The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 18, 1869, Image 3

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lall ired
tt 4
lg:::FEraUARY 18.
Ebensburg and Cbesson Railroad
0a and after Monday, Dec. 1, 18C8, trains
0n this road will run as follows :
Lkave Ebensburo
At 5.25 A. X., connecting with Day Exp.
East and Phil. Exp. West.
At 7.15 P. M., eonneeting with PbiU. Exp.
East and Mail Train West
9.25 A. M., or on departure of Thil.
Express West.
At 9-31 P. M., or on departure of Phil.
Express East.
Johnstown, Feb. 15, 1869.
To the Editors of The Alleghanian:
Since mj former letter, a bill has been
read in tic. lower House, by Representa
tive Porter, for the removal of the county
seat of Cambria county to Johnstown.
What position Mr. Porter will take, on
the qnestion, I am not positively informed.
Shoald he favor- submitting the issue to
the people of the county, the result would
not be difficult for any observing mind to
By taking the vote on the State ticket
in 1868, in the following named election
districts, to-wit : Cambria boro., Conc
maugh tp., Concmaugh boro., Croyle tp.,
East Couemaugh boro., Franklin boro.,
Johnstown boro., Jackson tp., Millville
boro., Prospect boro., Richland tp., Sum
tnerhill tp., Taylor tp., "WilnioVe boro., and
Yoder tp., you will find the vote about
3,600, which is more than one-half the
vote polled in the county. The above
named districts are confidently expected to
favor the question with a great degree of
nnanimity, irnd this, with the assistance
obtained from the extreme, northern town
ships, many of whose citizens favor the
movement, will secure a favorable vote,
Hence yoa cannot fail to' see the final
result. ,
The partial'dismembcrment of the coun
ty is not iiow disguised by the leaders in
the matter. All the territory north of the
turnpike will be detached to form, with
prts of Iudiana and Clearfield counties, a
now county, and in lieu of this loss, two
towHLips fiom Somerset, and one ; each
from Westmoreland, and Indian will be
fiod to Cambria, which will give ample
rritory for the new county, and a conve
nience to the seat of justice for the towu-
liips not now enjoyed by them. Should
ihis plan be pnccessfully carried out, your
mountain village will be located at the ex
treme southern border 'of Pine or some
'.ber county, and you can truly but sorrow
fiHy say, "our glory is departed." .
One or two objections are brought to
bear. :gainst the whole movement by some
ilour more staid and less aspiring citizens.
The first is the heavy taxation necessitated
't erecting public buildings, and as this
fills heavily on those who are holders of
property, some of whom are now oppressed
ul overburdened with taxes, they may
nut be easily induced to support the meas
ure, but in view of increased business,
which will most undoubtedly enhance the
81S I I ra",,lc f their real estate, they may relucr
I? ta, consent aud cast their votes favora-
, 1 1
Another objection, and the most serious
" suuie, is, mat me political
tUtUS Of the new nr nUnnrrml Winnfv innv
i aif
j , . Q W J
be changed, and the Republican party
Bram control of the not of notta-e. " This
ill most certainly prove to be the fact if
Lll ' K J ?A "I
another fact, that the new county
"naedout of the northern townships, with
ic-rricory irom Indiana and Clear
fcjj, may be also Republican. Then what
'-'become of OUr DoniArntin'frinrla' vln
I c- -"v vuum ancr uoiu lai anu iuiu
-ees . Xhis 13 a matter for crave ' and
liwl 1. f 1 ..I. 1 1
ri jus consideration to them, but to us a
""'JSC Of reii.ifMnrr A nA vnrltn l-rrTQ Viif
I 1 J - . . J 1 (I 1 1 AAV 1 1 k MUV
uiaj represent; one ana 1 ine 01 n
;nty in tjie hallg of legislation, and
e our mark in our great and growing
nveaith ! On th esc ?Tonnds: one of
parties may lavor ana the
ppcsc the removal of the county
'"Placc-.:,. '. . ' ... ,
Sire SOIllf 1tv ul.n nrn rr con.
l y Recess in the movement, and are
-1 rift . p
nt ne Srad city corporation,
Vad "S a11 tlle Power, ', pomp, and un
aamber of officials, aa well as the
ii fvn' of our modern cities. ' But to
"acre - , . ' -..
i; ui'j.a. serious objection.
n? the vote 1 ..I.
' ween t rr .
. HIU lvo-th Pemoeracy
ive,' iiniion, anq as wc
oUs nu?Vcr of Republicans de-
'Mii thc various offices, they
Jt irrutifiea. This would be tcr-
rible. "A bird in hand is worth two in the
I am satisfied, however, thj no effort
will be spared, nor a stone left unturned,
that will in the least degree contribute to
accomplish the removal of the county seat
to Johnstown. Pythias.
Wilmore, Feb. 6, 18G9.
To the Editors oj The Alleghanian :
Our worthy County Superintendent of
Common Schools paid us a short visit on
Thursday last, for the purpose of holding
an examination for teachers for our pri
mary school. A number of applicants
appeared and passed a creditable examina
tion. The school was allotted to Mr. C.
G. Palmer, of Indiana. Our schools are
now under headway for a term of six
months. .
Our quiet village was thrown into some
stir last week by the official announcement
that the old Portage Railroad would be
relaid and operated again, under the man
agement of the Pcnna. . R. R. Co. The
idea awakened keen recollections of the
past, for the Portage was an "institution"
in its day. Should this result be realized,
might not the county-seat stop here, in
stead of be carried to Johnstown 1
Things are looking up here. I am in
formed that we ship almost double the
amount of lumber, shook, and produce
from this point that we did before the
construction of the railroad from Cresson
to your town. This may be so, and speaks
well for individual exertion.
I am also informed that a company is
about being formed here to manufacture
pig metal, iron, nails, and steel from the
raw material. Large bodies of valuable
iron ore, coal, limestone, Sec, have been
discovered in this immediate neighbor
hood. Two reliable companies have been
prospecting to this end lately, and with
good indications of success.
Our annual spring election is drawing
near, and as it approaches, we are admon
ished that a very lively time may be antic
ipated. A number of good names have
suggested themselves, from which a ticket
can be selected that will shed honor upon
our borough. jTo add to. the interest al
ready felt in the general result of things,
I am informed that thc term of one of
our valued Justices is drawing to a close.
I refer to that of Esquire Joseph Miller,
a citizen of some thirty years standing
among us, and who has served as a Justice
some ten years, with great credit to us, and
not without some profit to himself. On
whom his mantle will fall is beyond the
ken of the subscriber to tell. Our very
worthy friend and Justice has made some
extensive investments in "Bleeding Kan
sas," and eventually intends making that
State his future home. : : This brings to our
mind very forcibly the memory of bygone
days, when our friend was wont to hold
forth to admiring crowds the wrongs and
outrages of that far distant country, plead
ing for freedom and the principles you and
I love and cherish so much. He, in con
nection with our worthy chief magistrate,
Gov. Geary, have spcntthcirfbcst endeav
ors in making this State what she is, se
curing unto her freedom and good govern
ment. The Justice's eloquence is prover
bial. " I hope our loss may be his gain, and
may his future be bright and prosperous.
A number of names before me suggest
ample material out of which to hew thc
timber for- our various efficcs. Among
them may be found our ga)lant and brave
friend, Capt. Hughes, of blessed Monitor
memory. I aminformcd he is much pres
sed to accept the responsible position 'of
Justice when Esq. Miller shall retire. I
am also advised our friend Clay comb wo'd
not be. averse to serving his constituents,
if he shoulvi have any, in the same capaci
ty, should, the mantle fall on him. . Our
borough will be honored in his selection.
lias he pot , served his country ? And
does he not bear on his body numerous
evidences of his patriotic devotion 'to his
country? :,lt is'also " 'mentioned that "the
able county Auditor from this" district
could be induced to lay down his life for
his friends in this connection. He would
certainly shed lustre on our pneient village.
May his shadow never grow. .less. -He,
would make a good Justice of the Peace.
No Blo-k.
; i, i7V . '' ; - ;
TT.,JUSTIOyr AC. ; - ; ,.
. Joiinstow.v, Feb. 14, I860. '
fo the Editor a of The Alleghanian : , . ,r . ...
! The Rev. N. C." Burnhani, a missionary
of the. New Jerusalem (Swedcpbprgian)
church, enlightened the benighted natives
of tbis city lit a series of lectures during
the past week as to the present and future
of man.' :.'The reverend gentleman enuncia
ted his doctrine in a clear and forcible
manner, and created quite a stir in rclig-
ious circles. Elder Kiutcr, of the Disci-
ples congregation, proposes to review this
"Strange Doctrine" to-night in Union
Hall. Seats free. We'll go. So much
for Swedenborg.
The Republican primary elections for
borough candidates took plapo last ven
ing. It is gratifying to note the interest
taken by the citizens of the several wards
with regard to their ward nominations,
The six councilmea nominated are most
excellent selections. .; The conferees elec
ted will meet on Monday to nominate a
Burgess. Major Ryckmaa will unmista.
kably be the nominee, he having carried
four wards. Captain Rutledge secuVed
the conferees from the first ward, and Es
quiro Strayer ditto from the second ward.
The Democrats, being largely in the" mi
nority, do not mean to nominate, but will
try the "pasteing and folding" business;
Ebensburg, beware of the ides of March !
The new county project has at last assu
med form and proportions. Thousands of
petitions to the honorable members of the
Senate and House of Representatives have
been circulated, . and thousands of signa
tures have been attached thereto. So,
come down, "villagers' and live with us.
Yours, Damon.
" . .
Loretto, Feb. 13, 1869.
To the Editors cf The Alleghanian: '
Owing to the bad condition of the roads,
business here is extremely dull. Nearly
all the roads leading henee are impassible,
caused by the recent thaw. The hills are
bare, and deep with nud, and on the shel
tered places are mammoth drifts of snow,
too soft to be trod on by horses. Conse
quently, farmers and others are excluded
from town, and we are almost entirely shut
out from the world. .
On Tuesday last, several persons who
had come to town to attend a public sale
could not, it appears, agree. A discussion
with . fists was resorted to, aud the result
was a plurality of black eyes and bloody
noses. Cause vendue whisky. "
Samuel McMullen, the young man who
was accidentally stabbed with a knife,
while playing with a companion,-v about
fourteen months ago, died from his wound
on Monday last. He was l.years old...
On the same day, an infant son of Mr
Andrew Eckenrode died. ' .
Our enterprising friend Mr! A! J. Chris
ty, of Oil City, is enlarging his drug store
here by an addition of 33x20 feet, with a
view of enlarging his business. Mr. Ber
nard Kelly has commenced the erection of
a large store-house at the north end of
town; and Francis O'Friel, Esq., 13 ma
king preparations for the erection of a
dwelling house, to be completed early next
summer. So that, we expect our town to
soon assume quite a new appearance:'
Brother Lawrence 0!Donnell, who has
been dangerously, ill with typhoid fever, is
recovering rapidly, and is now considered
out of dancrer
Appeals. Appeals from the Assess
ments for the year 1SG9 will be held -at
the Commissioners' Office, in Ebensburg,"
as follows :
. Thursday, Feb. 25th- Johnstown boro.,
1st, 2d. 3d, 4th, 5th and Cth wards.
'; Friday, Feb. 26th Millville, Cambria,
Prospect, Franklin and Concmaugh bor
oughs. - ' " '"
Saturday; Febv 27th Cambria and
Munster townships-and Ebensburg boro.
' Monday, March 1st Alleghany, Blaek
lick and Carroll townships and Carrolltown
borough. .' - , . :
i "Wednesday, March 3d Gallitzin, Jack
son, Richland and Summerhill townships
and Loretto and Summitville boroughs
i .Thursday, March 4th Susquehanna,
Taylor, ' Washington "White and Yoder
townships and Wilniorc borough.
! Local Legislation. The following
bills regarding Cambria county have been
introduced into the Legislature : '';
! 'A supplement to Tin. act to incorporate
the "Stony Creek Bridge Company, in the
borough of Johnstown. r-". ' . '
I An act giving the School Directors of
the borough of Millville authority to bor
row money..'; v.. : ;
; An' act extending the jurisdiction' -of
Justices of thc Peace in, certain continued
proceedings, and in cases of surety of the
peace, to certain districts in the county of
Cambria. .: ....'.".. i
An act ) to remove the scat: of justice"
from Ebensburg to Johnstown.
I FiuE in Altoona. Altoona has. been
the victim of another conflagration: :Thc
fire broke out,: about 2 o'clock, on tbe m
hing of the 12th, in'; the building occupied
by the J 7ndicaior'( newspaper, and from
thence spread to the adjoining property ;
destroy ing'ihc frime ' dwelling and insu
rance office of R.' A. O. Kerr- aud the
frame store and dwelling of. J.. Birkowit2.
Supposed to have been the work of an in
cendiary. 1 he loss is estimated at about
Memoranda. A colored man named
Dennis fell dead at Peter's coal bank, near
Blairsville, on the 3d in$t., while engaged
at work. Heart disease is supposed to
bavo been the cause.. ..Rev. Shbrthill, of
Jefferson county, recently eloped with th.e
wifo of a Mr. Colkett, of the same county.
Each left a family of children. They vent
west, nd are reported to have been arres
ted in Indianapolis, Indiana:... Tho Repub
lican Executive Committee of Westmore
land county have instructed in favor of
Governor Geary, for renomination....An
act is pending in the Legislature provi
ding for the election of an additional Law
J udge in the judicial district composed of
the counties of Indiana, . Westmoreland,
and Armstrong.... Two buildings were de
stroyed by fire in Irwintown, Westmore
land county, on Sunday evening week....
A little girl named Julia Adams, of Lew
istown, was poisoned a few days ago by
eating cheese upon which arsenic had
been placed, for the purpose of poisoning
rats. Her life was saved through the use
of the proper antidotes.... We see it stated
-m a number of exchanges that "a railroad
is talked of between Ligonier and Latrobe,
in Cambria county." ' The exchanges
should overhaul their geographies. The
towns named are in Westmoreland county.
...An infant daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. L.
W. Hall died in Harrisburg on the 30th
ulL'...A wild deer wandered into Tyrone
on Tuesday , of last week." An excited
crowd speedily "surrounded it. and com
menced firing upon it. The amateur Nim
rods must' have been visited by a severe
attack of -deer fever" for d urinr the
shooting two men were touched by bul
lets, one through the . hat in close vicinity
to the head, and fhe other grazing the
wrist. The deer was finally killed, and
immediately after the Nimrods were all
arrested and fined for "shooting deer out
of season !"...The dwelling of S. Kleinfel
ter, at Conemaugh station, was burned to
the ground on the 8th inst....A boy aged
14 years, who lived in the family of Geo.
Rhey, Millwood, Westmoreland., county,
dropped dead on the floor of thc house on
Thursday last..:.Maj. Jolin M. Clark re
covered 9,000 in bonds, stolen by the
Hurlichs and Morris, arrested in Altoona
two weeks ago for robbing, an Illinois,
bank. The bond, wero found secreted in
a cell in tho loclc-up, and have been 10
stored to their rightful owners.... A ; man
named Funk was arrested in Altoona on
Saturday week, on the charge of robbing
astore at-Blair-Furnaee. He ave bail
in the sum of $600... .The store of Patter
son &, Weight, Yellow Springs, Blair
county, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday
of last weck...:.Last fall, Rev. Mr, Love, of
Huntingdon county, introduced, at consid
erable, expense,1 a number of PoLomac black
bas into the Juniata river. A . couple of
V7ecks ago, a mani in Juniata county caught
one of thesebass, killed it, cooked it, and
ate it. .-It is a pity a sharp-pointed bone
hadn't stuck in his throat and choked him
jto within an inch of death... .There are
2G5 newspapers in Pennsylvania.. ..Some
days ago, a young man named Kapp, resi
ding in Clarion county, slipped and fell
upon a sharp axe which ho was carrying.
His throat struck; the axe with such force
as to sever the jugular vein, causing almost
instant death.'... The snow went away last
week, but a new installment has lately ar
rived.. ..One Rupert stabbed one Ilouck
in M'Connellstown en Saturday night, but
did not kill him. :
Hats, -Caps,-&c We direct the at
tention of thc reader to the card in this
paper of Mr. ; Ben. i P. Thompson with
Smedley Brothers, .; manufacturers . and
wholesale dealers in hats, caps, furs, straw
goods, &c., 415 Market st., Philadelphia.
This - is one of Jjhe largest houses. -of its
class in Philadelphia.' It manufactures a
large proportion of . the goods it deals in,
and can. therefore sell at far, lower figures
than houses which import their goods.
All who know- Ben. Thompson will deal
with him,' f To,, those i.who know him not,
We would say, buy a bill from him once or
twice and see if both'himself and the house
which. he represents, are. not No. 1.; ,-,
l Boro. Election. The election of a
ISurgess,' Town Council, School Directors,
fcc.? for the borough of Ebensburg will
Come off , to-morijowr J 'An : act passed by
the -Legislature last winter reduces-the
number of Couheilinen for the borouajh
froni ; ten to, 1 six three for each ward,
hese ' six will all"bc: elected to-morrow,
but only one will be chosen from -each
ward annually hereafter.' .
1 Tbe local elections of the other.tRstricts
throughout the county , will also come fl,
to:marojc..- We Jwiir publish "lists 'Jf the
officers chosen if requested. ' 1 7
i ' i c ,, ;.',";.:
I A iSrLENDlD PiitiSENT.A magnificent
watch and chain j intended as a present for.
a very deserving man, cau bo seen at the
jewelry Btpi-o of r C. T, .Roberta fbr a. few,,
days only, ' Cham, is just Ac man to fur
nish anything which may be wanted for
such or similar purposes.
Go Now ! Go WnERE ? Why to
Spcnce's Photograph Gallery, on Julian
street, two doors north of the Town Hall,
and secure a likeness of yourself. He has
at considerable expense fitted up largo and
commodious rooms, and supplied himself
witl every article necessary to his profes
sion, and all in all, his facilities are oqual
to t he beet. Resides he is a No. 1. operator
and stands at the head of his profession.
His work will speak for itself. Go and
secure the shadow ec it is. too lat
Sellino Cheap. M. L. Oatman has
constantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of family groceries, which -he
claims to be selling cheaper than apy other
store in town. Duiug a strictly eah bus
iness, he can afford to Bell at a. lts profit
than he otherwise could, did he do a cred
it business. If you have not patronized
him, we, suggest that you give hini a trial.
Go now. .
Court. Adjourned Court met here on
Monday, and . continued in session two
days. One cause was tried, Garmaa. vs.
James ct al., the jury finding for plaintiff.
Fire.- On Thursday last, the dwelling
house of Henry Cook, in Chest township,
together with its contents,' was destroyed
by fire. Loss heavy.
N. Y. Tribune. Persons desiring to
subscribe for the New York Tribune at
club prices can do so by calling at C. T.
Roberts' jewelry 'store, Ebensburg."
A Word. Reader, do you want to
save money- ia buying all manner of hard
ware, tinware, and the like ? Of course you
ao, and nowhere in western Feana. can be
found such an endless variety, and such ex
tremely low rice3, a3 at the mammoth store
of Geo. Huntley. Mr. II. is a clever and an
accommodating gentlemen and can be relied
on as doing business on the ,l square ' with, U
who give him a call. . .'
Buy your flour at M. L, OatmWs.
Bargains. A rare- chance to secure
bargains is dry goods, clothing, boots and
shoes, hats and caps, is now offered at V. S.
Barker's cheap cash store;' In order to make
room for spring goods, he is now offering
his entire stock at greatly reduced prices for
cash, irop in and secure a bargain.
Buy your flour at M. L. Oatman's.
The place to buy your flour is at M, L.
Oatman's cheap grooerv. It is the best in
thajmarket. Those who bav tried it use no
otUex, and examine, , it. ..It is sold
at unusually low figures. Everybody says it
is the best, and what everybody says must
be true.
Buy your flour at M. L. Oatman's.
Jewelry of every description, and of
No. 1 quali t, 13 being disposed of at very
low. prices by C. T. Roberts. Always buy
ftom a practical watchmaker, and you will
receive articles which will give satisfaction.
AU kinds of fancy goods kept and for sale
cheap. Give him a call, .,....
Buy your flour at M. L. Oatman's.
The elegant display of beautiful dress
goods at It. R. Davis - is unequaled by any
like establishment ic town. And not this
alone makes it an. object to buy from him,
but the cheapness attending his sales is well
worthy the consideration of those who are
in pursuit of bargains. Patronize him.
Latest5 Arrival. The very latest
arrival of fashionable dress goods in Johns
town is at thc cheap store of L. Mayer. This
establishment, far ahead ot all other dry
goods stores in that town, fully sustains the
wide reputation it has won for itself as being
the cheapest store in 'town.
Prices Reduced. Ho, for bargains.
Messrs. Leopold & Bro., at the Oak Hall
Clothing Store, in Johnstown, have marked
down Vne price of their overcoats lower than
any store in Johnstown. Now is the time to
an overcoat for little - or nothing. Go
and see thenu
You NO man, as spring is already ap
proaching, it behooves you, in view of the
wet season, to prepare for it by purchasing a
good serviceable pair of boots. Don't hesi
tate, but go at once to A. A. Barker Si Son's
ptore and make a purchase. . .
Just Received. Another' large in
stallment of hardware at the store of T. W.
Williams. An immense stock of hardware
for building purposes at easy prices constant
ly on hand. Everything in his line will be
disposed of at great bargains. Go see-
; Manufacturers nd Wholesale Dealers in '.
No. 415 Market-st., , PmLADKLrniA.
Mrs.' Mary Owens" offer's for sale ber
house, situate on the corner of Ogle and Mary
Ann streets. The house has lately been re
built and fitted up with all tho modern im-
ftrovements. Terms liberal. For further
nformation inquire of GEO. M. HEADK,
i Nov. ls.nm. ;V;,J : ' Agot,"
is to give notice, that on the Cth
day of January, a. D.SGD, a warrant ot
Bankruptcy issued against the estate of
John King, of Johnstown, in the county of
Cambria, flnd State of Pennsylvania, who has
been adjudged Bankrupt 00 his own petition ;
that the' payment ofkny debts and delivery
of any property belonging to such bankrupt,
to him or for his use, and the transfer of any
property by hiin, are forbidden by law; that a
meeting of the creditors of the 8aid"pankru;jt,
to prove their debts and to choose one or more
assignees of his estate, TviH be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to bo holden in the office of
the Register ia, Bankruptcy, in HoUidaysburg,
before John. Brothein, esq., Kegister,;on
the lath day of March A. D., 1 SCO, at 10
o'clock, a. in.
V. F. Bathuest, Deputy. Feb. IS-It
The Great Remedies for all Disease cf the
. Liver, Stomach or Digestive Organs.
Is composed of the pure oice (or, as thy
are medicinally tenrrd. Extracts) of Roots';
Herbs, and Barks, TC making a. prepara
tion, highly concentrated, and entirely fre
from alcoholic admixture of any kin4 -
Is a combination of al! the ingredieuts of
the Bitters, with the purest quality of Sunt
Cruz Rum, Orange, &c- making on of th
moft pleasant, agreeable remedies Trr of
fered to the public.
. Those preferring a Medicine free from Al
coholic admixture, will use
Those who have no objection to the com-,
bination of the Bitters, as stated, will uso
They are both equnHy good, and onUia
the same medicinal virtues, tne choic be
twcei the two being a mere matter of taste,
tfcp Tonic being the most palatable.
Tbo etomacb, from a variety of causes,
such as Indigestion, Dyeppsia, Nervous De
biJily, et yery apt to have its function
derange Th Liver, yrapatUizing as close
ly as it does with the Stomach then be
comes affected, the result of which ia
that the patient suffers from several or mors
of tbe following diseases:
Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles,
Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of th
SUrmacb, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust far
Food, Fullness or Weight in Uie Stomach,
Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at
the pit of the Stomach, Swimming" of th
Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Flut
tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating
Sensations hnii; a Ijing posture, Dimness
of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, dull
pain ia the I(eaJ, Deficiency of Perspiration,
Yellowness of tho Skin and Eyes, Pain in the
Side, Back, Chest, Lirubi, etc. .Sudden Flush
es of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant
Imaginings of Evil, and great depression of
Spi rits.
The sufferer from these, diseases should
exercise the greatest caution in the selection
of a. remedy for his case, purchasing only
that which he 13 assured from his investiga-'
tiona and inquiries, possesses true mer
it, skilfully compounded, is free from injuri
ous ingredients, and established for itselT a
reputation for,, the cure of these diseases. Io
this connection wc would submit those well
known remedies -Uoofland's German Bitter,
and Uoofiand't German Tome, prepared by
Thirty-five years since they were first In
troduced into this country from Germany,
during which time they have undoubtedly
performed more cures, and benefitted suffer
ing humanity to a greater extent, than any
other remedies know to the public.
These remedies will effectually cure Liver
Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or
Nervous. Debility, JhTi Chronic Diarrhoea,
Disease of the Kidneys, andall diseases aris-.
ing from a disordered Liver, Stomach or In
whatever; Prostration of the System, in- '
dqced by Severe Labor, Hardships,
Kxpoeurc, Fever, Ac.
There is no medicine extant equal .to these
remedies in such cases. - A tone and vigor
is imparted to the whole system, the appe-
tite is strengthened; food is enjoyed, the
stomach digests properly, the blood is puri
fied, the complexion becomes sound nn4
healthy, the-yellow tinge is eradicated from
the eyes, a bloom is. given to the cheeks, and
tbe weak and nervous invalid becomes
strong and healthy heing.
And feeling the hand of time weighing heav
ily upon them, with., all its attendant ill",
will find in the use of this Bitter?, or the
Tonic, an elixir that will instil new life into
their vein?, restore in a measure the energy
and ardor of more yonthful days, up
their shrunken form, and give heilth and
happiness to their, remaining yearg.
It 13 a well established fact that fully one
half of the female portion of our population
are seldom in the enjoyment of good health,
or, to use their own TT - expression, "never
feel well." They are languid, devoid of all "
energy, extremely nervon3, and have no ap
petite. : .
To this class of persons the Bitters, or the '
Tonic, is especially recomme-ad&d. . . - . . . ,
Are made strong by tho use of either of
these remedies. -They witt cure everr cae '
of MARASMUS, without fail.
Thousands of certificates have accuraula- .
ted in the hands of the proprietor, but space
will allow of the publication of but a few,
Those, it will be observed, are from men of "
note, nud of such standing that they' mult'
be believed.
Hon. Geo. W. Wood ward, Chiof Justice of
the Supreme Court of Pa., writes ji-.Philadl- .;
phia, March 10, 18S7. "I find Hoofiand'e I
German Bitters is a good tonic, useful :.
in diseases of the digestive organ, and of .
great benefit in cases of debility, and waut
of nervous acticn in the syjtera. : .1 . ;i
"Yours, truly, Gko. V. Woodward."
Hon. James Thompson,' Judge of the Sa-
preme Court of Pennsylvania. -.'''.-
. T r Philadelphia, April 28, 18G6.
'I consider 'Hoofland's German Bitters a
valuable medicine in case of attacks of Indi
gestion or Dyspepsia. ' I can certify this front
my experience of it. Yours, Ac.
From Rev. Joseph Kennard, D. D., Pastor
cf the Tenth Baptist. Church, Philadelphia.
Dr. Jackson Ocarlr : I have been frequent- v.
ly requested to connect my name with re
commendations ' oC different kinds of mcdl-
bines, but regarding the practice aa out of
ray appropriate sphere, I have in all cases de- ;
cliuedj but with a clear proof ia vari
ous instances, and particularly in myr ova 3
family of the use of Dr. Heofiand's German ;
Bitter3, I depart for once from my usual ,
course, to express my full conviction thV
for general dehility of , tbe system, tn4 a
pccially for Liver Complaint, it i a safe nV
valuable prcrtration. In some cases it wjf ,
fail; h'Ux Ttsually, I doubt not,- it yill -be verif
Vcncfsclal to those who suffer tostaUov
causes. Yours,' very rpuftilly,.
..... :.J.-U. KEN.A.UCk"
Hooflanii's German Remedies are counters,
feitod. See that' the signature cf C.'-M
JACKSON is oa the 3C2 wrapper of each
bottle. All others are counterfeit.
; Principal Office, Knd Manufactory at the
German -Medicine Store NkV 631 ARCII-St.,
Philadelphia, Pju
CHARLES M. EVANS, Proprietor.
Fprraerly C. M. Jacksos Co.
; ... '. " P R I - C E S : . .. ' .
HooHand's Grrman Bitters, per bottle, $1
..." ' half dozen. 5 OCk
Hoofiand'a German Tonic, put up in quart
bottles, $1 5o per bottle, or a half dozea fo . t
$7 50. -. , .
. Jta?- Do not forget to examine well the ar- fc
tide you buy, in order to get the genuine.
For sale by all Druggists andStorekeepers,
everywhere. n-int