The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 21, 1869, Image 1

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V f Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
August 13, 1863.
TO UN FENLON, Attorney at Law,
l) Ebensburg, Ia.
jg- Office on High street.
GEORGE M. READE, Attorney ut
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
sy Office in Colonnade Row. augl3
? 7 ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
liif OSice'in Colonnade Row. ug20
GEORGE W. O ATM AN, Attorney at
Law and Chum Agent, and United
States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb
ensburg, Pa. aog!3
at Law, Ebensbr.rg, Pa.
Office opposite the Court House.
B. L. JOHSSTOS. augl3 J. E. SC&XLAS.
ri AMUEL SINGLETON, Attorney at
4 Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office on
ter's Hotel.
High itreet,
west of I os
auglS JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law,
Carrolitown, Cambria county, Pa.
. r .1 t?:n
rv"3 Architectural urawinga nu -ruu'
cations made.
J. WATERS, Justice ut tne reace
LJm and Scrivener.
. r
i.vy-Office adjoining dwelling, on II gh Ft.,
Ebensburg, Pa. L-luf-r
FA. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention paid to collections.
a Office on High Etreet, west of the Di
imond. aug!3
A. KOt'ELlK, T. W. DICK,
Jnhitslown. L.Lenburrj.
Ol'tfLIN & DICK, Attorneys at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
j,.a7- Office in Cclonad Row, with Wm.
Kiucll, Esq. Oct. '11.
the Peace, Johnstown, Pa.
S-S'" Office nu Market street, corner of Lo
cu. -"street extended, and one door Boutb of
the l-.te office of Wra. 11'Kee. ft.uglS
P REYEREAUX, M. D., Physician
JA and Surgeon, Summit, Pa.
E?iT Office cet of Mnns:on Iloue, on Rail
rour street. Night calls promptly atteiid-t
u, r.t Lis office. augl3
(Mfers hia professional cervices to the
citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. He will
visit Ebensburg the tsecond lues.laj oi eacn
ttjiih, to remain one week.
etU extracted, toi'fAeuf pain, witli Xi'rout
vnd'. or uai'un-n5 ims.
12.-0 Kooms aiijoiuiug G. Huntley's tore,
l.ilg;l itr?Ct. augi.i
JL7 The undersigned, Graduate of the Hal-
viuorc College of lent.U Surgery, respectfully
o:Tcrs his profeasional services to the citizens
uf Ebensburg. He has spared no means to
thoroughly acquaint himself with every im
travtment in his art. To many years of per
ianal experience, he has sought to acid the
iiapsrtcd experience ot the highest authorities
ia Dental Science. He simpiy asks that an
cp;iorti.'jity may be given for hia work to
fcak Li own praise.
rrVill be at Ebensburg on the fourth
1! 'n'uy or' each month, to stay one Wjek.
A jgust 13, 18G8.
T LOYI) &. CO., Jlanker
XJ EuENSBcao, Pa.
l?y (lolci. Silver, Government Loans and
Oilier Securities bought and sold. Interest
!!oweI oa Time Deposits. Collections made
on i; uccessihle points in the United States,
a.l a Geo-ral Eauking Business transacted.
August 13, 1803.
T M. LLOYD & Co., Bunker
y Altoona, Pa. .
Ih'ufis or. u,c principal cities, and Silver
J Golu for t.i'.o. Collections made. . Hon-
js recti-ved on denosit. payable on demand.
wuiioiit interest, or upon time, with interest
t fa r rates. face 13
L. " '
flllN-'' :,"n?c:T v- nT-v 4 t f jrr
J'.d'F (-'"Pita $ C(i,000 00
J'in!'je to increase to It-ii.&OO 00
'e liuv and roll Inland anri Vir;n n.i'is
f, ........ v. ..... . U I U J .
- nt Securities : make collpotinn nt lmmp
...a uiiiri, miu ii ii tiMsse.- oi uovern-
ii abroad ; receive deposits; loan money,
p'l do a general Eankinj? business. AU
lailnaj On,... ,..-.-1 ... Til .
lntioa and care, at morifrntp nricea. Give
buiiuaici; I i ii will r f t' i v xirnmni
- ...Ml.
Director :
John Diceiit,
Jacob Leveugood,
Edw'd. Y. Townsend.
JAron "i ."
"CORrs r. '
JiAXIEL J. MORRELL. rretident,
Lobeuts, Cashier. sep3ly
X. TVAtrk r.. ...... .?..
in k r TAi v
fT . , Yirginiaand Annie Bts., North
, - .
vS'l'lV1 Capital $300,0C0 00
ApiTAt, Paid is 150,000 00
faToraUe'neSS per,aining Banking done on
Ifc'em.o' " . ....
l-ons vrnue stamps of all denomma-
JTa-y8on Lund.
HP ,B.?UrC.hH8" Of S,
fliiiiie novrtavitAnra in
I "ill Itf (. 'lAn...! II
"..uncii, its lOUUWJ
$!iu tn
2oo " i Cent- 5 $I0C t0 $200, 3 per cent.;
ujiwarcifi, 4 per cent. augl3
SAJ:!-,FL SINGLktox, Notary Pub-
rBce n'nrg, Pa.
"'gn street, vet of Foster' IIo-
Til ... au Kinrt don
o at
H. J.
The IVT. Y. Tribune Tor 18G9.
Within the last eight years our country
has triumphantly passed through the gra
vest and most trying perils which have
confronted her since her Independence
was acknowledged. She has vindicated
beyond appeal her right to he regarded as
no mere confederacy or league of jealous,
envious, discordant States, but as substan
tially and permanently a Nation, wherein
the pretensions of no part can be admitted
or upheld in opposition to the integrity,
the paramount authority, of the One lie
public. The right of each man, by virtue of his
birth or his naturalization as a citizen of
the United States, to the full enjoyment
of ''life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi
ness," until he shall forfeit the right by
crime, is also established on impregnable
foundations. Our fathers proclaimed it in
justifying their separation from Great
Britain ; it was left to us to establish as a
fact what they merely affirmed as a prin
ciple. What the cannon of Saratoga and
Yorktown proclaimed as an abstraction,
the cannon of Gettysburg, Yicksburg, and
Five Fuiks established as a living, em
bodied, enacted truth. "Widely as our
flag now floats, still more widely as it may
float hereafter, there is, there can hence
forth be, no legal master, no fettered slave.
Wrongs and abuses, servility and oppres
sion, may still exist; but the Federal
Constitution is no longer their shield, and
the folds of our flag no longer emblazon
nor seek to conceal a lie. The humblest
American, so long as he violates no law,
is master of his own limbs and the sole
owner of all he can honestly earn.
Of these immense results, the impor
tance and the beneficence will become
more palpable with every added year.
Distance is required to enable us to meas
ure and appreciate the magnitude of the
pyramid of four millions of shackles,
stricken from the scarred limbs of our
countrymen, which form the enduring
monument of our struirtrle and our tri
umph. rsew arts, new industries, new
development of natural wealth, too long
unheeded and unvalued, will year by year
stand forth in attestatiou that none of U3
has yet adequately realized the magnitude
and the benignity of our National victory.
No great good is ever achieved without
-effort or without cost. Four yers of pa
triotic struggle and sacrifice, half a million
of men slain in battle or dying of the pri
vations and exposures of war, millions of
bereaved ones, five billions of property de-
i cloyed, and nearly three billions of debt
incurred, attest the magnitud-3 of the con
test and the unyielding valor of the com
batants. At length, the smoke rises from the
hard-won field, showing that the last in
trenchment has been carried. The elec
tion of Grant and Colfax gives assurance
that the storm is over that the bow of
promise arches the sky. There are still
obstacles to surmount, perils to avert, no
ble ends to be achieved j but the ship of
State lias riuden out the tempest and has
her haven full in view. The seven States
reconstructed under the recent acts of
Congress will stand, and will be followed
by the three that have hitherto stood
aloof; the rights of the frccdmen will be
upheld and respected, and impartial suf
frage throughout tli2 land will soon plant
them on foundations that cannot be sha
ken. The Tribune will contend, in the future
as in the past, for Universal Amnesty as
well as for Impartial Suffrage. It has no
faith in vengeance, in proscription, in con
fiscation, nor in the shedding of blood
otherwise than in actual and necessary
war. '-There is a time for War and a time
for Peace ;" and the latter follows swiftly
on the heels of the former. YVhenever
thosy who fouaht against the Union shall
have in good faith given up the contest,
the- are no longer our foes but our coun
trymen. In the joyful trust that Grant's election
has given the death-blow to Ku-Klux
Klans, and all manner of outrages on Un
ionists and Frendmen as such, and that
Impartial Suffrage will no longer be seri
ously resisted, we hope to see the next
four years signalized by an unprecedented
expansion of the National Industry and a
consequent increase oft ho National wealth.
Wc hope to fce new cabins dot the prairie,
new clearings chequer the forest, new
mills, factories, furnaces, erected, North,
South, East and West, until our annual
product shall be hundreds of Millions
greater than at present, while mines of
Iron and of Coal, of Gold, Silver, Copper,
&.c, shall be opened and worked, with an
energy and to an extent that defies prece
dent. Relieving that the systematic, effi
cient Protection of Home Industry is the
corner-stone of a wise, benignant National
Policy, and that it is essential to the rapid
development of our latent resources, to the
prosperity of our country, the maintenance
of her credit, and the honest payment of
her debt, wc shall give it our most earnest
and active support.
has been eo long known as the leading po
litical newspaper of the country, that its
special features need no elaborate descrip
tion. It contains the fullest and most ac- i-orifirt. if t.lm Trnrfnf1 i n rra in tHrm-
,rrok and the. State Legislatures, careful
glob, correspondence from all the princi-
pal centers of intelligence at home and
abroad, letters from travelers in foreign
lands, reviews of new books, dramatic,
musical, and fine art criticisms, literary,
scientific, and religious miscellanies, and
all the multitude of items which make up
afirst-clas3 daily paper. It is printed with
better and clearer type than any other
daily journal in America. It is published
every morning, Sunda3's excepted. Terms,
$10 a year ; $5 for six months.
is published every Tuesday and Friday,
and contains all the editorial articles, not
merely local in character; literary reviews !
corps of foreign and domestic correspon-
dents ; special and Associated Press tele
graphic dispatches ; a careful and complete
summary of foreign and domestic news j
exclusive reports of the proceedings of the
Farmers' Club of the American Institute;
talks about fruit, and other horticultural
and agricultural information; stock, finan- j
cial, cattle, dry goods, and general market j
reports, which are published in the daily
Tribune. The Semi-Weekiy Tribune also j
gives in the course of a year, three or four
of the best and latest popular novels, by
living authors. The cost of these alone,
if bought in book form, would be from six
to eight dollars. If purchased in the En
glish Magazines, from which they are
carefully selected, th3 cost would ba three
or four times that sum. Nowhere else can
so much current intelligence and perma
nent literary matter be had so cheap a
rate as in the Semi-Weekly Tribune. -Those
who believe in the principles and
approve of the character of the Tribune
can increase its power and influence by
joining with their neighbors in iorming
clubs to subscribe for the Semi-V eekly
edition. It will in that way be si'pplied
to them at the lowest price for which such
a paper can be printed.
Terms of the Semi-Weekly Tribune r
Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 jear 101
numbers, -100:2 copies, 1 year 104
numbers, 87 00 ; 5 copies, or over, for each
copj' S3 00.
Persons remitting for 10 copies $30 will
receive an extra copy six months.
Persons remitting for 15 copies 43 will
receive an extra copy one 3ear.
For $100 we will send 34 conies and
the daily Tribune. . .
The Weekly Tribune' has continued
to circulate a greater number of copies
than any other newspaper in the country.
Ye appreciate this confidence, and shall
labor to retain-it. Its previous attractions
will be continued and increased. The
main features of our Weekly will be agri
culture, literature, polities, and the mar
kets, with the latest summary of thu daily
news. . We have mado special arrange
ments to increaso its usefulness as an
agricultural journal. The Farmers' Club
will be fully reported, and special articles
on agricultural topics contributed by the
best writers. No farmer who desires to
till the soil with profit, and to know the
progress constantly made in the science of
his calling,' can afford to neglect the ad
vantages of a newspaper like tho Weekly
Tribune, especially when it unites with
agriculture other features of interest and
profit. The Weekly Tribune contains a
summary of all that appears in the Daily
and Semi-Weekly editions, while in addi
tion it is made to address itself to the
wants of the great farming class, lleviews
of all the new publications, and of all that
is new in music and the fine arts ; letters
from all parts of the world some of them
of rare interest to the farmer, as showing
the progress of agriculture in other coun
tries ; editorial essays on all topics of homo
and foreign interest, together with full and
carefully reported reports of the markets,
will be furnished from week to week, and
at a lower price than that of any newspa
per in America. By pursuing this policy
the Yfeekly Tribune has already attained
its present commanding influence and cir
culation, and Ave enter upon the new year
with the assurance to our readers that no
pains and no cxponsc will be spared to
give it still greater usefulness and power,
and to make it a welcome visitor to every
fireside in the land.
The Kditor of the Tribune purposes to
write, during the year 1869, an elementa
ry work on Political Economy, wherein
the policy of Protection to Home Industry
will be explained and vindicated. This
work will first be given to the public
through successive issues of the Tribune ,
and will appear in all its editions Daily,
Semi-Weekly, and Weekly.
We will thank those who think that the
influence of the Tribune conduces to the
profit and well being of the people to aid
us in extending its circulation.
Terms of the Weekly Tribune to mail
subscribers : One copy, one year, 52 -issues,
$2 00 ; five copies, to names of sub
scribers at one P. O., 89 00 ; ten copies,
to names of subscribers at ouc P. O.,
$1G 00, and one copy extra to ihe getter
up of the club; twenty copies, to names of
subscribers at one P. b.r $27 00, and one
copy extra to "the getter(up of club ; City
copies, to names of subscribers at one P.
O. 05 j ten copies, to one 'address, in
one order, $15 00, arid onccopy extra;
twenty copies, to one address, in ono order,
$25, and one copy to getter-up of club ;
fifty copies, to one address, in ono order,
ftfid 00 : one hundred eomfcs, to one ad
in one order, $100 00.
The Tribune has often been applied for
copies of Mr. Greeley's history of the late
Civil War, entitled The American Con
flict. Many evidently presume that it is
published by us, so that we can give copies
at pleasure. In several cases Union sol
diers have written us saying that they
were unable to pay its full price, but were
nevertheless anxious to possess the work,
and asking us to tell them by what means
they may obtain it.
Jn deference to these representations the
publishers of the Tribune have made ftn
atrigemcnt with Messrs . 0.r D. Cafe &
Uo., publishers ct lhe American Conflict,
whereby they are enabled to offer that
wori to such persons as may see nt to ob
tain mail subscriptions for tho Tribune as
follows :
One copy of the History, in two volumes,
will be sent to each of the following clubs :
; The money for each club to be sent at
one time, and all papers for the same club
to be addressed to one Pest-office.
; For $21, ten copies weekly Tribune to
names of subscribers.
For $33, twenty copies weekly Tribune
to names of subscribers.
For $61, fifty copies weekly Tribune lo
names of subscribers.
For $116. 100 copies weekly Tribune,
to names of subscribers.
For $20, ten copies weekly Tribune to
one address.
For $106, one hundred copies weekly
Tribune, to one address.
For $36, ten copies Semi-Weekly Tri
bune, lo one Post office.
For $63, twenty copies semi-weekly
Tribune, to cue Post office.
For $116, forty copies semi-weekly Tri
bune, to one Pest ofiice.
i Friends wishing to secure the History
ori these terms must send the clubs pre
cisely as we have stated them. Semi
Weekly and Weekly subscriptions must
not be mixed in one Club.
The American Conflict is a History of
the late Civil War, its causes and inci
dents, in two large and well printed octa
vos cf C IS and 7S2 pages respectively, and
is sold for $10." It is abundantly and ad
mirably illustrated with plans of battles
and sieges, portraits of Presidents, Gener
al) Governors, Sic, who were prominent
u'Le Struggle, Jiad with a very large -Map
of the seat oi war. It has received from
all quarters the highest commendations for
accuracy of statement and fullness of de
tail. It is substantially bound, and must
be deemed a valuable addition to any li
brary. These volumes should be placed
in every school district library in the land,
and each school contains scholars who can,
with a few hours of attention, raise a Tri
bune Club and securo the history. Al
most any one who wants can now obtain it
by giving a few hours to obtaining sub
scription for the Tribune among his friends
and neighbors, and we hope many will be
incited to do so. The work will be
promptly forwarded by express or by mail,
prepaid, on receipt of the required sub
scriptions. Terms, cash in advance.
Drafts on New York, or Post office or
ders, payable to the order of the Tribune,
being safer, arc preferable to any other
mode of remittance. Address
I'itlslmrg Commercial.
The election of Grant marks an era in
the history of the country. The future is
full of promise. We stand on the thresh
old of a period of remarkable interest. If
the Presidential campaign awakened a de
sire fbr reading and intelligence, the elec
tion oi" Grant must create a wish among
all el isses to be well informed at every
step in the career on which, as a people,
we ai-e about to enter. The people having
elected a President by an unexampled
majority, they will naturally wish to ob
serve him at every step, know of every
event ns it hap-v. ns, and have a a intelli
gent understanding of men and things not
oniy in our own country, but throughout
the world.
More than ever a good newspaper now
becomes essential to cverv man who would
keep himself informed concerning passing
events. No man can pretend to know
what life is or keep up with even the most
moderate competitor, without he is the
constant reader of a good newspaper. A
good newspaper is the best investment any
man can make a poor one the poorest.
Although only established but recently,
comparatively, the Pittsburg Commercial
has won a place among the firsi journals
of the country, and by common consent is
the best paper in Pennsylvania.
We might give from our correspondence
and the notices of the press in this and
other States, columns of commendation
testimony sustaining the claim we have set
up. The reason is evident. We give all
the news. And the habitual reader of
the Commercial will find himself well in
formed on all topics of general interest.
Few papers in the country have so exten
sive a correspondence,' none has so com
plete arrangements forgathering the news,
and no other pajs so much attention to
adapting .what it prints to the wants and
associatiaus of its read-vs. The Commer
cial is not merely a political paper. An
advocate of the principles of the Republi
can party, xt returns to political friend and
foe a thousand times what he pays,
i The Daily Commercial, ever ?incc it was
established, has been ahead in givin" the
latest, fullest, and most reliablenewsl It
is not too much to say for it is' a common
remark that locally it has caused a revo
lution in journalism, and it exerts an ex
tended influence on the public mind. Not
professing to be a party organ, and wish
ing not to be understood as the instru
ment of any set, sect, or combination, yet
devoted to the great principles which have
so signally triumphed in Grant's election,
the Commercial aims to be an educator of
the public mind, the medium through
which it will find expression, and the ad
vocate and friend of truth in all things.
If it" ls the organ-of" anything, - it is "of
Pennsylvania interests, more especially of
the great industrial classes, with whom it
is in the closest sympathy, and of whom
it is a part. As a commercial paper, es
pecially in its extensive and reliable mar
ket reports, the Commercial is recognized
everywhere a3 authority, and it is daily
read and relied cn in banks, counting
rooms, by the mechanic, tradesman, and
representative" man of every, calling. In
this respect, wc spare time nor expense,
and we take pride in believing that we
have won a position which older papers
have striven in vain to attain. In a word,
if you desire the latest and all the news,
tne tallest and most complete market re-
ports, the choicest general reading and
literature, and a complete newspaper in
every respect, read the Pittsburg Com
mercial. There are thousands who cannot aflbrd
to take a daily paper, and to whom a weekly
is nil-sufficient, provided it be a good one.
To meet this want we publish the weekly
Commercial, a very large sheet, each
number containing an rmount of rcadinsr
equal to a dollar volume, prepared express
ly for those who desire in one paper all
the News, and newspaper reading enough
for a family. To this end we give in the
weekly Commercialize particulars of lead
ing events, whether oi' polities, finance,
home occurrences, foreign intelligence.
To render the weekly Commercial of
especial value to the rural portion of the
population, we give extensively of Agri-
cultural readzng, tor which we have spec
ial arrangements ; so that no number cf
the paper shall fail to give what to any
man with an acre of ground will be worth
many times tho cott of a year's subscrip
tion. Besides each number of the weekly
is stored with choice family and fireside
reading, including entertaining sketches
of biography, travel and discovery, inter
spersed with poetry, stories and light read
ing. To this we add what lias already
caused the weekly Commercial to be
sought after very widely a full weekly
report of all the markets of Pittsburg and
the principal cities at home and abroad.
Those reports, occupying nearly an entire
page, arc to the buyer aud seller of what
ever our population makes, grows or trades
in, invaluable.
'lhe Commercial is published daily ana
weeklv at the following rates : Daily pa
per, one year $10 ; (liberal terms to News
Dealej-s,) Weekly Paper, single copy one
3Tcar, $2 ; In clubs of twenty, and a copy
free to the getter up, $1 50. Address
COMMERCIAL, 70 Fifth Avenue, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Truth Will Out. Ouce upon a time
a nobleman gave a great supper. While
the guests were at the table, two maskers
came into the hall who were no larger
than children five or six vears old one
personated a lord, the other a lady. Their
dress was as splendid as could be, and
they danced very skillfully, to the great
diversion of the guests. Everybody said
they could not but admire the dexterity of
thoe polite children enough. Then an
old officer took an apple and threw it be
tween the dancing couple. Suddenly the
lord and lady rushed after the apple as
though frantic. In the struggle, they
tore off each other's masks, and behold !
instead of children, they were a couple of
monkeys. All the company at the table
laughed heartily, but the ell clficer said
very gravely : "Monkeys and fools may
dress and dance splendidly, but the day
soon come3 when it is known who they
Give the Devil his Due. Said tipsy
John to his railing wife, as. staggering
home at night, overcome br the might of
beer and gin, he came in a vroful plight :
"Don't be so hard in your charges, Lve ;
I'm a little to blame, 'tis true ; but give
the devil his due, nry love, oh ! give the
devil his due." His helpmate gazed on J
Jus wavering lorm as vainly he essayed to
retain his seat in a treacherous chair, and
readily answer made : "To give the devil
his due, my love, is perfectly right, 'tis
true ; but what would become of you, my
love K oh ! what would becoxos of you ?"
Dodging a Creditor. A creditor,
whom he was anxious to avoid, met Sher
idan coming out of Pall Mall. There was
no possibility of voiding him, but Sheri
dan did not lose his presence of mind. -"That's
a beautiiul mare you are n," said
n?. jjo you mint sj
s:ii the
C red
ltor. vi es, indeed. How does bhe trot !
quotn isneriuan. xite .creditor, . hip.iy
flattered, put her into a full t:ot, Shcri-
1 i. 1 - 1 . 1 j 1. i .
uan uoi-cu arouiiu ae comer, aud wasovt
of sight in a moment.
Rank and fashion may be all very fine
yi time of peace, but rank and file must
take precedence in time of war.
An exchange has tho following, which,
whether exactly true cr not, is a good Yan
kee story :
At the battb of Rappahanock Station,
after the fifth Maine had gained possession
of the works in their front, and were ta
king a whole brigade of Johnnys to tho
rear, Colonel Edwards, who was one of the
first to reach the rifle-pits, took a few
men from Company G, and pressed on in
quest of more prisoners, supposing sote
might be trying to get away in the dark
ness ct the night, rouowing the line of
fortification down toward thcrvVer, bo
Eaw before him a long line of troops in
the rifle-pits. Finding that he was in r.
tight fix, he determined to put on a bold
" Where is the officer in command of
these troops ?" demauded the gallant Col
onel. " Here," answered a Colonel, who was
commanding a rebel brigade, "and who
are vou, sir
k My name is Colonel Edwards, of tho
Fifth Maine, and I demaud you to surren
der your company."
"1 will confer with my officers first," re
plied the rebel officer.
"Not a moment will I allow, sir," said
Colonel Edwards. "Don't you see my col
umns advancing? (pointing to a larg
body of men marching over the hill, who
were the rebel prisoners, being notched
to the rear.) Your forces cn the right
have all been captured, and ycur retreat
is cut cix, and as tne re Dei commander
hesitated, he continued: "Forward! Fifth
Maine" and. Twenty-first New York!"
. 4; I surrender, sir," said tho rebel com
mander, quickly..
"Will ycu allow tne' the courtesy of re
taining a sword that has never been dis
honored ?" "Yes, sir," replied Colonel
E., " but I will take the swords of thoso
ofHcL-rs," pointing to the Colonels by hid
They were handed to him.
"New order vour men to lav down
their arms, and pass to the rear with this
They obeyed, and a whole brigade of
Louisianians, the famous Fifth and Sixth
Tigers being among th, porm!(tol - l-o
disarmed "hud marched to the rear as pris
oners of war, by Colonel Edwards, and less
than a dozen men cf his regiment.
A "Gal Baby at That." To desiro
a change of sex is not commonly consider
ed a manly aspiration ; to weep about it
seems ludicrous. Yet the thing has been
done, and on the tented field. In tho
very fiercest of the battle at 3Ialvern Hill,
General Lee encountered a tall Johnny
Reb iti full retreat, and blubbering fear
fully. Jle stepped him and shamed him ;
but the fellow openly avowed cowardice,
and said he knew he was a coward when
they 'scripted him.
"Well," said the patient but vexed
General, "that may be, but you need net
bellow about it like a great baby."
"Baby !" echoed the conscript, "I wick
I was a baby, and a gal baby at that!''
A crafty man a sea captairi.
-A tiidit fit delirium tremens.
Pay your
pay theirs.
Avoid s?::
debtfc. so that ethers can
lal, fjr.thii a pest to any
How to please a lady let her do as
she pleases.
The gayest wmilers are often the sad
cst weepers.
Waves that do not lirowri the waves
of ladles' handkerchiefs.
As long as the miser lives, his money
is sure to be heir tight.
As every thread of gold is valuable so
is every minute of time.
Did you ever sec a woman who had
to be told ' of her beauty before she was
aware of it herself?
Mr. Short says the only thing he can
pay these times is his addresses to voung
ladies; and these he never allows "to get
A ycting physician, asking pcrmisslca
of a Lidy to kiss her, &ac replied, "No, sir,
I never like to have a doctor's bill thrust
in my face."
"No man in England thinks of black
ing his own boots," said an Englishman to
Mr. Lincoln. "Whose boots docs ho
Hack V' Mr. Lincoln quietly asked. ,
"There are a great multitude cv
dividuals:" savs Josh Billinirs, "who
are like blind mules, anxioils enough to kick,
but kan't tell where."
A Boston paper mentions au individ
ual's disease, aud savs : "His remain
were committed to that bjiirne whence no
traveler returns accompanied by his
fiiends." . . .
A" young lady who' was rebuked by
her mother. for kiting her intended, justi
fied the . act by , quoting the passage :
, "U I.atever ye would tiu:t men suouiu aa
to you, do ve even so unto them."
! ' "
, .T1,T v. , ,1.1 is nil a fieetinrr show."
aid a priest to a culprit on the gallows.
"Ye;?," was the prompt reply, "but if you
have no objection. I'd rather see the tduw
a little longer