The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 07, 1869, Image 1

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J. T. Hirriiw, EDITORS.
VY Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
August 13, 18G8.
JOHN FENLON, Attorney at Law,
Ebensburg, Pa.
rgg- Office on High street. augl3
TSEOIIGE M. BEADE, Attorney at
JT Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office iu Colonnade Row. augld
ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
'fcgy Office ia Colonnadft Row. aug20
fi EOltGE V. OAT MAN, Attorney at
VJT Law and Claim Agent, and United
States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb
ensburg, Pa. '' aug!3
at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
5 Office opposite the Court House.
B. L. JOUNSTON. ailgl3 J. K. EC AULAS.
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
gQ- Office on High street, west of Fos
ters Hotel. "g1:i
JAMES 0. EASLY, Attorney at Law,
Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa.
y Architectural Drawings and Specifi
cations made. r,u'?53
J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace
j- nr.d Scrivener.
Eh?" Office adjoining dwelling, on High St.,
Ebenoburg, Pa. jjiug U-tm.
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention rid to collections.
CoT Office on High street, west of the Di
amond. auSi3
Johnatotcn. Elrnsbxirg.
TOl'ELIN k DICK, Attorneys at
IV. Law, Ebensburg, Ta.
tfS" Office iu Colonade Row, with Wm.
Kittell, Esq. Oct. 22.
VOSEPII S. STJtAVEll, Justice of
t7 the Pence, Johnstown, Pa.
:":" Office on Market street, corner of Lo
rn t tree t extended, and one door south of
ttic late office of Wm. M'Kee. augl3
VI)E V EU E AUX, M. I)., Physician
jQ.. and Surgeon, Summit, Pa.
ZT Office cast of Muns'on llour-e, on Rail
road street. Night calls promptly attended
to, at his office. Qugl3
Having permanently located in Eben3
liur;. offers his professional services 10 the
citizens of town, and Yiciri'.y. "
Xreth extracted, without pain, with Citrous
QiuU, or Laughing (la.
tiT Rooms adjoining G. Huntley s store,
BVU itroet. tlU'g13
The undersigned, Graduate of the E:U
timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully
o(Ter3 his profeasional services to the citizens
jf Ebensburg. He lias spared no means to
thoroughly acquaint himself with every lra-!.rov-.-mcnt
in hi3 art. To many years of per
sonal experience, he has sought to add the
imparted experience of the highest authorities
ia Dental Science. He simply asks that an
opportunity may be given for his work to
iptak ita own praise.
2 Will beat Ebensburg on the fourth
"Monday of each month, to stay one wjek.
August 13, 18C8.
LOYU & CO., Bankers
trGoId, Silver, Government Loans and
other Securities bought and sold. Interest
flowed on Time Deposits. Collectioi 3 made
on all accessible points in the United States,
nnI a General Nanking Dusiness transacted.
August 13, 18C8.
H7M. LLOYD & Co., Banker
l , Altoosa, Pa.
Drafi3 or. the principal cities, and Silver
ad GoM for sale. Collections made. Mon
' received on deposit, payable on demand,
uWt "mtrest, or upon time, with interest
at fiir rates. ftg!3
-t. Of Johnstown, Pensa.
J'julup Capital $ U0,000 00
rrieii,je to increase to 100,000 00
We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts,
Hold ami Silver, and all classes of Govern
ment Securities ; mr.Ue collections at bo me
id abroad ; receive deposits ; loan money,
'".'i do a general Ranking business. A!l
V-.--jp.css entrusted to us will receive prompt
ttt'Tition and care, at moderate prices. Give
k trial.
Directors :
D. J. Mor.aELL.
John Dibfrt,
Jacob Levkroood,
Ediv'd. Y. Towssesd.
Isaac Kai kman,
Jacob M. (Jampbsll,
George Fk'tz.
DANIEL J. MORRELL, rretvicnt.
II. J. T.jbeuts, Cashier.
llovd. VreCt. Jons' lloyd, Cashier.
r-i. v' t M'1-V 4 1 l A V!.'
Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North
vrd, Altoona, Pa.
AvTnot;iZED Capital $300,000 00
' s Capital Paid is 150,000 00
All business pertaining to Ranking done on
"''orable terms.
I'cnntl Revenue Stamps of all denomina
t;n3 always on hand.
To purchasers of Stamp?, percentage, in
juiips, wjn be flowed, as follows : $50 to
t 2 I'" cent.; $!0C to $200, 3 per cent.;
aiid upwards, 4 per cent. auglS
( lie, Ebensburg, Pa.
U1 Uce on High street, west of Foster's IIo-
JOli WORK of all kinds done at'
HiGii St., Ebkksbcr(s4 Pa.
Jaxcaby 1, 1869.
Goot friends nod padrons : rnn und all !
I've paidt you many a veakly call ;
Und now mine yearly roundt I make,
To see vot monish I can take.
Mit needer drumpet, fife, nor trum,
Togedder py mine self I kum,
Und, quietly, rait brinted sheets,
You, on dia hfppy day, I greet3.
I hopes you'll not much git afraidt
I only vants to pe veil paidt
Some dinks 1 vauts to spheak mit you,
Und den receif vat ish mine due. K
On sich occasions as dis here
De openin ttv a prau noo year
Your Carrier, like de President,
Musht talk mit every resitent ;
Und tell dem so und so 's de case,
Und every dinks vot's tooken place:
Dat ish, to spbeak pout all he knowed,
Und vere it is, und vere it growed.
.Vein (lott I now, ven I look pehindt,
Und call de oldt year pack to mindt,
Und tir.k of dem who bash gone deadt,
I almosht git clean out mine headt.
Mitin de twelfmunt shut gon out,
Much bceples, vot vas vcak und shtout
llaf pegged their vay to udder blaceB,
Und run de last uv earthly races.
1 vipes mein eyes Gott pless dem all,
Und make dem right fr.r Gapriel'a call ;
Votevcr may pe saidt apout dtm,
Vers pound to git alongk mitout dem.
Imachin vt go cross de sea,
Und take vun look at Sharmanee,
Und oder places over dare,
De opcheckts uv our special kare.
Oldt Austria she kcepl eighty still
Since neet!e-guns gif her her fill ;
She kultiwates de arts uv peace,
Rt raisin kabbages und geese.
She compromise mit Hung-ry,
Und gif her sort uv lipertj ;
Herr Francis Deak he go it plindt,
Und Kossuth den koom3 in pehindt.
Her Prussian neisrhpor she outpeats
In many dinKs not varlike deets
For Prussia, fiuht mit victoree,
Forgits some dink3 to make bo free.
Here's Hollandt, se continues in
De pizness uv a makin chin :
(I'm only sorry none kooms hero
De becples uv dis town to cheer.)
Oldt France, de Embror ehtill she keep,
I hardtly see how he kin shleep;
He shwear to sh'port de Constitooshen
Den busted up dat inst tooshen.
De mens who blp htm first to power
lie vent right pack on in an hour ;
lie Bhoot and exile Liperals.
Und played great many fol de rols.
De lipcrty to fhpeak und brint
He ehtop ; und now if vun shust squint
At any dinks vot ish dc troot.
He fines und locks him up to poot.
In Meksico he dit play hob,
Cnd leaf to finish tip de chob
Poor Max 1 who finished got himself,
Mit crown und all l.idt on de shelf.
Oldt Nappy petter look npout him,
Or else dura Lipr'.3 may clean ouclt him ;
Some day he may go deadt gin,
Und deu Eusuenie she kia wed ngin.
- Now, Chenral Prim pegin his fightin,
Und sendt Queen Isapella kilin ;
He shtopped her pisiness dere in Shpain,
Und shipped her off py speshial drain:
Sich hoory ven de victle plew,
She hardtly dit know vot to do ;
She pack some frocks unt dimont rings,
Dut leaved de crown und udder dings.
Unt dbougb f he loosed dem dings und crown,
Sh hash ruuch monisch salted down ;
An cmbpty bocket 's not Lcr crimes,
She V Teso Duro'a mixed mit Dimes.
Oldt Garipaldi he keep quiet,
Soom tay he '11 raise a great X'ig riot.
Mit bresendt rule in Italce,
An orkan-krinder sho musht pe.
De Schwiss slitill lif in de same place,
Und watches make, und Schweitzer-kase.
I) Schweitzer-kase 1 vot choy 1 feels I
i'ou shtink 60 much like oranch becls !
Uv Swedes und Danes, und udder such,
1 haf riot time to shpeak so much :
To Roosha next ve turn addenshun
She veil descrf our most pest menshun.
Now, since de great Crimean war,
Her Embror 's petn de bresent Czar,
He hash not much uv fightin don5,
His vietrces most py peace w3 won.
He freed de serfs, uod py dat act
He show us one imbortnnt fact,
Dat we the nigger might make free,
Und save und strengden our ccundrce.
Ecsides, he sell us very cheap
Some landt he didn't vaut to keep ;
He's 'pout de pest uv all dem fellers,
Und keeped goot vine town iu his kellars.
To Greece and Toorkey next ve go ;
De Sultan vants his dink? sbust so.
He tendts to Greece h"i3 ultimatum,
Und dinks King Chorge vi!l den koora at him.
He 's so much vimmens in his harem,
It keeped Chorge pizzy now to scare him :
So let dem fight so much dey please.
Ve'Jl eat up Toorkey cooked mit Greece.
Oldt Afric 's plackened clean all over.
Her beeple schmells like new-mowed clover;
Slavc-kctchin pizness hash peen shtopped
Since Lincoln let a pirate dropped.
Now, let us at Oldt Encland look
I knows her hishtory like a pook ;
At vunce she vas de greatest power,
Now odcr nations make her cower ;
Ever since de Revolooshions,
She hate our laws und institooshens ;
Und afterward, in Eighteen Twelf,
She dry to lay us on de shelf.
Und ven dem Ilepels 6htart de var,
She tooked deir rotten bondts at bar, ,
Und sedt dey vas pelligrcnt beeples,
Uud ringed deir braise frum evry shteeples.
She fit out vessels shust to peat us,
Und do great many dinks-to cheat us ;
Rut ven de Repels Crant did lick,
She change her tacktix mighty gwick.
Vunce she vas mishtress uv de seas.
Now 6he goe3 down upon her knees.
Dcra Alapama klaims she'll settle;
Py tain, ehe 's feerd uv our coldt metal.
She praise vun Chonson'a puily messages,
De oder Chonson stuffs mit eas3ages :
(I don't mean Chonston mit a f,
Rut Cbouson A. und Reverdee.)
She vunce fight Rocsha, 'long mit France,
Oldt Nappy fiddle, und she dance ;
Vy don't she help Crete fight de Turk,
Uud aidt dem Christians in deir work ?.
In Ireland she's enuff to do,
Dem Fenians keeped her in a 9htew ;
She rubbed some down mit Penny Royal,
Und hung some up to make dem loyal.
Hans Bull hi3 pizness petter mindt,
Or else he'll fizzle out pehindt,
His bresect tjolicee may fail,
Und he lose poth his headt und dail.
Now, shust look down to Wnsbingdon,
Mit Kongress session shust pegun,
Dey fill a pig pook every day --
Mit nuddin in but "yaw" and "nay." - ' l l
Dere, evry one 's po pig mit talk
You hardtly dink as ho couldt valk ;
Dere 's none you findt so light and frisky
But vat he vants to tax our viskey.
Dey not much do but fight old Chon3on
'Tis "koom agin Oldt Monsieur Tonson"
Und he, instheadt uv keepin cool,
Kicks up pehind shust like a mule.
Some preach Free Drate some Brodtck
fhun ;
Some goes for Union some for seckshun ;
Some for Kuk Klux some for nigger
Some for Peace, und some pull trigger.
Some to Sarapbo votes would gif,
Udders hate to see him lif;
Dey't kill him deadt, along mit Dinah,
But vote for Railroadts out to China.
Some vood now for Cuba go,
Und udders grap up Mexico ;
Dey all shu?t vant to crindt deir axes,
Und keep the beeples payin taxes.
Vy ton't de Kongress go to vnrk,
Und not so much its pizness shirk ?
Dc countrce needts goot legislashun,
Or next rany koom repudiashun.
Ve vants no more gee, haw, and wo I
Ve needts more greenbax dAt i3h so !
Or udder kiudt uv sirkulashion,
To pay de debt uv dia here nashun.
Und pay we musht, und keep our brouiis,
Or else de Sheriff overkum us,
For, by de laws and Constitooshen,
He'll s'ell us out rait execushion.
Oldt Seymour think it mighty ruff,
Bekase he not git votes enuff ;
He hat a liddle time to shpare,
Und up Saldt Rifler vent mit Plair.
Oldt Cbonson partons evry Repel,
(He might so veil inclood de Debil,)
De Broclamashun 's signedt und sealedt,
Und Chonson he 's pout aus ye spieldt.
Veil, eo it ish ve're all content
Mit Shenral Crant fur Presitent ;
He soon vill enter on hia lease,
Und Gott be prai3dt ! ve'll deu haf Peace.
We 've hat some vinter hereapouts,
Und frozen feets uod frozen shnouts ;
De Railroad t shtopped, as all veil know,
De reason vy vas too much shnow.
De telegraft from here to Kresson,
It isn't y it much goot for nussin ;
De poles ish down, the vires loose,
Und viil not pring us much uv news.
But ven de vires undt Railroadt fails,
Our goot P. M. prings ua de mails,
Und gifs us briefs along mit pabcrs,
Und let3 us hear from all our nabors.
I dinks my speech ish now 'pout done,
It's peen some dime since I pegun ;
I've shpeaked apout most evry pla?e,
Und toldt de troot in evry case.
Uv Eppensberg I've net much saidt
Gott pless her living und her deadt 1
I likes her beeples all so much,
I cannot findt anudder such.
I hope our town goes on to thrive;
To help it, evry vun should strive.
Ve nefdts some dinks we hafn't got,
Uud m'ght shust haf so veil as not.
Ve vants mere enderbrise and sich
More kapital to make us rich,
But ehpeakin uv de kapital,
I haf not any much at all.
I thought ash now I'd suug my song,
You 'd me a little help along.
I don't opcheckt to specie payment,
'Twill help me py some food und raiment ;
Und if you koom down mit de shtamps,
Dey '11 cheer me on mine weary tramp.
I visa you all :auch luck and choy,
Und am,
Your faithful
In the olden time, before Maine laws
were iu vented, Wing kept the hotel at
Middle Granville, and from his well stock
ed bar furnished accommodations for man
and beast. He was a good landlord, but
terribly deaf. Fish, the village painter,
was aiilictcd the same way.
One day they were sitting by themselves
in the bar room. Wing was behind tho
counter, waiting for tho next customer,
while Fish was lounging before the fire,
with a thirsty look, casting sheep's eyes
occasionally at Wing's decanters, and
wishing devoutly that some one would come
in and treat.
A traveler from the South, on his way
to Brandon, stepped in to inquire the dis
tance. Going up to old Wing's bar, he
said :
''Can you tell me, sir, how far it i3 to
Brandon ?"
"Brandy," says the ready landlord,
jumping up. "Yes, sir, I have some," at
the same time handing down a decanter of
the liquid.
"You misunderstood me," says the stran
ger, "I asked you how far it was to Bran
don." "They call it pretty good brandy," say3
Wing. "Will you take some sugar with
it?" reaching out ns he spoke, for the bowl
and toddy stick.
The despairing traveler, hoping for a
proper answer, now turned to Fish.
"The landlord," said he, "seems to he
deaf will you tell me how far it is to
Brandon 1"'
"Thank you," said Fish, "I don't care if
I do take a drink with you."
A. Ebensburg, Pa., Dec. 29, 1868.
s Rev. B. M. Kerr Dear Sir : At tho close
of the Teachers' Institute held at Ebensburg,
on Thursday evening last, we had the pleas
ure of being present, and heard with no or
dinary gratification your lecture before the
Institute on the subject of "The Americau
Student." The best encomium we can be
stow on your effart on that occasion is ex
pressed - in the unanimous wish of all who
were present, Tind which we here make known
to you, that you will give the public the ben
efit of reading so choice and elegant a dis
sertation on the duties and responsibilities
of the American Student. AVe therefore re
spectfully ask a copy for publication.
C; lOBFTRTJ?, -Gw.
Ebeksburq, Pa., 30th Dec, 1863.
Gentlemen: Accompanying this, please
find a copy of the address solicited for pub
lication, as per yours of the 29th inst.
Hoping it may subserve the true interests
of education, I remain.
Yours, &c,
Messrs. John Fenlon, T. J. Chapman, C. T.
Roberts, Dr. D. W. Evan3. and othcra.
2tlr. President, Ladles and Gentlemen:
To choose a good end and employ the
right means for its attainment, is the part
of wisdom. Aud in proportion to the
greatness of an object, and the difficulties
of reaching it, is it worthy of a wise man's
endeavors. Among objects of this charac
ter, it is universally conceded that Educa
tion stands in the very first rank.
Now, what is that training, uioral aud
intellectual, that will be best adapted to
the "American Student" for the duties
and trials of life?
This is surely a question of deep inter
est. It is engaging the attention of the
intelligent, and the good all over the land.
Every State Government in tho Union has
manifested more or less solicitude upon it.
The periodical press, educational societies
that are springing up in every direction,
floods of treatises fronj the imposing rol
ume to the unpretending pamphlet, all at
test the importance of a solid education, of
a thorough education of the mind in ele
mentary truths.
It would be stranire indeed, amid so
laueh thought, so many plans, such wide
cprcad, Intense exertion upon this subject,
if some wisdom has not been elicited.
We believe that much may be gathered up
by the careful observer that education in
these latter days has been much improved,
both in its principles and in its practical
The methods of teaching are better
elementary books are vastly mere clear,
simple and interestingthan they once were,
and what is of still higher importance, the
character, both literary and moral, of those
engaged in the work of instruction is stead
ily advancing. Indeed, we have often
been tempted to envy the youth of the
present day, the advantages they enjoy.
Still, it requires effort to learn, and
always will. The hill of science cannot be
leveled, and however smooth the path to
its summit tnny be made, it must ever be
an arduous eminence.
'Learning by Study must be won ;
'Twas ne'er entailed from sire to sou.''
Still we venture to affirm that the same
distance may now be traveled over in far
less time, and with much lcs3 wearisonie
ncss,than when some present were clamber
ing up the toilsome steep.
In the further prosecution perhaps I
ought to say persecution of our subject,
it will be our object to present some of the
principal characteristics of that education
which the American Student requires.
I. And first, we observe, that the train
ing of the American Student ought to be
eminently practical.
Let us not here be misunderstood. We
have no sympathy with that groveling spirit
which raises tho lip of contempt against
everything in science and literature not
obviously and immediately subservient to
worldly gain; nor with that short-sighted
selfishness which would discourage the
pursuit of truth in any department of
knowledge, because the use of what is dis
covered may not at once be discerned.
Neither can we regard with complacency
that knavish or stupid empiricism, which
stumbles on in darknes3, rather than looks
upward to the light of principles. These
we consider irreconcilable foes to a sound
education, and therefore we would not af
ford them the slightest countenance. It
may, then, be thought premature to dis
cuss such a subject, while so many parts of
it are still in dispute, while so many im
provements are daily being made, and
while so much that is valuable is yet to be
brought to light. But we will endeavor
to avoid doubtful matters, and to profit by
all which has really been gained. The
outlines of a noble landscape may be
clearly discerned, and its grand features
correctly delineated, while many things in
it, both useful and ornamental, are still
hidden from the eye.
Wrhen then we say that education in
this country ought to be eminently practi
cal, we do not mean that it should be less
scientific, or less classical, or less philo
sophical, but that along with these higher
attainments there ought always to be com
municated that knowledge which will fit
the student for his part in the intercours3
and pursuits of ordinary life. Every man
among us must be more or less a working
man, and therefore he ought to be practi
cally educated. We have, in this country,
no enormous entailed estates, no wealthy
ecclesiastical establishments, nor those
many sinecures which in other countries
raise large classes above the business of
the world. Nearly all our citizens are
dependent for subsistence upon their own
exertions, and even the few who are ex
empt from this necessity must yet be so
situated as to make some practical knowl
edge indispensable to them. The most
opulent among us eaunot throw off all care
of their possessions, and the secluded
must occasionally come forth into business
intercourse with the " world. Hence" we
are a tcorking people. Foreigners' have
noticed this character of our nation. It
impresses upon us a thoughtful, serious a?
pect, and diffuses a bustling activity
throughout the whole length and breadth
of our land.
Now where every one must have some
thing to do, is not a practical education
universally necessary ? Let as many as have
ability and opportunity become thoroughly
learned, (this class bus never been too nu
merous in any country, and certainly among
as there is little danger of such excess ;)
let none, however, be without that knowl
edge which fits for the business of life.
But has not this practical part of educa
tion been at times sadly neglected at least
overlooked ? Have not our colleges in too
many instances, sent forth graduates utter
ly unqualified fur any useful office in life?
We have known some cf them, after an
examination as to their qualifications fjr
teaching in our. common schools, to be re
fused certificates. However well stored
their minds may have been with Mathe
matics, Latin and Greek, they knew too
little of Geography, English Grammar and
Arithmetic, to be intrusted with the charge
of instructing our future citizens. It is
to such instances that the most plausible
objections have been furnished to, and
used by, the enemies of classical learning,
and the frequent occurrence of them can
not fail to impair popular confidence in
our colleges, and greatly retard the ad
vance of sound education.
But atrain, The xcork
cJiould also be practical.
of instruction
God has so constituted U3, composed as
we are of both a corporeal and spiritual
nature, that ideas which come to us thro'
the avenue of the external senses always
impinge more forcibly upon our minds,
and are comprehended more readily and
clearly than those which are the subjects
of pure intellection. And on the same
general principle, abstract truth is always
more easily and effectually communicated
b' means of sensible representation, or
practical example or illustration. There
is a kind of materialization of the princi
ple or idea a bodying of it forth to the
mind's eye in vivid and living reality a
giving to what otherwise would be, in
inanv cases, an
-airy nothing.
A local habitation and a name ; '
by which the mind is enabled to seize
upo:i and comprehend, in some measure
intelligently, what, without this aid, would
pass off from it in a mere chime of words.
To this principle we may refer tho
whole system of trope and metaphor, and
comparison in human language. It is a
principle in the human mind which God
has seized upon in his communications to
man. Hence, all that system of type and
symbol, of allegory and parable, with
which both the Old and the New Testa
ment abound. We have an example of it
in the sacraments of circumcision aud the
Passover, of the old dispensation, and of
baptism and the Lord's Supper, of the new.
We have examples of it in the various ex
ternal aud symbolic representations through
which, as a vehicle, the events predicted
in ancient prophecy w?re conveyed. We
have it especially exemplified in all that
vast and splendid system of rites and cer
emonies given to the Jews for their direc
tory in worship the services and sacriil -os
of the tabernacle and tcmpb the "ark,
the altar, and the ptiest."
We have the same exemplified iu the
mode of our Savior's teaching. He scarce
ly ever taught by abstract principle, but
almost always by example, by parable, cr
by illustration. Does He wish to teach
the effect of divine truth upon different
minds ; He presents the abstract truth in
sensible form, in living, moving reality.
Hear Ilim : "A sower weut forth to sow,
and some fell by the wayside, and some on
stony ground, and some among thorns,
and some on good ground," &c. Does lie
wish to show the mixture of evil and cood
in the world, or of hypocrites with real
Christians in the church ; "An enemy
came and sowed tares." Does He wish
to teach the union of himself and his mem
bers ; "I am the vine aud ye are the
On a certain occasion, being asked by
one what he must do to inherit eternal
life, after enjoining on him the observance
of tho commandments, He does not go on
to teach him in abstract form that he must
have that disposition of Jove to God and
love to man that feeling of perfect devo
tcdness of heart, and purpose, and life,
and all to the glory of God and the good
of His intelligent creatures, which alone
can fit a man for the enjoyment and inter
course of heaven ; but puts the thing to a
T S R M S : ' I i: " A XX U M.
plain, practical test. "Go," says He, "sell
that thou hast, and give t- tho poor."
,The instruction was uuucijiiood and felt
far better than would have been a length
ened didactic discourse ; and the test had
its effect, fur the man "went away sorrow
ful." On another occasion, he was asked by
one the question, "Who is my neighbor V
He does not go on to prove, by a train of
abstract moral reasoning, that all men aro
neighbors and brothers, but Ho tells a
plain and simple story about a certain
man, wh. was going down from Jerusalem
to Jericho, and who fell among thieves,-
and about a priest and a Levite, his own
countrymen, passing him by, and leaving
him iu Ills Olstress, . ana avuut a guua cj-
maritan, with whom his nation would have
no dealings, befriending him and saving
his life; all bearing upon and illustrating
the point he wished to inculcate, till by the
time the story was through, the answer to
the question, "Who was neighbor to him
that fell among the thieves?" flowed sponta
neously from the mouth of the inquirer
himself; "lie that showed mercy on him."
Examples might be multiplied illustrative
of the mode adopted by this Divine Teacher
in communicating instruction, by which it
was brought home to the mind of the hear
er with au irresistible power.
Now why is it that a student will nomi
nally go through the study of a branch of
science or literature, and memorize all the
rules and theoretical principles, and yet
know nothing understandingly about it
have no practical or valuable knowledge of
the subject ? Because the words and ideas
have not been to him the real pictures of
things. He has never thought of laying
the principles alongside of the resultant or
correspondent facts, and therefore has no
true idea of their coincidence or relation.
Said a young 'miss to her uncle, as he
was holding up an apple, r.nd twirling it
round to illustrate to her the figure and
rotary motion i f the earth ' but do you
mean, uncle, (hat the earth is really round
and turns round like the apple !" ''Why
certainly" ?aid he, "did you u-jt learn it in
your ' ''
Oh yes," said
learned it, but I never knew it before.
The History of our Country slutuld
be made the constant study of the American
It is a custom in almost sll our Schools
and Colleges, to use histories of England,
Home and Greece iis class books, to tho
exclusion almost of America History.
This is a bad custom. Our youth, who in
a few 3'cars, will have the whole weighted
the government upon their shoulders,
should not be ignorant of the history of
their country. They should possess full
information about the origin, the nature,
the cost, and the value of the great inher
itance, which is about to fall into their
hands. They should be iuade familiar, iu
early life, with the pure models of publio
virtue which illumined the first days of
the republic. It is also important, that
they should study our history, in order to
acquire that proper degree of national
pride and that delicate sense of national
honor, which are indispensable to an en
lightened, ardent and enduring patriotism.
It is not iu the human heart to love a
country of no character or distinction in
the world, so well as one whose history i.
glorious and honorable
e love Poland
comp.:??ion f r
the better, and feel
its fate, because it is the land of J)e Kalb
and Koskiusko. In like manner tho
whole world loves Greece not for what
she is, but for what she has been not for
her living, but for her dead, and will con
tinue to love her and feel a kind of con
sanguinity to her, so long as her soil iuurns
the ashes of her ancient illustrious men.
And wherever over the wide world, wo
meet an honorable and generous hearted
Irishman, we cannot help feeling, that
npart from the virtues of the man, some
little regard is justly due to the country
man of G rattan, of Moore, of Curran and
of Etumct. We almost unconsciously
transfer to the country itself to its inhabi
tants something of the admiration which
we lbel for its distinguished citizens.
This disxsition of the heart operates
with increased force in relation to one's
own country. Let any one of you ana
byze your attachment to country, and you
will find that the renown f that country
adds not a little to the strength aud fer
vency of this passion. You will find that
pride for her high reputation, for her great
names, aud for everything in her annals
that sheds luster around national charac
ter, is intimately aad indissolubly associa
ted with the very idea of country. You
will find, indeed, that these, no less than
physical nature and civil institutions, con
stitute country. You will find that though -
we love our free institutions for their in
estimable value, and for the rich fruits cf
liberty, security, and prosperity which
they disperse over the whole country, we
love them yet more for the glorious men
who moulded them into their strength aud
beauty, and through many years of hard
fought battle, in field aud senate, with the
sword and the pen, exerted every nerve cf
body and all the energies of their
minds, at the exr.e of ease and fortune,
and at the peril ut their Jives, to sustain
aud defend thui. Now, as we venerate
these men, on account of the rich inheri
tance the v have transmitted to us. so wo
venerate the inheritance more highly on
account ot the illustrious donors
By a
very natural reaction in our fe