... .rftIITftT 1 : 3 . 1 ; ; : i: -I WOULD BATHER BE BIGHT THAN PEESIDENT.hWby Clay, ".; f" ' ' . ' ! ' ' TSRMS-2J5W pER 'AxYKlHTI. IS2.00 IIV ADYAXCE. !' tiMES. I J ' " ' ' v- VOLUME 9. in. ' - - - - 18 68' To amount of County Tax received CC210 942 90 from 1. jicueraiut, uue Areas r. 7o amount dt ' Poor ' Ta x received from B. McDermittl late TreaaW To amouat of County Tax received from Collectors for 18G3 and pre- ' ,iou3 years, . f. r . : . s - r V -2?-1 To amount of Poor Tax, do. do. do. 9,370 05 Relief 1865, .do. 88 09 " Military " 18C8, do. 965 70 " " County Tax, on Seated and Unseated Lands (or I867.and nrevious years".'.1. . '.V . 2,425 76 1,088 90 39 17 2,354 42 3,323 12 . 98,80 ill f. 1,133 G2 549 06 To amount of Poor Tax; do. do. Ad. " Relief ",.ltuif , ao Koad 1867,' do.' KrfcnM'" ."'-I do. Bounty " ..dov. : . . ifpivid from Miscel laneous Sources,... ... To amount received on Redemption of Lands, '.7T To amount received on , Com mis-t sioners bales,. To amount of Exonerations allowed - . - - . r j , ' ' 562 00 r 1,207 94 1,140 46 577 11 554 19 53 G2 250 00 CO 75 To amount of Commissions do. do.' " ' " Exonerations allowed Collectors ou Poor Tax, To amount of CommUaions, do. do. ' " " Exonerations allowed CoIectora on Relief Tax, To amount of Exonerations allowed Collectors on Military Tax amunto Commuaslons.'do.di: Total,. . . , .,$47,04374 iiinoTLiiit T3n.o r'KOM JUDGMENTS. No. 10 Mar. T. 1865. E. llbfo Burnett j D. Bal. of - and -Debt, $99 59' - ' ViS.Gagebv, I Int. to Jan . ' - , 20, 1SG9,- 3 54 J Costs,.. 9 K2 $112 75) 3. SO Lie n banders 1 J uuir t 01 uocket ot and !!!. Kin inkead, Euq tcr Sanders, J Debt....... ToUl, . 17 00 IB id ', TU ( all A- c. of nd - t ,g i $19 LIABILITIES xtstamiing orders,. . iaount Due Comr'a. Campbell,. Ferguson,. Kennedy,., $1,7SG 01 $7C0 00 1G6 CO 194 00 1,CC0 00 113 35 5.385 02 Anonnt Due Sberiff, RohJ and School Taxes, i!. in favor of County, Total, 12,987 70J 81- $21,332 08i '11365. i 4 o r Henry Lloyd, Susquehanna tp.,1 John Priugle, Wilmore bor., A. Makin, Blacklick tp., y i John Yahrer, Carroll township, Baltzer Ildfrick, Chest township, ?o.V. Oatman, Ebensburg bor. Harris. Jackson township, IJivld Tohin, Gallitzin township, Jfobert Boyle, Millvilte bor., John Porter, Susquehanna tp'. kDl ( fl366. ,t0". Hst7. I " Jet ea iva s I till rry r '18G8. Amos Rowland, Blacklick tp.'.' Kbcnezer Williams p9rKo Joseph Gantner. Carroll township, i 410 54 -"-r, vrroutown bor., Anthony Anna. Chest township Francis Goper, Chest Springs bo'r. Jeremiah Donahoe, Clearfield tp.. Jacob Wcrtz, Coneraaugb,tp., ; , Adam Bjer, Croyle township, ' Geo. W. Oatman, Ebensburg bor.; Jerome Dawson, Gallitzin tp., .: Tunothy Eunt, Jackson tp., . vTm. Flattery, Johnstown bor., ' Geo. Elder, Loretto borough, Robert Boyle, MillvHle bor., ' Wra. B. Di ver. MuQSter townshin CO. lti on arly in Josenh Crista. WflBliinrrtnn tn .' Perry Troxell, White township., Joseph Miller, Wilmore bor. Elias Crisman, Yoder township,; 5 L Totals. AOUXT of Road and School Pe ,le"' 4 an,l ue 11)6 6everal Districts on Seat years r 100 ' ana pre- Road Tax. $ 25 39 162 14 54 12 133 53 2C3 C3 122 72 49 82 51 11 James Gallaher, Summerbill tp., W. Condon, Summitville bor John Westover, Susquehanna tp., D. V. Anns. Tv School. 40 60 209 97 62 52 165 07 484 45 .183. 24 ' 65 30 65 65 2 58 do. do. do. do. do. do. Host f Afield do. toush. 1 'i'.'iiJV'j, .J a Lose RECEIPTS AND EXPENDiTURESi;OF ' CAMBRIA 'COUNTY From 30th day of January. lb, to zutn.ay oT January, ioo, inclusive. .inHN rnx.TRFRSURER OF CAMBRIA" COUNTY, HVV CR. L Bj jamount paid Asecssora.H. .L. ; f 1.G44 30 . : " 1 " . Auaitors uoumy .. 1 ' ' and State accounts,.'.'. : ! .'J. . ... 30G 00 By amount paid Bridges,. V. 700 0 ': M .. "1 ' Commissioners ? -,: - ! i i Joln . Ferpuaon,;, .,$700 00 . , .. i 1 ".. John Kennedy,,,, 594 00, . , i .'d . Maurice il'Namara.l '85,00 " " " ; IV? -: John ' Campbell. . '? 670 O0 : a 2,049 00 By amount paid-ColBGlis,ers, Clerk, - -425 O0 ,.. . , . "r.Ccra'M Council,.;. j ,SS.OO -- : Com'rB Sales,.. . . ; v 10 00 '... Constables,'.-."...'.'" '.'849 29 'n Court Crier..V.Yf U d -ll 195O0i ' ; ; ' if J": . Court Houae,,.., J; 530 21: ..Crim.Prosecit!ns. 1.649 84 l : , - " Elections -J. 641 21 i , Fbr Scalps, : ; . :'. '.' ' 322 30 145 HQ ;--Fue1,-'v.-.H-;-..'.. ii .Houee of. Refuge, " Incidentals,. . . . . .. ; 'J' 4t i 48 07! . 55 90 248 03 1,761 67 2,583'33 12450 : 751 47 " Ipquisitions..,,,." jail ana jaiior,... Jurors Traverse, . it ;t- " f . (I ' if c: : -" iaies,.. -.' (Grand),. Jury Commiaa'rs,. and Clerk,.. .Military ; PbonoBeportef,.. 'PoaUge , Poor House,.., ... P. H. Directors,. ; Printing,.'. : . Probates t . 11 63 62 509 92 ,- 295 00 15 30 11,000 00 300 GO '540 00 ,141 03 1,151 40 ' 327 98 158 54 : 861 00 It M . VI c ft . ' Prothonotary and Clerk of Quarter Sessions, "? Rcdem. of Lands, t,i. i """Refunding, -.:-... . ..- . . . u Relief, ' u Road Damages,.. " : .. . ' Road and Unuge - " Views,: . . 350 0 ! 588 29. 30Q 3i; 423 24 . 49 90 73 12 '...: i Stationery,.. - State Debt, De- . "''., ficiency",., " i . : " Supervisors,-.... ; V :;' : Teach'8 Institute,. " Tipstaves,.;; . 4. . .. Wild Cat Scalps,.. By Commipjions to Collectors on County, Poor and Military Taxes, By Exonerations to Collectors on County, Poor and Relief Taxes,.. By 33 Deeds to County for Lauds, at $3 37.. ... By Advertising 4G tracts of Lands, : at 00 cts By Commission on $36,796 12 at.' 3 j-2 per cent.,. . . Balance in Treasurer's bands, " ; 10 .80 1,755 40 2,033X7 111 21 '" 23 00 1,287 86 5.58G 43 47,648 74 Total, Octratorict Cormty. MISCELLANEOUS. R. P. Linton, late Sheriff,-.. $17 67 . Same, Interctt on same, 1 06 $18 73 B. M'Dermitt, late Treasurer, 1,267 07 Total,. $1,2S5 60 UTEHEHT SHOWING LIABILITIES AND. ASSETS OF THE COUNTY ASSETS. Amount Due from Judgments,-.. ?129 75) Amount Due from Miscellaneous, 1,285 80 Amount Due from Collectois, 14.330 05 Amount in Treasurer's bauds, 5,586 48 Total.-, : $21,332 08 :UE FROM COLLECTORS FOR THE YEAR, 1868 AND PREVI0US.YEARS: Co. Tax. . Toor. State. Belief. . Militarv. , $ 93 19 24 21 86 51 49 41 45 72 19 95 23 03 14 52 6 59 126 15 65 80 57 72 . . ; 2 16 20 27 , 54 69 10 66 70 15 26 81 9 20 35 75 9 02 10 17 46 ' 18 97. : 33 39 ' 16 69 240 21 153 91 39 00 20 39 55 429 12 203 53 45 03 i 165 25 83 65 25 77 1 00 ;430 62 383 43 56 01 ,1410 54 201 43 62 72 ; 108 50 53 72 27 44 9 CO ' !224 53 130 95 36 14 17 50 . I 86 83 66 59 27 84 . . ' 1 00 836 73 -169 07 ' 52 11 ' ' - 22 50 . 38 54 23 96 10 35 "3 50 60 22 63 51 33 90 , G16 48 304 OG' 110 10 ' 21 50 224 53 112 32' 20 78 8 00 r ; 41 05 73 12 32 88 1,488 63 928 77 360 75 . 84 12 ! 81 94 39 97 24 24 83 , 64 CO 39 20 , 180 31 105 90 21 83 10 60 701 48 356 18 43 97 14 00 202 17 101 62 28 46 7 00 V - 5 19 12 80 . ' 398 73 203 76 47 71 23 50 f289 53 146 79 63 46 " i 185 04 107 04 ' 90 87 ' ' 133 02 94 04 48 64 12 60 126 33 61 22 15 50 3 50 27 00 23 62 $7,621 64 4,657 03 1,686 77 63 93 300 65 Gal!itzia township, 4 Jackson do. Munster do. . Richland do. Summerbill . ' do. Summitville borough, Susquehanna township, Taylor do. Washington do. White do. ' W.lraore borough, Yodcr township, 28 46 30 00 218 93 - 298 47 90 15 60 110 31 115 15 131 10 143 38 52 87 46 158 69 164 43 154 79 232 92 - 280 09 3CF2 26V 704 84 ' ' '4 00 125 19 138 01 A MOUNT, reeeived Irom Miscel-; Janeous Sources : : t r . . . i I M&v j James Condron, for County Map, J, K. Ilite, Jury fee,1 No. 4, Mar. 7 "".': . "Sessions, '1868..' . . ", : S.i800 'k ob D.-T. Storm, late Commissioner," .'20 90 Geo. C. K. Zabm, Uom; vs.- nor-- , . .'-nick; ' .C. Pershing Com. vs. Gageby, - John Campbell -Com. vs. U el sol. F. P. Tierney, on Bond oC Paniel : . -, , ' & Jos. Walter, , ... Peter Mulvihill on Bond of "J. ' -. " ; Keith, et. al., V, P. Tierney; on Judg't of Cpnn- . .-: ty vs. J. Burgoon, - ; G. W..EasJy, bounty vs. J. Jlor- -. t nick,,;;-.;t v ' .-. ..-'x "25.00 65 00: 20. oo; ':---! 24 60 ; . -: i 15 00, "669 2?! i i Jit J C200 W-H. Secbler;,ip Nosw 17 & 18r ':: .' .""'I i Sept. SessionslSOS, : .. 100,00 Geo C.'K. Zahm, Cost and Jury- , r.. , - 1 '-Fees,- V - " " 122 44 t Cornelius Diver, Surplus on Stray I 'i-:'- COW, ' I 66 Geo.-W. Oatman, Taxes Exoner- ' - - - m . ated for 1868,.- ; 15 Total,' $1,138:62 Given under, our hands, at Ebensburg, this 20tfi day of January, A. D. 1869. JOHN FERGUSON, " " S ' - ' .'' " JOHN A. KENNEDY, 1 ? , .-.MAURICE M'NAMARA,VCfcw'.-f f. Attest : Tho3- J. Glass, Clerk,;. : . ; - si We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria county, do respectfully, report, that we nave carefully examined the accounts and vouco-j era- of Receipts1 and Expenditures tsf the said County Commissioners from-, the 30th day of January, 1808, to the 20th day of Jan nary, 1869, inclusive, and find them to be correct, as is also" the foregoing Statement of the Liabilities and Assets of said Connty, ' 1Vilae4s our hands; at the Commissioners' Office, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1869J . . . - r o D.'A. LUTHER, 1 E. D. EVANS, , . , y- - V' ;' .james null,: v . i : - - ' , Auditors.' '-.Attest G. W. Oatuak, Clerk. . 1- rMEOHGE; .W.: OATMAN, Treasurer, VJ IS ACCOUNT WITH', .-.;--,.. DIRECTORS OF THE POOR AND HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT, CAMBRIA CO. - : DR. " ;; 18G8. Jnly 2lst. To County Orders Nos, 405, 406 and 407 received Geo.C. K. Zahm, latb Treasurer, $300000 March 4. To amt. ree'd from Wm. " J." Buck as amt. overpaid on corn ' in 186G. ' 17 CO April 13. To amt. ree'd -from. A. - - : KoDelin as fine in Commonwealth .- . vs. . - ' ... . 25 00 April 14. To amt. ree'd from J. S. - , . Strayer. esq..' as fine in Com. vs. John Ouirk. ' 25 00 July 9. . To bal. of fines' ree'd from : " George Orris, ' . ; - . r 50 CO To County Orders issued dnring 1868, 900 00 Td bal. to close in favor of Treasurer, (7 73 Total, 12184 78 CR. 18G8. By amt. paid on indebtedness 1 prior to 1868, - $ 1373 14 APPRAISERS F. P.' Tierney, 10 00 : James Myers, 5 90 H. C. Device, 5 00 BEEF J. Gutwalt, 485lbs, 71 C4 L. RodgefS," ': ' 1374 44 - : 190 81 R.E.Jones, . 365 44 27 30 Thos Hoover 240 44 18 60 BLACKSMITH1NG R. Singer, 1 05 L. D. Cawser, 4 41 . S. J. Weak land, . ,4 45 BOOTS, SIIDE3 Grtgg, Son & Co. i . .. . . 74 40 BUTTER Bell O'Neil, 33 38 . CLOTHING Mills & Davis, 25 00 John Dougherty, 20 CO D. C. Morris, 5 00 CLOTHESLINE W. A. B. Lit tle, 200 ft. 3c. per foot. 6 00 CARDING-rYenner & Jones, 7 1G COAL Charles Myers, , 30 32 Evan E. Evans, 74 74 Daniel Parks, 3 90 COFFINS Arthur Cullen, 6 25 , John Blough, . . . 18 00 David W. Jones, 30 50 CORONER'S INQUEST J. A. Harrold, 45 80 20 00 308 35 0 91 74 40 33 38 50 00 COO 7 16 108 86 54 75 45 80 CONSTABLE FEES R. Ryck- man, . .John Grosseup, A. B. Davis, , George Varner, E. Jauies, JoBepb Daily, . Isadore Lilly, ' Tate W. Allison, , 'V'.J..C. 'Riffle C. A. Diniond, " Geo. Wi3slnger, - ' . Andrew Glass, "?r. C. Snyder, ..... Patrick Markey, - ' John A. Blair, CO. ORDERS ON HAND, 74 60 6 30 33 87 10 40 17 90 21 00 3 55 , 7 75 25 75 50 7 75 0 25 2 00 8 25 13 55 242 32 1000 001000 00 FARMERS J. V. M'Connell, Wm. J. Parish, . - Owen Lynch, -. .. David O'ilarra, i 89 25 189 00 18 00 , 100 00 7 00 403 25 10 00 - 10 00 Unas. M ueimut , FARMING UTENSILS Con-' ' very & Co. J plough -FLOUR & GRAIN A. MTad- , , . den It Co., . . : i , . , ; , Samuel O'Harro, )t. Kinport & Co., Daniel O'Harro, -Charles Bradley, - ' Peter Piper, Beck & Shoemaker, .T. G. Stewart & Co., John W. Evans, FREIGHT P. R. R. Co., GRAVES David Davis, GROCERIES Geo. Gurley, Kinport k Co., - A. M'Fadden a Co., ' W.'T. Altfather' ' - J. & J. Kelly; - ;R. II. Tudor, t E. James, . . . ; T. G. Stewart A Co., M. L. Oatman, 285 71 75 56 296 52 110 00 37 42 40 75 588 26 7G 77 2G 87 163 82 3 00 66 00 24 7 25 129 33 13 25 -17 25 40 63 . 6 24 301 27 256 16 1537 86 163 82 . 3 00 1037 43 89 66 HARDWARE Ac TINWARE Geo. Huntley, ,i : 1 f p INTEREST J. W. M'Connell, R. Ryc.kmau. . . - ; . Geo. Huntley, . . ' , . M'Faddeu & Co., ; Simon Fisher, - ' ' 89 66 40 50 3 10 ' 7 81 1 17 - ; 2 72 T; ":2 82! -239 03 ; "."94 6 1G Chaa. M'Coy, BellO'Niell, i I ' A dlugb M'CJoy, - r;H- f :; -.(?H. A. Shoemaker, ... ; j; C. T.' Roberts, ; ' ' :'.K. S. Bonn,' ' ', " -' -Lewis Rodgers, - ' -': .'.i Bachael Burk, ' . : 18 00 . - I i .-. 5 7 - -43.:,- : i ! :.- S 31, " 1 00 . S ',2 65 ":. .'"; , ' 2 19 ' 293 79 JNSURANCE-L E. Roberts . 44 27 2 00. 3 50 44 27 JUSTICE FEESP. F. Custer . . M. D.; Wagner,, . . Joseph' Miller; . '-; ' - " . ' - "Joseph W.J Condon, - ' " JSE. J. -Waters, .-.A ;. :ir jQt?erge 'W-.JOatmanj. i - -r.'Jtf ia.A, Kenedyj.,. j ' Jos. S. Strayer, ; v: ' Irtin RUtledge,- ' " " "-Wra. Flattery,' --'J LIME Abel Lloyd, -'Ji l- : LUMBERWm.L'arnnier. : '-54 1 50 i5ioo .: "ISO' " ?1 15 75 315 40 11 00 46 94 315 40 11 00 M'DEEMITT, Bpeisonal pro-,. . ' pertyby appraisement, "703,50 ,703 50 JlJSKCUaKUlSlS ). 'A. ottoe- . " ':'inaker,'- : ' -' :a 457 53 . . t E. R. Danegan, i 1 - ; 325 71 . ,i E,-Roberts,;:.r."; ; ' , 66 50. j-JDaniel Laughlin,. G3 00 'Cyrus Hart, r ". . 42' CO ' ' V. S." Barker,." : ' . 23 73 ' PRlNTING--James Swank, " 3 00 . ' U.:A. M'Pike, '. : .--i 4 50 T PROVlSIONS-John E. Davis, : . . ..." 20 bush, potatoes,- i r. 20 00 " Daniel O'Harro, ' .'," 118 50 PORK Dan?l Bradley, 3431bS' 30 37 - - Joseph Hogae,i 220 4C 22 00 : John Carney . 341 30 63 - .f Wm. Carney, . 890 89 00 , . Simon Fisher," " 4D4 44 49 4.0 ' "- Peter Parish, '' 516 44 " 51 CO ": C. O'Niell, - "40" 49 o0 PRUNING AND GRAFTING oi v. John Reese, " 27 60 REPAIRING J. D. Parish, .20 20 Henry Myers, 2100 . Morgan Humphreys, " ' 6 00 RELIEF OUT DOOR PAUPERS, ; 978 47 '7 50 138 50 Tr"! 322 5G 27 GO 46 20 Thomas Gallagher, ' 7 00 45 60 68 65 20 60 '86 00 69 51 232 71 26 87 4 00 2 00 3 25 1 60 336 03 43 00 20 00 ' '2 00 '. John Dibert,:.. : j . . . Joseph Daily, ;,- . Wm; Palmer, "s Jane Jones, . ' John D. Thomas, Henry Walters, George Gurley, . ' Edward Owens, ; Jerry Evans, Peter II. Berg, James Burtnett, . Wm. M'Pherson, . Barbara Bartman, , Henry Arble, ; ' 1 'David Rees, 4" - K"vfy Byrne,- 850 Jane Goughan, - 65 00 ' 6 00 10 00 14 62 10 00 115 00 65 15 30 00 15 00 12 SO 18 06 9 00 26 00 13 00 26 00 54 00 1889 . Mary A. Morrison. : Margaret M'Devitt, Peter Maltzie, ' Mary Gillespio, . "F. J. Parish, . 1 George Wehn, ' Isaac Wissingcr, Israel Lotider, Wm. Linton, Wm. Jones, Mrs. Munday, . E. James, ' M. L. Stephens, Davis & Lewis, E- R. Dunnegan, RELIEF O. D- P. M. D. A. Dr. B. L. Yeagley, -' 58 75 Dr. C. Emerson, 45 00 : Dr. D. W. Evans, ' 8 00 111 SADDLER H. A. McCoy, 23 95 23 SALARIES Geo. W. Oatman 100 00 Dr. R. S. Bunn, - 265 40 G. C. K. Zahm, bal. due, 55 67 B. McDermitt, 442 37 8G3 44 SEWING MACHINE C. T. Roberts, 63 00 SHROUD Joseph Miller, 1 75 SOAP Rachel Owens, 50 irals. 12 50 CS 1 12 SERVANTS M. McCullough, 16 00 Lavinia McDermitt, 86 50 Jennie McDermitt, 25 50 Matilda Durbin, 5 00 Ann Holmes, C 50 Cecelia Todd, ... ; 46 00 185 50 STATIONERY C. T. Roberts, 2 00 2 00 VEAL G. C.K. Zahm, 91 lbs. 11 37 11 37 12,184 78 OUTSTANDING ORDERS DUE BY KJ POOR HOUSE. For the years 1858, 1859, I860, ' 1861, 1862, 1863, . . .' , 1864, .. , 1865, . ' 1866, ' 1867, " ; 1868, Total, . . . ; . -$ 8 70 50 50. 23 10 70 00 71. 6 8 48 16 285 :112 1,912 1,282 70 1,631 65 2,176 OG 7,488 $7,498 "VTUMBER OF INMATES OF POOR JLN ; HOUSE. - ' - Number inmates January 1, 1868, Number admitted during year, . Number bound out, Number died, ' Number discharged and absconded, Number remaining, Number son, . Number, insane, - Number meals given to travelers : B. M'Dormitt,; I! Wm.' Ji.Parish , . . i , j. James J. Kaylor, . , Jennie M'Dermitt,: 49 2 ' ' . 4 ' 3S "46 34 12 4. regular ' boarders. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. : 2 Wagons, 1 Sled, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 Grain Drill, 1 Horse Rake, 1 Harrow, 1 Cart, 3 Ploughs, 2 Grain Cradles, 1 Buggy, 4 sets 'Harness, 1 Sleigh. -' RODUCTS OF FARM. 20 tous Hay, 200 bushels Oats,' bushels Buckwheat, 600 bushels Corn ears, 5 bushels Onions, 6 bushels Cucumbers, 10 . bushels Tomatoes, -5 bushels Beets, CO bushels ADoles. 1 bushel Small Onions. heads Cabbage, 2,300 : lbs! Beef, 2,000 lbs Perk, 100 bushels Potatoes. . A RTICLES ON II AND. XL. 4,000 lbs. Beef, 5,000 lbs. Pork, 13 bar rels Flour, !00 lbs. Candles, 800 lbs. Tallow, 400 lbs. Lard, 20 gills. Apple Butter, oO bead Cabbage; 150 bushels Potatoes, J bbl. Molas ses,' 10Q pounds. Butter. ..... , : .. - A ".IlTiCLES MADE llf HOUSE. ll- 50 yards Linsev. 33 Shirts. 3."i Shorts 2 Blouses, '20 Woman's Dresses, 7 Skirts, pair 5ocks, 34 Pillow Slips, 19 Cheiuise, 17 Aprons, 8 Sua Bonnets, 2 Hoods, 10 pair ".To man's Stockings, 6 Pillows, 20 Bed Ticks, 2S voimorts, 4 bbrouds. V V' ' : : ' i STOCK ON EAKM ; ; h 3 head Horses. 15 head Cattle. 43 head Sheep, 14 Hogs. ' ' '-' . ' ' , B',, the undersigned, Auditors of Ca jibria county, respectfully report that wo-have au dited,, settled, and adjusted tne accounts. r the Poor and Houso of Employment of said county with Georcro W. Oatman, Treasurer thereof, according. to law, and find a balance due, the said. Treasurer of Sixty:Sevca Dol- lars'and Seventy-Eight Cents. ' " '" ' 'Given tinder our hands this day of Jan4 uaryj.lbGO-p ;. - - :' D. A. LUTHER, . . i K; D. JSVANS, - i ; - - JAMES NULL,' . ; : . ; It' .;.. .- Auditor . . ; B McDEHMITT, STEWARD of the POOR and HOUSE OF EMPLOY MENT, account' . with DIRECTORS OF POOR CAMBRIA COUNTY. ISttS.1---- DR. - . Feb. 14. To cash reed, from John Evans for bides, S 10 00 Feb. 24. 44 from Joseph Dailey, ' :- 20 00 Mar. 5. 44 from John Saunders, ox, , : 27 CO Mar. 5. Toue bay horse, sold, 130 00 April 6.' 44 M. M. M'Goniele,' Alle- .rz. . - . ghany Pocr House, -: .. 42-60 April 44 for one black horse and " bay mare, ' - 315 00 April 20. 44 John Tierney, lime, 3 . CO June 28. 44 Henry Byrne, keeping B. Noel, ' ' - 50 06 June 28. J. P.-Allen, - .. 22 85 July 14. 44 for one bay horse, ,175 00 July 27, 44 3 orders on salary, ' 250 00 Ang. 21. 44 J. E. Evans, one pig, 2-50 Aug. 21. 44 Win. Clements, 2 pigs, 5 00 Sept. 5. 44 John J. Evans,, hides, , 15 00 Sept. 23. 44 Joseph Daily, : 11 84 Sept. 28. 44 order, 10 00 Dec. .28. 44 order 360, 192 37 Total, : $1,282 16 1SGS. ' CR. July 2. By cash paid G. C. K. Zahm for 2 turkeys, $ July 2. 744 destitute man woman, July 2. 44 GOO feet pine boards, . Feb. 2-5. 44 expenses to Hollidaysbg, J .- " provisions, Feb. 28, 44 paper and envelopes, Feb. 28. 44 2 loads shavings, Mar. 14. 44 Bell O'Niell, butter, Mar. 24. 44 Same, Apl. 1. 44 John E. Roberts, Apl. 6. 44 expenses to Greensburj, - - pauper; -- - Apl. 6. . 41 small onions, . . Apl. ll. ' one brown horse," Apl. 16. 44 John Campbell, ind. bill, Apl. 22. 44 express one box hats, ' Apl. 25. 44 one bay horse, May 6. 44 Wm. D. Price, May 7. 44 sent to Huntingdon Poor House, . May 7. 44 John D. Thomas, fare C. Farly, May 19. 44 for seed potatoes, May 19. 41 cabbage tomato plants, June 6. 44 M. Conery, potatoes, June 6. 44 Lawrence O'Donnell, do. June 6. 44 Henry Foster, June 6. 44 Same, garden seeds, Jun. 18. 44 Buckwheat seed, July 5. 44 ink and paper, July 7. 44 expenses to Carrolltown, pauper, Jul. 16.'4 one bay horse, Jul. 16. 44 stamped envelopes, Jul. 16. 44 expenses on goods from Johnstown, Jul. 18. 44 4 table cloths, Jul.13. 44 E. C. McMullen, corn, Sep. 1. 44 thread, Sep. 1. 44 express freight on bags to Pittsburg, Sep. 14. 44 one plow point, Sep. 14. 44 assessment Lycoming In surance Co., Sep. 26. 44 wheel in windmill, 1 10 ; 5 16 -12 2 165 74 150 46 50 3 14 2 10 22 2 1 1 1 170 .0 75 95 12 G 1 00 50 60 00 75 50 12 1 Sep. 26. 44 Charles Bradley, bushel beans, 1 50 Oct. 2. 44 Richard Owens, double tree, 44 Same, 5 turkeys, 4 Murray St Lemmon, sta tionery, 44 fare to Johnstown, 44 destitute man a woman, 1 Oct. 24. 5 1 1 1 2 Oct. 27. Oct. 29. Oct. 29. Nov. Nov. 9. 44 John Price, cider press, 19. 44 plow point, Nov. 19. 44 Richard Owens, 2. tur- keys, Nov. 19 Dec. 1. 44 thread, 44 freight on box, 44 J. A. Piatt, 44 C. T. Roberts, 44 toll, 44 one year's salary, Dec. Dec Dec Dec, 1. 1. 1. 500 90 Total, 1,282 16 ' Wt the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria county, respectfully report that we. have ex amine'd the above account, and do find it correct. ' ; - Given our bands this 13th day of January, A. D. 1869. . D. A. LUTHER, ! " E D. EVANS, - . , - . . .. '; 4 JAMES NULL, . Auditors. 90 41 JOHNSTOWN DYEING ESTAB LISHMENT I The undersigned would inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he continues to carry on the Coloring business in all its branches, at tho old stand on Locust street. Coloring and cleaning of all kinds done to order. Gents' clothing colored, cleaned and pressed equal to new. Ladies' diesses, silk, cotton or . woolen goods, shawls, colored, cleaned or pressed to look as well as new. Ribbons, feathers, &c, colored to look like new. jGgy Goods sent by express will receive my special attention and returned as soon as finished. SAMUEL M. RAINEV. Johnstown. Nov. 26-3m. 21 in 600 AMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub lic, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Hiirh street, west of Fosters Ho tel. augU NUIBEfi:2. '" Anecdote of General IIancock.1- We- cut tlio fbllowin anecdote of General IlancQck from tlo history of the 1-lth Teg imcnt publish qd in one of our exenanges. Tlie au,thor speaking of, the scarcity of ra tions says : ' . ' . : ' They were scarce with us so m'ucTi' so that some boys bought of other regiments. During this scarcity, Blake happened to bo on guard at Hancock's headquarters. IIo was pacing his boat very, industriously in front of the General's tent, about "day light, when the General rolled out 'of bed i . . ... ana came to me uoor. j .: : -. .rf;i "Soldier, are you from, the lltUZ'.V--, r r ;"Ycs; fir." . ; ': .. ;; . .' V ; 'Is it trne that rations are scarce ?'r " ' "Yes, sir -- "I -- iPYou havca't enough i - )' --y- u .No, sir.":. ; , i i :-f X! I v.- ' . "How many have you Half enough? , "i tmnKso, sir. . . 1 "Well, ' it's a d d poor soldier who can't steal the other half." - With the last remark he went to bed again, while lilako renewed his labors. , Before long the cook began preparing breakfast. One thing after another 'was put on the tabic in the mess tent, and fi nally, a plate ' of hot biscuit. While tho cook returned to the kitchen, Blake 'step ped up, emptied them into his haversack, 3 ' u ir n -i . i'.iiu lesuuicu ma wais. jreaKiast was an nounced, and the General went in. He had net beeu there long before he called tie cook to briug some bread. The cook told him he had put hot cakes on the ta ble. Some conversation passed between them, cud the General stepping to tho door, "watched Blake very closely. Blake walked his beat apparently unconscious of any one being within a mile' Finally the General called a corporal, relieved Blake and sent, him to his quarters. He had twenty-eight biscuit in his haversack. ' A traveler entered a tavern, and see ing no enc present but the landlord and a negro, seated himself, and entered into convfrsation with (he negro. Shortly af terwards he .' asked Sambo if he was dry. Sambo said he was. Stranger told him to step up to the bar and take something at his expense. . Negro did so and soon left. Landlord says to the stranger : "Are you acquainted with that nigger?" : "No, never Bavr him befoie; but why do you ask V . ; "X. supposed you were, from, your con versing with him, and asking him to take a drink." ' ' 41Oh," said the stranger; "I Tras only experimenting. The fact is, I was dry myself, and I thought that if your liquor didn't kill the nigger in fifteen minutes, I would venture to take a drink myself.' 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 50 60 00 00 05 75 00 00 85 00 50 00 50 50 GO 40 25 25 00 90 50 00 A Puzzled Yankee. Jinks tells a good story of a man on a Mississippi steam er who was c-uestioued by a Yankee. Tho gentleman, to humor the fellow, replied to all questions straight forwardly until the inquirer was fairly puzzled for an inter rogatory. . At last he inquired : "Look here, Squire where was you born?" "I was born," said the victim, "in Bos ton, Trcmont street, No. 44, left hand side, on the 1st day of August, 1820, at 5 o' clock in the afternoon ; physician, Dr. Warren ; nurse, Sally Benjamin." Yankee was answered completely. For a moment he was stuck. Soon, however, his face brightened, and he quickly said : .; "Yeas; wall, I calculate you don't re collect whether it was a frame or a brick house, do ye ?" ....... 00 00 At Bridgeport, a Sunday School teach er questioned his class last week in regard to the origin of Christmas, with the follow ing result: "Where was Christ born ?" "At Bethlehem." "Where's Bethlehem?" "In Judea." . "Who first knew that Christ was born V "His mother." 00 00 30 05 00 00 GO 00 00 00 75 75 51 00 A cool character- Jack Frost. A waste of raw material two young ladies kissing each other. ' It is said the prettiest girls iu Salt Lake city usually marry Young. A trying moment When" your new coat comes home from the tailor. Jones says he loves two charming girls Jenny Rossity and Annie Mation. These notes enliven me," as tho man aid on receiving a remittance. Why are hoops like obstinate men? Because they often stand out about trifles. Fortune may favor fools, but that's a poor reason why you should make a fool of yourself. The mor-t difficult surgical operation To take the ' cheek from a young man and the jaw from an old woman. Why are military officers the most unlucky of men ? Because they are always in some mess or another. 4 A lady of a certain age says the rea son an old maid is generally so devoted to her cat is that, not having a husband, sho naturally takes the next most treacherous animal. Jones complained of a bad smell about the post office j and asked Brown what itcould be. Brown didn't know, but suggested that it might be caused by the dead letters." i i i i i i i $2,354 423,323 02