1 S fhaf tbe weight of oats is not a niafttcr.of great coasr quence, nor, io fact, is it to cart or coaiucn horses; bnt it is quite the reverse to each as ve are particular about as tostaroiDa, wind and cone!itko. !Iorse9 nro generally fed by incanrc, cot by freight, consequently in firing light oat?, we actually Tob tbo horse of hi proper quintain of weal, giving him hu-ks in- tead; and if we feed Mm by weight, -roiDg ca the. principle that a pound .f feathers and a pouud of lead arc both a pound, the vriucir.lfc would be a verv bad cno as re- nits? lor in t at case. IhOUg.i tur horso gets Lin pouud weight, if ho .ets an undue portioa of it iu husks be is onlj li'.lod with that which is no use to bim ; to in every way liht oats are bad for ehiec horses. Heading fou Faumers' Boys. An intelligent and thrifty farmer say." : " But for the co operation of my boys I should have failed. I worked hard and so did they. The eldest is neatly twenty-one, and tbe other boys in the neighborhood, younger, have lelt their parents; mine hvc Btuck to me when I most needed their services. I attribute this result to the fact that I have tried to make home pleasant to them. I have furnished them with attractive and useful reading; and, when night comes, and the day's labor is ended, iustead of running with other boys to the railway 6tatiou and adjoining towns, they gather around the great lamp, and become absorbed in their books and pa per?." Such is substantially the testimony of a farmer who has known how hard the struggle for a footing on free soil without cioital is, and how valuable and compara tively cheap arc the aids which good read ing brings him. An Ice House Easily -Made. A eor Tespoudent of the Western Rural gives this bit of practical experience: Last Jan uary 1 drew one load of sawdust and spread od the ground on the north side tf my horso barn, then drew the ice Csawed in qcare cakes-) and built up a square pile foins eight by tea feet and seven or eight high, tilting up the spaces between the Cdtes witn poundcu ice. l meu set up scantling and built a board house around it two feet larger each way than the ice; then fiiled in Eaw dust around, and two or three feet oa top, and covered with boards and tlabs. Ve have used Ireely through the season, sold to picnic parlies, given sway to sick neighbors, and have plcuty of ice yet. Card The Cows. One would think that any kind-hearted man, when he sees how grateful this operation is to a cow, vould bo willing to spend a few moments io carding lur. It pays &3 trell to clean a cow a a horse. All who have fairly tried it find great benefit; from the opera tion. And not one farmer in a hundred makes it a practice to use the card or curry comb in the cow stable. We know stupid men who laugh at the idea as a mere no tion of some fancy farmer. Rut, in point of fact, no cow can give the best result at tli2 pail unless this matter is attended to, especially in winter. L. L. LANGSTROTH'S PATKNT MOVABLE COMB BEE HIVE! Pronounced the best ever yet introduced in this county cr State. Any person buying a family right can have their Bees transferr ed from nu eld box to n new one. In every instance in which this has beca done the re mit hns been entirely satisfactory, and the first take of honey has invariably paid all ex penses, nnd frequently exceeded them. Proof of the superior merits of this invention will be found in the testimony of every man who Las given it a trial, and among the number nre the gentlemen named below, and their experience should induce every one interested in Bees to BUY A FAMILY RIGHT ! ITenry C. Kirkpalrick, of Carroll township, tock 10(3 pounds of surplus honey from two hives, which he solj at 35 cents per pound. Adam Deitrich, cf Carroll township, took from two hives 100 pounds of surplus honey,. James Kirlpatrick, of Chest township, took CO poun ls of surplus honey from one hive. Jacob Kirkpatrick, of Chest township, ob tained 72 poun J3 of surplus honey from one hive, worth not less than 21, and the right ost hira only $5. Peter Campbell from one hive obtained 35 pounds of surplus honev atone time. jpgr Quite a number of similar statements, authenticated by some of the best citizens of Cambria county, could he obtained in proof cf the superior lierits oi Langstroth's Patent Movable Comb Bee Hive. Persons wishing to purchase family rights should call 011 or address PETER CAMPBELL, Nov. 2C, 1868-tf Carroiltown, Pa. G 1 1t EAT INDUCEMENT TOR AN ENERGETIC MAN. The undersigned offers for ssle a valuable FARM of 15G acres, nbout 100 acres cleared, well fenetd, atd in rxcelient state oi cultivation, lue larm 13 located in Carroll tp., Cambih tonnty, 1 :ailes north west of Csrrolltown, a thriving village of about 400 inhabitants, v ery con vi-nicnt to churches, s. bools, stores, shops iaw and grisT, mills. The land lies well and produces good crops of wheat, rye, corn, oats buckwheat and potatoes, al.no, clover, timo tlir and other crrasses ; is divided in fields of convenient size, with water in almost everv field ; good spring be.'ore the house; an nbun dance of coal and limestone on the place; al fo, a sufficiency of wood and timber for nil l'urncses. The hui'.dings are a jrood and nearly new plunk house, plastered, weather boarded and painted ; a thedded log barn, nnd a commodious wagon sheJ. This is re nlly a very desirable farm, being so convenient- to Cirrolltown and in a good neigh borhood, a healthy location, and cheap. Price $3,200 ; $1,500 cash, balance in con venient payments. For particulars call on JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Jarroli tp. Dec. 10, lb'i3-3m vrjT F. ALT FATHER. Y V Manufattvm of and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in II WANA and DOMESTIC CIGARS, PLUG, FIVE CUT CHEWING no SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF. HPliS, SNUFF BONKS, and CIGAR CASES. ' At tt inn nf ('it lndiax. Main St.. JoH.Nsrowx. Pi. Oats.- -Oats nr?, of coarse, a most ira- portant article in Etalle maoBgcutent ; and Ihesc, as everjthip-; a horie eats, ought lobcif the fittest quality. It may be tho't UMMER GOODS FOR 1868!! WHOLESALE AND It ETA I L. A. A. I1ARKGR &, SOX, IIigji St., EBENSBURG, PA. A. A. BARKER & SON have received and opened ont, nt tbeir Store, on High street, thfcir Summer stock of goods for 'C3. DRESS GOODS. MERINOS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, PRINTS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEflES, SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, Every stvle in the market; HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND KNIT GOODS, HATS i CAPS, BOOTS a SHOES. WHITE GOODS, embracing new etjTcs of NAINSOOKS, SW1S MUSLINS. MULLS, TARLETONS, WHITE CRINOLINES, BRILLIANT CORDED SKIRTING. E 31 B R O I D E R I E S, consisting in part of JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS AND IXSERTINGS, BANDS, COLLARS, SETTS, THREAD EDGINGS LACES. DIMITY BOBBIN nOOPED SKIRTS, Cheaper than ever. Th celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, tbe best in use, Sold at the vert loicett market rates. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! DAMASKS, TABLE COVERS, CRASH BROWN DAMASK T VBLE LINENS, FRINGED HACK, DIAPER AND DAMASK HONEY COMB QUILTS, MARSEILLES QUILTS. ALLEN DAL 12 QUILTS, SWISS CURTAINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CARPETS, RUGS, HASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c , kc. Cf all size?, widths, and prices A full stock of T 1 A T V T A T V. P T.hT II T V P. I XV J-l J.. J -I. - A X AJ J V- - A A A. . Ji BOOTS J- SHOES, HATS - CArS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, Jtc. A good assortment of HARDWARE, QU E EN S W A RE, . &c- E E D , VEGETABLES, We keep constantly on hand Sic. Corn, Oats, Vegetables, Middlings, Chop, And a general Shorts, Bran, variety Butter, Egg, cf articles Lard, ia Uii Hue. FAMILY GROCERIES! We have constantly on hand a complete stock of Family Groceries, comprising bU' pernne, Extra and I-avnily FLOUR! Buckwheat and Re Flour. Corn nnd Oat Meal. Hominy, Hulled Barley, Dacon, Sugar-cured Hams, Dried Beef. Salt by the barrel, and Sack Salt for Table use ; Goshen ami estcrn lesrrve Cheese ; Crackers of nil kinds. TOBACCO 1 Complete arsortment of French Spices. Sperm, Adamantine Mould Candlet Soaps, Castile, Rusir, and all other kinds. Rio and Java Lojjtes. Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Teat. Hard, Soft, Pulverized and Brown Svgara. St;ruvs and Holasses of all kinds. Dried Appt and Peochrs. Mackerel, Herring, Salmon. Coal Oil and Turpentine. Lard, Whale and Linseed Oils. Paintt of every description. Scrub, and Horse Brushes. Varnish ts. 2cc, kc, ks.t &c, &c. DR UGS AND I'A TEXT MEDICINES. All kinds of AND NAILS. IRON Kotice. Rtiyiiig Iwice pp large a stock as anr other lucrchant in town, uc buj' cheaper, a.id can therefore tell cheaper, than any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS I CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! The public is invited to crll before purcha sing elsewhere. No chargo for allowing goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, and ) other Lumber, Butler. Eggs, and Country I Produce geuerallyf taken in exchange for I Goods. ug!3 HOLES ALE AND RETAIL TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. Having been East and purchased my stock when prices were low, I am uovr prepared to offer cash buyers better bargains than can be bad anywhere in WESTERN PENNS YLV AN I A. My Btock consists in part of every variety of TIN, SHEET IRON", COPPER AND BRASS WARES, ENAMELED AND PLAIN SAUCE PANS, BOILERS, SKILLETS, FRE2TCII AND ENGLISH HEAVY WARE, Made without seam out of Double Tin, TOILET SETS, Unsurpassed in beauty and cheapness, PIE FORKS, CORN TOPPERS, COFFEE MILLS, IRON SKIMMERS, MINCING KNIVES, SLAW CUTTERS, And every article ycu need in tbe Kitchen. Particular attention given to SPOUTING ! VALLEYS AND CONDUCTORS I 1 am sole agent in this place for the NOBLE COOK, IRONSIDES, GREAT REPUBLIC, TRIUMTII, SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST HEATING AND COOKING STOVF.S. Odd Plates for repairs constantly on hand, rs well as other make of Stoves, which will be sold at prices to please. GRATES and GRATE FRONTS, of ail sizes, with CAST IRON FENDERS, Furnished at Manufacturers Retail Prices. I would call particular attention to my Btock and prices of LAMP TRIMMINGS, Consisting in pari of all varieties of BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, - OIL CANS, Which lam retailing at Wholesale Prices. SUGAR KETTLES, CAULDRONS, STOVE TOTS, &c, . .'VU E12US, cuiidiauwy ou unnu ai icuuccu Ill . A - 1 1. .1 . . -J .. .1 prices. Special attention given to JOBBING! In 'fin, Copper, or Sheet Iron, nt lowest pos sible rates. MERCHANTS' WHOLESALE LIST Now ready and will be sent on application by mail or in person. Hoping to see all my old customers nnd many new ones this Spring, I return my modt Eincere thanks for the very liberal pat ronage I Lave already receive. 1, and will en deavor to ptease all who may rah, wbetiicr they buy or not. Call on cr sudresa FJIANK W. IIA , nugl3 Jou:;stown, P.v. hvr N K lfX We are Y S A V E D ! ! ! are constantly purchasing for cash in the New J ork and Boston Markets a.'l kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, SILKS, COT TONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, WATCH ES. SEWING MACHINES, CUT LERY, DRF.S8 GOODS. DOMES TIC GOODS, c &c. Wnicu we are actually selling at an nvernge price of One Dollar for each akticle. Our sales being strictlv for cash, aud our trnde much larcer than that of anv other similar concern, enables us to give better bargan than can be obtained of anv other house. THE LADIES Arc specially invited to eiveus a trial. Send rou a Circular and McnAsei list. Our club system of selling is as follows: For S2 we send 20 patent pen fountains and checks describing 20 different articles to be sold for a dollar each ; 40 for 54 ; CO for 5r6 100 for S10, &c. Sentbv mail. Ccmmisnons larger tha?i those cfertd by any other firm, ac cording to size of club. Single fountain and check, 1C ct3. Male and female agents want ed. Send money in Registered Letters. Send U3 a tiial club, and vou will acknowl annot s.fford to buy goods of any other house thereafter. EASTMAN & Kfcr DALL, iul3 6m 65 Hanover St., Boston, Mas3. D OBBINS' ELECTRIC POLISH 1 BOOjT Makes a lasting shine. Those who bh.ck the.r boot3 on Saturday n'ght with ordinary blacking, don't have much ehine on Sunday, as the polish fades off ; bnt the shine of Dob bins' Blacking lasts Saturday night and all d;ir Sunday. 'IT BEATS A LL OTHER BLACKFXG made. Manfactured only by J. B. Dobbine, at his immense Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Street and Germantowu Avenue, Phil adelphia, Pa. Ek&- For sale in Ebensburg by C. T. ROB ERTS and GEO. HUNTLEY. rn26-em. L ATEST ARRIVAL! The subscriber has just received, at his store, on High street, Ebensburg, a large and salable stock of Flour, Bacon, Sugars, Molasses, Tea, Cotiee, Table Salt, Barrel Salt, Spices, Cheese, lobacco, Cigars, and everything in the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery line. Also, Boots nnd Shoes, Carbon and Lubri cating Oils, c, &c. All which will be sold very cheao for cash. aug!3 G. G. OWENS. UEHN OF ENGLAND SOAP I Q U E EN O F EN G LAND SOAP I QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP ! For doing a family washing in the best and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world 1 Has all the streugth of old rosin soap, with the rniid and lathering qual ities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 43 North Front street, Phila. Sep. 3-Cm. - -' COAL! COAL! COAL ! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr., at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg nnd vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILEY Jr. Hemlock P. O., Aug. 13,1808. RANT HOUSE, HEMLOCK, TA., Jonx WiLiiix. Proprietor. This house has been reStted, and offers superior accommodations to any other honse In town. The proprietor, after long experi ence in tbe business, feels confident be under stands the wants of the public His table will be supplied with all the delicaeies of tbe season. 15 v constant attention, he expects to merit a liberal share of public patronage. August 13, I3f8. UNION HOUSE. EBENSBURG, PA., Jerome A. Pi-ott, Proprietor, No pains will be spared to render this hot worthy of continuation of the patronage it has heretofore received. TLe table will always be furnished with the besMhe maket affords; the bar with the best of liquors. The stable is large, and will be cttendtd by an attentive hostler. US 3- OGAN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, TA., Isaac Cbaavford, Proprietor. The Lcgan ho3 been thoroughly refitted and refurnished, and now offers superior in ducement to the public. The Table and Bar inferior to none in the State, and Sta bling of the very best. 13 I ROSTER HOUSE, Cob. Clikton & LocrsT sts., JOHNSTOWN. PA., Wk. Linton, Proprietor. This well known boase has been complete ly refitted and refurnished, and is now pre pared for the reception of guests at reasona ble charges. .Kg 13. OUNTAIN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA. R. P. Linton & Co., Proprietors. The TabliS is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. The Bar 13 supplied with chcicc liquor? r nnd the Staklk attcuded by careful hostlers. Bo iruero taken by the week, atorXh or year. aug 13 LAUREL RUN EXCHANGE, HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., RicEAni P'Etlixc, I'-t.prirtor. This popular stand lias lately bieu remitted throughout, aad its doors are hot open for the reception of the tired, hungry or thirety publie. -:llJ XTNION IIOUSK, J HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Otto IIelly, Proprietor. This hotel is situated immediately along side the Railroad D?pot, and is the inot con venient stopping place in town for travelers Au-ust 13, 18G3. CAMBRIA HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Henry Fostek, Proprietor. The fJr?t class position cmoiig first class Hotels will be maintained iu the past, by tbe Arcade. in the tutur?, a& aug 13. T7 C- EBY & CO , Allm WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchant, No. 522 Market St., between Fifth and Sixth, Philadelphia. We have constantly on band a general as- fcortment of all kinds of hsh, in large and small packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit. Also, Duncannon iaiis and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on band and for sale at Manufacturer's prices. au!3 rsi C. JENKINS, JL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale Deaier and Receiver cf FLOUR, and ail kinds or PRODUCE, A ho: RE FIN KP OILS, Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St., riTTSBCBU, Ta. ts? Trirf E Current and Marking Plates sent to shippers. faugl3 "J BENSON V n A Ml'lil ,T, X- Cn . , " 1 WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 507 Market St., Philadelphia EST" Refer by permission to A Ebensburg. A Barker, BARNES, OSTERUOUT, HER RON & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, STRAW GO 'JDS, A.nd FURS, No. 503 Maikct St., above Fifth st., ailgl3 1'UILADfcuriIIA. WHOLESALE o 9, U1SH c ALDWELL & FRY', . Whole salt Dealers ia OHSIERY, GLOVEo, iyc NOTIONS, 40G Market street, Piiiladei.puia. I. C. CALDWELL, ang. 13 WM. W. FRY. JAS. W. KIDDLE, M. rVTUET UMlTIt, JXO C. SHERBOBSB, W. CALVtS MOOiiE. E1DDLE, SHERBORNE & CO., j Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant street, -ugl3 PHIL ADA. JACOB K. SMITH. J. XL. 8ELTZKR. MITI1 & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, &c. No. 403 N. Third st.,above CaRcwhill, r.ogJ3 PlIILADELi I1IA. B EN. 1 THOMPSON, tc7A A. OPI'ENIiEIilER k CO. Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS, I CRS, and STRAW GOODS, No. &17 Market street, auglS Philadelphia. rp S. ROBINSON, tetth JL GEO. F. ROBINSON & CO. Manvfiiclvrers cf PINE, HEMLOCK, BEECH, and MAPLE LUMBER. Also, FLOORING, WE ATHERf.O ARDTNG, SHINGLES, L A Til, BLACK WALNUT, ASH, asd CHERRY, Orders sent to Ebensl urg, Cambria co., or Rush House, Pittsburg, will he promptly at tended to. aug 13. NATIONAL SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY, HENRY SCII A' A RL E. Wholesale dealer in Soap, Caudles, Groce ries, Liquors and Fish, at city prices. aagla Malx sx., JOHNSTOWN, PA. jglJENSBURG i WARE. TOVE AML TIN- DEPOT ! 5 T. W. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Just received, at the Ebensbtirg Stove ?nd Tinware Depot, a lirge and well selected stack of COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, COPrEIi WARE. TINWARE, SnEET-IRON WARE, HOUSE SPOTTING. TIN ROOFING, &c. And a general assortment cf Hardware. Cutlery, Farm Edge Tools, Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Angers, Bits, Files, Hatchets, Hummers, Hinges, Gimlets, Apple Tarcr?, Ilaqd Saws, Oil Stone?, Meat Cutter. Coal Hods, Door Lock Keys, Sad Irons, Coffee Mills, Coffee Roasters, Carbon Oil Lamps. Chimneys, Burners. Wicks, Stove Polish", Boot Polish, Hoop Iron, Wagon Iron, Bolts, kc. Sc-rews, Lcks LMcbts, Bolts, Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Tr;ice Chains, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, I desire to call particular e.ttentiou to the fact that my Etock of STOV E S ! I the largest nnd best in Cambria county. And any Conking Stove desired I will get when ordered at mauufitcturrS' retail price?. Odd Stove PIfltcs nnd Grates, &c, for re pairs, 0.1 hand for the Stoves I sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. OIL BARRELS! Made out cf Galvanized Sheet Iron, to hold any desired quantity, manufactured 1 for Ele at the Ebensburg Stove and TitwHi; Depot. All dealer 1:1 Oil 6hculd havs thrm. THE EUREKA COFFEE ROASTER A time paving, temp: ving, money saving inve r eavinsr. labor sa ition. The women's friend. The best iloucter in market. As I In e lately addd largelj to my stock, nni have now a nrst-cljss II p. rd ware and Tin Store, persons i:iwantof anrthicgin my line are invited to give me a ca'l. One tbinj I desire to be distinct'y undert-tood WILL NOT IS VXD er sold: CT Repairing promptly attended to. By strict r.ttenfion to bnsiness and a desire to denl fairly and justly wilh all men. I hope to merit and receive a fcL.".re ot public patronage. 3f" Stare on High street. Ebensburg, in the rooms lately occupied by Mills k Davis. aug!3 THOS. W. WILLIAMS. gUMMER WOOD ANNOUNCEMENT ! '. XORRLLL d- CO. nave just received, at taeir Mammoth Store, near the Railroad Station, JOHNSTOWN, Still mother invoice of FOREIUN and DOMESTIC DRY GOOrS, A!n, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, They offer Goods of all ue&triptions at WHOLES A L E and R E T A I L ! As cheap as t'ac-y cart h purchased ia the Eastern Cities. Our stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, RAG, INGRAIN, & BRUSSELS CARPETS, MATTING, PAPER HANGINGS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS asd CAPS, QUEENS WARE, YELLOW WARE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, FEED, SALT, &c, Is tbe larcest ever broucbt into Johnstown. By bnying our Goods in large quantities, and on the best terms, we are enabled to sell at prices much lower than arc offer ed clseu here in Johnstown. Wo particularly invite the at tention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS! To our f.icilities for supplying them rrorrptly with every article in utmand by their customer?, and at satisfactory fig ures. Competent clerks alwuy in waiting to show Goods. A specialty f our business ia the DAILY MEAT MARKLT AND TUB VEG E TA B L E D EPA R TMENT, At which citizens can procure fcll kind3 Freth Meat and Vegetables in season. On the second and third floors, bu. with convenient entrances on the tirst floor Irtm Washington Btreet, are two capacious TAILOR and SHOE SHOPS, Where fine and coarse Boots nnd Shoes, all kinds of Gentlemen's Wearing An- parel are made to order, promptly, and in fashionable style. A fall line of Cloths, Cassimer?, Cat sincts, &c, constantly on hmd. In the Shoe Department are kept for sale Shoe Findings of all kinds, and a prime assortment of Up per and Sole Leather. I1! ';the,alleghanun- VTIL Lbe published every Tkuraia,. u . - the following rates, viZ: Per p.nnum, payable in advance..,'..., $9 If not paid in advance v-.Ofl 2 5) A failure to notify a discontinuance at t, eipiraticn of the term scbscribed for wili considered a new engagement. RATES OF ADVEi:T15!X. Transient advertising, per sq.. one ia3.$i ?o Each subsequent insertion. 2.j Adnii!r.sTator8' and Executors' Notices" 2 0 xciray xoiicca 3 mo. 1.53 6 not. $4.00 I' 1 square, 12 lines 2 squares, 21 lines... 3 squares, 3G lints... Quarter ctdnnvn. ...... Third column Half column Column $2.50 5.00 8.00 7.00 10.00 9.50 14 00 11.0& :e.co 14-. CO- 25.00 25.00 n.j.0.1 c ..ro 12.0v 15.GIJ '.0i Professional or Business Card?, ac. exceeding 8 lines, wtu paper k, : . Advertisements not marked with u number of insertions desired, will le contin. ued till forbijien, and charged iccordin; t the above terms. fiiiF- Alt kinrT r.f .T.-S Wnrt arHI V. oa reascraable term3. J OOK WELL to rou 11 nxr. BOOT ANV $210 V MA N UFA CTCRT The subscriber, having dispensed sale of Es?t.'- i-iaade work m spec hia estMi L:r.pi!t, is determiaed :o himself v. ;:t'i itoewed energy to the fActure of ... ;je- : Si Ii O O T S AND S II O E S ! He has i.i Li.- employ a corps of competent workmen, ?nd iisserts that he can turn out a better Boot or Shoe than any other similar establishment ia Cimbria Coun ty. Give him a trial ur.d be convinced. Particular attention pnid to the man ufrtCtUft' rf IIXE Good w Bcot3 a Tvorkm" Shv-; or. Crawford's IIott-1 Iligh-st., one dcot east of GIVE ME A CALL ! nng. 13 JOHN D. THOMAS Q ADDLERY AND II A UN ESS ! O The undersigned keeps c- rtstantly ca hani and is t-till inaiiufaturin- all articlr in his line, such s SADDLES. FINE SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, DRAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING B! -.IDLES CHECK LINES, HALTERS, WHIPS, BRF.KCII BANDS', 4e. All ivhich he will diipose of at lev j r : 1 for cash. II is work is all warranto-?, and b.i;:- -.- t rienced in the business, be use: c:d-. : i.V -. of leather. Thankful far part Txv- - L hopes by r.ttention to business to licit & continuance of t'e pntjor.: heretofore iu liberally extended to hiv. Shop above t!:e tin stcre of Thors V. Willhims, High st. Persons wishing good, subetantial Ilarness enn t e a-.comrjodated. All persons indebted to me are re quested to call nnd settle as soon bs posiibi, as I need money. ugl3j HUGH A. M COY. P RICES REDUCED ! JOHNSTOWN MATUJLE WORKS. The enbsciiber has just received & We? anu handsome invoice oi ITALIAN- AND AMERICAN MARGLtrT -mpri.iig the largest and finest stock ot kind ever brought to Jolmstown. at his es tablishment, on Franklin Steeet, where Le ii prepared, with an adequate force of exp i "!:cea ?nd ek ill nil workmen, to execute t.:i kinds of MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, TA BLE TOPS, BUREAU TOPS, MANTELS, kt as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the citic3 A large stock of GRINDSTONES on liaad and for sale low. Articles of my manufacture can be purcls- sed at the Hardware Store of Mr. Uor: Huntley, in Ebensburg. Prompt atteniien paid tc order: :" a distance, ami work dIivred where red. rauC13l JOHN PARKE L' ORETTO MARBLE WORKS .- The undersigned begs leave to inforr tbe citizens of Cambria and ni'joiniug co lics that he has just received a stock of i finest Italian and other Marbles f.t his rstt" lishmentj la Loretto, Cambria cour.tv, Pfl. Monuments, Towbs, Grave Stones, j"..'-.'- Bureau (ops, manufactured of the most tiful p.ud finest quality of Foreign and Di t..4. tic marble, always on hand and ma;le to or as cheap as they can be purchased in the.-': in a neiu ana workmanlike manner, tou the shortest notice. Tbe public sre respectfully invite i 'a?'" me a call lie tore purchasing elsevl. .:'. f : am conli:'; ,r ii!t.t inj- work ut.d priee wi' satis'V ait pvrton dcsirir.ir ar vthic; i' ff- line of bu.-'f;- ss. Now is iie tioie to get a chesp job! auglG JAMES WILKIN-'- i 3 .RONIZE YOUR (ivv X : lilfc. I'U'JTKtlll):, INSURANCE COMPANY O? CAMBRIA LOCATED AT EBENSBURG, PA. The above named Company, organ April t3th, 1857, will effect insurances ty at safe rates. Being particui' caretul in the risss taten, tnis t-ompn: r Eeats a. reliable rind cheap medium, tbro which persons riaj- secure themselves agA" nrbable losses br f:rc. Office on Centre Street, nearly op?" the 'Mountain Ho;?e." JOHN WILLIAMS, Fie J. Llotd, Sec'y. k Treas. R Agents ; EVAN ROBERTS, Johnstone JAMES PURSE, JNO. E. ROBERTS, Ebensburg Ebensburg, Aug. 13, 1SG8. of T7 ALU ALE FARM 10K SALE' n' - l : , nvoi ot 'rivatC hia FARM, situate in Cl.rst town bria county. four miles fror i Carroiuo"" six miles from Si!i-;pTS. Aires, of con Sims, oi ciin-fiu -v:--, - f.t. acres are cleared and in a Et:itf .1 , VV. .... ... .. . ratable lui.-ber. There ' a .nrn.ii,i. Pmniii Ilnnsc m ! a ii.. : r. .nI.:.t,0 a -rnn r." 1 and Orchard of choice fruit ire's, also a never-failing spring V . other conveniences on thel -- -erty will be sold n fair teir : ! "iitre , .ter' puinoie line u uc i ticulars apply to Chest Tp , Aug. 1 Work of all kilJ doM i' oflic. FRENCH CALF SATy nnnrt f I crk, moderate prices, ur.d satifuctiw i guaranteed in all cases. .1 rnd shoes repaired promptly ad ii I ".me mar.m-r. I i i t