THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 15CS ' Tlic I'coplc andthc legislature Thc j,lain, emphatic denunciation of the action of the House of Representatives Ly the lest portion of the Republican press . of the State lias had a wholesome effect. It b true the House Mill adheres to its nction appointing the twenty-seven addi tional officers. Its action in that case had .been ro precipitate, and many of in mem bers were so decidedly committed to the measure, that to recede; was impossible without convicting them? elves of all char cd " against them. Rut the course of ex travagance is checked in the House, while in the Senate several very decided stops hayc been taken toward rctrencnccut. A few words as to the wisdom of the co-ursc which has been pursued in .thus plainly denouncing and exposing the er rors of our own political party. Will it 'hurt the party?" Some of cur friends seem to think it will, and that it is the expressions that may bo turned against us during the coming political canvass. We pass by the ready and complete answer that it is poor, and dishonorable service to The County Exhibits. nbi- uJ.2V? , nd Squire C-, last" legislation day of the Fortieth Con- fi REATEST DISCOVERY ON Tliv tttit ,71 Teclin, the hiTK W -i?"1 '? f ess, there will L many long faces and Ur f1 HOLESALK A,D , u-lt 1,U a0?,1HnPonsibJtJ of 1113 re hearts in and around the Capitol at - AGE! ?T tT EXPLOSIVE MF.TTin. ' "'JCS. politanoil: .1 "lUDunii, fi Agent for Cambria Co Capi - Cam br 14. in all questions directly aft r.uu.ary interest ot taxpayers, it bet- position, and the absolute neccssitv that WnrinW - . - qVvm. tor to lay aside anything that savors of he should vote "just so," on some named mere political or party rancor. It is not ho ?apifol, his Meeting of llie Union Repnbll. BENTLETTS NON in any spirit of partyism that we write li?!?!! f .eacotho.r Ac pleasure ,. can State Committee. this article. Democrat., nw;. ms that he (the said . are alike interested in questioning beicaSt J' STl r "V St tf 1 L' the mancmetit and outlaying of their f "Z C taxca. A c know there arc staunch, wor- Vnch ? C01U0 UP during that dav's ses- ITarrishnr". on Thursday F-hrnarv 4th A. II FALL Ell Pro -0.1 ir'T,,, Wncn arrived at the entrance to 1869, there being a very large attendance or iu roeniDcr?. Alter a lull interchange following resolutions were le con- thy Democrats who believe with us that 5.0n,1 w.hcn ".vcl at the cntrai the rtnnn-nf ... t - J th.e cliaffi th rules requiring th what thev should b, i wi , " f lC"- 1 0t t0.c?tc' " 000 oppoo of opinions, the fo VXl-Zl Wll0irC ? Lt kopo for a temporary adopted, vis -i-T"cy more carciuiiy ana importunity, if not imperii- AWceJ, That tho next Union Rcruib- prr:iir..;...'il.. 1 11 . l I DCUCC lint. nn r - 1 . It- n. : ' : - . .... ... xxuijj, twrnuw, - . -uiuuim.y is in store Jican state Ucnventioa shall bo held in Wc ..hall first compare tie cost of the r , rcrrcsetve. The the City of Philadelphia on Wednesday, O.mmLssioners' cfiice in this county with slfef!l"0t h?I?dea the2ZdJayot Junencxt, at 10 o'clock a. m. that of some of nM,l,i.,; 1,. ne ' r ' " "i& wr "Je iurP" ot nommaung candidates (, . . "ov" "s auM. . w tuao uaa no arc "so ready to for Governor and Judc of the Sairomo Cainbnaconnij ....S2474 00 their word to evervbo.W W n , 6 &UPrcme ui;ur county ji5J1 0Q scarcelv cvcr kcon it '."'l r' , , . . .. . Indiana count-..... , f29 nn t,- . 1V"UUW w ircsu ies?;ci, J nat tuis Uommittcc Carnestlv Bcdfora county ZZ -"S S2 Bh? ,ntc The suit- recommend the adoption of a proper Mctro- Wcstinorcland county 2872 00 m hte.cJ Paying an -audience, politau Police bill, and request the Ileoub- Cost of Poor House: no,datl Mcmbcr obeys the licau members of 'the Legislature to ?ve Cambria county $12,114 78 BeiltorJ county C00O (0 Westmoreland county 17,449 50 iAffi3a7e fnsf- fnr 1,10 vrar for each rau- Cambria county cii Westmoreland county.... .V.V.V'AV.V.V 500 30 We do not have at hand the necessary bcaiisncs lor a comparison nf tl-, -.c c X - V W U J : auu receives .rcnercd instruc tions. After adjournment, the escort is ready to see his renrcsentaf 1 tr i,r u.v. - x --w w JUU' ing, uie latter being subjected to pn ctoiPSiP'P.t, as the case may be The subscriber desires to call the attention ot the public to the fact that he has ourcha- ouu me ncnt lor Uambria conntv rt cn Bfctley's Non-Explosive Metropolitan Oil"' nunu ub i-mima 10 be tiie . BEST, : ' - CHEAPEST, ? SAFEST Oil manufactured. The advantages claimed iui IUJ5 vjii are : 1. It is clear and clean. 2. It is non-exnlosive and sa!7 3. It will not grease your hands, clothincr. ill n 1 O miuiiuiv, ui v-urpeis. .u -'.3 Jty. pcr ccnt- cheaper than any ulutI i riec, only 10 cents a quart. RARGAIAS I vigorous raise or uiiiM 7n7. T '"""J "v. ui lug formancc of his ofH-iQl to the measure an earueet anil report. On mxjtion of Mr. Millar, of Crawford, d Mr. Billingfclt, of Lancaster, the fol- i tne per nor is he lowing nrrKl a 1 eu, viz : Whebeas, Vigorous economy has be U 1UJ to fin1ir. 1.:-.. "mi iwuy an 1 . .vi iwu du imiiv : inereiore. 1 -. r ' Jinv nr.litlpil nr r 41... . I t tt ... . L 4 o i-iat iw uircs si- xiouse v.itli that nt .in-n- p ance ot nsi lf .1.. r. . . . "- - I vva.&4vml,ll.fl IAL V till I 111) T j I l.-vw.- . I I lence vhcn extravaganec or fraud makes it the counties named. It will 1' Thus from earlv mnm " 1 i .""tTT ?.uas U.H P.e.rs0ns occupjmg an official posi- jiuur, -wjicn "firfl t.n,. . 0 .: : -"-" -.. " iwuui lur luesame y - W..WU UiUt lllll J Li- a duty to the Commonwealth to expose that we have given the a uoin. JJUt JUS t ic course snntnn r,r car 1 numpr nm,fn n .-, .. l . ve, uie "rp.oT4f.' : I . , ' I - the pitiable victim of th, 1 1 4S UI au,"c ess ci our party depends largely l,r,.i' T : m V the legislative Lupou the strict observance nFthnf. ltMa 0-tion of I We .Lull native the amount of the comfort si rt- iuo press 01 tnofctoto had -treasurers' commission in several coun- In w"ose lot it is to cccup been silent in this, emergency, would it be ties, together with the amrmnf. he proposition of the Senate' lucre pleasant, or less injuriou.,, to meet the as nearly as can be ascertained, passing Tn3'5!!' 5cJn .to, the currency, is cuarge 01 extravagance and fraud commit- through the hands of each Treasurer ted than extravagance and fraud prevent- Cambria county cost of Treasurer's tecuriainiy a Dcttcr record for any oluce, 81,287 8G; amount pass party to have repulsed and checked im- iiands of Treasurer, $3C,79G 12. G. A. GROW. Chairmnn. Geo. W. IIameusly, Sec'y. th notes redeemable in specie by the nation treasury and the national m 1 , ll jl J greuuoacjcs are to bo old al t Fire Arms. The State legislatures now iu session arecivin kron er attention to the practice of persons car rying concealed fire arnyc, a habit of such :omraon indulgence that at least half th TRY IT !l BUY .IT! II OnA Kr.l oil t.-l. T... 1 ?x . lIKJ nave uscu ic pronounce t iu five enure satisfaction. Civ it a . . " - " ii iai uuu oe convinced of the above fact3. 1 U 6111 P AND BOROUGH RIG II TS ! for sale at the store of - M.'L. OATMAN, Three door3 east of Crawford's IJotel, Ag-13 3 Eben-sbitro, rl: TOBDINS' KLKCTXICIJOOT llol- no l r T - c-.v.o xcwu- snme. Those who bTar-Tr ftfS 0t "y n5g with ordinary blackm?. don't hRvi mnk -1 . v M the polish feies oi " ta, 7 . J.?!0.' IT BEA TS ALL OTHER BLA OKI G made. Mantactured only by J. u. Dobbin, at h,a immense So-p and blacking Works oixtu street and fiprm mtn a t,i .,' n.1.l.l,: r, "u.wcauc,rui. The flubscriber desira t .. of the citizens of Ehensbunj an I-,6'1' the trade gcnerallj, to his clnJ:; .ARGE AXD EXTENSIVE ST0.t 'CONFECTI05ERY I embraciug every variety of can tutu US . GUM DROPS, STICK CANDIKS FANCY CANDIES LOZKNGK8, AC, ic. together with an extensive 8tock ftff such as HAISINS, niUNELLE?, CARTOON FIGS, MALTA DATES, CURRANTS, APPLES, &C All of the above goodwill be sold -GREAT BARGAINS ! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WILL -nf iyC1 the tr!xa aQJ a trial atwf j nn7 and all that my po4 a?flt u-st quality and h:L V,6 DEFY COMPETITION! n- X, T IUU",once ai at least half the - For sale in Ebrn3bur- bv C T rnn The murders result from it. Since the manu- and GEO. UVUlLEY.0 3 rI?Cm "O EES J. LLOYD, Successor of R. S. Bunn, iciiiLT in " A.-su FA.LT ARTICLES, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES FOR MEDI AL PURPOSES, PATENT MEDICINES & proper practices wilhm its pale, than to Bedford countv-m. fT, 3 ?re .t0 convertible into facture and nf ZZZZli: have winked at them. fice, $300 00 j amount passing through and to be a leSi tlt'i?? fi Fl f firG armS ha3 rcat "ed, But what is the real stace of this case ? hands of Treasurer, $33 093 00 debts herein fore wnZrtJ?? f " f"d U " DL0 uncmmon thing for men of Uwmg to the great inflation of the currcn- Blair county cost of Trr-W tracts arc to be legalized and T ill ,TM f , UDWC1' their persons I PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS oy during the war. and the c " 81.723 2n IJ ! ! CrSWCr Poofter contracted?i LYeaP0n.' whlch .they consider as OILS, AN D DYE-STUFFS, PERIE' . , , o , LasoiH Liirouli Trlii 1 -l - - milt:- uttuasary to meir convenience as n wo f1! expend ly the National government for Treasurer's hands, 602,189 00? sTnt't"! SScT" S r"S. 7 f 6"!r-l'? tooth-pick.B" thTe,' military expenses, and l7 Ihe Doonle. tl,r Indiana conntvf e t l,v .T.' note3- ?' nn is generally safer withont th,n i ' l J j-"-ui,;i a ui- I j vv wM.auu'vv tuaiine rreenhack5 uirl I with n niufni ivt ..... local corporations, for payment of Lon- fice, SS30 lit nmnnnf. v thus be frradnnllv ;..ks -1 lth a P st- Many a man thtnfcin tics, dwarfed into comparative nothing Treasurer's lmn.1 .no? nrn ot value, and ultimatelv al,rrbnl r. the csnenditnre., f . 7' 4' sion. Provisions fc r..,? P ai" ? .V!,C(1 b,QiSe" y the careless i , . J1 pxcucuiug "iuruianu county cost of TrPTi n-lfT, tmi c au me uauauDg ot aia obd wcaion An the rebellion, fa-, estimate of Ut rer's office, W 23; 2 SCf "-k dl. startedand aUrmith, emutca great sums of money was through Lands of Treasurer, ?CO.O0O 00 iW-ptJd, would bo ZZ.rlS !5S? " ""' hls bo3t "- ? " iiwngcu. lo a people who spent three The amount passin- throu- " llil 111 I llNi I 1 I J A. L11V. I 11.11 I IMHI'ir TT I nkn I -J I 1 ' Ta - VVUllL W 1 1 I 1 1 1 II T 1 t? J I - IT 1 I H1 I V O !l I.I.m. I . liivitacm I rr"i v-r- I " " v Jl VUlU lllVti L(l SPP n !:noT?TT - "icu 11UJ jfjinr; rcso- I A.w iu cms practice 01 carrvin And other articles kept m , . bJ Dru?gst3 gcnerallj. KZ"ana PCTiption carefully compounded . . ir upposue uie .Mo t.nn House, ELeasburg, Pa. fau ; Tlie altcwt;.. . .. . fact that !iC is caHei ery is u flrstZclMs W"h my coa RES TA ui: axt : tthere will be served at ell hours OYSTEIiS, stewed or fried HOT COFFEE, PIGS' FEET, TlilPE, SARDINES, DRIED REEF, &C., &C. FRE.SII FISH received EVERY THUfisJ succession, and voluntarily burdened them- the expenditure of $30 000 selves with other taxes besides, the debt of for new buildin-s. is increased on contract ,- -x . T 1.1 r 11 . T j . v, uiuuuna iuul loiioweu tne rev olution and the amounts that had ordina rily been collected for governmental pur poses secmcu to dwindlointo insignificance. The expenses of individuals increased in like ratio. Monev b mf v uwu lllUi i; TV Suff1" n amendment to the cealcd deadly weapons. The habit a C IV E W TAILOR SHOP! J tai I Avn inMVTvn . j vAJjIj AM) EXAMINE GOODS ' lvllI: GOING ELSE WII EKE. The subscriber has removed bis Tailor now give the aggregate ordinary frage to every citizen irrespectivV of r , extendin-the. rlf . nfi ec ereat and WI ' . "7; S ' near. V0l"ade Kow, and re ,. . " --0..v .x onx- i . - - c. -, auu fiiuum De "I'wuuuy miorms 1U3 old customnrs uml oil - i v 1111 expenses : Cambria, $-12,002 20; Bedford, $35 003 03; Indiana, J4,203 ; Westmore land, $00,000 00. The population of tl ww VVUU11VO color or previous conditi co, speedily suppressed by law. enianeu npon us by the war - it Is wined out tLc better. Inn f-b7... I Pn fii nrum n j K.. j . t Thp rrcM,,!; :n r Pvuty t . vur, arm mc soon .viuuuii iii umir.iiriroJJr- .? . e,10P int0 RiSADE'S NEW LUILDIXO r,n oionaac liow, und i old cusfnmpro nn, It is an evil tho rest of mankind that he is now nrcn 30n. I to manufacture all kinds of nred CSS" I hope bj fair dealing ond sf'ct . plenty, and decreased constantly in value, mating six inhabitants to a voter is esti- speculation was rife. Although labor was in demand, men left the Held and work shop to make their fortunes by their wits. But the cloe of the war brought also the end ol this era of speculation and estr; aaiuna, oft,0UU ; JJlair, 42,000 ; Indi ana, -12,800; Bedford, 33,SG0; West moreland, 71,100. Tie taxable property in 1G0 was : vumona, ,UUi,771 ; Blair, $11 282- raor- Uinary expenditures. Tho first being 53; Indiana, 610,4S1,CG1 ; Bedford, ended, the second cannot, must not, be $11,316.9-17; Westmoreland, 27 091 - tontinucd. We know it is very hard to 2-15. ''"'.! get back to the former state of things, but Cambria, next to the lowest in popula- gct back we must. By all odds, the great- ln, and the lowest in wealth, pays the t'St Till Il.l tllli rr.lnr C 4 .1 il. . li.. -xrTc . . . 1 ...j, Vi Ujy lti U1C leuuc- """"" l in ranoio ner population and tion of public expenditures, local. Slate. to her wealth. l xr . . .. ' ' I uuu national, to the lowest amount com- pauuic wun the public good. It desire to see this end accomplice tne agency of the Republican p; ou tho pure and economical use IKiople'sr money will in a very hii uepend whether the Republican other party shall control the irove during the present generation. .lt.. il. . T w.j uui, mc itcpublicaDs to continue in tho ascendancy, and to the cud that they may so continue, we and every good Re publican bhould ask and coining i0 flk lor purity, and economy in every branch of me estate and National governments Jixu YOUTHS' WEARING IP PAREL, in the latest style of the art, with neat ness and dispatch, and at low rates. Persons needing work in ray line are respectfully invited to give me a call. II r T"ir vo A l i ". I r.CenSblirfr. Anir Tt r ic scut'lnen iritl,;,, r7T . . 7 iuiur ncr acquit- . mS:; U.WIif l" a feIOcal3 ?n tbis fol she went to Richmond with th e adv MRW rriKAP o .efT - while residino in 1 ' pj,:. i l . i , . , . 7 I l,n cr?,. n , ."v -""o who iiau lascn much inter- The subscriber wonld inform I ' 1. 1 1 I : I i III T-0 1 twi.. . .1 I T . - 1 . . fl m . . . . kiiv VIllLtUJ . . uwu iu iiiu recon- i tsi in ine firi inrin i or i oi hhpnehnm a,i , lv , - . r--- o inviivuraiKiu I (," uuuuj iuhl ne Keeps con- u IV illUl 111 I utiu llliil. the constitutional maiorifv Jn q It will then be submitted to th T.;,! i f . t ... - -7-." i-" iuics oi ine several States, and, when iuuu uy inree-iourths of the Su become a part of the fuudamen -Lucre nas been a Front flmr! ; 1. I i itr. , . II. nn; " . " " "'FT Tr1 asj.ingr0n -. wvwvui, i.iiuiij a rev vcars. nn t h w tal sho TOi jo. illo luluro salct Qf th 1 WJ(h wl residin- in I)UlIlf llminlml ll,.( 1 t . n I -.i . ... ,,u" lL,4UIIi If! , ; -wvu. mat luu ngnt ot suitra Hhum lo mc colored man structcd States. To -rant P Jan. 7 I8GD. A. II. TALLE2. Miss Mary IIap.ris. who r, 1 . I -. . i ... . -.v- uuu l, uen rat- aeijuurca icr the murder of Burron-h! at will the Treasury Department, a few ears ital law. since, is now an inmate of the Insano Av- Nil L1 A 11 .1 ii 1 I"" STOllEJ one section of the Union, and deny it to some time, when linn in irArh.- . . . I ' iShe lived quietly there for stantIJ on hni everything in tiie one of her rjcculiar Rt.pT1- . ouu,lt"i.A:,u COXFECTIOXERY presents an annm!v eamo nnn hnr ; .if , "co as rlonr, Tea, Coffee. Surar. nil rr.n . - . j " i t - iiiiv.:i bui; t'liueavnrpii i t n r- i , -.i ' . . - c-, vi. lliliL-IlL inr-OT13'.jtnf 7 .1 ..1 . .1 . . v v-i ' ""i uuu. ri'DTjrrnrinr i iu hiiui i nnnnirr tTi?r tn - r --c-o - i . . 'u -iuu ium or ian- wrong. She was sent to tho Asrlnm - J W 1-1 U T to common The slave, when sla- cied very existed, was represented not W th., whr exercise of the franchise by himself, but rcntlya by huj master. Being now recotmized as scl Irco re sh ? ever since remained, anna contcnled prisoner. Her old .-mn n fmm,n n. 1 . " : " " T" . " j.: -."' "" las'a out ri- fcr tho w!,hlSi ;?A ?LT ata,u" " cep interest flirt VirrlWr. X" J I ;rv ;r." " Irceman- -Ihe people of u"cu ou;ic, at tee in trackers. Cheep. Smnl;,,., .i ! r m i A. . ""'"o nu v-ni;wiiiK louacco, VJigrars, &c. CANNED PEACHES AND TOJflTOES' Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Woo!- ru iccK ues, sc., all of which will be sold as cheap if not cheaper than elsewhere A full assortment of Candies ! fetr" ice Cream every evening. THOMAS e?sr tr.i.i w I'm i ---oivpfca luviir.!'. I ouiic.s. nr. tn i i : i w no .r. . . . . - n I I i I I I ' !.' J tW JorscI (ho rcconstruefion acls of Con- State ticket: nro nL ; 7k f Jf,"r" 1 Th. nartnershli, he.etefore .ri,,! arty, fur To the": ? lWX S??! ""l"'..'1 " interest of tho hero- icot on their mi.rfl fc. IST"; Sct,T" ."d':fsi?"J.. ?4r Ihe 6rm o of the The mv.ent .Jmi, Kr ' .., i. V . t0 8!Jo the lallot. to " oi.t; April elietiooT ThTX V,,VLi,2? ;h decree CV-u are rq.iJly pTopKeJ 'X D ' 1 tb.n is ,1..', - U settle liy TIIOilAS JLLOYD, rnment f ltoU equal," is the verv samo nq fh.f imnartial RfTr.,T 1. CStab,lInS TII03. J. Li ovn We Lfl ,r U? thc d in the proposed 'amendment tVT, Rs. and " 2 .?!r 01 Uo?- Ebcusburg, August SI, 18C8. STORE ! THE LARGEST, CHRAPJ-ST, THE LARGEST. CHEAP F.ST BEST GLNERAL STOCK OF GROCFH GENERAL STOCK OF -GROCERIES EVER BROUGflT TO KIJEXgBCE fa tin BROUGHT TO ECEXSBURG, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SM. JL5T RECEIVED AXI FOR SALE AT AT AT M. L. OAT.VAN'S GROCERY ST0I M. L. OATMAX'S GHOCERV STORE. i ; t 4. r i i i j vvKiij ni ir mi mrr .1 , . --. uh . H-i m apm cab o an swifmns r,.i A i- . i f-vrr. -o. . 111 .ucyancc, cacn enUcavorinir to snrn l " c- u " UUb ""a Ui iatu sovereignty over this nn -,r.t 1. 1.. i". -i ituai uy uiaw imcs. II it 18 P.Cirmot. in S,1, tion. ' .. amuiiw uieasurc v ? t-11 . i.iui.iiaiion outs Jiavin.u' r-rccedon The question of an ''inauguration ball" at AVashington on the :1 tit of Narcli, or no ''inauguration b;il," is a-imiin- a cer tain class of our eup!c. General Grant, with rare good sense, put his veto on the proposed demonstration. But thc vota ries of fashion and folly seem determined to :tr?p it on. the light fantastic toe" whether General Grant like it cr no ; end it is now given out that an ' inauguration ball" will surely come off on the night in question, and that it will "eclipse anything ff thc kind heretofore given." These balls are probably a national necessity, for. thc reason that they aTurd opportunity for those of cur'itfltct-mcr. at Washington vtfjo have no brains in (he'r h-ds to show .off tiie acci.inpliancsds ul' their hctls. wc ?u.hc we n.uct c,Jt;ro them. Tiik Editorial Couvciuicu which met ;it. Ilarriburg on Tuesday of hut WCck paescd- a rttolutiun rccomuiciiding an amendment to the present J.iw of lihcl o i s to admit of the truth being given in evidence. Such an amendment would bo fiimply right and yiA, and thy sui'Lly of the jrc.;b demands it. assu-imi'r the shape of laws t'mg held for the rv:;rf.wir. i. lo inurnai revenue tax bill, and other oui .uxue special orders. -Senators and -in,f;s n;lvc "Pt on their working bar v 1LtUit oi wiucn will bo more re SUltS dunn?' the rort-nA. l i i - lii.iii 1 1 'i in rirtn accompluhed sinco the commencement of tiie session. ' The ibregoincr remarks it it is correct in Snufh vama. Uie. snlrif f . i . x nt:..v: i i ,-. - . rv " "x l,JU wnas to th t-m, ses- obiiterature nt nil , ;ot:(:.: t. n: ii . iai.iioii ue'.wccri men I l'1 -iucinnan in llio rvroi-niuA Cii. t .. .. ) : .i . iV. U1 luc clcctlv-0 irnnchiRn n in other than those resulting from the com' uiiioii oi crime. (Jod In Ihe an- Carolina, it. i. fnnoi:, i. t I . ; , - i iu a ennsvi- i Kn r r nt k. - i t . i- i .1 rrvuz2 wnas to the . Jng camel has recently been 1 U3 country. This is the first one born The undersigned will continue hnyinp-and selling Lumber. The highest market price i.i u pam. in cat.i, ior all kinds of gor.d umber. Particular attention paid to filling Laui3J HIGH STREET, EBENSBURG IliGIl STREKT, JSUEXSBURg' PA. r TIIOS. J. LLOYD. , heaven for one : race andTolor 'nnToTe S TiV7... , , t for another. All mon Cfo.i 1 ' i . nea. WI1.1 rcn a select fore OmniDotenee. Tl,n a .i...n tchool-hnnsn n miL Ln,on man create distinctions. Now that nrnJ foLa BCSSin of two Months. udice is rapidly civintr wav fn b J ,1,e.r:a.3 t50 per month of four weRl,- r-i, rtt ;, ,1.1 " - i """ii. w... i.v.u,r impulses oi our nati GEO. AV. COPE. IOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM ! J Tiie subscriber bers leav tn inFm the public that he has opened cut a Bootand Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied by Davis & Evans, on Center street, Ebens- bnrrr. u-Iinrn Via t-T11 l - . , . 114 ttllIjr uu iac business on an extensive scale. READY-MADS BOOTS asi SHOES wxu n.iu QUUl'iD E V E R y T II I NG SOLD CIILUrB EVERYTHING SOLD CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE IV THAN ELSEWHERL' IX TOWX ! rows: I r.l.ltr 1. ! "law makers." But thrro. ;a t, ..tT i n , , r"..v,-i uouv, uu win ue wiijrncr to oL tmf llnoo p TKTTiAV iim AniUbKK A Lb A: 1 fcU Srfr CC? rac" - residence of David A The public arrle R Tho "lobby" is in tremendourm ar, which have heretofore character!- KjV" Summerhill tP., on the 5?h of calK 1 wi" sel1 cbcap as the cheapest r.5 - CALL AND bLb! On the side-walk ; iD "So" teb lT' ? 0Bt, and been so anTwhlte 17 EER' hav5nS JJ"aM DJr and make to givea" isfac? IHTmv vonr loor-?- in tl-o U1 ilc and sa- inconsistent with our proclaimed love nf to L i "l 81 p0t3' a':d both ears supposed Uon' fugl3 JOHN O. EVANS. 1 . 1 AllMS' BOOK. loons ia he gal enes and rotunda of the liberty. The day is jirn nt l n e?eir and a half old. The owner ia 0 beautiful and useful illustratic!?- Capitol, clicks of "patriots" may be seen Jew raid the C en in M r l?' rn 1 l COmc fard, prove pertv TTUSE AND LOT FOR S LF 0 octavo pnges. Showinc just what c7 t almost any Lour 6i-tho day and -"Tnrl Celt and Teuton """d takc away, otheririS XX Mrs. Mary Owens offers foSll.C ?rRlCr Wunt3 to know Uo eJ ly portion of the n'- ht dcu i l?1r J l ti Greek, the African hJ be dposed of necording' to , honse situate Cn r cS?Ic?of S CP faFmW' Sen for circulnr giving full d- scheme and AV- cl'.;! " ' nJ ttoCaucian Will, one and all. cnjoy J- -3t. DAVID A.SKELLY. Ann streets. nlhlYlVonV' criDt Farmera! Farmers" sons c.;'; or 1 bil' nt. 'i 1 -Vn a tho scv- an Cfluar Particination in the covcrnminf TZZZZZ ' built and fitted np th aW t ,o t' i e,n.Cqd b"ok agents and others wanted ton and e.stabkheS as a refuge for the E A GSL WANTED FOR SECRETS P.--ent,. TerC1Sibhe SJX every e.--.-g . .. "o ,V1J "'UU "Cast CS in tho rvrrv n Tr.n l v o Ulili Al O IT V. ft wnrt I : I lIlloriuilIlOQ lDOllim nf r irr-k r t, -..-.. , UOiut ucuuuutni. taVS IfOIU C 1 lu ;lir" ...1. i w w . . . v.. , viiu., ue T" i. - - -- i--"tuc3Vlin- - J - " " vt.vy. Jl. ujjAUti;. I oi wiucn must and vhmil.l o i . I kUO '"ues and the Vice3 tho Mt0 iov. I8.3ra. soon topple to the ground. Serv tltl .J t hUh are being V,1! Crimea of S York 1 2 ant proposition has its -ring," wuipod SfaXTi i TMPORTANT ui uucrestpu advocates. J L-arin- anv nn. V V W ' , uy, remain on the ed in Wall Street w n iea are ruin" ioucc 3 her of these talking nf I,;, r'l 71 n schedule of "unfinished business." iw: hV ' .h?w Countrymen are awin- notes, &c, of the 1 ' iM OIltO iClleU10. Vnil I. I'll .i . . I iucrs: now iillni;toro m ir 1, l.ft . : .vuuiu suppose that, iu his onlninn if W 7 v L11U conscrucuon of a mili- cnnt3 are Blackmailed - how n.B ir V. .k. 'l ' i ue uanas ofEsqu ro Kinkead th3 country will go to irdS "t 1 ""i10 ?ilr0ad frm Wasn.toa Concert Saloons are ManTgeow Gam! rnSr&oVe iSl1-0,0' n tLe lstf cb ' in.r s,H--r-l. i.1..;f i - i . -I P city to iew York: and a con.snli.loKfl.n, .blin Houses and Lotteri fo r.""1!..?.086 ,ndebted to them will thcrc- prlit of kgi 3;SP . lCon"ret3 iu a rthcrn Pacific railroad and iuau'-isnotoSoof.?? -tla"tic P-ifie railroad, maybe u oiiic jiom ms couch a gentle tap at hu room door warns hiai that J'a sell-sacrifieing patriot" is on the oiitMue, awaiting to give him counsel and auvitc zs to the proper disposal of hw votes lor the current dav. On !iw t., l..-....'-c..,;... . r-. "V J u finally disposed of before adionnmi There is also a larire number of ruihl?. private bills (tho titles of which I need not specify) on thc files. The ardent fi.Jn.i- of these arc still hopeful, but the shortness of time will prevent many of tlim un.' .r - , i receiving attention. viicu tho nr.oi- groom, no jo button-i-lod Lv i r u .1 , ; 0 .speakers v o y 1411011 ;va ijy 1 ipUimcv falk at the last moment of the NOTICE. cby Kiven that the books. urm or iuiiis a Davis how Stock and Oil Conpiea 76;,: J w f h "'c fettling their accounts forth- nOW LIH KnhMaa O . . . -0-.. uuu . ..T 0 "urst, read thi with. Jan, 21, 1860-3t. MILLS & DAVIS. 3 work. Tt I 11 111 1 u 1 n w . . . - w rwHwUS o uUe cDcrravinjrs : tellq n k.. . published. Trice onlr ftft r, VT T1,e Ebscriber will cti 4 character are boin cYrcul f t 'u f house- R dole lo- b,r an o .a tw-storJ books you buy ccnta r r that tbe "pessary outbuilding ' 4l52 feet and tLe stli at .2.nif , -rt "3a n,,e ravings and cJmrJ of ffraft i.':"- A ."g PPle or- ' Jan 2a-3t. per month accordine: tc einerience tinda- ity. Address ZKIULKK, ii'C'UKDV C(l Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, O., Chicle III., St. Louis. Mo. Lftug- 27"Cs AZ U R K N E. (Concentrated IndicoA F O ll T II E L A USnitV. It is warranted not to streak, or in Di ncr injure thc St.est fabrics. For family oso sold in five cents, tencfa1-' and twenty cents boxes. . fr! Each twenty cents box, besides having', times as much blue as the five cents bus. ce tains a pockec pin cushion or ctnerj bs?- t For Hotel aod large Laundry use, r iJ 1 ' up in $2 00 boxes. . . s. Seo that each Box has proper Trad? ! , For Sale in Ebcniburtr bv V. S. KKr. M. L. OatnRn. Jan MnMi'nf,,roJ?i8C3- TOIJ 'ORK of all Lice's W iAJlLEL STRONG. I O THE ALLPGH ANIAN OFFJCL. J l t J i: a 9 I" t il S3 X t 1 J