XmJRSDAX::::::::-- :::AUGUST 19 3 I XoCAL AND PERSONAL. EBTX y2e, 1869, trains on this run as follows. : . LEAVB EBS'0Rnani;ting with Philadel At Apsbureb Express West, and ,prn Express Eas u' m v w.. coo: At l- ?VJ::.nt Train West. . ? " .nectine with Mail Tram .v New Livzrt Stable. TVr Davis & Co. have just opened MV i- the stables formerly occupied by Mr. Charley Gibson, a livery and sale stable.. We have looked in at the stable, and are free' to say that it. is the most complete establish ment of the kind ever started in Ebens- burg. , Mr. Lem. Davi?, the senior inem' I ' ' .... -.pM--. . Soutneyu--. coonecting witn wwi - xi -connecting wrni" At A Ph tadelobift Express East. Sin" . M-l xnings leaves Ebens lTrg at 5.15 o'clock. oTm-? - on departure of Pltt baArf2.?0iPP.e Moon departure of Mail Train S At 8.31 r- M., or on departure of Mail rain West. The ALLEanAMAX.-The following earned gentlemen have kindly consented Tart agents for this paper in their " cctivc neighborhoods. They are au thorized to receive subscription moneys for us and receipt for the same in our Blackhck Tp.. Waowb, Esq. Ch.it Spnngi J." M. Chbistt. i0b3 Sna Tp Jous Pokikk. wSUton TP OT- S YT-""- -.j.;.. Td ...V ISAAC UATK8. .- Dotn cars together and catcbi between, tfienu. "T-a, .was J r The house of Mrs. German, la'CooemVueh boro., was entered by thieres on Monday night. They got some valuable jeweiry and regaled themselves liberally with the con tent! of the pantry and the bar ' ' !- Oliver J. Yoahp. a m-v;n;. ,.i,t ber ot the firm, is one of the most experi- lh Johnstown Mechanical Works, met with enced horsemen in Cambria county, and a Painf-1 accident on Monday last. While is therefore peculiarly qualified for the J011" at a Piec machinery, hia hammer business in which he has become engaged. oZ ot? " the ba" f The firm also buy and sell horses on Sm- "Lave the eye. h mission. See advertisement. The examination of teachers for the Mill- Cii'a T Til1 boro- schools took place on Tuesday "ivx liuaia uutuujo w iw- IBB IOlIOWino- nam. I r. SAVE SAVE SAVE MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, it x xc was to have been finished inside of ten days ten different times since spring. But it is not finished yet. The poles are distributed along the line of. the route, . (the E. & C. ML,) and the wire, is on Mnd and that's all. We are anxious pro "ueu ine scnoois, at salaries ranging from $35 to $50: S. B. McCormick, principal, Misses Dickey, Carpenter, Lardin, Davis, Young, Lardin, and Zech. A match game of base ball came off at the Point on Saturday, between the Senior lu- ,t - i r jr" iv vuo OCOre. KICKS 52 j vuuij,n,nuu ui me iiue, tor i luaepenaents 26. : ' v'-v uauuj, uu election evening to ciey j. liose. Kuperintendant of the Johnstown Mechanical Works, has resigned his positioi. He intends visiting California soon, to stay some time. The School board of Millville borough have contracted with the Johnstown Mechanical Works for the erection of anew brick Bchool how, which U to be completed by Sept 1, date for thn nffi r T?-x... cost some twenty iw"ioicf auu rvecor- i inonsann dn b bring us the returns .of. Geary and Wil liams' majority in the State. Independent Candidate. By a card in . another column, it will be seen that Mr. Thomas McKernan (Democrat, of Cambria boro., is an independent candi- 1870. Memoranda. A woman named Duffer made an unsuccessful atten.pt to commit suicide at her rcsideocc, Bdrdstown, est- morcland county, in tnc md i"- was laboring' under mental despondency t the time... A barn near Bolivar, West moreland county, was struck by lightning and lurned down, with its contents, on the 4th inst ...Sunic unconscionable scoundrel robbed the Presbyterian cl.urcn oi .uc vy town of twenty-five yards of carpet, lately ...Potatoes arc telling at .from 25 to 40 cents a bushel in Mifflin county.... Black berries arc plenty in our market, at ten cents a quart... .A young boy. in Indiana, while going through some gymnastic per formances lately, fell and broke his collar Lone. A warning to those of our Ebens burg boys who' affect the horizontal bar, ic ...The residence of a widow lady namol Mathers, residing in the "Loop," tered on Tuesday week, aw1-" 0r $500.... A woman in HoUiJaysburg bought a bottle of a qu'ck nostrum called "Kun kel's Pain Slayer took a dose of it; got sick j sent, for a doctor. The doctor tasted hfl.T.tfc'irum, and found it to contain aco nit of monkshood, a powerful vegetable poison. The proper remedy was uduiinis- I tered and the woman's life saved. Be- ware of quacks and quack medicines!... A mother and throe children named Moore, 1 residing near Blairsville Intersection, were j poisoned recently by eating cooked mush- I tix uid of the poisouous variety, and two cf aer ot Uambria county. 3Ir,. McKernan is represented to us to be a good, reliable citizen, and will no doubt give Mr. Oat man a close race on the second Tuesday of Dio. October. The State Teachers' Association The Pennsylvania. State Teachers' Asso ciation, which met in Greensburg on the 10th inst., was by far the largest educa tional meeting ever held in this State, per haps the largest ever hold in the Union. U is believed that not fewer than eight hundred persons were in attendance. But two huudred and forty names were en rolled at the meeting cf the same associa tion at Allcntown hist summer. To provide for such an influx of stran gers, most of whom were ladies, was no easy matter. An adjourned court was also in session at the same time, and this cornnlica ted ihc difficulties of the situa- T. ... ."!! ... . the children, aged respectively one and . " ' At tnC hoteIs one eould three years, died in about six hours after ' landing-room. Many private partaking of the dih... .Bedford has a CS rG 6carcely less crowded. One uhort... .A" young eirl lately died in Hun- Scn,leuian wh,- J'ad agreed to entertain ingdon county from tho effect of a coal 'f youn Iadies suJdenIJ fnd himself o7 explosion... A Presbyterian church near uuletca Wltft no It;cr than cloven. Whal er cr i.-uiit may be lound with gome fea tures of the convention, due credit must be given to the generosity of the people of ureensburc. and esteem ilir w .7 1." ttLLtll. - 1 LITTER FROM CAREOLLTOWN 1MPBOVEM EST ON IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED PIC-NIC A FREE BLOW, tC, AC. Carrolltown, Aug. 16, 1869. lo the Editor of The Alleghanian : After an intejval of several weeks, I again assume the role of correspondent, for the pur pose of keeping you and your readers posted in on the news from this portion of the county. in me way ot Improvements, Mr. Edward Binder has now in course of erection a com modious plank dwelling and shoe-shop ad joining his present residence. Immediately opposite, and in close vicinity to the church, the masons are just finishing the substantial foundation for a convent building, and the A o -v. iuaici i me utine jocatea on D SrECTiON.Tho board of Di- the eround: with th r I,; rectors have chosen Ptev. B M. Kerr prin- d completion, of this structure. Mr. Henry Blum has a large force of .work men engaged in excavating a cellar adjoining his brewery. This vault is o be used as a storage room for lager beer, and . its dimen sions will be about 30 feet square by 18 feet CHEAP CLOTIIIXG CHEAP CLOTITlXa. cheap clothtxg, KEW STYLE DRESS GOODS KEW STYLE DRESS GOODS NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, BEST FLOUR IN TDWH PET FLOUR IN TOWN' BEST FLOUR IN TOWN THE PLACE TO GET GOOD TEA THE PLACE TO GET GOOD TEA THE PLACE TO GET GOOD TEa FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH GROCERIES, 2E2 o: HOOFLAtf D'S GERMAN BlTTxiHS lira ' - ' . IIOOFLAND'8 -GERMAN TONIC, n The Great Remediea for all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach or Digtttite Orpant. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN 3ITTER2J Is composed of the pure juicea (or, at tbev re tnediciaally termed. Extracts of Root. 2ii Vfci Bark, -3SC making a prepare! K, concentrated, and entirely free from alcoholic admixtufe of anv kind IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC : th. ombiD.atLio!? of 1! th ingredients of Pr! n "' ,th the pCre3t Utr Of Sanut rn?c , '"' 0ran:c' making one r the most pleasant, agreeable remedies ever of fered to the public. ' Those preferring a Medicine tree Tier AU cobolie admixture, will ne HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Lin-,-" huhVe no objtion to the com bination of the Bitters, as stated, will use IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. - tweenTh. f diral Tir,UC8' lheoice be- tne Tonic being the most palatable. such as'nV fr Variet of 'WW bilUv It. geStln' DT"PePi, Nerrous De- deraVed 'ThJr &?t l its 'ellodl U Jt u a 6 Llver srmpathiring as dose- corned afceta?10 Slm lhe thT X affeted' result of which is - 4i. u i a eases : Conellp.tion, FUtnlnce, Inward Ptl.i vS Nau8ea Heartbnm, Disgust ' far llfr'i or Weight in ihe Sumach Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering t ,?ln0f t-he, St0m,lch- Swimming "the lead, Uumed or Difficult BreathiJe fhU tcr.ng at the Heart, Choking or Saoeatir of3vLa.onn dS'" ic a!:E oslafe' or vision Dots or webs before the stent, dnli nun in i ti o II.. j rv.c. - 7 cuciency ci ferspiratioa lellowness of the Skin v !? . .. t.i. -iL . 7 77 . "J it rB" n me Cheap Store. M. L. Oatman makes a specialty of the flour business. He sella more flour than any other dealer i town, and is thereby enabled to sell cheap er. In addition to flour, Mr. O. keeps a full line of fresh groceries, provisions, &c. Kverything on his shelves is marked at the very lowest figure. Buy from him once, and you will buy from him always. RETT COOnS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, cipal of the Union schools of Ebensburg i'T me ensuing term. Mr. Kerr, by thir ty years' experience in teaching, is nroh.ii bly as well, if not better qualified for 'the position than any man in the countv. Thn other teachers have not yet been selected. The large and elegantrhullding oTMr.-Fred. Nn Pln t. ixr ,r Snyder is rapidly approaching completion. ro iaper Last Week. In conse- It will be tbe-finest building in this town, but quence of the non-arrival of our supply of whether designed for a hotel or as a private vtuiw paper at the noht mn l residence, we have not Uamct - - nj ua l.:l I ' . vui us V. S. BARKER'S CHEAP STORE, V. S. BARKER'S CHEAP STORE V. S. BARKER'S CHEAP STORE, EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG, PA. QUICK QUICK QUICK SALES, A LKS. SALES, S3IALL SMALL $JIALL PROFITS. PROFITS. PROFITS. was issued from this office last week. We 5ie ? hY 50 we" should suppose the for trust a like mishap will not occur again mer. Petersburg, Huntingdon county, was near ly blown away by recent storms.... Ilolli daysburg is going to have an agricultural lair and Altoona a horse show this fall.... another, pic-mc hero at the close of the pres ent month. It promises to be a grand affair. ccpy ot 1 he Alleghanian to any person lists, have opened their respective offices in For the Campaiojc We 'will send & of The Alleqhanian t desiri n T. . .... . . f f5 li. irum now till tlie October elec- this nlace. to remain durino h tion for forty cents. Circulate the docu- Whether there is a sufficient number of peo- PRICES GOING DOWN enough decayed molars and incisors to iusti- Dead. Mr. Henry Hughes, the Donu- I 1 ''"their eoj6urn amongst ns, remains to be iar landlord ot the National Hotel'-at Been Summit, died at hisreeidencc one davlast tuT eveninS last wa3 tbe occasion of weei. I 4une k uvvty steue at me uuiei or iir. Law- AT THE isjijZ1SUKU HARDWARE J- HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. 1 once more return my sincere thanks to uiy oin inenas ana customers for their Iib- s e I Heat. Rum in kA ru.L . . t . . ' o wu. constant Imaginings of Eril, and great depression of exeLStUiferer ?m UieS5 Qlses should exercise the greatest caution in the selection twiftflr Incase, purchasing only tinn, . h6 .,3.assuild from hls inTtiga ? -fr ninqn,neS' Psss true mer it, skilfully compounded, is free from injuri ous ingredients, and establi3hed for itself a reputation for the enri of th... a this connection we would submit those well known remedies HooAnn and Hooftanfa German Tome, prerared bv DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA PA .- r -S 3 7 SIECe lDe'T were fit ia troduced intd this country from German during which time they have undoubtedly performed more cures, and benefitted annex ing humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the pnblir. ' These remedies will eflWt Complaint, Jaundice. DvcnncU r-i,,-:- Nervous Debility. TT" Phmn.v n:....i. Disease of the Kidnevs. and ail aie.b. v:V . ing from a disordered Lirer, Stomach or In testines. DEBILITY RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE j .rroswauon oi tlie System, in duced by Severe Labor, Hardships, Exposure, Ferer, k'c There is no medicine extant ednai tn remedies in such cases. A tone and is imparted to the whole system, the appe tite is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach digests properly, the blood is puri fied, the complexion becom annmi .k healthy, the yellow tinge ia eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, arid the weak and nervous invalid Lecoeg A strong and healthy being. . r.KSOrs AD VAX VXD IN LIFIt And feeling the hand of time weighing heav ily upon them, with all its attendant ill will find in the use of this Bitters, or th Tonic, an elixir that will instil m m ;m tbeir veins, restore in a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days," build p their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE! It is a well established fact that fully one 1)1 En In L..retto, on Thursday Mr. William Ryan, Sr., aged 80 yean HiCE riBE, Crcsson is crowded with summer visitors, f'atlcnt aWry of the local committee, Wctto Springs has a goodly number, and KcV- T- N' BoIe' J' S- Walthour, Kbcnsburg Las as many as her hotels can and Prof- M R Gaut' A- accommodate. Apropos of this, wc hear . convcntion too large. Its size umt a party are negotiating for the pur- toniriDUterl great,y towards defeating in chase of Lloyd's beautiful I tno measure its own objects. The court " - V V VII kill.: I w - - I a o 1 western outfckirt of town, with a view to rm being occuPied by the court, it was J ?' 18 8tyled lhe "Johnstown ZouaTes." erecting therein a large summer ": hotel.... for the association to hold its " I 'iu V' the other was LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE LETTER FROM JOnXSTOWS MILlTABY rKVEK onuu A BET-UP HORSE BCBQLAUY CATIONA To the Edi Johnstown ha3 caught the miliLar f We have now two Zouave comptn:es. One was orcranized ahoiir. , " icno ngu , ana, j rence Schroth. That gentleman had procured eral patronage extended towards me, and half of the female portion of our population a new and very tasteful sign from Johnstown, now owing to tne great fall in prices, by aie seiaom in the enjoyment of good health lasV and on the evening named his friends as- wh.ich any ae3 can be sold as cheap as or. to use their own Xa expression. 'never s c.mM. .i.i .ifa i . o u berore the war, and having a thorough knowl- 'eel well." Tbey are languid, deroid of all sembld to elevate it to its place Mr. Schroth ixlnf h. A. .nrr- ? .V .u"UiUflI i , - . 1 ?T. uu iuc naiiis oi me i i "uniiuj ucnwus, ana nave no ao- I had secured the attendance of thi hrasa Via ml niihlir. T tLa nlnocnrs ;n t .i... nptitn r 1 . . I j - i'ivujui u a u II u U ii L li: i! L 11 LI L 1 I 1 and while the inspiring strains of the able can ftnd wil1 8el1 poods at a less figure than To tn!s class of persons the Bitters, or the performers floated out on the evening breee, aDy similar establishment in citj or country. Tonti.!sPe15.i1AllJr recommended. the sign was raised to its position. This My stock will consist in part as follows : de stronIfJ "r l!?- a n a n I . 1. 1 A i C 1 it . t TTT . I TrX" . rrnn v-v v . , Auviu&sxs DBiMiTtn . i pu'juiiir uoiei. lormeriv ine wasmncron i auuu and uui'iiu'vitij . ks niTrnrc luese remeaip. n hv will s nu JE.fU-1" - --o I vutvu uo, I ... T1 . c, J vuig I CIJ CMS L. Ac. c. House." ha3 been re-named, und in crolden- TnTT nivnrj onn-. of MARASMUS, without fail. JOHNSTOWV A, Ifi IfifiQ hued letters, so that he who runs may read, mIYnrtW on'mvnc ' Thousands of certificates have accumula- wouflbTOW, -Aug 10, I00U. ' . - J ' WINDOW SPRINGS, SHUTTER HINGES ted in tfae hands of the proprietor, but snace tor ofThtAUeohanian: W,U be found the "cnpton -St. Lawrence WJvnnxtr r . ea will allow of the publication of bn a f !! Ihc Altoona Democracy have got into a fierce local ht. One fWinn 1 ' J ' anib'otll f.P tl.n t'.-. 1., . " "for, ana tne other by Councilman liwkctt. The fight aF rears to have grown out of some question connected with the "snoils" nf tW aDd, the th Pities are pitching into" Ornn 1 7 orl Kir V. . v . . SST? rr'J" '"I TniD8S' thC" P1, Jacob GItUB First Liitenanta'nd Methodist church, a buildin- not half William R. s.. , ! " larse cnouirh. and mncf. innffi: .1.. I sniri;, ,..i, ..... 0 ' .uvuiuiutiv eiiii- 1 uu miuersiana tneir businpns ine name of the company Is the "Campbell Zouaves." " lated. weh other is shock acrves mg to one with weak New Summer Resort. We learn that a. yjv. s ineatrical trnnn r Jew xorkcity, have rented Parke's Opera House for two years, at a yearly rental of $2,500. The Forrest Dramatic Association will cri three entertainments in Union Hall on Fri day Saturday, and Monday evenings, 20th, Lcon.'V.r.V.V.i'seO -Hst, ard 23d inst. The Hall, by the way, is Corn, bn...... 1.25 boast of three of the finest hotels and a trio of the most cleve r landlords in the county Yours, Fczzv Bczzv. Wn f flint- If iL. . . l.u. mm 11 ine attendance at the late State Association is to be taken as an exponent of futuro associations, the Dcst thing to do will be to divide the State into two educational districts, and The Kilkennv cats bid f:,Jr f i. organize two associations, one for Eastern . . 1 -vr v- 1 peated....Joha Monagan, a miner was ne l0r Western Pennsylvania. C instanrl.. I.:n 1 i .. . ' I 3 -uiea Dy a lall of slate, near Os Iat Wednesday wcck....Dr. John 'lurruinn i 1 1 . 000, has been organized to erect a when comPIeted, the interior will excel any -r v a,x IU 1UM.... I np FK l I I x 1 I I na mo,.nA x. , ou mom;!, ior a summer res abklrr C, "T" aSSiSed i.0"-a.- of Crcsson. !. - II WICl U I'll- I flnv ac 111.. t t n Uarv....A k v " WU1,U1WB on ena" Ot the purpose of playing a connle of amM r k.. W...",,. ru r.oens- company visited that nlace and ww,.i ball. Sn,vi- r x . -o - wierrytree is among the possibili- UmA ; r T7 k.M' n -eryooay aown E i416c. Flour. $7$7.60 1188 ft the nM, f.,t r: , . J acruso1 grouna lor "e reasons of your ' derg. 16c. Sides. 18fai9c. Sugar cured untinnn v . ; , , l"a,m ttUU sue 01 the proposed hotel. Summit is lUOUniaineer club for declining to accept the hams, 23c. Potatoas, $1$!.50 bbl. C: . . uy uurgiars.... a iuiet trln vJllocro cnauenge or the enior Indcnendpnt nf I "-Ul.Sr 1 ! . - I v UUI, ui LllU IllLTIlli.St I . . I - - "" -r mnrrrtT lin Annntmr - aiurj, wmiO undpr t in in. ... . - 0 Johnstown tn n . a I I AIjIJ AJiJ.li; ItJWIN 1 UIJ1 J. 1 . " e-. c l-CT r, . x 1 J . afraid of Johnstown Tnnrl ai rVAiOA-a--iPf unaeriign. Hotel." Mr. Schroth gave a "free blow" to " ,a-iw, I'utir, Those, it will be observed, are from men of h Urirp rrntrd nrnt and rnth nirnaio. iUlliU AVjilli AlJ(iKRS PIlTSlTT.Q I UOlC, ana Ot SUCb Standincr that th - " " " w" l J fc JitJ- I ' , JW , V I" O " UIU3 b BRACES and BITS, HATCHETS, - "-w-.- TESTIMONIALS: " WJtrdOOM- iUI aUAxm.a, Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Justice of is::tauf, 1 UUK.KT KULES, ine oupremeuourt of Pa., writes: Philadel- JACK, SMOOTHING, FOIt PLANES, !t,.Ii0!,mSS PANEL PLOWS, LEVELS, in diseases of the digestive organs, and of I rrrpar iif-nanr in rn a 41. t 1 . wH.lrnnn tovorn Pn nnr tr.,K-n nnw RASTT. RATSlYfi 4Vn AfATP'T Pf A V PQ b " . " -'-"""J, na Want . .... "a'"ui 1 01 nervous action in the svsteni. RAW SETS. BENCH SCiiEWS. -Yours. truly. Geo. W. Wood war' CROSS-CUT. PANEL TMP iomp IRQ Hon. James Thompson, Judge cf the Sa- , , , . preme t;ourt ot l'ennsylvania. ed off pleasantly. Mr. D. Eger has improved the exterior ap pearance of bis hotel by several coats of paint, and has also renovated the interior. Mr. Elwanger ha3 al30 expended a large sum in enlarging and otherwise improving hia GUAGES, OIL M iriinf cf An!- 1 1 . A I nn 11 wrf a n i . .. . I Vn " o A "teon. an nlrl rB;-4 t J vumpuy, witn a capital ot . . " -orougn overhauling, and t3' "r."";"'; r avv4 urceusDurg, S1U0.000. has bn nrMn;,.i . when completed, the interior will i riour, DDi...i.oe.w The Athletic base ball club of PhiUdel- THE MARKETS. Edensbprg, Aug. 19, 1869. Reported for The Alleghanian ly V. S. Barker. Apples, dried, lb.. 20IWheat, bu 1.60 Beans 3 00 Oats 75 Butter 25!Lard. lb.. 20 PLOWS. , . - 1 001 00 Fish, Lake Her... 6.00 " White 11.00 ' Mackerel... 10.00 Flaxseed, bu... 2.50 Beeswax, lb 35 Country Soap.... 10 SNEDS, Tallow 15 STONES, SHOVELS, Hay, ton 20.C0 Potatoes, bu...l2.C0 Rye 1.25 Slt, bbl.......'.".... 3.25, POINTS, FORKS, SCYTHES, Pittsburo, Aug. 17, 1869. . Butter, 205c. Cheese, 13 to 16gc. Shoul- RAKES, HOES, SPADES, RIFLES, frun, ... -""""-' "'"""lucoco peaks of the Alleghan "sZZrZr". ""'-'e by and r- uii i.n ririr n mm . a Fur,' --.v, iu xuungaon, on wormng, but didn't succeed. tlafMIrWe unders'tan it is in contem 12 7 80016 of our citizc, daring the Toflntrod ics. xik air is nur . . . r invigorating its waters clear as crvs- tal, and its scenery most picturesque. ith a suitable hotel, it cannot fail to be come one of the most renowned watering places in the country. , I , 7 iu,e me experi- Brass Band. An effort is bn- -,,. Innmn. 1 I - "J( choice fiT,? ,1 r ! P1.kG and t0 0r&uhQ a brass in this" place. A "e vicinity v. 13 lm mcGUnS of citizens was held in the Court nsin i rWW 10 IIouSQ TtJ evening last and a com- nlin,;,.i .. plC 01 ears not ony raltteo appointed to solicit contribution t m a 11. Un , P-C-ton-l sport, for the purchase of the necessary instru- the The e 1 ararcdain for Dients- We understand the committee nod wo 1 nte7n8e-,S a Prawewor- are meeting with remarkably good success nope to sec it sucked. in collecting, and iire glad of it RETOLVERS, ni : i irt v.rt T7...r-rt ol r n; . 1 r nut ecu aiuninuieaiciuc uuugcuimaiuviu Dor8e race cane off at the Johnstown tfi Est WrrJ nfhonshnrir Borono-h. front- Race Course on Saturday week between a j ing 66 feet on High street, and extending sorrel horse owned by Henry Gore and a I bac along Caroline street 264 to " Lloyd sorrel mare owned by Dr. C. Emerson. The , Xt ?roPeri 18 convenienuy locaiea race was won easily by the latter. The whole residence. The house is a two-story frame. thing was a "blind," gotten up for ther pur- with '4 rooms on each floor, with stable and pose of fleecing the Doctor at some future I Stable outbuildings; "The lot is in a fine PISTOLS, PIVOTS, time. " The house of Mr. Culbert, in Perkinsville, with its contents, was destroyed by fire on 9th inst. The fire originated from defective stovepipe. , On Monday, A. 5 we i tier, of Conemaugh borough, met with a serious aocident. He was sitting on the bumper of a car, intend ing to uncouple it from another, when the forward car jumped the track, bringing the state of cultivation; find has 7 bearing apple trees oh it " - ; For terms apply to Gatharine Roberts, at the residence .of .R.. E.iJines, in. the West Hard of said Borough, or "lb the undersigned at his office.'. WM. II. SECHLER, ' . May 13-tf.' " . Attorney at law. v; t, FOR SALE. The house and lot owned and occupied by the subscriber, situated in the West Ward of the Borough of Ebensburg. Aug. 19, I8t59.-l't. D. J.'JONES. FLOUR, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO. CIGARS, SMOKING.TOBACCO, . AND IN FACT - ANYTHING YOU WANT AT UUNT-EY'3. Philadelphia, April 28, 1866. I consider 'Hoofland's German Bittr valuable medicine in case of attacks of Indi gestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experience of it. Yours, &c. - -"JAMES THOMPSON.". From Rev. Joseph irennard. D. D.. Pnst.ii- cf the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson Oear Sir : I have been frequent ly requested to connect my name with re commendations of different kinds Of morlf- cines, but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere,! have in all cases de clined ; but with a clear proof in vari ous instances, and particularly in my own family of the use of Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, I depart for once from ray usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and es pecially for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, "J. H. KENNARD," CAUTION." Iloofland's German Remedies are totinlf. feited. See that the signature of C. M JACKSON is on the 1 wrapper df .rh bottle. All others are counterfeit- Principal Office, and Manufactory at th German Medicine Store, No. 631 ARCH-St., Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES M. EVANS, Proprietor. . Formerly C. M. Jacksojc Co PRICES: -T" Hoofland's German Bitters, per bottle, $1 0ft '' half dozen. 5 on Hoofland's German Tonie, put up in quart bottles, $1 50 per bottle, or a half dozen fm $7 50. BgS" Do not forget to examine well the ar ticle you buy, in order .to git the gtuuine. For Mis by all Drjjist andEtorekeene, cverywheta. ' . -rni3.e-, J (j