The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, March 04, 1869, Image 1

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Law, Ebensburg, Pa. .
August 13, 1863.
OHN FENLON, Attorney at Law,
- Ebensburg, Ta.
JS?" Office on High street. augl3
GEORGE M. READE, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office- in Colonnade Row. augl3
nev at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
CSS1" Office in Colonnade Row. aug20
GEOllGE V. O ATM AN, Attorney at
Law and Claim Agent, and United
States Commissioner for Cambria countj, Eb
enabnrg.Pa. ' - auglS
JOllSTON & SCANLAN, Attorneys
at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
jrtry Office opposite the Court House,
p.. T.'joH.vsrox. aug!3 J. e. scaxlax.
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
t2r Office on High street, west of Fos
ter s Hotel. augl3
TAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law,
t) Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa.
Zxt?' Architectural Drawings and Specifi
cations made. aug!3
J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace
and Scrivener.
SiST1 Office adjoining dwelling, on High St.,
Ebensburg, Ta. Laupi-vuj.
tJi aT" SHOEMAKER, Attorney at
Law. Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention rAnl to collections,
rfcy Office on High street, west of the Di
amond. Q"S13
Joknstoicn. Ebensburg.
FOPULIN & PICK, Attorneys at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
K&y Office in Colouade Row, with Wm.
Kittcll, Esq. Oct. 122.
the Peace, Johnstown, Pa.
y Office on Market street, corner of Lo
vist street extended, and one door south of
iiie l ite office cfWti. Jl'Kce. jauglo
01)V:VeREaT;:, M. D., Physician
au.l'urgeon, Summit, Pa.
Ollice enst of Maav'ou Houe, on Itail
r,, v.i street. Niht calls promptly attended
to, at his office. ugl3
j Otu-rs his professional services to the
(;ti.'.ens of Kbensburt: and vicinity, lie will
visit Ebensburg the second Tuesday of each
month, to remain ona week.
Teeth extracted, without pain, with ftttrou
Ox'V, or Jjituhinj (iox.
Vr.'tS" Hooms an joining O. Huntley's store,
irtjrii street. auglU
The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal
timore College of licntai .Surgery, respectfully
o Vers lii 3 proi'eiisional services to the citizen.?
of Kbcns'ouig. lie bas spared no means to
thoroughly acquaint, himself with every im
provement in his art. To many years of per
sonal experience, be has sought to add the
imparted experience of the highest authorities
ia Dental Science. He simply asks that an
opportunity may be jjiven for his work 'to
f peak its own prai.-e.
E-VTill beat Iibensburg on the fourth
Monday of each month, to stay one wjek.
Aiijust 13, 18o3.
X LOYI) & CO., Rmccrs
CT Oold, Silver, Government Loan3 and
:th..-r Securities bought and sold. Interest
sJ.'.owc ! on Time Deposits. Collections made
oa nil accessible points in the United States,
a;i.; a Oneral Banking liusiness transacted.
A;'.-u t 13, 1SC8.
31. LLOYD & Co., B,l-cr$
A t-TOOKA, Pa.
-" i-3 or, the principal cities, and Silver
Er for sale. Collections made. Mon
eys i- o'iv? I on deposit, payable on demand,
"x::.o!it interest, or upon time, with interest
it fdir
rates. LauS13
Jt Of Johnstown, Pexsa.
l'ii'i vp Capital $ 00,000 00
J'rinileje to increase to 100,000 00
Vv'e buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts,
Gold and Silver, and all classes of Govern
ment Securities ; make collections at home
nd abroad ; receive deposits; loan money,
and do a general Banking business. All
business entrusted to us will receive prompt
attedtioa and care, at moderate prices. Give
a trial.
Directors :
Jacob Levkrkood,
James McMillex.
Jacob M. Campbell,
Uequce Fritz.
I. J. Roberts, Cashier.
M. llotd, Pret't. joun lloyd, CasJ.ier.
KIT" Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North
Ward, Altoona, Pa.
At TnoRizED Capital $300,000 00
asii Capital Paii is 150,000 00
All business pertaining to Banking done on
hvornble terms.
Iii'ernal Revenue Stamps of all denomina
tions always on hand.
To purchasers of Stamp?, percentage, in
"lamps, will be allowed, as follows : $50 to
l, 2 per cent.; $10C to $200, 3 per cent.;
v-(w and upwards, 4 per cent. augl3
QIUElTslXGLETON, Notary Pub-
lie, Ebensbnrtr. Pa.
'"iCe On llifrli clr,..,( I.' TT
Job Work of all kind9 doae at this
Love Lightens Labor.
A good wife rose from her bed one morn,
And thought with a nervous dread
Ot the piles of clothes to be washed, and more
Than a dozen mouths to be fed.
There's the meals to get for the men in the
And the children to fix away
To school, and the milk to be skimmed and
churned ;
And all to be done this day.
It had rained in the night, and all the wood
Was wet as it could be ;
There were puddingaand pies to bake, besides
A kaf of cake for tea.
And the day was hot, and her aching head
Throbbed wearily as she said,
"If maidens but knew what good wives know,
The3r would be in no haste to wed !"
"Jennie, what do you think I told Ben
Called the farmer from the well;
And a flush crept up to his bronzed brow,
And his eye3 half bashfully fell;
"It was thi3," he said and coming near,
He smiled, .and sfocping down,
Kissed her check " 'Twas this: that you
were the best
And the dearest wife intown !"
The larmer went back to the field, and the
In a smiling and absent way,
Sang snatches of tender little songs
She'd not sung for many a day.
And the pain in her head was gone, and the
Were white a3 the foam of the sea ;
ner bread was light, and her butter sweet,
And as goldc-n as it could be.
"Just think,'' the children all called in a
'Tom Wood has run ofT to sea !
lie wouldn't I know, if he only had
As Lappy a home as we.:'
The night came down, and the good wife
To' herself, as she softly said,
" "fis so sweet to labor for those we love,
It's not strange that maids will wed!''
'There, Tina V
lv. llvuce Mcdway triumphantly held
up two semi-circles ot" silver in the air, no
that they miiiht be sure to create sufficient
impression im Ernestine Cady's blue eves,
and smiled with the ex.ultant satisfaction of
one who feels that he has accomplished his
lie was a bright, earnest looking young
fellow, with gray-brown eyes and a srjuare
firm mouth not handsome, but very man
ly ; and as hes ;t there on the green wood
hind bank, with the hair thrown back from
his broad forehead, and the sunshine mir
rored in his eyes, you felt instinctively
that he was one who would make his way
in the world, no matter what obstacles
might intervene.
Ernestine Cady stood leaning against
the gnarled, mossy trunk o an immense
chestnut tree, with her little feet buried in
plumes of nodding, fragrant ferns a rural
picture, in blue muslin and fluttering azuro
ribbons. She was very pretty, with the
delicate bloom and freshness of a flower
a flower that winds and frosts had never
"Didn't I tell you that I should do it,
Tina V
Ernestine took up the little file that lay
on the bank.
'I thought it an impossible task with
such an instrument as that."
.Nothing is impossible," returned IJruce
sentcntiously, as he passed a bit of narrow
blue ribbon through a hole in the broken
piece of silver. "Will you let mo tie it
around your neck, Tina ?"
"What for V But she stooped her
pretty head as she spoke, and let him tie
the knot beneath a cataract of pale gold
"And I shall wear the other next to my
heart. They are amulets, Tina charms,
if you choose so to phrase it. That silver
piece carries my allegiance with it. Tina,
if ever any cloud come between us if ever
we are separated "
"Bruce !"
"Such things Juice happened, dearest;
but, nevertheless, in any event, this bro
ken coin shall be a token and a summons
to me wherever I may be whatever fate
may have in store. Don't look so grave,
my little blue-bird. Is it so very wrong
to mingle a bit of romance in our every
day life ? Where are your flowers ? It
is time wc were returning."
Through the green shifting shadows of
the woods, with blood-red streams of sun
set light rippling along at their feet, and
delicious odors of moss and fern and hid
den flowers rising up around, the two
lovers walked homeward. Bruce Medway
never forgot the brightness of that drowsy
August afternoon
"She will come I am sure she will
The dew lay like a rain of diamonds on
grass and shrubs as Bruce walked up and
down the little pathway by the hidden
spring, watching the round red shield of
the rising sun hanging above the eastern
horison. Then he looked at his watch.
ebensburg; pa., Thursday march 4, iseo.
"The train will be due in nine minutes.
Surely Tina will not let ine leave her
without one reconcilincr" word. Hush!
that must be her footstep on the mo3. ,
lie stepped forward, with a glad, flush
ed face, and then the chill whiteness, of
despair blanched every feature as a bright
eyed little squirrel, whose tiny tread oyer
leaves and acorn-cups had deceived him,
glided swiftly across the belt of sunshine
into emerald shadow- Bruce Medway
stood an instant with his brow contracted
and his arms folded on his breast.. Was
he bidding farewell to the summer that
was past ? . -; ;
The shriek of the coming train BOTindsd
through the blue purity of thi air, a-nd the
last faint spark of hope in the lover's
breast died out.
Tina had not come Tina had forgotten
him. Well, so let it be !
And what was Tina Cady doing in the
fresh morning brightness ?
She was very rosy and .pretty in her
trim calico dress, with pink ribbons at her
throat, and a pink verbena hanging low
in her golden coils of hair very pictu
resque as she reached up her hand to break
off a spray of spicy honeysuckle .
"I wonder if Mr. Bruce Medway has
come to his senses yet," thought Tina,
with a toss of her head. "I shan't meas
ure my actions by the rule and plummet
of his lordly will, I can assure him. If I
want to flirt with Pierce Marbury, I shall
do it !" .
"So you're up, eh, Tina ? And as fresh
a3 a rose, I declare I"
Tina put her red lips up to kiss her
bluff old father in an abstracted sort of
way. She hardly saw him as he stood
"Oh, by the way, Tina, I forgot to give
you this note last night it was left by
the hotel porter. llcally, I believe my
memory isn't as good as it was."
Tina caught the note from her father's
hand, and broke it open in feverish haste.
"The train leaves at seven !" She saw
the Avords as vividly as if they had been
written ia characters of jagged fire, and as
frhe read them the old clock half-way up
the wide cld-fashioned staircase ttruck
It was too late too late !
The sharp thrill of agony at her heart
was succeeded by a passionate feeling of
resentment. -
"Let him go!" she said to herself, while
the red pennons fluttered on her cheek.
"I would not lift a linger to keep him
So, when Bruce Mcdway's earnest, ap
pealing letter came a day or two after
ward, Ernestine folded it quietly within a
blank envelope, without breaking the seal,
aiid sent it back.
Verily, women are strange enigmas,
even to themselves ! Ernestine herself
could scarcely have told why she kept the
broken silver coin but she kept it.
The short, threatening October day was
drawing to a close ; the fiery belt across
the western sky was flaming sullenly
athwart the skeleton woods, and shedding
a sort of aureole round Ernestine Cady's
slender figure as she hurried on through
the yellow, rustling drifts of fallen leaves,
carrying a heavy basket on her arm.
J ust as pretty as the rosy Tina cf two
years since, but paler, graver, and more'
sedate. Trouble had besieged the family
since their migration to the grand domains
of the Far West. Tina had learned the
serious part cf life's lesson, and she had
learned it well. -
She lifted the latch cf the rudely con
structed log house and entered, with as
sumed cheerfulness on her face.
"How are you now, father?"
"Better, 1 think. Come to the fire,
Tina you must be'ccld !"
"Xot a bit. Has mother come back ?"
"No ; it's very strange she stays so
long. I suppose Mrs. Ebbetts has a great
deal to say, though. I don't wonder your
mother is glad to get away from a sick
room for a while." .
He spoke a little bitterly, and Tina
winced as she listened, knowing that her
mother had made an excuse cf some neigh
borly errand to dispose in the nearest vil
lage of such poor J i ttle odds and ends of
gold chains, pins, and rings as yet remain
ed to their diminished estate. Was there
anything wrong in this pious fraud ? Ti
na alciostTfelt as if there was.
It was not pleasant to be poor.
"She will be homo soon, father," said
Tina. "Only see what a basketful of
cranberries I have gathered out in the
swamp ! This will make the barrclful,
and Mr. Siguet has promised to send it to
New York with his. Don't they look like
red jewels, father ? And the money will
buy you a new coat."
lie smiled faintly.
"I think it had better buy my little girl
a new dress. Shall I help you to pick
them over ?"
. "I had rather do it myself, father, and
you must try to sleep a while."
Half an hour later, Tina came through
the room with a scarlet shawl thrown over
her head, and a wistful, scared look in her
"You arc not going out again, my
child r
"Only up to the cranberry swamp, fath
er. ' It isn't dark yet. I have lost some-
1 ? n rr
;V ribbon or a collar, I suppose," said
Mr.; Cady to himself, as he lay watching
the crimson glare of the October sunset ;
while Tina, puttiug aside low, tangled
bushes, and searching bits of rank "and
swamp grass, was repeating to herself, in
quick, nervous words:
. "How, could I lose it !
I be so careless !"
Oh, how could
But the search was all in vain, and the
chill twilight sent her home, dispirited and
unsuccessful. And Ernestine Cady cried
herself to sleep that night, just because
she had lost the broken foilvcr coin.
"You'll be sure to come, Mr. Medway ? 1
x wane to introduce tuc succes&lul author
to lay friends. You are t5 "be'my lion.
You will come ?"
"Certainly, I will come if you wish it."
Bruce Medway went dreamily on his
way, and Mrs. Lyman whispered to one
of her fashionable friends that "she was
quite sure Mr. Medway had been crossed
in love he was so deliciously melancholy."
The table was superbly spread Mrs.
Lyman's dinners were always comme il
faut and, through the sparkle of cut
glass and translucent glow of painted chi
na you saw baskets and epergnes and pyr
amidal bouquets of maguifieeut hot-house
flowers. As one of the Beau Brummels
of the d:iy said,. "It was like looking at a
beautiful picture to dine with Mrs. Ly
The dessert was in its first stages when
the pretty hostess leaned coaxingly across
to Mr. Medway.
"Do try some of these little cranberry
pates, Mr. Medway; I have just received
a barrel of the most delightful cranberries
Irom my dear old uncle .bignet, m Iowa.
Bruce was idly striking his fork into the
little crimson circlets, quite unconscious of
what he was eatinir,
"les, th
ey are very nice," he said me
chanically. And then he bent down t-o
see what bit of esiraiicou.-;
was glimmering through the ruby trauslu
ceney. Only a broken silver coin.
lie took it out and looked at it, the fa
miliar date and die, all unconscious of the
buzz of voices and rinsr of idle laughter all
around him looked at it with a vague su
perstitious thrill stealing all over his na
ture and he could almost hear his pulses
beat under his soft pressure of the ether
li--' of silver pi.'-o, ' i 'or lio still wore
it next his heart.
"From Iowa;d:d you say, Mrs. Lym:
lives in the far West."
"What part of Iowa is that that pro
duces such a harvest of cranberries ?"
"Datcrsville, I believe, near the Owascn
river." And then the conversation branch
ed off into some different channel. Bruce
Medway had found out all that he wished
to ascertain on that one occasion.
"A-, toke-n and a summons to him,
wherever he might be !" Bruce remem
bered the words he had spoken two years
ago, and his loyal heart gave a great leap
as the memory flooded it with warmth and
"Cranberries yes I remember 'em,"
said old Squire Signet, biting the end of
his cedar pencil. "Crop was uncommon
good this fall ; old Cady's daughter brought
them here to sell by the peck."
To sell ! Bruce began for the first time
to appreciate the tide of trouble that eddied
Around the serene little islct'ofErnestine's
"Where do they live Mr. Cady's fam
ily, I mean V
"See that or' old blasted pine down in
the holier? Well, just "beyond there a
road leads down past Cady's. Won't stop
a little longer ? Well, good evenin'
And Bruce Medway walked down thro'
the orange twilight to where the skeleton
arm of the blasted pine seemed to point to
a light in a far-off window walked to meet
the dearest treasure of his heart !
Through the uncurtained panes he could
see the tiny room all bright and ruddy with
cheery fire-light ; the slender, drooping fig
ure sitting alone on the hearthstone with its
golden shine cf hair and the thoughtful
bend of its neck. And he opened the
door softly and went in.
"Tina I"
She put back her hair with both hands,
and looked at him as if she fancied her
self under the delusion of some spell.
"You summoned me, and I have come.
Tina, my love, shall the old times return
to us once more ? Shall we be all the
world to each other once again ?"
It was full nine o'clock by the silver
studded time-piece of the stars before
Bruce Medway rose to take his departure.
"But tell me one thing, Bruce," said
Ernestine, laying her hand lightly on his,
a.3 they stood protracting their lover-like
adicux on the door-stone by the frigid
moonlight, "what did j'ou mean when you
said I had summoned you V
He drew a little box from his breast
pocket, and smilingly held up a bit of
"And I wear its mate close to my heart,
Tina !"
"Bruce surely that is not ray half of
the coin ?"
"It teas your half, Tina."
"And where did you find it '"
"One of these days I will tell you, dear
not in a very romantic juxtaposition,
however. You remember what I said to
you when wo divided the silver piece be
tween us ?"
As if Tina had for gotten one word or
syllable of those old days.
The iron hand of time has swept away
all those tokens of lang syne now. Mr,
Medway is a middle-aged, bald-headed
member of societ, and Mrs. Medway has
white hairs mixed with the golden bright
ness of her braids ; but she keeps the worn
bit of silver and its sweet associations still,
and believes most firmly in true-love and
Diamona Cut Diamond.
Some time since a gentleman, whom we
will call Mr. A., purchased a piece of
ground in Jlurray-street, on winch was an
old building, which he proceeded to tear
down, intending to erect in its place a
building more suitable for the transaction
of h is business. About the same time an
other gentleman, whom we shall call Mr.
B., purchased the adjoining lot, and pro
ceeded in the same manner to take down
the old building standing upon it, so that
the work of demolition proceeded upon
both at the same time. After this had
been concluded, Mr. A. being ready to
build himself, and supposing quite natural
ly that his neignbor would prefer building
at the same time, paid him a visit in rela
tion to the matter, when he was boorishly
informed by Mr. B. that he should "build
when he pleased." Of course, as Mr. A.
could not gainsay his right in this respect,
the only method left for him was to go on
by himself. This he accordingly did, and
hud progressed so far as to have his build
ing "covered in," when lie was surprised
one day by a visit from his irate neigh
bor. "Sir," said Mr. B., "you arc an inch on
my ground."
3!r. A. rejoined that he thought it must
be a mistake.
"No, sir, it is no mistake you are an
inch on mv ground."
"Well," rtturncd 3Ir. A., "all I can say
is, if it is so, I am very sorry, and it is al
together unintentional: but I am willing
to pay whatever the land is worth."
"I want no pa', sir," answered Mr. B ,
"I want my land."
"Sir," said Mr. A., "I see it is hopeless
to compromise this matter with you, and I
will give ycu double whatever you say the
land is worth, rather than take down u:y
"I want no money I want my land,"
persisted the stubborn 3Ir. B.
Argument and entreaty were alike una
vailing, and Mr. A. accordingly proceeded
to take down and rebuild his wall.
lie was permitted to finish his building
now without fur titer interruption.
Shortly afterward Mr. B. concluded to
build on his 1-jt, and masons and carpen
ters were set at work to accomplish the
The work progressed finely story after
story went up t:s if by magic j and our
friend B. watched the operations day by
day with increasing interest, with confident
anticipation cf being able to occupy the
premises by a certain period. At length
the building was entirely finished from the
foundation to capstoue ; the workmen had
departed with their tools ; the rubbish had
been cleared away, and Mr. B. was com
placently congratulating himself on its
successful accomplishment, when he was
astonished by a visit from his neighbor
Mr. A.
"Sir," said he, "T am sorry to inform
you that you are an inch on my ground."
"Pooh, nonsense 1" returned Mr. B.
"It's no nonsense at all," said Mr. A. ;
"I tell you that you are an inch cn my
"Why, how can that be ?" blustered
Mr. B., "when I have only built up to your
wall ?"
"Ah ! that's it !" in the driest manner
possible, answered Mr. A.
Our friend, Mr. B., was somewhat dumb
founded. "Send for a surveyor, sir," at
lenuth he exploded, "and we'll see about
The surveyor was accordingly sent for,
who after a careful measurement of the re
spective premises, reported to the crestfal
len 31 r. B. that it was indeed too true he
was occupying an inch more land than he
was entitled to. A proposition to buy
ihat inch coming, it must be confessed,
with bad grace from him was now ad
vanced by 3Ir. B.
"No, sir," returned 3L?. A., "I shall not
sell ; you cannot offer me money enough to
buy that inch of land. Take down yotir
wall, sir, down with it to the foundations;
I want my land."
Mr. B. came to the conclusion that the
game was decidedly against him, and yield
ed with the best gracf he could. The wall
was taken down and rc-crccted, and so very
careful was our particular friend this time
not to trespass that he built an inch short
of where he had a light to go. It is, per
haps, unnecessary to explain to the
reader that Mr. A. had done the same
thincr in the first iustance.
"That man," saj-s Sidney Smith, "is
not the discoverer of art who first says the
things ; but he who says it so. lung, so
loud, and so clearly that ho compel man
kind to hear him."
You can't preserve happy family pilrs
in domestic jars.
TSRMS:9'00 PE:!l AXKU3I.
Anecdote of the ESdcr ISootli.
Mr. F.lilyu Burritt contributes to Pack
ard's Monthly an interesting artich under
the title of "Breathing a Living Soul into
Dead Words," ia which the following an
ecdote is told of the cider Booth :
"The elder Booth was a man who threw
into his impersonations an amount of heart
and soul which his originals could scarce
ly have equaled. He did Puchar i III. to
the life, and more. He had made human
passions, emotion and experiences his life's
study. He couid not only act but feel
rage, love despair, hate, ambition, fury,
hope and revenge, with a depth and force,
that half amazed his auditors. He could
transmute himself into the hero of his im
personation, and he could breathe a power
into other men's written words, which,
perhaps, was never surpassed. And what
is rather temarkable, when he was inclined
to give illustrations of the faculty to private
circles of friends, he nearly always selected
some passages from Job, David or Isaiah,
or other holy men of old.- When an aspir
ing young Professor of Harvard University
went to him by night, to ask a little advice
or instruction in qualifying himself for an
orator, the vetern tragedian opened tho
Bible and read a few verses from Isaiah in
a way that made the Cambridge scholar
tremble with awe, as if the prophet had
risen from the dead and were uttering hi3
sublime visions in his ears. He was then
residing in Baltimore, and a pious urbane
old gentleman of that city, hearing cf his
wonderful power of elocution, one day in
vited him to dinner, although strongly de
precating the stage, and all the theatrical
"A large company sat down to the ta
ble, and. on returning to the drawing room
one of them requested Booth, as a special
favor to them all, to repeat the Lord's
Prayer. He signified his willingness to
gratify them, and all eyes were fixed upon
him. He slowly and reverently rose from
his chair, trembling with the burden of
two great conceptions. He had to realize
the character, attributes and presence of
the Almighty Being he was to address.
He was to transform himself into a poor,
sinning, stumbling, benighted, needy sup
pliant offering homage, asking bread, par
don, light and guidance. Says one of the
company present: It was wonderful to watch
the play of emotions that convulsed hia
countenance. He became deathly pale,
and his eyes, turned tremblingly upwards,
wore wet with tears. As yet he had not
spoken. The silence could be felt; it had
become absolutely painful, until at last the
spell w as broken as if by an electric shock,
as his rich-toned voice, from white lips,
syllabled forth "Our Father, which art in
He j von," &c , with pathos and fervid sol
emnity that thrilled all hearts. He finish
ed ; the silenced continued; not a vorco
was heard nor a muscle moved in his rnpfc
aulience, until, from a remote corner of
the room, a subdued sob was heard, and
the eld gentleman (the host) stepped for
ward with streaming eyes and tottering
frame, and seized Booth by the hand.
'Sir,' said he, in broken accents, 'you have
afforded me a pleasure for which my whole
future life will feel grateful. I am an old
man, and every day, from boyhood to the
present time, 1 thought I had icpeated tk
Lord's Prayer; but I never heard it before,
"You are right,' replied Booth. 'To
read that prayer as it should be read caused
me the severest study and labor for thirty
year?, and I am far from being satisfied
with the rendering of that wonderful pro
duction. Hardly one person in ten thou
sand comprehends how much beauty, ten
derness tuid grandeur can be condensed in
a space so small and in words so simple.
That prayer itself sufficiently illustrates
the truth of the Bible, and stamps upon
it the seal of divinity.' 'So great was the
effect produced,' sa's our informant, 'that
conversation was sustained but a short
time longer, in subdued monosyllables, and
almost entirely ceased, and soon after, at
an early hour, the company broke up and
retired to their several homes, with sad
faces and full hearts.' "
Hard ok TnE Engineer.. An engin
eer on the O. & M. II. II. tells the fjllow
story on himself: One night the train
stopped to wood and water at a small sta
tion in Indiana. While this operation was
going on I observed two green looking
countrymen, in "humspuu," curiously in
specting the locomotive and occasionally
giving vent to expressions of astonishment.
Finally one of them looked up at me and
said :
"Stranger, are this a locomotive ?"
"Certainly. Didn't vou ever sec one be
fore V
"No, haven't never saw one afore. Me'n
Bill come? clown to the station to-night pur
pose to see one. Them's the biter, ain't
"Yes, certaiuly."
"What j er call that you're in V
We call this the can."
1 "And this big wheel ':"
i That's the driving wheel."
"Be vou the engineer wot rans the uii
i chine?'"
i ' nni the engineer."
I "Bill,"' said the fellow t" his mtte
1 after eyeing ui2 closely for a lew minutes,
; -t't Jon't t'.tlce much of a mm to be an
(ii i'jicrr, i'j is.
j "-All aboard I"