u TIjc rarmcrs' Dcpartmcal.- Manuring Lands. A great mistake among farmers is to wait until their grass begins to run oatbefere tLey break up the field and feed anew. If a farmer has too Ju:l manure, he had better cart what he has, on his be3t field jind take a big eiop from that, than to put it on his poorest iAd to' enable it to yield a moderate crop. It is easier to increase a corn crop from f0 bushel per acie to 80, on good la. 1. tbau to increase it from 15 buhi'ls to 25 on poor had. In the Grst cz;o )our man ijre'civts you a L'iiu of 30 bushels per acre, and the second a gio of oclj ten bnahels. This explains why a fanner withpoor laud amis it so diuk-ulty to make proares?, and especially if bi firm is un drained. Neither the mu.'ire rer tl.o labor lis applies are neatly effcitfs as tbjoeof h 1 3 neighbor with rL-her ar.d bvtter land. Ii this ca.;c it is eniputicV.ly ti ihut de?ruction of the poor is t Icir pQv.rtj. litocs wo uiiy iucwkotilly rcuiaik that through and perf.- c: misinrin;; a smail suifdC5 is better, and e.pcviaiiy ud poor ground,-- than a qtm.-Mty orer large field. Where the Foil is a.'rcndy very' rich a ' liile nuonre willgya treat way. ; . - . To Destuoy Cut Worms. A corre spondent of the Fr-inkiiMO Repository writes ds feliowa'td li.t j' urual: - .... . - "u Last yir I f:i.v an article recommen cing tbe scattering cf eld. t ranches over fields a3 destructive? to the c:f worms. I have done this ior many rears and li ave personally examined I' ; res';! is every day during the hcason. I L'tve found the remedy a good one. 'the cuf oim3 are a' always visible, but if r. p3r?on digs under th-j su'i'ace half aa :uuh he can stir thm out. I took from forty to eighty worms froru under a single branch. . The branches that are hud on the ground need cot be very large." - If the grub troubles you this year try this and let us hear of the result. ' - '! HOW TURNIPS CAN Hi: RAISED CHEAP LY. -By sowing the Purple-Top turnip bed at , the,. last dressing of the corn and covering with a light harrow, a couple of fc'.iudrcd' of bushels of the be.st turnips 3n be raised ' with very little trouble. The 'truly '. sowing .will be compensated Or by the ehide. afforded by the growing euro." This crop will take tba place of the weed. and will not be in the way of harvesting th com, -ask will do the turnip Utile harm to treat them ai though ou did not know that the crop was thero. There will be enough .'eft uninjured to fay all the. expenses n dczen time? over. The Way to Fjm a Hush and. Girls, 'study more cummoa sene and less wit. More mending of shirts and stocking and less making of bracelets. Less display of toilets that appal the purei of Odudid ites for vredlock. More .r"l' to men that the' wiil find in :i wifo u. helpmate, and not an embar- rtyUKMltV , . This recipe, if thoroughly tried, will greatly lessen the number cf bachelors Una increase happy homes. Licr : om Cattli:. Anthracite ashe3, filled through a fine sieve iuto the hair, is effectual ; lay the calva on there backs aud sift it all over them ; let them scatter the ashes- over the floor. It seldom re quires two applications and does not injure them. Wood allies in smaller quantities might answer, hot thete might bo danger if they went iu the rain or wet. . Gr 11 0 v E R & B A K E R ' S rilCST PHE.MICM ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES-!' 49I Broi'.dwH', New York, . 730 Cliejttrmt Street. Philr.dlphia, ,11 Market Street. Ii.rriiO'srg, , 12l Wood Sucet, Pittiburg, . : POINTS OF-EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Elasticity of Sii'rh. 1'o.fcction and Siai ji'cit ct M:u !i::itr r.'$in both threads diitctly t.ci.i ?;rolii. "No fjisteuinij: rf seams bv Land and no waste of thread. ;Wid. r.inj; of wpj licati.-)a without change o? adjustment. . ; Tbe ser.m retains i s tcc'j und famncis after vafhing ar..! l-.oiit). Besides doifj all Ix'v. ii of w,rk done by orher Sewing l."h:ut', ' ; so Machined ex ecute the most bciut T:.l n;nl pcimancut cm broitlery aud ornamental wvrk. SST" Tin- h-irrh .-t pr. Klr.ms at all the fairs and exhibition; -the l'i.:t( 1 States' and Europe, ' hiTt) been uv, ir .r I ti-.e Grovcr k Baker Sewin; ?4uchines, r. :,.. trie work ('.one V.7 tbera, wherever exhlt luci :p. competition. The vtry bi-best prize, THE CROSS OF THE LKri'jX. OF-HONOR, was sonfer reU on tlie 'preventative of the G rover & Biker Setvii.g Machines, nt the Exposition Unirerselle, Paris, 1807, thus nttisir.g their gteat Eupci iority over all ther Sewing Ma chine. . ' Pcr'saU- bv C. Jut IT-ly ' T. ROBERTS, Ebenburir. us n , m J, i : 5 i & co.. X 4 . ; TOBACCO M ANUFACTUUER3, "'"' ' WI'OTJ'.SALE DEALERS,':.'... 408 North 3.1St., ; nir; . Piiilala. . 'ARM FOR SALE hiVFARM, sTtuatfe Jn Cucroil tp., oue-lialf Mij? lVofa Vr. rrol I U w a.. .n 1 4 i n i :i g . 51 Ar:sv "Jin?c cleared and fn r good -t ite of cuiti .ition. A good frame ho-i.e ,'nad l;u-u, with other nei esiary 'outbnibEngd Gumc-o:i c.-' .ted. jori'ro:tlf, eiiurcli and hoc! hoij.-.e con venient. A rnr,e opportunity "'to. get a bar gain is'offe're'a.4 'l"'C piticuliirs call on or di'rfit " ' ' SAMUEL KOLLER, July 2Z-"t' ' '' ' ' Cii rolltown, Pa. "TTXirNRV. JACOii, Kifh 17? : t. . ; . .. :.V.'. :M.- GORMLY, , Wholesale Grpccr. dealer in . TEA3," COFFEES, SUG RS, SYRUPS, MO '. TASSBS, FISH, SALT, : " i)iLS. ia;u.:oND TOBACCOS, &e , zl'Jl Ny.i"J74 I.ibuty .Street,' 1TTS1VR, P.. i QUMMER GOODS FOR 18G9:! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. A. RARKER & SOIV, High St., EBENSBURG, PA. Aw' A, BARKER & SON have received and opened out, ot their Store, on High street, their Summer stock, of goods for '68. DRESS GOODS. ' MERINOS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, DELAINE?, PRINTS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, i , ETerv style in the market; 1 HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND KNIT GOODS, HATS CAPS, 300TS 4 SHOES. W II I T-E GOO D S, embracing new styles of NAINSOOKS, SWI-S MUSLINS, MULLS, TARLKTONS, WHITE CRINOLINES, BRILLIANT A CORDED SKIRTING. E M I 11 0 I D E II I E S, , . consisting in part of JACONET AND SWIS EDGINGS AND 1VSERTINGS, DIMITY BANDS, COLLARS.'SETTS. BOBBIN ' THREAD EDGINGS i-LACS. - -- - ' " ' " ' II O.OP ED SKIRTS, ' Cheaper than ever. ... - Th celebrated . . DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT,. - ' the best in use, o!J at tht very lowest market rate. IIOUSEKE E P IiNG GOODS! DAMASKS, TABLE COVERS. CRASH - BROWN a DAMASK T KBLE LINENS, -FRINGED HACK, DI PER AND,. DAMASK HONEY COM B QUILTS, ' - , - MARSEILLES QUILTS, . ' ALLENDALE QUILTS, SWISC CURTAINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, "PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, .CARPETS, RUGS, HASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c , kc, Of all sizes, widths, and prices A full stock of It E A D Y -MAD E CLOTHING BOOTS Sr SHOES, JIATS .5- CAPS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, A Kuo'j assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, &c. F E ED, V E G X T A B L E S , & c We keep constantly on band Corn, Oats, Middlings, Chop, Sii orts, Bran, Butter, F.l2,i Lard, Vegetables, And h general vai itty of articles iu this lino. FAMILY GROCERIES! V.'e have constantly on hand a complete V'tock of Family Groceries, comprising Su 'pcihue, Extra and Family FLOUR! Buckwheat and -Rj e Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, Ilouiiuy, Hulled Barley, Baccu, Sug!r-ciued Hams, I'ried Beef. Salt by the barrel, Suck Salt for Table i.jc ; (ioBtitn and Western Reserve Cheese; Crackers of all kinds. TOBACCO ! Complete assortment cf French Spice.. Sperm. Adamantine Mould Candles Souji.i, Cat-tile, Rush:, and all other kinds. Rio and Java Coffees. Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas. . ; Hard, Soft,, Pulverize i and Brown S'lyctrs. : ih'yrui's and Molasses of all kind3. Dried Applx and Peaches. Mackerel, Herring, Salmon. Coal Oil and Turpi nliue. Lard, Whalrf and Linjccd Oils. Puints of every d escriy-t ion. Scrub, and llore Jirushes. Yarnisues, &c, A-c, ki., &c, &c. ' " ' JR UGS : I ND PA TEXT MED ICINES. All kindd of AND N IKON A I LS. ftotlcc. Buying twice as large a stock as any other merchant i:i town, we buy cheaper, and can therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS I CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS 1 CALL .'.ND EXAMINE GOODS I ' - The pnbllo is invited to call before purcha ing c-lsew litre. 'No charge for bhowing goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, E;.-gs, and Country Produce genernlly, take-n in exchange for - . augl3 TTTHOLESALE AND RETAIL TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY: Having been East and purchased my stock when pricc3 were low, I am now prepared to offer cash bnyf rs better bargains than can be had anywhere in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. My stock consists in part of every variety of TIN, SnEET IRON, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, ENAMELED AND PLAIN SAUCE PANS, BOILERS, SKILLETS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH HEAVY WARE, Made without sean out of Double Tin, v TOILET SETS, Unsurprised iu beauty end cheapness, PIE FORKS, CORN POPPERS, COFFEE MILLS, IRON SKIMMERS, MINCING KNIVES, SLAW CUTTERS, And every article you netd in the Kitchen. Particular attentlcn giver, to SPOUTING ! VALLEYS AND. CONDUCTORS ! I am sole agent in this place for the lOBLE COOK, IRONSIDES, GREAT REPUBLIC,. TRIUMPH, SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST nEATING AND COOKING STOVES. Odd Plates for repairs constantly on hand, as well a3 other nuke of Stoves, which will be told at prices to please. . -G HATES and GRATE FRONTS, of all fizes, with CAST IRON FENDERS, Furnished at Manufacturers Retail Prices. 1 would call particular attention to my stock and prices of LAMP TRIMMINGS, Consisting in pari of all varieties of BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, OILCANS, Which. I am retailing at Wholesale Prices SUGAR KETTLES, CAULDRONS, STOVC POTS, &c All sizes, constantly on Land at reduced prices. Special attention given to JOBBING! In Tin, Copper, cr Sheet Iron, at lowest pos sible rates. MERCHANTS WHOLESALE LIST Now ready and will be sent on application by mail or in person. 25"" Hoping to see all my old caston:ers r.nd many new ones this Spring, 1 return my moot sincere thinks for the vtry V.hc j.1 pu;- tunrc I llKc nlr.i1j" rcotlvcJ, nl will . deavor to please an who may iu:, vL-ti.;er tbcv bxiy cr not. Call on or nd tress FRANK vr. Ha Y, a'ig!3 ; JoT3NfeTOw.', Pa. L i: M M O N & M U R R EE -WSE UR J DRUG li BOOK STORE: Lkj:mox & MiiicAY, denier; in Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Patent Medicines, Pure Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Pass Books, Blank Books, Pi. iver Booke, Biblec, (Histories, Novels, 'School Books, Cap Paper, Post Paper, Note and Biilet Paper, Pens, Pencils, Penknives, Jewelry, Photograph Albums, Pipes. Tobacco, Cigars, and Snuff,. Pure Liquors for Pocket Books Ebensburir, August 20, 18G8-3m. N T E W T A 1 L O R S II O P Trio cnhlri i i,r. ias removea Ins iniior Shop into LEA DE'S NEW BUILDING, on Center ttrtvt, mv.r Coionade Row, and re spectfully ij. forma hi old customers and rtll the re-t of '.:: m'i." iid that he is now prepared to m:. : r.-t are all kin ds of CENTS AND i'f.tUTHS' Y,' EARING AP PAREL, in the latest style of the art, with neat ness and dispatch, and ?.t !iw rates. ljlT' Persons needing work in my ifiie are respectfully invited to give me a call. D. J. EVANS. Ebensburg, Aug. 13, tf. L ATEST ARRIVAL ! The subscriber has just received, nt bia store, on High street, Ebensburg, a large and salable stock of Flour, Bacon, Molasses, Tea, Table Salt, Barrel Salt, Sugars, Coffee, Spices, Cigars, Cheese, Tobacco, and everything in the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery Jittz. Also, Boots and Shoes, Carbon and Lubri cating Oils, ftc, kc. BgX, All which will be sold very cheao for cash. . anglSj G.G.OWENS.. COAL! COAL! COAL ! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tilcy, Sr., at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to ant amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to qualitv of Coal guar antied in all cmcs. WM. T1LEY, Jr. Hemlock P. O., Aug. 13, 18G8. w. F. ALTFATHER, Mvufac(arr of end Wholesale and ReMil Dialer in HAVANA and DOMESTIC CIGARS, PLUG, FINE CUT CHEWING an: SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, SNUFF BOXES, and CIGAR CASES, 7At the siqn of the IndinpA Main St., Sept. 3, 1868 Jounstown, Pa. GEO. F. ROBINSON, Manufacturer of PINE, HEMLOCK. BEECH, and MAPLE L U J! B U R Also, FLOORING E T 1 1 J ; R B O A R D I N ( , SHINGLES, L A TIL BLACK WALNUT, ASH, and CHERRY. Orders sent to Ebensburg, Cambria co., or Rush House, Pittsburg, will be promptly nt teuded to. aug 13. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED FOR - lTIIE ALLEGHAMAN?" TEllMr?; $2.00 PER YEAR, INADVtANCE G RANT HOUSE, ' - - HEMLOCK. TA. JoiTu Wilkis, Proprietor. This bouse has been refitted, and offers superior accommodations to any other house in town. The proprietor, after long experi ence in tbe business, feels confident he under stands the wants of the public. His table ts-511 be 'supplied with aE the delicacies or lue season.- By constant, attention, be expects to merit a liberal share of public patronage. August 13, 1868. UNION HOUSE. -EBENSBURG, FA., Jerome A. Plott, Proprietor, No pains will be spared to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of tae patronage has heretofore received, lie taDie win always be turnished with the bes' the market affords ; the bar with the best of liquors. The stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive hostler. 13- LOGAN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Isaac Crawford, Proprietor. The Logan has teen thoroughly refitted and refurnished, and now offers superior in ducements to the public. The Table and Bar inferior to none in the State, and Sta bling of tbe vtry best. ftug 13. T70STER HOUSE, JL Cor. Clistok & Loccst e'ts , JOHNSTOWN. PA., Wm. Lixtcx, Proprietor. This well known house has been complete ly refitted and refurnished, and is now pre pared for xhe reception of guesis at reasona ble charges. an!? 13. CAMBRIA HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Henry Fes 1 i:r. Proprietor. The first class position amonc first class Hotels will be maintained in the future, as in tbe past, by the Arcade. ac&13 XTNION HOUSE, sj HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Otto Helly, Proprietor. This hotel is situated immediately along side the railroad depot, and 13 the mot con venient stopping place in town for travelers Aug. 13, 1SG8. OUNTAIN nOUSE, XtX EBENSBURG, PA. R. P. Linton Sc Co., Proprietors. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. Tbe Bak is supplied with choice liquors ; and (the Stable is attended by careful LostIer3. JJowrders tukeu bv the week, mor.th or year. aug ;3 C. JENKINS, JL COMMISSION MERCII NT, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver of FLOUR AND ALL kinds of PRODUCE, A ho: REFINED OILS, Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St., Pittecii:;, Pa. Prices current and Marking Plates sent to shippers- augl3 C. EBY & CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS Jiiu And Commission Alercltanta, 522 Market St., between Fifth and Sixth No. Pmr.ADEi.ruiA. We have constantly on hand a peneral as sortment ofall kinds offish in large and smail nacknre3. which we wul sou low lor cusu or i bort credit. Also, Puncanr.cn Nails ana bp" -:cs ot nil size", constantly on Land and tor Ft'ie at Manufacturer's prices. ar.g73 XENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 507 Market St., Philadelphia EST Refer hy Ebeusburg. permission to A A. Barker auglc A EN ES, OSTERUOUT, HERRON jD k Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, And FURS, No. 5 Market st., above Fifth st. an IS PuiLADKj.riIIA. WHOLESALE a, Li U i kJ S. L A CALDWELL & FIIY Wholesale Dealers in GLOVES, and OHSIERY, NOTIONS, 400 Market street, Philadelphia. C. CALDWELL, nU? WM. W. FRY. T EN. P. TiiOM FSON, icith JL) SMEDLEY BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS. FURS, STRAW GOODS, LA D1KS' HATS, RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, it., kc. No. 415 Markct-st., Philadflphia. JAS. W. EIDDLE, J. rCTIIKY SMITH, JSO C. SIIERrtOIlN"-, W. CALVIN MOOtiE. 11)DLE, SHERBORNE & CO., Importers nnil Wholesale De.ilers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 433 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant etreet, Taugl3 PniLADA. JACOB K. SMITH. i. K. SELTZEIt. QMITII & SELTZER, k) Inijiorters and Delers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, &c. No. 409 N. Third st., above Callowhill, augl3 Philaeklvhia. "OOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM ! M The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened out a Bootand Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied by Davis & Evans, on Center street, Ebens burg, where he will carry on the business on an extensive scale. READY-MADE BOOTS and SHOES -For sale at City Prices. BOOTS) and SHOES made to order On shortest notice! E3Ll'n puolic are invited to give me a call. I will sell cheap as the cheapest, end warrant my stock and make to give satisfac tion. faugl3 JOHN O. EVANS. WaY Manufacturers and dealers in PINE. HEMLOCK, ASH, POPLAR and CHERRY LUMBER. Also, FLOORING & WEATHER-BOARDING, IS and 24 inch SHINGLES sawed to order. marl8-ly Ebensbubc, Pa. Orders sent to Ebensburg, Cambria count;, will bo promptly attended to. OB WORK of all kinds done THE ALLEGHANIAN QJTFJCE. at yjMSENSBURG STOVE AND TIN WARE DEPOT 1 T. VT. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. . Just received, at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot, a large and. well selected stock of COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, COPPER WARE, li n Ai.JV, SHEET-IRON WARE, HOUSE SPOUTING. TIN ROOFING, kc. And a general assortment of Hardware. Cutlery, Apple Parers, Farm & Edge Tools, Hind Saws, Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Oil Stones, Meat Cutters, Coal Hods, Door Lock Keys, Sad Iron3. Coffee Mills, Coffee Roasters, Carbon Oil Lamps. Chimneys, Burners. Wick3, Stve Polish, Boot Polish, Hoop Iron, Wagon Iron, Bolts, &c. Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Augers, Bits, Files, Hatchets, Hummers, Hinges, Gimlets, Screws Locks,, Latchts, Bolts, Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Trace Chains, Horse Rrut-hes, Curry Combs, I desire to' cB particular attention to the fact that my ttock of STOVES! Is the largest rati best in Cambria county. And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturers' retail price?. Odd Move Plttes and Urates, sc., lor re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell : othcr3 will be ordered when wanted. OIL BARRELS ! Made o;it of Galvanized Sheet Iron, to hold ny desired quantity, manufactured ard for stle at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot. All dealers in Oil should have them. THE EUREKA COFFEE ROASTER ! A time saving, temper saving, labor sa ving, money saving invention. The women's friend. The best Ro.tstcr in market. . As I have larely added Iarpeh to my stock, and have now a first-class Hardware and Tin Store, persons in want of anything in my line arc invited to give me a ca'I. One thing I desire to be distinct y understood WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! 25 Rejiairuij promptly attendeJ tt. By strict attention to business and a desire to deal fairly and" justly with all men, I hope to merit and receive a share of public patrona gs. JESf Store on High street. Ebensburg. in the rooms lately occupied by Mills Jfc Davis. augl3 TI10S. W. WILLIAMS. gUMMER WOOD ANNOUNCEMENT ! MORRELL tj- CO. nave just received, at their Mammoth Store, near the Railroad Station, JOHNSTOWN Still another invoice of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Also, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, They offer Goods of ill descriptions at WHOLESALE and RETAIL! As cheap as they can be purchased in the Eastern Cities. Our stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, RAG, INGRAIN, & BRUSSELS CARPETS, MATTING, PAPER HANGINGS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, QUEENS WARE, YELLOW WARE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, FEED, SALT, 4c, Is the largest ever brought into Johnstown. By buying our Goods in large quantiie3, r.nd on the be -'. terms, we are enabled to fcll at pr! ;.-s much lower than arc offer- ed elsewhere in Johnstown. Wo particularly invite the at tention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS! To our facilities for supplying them promptly with every article in dimand by their customers, and at satisfactory fig ures. Competent clerks always ia waiting to show Goods. A specialty ef our business is the DA IL Y ME A T MA RKK T A ND Til E VEG ETABLE DEPARTMENT, At which citizens can procure all kinds of Freth Meat and Vegetables in season. On the second and thfrd floors, but with convenient entrances on the first floor from Washington street, are two capacious TAILOR and SHOE SHOPS, Where fine and coarse Boots and Shoes, and all kinds of Gentlemen's Wearing Ap parel are made to order, promptly, and in fashionable style. J&Sy A full Hue of Cloths, Cassimers, Cas- sinet8, &c, constantly on lund. In the Shoe ii-t.aiiiuciii ure h.ep'. ior saie onoe findings 01 an Kinus, ana a primo assortment of Id- 1 C 1 . per auu, oie L,eatnr. ' sep3 THE ALLEGHANia7 5 XTILL be published every Thurs, the following rates, TiZ: " Per annum, payable in advance.. If not paid in advance 1 '1 A failore to notify a discontinutnet t expiration ot the term subscribed for considered a new engagement. BATES OF ADVERTI!Sg Transient advertising, per sq.. one ia3 5,. Each snbsenuent insertion ""Mj Auditor's Notices, each '"" Administrators' and Executors' Notices tstray notices 1 Fqnare, 12 lines $2.50 2 squares, 24 lines.... 5.00 3 squares, 30 7.00 Quarter column 9.S0 Third column.. 11.00 Half column 14.00 Column 25.00 8.0D 10.00 14 00 v--'t 11 15. 25.5r I COO 25.00 35.00 Cards, 35 Professional or Business ECt exceeding 8 lines, with paper...... fXJ Aavcruseaecia no. marked rh v number of insertions desired, will be cc ued till forbidden, and charged accorditj the above terms. Jt3 All kinds of Job Work will be 4W on reasonable terms. yOOK WELL TO YOUR FEE UOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY The subscriber, having dispensed ir'nli'-, sale of Eastern-made work aa a speclaltr his establishment, is determined to fj-1. himself with renewed energy to the cj facture of BOOTS AND SHOE S : TTft hue in ft 1 5 riT!nv c Aria 1 f workmen, and assert t'.t he can tan out a nent r ;' ot .aoe man any o;L? similar tRt.ibHi-ue-Lt in Cambria Joun ty. Give him a trial and be coavi::t4 Particular attertien jaid to ibe naa ufacture of FINE FRENCH CALF SKIN BOOTS! Good work, moderate prices, and stifciia guaranteed in all c:-.s. Boots and shoes repaired proTtyvV a wortiraanlike mamer. JS" Shop or. Iligh-st., one deer ciirt CraYfori?s Hotel. GIVE ME A CALL ! aug. 13 JOHN D. THOMAS. S ADDLERY AND HAI.W'LVS ! The undersigned keeps cons'antlv c hand and is fctill manufacturing all article in Lis Hue, such s SADDLES, FINE SINGLE AND DOUBLE II ARSES; DRAFT II AR NESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING BRIDLES CHECK LINES. HALTERS, WHIP'S, BRE.hCHF.AND3. k All which he will dispore of a! ;iw prit for cash. His work is all warranted, and being eip rienced in the business, he uses only the "or of leather. Thankful fjr past favors, 1 hope3 by attention to business to merit continuance of the patronage heretofore liberally extended to him. Shop above the tin store of Thonjns Williams, High st. Persons wishing;: substantial Harness can be aeconxntod.itej. .""A11 por3!H indebted to me trc r quested to cull und settler. socu as posilL.'t as 1 ft icd money. augl3 HUGIIA.MCOY. pu RICES REDUCED ! JOHN 1NSTOWN MARBLE W0 bcr has just received a iA invoice of V) AMF.RTCAN MAWY'ii., The subscriber and handsome ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MA comprising the largest and finest stock of 12 kind ever brought to Johnstown, at b"? tablishnicnt, on Fran'klin Stecet, w'urf Iff prepared, with an adequate force of :pen er.cea p.nd skillful workmen, to execute kinds of MONUMENTS, TOM PST ' N ES, Ti- BLE TOPS, BUREAU TOi 'o. MANULM1 as cheap as they can be purtha.-cJ ia .n.i-J the cities A large stock of GR1NB.-10.VES eti har.. and for sale low. Articles of mv manuf lrf nre can be parch sed at the Hardware More of Mr. Oeor;' Huntley, iu F.bcn ;r;. rCJy'l'ror-r-r TaiA to orders tro: n. d iit 11 nre. n.; --k d-livered where dfi. red. JOHN PARKE. ORETTO MARBLE WOliKS!- The undersigned begs leave to infon lie citizens of Cambria and acjoimus con ties that be has just received a stock of w f.nt st Italian and other Marbles m his lishnient, in Loretto, Cambria countr. 1 Monument; Tombs, Grave Stem, t?l Bureau tops, manufactured cf ti;e n-oJiif-4 tiful and finest quality of Foreign mid Poet tic marble, alwavg on hand and mn Jetoc-1 as cheap as they can be purchased intiieC'. in a r.eat and workmanlike manner, w -the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invluitof" me a call before purchasing elsewhere, am mnfidpnt that mv work and T'rifts - satis'V anv person dctiricg auvtb.'':? 16 line of business. Now is the time to get a cl.crr job . nugl.3 SAPP n tbM, " r n TiniTPp vniTH. JL THE PROTECTION MUTUAL F r vstttc a vns! r" xi p a w nv c AMIif-1 1" A i W V A - LOCATED AT EBEXSUUEGi I April 6th, 1L5T. w;H effect insnrant" nroncrtv et saf. .-,:cs. Being 't'-.'B IJaitict DHiii1"- careful in the 11 As tiken, this CompwJ sents a Ttiinule and cheap medium, which persons may secure themselves prjoaoie lucs uy re. .1 i 1 - r- Office on Centre Street, nearly u the "Momntain House." T)w... JOHN WILLIAMS, rrts- R J. Llotd, Sec'y. k Trcas. Agents : EVAN ROBERTS, Johnstown. JAMES PURSE, JNO. E. ROBERTS, Ebensfcur Ebensburrr. Ausr. 13. I80S. TTTimi rQiT R 4 'TJ TvE LIQUOR STORE'' JOHN GROUSE,' Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS! Johnstown, lnna. BEST BRANDS OF prfjtjf. 3 RANDY, WHISKY, , 'GIN 4ND BITTER fh CATAWBA WINE A ;r3iSi and the very best qua of IK Wines tor Aietfi. r Prices ces tow. .j.prr.21 SALOON' IL: irs HOTEL AM) FAU:'n atff?.8 will do ",vell by giving me a cj, up,d on Canal-st.. building erA. pA T. G. Stewart & Co. 1 IK. khtc Soil; 1 1- ft E la J?r lite, y 4 - rr 1; Mi ! e :i T - V af 1(1, ?e sir I I V :! cat I "Oft i.j i -a i 3 -A L i