The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 19, 1869, Image 1

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AS M. "
M M. JONES, Notary Public,
Ebensburg, 1'a, - LaFr
W Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
August 13, 1868. ' .
TOHN FENLON, Attorney . at Law,
IT - 1 1 .
fgy- Office pn lllgQ Bircci.
OEORGE M. READE, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa. ;
Office in Colonnade Row. augl3.
ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
j-Office'in Colonnade Royr : aug2G
neys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention paid to collections.
BS? Office on High street, west of the Di-
at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa.
Office opposite the Court House.
1. t. JOHNSTON. aug!3 J. E. SCASLAJJ,
JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law,
Carrolltownr Cambria county, Pa.
10- Architectural Drawings and Specifi
sations ade. TftUg13
E" J. WATERS, Jiwtice of the Peace
, and Scrivener. . ' ,
t?" Office adjoining dwelling, onUigh St.,
tbenaburg, Pa. aug 13-6m.
I. IOfElW, Tw- dick,
Johnstown. , . Ebensburg.
KOFELIN & DICK, Attorneys at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
5af Office in Uolonade ltow, wun m.
Kitten, Esq. . - ' Oct- 22.
the Peace, Johnstown,' Pa.
SF Office on Market street, corner of Lo
tmt street extended, and one door Bouth of
the late office of Wm. M'Kee. augli
T DEYEREAUX, M. D., Physician
Xf and Surgeon, Summit, Pa.
l?-"Officer east of Mans'on House, on Rail
rofcd street. Night calls promptly attended
to, at his office. augl3
Offers hi3 professional services to the
citiiens of Ebensburg and vicinity. He will
i Visit Ebensburg the Becond Tuesday of each
cjtath, to remain one wees.
Teeth extracted, without pain, with Nitrous
Otide, or Laughing Gas.
jjT Rooms in the "Mountain House,''
High street. Jul3
JL The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal
timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully
oJerj his professional services to the citizens
of Ebensburir. lie has spared no means to
thoroughly acquaint himself with every im-
I oroytment in his art. To many year3 of per-
lonal experience, he has sought to add the
I Imparted experience of the highest authorities
In Dental Science, lie simply asKs tuai an
opportunity may be given for his work to
peak its own praise.
JgWiM beat Ebensburg on the fourth
Monday of each month, to stay one wjek.
August 13, 1BC8.
t J 7 V.n pvunrnr. Pa.
Golil. Silver finrcrnmpnt Loans and
I other Securities bought and sold. Interest
M allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made
on all accessible points in the United Mates,
anl a Geneml Banking Business transacted.
August 13, 18G3.
XVT M. LLOYD & Co.. Banker
IT . Altoona, Pa.
Drafts or. the priucinal cities, and Silver
nd Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon
eys received on deposit, payable on demand,
without interest, or upon time, with interest
t fair rates. augl3
Of JonxsTowx, Pexna.
Paid ur Canitnl C.i nfift ftfi
Pritiltgt to increase to 100,000 00
We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts,
Gold and Silver, and all classes of Govern
Bnt Securities ; make collections at home
uiuauj receive acposus ; loan money,
M do a general Banking business. All
'usiness entrusted to us will receive prompt
'Mention aud care, at moderate prices. Give
Directors :
cob M. Campbell,
jC. T. Frazer,
Jacob Lkveegood,
James McMillen.
DANIEL J. MORRELL, rretident
UW. .'A J X I
J- P.0BEKTS, Cashier.
LLOyd rrei't. JOHN LLOYD. Cashier.
JW' Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North
rl, AUoooa, Pa.
jtT0HiZr.D Capital $300,000 00
M Capital Paid in 150,000 00
All business pertaining to Banking done on
k'ernal Revenue Stamps of all denomina
'Wwayi on hand.
um purcliaser of Stamp?, percentage, in
$lftftPl.: bc allowed, as follows : $50 to
t20o a cent5 10C to $200, 3 per cent.;
ni upwards, 4 per cent.
kiiicr 0UOcriDer nas just received, at
adii?i!,0n U,Kh trcet, Ebensburg, a large
liable stock of .
Barrel Salt,
Cro, ad evcrvthing in the
11.. lV' Motion and Confection
Alio Rl "u V7'ccuonert line.
t bil? I a"J Sho. Carbon and Lubri-
All which will be Bold very cheao for
Lauel3 G. G. OWENS, i
a; R O V E 11 & : B A - K E H ' S
49ET Broad way, New York,
-70 Uuestnut Street, Philadelphia, -115
Market Street, Harrisburg,
127 Wood Street, Pittsburg,
Beauty and Elasticity 'of Stitch. -.
. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery.
Using both threads directly from the
No fastening of seams by hand and no
waste of thread."-
Wide range of application without chancre
of adjustment.
The seam retains its beauty and firmness
after washing and ironing." 1
Besides doing all kinds of work done by
other Sewing Machines, these Machines ex
ecute the most beautiful and permanent em
broidery and ornamental work-
188$ The highest premiums at all the fairs'
and exhibitions of the United States and
Europe, have been-awarded the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines, an', the work done
by them, "wherever exhibited in competition.
S$? The very highest prize, THE CROSS
red on the representative of the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines, At the' Exposition
Umverselle, Fans, 1867, thus attesting their
great superiority over all other. Sewing Ma
For sale by C. T. ROBERTS, Ebensburg.
June 17-ly-
The undersigned hereby gives potice to his
Told .friends an.d customers, that on the
1st of July he admitted his son, Geo.
' II. Roberts, into full partner
ship with him in the mercantile business in
Ebesnburg, and that hercaltcr the firm
name will be
Their Hock will embrace everything in the
fancy and staple dry goods Hire. Groceries
of every description.. Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, of the. latest styles and patterns.
A full line of Hardware and Queensware, and
in fact any article to be found in a well reg
ulated country store.
Having enjoyed a successful and pleasant
experienc of more than twenty years in the
business at this place, and havinc completed
a Bpacions edifice on High street, aud in
creased ray facilities for suppljing my.friends
at all times and at the lowest market prices
with the best article in the market; I confi
dently appeal to those who have so gener
ously given me their confidence ami favor in
the. jutai -- ' -u c urasunr w
patronage towards the new firm. -July
The subscriber offers at private sale the
following described valuable property, situ
ate in, Strongstown, Indiana county :
Two stories high, L-shape, one L being 50
feet long, and the other 40 feet. It contains
some 20 rooms, and is well suited for, and
has heretofore been used as, a Hotel. Situa
ted in the bnsine33 portion of town.
Two stories high, 40x22 feet, capable of ac
commodating two families.
Upon which the foregoing described houses
are situate.
The property was formerly owned and oc
cupied by Barker & Litzingcr, who have dis
solved partnership.
$1,300 for the entire property. $300 to
$500 in hind; the balance in payments. Pos
session given the 1st of April, if desired.
SA- For particulars, apply to or address
maritfj Ebensburg, Pa.
In Common Picas of Cambria county.
No. C9, March Term. 18G9. William Uendon
and James Bcndon vs. Lvdia Bcndon. widow.
and others.
And now. 9th of June. I8t0. on motion nf
Messrs. Johnston fc Scanlau, Jos. M Donald,
Esq., appointed Auditor to report distridution
of proceeds of Sheriff's sail of defendant's real
estate in above writ. Br the Court.
In t ursuance of the above order of Court. I
will attend at my office in Ebensburg, on
Monday the 23d of August, inst., wheu the
parties interested may attend if they see
Aug. 5, 1869. Auditor.
f FOR SALE. The undersigned will Bell
at private sale, a Tot of ground biluated in the
west ward of-Ebensburg borough, having
thereon trected a two-story Irame house,
with a lank kitchen attached, and a one
Btory frame bouse, fronting 66 feet on High
street, and extending 132 feet back to lot of
Wm. S. Lloyd, adjoining lot of Robt. Evans
on the east, and an alley on the west, form
erly owned by E. Stiles. The property will
be sold cheap for cash, or on good terms. For
full particulars apply to V. S. BARKER. "
June 3-tf. Ebensburg, Pa.
undersigned offers at private sale
his FARM, situate in Carroll tp., one-half
mile from Carrolltown, containing 51 acres,
30 acres cleared and in a good tate of culti
vation. A good frame house and barn, with
other necessary outbuildings thereon erected.
Good roads, church and school house con
venient. A rare opportunity to get a bar
gain is offered. For particulars call on or
address - SAMUEL ROLLER,
July 22-3t " - . Carrolltown, Pa.
The undersigned desires to call, the
attention of the public to the fact that he has
bought the stock and fixtures cf T. W. .Wil
liam's Tin Shop, and has removed the shop
to the room of Mrs. M'Donald,
where be will be pleased to wait on all who
may favor him with a call.
SSQU Prompt attention paid to jepairing.
All work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
T lie Reward.
Who,! looking backward from 'Ma manhood's
' prime, " : ? .. .
Sets not the sphere of his misspent time? -
And, through the shade r "
Of funeral cypress planted thick behind,
Hears no reproachful whisper of the windT '
, From his loved dead? : ;
: . J-V ; c. - . - r-. . '. , .
Who .bears' no trace of passion's evil force ?
Who shuns thy sting, O terrible remorse?
-Who' does not cast ;.-; "
On the thronged pages of his memory's book,
At times, a sad and half-reluctant look,' "
" Regretful 'of the past ?
Alas ! the evil which we fain would shun"
We do, and leave the wished-for good nndone.
' . Our Btreogth to-day . .....
Is bnt to-morrow's weakness, prone to fall ;
Poor, blind, -unprofitable servants all
;" . Are we alway. ' -
Yet who, thus looking" backward
year3, ' .
Feels not his eyelid3 wet with grateful tears,'
If he hath been '. ; :
Permitted, weak and sinful as he was,
To' cheer and aid, in some ennobling cause,
nis fellow-men ?
It he hath hidden the outcast, or let in ,
A' ray of sunshine to the cell of sin
If he hath lent
Strength to the weak, and, in an hour of need,
Over the suffering, mindless of bis creed
. Or borne, hath bent - T
' " . )
He has not lived in vain. : And while he gives
The praisfl to nim in whom he moves and
lives, ' " .
With thankful heart,
He gaze3 backward, and with hope before,
Knowing that from hi3 worksite nevermore
. Can henceforth part.
-There was a little fellow among the New
England .hills, years .ago, as there are
many now, whese parents were poor. . . He
could not . remember tho time when he
wore shoes and stockings in the summer.
Sometimes in the .winter, when he "was,
obliged to walk three miles to 6chool, and
until the last of May, he did wear such as
his father rejected a pair of shoes that
slipped up and down at every step he took.
Nevertheless, they were shoes and stock
ings, and he was infinitely prouder of
them than any king living is of his throne
and scepter.
. One day, as Tom was plodding along
with his slipshod shoes, puffing from exer
tion, and blowing his blue fingers to keep
them warm, there came dashing down the
hill a sleigh such as the youngster had
never seen no, indeed, nor never dreamed
of. And the horse ! Tom stopped blow
ing, so intense was his admiration of the
elegant creature that came foaming and
tossing his daintily arched neck right and
Tom sprang aside at the very last mo
ment, and as he sank up to his chin in the
light snow, he tore his old cloth cap from
his head and bobbed up and down as if he
were in tho presence of the President.
'Jump on behind, my lad !" shouted
the driver, "jump on behind !"
And Tom did jump on, at tho peril of
his life, and atvay they went, tearing along
with great speed, until over went the
sleigh, and out went the riders and buffa
loes and things generally.
Tom sprang to the horse's head, and
clinging to the bits, the tips of his great
cowhide shoes barely touching the snow,
asked if the gentleman was hurt.
"Not a bit of it, my lad," said he, sha
king himself free of the snow; "only
warmed up a little. What's the damage
"Nothing, sir, that I can see," returned
Tom, his handsome face glowing with good
humor as he yielded the horse to its owner.
"Well, then, iny lad, get in, and well
try again. You are going to school, I
see," added the stranger, as he gathered
up the reins.
"Yes, sir."
"How far?" ;
"Guess 'tis about two miles from here."
The gentleman turned and looked into
his face, and then glanced all over his fig
ure, even to his feet. . '
"He sees my shoes," thought Tom,
proudly, givingthem a shake forward to
make certain that they should be seen.
The gentleman did see them, and smiled
in spite of himself as he glanced back at
Tom's face. .
He then kindly pulled the warm furs
around the boy, and, pulling his cap over
his eyes, shouted "Go' along, Nell !''
And the chestnut mare, now thoroughly
sobered, meekly commenced the ascent ot
what was known thereabouts as the "long
hill." She was evidently ' accustomed to
having her own way, for she availed her
self of every, little hollow to rest, and did
not -allow herself to be pressed forward
until the whip was applied. . ,
Tom wondered what had possessed the
creature a few minutes before. He scratch
ed his head on the right side, and then on
the left, and finally, his Yrankce curiosity
getting the better of his diffidence, he
venturrd to ask ; ' . i
was it that
Btump,". returned
the gentleman,
with a smile. "Nell ia a little aristocratic
7 an such plebeian things. She
dies not know that a stump was the ma
king of her master." -
. Tom scratched his head again, and wig
gd all over. - Then came the question :
-."How could a stump be tho makin of
a man?" . v . . .. .
"My lad " answered Tm cfM
king the white surface of the fin n W oronfltr
With his whiplash, "I was a poor boy, and
my lather could not afford
school. ... "We worked verv hard hnt. T ncaA
to study in. the .evenings , by the light of
the fire, and learned the whole of the Lat
iu grammar by the . light of one t pitch
knot." ; , . ...
For a momeut Tom sat perfectly still.
Then he asked, . as if ashamed of his igno
raaee : ; .
v, 'Please, sir, what' s a Latin grammar ?"
-This last question aroused. the gentle
nun, and becoming sensible that the little
fdlow at his side was thirsting for know!,
edge, he kindly went over such parts of
hi history as he thought would be of in
terest to him, and ended by saying that he
wus a member of Congress.
-.;-.-.This last announcement almost took
-Urns ; breath away. He had heard of
mpinbers of Congress, but he had an idea
thftt they were myths, whom nobody ever
say. Perhaps the awe with which Tom
regarded him a3 he glanced up sidewise
infjo nis lace flattered the gentleman, for
nasaia, smilingly :,
'You are just as likely to be a member
prongress as 1 1 You know,- in Amen
- 9 A 1 1 1 11
success, is to De determine ana Drave.
Hv yo study as I did, you may possibly
rise as high yes perhaps higher I" .
. MButl haven't any Latin grammar, sir,"
l m
sa;a lorn. - - '-,".'.. - " - -"No
! Well would.'you like one ?"
i"le3f ir," cried Tom, with flashing
eyes. . :;
;" v ell, my- lad, I shall come this way
again, and. I will leave one at tho school
house for you." s
"J3ut I haven't any money !"
."Never mind : you can pay me when
you- get to Congress."
"Thank you," said Tom j "I won't for
jret it, sir.
. ' The gentleman Jooked down at him with
9- J M.amuul uui l Ti-uuj -tllTJ- tTTGF IVJIt;- UU III
silence until they reached the school
house. " -
"Please don't forget the grammar," sug
gested Tom, as he lifted the old cap again.
"Not I," returned thq gentleman. "A
man who cannot keep a promise should not
make one hey, my lad?"
Nell tossed her head, and the boy soon
lost sight of the rider. Then he looked
down at his shoes, at his coat, and his old
cap, as he hung it on the peg in the entry,
and silently contrasted them with the fur
trimmed overcoat and outfit of the stran
ger. "Never mind," said Tom to himself,
"I will have them all, too, when I am a
member of Con rres3."
At the, end of two weeks a bundle of
books was left at the school house. There
was not only a Latin grammar, but a well
worn copy of Virgil, Esop's Fables, and
sundry other volumes such as Tom had
never seen.
Pine-knots were plentiful where Tom
lived, and he sat up till midnight all the
rest of the winter pondering over the mys
teries of those books. -
As luck would have it, the school-master,
who boarded around with his pupils,
had not eaten the rations due him at Tom's
father's. When he arrived he entered
warmly into the boy's ambitious projects,
and as he had a smattering of Latin him
self, was qualified to aid his pupil.
Although the schoolmaster was allowed
the use of a tallow candle, he vastly pre
ferred the more brilliant light of Tom's
pitch knot ; so that, as often as the long
winter evenings set in, the master and pu
pil might be seen (and were seen) sitting
before the fire-place with their heads
butlJ In the patres or the books, along
which they plodded slowly, but to such
purpose that, . the end of .the winter,
Tom could read his fable and solve the
problem in a manner creditable to himself
and master. - v
It was up hill work with poor Tom, but
he managed to make what little he accom
plished to tell on the future.
One day , his father brought home a
stranger, and . told Tom that he was ap
prenticed during his minority, to this man,
who would make him a blacksmith.
"But I am not going to be a black
smith," cried Tom, in a passion ; "I m
going to Congress." . -
"The more need that you should learn
to shoe the horse that oarries you there,
replied the father with a shrug.
Tom packed up his worldly goods, not
foreettin? his books, and trudged away to
a distant village, where -he pared horses
hoofs by day, and studied and read at
night by stealth, for he was allowed neither
knot nor candle, V x ,' V . 'VI.
Six months the poor fellow tried to bo
faithful to his duty; but, one night, when
bis master had thrown his grammar into
the fire, and lathered him for disobedience,
Tom took leave of the workshop. He made
his way, bare-footed as he was, over bogs
and briers, until he ventured into the
main .road, and by dint of begging a rjde
cow and then, reached the city. As Ben.
'If you pledso, sir,
made the mare run ?"
Franklin had done before him. with h?
roll under his arm, he sought and obtained
employment. .
Perhaps the hanniest dav of Tnm'a Ufa
was when he found himself in an anti
quarian book store with plenty of leisure,
pit-uy oi dooks, and nothing to. fear from
friend or foe. It was Wonderful Vw he
road and read. The parched earth does
not more greedily take in the summer rain.
Vben bis intellectual thirst was marti
ally satisfied, he began to work. He saw
the ladder up which he must climb, and
seizing the lowest round, he made his wav
steadily upward. WV all know by what
steps an ambitious man makes progress
Dy patient ton by sell denial by courte
ous deportment by constant acquisition
oi Knowledge.
Years passed by. during- all of which
Tom had looked in vain for his early friend.
the stranerer. In his timid awkwardness.
he had not thought to ask the name of his
benefactor, and the only opportunity to do
so had been lost.
Well, years slid away, and Tom was
elected member of Congress from the very
county wnere ne spent his struggling boy
hood. He went , to Washington, not in
cowhide, shoes and butternut colored home
spun, but dressed something as imagina
tion had pictured, as he looked after his
benefactor on the eventful day of the
sleigh ride.
A nobler looking man the ladies in the
galleries said never had appeared upon
tne noor than this Yankee member, who,
if he spoke through his nose, always drove
his arrows home to the mark.
One day there appeared in the House
the venerable form of an er-mimkr
whom all present delighted to honor. It
needed but one glance at that genial face
for Tom to recognize the giver of the Latin
grammar. He had come, he said, to listen
to the gentleman who had so manfully de
fended the right, and to wish him God
"I, said Tom, with his old modesty,
"it it has been mv good fortune to do any
thing for our country in the hour of her
peril, I owe my ability to do so in a great
measure to yourselt.
"To me !" exclaimed the astonished
gentleman : "to me ! I do not recollect
ever having had the pleasure of meeting
you beiore in my life.
"Ahsir, you have forgotten, then: the
little c-cVi-trul buy Ruinn tlie liUls "of New
Hampshire, to whom you kindly sold
Ljatin grammar :
"Sold sold a Latin grammar ! Now
that you recall the incident, I do recollect
a little lellow who interested
whom I gave some books."
me, and to
'Well, sir, I am that boy.- You told
me that I might pay for them when I got
to Congress. If you will honor me by
meeting a few friends at dinner, I will set
tle the bill."
cock's Advice. Bations were scarce
with us so much so that some of the boys
bought of other regiments. During this
scarcity, Blake happened to be on guard
at Hancock's headquarters. He was pa
cing bis beat very, industriously in front
of the General's tent, about djylight, when
the General rolled out of bed and came
to the door.
"Soldier, are yoa from the 140th?"
"Yes, sir."
"Is it true that rations arc scarce ?"
"Yes, sir."
"How many have you? Half enough ?"
"I think so, sir,"
"Well, it's a poor soldier who can't steal
the other half."
With the last remark he went to bed
again, while Blake renewed his labors.
Before long the cook began preparing
breakfast. One thing after another was
put on the table in the mess tent, and final
ly a plate of hot biscuit. When the cook
returned to the kitchen, Blake stepped up,
emptied them into his haversack, and re
sumed his walk. Breakfast was announced
and the General went in. He had net
been there long Leioro he called the cook
to bring in some bread. Cook told him
ho. had out some warm cakes on the tablet
Some conversation passed between them;
and the General, stepping to the door,
watched Blake very closely.
Blake walked his beat, apparently un
conscious of any one being within a mile.
Finally the General called a corporal,,
relieved Blake, and sent him to his quar
ters. Ho had twenty-eight biscuits in his
The Puzzled Irishman. During the
conflict with Great Britain a number of
our troops were engaged in repairing the S,
fortifications of Niagara: and wiile so;
enao-ed, the enemy commenced a pretty
sharp fire, eo that it occupied nearly the
whole of the time of our force to keep on
the lookout for the shots of tho onomy.
Finding that they did not make much
headway, they stationed a son of the Em
erald Isle to give warning when a shell
This tho sentinel faithfully performed. J-
alternately singing out, "shot, "shell,
"shot," "shell," until finally the enemy
started a eongreve rocket, which Pat had
never seen before.
He hesitated, and seeing it elevated, he -shoatcd,
"Shot, and by jahcrs the gun
with it !" !
Adroit Sell,
One day a gentleman called at tho store
of Mr. Ralph Hardman with a violin box
under his arm. He purchased a neck-tie,
for which ho paid fifty cents, and then
asked permission to leave his box while ho
did a few errands down town. Old Hard
man a dealer in new and second-hand
clothing had no objection.
"It is a violin," said tho goatloman,
"which I prize very hitrhlv. It. was trivari
tnd by an old Italian who died at my fath
er's house. . I beg you. will be careful of
it, sir!"
Mr. Hardman promised, and tlie owripr'
cf the precious violin departed.
loward noon, whilo tha old rWhlno-
dealer was very deeply engaged iri the
i.uin. w otimi a suit oi snouuy lor hang
up Prussian Tricot, a stranger entered the
store a remarkably well dressed man, with
a distinguished look. The violin was iri
sight upon a shelf, and as no one was near
to prevent, the new comer shooed aronnd
and opened the box, and took out the in
strument a very dark-hued and anciebt
ooking one.
"Hallo !'
cried Hardman,
when ha
"What for
heard the sound of the viol.
you touch dat, eh ?"
The stranger explained that he was a
professor that he was leader of an orches
tra and that he could never see a violin
without trying it. And then he drew the
bow across the strings, playing a few nas
sages of a fine old German waltz.
"3ly soul!" he cried, after he" had run
his fingers over the instrument a whila.
this is the best violin I ever saw ! There
is not a better in . the city a perfect gen
uine oia irmona i 1 will give jou. a hun
dred dollars for it.iJ . -
Hardman said it was not his.
"I will give you a hundred and fiftv
two hundred !"
Mr. Hardman was forced to explain
how the violin came to be left at his store.
The stranger had taken out his pocket
book, and drawn forth two one hundred
dollar bank notes, but put them back re-:
"I must have that violin if money will
buy it. When the owner returns will you
ask him to wait for me ? If he cannot
wait, ' ask him to meet me here at six
o'clock. If he cannot do that, tell him to
call at the office f the Treasurer of tho
Academy of Music,"" and inquire for the
Director of the Orchestra. Will yoa do
Hardman said he would.
"But," suggested the stranger, "you
need not tell the man what I have said
about this violin, nor what I have offered j
because he may have no idea of what a
treasure he possesses. You will be careful
and circumspect."
The stranger went away, and Ralph
Hardman reflected. In the course of an.
hour the owner of the violin returned, and
asked for his box. But the shoddy man
had been captivated by the golden bait.
What would the gentleman sell his vio
lin for ?
At first the gentleman would not listen
to the proposition ; but after a deal of talk
he confessed that he was not himself a
professor, and could not well afford to keep
such a valuable instrument. He would
sell it for one hundred and seventy-fivo
dollars, not a penny less.
Italph Hardman paid the money, and
became the legal possessor of the violin,
ready to take anywhere from three hun
dred to five hundred dollars from the Di
rector of the Orchestra, as he might bo
But'the Director did not come. At the
end of a week Hardman carried the violin
to a professional friend, and asked him
what was its real value. His friend ex
amined it and said :
"Two dollars and a-half without tho
Ralph Hardman wa3 strongly of tho
opinion that the gentleman who left tho
violin in his care was a swindler, and that
tho Director was a partner in the business,
and that, together, they had made him
their victim. That night shoddy was
marked up ten per cent.
tuuiuicuwuuu ui uiuercub jLiuua u I uica l
ctnes, but regarding the practice as out of
my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases d
clined ; but with a INT clear proof in vari
ous instances, and particularly in ray own
family of the use of Dr. Hooflaad's German
Bitters, I depart for once from roy usual
course, to express my full conviction that,
for general debility of the Syetera, and es
neMnllv fnr T.ivpr Comnlftinf. it ia a safe and
I r J - 1 i
b. vatnable preparation. In some cases it may
fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very
beneficial to those who suffer from the above
causes. Yours, very respectfully.
"J. a. KENNARD."
Iloofland's German Remedies are counter
feited. See that the signature of C. . M
JACKSON is on the I wrapper of each
bottle. All others are counterfeit.
Principal Office, and Manufactory at the
German Medicine Store, Ko. 631 ARCH-St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
- CHARLES If. EVAXS, Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. Jacksom Co.
nc-ofland'a German Bittersper bottl, $1 Oft
4. . - t, half dozen, 5 00
IIooBand's German Tonic, put up in quart
bottle6, $1 50 per bottle, or a half dozen for
$7 50.
Do not forget to examine well the ar
ticle you buy, in order .to gt the gruuine.
For sals by all Dr.ugjist audf tortlteepers,
.cverywhei. ' -nlS-Gai