The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 28, 1869, Image 1

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    . 1 maMfrtitMli--lir1lii -Jj- -Jiir- - 'n-i lat-i H;iWIIpw
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T S R it S '2-s 1' 1' R A . X V It: .
TYflLLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at
f T Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
August 13, 18G3.
JOHN FENLONT, Attoruey at Law,
Ebensburg, Pa.
lT Office on High street. : ' aug!3
1EOIIGE M. KEADE, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Ef Office in Colonnade Row., augla
ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Cy Office in Colonnade Row. aug20
EOUGE W. O ATM AN, Attorney at
Law and Claim Agent, and United
States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb
ensburg, Pa. aug!3
nt Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa.
0 Office opposite the Court House.
It. L. JOH.VSTO.V. atlgl3j J. E. SCANLAN .
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
.55- Office on High street, west of Fos
ters Hotel. aug!3
JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law,
Cnrrolltown, Cambria county, Pa.
7-Architectural Drawings and Specifi
cations made. faugl3
WATERS, Justice tf the Peace
JJ ftnd Scrivener.
riy Office adjoining dwelling, on High st.,
Ebensburg, Pa. aug 13-Gm.
I "i A. SIIOEM AKEll, Attorney at
v Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention paid to collections.
Office cn High street, west of the Di
amond. ugl3
Jjknstown. EbensluTj.
'T7" OPE LIN & DICK, Attorneys at
IV Law, Ebensburg, V.
rwJ Office in Colonado Row, with Wm.
Kutell, Esq. Oct. 22.
Y OSE P II S. STItAYEll, Justice of
t) the Peace, Johnstown, Pa.
Office on Market street, corner of Lo-11-t
street extended, and one door south of
1 he l.tte office of Wm. M'Kee. augl3
T DE V EK E A UX, M . 1)., Physiciau
i and Surgeon, Summit, Pa.
.5 Office east of Mansion Houe, on Rail
r .v f ttrttt. Night calls promptly attended
tj, a Lis office. aug.3
I ft 11. I E V ITT ZE!G L E K
1 Ay VlTtra his professional services to the
1 :tizoas of Ebeuslmrg and vicinity. He will
2 ..... . . 1 rr. . 1 ..1.
K!)cnsbiirg the secon d xaesuuv Ui c;ii
v to remain one week.
j 0 ill extracted, without pain, with Xiirous
f ' . . 1 0 ir it 1 .1 i i II tf Jl -
1 ' v. - ' . J
rVf- Itooms adioiuiug G. Huntley's store,
Yai street. augl3
The undersiL'iicd, Graduate of the Bal
i-ore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully
:'.-rs his professional services to the citizens
;f F.lensburg. He has spared no means to
thoroughly acquaint himself with every im
it jv i:h iU in his art. To many years of per-f-jr.:
1 experience, he h.13 sought to add the
imparted experience of the highest authorities
:.: l) r.tiil Science. He simply sks that an
c,'i -rtunit v tuav be iriven for his work to
H.ik its own i-raise.
?7MV'ill beat Ebensburg on the fourth
M r. lay of enc-h month, to stay one wjek.
August 13, 1SC3.
j T l.OYD cv CO., Bankers
-11 KcEjfBvno, Pa.
: 13 '..,! !, PUver, Government Loans and
j I'tlr Securities bought and sold. Interest
1 :.iiov,-i J Time Deposits. Collections i.iade
j i uii li-i-i-r.-ihle points in the United States,
I u:..; a I'.aiAing Dusiness transacted.
I Aur.;t. 1 :j, IS.jS.
V M- LLOYD & Co , Uan?;er
)i ' Altoona, Pa.
't'i uv. ',r- jirincioal cities, and Silver
I ;: ! ; r ; v.. . Collections made. Mon-
receive. J
'kposit, pa-nble on demand,
i'N-ri-it, or upon time, with interest
i fU Li- rare
CI! ' !'tlC"P V 4 rr I -vx- T "f 1 X' T."
' i.-i vp (ilyaal $ CO,00(J 00
':': to increase to 100,000 00
;..;iy and sell Inland and Toreign Drafts,
('v!i :Ui 1 Silver, and all classes of Govern--'-:t
St'.Miritiea ; make collections at home
- ai.r-jaj ; receive deposits ; loan money,
i'.j a general Bauhing business. All
'"i.noss entrusted to us will receive prompt
";c::tiou uud care, at moderate prices. Give
Directors :
Joun DiBEar,
Jacob Leveugood,
Etnv'u. Y. TowsbE.vp.
I : I a n U" . . .
M. Campbell,.
I'ANIEL J. MORRELL, Prenidcnt.
il- J- LuctiiTs, Cashur. sep3!y
1 T "c, AND
( rner Virginia and Annie sts., North
Altoona, Pa.
j;tTH.,i:uLlJ Capital...... $300,000 00
ai ital Paii in 150,000 00
All li15ineS5 pertaining to Banking done on
tionV,?11 I:evenie Stamps of all denomina
Ja ways on hand.
E'mt?Urtnl?er3 of a-atnl,? percentage, in
W)o o W be ""owed, as follows : $.r,0 to
52oo TT cent- o $200, 3 per cent.;
"PWHrua, 4 per cent. faugia
""W on 11- u' Ebco3b'irg, Pa- -UL
" 1 11 'on street, Rest of Foster's Ho-
i lnrT:rr--
v Tin- Ti, "u Joiic at,
1 ALL LG II a N 1, X OFF CD, 1
Assassination of Vresidesit JLIn
colti Confession of tiro of
tlie Prisoners.
Now that the trial of John Surratt for
participation in the assassination of Mr.
Lincoln has b?cn thrown out of Court
through the technicalities of the law, and
he is announced as preparing for the press
a narrative of the whole transaction it
may serve a good purpose to give publicity
to the following statement of Samuel 1.
Arnold, one of the prisoners atthe Dry
Tortugas, made in Baltimore voluntarly,
four days alter the assassination. We al
so give the" confession of Atzcrodt,.
in his cell on the night before the execu
tion. Both of these confessions we have
in our possession in the handwriting of
the prisoners, and they have hitherto not
been made public under the expectation
that they would be used in the trial of
John Surratt.
The confession of Arnold was mado in
the office of Marshall McPhail, on the 18th
of April, 1SG5, immediately on his being
brought to this city from Fortr ess Monroe.
He sat down at a desk and voluntarily
wiotc it without any questioning.
The confession of Atzerodt was made
in his cell, at Washington, cn the night
before his execution. He asked for pa
per, and it is written with a lead pencil,
the disconnected manner of it indicating
the state of mind of the prisoner :
To "Whom it May Concern :
Know that I, Samuel B. Arnold, about
the latter part of August or firt part of
September, 136 -I. was sent fev by J. Wilkes
Booth, who was a guest at Barnum's Ho
tel, in the city of Baltimore, Md., to call
and see him. I had not seen the same J.
Wilkes Booth since 1852, when we both
were schoolmates at St. Timothy's Hall.
President L. Van Bukelin then having
said liali as a place of tuition. His recep
tion of me was warm. Calling for wine and
cigars, we conversed a short time upon
our former school-boy days. Wo were in
terrupted by a knock at the door, when
Michael O'Laughlin was ushered in. Af
ter a formal introduction, we sat sipping
our wine, and all three smoked a cigar.
During saaoking, lie having heard pre
viously of my political feelings or ccnii
mcnts, he spoke in glowing terms of the
Confederacy and the number of surplus
prisoners in th e hands of the United
States. Then ensued the proposition by
J. Wilkes Booth, and which he (J. Wilkes
Beoth thoualit could be aeeomnllslipd
1j . 1
viz : of kidnapping President Lincoln, as
lie Iro'juently went unguaruetl out to tne
Soldier's Home ; and he thought could be
picked up, carried off to Bichmond, and
fur his exchange produce the exchange for
the President of all the prisoners in the
IVderal hand..
He, J. Wilkes Booth, the originator of
the scheme, aked if we would enter into
it. After painting the chances of success
in such glowing colors, wc consented, viz :
Michael O'Laughlin and myself. We
were bound not to divulge it to a living
soul. I saw him once more in Baltimore,
and then he, (J. Wilkes Booth) left ti ar
range his business up North, hrst to New
York, thence to the Oil llegions, and from
there to Boston, and finally to Canada.
He was to be back in a month.' I re
ceived a letter, which I destroyed, stating
that he was laid up with erysipelas in his
arm, and as scon as he was able he
would be with us. Months rolled around,
and he did net make his appearance until
some tic:e in Januarj'. In his trunk he
had two guns, cap cartridges," which were
laced in the gun-stocks Spencer riiles I
think they were called revolvers, knives,
bolts, cartridge-boxes, cartridges, caps,
canteens all fully fixed for service
which were to be used in case of pursuit,
and two pair of handcuffs to handcufF the
President. His trunk being so hcavv, he
gave the pistols, knives and handcuffs- to
Michael O'Laughlin and myself, to' have
shipped or brought to Washington. He
then returned from Washington, to which
place he had gone, bought a horse, har
ness and! buggy wagon, leaving the team,
etc., with us to drive on to Washington.
We started from Baltimore about twelve or
one o'clock, after Laving shipped the box
containing the knives, handcuffs and pis
tols, arriving in "Washington about seven
or half-past seven in the same evening.
We met him on the street as we were pas
sing the theater. Wc alighted, took a
drink, and he told us of the theater plan
slightly, saying he would wait until we
put the liorfce away, and tell us more fully.
He hid previously, as I now remember,
spoken of the chancc3 at the theater if we
could not succeed in the other plan at the
Soldier's Home. We went to the theater
that night, he (J. "Wilkes Booth), telling
us about the different back entrances, and
how feasible the plan was. He had ren
ted a stable in the rear of the theater,
having bought two horses down the coun
try. One was in the stable behind the
theater, the other at the livery. Met him
next day ; went together to breakfast with
hiui..- He was always pressed with basi
net with a man unknown to us theu, by
the name of John Surratt ; most of his
(Booth's) time was spent with him. We
were left entirely in the dark.
Michael O'Laughlin and myself rented
a room on V f-trcvt No. 2K, and obtained
meals at the Franklin Hou.--e, at the cor
ner 01 .D and Eighth streets. We thus
lived for nearly two months, seeing him
perhaps three" or.- four times' during the
week, and when seen,-always but for a
short time, having still pressing business
always on hand, viz : to see John Surratt.
Michael O'Laughlin and myself drove out
occasionally, the horse livered at Mr. Nail
or's stable. We drove always (but once)
in city and Georgetown; the onceexcepted
across the Eastern Branch Bridge, when
we went upwards of five miles, I suppose,
and returned. This was the only time I
ever went over that bridge. How oflcn
J. Wilkes Booth crossed I cannot state,
but ffom ..his o wnrwm ds, -ofteg JIJjus
Michael O'Laughlin's and my time spent
for the most part down at Kullman's
Hotel (now Sinclair House), on Pennsyl
vania avenue and Louisiana avenue, in
drinking and amusements, with other Bal
temoreans besides ourslcves congregated
all of whom knew nothing of selling oil
stock. Oil stock was the blind for them
as well as my family. During- the latter
part of March., whilst standing On Hull-
A. '
man s porca, v
o'clock, r, M.,
:twecn eleven and twelve
young man
g man name , un-
known, as I cannot retueaioer
about five feet or six inches hi
1 th
set, long nose, sharp chin, wide cheeks,
small eyes (gray, I think), darK hair and
well dressed color I don't remember
called Michael O'Laughlin aside, and
said J. Vv ilkes Booth wished to
us both at Gctier's saloon on
avenue. I was then for the first time
introduced., to him but forget las
name. We walked up together. Mike
O'Laughlin, this unknown and myself
were ushered into the presence of J. "Wilkes
Booth, who introduced me to John Surratt,
Atzerott, alias Port Tobacco, , alias
Moseby, making in all seven persons. J.
Wilkes Booth had sent word to Michael
O'Laughlin to bring me up in a good hu
mor (still always in the dark). Then
commenced tlie plan for seizing the Presi
dent. Each had his part to perform.
First, I was to run into the box and seize
the President, whilst Atzerodt, alias Port
Tubacco and J. Vv" ilkes Booth were to
handcufF hini and lower him on the stage,
whilst Moseby was to catch him and
hold him till we got down. Surratt and
the unknown were to be on the other side
of the Eastern Branch bridge to facilitate
escape. It was iftrwuroS clianged fro
Moseby and Booth to catch him in the box
and to lower him to me on the stage. O'
Laughlin and the unknown were to put
the lights out, and Surratt and Atzerodt,
alias Port Tobacco, to be on the other side
of the bridge. I was opposed to the whole
proceeding, and said it could not be ac
complished. If ever which was an im
possibility, we could get him out of tlie
box and to the bridge, -we would bo "Stop
ped by the sentinel. '"Shoot the sentinel,"
said Booth. I said that would not do, for
if ar. alarm vrrs given there the' whole
thing was up, and, as for me, I wanted
the hadow of a chance -for escape and
success. Michael O'Laughlin wanted to
argue the same way. whereupon J. "Wilkes
Booth said. "You find fault with every
thing concerned about it." I said no;
that I wanted to have a change, and I in
tended to have it ; that he' could be the
leader, of the party, but not my execution
er. Whereupon J. Wilkes Booth remark
ed, in a stern, commanding and angry
voice, "Bo you know you are liable to "be
shot ? remember your oath." I told him
the plan or basis had changed, and a com
pact on the part of one broken is broken
by alL If you feel inclined to shoot me
you have no further to go, I shall defend
myself. This, if I remember aright, was
on Friday, or may be a Thursday night,'
when I said, geutlemen, if this is not ac
complished this week I forever withdraw
from it. I stayed up till about six or seven
o'clock next morning, Friday or Saturday,
and then went to bed. I remained in
doors until twelve, when I arose and went
to get my breakfast. Michael O'Laughlin
and myself roomed together, both arose at
the same time, and were always, in a meas
ure together. Went to bod that evening
about 7 1 o'clock. This day that I went to
bed so early we met about 2 o'clock or
thereabouts; told me I spoke angrily the
said 1 nad been drink-
l tola nun no
I'was in my sober
senses, and meant every word I said ; if
not accomplished this week I withdraw.
Next day tae thing was to be accomplished
on the Seventh street road and failed. On
Sunday I stayed in Washington, and on
Monday or Tuesday I returned to the city
of Baltimore, and thence to Hookstown.
J. Wilkes Booth in the meantime went to
New York, and returned to Baltimore du
ring the week, cn Saturday, T think. He
said he wished to see me on very urgent
business, and my father sent forme... I
came from the country and he had gone
to -Washington,- whereupon I wrote him
the letter which was found in his trunk.
The Richmond authorities, as far as I know,
knew nothing of the conspiracy. ., The let
ter was written after my return to the
country, after finding he could not wait to
see me in Baltimore During the week I
came to the city and met Michael O'Laug
lin, who asked me to go to Washington
with him to finally arrange his affairs. I
went in the morning Friday, I think
and returned same evemng home, having
cut loose forever frem it. Next day I re
ceived a letter from J. W. Wharton, at
Fortress Monroe, giving me cmplyymcnt.
Went to the country, got my clothing, and
on Saturday, the 1st day of April, left
Baltimore for Fortress Monroe, at which
place I have remained, never correspond
ing with Booth or seeing him from the
above named date to the present writing.
The ground work was to kidnap the Pres
ident without violence. He never to me
said that he would kill him. Further than
this I know nothing, and am innocent of i
ot having taken any active part in the
dark deed committed.
Samuel B. Arnold.
Was to place "Mr. Lincoln in the buggy
pjj'-yllftsod for: that r purpose, and . cross
Eastern Branch Bridge. Surratt and
Atzerodt, alias Port Tobacco, were to fol
low them to where he had a boat conceal
ed"; turn the horse 1 xse ; place the Presi
dent in the boat, and cross ihe Potomac to
the Virginia shore, and thence to make
our way to Bichmond. Surratt knew the
route, and was to act as pilot.
Samuel B. Arnold.
A box painted black, like unto a sword
box, was sent by Booth from the hotel by
the porter there to our room. The next
day it was transferred in a wagon, O'
Laughlin acting pilot, to some place. I
was not present. After giving the box to
the driver, went to Georgetown, and O'
Laughlin had the full charge of it. M.
O'Laughlin said he took it to Mr. Heard's,
and from thence the unknown carried it
home. Took the guns out and carried
them to Pedec. This latter clause Booth
told me. Samuel B. Arnold.
Witness : V. Randill, E. G. Horner.
Baltimore, April ISth, 18C5.
Note Besides this written statement of
Arnold's, he verbally communicated the
fact that Booth was the correspondent of
Doctors Mudd, Garland and Queeu. This
fact was told the Secretary when I pre
sented him Arnold's statement.
coneession oi- atzerodt.
I had not seen John Surratt for about
eight days before the murder. Booth told
me a few days before the murder that he
was in Washington. Kate Thompson,
alias. Brown, came from llichmoud with
John Surratt about the time that Bich
mond fell. He had come previously with
Gustavus Howell, now in the Old Capital
Prison. Kate Thompson stopped at Mrs.
Surratt's, and also at the National and
Hinidl Hotels. Thia wotaan was about
21 years of age, spruce and neat, medium
size, blaci eyes, and fair complexion. She
had a sister in New York, who,-it was said,
was a widow. Surratt was made known
to her in New York by a signal conveyed
by a small switch. with a waxed end and a
piece of red ribbon on the butt, handled
horrizontaily through the fingers. This
sign was given on a hotel pavement on
Broadway. He went with her South, and
hired a horse at Howard's stables for the
Harold, came to (lie Kirk wood House
and left the knife, pistol and coat, on the
evening of the murder, about half-past six
o'clock, as I was about leaving, I having
told the clerk to tell whoever might call
that 1 was gone. out. This was before
Harold came in, . Harold and I then went
to the Ilerndou House, Mrs. Murray's,
corner of Ninth and F streets. It was
theu about eight o'clock, and saw Booth,
Wood and Payne in AYood's room. .Here
the proposed murder was first mentioned.
I refused to take part in it, when Booth
eaid, " SlThon we will do it, but what will
become of you? .You had better come
along and get your horse." I then left
them and went to the Oyster Bay on the
avenue, and stayed some time ; then to the
stable anil got my horse and went up to
D street. This was about. ten o'clock.. I
called at the Ilinnell House and got a
drink. I saw none of the party after we
separated about nine o'clock that evening.
I then went out to C street toward the
Baltimore depot ; went between the old
and new Capitol; came on the avenue
again, and " concluded to come back. I
rode down the avenue and the cavalry
were dashing by me. This Wa3 the first I
heard of the murder. I then went up
Eighth street, left the horse at the stable
opposite the Franklin House, and then
went to the Herndon House,- arid heard a
little boy talking about the murder. I
then took a car and went towards the Na
vy Yard. ;- This was about 11 o'clock, and
1 met two young' men named' Briscoe and J
Spates, with whom I had 'some talk. Al
ter walking some distance I took a car to
the cornerof Sixth street and Pennsylva
nia avenue. Here I met a man inquiring
place to sleep at. I took him around to
the Rinnel House, and we retired to one
room with six beds in it. I left early next
morning and passed through Georgetown
on my way to-Montgomery county. No
one left the hotel with me.
I saw Mike O'Laughlin about a week
before the President-was killed. - I never
wanted O'Laugalin and Arnold's aid ; met
O'Laughlin once : or twice at Smithard's,
and a few times in the street.
When we were at Murray's, on the night
of the murder,. Harold said he had a letter
from a printerto Andy Johnson. lie said
he was going to give it to him, . and he I
wanted me to give him the key ot my
rooni, which I refused to do.
Previous to the arrangment.for the mur
der liooth heard that the President was to
visit a camp. The, coach was to be taken
out Seventh street. Surratt was to jump
cn the box as he was the best driver, and
drive through Old Fields to the Long!
Bridge. This was about the middle oil
3iareh. O LaughHn, Samuel Arnold,
Payne, Surratt, Booth, Atzerodt and Har
old went to the Long Bridge with two car
bines, and were to wait for us. They did
so until midnight and returned to Wash
ington next morning. This failed. All
was quiet then for some time. Booth went
to New York, Arnold to Baltimore, O'
Laughlin also, and Payne left for New
York. After this Howell brought a wo
man accross the Potomac. Howell was
made prisoner, and Surratt took her North,
about a week before the murder. Booth
told me that Surratt was in the Herndon
House; the night of the mufder,lhe"l fth of
April, we were not altogether at the Hern
don House. Booth told me Surratt was
to help at the box, that he expected oth
ersinthebox. Booth went from the Hern
don House down Ninth street. The words
of Booth were "I saw Surratt a few months
ago." All the parties appeared to be en
gaged at something on that night, and
were not together. Booth appointed me
and Harold to kill Johnson, and in going
down the street I told Booth we ccuid not
do it. Booth said Harold had more cour
age and he would do it. Harold and I
were on Pennsylvania avenue together. I
told him I would not do it. and should not
go to my room for fear he would disturb
Mr. Johnson. He left me to go for Booth.
This was after nine o'clock. I went to the
Oyster Bay, and Harold came in and said
that Booth wanted to see me. Harold
Lft me here. I promised to get my horse
and come. I was not at the Kirkwocd
House after two o'clock. I have no rec
collcctiou of being there afk'r that. I had
nothing to say at any of the meetings.
One of the attempts was at the theater:
the gass was to be put out, &c. No dis
cussion was had about failure, and what
to do in that case. Tlie coil of rope at
Lloyd's was to stretch across the road to
trip the cavalry. I know nothing about
Spanglcr's rope ; I believe him innocent.
Booth told me an actor was to be the best
assistant in the theater to turn off the gas.
Arnold and O'Laughlin were to grab the
President and take him off; and Booth
said, when applied to for money, he would
go to New York and get some, as he had
it there. Mrs. Surratt, Mrs. Slater, Ma
jor Benon and John Surratt left Washing
ton together ; got jhum:) ut,
Mrs. S. stopped at Surrattsville. John
Surratt and Mrs. Slater crossed, and Ban
on and Mr3. Surratt came back. Banon
was in the Rebel army. I don't think
Banon knew any thing about the Conspi
racy. I sold a horse for Booth and thought
the affair was about over. The murder
was broached first on the 14th, at night,
when Harold came for me. I did hear
Booth -say Lincoln ought to be killed. A
widow woman was living near Mr. Sew
ard's, and Booth said by her iifiuence he
could get entrance to Seward's house ;
through her influence with the chamber
maid and house servant. The girl at the
house was good-looking and knew the wid
ow. Iiarborn was into it first; lie came to
Port Tobacco for n;e" with John Surratt
during the winter. The boat was at the
head of Goose Creek and moved to Nan
jemo' Creek. It was a lead-colored flat
bottom boat, and will carry fifteen men.
This boat was bought of Jas. Brawner,
the old man. Mrs. Slater went with Booth
a good deal.
She stopped at the National
Everybody knows good counsel ex
cept him who hath need of it.
The fate of a child is the work of its
mother. .
An essay on Man a girl's attempt
to capture a beau
What age are young ladies anxious to
arrive at ? Marry-age.
'Tis not that the world grows more
wicked, but we grow older and wiser.
An t Id Arabian proverb, f-s, "It is
the second blow which begins theouarrel."
What is the difference between an
editor and his wife ? One sets article to
rights, and one v.-rites articles to set.
It is said that the Siamese twins keep
away from Chicago because they don't
want to be separated.
The editor who kissed a fair damsel,,
saying "pleie exchange," is believed not
to have exceded the "liberty of the press."
"What is the UiSerencc between a
young lady and her night cap ? One is
born to wed, and the other is borne to bed.
''Pray madam, why d j you call your
hen Macduff?" "Because sir, I want her
to lav on !"
Prentice says that man was the chi.f
consideration at the creation.
Woman was a "side issue."
Why is a tread mill like a true con
vert? Because its turning is the result of
a man's conviction.
The following word is the original
Mexican for country curates :
"My notion of a wife at forty," said
Jerrold, "Is, that a man should be able to
change her, like abauk-note, fir two- twen
ties." What is the difference between accept
ed aud rejected lovers? Why, the ac
cepted kisses the mismes, and the rejected
misses the kisses.
List op Juroks. Ijetow we give the
Dimes of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawu
to serve at the special term of our Counfy
Court, commencing on Monday, Feh. 15th,
and at the regular term, commencing Mon
day, March lat, 1SS0 :
Traverse Jurors. Carroll twp. Thomns
Adams, Charles Anna; Chest Ip. Anthony
Ar.Da. John LiJer, Sr. ; Carrolhown bor.--Francis
Bearer. Henry J.' Campbell ;' Cam
bria Lor. TheopLilus Ii j ,hn, Frank Kurtz,
John Maloy. John Whitman ; Cambri tp.
Thomas J. P.eese; Clearfield tp. Mich'l
J. Duunegan, John Nagle; Conemaugh tp.
Jacob C. Horner; Conemaugh bor Jc.
J. Duucan, 2.1 ward; East Conenoangh bor.
Kphraitn Cogant Juhn Ilildebraud ; tbens
burg bor. Daniel O. 'Evans, east ward ;
G.iliitzin tp. Richard Elder, David Stevans ;
Jackson tp Joseph Cobangh. .Samuel Har
rison ; JohcsUmn bor. John Brady, Au
gust Frank 2d ward; Datiiel Cover. William
MtPhcison, 3d ward : John Evcrhart. Cth
ward ; Loretto bor. Joseph Ilerzog, Sylves
ter Little ; Millvilla bor. James Epley.
Jacob Marsh, A. J. Nipple; Muaster tp.
Francis Itcl ; Prospect bor. John Flynn ;
Pichlancl tp. George Orris, Henry Topper;
Srqnehanna tp. Archibald Farrell, Geo.
StiCler; Taylor tp. John Benshoof. Sr.,
George W. 1 1 ess, Get.. Knavel. Levi Marsh,
Abram. McCreary ; White tp. Daniel Don
nelly, George Walters; Washington tn.
Lawaru aicouue; leder tp. Joseph Pal
Grand Jurors . Loretto bor. F. O'Friel,
Foreman; Allegheny tp Wm. J. Buck:
Blacklick tp. Sircuel Iieed ; Conemaugh
tp. George Balizer ; Conemaugh bor., 1st
Ward Francis Devlin, Cornelius Marsh ;
Conemaugh bor., 2d Ward Joseph Drown;
Cambria bor. David Gates, Henry Gore ;
Carroll t p. John II. Hoover ; Croyle tp.
Joseph W. Pringle ; Elensburg bor.. East
Ward Lewis lloders; Gallitzintp. Sani'l
Sauker; Johnstown bor. 1st Ward, John; 21 Ward, It. R. Edwards; Mill
ville bor. David Livingston ; Munster tp.
James MorelanJ, Peter Parrish ; Richland
tp. JobephGels; Snmmerhill tp. George
Settlemoyer; Taylor tp. Ephraim Adams;
Wilmore Lor. John K. Shryock.
Traverse Jurors (First Wcch). Allegheny
M. Dritki'.l, J. Hogue, M. L. Stevens; Con
emaugh bor. .John Jirindle, 2d ward ; Con
emaugh tp Henry Constable, John Wal
ters ; Cieai field tp. John Bohe, John Krat
zer, John Neaeon : Carroll tp. Ileury Hop
ple ; Chest tp Jacob Kib!er ; Chest Spring
bor. Daniel Little ; Croyla tp. William
Pringle ; Cambria tp. Edvtard Parrish, Isa-
dore Riflel, Theodore Shoemaker ; Ebensburcr
oor. JotnuaD. lJarr.t.ti, wki nmu , nuu.
lin bor. Amos L-nidt-Estein ; Gallitzin tp.
George Gutwalt, David Mills ; Johnstown
bor. Perry Bolsinger, James Barne3, 1st
ward ; Casper Burgraff, William Layton, 3d
ward ; James Crosby. 4th ward ; Charles
But!and, Samuel Kojnlz, Stewart M'CIeK
Iau, 5th ward; Jackson tp. Paul Dishong,
Sr., Frederick Dishong ; Loretto bor. Pat.
Mealy. Michael Levy. Thomas Callan ; Mill-
ville Lor A. M. Bryan, John Hindman.
Samuel Masters; Munster tp. Isadore Lilly;
Uiv-hlaad tp. Peter C. Lehman, John F.
Slull, Isaac HarsLberger ; Susquehanna tp.
J ssph Eckenrode ; Taylor tp. Wm. L.
Gaibraith, William Hunt; Wilmore lor.
William Skelly, George Wiutrode ; White
tp. Perry Tr.-xel! ; Yoder tp. George W.
Tritccrse Juror (Second Wed). Alle
gheny tp. Washington Douglass, Ileury
Glass, Peter' J. Little, Peter M'C-jy, John
Sanker; Blacklick tp. Isaac Wissinger ;
CaToll tp. David Abrams. Francis Fiick,
William T. Gooderham, Raphael ILte. Mich'l
Noon; Conemaugh bor. Albert Brindle,
Francis Bridges, 1st ward; Chest tp. Fran
c's libber; Clerfield tp. Jame E. Mo
Gaugh ; Ctole tp. James D. Plumrcer :
Csimbria tp. William D. Pryce, Edward
Thomas; Ebi-nsLurg bs r. John Griffith,
Jr.. west ward ; E. J. Waters, east ward ;
Franklin bor. John B. Fite ; GiUitzin tp.
Samuel Becher ; Johnstown bor. J. B.
McCreight. 2d ward; Benjimin Edwards,
Charles Cnvcrsaught, 3d ward ; Henry Jack
sen ; Larcttob jr. Sebastian Fry ; Munster
tp. Augustine Durbin ; MdUille bor,
Edmund S. Ruth; Prospect bor. Patrick
Green; Richland tp. Michael Boragardner,
Ileury Custer. Geo. Fisher, Frederick Gard
ner, Kring, John A. Strayer ; Sus
quehanna tp. Lawrence Dee, William Gar
man ; Taylor tp. Jo-.hna N. Griffith. John
Lamison, John McCurdy, Abraham Itiblet ;
Washington tp. Rchard D-ttling, John
Lynch, Oiho Stiner : Wilmore bor. Ber
nard McColgan ; White tp Juhn Van
Seoyoc ; YoJer tp. George Sell.
How to Kill a Towy. The Dubuque
Herald gives the following receipt for knocks
k g a town stiff and dead, which we think is
so applicable to our own t--wn that wo trans
fer it to our columns : "If you wish to kill
off a town, put up lo more buildings than,
you sre obliged to o.cipy yourself. If you
should happen t have an empty building,
and any one slmuM wa:if U rent, ask about
time times its actu.d value. Lxk at every
rewcomer with a scowl. Turn a cold shoulder
to every busine.-s nun or mechanic seeking
a home among you. Go abroad for wares
father than pu-ohase of your own merchants
or rortmsfact-irers at tlie same prices, lirfuse
to ad vert im. so I lint persons at a distance
will not s tnpose any Lu.-iness is being done
in von t wn. A prompt an 1 close obsct
vanW , f tiMsc rules will ruin any town in
two vi ,.r.."
A wi:i.-ku in the A t.ti- SI 'very Slinl
ard says thnt ui.e I-u.i-, a colored barber
in Jersey City, has demonstrated the face
that hair may be grafted into a prema
turely bald head nd made to grow. He
takes hair from the head of another per
Fr;n, mid .!mi:i.!S it with n microscope,
to ascot-tab whether it is poifvct and
healthy. This hair he inserts into the
cavities of the scalp, and secures it to its
place by handagos which are allowed to
remain a few d u a un'il ike hair takes root.