H UOFLAD S UnuM A Uin TA3 irtv t?- liGorhAhna he it mam tosw: Thetiret;! ricntries fUr nil of lk a mk Pi1, a .rate pf aniey x'p&epfc jegcjyJ. i P"q? WfiflW dae3 Hepublicaq gonventiori"; the fdtuaT AND tjoa j etc. : ,nnt. n? witti rn mac - h-3 ami 'Pittsburgh Express ys eS, hh ?!WoTmm connecting with MU Train i vmirrnnt Train West, 5 f tnting with Mail Train At .4 - .. u.Trpss EASt. M., cornecung y" sidelpu ..Vof . M. of on uepaivu v t T:tc A?2.S Pp.e M. pa departure of Mail Train At?. At 8.31 P f;ai Vfst, M. or on departure of Mail MimoiiAXDA.-Onc f the servant irls ' , .i Prison Mountain House hnndreJ and seme thirty odd del- lost five -ht last week.... Although the weather in this section has been unusually wct wc sec by our exchanges that in Homo parts of the State crops arc suffering very imcU for the want of rain. In Lancaster rouaty, springs that were scarcely ever known to fail before, are now almost dry. .It is estimated that about $50,000 worth ( berries arc shipped from Cambria county during the berry season. ltoona has a driving course.... A man keeping bachelor's hall in AHoona, went Lome one night last week and found hii domicile ransacked and a considerable .sum of money carried away ...Our farmers have pretty generally got their grain crops cut. The crops were excellent.. ..Beales, the Altoona incendiary, was convicted of arson last week, and gen fenced to the pen itentary for four years.... A series of rob beries were perpetrated iu Tyrone on Thurs-liy night lat. The store of Study & Uro , was entered and robbed of 8400 in money. The money drawer of Jacob Steven, saloon keeper, was also robbed. And tlic clothing store of Goldman and KrgeI....On Saturday lat, Mr. Herman Kephart of Gajvport, Blair county, while engaged in uncoupling freight cars at Dniicansville, got his wrist between the hiiuipcre and had it badly mashed. ...On Saturday afternoon last, Michael McEar- land, of Hollidaysburg, Ivhilst cleaning his cngiue in Johnston's nail factory, had his fro M finirer badly mashed. ...Hon. P. J. MutcII returned to Johnstown from his western trip on Saturday of last week The .season for killing tr6ut closed on the :il.-t ult., and the speckled beauties will t ujny ;i respite for tVio next six months. Tho l iw is a most excellent one, -and it is to bo looped that any one caught violating it will receive the full benefit of its pro iM'oiis....lienj. Iloltzncr, an accomplice h the murder of riralon was released from J iil on bad fm Monday latt ...The exceed ing: coolness of the weather (hesu evenings make warm fires, overcoats. H a terns al together comi'oitable The knife, which it is- saiJ. was used in killing l'halon was t'nind in a jilo of saw-dust one day last wrtk....John S. II hey recovered the 4 lothing taken from his office the night of tlo circus. A colored individual nau.ed Monroe had fastened to them.. ..A school for the education of small bys, between tbc ages of 4 and 12 years will be opened in this place on the second Monday of Sep tember, under the direction of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Ulair County Court. The Blair County Quarter Sessions last week were .occupied principally in the trial of the Al toona incendiaries. Thomas A. Beales, John B. Campbell, and James A. McCon iell, were arrainged on Tuesday morning, -n a charge of having fired the lumber yard tf D. k C. Moore, on the 4th of June 1-ist. A vol. pro, was entered by the District Attorney in favor of the two last named in order to enable them to turn States' evidence. Their testimony elicited the tact that they, in company with Beales on (lie night in question, proceeded to the lumber yard ; That Beales struck a match and et fire to the lumber, and that all three retired a short distance and waited till the alarm of fire was given, after which they all ran to the engine house, took out the apparatus, and went to the fire. Upon their testimony Beales was convicted. List of Lktters. Followi ug are the uncalled for letters remaining in the Eb en.burg 1. O. August 1, 18G!) : Miss Ellen Albaugh, A$st. Assessor, Rich "1 liotuback, C. D. Bradhead, Mr. Bailv, MB3 Ida C. Dnrsie, Thomas Davis, (smith,) Jobn Curry, Miss Mary I). Evans, Miss Mary Evans, David If. Evans, E. & A. Evans Andrew Gittings, Miss Ann Hitch, A. llarn "eu Wm. II. Uughea, Mrs. Morgan Hughes, J, l. James, Miss Harriet James, Sirs. Cath nne Jiimes, Thomar L. Jones, John Jt. Jones, Jones, Mrs. Mary Jon3, 2, Mrs. Margt ones J. J. Kaylor, Leib & Hopple, Qeo. K. nt .Joseph Mack, Eiss Mary J. McConnell, " Mien Marphey, Miss Amanda McCuire Rin"8 M"Sulte. 2 Mrs. Jane Mahon, Jos. S. S Mr- Jae Roland, M. Roberts. Miss waggle Roberts, Ceorgo Riagan, Mrs. Eliza- . M'3J M"y Shaffer, Miss Mary K. Sher 'r. Mi.BMary Sherry, John Tiernv, Adam ul6on 3 Sewmg Machine. " . . ift A. M.i Wll, to bcip, tho cjiect has arrived. The Happy Fondly wear smllinc. fare!?, on't. They are not posted. I am. Who'll carry tho pnrao, thai's tr. question? I know who eoiihl tise it to the best ad vantage, lut pay uiodesty prevents, me fronj iust inent-iortipg the person. It is a positior) mvich sought f0y. is a position that reiuircs a man capable, of knowing how ia take eare of the spoils, t Who'll it be ? The sotith ving claim it mut be used there, or defeat will be the resnlt. The north wing claim they must have it. What's to be done ? I would suggest that it be used in establishing whisky shops in some of our Republican districts where such institutions arc not known. Happy thought ! Didn't half think tike I can, cither. I will report further in regard to this matter again. Next comes tho appointment of Anna for Co. Auditor, vice Kennedy, who de clined. Does said appointment suit us. Echo answers no ! no ! Another man on the ticket who docs not suit tho masses. Defeat comes buzzing around my cars like a mosquito on a hotsultry night. Uufc such it is. If a man from Ebcnsburg or Johns town could not have been prevailed to ac cept the position, why not urge Jehueay Wickerhoff to bo the coming man, who, it might be mentioned stands six foot in stocking feet, wears his suspenders, cros sed, as you know all great men do; has an excellent capacity for whisky ; he knows no South, no North, no East, no West, nor no nothing. Such are Jehueay 's claims on the party. But, like a watermelon, he was squashed. I am informed your Convention will meet in a short time. 1 ve been thinking all along that it would. Our party are afraid ofyour nominations. So am I. There is no use in keeping it a secret any long er. I hear it whispered that the sum of 10,000 is to be used to secure the elec tion of your county ticket. I know how the slato reads. Few do, though. The political situation from our stand point of view is everything but a pleasant one. The Happy Family are at work. The county has been scoured, with very- unfavorable reports. JJissatisiaction pre vails everywhere. "Wiekerholf is dissatis- ficd. So am I. What Democrat isn't. Heretofore I'orter's election was consider ed certain, but now put down as doubtful Kennedy's withdrawal lias created a great deal of excitement. Some think he has lett the party and taken Washington townshit with him. Such subjects I do not like to dwell upon. Believe me and don't believe anybody else. Ouseuver Sad Accident. A tad r.nd painful ac cident occurred in Cambria township three miles north of Ebcnsburg, on Fri day morni rig last. A little girl aged near ly four vcLrs. and daughter of David Fowcll, had one of her legs cut off above the ankle by a mowing machine, which her father was employed with cutting grass The professional services of Dis. Lemon and Evans were summoned and mcdica aid rendered. The amputation of tho lc was periect. The father s attention was directed in anotner direction wnen the little 'jirl was coming to meet him, thus causing the accident. The little sufferer is doing well under the circumstances. The Coming Eclipse. An eclipse o 1 r . ill.l.l the tun, the most rcuiarkaMc mat na? oc curred for many years, and the liko of which will net be seen again for many gen erations, occurs cn Soturday next. It will be total ever a narrow path extending over a portion of the Western State, Kentucky and North Carolina, and end ing in the Atlantic Ocean. Iowa, Illinois and Kentucky will be particularly favord with a view of the celestial phenomenon. The total eclipse will only last about two minuteH and fifty second. Extensive prep arations have been made bv scientific men f jr a fair view of the dor. great celestial woa- Visn ous. Our friend and subscriber, Col. Robt. A. M'Coy, chief clerk in the Surveyor General's office at Harrisburg, paid us a pop vbit oue day last week. Mr. R." II. Thompson, clerk in the Philadelphia post office, arrived home on Tuesday. Philadelphia life agrees with the "Doctor." Thos. Fenlou,Esq. and family, formerly of this place, but now of Leavenworth, Kansas, arrived in this place the other day. - - Mr. Wm. Rodgcrs was at home oa a flying visit for a couple of days. Glad to see them all. Died. On the 4th , inst., at his resi dence in Cambria township, south of Eb ensburg, , Isaac Jones, aged, about ?3 years,- Tun -New C&Mteseiv bhns tf .m H 6ivtiot: -ftpo 'sb rfgaY:-' fho borclar; ktho ork ft pultioq. ; On tra left is tlq y&H6, ? f girl and on the right the soa of tq '('reas urer. Tb,3 back of h'e roto h iqdqrsed tho same as tho notes of the old issua. ThS' paper of the curreqey note 3 up.erioif to that of the eurrenoey notes heretofore; in -use..'- Instead, of the flafihyrquze hera fhre uedj an engTaved seal printed in red,, has been substituted. The ' fifteen-dent .. . . -1 ..... i . i . . . . . .- 1 i . notes 'will bear a representation,' of; the (home of tho capUol. Hr. Fcs?Quelens head is taken off the twenty-five $ent notes, and that of Washington sudstltutQd while Mr. Lincoln's faeo will replace that of Mr. Spinner on. the fifty-cent notes, The New Greenbacks. The new one-dollar notes will have a, vignetto of Washington, and a representation of Columbu3 discovering America on. tho :c, instead of the vignette of Chcif Justice Chase as on those now in uso. The two-dollar notes illw have a vignette of Jefferson and a view of the Capitol, in piaco oi mo vignetto oi i1 ranknn,.as on 1 1 i. ft ... -JL.J those now in uso. Tho plates for these notes have been engraved at the Treasury Department. The Jack's of the ones wll be printed by the National Bank 'Note. Company of New York, and that of the two3 by the American Comdany of the same city- Ihe designs lor the nves, tens. twenties, and other denominations have not yet been determined upon. Cambria Member We notice that our esteemed citizen, Hon. A. A. .barker has been chosen the Cambria county meuii . ber of the Republican State Central Com mittee. The selection of ilr. 'Barker to this position is one which gives universal satisfaction to the Republican party of the county. With his thorough acquaintance1 of the wanta of the party, and his' large political expci fence, he will prove himself of great value both to the Committee and party. He is one of those hard-j orking politicians who, when he undertakes any thing is sure to succeed. io better ap pointment ceuld have been niade. Shook Snor Burned. Oa Fritlay night last, the shook shop belonging to Messrs. A. A. Barker & Son, loqated i Susquehanna township, this county, was discovered to be on fire. Befor alartn could be given the flames bad made euxrh headway that the shop, together with a Iarcrc quantity ot shook and staves were soon consumed. The Messrs. Barker's loss will be in the neighborhood of $300, It is supposed to be the work of iucendaria- LiUl. Died. At his residence, in this place, on Sunday 1st inst., Dr. Robert S. Bunn, agei 44 years, 4 months' aud 15 days. The deceased was a most amiable, honest and upright man. In his profc.5- s.on to uukui iiremct. ins reui,iii.& wer:- i-jii.wcd to thj :rr?.v.- by a lar :ijd acjijuaintanccf. Mn" re c.r el'j cf friends he rest in pe !C0. Olr Telegram.'. The telegraph j coming ! - Before another issue of our fi ner, the telegraph to Ebcnsburg will net only be talked of. but a reality. The polos necessary for the construction, have bevh distributed, and workmen are engaged jn putting them in their proper place, while others arc engaged putting up tho wjre. The Frfdti'iii suggests celebrating the event. We second it. What say ? i Timr Fixed. Rev. 31 r. Christy in forms us that the pastorial residence be longing to the Catholic congregation of this place which is to bo disposed ofby chance (82 perchance) will positively .couie. off during the fiist week ofthp coining court. We shall give due notice' of the time and day of the drawing. X Ouu Station. The station house of tho E. & C. It. R., at this place, has un dergone a thorough repairing. New sills have been placed under the building; and the platform around the building has been rclaid. A number of other improvements have been madeTnside the building. Notice. Dr. D. W. Zeigler, the well known and popular dentist, will make a professional visit to Canrdltown on ,tle ICth inst., and remain a few days. The Doctor can be consulted at his rooms Tit Lawrence Schrotto's hotel, where we con-; fidently advise those desiring any work in tho dental line to give him a call " 'vi Confidenced. A man who hails from Clearfield, met a couple confidence men in Philadelphia the other day, and after a bargain was made for some lumber, they succeeded in fleecing him to the tunc of $300. Died. In Cambria tp., on Wednesday of last week, , Mrs, Elizabeth Rowland, aged 78 years. ( , pi m 4ti$tihz - - - wpscttirsij of his carriage and his hor fal Uog upon him. Jig Q Ipiprpving-,' Mr, ntnppy plonnen, an ' eppOycj .nibria lm mi1 out of th? inlpeS from work was cah't between one of the ore pare and the side of thy drift. the 0 tll? aceijt Mr. O'Xionnell had several picks on his shoulders, the points of which, were driven into his back until stopped by the handles. Mr. O'Donnell lingered in great agony for about fivo hours when he died. Ho was buried last Friday by the St, Peters Be nevolent Society of which ho . was a nicm hcr. Ilia remains were followed. to its last resting place by one of the largest fu. . rerals that has ever taken place in this Vicinity.. . Thc.Tannehill troupe gave two enter tainments to crowded houses at Parke's Opera house, on Friday and Saturday mings lastj They give another enter tainment to night. . The Independent Sr. base ball club was reorganized one evening last week by electing John Gore, Sr., President ; Jno. Odgen, Vice President; Harry Rosen- steel, Secretary. ..... There is some talk about making a pub lic park out of the public square, which would he a great advantage to the citizens of the town. Dio. The Freeman says : Some six or eight years ago a man named Andrew Shaffer, residing iu Jackson township, this Coun ty, partially mutliatcd his person in a way not necessary to describe, and one day last week attempted to finish the job and came very near finishing himself. Shaf fer hed been on a spree and was absent froin home for several days, but on Wednes day of last week, we think, he was found by a member of his family in a meadow near the house, his outcries h aving attract ed attention to him, and his injuries were then supposed to be of fatal character, but we since learn that he is in a fair way of recovering. Mr. S. is the father of a grown up family , and is well advanced in years. His shocking mutilation of his person was probably the result of a species of insanity superinduced in both instances by an intemperate use of spiritrus liquors New Banking House. A new Bank ing House has been established in Johns town, on main street, under the name and firm of Messrs. John Dibert & Co. The junior member of the firm, Mr. John D. Roberts, formerly of this place, and bite assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Johnstown, has been appointed cashier. We wish the gentlemanly pro prietors success. . We direct attention to the advertise ment in another column of Valentine I,u'.trir:gcr, who, it will be seen, has bought th.-stock and fictures of T. W. Williams' til? shop. We bespeak for him a Jarge t-h.-ire of patronage, as he is agoop mechanic and Joe J all kinds of work as cheap the cheapest, and as good as the best. as BnuGLARY. On Friday night of lasl week, the store of J. & P. M. Brown of Summerhill,' Cambria county, was entered by burglars, who succeeded in carrying away $20. No clue to the rob bers. Among the most enterprising business men in town is our merchant friend V. S. 3arker, who, it i3 ncknowlf dged by all keeps the Lest assortment of clothing in town. Not this alone jiakes it an object to buy from him. butthe e.xtreirelj low prices at which he is ofTeriDg his goods to the public. See. If you want ladies', misses', childrens , men'?, or boys' shoes, go to the chenp store of Messrs. A. A. Darker & Son, High Etreet, Ebensburg. They are selling wonderfully low and everybody should take advantage of these liberal inducements. Fry, Ahead. Fry, tho popular mer chant, is ahead of all competitors for selling ol-y It's iTtact. Everybody eays eo, and what everybody aays must be true. Go and see for yourself. Buy your fruit cans at Huntley's if you want the best and by odds the cheapest in town. His stock is larpo and comprises all the different kinds manufactured. Everybody c-an be supplied. Buy your flour from Y. S. Brrker. THE MARKETS. Ebexsbtjbg, Aug- 5, 18C9. Reported for The Alleghanian by V. S. Barker. Apples, dried, lb.. 20lVheat, bu - 1.60 Rp.n 3 00 Oats 7a Butter 25 Bacon. 1520 Corn, bu 125 Eggs, doz - 20 I lour, bbl...7.508.0t! Hat, ton 20.C0 Potatoes, bu...l2.C0 Lard, lb 20 Wool 50 Fish, Lake Her 6.00 " While....... 11.00 Mackerel.10.00 Flaxseed, bu..... 2.50 Beeswax, lb 35 rtv 1.23 Country Soap.... 10 Salt, bbl... 3.25jTallow. 15 Philadelphia, Aug. 5, 18G9. Flour, $5 to $3. Wheat, $1.45 to $2.00 Colfce, 22c. to 20c. Suar, Uc. to IC. SATE LIONET, MONEY, SATE MONEY, cue a p. CLormxo. cheap CLormxtf. - jVF w style dr ess goods, new style dress goods. NEW STYLE PRESS GOODS, BET FIOHR IN TOWN. TEST FLOUR IN TOWN. BEST FLQUR IN TOVVN, THE PLACE TO GET GOOD TEA, THE PLACE TO GET GOOD TEA, THE PLACE TO GET GOOD TEA, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH GROCERIES, GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, NEW V. S. BflRKFR'S CHEAP STORE, V. S. RAFKFR'S CHEAP STDRF, V. S. BARKER'S CHEAP STORE, ERENSDCRG, PA. EBFXSRURG, PA. EBENSB UR G, PA. QUICK QUICK QUICK SALES, SALES, SALES, SMALL SMALL SHALL trofits. PROFITS, r It O FITS. RICES GOING DOWN: AT THE EBEXS1SURG HARDWARE .j- HOUSE FURX1SIIIXG STORE. I once more return my sincere thanks to my old friends and customers for their lib eral patronage extended towards me, and now, owing to the great fall in prices, by which many articles can be sold as cheap as before the war, and having a thorough knowl edge of the business and the Wiitits of the public, I take pleasure in announcing thit I caa and will sell goods at a lees figure than any similar establishment in city or country. My stock wiircoasisi ia part as follows: DOOR and CUPBOARD LOCKS, CATCHES, COLTS, HINGES, SCREWS, WINDOW SPRINGS, SHUTTER niXGES, WINDOW GLASS, NAILS, PUTTY, BORING MACHINES, AUGERS, CHISELS, BRACES and BITS, HATCHETS, SQUARES, COMPASSES, TRY SQUARES, BEVELS, POCKET RULES, JACK, SMOOTHING, and FOR PLANES, PANEL PLOWS, LEVELS, SASH, RAISING, and MATCH PLANES, SAW SETS, BENCH SCREWS, CROSS-CUT, PANEL, RIP, COMPASS, and BACK SAWS. GUAGES, OIL STONES, SHOVELS, PLOWS, POINTS, FORKS, tCl'illES, SNEDS, RAKE3, HOES, SPADES, IlIFLES, IlETOLVERS, PISTOLS, PIVOTS, FLOUR, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO. CIGARS, SMOKING TOBACCO, AND IN FACT ANYTHING YOU WANT A AT HUNTLEY'S. F?,VNlV3 tifcStiVV fiiTTPr.M li a f 055i i?fvi tf Ilia s-xv iueii (t. a il; Ijffy A k,' waf.tp.jf ft prrprtra U n Hjv.Mruc. i't ft! iP5rf,!',fnM of wit: Tftostf p.-cfrrrhiif a tfedidne fYce n-;n Al. coholH' a'l'iiixturc, will uso HOtiKLANfVS USRMAN BITTERS. Tntjse in ho, hi ait objection to t'ae com, tinaiion of the Bittev3, n stated, !1I ysa HOOI'LANIVfi U'UMAN TOXiO. They are both enuaP.y gaad, and, crn!.!a idne median,.? virtues, the choice be tween ihe twe boin n roc-re matter of tas'e the Tonic' being the mo3t palatable. Tho atQinach, frm a variety of causes oueh aa Indigestion, Dyf prU, Nervous Ve, bility, etc., is very apt to have its iur.ctior.a deranged. The Liver, tyropathuir.g iis clcc, ' ly &3 it does with the Stomach "tfen be come atfcfted, tho rcsnU of-which ia that the patient suffer-s fnira several or xore of the following dhenses ; Constipation, Flatulence, Inward TUes. Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity oltha Stomach, N.iusea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in tho btonach, Sour Eruotatiora, Sinking or fluttering at tho pit of the Stomach, Swimming cf ihe IlaiJ, Hurried or Difficult Brelhiug, Flnt trring at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sanitations when ir. a ling j.omiuc, Diyinesi of vision, Dots or web." btfor the sight, dull pain in tho Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eves. Pain in the Side, Rack, Chest, Limbs, etc, . Su Jdf n Flush i f Heat, Burning In the flesh. Constant maginings of Evil, and great depression of Spirits. The sufferer from these diseases should exercise the greatest caution in the selection or o remedy for his case, purchasing only that which he is assured from his investiga tions and inquiries, possesses true mer it, skilfully compounded, i free from injuri ous ingredients, and established for itself a reputation for the cure of these diseases. In this connection we would submit these well known remedies Hoc thin 's German Bitters, and Iloofland's German Tome, prepared by Ult. U. Jl. JACKSON. PHILADELPHIA. FA. Thirty-live years since they were 6rst in troduced into thi3 country from Germany, during which time they have undoubtedly performed more cures, and beneGtted suffer ing humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the public. These remedies will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, "F1 Chronic Diarrhoea. Disease of the Kidneys, and all diseases arts ing from a disordered Liver, Stomach or In testines. DEBILITY RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE whatever ; Prostration of the System, in duced by Severe Labor, Hardships, Exposure, Fever, &c. There is no medicine extant equal to these remedies in such cases. A tone and vigor is imparted to the whole system, the appe tite is strengthened, food is enjoyed, tho . stomach digests properly, the blood is puri fied, tho complexion become3 sound and healthy, the yellow tinge is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous iuvalid becomes a. Strong and healthy being. PERSONS A D V. NCED IN L IF E, And feciing the hand of time weighing heav ily upon them, with all its attendant ill?, will find in the use of this Bitters, or the Tonic, r.n elixir thai will instil new lite into their veins, restore in a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE! It is a well established fact that fully one half of the female portion of our population aie seldom in the enjoyment of good health, cr, to use their own T expression, "never h-el well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, and have no. p- I I-ctitc. To this class of persons tho letter, or tlie Tonic, is especially recommended.- WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are maJo strong by the nse of either of these remedies. They will cure every case of MARASMUS, without fail. Thousands of errtiCcates have accumula ted in the hands of t e proprietor, lnt!ppce will allow of the publication of but a-few. Those, it will be observed, are froi.i men of : note, and ot such standing that thc-y must be believed. TESTIMONIALS: non. Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pa., writes : Philadel phia, Marsh 16, 1867. "I find Hoo'land' German Bitters is a good tonic, useful in disease.-? of the digestive organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility, and want of nervous action in the system. Yours, truly, Geo. W. Voodward." Hon. James Thompson, Judge of tho Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 23, 1SGG. I consider Hoofland's German Bitters' :i valuable medicine in case of attacks of Indi gestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experience of It. Yours, c. From Per. Joser-b I . , , , cf the Tenth S" shoddy was Dr. jaci per cent. commendations of different kinds of medi cines, but regarding the practice a3 out of my appropriate sphere. I have in "all cases de clined ; but with a DKT clear proof ia vari ous instances, and particularly in my or, a family of the use of Dr. Hoofland's German Hitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that, for general debility of the sys'rm, and cj- . peci11y for Liver Complain, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, "J, H. JvENNAliD." C ACTION. Hoofland's German Remedies are counter feitcd. Sec that thesigiiature of C, if JACKSON is on the 3 wrapper of each bctllc- AH others are ionutertit. Principal (:r;ce, r.ud Manufactory at the Germau Medicine Store, No. G31 AJUCn-St., Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jacksos Co. PRICE S: Ilccfland's German Bitters, per bottle, $1 0(V '' b-ilf t'ozen, 5 0 Hoofland's German Top.ic, put up in quart bottl-s, $1 .00 per baiile, or a half dozen foi Si ro. J" )u not fii'.vrct to c vf.'. -.'tie well thi '.r ticlc you buy, in o:der to gvt the genuine. For S.iIg by all Drugjjitif andStorcke-t-pe-rs, cvcrvrvlicrc. v rnlj-Ci.i