The Farmers' Department. Common Salt as a Manure. The me of common 6alt as a manure has been recommended for more than a ccr.turv. yet, considering the pi ice of the article and the effect produced by it application, it i? suprising that its use is not more gen eral tliau it if. Some have tried if, and the effect has cot cnio np to their expectations; but I think here are reason to account for thi? failure: Th? application of common salt, like all ether nrmure and stimulants, must he carried on with judgment and intelli gence. Suppoe we apply salt to a field of crass otie year and it has a ood eflect, we must tiot expect another application, made next year, to produce an effect in proportion ; for in all probability the first application furni-hed the soil with sufficient soda (salt is composed of sodi united with mu riatic acid and other compounds) for sev eral crop?, and the second application will not begin to have its ifFect until the first is exhausted. Some of these failures may b9 ascribed to the fact that some plants have more oda in their composition, and consequent ly are more benefited by its presence in the soil than others. The soil may also contain sufficient soda or chlorine in some ether form than that of common salt. We know that some plants do not grow without the presence of silt, and others again will not grow where it is present. In England, where the use of ibis ma nure is much more common than it is in this country, failures have arisen from the experiments having been tried too near the seashore, where the land already con tained sufficient salt. Dr. Madden has calculated that the rain which usually falls near or within five miles of the' east ern shore of England and Ireland depos its 600 pounds on each acre every year. A great portion of this is washed through the soil by the rain, and for all purposes of a stimulant is lost. It has been proved by experiment that 1G0 pounds per acre sown"broadcast for wheat after potatoes, has increased the former crop from 25 bushels per acre to 80. Ia another case in England an applica tion of five bushels per acre to a light gravelly soil doubled the crop of wheat. Another application of six bushels per acre on a like soil, increased the crop of hay one ton per acre. I have found that it will not only in crease the yield of wheat, but will increase the weight of it from ono to two pounds per bushel. I usually apply it by sowing it broadcast before tho erain is drilled io, at the rate of about one sack per acre, and consider that I get 500 per cent, on the investment from the first crop. ' m mi Are Coal Ashes Good for Any thing. Seeing the use of ashes strongly recommended, many hae tried the refuse of the grate and coal stove with no flat tering results. Then they ask tho ques tion printed in largo above. Yes, coal ashes have some value, but for general use mush less than wood ashes. Io a general description that answers the purpose of the farmer the composition of wood ashe9 may be paid to be potash, sandy matter and lime. In the ash, elm, hickory and white oak, thero is a good deal of lime and pot . ash. In tho ash of pine wool almost no lime and very Hitie potash. Coal ash gives sandy matter and a little lime. All p!ant9 want some of that sandy matter, acd it is liberally supplied by most soils. The eilex in the ash of stone coal has this peculiarity, it is so fine that the rain die aolves it easily and feeds it liberally to plant? in the early part of the summer. Hence, coal ashes aro of most benefit on plants that grow in May and June and come to harvest early. For cereals and tubers that are harvested late in the seas on, coal ash is not worth the labor of cart ing and spreading. But on grass, straw berries, radishes and peas, coal ash pread thin and well raked ia is a profita ble application. Use or Corn-Husks. Io this country the chief industrial use of corn-husks is to ptuff mattresses. Sometimes for this purpose ;hey are torn into shreds by hand with a hetchel, but in the large manufacto ries they are prepared by mrchinery in vented for the purpose. The Germans are fur ahead of the Yankees in utilizing the material. 13y means of a process invented in Austria some five or six years ago, nbout twenty per cent, of the weight of oorn-husks may be made into stout paper, twenty-five per cent, may be brought into fibrous condition and woven into cloth, and fifteen per cent, may be separated as i kind of a starchy substance, which has been made into biscuit for tho soldiers in the Austrian ariuv. gUMMER GOODS FOR J18G8! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. A. DARKER & SOX, High St., EBENSBUKG, PA. TEES J. LLOYD, XV Suceetsor of R. S. Burnt, Dealer in PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, TTAIXTS OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, PERFUME RY AND FANCY" ARTICLES, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES FOR MEDI CAL PURPOSES, PATENT MEDICINES, Jcc. A ho : Letter, Cup, and Note Papers, , reus, Pencils, Superior TnV, And other articles kept by Druggists gmerallr. PMyieian' prescription carefully compounded. Office on Main Street, opposite the Moun tain Mouse, Ebensburg, Pa. Taugl3 ABRAHAM BLAINE, Burb EuExsnrBfi. Pa. Shaving, Shampooing, and Ihsir-dressing done in the most artistic style. gQf- Saloon directly opposite the "Moun tain Hoiie." augl3 DISSOLUTION. The co-partnerthip existing betren the undersigned is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. The hooks and account? will bf settled br G. F. Robin?nn. t. s. nnmvFoy, C, F. ROBIN'S ON. A. A. BARKER & SON have received and opened out, at their Store, on High street, their Summer stock of goods for ?68. DRESS GOODS. MERINOS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, PRINTS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, " - CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, Every style in the market; HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND KNIT GOODS, HATS a CAPS, 300TS SHOES. W H I T E GOODS," embracing new styles of NAINSOOKS, SWIFS MUSLINS. MULLS, TARLETONS, WHITE CRINOLINES, BRILLIANT A CORDED SKIRTING. EMBROIDERIES, consisting in part of JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, DIMITY BANDS, COLLARS, SETTS, BOBBIN THREAD EDGINGS A LACES. HOOPED SKIRTS, Cheaper than ever. The celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, the best in use, Sold at the very lowest market ratet. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! DAMASKS, TABLE COVERS, CRASH BROWN DAMASK T VBLE LINENS, FRINGED HACK, DUPER AND DAMASK HONEY COMB QUILTS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, ALLENDALE QUILTS, SWISS CURTAINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CARPETS, RUGS, HASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, &., kc , Jtc, Of all sizes, widths, and prices A full stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING! BOOTS SHOES, HATS y CAPS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, kc. A good assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, &c. FEED, VEGETABLES, We keep constantly on hand Vegetables, And h general variety of articles in this line. &C. Corn, Oats, Middlings, Chop, Shorts, Bran, Butter, Egg, Lard, FAMILY GROCERIES! We have constantly on hand a complete stock of Family Groceries, comprising Su perfine, Extra and Family FLOUR! Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, Hominy, Hulled Barley, Bacon, Sugar-cured Hams, Dried Beef. Salt by the barrel, and Saik Salt for Table use ; Goshen and Western Reserve Chcete ; Cracker of all kinds. TOBACCO! Complete assortment of French Spice. Sperm, Adamantine Mould Caidle Soap, Castile, Rosin, and all other kinds. Rio and Java Cojfee. Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Tea. Hard, Soft, Pulverizel and Brown Sugars. Syrup and Molasses of all kinds. Dried Apple and 1'eache. Mackerel, Herring, Salmon. Coal Oil and Turpentine. Lard, Whale and Linseed Oil. Paint ot every description. - Scrub, and Horse Brush. Varnishes, kc, kc, &., &c, &c. DR UGS AND PA TEXT MEDICINES. All kinds of IRON AND NAILS. Notice. Buying twice ns largo a stock as any other raerchnnt in town, we buy . cheaper, aud can therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS I The public is invited to call before purcha sing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. 52y Cherry, Poplar, Sprnce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, Egg3, and Country Produce generally, taken in exchange for Goodj. Sl3 XT HOLES ALE AND RETAIL I T TIN, COPPER, k SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. Having been East and purchased my stock when prices were low, I am now prepared to oner casn buyers better bargains than can be had anywhere in . WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. My stock consists in part of every variety of TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER AND BRASS ' .. - : WARES, - - ' ENAMELED AND - PLAIN SAUCE PANS, BQILERS, SKILLETS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH HEAVY WARE, Made without seam out of Double Tin, ' , TOILET SETS, Unsurpassed in beauty and cheapness, PIE FORKS, CORN POPPERS, , , COFFEE MILLS, IRON jMSKMERS, -MINCING KNIVES, SLAW CUTTERS, And every article yen need in the Kitchen. Particular attention given to SPOUTING! VALLEYS AND CONDUCTORS 1 I am sole agent in this place for the NOBLE COOK, IRONSIDES, GREAT REPUBLIC, TRIUMPH, SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST nEATING AND COOKING STOVES. Odd Plates for repairs constantly on band, as well as other make of Stoves, which will be sold at prices to please. GRATES and GRATE FRONTS, of all sizes, with CAST IRON FENDERS, Furnished at Manufacturers Retail Prices. I would call particular attention to my stock and prices of LAMP TRIMMINGS, Consisting in pari of all varieties of BURNERS, CniMNEYS, WICKS, OIL CANS, Which I am retailing at Wholesale Prices. SUGAR KETTLES, CAULDRONS, STOVE POTS, &c, All sizes, constantly on hand at reduced prices. Special attention given to JOBBING! In Tin, Copper, or Sheet Iron, at lowest pos sible rates. 21 ER CHANTS' WHOLESALE LIST Now ready and will be sent on application by mail or in person. Hoping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pat ronage I have already received, and will en deavor to please all who may call, whether they bny or not. Call on or address FRANK W. UaY, augl3 Johxstown, Pa. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH! Makes a lasting shine. Those who black the.r boots on Saturday night with ordinary blacking, don't have much shine on Sunday, as the polish fades off; but the shine of Dob bins' Blacking lasts Saturday night and all day Sunday. IT BEATS ALL OTHER BLACKING made. Manfactured only by J. B. Dobbins, at his immense Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Street and Germantown Avenue, Phil adelphia, Pa. For sale in Ebensburg by C. T. ROB ERTS and GEO. HUNTLEY. n26-6m. AZ U R EN E (Concentrated Indigo.) FOR THE LAUNDRY. It is warranted not to streak, or in any man ner injure the finest fabrics. For family use sold in five cents, ten cents, and twenty cents boxes. Each twenty cents box, besides having five tiroes as much blue as the five cents box, con tains a pocket pin cushion or emery bag. For Hotel and large Laundry use, it is jut up in $2 00 boxes. . See that each Box has proper Trade Mark. For Sale in Ebensburg by V. S. Barker and M. L. Oatman. Jan. "I. JKMiMON & M U It It A Y, EBENSBURG DRUG k BOOK STORE! Lkmmox k Muhqat, dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Pertumery, Fancy Soaps, Patent Medicines, Pure Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Cap Paper, Post Paper, . Note and Billet Paper, Pens, Peucils, Penknives, Pocket Books, Ebensburg, August Pass Books, Blank Books, Prayer Books, Bibles, Histories, Novels, School Books, Jewelry, Photograph Albums, Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars, and Snuff, Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes. 20, 1868-3m. LATEST ARRIVAL! The subscriber has just received, at his store, on High street, Ebensburg, a large ajid salable stock of Flour, Bacon, Molasses, Tea, Table Salt, Barrel Salt, Cheese, Tobacco, and CTc-rvthinir in the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery line. Also, Boots and Shoes, Carbon and Lubri cating Oils, Ac, &c. All which will be sold very cheap for cash. Iugl3, Q. G. OWENS. Sugars, Coffee, Spices, Cigars, CtOAL! COAL! COAL! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wra. Tiley, Sr , at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania Rulroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all oiders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILEY Jr. Hemlock P. O., Aug. 13, 1868. ' P. ALT FATHER, Manufacturer of and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HAVANA and DOMESTIC CIGARS, PLUG FINE CUT CHEWING and SMOKING ' TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, SNUFF BOXES, and CIGAR CASES, lAt the tign of the Indian, Main St., Sept. 3, 1863 Johkstowk, Pa. :ri:7,Mi.j:,-!.""""ij",- l - " "- - GRANT HOUSE, HEMLOCK, PA., Jons WiLKJN, Proprietor. This house has beeu refitted, and offers superior accommodations to any other house in town. The proprietor, after long experi ence in ibe-business, feels confident he under stands the wants of the public. His table will be supplied with all the. delicacies of the season. By constant attention, he expects to merit a liberal share of public patronage. August 13, 1868. UNION HOUSE, . EBENSBURG, PA., , ' Jebomk A. Plott, Proprietor, . No pains will be spared to render this hotel worthy of a continuation, of the patronage it has heretofore received- The table will always be lurnished with the best ihe market affords; the bar with the best of liquors. The stable is large, and will be attended by an attentive hostler. aug 13. LOGAN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Isaac Cbawfobd, Proprietor. The Logan has been thoroughly" refitted and refurnished, and now offers superior in ducements to the public. The Table and Bar inferior to none in the State, and Sta bling of the very best. aug 13. OSTER HOUSE, -Coa. Cliktos & Locust sts., JOHNSTOWN. PA., . Wir. Lintojt, Proprietor. This well known house has been complete ly refitted and refurnished, aud is now pre pared for ihe reception of guests at reasona ble charges. aujr 13. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA.. R. P. Liston k Co., Proprietor. The Tablk is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. The Bab is supplied with choice liquors : and the Stablb attended by careful hostlers. Boarders taken by the week, uiOPth or year. us: 13 UNION HOUSE, HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Otto He lit, Proprietor. This hotel is situated immediately along side the Railroad Depot, and is the most con venient stopping place in town for travelers. August 13, 1868. CAMBRIA HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Hkkbt F08TKJ1, Proprietor. The first class position among first class Hotels will be maintained iu the future, as in the past, by the Arcade. aug 13. EC EBY & CO , - WHOLESALE GROCERS, Anil Commusion Merchants, No. 522 Market st., between Fifth and Sixth, Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand a general as sortment of all kinds of fish, in large and small packages, which we will sell Jow for Cash or short credit. Also, Duncannon Nails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at Manufacturer's prices. au!3 TC JENKINS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver of FLOUR, ASD ALL kinds of PRODUCE, Also: REFINED OILS, Checkered Front, 273 Liberty sr., Pittsbcbh, Pa. B? Prices Current and Marking Plates sent to shippers. aug!3 B ENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 507 Market St., Phil adblphia. JGSjf Refer by permission to A. A. Barker, Ebensburg. ug!3 B A.RNES, OSTERtlOUT, HERRON k Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, And FURS, . No. 603 Market St., above Fifth st., augl33 Philadelphia. WHOLESALE CALDWELL & FRY, Wholesale Dealer im OHSIERY, GLOVES, axd NOTIONS, 40G Market street, Philadilphia. I. C. CALDWKLL, Ug. 13 WM. W. IBT. BEN. P. THOM PSON. trith SMEDLEY BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, LA DIES' HATS, RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, &c, 4c. No. 415 Market-st., Poiladflpeia. jas. w. biddlk, j. futiiet smith, JNO. C. KHERBOBNB, W. CALVIN MOOKE. RIDDLE, SHERBORNE & CO.; Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN k DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant street, faug!3 THILADA. JACOB K. SMITH. J. a. 8XLTZXB. SMITH & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, &c. No. 409 N. Third st.,aboTe Callowbill, auglaj PlIILADBLPUIA. GEO. F. ROBINSON, Manufacturer of PINE, HEMLOCK, REECn, and MAPLE LUMBER.. Also, FLOORING, WEATHERBOARDING, SHINGLES, LATH, BLACK WALNUT, ASH, and CHERRY. Orders sent to Ebensburg, Cambria co., or Rush House, Pittsburg, will be promptly at teuded to. an g 13. 17RY, DUERR & CO. I IINE, HEMLOCK, -ASH, POPLAR u.ul . CHERRY LUMBER. ,i'rL00RING&WEATHEKB0ARDIO 18 and 24 inch SHINGLES fawed to onler.' mrt nV, Eben.shv eg, Pa. ST Orders sent to Ebensburg, Cambria count;, will be promptly attended to. NATIONAL SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY, w. . 'HENRY SC UNABLE, - Wholesale dealer in Soap, Candles, Groce- BIiI'-iq5," !,"d Flsh at rnces. R"S3J - Maiv sr., JOHNSTOWN TA JgBENSBURO STOVE and TIN WARE DEPOT I T. W. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Just received, at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot, a large and well selected stock of COOK STOVES, PARLOR. STOVES, '.: OFFICE STOVES, COPPER WARE, TINWARE, SHEET-IRONWARE, HOUSE SPOUTING. TIN ROOFING, &c. And a general Hardware, Cutlery. Farm Edge Tools, Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Augers, Bits, Files, Hatchets, Hummers, Hinges, Gimlets, Screws, Locks,, Latches, Bolts Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Trace Chains, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, assortment of Apple Parers, Hand Saws, Oil Stones, Meat Cutters, Coal Hods, Door Lock Keys, Sad Irons, Coffee Mills, Coffee Roasters, Carbon Oil Lamps. Chimneys, Burners. Wicks, Stove Polish, Boot Polish, Hoop Iron, Wagon Iron, Bolts, &c. I desire to cell particular attention to the fact that my stock of STOVES! Is the largest and best in Cambria county. And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturers' retail prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, kc, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell j others will be ordered when wanted. OIL BARRELS! Made out of Galvanized Sleet Iron, to hold any desired quantity, mannfactured and for sale at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot. All dealers in Oil should have tlisoi. THE EUREKA COFFEE ROASTER ! A time saving, temper saving, labor sa ving,' money saving invention. The women's friend. The best Roaster in market. As I have lately added largelj to my stock, and have now a first-class Hardware and Tin Store, persons in want of anythicg in my line are invited to give me a ca'l. One thing I desire to be distinctly understood WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! Cy Repairing promptly attended to. By strict attentiou to business and a desire to deal fnirly and justly with all men, I hope to merit and receive a shnre ot public patronage. Store on High street. Ebnsburg. in the rooms lately occupied by Mills & Davis. angl3 Til OS. W. WILLIAMS. s UMMEll ANNOUNCEMENT ! I WOOD MORRELL $ CO. Have just received, at their Mammoth Store, ear the Railroad Station, JOHNSTOWN, Still another invoice of FOREIGN ahd DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Alic, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, CARrETS, GROCERIES, They offer Goods of all descriptions at WHOLESALE and R E TAIL! As cheap as they can be purchased In Our stock c-f GENERAL DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, RAG, INGRAIN, k BRUSSELS CARPETS. MATTING, PAPER HANGINGS, BOOTS ax d SHOES, HATS akd CAPS, QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WARE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, FEED, SALT, kc, Is the largest ever brought into Johnstown. By buying our Goods in large quantities, and on the best terms, we are enabled to sell at prices much lower than arc offer ed elsewhere in Johnstown. We particularly invite the at tention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS! To our facilities for supplying them promptly with every article in dtnmnd by their customers, and at satisfactory fig ures. Competent clerks always in waiting to show Goods. A specialty ef our business is the DA IL r ME A T MA RKK T AND TH K VEG ETABLE DEPARTMENT, At which citizens can procure all kinds of Fresh Meat and Vegetables in couoa. On the second and third floors, bu with convenient entrances on the first floor from Washington street, are two capacious TAILOR and SHOE SHOPS, Where fine and coarse Boots and Shoes, and all kinds of Gentlemen's Wearing Ap parel ure made to order, promptly, and in fashionable style. ' JCSy' A full line of Cloths, Cassimer3, Cas sinets, kc, constintly on hind. In the Shoe Department are kept, for s;le Shoe Findings of all kinds, and a prime assortment of Up pr and Sole Leather.. T3 THE lleghTt; IL Lbe DnMIc) 'I Ter annum, payable in advance ' 4 If not paid in advance... - A failure to notify a " expiration of the term subscribe. 3 t consiaereu a new engagement. RATES OF ADVERT Transient advertising, per !q Each Bnbseqnent insertion'. '011' Auditor s .soiices, each "- Administrators' and Executo'.-'v" Estray Notices "V , 3 m 1 square, 12 lines. ..... $2.50 2 squares, 24 lines.... 5.00 3 squares, 36 lines.... 7.00 Quarter column 9 t,n Third column oq Half column 14.00 jtf Column 25.00 'J Professional or Business e&4s exceeding 8 lines, with paper...' Advertisements not carkej number of insertions desired, ued till forbidden, and charged t-. the above terms. All kinds of Job Work ; on reasonable terms. roar TOOK WELL TO BOOT AND SHOE JTAXUFAn The snbsciiber, having di?pea? sale of Eastern-made work g9 tV his establishment, is determine? himself with renewed energy tai facture of ROOTS AND Sno He has in his employ a corps 0f ; workmen, and asem that he t out a better Boot or Shoe tjia 1 similar establishment in Cinb-j ty. Give him a trial and It t Particular attontion p;;5d :a tie ufacture of FINE FRENCH CALF Sl'ixi Good work, moderate prices, i:jfe guaranteed in all Boots and shoes repaired yw workmanlike manner Sc Shop or. Hig-st., ocii Crawford's l!otl. GIVE HE A CALL! aug. 13 JOH.VD. SADDLERY AND II All The undersigned keeps v. hand and is ttill nifiuufa;turi:j in nis line, sucii s SADDLES. FINE SINGLE AND DOITLE DRAFT HARNESS BLIND BRIDLES, HICINC CHECK LIVES HALTERS, WlIll'S, BRF.KCH? All which he wili dit-poieufi lor cash. His work is all warranted ai: rienced in the business, he u.w, of leather. Thankful fir ps: hopes by attention to ru$ir.f! continuance of the patrontgj . liberally extended to him. Shop above the tin store 0" Williams, High Ft. Persons substantial Harness can be c:r. ISSyAll persons indebted:-! quested to call ami! ,t as I need money. augi3j 1IUGr A. K PRICES REDUCED ! JOHNSTOWN MA' Tho subscriber has just rc and handsome invoice of ITALIAN AXD AMERICA comprisi'.g the l.-vrpet and fin kind ever brought to Jobnstcr. tabliehment, on Franklin ;Ve'.. prepared, with an adequate encea ana SKiinni wcrknifn. kinds of HONUMENTS. ToJir BLE TOPS, BUREAU TOI'jU as cheap as tliey ctib be pur:' the cities A large stock of GRINDS! and for sale low. Articles of my manufacture sed at the Hardware .wto:e Huntley, ia Ebensburg. Prompt attention ;.s." a distance, and work dI J rau?m T ORETTO M ANKLE A The undersigned Up the citizens of Cambria'' tis that he has just rece:r- I . 1 : . 3 ..1 ir- uiirsk imwdu uuu cm.: it liahtocnt, in Loretto. 0xt monument, lomls, Orcf tiful r.nd fintst quality of I- 11c maruie. always on csss' as cheap as they can be p': urn t nuu n uui the shortest notice The public are re?pct'. me a call before purch:f am confident that try satisfy any person dcs;r'J' ...... V. U l Ql li L J : L; Now 13 the time to pf'1'. augl3 J-1 PATRONIZK nrJ, a 11 11-; riMr.v.'- I VKTTIt A VC COM?' LOCATED AT The above naruf-l t April 6th, 1357, will im properly at safe rjtc. : caretul in '.m- sents a reliable and c-r .l.t.h noreODS HIST tCC-- pr jbable Iosfcs by Office on Centre t. 'mountain IlOU JO! ) B Zi road to, a B citiz Visit tUOQl T Ozid, High D timor 0 a'ers 01 El thoro prove conal impar In Dc eppor Jtpeak I 1 i J. Lloto, Sec y- IIS kvan r.oriujs, .... twi;h. JA111-.-5 1 1 v;rrTs, Pl.nihnrr. A ,. 13. HOI I J O II N W1NT.S r. 0 1; I&; UII J;j ... Privilec We b Gold at Went S nd abr fnd do inine3! ttentio 3 a tria D- J. lie Isaac jcob M Qkorqk n. j. pins DESIGN. 7rd, Al 'TaoMj rH Cat r Alltn, favorable 'erna un3 alw T pur 'limps, tv 200 and CATAW1JA nn.l he very lest Wines f'"f ' "K N V llflTEl. will do l, f on , 1 T. I 'v- S'-C"'-"1 di"? Shaving don in th , .KSa! lJ0 Uonm NATI( ,vKolesn i ! i 1 1 Hit