The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 14, 1869, Image 2

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    I IP Mil i .ill i M J II I H ' f ? 1 mi L
Kupr-rvision ii had over tho transactions of
insurance companies that frauds are reu-
ured. almost impossible, and spurious cotn
p:iniea cm have no exifttcnco. The result
of the protection thus afforded, is. that
whilst foreign companies, thus protected,
u.j immense business in thi.s State, so lilt 1-3
r; ,!.IiU
Udence id had in tlioss vi' 1 Vnnvlvania
that their business is almcft entirely con
lined within the State limits ; und lately
some of tlicin have withdrawn their agen
cies iron ether States because no risks will
h talcen, in eou.-;e jueiice of the inadequa
cy of the laws to afford protection to in
surers. To this ue.fl-ct, moreover, may be
attributed the operations of the number of
worthless companies which Lavs suddenly
sprung up, without any sjiid basis and as
suddenly expired, to the injury of all
whose eonQ ljnee they obtained, and to the
dishonor of the ( omm.mweaUh. "Whilst
Pennsylvania insurance companies trans
act little business out-ide of the State, it
that f ireiun life insurance; com-
pames alone
v dd ta:;es last year on three
iuiiilon ci'rht hundred thousand dollars of
premiums roc
jived in Pennsylvania, a trreat
proportion of which would bj confined to
this State u the same protection was given
by law to its citizen as is afforded by oth
er States. The report of the Insurance
Department of New York, published in
1SG7, t-hows that the companies which
were doing business in 1SGG, iu Pennsyl
vania, and also in New York, had risks in
force for more than five thousand million
of dollars ; and it is believed that the risks
in Pennsylvania companies which, for want
of a proper Insurance Department can not
be obtained, would swell the amount to
over six thousand millions.
In view of these facts, and of the costly
experience of the people who have been
imposed upon and defrauded by unsub
hfautial and ephemeral companies, I repeat
the recommend ition made to the Legisla
ture at its last session, that an Insurance
Department be established, and a superin
tendent appointed by law, who shall have
supervision and control over all insurance
companies allowed to transact business
within the State, and annually publish,
under oath, full reports of their transac
tions. The community is deeply interested
in this matter, and demands the protec
tion which cau thus only be afforded.
The Governor then goes on to discuss
several subjects, of no special interest to
the general reader, including damages by
rebel raids, State beueficiaries, the cattle
disease, pardons, &c. The conclusion of
- Lis message is as follows :
Many of the events that have transpired
inee my last annual communication to the
Legislature have been unusually interest
ing and significant. They have been in
finitely more than political, and bear di
rectly upon the great interests and most
sacred destinies of the nation. Apart
from the vindication of the principle of
the party which sustained the government
and the army during the contest for the
preservation of the Union, and the elec
tion to the Presidency of the first soldier
of the age, is the fact that the people have
by triumphant majorities forever settled
our controversy upon certain fundamental
will arise upon other issues, but there can
be no future struggle about slavery. In
voluntary servitude, as a monopoly of la
bor, is forever destroyed. The monster
obstacle to the national progress has been
removed, and henceforward all the facul
ties of our people can be developed 'Vith
. out let or liinderaucc." The lair and ex
uberantly fc-rtile States of the South, here
tofore comparatively retrogressive and
unproductive, relieved from this terrible
earse, with the influrc of northern immi
gration and capital, will soon become the
rivals of their northern sister States in all
the arts of peace, and additional markets
will bo developed in which to exchange
the verv products of the heretofore hostile
Hardly less magical has been the effect
upon other nations. General tlraut's
i taction has confirmed the hopes of our
nation's Iriends, and the fears of its foes
iu the Old "World. It supplements aud
s.'als the verdict of arms and the progress
of republican principles'. The downfall of
the rebeliiou in the United States was
jutfkh followed by the great civil revolu
tion in Ihiglaud ; the peaceful expulsion of
thw last of the BourVms from Spain ; the
unrest of Cuba ; the concession of more
liberal principles in Germany ; and the
necessary acquiescence of the Emperor oi
tho French in the republican sentiments
lie fears even as he has betrayed them.
"What are these but the echoes of the dire
catastrophe that has overwhelmed aristoc
racy iu the Uuitod States ?
Notwithstanding the importance of the
issues iuvolved iu the late canvass, and the
bitterness of feeling as well as the-earnestness
with which it was conducted, its
termination hu'i happily met with the ac
tpicsence of nearly the whole people; and
at no time in the history of the nation has
there been opened before u.- a brighter
prospect of continued peace and" increasing
prosperity ; and we have no greater cause
lor universal congratulation than that no
differences of opinion now exist that can
materially mar our national happiness, re
tard our onward progress, or threaten the
p:acc or perpetuity of our government.
Ia conclusion, permit me to remark that
the voice of Pennsylvania, as well as that
of a majority of tho States, has at the ballot-box
proclaimed to the world that all
our national indebtedness, no matter how
heavy the burden, will be paid according
to '"the letter and spirit" of thj agree
liieutd made and entered iut at the time
the debt w.n contracted ; aud that in this
as in all other rttpects tur individual
smd national honor -must and shall be
preserved," that we are determined by all
honorable means in our power to secure
r.mple encouragement and protection to
each and every branch of llaie Industry,
and every manly enterprise that contrib
utes capital, labor, skill and industry to
our mat-rial wealth, tocial advancement an 1
political tranquility ; that for all our citi
zens, the children of the Commonwealth,
being also citizens of the United States,
we demand the fullest protection, in their
persons, their ' property, and in all' their
rights and privileges wherever they may
go within the national jurisdiction or in
foreign lands ; and that whilst cur finan
cial policy shall be eueh as to maintain un
trammelled our national credit, it is to be
hoped that it jnay at the same time be
such as will permit and sanction the con
struction of the great railways now in pro
gress and stretching out their giant arms
to grasp the mighty -commerce of the Pa
cific, to develop the untold resources of
wealth in the intervening territories, and
to connect the most distant portions of
our country in a common union, not only
with iron bands, but by the still stronger
and more indissoluble tics of a common in
terest and a common brotherhood.
. To lessen the burdens of the people, and
to keep the expenses of the State as near
ly as possible within the limits of its abso
lute necessities, will always be among the
chief objects of wise and just legislation..
Let us, then, with a due seuse of our ob
ligations and hili responsibilities, endeav
or to so discharge our duties as to secure
the greatest good of the community and
merit the- approbation of. Him by . whom
our .Commonwealth, has been so abundant
ly blessed. JNO. W. GEA11Y.
Our VnsSiingtou Letter.
"Washington, Jan. Oth, 1SG9.
To the Editors of The Alleghaniun :
Impressed with the belief that abrief
epistle, now and then, from this "city of
magnificent distances," giving the news,
though in a condensed form, might inter
est your readers, permit me to introduce
this, my first, messenger, and to bespeak
for it your charitable consideration. You
must not expect details of legislation, or
strung-out argument to back up your cor
respondent's private opinion of '-men and
measures." Such an undertaking would
demand more time co indite and arrange
than I can devote to it, and more space
than your columns can allow for publica
tion. Washington, regarded as the political
centre of the nation, is a city suiyeiuris in
character, the permanent inhabitants hav
ing little to do in shaping .its' distinguish
ing features. It may be viewed as a grand
stage, upon which '-stars," "stock actors,"
and "svpes" in politics perform, drawing
praise, censure, merriment, or ridicule
from the audience -the people. In the
great drama of political life, of the actors
it may be said,
"They hve their exit3 and their entrancea,"
coming and going shooting up in a blaze
of notoriety, and again vanishing into
dark obscurity. The prominent men cf
to-day were the tyros of yesterday. The
stirring events of the late long-to-be-rc-membered
epoch in American history,
measured by the beginning and ending of
the war of the rebellion, have brought a
class of men into notice who, "in piping
times of peace," would have been too short
lived to have reached an elevation to be
Muth of .eiit nuulu have lacked
the opportunity to manifest itself ; but the
war called forth the latent ability of the
country, and, in its progress and close,
furnished material from which the people
will be inclined to select their rulers for a
long time to come. It must not be sup
posed that prowess in the field of battle
will alone be considered the recommenda
tion to popular favor. Executive, legisla
tive, and judicial services in the time of
the country's need are no less meritorious,
and will be as speedily recognized. Loy
alty to the nation, opposition to rebellion
against its integrity, sympathy with the
defenders of liberty and Union, must, iu
the past, have characterized those who,
in the present or future, may hope for
popular favor. In the recent elections,
the people have applied these tests in the
choosing of a President, a Vice President,
and a National Congress.
Oa the approaching -1th of March, the
reins of government will be placed in the
hands of those to whom has been commit
ted the grave responsibility of securing
peace and prosperity throughout the land,
recently the theater of bloody strife, and
inaugurating such an administration of the
government a will effectually guard against
the devices of treason, while giving kid
raid protection to loyalty and devotion.
It may not be said or us that "the age of
virtuous politics is past." The confidence
of the in the patriotism of the
President, Vice President, aud Represen
tatives cieet gives bright hope for the fu
ture of our country. Although their
respective tasks will be difficult of perfor
mance, yet, as in war, under the- leader
ship of Grant, there was "no such word as
fail," it may reasonably be anticijated that
a like success wTill distinguish his incom
ing administration.
We arc on the eve cf most important
legislation, during this last session of the
-10th Congress. The two prominent meas
ures to be discussed and matured are those
looking to a fiscal and a tariff policy. On
the question of finance, there exists a great
variety of views. 'I he first and most en
grossing question seems to be the adoption
of some plan fur improving the currency
for bringing it up to a specie value, and
ultimately for its redemption for supply
ing tho necessary circulation after the
proposed- i tiring of the "greenbacks"
shall have been accomplished. Some con
tend for immediate resumption some for
fixing a day, month, and year in the future
when the d-jors of the Treasury shall be
opened and the holders of greenbacks in
vited to "walk in' and draw gold for paper
promisco some for an indefinite postpone
ment oi tho subject, leaving the currency
as it is, without increasing its volume, to
continue to .supply the requirements Jof
trade, resting upon the uhilitj of the gov
ernment to redeem at such future time as
sound policy may suggest. This question,
in its several phahes, is now calling out the
be.jt financial talent in Congress. .What
kind of a bill, if any, may be fuisscd by
the "present Congress, I will not now Ven
ture to predict. .
While the mode and time of redemption
of greenbacks are as yet undeveloped,
there Can be no doubt as to the sense of
the nation in regard to the payment of the
government bonds at maturity. The Re
publican party, in the recent canvass, un
disguisedly assumed a bold and honest
position .on this question. The Chicago
Platform pledged the party, if successful,
to the payment of these securities in yohl,
according to the contract, as all "under
stood it when the loans were made. ' The
people endorsed this obligation, which,
although morally and legally binding be
fore the election, lias now the expressed
approval" of the country. These bonds,
haying 3ct fourteen years to run, present
no discouragement. A nation which could
organize an army and navy such as was.
called forth dyriug the late war, and sun
press so gigantic a rebellion as recently
thrcateued its very existence, will be found
equal to the requirement of honestly pay
ing the debt incurred, and thereby protect
its honor in the view cf the civilived
world. '
,The Keystone State has a very deep
interest in the amending of the tariff laws
so as to give adequate, protection to its
manufacturing interests. . The successful
development of its mineral resources .will
depend upon the fostering carc-of the
General Government. This, to a Penn
sylvanian, is, or should be, a self-evident
'proposition. No District in the State has
more at stake in the enactment of a pro
tective tariff than the one of which "little
Cambria" is a component part. As for
your county, your material -wealth is in
the bowels of the earth. While your soil,
in the main, does not afford a rich harvest
as a reward of the toil and labor of. the
husbandman, your sub-surface wealth may
be said to be inexhaustible. With this
fact staring us in the face, it is difficult to
account for the continued adherence of a
majority of your voters to the doctrine of
free trade. Twenty -seven years ago, when
your correspondent - first patched his tent
in Cambria county, very little was known
of the extent of its mineral wealth. Since
that time, it has gradually been opened
up, and now you can point to .the fact cf
your having within your borders the lar
gest and most important iron manufactu
ring establishment in the United States,
giving employment, a market, and finan
cial prosperity to thousands of your citi
zens. All this has been accomplished
against the expressed will of the dominant
party in your county. Fortunately for
Cambria's true interests, her association
with her sister counties in the 17th dis
trict gives her a Representative in Con
gress who has been an active agent in
developing her heretofore hidden treas
ures, and to whom she is more largely
indebted for her rapid progress in' the
onward and upward road to a firmlj es
tablished prosperity than to any cian
within her limits. . I believe that the rime
is near at hand when tho political views
of a majority of the voters of Cambria
r-omity will lc in accord with those of
Daniel J. Morreli when your people will
throw behind them their old political pre
judices, and array themselves under the
ban ner jpf a progressive parti.
Much interest has been manifested by
Penusj-Ivanians residing in "Washington
on the subject of the selection of a United
States Senator to succeed 31r. Ruckalew.
Of the outgoing Senator, it may truly be
said that, apart from his advocacy of his
viewa on political questions, he has the
confidence and esteem of every member of
the Senate. Possessing talents of the first
order, and sustaining an irreproachable
private character, his party may well be
proud of their Senator. It behooved the
Republican party of Pennsylvania to se
lect a successor who will be recognized as
tho peer of Mr. Ruckalew. Without dis
paragement of the other contestants for
the succession, all will admit that your
district presented a candidate who i'ully
fiils the measure of expectation. John
Scott, Esq., oi' Huntingdon crunty, has
no superior in ycur State in all that con
stitutes true greatness. Learned, elo
quent, and- pure, he is the jride of his
friends. Your correspondent knew him
in the halcyon days of his youth, when he
was just commencing to "drink from the
Pierian spring." He was then distin
tinguished as possessing those traits w hich
have since so signally marked him. He
has closely watched his career from the
bench in a village school-house to his en
trance upen professional life thence his
upward march in his strife for professional
eminence, until he gained and firmly hefd
a. conspicuous position among competitors'
elder in yeavs but not more distinguished
for mental acquirement or legal ability. -;
Shunning notoriety with tho modesty
which virtue begets, John Scott has had
no ambition for place. About to be cho
sen Senator to represent the great State of
Pennsylvania in tlie councils of the nation,
the olfice ha3 sought him, not he the of
fice. With what interest can the father
direct the attention of his sen to such a
choice, . bidding him contemplate the re
ward of unaided merit, and a never devia
ting adherence to a life of rectitude. Such
an example will be presented in the elec
tion of John Scott to the Senate of the
United States. In conferring this dis
tinction, the Republican representatives
in your Legislature, while honoring the
recipient of their favor, thrice honor them
selves aud their constituents. It seems to
a spontaneous tribute to individual worth.
"For when is public virtue to be found,
Where private is not?"
Your correspondent will hereafter de
vote more space to details of Congressional
proceedings. For the present, he bids
vou ''good-night.
Tun Hon. John Minor J?ott3 died at
his home, in Gulpeper, Virginia, on Fri
day last.
Gold is qotcd at 135. ; .
Agricultural College of Penaia.
The next Term of this Institution will
commence oa -Monday, the loth of Febu
ary, 1SG9, and continue 24 weeks; Stu
dents to report at the College on the
Thursday preceding tho first day of tho
Term. '-' - ' '- ":
"Careful instruction, by Lecture, Exam
ination and Practice, will be given in ( Ag
riculture in all it3 branches, and in the
Mechanic Arts and Industrial Pursuits.
The liberal Arts, Seier.ces and Literature
usually studied in the Colleges will
alio .be included : The object being to.
make sound general scholars, while im
parting the Practice, and a knowledge of
the Principles upon which the Practice
depends, of the particular employments in
The studies and exercises of each Siu
dent shall be specially directed, as the pa
rent may determine, 1. ToPractical and
Scientific Agriculture and Horticulture;
2. To Civil Engineering, Architecture and
Mining ; 3. To tlte principles of the. Me
chanic Arts and of Machinery ; or 4. To
the principles and practices of Commercp
and Manufactures : The whole to be. ac
companied by the study of. History and
Government, Mental and Moral Philoso
phy, the exacs and Natural Sciences and
the other branches of a. higher education,
and also by such of the Ancieut or Mod
ern Languages as maybe selected ; end,
on the part of all the Students,1 by practice
on the Farm, in the Garden, Laboratory
aDd Field. ; , t ,.. '
At the proper time, a detailed" account
of the couse of study and other particulars
will bo published.- Till then, a general
outline inay be found in the Pennsylvania
School Journal for Januarv, 18C9; page
185. - '
y tlie libcralitv of the National Gov
eminent aud the state ' -Legislature, the
Trustees have been enabled to dispense
with tlie charge for Tuition heretofore
800 a year; aud lo fix; the price of "card
ing, &c, at'tLe-lowest rale that will meet
experse?1, viz: 100 for the spring term
of -4 woeks, and $70 for the fall terra cf
1G weeks; in all ' 6170 a year for every
thing, except text-books, light, and a
pinali charge for .the use of iooui furniture,
when thestudent does not provide his own,
which fie has the option to do. "
The buildings will comfortab'y accommo
date, and the farm of 400 Acres pleasant
ly and usefully employ, Four Hundred
Students. Of these, each county arid the
city el Philadelphia will bo entitled to one
without regard to population; and thb re
mainder will be divided amongst the coun
ties and the city in proportion to popula
tion; all free of charge lor Tuition.
To eutitleto admission, the Applicant
must be the eon cf an inhabitant of the
State, not less than tdxtcen years cf age,
f good moral character aud health, and
well versed in Orthography, Reading, Wri
ting, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geo
graphy, aud the History of " the United
First applicants from the respective
couutics, coruiuj up to the above rquire
ments, will have the preference for admis
sion; but it is not desirable that more than
100 bo admitted in 1SG0 and the-same num
ber anuually thereafter, in order that the
College may fill only as the Students thail
advance iu their classes.
The undersigned is authorized to pledge
the 15oard of trustees and a fall Faculty
of Instruction, to which he would add his
own ' promise, that every effort shall be
made to render the institution abenefitto
the youth who may report to its halls, a
much-nceded uid to the various Industrial
Pursuits, and an honor to the State. For
further information, address THO. II.
.UURUOWES, President Agricultural
College, Centre county, Pa.
"Tiif. Kni.ics ok the Confederacy."
In his article on the flight of Jeff. Da
vis, in the curreul number of PacJcard's
Moullih;, Mr. H A. Pollard makes the re
markable statement that the balk of the
valuable documents of the Coufeierate
Government, ineludiDir the correspondence
of Jefferson Pavis, csis's today in con
ceolrnpnt; that many days before the fail
of Richmond there was a careful selection
of important papers, especially those in the
office of the President, and letters which
involve confidence in the North and Eu
rope, ard that these were secretly conveyed
out of llichmond and deposited in a place
where tbey remain concealed to this time,
and will probably not be unearthed in this
generation. Mr. Pollard mentions the ca-e
of a single secret docuaoent which he was
once permitted to see iu llichmond, where
in certain parties offered to assist tlie Con
federacy by supplying its Western armies
for a whole year from tlie gVanaries and
magazines of tlie North. Such important
letters' and other secret papers (says Mr.
Pollard) still cxi.-t, were preserved from
the wreck und fire of llichmond, and at
this moment arc kept iu a manner and
place which rtnder them secure against
discovery, loss or mutilation.
The steamship Etna, which arrived on
Sunday at New York froia Liverpool, en
countered a very tempestuous voyage. Mr.
Molyoexian, fifth officer of iho ship, was
swept overboard and drowned, on the2Gth
of December. Five others were al-o wash
ed overboard at the same time, but were
rescued. Several of the crew and pas-en-gers
were badly injured by the same, sea,
one ot" them having his collar bone bro
ken. The deck wa9 swept of officer's quar
ters and boats, and the greatest consterna
tion prevailed among two huodred pas-cn-gers
on board. The voyage sra3 one of the
most severe ever experienced.
A Uio Thing. A merchant at Lock
liaveu, Pa., has an advertisement in tho
Democrat of that place eight columns long
covering an entire page, which has been
engaged for one year at an expense of 1,
OCO. Considering the field of operations,
he' must rank hereafter with Uonner and
Jlelmbold, the greatest of living advertisers.
Our Aext Senator.
It 13 with more than 'ordinary gratification
that we record the" nomination of Jno. Scott,'
of Iluntiegdon, a3 the Republican choice for
United States Senator.. AVe are confident
Pennsylvania will never rpgret the choice.
Perhaps at no time in the history of the
State was it more needful for her to be rep
resented ia the United Statc3 Senate by a man
of ability, integrity, industry, discretion, and
fluency of speech. 7n the past, she has not
seldom been unfortunate in the selection of
the men chosen t& represent her in that body.
She was deceived and dishonored in Cowan.
Duckaievr, who is soon to be succeeded by
Scott, though not, by any means, lacking in
ability, has represented the momentary des
pondency of the people in 1802, caused by
the slow .'progress of our arn;s, rather than
the real sentiments of the masses.
Our new Senator i,s chosen at a time when
one great era. is about to close forever, and
another era, brighter and better, is breaking
upon us like the first' appearance of the sun
above the horizon upon a summer morning.
The era just breaking is one in, which the in
tellect and labor of the country are to be de
voted to developing the country's magnificent
resources and in upholding such measures
and policies as will promote the' industrial
prosperity of the nation' and tho comfort and
peeurity of the people? lsTo State in-tlte Un
ion has more at stake in' the immediate future
than Pennsylvania. ' Her people are devoted
to almost every form of industry, to agricul
ture, mining, manufactures, and commerce.
Tbey watch with anxious eye the efforts con
stantly making to expose them to the merci
less competition of the cheap lsbor of Eu
rope. It 13 true too true, perhaps, that
the industries of our State can stand alone
and without the aid of protection from for
eign nations. Put to leave them so stand is
lo reduce the pay of the laborer to a mere
pittance, to shut up our schools and send the
children into the fields and work shops. We
apprehend the greatest problem of the near
future is to discover the best means of de
veloping the country's wealth without pau
perizing the laborer.
We feci assured that on all questions and
folicies affecting the interests of thi State
and the nation, the voice of Mr. Scott will
give no uncertain sound.
As to ability -we -doubt not he will' rank
among the foremost men of the Senate. We
know no man who has bet ter powers of analysis
than he. -While there may be some who will
excel him in defence, in aggression upon foes
he will hold the highest rank. Though beis
now honored by the State, we doubt not that
he in turn will reflect dignity, honor, puritv
and influence upon her. No man, nor. any
set of men, will ever make John Scott a tori.
The talk to that tffect of certain Washington
correspondents is empty air. Few men will
be les3 demonstrative than he. -Still fewer
men more independent in action.
32aj. CiSen. Ij. II. Itosscau.
Maj. Gen. Roseau, well-known to the
entire country, died on the 7th inst., in
New Orleans, at which point he . had his
headquarters as commander of the Fifth
Military District. The deceased was of
Huguenot descent, and was born in Lin
coln county, Kentucky. He started life
as a poor buy and without auy educational
advantages. It is said that at one time
he was engaged in breaking stones on one
of the highways of Kentucky. He
studied law' in Indiana, and was at one
time a member of the Legislature of that
State. After serving in the Tdexican war,
he returned to Kentucky, takinir up ' his
residence in Louisville, and in 18GO a
member of the Kentueky Senate. At the
inauguration of the reeiii.M he tonk a de
cided stand in favor of tlie Union and
raised several regiments of Kentuekiaus.
with their camp on the Indiana side of the
Ohio, the firmer State being at that tiui"
neutral. With these troops he protected
Louisville against Gen. "Uuckner, and-did
perhaps as much as any other man to pre
vent Kentucky from seceding from the
Union. He was given rank a? Urigadicr
General of volunteers, Oct. 1st. 18(51, aud
assigned to a command under General
IJuell. In 1SG2, he was promoted to a Major-Generalship
of volunteers. In 1SG7,
he was made a Brigadier General in the
regular army. On the reconstruction
question he sided with the President as
against Congress. lie was a good and
brave soldier and deserved well, of his
country. . -'
Tue State Legislature met on Tuesday
of last week. In the House, John Clark,
of Philadelphia, was elected Speaker.
Wilmer Worthington, of Chester, was
elected Speaker of the Senate. Hon.
John Scott, of Huntingdon, received the
Republican caucus nomination" for Uuited
States Senator, and 11. W. Mackey, of
Pittsburg, tho nomination for State Treas
urer. We print the Governor's Message
in this paper.
IIocace Greeley proposes to write,
duriug the year 18G9, an elementary work
on Political Economy, wherein the policy
of Protection to Home Industry will bo
explained and vindicated. This work will
first be given to the public through suc
cessive issues of the New York Tribune,
and will appear in all its editions Daily,
310 ; Semi-Weekly, 4 ; Weekly 82 per
annum. - .
The first number of Hearth arid Home,
an illustrated weekly,- published bv
PettiaeiU, Bates ec Co., New York, has
been received. . It is a valuable addition
to literary jonrnalism. We. bespeak for
it a large circulation. . '
A large number cf members of the
new British Parliament are said to favor a
penny postage between Great Britaio and
the United States: '
M. L. Oatman, Sole Ajent for Qa
The subscriber desires to call th
oj me puunc io tue iact that be 1
sea tne rigut lor. Cambria
.5 f.
"Beztley's Xon-Explosire Metrom" k
which. be claims to b th LZ)
REST., ' .'. :
Oil manufactured. The advanV"
for this Oil are : r
1. It- is clear and clean.
2. It is non-explosive and sa'.
3. It will not grease your Lar.j
furniture, or carpets.
5 c.i'i:
4. It is fifty per cent, cht.pc
other Oil. Price, only lu ents a
T Fv Y 1 I T ! ! B U Y I
i ! M
One and all who -have nscd it prof
it to give entire .satisfaction. Give it"-,
and be convinced of tho above facts '
for sale at the stoic of
' : -ml.
Tnree doors' east cf Crawford's lly
JT L M M O N & . M U llll
Lejihon i Mvecay, dealers ia
Drugs, ?.iedicinc-s,
Fancy .Soiips,
P.iteut Medicines,
Pure !f pices,
Flavoring Ejtract?,
Cap Paper,
Post Pi'.ncr.
Pass Hooks,
Plank Boon?.
Prayer Bock?, LiV.
School Book?.
Note and Biikt Pnoer ' Pi ncs.Vb'arn
l Isotoraph A11;J
l ens, Pencil, Cipars, and fcW
I enkmvM, i rare Liquors for
1 ccket Lcoris, 'Jied'.cin&l vuleos'
Lbensburg, August 20, lHUS-Sm..
XjL SALE. The undersigned oifers to
his Lilly Mill Property, situate at Lillv .-.
tion, P. It. R., contai'jin 2'M acres, v-j;i
4 J foot vein of Ditumiaous Stone Coal,
a. plAtfomand track connecting- v.-'uli tL?
P.. It., all in good working order, t.;e;;
with a grist mill and saw mill cn aV
failing stream of vater. Three large i
well finUhcd'dweliing houses thereon. .1
four smaller tenant houses. Sixty jicy.,
said land is well timbered. It is omofv
rao3t desirable properties on the railroad v.
tivcen Altoona and Johnstown.
2 If not sold within six weeks fron c
u will then le. offered lor rent. Ail:
cmlock P. O., Cambria countv, Pa.
II Dee. 24, 1SG3 3t. JAMES COXRAD.
Successor 'cf i:. S.
Dealer in
Letter. C:p, and Note Papers,
Pens, Pencils, Superior Tuk,
And other ardcAe's ttyt
by Drufrcists p; ?ru.
Ph vnicitinV . prescriptions C'iT(j'uli;i c o, ;"
Ollk-e on Main Street, opposite IhtY.ow-
t:wa -louse, tbensburg, Pa. 1
N 1 w
t a ilo a is ii o r:-
The subscriber has removed his Tai'.:
Center street, near Colonade Row, and
spectfuily informs his old customers nndt
the rest of mankind that he is now prqurt
to manufacture all kinds of
in the latest style of the art, with m
ness nn-1 dispatch, and at low ra'rs.
C4-" Persons needing work in my licet
respectfully invited to give me a ell.
1. J. EVAN;.
Ebi-usburg. Ar.. 13, tf.
The subscriber would inform the cltht
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps c
stantlv on hand everything in the
line. Euch as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar.
kinds of Crackers, Cheese, fcmokin t
Chewinsr Tobacco, Citrars, &c.
Also, Buckskin aud Woolen Glove, Woi
en Socks. Neck tics, ic, all of which -sold
as cheap if. not cheaper than t-lsowia-K-A
full asfortmtvl cf Candies 1
ti'm Ice Cream every evening.
. It. R. TII0.US
TvTOTiUE. - : . .
Jl. 1 ' " The partnership heietefore es i'1
bet-wen the undersigned, under the fire '
E. HUGHES & CO.. is this dav unsolved .
mutual consent. All debts due to or .by t
firm nrp to be settlp.l hv THOMAS J. LLOVJ
who continues the Lumber business at tii
old stand. E. HUGHES,
Ebeusburg, August 24, 1803.
The undersigned will continue buying811
selling Lumber. The highest in;-rkct pr.c
will be paid, in cash, for all kinds of
Lumber. .Particular attention paid t3 fi
orders. nulSJ TIIOS. J. LLLn
' The subscriber begs leave to icfofl
the public that he has opened out a Bocta-
ci.- c-.. ... .u 4 nrcW'W
hw Tlnr!;! .v V.vona on C.. liter fitrttt, E''1"'
bursr. w here he will carrv on the busie.-"1
an extensive scale.
For sale at City TriV
BOOTS ANO SHOES made to order
' - J. nnlltl.
Evr-The public are invited togie 0 ,
cau. i win sen cueap as ue u'i- .f,t,
warrant my stock and make to give ;at'
tion. ' faugl3l JOHN O. EVA-
Mrs. Mary Owens offers for s , Vir-
hpuse, situate on the corner or wit
Ann street?. The house has lately W .'fl
built and fitted up with all the modern
provements. Terms libera.. VrVpE,
information inquire of GEO. M.
Nov. 18.:im. '