I nt ef i. in f 4 Of oa L'Ul :ss, icci best . be it :e set s vr d. ; re-i itr LI, " the rs- ie i ien-f nil 1 f land chs org trom lesi E. torn oua- r tin stab i and icau- city, riT will FIBS LCD- jlr7 r Pre.' rong osi Alt I 31 gtore ed W 6- hTTirTCBIlNSOX, 1 EDITORS. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDEXT.--hVhb't Clay. OLUME 9. EBENSBURG, PA., THURgDiLY, AUGUST 5, I8C9. TSRMS-2'50 IMU A XX I'M lfcJto- 2.00 IXADVAKfK ,.'- r ublic, fiy Law, Kbensburg, Pa. FENLO:J, Attorney at Law, Ehen.sb'irg, Pa. 0 (3-0.- e on High sir 1 UU" , T,. it Law, lcotsuuis, :13 T V I. - -w T T IT t:;f OiT.cc v TeY"3 t L i -i . . -. . l!.UV.ui-" nt The Df- i . Tanr. 29. IXUILER, Attor- E(y f.l f" V O ATM AN, Attor L-cisburg, Pa. . ir. r to collections. id. rOUXSTOX L ? 'AN LAN. Attorneys -1 L l.-enstmrp, x a. t. JOHNSTON. LtU'K,JJ . T AMKS ( EAbLl, Attorney ar iaw, farro'.ltown, Cambria county, i a. Architectural Drawings and Specifi- r .i 1 1 cr ? .1 J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace 1 7. and enven.-r. ... ir:i. -4 -OfTr-e z'Voiniu-j dwelling, on fi-, ' .ir", Cftu? l3'6m- LL. LANGSTROTH'S PATF.NT , MOVABLE COMB BEE HIVE! Pronounced the best ever yet introduced in this county or trtate.-.Aoy person buying a family rht can have tlieir Bees transferr- ed from an old box to a new one. In every j instance in which this has becu done the re ' suit has been entirely satisfactory, and the i first take of honey has in variably paid all ex- rau13 1 pen" nu( frequently exceeded them. ' Proof L " j of the superior merits of this invention will Attorney at j ue una in lutr wstiiiuunj 01 verj man ttuo are the gentlemen named below, and their experience should induce every one interested in Bees to BCY A FAMILY RIGHT ! Henry C. Kirkpatrick, of Carroll township, took 106 pounds of surplus honey from two hives, which he sold at 35 cents per. pound. . Adam Deitrich, of Carroll township, took from two hives ICO pounds of surplus honey, James Kirkpatrick, of Chest townihi?, took i 60 pounits 01 surplus noney irom one hive. Jacob Kirkpatiick, of Chest township, ob tained 72 pounds of surplus honty from one hive, worth cot less than $21, and the right cost him only $5. Teter Campbell from one hive obtained 3G pounds of surplus honey at one time. gtgf Quite a number of similar statements, authenticated by some of the best citizens of Cambria county, could be obtained in proof of th superior merits oi Langstroth's Patent .Movable Comb Bee Hive. Persons wishing to purchase family rights should call ou or address PETER CAMPBELL, Nov. 2C, 18GS-tf Carrolltown, Pa. J. K. FCANLAS. JokMNvn. Ebtmburg. '(PK.IAN & DICK. Attorneys at Law, "ubtnsburu', Pa. Office ;u Colombia l.ov, wnn m. Esq. lOSEI'll i. iSrli A l rAi, .Mi-tioe ci tbe Peace, Jolnistovi;, pa. r-v- OHu-e u iVariet strn-J, toriitr of Lo- i: t-tr-jpt exfeiided, and one duor south of lute oSice of Wm. M'Kee. Rur3 I)i:veui:aux, m. d., riijMcian and Su.ct-cn. Humirit, Pa. y Oihce east of M:rs:cn Iloie, on Rail- strict. ight cahs promptly atteiide l it his office. faug!3 hl 1'E WITT ZEIGLKK O.Tcrs bis professional ser-icc3 to the ns oi' Khv.i-!jurg and vicinity. He will I.b?n?iur "ie t-ecoud Tuesday of each V to rv..imn ono week. f.ttr.u'tcd, uithout vain, with Xi'.rous '., ci !. rijiifi( Gas. feI.oTuU :a the ''Mountain House, '.rf-rt. aulo STLIY. :.ndtT5 ined. Graduate of the lial- :t'viii-jc of Dental Surgery, respectfully !:- professional services to the citizens "'.-! rp. lie has spared uo means to iiirliW H.-'iuaint himself with every im- vnunt in his art. To many years of per ' experience, he has sought to add the .rted experience ot the highest authorities cctrtl Science, lie simply asks that an rtiulty liiay be giveu for his work to i its fjwii nraise. SAUUKL BKLFOUD, D. D. S. kr" Will bent Ehensburg on the fourth y of each Month, to stay one w jek. list I?., 1803. WYl'S; CO., JoIJ. Silver, C.)V i.:i i i;ne l.iMc.-!t? .r:.riint Lc.ir u'.d :r 1 -si..1.. rst i-'Jifi'tic ide fr"psiiile points in J e Vs i?- Stutes, (Jeu nd Hauking B.uincs? t.';-.isartcil. ut i sgS. M. LLOYD .v: Ct Alton.'., T'.v. on the nrincioal ci'i''', -r. i I.'iivir ") ltor".!e. Collections ::.nue. -don- ectived m At, .-, -. r.avuide on fleuinnd. if'-n-st, cr t; oi; time, with interest -IK Fin. ST - .1 rIONAL 1.NK Or J;ix.roffs, I'kns.v. V Ca?Uut $ 00,000 00 Vf to -. rye t'o 100,000 00 ''liy n,: sr!! Inland itnd Foreign Drafts, S;'vo , ;ivd n.:i c cses of (Jovern irtu . 1'it've .ohections at home '"''d ; i ;,-; jo7t-i : loan money, ii.inkin,- business. All to ..s v i.l receive prompt n 'la-J care, cl iodciite prices. Give YOU WANT A BARGAIN ? The subscriber offers at private 6ale the fallowing described valuable property, situ ate in Strongstown, Indiana county : OXE LARGE UOUSE, Two stories high, L-shape, one L being 50 feet long, and the other 40 feet. It contains Oine ri) rooms, and is well suited for. and has heretofore been used as, a Hotel. Situa ted in the business portion of town. OXE SMALL Ell II USE, Two stories high, 40x22 feet, capable of ac commodating two families. THREE ACRES OF GROUXD, Upon which the foregoing described houses are situate. The property was formerly owned and oc cupied by Barker & Litziuger, who have dis solved partnership. TERMS: $1,300 for tho entire property. $300 to $500 in hnd; the balance in payments. Pos session given the 1st of April, if desired. For particulars, apply to or ad.iress A. A BARKER, marltf Ebinsburg, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHIC!. Ho ! every one that Avant Pictures, Come ye to Ebensburjj and gel them f HtivlnK 1 ,-, .1 In Kbtnsbur);, I would irmwy respectfully inform the people that I am now iuliy prepared to take PliuTOCRAPHS in every style of ihe art, from the smallest Card Picture up to Life Size. tf Pictures taken in any weather. ""3 Every attention piven to the te.king of CHILDREN'S PICTURES. Photographs painted iu Oil. India Ink, or II"t Colors. Your attention is called to my FRAMES for LARGE PICTURES, and PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, also, Copying and enlarging done in the v?ry best ."tyle of the ai't. I ask comparison, and defy competion. Thankful for past f-.ivors, 1 solicit a con tinuance of the sauic. tt:y Gallery on Jrlian street, three doors north of the Town Hal!. augl3 T. T. SPEXCE, Thotograpber. 7TEV CHEAP CASH STORE!! n - The subscriber would inform the citizens of Ebensburg utid vicinity that he keeps con stantly oi. Land everything in the GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY Hue, such as Flour, Tea, ColTee, Sugar, all kinds of Crackers, Cheese, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, &c. CAXXEO rE ACHES AXD TOJI ITOES.' Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Wool en Focks. Neck ties, &c., all of which will be sold as cheap if not cheaper than elsewhere. A full aortment of Candies ! Ice Cream every evenine;. aug!3 R. R. THOMAS !.Jor(N DlOEKT, !j..coa Levkboooo, 'Jajiks McMiliex. J:.cr'Rr.i.i., ' M. t'.AMLiiI.I., b.WIFL J, MORRKLL, President IlfT. sep3ly u ' . t JOHM LLOYD, H .NATIONAL HANK OF ALTOONA. " 0 1 'EliXM EX T A GXXCV, ,.; AND XAILD DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI r TKD STATES, orner Virginia and Annie sta., North Uuoq.-i, p:l. - - ?!Iro Capital ..$300,000 00 '"al Ij; 150,000 00 ilntM pertaining to Banking done oa , ' 'avenue Stamps of all denomina-a-v3 on Land. , .;iy?''r:' cf Stamp?, percentage, in ' ' ' be nllowed, as follows: $50 to rer ten t Qnr 4 C!.ir, . 4l'l ur.. , a o per ceni.; . -".us, per cent. augi:j i! ii i i, ... . "'"AiU ULAINE, limber Ski "-biic 8me. ..j j-iu&ilc me "nioun- augl3 "O EES J. LLOYD, Dealer in Successor of R. S. Bunn, PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. AND DYE-STUFFS, PERFUME RY AND FANCY ARTICLES, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES FOR MEDI CAL PURPOSES, PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Also: Letter. Cap, and Note Papers, N Pens, Pencils, Superior Tnk, And other articles kept by Druggists generally. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded. 6lF.ce on Main Street, opposite the Moun tain House, Ebensburg, Pa. augl3 T7 ALU ABLE TOWN FOR SALE. 1 oxIlsoIp AND CANDT.W iy CUXABLE, '-" -r m Soa. Candle. i i"'.! in'' v;, . . o , at rift, prices "A: T., .lOn.NSTOWN Pa. PROPERTY The undersigned will sell at private sale, a'otof ground tdtuated in the west ward of Ebensburg borough, having thereon erected a two-stoty frame house, with a ylank kitchen attached, and a, one story frame house, fronting 66 feet on High street, and extending 132 feet back to lot of Wrn. S. Lloyd, adjoining lot of Robt. Evans on the east, and an alley on the west, form erly cvned by E. Siiles. . The property will be sold cheap for cash, or on good terms. For full paiticulars apply to V. S. BARKER. June 3-tf. Ebensburg, Pa. IIOS. J. LLOYD, Dealer in LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, EBENSBURG, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA. The highest market price will be paid, in cash, for all kinds of good Lumber. BStfir Particular attention paid to filling all orders. lauS- 13. "VTOTJCE. X i AH persons wanting to got one of tLe celebrated Aetna Mowing and Reuping Ma chines, must leave their orders with me be tween this and the 20th of June, in order that I may have time to order them before they sr wanted to nse. GEO. HUNTLEY. REVCLUT1 CHARY TALE. 'm God is is everywhere: His vrords are in the heart. :lie ia oa the battle field, or iu our, peaceful home. "Praise His holy name. - - - - . . It was in the wiMs of Yv'issahicon, on the day of battle, as . the noonday eun came through the thick clustered leases, that two men met iu deadly conflict near the reef which rose, like some primeval world, at least a thousand feet above tho dark waters of the Wissahicon. The mau with dark brown face, and dark grey eyes, flashing with deadly iightj and a muscular form, clad in a blue frock of the Revolutiou, is a: continental named Warren. The other with long black haira Jlroop ing along his cadaverous faee7"is clad iu the half military costume of a Tory refu gee. This is a murderer of Paoli, named Dehancy. They met by accident, and now they fought, not with sword and rifle, but with long and deadly hunting knifes they stru- giea. twining aua twisting on tne green sward. At last the tory is down down on th turn, with the knee ot the continental on his breast the upraised knife flushed death in his face. . " " 'Quarter I I yield !" gasped the torv, as tho knee was pressod on 4i3 breast.' "Spare me I yield I "3Iy brother, said the; patriot, in a tone of deadly hate, "my brother cried for quarter on trie nigut li faoli, and even as be clung to your knes you struck that knife into his heart. I wsll esve vou tne quarter of Paoli. And his hand was raised lor the blow, and his teeth were clench with deadly hate he paused i':r a moment, and then piiiioa-c- the tory's anus, and with i stiJj drug ged him tu the verge of the rock, uidhtid iini quivering over the abyss. "Merdy !" gasped the tory, turning ashy pale by turns, as that awful gulf yawned below. "Mercy ! I have a wife and child at home spare mc." The continental, with murcular strength gathered for the effort, saov': tLe murderer once more , over the abyss, aud then hissed his bitter sneer in his li.ee. "My brother had a wife and two children. The morning after the night at Paoli that wife was a widow ; those children orphans ! Af:k mercy for them !''- . . The proposal made by the continental in mockery and bitter hate wa3 taken in serious earnest by the terror stricken to ry. He begged to be taken to the widow and her ihiidren; and. to have the privil ege of Legging lor his life. After a mo ment of serious thought the patriotic sol dier sonsented. Jle bound tue tor- sarms still tighter, placed ;hlm on his feet, and led him through the Woods. A quiet cot tage embossed among the. trees broke on their ej-es. . Th?y entered the cottage. There i. csi jo tho desolate hearthstouo, sat NUMBER 52. A Joker Caught. late war relates the The awful silence irrows deeper. Tho deep drawn breath of the brother, and the Droken gasp of the murderer, alone dis-1 A soldier of the turbed the stillnps ' .1 i fi)llnwinor- dark-haired hoy are breathless. The lit- ! While we were lying in camp at Rossvslle, tie girl, as. she caught a feeling of awe i Georgia, the sixteenth Illinois returned Irom those' around her, stood breathless, j from their veteran furlough with a number ner lace turned- aside, and her tiny fin gers resting on the lines of life and death. At lenjrth. cratherin? ennmrro t.bo w;,l. ; . ' ' C O O ' "" ' ' ow pent ner eyes upon ; the page, and read, jit was from .the new Testament: : " Leve your enemies ! " -; Ohf book - of terrible majesty, and child-like Ipve of Fublimity that crushes the heart with rapture, it never shone more ptronly than there; in that lonely hut of IWihsahicon. when it Saved the murderer's Now look uow-TTonderful are. the ways of 'Heaven' That very night as the widow sat by her fireside sat there with a crushed heart and hot eyelids, thitiktng of her husband, who now lay on the drenched soil of Paoli there was a tap at the door. She opend it, and that husdand, living,, though covered wilh wounils, was in her arms. He hsd fallen at Paoli dut not in death. He was alive, and his wife panting on his bosom. That night there was prayer and thanks giving iu the wood embowered cottage of VYissatiicon. . 1 get some Wliy Governor C3c-ry should Ie Kc-F!cctct. will you if I could get . som6 get Car Scene. the widow arJ She sat tin i.-:f ciiilarcu. :, a matron lv woman of about 118 yeivv, with" a face laded by care; J'n '.i-Uii e3, i.wi Ion'T black hair. hanging t fchnu i dark ey:-., and Ions in .iihelvcled state vear vounirer. one The bible- arottnd her side was a dark haired on the ether side, a girl with r.ght blue eyes. n cm ana venerable volume - lyy open upon the. mother's knee. And the pale face tory Hang himself upon his knees, and confessed that he had butcher ed her husband on iho night of Paoli, and begged his life at her hands. "Spare me, for the sake of my wiie and child !" He had expected this pitiful moan would touch the widow's heart, but not one re leuting gleam softened her. heart. , "The Lord shall judge between us," she said in a cold, icy tone, that, froze the murderer's heart. "Look, the bible is in my lad. I will close the volume, and let my little son place hi3 lingers at random upon a line, aud by that you shall live or die." This was a strange proposal, m idj in good faith, of a mild and dark superstition of oldeu times. For a - moment tha torv, pr.le as ashes, was wrapped in deep thought then ia u faint voic3 he signified his consent. Raising her dark eyes to heaven the mother prayed to the Great Father to di rect the finger of her son. She closed the book she handei it to the b"y, whose cheek reddened with loathing as he gazed upon his father's murderer. He took the bible and opened its iv)y pages ai, random, and placed his finger upon i verse. There was a science. The continental soldier, who had sworn to avenge his brother's death, stood with dilated eyes and parted lips. The culprit kneeling upon the floor, with hi. face like discolored clay, felt his heart leap in his throat. ; ' Then in a clear, bojd voice, tho v. '.djw read this line froui the Old testament. It wa;. short yet terrible: "That man .4ball surely die." Look ! The brother springs forward to plunge the knife into the mur derer'o heart; but the tory, pinioned us he is. clinjrs to the widows knec3. He begs that one more trial may be made by the J lettle girl, that child ot live yers ma, with golden hair aud laughing eyes. The widow consents. There is an aw ful pause. , With a smile iu her eye, an 2 and without knowing what she w&s doing, the little girl opened the bib.e as it lay on l,(.r' knee : she turned her a.oe mi . i away find plac her finger upon a Ituc. "I eay, conductor, do you know who that pood looking lady is there . with a bock r?' - ; "Yes, I've seen her a few times." "13y jove ! she's splendid." "Yes, I think she is." "Where does she live ?" "Jn Chicago, I believe." "I'd like to occupy that seat with her." "Why don't you ask her ?" "I did not know but it would be out of order." "It would not be if she wss willing to have you occupy it. Of course, you claim to bo a gentleman." "Oh ! certainly. If you are acquainted with her, give me an introduction ; that is, if you have no objections." "Certainly not." "How far is she going, do you know ?" "Rochester, I believe." "!-ive" me an introduction, by all means. . Fixing his hair, mustache, and whiskers in a becoming style, he lb' lowed the con ductor' who, on reaching the soat where the lady sat, said, with a peculiar twinkle in the eye : "3Iy wife, Mr. , of New York, who aasures me he will die before reach ing Detroit if he dees not form your ac quaintance." The gentleman stammered, stuttered, grew red in the face, faltered out some ex cuse, and returned to Ms seat, leaving the lady in company with her husband to enjoy the joke. While they were talking, he left his seat, came up, and said :' "All right, Mr. conductor, I owe you one. If you wil izive me your address I will send you a basket of champagne, if you will r.ot say anything about this ; and if you want anything to drink before the champagne comes, we will stop at the first statiou." of recruits. One of these having exhaus ted his supply of clean shirts, and not yet having learned to be his own laundress. astett a veteran where he could washing done. "Do you see those tents there by the church? Well, go there and ask f-r Mr. Morgan ; he does washing He's a crusty old cuss, but if vou talk pretty nice to him he'll do it for you" The recruit went as directed, and found Goa. Geo. W. Morgan walking iu front of his tent dressed, as was his custom in the 'uniform of & high private. "Where will I find Mr. Morgan ?" "My name is Morgan. Wlia; have ?" "I came to see elothos washed ?" "H-m-m. Who sent you here to your clothes washed ( :toohn Smith, over here in the 00th." "Corporal of the guard !" (The corpo ral approached, and saluted)-" Young man go with corporal and show hun John Smith, so that he can briug him over here." And you come back with him aud bring all the dirty clothes you havo." They departed aud soon returned with the guihy veteran and a huge armful of dirty shirts, socks, etc. The General to Smith : "Did you tend this j'oung man here to have his clothes washed 1" - - I'Yea, sir, for a joke " "For a joke ! Well we'll fcave the joke carried out. We do have cluthes washed here sometimes. Corporal, take this man Smith and that bundle of clothes down to the creek, and have him wash them, and fold them up neatly, and return them to the owner. See that he does the job handsomely !:' The veteran went away to his to work sorrowfully, and the General resumed his walk, no doubt thinking it a good joke. O W N . "Ren," said a bar-room politician to his companion, "did you know that I had declined the office of Alderman ?" " AYas vou elected ?" a? - -Oh no. "What, then nominated '" "No, but I attended our party caucus last evening and took an active part ; and when a nominating committee was appoint ed and were making up their list of cad didatcs, I went up to them and begged they Would not nominate me for Alderman, as it would be impossible for me to attend to the duties." "Pshaw ! Jake, what reply did they make?" "Why, they said they hadn't tho't of such a thing." - HOUSE The Ficticious "I want a paper that has long st nies in it," said a young lady; and she added, "I don't want a paper for anything else." Por girl ! mush to be ririil; iml n ittf.il oriu"jrani'o tb wil' make through life, at the present rata. bhe wants nothing serious, no acquaintance with the history of her times, nothing in tellectual; nothing but newspaper novels ! Empty beads they must be that can find room every, week for some ten columns of a sham story. Yet these are the heads for which the weekly press toils and groans, throwing offby the ten thousands iti. sheets thanks to , ii i j j r their lib- of shallow, insipid, and disgusting fiction; me and and for this an amount of money is paid pr,( es, by which a sound literature utterly fails to com- cheap as mand. Fathers and mothers buy this vile gh knowl- fr. li ii,- c.-ina n ?i A il-nlirhturj :inl 5f f t.ie :T i j ,.:4..: in? tint minister to tncir ignorance ana msui-unuu i. t i ... r.-y.e.K. .t4:..o ?lire oi an gooix lasie aim mnias ui in o uui.o. country. Doubtless the periodical press does more QV,S . than any other one instrumentality to de- 0 ov cide the opinions, habits of thought, an 1'ATCHES, general character of the age. A family will s, very soon b-Jgiu t show a sympithy wich jtjxges its weekly paper, and parent and children will soon begin ai a.il itingtoit !n sentiment ' 1 1 and feeling; and as families are, so is the CHISELS, community at large, Blind and stupid, ETS, therefore, yea, worse, arc those who toler- jqtjarES, ate in their bouses a class of papers which are made np of the writings of silly, igno- - rautscribblors, who would be "at the foot" TLANES, in tins town seVool of irood morals. Such 5. Decause he has been a faithful efficient and honest Chief Magistrate. Deirausc ho is the nominee, and repre sentative of a party that stood by tho coun-; try in the hour of d inger, aud that stand by the principles of Justice and Freedom upon which our Government is based. Rt c ;use he h.s been tried and not found wantiug; neither. in his devotion to the principles of true Republiaism, nor in hU integrity in adhering to the strict line of principle in all his official acts. Because he is a man whose private char acter is unblemished, and whose habita are such as meet the approval of all good citizens. , . Because his election will bo a severe re buke to the xlisuonefet politicUns, who setk to accomplish his defeat by the mct cor rupt and indefensible means. Because Pennsylvania owes it to hor honor and fair name, not to permit a bravo and gallant boklior, who drew his swerd for her saicty in the hour of her deadly, peril, and who has served her faithfully in time of Peace, to be defeated by one who sympathized with her enemies when the dark cloud of battle lowered, and the fierce conflict for National existenceurged around her. Because a just regard for tho memory of the martyred dead, who fell in the he roic struggle for National existence, for bids the State to place in high official position those who sympathized with their cneaues. , Because the triumph cf the Democratic candidates in this State, would be the tri umph of the principles of Free Trade, and a deadly blow at the policy of protection to American Industry a policy to vhich the hardy sons of th Old Keystone havo always been devoted. . Because the triumphant re-election of Governor Geary, wou d rejoice the hearts of the true friends of the Nation crcry where, while his defeat would bring joy into the camp of its enemies. And 2naliv. because the true friends of Republican principles, those who are de voted to the Union anil the Constitution, and who sustain the doctrine of "Political Equaility to all Men," are anxious for hia success and determined he shall be elected. strong and healthy being. PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE, And feciing the hand of time weighing heav ily upon them, with all its attendant ill?, will find in the use of this Bitters, or the Tonic, nn elixir that will instil new lite into their veins, restore in a measure the energy and ardor of more vouthful days, build ur I than arc teachers of half of the generation. "Is Mrs. Brown in ?" inquires a gen tleman of the servant who responds to his ring at the door bell. "No, sir ; she's not at home." "Well, I am sorry," said the gentleman in a regretful tene, "as I owe her some money, and called to pay it." Whereupon a voice from over the balustrades is heard: "Oh ! I am in ; to besure I am ! why Sally, Didn't you know that? Ask the gentleman to walk in !" -Table of contents the dinner table. A willing prisoner a man locked ia slumber- A flourishing business ornamental penmanship. ' To ascertain the weight of a horse put your toe under his foot. The man who was filled with emotion hasn't room for a dinner. Never tell your secrets in a corn field for it has a' thousand cars. The lady who took everybody's eye must have a lot of 'cm. The fruit of life the current of our bcin- - - Asa Packer, whom the Democrats of Pennsylvania have just nominated for Governor would hardly do to run oa the same ticket with Gen. Rosecrans, whom the Democrats of the next State West ward are trying their worst to support with a show of cheerfulness. He is a man reputed wise, because of a faculty of look -in" wise and keeping quiet. In Tamman py Hall last summer the Pennsylvania Democrats tried long to persuade the Con vention that he was a fit man fi r the Presidency, but with very different success. They are not now likely to have any bet ter luck in trying to persuade their own people of his fitness for the Governorship. We are inclined to think they have uot made the most of their opportunities. Gen. Geo. W Cass, who fell only tea votes behind Mr. Packer on the first ballot, would have been a much stronger candi date The platform is of the old sort. We read that the negro should not have PLANES, 'S, ASS, AND OYELS, YiilES, iheir shrunken forms, and cive health and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE! It is a well established fact that fully one half of tho female portion of our population are seldom in the enjoyment of good health, or, to use their own 7T expression, "never teel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervoui, and have ni appetite. To this cla?s of persons the Miters, or in Tonic, is especially recommended.- WEAK AND PELIUAifc ClilL.uux- Are ma Jo strong by the use of either of these remedies. They will cure every case of MARASMUS, without fail. Thousands of certificates have accumula ted in the hands of the proprietor, bnCfpnce will allow of the publication of but a, lew. Those, it will be averted, are froia men of ; note, and ot such standing tnat lacy musi be believed. TESTIMONIALS non. Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pa., writes: Philadel phia, Mar;h 16, 1867. "l nna Jioouanu German Bitters is a L Z01 tonic, useful in diseases of the digestive organs, and ot great benefit in cases of debility, and want of nervous action in the system. "Yours, truly, Geo. W. Woodwabl-." Eon. James Thompson, Judge of tho Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 23, 1SG3. I consider 'Hoofland's G-erraan Bitters' a valuable medicine in case of attacks of Indi gestion or Dyspepsia- I can certify this from my experience of It. - ours, fcc. . . Pr.Jact - P cent- commendations of different kinds or mcdi vnps but reardinff the nrattice a3 out of , - . .j . . S, nrr t? u lllb X n-.y appropriate sphere. I have in all cases de clined ; but with a jyj cicar prooi in vari ous instances, and particularly in my or. a family of the use of Dr. Hoeuand's Gnman Rittr3. I denart for once from my usual ennr.se. to express my. full for general debility of tho sys pecially for Liver Complaint, it conviction that. rem, and CJ- is a safe and iiimi mm ma i i in ENXSILVANIA UEMOCBACY. The Democrats in Pennsylvania have nom inated Asa Packer as their candidate for Governor. Asa Packer would make a the ballot, that our finances are in a drad-j good Governor, but the convention that fullv bad wav. and will never be better nominated him have hung a bob to that , " ' until Democrats handle the money, that the Reconstruction policy leads to Impe rialism, and that our taxation is tyranny. On the whole, the candidate and the plat Lite which will swamp him. They have pronounced againat negro suffrage, a prin. ciple the conservatives of Virginia accept ed as a niisitvie fact, and by the help of form fit well together, and both are ex- that vuto not only elected their candidate lor uovernor, vm gave a aeam surig k iuo carpet-baggers and scalawags. The Penn sylvania Democracy in "smouldering Heis- tcr C'ymer, their o;d candidate, naveoniy wmUntrk' wr-!l adantcd for defeat. Ar 1 VWv. . "j-J t Tribune. the political itcaffbld for the Geary dawa to peck at Ar. Y. Tribune. xm v exc,am,ea r V7 U; . t. ! presented a new victim to U placed upon ''I'll bet a sovereign I have got the 1 ..rr,M hardest name in the company.1 " Done," said one of the company. What's your name ?" Stone," cried the first "Hand mo your money," said clhcr.,'niv name is Harder. tan ac- Some uneducated persons the , complish .much. Mny a ciaa who cao'fr I vrrito has mark.