371a o ATT ogb-an 1or. THURSDA Y::::::::::FEBRU ABY 1 1. Ebensburg asd Cexsson Railroad Os and after Monday, Dec. 1, lbCS, trains cs this road "will run as follows: Leave Ebexsbueg At A. X., connecting with Day Exp. East and Phil. Exp. West. Al 7. IS P. M., connecting with Phila. Exp. East and Mail Train West LT.AVE Csesson At 9.15 A. M., or on departure cf Th'iL ExpresB West. At 9-31 P. M., or on departure of Phila- Express East. Memoranda. The col-mincrs Etrike r.t Lilly's has ceded, and tLe miners LaTe returned to wcrk.. ..William Albert, s. scl tlier of the war cf 112, vras frozen to death in Greenfield township, Clair c-o-zn-tj, recently A hog ws buried in a stack of ftraw near Waterside, Eedford countv, for seventy days. It was resurrected the other day, alive, but was so thin that it could hardly cast a shadow... .A Huntingdon county man, married and the father cf several children, eloped recently with a tuxcm widow residing in the same county. The parties were followed and arrested.... Oar Lrari th railroad was snowed up two " dare last -week. It was opened cut on Saturday, and trains hare since been running- jer schedule Our election for bor ough ce-ers will be held on Friday cf next week... .Jcbn W. Humes has been appoin ted Coroner cf Bl?ir county, in place cf T. J. "Williams, refi-rned.... Isaac Morri son, who killed John Higgins, in July last, at Osceola, has been convicted cf manslaughter by the Clearfield county Court, and sentenced to imprisonment for tcven years and rix months in the West era Penitentiary TLe Penna. Railroad Co. offer a reward of $l,0t0for the appre hension cf the incendiary who set fire to the repair fcheps at Aiiooua on the 21st tilt. The city council of Altoona efifer an additional reward of $500.... Clearfield has a railroad and a telegraph A young man aiaieJ Martin V. 1 Flegal, ofGeisten township, Clearfield county, was killed by the accidental discharge cf a gun a few dty? ago.. ..The dead Kdy of an unknown gir! was f.und in a snow-bank near Tarcn tuTii on Saturday. At firt it was suj jk--.-1 rhe had frvzen to death, but afterwards iU- cmvletiun was furctd that the had W.t. foully murJered....A daughter cf Lr. I'. A. Arl-er, of GrecriLurg, hal an eye o-jrrfl, a few diys ago, by a click of v.k1 which she was ST-iittine: vlr." nr. and Krikiag her on the cyc-ball .The 22d cf i':iis month will be "Washington's birthday nd a Ic-crul holiday... .A coal oil lamp cz p'lcd in Lcwitvrn on Friday vlzlii, severely turning a Mrs, Rrowa nrd her 1 -be, and d.-I::g some damage to bed cl '..-r-'g, carets, At.... The winter i-Cision of ur juhlii schx-Ls closes on Fridar week. J 'in At his residence, in Carroll town- on Tuesday. January 2u, IbOD, of I ---J, Emtricus Render, a red S4 yars 2 n .r.ths an l 13 days. The dx-ea.-d was fre of the first sct-r.- .a 2CTthc-rn Cambria., he having re at the plnce where he died, ince l:-''7. lie was a well-to-do farmer and was i'- ..TvJ and re?7'cctci ly a very large cir-t:-relative, friends and neighbors. In M-nnection we reproduce a s.hortbiog--jl-j c f Lis life, written by Limi-elf ahd I-v-.cd in this paper on the 23d Jan- V.: 1 which gives perhaps a better is eventful 11 than anjthin .1 iiv'T write: i e: k- tils country with my parents, Ocrxi-r. jn the year 1705. "We ved in i'tJ.Jphia ia November. I was be ound t:- Cel. Caleb lnv!?. No. 4 South Third --'-1, who fcont me to hocL The f J- r-gyear, just Ufv re Chihtmas. hool master said there would U no next day, frr General Gcor-c Wash- --a wotuj be Luriei that day. I wa - veorge V ashmgton's futHal and I - - -"'-rc is no etner man m tnis coun- 1 iio can say as much. I was bound m I "was 14 years old, to serve eix '"urs- After my term cf service had ex- I came to Loretto, Cambria co., t day cf April, 1S05. My fath-g-.ne there three years before. In lU-r. Demetrius A. Gallitzia rot au- :.r frem Henry Drinker and Jacob 7 T-t..g. Trkc. owned eight tracts cf land t; . J-toyn, for three settlers to make J-tefcae hundred acres each of that one dollar jKrr acre. Thomas p ?Jt fjrrL ioiee; I got the second ; vjV'i'""4 LrtLcr l tbe -Ij two r" LiTe ad from forty to fifty S'-IrV tIn liieonV lining cne whosct-'-s 7 Tlea J a wilder W kt3 cld- I was a j ury- 17 tUt Court in this county. I k c ,CoantJ Auditor, and ia 127 l ,t featJ Commissioner. Ia rc!! xid Todd, ' t ra::::-rs3 ccntracted with The Removal of the Coutt Seat. Our Johnstown correspondent Pyth ias" last week informed the readers of Tie An-jhan tan that an effort was benrmade by divers and ranirj property holders and ether interested individuals in- that place to have the county-Beat cf Cambria county removed from Ebensburg to Johnstown. Seeing that Ebensburg is nearly the geo graphical center cf the county, and not forgetting that Johnstown is located cn the extreme southwestern boundary cf the same, the bare mention of the propo sition seems to us suScient to excite a horse-laugh. Rut we are assured that the afjremcutioned Fundry projerty holders and other interested individuals are really so much in earnest that they mean to press the question before the present Leg islature. A bill praying for the proposed change will be introduced into that body during the present week. 1 More Houses "Wanted. The demand fjr tenement houses the corning spring by those who desire to make their hemes in Ebensburg seems to be much larger than durinz previous rears. In view cf this fact, and in order that cur town may con tinue to improve as heretofore, we suggest that our capitalists consider the propriety of forming a '-building association" to erect the number of tenement houses act ually required by the wants cf the people. Such a step would not only increase the population and improve the value of our town, but would also prove a profitable in vestment to the capitalists engaged. Johnstown. Parke's new and elegant opera house was formally dedicated last week by Messrs. Henderson k. Canning's theatrical troupe, from Pittsburg. They X-hired every night during the week. The Forrest Dramatic- Association held forth in Union Hall to crowded houses three nights lately. Mrs, Louise E. Yickrcy Royd, formerly cf Johnstown, has just issued a volume cf poems, entitled Twi light Stories for Little People." Public Hall. We are assured that Ebensburg will soon have a public hall. The old Congregational church edifice, lo cated in the East Ward, was sold at public sale by the Trainees last Friday to Mr. Isaac Evans ilr 1.000. The T.nrchasrr ;s:gms erecting an addition cf f.-rtj feet to the buIMir.:: during the coming sum- UiCr, and will remodel and refit it through out, after wticn it will be thrown oren to the i.uLlic as a hall fr lectures, ecserrt; and the like. Cot ST. Argument Court met here on Monday, and continued in session two days. The business transacted was unim portant to the general public. An adjourned Court will be held, com mencing on Monday next. The fallowing causes arc down fur trial: IJf-f tsa ts. C&Itle?scr pt ..vs. Jatse? et al. Lcnris cr the Gee.it Cjtt." At tcntl:n Is directed to the advertisement of the above wcrk, published by Jcnes Rros. i Co., 20 South Seventh street, Philada. The bh will be fjund c-sjcially valuable to those Rho woul-J learn, and thereby be enaoiea to shun, the pitfalis and horrid mysteries cf New York. Price $2.5t per --TJ The Eclford Inquinr says, a Miss Rar- Hai'tsoek fell in a trance at a relig- iou3 revival m ilamsourg wLiie snoutiag, and remained unconscious fur 157 hours. nearly a week, during which timezhe took no ncurishment whatever. On reviving she bcgan thouting again, but soon became quiet and collected, as usual. Man Killed. A sportsman while cut hunting la the woods near Kylertown, Centre county, was attacked by a panther which he had fchct at and missed, and was literally torn to pieces. His body was found two cr three days after in a terribly xnutllaXeJ rur.iilitIon, Lis loirs being actual ly torn from his bcdy. Job Wof.k. Thse desiring sale bills, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, blanks, business cards, or in fact anything in the line cf printing,' will find cur facilities equal ta the best and our prices cheap as the cheapest- Give us a caiL Lecturu A temperance lecture, un der the auspices of the Ebensburg Temple of Honor, will be delivered in the Presby terian church next 31 on day evening. The name cf the lec-urcr has not yet been an nounced. Tue jeojle of Ligtnier Villcy, West moreland county, have taken the initiato ry steps towards building a railroad from Lironler to Latrobe. Next Sunday will be Valentine day. Then the lover, si shins like a fur- naee, wiu ma:te a wjciuj baiiaa to nis Uiistrcsc evebrows. List coUiUicneed i in L OCAL CORRESPONDENCE. LrriiB moH i-cEETTo a wiiDijrc ercixxi) et tee "OS-ATraaaxcE or tex beide- CE.OOM EE WAFJt'T JECCII AXT COW1' PEATS SORT PRACTICAL fTGGESTlOIS srECTISG TEE POOB HOUSE, 4C-, AC. Losetto, Feb. 8, 1SC3. To tit Editort cf The AZUjlanitzTi r Again we have been enjoying elegant sleighing, &sd the young folks took advan tage cf it. To-day is quite soft and the streets are sloppy ; bat the weather-wise tell us that we are going to hare another snow-storm very soon. A very amusiDg circumstance (though perhaps one that was not very amusing to some of the parties concerned,) occurred in this neighborhood on Tuesday last. There was to have been a wedding. "Pub lishing," and all the necessary prelimina ries, had been complied with and arranged, and the bride expectant had dawned her bridal robes, which were the gayest that fashion and fancy could invent, and sal waiting; in "maiden meditation thinking only of the festivities of the occasion, and the happy future before her. Rut the ap pointed hour arrived, and the groom came not- Still she waited, and still he did not come. Suspicions arose in the TnTn;g of some, but were net countenanced by her. After many hours of suspense End doubt ful waiting, it was finally ascertained that thehcad and front" of the party had 2etL Then there was much "wailing and gnashing of teeth," but the would-be bride finally came to the conclusion that he was t:not much," any how, and she wouldn't have him I He had not been heard from since. I am sorry to infurm you cf the death cf Mrs. Margaret M'Kenna, of this place. She died on Friday evening last, after a very brief illness. She was about C9 years cf age, and was very much esteemed by all who knew her. Her remains were taken to Ycungstown, Westmoreland county, for interment, to-day. lour correspondent was much amused upon looking over the Auditors' Report for Cambria county, jcrticularly that part which relates to the county Poor House. It seems a little unreasonable to us to believe that it requires about $22 00 to keep a pauper there a month. Rut we suppose it is all rightof course public matters axe always conducted with econo my. Rut don't say anything more about 'Tasting md folding" at HarrL-burr. ' Some of the tax payers here suggest that the poor be taken to some respectable hotel, and the Poor House be converted into ja rammer resort for guests frum the cities. W oull it net be a very economical idea ? Truly Yours, Aconx. A Sronr vrmi a 7hen trade grew slack, and notes fell nerchant'5 fare rrew lor,- due, the t! reams were troubled throcgh the nigLt'with sherifs bailie all in sight. At last his wife - i., . once, get ox L ia notea we,e paid, his drms were glad, sd he wiJ tell you to this dar how ttc3 did nnter's ink retiar. T. ? t-.JZ an i-. i--r a isi. repay. 1,. uxt r. in Jnr.ci.-, who is doing the raort extensive butiness in ihat p.ace in the dry goods lirse, atiributea his f access in a great rscaeurt to lihtrU adTtrtig- -j. iccaaer. eio ycu want to A XV, -r ssre money m buying all raanner of hard , . - ijv i ui coarre tou nuwuere m we-Etern rcnaa. can be found such an endless variety, and such ex- i-tineiy low prices, as si the raamuioth ttore Oi Oca. iiuntUy. jir. n. is a clever and an accommodating gertJcrotn and can be relied cn as doing business oa the Sir-qaare" with all . V - l r i. linj gie turn a caj.1. xAnGAIs. a rare cnanee to secure bargains ia dry goods, clothing, boots and T . shoes, Lata and caps, is now ofTcred at Y. S jrker s cheap ca-h store. In order to make room for spring goods, he is now offering his entire etock at greatly reduced prices for cash. Drop ia and secure a bargain. The place to buy your fiour ia at 31. L. Oatman'e cheap grocery. It is the best ia the market. Those who have tried it use no other. Drop in and examine it. It iB cold at unusually low figures. Everybody pars it is the best, and what everybody says must be true. J EWELB.Y of every description, and cf ?o. 1 qualitj, is beinjr. disposed of at very low prices by C. T. E-oberts. Always bay from a practical watthmpker, and you will receive articles ; which will give satisfaction All kinds cf fancy goods kept and for Bale cheap. Give him a caiL Leopold & Bao at the Oak Hall CIothiEg Store, Johns town, are row offering their large and superior stock of evereoats at 20 percent, cheaper than the same cu be bought elsewhere in Johnstown. Remember, yon may lose a bargain by not visiting thia establishment first- Trut elegant display of beautiful dress goods atH. E. Davis ia cnequaled by any like establishment it town. And sot this aluue makes it aa object to bry from him, but the cheapness attending his sales is well worthy the ejendfration of those who are rurr-.il: of burrain;. Pitionitt Lim. :t ot i tri your paper, isJe and pen, and sar thfcte words rnto all men : A!r goods I win to seil to you, and to your wife'and dar ?-Vtr"rv too, bit prices are so rery low, that each will buy before they go.'" He did is Li rood ve auTise, andstraigiitway went and adrer tirea. Crowds came and hnntr.n v.v.j 1 OVsq man, as i-pring is already ap proachicg, it behooves yon, ia riew cf tbe wet reason, to prepare, for 3t tj purenciing a good serviceable pair of boots. Bo&'t hesi tate, t,Bt go at once to A. A, Barker & Sou's store an j rasie & purchase. Just RECzrvzD. Another large in etallmen t cf hardware at the store 'of T. W. Tniliaurs. An immense stock of hardware for building purposes at eaej prices constaat lj oa hard. Everything ia his. line will be disposed of at great hargwes. Go see. ''PAKE NOTICE. persons indebted to the firm of E. & H. jvUTTEH, hj either note or book ac couat, aie requested to call on the m and settle their respective accounts on or before the first cf April next, as after that time the firm wall be charged. All persons interested all old tills will and nest be collected g, as mai aaie cj cne process of law. Chest Springs, Teb. 4, 1E3-3L TWELFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT , n or TEE 1'IIOTECTION MUTUAL FIRE INSUBACE COMPANY OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. Arnt. of property Injured as per 11th annual report $447 210 77 Amt. of property insured Eince I ith anneal report 1S3.477 CC Dednct amt. expired and cancel- 64C,C?8 ec,osi no ei nee last report. ...... 574,C55 53 Arct. of preraina notes in force as per 11th annual report. $ 43,419 07 Amt. cf notes taken since the ilia annual report ... 18,584 S9 Deduct arnt. notes expired and canceled Eince llti an. report C2.4C3 46 7,125 47 55,277 No. policies in force as per 11th annual report No. policies issued since last re pcr ; 475 1S6 Cll 74 537 Deduct tret, expired and canceled" since last report Dal. m iands of Treasurer and agents Et last settlement S10 23 rer ceot. on premiums collected Eince last settlement. CCS 29 Compensation to o5cers$27C O0 Exonerations and com 1.SS5 52 missions 232 71 Incidental exr-er-'es.. S3 19 Losses . g 00 C10 0 Ea!. in LrncTs ci Treas. andartf. cf Con; ary.. . 974 G2 J OH If WILLIAMS, President. E J. Llctp, Secretary. fe4-3t I lh. LANGSITIOTH'S PATENT MOVABLE CO MS DEE HIVE ! Pronounced tbe best ever ret introduced in this county or State, Ary'pcrsoa buTing a family righ: can Lave their Bee3 transferr ed from an old box to a new one. Ia every instance in which this has been done the re sult has been entirely Eatiefartory, and the frst ttke of honey has invariably paid all ex penses, ana treqnentjy exceeded them. Proof of the sapener merits cf tbi3 invention will be fauna m the testimonr of everr man wh La3 given it b trial, and among the number are the gentlemen named below, and their experience Ehculd induce tTery one interested m Cces to BUT A FAMILY BIGIIT ! heury C. Larkpatrick, of Carroll towrjhir. luui. lu-j poancs oi surf.ius noney from two hives which he soli at 3S cents per pound. Adam Deitricb, cf Carroll township, took from two hives 100 pounds of surplus honev. James Kirkpa trick, cf Chest township, took CO pounds of surplus hony from one hive, Jacob Kiikpatiick, of Chest township, ob tained 72 pounds of surplus hontv from one hive, worth not less than $21, and the riht costlam only $5. Peter Campbell from cne hive obtained 3S pounds d? surplus honey at one time. Quite a nnmfeer of Eimilmr statements, autheiiticate-1 by some cf the best citizens of Cambria county, could te obtained in proof of the fu peri or merits oJ Langstroth's Patent Uovable Comb Bee Dive, Persons wishing to purchase famTIy rights should call ou or address PETER CAMPBELL, STor. 20, l&CS-tf Carrolltown, Fa. w HOLESALE AND EETAIL LIQUOR STORE!! JOHN CSOUSE, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS I Jofinst-cncn, Ecjumx. BEST BSAJTOS 07 BRASDT, Will SKY, IRISH WHISKY, GIXAXD BITTERS, CATAWBA WINE AND KIM MEL, and the very best quaihy of Liquors and -Wines for Medical purposes. Prices low. HOTEL AND SALOON KEEPERS! will do well by giving me a call, at n:y store, on Canal-su, building fonaerlv occupied bv T. G. Stewart b Co. Jan. 28, 'C3. " PHOTOGRAPHIC Ho ! every cue that wants Pictures. come ye to Ebensburg and get them ! Having located in Ebensbiirff, I would very respectfully inform the people that I am now fully prepared to take PHOTOGRAPHS in every style of tbe art, from the trsallest Card Picture up to Life Sixe. fcZy Piftnreg taken in any weather. Every attention gives to the taking f CHILDREN'S PICTURES. Photographs painted in Od, JndJi Ihl, or Water CuIotm. Yoar attention is called to my FRAilES ro LARXJS PICTURES, and PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS: also. Copying and enlarging done ia the Tery fcest style of the art. I ask comparison, and defy competion. Thankful for rm favors. I solicit a ton- t'nsn- rv Gallery on Julian street- three dnnrs north of the Town Hall. T. T. SPENCE, rhotocrei her. w A "pilICES GOING DOWN! AT TBI zzrxsxuRG iiardwazi: J- HOUSE FURX1SI1IXG SrOE. I once more returner sincere thant to mj friends and customers for their lib eral patronage extended towards me aow, owtag to the great fail ia j,ric t,T wuich many articles can be sold as before the war, and having a thorough knowl edge of the business and iY. .u public, I take pleasure in announcing that I can and will sell poods at a less 5 gore than any similar establishment ia citj or country. My stock win consist in pnrt as follows : DOOR ajfD CUPBOARD LOCKS, CATCHES, BOLTS, II LV GES, SCRE1TS, WINDOW SPRINGS, SHUTTER niXGES, WIXLOW GLASS, If AILS, PUTTY. BORING 3IACHIXES, AUGERS, CHISELS, BRACES ako BITS, HATCHETS, SQUARES, COMPASSES, TRY SQUARES, BEVELS, POCEET RULES, JACK, SMOOTHING, U9 FOR PLANES, PANEL PLOWS, LEVELS, SASH, RAISING, aid MATCH PLANES, SAW SETS, BENCH SCREWS, CROSS-CUT, PANEL, RIP, COilPASS, aji BACK SAWS, GAUGES, OIL STONES, SCREW DRIVERS PtXJ, POINTS, SHOVELS, FORKS, SCYTHES ajtd SNATHES, RAKES EOES, SPADES, SHEEP SHEARS, HORSE BRUSHES, CARDS, CUERT COUB3: BELLS, HAMES, WHIPS, BUT, TRACE, BREAST, HALTER, FITH, TONGUE, asi LOG CHALKS, HlTLESt SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, xd PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, LEAD, POUCHES, POWDER FLASKS, GAME BAGS, GOT LOCKS, MAIN SPRINGS, PIVOTS, tc. LA2JPS asd OILS, COOKING, PARLOR, a DEATLVG STOVES TIN ad SHEET IRON WARE, WASHING 1IACHLVES, aid WRLNGERS kc, te tc, 4c, kc, kc. AZo FLOUR, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, kc TOBACCO 1KB CIGARS. Odd Store rUtet, Grata, and lire Uriel always oa nanu to suit Stoves sold by me. WtiJaad CUlern Fut and TuLixg at man cfs.cturers' prices. Spvuiin$ made, painted, and put op. at low JPS"" Persons owing me debts of lour star dibs will confer a favor by calling and pavinz up as soon as convenient, 3 it takes a gret vi iuuiit-y i0 teep cp mv stock and mt expensea, and owinto the tmaJl timfin ik.t i ,- . i i am mating on goxls 1 cannot afbrd to gi long credit the interer would soon est up Ebensburg, Aug. 13, 1SC3. Tr S. SAEK EH, r - . Dialer in CLOTLING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS. C, A PR 'Tii-tu ri,i.,,.i -d. ft. PANNED FUCIT, cf I1 kinds at KJ V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Ta. LAFGE G00d STOCK OF SUMMER 3 at reduced prices at V. S. E.'s. -VTE W STOCK or CLOTHING VERY i chfccp at V. S. CAREER'S, Ebensburg FRUIT CANS NEW STYLE S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. it V. BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAP AT V. a BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. W'ALL PAPERS-ALL STYLES at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. JEW STOCK OF SUGARS FOR canninr fruit .t V. S. BAHkTn-S HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Butter, Egg?, Wol, and all Country Troduce at V. S. BARKER'S, Wt,bnr. LILY WHITE LEAD LINSEED OiL Warranted parr, at V. S. Barker's, Ebensburg, Pa, NAILS ALL SIZES, CHEAPEST in town, at V. S. Barker's, Ebensburg. S. BARKER, A'stivfueiurcr vf BAEREL.S. KEGS. TUBS, J4KAT-STAND3, CHURNS, &c. Ll3." EliLtZliiG, IA. OOFLAND S GEIiMAN li ITTEliS IIOOFLANDS GERMAN TONIC, The Great Bemedirs for s!l Diseases of the Liier, S:on.ath vr UJgttiict Org. HOOFLANDS GERMAN SITTERS iiom alcoholic admixture of anv kinl HOOFLAND'S GERMAN "TONIC 1 a combination of all tLe ir-rreiietts of tbe Litters, with the ureFt jHlitv of Sunt Crui Rum, Orange, it., la.kiue one of th most pleasant, grectlle remeli-f ever of fered to the public Those prelerring a WeJleiae free from Al coholic Adruixture, will ne HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Those whs ha?e no cljection t tbe ccm omatioa of the Bliu-rs, as sttd. will HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Tey are both e-4uai'y good, and ccUm -ne acme medicinal virtues, the choice be tircen the two being a mere rea-'Ur cf taste, the Tonic being the most palatable. ii'e Fioma.cn, irora a varittr of caasra 1 n uoes wuu ue C StoiaAch then be comes affected, the result of which is t-at the patient tnffers from several or more lie iciiowiEg ciseases: Sour Eructanons, Sinkicg or fluttering at the i-it of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or DiScuIt Breathing, Flat tering at the Heart, Choking or Sufiocating Sensations when it a lig poiture, Dimness of Tistoa, Dots or webs before the siVfci, dull i-pi nis. The Eufferer from these d:seaeB tlonld eiticise the ?rtatt caution in thcselecticn Cfa remedy for his case, purchasing otlr tnut whrvli L U tBrei from Lis investiga tions and inquiries, posiesses trae mer it, skilfully compounded, is free from injuri ous ltgrediects; and established for itself a reputation for the cure cf these -diseases. Ia this connection we would submit those well known remedies 27&&jaa a Grrntn Bliiert, end HoofianTt German Tome, prerared It DR. C. iL JACKSON. PHILADELPHIA Jti Thirty-ve years Eince they were fret in troduced into thii country from GermaEy, dnnrg which time ttey ktve BBdoubtedJr jerformed more cures, and beoetted stfar iag humanity to a greater extent, than ajy other remedies known to ike public These remedies will eSectualij enre Lirer Complaint, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Chrcaie or Nervous Debility, Chronic Dimrhta, Disease cf ihe Kidneys, andall diseases ari&-' ing from a disordered Lirer, Stomach or In testines. DEBILITY RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE whatever; Prostration of the System, In duced by Sevtre Labor, IlardiLips, Exposure, Fever, Ac TLtre is to medicine extant equal to these remedies ia such cases. A tone and vigor i imparled to the wh&le system , the appe ute ucstrengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach digests properly, the blood ia puri fied, the complexion becomes sound and healthy, the yeilow tinge is eradicated from the eves, a bloom-is given to the checks, and the weftf.nd nervous invalid brcomea a strong aid heeliLy brirg. PERSON'S ADVANCED IX LIFE, ionic, an elixir that will instil new life intn their veit?, restore in a measure the enerirr anl aruor cf more youthful dvg. beild nr. their shrunken forms, and give health and nappmess to their remaining years. NOTICE! It is a well established ft that fallr r.- half of the female j.ortion of our population aie seldom in the erjoymtnt of good health, cr, to use their own TT - exrirtii on '-iprfr tvtl welL" They are languid, deroid of all energy, extremely nerroriS; and have no'ep petite. To th:s claps of r-ers&uj the Bitters, or tha Tcnir, is esr.ecialJv recommend-,-!. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made stronr by the use of either of these remedies. They will cere every cam of MARASMUS, without faiL Thousands of certI5catea have accumula ted in the hands of the proprietor, but space will allow of the publication cf but a few. Those, it will be observed, are from cn note, and of Euch standing that they muat be believed. TESTIMONIALS: Eon. Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Jnrtice cf the Supreme Court of Pa- writes: Philadel- hia, Mar:h 1C, 1S7. I nd Hoctand'a German Bitters 3 a cood tonic, rsefsl a diseases of the digestive orjran. e.nd cf great benefit in cases of debility, and want oi nervous action in tee svstem. Yours, truly, Gro. W. Votdvik." Hon. James Tbompsc-n, Jnde of the Su preme Court cf Pennsylvania. PciUDiLrnu, April 2?, lec-S. I c-ensidrr "Hooiland's Gcnsia Bitters a valuable meJicine in case of attacks of Indi gestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experience of it. Yonrt, 4c "JA5IES THOMPSON." From Rev. Joseph EtEBArtL D. D., rtr of the Teuth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jacks c r Dear Sir : I have been fre-jTieEt-!y requested io connect my name with re-ccmTaea-iAtions of different kinds of medi cines, but regarding the practice as est of acy appropriate s phere.I hare ia til cases de clined ; but with a clear proof ia vari ous instances , anl particularly in ray ova family c-f the use of Dr. flaofUnd's German Eitters, I Qejart for once from rcyisual course, to express my full convieUos That, for general debility of the system, and es pecially for Liver Complaint, it is a eafe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very btneScial to those who EuITtr from theabovQ causes. Yours, Tery respectfully, "J.H. KENNARD.1 CAUTION. TJeroSand's German Remedies are, counter feited. See that the signature ot C U JACKSON is on the T wrapper of each bottle. All others are counterfeit. Principal OEce, tad, ManufActory at; tha German JJediciRe Store, .No. C3I AKCH-St-, PhlUdtlphiR, Pa. CUAJtLES K. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jack.sc a Co. PRICES: Ht-cfisnd's German Bitters, per bottle, f I DO " " " half dozen, 5 00 Hoofian-T's Germats Tonic, pat cj in quArt bottles, Si SO per bottle, or a half dorea fo -5' Do net forget to examine well the h.-. lu ic l-av, in order to get the gcniiint. For saIc l3 aii Drugguts 3iStcrekt e3, evtrv where uli-C-i- H Is composed of the pure juices (or, as tier arc medicinally xcrrre. Extracts) jof Ri. Herbs, an! luta, Tr makinr a i rcwr... .r.- 0u,t. ti;i,u, a TFpepsia, .'.ervoas De bility, etc., is very aj-i to Lare its factions deranged. The Liver. STBMJkiiir. m - A f V U. Lonstipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles. Fulness i of Blood to the Head, Aciditv cf the ?aCr'nSaafcCa'JIeartber:i- lRt for lood, Fullness or Weight in iV sT. -v iin-u, enciency ot Perspiratioa. V tiiowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the ; f, ' .CeEt s- ttc. Sudden Fl uih es of Lcat, Burning in the Fleh, Constant Iaaginmgs cf Evil, and rreai Awmsi, r r AEu feeling ti e Land of time w!gkiBg L-pt-ily upon them, with all its attendant ill will f nd in the use of this Birt.-. , '