V" w i i fiiinii'ni i ii talMM'- - - it, irTCiiissosr,i)ir0JjS. rD. ' r lYOLUME 9. ffTILLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at y( Law, Ebensburg, Pa. August 13, 1868. TOHN FENLON, Attorney at Law, j jaf Office ou High street. augl3 KOIIGE M. READE, Attorney at IT Law, Ebensburg, Pa. ja- Office ia Colonnade Row. aogl3 TTTILLIAM H. SECHLER, Attor- j- Office'in Colonnade Row. aug20 In EOllGE W. OATMAN, Attorney at jJ( Law ana uiaim Agent, uu kuh 'Sutes Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb Uiburg, Pa. Lau83 ITOHNSTON & SGANLAN, Attorneys ! KS'f" Ofice opposite the Court House. I. I., jvuiaivai I. ""! J . - QAMUEL SINGLETON, Attorney at 1 Law. EbeosbUrjr, Pa. JEST" Office on High street, west of Fos ter's Hotel. 4 - TAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law, I r l . i .- T Architectural Drawings and Specifi cations made. fug13 j7VATERS, Justice of the Peace , and Scrivener. p-sr Office adjoining dwelling, on nign si., Sburg.P aug 13-6m. " . . . v v -w- aa a. tr a KHiiuai Aivrjiv. auuiucy i '14 . Particular attention paid to collections. t&" Office on High street, west of the Di- a rrt An1 I I a n rr i a i. KOPRLIX. T. w. DICE, jonnatoxcn Ebensburg. TrnpELlN & DICK. Attorneys at lV Law, Ebensburg, Ta. prf- Office in Colonade Row, with Wm. K-ttell, Esq. Oct. 22. JOSEPH S. STRAYER, Justice of J the Peace, Johnstown, Pa. :x- nftr on Market street, corner of Lo- J.U " " Jcuit street extended, and one door south of ihe Ute office of U m. -M Jvee. augia RDEVEREAUX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Summit, Pa. Office east of Mans'on House, on Rail road street. Night calls promptly attended to, at hU office. augl3 Tl. DE WITT ZEIGLER I J Having permanently located in Ebens burg, offers taia professional services 10 ine citizen of town and viciritj. Teeth extracted, without paw, wuu niirout CiUt, or Laughing Gat. tM" Rooms adjoining Ki. nunviey oiurc, Kfh itreet. augla 'AENTISTRY. f ti. nni1i(rni!. fSrA.lnftte of the Bal- more College of Dental Surgery, respectfully ;:ers nis proieosionai services 10 iuc tmv"o ,f Kh.nihnrir 1 1 hAfl Knftrea DO means iu boroughly acquaint himself with every im- roTenient in bis art. lo many years 01 per sonal experience, he has sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities ia Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work to ?eak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. Ipj-Will beat Ebensburg on the fourth Monday of each month, to stay one wjek. August 13, 18C8. T LO YD & CO., bankers j Ebensburg, Pa. Pay-GoU, Silver, Government Loans and other Securities bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a Gcnernl Banking Business transacted. August 13, 1868. WM. LLOYD & Co., Bankers TT Altooha, Pa. Drafts on the princioal cities, and Silver nd GoU for sale. Collections made. Mon eys teemed on deposit, payable on demand, without interest, or UDon time, with interest at fair rates. augl3 HVIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK X n Jarkktowk. Pensa. 1'aid up Capital $ C0.000 00 rrictlfye to incrtaie to 100,000 00 We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts, Gold and Silver, and all classes of Govern toat Securities ; make collections at home ad abroad; receive deposits; loan money, tsi do a general Banking business. All tineas entrusted to us will receive prompt Mention and care, at moderate prices. Give " a trial. Directors : D.J ... - lsAC KLVrMAX, .ob M. Campbs John Dibebt. Jacob Levsrgood, Euw'd. Y. Townbsd. LL, eorge Fritz. DANIEL J. MORRELL, rretident. n. J. Robeuts, Cathxtr. sep3ly ,J m. i.LorD, Pret't. joum LLOYD, Caihier. plllST NATIONAL BANK L OF ALTOONA. GO VERNMENT A GENCYt DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI TED STATES. Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North Warl, Altoona, Pa. JtTHOMzED Capital $300,000 00 " Capual Paid in 150,000 00 All business pertaining to Banking done on kvoraUe terras. 'emal Revenue Stamps of all denomina l'n3 always on hand. T purchasers of Stampp, percentage, in JifmP3' wiU be allowJ. as follows : $50 to 2 P" cent.; $10C to $200, 3 per cent.; dupvards, 4 per cent, augl3 gAMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub- 0 lie, Ebensburg, Pa. tel 'ce on High street, west of Foster' Ho L augl3 J0IJ WORK of all kinds done at 11IE ALLEGIIANIAN OFFICE, Hmk St., EaiMSBCBO, Pa. l . EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1869. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. To the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania : Gentlemen For the harmony and general relations of comity and friendship existing between Pennsylvania and all the other States and Territories of the nation al Union ; for the present prosperous con dition of the Commonwealth ; for the glad signs of coming political tranquillity, and for the success which attends the progress of our free institutions, we owe a heavy debt of gratitude to Divine Providence. In view of the favorable circumstances under which you are assembled, it becomes my province and duty, as it is my pleasure, to offer you my hearty congratulations, and to tender you a cordial welcome to the Legislative halls of the State. This, in deed, affords me a higher gratification be cause I participate with your constituents in the confidence manifested by them in selecting you to represent their individual interests as well as those of the Common wealth. On your wisdom, integrity, judg ment, and discretion all vail undoubtedly rely for the correct determination of every question affecting the largest interests and gravest responsibilities, and for a continu ance, and even att increase, of that pros perity 'which has hitherto been so signally enjoyed. It is not without a consciousness of the great responsibilities resting upon me that I undertake the performance of a consti tutional duty, requiring that the Governor "shall from time to time give to the Gen eral Assembly information of the state of the Commonwealth, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge expedient." In conformity with this requirement, your attention will be called only to such matters of public interest as in my judgment deserves care ful consideration and action on your part during the present session. The following is a carefully prepared statement of the financial condition of the State for the fiscal year ending November 30, 18G8 : The reports of the Auditor Gen. and State Treag- show tbat the balance in the Treasury Nov. 30, 1367, was ...$4,661,836 Ordinary receipts during the fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1868 5,216,049 Depreciated funds in the Treas- 'Trryy-nnavailiible 41,032 48 55 OO Total in Treasury for fiscal rear ending Nov. 30, 1868 ..$9,918,918 01 Payments, viz : Ordinary expen ses during the fiscal year end ing Nov. 30, '6S$2,454,50G 09 Loans, fcc, re deemed - 4,417,463 64 Other payments 12,800 00 Interest ou Jonns. 1.979,690 91 Depreciated funds unavailable ..... 41,032 00 8,903,492 64 Balance in Treasury Nov. 30, 1868 " $1,013,415 37 By an act approved April 10, 1S68, the transactions of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund were ordered to be thereafter reported annually to the 30th day of No vember. Their last report, therefore, in cludes a period of one year and three months. The following is the "recapitulation" of the operations of the sinking fund, from September 3, 18C7 to November 30, 1SG8: Balance in fund Sept. 3, 1867... $1,737,912 41 Receipts in fund from Sept. 3, 1807, to Nov. 30, 1868 3,418,992 31 5,156,904 72 Paid interest $1,808,005 84 Premiums paid as equivalent for coin 49 93 Loans redeemed.. 2,414,816 64 4,222,871 96 Balance In fund Nov. 30, 18C8 $ 934,032 76 By the sixth section of the act of May 1C, 1861, a special tax of one-half mill on the dollar was especially set apart for the payment of the interest and redemption of the loan created by au act of May 18, 18 61, entitled "An Act to create a loan and provide Or arming the State." Balance on hand Sept. 3, 1867, $319,933 17 The receipts from said tax and tax on gross receipts from Sept. 3, 1867, to Nov. 30, '68, amount to - 423,979 20 Total . 743,912 37 Interest paid in Jan. and July, 1868 169,245 00 Balance in fund Nov. 30, '68. $574,667 37 Balance in sink ing fund Nov. 3U, 1868 $934,032 76 Balance in sink ing fund Nov. 30, 1868 574,667 37 $1,508,700 13 Deduct balance in Treasury Nov. 30, 18i8 1,013,415 37 Bal. in favor of sinking fund-$ 495,284 76 By the report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for year ending Septem ber 3, 1867, the "loans redeemed" amount ed to $1,71)4,569 50, and by their report from September 3, 1867, to November 30, 1868, the "loans redeemed amounted to $2,414,816 64, making a total reduction of the State debt, in two years and three months, of four million two hundred and nine thousand three hundred and eighty six dollars and fourteen cents. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PEESIDENT. Hxh&y Clat. The assets remaining in the Sinking Fund are as follow, viz: Bonds of the Pennsylvania railroad company six million four hundred thousand dollars, and bonds of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad com pany, three million five hundred thousand dollars. These are non-interest bearing bonds and will not mature for many years. I, therefore, recommend to the consideration of the Legislature the propriety of the pas sage of a law authorizing the Commission ers of the Sinking Fund to sell these bonds at public sale to the highest bidder, and direct the proceeds to be applied to the liquidation of the State debt. Public debt outstanding Dec. 1,1867 -$37,704,409 77 Deduct amount redeemed at Stat9 Treasury daring the fiscal year ending Nov. 30. I - 1863, viz: 5 per cent. loans$4,354.253 64 4 per ct. loans- 63,000 00 Relief notes can celed 210 00 4,417,463 04 Public debt Dec. 1, 1868.. -$33,286,946 13 Statement showing the condition of the indebtedness of the Commonwealth on the first day of December, 1868 : Funded debt, viz ; per ct. Ioans-25,311,180 00 per ct. loans-.. 7,749,771 56 4i per ct. loans. 112,000 00 Total funded.. 33,I72,S51 so Unfunded debt: Relief notes m circulation...-$ 96,415 00 Interest certifi cates outstan ding 13,086 52 Int. certificates unclaimed...-. 4,448 38 Domestic cred. certificates...- 44 67 Total unfuad. 113,994 57 Total funded and unfund. 33,286,946 13 Which is the amount of the Stato debt as bclore stated. During the last eighteen years there has been Carried upon the accounts of the Aud itor General and Stato Treasurer, and in their several public statements, "deprecia ted funds unavailable" to the amount of forty-one thousand and thirty-two dollars. I recommend the appointment of a joint committee, by the Legislature, whose duty it shall be to examine the said depreciated and unavailable funds and dispose of them to the best advantage of the Treasury ; or, if found to be worthless, to cancel and de stroy them, so that the accounting ffjr may be relieved from the necessity and re SDonsibilitv of annually accounting for a - them. The large cash balance remaining in the Treasury on the 30th of November, 1867, has been used for the payment of the tWen- ty-three million loan and for the liquida tion of outstanding claims against the State The investment of the funds, in one of the modes recommended in my last annual message, has, therefore, in a grc; measure been rendered unnecessarv for the present. But in the event of large accu mulations of money hereafter, the recom mendations therein given are respectfully referred to, and renewed. Whenever there may be surplus funds in the Treasury, they can, with safety and benefit to the State be employed in the purchase of its out standing bonds, and in saving the interest on them which would accumulate prior to their maturity. I regret to state that the last Legisla ture, although fully forewarned as to the insecurity and want of proper and sufficient guards for the safe keeping of the money ol the Commonwealth, lailed to determine upon any mode by which the Treasury may be effectually jruarded asrainst the possibility of loss. The present Legisla ture has it in its power to secure for itself no ordinary honor, by the enactment of such a law, strong and efficient for the pur pose indicated, and the enjoyment not on ly of the approbation, but the permanent crratitude ot every citizen. Notwithstanding the satisfactory reduc tion of the public indebtedness, as shown in the foregoing statements, an immense State debt is still upon us, requiring near ly two millions of dollars to be collected to pay the interest accruing upon it annually Its extinguishment at the earliest practi cable period, not inconsistent with other public interests, is oi the mghest impor tance to every tax-payer. I cannot, there lor. too strongly urcre the strictest econo my in respect to every expenditure, and the utmost retrenchment in every depart ment. Betrenchmcnt is emphatically deman ded by the people, in legislative expendi tures, as well as in every other branch of the government. Their eyes are open to investigate every transaction, and by their ballots they are ready to strike down those who will not take effective action in favor of positive and radical reform. The money paid into the Treasury is the property of the people, every one of whom has a just right to hold his representatives to a strict accountability for every dollar that may be appropriated or expended. I here renew the remarks made last year on the subject of "annual appropria tions," to which you are respectfully re ferred. For foursuccessive years the gen eral appropriation bills have been signed on the eleventh day of April, being about the time of adjournment. The Governor has been forced either to sign the bills without proper investigation, notwithstanding any objections he may have ; suspend the means to defray the operations of the government for the ensuing year j or call an extra ses sion of the Legislature. I repeat that "it is earnestly desired that the appropriation bill be taken up, discussed and passed at a sufficiently early period during the session to enable it to receive that thorough ex amination which its importance demands." The annual report of the Superinten dent of Common Schools exhibits the con dition pf that department ia highly satis factory manner. Within the State there are 1,918 school districts; 13,766 schools j 2,382 graded schools j 11,698 school direc tors ; 73 county, city and borough superin tendents; 16,771 teachers, and 800,515 pupils. The cost of tuition for the year was $3,273,269 43 ; of building- purchas ina.'i;: renting school houses, $1,991,152 55 ; of contingencies, $854,253 21. These three items, with expenditures for all oth er purposes connected therewith, amount to the -aggregate sum of $6,200,537 96. These facts are exhibited with great satisfaction, a3 they show the average an nual cost for the tuition of each pupil to bo about seven dollars and seventy-four and a half cents. The average amount paid to each teacher is about $185 17 J per annum. Ihis, in my opinion, is too small salary to secure the services of compe tent teachers; and I am fully justified in urging the necessity of increased compensa tion. It is but lust, and it will have an elevatinsr ' tendency not only upon the teachers but the manner in which their duties are performed. Your attention is called to the fact that, notwithstanding the ample provision now made by law for the education of all per sons between the ages of six and twenty one years, large numbers of children, prin cipally in our cities, do not attend any kind of school. Over twenty thousand of this class are found in Philadelphia, and the number in the State is estimated to be not less than ieventy-fivo thousand. These children grow up in ignorance, frequently without employment, and many of them contract habits of vice, which eventually cause uiem to be committed to houses of refuge, county prisons or penitentiaries. Humanity and sound public policy de miud that something bo done to remedy this growing evil, and also that of the neglected condition of considerable numbers of children in the alms and poor houses in many of the. counties. Four Normal Schools are now recogniz ed as State Institutions. The number of students attending them during th ' past year was 2,115, of whom eighty graduated Two additional Normal schools will proba bly go into operation during this year, one located at Bloomsburg, Columbia county, and the other at California, Washington county. The value of these institutions to the common school system cannot be estimated. Our schools are comparatively worthless without qualified teachers, and such teachers can most easily be obtained from the Normal institutes, where the art of teaching is made a specialty. A meeting of the presidents and other authorities of a number of our principal colleges was held in llarrisburg last win ter, the object of which was to bring about a closer union of all our educational insti tutions, and connect by a bond of sympa thy, if not of organic structure, the com mon schools, academies and colleges. The establishment of such an educational de partment seems to be desirable. There is no subject more worthy the deliberations of the Legislature than the promotion of the welfare of our common schools. They immediately underlie the characteristic features of our social system ; they are fountains of that wide-spread in- tollurence, which, like a perennial vitality, pervades the nation, and are nurseries of that inquiring spirit to wmcu we are in debted for the purity and preservation of our free institutions. In a republican government education is a suro basis of power and public prosperity. By it the people are taught to discern and estimate the value of their own rights ; to distin guish between oppression and the exercise of lawful authority ; to discriminate be tween liberty and licentiousness ; to pre serve au inviolable respect for the laws, and exercise "eternal vigilance" against any encroachments upon them. It is ad mitted that a thoroughly educated people alone can be permanently free. By edu cational culture patriotism is expanded, and the principles, manners and sentiments of the whole people are assimilated. Many of thu sources of jealousy and pred judiee are diminished, social harmony largely increased, and the structure of our free and happy system of government ce mented, strensthened and adorned. Tn his mnort the Superintendent of Soldiers' Orphans' Shools exhibits the to tal expenditure for their support from December 1, 1867, to May 31, 186S, to be $236,970 26; total nmmber of pupils in the schools 3,431 ; average cost per pupil $2 65. The fiscal year of these schools, like that of common schools, term inates by law on the last day of May of each year. . The present report of the Su perintendent, therefore, embraces only six months, and reports will be made up td the 31st day of May, annually, hereafter. The special appropriation of February, 25, 1868. made in accordance with an esti mate of the Superintendent, presented in my last annual message, exceeded the act ual expenses $6,004 74. Notwithstanding every possible effort has been, and will continue to be made, to econ omize in the expenses of the present year, and to keep them as far as possible within the appropriation made by the last Legis lature, it will be readily observed that there will be a deficit for the year ending May 31, 1869, the amount of which will bo carefully ascertained and presented to the Legislature prior to the close of the present session. The schools are nil in good condition and improving, and their usefulness is daily becoming more manifest. They are among the most philanthropic institutions of the age, and reflect high honor on the patriotism of the Legislature by which they have been so liberally endowed and upon our people by whom they are sustained.- The children who are the recipi ents of their benefits are the offspring of trravu -men who voluntarily- -.endangered their lives in the cause of their country in the most trying hour of its existence. and who, glowing with patriotic ardor. iougnt as bravely and heroically as the noblest" men in the world's history. Thousands of them who left their homes in the bloom of health, and vrith the brightest hopes of manhood, now sleep in death, leaving their widows and little ones to the care of the country in whose service they fell, and which promised them its protection. Their children arc the wards of this crreat Commonwealth : and too much praise cannot be awarded its people for the munificent and tender manner in which they have .thus far, through their representatives, discharged the sacred and delicate trust. - Before the General Government appro priated public lands to the several States for the purpose of agricultural and milita ry education and the mechanic arts, and prior to the time when Pennsylvania endowed the Agricultural College with her share of these lands, it was dependent wholly upon individual, influence, without any other means for its support than its own earnings. II istory proves that semi naries of learning cannot be efficiently sustained by their own internal resources. The education of youth in the higher branches of knowledge S3eni3 to require the aid of philanthropic contributions. This institution had not these benefits to anv adequate extent, and though the boards of trustees bestowed upon it the most anxious care, their zeal and labor combined with those of its friends, were not equal to a contest with the want of means. Hence tho school did not command th ennfideriee of farmers who were able to educate their sons, and who could not forget that the character of the college attached to the character of its graduates; and that its failure would enter into the estimate which the world would place upon the education it bestowed. I his feature has now been removed. The people, through their Leg islature, have endowed this institution with the interest upon a fund of $318,500 (invested in United States and Pennsyl vania State six per cent bonds,) payable to it Semi-annually. Last year this inter est amounted to $25,642 78. The residue of the fund, $43,8S6 50, has been appro priated, under the law, by the board of trustees, to the purchase of three model and experimental farms ; one at the col lege, in Centre county, for $8,000 00, one in Chester county for $17,750 00, and one in Indiana county for $18,136 50. The board has also recently re-organized the faculty and remodeled the course of studies, so as to adapt them to the wants of the agricultural community. This new order of things goes into operation at the commencement of the next session, and it earnestly hoped will be a success. There is no profession, trade or calling in life, where the value of knowledge and the lights cf science, and the practical applica tion of both, are so potent for profitable results as in their adaptation to agricultu ral pursuits. And in this truly practical age it is well worthy of the consideration of parents, whether they should not avail themselves ot the benefits ot this insti tution, now so generously endowed by the State. From the report of the Adjutant Gen eral you will learn the condition of the Military Depirtmerit. The inactivity in military affairs after ths cessation of hos tilities and upon the return of peace has in a great measure been dispelled, and an active martial spirit now prevails through out the State, more particularly in Phila delphia, where, by a special legislative enactment, the minimum number of men required to form a company has been re duced, and a brigade fund is raised by a tax Upon those who are not members of a military organization, but liable to the performance of military duty. I recom mend the passage of a similar law for the whole State. I1 or the sake of preserving the great interests involved, which include the lives, property, and happiness of our people, this is presented to you as an im portant subject for your deliberation. Every possible encouragement of volun teers has been afforded, and notwithstand ing the difficulties indicated, it has resulted as follows : In 1866 there were eight volunteer companies in the State; in 1867, thirty-eight ; and in 1868, seventy seven, and a number of others in prepara tion for organization. By the reduction of the number for a company from that now required to an aggregate of fifty officers and men, com panies would soon be numbered by th T S R M S : " L'Kll 12.00 IIV ADTAHCE. NUMBER 23. Inrrfured, any of which could easily be re cruited to the maximum number if requi red for active service. The State that, always maintains the highest degree of preparation, accomplishes most and suffers least in the conflict of amis ; and by being in readiness, it often prevents improper encroachments upon her rights. The existence of thf Military Stato Agency at Washington terminated on- tho 31st day of July last, at which time' the appropriation for the pnyment of its ex penses was exhausted. Much benefit re sulted to many soldiers of our State ami their representatives from this office, in . which "their just dues from the United States Government' were collected and transmitted' .teltezm fr&sot charge. In August; after tbo Agency ceased to exist, there still reinaified a considerable nirmber of;.unscttled claims, and as no one knew more about theircolt3TtioB,-jr couid-4os-sibly obtain an earlier settlement of flUsT" than the late agent, Col. Cook, I permit ted him, upon his own offer, to close no the business of the office, and to transact any otuer business tor the soldiers of Pennsylvania, at one-half the fees that are charged by any private agency in Wash ington city. , his arrangement has thus far been carried out, and I am pleased to add, with very general satisfaction. All the books and papers of the aeency will be transferred to the office of the Adjutant General. " . At tile' last session" of the Legislature, art act was passed known as the "Registry Law," the intention of which was to pro- tect the ballot-box against corruption and fraudulent voting; to which it has for many year's been disgracefully exposed. This law seems to have been so defective" in some of its provisions as to have re ceived the condemnation of a majority of the Supreme Court, by which it was pro nounced "incongruous and unconstitution al," At the election immediately aft-r this-decision, it is alleged that frauds wcro perpetrated, surpassing in magnituu", perhaps, any that have been eonsumTm-.! heretofore in the history of the Cciumon wealth. These frauds have demonstrate! the necessity of the passage of some law. or laws, that will accomplish the desired object, without being subject to the objec- . tionable features pointed out by the learn ed gentlemen who pronounced the opinion f the Supreme Bench. There is no subject of such vital impor tance to the whole country as a sanctity of -the- Lillot-box, and the protection of all CltlZcliS 1U lllCit mSjs.lit. iu iL. "1 chiso. This right is our proudest boast It endows the American citizea with a freedom aud a power not possessed by any other government. It mkes him the peer of his fellow man, whatever may be his rank, station, or position in life. To ba deprived cf it by any means whatever, his boasted freedom becomes a sham his es pecial and exalted prerogative a niockery and a farce. What avails it to the citizen that ha is entitled to a vote, if that vote is to be nullified by fraud? Such guards, then, should be thrown around the polls as will effectually, if possible, preserve them from the taint of a single illegal vote. Not only should false voting be severely punished, but false swearing to obtain a vote, be visited with the pains and penal tics of perjury and with perpetual disfran chisement: The people must bs perfectly fre'e to regulate their public business in their own way, and when the voice of the majority is fairly and clearly expressed all should bow to it as td the voice of God. They are the sovereign rulers, and their will must be the law of the land. Corruption of suffrage in a republican government is the deadliest crime that can be perpetra ted ; it is assassination of the sovereignty of the people, and will be followed by a despotism, the motivo power of which will be money and perjury. And if this priv ilege be tampered with, sooner or later ths sure and indignant popular condemnation will be rendered and condign punishment administered. All good citizens, of what ever political opinion, should lend their aid for the accomplishment of any and every measure that may tend to secure t each voter, not only his right to the elec tive franchise, but the nssurance that his vte will not be rendered valueless by il legality, corruption, or fraud. Every proper facility for the natural! .ra tion of citizens of foreign birth should l -afforded ; but the Legislature, in its con bined wisdom, can surely enact some mot. . to prevent the possibility of a single o being cast upon spurious naturahzatic papers, and thus fully secure the purify c the elective franchise. The commissioners appointed to codify the statute laws of the State have dii: gently prosecuted the work assigned them, and with every prospect that it will b fully completed within the time piescriUv by the Legislative resolutions cf April 1868; and in further compliance nih them, they will cause to be laid before each branch of the General Assembly, ai its present session, various titles of h';!--, with brief abstracts cf the several set-tic of each, which have been matured. Among the subjects of inport:?tu j the citizens of Penns lvania is t! lishinent of an insurance Departs vii. Such departments are in success :'ai v tion in several neighboring Stntr-r , ly means of which the interests of i:-u- r -are guarded and promoted. So careful i 1 u u