Mi t. ft'-. .r1 WTO "k V " I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hxkrt Clay. I r. 1 l EDITORS. TSRiIS:2ao AKSKM. I SS.OO If ADVAKCJ?. 0. J "' VOLUME 9. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1869. NUMBER 27. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CAMBRIA COUNTY, From 30th day of January. 1868, to 20th day of January, 1869, inclusive. .... w rnrirnnrn np piMnnm rnilMTV PD no nmn i.iia. inruduncn un. . 18 68 jo amount of Couiity Tax received from B. McDermitt, late 1 reas r, CG2 10 942 DO To amount of Poor Tax 'received from B. McDermitt, late Treas'r, I'd amount of County Tax received from Collectors lor ltOO.ana pre vinna vf.ra. 20.196 08 9,370 05 68 09 9C5 70 To amount of Poor Tax, do. do. do. Relief 44 ao. u fii;trv " 1SG8. do. " County Tax on Seated and Unseated Lands for 1867 and ' previous v ears, . . Voo m 0 amount of Poor Tax, do. do. do. Relief " 1865. do. 1 Road " 1867, do. " School " " do. ' R..nnT " dO. 1,088 90 39 17 2,354 42 - 3.323 ( 2 98,80 " received from Miacel- 1. norm a Smirren . I,Ioo W To amount received on Redemption of Lands, To amount received on Comnns- 549 06 562 00 1 ,207 34 1,140 46 577 11 554 19 53 62 250 00 GO 75 lioners' Sales, To amount of Exonerations allowed Collectors ou County 1 ax To amount of Commissions, do. do. " Exonerations aliowea rwfprtnr nu Poor Tax To amount of Comraissions'do. do. 1 " Exonerations anoweu Collectors on Relief Tax, ' amount of Exoneratioi.s allowed i'nll winn nn Militarv Tax oamountol Commissions, do. di- Total, $47,648 74 ilmouiit l r J u i 1 No.10 T. 186 Ti Barnett i D. B and VDebt,. fJS.Oaeby, Int. to FROM JUDGMENTS. No. 10 Mar. 865. iS. Bal. of 99 59 ; milk. ij o nu 20,1S69... 3 54 J Costs,.. 9 62M$112 751 dm Sandersl Jude'tof Docket of and IFF. JCinkend. En . fetcrSandcrsJ Debt, 17 00 Total, $1S9 75)4 STATEMENT SHOWING LIABILITIES LIABILITIES. Outstanding orders, $1,766 01 iojount Due Comr's. Campbell $7C0 00 Frguaon, J 06 ( 0 Kennedy 194 CO 1,0C0 00 Amount Due Sheriff, 1 1 3 35 Road nnd School Taxes, 5.385 02 Bal. in furor cf County, 12,987 70 Total. $21,332 08 V 3 U TST.WTTTa-G- DUE FROM COLLECTORS FOR THE Co. Wm, McDermitt, Washington tn., $ 18C4. lSti5. at W.6. iienry jjioyu, ousquebanna lp.f J hn Priugle, Wilmore bor., a. .aiafcin, lilacklick tp., lohn Yahner, Carroll township, Mzer Helfrick, Chest township, vv' 0atman' Ebensburg bor.. Y W. Harris, Jackson township, vJ Tobin, Gallitzin township, Robert Boyle, Millville bor., John I'oiter, Susquehannn tp. Jonas F. Goughnour. Taylor tp., Jere. M'Goniglo, Washington tp.. Joeeph Ilogue, Allegheny tp., Amoa Rowland, Blacklick tp., F.benezer Williams, Cambria'tp., Joseph GantDer. Carroll township Dominic E:ger, Carrolltown bor.,' Anthony Anna. Chest township Francis Cooper, Chest Springs bo'r.. Jeremiah Donahoe, Clearfield tp., Jacob Wertz, Conemaugh tp., Adam Byer. Croyle township. Geo. W. Oatman, Ebensburg bor., Jerome Dawson, Gallitzin tp., Timothy Hunt. Jackson tn.. 18C8. 38 50 616 224 41 1,488 81 Wm. Flattery, Johnstown bor., ueo. filler, Lore t to borough, Robert Boyle, Millville bor.. Wm. B. Diver, Munster township, Charles Uelsel, Richland tp , James Gallaher, Summerhill tp., Jaa. W. Condon, Snrnmitville bor., John Westover, Susquehanna tp., D. W. Angus, Taylor tp., Joseph Criste, Washington tp.t Perry Troxell, White township., Joseph Miller, Wilraore bor. Elias Crisman, Yoder township, u u Totals, $7,621 i MOTIXT School on Seat- fl 1? due the Beveral Districts tlom lyears ' 1867 and pre- : School. 40 60 209 97 62 52 165 07 484 45 183 24 65 30 65 65 2 58 in... Road Tax. $ 25 89 162 14 54 12 133 53 263 63 122 72 49 82 61 II do. arubria Carroll Meat infield do. do. do. do. do. Croyle do. nsbrs borough, ur unsiiDniH tuuiui. on. 18 6 8 By amount paid Assessors, $I,C44 30 " " " Auditors County and State accounts,. 306 00 By amount paid Bridges, 1,700 00 " " " Commissioners John Ferguson, $700 00 John A. Kennedy,. . 594 00 Maurice M'Namara.. 85,00 John Campbell 670,00 2,049 03 By amount paid Commis'ers' Clerk, 425 00 : Uom rs uouncii,. . oo w Coiu'n. 0U,. ... 10 o Constables, 849 29 Court Crier, 95 00 Court House, 530 21 Crim. Prosect t'ns, 1 ,649 84 Elections 1.641 21 Fox Scalps, 322 30 Fuel, ... 145 CO House of Refuge, 48 07 Incidentals, 55 90 Inquisitions 248 OS Jail and Jailor,.. . 1,761 67 Jurors Traverse,. 2,583 33 (Tales),.. 124 50 ' (Grand),. 751 47 Jury CommUs'rs,. and Clerk, 63 62 Military 509 92 Phono. Repoter,. 295 03 Postage 15 30 Poor House, 11,000 00 P. H. Directors,.. 300 00 Printing, 540 00 Probates 14103 Prothonotarv and ii ii i II 4 II II II .1 .1 i t i II l 41 Clerk of Quarter Sessions, 1,15140 Redem. of Lands, 327 98 " Refunding, . 158 54 " Relief, 2 00 " Road Damages,. . 861 10 " Road and Bridge Views 350 00 " Stationery ' ' 388 29 " State Debt. De i ficiency 3,100 31 " " Supervisors, 423 24 Teach's Institute,. 49 90 " 44 Tipstaves, 73 12 " Wild Cat 8calps... 19 80 By Commission to Collectors on County, Poor and Military Taxes, . 1,755 40 By Exonerations to Collectors on County, Poor and Relief Taxes... 2,088 C7 By 33 Deeds to County for Lands, at $3 37... 111 21. By Advertising 46 tracts of Lands. at 50 cts 23 03 Bv Commission on $36,796 12 at '34 per cent., 1 .287 86 Balance in Treasurer's hands, 5,566 48 Total $47,648 74 C23jaLJzzrk, County. MISCELLANEOUS. R. V. Linton, late Sheriff,... $17 67 Same, Interest on same, 106 $18 73 B. M'Dermitt, late Treasurer, .... 1 ,267 07 Total,.. $1,285 89 AND ASSETS OF THE COUNTY. ASSETS. Amount Due from Judgment?,.... Amount Due from Miscellaneous, Amount Due from Collector, Amount in Treasurer's bauds,..,.. $129 75 . 1 .285 80 14.330 05 . 5,86 4d Total,- : . $21,332 08 YEAR 1868 AND PREVIOUS YEARS: Military. Tax. 98 19 Poor. State. Relief. 24 2t 19 95 86 51 23 03 57 72 2 1G 70 15 35 75 17 40 39 00 42 01 45 03 25 77 66 01 62 72 27 44 86 14 27 84 62 11 10 35 83 90 110 10 20 78 32 88 360 75 24 24 21 83 43 97 28 46 12 80 47 71 63 46 49 41 14 52 45 72 126 15 54 C9 C 59 C5 80 20 27 26 81 18 97 20 1 00 16 66 9 20 10 10 09 153 91 39 55 223 44 203 53 83 65 383 43 201 43 63 72 130 95 56 59 1C9 07 23 9G 63 51 804 06 112 32 73 12 928 77 39 97 39 20 105 90 9 02 83 39 240 21 429 12 165 25 430 62 410 64 108 50 224 53 86 88 336 73 9 CO 17 60 1 00 22 50 3 50 21 50 3 00 84 12 33 10 50 14 00 7 00 23 50 54 22 48 53 05 63 94 C4 00 180 31 701 48 202 17 398 73 289 53 185 04 133 02 126 33 356 101 5 203 146 18 62 19 76 79 107 04. 94 04 61 22 27 00 90 87 48 64 15 50 23 62 12 50 3 50 64 4,657 06 1,686 77 63 93 800 65 Gallitzin township, 28 46 80 00 Jackson do. 218 93 298 47 Munster do. 90 . 16 60 Richland do. 110 31 116 15 Summerhill do. 13110 ;143 88 Summitville borough, 62 Susquehanna township, 87 46 158 69 Taylor do. 164 43 164 79 Washington do. 232 92- 280 09 White do. 8ff2 26 704 34 W.lmore borough, 4 00 Yoder township, 125 19 138 61 $2,354 42 3,323 02 Miscel $ 8 00 4 00 20 90 25 00 65 00 20 00 24 60 15 00 669 27, ?o tn 100 00 122 41 ': 166 75 Total, $1,138 62 Givoi under our hands, at Ebensburg, this 20th day of January, A. D. 1869. -JOHN FERGUSON, JOHN A. KENNEDY, MAURICE M'NAMARA, CW. Attest : Thos. J. Glass, Clerk. We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria county , do respectfully report, that we have carefully examined the accounts and vouch ers of Receipts . and Expenditures of the said County Commissioners from the 30th day of January, 1868, to the 20th day of Jan uary, 18G9, inclusive, and find them to be correct, as is also the foregoing Statement of the Liabilities and Assets of said County. Wilneta our bands, at the Commissioners' Office, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1869. D. A. LUTHER, E. D. EVANS, ... JAMES NULL, Auditor t. , Attest G. W. Oatmas, Clerk. ; G EORGE "WV OATMAN, Treasurer, IM ACCOUNT WITH DIRECTORS OF THE POOR AND HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT, CAMBRIA CO. DR. - 18C8. July 2lst. To County Orders Vna Aft ACR nnrl -iflT rpceivftd Geo! C. K. Zahm, late Treasurer, $3000 00 March 4. To amt. ree'd from Wm. J. Buck as amt. overpaid on corn in 18GG, 17 10 April 13. To amt. ree'd from A". Kopelia as fiue in Commonwealth vs. 25 00 April 14. To amt ree'd from J. S. SUaj-er, esq , fine in Com. vs. John Oairk. ' ' 25 00 July 9. To baL of fines ree'd from fjffortre Orris. 50 CO To CountyOrders issued during 1868, 9000 00 To bal. to close in favor of Treasurer, 67 78 Total, 12184 78 CR. 1868. By amt. paid on indebtedness prior to 1868, $ APPRAISERS F. P. Tiernev, 10 00 1373 14 20 00 308 35 9 91 74 40 33 38 James Myers, 5 00 II. C Devine, BEEF J. Gutwalt, 485lb3, L. Rodgers, 1374 " 5 00 71 64 190 81 27 30 It. E. Jone?, 865 " Thos Hoover 240 " BLACKSMITH1NG R. Singer, L. D. Cawser, S. J. Weakland, BOOTS, SI10E3 Gregg, Son & Co. BUTTER Bell O'Neil, CLOTHING Mills & Davis, John Dougherty, D. C. Morris, CLOTHESLINE W. A. B. Lit tie, 200 ft. (S) 3c. per foot. CARDING Yenner & Jones, COAL Charles Myers, Evan E. Evans, Daniel Parks, COFFINS Arthur Cullen, John Blough, 18 60 1 05 4 41 4 45 74 40 33 38 25 00 20 00 5.00 6 00 7 16 30 32 74 74 3 90 6 25 18 00 30 50 6 00 7 16 108 8G 54 75 45 80 David W. Jones, CORONER'S INQUEST J. A. Harrold, CONSTABLE FEES R. Ryck man, John Grosscup, A. B. Davis, George Yarner, E. James, Joseph Daily, Isadore Lilly, Tate W. Allison, 45 80 74 50 6 30 33 87 10 40 17 90 21 00 3 55 7 75 25 75 0 1 75 9 25 2 00 8 25 13 65 242 32 looo 00:000 oo j. C. C. Riffle A. Dimond, Geo. Wissineer, Andrew Glass, An C. Snyder, Patrick Markey, John A. Blair. CO. ORDERS ON HAND. FARMERS J. W. M'Connell, Wm. J. Parish, Owen Lynch, David O'Harra, Chas. M'Dermitt FARMING UTENSILS Con- 89 25 189 00 18 00 100 00 7 00 403 25 verv& Co.. Dloueh AMOUNT received from laneous Sources : James Condron, for County Map, J. K. Hite, Jury fee. No. 4, Mar. Sessions, 1868. D. T. Storm, late Commissioner, Geo. C. K. Zahm, Com. vs. Ilor nick, C. L. Pershing Com. vs. Gageby, John Campbell Com. vs. Uelsel, F. P. Tierney,on Bond of Daniel & Jos. Walter, Teter Mulvlhill, on Bond of J. Keith, et al. , F. P. Tierney, on Judg'fc of Coun ty vs. J. Burgoon, G. W. Easly, County vs. J. LTor- W. H. Secbler, in Nos. 17 & 18 Sept. Sessions, 1868, Geo. C. K. Zahm, Cost and Jury Fees, Cornelius Diver, Surplus on Stray Cow, Geo. W. Oatman, Taxes Exoner ated for 1868, 10 CO 10 00 285 71 75 56 296 52 110 00 37 42 40 75 588 26 76 77 20 87 1537 86 163 82 163 82 3 00 3 00 66 00 2(7 25 129 38 13 25 17 25 40 63 6 24 301 27 256 16 1037 43 FLOUR & GRAIN A. M'Fad- den it Co., . Samuel O'Harro, Kinport & Co., Daniel O'Harro, Charles Bradley, Peter Piper, Beck & Shoemaker, T. G. Stewart & Co., John W. Evans, FREIGHT P. R. R. Co., GRAVES David Davis, GROCERIES Geo. Gurley, Kinport & Co., A. M'Fadden & Co., W. T. Altfather J. A; J. Kelly, R. II. Tudor, E. James, T. G. Stewart 4 Co., XT T. flomnn HARDWARE TINWARE Geo. Huntley, INTEREST J. W. M'Connell, R. Ryrkman, Geo. Huntley, A. M'Fadden & Co., Simon Fisher, 89 60 40 50 3 10 7 81 1 17 89 66 2 72 2 82 239 02 94 6 16 18 00 67 48 3 31 1 00 2 65 95 2 19 Abel Lloyd, Chas. M'Coy, Bell O'Niell, Hugh JfCoy. II. A. Shoemaker, C. T. Roberts, R. S. Bunn, Lewis Rodgers, Rachael Bnrk, INSURANCE J. E. Roberta JUSTICE FEES P. F. Custer M. D. Wagner, Joseph Miller, . Joseph W. Condon, Sei'. JJWatman, " " John A. Kenedy, -Jos. S. Strayer, Irvin Rutledge, Wm. Flattery, LIME Abel Lloyd, LUMBER -Wm. Larrimer, M'DERMITT, B. personal pro perty by appraisement, . 293 79 44 27 44 27 2 00 3 50 . 5 40 54, 15 66 I 25 1 00 1 80 15 75 315 40 II 00 46 94 315 40 11 00 70S 60 703 50 MERCHANDISE H. A. Shoe maker, 457 53 E. R. Danegan, 325 71 E. RobertB, 66 50 Daniel Laughlin, . 63 00 Cyrus Hart, 42 CO V. S. Barker, 23 73 PRINTING James Swank, 3 00 H. A. M'Pike, 4 50 978 47 7 50 138 50 PROVISIONS John E. Davis, 20 buih. potatoes, Daniel O'Harro, PORK Dan'l Bradley, 3431bs 20 00 118 50 30 87 22 00' 30 C9 89 00 49 40 51 60 49 uO 27 60 20 20 21 00 5 00 Joseph Hogue, 220 " John Carney, : Wm. Carney, Simon Fisher, Peter Parish, C. O'Niell. 341 890 494 " 516 490 " 322 56 27 CO 46 20 PRUNING AND GRAFTING John Reese, REPAIRING J. D. Parish, Henry Myers, Morgan Humphreys, RELIEF OUT DOOR PAUPERS, Thomas Gallagher, 1 00 John Dibert, Joseph Daily, Wm. Palmer, Jane Jones, John D. Thomas, Henry Walters, George Gurley," Edward Owens, Jerry Evans, Peter 'H. Berg. James Burtnett, Wm. M'Pherson, Barbara Bartman, Henry Arble, 8avid Rees, eury Hviner 45 60 68 65 20 60 86 00 ' 59 51 232 71 26 8T 4 00 2 00 8 25 - 1 60 836 08 43 00 20 00 2 00 - o so 65 OO 6 00 10 00 14 62 10 00 115 00 65 15 30 00 15 00 12 30 13 06 9 00 26 00 13 00 26 00 54 00 1889 70 Jane Goughan, Mary A. Morrison. - Margaret M'Devitt, Peter Maltzie, Mary Gillespie, F. J. Parish, George Wehn, Isaac WiBsingcr, Israel Louder, Wm. Linton, Wm. Jones, Mrs. Munday, E. James, M. L. Stephens, Davis & Lewis, E R. Dunnegan, RELIEF 0. D. P. M. D. A. Dr. B. In Yeagley, 58 75 Dr. C. Emerson, 45 00 Dr. D. W. Evans, 8 00 SADDLER H. A. McCoy, 23 95 SALARIES--Geo. W. OatmanlOO 00 Dr. R. S. Bunn, 265 40 - G. C. K. Zahm, bal. due, 55 67 B. McDermitt, 442 37 SEWING MACHINE C. T. Roberts, 68 00 SHROUD Joseph Miller, 1 75 SOAP Rachel Owens, 50 gals. 12 50 SERVANTS M. McCullougb, 16 00 Lavinia McDermitt, 86 50 Jeanie McDermitt, 25 50 Matilda Durbin, 5 00 Ann Holmes, 6 50 Cecelia Todd, 46 00 STATIONERY C. T. Roberts, 2 00 VEAL G. C.K. Zahm, 91 lbs. 11 37 1:1 75 23 95 863 44 68 00 1 75 12 50 185 50 2 00 11 3T 2,184 78 OUTSTANDING ORDERS DUE BY J POOR HOUSE. For the years 1858, 8 70 1859, 1860, 6 50 8 50 48 28 16 10 285 70 112 00 1,912 71 1,282 70 1,631 65 2,176 06 7,488 90 1861, 1862, 18G3, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, Total, $7,48 90 "VT UMBER OF INMATES OF POOR 11 HOUSE. Number inmates January 1, 1353, Number admitted during year, Number bound out, Number died. Number discharged and absconded, Number remaining, Number sane, Nnmhpr inannA. Number meals given to travelers 4 regular boarders. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 2 Wagots, 1 Sled, 1 Mowing Machine, I Grin Drill, 1 Horse Rake,". 1 Harrow, 1 Cart, 3 Ploughs, 2 Grain Cradles, 1 Buggy, 4 sets Harness, 1 Sleigh. PRODUCTS OF FARM. 20 tons Hay, 200 bushels Oats, 21 bushels Buckwheat, 600 bushels Corn in ears, 5 bushels Onions, 6 bu&hels Cucumbers, 10 bushels TouKitoes, 5 bushels Beets, 60 bushels Apples, 1 bushel Small Onions, 600 heads Cabbage, 2,300 lbs. Beef, 2,0C0 lbs. Pork, 100 bushels Potatoes. ARTICLES ON HAND. 4,000 lbs. Beef, 5,000 lbs. Pork, 13 bar rels Flour, 100 lbs. Caallcs, 300 lbs. Tallow, 400 lbs. Lard, 20 galls. Apple Butter, 60 head B. M'Dermitt, Wm. J Parish, James J. Kaylor, Jennie M'Dermitt, Cabbage, 150 bushels Potatoes, bbl. Molas- se9, iuu pounds Butter. ARTICLES 3IADE IN HOUSE 50 yards Linsey, 33 Shirts, 35 Sheets, 2 Blouses, 20 Woman's Dresses, 7 Skirts, 42 pair Socks, 34 Pillow Slips, 19 Chemise, 17 Aprons, 8 Sun Bonnets, 2 Hoods, 10 pair Wo man's Stockings, 6 Pillows, 20 Bed Ticks, 25 Comforts, 4 Shrouds. STOCK ON FARM 3 head Horses, 15 head Cattle, 43 head Sheep, 14 Hogs. We, the. undersigned, Auditors of Cambria county, respectfully report that wo have au dited, setUedAnji JMJi"aJt4Ah,-iUirnnta if county with George W. Oatman, Treasurer thereof, according to law, and find a balance due the said Treasurer of Sixty-Seven Dol lars and Seventy-Eight Cents. Given under our hands this day of Jan uary, 1869. D. A. LUTHER, E. D. EVANS, . JAMES NULL, Auditors. BMcDERMITT, STEWARD of the POOR and HOUSE OF EMPLOY MENT, tn account vilh DIRECTORS OF POOR CAMBRIA COUNTY. 1S6S. -PR- Feb. 14. To cash reed, from John Evans for bides.' $ 10 00 20 00 27 CO 130 00 42 60 Feb. 21. Mar. 5." Man 5. April 6. April 8. " from Joseph Dailey, " from John Saunders, ox, one bay horse, sold, " M- M. M'Gonigle, Alle ghany Pocr House, " for one black horse and bav mare. 315 3 April 20. " John Tierney, lime, June 28. " Henry Byrne, keeping B. Noel. 50 00 22 85 June 28. July 14. July 27. Aug. 21. Aug. 21. Sept. 5. 41 J. P. Allen, " for one bay horse, " 3 orders on salary, J. E. Evans, one pig, " Wm. Clements, 2 pigs, ' John J. Evans, hides, 175 250 2 5 15 11 10 192 Sept. 28. " Joseph Daily, Sept. 28. " order, Dec. 28. order 360, Total, $1,282 16 1868. CR. J uly 2. By cashTpaid G. C. K. Zuhm for 2 turkeys, $ Juiy 2. " destitute man woman, July 2. " 000 feet pine boards. Feb. 2o. ' expenses to Hollidaysbg, provisions, Feb. 28. " paper and envelopes, Feb. 28. " 2 loads shavings, Mar. 14. " Bell O'Niell, butter, Mar. 24. " Same, Apl. 1. " John E. Roberts, Apl. 6. ;f. expenses to Oreensburg,- Apl. 6. " small onions, Apl. Ii. one brown horse, Apl. 16. " John Campbell, ind. bill, Apl. 22. " express one box hats, Apl. 25. " one bay horse, May 6. ' Wm. D. Price, May 7. " sent to Huntingdon Poor : House, . May 7. " John D. Thomas, fare C. Farly, May 19. " for seed potatoes, May 19. il cabbage tomato plants, June 6. " M. Conery, potatoes, June 6. " Lawrence O'Donnell, do. June 6. " Henry Foster, June 6. " Same, garden seeds, Jun. 18. " Buckwheat seed, July 5. ink and paper, July 7. " expenses to Carrolltown, pauper, Jul. 16. " one bay horse, Jul. 16. " stamped envelopes, Jul. 16. " expenses on good3 from Johnstown, Jul. 18. " 4 table cloths, Jul. 18. " . C. McMullen, corn, Sep. 1. " thread, Sep. 1. " express freight on bags to Pittsburg, Sep. 14. " one plow point, Sep. 14. " assessment Lycoming In surance Co., Sep. 26. 4 wheel in windmill, Sep. 26. 44 Charles Bradley, J bushel beans, 2 2 0 2 1 10 5 16 12 2 00 165 74 150 2 00 43 3 -14 2 10 22 2 1 1 1 170 12 6 1 12 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 Oct. 2. 41 Richard Owens, double tree, Oct. 24. 44 Same, 5 turkeys, Oct. 27. 4 Murray & Lemmon, sta tionery, Oct. 29. 44 fare to Johnstown, Oct. 29. 44 destitute man & woman, Nov. 9. 44 John Price, cider press, Nov. 19. 44 plow point, Nov. 19. 44 Richard Owens, 2 tur keys, Nov. 19. 44 thread, Dec. 1. 44 freight on box, Dec. 1. 44 J. A. Piatt, Dec. 1. 44 C. T. Roberts, Dec. I. 4' toll, Dec. 1. " one year's salary, 2 1 1 500 Total, 1,282 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cambria couuty, respectfully report that w have ex amined the above account, and do find it correct. Given our hands this 13th day of January, A. D. 1869. D. A. LUTIIEU, E. D. EVANS, JAMES NULL, Auditors. 41 49 2 4 38 46 34 12 JOHNSTOWN DYEING ESTAB LISHMENT ! The undersigned would inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he continues to carry on the Coloring business in all its branches, at the old stand on Locust street. Coloring and cleaning of all kinds done to order. Gents' clothing colored, cleaned and pressed equal to new. Ladies' diesses, silk, cotton or woolen goods, 6hawls, colored, cleaned or pressed to look its well as new. Ribbons, feathers, &c, colored to look like new. Goods sent by express will receive my special attention and returned as goon as finished. SAMUEL M. RAIN BY. Johnstown, Nov. 26-3ra. AMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub- lic, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on High street, west of Foster's Ho tel, faiigi:? Popular Superslitlonr. The following arc among the most pop ular superstitions : That of thirteen persons at a table, one will die within the ear, is distirtctly traceable to our Lord s last supper, when there were thirteen and Jle died! The spilling of salt is derived from the Eastern idea that eating salt with a man, or having eaten salt, blinds you to him. In the In dian mutiny, the faet of having eaten of John Company's salt kept many men faithful; and it was constantly thrown in-tne-" itaa1- "cthr-oar1- Jut.- L- VrA wasting or spilling this symbol of friend ship was considered unlucky. Stammer ing at beginning a speech means that xi you begin ill you are liteiy to go on Hi and badly. Magpies being rxnraeky is & superstition most likely as old as the ark, or older. It is both Celtic and Teutonic. Certain animals crossing our path is re garded unlucky; but the reason why is probably lost in the mists of antiquity. That animals should be killed at certain times of the month is founded on the be lief that their meat will keep better and be less likely to be putrefied by a weak and waning moon than by a strong and waxing moon. Washing hands in water that has been used by another, causing them to either kiss or quarrel, has been referred to Pilate washing his bands; but I think ft must be referred to the older use and custom which he illustrated, of washing an evil deed off his hands into the water, or any that touch ed it How many ladies tell you to bow to the new inoonj that it is unlucky to see the new moon through glasses ; to turn a piece of money in your pocket for luck the first time yorf see the new moon, which was at least as ancient as the time of Job, who emphatically declares that he has never kis sed his hand to the moon. A great deal of curious matter is to bo found in these notions. Among fishermen there is a belief that a salmon weighs mora when dead than when just caught ; apropos of a man weighing more when dead than, when alive, and which is very likely true, as when the lungs are inflated a man really weiirhs less, otherwise why does he float 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 84 00 37 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 50 higher in the C2 ' water? The twelfth wave on the sea-coast is really the largest. The belief in the rowan or mountain ash being, efficacious against witchcraft is known oyer Europe. 50 00 Good Ilread, 05 75 00 In a lecture on the "Philosophy of the Oven," Prof. E. N. Horsford thus de scribes the method of making good bread i Select good, plunipj fully ripened, hard grained wheat. Have it freshly ground, and not too finely bolted. Prepare tho yeast as follows i Boil thoroughly with , the skins on in one quart of water enough potatoes to make a quart of mashed pota toes. Peal the boiled potatoes and mash them to fineness : mix intimately with them cne pint of flour, and stir the whole to an emulsion with the water in which, the potatoes were boiled. Cool the pro duct to about 80 degrees, (Iukewarmnesa,) and add half a pint of the best fresh ba ker's east and a tablespoonful of brown sugar. Set aside the mixture at an even temperature of about 80 degrees till it works well, or is in active fermentation. Of this yeast take half a pint to a gallon ' (7 pounds) of flour, mixed tvith three pinto of water, or two of water and one of milk, all at the temperature of about 80 degrees, . and a little salt, knead thoroughly, and set aside to rise at the temperature mention ed. When it has risen to nearly the full volume for the dough, divide it into loaves, set it aside at the temperature al ready named till it attains the full size of the loaf, arid place in an oven heated to not less than 450 degrees. Let the loaves of dough be smaller than the tins. Keep them covered with flat tin plates or stiff japer till the dough is fully raised and tho leat carried up to and sometimes main tained throughout the loaf at 212 degrees, to convert all the starch to the mucilagi nous or emulsion form and destroy the ferment. Then remove the cover and per mit tho browning to take place. If the loaves are large, a higher temperature will be required. Seven pounds of flour will make eight loaves of li pounds each when bak?d, or four of 2 J each. Such yeast will ieep a week in winter, and from two to four days in summer. Bread made wLh it, in faithful obedience to these in struction, will be good. 50 85 00 50 00 50 50 GO 40 25 23 00 90 50 00 25 00 50 CO 00 00 50 00 00 30 05 00 00 60 00 00 00 75 75 51 00 16 A minister once prayed in the pulpit that '.'the Lord would bless the congrega tion assembled, and that portion of it which was on its way to church, and thosa who were at home getting ready to come, and that in his infinite patience he would grant the benediction to those who reached tho house of God just in time for that." Ti e congregation came on time after that. ';Kate1" cried a girl, looking down from the upper story of a grocery, addref -sing another girl who was trying to cnttr the front door, "we've all been to camp meetin' and been converted, so when yen want anything on Sunday, you'll have tq come round to tho kitchen door." "Not Guilty," said an Omaha jury, 'but if tho prisoner is smart he will leave the territory before night." Ho left. t . 4 u 3