The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 21, 1869, Image 2

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Schemes and Schemer.
Tor a full half hour, reader, we cast
;i jout us for something of which to write
for your own special interest ami int ruc
tion. At labt. we got something. Net
that we had nothing at fiit, It we hud
plenty ; but it was only commonplace
matter about commonplace things, such as
irjruiuori place eple think, .and Fpcak. and
write about. We wanted something aeri
al, or romantic, r chivalrous, or startling.
Wc thou-'ht of the last accident on the
Panhandle below Pittsburg, but
instantly dismissed it as trifihq; for an
accident that breaks the skulls, or tears
out the hearts, or sa:n.shc:s the bones, or
crushes into jel'y the bodies of four or five
people, by pitching them a hundred feet
tlowu to the rocky bod of a creek or river,
or over a precipice, or by running two
trains or boats against each other at twen
ty miles an hour, is not of that impor
tance, romantically considered, to make a
first-clas article even for a country week
ly. Before rising to that dignity, at least
fifty people must be killed and wounded
the scene to wind up by the cars or boats
taking fire, much to the dismay of the
ttfliTd and easily frightened passengers,
i Wc are certainly a great people. We
live in an age of progress. We arc past
the middle of the nineteenth century. We
ilrm't hang people any more for stealing
hhecp. We don't convict a man any more
for shooting or killing any body (any male
body) without warning, or fcelf-dcfencc,
whom he suspects of having been mutual
ly agreeable with his bister, or wife, or
grandmother. And why should wc, for is
not this an age of progress ? We have
rejected the fogy notion that it takes two
to make a bargain. This is an age of
b'urcly we arc a groat nation. Haven t
-wc put down the rebellion I Didn't we
catch Jeff. Duvis in petticoat? Didn't
wc back down Johnny JJull ? Didn't we
buy Alaska '! Didn't wc have an earth
quake in California ? Can't wc kill more
people by bursting boilers, and smashing
railroad cars, and exploding kerosene
lamp!', than any of the old, effete monar
chies of Europe ? Lastly, can't wc under
take to collect more revenue, and get
cheated out of a larger amount of it, than
any other pc p!o '! Doesn't it follow, then,
.Viucrica 'a tlio groiiit nation in tlie
world ?
Just as the cagK 's tlie biggest
So, then, wc ought to have the biggest
behemes and schemers ; and havcu't we ?
Our debt is not big, compared to our size.
Only something short of three billions.
It might be twice, or ten times, the size it
is. Who cares for expenses, unless it is
IJciioral Grant, and his bosom friend,
Washburne, from Illinois ? It is a grand
thing to think that we can afford to have
such mighty schemes, and the national
debt besides.
Just look at s iue of our schemes and
First vf all is the great American pro
tectorate over the West India republics of
Ilayti and San Domingo, with an eye to a
like protectorate over Cuba, and finally
over Mexico; and here is General Banks
tho schemer. But Banks was immeasu
rably outschenied by the proposition to
extend the protectorate over Ireland,
"which could whip England on a fair field
any day j" aud member of Congress llob
inson, from New York, is tho schemer who
out schemed the schemer Bank?.
Next i.s the scheme to pay an ingenious
individual the nice little sum of 50,000
to aid him in constructing a telegraph of
his own invention that diupcnscs with the
use of wires and poles, and substitutes
mother earth and mother air. The name
of this inventor and schemer n Mahlon
Then "there is a very fat and sleek
scheme to induce the Government to pay
Slti.000 a mile to aid in constructing a
railroad from Little Keck, away down in
Arkansas, to some point ou the Itio
Grande, thence to the Pacific, a distance
of not less than fifteen hundred miles.
The godfathers of this sthenic are the
t-c'acming Senators from Arkansas.
But the biggcht scheme is to give the
c untrv? in lieu of the national bank cur, three hundred and fifty millions of
l'nitcd States Treasury certificates, in is
sjcs of from one dollar to one thousand
dv.llars, which shall bear a little better
than three and a-half per cent, interest,
for which the Government will not even
promise to pay cither gold or silver, the
idea being to have a. currency that is not
roJceoiablo except by paying it to the
Government for taxes, kc. The chief
merit of tliia scheme is it "ctwticity," for
if ::t any time the currency heron: scarce,
or a fresh supp'y needed, it is only c
c issary to light the fire that heats the
lvjiJor III hold the water that makes tho
fetculil that starts the engine that drives
the press that makes the money that Un
cle Sam uses. The father of this biggest
of all schemes is tho biinrest of all the
schemers, Bcnjsnnitt F. Batlcr, of Massachusetts.
The JLeglftlature.
At the last session of the Legislature,
an act was passed, and may be found on
page 70 of the State laws for 1SG8, redu
cing the total number cf officers and em
ployees attendant on both branches of that
body to about fifty, in which number are
included ten persons as pasters and fold
ers of the public documents, at salaries of
$000, and two superintendents, at $800
each. This act, however, did not in any
way afiecfc tho persons who had previously
been c'cctcd to do the pasting aud folding
of the two houses. The consequence was
that the ccst to the State of folding and
pasting the public documents in wrappers
for distribution was, on the part of the
House, $37,000, and, on the part of the
House and Senate together, about $50,000.
Soon after the opening of the present ses
sion, an offer was made in caucus by
Messrs. Kaucii & Cochran, publishers of
Father Abraham, of Lancaster city, to do
the entire pasting and folding of the IIoti3
for $5,000, and of the Senate for $2,500,
or both together for an even $7,000.
On the ground that the law before re
ferred to made provision for the work, and
prevented action on the proposition, it was
almost unanimously rejected. Yet on the
heels of its rejection, a resolution was
adopted in the same caucus to repeal the
law of last session and give each member
the appointment of a paster and folder.
On this resolution, a committee was ap
pointed, we believe, for both branches.
We arc heartily glad to sec that the Sen
ate committee have reported adversely to
the proposed repeal, and hope they will be
sustained by an emphatic majority. "What
the House committee have done or may
do, we cannot say.
But this We Say that such extrava
gance had better be nipped iu the bud.
Such reckless expenditure of the public
money is simply dishonest. If Republican
Knembcrs have neither the good of the
State nor their party at heart, they may
take part in such extravagance while they
have the opportunity ; but wc greatly
mistake if they do not find themselves at
home as soon as possible, covered, if not
with the ''odium thr.ologlcum" at least
with the ''odium leyislatorcm."
Senator Itamscy is to be returned to the
II. S. Senate from Minnesota.
Carl Schurz has been nominated by the
Republican Legislative caucus in Missouri
as their candidate for like honor, in place
Senator Henderson.
Hannibal Hamlin has received the Re
publican caucus nomination by a majority
of one over Senator Morrill, present in
cumbent from Maine.
A. W. Campbell is likely to be elected
by the Legislature of West Virginia. He
is said to be a man of decided ability.
In New York, Governor Fenton has
been nominated, over Senator Morgan, the
present incumbent.
Lt.-Gov. Wm. J. Cumbach has been
chosen from Indiana, in place of Senator
Senator Stewart is to be returned from
Senator Chandler will be elected from
Is the editor of the Freeman- utterly
and entirely revengeful ? Can he neither
iorgive nor forget ? Will he never rise to
that virtuous bight which is crowned with
good words for enemies, and particularly
for political enemies ? Will he never be
come able to bury in furgetfulness the re
membrance that some two years ago Hou.
D. J. Morrcll beat him for Congress, and
cease feeling ugly about it ? Wc like the
editor of the Freeman very much, and
would gladly forget that he suffered the
stings of defeat. But here, about every
second week, he obtrudes his private and
personal troubles upon the public through
the columns of his paper, and says harsh
things about Mr. Morrcll, and hints at
corruption, and talks of the potency of
money, and says something about the un
gratefulness of Republics, and in general
conducts himself like a bear with a sore
head, and we cannot forget it, and cannot
but think that ho is not amiable and for
giving, but egotistical and vindictive. Our
ueighbor may feel that his political fate has
been sad, and may even become morbid
on the subject. But he should keep his
diitempered thoughts and ideas to him
self. Tho people are satisfied with the
choice they made for Congressman, and if
the Freeman man culy maintains a decent
degreo of silence, it will not be known that
he docs not bow good-naturedly to the will
of the majority, but sups upon anger in
" '
fif Hop. Hester Clytncr declines '.o be a
candidate lor Governor.
Our Washington Letter.
Washington, Jan. ISth, 1SG9.
To the Editors of The Alleghanian :
It is very difficult to crowd into the
brief space of a letter of reasonable length
even a synopsis of the Congressional pro
ceedings of a week. Every day brings
forth something of interest, either in the
shape of original propositions, or new views
of old ones.
The present Congress is near its dksO'
iuiion. iany measures, now in a semi
finished stage, may remain unperfected.
The respective friends of these are anxious,
if not clamorous, for precedence, not wil
ling to leave them to the undeveloped
mercy of a succeeding lesislature. It is
too often the case, that private bills are
urged with so great pertinacity, that great
public measures have "to take a back seat.
It is to be hoped that Congress will, dur
ing the less than two months yet left of its
official life, devote itself first to final decis
ions on the public questions before itr and
then, a3 a subservient consideration, to
private interests. Such a course of action
will meet the hearty approval of the coun
As I mentioned in my lsst communica
tion, the financial problem is the all-absorbing
topic of debate in Congress, and
of conversation in all circles out of it. No
one cau yet form an approximate opinion
of what will eventually be done, or left
undone. The people having elected that
"the national honor requires the payment
of the public indebtedness in the utter
most good faith, not only according to the
letter but the sju'rit of the laws under
which it was contracted," the requirement
seems to be the securing of the means for
meeting the obligations. All evasions will
be pusillanimous and dishonest. Until
the question shall have passed through the
ordeal of argumentat ion, and some one of
the various propositions assumed tangible
shape, I will forego speculation, exhorting
your readers to be patient, and :tbey will
see what they will see'
There is now a very important bill un
dergoing discussion in the Senate, known
as the "Sue Murphy case." It involves
the question, whether the National Gov
ernment is liable for damages to property
sustained by the loyal citizens of the South
ern States, during the war. Southern
members of Congress are becoming impor
tunate. It being a test case, great conse
quences are involved in the result.
There are large delegations here from
Mississippi, Virginia and Georgia urging,
in relation to the first two, Congressional
action looking to their reconstruction and
admission to representation ; and, in the
ease of Georgia, either the admission of
the Senators elect, or remanding the State
to her position before the adoption of her
constitution, on the ground of having vio
lated the reconstruction acts, by the eject
ment of the colored representatives from
the State Legislature. All matters con
nected with these questions are iu the
committees, where they are being cxaniin-.
cd aud sifted. ' '
On Monday last, outsiders were taken
by surprise, in consequence of the passage,
by the House of Representatives, of a res
olution, by the heavy vote of 121 to 47,
repealing the Tcuure-of-Civil-Ofiice Act.
The largo majority favoring the repeal was
undoubtedly secured by the representation
that it was to be viewed as a vote of con
fidence in the incoming administration.
It is not certaiu how soon the Senate will
take up this resolution. " It will, no doubt,
undergo discussion, before it be finally ;
passed. Senator Wilson of Massachusetts
has introduced a bill amending the law as
it now stands.
Expectation is ou tip-toe for the coming
"Inauguration Day." In all political or
ganizations, the anxious benches are crowd
ed, not now by mournerx, but by expec
tants, redolent with the smiles with which
sanguine hope wreathes the human counte
nance. The time will soon come, whei
disappointment will be the lot of many
who "in the wild hunt after office" think
their respective claims irresistible. Tho
announcement that the searching inquiry
"is he worthy ?" will be made, iu the ease
of each applicant for place under President
Grant's administration, and that honesty,
capacity and faithfulness to the Constitu
tion and the principles enunciated in the
Declaration of Independence will be con
sidered as the essentials to constitute wor
thiness, docs not suit the tastes of a cer
tain class cf political braggadocios who are
beginning to wend their way to the Capi
tal. "I am neither a prophet nor a son of
a prophet," but I can plainly see lar
enough into the future, to safely predict
that those whose political principles are
subservient to personal aggrandizement
will not have the ear nor the confidence of
the new President.
' President Grant's administration will
be an eventful one. He will have to grap
ple with rnomcntoua questions, fraught
with weal or woe to the country, and on
a rightful decision of which the very ex
istence of the Republic will depend. He
will not have the light of precedents to
guide him. We live amid surroundings
such as have not heretofore existed since
the formation of the government. A gi
gantic rebellion has been crushed. Stated,
purely in rebellion, have been re-admitted,
under promises of future loyalty profes
sedly repentant, (but untried) rebels have
bceu re-clothed with the garb of citizen
ship the shackles have been wrenched
from the limbs of a heretofore cuslaved
race, which has been admitted to a partio-,
ipation iu the choice of our political rulers.
The burdens necessarily imposed upon the
people by a long aud bloody war to pre
serve the Nation's life, are to be lightened.
These, aud their resulting issues, will call
for the exertion of mental and physic
al labor, guided by patriotism and philan
throphy. such as no occupant of the Pres
idential mansion has ever performed.
Pennsylvania will, without reasonable
doubt, be favored with a Cabinet appoint
ment. Whom President G rant may select whose names have been mention
ed, I cannot determine. We will rest sat
isfied that a judicious choice will be made
a choice that will be hailed from the
Delaware to the Ohio :as one eminently
fit to be made."
But let me return to the subject of the
approaching inaugural ceremonies Aside
from the politicians, tho :gay and festive"
Lave bright dream, by day and night, of
a "hugely" enjoyable time. The votaries
of fashion are preparing for a display of
"toggery" such as has neve? been seen in
Washington. Terpsichore will be inau
gurated to preside over the mazjr dance "fair women and brave men" will
make up a scene of imposing splendor and
jovful mirth. The extensive accommoda
tions which the hotels can furnish have
already been engaged by associations and
individuals, who propose being in attend
ance. It will be a day of forgetfulaess of
sorrow for the past, and of bright antici
pations of the future.
On Tuesday last, Gen. B. F. Butler, of
Massachusetts, submitted a "'financial
plan," which has becor.e the theme of
considerable discussion. It is not such a
project as will commend itself to the calm
judgment of Congress. He sweepingly
denounces a mctalic currency as a relic of
barbarism, and stigmatizes gold and silver
as the props of despotism. He a.Ivccntcs
the withdrawal of the greenbacks, and the
issuing, in their stead, of a currency to be
styled "certificates of value," the credit of"
which is to be ba?2d ;y?i tTie credit of the
Government, but which the Government
shall not be bound to redeem at any spec
ified time ; or rather that they shall never
bo redeemed in anything that is now con
sidered a standard of v.Iue. Gold and
silver are to be ignored, and printed paper,
with the Government seal impressed there
on, is to be substituted. On the deposit
of the L'nitcd States six per -cut. bonds,
by an individual or corporation, he would
hand over an amount of these 'certificates
of value," less ten per cent., on which cer
tificates the borrower must pay C.65 per
cent, interest, to be charged against the
accruing interest on the bonds. By this
process, he looks to the entire absorption
of the bonds, and the i. j.vsible inflation of
the circulation to the full amount of the
bonded debt of tho county, reserving,
however, to the borrower the privilege of
receiving back siich amount of the bonds,
held as collateral by the Government, as
said borrower ui?.y desire, by his paying
"certificates of value" for the same. This
is an imperfect outline of a jtait of Gen.
Butler's financial scheme from an examin
ation of which you may have some idea of
it as a whole.
Bills have been introduced and debated
iu the Senate, incorporating companies to
construct railroads from Washington City,
as a centre, to different points East, West,
North and South. 1 hese proposed meas
ures involve the Constitutional right of
Congress to grant corporate privileges of
this character. The friends of this legis
lation claim, that Congress having the
power under the Constitution to facilitate
commerce between the States, has the
power to incorporate railro&d companies.
The opponents, on the other hand, contend
that this prerogative belongs to the States
alone, and that the privileges heretofore
granted to such companies by the States
would ultimately become worthless, if
Congress incorporate rival companies.
There will be considerable excitement in
Congress, during the pendency of these
bills, and much will be said pro and con.
The House, on Wednesday, disposed of
the resolution extending the protection of
the United States to the Governments of
Ilayti and San Domingo. Several amend
ments were offered to include other inlands,
among them "Ireland." The resolution
and all pending amendments were laid on
the table, by the emphatic vote of 120 to
3G. A bill for the organization of terri
torial government for Alaska met a simi
lar fate.
The Senatorial elections to take pliee
in several of the States, on Tuesday, the
19th inst., are looked for with necp inter
est. As this letter will uot be published
before the elections shall have transpired,
it were useless to speculate in reference to
There is a general interchange of con
gratulations ".mciig Pennsylvanians in
Washington, on ho auspicious selection of
a Pennsylvania United States Senator.
Gentlemen from other portions of the
country, who never before heard the name
of John Scott mentioned, make many in
quiries of us who hail from the Keystone
State, as to the character, ability and fu
ture promises of one who has so suddenly
loomed up from his retirement. I need
not tell you of the proud satisfaction it af
fords us, when v. 3 t .iuaiphautly point to
him as a representative man of the great
State of Pennsylvania. 1 tell these anx
ious inquirers, that they must not think
that our new Senator springs from an ob
scure stock that he is not the first of his
family who has represented Pennsylvania
in the National Congress. I refer them
to Lanman's Congressional Dictionary,
where they will be informed that, forty
years ago, John Scott, Sr., the father of
our Senator, represented his District iu
the House of Representatives of the Unit
ed States. They find Representative
Scott's term of office commenced with that
of Andrew Jackson as President, of whose
administration the former was an ardent
and efficient supporter. Of the father of
our John Scott, I can speak from personal
knowledge, having had th good fortune
of being the recipient of his generous
kindness, when I was. a youthful "stranger
in a strange land." My gratitude has
never waned. I know ot no better tribute
I can pay to his memory than by giving
publicity to my feelings of siucere joy in
contemplating tlie eievatiou ot bis son.
Our State Legislature on Tuesday elec
ted Hon. John Scott, of Huntingdon, IT.
S. Senator for six years, commencing the
1th of March noj-t.
Uold is iuoU'i a
John II. Surratt is rro-rr in South
America, but intends returning in a month.
The Washington correspondent of the
Bostoc Herald vouches for the following
concerning the conspirator as being true
in every particular : I learn from one of
his friends that ho has prepared a full and
explicit statement of the conspiracy hich
resulted in the death of President Lin
coln. In this he denies all knowledge of
any assassination plot, bnt confesses freely
that Booth and himself and others were in
a plot to abdact Mr. Lincoln. He de
clares that assassination was never spoken
of to him, and was not agreed on by Booth
and Payne UDtil the night it took place.
He futhcr insists on the entire innocence
of his mother, maintains that every effort
was made to keep the abduction plot from
her knowledge, and says she was simply
the victim of unfortunate circumstances
and the machination of the witness Welsh
man, whose evidence, it will be remem
bered, cau-ed Mrs. Surratt's conviction.
Surratt proposes .o tell everything he
knovrs, tho good, bad and indifferent, and
make oath to it. He feels, it is faid,
that it will bo so impartial and straight
forward that it will be believed.
There seems to be every prospect for
a revival of business interests in the South
ern S'ates. Thia is especially true of the
seaboard States, a:.d of the rich cotton and
sugar regions. The opportunities for in
vesting in land arc excellent. The ter
rible depression of the past few years have,
of course, thrown many thousands of acres
into the market, under the bankrupt ait
and by the action of individual owners
themselves. There u much greater will
ingness to sell, both to Northern men and
to the laboring population also. Judging
by the ofBcial advertisements of lacd sales
under bankruD'cv orders in the Virginia
papers authorized to publish them, there
are to-day at least five hundred thousand
acres offered fir sale in this way alone.
Millions of acres of good laud can be pur
cVised now at small prices. Other inter
ests arc al-o arousing themselves. Plan
ters find thai with a smaller number of
acres and mire thorough cultivation they
do better than was the case in the old
slovenly ttylo. Manufacturing enterprises
are projected, and mining will be eciercd
into vigorously in many sections whe-re
nothiujr of that sort has ever been doue.
Tick's Floral Guide. An illustra
ted annual, with the above title, has conic
to hand from the publisher, Mr. Jaiuca
Viclf, Rochester, X. Y. It contains accu
rate descriptions of the leading floral treas
ures of tlie world, vriih plain oud complete
directions fur sowing &eed, transplanting,
after-culture, and all matters connected
with horticulture, illustrated with numer
ous fine engravings. To the florist uod
farmer it is a valuable acquisition, and its
chcapucs3 only ten cents per copy
should induce ail interested in gardening
and floral inaitc-rs, to send for a number.
It, moreover, contains a complete catalogue
of seed?, which can be fun.isV.ed by rrail
to applicants. The sample copy before us
is attractive, and deserving of perusid.
Notice is hereby given that the books,
notes, &c, of the late .firm of .Mills t Davis
will be left in the hands of Esquire Kinkead,
in Ebensburp, for collection, on the Istof Feb
ruary next. Those indebted to them will there
fore save costs by settling their accounts forth
with. MILLS & DAVIS.
Jan, 21, ISCD-Gt.
To Supervisors and School Directors.
The County Auditors having certified the
amount of lload and School taxes received on
Seated and Unseated land, the Supervisors
and Treasurers of School Boards of the sev
eral districts entitled to the same are request
ed to present proper vouchers to the County
Treasurer and receive the game on and after
the first day of February. 1869.
JOHN A. KENLDV, -Corn's.
Attest: TnoMAS J. Glass, Clerk.
Z U R E Nr E.
(Concentrated Indigo.)
F O R T II E L A U N K V .
It i3 warranted not to streak, or in any man
ner injure the linest fabrics.
For family use sold in five cents, ten c.nts,
and twenty cent3 boxes.
Each twenty cent3 box, besides having five
times as much blue as the five cents box, con
tains a pocket pin cushion or e;nery bag.
For Hotel and large Laundry use, it is j ut
np in $2 00 boxes.
Seo that each Box has proper Trade Mark.
For Sale in Ehensburg ly V. S. llarker and
M. L. Oatman. Jan. 21.
In tho Orphans' Court of Cambria
couuty, Pa., in the matter of the first and sec
ond accounts of Enoch Farrensworth, admin
istrater cf William Henry Lloyd, dee'd., the
last of which was submitted to J. C. Easly,
upon exceptions.
And now, to wit, the 9th December, 18G8,
on motion of George M. lleade, James C. Eas
ly appointed Auditor to report distribution
of thu money in the hands of said accouutaut
to and among the persons legally entitled
thereto. By the Court.
Extract from the Record. In testimony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and af
fixed the seal of the said Court this 9th day
of December, 18GS. Jas. Griffin, Clk.
Notice is hereby given that I will attend to
the duties of tin; above appointment, at the
ofEc of Geo. M. Rcade, risq.. at 2 o'clock,
p. m., on MON DAY, the 8th day of FEBRU
A -1Y, 1869, when and where all persons in
terested may attend if they see proper or be
debarred from any share vf said fund.
JAMES C. EASLY, Auditor.
Jan. 21-31.
The undersigned Mould inform ibe citizen3
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he continues
to carry on the Coioiing business in all its
branches, nt the old stand on Locust street.
Coloring aud cleaning of all kinds done to
order. Gents' clothing colored, cleaned and
pre3ed equal to new. Ladies' diesses, silk,
cotton or woolea goods, shawls, colored,
cleaned or pressed to look as well as new.
Ribbons, feather?, &c, colored to look like
JS? Goods sent by express will receive my
special attcntiou and returned as soon as
finish td. SAMUEL M. RAIN 11 Y.
- Johnstowu, Nov. 'JC-Jai.
M. L. Oatmax, Sole A3ent for Cambria ft
The subscriber desires to Call the
ot tlie public to the lact that he has X
sed the riprht for Cambria cotintv "UrC :1'
"Bcctlej's Non-Explosive Metropolis
which he claims to be the
Oil manufactured
for this Oil are :
The advantage? Cl'.1
1. It is clear and clean.
2. It is non-explosive and ia!.
3. It will not grease jour hands, clonVn.
furniture, or carpets. "
4. It is fifty pe: cent, cheaper than
other Oii. Price, only 10 cents a quar, Cf
One and all who have used it prononcc
it to give entire satisfaction. Give it at- j
and be convinced of tha above facts.
to irxsnir axd borough rig ins
for sale at the store of
Thrrc doors east of Crawford's Hotel,
A"g- 13 Ebexsbi-rg, T.k.
JL UNITED STATES, for tliw'uw.m tv.
i trict of Pennsylvania. GEORGE W." KI-rrvT
a Bankrupt under the Act cf Con-re c' .c.i, ibw, Having applied for a Di
,,;,.. JU1 nis aeots, and other claimi
provable under said Act, by order of tl;
vu"" noi'c 13 oereoj given, to all creditor!
i.uU ie provea tr.eir debts, and other per-
iu appear on tne 1st dav o'
..iuiucuuit, ruvq.. uegister in Uani-
r:iptcy, at hi3 office in Hclli.l
show cause, if any they he. wbjadUcW
si.ouia uoi ue granted to the aaul Bankrupt
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said Dis.
trict. 15-2t.
K 31 xM O N & 31 U It It aT;
Lkmuon & Mcehay, deAlers in
Drus, Medicines,
Pass Rooks,
Blank IJooka.
Prayer Books, Bibiii,
Fancy Soaps,
Patent Medicines,
Pure Spices,
Fl.tvoriug Cxtract3,
School Books,
Photograph Albunit,
Pipes, Tobacco,
Cigar3, and SnnST,
Cap Paper,
Poat Paper,
Note and Biiitt Paper,
1 ens, Pencils,
Pocket Hooks,
Pure Liquors for
Kl)e:iburg. August 20, lC3-3m.
meuicir.Hi purposes.
Successor of R. S. Bunn,
Dealer in
Letter. C:ip, and Note Papers,
Pcus, Pencils, Superior Ink,
And other articles kept
by Druggists generiWy.
Piyxic inns' prescriptions carefully compoundd.
Office ou Main Street, opposite the Moun
tain House, Ebensburg, Pa. augl'l
N E ,,v
The sub?criber has removed his Tailor
Center btreet, near Colonade Row, and re
spectfully informs his old customers and all'
the rest of mankind that he is now prepared
to manufacture all kinds of
in the latest style of the art, with neat
ness in ' dispatch, and at low rates.
Persons needing work in ray line are
respectfully invited to give me a call.
E".c-nsbtirg. Aug. 13, tf.
cheap cash store ::-
The subscriber would inform the citizens
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps con-slant-
on hand e erything in the
line, such us Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar. a!t
kinds of CracKers, Cheese, Smoking and
Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, kc.
Also. Buckskin and Woolen Glove?, Woo'
en Socks. Neck ties, &c, all of which will
sold as cheap if not cheaper than elsewfcrt
A full assortment of Candies!
Ice Cream every evening.
ugl3 R. R. THOMAS
A.1 The partnership heretefore existinf.
betwen the undersigned, irsder the firm ot
E. HUGHES & CO., is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due to or by th
firm are to be settled by THOMAS J. LLOYD,
who continues the Lumber business at tba
old stand. E. HUGHES,
Ebensburg, August i'4, 1868.
The undersigned will continue baying oJ
selling Lumber. The highest market prlcj
will be paid, in cash, for all kinds of f1
Lumber. Particular attention paid to fillip
orders. aul3j THOS. J. LLOYD.
The subscriber begs leave to infera
the public that he has opened out a CootanJ
Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupy
by Davis & Evans, on C ater street, Ebens
burg, where he will carry ou the business"
an extensive scale.
For sale at City Trict'
BOOTS AM) SHOES made to order
On shortest notice!
KTLThe public are invited topi"".
call. 1 w
-- . i r"
rill sell chnp as the cheapen.,
nv stock and make to pive s
tion. fugl3l JOHN O. EAV-
Mr3. Mary Owens offers for b i
house, situate on the corner of Ogle an
Ann streets. The house has late.y te .
built and fitted up with all tuo niou f
... i , t..-i j 1'iliprrt!. r or
nrovcmenis. icnua wunw.
information inquire ot ur.v. .,..
Nov. I8..'itu.