I - - . , ; J ' - - , . J. T. UITTCIIilSSOXa EDiTORS. ED. J.13ICS, I VOLUME 9. AM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Fa. August 13, 1SCS. fOIIN FENLON, Attorney at Law, jg2r Office on High street. aug!3 G HOilGE M. READE, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonnade Row. augl3 ILLIAM II. SEHIILEll, Attor ney at Law, Ebensburg. Pa. r-s?- Office in Colonnade Row. aug20 G ROUGE W. O ATM AN, Attorney at Ivw and Claim Agent, and United States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eh. easbur, Pa. Ca"g'3 J" OI1NSTON & SOANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa. Jgy Office opposite the Court House. E. L. JOHKSTON. aug!3 J. K. SCANLAM. SAMUEL. SINGLETON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. 3-Office on High street, west of Fos ter's Hotel. auglS JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law, Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa. gj- Architectural Drawings and Fpecifi catiom made. faugl3 J. WATERS, Justice of tho Peace and Scrivener. gj-Office adjoining dwelling, on High St., Ebensburg, l'a. L T? A. SnOKMAKEH, Attorney at Jj Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Particular attention paid to collections. !i street, west of the Di K'L' ' 1 ' mond. auglS A. K0PEL1K, T. W. DICK, . Johnstown. Ebtttburg KOPtiLIN & DICK, Attorneys at Law, EbenBburg, Pa. Bi- Office in Colonade Row, with Wm. Kitten V.n. TOct. 22. . . j t. w YOSEPII S. STllAYER, Justice of the Peace, Johnstown, Pa. . v5- Office on Market street, corner of Lo custt street extended, and one door south of the late office of Wm. M'Kee. augl3 T DEVEREAUX, M. D. Phycian JLVV and Surgeon, Summit, Pa. Office cast of Mnns:on IIoue, on Rail road strset. Night calls promptly attended to, at his office. ugl3 R. PE WITT ZEIGLER Offers his professional services to the ititens of Ebensbnrg and vicinity. He will istt Ebensbnrg lb second Tucsdr-f each month, to remain one week. Treth extracted, without pain, with tirous OxUle, or Lau-jhin-j G is. jxay Rooms adjoiuing G. Huntley s itor, Ufh itrcet. iqgl3 knTiWry. The undersigned, OraJuate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respect fully 3 Jers his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has spared no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement in his art. To many years of per sonal experience, he has sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. jUaT" AVIII be at Ebensburg on the fourth It ; n day of each month, to stay one w :ek. August 13, 18C8. I"Ta)Y I) Hankers j Ebensbuhh, rA. ti-y Gold, Silver, Government Loans and other Securities bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections m-ide on all accessible points in the United States, anJ a General Bar.king Business transacted. August 13, 1863. f M. LLOYD & Co , Banker V f m Altoona, Pa. Drafts on the principal cities, and Silver nd Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon eys received on deposit, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. fcgl3 rpiIE FIRST NATIONAL 1JA NK 1 Of Johnstown, Penna. &d up Capital S 60,000 00 Ti vilegt to increase to 100,000 00 We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts, Gold and Silver, and all classes of Govern ment Securities ; make collections at home nd abroad ; receive deposits ; loan money, and do a general Banking business. . All business entrusted to 3 will receive prompt -attention and care, at moderate prices. Give us a trial. Directort D. J. MoRttr.Li, IjAAC IvACfMAX, Jacob M. Campbzll, TrEoncK FniTZ. Jokk DlBKBT, Jacob Lbvebgood, James McMillen. DANIEL J. MORRELL, President II. J. Eobkuts, Cathter sep3ly tm. M. li.otd, rrei't. JOUN i.lotd, Cathier. PlllST NATIONAL RANK OF ALTOONA. go vERN.yr.yT a gexcy, asd DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF-THE UNI TED STATES. fiy Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North Ward, Altoona, Pa. Authorized Capital $300,000 00 Cash Capital Paid is 150,000 00 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms. Iaernal Revenu? Stamps of all denomina tions always on hand. To purchasers of Staropr, percentage, fa stamps, will be allowed,' as follows: $50 to S100, 2 per cent.; $!0C to $200, 3 per cent.; $200 and upwards, 4 per cent. augl3 SAMU El7siNGLET()N, Notary Pub lic, Ebensburg, Pa. OfBtee on High street, wei-t of To? ter's Ho vel, i , augl3 t&&- Jrh Work of alikind done at this EBENSBXJRG PA. Tlie Rlrtl In tbe Linden. A little bird sang on a linden-treo, . In the balmy days of spring ; When his lay of love woke & Toice la me, And t essayed to sing. The song of the bird was merry and glad, As song of a bird might be ; Mr answering strain was mournful and sad, As I sat 'neath that linden-tree. For close by tbe bird on the lindf n-tree Perched a mate with folded wing ; But never a mate was there for me, To lis:cn while I might sing. My ppring was past, and my life was lone, Love never had beamed on m ; . I could not echo the joyous tons Of that bird on the linden-trei. The little bird fang on the linden-tree When summer was warm and bright, And, oh ! I could answer his minstrelsy With a song of deep delight. For the heart I had long despaired to gain Had blossomed with love for me ; Oh, joy ! we were one who had once been twain, And we sat 'neath that liaden-tree. A STROKE OF BUSINESS. I peeped in timidly, but to my great de litrht he was alone. "My dear Miss Bernice," he exclaimed, warmly taking me by both hands, ''this is indeed a pleasure ! Sit right down here, and tell me what is the matter, for I know you would never have bearded the old fel low in his den for nothing. "There is a great deal the matter," said I, desperately, as I began to feel my nicely prepared speech slipping entirely away from me. 'I am sorry to hear it," he replied, looking grave immediately, and evidently expecting some overwhelming communi cation. I tried to begin as I had intended, but it would not come, and exhausted with nervous excitement, I burst into tears. Then, everything came out in a perfect stream, without being "sorted" at all ; and there was the strangest mixture of all my hopes and fears, and projects, and my in tention of buying a house in the same breath that I acknowledged myself unable to pay for one room, until my hearer look ed quite stunned, and evidently began to wonJ if I VaJ Lvt nursenies. Then he looked amused, and presently he snid : "My dear girl, there is no need of cry ing; let us exaniino this matter rationally. You wish, you say, to buy a small house, that you may have a more desirable room for 3'our school, and lessen the expense of . : v . i rent. otriKcs mo as a puriiuuiaujr sensi ble idea. As to the money part, you will not be obliged to pay the whole sum down. How much have you at your command ?" "I have just one thousand dollars in the world," I replied, shortly. " One thousand dollars !" repeated Mr. Portman, in amazement. "You cannot really mean it ! The daughter of my old friend Edward Mapleton reduced to this! Whv did vou not let me know this be fore ?" "I would not have told you now," said 1, proudly, "had you not asked me. The old gentleman walked about the of fice, shaking his head in a very disappro ving way. "Poor child I said he, "poor child !" "I am not so very much to be pitied," said I, determined to assert myself to the last ; "I have youth and health, and al though I do labor under the disadvantage of being a woman, I intend to accomplieh something yet. I will never be depen dent on any one, except for kindness; but if you are willing, Mr. Portman, to lend me whatever is required ajbove my thous and" "Willing !" he exclaimed, warmly ; "I would be willing, Bernice, to do far more, but if this is the only assistance you will accept, let us go at once and look at the house." My heart was considerably lightened as we set forth, and directed our steps to No. 40 Plum street. We found Messrs. Broad and Long in the shape of one hard-looking gentleman, who was neither broad nor long, excepting by name. He eyed us critically, and then said, in an indifferent way, "Yes neat litti house owner going West No 99 Lumbago street." Mr. Tortman eyed every part of the house very critically, and when the agent left us for a moment, he told me that it was very well built, aud that the price, $1,000, was exceedingly moderate. 'You could probably get 85,000 for it, after a little time, if you wished to sell," said he. This was a new view of the case", and it set me thinking more desperately -than ever. ." Make a clear $1,000 after paying Mr. Portman what I owed him, and thus double my money! It was quite exci ting, and I felt disposed to go at once into the real estate business. The end of all was that the house be came mine, at least nominally, for I always felt that it really belonged to Mr. Port man ; and wheu the deed was executed and placed in my hands, I almost doubted my own identity. My lesthetic soul, uow crer, received a severe shock in the .word ing of the document, wherein 'I wjw I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT, Hi.nry Cut stigmatized as "Bernice 3Iapleton, spire- ster.'. How much more agreeable to my feelings the term "damsel" or; "maiden" would have been I ,1 tried to . remember that I was only twenty-four, but; "spin ster" sounded like forty, at Jeasu A spinster or not, though, the houso was mine ; and I, almost a pauper, was actu ally a propertj'-holder. "Now," said Mr. 1'ortman, ctieeriuuy, when tho matter was all arranged, "I re ally think, Miss Bernice, that this Js the brightest thing you have done for many a day." ; "r ; i : -f '-That you have done, .'you mean," , I murmured. . ... , ; . v - "No," ; ho replied, stoutly, "my noddle didn't ; hatch out the plan at all; the credit of it belongs to you. " And unless I am a false prophetpj'our fortuiie- willSn-!- from this very day. ; - Mr. Portman knew of a young married couple, just from Maine, who would be glad to occupy the remainder of my house ; and before long they were installed there, at a rent that covered all expense, and left my schcol-rooru rent free I I began to have quite a respect for my j business qualities. The bride was just the ! SnUClUati lime liuu A c duii, uok. k would bring her sewing into the school room, and listen to my style of teaching, and declare that she ought to be regularly entered as a pupil, and pay her tuition fee like the others. I took great pride in my new school room, and two new scholars from the neighborhood came to supply the place of A . n I ATTAI. COlff 4mi CM ("k those I had lost. Every one prophesied brilliant success for me in the spring aud I looked forward hopefully. I had not been long iu possession of my house when I was informed, one evening, that a gentleman wished to see me in the parlor. Now, my room iooked particularly cozy and pleasant, and I was, moreover, writing deep in a story that promised to be a great success. My hair was some what tumbled about, but rather pictu resquely, and quite forgetful of my little apron, I concluded to go- down just as I va. Probably some pompous-looking father of a family awaited me, with a string of questions about my school ; and trying to assume a proper expression of dignity, I walked into the room. Rather a tall gentleman was bending over Miss Plidget's photograph album the grand ornament of the center table, and although the gas was miserably low. I on1J Rfiff that fit insf tir.- by my picture, or with that of Miss Plid get herself who was just opposite to it. He seemed quite absorbed, and did not hear me when I came in. The visitor was young and fine looking, with a frank, determined face, that wculd win its way anywhere. On the card that I received was written "Geo. Helmwood." Surely he could not have any children to place at school ? What could he possibly want with me ? lie looked around surprised when I turned up the gas, and glanced hastily from nic to the album again. He bowed to me politely as he said, "I called to see Miss Mapleton I was told, that she lives here." "I am Miss Mapleton," I replied rather surprised. "A lady who has a school on Lumbago street," he contined, hesitatingly, ; "who owns a house there." I pleaded guilty to both thee charges, and the gentleman looked bothamused and embarrassed. "Pardon me," he said, presently, with a smile, "I I expected to see an older lady. I scarcely know how to begin." ''Is it anything about the school?" I asked, by way of helping him. "No," was the reply ; "it is about the house. The truth is, Miss Mapleton,. I want to buy the house or rather my father does and ho has authorized mo to negotiate for it. Have you any desire to sell it?" "I have only iust bought it," said I scarce ly knowing what else to say; ','and my school is there. Besides, it is rented for a year." "Will you let my father callandsee you about it?" asked my visitor, after a pause. "The truth is, I I do not understand such business very well. My father is willing to give $10,000 for the property he must have it, if possible." Was I really in my sober senses? Ten thousand dollars ! I must have looked and acted in an expressibly silly manner, for Mr. Helmwood soon took his leave with out arriving at any understanding what ever, except that I was to receive a visit from his father. i The next day I rushed down to Mr. Portman for instructions. "Bravo ! Miss Bernice," said he, laughing, when he had heard my story, "you will turn out a woman" of fortune yet. I know the Helmwood3 well very nice people indeed and the son, let me tell you, is particularly nice. Father and son are in business together, and their lar"-e importing warehouse is on the street back of your, premises. By extending their place they will probably realize a few hundred thousand from increased business, and they can therefore well afford to pay you $10,000 to get you out of the way. Let them do it, by all means." . Thus fortified I was quite ready for Mr. Helmwood, senior, who was a remarkably finc-lookinz old gentleman, not unlike his THURSDAY . AEBIL son, and who stared at me during the in terview as though he had a dim recollec tion of having seen me before. He was quite at his ease, and I felt much less, em barrassed in " discussing business matters with him than with his son ; there" was, moreover, a warmth and urbanity. In his inanner that quite charmed me. "Now, my dear young lady !" said he, in a quick earnest way, "the facts of the case are just these : I do not wish to be regarded by you in the light of a filibuster, nor. as coveting what is legally and prop erly yours ; but I have had my eye on that property for ome time past; and. it - was only lately, while in a neighboring city on a matter of business, that twas informed that it was for sale. I immediately wrote to 'George to secure it at - once : but he wroto-back that it." had been bought byj a single lady tor a school. (And here 1 may as well say in parenthesis that you do not at all answer the idea we had formed of the single lady in question, and I cannot help looking on you in some sort as an im poster.) I then marched George immedi ately on to this elderly maiden oi our lm- aginations to see i upon to sell at an II she could bo prevailed advance. The young man, however, returned in an unsettled state of mind, having evidently failed to briug you to term;i, and coolly requested me to finish the business myselt, 1- be lieve Miss Mapleton that you paid $4,000 for the house. I will double that amount willingly." I bit my hp to keep from smiling. Truly the son teas unbusiness-like. "I did not buy the house to sell again, 1 re plied, very quietly. "I know it. You bought it, of course, for your school, and I suppose it just suits you: but, unfortunately, it just suits me too. Would $9,000 tempt you 7". I remained silent, fearful that if I spoke, I should laugh. . "Now," said Mr? Helmwood, rising in his earnestness, "I must have tho place ! and, rather than lose it, I will give you $10,000 for it." ' "That is just what your son offered me at first," I replied, withoutraising my eyelashes. "The young idiot I" exclaimed his father laughing. "Pray, how did he wordhis offer, if you can recall it ? "To the best of my recollection he said : 'My father is willing to give $10,000 for the property he must have it, if pos sible.' " -..iiAj , u 5-v"".!" Iap"hiijo at me in your sleeve all this time . said my visitor. "I am willing to give 810,000 for the property, but I preferred it for $8, 000, which is considerably above its value to any ouc but myself. Is it a bargain, then, at 810,000 ?'" "Mr. Helmwood," said I, as I felt the color rising in my face, "one thing you will please remember in this matter I did not offer my property for sale, nor had I any idea of disposing of it ; but much to my surprise, I was solicited by you to part with it. I am not a 'sharp woman' a character that I particularly detest as I have lost nearly all the little I possessed in foolish ventures ; and after your son's visit to me I went, much perplexed, to consult my Iricnd, Mr. Portman, through whose asst. tance I was enabled to buy the house. He advised me to accept Mr. George Hclmwood's offer, and explained to me th:it you would be an immense gainer by purchasing my little property, even at this extravagant price. ' I have a great horror of taking advantage of any one, and I was afraid that it might not be quite right to receive so much more for a thing that I had given so little for." "My dear Miss Mapleton," replied Mr. Helmwood, with a manner of great -re spect. "I should never think of fastening upon you the term of a 'sharp woman ;' but you will not object, I hope, to my re garding you as a remarkably clever young lady. You are quite right in saying that the property is worth more than $10,000 to me ; and I give it the more cheerfully since I lmve seen the owner. But I shall certainly have a good laugh at George for his style of doing business. Perhaps, how ever, had 1 been his age instead of mine, I should not have acquitted myself any better." This was rather embarrassing, and I hastened to say : "Mr. George Helmwood could not have mentioned to you that I have rented the premises." "Qh,.ves ; he did say something of the kind. But I will undertake to reconcile the inmates to a change of residence, pro vided I have your consent to proceed in the matter." Fiaallv I gave it; it seemed to be the best thing I coulu do j and just as be was leaving, "Mr. Helmwood scrutinized mo closely, as he asked : 'Will you allow me to inquire. Miss Mapleton, if Mr. Sylvester Wiliingflect is a relative of youra ?" - "He was my grandfather," I replied. "I am very glad to hear it !" he ex claimed, seizing my hand warmly. "He was one of the old merchants of this city, and a valued friend of mine. Many a; pleasant hour h ive I passed in his hospit- j able mansion where, besides entertaining his equals, there was an especial table pet for the day. The grand poor every aay. xuu grauu , i e-st iov daughter of such a man should not "JJon t you trouble yourselt, replied "Be" earning her own living I" said I the other; "Dr. Coe told us to mak h:3 , The rcon. who "ooalari ttVid it inz that he hesitated. "His gnmd ' cjffin. sn I guers he knws what he -ive ; Ionr. I;as iR "Wat s.Z'1 f c daughter, fir, does not wf wier lUt h i him." . ' rtoul.: 8,:;1869; disgracing a course." cither him or herself by such I knew my head went up an 'inch or two, and that my eyes flashed, for he said, kindty, "You have just his look a little haughty at times, for he was a thorough bred old aristocrat. I was troubled the first moment I saw vou to decide whom you resembled so strongly. And now. my I dear vounr ladv. vou will; 1 hope, ailow us to look upon you as a friend. ' My wife will call at once, and I hope very soon to welcome you at our house,' as I have been so often welcomed at your grandfather's." '"Well, Bernice Mapleton," said I, when I found myself alone with that individual, "what do you think of yourselt now? Are you really yourself, or somebody else? Or have you been dreaming these bewil dering things ?" Mr. Portman congratulated me"bn my good fortune, laughing heartily at my ac count of the interview with Mr. Helm wood ; and by the next morning, I was so fully persuaded that things were what they seemed that I bought a pound of French candy to celebrate the event, and tried to inveigle Miss Plidget into sharing the feast with me. But that wary female, who was given to dyspepsia and other ab surdities, solemnly worked her way thro one sugar plum, analyzing it all the while as though it had been a piece of quartz, or something else equally indigestible, and then absolutely refused to touch any more. I w,as engaged in exploring the recesses of the neat little bonbon bag, when Mrs. Helmwood was announced ; and I went to receive a warm embrace from the most el egant looking not old, but middle aged; lady I had ever seen. Her features were regular and beautiful, she was perfectly dresed, and had the air of a dowager duchess. She insisted on my going home with her at once on a visit, declared, in answer to my objections, that I was not a stranger, as she bad known my grandfath er well, and finally, I was deposited in a lovely square room, surrounded by every luxury, and expected to remain for an in degnite period. There were no daughters, and only that one son; so Mrs. Helmwood declared that it was a real charity for a young lady to enliven their dullness. It was certainly a very pleasant task, as I enlivened my own at the same time; and I felt very thank ful fur the advantage of havinghada grand- WOO mother. Master George and I were rather shy of each other at. first : but this gradually wore Mind wme or 0UlcrQ founa ourselves alone together vei i.v., I tried to avoid this, for I had no desire to repay these people's kindness to me by taking their son from them, for whom, they probably had seme grander match in store. But one day the young gentleman made some exceedingly incoherent remarks to me, and drew a highly-colored picture of our first meeting in which "my care less hair" and "coquettish little apron" (ic had a great blot of ink in one corner, but fortunately he did not see that) figured largely, and the "exquisite picture" in Miss Plidget's album came in for a share of the general enthusiasm, and I conduct ed inyself in consequence very much like an idiot, and came very near forgetting everything, until I suddenly remembered to assure him that his father and mother would probably be anything but pleased at such arrangement, and that I could never consent to enter a family that was not de oirous of receiving me. My lover suddenly disappeared, and re turned with his father. , "It seems to me. young lady," said tho older gentlemen with a very quizzical look, "that in all George's transactions with you I am brought in to finish the business. I would have nothing to do with such a stupid fellow. Your very honorable con duct, my dear little girl, only makes me more anxious than ever to welcome you as a daughter; and if I had entertained any objections to such a finale, do you think I would have been weak enough to expose my son to the peril of daily contact with a girl like you?" I had nothing to say to this; and Mr. Helmwood toot me in his arms and kissed me, and then led me to his wife, from whom I received an equally warm wel come. It is needless to say that thjse five in fants on whom I had expended so much surplus energy were turned out to pasture without any compunctions of conscience ; and the young couple from Maine were provided with a larger domicile, and some very nice furniture to put in it. Mr. Portman would not allow me to pay my debt to him, but insisted up in its being appropriated to my trousseau; and ray identical g:ld bouh were returned t j me iust as I had given them to him. He had the nleasure of rivinir me awav: but he said that the fact of my never having belonged to him made thii consiu?rablo thii coniu?rabIo easier. My" father-in-law declared that he rather outwitted me, after all, as the money was ; ( all in the family. A coffin-maker was a.sked whom he was i making for, and mentioned the intended. " W hy, he :s not dead, man . said the ; querist. T2RMS $3.00 IH'ADVAKCE. NUMBER 35. Moving Into Xeiv Houses. That death frequently eimu'lj -after mov ing into a new houso is unquestionably true, but examination will prove that it s due to the imprudence of the occupant in manv cases. The most frequent cause of I such an event is the state , of the vndried plastering. It is, however, sometimes oc- casiwca ov the entiro chanire of habits. which' lollows what is lrequently a decisive step upward in the career of the owner. Sand is used in constructing plaster for the simple reason that when the lime itself hirdens there shall be a material dispers ed through it as hard as itself. .Water i the agent which produces . this effect. When that is. suddenly . absorbed, from contact with porous bricks, or from expo sure to powcrlul heats, or drying winds, rtherrecssaTy nnion is notlbxiaed, aud tho material, instead oi being mortar, consists of slacked lime and dry sand. When tho water is allowed to remain in the mixture the hardening process goes on, but pro ceeds slowly. A mason, examined as a witness in this city some years ago, testi fied that mortar in a thick wall was twen ty or thirty years in acquiring, its full sol idity. The process is somewhat like that by which nature converts certain minerals in the earth into stone. " When plaster is applied to laths it dries rapidly and thoroughly, but yet it is whol ly unsafe to inhabit a dwelling only re cently plastered. . When a house is occu pied too soon it is as if the walls consisted of water and tho dampness were inhaled at every breath. Very obstinate cases o sickness proceed from this causs. When sleep is affected by damp walls sore throat or a cold follows in eight or ten days, attended with an extraordinary difficulty of recovery. The main cause, the dampness of the house, is a continuing cause of disease. Many houses are now being constructed for occupancy this spring. The assertion that they are thoroughly dried will un questionably be made by persons having them for sale or to let ; and although many ol them will be stimulated by ambitious wives and husbands to move into them for the sake of losing no time in making ap propriate display, it will be far wiser to wait for a whole year after a house is fin ished, and use in the winter furnaces, and in summer drying winds, to render it safe ly habitable. Although moving from a clry to a damp houso ought to be regarded as a sUmcient cause for serious ill-health, there are but intcrest'oTmTny lA cause away from observation, in order that new houses may not remain on their hand." unoccupied by tenants, and also that there may be patients needing to be cured. The condition in this respect of the house inti which one designs moviug cannot be to carefully weighed, or a new case nuy b( furnished to aid the too popular convictioi which ignorance so readily assigns in sucl cases as a cause of death if it occur. Climax. "My son," said an affectioc ate father at the foot of the stairs, "aris and see the newly risen luminary da and hear the sweet birds singing thei matin song of praise to their greaX Cxet tor; come, while the dew is o&tho-gtas. and tender lambs are bleating on. the hil side ; come, I say, cr I'll be kj there wit a switch, and give you the soundest thr&s! ing that you ever had in all vour her days." Daniel Webster pctmcd thefollowir beautiful sentiment : Ifwe work upx marble, it will perish; if wo work up brass, time will efface it; if we rear tci pies they will crumble into dust ; but if work upon our immortal minds if Wei? bue them with principles, with Ihc ji fear of God and love of' tur fellow men we engrave oa those tablets somethi which will brighter r aM eternity.' A countryman, seeing for tho fi. time a pair of smuirs. askad : . "What's them fur 'f'1 "To snuff the candle." The cndlc just then needed attenti and with his thumb and finger he pinch off the snuff, and carefully put it into t snuffers, saying-: "Well, uow, them is handy William, thee knows I never call i body nanias; but, William, if tho Ma; of the city were to come to me and sry,. To u;4, 1 want thee to find n. thebiggeot liai all Philade'phia, I wou'deome to thee a put my hand on thy shoulder, and say thee, William, :hv' Mayor wants to th?e. A 7C.V..0 i.-i.I cnt lat muiic store tho ot?!-?r d.iy, poliic proprietor-if' ho h.ul. ' a fj isiuoni and asked "any feline tcstines for lyrical purjicscs ?" Sho w? ; ed cat-gut guitr.r-stiii-s. l o i ed cat-gut guitr.r-stii.i-s. l-oroncem j llIe tIlc yung man -eaucucu, ana carried out on a t-anecL'd postage sUai A young la lv a '. the following catalogue of different ki mother's lo ) of love : i he sweetest a tlf lf)nft: a brother's love: the stron - WouiaVs love: tlis dourest a man's lo ; iin$ tiC swertest, h ongestj strongest. J j a l.?ro of a bonnet U j