HTSST"! i . f TUe Farmer'- Department. Ciiickiw Cholxba. In 1854 I lost 87 lowl irom a flock of over 200, from the above disease. Being ignorant as to the caose, as well as to what I should do to check the disease, 1 gave them everv thiogl could think of, and finallv blunder ed on to what would seem to be the vef v tblng to increase the troubk, that i sul phur and red pepper, equal parts, mixed ,vi'h sweet milk. The result, a constipa tion nearly aa fatal as the disease. Here, however, was a discovery that led toother and mure successful exteriment. The symptom are lassi'tu-fe and emaci ation in very t evere cases, the voiding of white matter, streaked with yellow. Thif appear like the yolk of an cgs; when stale and dings to the feathers near the vent. My treatment is white chalk. 2 parts, rioe flour, 3 parts, flour of sulphur, one part, moistened with alum to paste. Give this twice a day till relieved. For drink give 1 teaspoon ful of tincture of iron to 3 parts of water. For bloody flux, boiled rice and milk, given warm, with a little chalk. ily preventives of all diseases are ul phur, tincture of iron and zinc. I fumi ffite mv henerv with flour of sulphur four times a Tear, when the fowls are out, of . - . . . . ... . i course. Mix sulphur wi:n asnes, m me bottom of every nesf, both of laying and setting hens. I add one pound of sul phur to equal parts of scalded bran and corn meal for thirty hens while the incu hutinc Yirncesa is eoiw on. I have raised over GOO chickens this season, and have not lost a chicken by disease. I gave sul phur in their feed once a week, eud I will give one dollar bounty for every louse that can be found on my chickens. Prau-ie Farmer. m m Farm Implements. Every farmer should havo a good dry house, in which to store farm implements, which are out of place in the barn or woodhouse. "We have seen many very convenient wagon and implement rooms under the same roof. At any rate every farmer should have a Toutn tor implements somewhere, and now that harvest and corn-tending are over, all reapers, cradles, scythes, sickles, plows, hairows, rollers, hoes, shovels, forks, etc., ehould be put away in good order. Take off all dirt and scour away rust. Then grease liberally. Much will also he gain ed by painting the wood work of farming implements. This can be done at a small cost, and by the farmer himself. Every farmer should learn how to paint his own tools and implements. lie should take a day in September and do his own paint ing. He can do it. There is no danger of failure, lie can at least put on the Tjaint bo it will preserve the wood, and this should be the chief object in view. Hut if the farmer should neglect to paint his farm implements, he must not, at least, neglect to plaee them all in a dry room, as we have recommended. Leaving plows, harrows, rollers, hoes, etc , in fence cor ners and scattered around loose in the yard, exposed to weather through the winter, Is alike unprofitable and disgraceful. ". To Lay A Fence Worm. To lay a fence worm with five feet crook : Drive two stakes into tbo ground, about ten feet apart, on the line intended for the fence row. "Measure off two and a half feet on another stake and mark with a notch. Keep this stake in the hand; then, walk ing backwards, place it upright in a line "with the other two. Lay it down, square effto the rvjht hand, and the notch marks tne place for the first corner. Having placed two rails to form this corner, again walk backwards, sight as before and lay down on the leftside, and move the near ud of the rail to the notch, which indi cate always the corner or lap. Thus, the corners, formed alternately oq different aides . of the line, and always two and a half feet from it, are all straight. The fence has a uniform crook and makes the most mechanical fenco possible, in the usual xig zag style. This rule is easy and will give your fence a neat, straight and uniform appear ance. It may be of benefit to new begin ners. Save the Pieces. "Any farmer who does not practice saving the pieces would be surprised at the real profit derived by laving up the odds and ends about his premises. Evry day almost there are bits thrown away, at the time considered of no value which perhaps not many days sub- ttnnent would save time and money, ilow many times a year does a farmer want strip of board, a piece of wede or pine timber, something for a hammer handle or a rake tooth, nhich cannot be obtained without spoiling valuable material; or go ing to some carpenter shop, and perhaps while this delay is made, a team and hired man are standing still, waiting for a broken tool to be put iu order. 7VTEW CHEAP CASH STORE ! ! The subscriber wonld inform the eitixens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps con stantly on hand everything In the GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY line, such as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, all kinds of Crackers, Cheese, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. CANNED rE ACHES AND TOMITOES.' Also. Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Woo: en Socks, Neck ties, Ac, all of which will be old as cheap if not cheaper than elsewhere .4 full atiortmtnt of Candies ! Ice Cream every evening. aug!3 R. R. THOMAS milE FARMERS' BOOK. i MO beautiful and useful illustrations. 160 octavo pages. Showing just what every farmer wantj to know: How to make the farm pay. Send for circular giving full des- rrintion. Farmers! Farmers' pons 1 cxpen enced book agents and others wanted to take this book to every farmer in every communi ty. nnainessnermanent. Pays from $150 to $200 mnn(ti arrnrriinar tc experience And abil- itv. Address Z 10LER. Philadelphia, 111., St, Louiv Pi. Cincinnati. O., Chicwgo, Mo. 27-6ra UMMER GOODS FOR 1868!! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. A. BARKER &. SOUT, High St., EBENSBURG, PA. A. A. BARKER k SCTX hare received and opened out, at their Store, on High street, their Summer stock of goods for '68. DRESS GOODS. MERINOS, TLA1DS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, PRINTS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, Every stTle in the market; HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND KNIT GOODS, HATS A CAPS, 300TS SHOES. WHITE GOODS, - erabraring new styles of NAINSOOKS, SWICS MUSLINS. MULLS, TARLETONS, WHITE CRINOLINES, BRILLIANT CORDED SKIRTING. EMBROIDERIES, consisting in part of JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, DIMITY BANDS, COLLARS, SETTS, LACES. BOBBIN THREAD EDGINGS HOOPED SKIRTS, Chtaptr than ever. The celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, the best in use, Sold at the very lowest market rates. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! DAMASKS, TABLE COVERS, CRASH BROWN DAMASK T VBLE LINENS, FRINGED HACK, DI PER AND DAMASK HONEY COMB QUILTS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, ALLENDALE QUILTS, SWISS CURTAINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, PILLOW CA8E MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CARPETS, RUGS, . HASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, &., Ac , Ac, Of Ml sixes, widthi, and price. A full stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING! HOOTS J- SJ10ES, HATS & CArS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, Ac. A good assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, &c. FEED, VEGETABLES. &c. We keep constantly on hand Corn, Oats, Vegetables, Middlings, Chop, Shorts, Bran, And a general variety of articles in this line. Butter, Eggs, Lard, FAMILY GROCERIES! We have constantly on hand a complete stock of Family Groceries, comprising Su perfine, Extra and Family FLOUR! Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, Hominy, Hulled Barley, Bacon, Sugar-cured Hams, Dried Beef. Salt by the barrel, and Sack Salt for Table use ; Goshen and Western Reserve Cheete; Crackers of all kinds. TOBACCO I Complete assortment of French Spices. Sperm, Adamantine a Mould Candles Soaps, Castile, Rosic, and all other kinds. Rio and Java Coffees. Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas. Hard, Soft, Pulverizel and Brown Sugars. Syrups and Molasses of all kinds. Dried Apples and Peaches. Mackerel, Herring, Salmon. Coal Oil and Turpentine. Lard, Whale and Linseed Oils. Paints of every description. Scrub, and Horse Brushes. YarnishfSy Ac, Ac, Ac, &c, &c. DR UGS AND PA TEXT MEDICINES. All kinds of IRON AND NAILS. Notice. Buying twice as large a stock as any other merchant in town, we buy cheaper, aud can therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. - CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS 1 CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! The public is invited to call before purcha sing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. 'x gy Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, Eggs, and Country I'rrwltirft -nrll taV.n in irlmiiff Frr I G0-0dJ. aug!3 S TT7H0LESALE . AND RETAIL TIN, COPPER, SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. Having been East and purchased my stock when prices were low, I am bow prepared to offer cash buyers better bargains than can be had anywhere in - , WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. My atock consists in part vi every variety of TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, ' ENAMELED AND PLAIN SAUCE PANS, BOILERS, SKILLETS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH HEAVY WARE, Made without seam out of Double Tin, TOILET SETS, Unsurpassed in beauty and cheapness, PIE FORKS, CORN POPPERS, COFFEE MILLS,;iRON IMSKMERS,' MINCING KNIVES, SLAW CUTTERS, And every article you need in the Kitchen. Particular attention given to SPOUTING! VALLEYS AND CONDUCTORS 1 1 am sole agent in this place for the NOBLE COOK, IRONSIDES, GREAT REPUBLIC, TRIUMPH, SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST HEATING AND COOKING STOVES. Odd Plates for repairs constantly on hand, aa well as other make of Stoves, which will be sold at prices to please. GRATES and GRATE FRONTS, of all sizes, with CAST IRON FENDERS, Furnished at Manufacturers Retail Prices. I would call particular attention to. my stock and prices of LAMP TRIMMINGS, Consisting in part of all varieties of BURNERS, CHIMNEYS,. WICKS, OILCANS, Which I am retailing at Wholesale Prices. SUGAR KETTLES. CAULDRONS. STOVE POTS, Ac, All sixes, constantly on hand at reduced prices. Special attention given to JOBBING! n Tin, Copper, or Sheet Iron, at lowest pos sible rates. MERCHANTS' WHOLESALE LIST Now ready and will be sent on application by mail or in person. E6? noping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pat ronage I have already received, and will en deavor to please ail wno may can, wnemer they buy or not. Call on or address iUAWK . HA I, , augl3j Johkstows, Pa. OI3BINS' ELECTRIC ROOT POLISH i , . .. Makes a lasting shine. Those who black thcr boots on Saturday night with ordinary blacking, don't have much shine on Sunday, as the polish fades off; but the shine of Dob bins' Blacking lasts Saturday night ana ail day Sunday. - IT BEATS ALL OTHER BLAUK1JVU made. Manfactured onlv by J. B. Dobbins, at his immense Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Street and Germantown Avenue, Phil adelphia, Pa. MSf For sale in Ebensbortrbv C. T. ROB ERTS and GEO. HUNTLEY. rn26-6m. A Z U R E N E. (Concentrated Indigo.) FOR THE LAUNDRY. It is warranted not to streak, orinany man- nor injure the finest fabrics. For family use-sold in five cents, ten cents, and twenty cents boxes. Each twenty cents box, besides having five times as much blue as the five cents box, con tains a pocket pin cushion or emery bag. For Hotel and large Laundry use. i is put up in S2 00 boxes. See that each Box has proper Trade filar. For Sale in Ebensburg by V. S. Barker and M. L. Oatman. Jan. Zl. EMM ON & MURRAY, EBENSBURG DRUG h BOOK STORE! Lxxmom A Mckbay, dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Pass Books, Pertumery, Fancy Soaps, Blank Books. Prayer Booke, Bibles, Patent Medicines, . Histories, Pure Spices, jNovels, i lavonng Extracts. School Books, Cap Paper, Post Paper, Jewelry, Photograph Albums, Note and Billet Paper, Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars, and Snuff, Pure Liquors for Fens, renews, Penknives, Pocket Books, medicinal purposes. Ebensburg, August 20, lB68-3m. X ATEST ARRIVAL ! I 4 The subscriber has just received, at his store, on High street, Ebensburg, a large ana saiaoie block ui Flour, Bacon, Sugars, Molasses, Tea, Coffee, Table Salt, - Barrel Salt, Spices, Cheese, Tobacco, Cigars, and everything in the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery line. Also, Boots and Shoes, Carbon and Lubri cating Oils, Ac, Ac. tQm All which will be sold very cheap for cash. faugl3 O. G. OWENS. COAL ! COAL ! COAL I The subscriber i' now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr., at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILEY, Jr. ' Hemlock P. O., Aug. 13, 1868. ITT F. ALTFATHER. If c Manufacturer of and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HAVANA akd DOMESTIC CIGARS, PLUG, FINE CUT CHEWING ad SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, 8NUFF BOXES, akd CIGAR CASES, "At the sign of the lndian, Main st, Sept. 3, 1868. Johsstows, Pa. HOUSE. HEMLOCK. PA., John Wilkih. Proprietor. This bouse has been refitted; and offers superior accommodations to any other house in town. "The proprietor, after long expert ence in the business, feels confident he under stands the wants of the public. His table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Br constant attention, he expects to merit a liberal share of public patronage. August 13, 1868. UNION HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Jkkoms A. PtOTT, Proprietor, No pains will be spared to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the patronage it has heretofore received. The table will always be furnished with the best the market anoras; ine oar w.u, TIia ct.oKlo to larhA onfl will t.A TTOTlflPfl M V 1 an attentive hostler. - Tang 13. LOGAN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Isaac Cbawfobb, Proprietor. The Logan has been thoroughly refitted and refurnished, and now offers superior in ducements to the public The Table nod Bar inferior to none in the State, and Sta bling of the very best. aug 13. OSTER HOUSE, Cob. Cmntoti & Locust sts., JOHNSTOWN, PA., Wk. Liwtok, Proprietor. This well known house has been complete ly refitted and refurnished, and is now pre pared for the reception oi guests ai reasona ble charges. La8 M" OUNTAIN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA. R. P. Liston & Co., Proprietors. The Tablb is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. The Bab js supplied with choice liquors : and the Stable attended by carefnl hostlers. Boarders taken by the week. month or year. ng 13 LAUREL RUN EXCHANGE, HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Bicbabd Dxtlikq, Proprietor. This popular stand has lately been refitted throughout, and its doors are now open for the reception or the tired, Hungry or tmrsiy public. Laug 13 NION HOUSE, HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA.,, Otto Helly, Proprietor. This hotel is situated immediately along side the Railroad Depot, and is the most con venient stopping place in town for travelers. August 13, 1868. i CAMBRIA HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Hbmbt Fostik., Proprietor. The first class position among first class Hotels will be maintained in the future, aa in the past, by the Arcade. ang 13. E. C. EBY & CO , WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants, No. 522 Market at., between Fifth ncd Sixth, Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand a general as sortment of all kinds of Sen, m large ana small packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit. Also, Duncannon Is ails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at Manufacturer's prices. aul3 TC. JENKINS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver of FLOUR, and iu kints of PRODUCE, Also : REFINED OILS, Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St., PiTTSBcau, Pa. 6" Prices Current and Marking Plates sent to shippers. !.augia JgENSON, CAMPBELL & CO., WHOLESALE QROUEKS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No: 507 Market at., Philadelphia.. JE Refer by permission to A A Barker, augl3 Ebensburg. BARNES, OSTER H OUT, HERRON A Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, . STRAW GOODS, Akd FURS, No. C03 Market St., above Fifth st, augl3 Pbiladxlfhia. WHOLESALE GROCERS CALDWELL & FRY, Wholesale Dealers in OHSIERY, GLOVES, akd NOTIONS, 406 Market street, Philadelphia. I. C. CALDWELL. faUST. 131 WM. W. VET. B EN. P. THOMPSON, with SMEDLEY BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, LA DIES HATS, RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, Ac. Ac. No. 415 Market-st., Philadelphia. JAS. W. B.IDDLS, JVO. C. 8HERBOBXK. J, rUTKET SMITH, W. CALVIS HOOKS. TIDDLE, SHERBORNE & CO., JL Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant street, augl3 THILADA. w vw. S5: JACOB K. SMITH. J. X. 8XLTZBB. MITH & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, Ac. No. 409 N. Third at., above Callowhill, augl3 Philadi.phia. qn 8? ROBINSON, Kith JL GEO. F. ROBINSON A CO., Manufacturers of PINE, HEMLOCK, BEECH, and MAPLE LUMBER. Also, FLOORING, WEATHERBOARDING, SHINGLES, LATn, BLACK WALNUT, ASH, ahd CHERRY, Orders sent to Ebensburg, Cambria co., or Rush House, Pittsburg, will be promptly at teuded to. aag 18. ATIONAL SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY, HENRY SCI1 HAR T.TS .Wholesale dealer ia Soap, Candles, Groce ries, Liquors and Fish, at city prices, auglX Maih st., JOHNSTOWN, PA. Q.RANT JgBENSBURG STOVE and TIN WARE DEPOT r T. W. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Just received, at the Ebensbnrg Stove and Tinware Depot, a 'large aod well selected stock of COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, COPPER WARE, TINWARE, " - ' SHEET-IRONWARE, HOUSE SPOUTING. "" TIN ROOFING, Ac. And & general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Apple Parers, Hand Saws, Oil Stones, Meat Cutters, Coal Hods, Door Lock Keys, Sad Irons, Coffee Mills, Coffee Roasters, Carbon Oil Lamps. Chimneys, Burners, Wicks, Stove Polish, Boot Polish, Hoop Iron, Wagon Iron, Bolts, &c. Farm Edge Tools, O I Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Augers, Bits, Files, Hatchets, Hummers, Hinges, Gimlets, Screws, Locks,, Latches, Bolts, Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Trace Chains, norse Brushes, Curry Combs, I desire to call particular attention to the fact that my stock of STOVES! Is the largest and best in Cambria county. And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturers retail prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, Ac, for re pairs, on hand for. the Stoves I sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. OIL BARRELS I Made out of Galvanized Steet Iron, to hold any denred quantity, manufactured and for s ale "at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot. All dealers in Oil should have them. THE EUREKA COFFEE ROASTER ! A time saving, temper saving, labor sa ving, money saving invention. The women's friend. The best Roaster in market. As I have lately added IargeTj to ray stock, and have now a first-class Hardware and Tin Store, persons in want of anythisgin my line are invited to give me a ca'l. One thing I desire to be distinctly understood WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! ygy Repairing promptly attended to. By strict attention to business and a desire to deal fairly and justly with all men, I hope to merit and receive a share of public patronage. jgy Stare on High street, Ebensburg, in the rooms lately occupied by Mills A Davis. augl3j THOS. W. WILLIAMS. s UMMER ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! WOOD MORRELL $ CO. Have just received, at their Mammoth Store, ear the Railroad Station, JOHNSTOWN, Still another invoice of . FOREIGN ahd DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AUc, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, A They offer Goods of all descriptions at WHOLES ALE.. and BET-AIL! As cheap as they can be purchased in the Eastern Cities. Our stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, RAG, INGRAIN, A BRUSSELS CARPETS, MATTING, PAPER HANGINGS, BOOTS and SHOES, nATS ahd CAPS, QUEENSWARE, YELLOW WARE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, FEED, SALT, Ac, Is the largest ever brought into Johnstown. By buying our Goods in large quantities, and on the beBt terms, we are enabled to sell at prices much lower than arc offer ed elsewhere in Johnstown. We particularly invite the at tention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS 1 To our facilities for supplying them promptly with every article in demand by their customers, and at satisfactory fig. urea. Competent clerks always in waiting to show Goods. A specialty ef our business is the DAIL Y MEAT MARKET AND THE VEG ETABLE DEPARTMENT At which citizens can procure all kinds of rresn meat and Vegetables in season. On the second and third floors, but with convenient entrances on the first floor from wasnington street, are two capacious TAILOR and SHOE SHOPS, Where fine and coarse Boots and Shoes, and au Kinds or Gentlemen's Wearing Ap- irci are roaae to order, promptly, and in fashionable style. . SSy A full line of Cloths, Caasimers, Cas ineis, c, constantly on hand. In the Shoe Aepartment are kept for sale Shoe Findings Aral! 1 O . r u prime assortment or Up " o weather. THE ALLEGHAfllAN" V IL, Lbe Pablishei eery TharidJf lt T, the following rates, viz: Per ann,um, payable in advance If not paid; i advance -$2.ftj 2.5a A failure to notify a discontinuance atth, expiration of the term subscribed for wiUb considered a new engagement. , SATIS Or ADVBBTISIJfO. Transient advertising, per sq., one ins..f M Each subsequent insertion....'. ' z AUUIIUI B 11UVIIC9, sovu.... ......... ....... jlumiui.T.ii.o uut. i.wvia ounces. 2.50 Estray Notices --tI j - Uj 12 wot 5.ta 12-00 15.0J 25.0? 28.0 35.01 63.0& :Z THOS. 6 TOO. 1 square, 12 lines..' $2.50 $4.00 2 squares, 24 lines.... 5.60 8.00 3 squares, 36 lines rT.OO 10.00 Quarter column....... 9.50 14 00 Third column.. . 11.00 16.00 Half column 14.00 25.00 Column 25.00 30.00 rrotessionai or easiness i,ard? net exceeding 8 lines, with paper g CJ JtST Advertisements not marked witb ft number of insertions desired, will be contin. ued till forbidden, and charged accordiajti the above terms. JCSSf- All kinds of Job Work will be dour on reasonable terms. jook well . to rouRmr! BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. The sub'sciiber, haying dispensed with tke sale of Eastern-made work aa a sneciahr i v. : . .v,it-i . i j -i . . . i i o csiuuuauujcHi, is ucitrminea to apply himselt with renewed energy to energy to the maun. facture of ROOTS AND SHOES ! He nas in bis employ a corps of competent workmen, and asserts that he can turn out a better Boot or Shoe than any other similar establishment in Cambria Coun ty. Give him a trial and be convince! Particular attention paid to the man ufacture of FINE FRENCH CALF SKJN BOOTS ! Good work, moderate prices, and satiftctiot iBCUOI f aiiv ( guaranteed in all caes. Boots and shoes repaired promptly a workmanlike manner. Pair Dnop or. Mign-st., one door eat c! Crawford's Hotel. GIVE ME A CALL 1 aug. 13 JOHN D. THOMAS. SADDLERY AND HARNESS! The undersigned keeps constantly oi hani and is etill manufacturing all article in bis line, such s SADDLES, FINE SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, DRAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING BPJDLE$ CHECK LINES, HALTERS, WHIPS, BREKCn BANDS, it All which he will dispose of at low pricti for cash. His work is all warranted, and being expe rienced in the business, he uses only tbebtr. of leather. Thankful far past farori, tt hopes by attention to Dusiness to merit i continuance of the patronage heretofore it liberally extended to him. Shop above the tin store of Thomas T. Williams, High st. Persons wishing gooi, substantial Harness can be accommodated. JD"AI1 persons indebted to me are n quested to call and settle as soon as possible as I n ted money. augl3 HUGH A. M'COT. RICES REDUCED ! JOHNSTOWN MARBLE WORK5 The subscriber has juBt received a lar' and handsome invoice of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLZ. comprising the largest and fittest stock, of tacj kind ever brought to Jonnstown, ax ns ei- tabli8hment, on Franklin Steeet, where htlt prepared, with an adequate force of eipt enced and skillful workmen, to execute iH kinds of MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, TA BLE TOPS, BUREAU TOPS, MANTELS, se as cheap as they can be purchased in tor the cities. A large stock of GRINDSTONES on b and for sale low. Articles of my manufacture can be purcia Bed at the Hardware Store of Mr. Geo? Huntley, in Ebensburg. S&m Prompt attention paid to ordeTitrs a distance, ana work delivered wtierecn red. augl3 JOHN PARKS- T ORETTO MARBLE WORKS 1 J The undersigned bees leave to infol the citizens of Cambria and adjoining cotj ties that he has just received a stock o. finest Italian and other Marbles at his fix lishment, in Loretto, Cambria county, Ft Monuments. Tombs. Grate Stones, Tab Bureau tops, manufactured of the most be tiful and finest quality of Foreign and d- tic marble, always on hand and made toff'' aa chean as thev can be rurchased ia thtc . 1- -w - r , u n a neat and worVmanliVe manner. 18 the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invited to f . me a call before purchasing ersewc"' m.m .nfti1nt that m v fr lr inn Cfif " satisfy any person desiring anvthir8 s ine of business. Now is the time to get a chenp & auglS . JAMES WIIMW VriTTT? lUVM! THE PROTECTION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAAIpm rnrifrn at tuicxSBCBO. PA Anrit fith. 1857. will effect insurance! property at safe rates. Being , r'"; j r , - ,tw-!lfci careful in the risks taken, this lomr nt a reliable and cheap medium, - which persons may secure ineuiev..- ... .l.t ss probable losses by fire. opp1- Office on Centre fctrcet, nem-j the "Mountain House." . p,.a JOHN WILLIAMS, R J. Llotd, Sec'y. & Tre.n. Agents: EVAN ROBERTS, J sun stows JAMES PURSE, JNO. E. ROBERTS, Ebenstor Ebensburg, Aug. 13, 18CS. Licensed by the United S totes Grt: int OOD NEWS FOR CONJJ i VJl OP STAPLE AND FANCY O THROUGHOUT THS COU'-.n T HARRINGTON Of fifteen years' standing as Job be" einity, have concluded to offer the Prf J the whole country we '.for'; immense importations and enCI ' air ican manufactories through the F"F DUL.LAK SYSTEM. . Vtf! Onr nreminm list to agent?, -t l?t fnr Airnti and natrons, are p by any house in the country. f tBfe f1"! Best New York and Boston re- j when required. Send for free pj HARRINGTON t;u., rde.r Boston. Postofflce Boxp Sscrlbe fer The Atxt'"' p3 )