35SS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 :?CI. We arc requested to announce that a cancus meeting of tho Republicans of Ebensburg will be hoU in tho Court House this (Thursday) evening, at 7 o'clock, to place, in. nomination a ticket to. be sup portoVTaC the" local election to-morrow. ThQ Sew Amendment. . It is now' certain that an amenJmeiit the fcftoentli in number, to the , National Constitution, will be proposed to the vari ous States of the Union. If adopted by the requisite number of States, it will for ever secure tho complete political equality of all men before the law. , Under it. throughout the Union, every native-bora and every naturalized citizen, without dis tinction of race or color, will be entitled to vote. Is this a wise caange ? Is it tho mere spirit of innovation, or the result of wise statesmanship ? : Admitting the end attained to be good, is it a matter of con gratulation that the result has been secured through the action of the nation at large, rather than through the action of the S tates? For our part , we answer all these questions in the affirmative. We know-the wisdom of this amend ment is challenged, just as the wisdom cf the fourteenth amendment was challenged As to the propriety of this change, so far as its own intrinsic merits are concerned, we have just this to say : Because" all government is founded on the consent of those governed, it is proper and right that every citizen under any government should have a voice in its affaire. With us, the only legal method by which the citizen can give force to his will is by the right to vote. If deprived of that right, or. if jt is with held from him , he must either be silent i .... 1 . . . - . Buffering whatever is imposed upon him, or give effect to his will by mere physical force. He may. urge, persuade, and rea son, so long as his fellow-creatures, clothed with a right to vote, choose to hear him or allow him that privilege. But for the ul timate defence of his .rights, or mainten ance .of his interests, he has no other re liance, so far as the law is concerned, than mere physical, force. If all the people o a .country enjoy their rights at the mercy of one man. as in ,an absolute monarchy there is less danger of tyrannical laws than if one portion 'enjoy their rights by the grace, pf G od alone, and another at the op tion of their fellow jnaD. It ; is not possi blc that any portion of people should lack Al fending their rights and interests without becoming the victims of injustice and op prssion. Nor-is it half so dangerous to a free country that one portion of tho people should be oppressed, as that another larger, more powerful, and influential portion of the people should become the oppressors. No man can oppress another without hav ing his owit sense of right and justice blunted. More ' than this, he who has learned to oppress one man has just made himself ready to . tread upony another.- There never was, there .never can be, an instance in which a person who'had learn ed bo oppress others .was .willing to stop half way in his practices.-; Ho" would cith er, go forward to the utmost ; limit, or go back to the exactest justice. Not one in tea thousand ever voluntarily takes the back track'. r Had suffrage not been given, to" the blacks we would have' had ah'aris tocracy of class, of the phariseeism, "I am holier than thou,'? in the place, of . the ar istocracy of slavery. -..t .1 - Bat what of the accomplishment of this end through the actiou of the National CVnoro.Ks ? We freelv admit thai, the Republican party has changed the charac ter of the National constitution and gov ernment in no small degree. It first made those agencies the. means of guaranteeing to every man equal civil rights, and now. through the same agencies,' it seeks to guarantee to. all men equal political rights. Previous to the accession of the Republican party to. power, personal liberty, personal security, 'and the .right of private property were secured or. denied to every person by. caeh State at its own -direction.!; It lis not now in the owct of a'Statc to denynhy man of thene great rights. When the proposed' cnange' is r adopted It- will' be equail'out'of ih power of a' State to de prive any citizen of tho right? to. vote on account' of his rolor'or rr?coj Ench .State may establish for itself what rule of gftf-iVno-f, it sees fit. nrcS'idc'd it dries not make raw. -or color u uisir.uauucaii'.'M m amendment merely juts all citizens otj an cuV.lit ;vliativev : ru!o: . applies. ," to. oiie, must apply to alU- :(,- . -- . 1 Pit rick Henry, and others opjxwtl tbe julpfioii' ol' 6ur-fNrittioTKil 'Ct.titution le- caufctf it 1 JchtwliJMfJ:' p,o'c;; a'ud would, bc- come claticrou. to, uucri. , mq iwkcu urjoa tliii States vh the lsis loHriilaiif.of t!- perpleVafetr'imd rights.. Tct this very flwiVitic M'Slalc rights has been the fchelter.Mho. iotet-'uiothcr. of CV.lhuuu llTR,.:iii.-n l. hvcrv. ot C'.'C-i' n- iiiiu. of the aristocracy of - caste, of . race, and color of the skin. Contrary to the expec tations of Henry and nearly all others, the National governncent has been the friend of liberty, the doctrine of State rights, its worst and most subtile foe. .-: The Hiew Cabinet We arc happy to announce to our read- ers that the Cabinet question is settled, definitely settled that on March 4th, hortly after his' inauguration, General Grant will send to the waiting Senate. the name3 of tho persons whom he has chosen to b2 his official and constitutional advi- sers. Until that time, wc can all rest in peace, w e navo bis own word, given to Senator Idorton and Representative Pruyn, the committee appointed by the Senate and House to wait on him with tho official notice of his election, that he will not rnaic known his selection of Cabinet officers un til he shall transmit their names to the Senate for confirmation. This action is characteristic of the man, an d.its wisdom apparent. On being notified of his election, he as-. sured the committee of his determination faithfully to carry out the obligations of his office, and spoke very emphatically of the need of an honest and faithful execu tion of the revenue laws. He also decla red his intention of selecting a Cabinet of men who would uphold economy, retrench' ment, and honesty. Senator Mprton as sured him the support of many people not acting with the Republican party, and Representative Pruyn pledged the support of his party frienda to carry out the prin ciplea he had mentioned. There ara very few men who do not look with gladness for the change from Johnson to Grant, now only two weeks distant. The Supreme Court Decision. In the appeal of the State of Oregon to the Supreme Court of the United States, it has been decided that a State has a right to levy and collect her domestic tax es in gold if she sees fit to do so. We be lieve the ground of this - decision is that greenbacks are legal tender only for debts, and a tax is not a debt in the ordinary acceptation of the word. The decision is assailed in some quarters as - a stroke in favor of State rights. We do not so re- card it. We cannot rank ourselves With those who wish the centralization of al power in the National government, and the consequent reduction of the States to something like a big county. When T the personal, civil, and political rights, of the vinAcir iity an jruaranteea dv me.auonai government, centralization ought to stop An important result of this decision is thus noticed by the New York Post : "The most curious and sweeping result is to destroy utterly tbe Pendleton doctrine of payment of the five-twenty bonds in. green backs. These bonds are redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after five years, but payable only at the expiration- of twenty years "from their date. They become a debt only after twenty years ; and since greenbacks are decided to be legal, tenders only for that which is strictly a debt, and not for other ob ligations, they are not a legal tender from the United States for the payment of any ob ligation which, is only redeemable and not payable ; such as the live-twenty bondsl"7 Grant and Colfax. The joint committee, composed of Sena tor Morton and Representatives James F. Wilson and J.-'V. L. Pruyn, of New York, appointed by Congress to officially, inform Geueral Grant of his election as President of the United States,, waited on him on the 13th ins6. at hi headquarters, and discharged the duty assigned them.. The ceremony took place in the .General's pri vate qUice. About' two dozen gentlemen were present, among whom wero ncarlyall the members of tho General's staff, Rep resentative Robertson, General Loganyaud one or two personal friends.; The whols ffair uid not occupy more than twenty -WttjUfC!. After the usual courtesies, Sen ator JMorica; oo' hehalt of the committee, said : . ' . . r ' . "General: The joint" committee ap pointed by the two Housed of Congress ht you this morning to 'notify you -Officially that you have been 'elected Presi dent of the United States for 'the it arm of fciir years from the ,4th. of March-uex,t The great-majority of your countrymen hail your election with delight, while even those who, did pot support, ypu at the poll entt-italn fjr you the highest confidence and respect, f.ilhe friends of our ccuatry. and the friends of iib?rtv throughout the world,' rrjQtCc at your elevation to the Pres idency',' andiall believe that you will bring to the pj;rfofDancc.of your duty, unalloy ed patriotism, inflexible integrity, great power s'of "Intellect," and all 'thVblgliI-' ities -'tLai enabled jyou tov- achieve such distinguished success in another sphere of duty. vThey cherish full faith in your ability oud yirtues, eutertairi tho . highest J hopes ; ot 'your! success, - and that during yifur administration the fork of recoc ttructica7' will bo : completed, c and the Wounds of civil war healed, and that our; country . will . take', a new . departure' in. growth; progress and prosperity."; ..u : : Senator JMortou then handed the oScial DOtifieution ! io Geueral Grant;f of which r he following is. a cop'yi.: i: ; : :' . "Be IT kn6VN, 2 hat the . Senate and It chiC t i jLipreseiiiauvcs or inc ommcu Xiuof AiiiXM:-bKn assemUed at thd1 Gatiiol in the city of Washincton, on the hccond" Wednesday,' being the 10th day of February, in the year of our biord eight- een hundred and fixty-nine, the under-! written President of the Senate, did, in the preseuce of said Senate mid House of Rep resentatives, open all-the certificates :and count alt the votes of the Electors for a President and Vice President, by -whichi it appears that Ulysses 8.. Grant warduly elected-agreeably to the Constitution, President or the.. United States for our years, commencing ou the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. "In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed' the seal of , the Senate, this 10th day of rettuary, eight een hundred nd sixty-nine. B." P. Wade "President pro tern: of the 'Senate), f General Grant, ou receiving this certifi cate, made the following response, Bpeak iug very deliberately and with evident em barrassment: 'I can premise the Com mittee that it will be my endeavor to call around mo as assistants suoh men-only as I think will carry out the principles whieh you have said the country desires to. be successful economy, retrenchment, faith ful collections of the revenue and pay ment of the public uebt.-a;If "1 should fail in my first choice, I; shall not at ariy time hesitate to make a second, or even a third trial,, with the concurrence of the Senate, who have the confirming power. x should just as soon remove one of my own appointees as tho appointees of my predecessor : it would make no dinefeCce. There is one matter that. I might possibly speak of hereand that is the selection of a cabinet. - I have always felt that it would be rather indelicate to announce or even to consul; with the '.gentlemen whom" I thought of inviting to. positionain my Cab inet before the official declaration of the result of the election was made, although I presumed that there was no doubt about what the declaration would be. But af ter consideration I have come to the con clusion that there is not a man in the country who could be invited to a place in the Cabinet, without the friends, of some other gentlemen making an effort to secure the position; not that there would be any objections to the party named, but that there would be others whom they had set iheir heart? upon having in the place. I can tell that from the great number of requests which come tome in writing and otherwise for this particular person or that one, from different sets and 'delega tions. If announced in advance, efforts would ba made to change "my . determina tion, and therefore I hava come to .the conclusion cot to announce "whom I am going to invite to sats in the Cabinet un til I send in their names to the Senate" for confirmation. If I say anything to them about it, it wiil certainly not be more than two or three days previous to sending in their names. I thiuk it well lo make a public declaration of this to the'eommit tee, so that my intention may be known." : At the conclusion of Gen;; Grant's: re marks Mr. Pruyn said r '. "General : In the great principles which you have"marked out for the conduct of your administration, you will have ' the practical support of those with whom I aja. uauilalcd, tn A(t With VOU." " Gen. Grant made no "response to this, beyond bowing his thanks. ..The commit teo and nioit of the gentlemen, present then shook hands with him and retired. They afterwards waited upon Mr. Col fax at the Capitol, and were received in the Speaker's room. A similar notifica tion was handed to him by Mr. Wilson, when he handed to the committee his .re sponse in writing, as follows : "Gentle men : Please oouvey to the two House? of Congress , my acceptance of the office to which I ha7e been elected by the people of the United States, and assure them that I shall endeavor to prove' worthy of this mark, of confidence by fidelity to principle andduty.'? ... ' ;''.'. V8 rpAKE NOTICP2. JL All persons indebted to tho firm of E. & II. -NUTTEK, by cither note or book ac count, aie requested to call on the firm and settle their respective accounts on or before the first of April next,1 as after that time the firm will be changed. All persons interested will save trouble and costs by complying,' as all old bil!3' will and mast be collected after that date by due process. of law.' ''' -v-: .'. E. & H. XUTTEK. Chest Springs, Feb. 4, 18C9-3U ' " Came to the residence of David --A- Skelley, in Summerhill tp., on the 5th of December last, a stray STEER, having black and white spots, ar.d both cars slit; supposed to be'one yehr and ' Jalf old. ; The owner- is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. Feb. ll-3t. - u DAVID A. SKELLY. GENTS WANTED FOR S1CRETS OF THE GREAT CITY, a work descrip tive of the Virtues; and the Vices, the Myste ries. Miseries , and Crimes of New xork City If you wish to know how Fortunes are made abd lost in a day; hw Shrewd Men are ruin ed in Wall Strcot : how Countrymen are swin died by Sharpers; how Ministers and Mer chants are-Blackmailed ; how Dance Halls ftnd Concert fjaloojna are, Managed; bow (U&m Mimr' Houses 'and Lbtvfisfs are -conducted ,cvt Stock and Oil Companies Originate an 1 how1 the BuubleT Burst, read-this work". '! It coufains S5 fine cDg'i3vings ; i all; aTjout the' Mysteries and Crimes or rew YorKj arid i3 the Spiciest and Cheapest twork of the kind published. Price 'only $,SO per" copy. Send for Cikcclars and sEBnra terms,' and . r.iil HrriDtion of the work.' Addbess, JONES BROTHERS & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. : r . I ' I C .tn. rw"Lr a n f : o i mild. character are being circulated. Seethat the books you. buy Contain 35 ;fipe engravings and Bell at fi2,50 per, copy. ; , .- - ' rvroTicE. . -.: - vi jj The partnership heretefore existing betwen the undersigned, under, the firm ot 12. HUGHES & CO.is this day dissolved by inotnaV consent. : All debts due to or by.the firm are to be settled by THOMAS7J..LLOYD; who continues the Lumber businesaf .at the old Stand. " ." E .' H U G H ES - THOS. J. LLOYDS s Ebeusburg, August 24, 168, ; ; ; 'y 77, . : The undersignUl?ci0ti?O and,- celling Lumber. ,;ine mguesi maritei prkCf will be.raidj; ..cash, ffor all kinds of good Lvniber.- I'-articular attention paid to filling order-. ul-'J THOS. J. LLOYD. RICKS GOING DOWN! AT THK I EtSEXSB URG ? JIARD WARE $ 1I(XUSE T y ruRXisiriya store., . ;. I once more .return roy sincere'thanks to .... - . . ,1. -. in. my oin mends and customers ior meir iiu "eral patronage extended towards me, and now, owing- to -the great fall'in priees, by whicu,many articles can be sold as cneap as before the warand having a thorough knowl edge of the business and the wants of the nublie. I ke pleasure In announcing that -I can and trill sell goods' at a less figure than any similar esvauuuuicut iu tnj vt tuuuw; . My stock Avill consist in' part as followa t ". POOR and CUPBOARD: LOCKS, CATCHES,' c-' BOLTS HINGES, SCREWS, WINDOW SPRINGS, SHUTTER HINGES, I WINDOW GLASS, N AILS,1 PUTTY, ' 30RING MACHINES, AUGERS, CHISELS, "BRACES and BITS,' HATCHETS -SQUARES, COMPASSES, TRY. SQUARES, j . 1-2 BEVELS, POCKET RULES, JACK SMOOTHING, "akd FOR PLANES, PANEL PLOWS, LEVELS', SASH, RAISING, A5D MATCH PLANES, . .. . SAW SETS, BENCH SCREWS, CROSS-CUT, TAXEL, RIP, COMPASS, and x BACK SAWS, GAUGES, OIL STONES, SCREW DRIVERS PLOWS, POINTS, SHOVELS, FORKS, SCYTHES and SNATHES, RAKES nOES, SPADES, SHEEP SHEARS, IIORSEBPUSHES, CARDS, CURRY COMBS, .. ; , - BELLS, II AMES, WHIPS, BUT, TRACE, BREAST, IIALTER , FITn, TONGUE, akd LOG CHAINS, RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, asb . : . PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, LEAD, P0UCHE3, ! POWDER FLASKS, GAME BAGS, jGUX LOCKS, MAINSPRINGS, PIVOTS, &c- - LAMPS and OILS, COOKING" PARLOR, 4 HEATING STOVES TIN and SHEET IRON WARE, WASHING ; MACHINES, and WRINGERS, , &c, Ac, Ac, &c, &c., Ac. Also FLOUR, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, Ac. TOBACCO akd CIGARS. Odd Stove Plates. Grates, and Fire Brick always on hand to suit Stoves sold by me. Well and Cittern rtimve and Txbina at man ufacturers', prices. -. Spouting made, painted, and put up. at low rates. J6 Persona owing me debts of long stan ding will confer a favor by calling" and payiDg up as soon as convenient, as it takes a great deal of money to keep up my stock and pay expenses, and owing to the small profits that 1 am making on goods I cannot afford togiTe long credit the interest would soon eat up the profits. v r , GEO. HUNTLEY. Ebensburg, Aug. ,13, 2868. .",.".. -T, S.. B A HiC EIt, : ; f " ' Dealer in -CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, i BOOTS and SHOES,- - HATS, CAPS, Ac High-st ." -Ebensburg,- Pa. lAriiNKU lliUlT.: of all kinds at J V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. TABGE STOCK -' OF SUxMM.ER JLi Goods at reduced prices at .V. S. B -VfKW STOCK of CLOTHING VERZ ' chsep at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburgi T?KUIT CANS NEW STYLE at V. fc H. BAUKEES, Ebepsbnrg; Pa. ,i . - l"' .- , : , . .. T)00T3 AND SHOES CHEAP' AT JLJ . S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Ta. W'ALL PAPERS-ALL STYLES at.Y. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburgr Pa. .1 ! l.'.i NEW STOCK OF SUGARS FOR canning fruit at V. S. BARKER'S. -I HIGHEST 'PRICES ,. PAID ' FOR Butter,-Eggs, Wool, and all Country Produce at,V S. .BARKER'S, Ebeusburg, ! LILY . WHITE LEAD-LTNSEED Oil, Warranted pure, at V. S. Barker's. Ehensburg, Pa. ' - - i-r.i-.'vj N AILS ALL SIXES, CHEAPEST in town, at V. S. Barker's, Eben6burg. t-. v f; V S. BARKER, .. 1 " Manvfacturer.cf - "' ' : BARRELS, .' KE)S, - TUBS, " MEAT-STANDS, CHURNS, Ac, ua1:1l Ebe.nsbpro,"Pa. TWELFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT : - or ths ' -PROTECTION MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE . CIPA!?r OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. Ami. property insured- as per Ilth annual report...,,... ...$447,210 77 A nit. of property insured., since 1 Ith annual report,.;....., 103,477 G6 64C,688 43 Deduct amt. expired and cancel-. . ed since last report. ..." 66,031 90 574,656 53 Amt. of prem'iom notes in force as per 11th annual report S 43,419 07 Amt. of notes" taken since' the - lltb annual report.......;..... 18,984 33 2,403 46 7,125 41 55,277 99 Deduct am t. notes expired and ; canceled since Hth an. report No. policies in force as per lltb. annual - report.. No. policies issued since last re- 475 13 i port 611 74 Deduct amt. expired and canceled since ltat report..... 537 Bal. in hands of Treasurer and agents at last settlement...... .$ 919 23 Per cent, on premiuus collected s.nce last settlement 6G6 29 1.5S5 2 Compensation to oRcers$2 76 00 Exonerations and com missions 232 11 Incidental expenses 93 19 Losses . 9 00 610 90 Bal. in hands of Trea3. and agi3. of Company...... 974 62 JOHN WILLIAMS, President. K. J. LixTD, Secretary. fe4-3t M. L. O A T M A N DEALER IX- CnOICE FAMILY GROCERIES I consisting in part of .v DQUBLE EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED; BACON, SALT. FISH, DRIED APPLES AND PEACHES, ALL KINDS OF CANNED FRUITS ! ! SUGARS ! TEAS I MOLASSES ! Ac, COFFEES ! CHEESE ! Ac. SYRUPS ! . Ac, Also.a.large slock 6f.the best brands of CIG ARS AND TOBACCO ! Store on High-st., three doors east of Crawford'3 Hotel. feb. 4. L. L. LANGSTROTirS PATENT MOVABLE COM B BEE HIVE! Pronounced the best ever yet introduced in this county or State. Any persoa buying a family right can have their Bees transferr ed from an old box to a new one. In every instance in which this has been done the re sult has been entirely satisfactory, and the first take -of honey has invariably paid all ex penses, and frequently exceeded them. - Proof of the superior merits of tbi3. invention, will be found in the testimony of every man who I has giveii.it a""trial, -and among, the number are tbe gentlemen ; namea oeiow, and their experience should induce every one interested in Bees to - . . , - ... BOY A FA MILY RIG HT ! , -; nenry C. Kirkpatrick, of Carroll township, took 106 pounds of surplus, honey from two hives, which he sold at 35 cents per pound.' i ASarh Deitrich, cf Carroll township, took. from two hives 100 pounds of surplus honey.' : ' James Kirkpatrick, 01 Chest township, took 60 pounds of surplus honeyfrora one hive. , Jacob Kirkpatiick, of Chest township, ob tained 72 pounds of surplus honey from one' hive, worth not less than S21, and the right cbst him only 55. I" ' Peter Campbell from one hive obtained ;36 pounds of surplus honey at one time. S& Quite a number of similar statements, authenticated by some of tbe best .citizens of Cambria county, could to obtained in proof of th superior merits ol. Langstrotu s Patent ilovable Comb Bee Hive,. 1 Persons wishing to purchase fiuriifjf rights suouid can on or address ; ' PETER CAMPBELL, ; Nov. 26, 1868-tf ' Carrolltowp, Pa.v w IIOLESALE AND RETAIL :v. ill-: LIQUOR store: f i i ' I JOHN C ROUSE, Dealer f: - j in Foreign and Domestic, (-'-o : "j? WINES AND ;LIQUOR3,llO; Tl ! Johnstoicn.t'PehnaS'- ' BfST BRAKPS OF ':i ' " BRAND Y, WHISKY, IRISIl frlllSgr. ; G IX AND BITTERS, '- CATAWBA WINE! AND KIM MEL, , nhllTh 6 Tery best quality of Liquors ' ' : " Wines for Medical purposes." x ' I Prices-low: ! 'hotel and -saloon keepers i t will do well by giving me a call, at my.stor,' on Cmnal-st., building formerly occupied' bv T, G. StcwartA Co. jJan. 28, '69. SELECT SCUOOUf- .. ; , 7 The undersigned 'will open h select school" 4a roorn' Ko. 1, Ebensburg Union echpol-hquse on Monday, ilarch 15, 1869, Tor , session of two Months. , Terms $1,0 jer month' of four, weeks." . FebH-iL . QEO1. Y. COPE ' Subscribe fot Thk Alleouasias. -11 QLES ALE and HEtT CONFECTIONERY I r WEST EXU CAMBRIA IIOtp ! EBEHSBURG, PA. JL U. FALLER, Proprietor. r Th subscriber desires to call tb Xt v of the citiz&u of Ebensburg and vidnitT the trade generally, to his - ,t& , LARGE -AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OP 1 CONFECTIONERY 1 embracing every variety of candies maafk GUM DROPS, : ' STICK CANDIES, FANCY CANDIES, LOZENGES, &c, &C. tosetber vith- an extensive stock of A-aW ' . sacb a3 l RAISINS, PRUNELLE?, CAHTOON FIGS, MALTA DATES, CURRANTS, APPLES, &C All of the above goods will be Bold at GREAT BARGAINS ! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WILL BE given to the. trade, and a trial will ouy ana a,i mat my goods ara of tit u-sfc (uamy ana at pncci that DEFY COMPETITION! The attention of the nublie is raTW fact that in connection" with nir confectiev A''.S' T A U It AXT ! where will be served at all bcurs OYSTERS, stewed or frtcdj II OT COFFEE PIGS FEET, TRIPE, SARDINES, DRIED REEF, &C, tC. FRESH FISH beceived EVERY THURSDAI CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS FORE GOING EIEYIIEllB. . J2 t;n"bpe by fair dealing nd strict ; tention to business to merit the patrons of the public. Jan. 7,- iwa ' A. II. FALLER. i DOBBINS' ELECTRIC BO0I POLISH 1 Makes a lasting shine. Those who blacl the.r boots on Saturday night with ordihan blacking, don't have much slivne on SundfH, as the polish fades off; but the shine of Dob bins Blacking lasts baturday night sod fl day Sunday. IT BE A TS ALL O TIIER BLA CKI3 O made. Manfacturcd only by J. B. DoWia', at his immense Soap and Blacking Work Sixth Street and. GeimanLown Avenue, YhO- adelphia. Pa. ' ' . r - ftfeS For sale ia Ebenshure by C. T. ROB ERTS and QEO. HUNTLEY. rn26 ec T EES J.: LLOYD, JLV Successor of R. S. Bvmt Dealer in PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAISTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMB ' RY AND FANCY ARTICLES, PURE i WINES AND BRANDIES FOR MEW CAL PURPOSES,' PATENT MEDICINES, i - - - - " ; Alo s Letter. Cap, and Note Pupers-- .. - ; reus, renciis, oupertor inK ,w And other articles kf-nt ' : ' by Druggists generifr Fhyi'cn, prescriptions carefully compound Ofuce on Main Street, opposite the Mom tain House, Ebensburg, Pa. ' aug N E W T A LliO R SHOP! F The subscriber has removed hit T Shop into KEADE'S . KEW BUILDING, Center streetj near Colonade- Row, and spectfully informs fcis old customers cd the rest of mankind that he, is now prep- -' to manufacture all kinds of GENTS AND YOUTHS' WEARIXG' ' , PARED, in the latest styio of the art, with ntri' . , ness and dispatch, and at low rates. . Tersons needing work in jut h'ofl tn respectfully invited to gire me a calh : . "' D, J. EYA2S. :' Ebensburg. Aug.' 13, tf. , ; ... EW':CIIEAP'CASri ; ."STORE ! ' The subscriber -would inform the citixem of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps coa stantly on- hand ererythiflg in the 5.1 GROCERY-AND CONFECTIONERY line, such, as Flour, - Tea, Coffee, Sngr, kinds of .Crackr3, . Cheese, Smokig Ohew-ing.Tobarco, Cigars, Ac, trnTt CANNED ,PEACUES. AND TOViTOt'. j - Also, BUfkskia and. Woolen Gloves, en Socks, Neck ties, Ac, all ot which wji sold as. cheap if . not cheaper than else ' A full mssortmrnt o CtndUst ZZ$ Ice Cream every evening. . A rA V RENE s. . "(Concentrated Tndigo.) .. FOR THE L A U N i B - It is warranted not to streak, or In any ncr-injure the fineEt fabrics." j, I For family: pse sbld ia fire cents, tenc - I and twenty ctntSthoxes. . ! !-B.ft . Kach twenty cents box, tesiac " ' times' as much blue as the five cents W tains a pocket pin cushion or emerj ' . For Hotel and large Laundry use, l ' Uplin 00 boxes., ' ' See that each: Box has Pr0PeroT AerU ! For Sale i'n Ebensburg by l - THFJ'ALLEGHANIAN OjHt -(l .'.'" ' : . J High St., EBfc"" Bring ou your order- 1(I1. - -7