. Intl tine south by la street, and srby Hamilton and Anderson, on whleb Is r. o em a il nU frame building lulled as an oil mill, con g four reties far the mans+ facture of Coal loil, also Drat and one third cifi a lot of ground situate as above horniest north by street cut by se alley mina bYDarlington C. C. Railroad' andiweet by Hamilton and An derson, on which ielereested one frame . huilding for distilling oil. Seised and' Miami in execu tioner he property of James W. McKean and so James B. watt .at the suit of Ji h Striehy; Toes. also at the snit • i rf Little s 11 ' 8! No. 10 ALSO, 1 1 • I 'l si 84i At 'the tame line and place., all the right i- tle; interest and claim of defendent; of ? in, and th to the followin g described piece or Parcel Of A land.;sitriatir South Beaver , township Beaver, Iti 'Co.. l's , by bone ed on the north by;--sartin, on u the east ? by C hurch: on the south' land Of ,to Huddleson, en d , 0. the west by land o f James im Cook, containing sixteen acres more or less.tunl re all cleared and under fence. Seized end taken w in execution ad the property of Leine Rowe, at ii the snit of Wiison,lidePlikvy a Co i l also at the . snit of John C.ll:inf. ''',-,._ il* No. !.1.1, . ALSO.. \' , - i I \ I*l At the . same time end lies, a car tein ' lot of &tied situate In the Borough of New Brighln,Beaver comity. Peessylsaats, bounded on th north by X net. k Merrick,s on the east by Bejamtn Townsend, dnl the south 1 by State Road. And on the west by Ilesl4lley,; and ill under ence, a good atone wall in ftnt, And.a viriety of fine fruit trees andlehrubbery, on the said loon! which is erected lone ttrb c story cottage welling house with twelwings at tached and ce llar inderneeth,'and well tinish ed. - and wood ;bowie, noel house and ether out buildings, Ssizediand taken in execution ,as the property of Timothy B. Whiteari d . James Erwin at the snit Of James Wilso n 1 - No.' 12. ,- ‘ I ALSO, I 1 1 At the same time and place, al i the right ti tle interest and clium of defendant,lcif, In and to the following , described property , 1 situate , in South Beaver) township, Beayer Cdentl, Pa.; bounded on the north by'James W.lBurns,lon the east by Michael Conkle, on thel i south by Thomas Donahoo,land•west by Jamie Graham, containing ftbOut thirty-five acres; ell cleared and under fence, -On which is erected one log dwelling house and log stable. Seised and tic -4 r ken in execution as the property of [ Ju l Kirk patrick, at the suit of William Kenned y .I 1 .l No. 13. , . ALSO, i ' ~ ' 1 ti- At the same time and place, all th right ti tle 'interest and claim of defendant, of, lin and to the following described real eState, situate in liorth Sewickly township, Beiver CountY, Pa., to wit : A certain piece or parcel of land beginning.atp poet in the centre of the road leading from the Providence church to Piersol l 6 mill, thence b , lands of Samuel Q. Clow, north 68 deg., east 8 Perches to a is:st,thence south 19 deg .L east A 9 4-10 'perches to a poet, thence north 52 deg','e4t 22 5-10 perches !to a 'obit, thence by land of N. S. Clarke?i south 1 1-2, east 150 and 5.10 i perches tea line ltree,thence by landi.of Piersere heirs, south 88 1-2 deg., west 26"8-I0 l i perehes to a post in the centre of the road above mentioned, thenc l e by lands of James Jackson, north 14 deg., i west 95 7-10 per to a post?• thence north 28 deg., west 23 8-10 per tout post, thence northo ideg, , west 49 6-10 per to. J s post, thence by lands of c ,a i Jackson, Henry Webber and B. C. Clow, north 51 1-2 west 39 per to a post, the place of be. gistning, containing about 'forty-eight acres, more or lees, nearly all cleared and all under fence, 'and is good farming flans. ,;Seized; and 1 taken in execution as the propertyi Of Jacob P. /Ullman at the snit of Robert Darr i figh• 1 , 1 No. 14t . ' ALSO, 111 1 lAt the same time and place; ellithe right, ti tie, interest,and claim of defendent of, in and to the following described, realtnte, to wit ; 1 A certain plece,pereel, Cr treat of4 o and i sitnate in Darl i ngton township, Beaver unty, Pa., sit: Beginning at a white-oak on the south east tornerlof said tract, thence north ,eighty degrees, *met forty and nine-teethe. perches to a post, theoce north two and a half degrees, east one hundred and twenty- f light and three tenth, perches to a stone, enee north' one and three-fourths degree s , east sixty-one ;and four fifths per to'a atone,- thence ',south. / sixty and one-half degrees, west, fort - fee a.half 3 perches to a stone. thence nth one-fourth degree, east forty - nine perch el to a stone, i thence south eighty and one- oeith degrees, west one hundted and thirty- e tive and twelve hundredths petehes to a ston , I thence 1 . south thirty mintea; west one tundra and , thirty .andt seven undretbs perches tb W i liest, thence south eigh ty eight degrees,• tit [one lidndrel and seventy-seven and four-t nibs perBtes to the placelf beFinning,oontaininglone hundred and ninet y acres and one hundred and, fifty-six sod sixty-tve hundredths percties strict. mess ure,with the hereditament! and eppurtenancee, about one imdred acres of which are cleared l and ender fence, and is good 4 iterming land , l twenty acres of the above described land -hay 1 ing been conveyed to W. R. Sterling by: Hugh M. Dilworth and Mary hie wi e.l i The balaneq of said tract being the same 1 dierhich Daniel ,11. Wallace and Mary D. his •, e, by release deed dated the lOth day .i • of tember. 1855, I released their interest to ; the said William R. i ' Sterling; and On whim are ere ct ed one large ' trams dwelling er farm house and • log barn; 1 and one le hones, and "a numberW fruit trees; 1 :, there are also extensive coal l mines on the premises, one of whichie sow in good work ing order, ith a railroad to convey coal to - th Pitts. /14 W.la C. Relives& about one and e, i half miles distant, and also one frame dwelling house near the coal mine,. Seized and taken li si vitrelen n inine Rutrixtuif Wk!eler, Trues of Daniell R. Wallace, new fo the useVf Ham ilton White. 1 - I I - No. 15. ' i ALSO; i i At-the same time and place, all the right, - tle, interest and claim of, defentant, of, in an to the fotlowing describedpr operty to 'in • All that tertain lot, tract okirm of land si pu Ante tty in Big Beaver d Partlyin'Dar lington,Chippewa and South Beaver township, Winded end described as follows i on the nor by Patterson a Johnston, vest by Johesto , south' byolary Johnston; east by Thomas 51n- Kinley aid TirsehingtonlJohnite n , - eontaini ' g a m b° ore lt : o o n r tl il h m . it, l7ldred of w a h n i d eh t?i a rti boit ili r IoO acre ee N re ( s la s r ) thereabouts are cleared :and' under ferice, and upon' which ire erected' one Steam Sew Mip, one ,F:lre; Brink Kiln, One log House and log Barn. Belted and taken in execution as the ~propertY of Joseph Ande n , at the snit 'of Witherspoon a Herbst. 1 14 1 J recl No. 16. - ALSO I L • ' ' ; 1 1 4 41 1 At the same me and p ,an th e e i s h tl i. tle, interest in claim ofde s e ti ii i dint, of, in and to the follow t gdescribed F Or tract of la d, situate in . nl tth Bewickly tp raver Co.; I bounded on th e north by land cif Richard H i son and lames Ramsey's heirs,t on the eas tn land of Benjamin Renn,.on Ithii, south,4),y I d owned, by Chew's heirs.' and en the 'west , land of Jacks Freed - mut Andre! Hawn. i taming about nine-two acres! More or leal, large pertion of which ,l is cleared arid nailer fence, on which is erected one log 'dwelling hones and lbg stable, and some fruit -treat on the tint ini* pr isel6 operty k' o eised t Joiewli t4a ey? at ill th e ie znu mti o n f Wm.! Bush, for use of James D. ncertall in trust for Dannah Bush; 1 - , No. Vt- ALSO , i i 1 sa i , At this e time and phee all therigh ti tle, Interest and claim' of • Vairison In( - halt,one of the defendants, of,t in and to the following described property,; viz: all ose certain !lotal lof ground' situate lath - 1 e borough I'-' 'areal of land sit ' borough of R) bounded - and de , at the south cer alley, thence ddreci and ieieniy %long Gould street one:hundred Ince by the same indied and seven. Jfe., thence down ty-sii feet to the l that other lot or t the, south-west said, public alley, ask one hundred eet, thence north tired .and. fifty-six r, the same south axed and five feet down the.came ono the : Once of be above containfhg All under fence,aud I erected one' two with cellar under kl,X6iution as, the vit of Ovid Pinney. o, F all the right,ti efendant, of, in and roperty, to wit. A • in. the borough of oty,, Pa, and num , four (B 04) and No. 302, one linn ast by Front street No. 306 one bun t by Broadway at., tinder fence, with. II the lot, on which og house 18 feet in deep, and front , end the balance Underneath. also out -buildings.—. on 'a. the:property t D. Gregg a C li 1[ t ,- 1 , _ e[ Dia n ? y, lia , being Mots 11 anm ' . is, lnt, .81, 0:4 • • 4124 1 4 4 411 ma num on - •of A Mons den laying ens,:t' Ind di .1.• ant-14400. 78 o the town of nesirdr. - • • *ad bitten in ' tints as the • sr. T. C. tionl and 11arrinon 'raid ' I a the; lof flab el P. Carter. 1 } 1 'l. No: 18 1 I lALSoi. A tbe einem Wieldy" allthe ght till , in. 1 , andjalllllllof defendents, o , in, an to the following described property To wi '- all that n lot piece or parcel of land si Med lyin and beingi in Darlington tpl r , 'county of ! be ties er and State of Pennsylvania, • aid villich may better known and t g r eecri as follows; cOnsmencieg at. a stake in ben dory line be., tween they lands of the par yof e first part and land of the Darlington_ Can 1 Coal Qom. t patsy, on t e east hide of I tern' 1 Roial as oonstructe fres the Cold mines to the non Vally. co pan '' 1 to',Obio and enusylvania rail owl, bens north 2 41 ° t west Io6} fea t a ithiyi oak, thence north 23 east 21 feet.ft..• • ,tic ;t eon 'east side o said Encin Valley Co Company rail rood, t euce north 27 f iesst al, r,,i 631 est &poplar tree o wee side ofissid public roa , northi.4° west 96 feet to ap i pier tree thende stout west si n of sal road,north 84 waskt 690 feet to a w hit e oft on'the north ide of thelLisbots rciad, thence DO Jl-791,irest, 40 feet to a stone lin borihdry fence, between se lands ' ,of the paid Abel W. Fairbank4': and Indrew Freese} and land of David Wallace. henee , slong said heundaryi fence south 211 west 140 "feet! to a rberindry ' rner stone thence oath 88tr 00017; feet , thellace of heels. ; 4 ig. Containing twent eig t and three I Duras acres more l er 1 . A t one half of; rbish is cleared and under fen on which is retell. one fraicid bundle' used ' fir an office, I here IS two coal ',veins under sal land, One off thick is four and;the othe three feet thielt,andl necessaryroad s ate, t‘con ft.. re the coal to the Pitts . , Ft, W, a C. IL R.' bleb busne mile distant froze the above Ines; 86 eills.n4 taken in execution the - property of, Abel W. Falibtsiiks,awi Andrew Free ,and thel i Cleveland and Pennsylvania Coal Co !piny at helstut of ded. S. Darker, assignee o'r.Jobn Nd.Berm' ' 1 1 1 I 19 1 I 'ALSO, • \.A i i ll;tbe rig t; title, interest and ziaim oft S , de andant, of,l in and to' the - fo llowing des \,, 1 1 1 ~! cri ed property, I to wits A certain lot o piece of ground. situate lin the borough o • i Rolcbti4r l Belair county, Pa., -bounded o t , th north ' by (George Otto, en the east by Pa tneriLanes the south l'hy a intelt foot alley, and i ii the West by Hear& an Btitllr road, being 50 feet wide, end. 27 j flat ton,, on vlOb\is elected l one hireb n , frame Owellitig Hons,' two stor4s itigb` • ,_. 1 and cellar underheith ;• I \ also a Brie !Shot • 1 i • II 1 an I Frarue Stable, and a•good bosid "fence around the lot. I Seized' rntlt . aken : in zecu . r ,1 I tints as tbe property of Heerx Ber .st r a thesnit 'cf. Joseph Hermon. \ 1 Purchaseis i ,lwill tit'he no ice that 0 pe r ce i. upon the , iitiount of their bids will' be, re ..., quire(' in band baud; ( All bids nude? 850 wilt , e re • it qu red in ' cash ' t the time of sale , If tiles \ con • di lone are not coniplied , i ‘ tb, the proper y will ' beko-aol . . 1 W , W. I WIN, Sh'ff. heriff's Office. Beaver, Oay 9 1866 I Imo I Pi 4 ~` I '' ' f 0{ I H L:l2 J 1 V = .-3 A Cr !El , ' g AV GIST DRU ITH; een 29, S. Bet ra YO ol: c Is enbeiribere ca Ell efJl land the p !Lad irideOdid et BOOTS F.aitern find Ph end .Alo rciceo Do lire, 11l eerefolly orate and Chil sty. , Mile, of t il ndid esiortment i iarieti of Rip O .11 mishit. nil of •d prieet for Cal dandink the adv, .feh litilf4 Moro - findinis' alwal dish 'always CUD new both Kid Gai of Y qua sple, in t the wit Spa Bbo I i si4 ety of . ess ME AOl . 1 lilt zIC !NJ RE AVE ES: d lit pew ; ,41.ATE4 4ND CA to the cosionl? 4 0 1 " 4 4 t tie - F l 1. 7 11 ! • N CO 0 • ,F )16 3 P O P , , 1 II Oil ;II ' I L : 1 ) 4 4 l i g 01 1 . 6 _ rj,ill 7 %I , , 1 • , 16 . 0. .- 1 ,, ...—f : C) 1 AND 2, G ELD MU MARNA( I rRA4R FREEr t trid bird P#Tssua MO Brid , 23M EM II • MI attentrp of •si operall.y; to nth I • IND' SHOES, ;ladel •is task 4, of ladii • ta . ,an. a good 'Olney II aelec ; a great • rie t .o'm hoes i the bl ; eir o ma hfact re, '•f Oen 's coarae , Boots, , a. • d Ca f do., net excelled. • whic they Will sell at 'h, IR oak orPpoducw, not e ' Ince o FlaurV Sta.: ial • •o, French Calf -ski a a 1 3 F o i n d4 i llidtl reaf r TO '''k TALLO 1[ 4, 1 leather land go is of a pine a tic' I• to onto? a she rad for Bo a )114!? D. STOIdES: 4. TOING, Ha l Upp If-ski ,g ma; " Ward ,on No. 1 Kip and C 14 Skirt' Cash 7 - - - Nli C E , , , ERRIEB. MINCED i P 1 . ' LIT b E A PAND' DRIED UT . . lit NUBS 'E. PR/ tack P I P A 1307 DE IN N IVED P IL Sir rink, an IwM Of I. I Equell 13'60. 1 .111 Iv l I I APE • I i _ ;JUST Br,J irec:t. from oik ?rice - 11 t trATLOI.II. 133 t 1, [ { c. .11-- --- ' Appo w..4lslfikiwg NOT ;allstint. parUi ton, . ookato I 1: oobeeter, I 13L I g aver Brighton, , Darlingtod FrantFlln, Harmony, ;Hopewell,' !Moon, New tr•ewie obip, Pulaski, ; ?. . 11011ec itY. To (Ord April 25 MI '! Jo rer ' Alan ufac Pashto HIC W v on bl • ! nd, BUT And ed, rind g work Man done Ito • mode rite. and exam give' gen Britig ed e m i 9 T be iswoti s t " 4 :.. i • Lis as 15 pen Sal boa. ins, Oven 8 11 ands re Bo I c.,10 11 • A T I ;t S i ir9 F- i h ook' , he r C ( IV ' 111 'ti ii o OK 4' 'l IRI 1 1 . 1 n oRT. 1 if yo \ I 1 , I . ! t I F'ITEI wßrtt I NI II ' , b i Tr B • ID Z sa iiliftedl i M El IME NM eu4 .sty Will . 1 mess el so2th e MEMIII ap% i i .,. ' 014 hod gu r.AI iN I`,s low s wis n' Beax , ;three 1p sell invite 4 'fore pS Besj• i I .1 US tp ately i p i • hap tunityi Quaetta ;pot la, heap I Screed C, P . IN 1 .1- Eal ? EMI I gib,* Pinch Nut i s to iq lu'e; and exam i l ull tiffs riO l i 3 1 i sko i nk OS,E[PH.,.I ittEp le Leuce pre: 1711:anr I_ wa • i I ca TB, t i allege C. f I Pi t lEihli III•yr cnty, dce Geolie d Ups It rigid,* filed weit b Jun Flal t w111:1 Neli I Uhl , o 'd be 41 Terio orrt B . hoir tails =a • 11l d d to RI ,kini Ls Otobe • Q. LT=` ,• sisywherii Air fir ,Aor s.c I it!lrd de t it i ' DiJ ses I, f• A' , ' 04 441 obi gli twip ° lll ;li t w owl: i i :f ' lab 4, ` il 44 1 li Bo us ll , • ! IRI od'arti 4. 104' . ~ r i g a 1 1 ,N l a .t:n 44 owi i iil ;o !1 . ' O, : I, a : 1 ' e e I B . Oc:sikre k e .11 i i ,i ouoiy.,rtY- 661 nbli • .•) r 1 11 ; the Co Ai G' ' 1 Clot RI, -,-- ti tphiiiiii tip, i f A i , , , i v.- 1 . it or , , 1 . i -. i 1 ¢utc#ll • CaTri j !ILL, KEE P comErrl 0 4d., I:wer .1 ' "11 TiAu imip. r — D ii i tY l e w tt l , ll 1 'ho tr o 'be end *,lp till Il i ensited ith a Is w uilnii sr4 i , 1860 111 ' 7 1 B i i ,1 trier ; Ma 440 ,I, moll i I 4 we ' 0116 OU eg.li '' ~ t'h M es, :f . se NTLY 1 1 r e fiery w ' finish bj siiy atrial har#e to 'cell ted to 1 i E ill ,0., 0 up! 1 ,i,l 1 0, T .fI iOO- ROLLS ~ 1 , or!' - I P• P, mlit,' lie l antliul s i o c ‘ ) ,18p1 n 111 Velve nap nn hembtr. ioliit , a 12,1-' 4; iiikt 1 ce4ii, i idi 114 ard h Pri r a i i ii; 1 - . Di I B I S l ifiA!,L '' Tr -11.ih,) 4'; vl i lis 1 old Pa : 64 o4id atterip, Cents,- Vindbw te, Tee -1 'he; stri' ty by ood B .aces t rlyi You 1 rfei gill . 11. E E 1 ilii 11 l et , r, l i I \B. ;31 ITII' ap/ T I VI! 9il p l oy Ins c .f 1 1 1 4031 A ley 'ate PliN taithtlly 1 5. Ikea iamond.l ae may 2 I 1 T a o 3 2 132 Po ..' I Zta, l a V 7 PAL fr ende just l 1 p Z I N 1 / 1 111 Y.1 ;dg: to IF *pi m a e t 4 b JJJJJ PET# to the noir I 'Thole ire 'l4 for th BESJI I. Old tau d i f two and, 'hi h !bt. teepee hill seitepp,be ADAMB. 1 it , 1 1 m Roo eeteT r, (the oom 1 + • i here e rill d the Pnblio rm an oppor , - Dry GoOds, 1; ancy iloOds!„ at, a Very ll Apral 1861, AL. lovedi're dnewete lake,) trend no give Lb icle in tb ilinery, may • risk 0U: RS, ES, : ridge at D SI H'B M Icall tT k. Re Witettier et Offte btu sti .leisor • 1801 in th 0 e Di .m I, Lmy4•7 • —oole firth o ooda a rieh Linea l r t opened i It AY LOR'S.! ghamil d oche ery kin , it Hunk MEE 1 : ' oillectt, ii erm. 11860 .e account pm der Abele 1 faker, litte been , eithl tlie same, role t dityl of neiit . ' use .1-" en 'tie IstrAl [ r Pro I ll , 1 ,t : - mon ' 1 , ril2byjis March 1 ' l n tha . Barke . Trust eht 4'llhomaa Beaver County I my Office and he Cotirt' in flit( till3t4O r "'unlese I ti pr its 056 rinatiori. MIT HEW 5 1 , 1 41 MI ITT ' ',I Ilii ',B NO: J F ,•' wate 1 300,11 j •' heap 0, 4 if 7. opposite' *tot to siren .1 to. 1 low o lorn. LT, tot ail easis 14 be • L a h.i I ~. 1p . 1, ,r:. i [ , •T rindereigned, residents ;of Pittsburgh and vicinity, have purchased au need is our amities ' "Grover b.! Baker's Celebrated 'Noiseless I Family Sewing Machine," take plesiture in recommending it as an instrument fully combining the essentials of a lgood ma chitin. Its beautiful siniplicity, ;ease of man agement; and the strength and elaatibity of its 4414 unite, to, render it a machine nnsurriss ed by any in the market, and the one which re fell confident will gi! satisfaction to all , hol may purchase and u se it. I. dn.! . Allen Kisiner;i Mr Wm. N. iities, ldrel James'P. Baer* Si,. Chas. lii'llnight, )14'.Iiisiah King, 'Messrs. HerbeilAilarker Mrs. J. W. Celt, Mrs Rabbi:ok, 1 Mr( Wm. Coleman, lite., J. D. MtCotd, Mrs. A. W. Hardy, Mn. J.:B. Lech, . ‘irii. G. L. Brans, lies. B. 8. Barnes, , i t—id. W. Jacobus. M • Anna S lckman, Ir. Messrs. Freyvo le Gilmer., , . Office 'of Exhibi isin and Safe. ;n. ri 10 i 17 FIFTH STREE'II, PITTSBIYHO/L'hAi. 1 1 - 1 • 1.• N 8.. An Agent wantedimmedititely.• • 'g Send for a Circulir. ' i Apr. 11.' ... ,_ Icatehes, Clocks and _Jewelry, , 7 ' TT WOULD most respectfully give n o t i ce to the 1. , zitizens of Bridgewate4 Beaver,/ Rochester an Vicinit4.tnarl have' received sinew t took of atchis; Clocks, , Jewelry ic*.,whiliti I ; can ; vicinity, eel " lower than Can be, had in Pittsb4igh. - It is bii reasonable to', say t at goods nan,be sold ii lo eri here than in the l a rge cities; our rent is leso,.and oUrliving is l si r I ottli i , i eak you to cal and , I will try, and. s 11 the goods,, : , articular attention paid,"O repairing Watch-, 1 1 . es, Clucks eind Jewelr y: i..old Gold ?end Silver, to en in exchange for gOods or worii., lemem-1 be tbe plebe; sign of the Big Wit'cb, No. 2, Stl wart's low, Bridgeweter. WM.PLATH. L ---1.-- 1. CAR ~ • , _ • . M—Having relinquished the bu r sinets and wishing to aettle it, I have left ill Watches and Jewelry, left me for, kpairs, with Mi. Wm. Plate, where they can be had When, called on. "Livings personal Inoirledge ,of Alr. Plate, I would recommend him to my old ndatomere,for anything in his line. ~, pr 29, '57. , HENRY 1 1 . • PATTON.- __. 4 ._ ..,,,,. Taylor I: 1 , .n! the Geld' °noel more ! I. 1 6d ' F . - , LOOK OUT 1 : - r . G , i h ett p. 1 07 d-s! , t - I iT BIS. NEW sroßt, ROOM, lICROOIIiSTER, P rt ii,. ilhere Ito is now epee si, iSpleidtd Asiort ' . m ea t of 's •• . 1 Dry qoo s9' Fine .;Shoes,:Hats ! and, :' . Caps,;' .1 , r i• NOTION i - I TRIMINIING ,-- Tine - Table Ctlery; 1e.i 1 ,.'d,c., 1 fs . o oidllnsty,itas y,Dieth eaten Gtood or l eat,todueei4o to to Casik,Buyets. a PI-Call, and satisfy your s I ves 1 1 1 ' 71' N. TAYLOR, Sept. 2..;1859. , i ltoohester, en the Hill. libt'. the ,i. • Noti c e, il ! , ! i , - , 1,.-. .. 1 tJOSErII PODTPR, Shoimalter, elf Narita! , Sewickly townehO, Dearer Oo r nntj..: hem; • give notice to inycreditora that I have filed in tho, , COurt of Compt on Pleas of:Beiver Conn i l i ty, my \ patition far t e relief iir6Vided by 04 Jfnatavent 'al's; and bat the' snid• Court bra fixed Moilday, the 4t day Juni; I . D. 11360; Or 'the beirlng of nit,' same, rhea the • said creditors noty. s attend f they think: preipee. i 1 April 2t11; 2 1860'. 1 JOB4;,PORTER. I ! 1 ' I.oo \ -Er iiE.RE ll 11 . - 1" ----, •1 . _... il OIL l, CLOTH t\foll., NVINEIOWS;I 1 I . , C loth 1.. ; . 11 , tkai 1 C tor. Stairs, il 'crt arioni P6`R FLOORS, 1 ' 1, 1 \ -1,. ,Carpets 1 . C A R PETS FOR. pT4Ra, 1 ' , 1 • -,,,.. i WALL ~PIPER & BORDrat PAPER .'BLINDS FOR i,''ITINDOW:s, 'Ccin be obtained. very /ow \ lai;* ' '\' 2 1 ' _, f - . • - '' : 1 P HILIP IREES% I , i bi . AprilllBth. :. • : BRIDGEWATER.- ma; ___ F'Cittf WANT r ,, 1; • i,, i, ; i : f : ' I ' , f 1 ' i ' , 1 ' I ' i'' ' • ' 1 1 GOOD , ~ - .COFFEE , GO ' TO ..T.'B. l' BM ITH'S, BRIDGE WATER.. - [Ap ri l 25th, 1860 : ' ' Tit* J. B. SMith* J 'ea lIE auger 1 .4 r Aakt. ;,.; riSLED APPLES AND! PEACHES it, SMITH'S I3ridgewiter; I A . 'x.,eisumptlves , aNi) , I. SiTiERACRS. • To . l NERrou .J . • . . 1, THE subseribe ,r 1 for. Severer, years a resident 1 Of Aida, discbvered whili there, a simPle vegetsble.remedy+a sure Cure for COnsump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, i Cotighs, Colds, and Nervous Debility.' For' the* qbenefit of COD ' • t r sumpti Tee and Nervous Suiferbin: he is •to make the same piablio., .. s 1 willi ng. It • To these who desire It, lic will send the Pre scription, with full 'direction, '(free,df charge); also's sample of Medicine, which they will find a.' beautiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. • Those desiring the Riniedy can obtain it by retain mall,lby addressing . " 1 1 J. E. Csillsberlo * I l ... . . . ' ' ••Botante ) PM/sodas 1 . , ., • I Jan.. 11, 'llO. ' . Ni. 429 BROADWAY N y . , TIIR Greatest. '4irlety of Children's Shack's to be found Nicholson', Store, youic4C buy there from twenty cents tio'one.dollar 1 r[ 1111 l F you want to4buy grcen, blue, brown oriblsok,go to Nicholson's theip store opposite Likes.' when ; ] hips!, Roehestei. Notice to CoHeetors.. • a ri IRE Coßeate of County nod State Tiles, .1- 'for the Con ty of Bearer for 1839.1141 d ,irerions years, ate notified that : the balances due on their dnplicaites must b . settled or: snit will be toomght for colleedoi4 By order Of Commissioners. I IJOAN 8.11:1411tRAG11,1 •Ter, April H, 'AO., -Tr•artirfe. ',_ • 1 T ia Deifir F estate Semis' - i '......_. Tie, Seco . . ' Term of 16 wi :: - n . . 738 0 313 O - - it ; WEDNESDAY,, Al ARCH itit. OH. I I , I ---- g o:— • 1 , 1 -, NO pains will be Sporedto render qua In -L• I I L ditUtiOn it. pleasant bowie for young ladles, and pveryalkit VFW be pnt forth for their in tellectua‘-eoelil and moral improvement.. • Llictoxes will be given by the Passident,iand the idepartments will be under bin special over .olot- • ' ' , A immlatigiim?r TEMP i 111 41pEr— will he established, under a teacher wli tiro !attention will be devoted to it. Sn Rea lug, Spelling, Mental Ar,ithusetio, Geo phy, at' a, charge of $l.OO per mi . . 1 Boaf 1 : rxr l iesamEmzetiamo • • ~ ' , —. • ding, goon Rent and use of ,finsi. I tilre, per nelson, Terms—, Preparatory, 11 . I Middle,- • . i Ii , i Junior. -• A I p I I Semler, - I ~ • . Incidental, • I Music—Plano; Melodeon of Gidtar, wi ` , ;We e ks. of instrument, • per quarter of T 1 ,1 , • Languages, Drawing or *Mar Coloi 'cash per. session, OS P ainting ' 1 yotei) Mcusie I Fail for Bo arderi, 1 1 • , ~ ll'f - ,S SIBS. ~.7 I T J F r/HINDI* -&- s -• ''' . • , I,R _ _ .. .. - , . •,, ~„.,„ i __ ~ - aurgeoss- imps 18189 1 - WOULD 1 r . - ay to thier numerous friends, tha i 7 lisvin returned 'from ie'southern tour the , can &lira s be found it the old stand;reatly 16 attend to a I who 'may need the service of a dentist, . - ! • ! I In addition to former improvement lc! dental oprations,'we have purchased the eielissive right !of the rustier' of Beaver, Lanrence.'Butler and Mercer,' to manufacture a n d insert 'artificial teeth on , Locirr is' plan of entire POROELApi DAB!, and would cal the - attentio_n of the pu lie to its meribs• - ' ' ! - Its'superior cleanliness, beauty , no urainess • anCdurabilit.t ' p :Vita' perfect freedom from galvanic action. -,- i' They are much lighter, and a fourti cheaper . than gold plates, a6d less nab' Ito ' ie . , rangementa than metallic plates: ! 1 The public may rely on having all "o erations h pekformed with the least possitile pain, and in the. most perfect , manner, and terms as oderate tisiany good dentist in the state. -,1 ' • • -.., .We also mike naa'at several Pain ,- destro ying: agents at therequest of patients ) 1 anchester, Beaver Station, June 30 h '5B. i P. S.—__ l -DeT tist.ssby calling upon t he ; subscri trim ars procure office-rights of Loomis Patent.. 1 1 Just , Received at thi '- 1. .'New Drug ''a ti I 1. - • - 1 - 1 .0 fl V.M I C A,L 7! 0 RIE Oat Meal,l , Peocrl Barley, Pearl Sagn. . - 1 1 iTaphico, Arrow ROot, I.ois Sulphuri Ground Ginger, Cinnamon, bliritorn, ('loves; payentie Pepper;.extractsfor cooking .84c. .. i fitemon, ,Strawberry, Raspberry , Nutmeg; 'anilla, Pine Apple 8:c. 1 , . i 1 Alum, Copperas: Indigo, Oxalic' Acid, white." and common Glue, Madder,- Extract' liogwotitl„ rand do. Camwood, burnt.Umber,,yermillion;• Chromic Green, Yellow do. Vella* , Ochre, Ve= netianlted; Spanish Drorin, Vandyhe Brown, Starch, Rosin, Chalk, Ptitty, Oils. Glass Tur _Pentine, Varnish, Carpenters Cough Syrup of El Carrigreen, 'and Slippery Elm., i !Sellers Cough Syrup, MeLane'is Verrnifuge, !Carpenters do..Ayer's Cherry Pectdral, Ayer's Pills, Davis' Pain Killer. Dall'iy's -Pain •Estroc tor, Holland Bitters, Terrell's Tetter Ointment; Tooth Paste and Powder. Clothes Brit:ghee, flair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, White,Wash no. Trui- Ses, Fancy Soap, Glaziers Tacks, 'Perfumery generally, Vials, Bottles by the' grass or oth rwise,- Paint and yarnish Brushes, Nursing Mottles, Broady and Wine for Alediiiinal-ptirpo les. , • 0. CUNNINGHAM.' ; Oct. 22, 1856 ,, :. .1 ..___ . , .1 '. , Cpl F. TAY sident of F SP Rt I G 0 - 0 D 8 , ,- .t.if..TAYLOR, , * OF ROCHESTER • IS WOW, OzIgNING. ' Ills First Stock of Sprlog"Goods;' , , , To *hick he invites tits *Mt Mien. of ,Caih Buyers.: -I._ [Airil 18th. .N FOY GOOD S! NEW Cr 00D. S ! I , o map ;REES hairreceitetl . and' will lie •in .L Weekly receipt of new articles .pertaining to' his bueinesei; • Netv Style Petits,' , . ,-- ' 'New Style. Del acn e's, New" Style (balks. , ,'April 18.1 :New Style Gingliams, to. IF you are in want of NAILS to buil : .;RANGER'S, t. in BrageFater ritHE PLACE TO BUY , 1 . DRTGOODS IS AT P. S. r ItANGER'S, Biidge Bt.; Bridge Water ., . - IF TOT WANT -A - • PURE -LOVERING SYRUP, , Go to 8., 8; 1411TGER'8, Brieige wate, [May .9th. NOTICE.. -Just Rfctiived at ' s a lied► tot of G R 0.0 E _E S,, BRIDGE 'STREET, BAIDGEWATE CHOLARSHIPS, to the `.lron City C0m e...7 -menial College!' Pittsburgh, Can be obtain= edit Philip Rees"' Maw/eater. -Persona intend ing to &mita said Colley 'will find it to their advailtago to mai, ' • MIRENCII Merlins, Ciburp. Chintzes, De .1: %Ines, rsd s Thelety of other Deets Geed TAYLOS 3. •;1. ; 1 ; The Gees's'find Riedieest .e .thla - ' - or ' - tillg nt', •1 Dr. KAMM I bt, Of 1114101217 has elsooverea i st „ . one of our +kinsman gliasenel l inseds e, S:em o dy, that cares ave?rey kind of luenees;freli, the wont Sacral& dawn to a ocueeKerple. l' il- He has tried it in over stus,•,asid'i t ,,,, rimed except In tee dales. (both thunder' Im.. toor.)_, Re - hati now in hle'posiestion slii,' two hundred certificates of its sinus; s s ull Ai i thin , . twentytones I xt Roston. . •', _i i . - "Two bottles, are warranted to ogre a 's, • • . sore month.' 1 . I,i • One to throe bottles will Bare the swat ki n d _ of Pimples on the fees. - i i, . . Bt Two Two or three hottlekwitt flee? the V „ system of .- 4 .. - Tir e boatel are warristetito care *out 'canker ha theimonth sad stomach •- 1 :-, -:, Three tel .tre bottles are warranted ' cure the worsts:sees of Erysdpelisi. ' o ' One to two 'bottles. ate warts s r , ep g ; ii humor in the. Ryes, - ' ;.' , 11.! Two'bottlee are warranted to mire ruAoing 01 ' the ears , and Mechem among the heir. 11 Four to en bottlet are' warrenteCto A i ry corrupt and running alders, . :' ; i•-• 1 !, • ‘ One b o ttl e ;will ogre .sealy, annalist! .-of the'• skin. • . ' ' - '.l • • 1 _.• . Two, or three bottles arewarresited to ourr the wont stale of ringworms. 'Twe to three bottles are war r anted ; toeat. i he most desperate ass of rites/teat/I:0 are it"" . .--0i•A.... f 4 o - cure t . Two or three bottles thesalt rheum. , f ) •-•- 1 'Five to eight bottles will 'ihiwerit uses '. ei= o of Scrofula. l' ; ,i,l: A benifit is slimy' c zell from' the Sr bottle, and 4 perfect is tr,arrantid when - the above quesstit'y is taken.' •. ,1, 1'.1.. ,i, Reader, I pe i. ddleil• over a thousand, bottles a o this in- the,v laity of Boston. ' litnow tbe,,s4. fect: of it in avery case. So; sure as water will,- - extinguish fin,eure will this that gismo ? , i . • never sold a lbo eof it but that sold' another ; .. after trial it sways speaks foritself's There t o are two things nt this lberb delft applar to tee' surprising fi n that•it Folis in,oarpiseturer,lit some planet qu . te plentiful, and yet ita valie has never been lin until I discoyeredlit in 1846 second,' tha it should . care 'all klu l ds of ho. • toot .' , ' • -• il • " In order to ive some idea of the sb den riil and great pop arity of the discoyery, 1 will state that in ' pril, 853,', 1 geddled it, and eild•ebeut t six bottles pe da y—ln April 1854, J. soldoves 'one thousand ottles per day or it. i 1 ; ,- t me of Om whole Sale Drtillgistal writo -, hate : bee lin business - twenty and _thirty'years, say Abe (nothing in the annals of patent medieines `• wol sever like it. There is a smiverielPraise of I' from all , irarters. .-• , •,I • In inyown practice talways`, kept, it. strictly • t r himors-i-but since its introduction iss a gen- , 1 e .al Wally medicine great anti ;Wen - dart - al ;,virtues have -been found in it that I never sac-. petted. I . . • . • Several cases of epileptic his-a tlesiise Which - - was always , considered '• incurable, ipiee b een cured by a fewibotties. o,' what a me4)ilt it. wall : prove .effectaal in e;11 eases of that itefful Malady ---tbere are but few who have sue d more of - _ tit i an I haVe4. LI [I. know of several cas es of Dropsy:Al . of then aged peoplelcured by it. For the various du eases of thejLiver,Sick Ifeadache, IrVioernia, Aetbma; yever ne,- Pain in the . hie; Lis- eases of the Spine, and particularly f i t disease , - of the kiilheyet &c., the discoTerT , llss della - more good than any medicine ever kni we. . , ' No change. of ' diet ever Reeessar: --es: as best yox 'grit and enough of it.: • Itinscvloets—Adults one tat leer lout ul let N day,, : Children oVer ten'fears (lesser . epto7 - InfoA. Children .filom five to eiglit'yere, tee;spoonflii. As no directions -eau be appficahie to all consti '- tutions, take sufficient to operate on„itie bowels r. twice a day. Idaisufactured by • • ~ ' • • ' '' ' DON AED KENNEDY, • - - No 120; .Warren SL'Atexbury, m ade ; . "..! - %rams _fsl. ; • s er-T:_7lV Ryott & Sons, PleilacielOhia, Gen : ' A ete for Pit. For sale biwr Flops; Free- dolt; C L Falser, Rochester ; ,ana Ili, S•suiftii, a Bridgewater;• General whole/mite agents Western Pa:, Geo. II: Keyser, .146 Wood St. t'ltte4l.lll4b.. - J. P. Flereminst Federal St. ' Allegheny City • ..i. ~,( 13 , , • eIF. , ' nary oath. $4009 480. 6 40 a too, 940 - SO' 10 00 250 0 110 200 1 60 JOHN 13. SMtl One -'Door wrist of 'Tkos: .4'lll Hai ge Street, BridgeWaterc; • . k.A . :3,i iLi .G : R:0 C\,pt.,1.:.E.,.- F4OUflpi 1.3.AC0X, ; I P ilSa, SALT, 'F4UITS, wD CONFECTIONARIES, i! HIGHEST PRICY PAID FOR - • Butter and Eggs T. KINDS - OF CO4*lfild'l , ,RODGC6 1860. '• i AND AL , EMI , , t °DRY GOODS, _ H . J- . W. ;& D.UMUS', /.631..102 Market, and 13 Fifth Street, Pittsburiil Pa. . , _ • .;'• 'OPE C ED'! OPENER! Cfp EA r EP . • '1 1! .1. L . Alt D • ,OR•ENSPE,CTII OI ‘. '• I- j ° Tlfiod. ! ,.A jla ßS . T .re A st i l D d:fre ' li c gr o t e E s T p : ;, • stoik 'of t , Y L :SPRitte,,& - StipiEß 11 , 5012D5 Ever °Mired to-the pnblio, oonslitini of 1111 , 0, - ,Novelties of lotoot intpOitatono, 4,11 • • I I Tacit BILKS, -• " - BEI:LEGE UOBES. i FAIJLAILD '311,1C8; (Of seevailety :l l - . ry.- l'ilAN ILLAs. SHAWLS d: 1711STER 5 Of the lisireat styles and disign& - Weikel sesetes. ATTINTIirt to t plir inananc ta ab stock o il i/' 1) ID r / -AS ; • . which l , regard tolieeliti;end 4111:11 , 1 :": be rarpialmod eliewhere_' • V !' [Marl • tS r - - St Li• '#l:l6‘6:l Step This Way,, ANPI you will Ana Rees In ltis Aid' ci owlet . silopc . dng his large steell..Of I - ' LADIES: DRESB GOODS, • , i ! .` BoimetAl,ltiblults. Trimmings , OTOS.' nem* Handkerchiefs, Fa tl y Articles, Cloths; Cusi mores, Black,. Plain" and Fancy caul,- Linens, Muslini,bleaceed and stableachci,Tabls Biqa, towslitigs, Plaenels; l l,Queetunnal. lianiuus , &c:, Ste; at prices that will astotilgt you 06 It aunt of their Cikeginess., • .' : April 1 8, . . !..J. B. YOUillirt — ORNEY '.A - ' i LAWS... I ' Ifirivtl , N ' A. 1 fatt4oll i 01412 g W 1 ." ; l OSEee in ft* „ ~._-. 1 F *tern %tar "Otte, arel 'Keit. ) IM DILE II vex ' • ig 11 4 1_ )DEALER, IS LEA Di I NMI IM