The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 01, 1869, Image 1

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    u u
a J
i;d. james. I
- - - ' - - ' ' ' - - e '. '
T RMS-1 " -
l i.WU a a aim AT.IT
fflrif'fn -tip
TM.r M. JOAES, .Notary 1 uLlic.
WILLIAM "KITTEI-L, Attorney Ut j in
lHW Ebenjinrg, Pa. j a
August! 3,
: in;
OilZ FEN LO.W Mcti,z
r.n s jar.'
or. 'II
:r Law. ELc is " r sr. I'.
" 's- O.ace in Colonnade i .
7 ILL! AM II. 5t.
4 '
t tK ? Li-vr, Lt
r- ; v
I . . r 1 ;
i,lie'rr-"-j. i-.i- Ciurt House. ,
,-sitcrne-v at
r ( .rron.ov-w, co-ini..,-.
A-cbitecti.:. l": -.wir.fs and
canons ma.te.
J. WATKu?. Juviea.of the Iace j
i d I?cri vftiT.
- Office aijomirg, cn i;-pu ft., j
Fbea5bare Pa. Tlb -Cui.
A. fcOPELtX,
w. till,
:. nrfjuti
OSEVU S $1 KAY rill, Jj;ic
,, , . , r t i
tcT Off., e on Market ,lreet cc of Lo-
vM ftreeT ex-e.,., a-;;1 one doer touth of .
teoznce . f . ra -V avc. I13 !
t ir- vt r a. i :v n u ? ' r.-r.- .M
E W i'JJ Jiiin.. -. j-., . j ...-...
XV. hl.1 !icffcn, hunnut, Pa. ;
LTuce easi ! liti.s oa uou-f , on nail. .
t.,, lit his ofsce
ii: Witt ;;i;iGLi:ii
02"rrs hla proff'sio
nal ser""ices to t! ;
,'i'-n3 of K
lie will '
. :
v:;:t Ebe2:-turc the iecou-1 Tuesda
i-:ci.:h. to rem'n one wecsi.
o:' titt
. r., , a-,rr- Hi? h?T'nrni ro rrerr'?
t . uAi'r t cou.i'.nt hi:o5t-H' with evtrv iui
ruvnr. r !L; his art. To it any years r.f j.c.r-
JjukI exnerieuce. be ha sought lo aid me j
imparted experience cf thel.:?he?t nuthoi itie-.
in DeatU Science. 11c iirijiy asks that an
opooriar ity tuay be-given for his svork to
pea1-. is own r.raife.
r-Will beat Kbeftsrtir? 0:1 the foarth
aloadnr ui each moclh, U ctay one w.ct.
j 12 a s :
T l.OYl) TO.. 7Jun.Wrs
Ij ErrNcnraG, Fa. !
('old. Silver, Govt fntnent Loan? ar.d j
other Securities bouU and 'sohl. Ii-t-.-rt-ii !
illnrp'i on Time l-t o Jits. Co'Iections made i
on all i.ces-ii 1e points m the I n;tei Mul'-s, ;
an a Gerera! lirtuking Business transacted.
.Atifiift 13, Iff OS.
1T OL. LLOYD a: Co , h her
tji u-.-.'it. on de
" ' 1 " !:T' Tl .-.. .
rmsT nai io.v m ::a: r:-
O .Tctii.s: I i "A.
j ri'f"jt tJ wrttit: t J ...
Wf tuy nrcj e-t il Ii-.i:.d st.d v
j 1
s 1 end Silver, d i '.4 c;;
Hii.l ai roal"; r... ve v.. :
! it i,o'. err
.t' nt home
: ii an nt"'--,
a it ::t r.
, f.-iiijieS3. ii.l '
t -j . . a& v - r r 1: 1
R:u-p.tiu!' 'id c-re,
.: wi.l receive pron't
j--.i;t. prices. Give
D."J. ',
1"A AC : .x,
JcoB Mi Cam fin 1..
!.ac. : 1 r-. t:;cooD,
Geoege Frit.
1)..MEL.T. y.uT.r.Lhl, Pricffff.
II. J. L-oEtars, tui.-.r. sepSly
m. 11. tLovo rrei't. j?:;. LLOTP, Cashier.
isd ' .
rSil, iTTATES.
Corner Viryriuia and Annie Ets., North
V, ;a, Altoona, Pa.
tTT-:rrr CprrAt...
: . L'aiitii. Pain isu
........ ...$-"00.OC0 C-C
150.000 U0
All buEiness ptrtaicirg ia liankiBg done on
av-rabie terir.s. ,
In' ile-r-e Stanp9 of all denornina-
'C:;3 always on- uanu.
To pun Lasers of Ss'.ampF, perceatsce, in !
f-r-ir , will be allowed, as foiK-ws : S"0 to i
-. 2 per ceat.; 5 10C" to $-00, 3 per cent.;
s-uo and upward;. 4 ter cert. faue'l i
tBEjsBrno, Pa.
iuavin?. Shamnooinfr. and lla;r-dre?ii..-r
S.ooa directlv ojolossite the "Moun- I
tain Hcuse" aug!3 j
' - - Jl..VLt'J.lUl.l.
. 11 r:K r sciixa lie
w u j . . . .
u.rrie ceaier in ioaP Lunules, Groce-
-. u.uuusft. lu 1 la it r-i n-iMm ... .
(CUULJb-E-i-. ;UAl-.i.n.V All.r . iu.arU.. of Carroll .tovnsh:P. took
Jlf'i, X-.l u, criie.iion. I from tvo h,vt.s KO jnds oi hoy
.-.-jKnto the Di.! K?rsi,atr,vief thet townsa,?, took
- . - Fbit 2 ' l-ou :s .f eurj-!u honey trom one hive.
T-6l'LlN & PIK. ArVofcMS at ! A-rinwi,- deenbei valuable propertj-ntu-
. " .Law t.nsr?, Pa- (.V7 LAXGF HOl'St: i (-
Kutu- Lil- ; . ! 4Ht-4i.e c-thfr 4foeft -Itr'?ratains
r.f '
Ieeta exiractea, unu.u: !ai, w::n .u.rcw , 1T,nrJ.n lIbeEl-,r- pa W J i - i- " ' e ..fc".4 1 Iv steviped out cf the room, an I we will 1 read t'ae name ol J . L,. Oraham. -ol Alk --ies speak out. '
C,,rLa,,. r 'J 1. jbeadJPuku,;rlmcnm ta tbLt- , j;at. the kind of a $ geny coutty, for Chairman oi the Con- -Will no one hear us ?"
t-tf- l;ocw .u ue '-XcustK.a l:cte. Tpi HOTO1! Ii PniC. ' !J a ir. and sh-3 deserves a sood husoac J. ; ,. - ; . 4. a. -a-j , - r .i "ir" i "T "
ThsueeV'. j?3 ! 1- 1 tlJi -i Tmrrcs ya. u-w-;-,7 CP't radTlv' conkcturcd' bv the stxtrdy wed-1 with appHuse. I ad remainder of the t- "Are you sure
-r i come ye to UUasbarg aud get thi ! j 1 he yc-uag man looked rn:23r i h.i-tk -: r.j - i J ccrs were then read. i "Yes."
... . ... I . . ... ' -. ... . V. . . a 1 . . ... IL (.f '111 fn - u frf W . . V 1 R . . . I T . . . . ' . 1 . (
, ,,;....A,'5.f,',',fT;l. "-:,", . .7 " v I-r 7 I laL '",a -"p-j- . . t . T.nk-r Jordan turned h s attention to uiLinaiivio Jor uuvcrn'r wtre u.aue men, iisten. a was croswar
ore CuUVcVl)".';.;;; Kurrerv, respectfully VaVed Vo TawT " ?4f51 rsilcr l 5CV the studv of medicine, of which profusion j as follow, : General John AV. Geary , Gen the Common la.t nht, about twelve o'-
i.:- ,lT.,.r n:,i stivitts iv the citiz?" ' PHiiTon T"T5 a ile, 1 can ;.f;ure you- ... ! i... ,nn', - ,-,.ci r..t ;,,fl-,,,.t;'.l i..--.!!. IIon.ce 3i. Porter, Goo. . Lawrcnoa, oi cl"ck, I saw a woman approach the pond
Pronounced the best ever jet introduced
this county or Stte. Adt person hr.yine
family rig;hi c-a Lave theirJJees transferr
ed iron 8 a ora roi ig a new one. in every
stance in which this has beeu done the re
volt bus .been ei.tirelv satisfactory," ar.d the I
rt ttice of honey has all ei- j
reuses, nr.'1 frequently eice elerl them. Proof j
of the superior merits of th is invention will'
be found in th testimony of e very xan who
Li. piven it s trial, aud amorillie1
rmmoer 1
id ttieir i.
Lcrtstf" A .
?.re the peniWmen named below, and
exnf rfcce baould induce everr one interfered
Ul;ff.l.ElUI! V IlTlUT J
Henry C. ka-riw k.f Carroll townshlri,
tor.k pounds of surplns honey from two
Lir't s. whicli tmtn at 35 cof9 ier noun J.
r l i r .
lave, voriii Jet 1111 i2l, and the ngnt
tot Li'ii oii'.r c Z. i
Peter Camr biii frcm-one hive obtained 36
i oui!-is of surplus hoi.ey at on?
kT iui!.e a rnrjefic-t f;it:ii.r t '"rprierit?,
autht ntioute J lv some of the c5t cit'.xeus of
Cambria cr.nutT-, ckiU te b,taied, in preof Jj ;
ir t U ' . trIls ,; Lar-strbVu Patent 1 '
I Movable '"'n.L De Uive.
i . v . . - . - .. . . -c
th'-uli tail
or tg.'.n?? . .
S-tf Carroll lot u,. i'4
The f ubscribor ofT. rs aijr:rate salt- the
pfi're n room 5. rnd is well suited for.
t h. heretorore 1 cea rd as," a Hotel.' Situa-
" - td in the h.s nc pc.rT.on of town.
oyj SXAfmL Kl II U$F..
commo - i - th. iwo families
of tc-
. . , , r . , . l l . , . i
1 . , - i
r , , . (
ctir:ea vj i.r.rker Uuziuger. wno Lave jis- J
t'.vfrd paj tatrehip. .-.
rrr T- m rrv
Jc r
i l ... r pn pei v-".- ' -
in lind; b't!-Tice i it payments.
i-5iinn jriren the 1st of Aj-il, it defiied.
2j, ir.r a.-tii uaT8v uppiy t: or stu
resi t
everv trle cf the en. from the smallest '
1 Card Pic: are on to Life S'.ze. r f
r-iy Pi': lures l 'r. t-
a in rti.y weather.
Every h;t
!;;tn fiveii 10 l'A" Tit r'i OI t
Pho!f-ri.ih3 paiate-I i
Oil, I:Ja or
irci'"- (A-'.''.
Ycir htte'ation is r..1Ie 5o mv
rr.ALHiS ro a LaKGE PiCTL'HES,
r. a
I alio, Copyiiijr acJ ei.!arrinr done iu the v?ry
j . "oest fyle of lie ai..
1 I !!!; c m: :,.r:s on, and defv competion.
1 ... . . . . . . ...
iur o.i5t lavors, 1 so.icJt a con-
tinuance of the san.e.
jt:--(iiiilerj (-n .Irlian street, three doprs
notih of tue Tcwn Hull. I
T. T. i'D'CE, rhotograj.ner.
The Fn'icriber wouUl inform the citizens i
st liber.?b::rcr nsd vk-in'tr 4!iat he keeps con
stant !v or: !.,i'J evei-vthinr in t!:e
c-ixCLiir and 'roXPT:cTio::r.rT
iir.e. htrb as Fimtr. lu,- Outfee, Swr. all
kinds of ;t"rc".ers. e-e., Sic :-kir. aiid
Ch-r-'v.z Tobacco, '"ir-.r?. ic.
Ba.'-kskin n.l Woo'eii Glov-., Woo'.
".i .ocke. iTeck ties, Ac, all of which w ill be
sold ehfit; if not cheaper than elsewhtre.
psS1' lei- Cream every cvenitis.
btLcrtmor of 1:. Uvnn,
riVirunt prexrr'p.'tum ciirrfullr ccnipou
Gflice on Jla'a tirtft, opposite the Moun
tain Hou!-f, Ebecsbnrg, Pa. , . . 'Panlo
j aluaiile tow:; : it.opeTIty
FOR SALE. The uudersigaed will
st privjiie sale, a oi pruaad iluated in the
F-et ward of Ibt-asburg boroopb, Laving
'hereon erected a tw o sto-y trsiae house,
with ay-lank Vitchen attached, and "a one
story frame hou-t, fronting Co feet on High
Ftret t. aod ti tt -x.-V, .i 1 Z2 feet buck to ltt of
TY:n. S. Llryd, adj-iiiitng lot of Rfbt. IZvai.s
cn the east. nd nn alley on the west, forro
erly owned by E. Utiles. The property- will
be "sold cheap fcr ca V or on gool Urm. For
fulJ paitu uairs apply to . h. BAhKhiw - .
June 3 tf. ZhtD&tcrg, P-
fj '-'- i"vl--i..
The Fub?criber will offer for rent Ii is
; STOUh 5U-UM. located. b ftreer M(
1 & o tit i r i h tv f 1 nn w nrwur iii rv r . 1. ifx
" Lil V V. IO'VVI.j v--VMv- ..1
vis. - u'f is one 01 tne nest Joc.iTion8.ia town.
For teiias
aDd particuUr? rnlf on or ach;res3 r ,
ilny 27-tf. E."J. HILL?. ' Ehtnburg. Pa.-..j
All r.ersons wnntinp to ret cr r.f tTe
Uhrftfl Aetna and Rr-:,?n.-r Jfa-
L - - r, - .
A chines, must leave their orders with me be
tween tn;9 Bl,n 1t
that Itmv 1ifV tiiof to
1 e-fr ,Q . . , i cLo'isa ta-jt my dauirnter saou.d p3 a pale, - T- ,1. .. T,. , .iTror,r.Tnd bv ! -.. " ' far
PI ilu ur.r t.s AM iihuit Dh. f-"-LM,';riH.s .tn ia'.Uf dy-ersia, and V - f ; ' . , .is V'moti-.n v.-as th- made that a Com-
ViLS. AND 1.VE-STCFF& PLUFUMLV 'rfpj anic- ii-tcid ol" SIua11" rcuiCUl,f l uU nd eoffve be appointed to inf.ra, Jov- I
I1Y AND FANCV ARTH-LKR. PURE 3 a'V sorts ol tim ij a.iaieta in teJ cj rCsuiu have beeu wrought out from j E'UI-e u - r - - , r --7.,,
TVINi: ASn -.P .XDIES FOR M EDI- the snrllmg, brtght-eyed, rosy choked las " urcntv slight caasec. .. . . erncr Genry of the .,i3e of Gv..o- ,
r u. -i s. ' ai r.M i L Li.NLi1. c. se is. 1 at-1 say tnai sae su:u.a not n 1 1 .- ;nm ! ticn. ia:
. . - , . rT-, , , 1 . lie SlieUiU lifkej, unuci ai;j uu - , .
1.'.,- 1.,-rtT a Vil 1n-it InTT l.ron pnrs,-.. iritll ! ... -, , . V t . i . t Ffonrv Stl. CI. art. ( . UaS. 1 . lx.
Letter. p, ad ,o;e P-rs rich father f bat she Las taken a fooliah Z:7:t C: 1,, h:m e as el r. G. A. Gro, John Uory.l aud 11. II- ,
Ptns, Peatils. Fupe.rior Tak, . r ,., - , . n r .i ,t rn,',. employment he pie.ers. let n.mfwcas,
- And other Wtults kert , hing br yon and l il tell you I ii uo. desire as p.tesilde he will tUus I.ick.nn ,
, ... n.: -!il fro to work: and rvrsve vourself to be awaTi: , t .. .NommatK-fisJur Jud-e ol iuc rupreme j
. i lfr.L3fcw...... r -1 - . reaca tne on; eci 01 fiis asiwiwa. 1 n . .1 ... 1 4
;thevare w anted to ute. GEO. HC5TLEY
He Came Too Late. " "'i
lie cirae too lte th e toast had dried ;
Before thj Jr tco lflDg J ,
The cakes wr fcorclied upon the side;
-1 A nd evf-yihins was wrong J -1 -.1
.Ehwact:i'Cri torwsst till nijrat for one
; 'Vi h."irf nreiun bis way, - tivs.t ; :''
And sa ear TO'ak -her tea alone. "- J
iie:l ilaeihrngs away. ; "
He , came t20 Ja'te J fcforc'e he felt ."
k - . - i : : '
IiJISVrence'in Le'r-tlm" smile-dwelt, .
.lia I. XJlaJLufT-dAJ' .
The tkbl e,p&uLp .waj;
; ; ICo -dlshe f c-iild ise see ; - . 'j
. Le ntt liiii aad Let'W?dy .were gay
t 'a SiiB fieyer:6fk of tea , , r -i .;
- He came too la(e. ! th"e subtle chords
Of pati r-c T"r-re uabrynd . k.
, 2t Ij t-lTcnse of JEotea,"wL.rJa7v , .
Cut by the sii'is thif wpanJL .
Sho. Lnsw ie would sny nothing now
That cunli yL&jast repay ; , ,
. TShe bads i.ita-g-o.Ei milk tte cow, i
Aii dold ij tanked away... . t-;t i
He- caw too later fte'-fragtaat Iteam ' ;
Oftea Lad lon since Sown ;-'
The Mies ha I faEea in the creata, ' J
1'Ue 'jrcaJ way cold as stone." ,
- Aai v.he'a" with 'word aao" smile, he trfrd,
-i ... -S- ? P". ----- - ' '
J - J ' . j
looking at th young-iVjilow h-ipiy from
head u xocs. - .- -. -
lJe?pite Lis rather indolent., effeminate,
jiir, which was mainly the result of his ed-
r.eation.-IiUke Jtruon was a cue . kKikiD:
..: ,,
7 .
p.isefefi n ;
but he coloruu and irrew c ii-
i'ued ', itneath that sharp, . !
... . - - :
. , .; -r t . f; r. i. -ci'id she iri'erred-me to you."' i
'Ik- old man's laee Afteued. - . I
"A Ulat vou urc? & 1V';- nianr
XI". 1 . . T
- Jrdy - t - i - t - i - ak tt-fWr-rTartttri thatT-va
a-k mv triri to marrr vou. u it your proo-
ruamntec can t--i irive me.
it'shoald b? swept awav. as it ir-. in thou -
. . , -3
s-anos of instances, that vou couM provide
for her e:iiiv.rtable home? luu. have.
Lands and brain do you know how to j
ue luvm . . aat can vuu do . .
This v.a a srvle of catechism for which
,T. . . ,
. . .. ' . .
. . t- - .l.k j-.-, ....... , V ... :-
witnout seii.-
I. believe yoa raanaol to get through
college have. yu any profession
- sir ; J thought " :
'Have yoa any trade?"
-Your tJiihex.vh'-nsrht Kko-a fol, then
jriven vioiiv a ;.-u n j vantages iv r
' o-rnitii'- :inr fir! ;:i f
lorowu em awavt t)tt ii sne u;au 1 snow
1 to work, ;h-'
i oe
1 1
n d-ni.ter ci
k'co Uiore than cue
1 servaLt ; bat , 1 don x, no more tuan 1
jteriect - voursvM in some occupation .
duu't what,-if it is honest then cometo
me, and, ii the '. girl is willing, she - is
yours." -', - - - '
As the old man said this he deliberately
ros from ths settle cf the oorch and wc;.t
into the house. ." ' . ' " V
Pretty Mary Bilkins was wailing ifeo see
her lover down at the garden gate, their
usaal - tailing-place The smiting light
faded front her ey as she noticed his so-
ber, discomfited look.
4' Father means well," she f?Id, as Luke
told- her the result oi h:; av . '.ication.
4Andl'm not sure but he't. aoout right,
for it seems to mo that every man. richer
pcor, uuaht to have some occupation.
; 'i hen. as she noticed hex" lover's grave !
id soft! y, "
! " "-Sever mind. 1 u wait ior vou uuae..
r, , -r 5, f 11.,..,
! JLute Jordan suaaeui umcju
hhi acuustoaied haunts, much to tne sur
prise of.ivia gay essociiies. : But wher
extr he- sent, re esrrird with him th.-e
whieh'-were- like a ttrwtrof strength
10 his SOUl. 1 II Walt ior, 70U. i.Ua.e.
- J 'iQue iica?anU ululidiiiiy, tuOfuiitg, late
Andnexer dciisea tc.-ntore. ,f4., ,' I r v.. . . ...... i . . , iuc .ui ana tcev snail -i
'' ' ' " V I - fd -prcn ; but bhe looked as -winning and J awaited his return. " 1 ; pointed bv the Senatorial and Eepresen-
ciVkW R VUl-'- ' ;" lyvvly.a?!ie.&Vuya did wherever she was -l eudin.? his appearance the d-.le-ate laljvo dis'trk-t. extrwt Allegheny, which
r - LAniUitLl A Wirt. i found.-, . . . . from V estmoreland ent the following res- gall have eiht uiiLLam " ' '
iieamuch i.r:;.,,- Kave given you some ; f h competent to give it, aod to nig -Gen. Joan v . ueary navmg a uia- wi sni.a M-a z.r? ?t
honcst.cre-;,!.;,-. tJ cut yon ofT with a ! f,,ibw.saeh adv ce, unbss V judgement j j-'ity of all tne hlyl,- w,; ,s vur c, M; hslrf a bad bJ
shiiiiac . : lave been the making ,r, v:,.:,r T , r- f u-,d J Oat.u?d ! ehirsd the nominee oi this Convent! ;3 lor f sometim.-iS laiuns ai your appearance, sv
..fv,ur uXv me you at for ?-, 0r, C??X ' I Governor of Vylvania.; A scene of j r.nthing. rnr lad. hat walk on..' We
her-.- voujv. fc ?u-able bod'd ycaaz '. Vv ?V--, vn-. P-n-h to h-ivo wild confusion and coItI as excitement j know many a rich and g-vd rcan vhj waa
nju... tro.-.fv.:-.-,r ye.irs old, and never -v - , i... riT. r.a j P Trnt j(l '. ensued. lelegates, Sccrs aaa auato.s i-once as j-xr as you. . 1 ear God, ny b-iy.
1,..:. ouxiiie. xuu ougni,M . h v the-circuaitancS. " -"U1 c"' ; - - J - i - -y 7,- "
t, be ushaaied of jourself. And vuu Vl U XTV thuU:ih he had ! ch other, tsed tb-.r hats m.the air , rescU-J a; great deal re l.iac xfj.,a
want to ajarrv man--, mv daughier. Now, - 7 , . linmrdcn the benches in the cz-ess oi . were the s-m n a ncu man, ana -were al-
I've irlven Mollv a .-d advantages iVr ; - n .1 n ...t.... ... tbeir jrrat meat ion, and m?ae th3 had
. . . . . i, ,,t it lio r-finnnr. nmi " j . ... ... . .
fJoBe-r'rn brder j Qctl-ber, scftfer JiilJcin&.a propping I
rTT X$virvX" tbe grap ikieSi-'KiSifjdniVyard, thatj
threiitened to Ireak duwn with the weight
of its, uxurk'Us-..hurieBv a iK.aX lookiug
cart drove up, frora which Luk Ji,rdia
aliglited witli a quick, clastic stepquus in
con traet with his- formerly easy,-. lciaureW !
- - i -. '.. i
inovcirjontc- .. .r 1
tba 'wacrn.
J:L "Minef' -rcT.lied" Luke, with an air cf
; isiis-- gatnln'l-tt nrni rncJLj
j -They'll dS
nor ii a". ne sain, cociv . as
f down fh latt if' the -lot
What "will ve
---What I itske? rtyi i fr-r li'Taoiiths azo
rtan- -yortr datrgrjnrr, sir.
trad a after all."
othiiii lo;h,' Luke oheyed. -
01clly'r bawled MrBilkius, thrusting
his head into the kitchen door. ..
MuTIy trlpp'j! out into the cutry. Tlie
round white arms were Larcd tibove the
tlu'jws and tore traces of, the- flour she
had b'jen'stfuna. ,.dJcr ui-cfs was
ll2 Lliiihcd
nd blushed and suiuc..
ue saw i.uke, and then, luroin ner eyes
upon her lather, waited dutiful v to hear
what he had tosay.
The old luau'iv.gardd his daughter fur
a tnoment with a quizzical look. .
3Joll, this youog man may hah you ve
i him before has hronrrht mo a -lot :.f
e- .i ri 1 . w . . . T-. . 1 . . . 1 -W Tl .1 . 1 . . .
1 n he Qtrt r.-irr.'.tj r.r l.i tx-h m-il-n .
' n i
( niii tn.a iirs..c e, too. ije acst a pretty
1 steep priceur 'cm, but if vou are willing
i tc ri',e it. well and iroud : and hark ve. mv
lather wdl ratify."
A -lr. Bilkins said this he considerate-
ber ; but every year, on
the anniversary
l.V mirr;.,..p u '.,;-.! 1 l,;s mot -r.;n-
i "-v-a.w. 1 . .
law by MHt-iiaens of the
he handcraft TT-?,It. tin T-nn Ti-biif L A f A Tf a il 1 ir1
! ',- '' , i. .-r. - .t,A -.rii
the oest and ocarcst wue in tne worix
Hat Ci e j loun? Man Should
i x , , i
Lverv vcunsr man should make the ivf - liiinseii. intellectually, social.
! J 1 . ' -
1. Avoid bad' books, bad company,
strong drink, -drinking saloons, and tabac-
2 He should depend upon his own of-
t i .i ,
lurts to accompiu i. . .
- e.-
r.r-.s. n'Kt.if t i OVt;rO')ine
; - t n .,,-.,.".,..r . t, ,t
old 1 an-d th;:t l :ie
t. . 1 V-- w '
1.. 1 - . -f" t-fltili r. i- rf nor
: Ti'-rTetr-tJlin the matar.; wau. Knowing
2 :.:;
his lact ne snoula irovei a aiaio.i accoi u- 1
j i
a. . - -
All vounir mea . have "lnahcnao.e
V -3
rights," among which is none greater or
more sacred than the privilege to be some
body. , .. .-
A" traveler-in Pennsylvania lr.t sum
mer asked his landlord if he had any ef.?s
of sunstroke in that town. 'No. sir."
said the landlord; "if a man gets drank
here, we say he is drunk, and never call it
bv anv other name."
Tiit.-imnn was once remarking
, . i-
his marvewui ora r ....u
- . , i
thirteen oi 'Lis companions were lost by
the upsetting ot a bjat, and ne amne was
. .- i, i
i ,
And hew did you escape their fate?
1 , , . ,.r.A or,-r
UUM.UUidU o ...
"Tennieo" said a venerable Sen chmau
- his daughter, who was asking ' his ccm-
at to accompany her ui rent ar,-! . favor
ei suitor to the altar, u Jennie, it's a very
sale mn thin"- tn act married." T know
in.' father," Teplied the sens
sible- damsel. i:but
it's a ood dal'soleraner not to get marri
' -
Y - : f nr -:r- -'-"r'-: .nis mrrnir-t on?rt mil. j . wW, Th-t we .orfiiently ndafs
stojajouivanttd t? Lay soae butter tuba IIi- Ct. A. Grw, Chaircwill lhBj the aduuUraibn of Ge-eral John T.'
and cijDr. barrels. : 1 tVinXJ i hare ;SJxue te Central " CVonuitu.-eallod the- Con- jt;earv ag w;3Ci eccaicalana Unest. d
"JUStfit .r, il?ntl order at half-past ten uVioct t':iat t t,serves, a3 k j. rd, ap.
hose make are ihev ?Mel -the old He addressed the;CouTetun in, a incl fpruVh c,rtllti porpe of peansvlvacia &au
man; us; rn'ealn the irate!"lie paused. Lv 1 aud happy speech, after which lbs roil vi' . w fcAUr ,.., iu. T.;r. Vr
T . . 1 Tf TT-1 'TT ... 11.1- ... . n
jTreTcrrjisfi twiakle 'iu; trie cW. man s c-J me aeie?atc to prepare rM-Kus, i 0f tie platform sJ"-rted at the Slit Con
eyes trroaaenea into a stnile." ana mat au . rcsuituions . saouia- L-TT-ter- i rention March 7 - lSGiJ - . .
- aou re gjt me ttl-uX mora: m yoa; at- couiiuiiae uoom utpa.e.- ; JicavUtu. Thai we endorse the tuK
ad, he cried. " lad coma! ahe LcmvcnUon theri adjo-ouicd untJ .t, ,7 -.w?.v
1 shoaidh t won at-r if we made a Uffo oCiOCi.; -v. , Jr - - i heart v ivd c i-.V 1 arnort
1 5 I
1 1 . w . ' -. '-v e r 1 11 - m 11.1 ji aki .
Tlie Kepublicau Couvealion.
V,ILADELrniA. Je 20, 1SCQ.
.he . delegates to the Rt-publican State
CouTcctivp. lor ti.e nnntinn of Oor -
ernrr ani Jtia-e cf the prerje- O.mrt,
utaies ww cu it-a. i
11 . i l
lion, .ttenrv outlier, oi .K.k c .uuty,
XTtI Tl fV:lt '.t.-n tilT-f-iY-T- iV. ... " t- T-t r. I
unaniniousij elected. Jetupoi ary See- ;
uCTt jtj
cf Fivtscn Cr-icritisls wn
of iii'ittT-tUrc-e Da ;
Ptrmanent OVjiuzati
it was ?roea 1 . a V u.! m ,f OE: , our adherence tn the dx-triue of. rrvtec
trciH brnatcritii DiMnct h; selected J fT,.n Ln-;.,' ..,? in ,v:. :;;. - .n'
- FTEILNOON SiSSION. ' . r , t-'-. .
At two o'clock the delegates L?ran re-
assen.hlin-nd at twenty uiiuw there- j point a 'Th.irtnr-n" of the Central Coft
a.tcr the Ccaveatiun was again. cvd to ,lee; cn the j rint roecinniendation ol ike
01 f,r" , . . - j candidates this rday noniirate and,.. that
, ce report oi tiij Lommitccc cn Lre-
dctruals was first in orlef. The -Chair
!': of th:s Committee Uin ahseht when
' dcfuals was first
x-fcfon to the nairuian :, lbatll'.n. (j. A. Lrow, in
! the discharge of his uuties as Lh:-.irinun cf
the State Ctr.trsl Couimittee. cud I t his
, uj.tlrimr iak rs in behalf cf llepubliiaa
i ideas and principle, is entitled, .to the
gratituae ol te i.epupucan party.
After s- me discussion the ' rt-sdatiwr
was allowed ro be rtsud and was unani
mously agreed to.
31 r. Grww, replied to it in a few words
cf thanks.
At this point the report of the Commit
tee on Organization was called Tr, when
Mr. Muhion H. Dickinson, its Chairman,
Washington cr-uuty, Ga. Harry White,
I of Indiana county, Gem William Lilly, of
r-r ..t r-. .. tT -Af
maroon eouiuy, otuit ji.
of Philadelphia. Hon. Thos. 31. Marahall,
of Alleghcrfy county, Hon. James 5. Xcg-
ley, of Allegheny county, the nominations
were then closed. "
The names of Messrs. LawrcnceWhite,
Marshall and Neglry were at -once with
' Amotion wasefJered t comGrm ;the
j voiniaatinn of Geu. Geary by accla'ima-
ticn. Obicoted to, and cries for a bs'lot.
! "YM . 1 1 il.. 11.. 1 .,.1 t .
The ri'll was then called, 'and the vote
resulted as follows : Getry, 1-2 '; Porter.
! 1 5 Lilly, ; Made, 4. i he clerks turreed
t in their tal v aud tiie result was anaruncod
. n. -... i.r..,T.
j . i -
?io with tlicir load anJ Lng coutlaacd
I A aotion was then made to aeciretne
uiii'i:;:ii-. 1 ae v.aairaan
pat it, wu-.a- a
Judjr.e II-
r;i'; . , c
A 1 it-yhetiy
t I l.iilUiS, V 1
county, was named. uagts wuutuiswas
then declared the uuminee of the Conven
tion -r Judge of the Supreme Ceurt hyic
c!amatl a. Another, scene of cheering
ioUcvrcd. . . ' . .
" A Cjmaiitiee was then spp-.tnted to ap
r'se him of the action of the Convention.
The fallowing x.Ltti'..rm was ad j ted :
Jt'efiofre7. That we rejoice ia the giori
ou.-. natiwial victory til' 1KS, w hich is
bringing peace, Lajp:ness and prosp
! to us as a nation
tWr7. liiat we wholly tpFr,ve cf
I fipfHC-. mill tr t:i'i'i.'c
, , - ,
in? T.ri nr lmts duu i"i:v. i aum m .
. fif ;,npM ,iranr and we heartily
nail"" - l
! endorse every scntimcat containtrd ia Jiis
' ioauo,jru Jidireas and especially do hertly
j ratify and approve the ia'.e aaicndment
j proposed bv Congress to the Constiiutioa
of the United States and koowa .as tht
Fifteenth Amendment. -
- ; lir&lccrf, 1 hat we have cona-aeoea tnat
I the general admmi:ralioa will wisely and
it, , nrmly protect tne miereSLs ana u.gaay
i the nation in respect to our just claims
- j asraiist Great Rrltain.aod that.wsu euuctse
I tho action of tha Senate in rejecting ths
Johnsoa Clarendao treaty, known s th
, .MircS. e hcsrtilv svapuhix
; t .--i-uhn- peajfail
!in th-:r oH" iVs'to attain universal freedom
n.l th :?t:ai;,-V .,T.Vi
- l-X Uld ti.
to restrain the evil of special lezialiaa.
Jsohed, Jlxut ia Hon. Henry W.Wil-
, ,cur C3siitc lor the Sapreaj
. - -
t. e rjrcoeut a erj"ueu, pure anti
ftrcoet a erj"ueu, pure
)yatriiti ?-ntleuien, who will adorn the
t titit-Mcsfcinn. ixi which we wonni tn'rlwl
Tr't-nu.ta which we propnia to dec
; es'Zi ecZ, that we reiterate and a&ru
Chairman of lira
, titS State Ceatml Coaiitte shall const
darln'- the enmin? campaign" -f the
J piw.her of deW-ate fr.aeach "con
a each "county fc
The Governor was introduced to tha
i Convention, which he addressed at soma
ic.-ph, and retired amid eathusiastio ap-
A Boston exchange ia responsible for
the fulluwing stcrv :
A hhert time since a man appeared at
the Boston Cif-V. Hall, reuuestins an inter-
iew vritii the '.'hief f IVlice.
"What can I lj For vou?" Ina aired the
oScial. "
-Are you the Chief?"
(with a baby in h?r arms, looking carefallr
J around all the while to see if the was fed
1 .. 1 1 ... l .:. .1 . .'.
j i.weu ; auu iifii, wucu iuul ti ,uc r
j stopped and'
"Threw the child uAo the fng p ndT'
i csclaimod the appalled ofneer,
white with horror. 1
"Xo," replied his visitor ' washed it
The Poor. Boy. Bou't be ashatne'r, my
lad, if Vv-u have a patch on ywur elbow; it L
nomark of disgrace. It speaks well for your
I li.t.i-'.!.- i....t!... 1.. y nn r r-tri m
! industrious inot.her. rT oar part . We
i ;voui
1 rather sec a d-zea patches on your
, jacket than Lear one pro.ane or TUlger
i word iroii o-vr i.-s, or to smell the fume
: -:i !
AX. a t- V 1 ' v j .
The.. rer.n why we admire pretty
feet Because all's Well th. t eads well.
Why is a piudcnt man like a pin 7
Because his prevents aim going ia
The bulbar, i v ho "s two feet taller
than his wif.vaa eusilv overlojk her sh.rt-
! ie always at lei.- are tr do cT'Od, never
make bua.acs aa tsmse ic decline Qwcci
of human!', y. .... - . - ,"
Yk'h.'t did a blizd wood sawer atka
to rt-'re his sight: Ue toot his harsa
and saw ,
Paper and twine are ,now made of
wood, ima'jiiie a ptrehage done tip witli
a ecru of taowd.
What's the diiTerTtce between water
and whisky ? men blip oa the former whan
u is rrcrenj and on tn.e latter wiien U
isn't. -
Girls sometimes pat their lips cut
poutin'v because thy are angry, and
sorcetimts because thev are disposed to
meet you uali-way. - - "
. - , . 7 ... . 1 v y
! wvn ,.an,.hr .irw.kir.y a ei.-r nrn
, - ... 1 o -r- r-
her reas for the act. -that it made it
suu-d as though there was a man around.
j A young lady's sciitiajents If it w
, not -good f .r Adam to live single when
there. was '"not a woman on earth, how
very criminally gulity- are old bachelora,
with-lhe world full of plenty girls ?
A down east cirL he;u?" hanterfxl
: Qnec j.,- come of heriemale friends in re
oi j t er over. wdo bad the misfoT-
; t to Jiavtbuf"r,r e'le?Trr1ie
' j wouldn't hire V m.-ra wul t T:
they're t:o coaaioa.
-i?t?v?.V(VTL'.t.: the
a a.
j if. vjr breath. - No" eo--d : boy
1 i