u u ft rrrHiTTCMi rTrrTsaLooPE ED. JAMES, j . ' ' ' " " - - ' ' rl' : "..' - - I S3.00 II ADTAKCEJ THURSDAY. VOLUME 9. NUMBER 28. ( RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CAMBRIA COUNTY, From 30th day of January. 1868, to JOHH COX, TREASURER DR. : - 18 68 To amount of County Tax received ' from B. McDermitt, late Treas'r, $ To amount ol Poor Tax received from B. McDermitt, late Treaa'r, . ' To amount of County Tax received 062 10 942 90 from Collectors for lcboand pre vious years, . To amount of Poor Tax, do. do. do. Relief 18G5. do. Military " ie68, do. 20.196 08 9,370 05 68 09 7. 965 70 " County Tax on Seated i and Unseated Lands for 1867 and previous years, 2,425 76 To amount of Poor Tax, do. do. do; ' 1,088 90 Relief ' 18G5, do. 33 17 ' Road . 1867, do. 2,354 42 ' School " " do.; 3,323 02 " Bounty " " do. 98,80 I" i . " received from Miscel laneous Sources, J,138 C2 To amount received on Redemption of Lands, ...... 549 06 To amount received on Commis- stoners' Sales,.. 562 00 To amount of Exonerations allowed Collectors on County Tax,'... . . . 1.2U7 94 ; To amountof Commissions, do. do. 1,140 46 I .. . . Exonerations allowed Collectors ou Poor Tax, 577 11 To amount of Commissions, do. do. oa4 19 " ' " Exonerations allowed Collectors on Relief Tax, 53 62 To amount of Exonerations allowed Collectors on Military Tax 250 00 I'oamountol Commissions, do. 6- 60 7 5 ToUl, .$17 ,64b 7 4 1'ROM JUDGMENTS. YNo.10 Mr. . , V - 71 T. 1865. E. ' Theo. IUrnctt D.. Bail, of and J-Debt O.Gageby, J Int. to Jan , 7 I 20,1869,.. 3 54 J - Costs, 9 2 $112 75. John Banders ) Judg't of Docket of and - J-H. Kinkead. Em . Peter Sanders, J Debt, 1" 00 Total, $129 75J STATEMENT SHOWING LIABILITIES LIABILITIES. Outstanding orders,. . . . $1,756 01 Amount Due Comr s. Campbell,. . ...JJ7C0 00 lVrguscn, " 166 CO I Kennedy 1U4 CO Amount Due Sheriff,. Hal. Rond and School Taxes,.'. . . j Bal. in favur of County,. l,0CO 00 113 35 5.3S5 02 12,987 70 Total,. ... . $21,332 08 OUTST.KrrTKrGt DUE FROM COLLECTORS FOR THE ! 1864. Wm, McDermitt, Washington tp., A 1865. nenry ijioyu, ousquenanna tp., John Pringie, Wilmore bor.i' A. Makin, Dlacklick tp., i- . John Yalincr, Carroll township, Baltzer Helfrick, Chest township, . eo.W. Oatman, Ebensburg Iwr..7 NV. Harris, Jackson township, Jvul Tobjn Gallitzin township, Robert Boyle, 31illville bor., ' . John Potter, Susquehanna tp. Jonas F. Goughnour, Taylor tp.,' Jere. M'Gonigie, .Washington tp., . Joseph Hogue. Allegheny tp., Amos Rowland, Diacklick tp.. Ebenezer Williams, Cambria tp., Joseph Gantner. Carroll township Dominic ti.-iger, Oirrolltown bor., Anthony Anna. Chest township, Francis Cooper, Chest Springs bor.. Jeremiah Donahoe, Clearfield tp., JacobWenz, Concmaugh tp.; Adam Byer, Croyle township. Geo.(V. Oatman. Ebensburg bor., . Jerome Dawson, GaUitzin tp., , ;. Timothy Hunt. Jackson tr.. i 1 1S66. 11807, 1368. 429 165 430 410 108 221 8G 336 ' 38 50 616 . 224 -41 1,488 81 . Wm. Flattery, Johnstown bor.. oeo. Liaar, Loret to borough, : Robert Boyle, Millvillo bori. : .: Wm. B Diver, Munster township, "Clmles Uclfiel. Richland tn ::. . Jmes Gallaher, Summerhill tp., '' 202 ""o- . vjimuu,' ouLnmiivine oor., John We&toyer, Susquehanna tp.; D.W. Angus, Taylor tp., ' Joseph Cristo, Washington tp.', Perry Troxell, White township.', Joseph Miller, Wilmore bor. EHas Crisman, Yoder township,i i I. ,j 7.T ' Totals,' - - $7,621 iMOUNT of Road nnd j School d nXT? dne the Beral Districts on tjeat noS Tv UnBeated Xnds, 'for. 1867 and pre years . .: 5a v;. . i. j.,u i.i---;j 'years: Rba3 Tax': $ 25 39' School, 40 60 7.209.97 .'.'62 62 . . 165 07 484 45 18J 24 f65 3tt 65 65 2 58 .162 14, 54.12 133 63 263 63 122 72 r.49,82, :t 51 II Chest . 0' ' Afield - t' .. &ado. do. 20th day of January, 1869, inclusive. OF CAMBRIA COUNTY, CR. 1 S 6 8 Bv amount paid Assessors... $1,G44 30 " " " . Auditors County and State accounts. 306 00 1,700 00 By amount paid Bridges,. :: ;: : uomnussioners John Ferguson,. . . $700 00 John A. Kennedy,. . 594 00 Maurice M'Namara.. 85,00 John Campbell,:... 670,00 2,049 00 By amount paid Commis'ers' Clerk, 425 00 44 Uom rs Uouncu,. . oa uu Com'rs Sales, 10 00 Constables 849 29 i it u it tt 44 II II II II 14 44 44 . 44 4J 14 14 ( II II Court Crier,... 95 00 . . . Court House, 3. -. . 530 21 ; ! . it 41 41 14 41 II It It 14 . .. II II Crim.Prosecvtns; 1,643 B4 Elections 1.641 21 Fox Scalps, 322 30 Fuel, 145 (50 House of Refuge, 48 07 Incidentals 55 90 Inquisitions, 248 08 Jail and Jailor,.. . 1,761 67 Jurors Traverse,. 2,583 33 (Tales),.. 124 50 " (Grand),. 751 47 Jury Commias'rs,. and Clerk, 63 62 Military,. .... 509 92 Phono. Reporter,. 295 00 Postage,. 15 30 Poor House 11,000 U0 P. H. Directors,. . 300 00 Printing, 540 00 Probates, 141 03 4.4 14 - . 44 4.4 II 44 II II II Protbonotary and Clerk of Quarter Sessions, 1 ,1 51 40 " Rdem. of Lands, 327 98 4.1 1 44 14 Refunding 158 54 Relief, 2 00 Road Damages,. . 861 10 Rood and Bridge Views 350 00 Stationery, .. 388 29 State Debt, De ficiency 3,100 31 Supervisors, 423 24 Teach's Institute.. 49 90 II 14 14 Jl It 14 44 m u Tipstaves,.. . 73 12 " " " Wild Cat Scalps,.. 19 80 By Commissions to Collectors on County, Poor and Military Taxes, 1,755 40 By Exonerations to Collectors on County, Poor and Relief Taxes,.. 2,083 67 B j 33 Deeds to County for Lauds, . . at $3 37.... 111 21 By Advertising 46 tracts of Lands, at 50 cts.,. ; .-. 23 09 Bv Commission on $36,796 12 at 3 per cent., 1.287 86 Balance in Treasurer's hands, . . . 5,586 48 Total..... $47648 74 Oambrla County. MISCELLANEOUS. R. P. Linton. late Sheriff.-.:.-$17 67 ' Some, Interest on same, 106 $18 73 B. M'Dermitt, late Treasurer, 1,267 07 Total, S1.2S5 80 AND ASSETS OF THE COUNTY. ASSETS. Amount Due from Judgments,-.. $129 75'g Amount Due from Miscellaneous, 1,285 80 Amount Due from Collectoie, 14,330 05 " Amount in Treasurer's bands, 5,586 48 : Total,- : $21,332 08 YEAR 1868 AND PREVIOUS YEARS: Military. Poor. State. : llelief. 98 19 24 21 19 95 6 59 C5 80 16 66 . 9 20 10 16 69 .153 91 39 55 -223 44 203 53 83 65 389 43 201 43 63 72 130 95 56 59 . 169 07 23 QO CS 51 304 06 ' 112 32 73 12 928 77 39 97 , 39 20 , 105 90 356 18 101'62 5 19 203 76 146 79 107 04. 94 04 61 22 I 27 00 80 51 23 03 49 41 14 52 45 72 126 15 ' 54 69 57 72 . 2 16 70 15 ; S5 75 r . 17 46 89 00 42 01 45 03 25 77. 56 01 52 72 27 44 ' 36 14 27 84 52 11 10 35 53 90 ' 110 16 . 20 78 82 88 360 75 . 24 24 'A P. 21 83 1 43 97 : 28 4C 'j , 12 80 ... 47 71 .... 63 46, ., . 90 87 ... '' 48 64' ', " 1550 ( 23 62 ' ' 20 27 26 81 18 97 20 1 00 . 0 02 33 39 240 21 12 25 62 54 50 53 88 9 00 ! 17 50 .1 00 ' 22 60 3 50 I ' 21 50 . .1' 13 00 .184 12 33 . o T, . 10 60 II 14 00 7 00 73 54 22 48 53 05 63 94 64 00 180 31 701 48 17 398 73 289 53 185 04 133 02 126 33 23 50 12 50 3 50 f r ; f i 64 4,667 06 1,686 77 . 63 93 , 800 65 Gallitzin township, , , , , -,2a 46 , 30 00 Jackson do. 218 93 '298 47 Monster -- do.-- : "'7i'90' -15 60 Richland do.' ' : 110 31 - '115 15 Summerhlll ' do. 131 10 ' -143.88 SummitTille borough, 62 Rnsmiphanna township. ' " 87 46 158 69 Tavlor i , 'do. ' 164 43 154 79 ' Washington ; do. 7 282 92 i 280 09 White i!- ' do. 3ff2 26 704 34 W.lmore borough, : 1 '' ';! '' 4 00 Yodex township,.' ' :i ' 125 19J' 138 61 . . ' - r .' '., t $2,354 42 3323 02 ; MOUNT : received Iroin Miscel-i-"r-"laneona Sources : ." ' James Condron, for County; Map, v $ 8 00 J. K. Hite, Jury fee. No. 4, Mar. : Sessions,-1868. - 4 00 D . T. Storm , lata Commissioner, - 4 20 90 Geo. V. K. Zahm, Com. vs., Hor- - nick, - ' ' 25 00 C. L. Pershing Com ys. Gageby, . . 65 00 John Campbell Com. vs. Helsel, 20 00 F. P. Tierney, on Bond of Daniel . ' & Jos. Walter, i 24 60 Peter Mulvihill, on Bond of J. Keith, et. al., , ". 15 00 F. P. Tierney, on Judg't of Conn- ; ty vs. J. Burgoon, ... 669 27 G. W. Easly , County vs. J. Hor- nick, ' 62 00 W. H. Sechler, n Nos. 17 & .18 j ' -' . . . .Sept. Sessiona,4868, 100 00 'Geo. C. K. Zahm, Cost and Jury . Fees, 122 44 Cornelius Diver, Surplus on Stray Cow, 1 66 Geo. W. Oatman, Taxes Exoner ated for 1868, . - . ' 75 Total, $1,188 62 Given under our hands, at Ebensburg, this 20th day of January, A. D. 1869. JOHN FERGUSON, JOHN A. KENNEDY, MAURICE M'NAMARA, CW. Attest : Tho8. J. Glass, Clerk. " We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria county , do respectfully report, that we have carefully examined the accounts and vouch ers of Receipts and Expenditures of the said County Commissioners from the 30th day of January, 1868, to the 20th day of Jan uary, 1869, inclusive, and find them to be correct, as is also the foregoing Statement of the Liabilities and Assets of said County. Witness our hands, at the Commissioners' Office, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1869. D. A. LUTHER, E. D.EVANS, JAMES NULL, :- Auditors. Attest G. W. Oatmak, Clerk. f fi EORGE W. OATMAN, Treasurer, vJTT - IX ACCOUNT WITH DIRECTORS OF THE POOR AND HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT, CAMBRIA CO. DR. 1868. July 21st. To County Orders Nos. 405, 406 and 407 received Geo. C. K. Zahm, late Treasurer, $300 000 March 4. To amt. ree'd from Wm. J. Duck as amt. overpaid on corn ' in 1866, . 17 10 April 13. To amt. ree'd from A. Kopelin as fine in Commonwealth vs. ;- ; ------ April 14. To amt. ree'd from J. S. Strayer, esq., as fine in Com. vs. ' John Quirk, JulyS. To bal. of fines ree'd from George Orris, To County Orders issued during. 1868, To bal. to close in favor of Treasurer, 25 00 25 00 50 00 900 00 67 78 Total, 12184 78 CR. 18C8. By amt. paid on indebtedness ! prior to 18G8, $ APPRAISERS F. P. Tierney, 10 00. 1373 14 20 00 308 35 James Mvers. 5 00 II. C. Devine, 5 00 BEEF J. Gutwalt,, 4851b3,r .71 64 L. Rodgars, 1374 " 190 8t R. E. Jones, 305 " 27 30 Thos Hoover 240 " 18 60 BLACKSMITHING R. Singer, 1 C5 L. D. Cawser, 4 41 S. J. Weakland. 4 45 0 91 74 40 33 38 BOOTS, SUOE3 Gregg, Son & Co. BUTTER Bell O'Neil, CLOTHING Mills & Davie, John Dougherty, 74 40 33 38 25 00 20 00 5 00 D. C ftlorns, CLOTHESLINE W. A. B. Lit tle. 200 ft. r3V3c. per foot. " 50 00 ' C 00 7 1C ' 6 00 7 16 30 32 74 74 3 90 6 25 18 00 30 50 CARDING Yenner & Juue3, COAL Charles Myers, Evan E. Evans, - Daniel Parks, COFFINS Arthur Cullen, Jobn Blough, ' David W. Jones, 108 86 i 54 75 4580 CORONER'S INQUEST J. A. : Harrold. 45 80 CONSTABLE FEES R. Ryck man, - John Grosscup, A. B. Davis, - George Varncr, . 1 ; f ; . ' E. James, Joseph Daily, Isadore Lilly, ; , Tate W. Allison, J. C. Riffle C. A. Dimond, ...... Geo. Wissinger, - ' ' .. Andrew Glass, i C. Snyder, ! Patrick Markey, .John A. Blair, 74 50 6 30 33 87 10 40 V i( ) f 17 90 21 00 ' ' 3 55 7 75' 25 75 60 ... , 1 75 . . 0 25 2 00 8 25 . 13 65 242 32 1000 001000 00 CO. ORDERS ON HAND. FARMERS J. W. M'Connell, ;iWm. J.:rarisbV J O i Owen Lynchij ; r ; ' David O'llarra, " I Chas. M'Dermitt FARMING UTENSILS Con- 89 25 189 00 v;:"r. -18 00 ioo oo 7 00 403 25 10 00 ' " verv& Co., plough 10 CO FLOUR & GRAIN A. MTad- A en. ic Co 285 71 I ' Samuel O'Harro 1 ' ; C'Kinpo'rt k Co:'t ;';." Daniel O'Harro, 1 : Charles Bradley, , ; Peter Piper, Beck & Shoemaker, ! T- Q. Stewart & Co-i !77T ; 75 56 "296- 52 ' -110 00 37 42 40 75 588 26 , 26 .87 163 82 3 00 1537 86 163 82 3 00 ' ! John W. Ji-vans, FREIGHT P. R. B. Co., GRAVES David Davis, GROCERIES Geo. Gurley, Kinport & Co., j A. M'Fadden Co., ' W. T. Altfather , ' YJ.: j;.Keiiyi . R. II. Tudor, . : E. James, : T. G. Stewart k. Co., f T. Ootman. CO 00 2C7 25 129 38 13 25 17 25 ;40 63 6 24 301 27 256 16 -.' T ! T 7!;i" "f 1037 43 89 f,6 llARDWARE TINWARE Geo. Huntley, INTEREST J. W. M;ConBell; 1 j R. Ryr.kman, ' ! Geo. Huntley, ' V, , -7 A. M'Faddeu ,& Co., Simon Fisher, : ' 89 66 . 40 50 3 10 7 81 1 17 ' , B.;M'Dermitt, ! Wm. J. Parish, , James J. Kaylor, Jennie M'Dermitt, i Abel Lloyd, . 2 72 2 82 239 02 ; 94 6 16 18 00 57 48 S 31 1 00 ' 2 65 95 . 2 19 293 79 44 27 44 27 r 2 00 3 50 5 40 -7 v 54 .,: 1 601 15 00 - 1 25 ' i oo ; 1 so .16 75 46 94 315 40 315 40 1100 1100 ' ' Chaa. M'Coy, BellO'Niell, Hugh M'Coy. ; 7, H. A. Shoemaker, ! C. T. Roberts, K. S. Bunn, : . ! Lewis Rodgers, c Rachael Burk, INSURANCE J. E. Roberta JUSTICE FEES P. F. Custe ' 'M. D. Wagner, ' Joseph Miller, ; ) Joseph W. Condon, , ' . ,:E.J. Waters, t.X3eorge W. Oatman, " kr'Jh J1-AKenedyJ rr - Z os. S." Strayer, ' - Irvin Rutledge, Wm. Flattery, : LIME Abel Lloyd, LUMBER Wm. Larrimer, ' M'DERMITT, B. personal pro perty by appraisement. 703 50 703 50 MERCHANDISE H. A. Shoe- -.maker, . . :. 457 53 . E. R. Danegan, 325 71 ' E. Roberts, , 66 50 ' Daniel Laughlin, C3 00 ;: Cyrus Hart, 42 CO t ; V. S. Barker, 23 73 PRINTING James Swank, 3 00 ;H. A. M'Pike, 4 50 973 , 7 47 50 PROVISIONS John E. Davis, - 20 bush, potatoes, i : Daniel O'Harro, PORK Dan'l Bradley, 3431bs 20 00 118 50 80 87 22 00 30 69 89 00 49 40 51 60 49 oO 27 CO 20 20 21 00 5 00 138 50 Joseph Hoerue, 220 " John Carney, Wm. Carney, . Simon Fisher, Peter Parish, C. O'Niell. 341 890" 494 " 516 490 322 27 56 60 PRUNING AND GRAFTING ..John Reese, REPAIRING J. D. Paridh, : " , ' Henry Myers, ' K Morgan Humphreys, 46 20 RELIEF OUT DOOR PAUPERS, j r Thomas Gallagher, 7 00 s, Jolm Dibert, , . . s 45 60 .. .. Joseph Daily, ( , 68 65 '(Wm, Palmer, 20 60 Jane Jones, ' 36 00 John D. Thomas, 59 51 Henry Walters, 232 71 George Gurley, . . ; i 26 87 Edward Owens, ' - ' 4 00 Jerry; Evans, - - 2 00 . 1, Peter H. Berg, . 7 .3 25 : 'James Burtnett, . ' 1 60 Wm. ll'Pherson, ' 836 08 ' Barbara Bartman,: " " ' 43 00 Henry Arble, 20 00 David Bees, . .; 2 00 lillenry Bvrne, : i : 8 50 Jane Gougban, : .: . ' fift'no Mary A. Morrison. ... 6 00 Margaret M'Devitt, 10 00 Peter Maltzie, .14 62 Mary Gillespie, 10 00 F. J. Parish,' 115 00 George Wehn, ' 65 16 Isaac Wissingor, 80 00 Israel Louder, 16 00 WTm. Linton, 12 30 Wm. Jones, 13 06 ' " Mrs. Mundav. 9 00 t E. James, ' 26 M. L. Stephens, - - 13 , " Davis & Lewis, 26 E. R. Dunnegan, 64 RELIEF O. D. P. M. D. A. , Dr. B. L. Yeagley, 58 Dr. C. Emerson, 45 Dr. D. W. Evans, 8 SADDLER H. A. McCoy, 23 SALARIES Geo. W. OatmanlOO Dr. R. S. Bunn, 265 ; G. C. K. Zahm, bal. due, 55 B. McDermitt, 442 SEWING i MACHINE C. T. . Roberts, 68 SHROUD Joseph Miller, .1 SOAP Rachel Owens, 50 pals. 12 SERVANTS M. McCullough, 16 Lavinia McDermitt, ; .. 86 Jennie McDermitt, ; 25 . Matilda Durbin, . 5 Ann Holmes, ' 6 t Cecelia Todd, 46 STATIONERY C. T. Roberts,-2 VEAL G. C.K. Zahm. 91 lbs. 11 00 00 00 " 00 1389 70 75 00 00 95 00 40 67 37 00 75 50 00 50 50 00 50 00 00 37 1:1 23 75 95 863 44 68 1 12 00 75 50 185 : 2 il 50 00 37 2,184 78 UTSTANDINGr ORDERS DUE BY For the years 1858, 8 70- - 6.50 ' 8 50 ; : r 1859, I860, 1861, 1862, '1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, " 48 - 16 ' 285 112 i;oi3 1,282 1,631 2,176 28 10 70"p '- oo ; 71 " r to : . 65 -: 06 .7,488 90 Total, $7,488 90 TVrUMBER OF INMATES OF TOOR XI ; , : HOUSE. Number inmates January 1, 1868, ; Number, admitted during year, . . . Number bound out,. , . );, r ... Number died, , , , , 7 . -Number discharged and absconded, Number remaining," .. ., ,7, . .. -... Number sane, J.,,., V,,rj -u-lt--.,-Number insane." 7r'f , .- ' ,41 49 7 2 ''4 38 . 46 ,34 12 Kamber meals given i to -traveIers-4 regular r boarders.. , . ; , ' ; '. , . ; E ARMING IMPLEMENTS. 2 Wagots, 1 Sled, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 Grain Drill, 1 Horse Bake,; 1 Harrow, 1 Cart, 3 Ploughs, 2 Grain Cradles, 1 Buggy, 4 sets Harness, 1 Sleigh. -, - : : ... ; TRODUCTS OF FARM.-t7 JL , 20 tons , Hay , 200 bushels Oats, 21 -bushels Buekwheat, 600 bushels Corn In ears, 5 bushels Onions, 6 bushels Cucumbers, 10 bushels Tomatoes 5 busheU Beets, 60 bushels Apples, 1 bushel Small Onions, 600 heads Cabbage, 2,300 jibs. Beef, 2,000 lbs.. Pork, 100 bushels Potatoes. ARTICLES ON HAND. - ) '4,000 lbs. Beef, 5,000 lbs. Pork, 13 bar rels Flour, 100 lbs.' Candles, 80O lbs. Tallow, 400 lbs. Lard, 20 galls. Apple Butter, 50 bead Cabbage, 150 bushels Potatoes, I bbl. Molas ses, 100 pounds Butter. ARTICLES MADE IN HOUSE. 50 yards Linsey, 33 Shirts, 35 Sheets, 2 Blouses, 20 Woman's Dresses, 7 Skirts, 42 pair. Socks, 34 Pillow Slips, 19 Chemise, 17 Aprons, 8 Sun Bonnets, 2 Hoods, 10 pair Wo man's Stockings, 6 Pillows, 20 Bed Ticks, 25 Comforts, 4 Shrouds. STOCK ON FARM. 3 head Horses, 15 head Cattle, 43 head Sheep, 14 Hogs. . We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cajibria county, respectfully report that we have au dited, settled, and adjusted the accounts of the Poor and nouse of Employment of said county-with George W.' Oatman, Treasurer thereof,.'according to.law, and find a balance due the said Treasurer of Sixty-Seven Dol lars and Seventy-Eight Cents. Given under our hands this day of Jan uary, 1869. D. A. LUTHER', E. D. EVANS, JAMES NULL, Auditors. B, McDERMITT, STEWARD ofth POOR and HOUSE OF EMPLOY MENT, in ' account with DIRECTORS OF POOR CAMBRIA COUNTY. 1S68. DR. Feb. 14.' To caBh reed, from John Evan3 for hides, . 9 " from Joseph Dailey, " from John Saunders, ox, one bay horse, sold, " M. M. M'GoLigle, -Alleghany Pocr House, ' for one black horse and bay mare, 10 00 20 00 27 CO 130 00 42 60 315 00 3 00 50 09 22 85 175 00 250 00 2 50 5 00 15 00 . 11 84 10 00 192 37 Feb. 24. Mar. 5. Mar. 5. April 6. April 8. April 20. John Tierney, lime, . June 28. Henry Byrne, keeping B. Noel, " J. P. Allen, . ' for one bay horse, " 3 orders on salary, J. E. Evans, one pig, 4t Wm. Clements, 2 pigs, " Jobn J. Evans, hides, ' Joseph Daily, June 28. July 14. July 27. Aug. 21. Aug. 21. Sept. 5. Sept. 28. 1 Sept. 28. " order, Dec 28. " order 360, . Total, $1,282 16 1S68. July 2. July 2. July 2. Feb. 25 Feb. 28. Feb. 28 Mar. 14 Mar. 24 CR. By cash paid G. C. K. Zahm for 2 turkeys, ' " destitute man a woman, " 600 feet pine boards, ' expenses to HollidayBbg, provisions, paper and envelopes, " 2 loads shavings, . " Bell O'Niell, butter, ... 2 00 2 00 0 00 ' 2 00 80 i 1 00 10 00 5 00 16 50 12 50 . " Same, " John E. Roberts, 7 ApIJl. Apl.,6. expeuses to Greensburg, pauper. era aii ohions, Api. O. Anl. li. " one brown horse, 105 00 74 05 75 150 00 2 00 46 50 3 85 14 00 2 50 10 00 , 22 50 2 50 CO 1 40 1 25 Apl. 16. " John Campbell, ind. bill, A pi. 22. express one box hats, Apl. 25. " one bay horse, May 6. ' Wm. D. Price, May 7. sent to Huntingdon Toor House, May 7. " John D. Thomas, fare C. Farly, May 19. " for seed potatoes, May 19. " cabbage tomato plants, June 6. " M. Conery, potatoes, June 6. " Lawrence O'Donnell, do. , June 6. " Henry Foster, June 6. ' Same, garden seeds, Jun. 18. " Buckwheat seed, July 5. ' ink and paper, July 7. " expenses to Carrolltown, pauper, Jul. 16. " one bay horse, Jul. 1 6. " stamped envelopes, " - Jul. 16. " expenses on goods from Johnstown, Jul. 18. " 4 tablecloths, Jul. 18. "E. C. McMullen, corn, Sep. 1. " thread, Sep. 1. " express freight on bags ' to Pittsburg, Sep. 14. " one plow point, Sep. 14. " assessment Lycoming In- . surance Co., . Sep. 26. wheel in windmill, Sep. 26. 4 Charles Bradley, j bushel - beans, Oct. 2.; . Richard Owens, double- , :'; tree, . .. ; Oct 24. " Same, 5 turkeys, Oct. 27. Murray & Lemmon, sta tionery, Oct. 29. fare to Johnstown, ' Oct. 29. " destitute man a woman, . Nov. 9. " John Price, cider press, Nov. 19." plow point, 1 25 170 00 90 50 12 00 12 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 5 00 1 30 1 05 1 00 2 00 60 Nov. 19. " Richard Owens, 3 tur- -; : ' Keys,-' Nov. 19." thread,. Dec. 1. " freight on box, Dec. 1, " J. A. Piatt, .; Dec.' i: " C. T. Roberts, Dec. Il " toll, Dec. 1. " one year's salary,' 2 1 1 , 75 75 1 51 500 00 Total, 1,282 16 : TfV, the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria county,-respectfully report that we hive ex amioe'd the - above account,: and do find it correct. ; . ; 7 ;" ': : '7 : ' Given our hands this 13th day of January, A. D. 1869. D. A. LUTHER, J E. D. EVANS, JAMES NULL,; ' i j" :. '- ' . c , Auditor. JOHNSTOWN : DYEING : ,ESTAB. ... ... ; , LISHMENTI . ' The undersigned. would inform the cititens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he continued to - carry on the Coloring business in all its branches, at the old stand on Locust street. Coloring and cleaning of all kinds done to order. Gents' clothing colored, cleaned and pressed equal to new.. Ladies' dresses, silk, cotton or woolen goods", shawls, Colored, cleaned or pressed to look as well as new. Ribbond, feather,-' &c, colored to look like new.' w . .. : ; i : !': .' ! . ; . ; . ' ' JCST Goods sent by express will receive my Bpecial attention and returned as soon as finishedv SAMUEL M. UAINEY, . Jbhnstown, Nov: 26.3m.' - " " SAMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub .;; . lie, Ebensburg,- Pa. j lt! ;: . Office on High street, west of Poster' Ho tel', , faug!3 Freddy, a fair-haired, youngster of four Bummers, the other day, after being for 1 some time lost in thought, bjoe out thus, addressing hia fathor "Pa, can God do any tiling ? I '.'Yes, dear." ''Can le make a two-year old. coH Xw two minutes V ' 44 Why' said tho astonished parent, "ho would not wish to do that, Freddy." t "But if he did want to, could he?" in sisted Freddy. "Yes, certainly, if he wished to- r : "What I in two minutes t" : '' ' "Yes, in two minutes." r : r ; . 44 Well, then, he - wouldn't be two years , pid, would her ;r,v:;., ;T, 7, 7 The old gentleman yas nonplussed. ' . ' ' One op the Boys. "Where have youT been, Charley V ; . : : 4'In tho garden, ma." ": 7 . "No vou have been swimminf? : vou know I cautioned you about going to tho. creek. " I'll have to correct vou. Look at your hair how wet it is." 'HJh, no, ma, this is not water it is only sweat." . ; ,: "Ah, Charley, I've caught you fibbing; your Bhirt is. wrong side out." - .w Boy triumphantly "O, I did that just now, ma, climbing the fence." ; Uncle." I dare say when I take you I home again, Charlie, your mamma will have a , nice present for you. .7 What would you like best, my boy a little broth er or a little sister?" r . 1 Charlie, (after some hesitation) "Well if it makes no difference to you, I'd rather " have a little pony." - Two old gentleman were compliiaent ing each other upon their habits of intern- : perance. "Did you ever, neighbor," said c one, "see ine Avith more than I could car- ry?" . .... ,;7': ;.. . . . ; "No, indeed," was the reply ' but I havo seen you when I thought' you had better go twice for it." - - ' Loud Sunset. An Irishman, hearing the sunset gun at the Navy Yard, akcd a sailor, "What's that ?" ' . t ; , x, ; c . "Why, that's sunset,' was the reply. ' "Sunset!" exclaimed Pat, "and does the sun go down in this country with such a bang as that?" ' " . - 1 "The following remarkable" advertise ment appeared in the columns of a country newspaper: - "lost. bv a poor hqy tied up paper, with a wliite sinner, a G in a brown erman nute . in an overcoat, and several other articles of wearing apparel. Linen weddings are the latest. A stream of profanity a mill dam. How long does a woman mourn for her husband ? She mourns for a second. What is taken from you before you 1 get it? Your photograph, r.; Everybody is anxious to go to heaven; but nobody is in a hurry about it. Who is the shortest man mentioned in the Bible ? Knec-high-miah. Can any one define the exact width of a narrow escape ? -Complaints that old maids would like to be troubled with, chaps on their lip6. - Said a Dutchman ence. I 4don't liksh venison, because it is dear; I liksh to buy : mutton because it is sheep." . ; ..... A Etupid exquisite, at : a wedding, wished the bride "many happy returns of the occasion." A gentleman ordered a servant to call him at six ; but he awoke him at four, tel- ling him he had two hours longer to sleep. -' What word of five letters ;will contain only: one after . two have been . taken ? , St-one. . , - "None, but the brave deserve the fair," and none but the brave can live with some of them. ; Superstitious people think it an' un lucky sign that the present year begins on i Friday and ends on Friday. f;. - ; It is said thai; as the twig is bent the ;? tree's inclined. Some of the'young ladies t about the town, will grow rather queerly ' ; if tho Grecian style prevails very long. ' - "Excuse this bit of sarcas'm," said -Smith, to Jones, 4'but I must say you are 1 an infamous liar and scoundrel." ' " l'ardon this bit of irony," said J ones to Smith,, as he knocked him, over with a ..( Pkc5- 7 ' - A musician, whose nose had become . distinctly colorca with the red wine which he was wont to imbibe, said one day to hia little son 'at the table': v ' : . : i ; "You must eat bread, my boy ; bread inakes yonr checks red." f ; : :.', The little boy replied : .... i; , '-Then, father, what lots of bread you ' must have' snuffed up T' A resident in a certain village, hav ing had sanded sugar sold him, inserted in a local paper the following : ' 7 : r "Notice I bousrht of a grocer in this 25 00 50 CO 00 00 00 village a quantity of sugar,- from which :I obtained one pound of sand. If the i ras cal who choated me will 6end to my ad dress seven pounds of good sugar, I will ' bo satisfied ; if not, I shall expose him." The following day, nino packages of sugar were left at hi3 residence, from as many different dealers, each, supposing himself the one hinted at in the noticd i